#season 1 chapter 16
eralisse · 8 months
Brothers Conflict: Season 1 LN - Ch16, Sec6 & Sec7
This is the penultimate major scene in the Iori/Kaname conflict, taking place at the festival hosted by Club Buddha.
Brothers Conflict Translations Index
???: “Hey, are you by yourself?”
I was sitting on a bench outside the main temple, waiting for Yuusuke-kun and Wataru-chan to come back, when a voice suddenly called out from beside me.
(...... Eh?!)
When I looked over, an extremely flashy man was standing there.
He was in a yukata with a dragon design, and gaudily designed rings, watch, and necklace.
Although he was quite young and beautiful, he also had a bit of a dangerous feel to him.
(Whoa…… Amazing.)
???: “Why haven’t you nominated anyone? Is there not a man you’re interested in?”
(...... N-nominate?)
The person very casually sat down next to me.
???: “Or are you waiting for a good man to come by? …...Heh. If that’s the case, how about me?”
At first, I thought he was a pickup artist or something, but his appearance wasn’t quite right for that. 
At that moment, I saw the fan that the man had in his hand.
“Club Buddha” was written on it.
???: “Won’t you try listening to my prayers? If you wish, you can listen all night long. I’ll fill it with love. … But I’m quite expensive, so be prepared.”
Ema: “Uh, um…”
I said.
Ema: “Excuse me, are you Kaname-san’s colleague, by any chance?”
???: “Kaname?”
Kaname: “Chi-chan.”
I heard a voice call out from behind me. When I turned around, Kaname-san was standing there.
(... Why did Kaname-san call me “Chi”?)
The only ones who called me “Chi” were Juli and Rui-san. Outside of them, no one else called me that.
Not to mention, Kaname-san has not once called me that way.
(Then why…?)
But right after that, Kaname-san said something unexpected.
Kaname: “Oh, Imouto-chan, you’ve come.”
Meaning that, the one Kaname-san called “Chi”... wasn’t me?!
(B-but, the one here now is…)
???: “Kana-san.”
The flashy man next to us said.
???: “What, you know her? Don’t tell me, is she one of your clients?”
Kaname: “Nah, Chi-chan.”
Kaname-san smiled wryly.
(“Chi-chan” is… this person?!)
Kaname: “Sister. She’s my younger sister.”
???: “Younger sister?”
Ema: “Um, Kaname–san, this person is…”
Kaname: “Ahh, this is Senshuu. Written as ‘chi’ (thousand) and ‘aki’ (autumn). His real name is read as Chiaki, but here it’s Senshuu.”
Ema: “Chiaki… san?”
Chiaki: “What’s this, she’s not a client?...”
Having quickly lost his interest, Chiaki-san got up from the bench.
Chiaki: “I’ve wasted time… Hah…”
Chiaki-san turned to leave.
Kaname: “Ah, hold on, Chi-chan. You should go to the reception hall soon.”
Chiaki: “Eh?”
Kaname: “Looks like you’re up to bat. The parishioners are arguing.”
Chiaki: “Huh?!”
Kaname: “Chi-chan, could it be that this was on purpose?”
Chiaki: “No way. I came here on my own.”
Kaname: “In the meantime, you have to do something. It’s bothering the other parishioners.”
Chiaki: “... Got it. Thanks, Kana-san.”
Chiaki-san walked off towards the reception hall to the main temple. After watching him leave, Kaname-san turned to me.
Kaname: “Imouto-chan, I’m glad you came.”
Ema: “Ah, no, I’m just here by mere chance…”
Kaname: “If it’s by chance, then I’m even more happy. Because something beyond human ken is blessing us.”
Ema: “...... That’s such a convenient interpretation.”
Kaname: “Sorry that you came all this way, though.”
Kaname-san blithely continued as if I hadn’t said anything.
Kaname: “I’ve still got a nomination after this. But I’m free after that. Do you mind waiting a little bit?”
Ema: “Ah, no, please take your time…”
Kaname: “Oh, oh no. I’ve got to go. Stay here. I’ll be back soon.”
As if chasing after Chiaki-san, Kaname-san headed toward the reception hall.
There were a lot of female guests in the area, and as Kaname-san went by, calls of “Younin-san~!” rose up from all around.
(Hmm, that was Kaname-san’s professional, no, priest name. Speaking of which, the flyer was… not here!)
When I dug around for it, once again, a voice called out behind me.
???: “... Oh? Are you alone?”
I couldn’t help sighing.
This temple really had some pushy monks.
Ema: “Um, no thank you!”
I said immediately upon turning around.
However, it was not one of the temple’s monks like I’d thought.
Iori: “Um? No thank you for what?”
The person standing there was Iori-san.
Ema: “Ah… Iori-san.”
Iori: “Good evening.”
Iori-san looked slightly surprised.
Iori: “That was pretty aggressive just now. What happened?”
Ema: “Ah, pardon me! You see, Kaname-san had…”
Iori: “Kaname-niisan?”
I explained to Iori-san about the monk from Club Buddha.
Iori: “Ahh, so that’s what happened. As expected of the temple that Kaname-niisan serves.”
Iori-san smiled wryly.
Iori: “Anyway, did you come by yourself?”
Ema: “Ah, Yuusuke-kun was here until just earlier…”
Then, I told him about Yuusuke-kun and Wataru-chan.
Iori: “That is such a pitiful story for Yuusuke.”
Iori-san’s wry smile grew larger.
Iori-san’s mood changed from what it was previously.
Since his hospitalization on the day of the entrance exam, I had been worrying, and although the atmosphere had been that I could not say anything careless, that feeling was different today.
Ema: “Iori-san is by himself?”
Iori: “Yes. I came here on a walk. …Hey, is it alright if I sit?”
Ema: “Ah, yes, please.”
He lowered himself down onto the bench.
Iori-san sat right beside me.
Iori: “The truth is, I was sleeping until just earlier. Last night, I was writing a report and didn’t get much sleep. And when I woke, the house was empty. Ukyo-niisan let me know that everyone had gone to the festival, so I came too.
Ema: “Ahh.”
(Ukyo-san didn’t come after all. He really didn’t like the atmosphere that much, I guess.)
Iori: “Even so, I didn’t think I’d see you here.”
Ema: “...?”
Iori: “You see, since a little while ago, I’ve been thinking about talking to you. But, things happened, and there wasn’t much of a chance.”
Ema: “What did you want to speak with me about?”
Iori: “Right. How should I say this… Mm, an apology, I think.”
Iori-san said regretfully.
Iori: “Earlier, I said something strange about the entrance exam, and it’s been bothering me since.”
Ema: “The entrance exam?”
Iori: “Yes, see, I once told you I wanted you to come to Jouchi, remember?”
I remember that, about the time I became a 3rd year in high school, Iori-san strongly encouraged me to go to Jouchi University.
Iori: “At that time, I was speaking completely unilaterally. I’ve been extremely concerned about it.”
Iori-san lowered his head.
Iori: “I’m sorry.”
Ema: “Iori-san?”
I was a bit surprised at the sudden apology.
Iori: “I think I spoke too rudely towards you. Could you forgive me?”
Ema: “W-what, please stop.”
I said frantically.
Ema: “It’s not such a problem that you need to apologize…”
Iori: “I just wanted to convey that clearly.”
Iori-san said.
Iori: “I was super excited for if you could come to Jouchi. That’s undeniable.”
Ema: “...”
Iori: “But, no matter which college you go to, I won’t raise objections.”
Iori-san nodded once then, as if in confirmation of his own words.
Iori: “I will respect your decision. I will absolutely not distort that.”
Iori: “That’s all that I wanted you to understand.”
At that moment, a loud voice came over the PA system from the main temple.
PA System: “Thank you for waiting, now it’s time for the main event!”
A great cheer rose up from the female customers around us at the announcement.
Iori: “... Hey, shall we move someplace else?”
Iori-san’s face contorted slightly.
Iori: “It’s a bit noisy here. Let’s go somewhere quieter.”
Ema: “Ah, alright.”
Behind the main temple, at one corner lined with trees, a path had been built that you could walk on.
We walked in that direction.
Iori: “Mm… It’s quieter now, isn’t it?”
Iori-san said with a relieved sigh.
The area was at the outskirts of the temple grounds, without any stalls, so it was quiet.
Iori: “By the way, about the entrance exam topic earlier.”
Iori-san said while walking.
Iori: “Have you decided where you’re going?”
Ema: “I’m not entirely sure yet… but there are some things I’m thinking I want to take.”
Iori: “I see.”
A little while passed.
Iori: “Hey, you’re definitely not coming to Jouchi?”
Ema: “Eh?”
Iori: “Ah, don’t misunderstand me. I’m not trying to force you. No, it’s just that…”
There, Iori-san paused, trying to pick out his words.
Iori: “I want you to listen for a moment.”
Ema: “Uh-huh…”
Iori: “The truth is, after I heard of that matter recently, I’ve been thinking that I could be by your side.”
Ema: “That matter?”
Iori-san’s expression became gloomy.
Iori: “The matter of your birth.”
Ema: “... Ah.”
Iori-san stopped walking.
Iori: “I was surprised, you know.”
Ema: “...”
Iori: “It must have been quite a shock. To have something that you had trusted without a doubt, suddenly taken away from you.”
Iori-san looked up at the dark sky.
Iori: “At that time, I thought this.”
Then, Iori-san’s gaze returned to me.
Iori: “That you were the same as me.”
Ema: “Eh?”
Iori: “Although it wasn’t about blood relation, I had a similar experience… on that winter day.”
Ema: “Iori-san…”
Iori: “So I thought.”
Iori-san closed his eyes.
Iori: “I can understand the pain in your heart. So I thought I could do something to help ease that pain.”
Ema: “...”
Iori: “To do that, it would be necessary to spend a lot of time with you. That’s why I wanted you to come to the same university as me.”
Iori-san looked at me.
Looking into his eyes, I could tell that his concern was truly from the heart.
Iori: “The pain you feel, no one else can understand. But I… I can share and ease it.”
Then, Iori-san said.
Iori: “Right now, I think you’re struggling alone in the dark. I know that pain well.”
(... Eh?)
At that moment, I felt uneasy at Iori-san’s words.
It is true that I was shocked when I learned that Papa wasn’t my real father. But thanks to my conversations with Papa, Natsume-san, and Rui-san, that shock has mostly abated.
Which is to say, I was not struggling in the dark.
(Could it be… that Iori-san thinks that I’m still in shock…?)
Iori: “What is it?”
Iori-san’s face became doubtful.
Iori: “Have I spoken too bluntly? I suppose my manner of speaking was a bit strong. I apologize if I’ve offended you.”
(Indeed, that’s the case. Iori-san thinks I’m hurting…)
– He’s wrong.
I may have been at the time, but I’m okay now.
(I have to let Iori-san know this.)
For a moment, I didn’t know what I should say. Since Iori-san was speaking out of concern, I didn’t want to dismiss his kindness.
But, right after I thought that, Natsume-san and Ukyo-san’s words arose in my mind.
(The things you need to say… you must say.)
I made up my mind to speak.
Ema: “Iori-san, you’re wrong.”
Iori-san’s face clouded.
Ema: “I am not hurting to that extent. Of course, I was shocked when I first heard it. But I’m alright now.”
Iori-san looked at me without saying anything.
Iori: “You’re… okay?”
A while passed before he asked this.
Ema: “Yes.”
I said this as clearly as possible. 
Then, Iori-san’s face appeared to change.
Iori: “... Is that so.”
Iori-san’s gaze fell to the ground.
Iori: “I was… deceiving myself.”
Ema: “Iori-san?”
Iori-san raised his head slowly.
Iori: “Sorry, I am a coward.”
It was in a flat voice.
Iori: “I deceived myself, and tried to win you over. I know that now. What on earth was I thinking...”
No words came out after that.
Iori-san stayed silent, and after a little while, spoke again.
Iori: “As I thought, I have not yet recovered.”
Iori: “Just, I stopped remembering, and pretended I didn’t see anything… and assumed I had recovered.”
Iori-san’s eyes turned towards me a second time.
Iori: “The one needing help isn’t you… It’s me.”
Iori-san’s expression tightened.
Iori: “Hey, listen…”
Iori-san stepped forward. The space between us narrowed.
Iori: “I’m not rejecting my past feelings. And I will not forget them, either.”
Iori-san placed his hands on my shoulders.
Iori: “Regardless, I must move forward. I cannot stay frozen in time forever.”
His hands left my shoulders, and then circled around my back.
Iori: “I am still living in the past. I want to stop that and live in the future. But right now, I don’t have that strength.”
I felt a strong pull on my back. I could hear the sound of my yukata brushing against Iori-san’s clothes.
Iori: “I want you to give me that strength.”
Iori-san held my face with both hands.
Iori: “I can’t do this alone… But, if there’s 2 of us…”
His hands tightened on my cheeks.
Iori: “I can endure.”
Iori-san’s lips pressed onto my lips. 
Iori: “... Hm?”
His eyes moved to something behind me.
Iori: “Kaname-niisan…”
When I turned around, a grim-faced Kaname-san was standing there.
(... Ah.)
Kaname-san had his fist pressed up against a nearby tree.
And his face grew grimmer and grimmer.
I had noticed this before, but I need to mention this again-- Iori is really really pushy. I understand now a bit of why Kaname explains about Iori in ch17 (link to translation) the way he does. Iori wasn't paying attention/listening to Ema at all! (As in, he was super selfish.) He just steamrolled straight over her and pulled her into a hug and a kiss.
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You Call It Madness But I Call It Love
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Pairing: Soldier Boy x f!reader, Reader POV
Summary: When the reader left Payback 40 years ago after a falling out with her childhood best friend she never looked back, but when two men show up to her apartment and start asking her questions about the past, the reader begins to think those things can’t stay hidden and starts to question what’s real and what’s fantasy.  This is a re-telling of The Boys Season 3, where the reader is a supe who's known Soldier Boy since 1927. The chapters fluctuate between past and present, beginning in 1934. SPOILERS FOR THE BOYS S3
Chapter 1: You Shouldn't Have Answered the Door
Chapter 2: Late Night Visitor
Chapter 3: Summer Has to End Someday
Chapter 4: It's My Party and I'll Eat Cake If I Want To
Chapter 5: The Man, The Myth, The Legend
Chapter 6: Batter Up
Chapter 7: Are We Old Friends Or Old Enemies?
Chapter 8: Jealousy Doesn't Look Good On Anybody Except...
Chapter 9: Wedding Bells or Gong of Destruction?
Chapter 10: How Did It End Up Like This?
Chapter 11: I Can't Think With You Yelling At Me!
Chapter 12: My Heart Is Beating For You Constantly
Chapter 13: You Made A Plaything Out of Romance
Chapter 14: You're All I'm Dreaming Of
Chapter 15: What Do You Know About Love?
Chapter 16: Please Come Back To Me
Chapter 17: How Could I Ever Forget?
Chapter 18: First Impressions Are Often Correct
Chapter 19: I Know Who You Are
Chapter 20: You Were There
Chapter 21: Try To Understand
Chapter 22: I May Be Right Or I May Be Crazy
Chapter 23: Extreme Makeover Backyard Edition
Chapter 24: What The Past Held
Chapter 25: Are Family Reunions Always This Awkward?
Chapter 26: I Hate You, I Love You
Chapter 27: COMING SOON!
Last Updated: 09/22/2024
Chapter 7.5: The Only Escape
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@everlove @dangerousgardenchild
(Photos on mood board from Pinterest)
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hellsitegenetics · 7 months
Blast the Book of Genesis, Chapter 1 from the Bible so we can finally know what was the first creature God created.
[1:1] In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth,
[1:2] the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters.
[1:3] Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.
[1:4] And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.
[1:5] God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.
[1:6] And God said, "Let there be a dome in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters."
[1:7] So God made the dome and separated the waters that were under the dome from the waters that were above the dome. And it was so.
[1:8] God called the dome Sky. And there was evening and there was morning, the second day.
[1:9] And God said, "Let the waters under the sky be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear." And it was so.
[1:10] God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good.
[1:11] Then God said, "Let the earth put forth vegetation: plants yielding seed, and fruit trees of every kind on earth that bear fruit with the seed in it." And it was so.
[1:12] The earth brought forth vegetation: plants yielding seed of every kind, and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it. And God saw that it was good.
[1:13] And there was evening and there was morning, the third day.
[1:14] And God said, "Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years,
[1:15] and let them be lights in the dome of the sky to give light upon the earth." And it was so.
[1:16] God made the two great lights - the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night - and the stars.
[1:17] God set them in the dome of the sky to give light upon the earth,
[1:18] to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.
[1:19] And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day.
[1:20] And God said, "Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the dome of the sky."
[1:21] So God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, of every kind, with which the waters swarm, and every winged bird of every kind. And God saw that it was good.
[1:22] God blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth."
[1:23] And there was evening and there was morning, the fifth day.
[1:24] And God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind: cattle and creeping things and wild animals of the earth of every kind." And it was so.
[1:25] God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind, and the cattle of every kind, and everything that creeps upon the ground of every kind. And God saw that it was good.
[1:26] Then God said, "Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth."
[1:27] So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
[1:28] God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth."
[1:29] God said, "See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food.
[1:30] And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food." And it was so.
[1:31] God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.
String identified:
[1:1] t gg G cat t a a t at,
[1:2] t at a a a a c t ac t , a G t t ac t at.
[1:3] T G a, "t t gt"; a t a gt.
[1:4] A G a tat t gt a g; a G aat t gt t a.
[1:5] G ca t gt a, a t a ca gt. A t a g a t a g, t t a.
[1:6] A G a, "t t a t t t at, a t t aat t at t at."
[1:7] G a t a aat t at tat t t at tat a t . A t a .
[1:8] G ca t . A t a g a t a g, t c a.
[1:9] A G a, "t t at t gat tgt t ac, a t t a aa." A t a .
[1:10] G ca t a at, a t at tat gat tgt ca a. A G a tat t a g.
[1:11] T G a, "t t at t t gtat: at g , a t t at tat a t t t t." A t a .
[1:12] T at gt t gtat: at g , a t ag t t t t. A G a tat t a g.
[1:13] A t a g a t a g, t t a.
[1:14] A G a, "t t gt t t t aat t a t gt; a t t g a a a a a a,
[1:15] a t t gt t t t g gt t at." A t a .
[1:16] G a t t gat gt - t gat gt t t a a t gt t t gt - a t ta.
[1:17] G t t t t t g gt t at,
[1:18] t t a a t gt, a t aat t gt t a. A G a tat t a g.
[1:19] A t a g a t a g, t t a.
[1:20] A G a, "t t at g t a g cat, a t a t at ac t t ."
[1:21] G cat t gat a t a g cat tat , , t c t at a, a g . A G a tat t a g.
[1:22] G t, ag, " t a t a t at t a, a t t t at."
[1:23] A t a g a t a g, t t a.
[1:24] A G a, "t t at g t g cat : catt a cg tg a aa t at ." A t a .
[1:25] G a t aa t at , a t catt , a tg tat c t g . A G a tat t a g.
[1:26] T G a, "t a a ag, accg t ; a t t a t t a, a t t a, a t catt, a a t aa t at, a cg tg tat c t at."
[1:27] G cat a ag, t ag G cat t; a a a cat t.
[1:28] G t, a G a t t, " t a t, a t at a t; a a t t a a t t a a g tg tat t at."
[1:29] G a, ", a g at g tat t ac a t at, a t t t t; a a t .
[1:30] A t at t at, a t t a, a t tg tat c t at, tg tat a t at , a g g at ." A t a .
[1:31] G a tg tat a a, a , t a g. A t a g a t a g, t t a.
Closest match: Naumovozyma dairenensis CBS 421 chromosome 11, complete genome Common name: Budding yeast
(I could not find an image of this organism, so here is an image of Naumovozyma castellii instead.)
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fieldghoul · 2 months
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A round-up of ministry technology:
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Chapter Two: The Cardinal
Copia is carrying the Siemens R836 stereo, produced c. 1988
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Chapter 5: The Call
The TV in the hospital is the Toshiba T277Z, produced c. 1977
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p.s., the first clip playing on the TV is twins running away in Chapter 1 :-)
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Chapter Seven: New World Redro
Nihil's typewriter is the Olympia SM9, produced c. 1965-1968
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Chapter Ten: Home Coming and Special Guests
The record player in Cardi's room is actually not vintage! It's the Victrola 3-in-1 Bluetooth Record Player, produced c. 2017
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To get deep into minutiae, the other thing they pan past on the shelf that looks like an antique cathedral radio is actually a piece of ceramic -- you can see it's holding a book. It's made from a commercially available plaster mold, namely the Duncan DM-355 B, which was manufactured in the late 70s. Here are photos of the same ceramic with a different glaze, and the mold itself :-)
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Chapter Twelve: Ghost Goes Hollywood
Cardi's camcorder is part of the Sony CCD-TRVX5 series, produced c. 1998
(My understanding is the CCD-TRV75, 85 and 93 all have the same body -- but it's one of those.)
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Chapter 16: Tax Season
Cardi's TV is the Samsung BT-317TR, produced c. 1984
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He is, of course, playing the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), produced c. 1986-1990
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The radio is the Motorola TT23FS, produced c. 1968
The phone gadget is the Tele-Rest, produced c. 1958
The alarm clock is a Lawson Model 215 Sierra, produced c. 1948-1981 (Lawson clock history seems... complicated)
As for the phone itself... I can tell you it's this exact phone, since this prop house seems to have supplied all the props in this video, but there are too many identical puke-green rotary phones produced between the 1940s and 1970s for me to pretend I can tell which one it is (same goes for the other two rotary phones in Chapter Five).
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Rite Here Rite Now
The TV backstage is (probably) a Magnavox 20MT4405/17, produced c. 2006
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If you turn the brightness on RHRN way the fuck up, you can see a piece of tape over the brand badge on the TV. (But that can't stop me!!!)
I'm sure most of the tech choices are just for humor and Tobias's personal nostalgia as a child of the 80s, but I do love way all of the old tech characterizes the ministry. It's not clear if they're just luddites, cheapskates, out of money, too bureaucratically inefficient to upgrade (like the government!) or if it's something completely different. But that's why set dressing is fun, it tells stories indirectly :-)
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It's Never Too Late Masterlist
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Summary: You are an elementary school teacher who just moved to Texas for a fresh start when you meet a very handsome man from the Laredo Sheriff's Department coming to give your class a presentation.
After your co-workers pull some strings for you to meet again, you and Javier Peña find yourselves falling head over heels for each other.
Story takes place post Narcos Season 3 in Laredo, Texas, starting May 1997.
Paring: Javier Peña x OFC (Reader is an elementary school teacher whose nickname is Osita, no use of y/n)
Warnings: SMUT (18+ chapters containing marked with * and each chapter will also have its own warnings), language, fluff, romantic comedy, reader has physical descriptions, Javi being so soft and getting all the love and affection he deserves, you two being the biggest weirdos so in love
Status: Ongoing
Let me know if you want to be added to a tag list for new chapters as they come out! :)
Main Story:
Chapter 1: I D.A.R.E. You
Chapter 2: What's Cookin', Good Lookin'?
Chapter 3: I Wanna Be With You Everywhere*
Chapter 4: Add You To My List*
Chapter 5: You're The One That I Want*
Chapter 6: Dinosaurs, Dates and Diners, Oh My!*
Chapter 7: School's Out for Summer*
Chapter 8: My Favorite Cowboy*
Chapter 8.5: 007- Peña, Agent Peña*
Chapter 9: I Promise*
Chapter 10: Happy Birthday, Javi*
Pt. 1*
Pt. 2*
Chapter 11: Abe Froman, Sausage King of Chicago *
Chapter 12: I Love You. I Know. *
Chapter 13: There's No Place Like Home*
Chapter 14: Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas*
Chapter 15: She Shoots, She Scores*
Chapter 16: The Lone Star State*
Chapter 17: No Ifs, Ands, Or Butts*
Chapter 18: Hole in None*
Chapter 19: Good Luck, and Goodnight*
Chapter 20: I Do
Pt. 1*
Pt. 2*
Spin-Off Series:
Forever and Always*: Slices of life following the Peña family after their first child
One Shots (In chronological order of the main storyline):
Movie Night*
Dirty Laundry*
You're My Home*
Not Yet*
Happy Valentine's Day, Javier Peña*
The Mouse and the Motorcycle
You Make Life Worth It
Take Me Home
Plaid Pajama Morning
Agent Peña*
Every Inch*
Soup for Breakfast
Whatever My Wife Wants*
Oh, Baby
Peanut Butter and Pickles
You Make Lovin' Fun*
Javi and Osita before work
Javi's DEA Jacket
Javi's Tac Vest
Javi and Osita when they argue
Javi being distractingly cute
Javi when he's sick
Osita when she's pregnant
Osita after a bad day at work
Javi coming home after work to his kids
Javi and Osita deciding how many kids they want
Javi and his daughters at the Eras Tour
NSFW Alphabet- Javi and Osita*
1K Followers Celebration Asks and Answers
Never Too Late Playlist
Mood board
Timeline of NTL
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lightsoutletsgo · 6 months
bear hugs au masterlist (cl.16 x bearman!reader)
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hello loves! and welcome to the masterlist for the bear hugs au! I'm so so excited to finally be launching this officially as part of my celebration for 1k followers! you guys loved the original fic so much and have asked for part 2 and more so I decided to launch it as a full series. as always, please let me know what you think! happy reading! love mimi 🤍 thank you to @arieslost and @thebearchives for beta reading and helping me brainstorm ideas! and thank you to @scuderiahoney for teaching me how to make the collage headers! taglist : @alessioayla @iamapersonwholikesunicorns @weekendlusting if you'd like to be added either comment on this masterlist post or send me an ask!
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SYNOPSIS: step into the world of you and ollie bearman and your boyfriend charles leclerc. a selection of longer fics and shorter drabbles with a sprinkling of social media chapters. not written or posted in chronological order! warnings will be posted for each individual part ˚ʚ🧸ɞ˚ ˚ʚ🧸ɞ˚ ˚ʚ🧸ɞ˚ ˚ʚ🧸ɞ˚
✧ - fics | 𐙚 - drabbles | 𓇼 - smau | ☁︎ - suggestive chapter
1. love you to the end of the line 𐙚 how ollie's and your pre-race ritual began
2. celebrity crush 𐙚 ollie learns about your crush on charles leclerc
3. season highlights 𓇼 your post for ollie after the f2 season (referenced in the original fic)
4. bear hugs (the original fic) - the one where they meet ✧ you join your brother Ollie at his first F1 race and bump into Charles
5. the one with their first date ✧ you're extremely nervous for your first date with charles. ollie plays his brother role very well and tells charles exactly what he expects of him
6. these comments are crazy 𓇼 ollie can't stand watching you and charles flirt in his comments
7. the one where they all go racing ✧ your first race weekend as a couple with charles! ft. ollie and his annoying commentary
8. the one where he should have knocked ✧ ☁︎ ollie learns he needs to knock and you learn you needs to lock the door
9. happy birthday to you 𓇼 charles and ollie's posts to you on your birthday (ft. arthur leclerc and other drivers)
10. the one where ollie lives alone ✧ four times ollie learns that he needs your help and the one time you decide enough is enough
11. *gasp* they were teammates?! 𐙚 ollie gets the call from ferrari for 2025 and now you don't know whose number to wear on race weekends
12. we may as well be parents 𐙚 arthur and ollie come to stay and you and charles feel like you're playing mom and dad to two toddlers
13. hey now, this is what dreams are made of 𐙚 you finally get to follow your dreams and ollie finally lets go
14. the prank war 𓇼 it's the bearmans vs the leclercs... who will win?
15. the one where with the ring ✧ charles asks ollie for his blessing and ollie helps charles plan a surprise you'll love. (ollie learns he’s surprisingly good at hiding and camouflage)
16. bear meet world, world meet bear 𓇼 you and charles have a new puppy and his name is... not exactly original
17. the one where there's a party ✧ its a big day for you and you're very emotional. ollie reassures you that you'll always be a bearman and puts charles to the test
18. there's a new baby bear in town 𐙚 you and charles tell ollie and arthur your exciting news
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dianawinchester03 · 6 months
Genesis Primis: A Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Book 1 of The Old Testament Series by @dianawinchester03
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Season One (Complete!)
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Prologue - Enter Y/N L/N
Season 1, Episode 1 - Pilot
Season 1, Episode 2 - Wendigo
Season 1, Episode 3 - Dead in Water
Season 1, Episode 4 - Phantom Traveler
Season 1, Episode 5 - Bloody Mary
Season 1, Episode 6 - Skin
Season 1, Episode 7 - Hook Man
Season 1, Episode 8 - Bugs
Season 1, Episode 9 - Home
Season 1, Episode 10 - Asylum
Season 1, Episode 11 - Scarecrow
Season 1, Episode 12 - Faith
Season 1, Episode 13 - Route 666
Season 1, Episode 14 - Nightmare
Season 1, Episode 15 - The Benders
Season 1, Episode 16 - Shadow
Season 1, Episode 17 - Hell House
Season 1, Episode 18 - Something Wicked
Season 1, Episode 19 - Provenance
Season 1, Episode 20 - Dead Man’s Blood
Season 1, Episode 21 - Salvation
Season 1, Episode 22 - Devil’s Trap
Season 1 - Gag Reel
Season Two (Ongoing)
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Season 2, Episode 1 - In My Time Of Dying
Season 2, Episode 2 - Everybody Loves A Clown
Season 2, Episode 3 - Bloodlust
Season 2, Episode 4 - Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things
Season 2, Episode 5 - Simon Said
Season 2, Episode 6 - No Exit
Season 2, Episode 7 - The Usual Suspects
Season 2, Episode 8 - Crossroad Blues
Season 2, Episode 9 - Croatoan
Season 2, Episode 10 - Hunted
Season 2, Episode 11 - Playthings
Season 2, Episode 12 - Nightshifter
Season 2, Episode 13 - Houses of the Holy
Season 2, Episode 14 - Born Under A Bad Sign
Season 2, Episode 15 - Tall Tales
Season 2, Episode 16 - Roadkill
Season 2, Episode 17 - Heart
Season 2, Episode 18 - Hollywood Babylon (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 19 - Folsom Prison Blues (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 20 - What Is and What Should Never Be (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 21 - All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1 (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 22 - All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2 (coming soon)
Season 2 Gag Reel (coming soon)
Also available on:
📖; ao3
📖; wattpad
Authors Note:
I finally learnt how to do a Masterlist! Hallelujah now life will be easier for you guys. Hope you check out my book and enjoy🫶 I’ll update the list after each chapter release.
I just want to say thank you to everyone for giving my book a chance. I am very new to writing so I’m no Shakespeare lol, but I’m giving and doing my best. With all the overwhelming endless support and love I’m receiving at this very moment, it’s so much more than I can ask for and so much more than I deserve. I appreciate every single bit from the bottom of my heart🥹
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noneorother · 5 months
I bought Aziraphale's Bible so you don't have to.
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Am I insane? Yes. Was it worth it? Maybe. In most* of both season 1 and season 2 of GO, there's a very specific Bible on a bookstand next to Aziraphale's desk. It's a vintage illustrated plate book by Harold Copping, known as the Harold Copping Bible, published by the religious tract society in London in 1910. It features some of the most well known Old Testament stories, summarized and annotated by the Bishop of Durham at the time, and illustrated by Copping, who was freshly returned from a sojourn in the middle east. Ironically, It was meant as a lay-person's version of a comic book, short, exciting by use of exotic illustrations, and easy to read.
But my (expensive) gain is now your gain! As I've collected here every visible page in both seasons for your reading and viewing pleasure.
Season 1: All episodes Adam & Eve Genesis iii (1:3) / HCB page 10
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Season 2: Episode 1 Joseph known to his brethren Genesis xlv (1:45) / HCB Page 28
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S2E1 14:21, S2E1 17:41, S2E1 39:45
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Season 2: Episode 2 Jacob's vow Genesis xxviii (1:28) / HCB Page 22
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S2E2 5:49
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Season 2: Episode 2 Joseph known to his brethren Genesis xlv (1:45) / HCB Page 28
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S2E2 13:38 (see S2E1 above)
Season 2: Episode 2 The Brazen Serpent Numbers xxi (4:21) / HCB page 36
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S2E2 16:12, 43:40
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Season 2: Episode 2* Bible on the desk, Magazine on the stand Annuel L'art Pour Tous, Cover (1861-1880 most likely)
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S2E2 22:10
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The French L'art pour tous industrial design periodical will have to be a story for another post. For now, just enjoy this 1880 edition copperplate of cherubs discovering a microscope...
Season 2: Episode 2 Imaginary page from HCB, Job KJV Job (18:1) / HCB N/A
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S2E2 22:29, S2E2 40:05 Obviously, the plate illustrations and text look different here than in the real bible, because they were created for the show. But there are a few more particularities here. For one, this layout with the thin grid around the text, as well as the paragraph symbol next to the first title, indicate that this would have been a printer's proof copy, not a finished book. It shows you the layout grid and can be annotated for changes. Second, there seems to be a war going on between fonts. Where the "chapter" of Job begins, we get a font and a style similar to the original bible, which gets rudely interrupted by a dropped capital (from the real book) and a Gothic-style font/verse numbers like in the original King James version of the printed Bible.
Season 2: Episode 3 The Brazen Serpent NUMBERS xxi (4:21) / HCB page 36
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S2E3 1:18 (see episode 2)
Season 2: Episode 5 By the Rivers of Babylon Pslam cxxxvii (19:137) / HCB page 52
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S2E5 21:20
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Season 2: Episode 6 Bible missing, L'art pour Tous on the stand Annuel L'art Pour Tous, Cover (1861-1880 most likely)
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S2E6 10:21, 17:21, 18:15, 34:28 (see episode 2)
Season 2: Episode 6 Closed HCB, L'art pour Tous on the stand behind HCB page 0
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S2E6 37:58, 44:20, 48:08
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frannyzooey · 1 year
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Joel Miller x f!reader
Rating: Explicit (COMPLETED)
Summary: Part of a band of travelers, your party is slowly picked off one by one, until there are only two of you left. Finding an abandoned cabin in the woods, you decide to make camp there until you figure out your next move. As the seasons change, the nights get longer and longer…
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
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morning-star-joy · 1 year
a stranger's heart without a home masterlist
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Pairing: rivals to friends with benefits slowburn Joel x F!Reader, Post-Outbreak
Fic Summary: Sleeping with Joel Miller was supposed to be a one time thing. When the older brother of your closest friend showed up in Jackson, you hadn't expected him to stay more than a day. You'd both given into a brief moment of passion before he left, and that was the end of that. It didn't matter, you were never going to see him again. Then Joel returns a few months later, and screws up everything about the comforting life you had established in Jackson.
Fic Tags: One Night Stands, Rivals into Friends with Benefits, Emotional Slow Burn (really slow), Eventual Romance, Mutual Pining Idiots, Angst & Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Found Family (lots of Tommy & Reader and Dina & Reader friendships), Long Chapters
Fic Warnings: Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI), Language, Canon-Typical Violence, Alcohol Use, Age Difference (Reader around 30, Joel 56) Themes of Grief/PTSD/Depression with mentions of death (family members, both Reader and Joel) that can be heavy at times, Specific Warnings in each Chapter
Status: Complete
ao3 link
official art by @cynibuns
tribute edit by @dundienominee
moodboard/graphic by @planet-marz1
Reader fanart by @mydzygro-art
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chapter 1: I am not the only traveler
chapter 2: the holidays linger like bad perfume
chapter 3: do I wanna know if this feeling flows both ways (18+ Smut)
chapter 4: there it is again, that funny feeling
chapter 5: break the silence; damn the dark, damn the light
chapter 6: and I'll never see you again if I can help it (18+ Smut)
chapter 7: look at us, you and I, back at it again (18+ Smut)
chapter 8: maybe I don't quite know what to say, but I'm here in your doorway
chapter 9: I thought that you’d be here by now (18+ Smut)
chapter 10: can the killer in me tame the fire in you?
chapter 11: this slope is treacherous, this path is reckless (18+ Smut)
chapter 12: you take what you get, and you turn it into honesty
chapter 13: burned out flames should never reignite, but I thought you might take me home (18+ Smut)
chapter 14: he built a fire just to keep me warm
chapter 15: speak to me until your history’s no mystery to me
chapter 16: and it feels good to be known so well (18+ Smut)
chapter 17: baby, it's Halloween, and we can be anything (18+ Smut)
chapter 18: yes, I'll admit that I'm a fool for you (18+ Smut)
chapter 19: either I'm careless or I wanna get caught (18+ Smut)
chapter 20: with your boots beneath my bed; forever is the sweetest con (18+ Smut)
epilogue (18+ Smut)
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(listed in order of how they occur after the main fic)
morning after chapter 20
waking up to oral (18+ Smut)
painfully domestic (kisses to get their attention)
lingerie & breeding kink (18+ Smut)
(epilogue takes place here)
half-asleep, half-awake (Joel POV companion piece to main fic)
not much I need (nonsexual intimacy)
kissing scars
easy, plaid-shirt mornings (18+ Smut)
would it be enough if I could never give you peace? (Reader's anxiety)
a feeling so peculiar (seasonal depression)
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chapter 13 sneak peek (Jealous!Joel's POV Date Scene)
chapter 13 scene (Jealous!Joel Smut after Date 18+)
chapter 13 cut endings (Angst af)
chapter 14 sneak peek (Reflection Joel's POV)
chapter 15 sneak peek (Totally Casual Drinks Between Friends)
chapter 16 sneak peek (Dina and Ellie Plan)
chapter 17 sneak peek (The Dance)
chapter 18 sneak peek (Joel Pines for You)
chapter 18 secret scene (Tommy finally fucking figures it out)
chapter 19 sneak peek (Tommy and Reader)
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fic playlist
MC playlist
Taylor-coded MC playlist (for my fellow Swifties!)
Joel POV playlist
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eralisse · 1 month
Brothers Conflict: Season 1 LN - Ch16 Repeat, Sec2
Following the previous segment, this is Kaname's flashback to his confrontation with Iori after Iori's kiss with Ema.
Brothers Conflict Translations Index
Iori: “You’re telling me to get away from her?”
Iori looked genuinely surprised.
After pulling the two apart, I sent her home first, and then confronted Iori.
Iori: “What are you saying, Kaname-niisan? That’s absurd. The two of us mutually want each other, and forgive each other.”
His voice was filled with complete conviction. It was said so brazenly that, for a moment, I was at a loss for an answer. But I couldn’t afford to say nothing.
Kaname: “... Iori. You’re wrong.”
I said at last. I didn’t think I would get through to Iori. But still, it was necessary to object.
Kaname: “That’s just your assumption.”
Iori: “Ahh, Kaname-niisan has lied again.”
Iori smiled happily.
Iori: “She hasn’t rejected me at all. In fact, she has accepted me, you know.”
Kaname: “...!”
A piece of memory came to mind. That sight I saw through the trees.
— That sight of Iori embracing her and pressing his lips onto hers.
Iori: “And yet, it’s my assumption? If you insist. At the very least, you could lie a little more convincingly?”
Kaname: “Iori, listen to me…”
Iori: “Kaname-niisan.”
Iori’s words cut me off.
Iori: “Isn’t this a bit unsightly?”
Kaname: “What?”
Iori: “To put simply, your jealousy.”
The moment he said that, vehemence shot through my body. My voice burst out from the uncontrollable impulse. 
Kaname: “Iori!”
Iori: “Ahh.”
Iori smiled broadly.
Iori: “What a serious face… Well, I can understand your feelings. After all, the one who held out his hand before anyone else was Kaname-niisan.”
Kaname: “Wh–!”
Iori: “Do you remember the time when she was laid up with a cold?”
Iori said suddenly.
Iori: “Kaname-niisan, you had gone to call on her.”
Kaname: “Eh?”
Such a long time ago… The memories from shortly after when she first came to live at the apartment complex returned to me.
After midsummer had passed, she had caught a cold, probably from fatigue. And at that time, I had gone to her room to visit.
… But why did Iori know about that?
Iori: “Ahh, it was a coincidence.”
Iori said, as if reading my mind.
Iori: “Right before you’d gone, I’d also went to call on her. Then, when I was still at the stairs, you’d come.”
Kaname: “...”
Iori: “Of course, I hadn’t intended to eavesdrop.”
Iori smiled.
Iori: “I could hear you. Kaname-niisan, you said at the door, ‘Since that kiss, you’ve not spoken to me at all.’ “
Kaname: “Iori…”
Iori: “You’d kissed her before then, didn’t you?”
Kaname: “...”
Iori: “That is quite unforgivable.”
Iori’s smile grew.
Iori: “However, I see now that it was a big day. Because it was my victory.”
Iori’s face overflowed with his sense of superiority.
Iori: “Kaname-niisan.”
Iori continued.
Iori: “How does it feel to have me take so easily what you thought could be yours?”
Kaname: “... Iori.”
Iori: “But, since you’ve lost, I wish you’d quietly accept your defeat. You say you want to fix me, to protect me, but you’re trying to break us up. Don’t you think that’s a bit shameful?”
Kaname: “No, what are you saying…”
I tried hard to respond, but could not continue past that.
Iori: “Then, you didn’t kiss her? Can you say you didn’t kiss her?”
The smile left Iori’s eyes. Even though his mouth was still smiling, his eyes were shockingly cold.
Iori: “And… if you did kiss her, can you say you don’t like her?”
I was unable to say anything.
I wanted to stop Iori and Ema’s relationship more than anything. But I could not deny Iori’s point about it being my envy. 
It’s true that I kissed Ema, therefore, it couldn’t be helped that my interference would be seen as coming from jealousy.
… No, to a third party, it would probably be seen as natural.
(But… even so…)
This could not continue. If I left Iori alone, both he and Ema would get messed up.
(I have to stop them somehow…)
That thought whirled about my head, but nothing came up as to what I should say next.
Iori: “... I’ve had enough.”
Iori said after a while.
Iori: “I’ll forget what happened today… However.”
His voice suddenly became icy.
Iori: “If you get in the way again, I can’t say what will happen then… Understood?”
On that note, Iori walked away. I could do nothing except watch him leave.
Iori is dangerous. You have been warned.
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devildomwriter · 5 months
I want to ask... pleasee... when do you think obm charas fell for mc? And how they realize about that kind of feeling. And i actually curious about seraph other than michael and raphael (relationship with lucy) thankyouuuuuu ✌(‘ω’)✌
When Did They Fall in Love?
Mammon fell almost right away. He already was leaving a toothbrush in MC’s room by chapter 4 so I’d say a little before then probably in chapter 3
Leviathan was very flustered around MC after agreeing to a pact and becoming closer friends. I believe this is around the time he started really falling for MC and seeing them as more than a friend. This is in chapter 4
I believe Beelzebub fell for MC after they saved his life. They were already becoming friends but after that Beel was pretty devoted to MC. This happens in chapter 6
Asmodeus became enamored with MC after experiencing their power. This is when he started looking at MC as more than just a human and housemate. The more he learned about MC the more devoted he became. This starts in chapter 8
I believe Satan fell for MC around the time they formed a pact. He had great respect for them and was a bit flustered about the situation. This happens in chapter 12
I believe Lucifer’s interest begins in chapter 12 but dissolves upon MC’s betrayal. However when the dust settles his feelings have returned by chapter 17
Belphegor immediately took an interest in MC in chapter 16 upon learning their heritage. However I believed he felt romantic interest in chapter 17 onwards when MC helped him repair his bond with his brothers and he saw how kind they were.
Solomon is hard to say. He doesn’t get a lot of time in season one and in season two he is mostly trying to figure them out. However in season two he is willing to kill Lucifer and destabilize the Devildom over letting MC die. To I’d say within season 2
Simeon also became more attached to MC in season 2 and was confessing and blushing by season 3. But I predict it was towards the end of season 2
Diavolo fell for MC probably towards the end of season 1. But during the chaos of season 2 and not knowing if MC would live or die he held his tongue. He tried confessing later in season 2 but was interrupted.
Barbatos was pretty confused about everyone’s attachment to MC. In season 3 MC kisses him and he is surprised to feel a warmth from it. But he officially falls for MC at the end of season 4. Barbatos takes a while because he’s been all throughout time and is very strict in his duties, so love didn’t cross his mind until he felt it for MC.
Thirteen is pretty attached to MC in Nightbringer almost immediately. But she begins calling herself an MC Stan before the end of NB season 1 and ropes Mephistopheles into it.
Mephistopheles hasn’t shown much romantic interest in MC in Nightbringer yet but as teased by Thirteen he believes MC looks good but just never says what he means. I believe he develops interest in season 2 but I don’t believe he’s fallen just yet.
Raphael has almost no time in Nightbringer and hasn’t had a chance to bond with MC. In the OG game he did get pretty close to MC as they helped him accept the reality Lucifer and his brothers wouldn’t return to the Celestial Realm. He’s also the first of the new three to get closer to them in OG. But I don’t believe he’s fallen for them yet, though interest is there.
Michael hasn’t fallen for MC but we know he cares about them and has been protecting them though he claims it’s for the brothers’ sake. He feels MC is trustworthy enough to rant to about his issues so he must care at least a little.
Other Seraphs and Lucifer
I believe it was in a daily chat, but Simeon has texted Lucifer that the other angels have been asking about him, especially Uriel. So we know that some of them still care about him or are at the very least curious—Not just the seraphim but all of the angels.
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ivnxrori · 6 months
When Sun and Moon meet MASTERLIST ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
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Zuko x Fem!WaterBender!Reader Enemies to Lovers
As one of the Princesses of the Northern Water tribe, you were blessed with a gift by the moon. However you were permitted to be allowed to use the gift at all costs. From many hidden waterbending usages, the aftermath of the avatar visiting the Northern Tribe had led to your beginning journey, hiding yourself as a water bender as a princess from the Northern water tribe
All warnings are displayed in each individual chapter
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Season 1 - Water
☾ Prologue ☾ Chapter 1 - Welcome Avatar ☾ Chapter 2 - Encountering the Sun ☾ Chapter 3 - Dangerous Gale ☾ Chapter 4 - New Sacrifices
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Season 2 - Earth
҉ Chapter 5 - Trainer Sakari ҉ Chapter 6 - Hidden in Ba Sing Se ҉ Chapter 7 - Refreshing Tea ҉ Chapter 8 - Failed ҉ Chapter 9 - Tied with the Gaang ҉ Chapter 10 - Fraud of the Warriors ҉ Chapter 11 - Trust to Betrayal
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Season 3 - Fire
𖤓 Chapter 12 - Ship Attack 𖤓 Chapter 13 - First steps in the Fire Nation 𖤓 Ch 14 𖤓 Ch 15 𖤓 Ch 16 𖤓 Ch 17 𖤓 Ch 18 𖤓 Ch 19 𖤓 Ch 21 𖤓 Ch 22 𖤓 Ch 23 𖤓 Ch 24
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⋆ Ch ???
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POSTS ONCE EVERY WEEK (AT LEAST I TRY) None of the pictures are made by me This is based off of the avatar the last airbender world s1 s2 s3 potentially will add the legend of Korra sneaks Please do not copy, translate or repost my writing. Reblogging is acceptable My work is ONLY on tumblr and ao3. If anywhere else please inform me. Ao3 link
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anki-of-beleriand · 29 days
A Heart Made of Glass ch. 18
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Summary: Ten years ago you left Wanda and the Avengers to heal your broken heart. You never stopped being a hero, just as you never stopped being in love with her. But life had to go on.
Now, after all that time, she is back and with her is a young woman needing help and an enemy that may not be as afraid as Wanda to lay a claim on you.
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Powered!F!Reader - Scarlet Witch x PoweredF!Reader - Past Wanda Maximoff x Vision - CarolxF!Reader
Warnings: Angst, drama, mentions of cheating, fluff, violence, Switch!Reader, internalize homophobia, hurt, comfort, Wanda being a complete mess, anger management issues, jealousy, Requited/Unrequited love, idiots in love, swearing, mentions of alcohol. More tags as the story progess.
Author's Note: This story is a continuation of Dirty Little Secret I was really surprised at the response I got for the story. Thank you for the support.
Nothing ever eneds, I thank you guys for being with me to the very end of this story, I hope you like this last one!
Please, do remember English is no my mother tongue so forgive my grammar, spelling and funny mistakes.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Epilogue
The first snow of the season broke into the sky without a warning.
America wrapped her coat tighter around her body, she glanced around the hall rolling her eyes when her ears finally caught the sound of bickering down the airport bridge. The hand grasping hers called her attention, and she soon watched the same exasperation in Kamala’s face when the both of them found Yelena and Kate bickering all the way out of the plane with the stewardess watching them with relief.
 “Why are the fighting now?” Kamala finally asked dragging America away, “let’s go before anyone here thinks we come with them.”
America chuckled following Kamala down the bridge and into the airport, it had been this way since they decided to make the trip and go to Ulsteinvik for the holidays. Not something Mrs. Khan was happy about, and she had made it quite clear that was expecting a facetime with her daughter as soon as they got home, of this America was to make sure would happen without any delay.
They soon found themselves in a busy airport glancing at the signals around, before going for their bags. It had been almost six months since America had been home, and more than eight years since she had started the Young Avengers team with Yelena.
The world was a better place, but it was always expectant of a new threat that might as well come from the space as well as a different dimension. In all this time, America had lost friends, and had made new ones, she had found loved and had been part of a family that no one thought would be possible in this time and universe.
Kamala ran excitedly after the bags, speaking fast about all the things she wanted to do and see. America had always wondered how someone could speak so fast but she had gotten used to her girlfriend being a chatter more so if she was about to see her two heroes. America smiled happily when Kamala finally realized she had been talking alone while looking for the bags.
“Seriously? You let me rant all on my own so people would look at me as if I’m crazy.”
“I think you’re adorable.” America replied, Kamala rolled her eyes grabbing her hand and dragging her to the rental cars section.
“You’re lucky you can convince me with your sweet talk. Come, I think I hear the bickering from Yelena and Kate down this way.”
It took them at least one hour to get everything ready and to find a car that would take them down the road to their destination.
America glanced out of the window, and as it happened whenever she made the trip, she started remembering that first time Wanda brought her to Norway. She remembered how scared she had been, how lost and angry she felt at that time, and then how she found herself in the midst of more negative emotions that had threatened to just consume everyone around her.
A lot of things had happened since that fateful day and now America couldn’t be happier with the outcome. After a little more than an hour America could see the lighthouse coming into view, her lips broke into a smile and her stomach filled with exited fluttering.
“Gee, I think we made it just on time,” Yelena said glancing out of the window, “it seems as if a storm is coming over.”
“Well, it is just that time of the year, I’m just dying to get home and have bath, I don’t think I have one since we left New York two days ago.”
Kate wrinkled her nose nodding in agreement with Yelena, America rolled her eyes glancing at Kamala before they finally got a sight of the gate leading to the main entrance. America straightened up smiling, the house finally came into view completely and she found the many changes into the property that had happened in the last couple of years.
The small kiddie park to the sight was right now protected with a waterproof tent that protected the full structure and there was a couple of bikes tightly protected into the garage. Yelena parked the car and as soon as America stepped a foot out of the car she was jumped by a bundle of blue that came at her at full speed.
“America!!!” Tommy grinned at her, her arms wrapping tightly around her waist with his hair completely messed up, wearing a light shirt and pants.
“Tommy!!” America grabbed the five-year-old in her arms and lifted him high, he started laughing.
Kamala softened at the sight coming closer only to see another brown-haired kid watching from the entrance of the garage with a frown and a blue jacket on his hand. America carried the kid to the garage, with Billy still scolding at his brother lifting the jacket.
“Tommy! Momma said not out without the jacket!” Tommy pulled out his tongue hugging America tightly.
“Is that all you’re gonna say, little dude?” America knelt down, Billy hesitated before stepping in and hugging America still glaring at his brothers disregard of the jacket.
“Hi.” He mumbled, America chuckled kissing his forehead and pulling him up in her arms.
“It’s so good to see you again, guys.” America entered the place with Kamala and the others following them inside.
America smiled when she finally stepped inside the place she had called home inside her mind and heart. Her nose soon filed with the sweet aroma of fresh cookies, everything inside the house had been decorated for the holidays with a mixture of colours and lights that made the place looked quite homey. Everything inside the house had changed, the pictures that now decorated the main hall and the living room reflected and spoke of the stories that could be told about those changes.
Kamala found herself fascinated by the place, she had been to America’s home only a couple of times but this would be the first time she would spend the holidays with her family. The young woman made her way to the closest cabinet, and her eyes fell upon a picture of Y/N and Wanda smiling into the camera. They both looked completely happy, smiling while showing off the hand wearing the ring in their hands; right beside that one there was a picture of them in the Young Avengers lair with America right after the young woman had graduated from college.
Every single picture was taken at a special moment, and it was a continuity of stories the family had gone through over the years. Kamala let her eyes fell upon the last picture, her smile deepened when she saw Wanda the twins with America and Y/N on each side of the bed smiling tiredly to the camera.
“America?” You came right around the corner with your phone on your hand, your face broke into a grin coming over to the young woman and sharing a hug with her. “Oh, it’s so good to see you!”
America hugged you back, and you felt how the tension from the last couple of days left her body. The twins were talking in fast Russian to Yelena who was kneeling to make sure she did not miss a single word while Kate watched the scene with a lopsided smile. You chuckled turning to the room, your eyes gleaming happily at all of them.
“You guys are earlier! I didn’t expect you until tomorrow.”
“Yes, well, this is my fault, Mrs. Y/L/N.” Kamala said turning around, she blushed under your stare. “I just thought we should come earlier than planned because the weather has been worsening in some parts.”
“Always the thoughtful one, right?” You came to the young woman hugging her as well. “It’s good to see you too, Kamala, how is your mom?”
“She is fine, just a little upset I will be gone for over a month.” Kamal shrugged. “She did tell me to tell you that she expects you will come by next time.”
You nodded knowing how Mrs. Khan could get with the subject of her daughter and the family in general. You went to Yelena pulling her up to hug her before kneeling and grabbing the twins.
“You guys, I’m so happy to see you, now some things first.” You declared calling everyone’s attention. “Wanda is asleep she hasn’t felt well lately, so I expect you to be on your best behavious, understood?”
This time around you looked at Billy then a Tommy, both of them nodded squirming around in your arms until you put them back on the floor.
“Yes, mom!”
“Now, guys, remember what we practice?” The twins nodded their heads, Billy went to grab the jacket stretching his hand towards his brother who made a face but put the jacket on.
“Now, help America, Yelena, Kamala and Kate get into their rooms.”
You stood up winking at the young women, “the twins will help you guys settle down, you know for as long as you guys are here this is your home.”
America came to you giving you another hug, the both of you waited until everyone had gone back to the car and leave the both of you alone. The young woman stepped back, her dark eyes finally analysing the state you were in observing the bags under your eyes and the weak twitch of your lips.
“Is everything okay?”
You sighed shaking your head, “not really, Wanda has not felt well and I am out of ideas.”
America could tell you were really worried about your wife, she placed a hand on your forearm looking around then back at you.
“Have you guys talked to the doctor?”
“Yeah, he made some test and it all comes down to the fact that…” You trailed off shrugging, “they think the way the baby is just like Tommy and Billy.”
“they have powers.”
“Yep, and it seemed whatever powers they had it was taking its toll on her.”
The first time around no one spoke of the complications of pregnancy, no one had prepared you and Wanda to face a pregnancy with a set of twins that had powers whose energy sometimes was too much for Wanda to deal off alone. While it had been difficult, America had never seen the level of concern she was seeing in you right now back when the twins were born. You offered a weak smile shaking your head.
“Don’t worry, go get settle and I will wake Wanda so you can say hi.”
“Nah, don’t worry, I will do so when she is up. Don’t wake her up.”
You chuckled shaking your head, “you really have grown a lot, uh?”
“Of course, now that we are here we can help with the twins.” America heard laughter and something crashing into the ground, she winced turning towards the door. “I better make sure they don’t break anything.”
You watched America leave, standing there for a few moments you then turned around and made your way back into your room.
The place was dark, with a single figure resting on her side breathing in and out evenly. Your face softened almost instantly and whatever tiredness or worry you had felt dissipated when your eyes fell upon the figure of your pregnant wife. When you and Wanda had first come together, you had always wondered if a pregnancy was really possible. You wondered how the miracle worked and if Wanda was ready to face the fact that, perhaps, whatever child that was conceived might not be the same twins she had imagined at some point.
The world, the universe decided to prove you and her wrong.
As soon as you two started worrying about if it was possible or not, the miracle worked itself out and soon Wanda had gotten pregnant. The young woman had been terrified and she had cried her eyes out to Natasha because the last thing she wanted it was for you to doubt what was happening. She was so afraid to tell you her latest mood swing and crazy cravings along with the morning sickness had been an unexpected pregnancy.
Natasha had tried to mediate, but Wanda was terrified, she had tried to gather everything she had done in between the time of conception and the moment she found out about it to ensure she had proof of her fidelity to you.
You approached the bed remembering the day Wanda had told you about the twins. She had cried and you had laughed, you knew it was bound to happen. The other Wanda had told you the story, and all you had been doing was to wait. Wanda had been so relief, she just hugged you tightly promising to you she did nothing wrong and that her babies were yours.
The sleeping form on the bed shifted, you knelt in front of her your hand brushing away some strands of hair.
“Hey, sleepyhead, how are you?” You leaned in kissing Wanda on her forehead, the young woman fluttered her eyes open with her lips curling slightly.
“Hey, what time is it?” She asked groggily, you leaned in kissing her slowly melting into the lips until Wanda was putting you to her.
“America and the others are home.” You mumbled in between kisses, Wanda sighed offering a wicked smile.
“So we have a moment for ourselves?”  She wiggled her eyebrows and you couldn’t help but laugh at that, instead of taking into the offer you rested beside her kissing her face and neck.
“Mostly, the twins are in charge of settling them in but that won’t take too long.”  
Wanda pouted snuggling closer to you, her stomach pushing against yours making it difficult for you to actually hug her properly.
“I love you.” She said suddenly, looking up at you, you furrowed your brow never growing tired of her words.
“I love you too.”
This time around the kiss was a reassuring touch of lips, a simple promise of comfort while Wanda held onto your form with need. You broke the kiss, placing your hand on her stomach the little life growing inside her stirred restlessly.
“How are you feeling, love?” You nuzzled your nose against hers, Wanda sighed offering a comforting glance.
“I’m okay, just tired.”
“Soon, my love, soon the baby will be here and I will be able to help you more.”
“You’re doing enough, Y/N, stop worrying so much.” Wanda could tell these complications had affected your greatly.
This pregnancy had turned out to be quite the ordeal, Wanda never thought this time around things would be even more difficult than the first time. The baby inside of her had been consuming a lot of energy, and the young woman could sense just how restless the baby could get at times but mostly whenever Y/N was fuzzing over completely concern or helpless to help in the situation.  Wanda had tried to ease out your worries, but it was just part of your personality and part of who you were , and for that Wanda loved you even more.
“I worried enough.” You kissed Wanda again, needing for this moment to be special, for her to feel your love through the kiss while making sure your child was also aware of your protective nature. “I worried for you and the baby enough, I don’t want anything bad happening to either of you.”
Wanda cupped your face pecking your lips smiling, “nothing is gonna happen, now help me up because I want to greet America, I really missed her.”
You turned around standing up to give space to your wife, Wanda hid away her winced when she felt a pain on her side. When you turned to her she had already hidden her expression before grabbing your hand, squeeing it lightly putting you to her.
“Thank you.”
You blinked confusedly, “why?”
Wanda leaned back and the smile she offered you as enough to melt your heart all over again.
“For this.” She placed your hand on her stomach, then grabbed your other hand in hers. “For Believing in me, in us, for giving me this second chance. I love you so much.”
You furrowed your brows blinking slowly, your arms wrapped around her placing a kiss on her cheek.
“Baby, are you sure you’re okay?” This sudden outburst of honestly and love was not strange to you, but sometimes hearing Wanda voiced it made you think perhaps something had triggered such a reaction.
Wanda shook her head, grabbed your hand and dragged you to the door of the room.
“I just…I never get tired of telling this.”
You had been successfully distracted, Wanda could see the smile in your face while she tried to hide the pain in her abdomen. Making sure she held onto you she, follow you into the living room ready to greet America and the others while trying to forget her discomfort an enjoy the holidays with her family.
In the next couple of days everyone seemed to fall into a light routine.
You loved having everyone at home, with Billy and Tommy growing up so fast and ready to use their powers, having some helped was always a welcome change. You and Wanda had been working around the baby’s room while making sure everyone was comfortable at home. Kamala and Kate had been ready to help you out while also loving the good share of stories you could share about either Yelena or America.
All in all, the holidays had become a real adventure and you couldn’t be happier to enjoy the time you spent with your family. In all that time, you had noticed Wanda had been quiet with just a few winces that she would brush off to continue spending time with America and the twins. You wished you could brush it off but the fact that Billy had been walking around her with that overprotective glint in his eyes told you there was something else going on.
You dropped on the sofa completely drained; the twins were on the TV room watching movies before getting ready to go to the city with America, Kamala, Kate and Yelena, while Wanda was taking a bath back in the room. You
“Honey! I’m home!!” Natasha entered the place looking around with her arms full of bags, she raised a brow looking around to see you sprawled on the sofa.
“Honey, I’m freaking tired.” You replied eyeing owlish at Natasha, the older woman snorted making her way to you dropping some of the bags on the sofa.
“So it seems. Where is everyone?” Natasha sat to your left, her hand playing with your hair while her eyes flashed concern. “You look sick.”
“Nah, I’m tired.” You replied sitting up while leaning against the older woman, Natasha was not completely sure about your words but for the time being she would let it slide.
“How was your flight?” You asked to Natsha who could only shrugged.
“It was okay, I was actually wondering if I would make it on time.”
In the last couple of years Natasha had been living in France, after he last mission and clear demands for her retirement she had made sure that no one, much less people from any government would find out where she had been leaving after getting off the grid.
“Good, I think you’re just on time, Wanda was getting ready just before we go to the Christmas market.” You straightened up nodding to the different bags now on your sofa. “Let me take you to your room, you can get ready because you are driving.”
“Oh, sure, put me through the torture of driving you and your wife while my sister and America deal with the twins.”
“You know that’s the only reason I invited you guys over, so someone can watch over them while I have my wicked way with my wife.”
You chuckled watching the face that Natasha was making at the moment, she picked up half of the bags while you helped with the other half.
“Please, keep those torrid details for yourself.” Natasha walked right behind you, her mind making a mental note to ensure you would actually have a good night sleep that day while watching over the twins.
“How’s Wanda? How far along is she?”
“She is fine, she just entered the eight month so she is huge and a little cranky about the whole thing,” You stopped death on your tracks turning to Natasha, “please don’t tell her I told you that.”
“Your secret is safe with me.”
You sighed in relief resuming your stroll, “I think she has been feeling some discomfort, but she is just to stubborn to say anything about it.”
“A discomfort?” This time around Natasha didn’t hide her worry, the last time had been difficult enough and this time around they had tried to make all the right arrangements to ensure the pregnancy was an easy one.
Tony had helped with that.
“Yeah, I don’t think is anything worth mentioning, but…” You hesitated, your mind was raising red flags, there was something bothering you about the whole situation but Wanda seemed to be fine. “I think the baby is taking up too much energy.”
“So, another powered kid?” Natasha snorted, though her eyes softened lightly. “Are you ready for another one?”
You chuckled shrugging, “obviously, I am not. But I’m just happy to welcome the baby into our lives, I love them already.”
Natasha smiled letting herself be told everything you had done ever since you and Wanda found out about the baby. She was happy to see she didn’t get it wrong the moment Wanda crossed the threshold of that very home to come and ask for help. Natasha had always known the hurt in your heart was deep, and that it would take years to heal, but at the end of the day, your loved for the other woman had been deep and pure enough to just work it out.
And now, after so many fights, so many heartbreaks and misunderstandings, happiness had come alongside peace for the both of you.
“Well, we’re leaving at four, so you ready to make the trip again? I wouldn’t mind if you stay…” You stated watching as Natasha yawned stretching around, the older woman winked at you.
“Don’t worry your little head, Y/N, I’m gonna take a bath and I will be there ready to leave.”
It had become a tradition after the twins had been born.
They had been too small to remember those first times, but Wanda and you always remembered that first time. They were but babies wearing heavy coats and completely covered to protect them from the cold, Wanda had been walking side by side with you, her hand intertwined with yours looking around the town to see the Christmas Market already decorated and filled with decorations appropriate for the holidays. Every year decorations changed, and the Christmas Tree that decorated the main square was usually filled with crazy decorations that brough the attention of the children and everyone in general.
You wrapped your arms around Wanda, the brunette leaned back against your hold her lips curling into a content smile while Billy and Tommy grabbed the hands of Kate and Kamala. Everyone was enjoying the church choir, their voices filling the square with the smell of food and winter.
“Are you happy?” You whispered in her ear, Wanda tilted her head in a way that she could see into your eyes.
Her body relaxed into your embrace with a softening and a gleam you had come to associate with the state she was in. You smiled at her, and soon Wanda was kissing you slowly, the softness of her lips against yours danced for a while until the both of you broke.
“I never thought I would be happy again.” She whispered only for you to hear; you furrowed your brows but your wife eased out your thoughts. “And then you came into my life again and gave me the most beautiful gift ever. So yes, I am happy, Y/N, you are my happiness.”
You nuzzled your face on her hair, your arms tightening protectively around her frame.
“You are my happiness as well, Little Witch.” You pecked her cheek turning your attention to the twins, Tommy was looking back at you two furrowing his brows before turning his attention back to the chorus. “You have given me the most amazing gift anyone can give a person, my family.”
“My wife, such a romantic…” Wanda turned back to the choir clenching her jaw tightly holding her breath for a moment before easing in your arms to try and hide her sudden pain.
While you and Wanda were sitting in the back, America turned to Tommy who was grasping her hand rather tightly. She frowned seeing as the little boy was clenching his eyes close with a stressful expression crossing his young features.
“Tommy, are you alright?”
Billy perked up at the question, he turned worriedly to his brother grabbing his hand frowning at the obvious discomfort coming from his brother.
“Tommy?” Yelena put a hand on Billy’s shoulder to stop him from shaking his brother, Tommy had tears in his eyes lifting his head to America.
The young woman could see the distress behind his brown eyes, his face was contorting into a rictus of pain and confusion.
“Billy…” America started but soon the young boy turned around sharply lifting his hand.
“Mommy!” He exclaimed letting go of America’s hand and running towards Wanda.
The four young women and Billy followed Tommy’s actions, Kamala was the first one to react placing a hand on her mouth her eyes wide open when she realized Wanda was almost on the ground with red mist surrounding her body.
“Shit, what the hell…” America stood up and ran towards them while Kate held onto Billy before he could run towards his mothers.
“Wait, Billy, let’s go slowly…” Kate held onto Billy who was not really struggling against her hold.
Some of the onlookers had also realized that something had happened, many had tried to put their phones out while Kamala lifted a single protective wall around the woman. She and Kate exchanged looks making their way to Wanda.
You should have known that Wanda was not doing okay.
She had erupted into a fit of shivers, before exuding some of her magic and then falling with a hand on her stomach. Natasha was holding her from one side while you were holding the other one; Tommy came right away kneeling in front of Wanda.
“Mommy…” You glanced at your son then at America nodding at her, the young woman grabbed Tommy holding him in her arms.
“Mommy…is fine, baby.” Wanda said through gritted teeth, Tommy shook his head.
“Mommy, the baby…” Tommy started, your eyes open wide in terror when Wanda let out a scream holding her abdomen and crying.
The burst of energy coming from her was almost burning you, Natasha winced almost letting go of Wanda while locking her stare with yours.
“We need to go to a hospital, Love,” You started, Wanda grabbed your hand looking paled.
“Mommy!” Tommy struggled against the hold of America, watching with tears as his mom screamed again.
“Damn, I don’t think we can’t move her…” You hesitated lifting your hand, your eyes locked onto your son’s ones. “Tommy, can you help me?”
America put the boy on the ground and he came right towards Wanda, you smiled at him though it came more like a grimace. Tommy didn’t dare to touch Wanda, so he turned to you with big eyes.
“Baby, how is the baby? You can feel them?”
Tommy nodded looking half terrified, half powerless.
“Tommy, is mommy too weak?” You asked again, the boy glanced at Wanda then at you shaking his head.
“Baby, I need you to be strong, you will be with your big sister and your aunty and you and Billy will reach us in the hospital, okay?”
Before Tommy could protest Wanda screamed again, you twitched your hand in the air and the shadows consumed you, Wanda and Natasha. Tommy hugged America tightly, his tears were falling freely getting America’s cheeks and neck wet.
“Mommy.” The little boy whispered, America hugged him tightly lifting him in her arms, she turned to see Billy was now holding onto Kate.
“What the hell happened?” Yelena was as confused as the rest, America leaned back trying to make Tommy lift his eyes.
“Tommy, you know what happened?” America asked softly, the group was already making their way to the car.
“Mommy was sick. The baby was not feeling good.” Tommy mumbled, “she wanted out.”
America stopped death on her tracks, she glanced down at the boy furrowing her brows.
“She?” As far as America knew, you and Wanda had decided to keep the sex of the bay a secret.
No one knew about it, and thus so far all the colours in the room had been neutral colours, or those each one of the family favour. Tommy was crying softly, nodding.
“She is scared, she wants out.”
“You mean, the baby?” America asked once more, Tommy nodded.
“Is mommy okay?” Billy asked, the four women looked at one another then the continued their walk to the car.
“Yes, Billy, she is going to be okay, and your little sister as well.” America tossed the keys to Yelena who wasted not time to go into the car and start the engine.
The hospital was quiet, America and the others came rushing in until one nurse put a finger on her lips glaring at them. America was about to fight, when a hand on her shoulder distracted her. She turned to the source to see Kamala offering a softening stare, America huffed nodding walking towards the reception.
“Hello, good night,” she started in her most diplomatic tone, “I was looking for someone.”
“Of course, tell me…”
“America!” Natasha was coming right in, her pants had some blood on it and the older woman was looking tired.
“Natasha, what happened?”
“Where is Wanda?
“Where is Y/N?”
Natasha lifted a hand, she glanced at the receptionist then back at the women and the twins, she cocked her head signalling a waiting room at the other side of the hall.
Tommy and Billy were holding onto America and Kate respectively, America was comforting the boy in her arms while looking at Natasha waiting for her explanations.
“They are fine, right now they are in surgery.” Natasha explained, she lifted a calming hand to the sudden outburst of inquiries. “Wanda has been feeling the discomfort for quite some time, she didn’t say anything so Y/N or anyone would get scared and Christmas would be ruined.”
“That’s stupid! We wouldn’t care if the baby decides to come first! She could have told us and save us this heart attack.” Yelena crossed her arms looking away. “This is so stupid.”
Natasha let her hand rested on Yelena’s forearm, the young Widow huffed though she leaned closer to the touch. Tommy and Billy were holding hands, the came closer with their eyes filled with tears and their little faces showing the emotions going through them. There was a palpable tension in each and every single person in the hall, the sound of people coming in and out of the hospital alongside the voices of the staff were soon forgotten in favour to Natasha holding the twins.
Kamala grabbed America’s hand leaning against her frame, while Kate hooked her arm with Yelena’s one. The stood there for a moment, America berating herself for not being more attentive and letting those little discomforts pass instead of raised the alarm with Y/N and Natasha and Yelena.
“Is mommy okay?” Billy asked in a thin voice, he cuddled closer to Natasha who nodded briefly.
“Yes, Billy, she is fine.”
“Is her tummy hurting?” Tommy mumbled wiggling the fingers of his hand, “mummy was sad and her tummy was making pum pum pum and not bum bum bum like always.”
Natasha creased her brows at the explanation, she knew Tommy was the sensitive one and he was the one showing magical abilities that would be similar to those of Wanda. You had told her several stories in which the boy would be the first one to know exactly how others feel, and he was always ready to help. He had been the first one to sense something different in Wanda, and was always overprotective of his mother as soon as he found out he was going to be a big brother.
“Tommy, did you see something different about mommy?” Natasha finally asked leaning back, the little boy crossed stares with Billy before nodding.
“Mummy is always shinning,” here Tommy stretched his arms with big, brown eyes, “and she is warm, but…”
“She is gloomy and cold.” Billy ended having heard his brothers theory.
“Is mummy sick because of me?” Tommy’s eyes filled with tears, “I try to be good big brother, auntie Tasha, I swear.”
“Oh, baby no, you’re not to blame.” This time around Natasha hugged the twins tightly. “Mummy is just pregnant and these things can happen to anyone, you did so well protect mummy with Billy.”
“That’s right, Little dude, it’s just that your sibling wants to be born now, it is nothing else.” This time around it was Kate the one saying this, she knelt placing her hand on Tommy’s back.
“You guys are amazing, and right now that baby is going to be the luckiest one having such brave big brothers like the both of you.” Yelena continued placing her hand on Billy’s head.
The twins seemed to calm down under these words, both of them holding onto Kate and Yelena who decided to take them for a little walk to the hospital cafeteria. Natasha waited until they were far away before turning to America, the young woman had the same concern stare as the twins thought she was tyring to hide it behind a façade of faux bravery.
“How are they, really?”
Natasha sighed pointing to the closest chairs leading America and Kamala there.
“Wanda was in pain, her blood pressure dropped and by the time the doctor could do a quick checkup he decided the best option was for a c-section.”
“How is Y/N? Can we see them? What about the baby?” America was bouncing on the chair, her left leg was raising rapidly as she tapped the ground with her heel.
Kamala placed a soothing hand on her leg, leaning closer with her eyes on Natasha. America leaned into the touch dropping her eyes while taking a deep breath, Natasha saw as the young woman started taking deep breaths glancing at Kamala while offering a weak smile.
“Wanda is in surgery right now, they allowed Y/N to be there.” Natasha leaned back, she took a deep breath placing a hand on her eyes. “The doctor said this is normal, and that up until two weeks ago everything was just fine with the pregnancy, I guess having a powered child is really far too much sometimes.”
“Is she gonna be okay? What about the baby?” This time it was Kamala the one asking the questions, Natasha dropped her hand turning green eyes to the young woman.
“They are going to be fine, but we will have to wait.”
 It was past midnight by the time you finally could sit down on the hospital chair.
Your arms were holding the small frame of your daughter, a beautiful baby girl that was fast asleep with a crunched-up nose and closed fists. You held the baby closer to your chest, tears in your eyes while Wanda slept; you had never be so scared before that moment. The fact that Wanda had hidden her pain, and then the news that the surgery could be a dangerous ordeal and probably stressful for both, the baby and Wanda, left you powerless to do anything at all.
It had taken less than a couple of hours for you to almost lose your baby and your wife.
Your heart shrank painfully inside your chest, the heavy void that settled in your abdomen was still tingling inside your body.
“You gave us quite the scare, baby girl.” You whispered poking the kid on her nose, softening the moment she wriggled her nose but kept sleeping in your arms.
There was a knock on the door, but before you could say anything at all the door opened and you could see your friends and family coming on. Your eyes lit up watching as Billy and Tommy came to you rubbing their eyes, their steps were tentative and their eyes were searching around until they found the bundle in your arms.
“Where’s mummy?” Tommy asked in a groggy voice, you glanced at Natasha then at Tommy and Billy.
“Mummy is still with the doctor, baby.” You leaned forward nodding to the twins. “You guys wanna meet your baby sister?”
The boys nodded eagerly coming closer to you, both of them leaned forward being careful in their movements. Their eyes went big, and soon their mouths drew a smile while glancing at you and the baby.
“She is too small!” Billy said with his hand twitching at his side.
“She is.”
“What’s her name?” Tommy asked cocking his head.
“Well, baby, since mummy and I didn’t want to name the baby until they were born, we haven’t decided.” You winced sheepishly lifting your face to the adults in the room. “I guess she would be Baby Girl Maximoff until I can talk to Wanda.”
America approached you, her eyes showing not only how tired she felt but the tears she had shared moments ago with Natasha under the stress of the night. You nodded at her lifting your arms, in a silent offer for the young woman to carry the baby. America didn’t waste any time running to another chair and getting ready to hold the baby.
“You guys didn’t choose a name? Really?” Yelena finally asked watching from afar, while she loved the twins and she had helped raised them, when they had been born she had been the last one to pick them up. They had been so small she was afraid of hurting them.
“Well, we did think about it, we just…” You trailed off letting out a heavy sigh, your hand went to the back of your head scratching softly. “I want to do it with Wanda.”
Natasha gave you a hug, whispering in your ear.
“How is she?”
“She was not doing fine, they took her to the ICU for observation. The baby, she was so healthy and so full of energy…” You hugged. “The doctor thinks is because of her particularity, we still haven’t figure it out and he said if we want he could sent some samples to Stark Industries for further investigation…”
“You want them to dig into it?” Natsha inquired but you shook your head.
“I know my babies are special, Tasha, not because of their powers but because they are ours.” You replied looking while the four women all dotted on the baby talking with Billy and Tommy while making fun of America and Yelena’s childish behaviour.
“I guess at some point we will need to find out if it is too much, but for now everything is just as it should have been…Wanda was just spending too much with the baby and since she didn’t say anything…”
“I know.” Natasha hesitated before grabbing your hand. “You can go, I watch over them and the baby.”
Your face broke into a grateful smile, you leaned in kissing Natsha on her cheek.
“Thank you.”
With one last glance to the baby and the twins, you turned around and left to make your way to the ICU.
This was the quietest place in the hospital.
There were cubicles big enough to hold a bed with the multiple machines necessary to keep a person alive. It smelt strongly to antiseptic mixed with blood, the nurse station was lone but you didn’t need anyone giving you directions, you knew exactly where you wanted to go.
Wanda was paled, with bags under her eyes and her hair sprawl on the pillow. She was fast asleep, tired after the ordeal he had suffered early in the evening. You approached the bed, your heart ripping away at the sight; when your hand grabbed hers your blood turned cold. She was freezing.
With fear gripping up your throat, you leaned in placing a kiss on your wife’s forehead.
“Hey, Little Witch, how are you doing?” You held back your sobs, brushing your lips on her forehead. “You were so brave today, love. Our baby girl is so strong, she is with our family and her big brothers right now. We all are waiting for you.”
You lifted her hand to your lips, placing a single kiss on her knuckles you rubbed the single hand in yours trying to share some of your body warmth through the massages. You wished there was something else you could do, that there was something else you could say but at the moment you were just lost.
Never before did you imagine you would see Wanda like this. Bringing over a chair to be as close to Wanda as you could, you placed another kiss on her hand smiling through your tears you started talking to your wife making sure she knew you were waiting for her.
Wanda felt her body stirred painfully.
She knew she should be worried about, though she was not completely sure what it was.
She opened her mouth trying to grasp the air while her eyes were struggling to be opened. There was something holding her hand, it was warm and comforting, she stirred once more and with some effort made herself open her eyes.
“Ugh…” She let out a moan closing her eyes before blinking away the blinding light of the lights above her head.
Wanda knew that voice, without thinking too much she opened her eyes and sure enough they you were. Whatever fear or uncertainty she felt moments ago, it disappeared as soon as she registered your voice and saw your frame through blurry glances.
“Y/N…” Her voice sounded rough, unused, and her heart jumped wildly in her chest when you placed a single kiss on her lips.
“My Little Witch, you’re awake.” There was some commotion she could catch with her ears, she wanted to talk and ask what had happened, but the drowsiness was overwhelming and soon she was falling into a pit of darkness.
The second time she woke up, the light of the day was filtering through the blinds. She opened her eyes slowly, first making sure she would not hurt herself or that her body was actually hers and no more side effects of a drug were affecting her senses. Once she had made herself conscious of her body, she went to remember what had happened.
Like a jolt of electricity her hand went to her abdomen and she went to sit up right away.
A pair of hands on her shoulders stopped her from doing a brusque movement, and it wasn’t until then that she saw your face bringing over a peacefulness she only allowed around you.
“Y/N.” This time around the name came dry, but it was clear.
“Hey, Little Witch.” You stood up bringing over a glass of water with a straw. “Here you can drink just a little to wet your mouth and throat.”
Wanda did that, her eyes moving frantically around the room.
“Y/N, the baby…”
She gauged your expression, and while there was sadness there Wanda could tell you were just relief. You grabbed her hand putting some strands of hair out of the way, leaning in to place a single kiss on her forehead.
“The baby is fine, America and the others are watching over her.”
“Her?” Wanda asked confusedly, you nodded and this time around you couldn’t hide your smile.
“We have a baby girl, my love.”
Wanda sighed in relief, she lifted her head and you understood her need right away. When your lips closed around hers your heart soared with relief and love for the woman you thought you had lost. You kissed Wanda with the emotions that had overwhelmed you in the last couple of days.
“What happened? Are you okay? The Twins?”
“Hey, it’s okay, I will tell you everything and it is going to be fine,” you stated raining kisses all over Wanda’s face, “you don’t know just how much I love you, and how happy you make me every day, Wanda.”
“Y/N, what is it? What happened?” This time around Wanda couldn’t hide the concern in her voice, your actions were making her worried but you just kept placing kisses on her while grabbing her hand in yours.
“Just…give me a moment, please? I need to know you are okay, that you are here.”
“I am here, love, I always will be.”
You smiled before wrapping your arms around Wanda allowing the tears to fall, the fears that had consumed you in the last couple of days finally dissipating under the embrace of your wife.
New Years Eve came with a light snow, and the glimpses of a cold wintery sun above the sky.
Wanda sat by the window of the baby’s room.
She was sitting on the nursery glider feeding the baby while everyone got ready to welcome the new year. The last couple of days had been a total rush, with everything happening in the blink of an eye without giving time to anyone to process the events. Wanda had woken up in the hospital after being unconscious for a week, the doctor had been monitoring her case and they had made sure she had everything she needed it to improve her condition but, at the end of the day, everything seemed to be up to her to get along with the recovery.
When she finally woke up, she found herself scared for her baby and her family. He could see the devastating effect the situation had on you, the lack of sleep and the deep pain this caused in you was still visible from time to time in your eyes. It had taken some time, bit after a full check-up and two days under medical observation, Wanda was free to go home.
Christmas had already come and gone, and now she was just waiting to start a new chapter in her life with you and her family. Wanda softened her stare when her eyes fell upon the form of her baby girl. She had been a miracle child; a part of Wanda had already sensed just the power residing inside her. It was all consuming at first until it was finally getting into tune with Wanda’s powers and energy. A part of her had always brushed it off mainly because she thought it was supposed to be that way, but after the scared all of them suffered she realized she should have said something about it.
“You’re gonna be a troublemaker, I can see it now.” Wanda whispered poking the baby’s nose lightly, the little girl opened her eyes watching her with innocence before snuggling closer to her mother.
“I surely hope no, I can already see the kind of trouble she will bring when she starts dating.” You were leaning on the wall watching Wanda in silence, the young woman smiled at you.
“Are you thinking about that already? She is just a child!” Wanda giggled when you approached her, your lips had always been a source of comfort and tenderness, your kisses made her heart tingled and her soul soared with love.
“Our child.” You whispered without breaking the kiss, Wanda sighed leaning against you holding the baby tightly. “How are you?”
Wanda could tell the traces of concern shinning in your eyes, she lifted her hand to cup your cheek offering the most tender smile she could muster you with.
“I’m amazing, love, thank you for always worrying about me.”
You mirrored her smile placing a hand on top of hers, “I don’t know what I would do if you were not in my life, Wanda. After we found one another again, you and the children became my everything.”
“I know, love. You are my everything, you and our family.” Wanda lowered her gaze where the baby was fast asleep. “Elizabeth.”
“Uh?” You furrowed your brows turning to Wanda.
“Elizabeth.” She repeated glancing from you to the baby. “A couple of months ago you started talking about baby names, and this one got you so excited at that time.”
“It has a lot of history, you know?” You replied rather shyly, Wanda chuckled nodding. “It is a beautiful name, I just…you meant it?”
“Yeah, you like it?”
You blinked a couple of times before answering, “welcome to the family, Elizabeth Maximoff.”
The baby was still fast asleep, but Wanda felt her heart melting under your words. She could feel your love pouring right out to her and the baby, your lips bringing comfort before you lifted Elizabeth in your arms placing her on her crib. A flash of doubt passed through Wanda’s eyes, but you grabbed her hand putting her to you, your left hand on her hip and the right hand holding her left hand.
“She is going to be okay, I will watch over her with my shadows and we can go and see what you sons have been working on in the last couple of days.”
“Oh, God, Tommy and Billy,” Wanda exclaimed ready to leave but stopped when you held her back offering a comforting smile. “I forgot about them! I don’t think…”
“They are big brothers now, Little Witch, they understand what you have been doing lately.” You nuzzled your nose against hers. “We all understand. They are going to be out there waiting for you.”
Wanda slowed down her breathing closing her eyes while melting away in your arms.
“I don’t know what I did right to be back in your life, but I just…” Wanda had tears in her eyes, you chuckled kissing her eyes softly.
“A part of me knew you were my happiness, Wands. It took time, and heartbreak but…we are here, together.”
“Do you regret it?” Wanda asked out of the blue, you blinked a couple of times before shaking your head.
“I don’t regret a single thing in our past, Wands.” Wanda furrowed her brow ready to argue but you put a single finger on her lips. “I don’t. Whatever happened, however it happened, it brought us to where we are today, if it hadn’t been because of this you and I would have never found our paths again and would have never understood the importance of being who we are, of always being honest…of never give up.”
Wanda didn’t mean for the tears to start rolling down her cheeks, but it happened. You cupped her face in your hands, your eyes completely locked with hers.
“We got together at the right time, and we came back to each other when we were meant to. Now, we have a family, and a life full of love and adventures, a life away from the dangers of the world.”
“I thought you missed it, that perhaps…” Wanda sobbed hugging you tightly. “I love you.”
You chuckled hugging her back, your arms wrapping comfortingly around her. You knew about her fears, she had told you everything about them in her moments of weakness. You were always there listening to her and comforting her making sure she knew she deserved to be happy and that, whatever bad had happened in the past, shouldn’t be replicated it in her future.
“I love you too, Wanda. With all my heart. You and my family are all that matters to me now.”
“You are the very beat of my heart, Y/N. Thank you for giving me my family, thank you for being my family.”
You kissed her with all the love you held for her. Your lips moulding with hers, your hands mapping her form while putting her closer to your body; Wanda smiled into the kiss her arms wrapping tenderly around your shoulders. You pressed your forehead against hers, her eyes gleaming contentedly as they looked into yours.
“Are you planning on the fourth child, Mrs. Maximoff?” You asked earning a light-hearted laugh from Wanda, the woman winked at you breaking the contact while grabbing your hand and dragging you towards the door.
“Perhaps, are you ready for another one?” She asked coyly, you chuckled shaking your head.
“Oh, I am, though I was thinking we could…you know? Have some fun first.”
“Patience, my love, patience always pays, right?”
You grinned nodding, “it always does.”
Author's Note: So, this is the end.
This story was everything to me, and it happened in a moment of my life in which I have to live a lot of things. I grew so much, and I really love the final turn it took. I hope you guys like it as much as I love writing it, and I will see you in the next adventure!
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 8 months
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The Good Omens Season 2 Soundtrack! 😍❤🎵
The Soundtrack CD has wonderful cover and pics and look at the brilliant booklet! :D When you open it it looks like a box with a fly! :D
Options :):
(best to use the local store of course :), the Silva Screen page is thewebpage of the recording company)
Silva Screen 15.99 €
Amazon.co.uk £10.99
Amazon.com $30.79
Silva Screen 39.99 €
Amazon.com $53.99
Silva Screen 10.99 €
More digital listening options :) (some free)
Episode description and Track Listing :):
CHAPTER 1: THE ARRIVAL - Retired angel Aziraphale and retired demon Crowley's lives are upended when a visitor arrives on the doorstep of Aziraphale's bookshop, bringing chaos. Local shopkeepers Maggie and Nina get locked in to Nina's coffee shop when Crowley loses his temper. Heaven and Hell are suspicious, and Crowley and Aziraphale have a disagreement.
1. Before the Beginning 2. Good Omens 2 Opening Title 3. Into Soho 4. Something Terrible 5. To The Bookshop 6. Maggie and Nina 7. He’s Smoking 8. Tiny Miracle 9. Heavenly Alarm Bells
CHAPTER 2: THE CLUE featuring the minisode A COMPANION TO OWLS - Heaven and Hell are determined to find the missing angel. An overheard song provides Aziraphale with a Clue. Crowley and Aziraphale visit the pub to discuss ways that humans fall in love. While almost 5,000 years ago Crowley is sent to inflict punishments on the righteous Job, God's favourite person, as Aziraphale learns at first hand about temptation, and what Gabriel will and won't believe.
10. Avaunt! 11. The Song is the Clue 12. It’s What God Wants 13. A Mighty Wind 14. Whales 15. Gabriel Returns 16. His New Children 17. Am I Awful Now? 18. Fallen Angel
CHAPTER 3: I KNOW WHERE I'M GOING featuring the minisode THE RESURRECTIONISTS - Heaven sends the angel Muriel in disguise to spy on Aziraphale and Crowley. Aziraphale drives to Edinburgh in pursuit of his Clue, and learns a little about a lot. The couple's visit to Edinburgh in 1827 involves graverobbery, a statue and an unfortunate encounter with a vial of laudanum. In the present, Crowley is in charge of the bookshop, and is disappointed by human beings and the weather.
19. Police Arrive 20. Scotland 21. We’re Going to Hell 22. People Get a Choice 23. My Car is Not Yellow 24. Beelzebub in Hell 25. The Book 26. The Fly 27. Mr. Dalrymple 28. We Need to Cut 29. I’m Going to Save Her 30. Crowley Goes Large 31. Not Kind 32. Beelzebub Isn’t Happy
CHAPTER 4: THE HITCHHIKER featuring the minisode NAZI ZOMBIE FLESHEATERS - Aziraphale's good deed of picking up a hitchhiker on his way back to Soho proves to be a serious mistake. In 1941 Crowley and Aziraphale encounter some surprising adversaries, old and new, as the Nazi spies who almost entrapped Aziraphale return as zombies from the dead, intent on preventing him from attempting a bullet catch on the West End stage.
33. Hell-O 34. Nazi Zombies 35. March of the Nazi Zombies 36. Crowley Pep Talk 37. The Magic Shop 38. Catch The Bullet 39. Zombies in the Dressing Room
CHAPTER 5: THE BALL - Aziraphale tries to bring Maggie and Nina together by organising a meeting of the Whickber Street Shopkeepers and Street Traders Association. In Hell, Shax is determined to launch a full scale attack on the bookshop, with a legion of demons at her command. Nina's heart is broken, as is a bookshop window. Gabriel has a close encounter with Mrs Sandwich and a small plate of cakes.
40. I’ll Let You Have It 41. We’re Storming a Book Shop 42. Monsieur Azirophale 43. The Candelabra 44. Here Comes Hell 45. Gabriel Gives Himself Up 46. Shax 47. The Circle
CHAPTER 6: EVERY DAY - Crowley becomes a Heavenly bee and learns the truth about the Armageddon sequel. Aziraphale defends his bookshop from Shax's army and reveals his halo, Maggie and Nina become warriors, and Jim the assistant bookseller gets some hot chocolate. Crowley and Aziraphale get to the bottom of the mystery of the Matchbox. The Metatron brings an oat milk latte, along with a final offer.
48. Bin Through the Window 49. Gabriel Leaving Heaven 50. The Halo 51. Gabriel Revealed 52. Gabriel’s Love Story 53. Leaving The Bookshop 54. Gabriel and Beelzebub 55. Crowley and Muriel 56. I Forgive You 57. Don’t Bother 58. The Biggest Decision 59. The End?
The vinyl should look like this :) (damn, it gorgeous toooo! :D):
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painted-flag · 1 month
OF FLOWERS AND DEATH - Aemond Targaryen
☾⋆⁺₊✧ dark elf!Aemond Targaryen x f!human!reader series.
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☾⋆⁺₊✧ Summary: A taint twists through the kingdoms of man and elf, killing all life in its wake. Your father, a brilliant mind, had worked tirelessly for a solution to fight that evil. However, you are left shouldering the burden of his research after he mysteriously disappears.
A newfound companion lands you a position working under the watchful eye of elf healers. You struggle to hold yourself together in the dark woodland kingdom of elves ruled by their merciless king - Aemond Targaryen. Secrets breed more secrets, and figuring out who to trust is more difficult than ever - especially when you cannot even trust yourself.
It is a race to find a cure while unravelling the secret behind your father's disappearance, the origin of the taint, and the troubling stirrings in your heart caused by the elf king. The impending war between humans and elves drives tensions further, casting a dark veil over your endeavours.
Moreso, when death itself seems to come knocking upon your door.
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☾⋆⁺₊✧ Chapters:
Chapter 1: The Laws of Humans and Elves Chapter 2: A Modest Proposition Chapter 3: A Study in Death Chapter 4: A Night of Song and Dance Chapter 5: The Young Elf Chapter 6: A Snake in the Garden °。⋆˚⁺ September 27 Chapter 7: The Dark Woods Deep ⁺˚⋆。° October 4 Chapter 8: Marked Flesh °。⋆˚⁺ October 11 Chapter 9: Home and Hearth ⁺˚⋆。° October 18 Chapter 10: The Art of Potion Making °。⋆˚⁺ October 25 Chapter 11: A New Ally ⁺˚⋆。° November 1 Chapter 12: Death's Sting °。⋆˚⁺ November 8 Chapter 13: Of Taverns and Bathhouses ⁺˚⋆。° November 15 Chapter 14: The Saphire °。⋆˚⁺ November 22 Chapter 15: Know Your Enemies ⁺˚⋆。° November 29 Chapter 16: Every Little Thing °。⋆˚⁺ December 6 Chapter 17: The Winds of War ⁺˚⋆。° December 13 Chapter 18: Past, Present, and Future °。⋆˚⁺ December 20 Chapter 19: The Scars of Betrayal ⁺˚⋆。° December 27 Chapter 20: An Elf's Rage °。⋆˚⁺ January 3 Epilogue: An Elf's Devotion ⁺˚⋆。° January 10
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☾⋆⁺₊✧ Content warning: 18+ depictions of violence/gore, eventual smut, warfare, sickness/disease, some moments of misogyny, mentions of alcohol consumption, and Criston Cole (yikes).
☾⋆⁺₊✧ I am extremely excited to begin releasing this series! Ever since season one was released, the concept of writing an elf-based story on Aemond has been living rent-free in my head.
There will be weekly updates to this series. While I have extensive outlines for each chapter, I wish to take this at a slower pace when it comes to releasing. This way, I can balance other works on this page as well. (along with my uni coursework).
Thank you all for the support! <3
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☾⋆⁺₊✧ If you want to be added to the taglist, click here!
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