zleepysnails · 3 months
some beta wally doodles before i go to sleep. ok gnight
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klaramarieleblochova · 5 months
"You are Pen. You do not count. You're my friend."
The beauty of this scene is in perspective.
From Penelope's point of view, Colin just declared he doesn't see her as a woman. She's only his friend and nothing more. Heartbreaking.
From Colin's point of view, he just told Penelope how highly he thinks of her. That he would never forsake her, just because of her sex, not her. Heartwarming.
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One of the things I LOVE about Bridgerton is this. The cinematography. It's just so clever.
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shadowduel · 8 months
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i keep getting into fat ass q-taro discourse with my one single friend who thinks he doesn't have a fat ass. FAT ASS Q-TARO TRUTHERS, RISE UP.
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comfymoth · 1 year
the opq tag on ao3 is not cutting it for me yet. i need a fic where luis has to introduce his 3 boyfriends and newly adopted daughter to his abuelita. tearful reunion immediately followed by ‘also i have to tell you something,’ he can’t possibly explain the horrors he’s been through but maybe worse is trying to explain the horror of this polycule
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thisispoggers · 4 months
The thing is Lloyd IS very pretty
It’s just that the artist’s favourite thing to draw is his demon face
And the other fact those pretty faces also come with the most unholy sentences ever uttered by man
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gooopy · 4 months
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obsessed with this meme thats been going around twitter. featuring @emmetofthestars crow. can these guys kill themselves already
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notgreedo318 · 3 months
“EW!!” You know you wanna see it bro matter of fact somebody draw that out and make it happen
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my rendition.
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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the day re:19 post adds like this i will die
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thinkpink212 · 1 month
Hey, not sure if you’ve answered a similar question. How does one come to terms with the situations they are in and learn to move on to a better and successful life? This also includes feeling behind in life, when compared to friends and family or even dealing with jealousy. Sorry for the long ask.
Learn to respect yourself, your time and your journey. Learn to be gentle with yourself, to understand that you have had a life that’s unique to you. Where you started, what support you have or haven’t had alongside opportunities are vastly different from your those around you.
Learn to work with what you have, create the goal and stick to it, not through hardship but love. Get better for you because you belive you deserve better. Success is whatever you decide is sucess. To me, any woman making it past 25 without a child is sucessfull because at some point we didn’t have choices. Zoom out and look at your life in conjunction to your ancestors. Where you came from, your parents, and what’s available to you now. You can be and do whatever you want - please belive me when I say this. Comparison isn’t only a thief of joy, it’s a robber of relationships. Instead of envy, jealousy or comparison within the negatives, find inspiration. Someone succeeds, think to yourself wow, they did it despite it all, so can I. The pie will never get too small, you will never be too late for anything, you will never miss out because you’re in your own race. So please, take your time to get to know yourself, your why’s, what needs to change in order for you to get there (discipline, dedication, motivation, less distractions, more support, more money, more mental stability — and then go get it)
we are so much more stronger and more capable then we think. There are people who root for you in silence, who have you as their inspiration (even from a short or one time interaction) Whatever happens will always pas, and then you’ll have tomorrow to try again. 🫶🏾 Hope this is helpful.
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yuhi-san · 8 months
So stampede introduces us to vash being tied up upside down, laughing like a maniac… and then immediately whining when Roberto is about to just ditch him and let him hang.
But I’m sure vash could have gotten himself out of that predicament if he wanted to. So I was wondering, why was he still hanging around?
I thought it’d be funny if it was just to take a nap.
See, I imagine being upside down and in the sun doesn’t physically bother vash the way it would a human. And also he cannot take two steps without getting in some kind of trouble.
So you know he probably doesn’t get a better chance to just take a nap in peace and quiet.
It would be funny. I’d like that.
Vash was strung up between to other bodies. Very death, very decomposed. They have been there for a while.
Could it be that vash had a run in with the bad lad gang in the middle of nowhere, ended up tied up on the only structure anywhere in the vicinity on a completely different time than the other two?
But I think it is far more likely that the two other people have been traveling with vash or really, more likely even, they had a run in with the bad lads and vash came just too late to save them. So he got in trouble with the bad lads anyway and didn’t manage to save anyone.
Like I’m not sure on the details of how he got there but the more I think about it the more likely it seems that vash was just hanging there between these two rotting bodies for… a while. Probably not quite having it in him to get out of the bonds and move on. Maybe just too tired of all that is happening.
Until meryl and Roberto happened to coma across him and it kicked his survival instinct back into gear, reminded him that he needed to live on, if just for the sake of pretends to the two stranger.
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dykeonysus · 3 months
I’m not sorry about hating the “I’m just a girl” shit that tik tok has given us but I am sorry for ever putting up with it without saying anything
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kisiselintihar · 1 month
person i really Really dislike likes the same familial pairing as me grits teeth. grits my fucking teeth
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starheirxero · 10 months
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chilapis · 4 months
if you’ve ever been mean to the sweet little girl that is paimon i will kill you. i pray for public interest that this is common knowledge.
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"Canon" facts about the lone wanderer:
person of color (their mom, Catherine, is black)
Born July 13, 2258 (making their star sign cancer. hm.)
Good at baseball (once pitched four strikeouts in the vault)
gnc af (in the game guide, moira says people can't agree if they were a man or a woman)
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odegoob · 4 months
fauxden gun celebration makes sense bc he does look like a mass murderer
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