zipquips · 5 months
🎵'Tis the music ask again! Tell me about 5 songs you actually listen to. Proceed and send this to 5 of your most devoted followers 😌🎵
Thanks to you I put Happy Gary ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ now everywhere. A great source of joy.
hey vic!!!!! thanks so much for the ask and i'm so sorry that this has taken me approximately forever to answer. also, hell yeah, happy gary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway! five songs i really, really, really like to listen to:
Honey by Magic Man - this was my top song last year and i still listen to it a bunch this year. it's just such a good song in generall and at this point it's a huge comfort song (i'll play it on loop to calm down, etc.)
Haircut by Chaz Cardigan - this song makes me feel seen and also reminds me that i can change any time i want
Molotov Girls by The Zolas - i am a huge fan of drums in my songs and imo this one is very good for this and has a lot of other fun/nice instrumental parts
Tha Melagholiso - Otherview Remix - MAD VMA 2019 - by Katy Garbi, Alcatrash, Otherview - i like to listen to greek music to feel more connected to the culture and this is by far my favorite. it's an all around great song and gets be hyped/motivated if i'm feeling down
Naatu Naatu by Rahul Sipligunj, Kala Bhairava - this is from the tollywood movie RRR (highly recommend watching it!!!) and this song just goes so hard and i do play it to get myself motivated, similar to number four, lmao. also, the telugu version of the song is so much better than the hindi version, i don't make the rules
(tbh, this was so hard because i listen to a lot of music and i'm so bad at picking faves and such but it was also so much fun, thank you!!!!!)
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sereniv · 4 months
going to take an internet break just for a few days, ive been wanting to anyway because i get too distracted from my phone especially tumblr and instagram.
i got so many messages on that post, and im learning quite a bit which im thankful for, and im going through answering people but it is overwhelming, theres so many split threats and messages its hard to keep track
i definitely recognize how my post came off, regardless of my intent, and thank you for everyone being patient but i also am not mad at people who arent.
I think after a few days ill be able to read more. bc rn anything longer than a paragraph turns to soup
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maureen-corpse · 11 months
dear tumblr is it possible to block a tag only when particular users use it but not when others do because some people are using it wrong or just in a way i don’t like but some people are correct and i don’t want to block their posts
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zathorn · 1 year
Hi worstie still slightly tipsy from the party i went to but i simply love going parties like tonight i just got randomly put in charge of a group of guys bc i am a "lady magnet" and an "amazing dancer who is definetely take lessons". Like guys i appreciate it but i am simply conventionally attractive and can't dance i simply move to the beat
Aww giving lessons on how to pick up chicks and dance to the beat? Lol
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tiny-wren · 8 months
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sarge fan cube
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eralisse · 7 months
Brothers Conflict: Season 1 LN - Ch16, Sec6 & Sec7
This is the penultimate major scene in the Iori/Kaname conflict, taking place at the festival hosted by Club Buddha.
Brothers Conflict Translations Index
???: “Hey, are you by yourself?”
I was sitting on a bench outside the main temple, waiting for Yuusuke-kun and Wataru-chan to come back, when a voice suddenly called out from beside me.
(...... Eh?!)
When I looked over, an extremely flashy man was standing there.
He was in a yukata with a dragon design, and gaudily designed rings, watch, and necklace.
Although he was quite young and beautiful, he also had a bit of a dangerous feel to him.
(Whoa…… Amazing.)
???: “Why haven’t you nominated anyone? Is there not a man you’re interested in?”
(...... N-nominate?)
The person very casually sat down next to me.
???: “Or are you waiting for a good man to come by? …...Heh. If that’s the case, how about me?”
At first, I thought he was a pickup artist or something, but his appearance wasn’t quite right for that. 
At that moment, I saw the fan that the man had in his hand.
“Club Buddha” was written on it.
???: “Won’t you try listening to my prayers? If you wish, you can listen all night long. I’ll fill it with love. … But I’m quite expensive, so be prepared.”
Ema: “Uh, um…”
I said.
Ema: “Excuse me, are you Kaname-san’s colleague, by any chance?”
???: “Kaname?”
Kaname: “Chi-chan.”
I heard a voice call out from behind me. When I turned around, Kaname-san was standing there.
(... Why did Kaname-san call me “Chi”?)
The only ones who called me “Chi” were Juli and Rui-san. Outside of them, no one else called me that.
Not to mention, Kaname-san has not once called me that way.
(Then why…?)
But right after that, Kaname-san said something unexpected.
Kaname: “Oh, Imouto-chan, you’ve come.”
Meaning that, the one Kaname-san called “Chi”... wasn’t me?!
(B-but, the one here now is…)
???: “Kana-san.”
The flashy man next to us said.
???: “What, you know her? Don’t tell me, is she one of your clients?”
Kaname: “Nah, Chi-chan.”
Kaname-san smiled wryly.
(“Chi-chan” is… this person?!)
Kaname: “Sister. She’s my younger sister.”
???: “Younger sister?”
Ema: “Um, Kaname–san, this person is…”
Kaname: “Ahh, this is Senshuu. Written as ‘chi’ (thousand) and ‘aki’ (autumn). His real name is read as Chiaki, but here it’s Senshuu.”
Ema: “Chiaki… san?”
Chiaki: “What’s this, she’s not a client?...”
Having quickly lost his interest, Chiaki-san got up from the bench.
Chiaki: “I’ve wasted time… Hah…”
Chiaki-san turned to leave.
Kaname: “Ah, hold on, Chi-chan. You should go to the reception hall soon.”
Chiaki: “Eh?”
Kaname: “Looks like you’re up to bat. The parishioners are arguing.”
Chiaki: “Huh?!”
Kaname: “Chi-chan, could it be that this was on purpose?”
Chiaki: “No way. I came here on my own.”
Kaname: “In the meantime, you have to do something. It’s bothering the other parishioners.”
Chiaki: “... Got it. Thanks, Kana-san.”
Chiaki-san walked off towards the reception hall to the main temple. After watching him leave, Kaname-san turned to me.
Kaname: “Imouto-chan, I’m glad you came.”
Ema: “Ah, no, I’m just here by mere chance…”
Kaname: “If it’s by chance, then I’m even more happy. Because something beyond human ken is blessing us.”
Ema: “...... That’s such a convenient interpretation.”
Kaname: “Sorry that you came all this way, though.”
Kaname-san blithely continued as if I hadn’t said anything.
Kaname: “I’ve still got a nomination after this. But I’m free after that. Do you mind waiting a little bit?”
Ema: “Ah, no, please take your time…”
Kaname: “Oh, oh no. I’ve got to go. Stay here. I’ll be back soon.”
As if chasing after Chiaki-san, Kaname-san headed toward the reception hall.
There were a lot of female guests in the area, and as Kaname-san went by, calls of “Younin-san~!” rose up from all around.
(Hmm, that was Kaname-san’s professional, no, priest name. Speaking of which, the flyer was… not here!)
When I dug around for it, once again, a voice called out behind me.
???: “... Oh? Are you alone?”
I couldn’t help sighing.
This temple really had some pushy monks.
Ema: “Um, no thank you!”
I said immediately upon turning around.
However, it was not one of the temple’s monks like I’d thought.
Iori: “Um? No thank you for what?”
The person standing there was Iori-san.
Ema: “Ah… Iori-san.”
Iori: “Good evening.”
Iori-san looked slightly surprised.
Iori: “That was pretty aggressive just now. What happened?”
Ema: “Ah, pardon me! You see, Kaname-san had…”
Iori: “Kaname-niisan?”
I explained to Iori-san about the monk from Club Buddha.
Iori: “Ahh, so that’s what happened. As expected of the temple that Kaname-niisan serves.”
Iori-san smiled wryly.
Iori: “Anyway, did you come by yourself?”
Ema: “Ah, Yuusuke-kun was here until just earlier…”
Then, I told him about Yuusuke-kun and Wataru-chan.
Iori: “That is such a pitiful story for Yuusuke.”
Iori-san’s wry smile grew larger.
Iori-san’s mood changed from what it was previously.
Since his hospitalization on the day of the entrance exam, I had been worrying, and although the atmosphere had been that I could not say anything careless, that feeling was different today.
Ema: “Iori-san is by himself?”
Iori: “Yes. I came here on a walk. …Hey, is it alright if I sit?”
Ema: “Ah, yes, please.”
He lowered himself down onto the bench.
Iori-san sat right beside me.
Iori: “The truth is, I was sleeping until just earlier. Last night, I was writing a report and didn’t get much sleep. And when I woke, the house was empty. Ukyo-niisan let me know that everyone had gone to the festival, so I came too.
Ema: “Ahh.”
(Ukyo-san didn’t come after all. He really didn’t like the atmosphere that much, I guess.)
Iori: “Even so, I didn’t think I’d see you here.”
Ema: “...?”
Iori: “You see, since a little while ago, I’ve been thinking about talking to you. But, things happened, and there wasn’t much of a chance.”
Ema: “What did you want to speak with me about?”
Iori: “Right. How should I say this… Mm, an apology, I think.”
Iori-san said regretfully.
Iori: “Earlier, I said something strange about the entrance exam, and it’s been bothering me since.”
Ema: “The entrance exam?”
Iori: “Yes, see, I once told you I wanted you to come to Jouchi, remember?”
I remember that, about the time I became a 3rd year in high school, Iori-san strongly encouraged me to go to Jouchi University.
Iori: “At that time, I was speaking completely unilaterally. I’ve been extremely concerned about it.”
Iori-san lowered his head.
Iori: “I’m sorry.”
Ema: “Iori-san?”
I was a bit surprised at the sudden apology.
Iori: “I think I spoke too rudely towards you. Could you forgive me?”
Ema: “W-what, please stop.”
I said frantically.
Ema: “It’s not such a problem that you need to apologize…”
Iori: “I just wanted to convey that clearly.”
Iori-san said.
Iori: “I was super excited for if you could come to Jouchi. That’s undeniable.”
Ema: “...”
Iori: “But, no matter which college you go to, I won’t raise objections.”
Iori-san nodded once then, as if in confirmation of his own words.
Iori: “I will respect your decision. I will absolutely not distort that.”
Iori: “That’s all that I wanted you to understand.”
At that moment, a loud voice came over the PA system from the main temple.
PA System: “Thank you for waiting, now it’s time for the main event!”
A great cheer rose up from the female customers around us at the announcement.
Iori: “... Hey, shall we move someplace else?”
Iori-san’s face contorted slightly.
Iori: “It’s a bit noisy here. Let’s go somewhere quieter.”
Ema: “Ah, alright.”
Behind the main temple, at one corner lined with trees, a path had been built that you could walk on.
We walked in that direction.
Iori: “Mm… It’s quieter now, isn’t it?”
Iori-san said with a relieved sigh.
The area was at the outskirts of the temple grounds, without any stalls, so it was quiet.
Iori: “By the way, about the entrance exam topic earlier.”
Iori-san said while walking.
Iori: “Have you decided where you’re going?”
Ema: “I’m not entirely sure yet… but there are some things I’m thinking I want to take.”
Iori: “I see.”
A little while passed.
Iori: “Hey, you’re definitely not coming to Jouchi?”
Ema: “Eh?”
Iori: “Ah, don’t misunderstand me. I’m not trying to force you. No, it’s just that…”
There, Iori-san paused, trying to pick out his words.
Iori: “I want you to listen for a moment.”
Ema: “Uh-huh…”
Iori: “The truth is, after I heard of that matter recently, I’ve been thinking that I could be by your side.”
Ema: “That matter?”
Iori-san’s expression became gloomy.
Iori: “The matter of your birth.”
Ema: “... Ah.”
Iori-san stopped walking.
Iori: “I was surprised, you know.”
Ema: “...”
Iori: “It must have been quite a shock. To have something that you had trusted without a doubt, suddenly taken away from you.”
Iori-san looked up at the dark sky.
Iori: “At that time, I thought this.”
Then, Iori-san’s gaze returned to me.
Iori: “That you were the same as me.”
Ema: “Eh?”
Iori: “Although it wasn’t about blood relation, I had a similar experience… on that winter day.”
Ema: “Iori-san…”
Iori: “So I thought.”
Iori-san closed his eyes.
Iori: “I can understand the pain in your heart. So I thought I could do something to help ease that pain.”
Ema: “...”
Iori: “To do that, it would be necessary to spend a lot of time with you. That’s why I wanted you to come to the same university as me.”
Iori-san looked at me.
Looking into his eyes, I could tell that his concern was truly from the heart.
Iori: “The pain you feel, no one else can understand. But I… I can share and ease it.”
Then, Iori-san said.
Iori: “Right now, I think you’re struggling alone in the dark. I know that pain well.”
(... Eh?)
At that moment, I felt uneasy at Iori-san’s words.
It is true that I was shocked when I learned that Papa wasn’t my real father. But thanks to my conversations with Papa, Natsume-san, and Rui-san, that shock has mostly abated.
Which is to say, I was not struggling in the dark.
(Could it be… that Iori-san thinks that I’m still in shock…?)
Iori: “What is it?”
Iori-san’s face became doubtful.
Iori: “Have I spoken too bluntly? I suppose my manner of speaking was a bit strong. I apologize if I’ve offended you.”
(Indeed, that’s the case. Iori-san thinks I’m hurting…)
– He’s wrong.
I may have been at the time, but I’m okay now.
(I have to let Iori-san know this.)
For a moment, I didn’t know what I should say. Since Iori-san was speaking out of concern, I didn’t want to dismiss his kindness.
But, right after I thought that, Natsume-san and Ukyo-san’s words arose in my mind.
(The things you need to say… you must say.)
I made up my mind to speak.
Ema: “Iori-san, you’re wrong.”
Iori-san’s face clouded.
Ema: “I am not hurting to that extent. Of course, I was shocked when I first heard it. But I’m alright now.”
Iori-san looked at me without saying anything.
Iori: “You’re… okay?”
A while passed before he asked this.
Ema: “Yes.”
I said this as clearly as possible. 
Then, Iori-san’s face appeared to change.
Iori: “... Is that so.”
Iori-san’s gaze fell to the ground.
Iori: “I was… deceiving myself.”
Ema: “Iori-san?”
Iori-san raised his head slowly.
Iori: “Sorry, I am a coward.”
It was in a flat voice.
Iori: “I deceived myself, and tried to win you over. I know that now. What on earth was I thinking...”
No words came out after that.
Iori-san stayed silent, and after a little while, spoke again.
Iori: “As I thought, I have not yet recovered.”
Iori: “Just, I stopped remembering, and pretended I didn’t see anything… and assumed I had recovered.”
Iori-san’s eyes turned towards me a second time.
Iori: “The one needing help isn’t you… It’s me.”
Iori-san’s expression tightened.
Iori: “Hey, listen…”
Iori-san stepped forward. The space between us narrowed.
Iori: “I’m not rejecting my past feelings. And I will not forget them, either.”
Iori-san placed his hands on my shoulders.
Iori: “Regardless, I must move forward. I cannot stay frozen in time forever.”
His hands left my shoulders, and then circled around my back.
Iori: “I am still living in the past. I want to stop that and live in the future. But right now, I don’t have that strength.”
I felt a strong pull on my back. I could hear the sound of my yukata brushing against Iori-san’s clothes.
Iori: “I want you to give me that strength.”
Iori-san held my face with both hands.
Iori: “I can’t do this alone… But, if there’s 2 of us…”
His hands tightened on my cheeks.
Iori: “I can endure.”
Iori-san’s lips pressed onto my lips. 
Iori: “... Hm?”
His eyes moved to something behind me.
Iori: “Kaname-niisan…”
When I turned around, a grim-faced Kaname-san was standing there.
(... Ah.)
Kaname-san had his fist pressed up against a nearby tree.
And his face grew grimmer and grimmer.
I had noticed this before, but I need to mention this again-- Iori is really really pushy. I understand now a bit of why Kaname explains about Iori in ch17 (link to translation) the way he does. Iori wasn't paying attention/listening to Ema at all! (As in, he was super selfish.) He just steamrolled straight over her and pulled her into a hug and a kiss.
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alisterix · 2 years
🎶Happy Cacofonix Saturday🎶 Here are some Acting Chief Cacofonix scenes from The Secret of The Magic Potion for your daily Cacofonix needs.
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"As acting chief of our dear village, I'll take this opportunity to express how ✨proud✨ I am to be...uhh, umm... "
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"On my command-!"
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"My mom says that if you're too bossy she'll make you eat your flutes."
"And we haven't had our cookies and milk!"
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"Don't panic, don't panic!"
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"...of course, given the circumstances, a little panic might be in order."
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"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!Good. Now, are we sure we are out of magic potion?"
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"We're coming with you!"
"Way too dangerous Kiddix! But you're a brave boy. And there will come a day, sooner than you think, when you'll be telling a younin' like yourself that he must stay safe and you'll be the one to-"
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"Take shelter on the double!"
"Yes chief Cacofonix!"
"Don't you "chief Cacofonix" me!"
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"The burden of responsibility resting upon the shoulders of the chief is considerable. And that there is what made me understand that my career as a vocalisto was tremendously useful as a background..."
🌼 He treated his responsibility to be acting chief so seriously, I love him so much. He deserves the world. His presence is tremendously useful to us all, thank you for attention 🌼
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inky-thoughts · 2 years
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Feast for the Dead
As it is the Day of the Dead, I thought I might give you a little worldbuilding tidbits from Heirs to the Crown!
The Day of the Dead celebrates the deceased as well as the deities surrounding death, like the God of Death, Younin, himself, and the two feline reaper deities, Yeong and Mohm, who are typically represented by black and white figurines at a domestic family altar. Frequent offerings are incense, wine, and food like seasonal fruits, cakes, or soups, but flowers are equally common. Some also may offer art of any kind to the gods to show their appreciation.
People often pray for the well-being of their ancestors and loved ones since cats are thought of especially sensitive towards detecting evil spirits, or they might pray for their own protection and a gentle departure once their own time has run out. Some people also like to ask for ancestoral advice for big life decisions or other matters.
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hellsite really said no ❌ homosexual activities in the inbox
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shotoria · 2 years
if u r my mutual remember that i will marry younin the future
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
This is your plans to caa should have everything and lose it ill. We see younin nspire to do it no thimewe won't do it nope Morlok are squarely in the way
Thor Freya
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tenpixelsusie · 2 years
hh.i......i get to skip tomorrow.........:)..wahhhh i wish...u could......an wwe ccadigitaly......surf the fields and frolic in water.......sforevr<3wahoo!!!!!!! Swim in the internet
LUCKKYY i hope you enjoy ur day off im gonna be learning maths and shit tomoreow
i am frolickijg with younin... spirit!!!!
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postwarlevi · 2 years
I head canon that you and Levi live in a sweet stone cottage with a garden basically right out the back door. It's filled with fruits, vegetables, flowers, and there is a perimeter of trees around the garden.
Levi likes to help you in the garden, his favorite task is weeding (though he'll complain about it).
I also think you guys would have a furry friend or two who would 'help' in the garden also.
Levi likes to cook breakfast for you and Sora in the kitchen and reads the newspaper after you wake. He'll tell you about what he's reading and why it's ridiculous. 🥰
That's all for now!
Have a lovely day Eliza!
My sweet lovely Cat I am going to stop being embarrassed about letting things sit in my inbox and answer them, I'm so sorry!!
ANYway, AHH it's so sweet and perfect and goes right along with our garden villa fruit themed page! You're amazing!
I want to live here for real sign me up!!
Oh yes please someone help me with the garden because though I want one I've never had one before! Levi helping would motivate me more to keep it nice :) Oh and to have fresh flowers to look at all the time and help bees, butterflies and small birds!
If we lived far away from town I can see us having a couple cats that are allowed to roam outside, but are mainly indoor unless we are with them.
And it just hit me, the idea of a (wait for it...) German shepherd dachshund mix!
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Look! A tiny shepherd! He'd be great at helping the cats keep the tiny critters out of the garden. He's very protective of both of us. I can see having a couple other dogs too, probably a little larger, mixed breeds from the local shelter. A little pack :)
Using up all our fresh produce for breakfast sounds wonderful! (btw ILY but who is Sora? Why are they in my house? LOL) I imagine it's a local newspaper and a lot of the articles are about the townspeople (we don't get into the world news often, it's depressing) and most of it is very positive but once in a while... someone does something scandalous. Like a younin' stealing from the bakery or overdue library books. HAHA that's all I can handle
Thank you for sending this to me ages ago I bet you forgot hehe <3
and there's more in my inbox lol oops!
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many-gay-magpies · 2 years
💐 :)
💐 Can you share something that happened today that made you smile or laugh?
my dms with @heeyunies, my ask from vrvr anon, and the little baby finches in their nest on my front porch chirping!! those all made me smile <3
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kryptic-krab · 3 years
you have attempted to eat a big before .
"attempted" is u hhh
too light of a word
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#we_are_YouNine #YouNiners #unforgettable #i_am_YouNiner (at Some Where Secret) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6nOxG0lXyC/?igshid=6nvo4rf101l8
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