#your highness lemme go home I had soup boiling over the fire
thedevilsfamiliar · 2 years
Oh to be a peasant minding your own business only for a royal to catch sight of you and think “what a funky looking creature, I must interact” and now they simply do not leave you alone
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blackdragonturds · 4 years
“Here” pt. 4!
Reader’s POV
Two hours later…
“ugh…What the hell happened?”
I sat up in my bed rubbing my pounding head. Erron was seated in the chair next to my bed but crawled onto my bed upon hearing me wake up. Sitting down next to me, he places his fingers on my wrist to check my pulse.
“Hey, are you…what the hell? There’s a black crescent moon on your forehead.”
“There is?”
He grabbed the small jeweled handheld mirror off the end table next to my bed to show me. True to his word, a small black jagged moon was on my forehead above my eyebrows in the center. It made me wonder how it got there. But…I kind of liked it. Placing the mirror down beside me, I finger comb through my hair.
“Shang must have done this. Are you doing all right?”
He had his mask off as I finally got to see what he really looked like. I felt something warm spread across my face but he smiled.
“At least you’re awake. I was well…”
“Well…nevermind. Its not important. You hungry?”
“A little. Why?”
“Well, the Kahn told me to tell you that if you’re feeling peckish that you can join the banquet.”
“A…banquet? I’ve never attended a banquet before…what should I wear?”
Erron chuckled and got off my bed to present to me a gift box with a silk ribbon tied to it.
“The Kahn had his silk weavers make you something nice to wear for it. I don’t like to get all goody-goody with this kind of thing so here.”
I take the box from him, pulling off the ribbon. Inside was a beautifully knit silk scarf and a headpiece made of gold and silver, a delicate silver moon in the center.
“Its…wow…thank you.”
Erron fixes his hair as he reminded me,
“Also, since the Kahn wants you as his soothsayer, well…he would want you to show off your status to the royal court but it’s your choice. I’ll save you a seat at the dining hall.”
I rise from my bed and place my scarf around my shoulders.
“Where’s the dining hall?”
“Well, since you are of high status now you come with me. He did say he wants me to guard your life at all costs.”
“All right then.”
I put on my shoes as he loaded his pistols. The same ones he used to shoot off my restraints in the Outworld Market. I followed him out of my room and he asked me,
“I gotta know…what made you want to leave Earthrealm?”
“Well, you first.”
Erron sighed as he began in a somber tone,
“I left about a hundred or fifty so years ago. I felt that no one needed a guy like me. I didn’t score points with the ladies, I didn’t fit in anywhere, and I easily shot Jesse James in the dick in a high noon draw. I’ll never forget that.”
His warm brown eyes met mine as he asked,
“Now, what’s your story?”
I gulped as I told him,
“Well, I left because my home was invaded by now I assume Outworld. I remember these…men, with long sharp teeth and blades coming out of their arms. Most of them were bald and hideous-“
He cut me off with a question.
“Ah, stupid Tarkatans. They jump at the chance of invasion. So…what were your folks like?”
I thought for a moment thinking of what I should tell him,
“Well, I had a loving family…a baby sister, my little brother, and I was the oldest. We lived in a little cottage my dad built all by himself. I was an introverted kid and well…my parents died when Earthrealm was invaded. I was only five at the time, my brother was three and my baby sister was six months old.”
Erron asked gently,
“What of your parents?”
“They were loving and kind to all three of us. But those creatures slaughtered my family and kidnapped my baby sister. I was helpless because I was just little. I didn’t know what to do.”
Erron was quiet with his response.
“My father was a cruel son of a bitch. My mom hated me and I was beaten almost daily.”
I felt pity pinch me.
“I’m so sorry…”
“Well, It’s in the past and I wanna keep it there.”
“Okay. But I think you’re a nice guy Erron.”
“Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself. Mousey, a bit of a scaredy cat and a bit clueless but cool.”
His brutal honesty hurts but he’s right.
We approach a large wooden door as the sight of the dining hall came to view. Roasted cattle over an open fire, being rotated on a wooden pole, bowls of exotic fruits from Earthrealm and Outworld, a stuffed turkey, even some finger foods. I could smell exotic teas and what smelled like soups. Musicians bang on large drums as other musicians play various instruments. Dancers sway like leaves around the end of the room. Servants of multiple races served guests and court members eagerly as the smells and sounds made my stomach gurgle.
“Oh I’m so hungry! This looks delicious!” I squeal excitedly.
“Well, lemme show you to your seat.” Erron purred.
He led me to a fancy chair next to the end of the long table, and at the head of the table sat Kotal Kahn eating something pink and jiggly. I take my seat as Erron pulls a napkin off the table and laying it onto my lap.
“Thank you…”
Erron took his hat off setting it on the floor next to his chair. I tried to reach for an apple as the Kahn addressed me,
“Please, allow me.”
He snapped his fingers as a servant came to his side. He ordered the man to take my plate and fill it with food. Erron waited his turn next to me, and soon, his plate came with ribs and some boiled potatoes. Mine had the same portion but a chilled apple with it
“Thank you Kahn.”
“My pleasure.” the emperor purred. As I ate, I could barely contain myself how delicious the food was. I saw D’Vorah across from me eating something like a pork chop and the same pink jiggly stuff the Kahn was eating. She was smiling feeding her slug creature.
The Kahn must be going through a lot to make me feel welcome…
I sipped my wine one of the servants poured for me as the Kahn rested his arm on the arm of his throne looking at me.
“Is the food adequate my dear?”
“Yes, it is thank you.”
“I’m sure you have many questions.”
I nodded putting my cup down.
“So if you’re the emperor of Outworld, why did you pick a slave to be a soothsayer? And what is a soothsayer?”
Koala Kahn sighed popping a few grapes into his mouth,
“Well, an indigo like you can easily feel things most mortals cannot. You perceive the world differently and you can have psychic visions. I figure you would be a great addition to my court.
It began to make sense now. he continued.
“If you were a sleigh beggy you would be an excellent mage.”
I asked cautiously,
“A sleigh beggy?”
Erron wiped his mouth and pointed to a girl with short red hair and beautiful green eyes. She was eating some ham and seemed to be chatting with a fellow mercenary.
“That’s the Kahn’s court wizard Robin.”
“She’s beautiful…” I mused.
Total Kahn agreed,
“Yes she is. Now you, you’re special. And that moon crest on your forehead?”
I touch my forehead as he went on.
“Is more proof you are worthy to serve me.”
Thanks for reading!
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