#she is like my weird fucked up daughter who keeps getting bullied at school and i don’t really know what to do about it except like. kill
chilapis · 28 days
if you’ve ever been mean to the sweet little girl that is paimon i will kill you. i pray for public interest that this is common knowledge.
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yo-yo-yeonkai · 9 months
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Choi Yeonjun x Fem!reader
Genre: Fluff
Warning list: Childhood bestie! Yeonjun, non-idol AU!, a slow burn, possessiveness, misunderstanding, they are both so clueless it hurts, underage drinking, alcohol, parties, swears, not proofread entirely, let me know if I missed any,
Word count: 14,070
Summary: You both kept dairies growing up and reading them now shows the desperate yet beautiful love story you had… who knew two people could view things so differently.
A/N: All of (Y/N)'s writing will be in italics with a pink date, whilst Yeonjun's will have a blue date, Anything their daughter says or is current time will be in bold
Extra: I’m sorry this is so long… it is interesting though, I promise!!!!
Happy Birthday Yeonjun <3
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Fuck it was dusty up here, how dare Dad send her up here, she was practically choking on the air. Smelled old…like him, she laughed at her own jokes and kept searching for it. Why did she have to ask dumb questions….
A few days ago, she asked ‘’some parents have a box of their child’s things, do you have one for me?’’, and to that, her dad said, ‘’yeah, if you want it, it’s in the attic with a pink lid, it has your name on it. it’s easy to find’’.
Her dad offered to go and get it at that point, but she said no. God how she wished she’d said yes... this was unbearable.
It was clean up here but somehow dusty as fuck, the light shone over all the specs, and she could clearly tell which things had been moved more recently than others. She found the box, among other boxes. One said her mum’s name and one her dad’s name… cool they have childhood boxes too…
Let's see how ugly they were as children!
But what met her was much more confusing, it was a letter, from her mum to her dad, it was in her dad’s box. And the next one was, and each one had a date…
Oooo, what if she was to line them all up in timeline order? She was going to… because she was curious! But first, she had to clean this room and get her bean bag up here. That is how the 18-year-old dove into her parent's memories, not so accidentally finding out all about their relationship.
Once each note or letter was lined up in the folder of a book, and she acquired her parent's childhood diaries from the bottom of their boxes, she began flicking through them.
2005, September, 5
School today! It was okay. Beth tried to take my snack. She is mean! The teacher told her off. Mum says good. So do I. New boy in school. He wasn’t here last time. Where did he come from? I don’t remember his name. he looked weird.
2005, September, 5
School started. It was a new one. I don’t like it. nobody spoke to me. This girl got a bully told off. That was cool. I think her name was (Y/N). She seemed smart.
2005, September, 7
New boy lives next door! Mum made me say hello. I said no. but she never hears me. She must not like me. I love my mum. She must hate me. I feel sad. I still don’t know his name. he didn’t say hello. He must hate me. Now I’m sadder.
2005, September, 7
(Y/N) is my neighbour. She came over with her parents. I got scared because she is cool. She said hi. I didn’t. I’m mean. She probably thinks I’m stupid.
2005, October, 16
Mum keeps making me go to his house. I don’t want to speak. Not to him. He looks at me weird. He must hate me to the max. Mum says no. She is a liar. His parents are nice. Not as good as mine. Good. My mum and his mum are friends. Just like me and Hana. Good. Mum should have friends as well.
2005, October, 21
They keep coming to my home. Mum and Dad say it is because we are friends. I didn’t know. Me and her are friends? ok.
2005, November, 19
New boy stayed in his room when we came over. His mum said he was sick. She lied. I could hear him singing. It was good. I like singing too. Maybe we can be friends. I’m bad at singing. He will think I suck. We can’t be friends.
2005, November, 19
They are at my house now. I locked myself in my room. Mum told me to come out or (Y/N) wouldn’t want to be my friend. I don’t care. She scares me. She is quiet at school but loud with her parents. She must be a transformer or something weird. I’ll block her out with my singing.
2005, December, 17
Nearly Christmas! So excited! Mum told me to give Yeonjoon something. I asked Mum his name. I had to write it on a card. He is Yeonjoon. I don’t know what to get him. We aren’t even friends. He is just a weirdo. Maybe he’d like a rock as well? Do all kids like them? Hana doesn’t. But I do! Yeonjoon probably won’t.
2005, December, 21
Christmas. I can’t wait to get new toys. Dad made me sign a card for (Y/N). ok. Mum said I should pick her a flower for Christmas. There are no flowers around. I looked. Mum must have meant it as a joke. I should’ve laughed instead of being serious.
2005, December, 25
Yeonjoon’s family is coming over today. I don’t want them to. This day is meant to be for my family! Not other families. Mum says I should spend time with people I like. I told her I didn’t like him. She told me that was mean. Oh well. I must go now. The doorbell is ringing.
I’m back. I showed Yeonjoon Yeonjun my rocks, he didn’t care. I knew I shouldn’t have offered him one. He took it anyway. It was the small one, named Sam. I liked that one. I hope he doesn’t lose it.
2005, December, 25
Christmas today. I just opened all my presents. I got so many cool things. Mum told me to get ready because we are going to (Y/N)’s house after lunch. I decided not to fight it. Today should be happy. So I will be.
I’m home. We went to (Y/N)’s house. Food was yummy. (Y/N) spelt my name wrong on the card, so I corrected her. She seemed sad. I was sad she spelt it wrong. I got hers right.
We went to her room to play. She collects rocks. That’s not normal. She gave me one as a gift. It was weird but I picked one. The smallest one so she wouldn’t get sad. She called it Small Sam. It was funny that it had a name. I’ll keep him in my bedside table, so I don’t lose it. first Christmas gift I got from a friend.
2006, January, 29
I know Yeonjun lost Sam, he’s not in Yeonjun’s room. my small rock baby died. Because of Yeon-poop-jun. I hate him.
2006, January, 29
She was mad today. She was looking all around my room. I asked her what she wanted. She said she was only looking. Weird girl. It was kind of funny. I hope she wasn’t judging.
2006, April, 2
Yeonjun came over again today, he brought Sam. We played with rocks. He even went to the garden and found his own rock. Why is he nice? I’m sorry Yeonjun for thinking you killed Sam. I’m glad you like rocks as well.
2006, April, 2
I went to (Y/N)’s house because I was bored. Mum told me I should see if she wanted to play. So I brought Small Sam because I know she likes rocks. She was happy. We played rocks. She had more rocks to play with than me. I went to her garden and found my own one. I named him Gerard. Seemed right. I had fun even though they were rocks.
2006, June, 14
I had a thought when I was playing with Gerard and Sam. What if (Y/N) is poor and has no money for toys? That would be sad. I told Mum we should get her something. She said no. That (Y/N) had toys. She just likes rocks. Odd.
2006 July, 22
I have nobody to play with apart from Poop-Jun. Summer is boring. I wish my friend lived as close as Yeonjun. then I could play with them. Yeonjun is boring now. He got annoyed with my rocks. I thought he liked them. If he was a rock I’d put him in the toilet and flush it.
2006, July, 22
I went to (Y/N)’s. I was trying to see if she had toys. Mum says she does. I’m not sure. I asked if we could play with something that isn’t rocks. She got sad. I didn’t mean to make her sad. I was just checking if she was poor. If she was. I’d give her a toy. She got mad that I wouldn’t play rocks and kicked me out.
2006, September, 4
I didn’t speak to Yeonjun all summer after the rock thing. I saw him in school today. He has glasses now. He looks silly. I wanted to laugh but I knew I shouldn’t. I kept my head in my book all day.
2006, September, 4
(Y/N) still seemed mad about the rocks when we went back to school. I hoped she wasn’t. I feel bad that she does. She laughed at my glasses. On purpose to get back at me. Mum said I had to keep my glasses. But I hate them now. I don’t want her people to make fun of me.
2006, October, 31
Me and Yeonjun went trick-or-treating together. It was fun. He was a pirate. I was a princess. Our mum’s made us match. We looked good. I had pink hair spray. I looked pretty.
2006, October, 31
Halloween. (Y/N) was a princess. She had pink hair. I thought only adults could have coloured hair. Her mum told me it was fake. I asked if it was a wig. She told me no and showed me it was a spray. She asked me if I wanted some. I did. I got a streak of pink. (Y/N) told me it was pretty. She called me a princess. I was a pirate. But ok.
2007, February, 9
Mum told me Yeonjun and I are two peas in a pod. What does that mean? Peas are gross. Are we gross? Maybe he is but I am not. How mean!
2007, February, 21
Mum said me and (Y/N) are like magnets that could stick together but chose not to. She explained it to me. It was confusing. Magnets have two poles. If you put opposite poles against each other they join. If you put the same poles together they push apart. Is she saying I push (Y/N) apart? Do I need to spin around? I don’t get it.
2007, May, 7
Me and Yeonjun don’t speak in school. Isn’t that weird? Are we friends? I don’t know. But every time I hear a fun song I write it down and put it in his letterbox. I hope he likes it. He likes singing.
2007, June, 29
I was walking home today and I saw a rock. I thought it looked like a heart and I thought of (Y/N). She would like that rock. So I kicked it home and left it near her front gate. Hopefully she will see it and like it. I thought it was cool.
2007, June, 30
You won't believe it! I found the cutest rock ever today. It was near my house's front gate. It looks like a heart. When I looked up I saw Yeonjun with his head out of the door watching me. I decided I’d call it Yeonjun. it seemed fitting. He shouldn’t have been watching if he didn’t want me to use his name. hehehehe!
2007, June, 30
OMG! She just picked up the rock and saw me. She smiled at me. Does she know it was me? Oh no. wait. Maybe that isn’t bad.
2007, August, 1
I heard Yeonjun singing one of the songs I suggested today. So I asked how he knew it. I hoped he didn’t know it was me. He said his parents write notes for him to suggest him songs. He says the songs are good. That’s good! Because it isn’t his parents. It’s me!
2007, August, 1
(Y/N) complimented the song I was singing today. I’ll have to thank Mum and Dad for suggesting it. she seemed happy that she knew the song. Note to self: It’s one of her favourites.
She closed the diaries and sighed, ‘’Dad, that note to self was not helpful. How am I meant to know what song was Mum’s favourite? Grandma and Nana were doing all the work, goddam. Going to have to make a few phone calls after this. God, they were so clueless back then. Dad clearly likes her!’’. The slow-burn love story was driving her crazy, but she was invested. How did her parents fall in love? This would be the perfect inspiration for her creative writing project.
She picked up the next diaries, it looked like they were in secondary school now.
2010, September, 4
Looks like me and Yeonjun are still going to the same schools, how annoying. I thought I would finally be able to escape him, but I was dreadfully wrong. Yeonjun’s mum told me about us being magnets yesterday. She is clearly crazy. Me and Yeonjun aren’t even the same creation. He is cool and talented, and I’m just me. Was she just trying to show off her son and make me feel bad? Probably not, but it worked.
2010, September, 10
Apparently, the school want us to keep diaries, so we can stay in touch with ourselves and our mental health. Bullshit if you ask me. But whatever. I like writing, but when I’m forced to like this, it makes me want to shove a pen in my eye. Same way seeing (Y/N) at school does. She’s always around me, I feel like we are joined! I just want to grab a pair of scissors and cut the thread connecting us!
WAIT…. NOOOOO! I just made myself think about the red thread of fate! Oh, fuck no! Brb, going to die.
2010, November, 13
Yeonjun is so popular at school that it hurts. I used to be the only one that knew he was talented, but now it's different. He wants the whole school to know so he can climb the social ladder. What a bitch. He’s just rubbing it in my face that I’m not cool, I’m just a nerdy quiet girl. Well, fuck him!
2010, November, 27
(Y/N) was in the library again today, I could see her as I left to go to the field. She’s always in there. Maybe I could convince her to come and play with me? I doubt it. she hates talking to me at school. Fine, whatever she wants…
2010, December, 24
Yeonjun won’t be here this Christmas, he’s gone to spend it with more family. It’s weird knowing he won’t be coming for dinner, he has been since we were 6, we are 12 now. OH, MY GOD, I’ve known him for 6 years. GROSS!
2010, December, 24
(Y/N) told me to have a nice time visiting my family when I saw her earlier, but I could see the sadness in her eyes. Maybe she feels the same way I do. I love my family but, in a way, (Y/N) and her family became part of my Christmas. We’ve spent 6 Christmases together, it will feel wrong without her, I know that much.
2010, December, 25
Christmas was great, in a way it was peaceful without Yeonjun around. But I'm not sure if I like that or not yet. It felt a little dull without him, but I still had fun. I felt really close with Mum and Dad today, it hasn’t been like this in years.
2010, December,25
It sucks here! Not even my cousins could make me feel better. I want to go back home. I should be happy… I haven’t seen my family all together like this in years. But thoughts of (Y/N) keep coming to mind, and I miss her. I hope she’s at least had a nice Christmas. I’ll call her later, so I know she isn’t bored without me.
2011, January, 1
Happy New Year! Yeonjun came last night and surprised me and my family. It was nice, so nice I forgot to write about it. I’m glad I got to speak to him in person again because his calls every evening got boring. He danced and sang a lot last night, he made all the grown-ups laugh. I wish I could bring joy to people like that. I’m jealous.
2011, January, 1
It’s the new year now. Mum told me to make a resolution. I told her I did, but I'm a stinking liar. I know I’m not going to stick to that. Perhaps I should make it something like ‘’call (Y/N) every night to annoy her’’ or maybe something useful like ‘’sign up to dance club’’. Maybe the last one is smart. I don’t like the other one, I don’t want to annoy (Y/N), she’ll only start hating me.
2011, March, 30
Yeonjun started doing dance club recently, and now he’s always late home and late places. I heard our mums talking about it. I couldn’t imagine being late for anything. He's got too much on his plate, he's out of touch with what he's capable of.
2011, April, 7
(Y/N) told me I should start being on time for things today. All because I was late to school and then late to her house after club. It’s not my fault I’m tired and busy. She’s not my mother! She’s got big boots because she does every piece of homework the day it's set and hands it in early. I must be stupid in her eyes. It’s not that I can’t do it… I just can’t time myself well.
2011, May, 18
Rumour got around at school quickly that Yeonjun finally got a detention for his tardiness. I want to say good, but I feel kind of bad. I know he works hard he just can’t organise himself. All he needs is someone to keep him on track. Maybe I’ll message him something like ‘’Do you need my help. We can Facetime and talk about the homework the night it's set, and both get it done together’’. Yeah, that seems nice, I'll message that.
Oooo, he responded. He took me up on my offer. He wants to call now so I’ll go. Time to be a hero…
2011, May, 29
Thank God for (Y/N)! ever since she started helping me, I can control myself a bit better. My homework gets handed in on time and because I’m less stressed, I sleep better, which means I wake up on time for school. She’s a blessing, isn’t she? A little time angel.
2011, July, 6
I regret saying I'd help Yeonjun. he started coming over to my house every evening so we could work on homework together. It’s better this way, but it’s annoying. He doesn’t knock! It drives me crazy. Every time I remind him knocking is a thing he says ‘’Yeah, next time’’. BUT HE NEVER DOES!! Next time I’ll hit him, I swear.
2011, July, 27
I’m so glad the school year is over and me and (Y/N) got closer. I think my New Year’s resolution worked for both ideas I had. ‘’Sign up to dance club’’, well it also did the same thing as ‘’Annoy (Y/N) more’’. Though she doesn’t seem to hate me. Cool!
She put down the book and practically slapped her head ‘’How dumb are you both?’’ she questioned sizing up the next book that seemed to be from year 11. She wonders why there are so many gaps in between. Then she remembers the thing her dad wrote about being forced to keep a diary.
2014, September, 7
School started again… unfortunately. The summer was nice this year. Me and Yeonjun hung out nearly every day. He didn’t really give me a choice, he was always barging in. No, he still hasn’t learnt how to knock. It drives me insane. I punched him in the arm last time, he only laughed like a maniac. Fucking freak.
He’s in my Maths class now, he was the set below last year. Clearly, all the studying I helped him do pay off. I’m proud of myself, and him I suppose. He sits next to me now. He passes me notes. I’ll stick them on the pages.
You look like a nerd when you concentrate, did you know that? -Yeonjun <3
As if I give a fuck, who does he think he is? Sending me notes when I was trying to concentrate like a nerd! That was not helpful Yeonjun!
2014, September, 7
WINNING! I got moved up a set! To (Y/N)’s set, which means I’m a genius by the way. She even sits next to me. That means I can cheat! Not that she’d let me… she believes strongly in hard work, and so do I. That’s why I worked so hard over the summer to get better, I don’t need perfect grades for being a musician, but getting them would be nice.
I sent her a post-it note in maths class, I don’t remember what It said but she sent one back. Why didn’t she just write on the one I gave her and hand it back?
Shut your mouth Poop-Jun, focus. Or you’ll become dumb again <3
Did she seriously call me POOP-JUN!! like a child? It’s kinda cute funny!!!!!!!!! I’ll have to make up a dumb name for her. Game on (Y/N)
2014, October, 31
I’m going to a party tonight, for the first time in my life. All because Yeonjun asked… I hate this man. I heard there would be alcohol, we aren’t old enough for alcohol. I voiced my concerns to Yeonjun, but he told me that was normal. What? I didn’t know that… underage drinking is normal. Had he drunk before? Why?
2014, October, 31
I finally convinced (Y/N) to come to the Halloween party with me. Thank fuck. Maybe I can teach her how to drink today before we get to college, and she embarrasses herself. Even if she did, I’d still like her. NOT IN A WEIRD WAY!! I just mean that I’d still be her friend!!
She sighs at her dad and mumbles ‘’I think the boy doth protest too much… nobody asked how you meant it, dad!’’
2014, November, 1
I feel like such a bad child. I need to confess that I drank last night. Not because Yeonjun told me, but because I was curious. He did offer me, but he warned me first. I heard him out but even after his lecture I still did it. he decided not to because I had, and he wasn’t sure if I could take it. Turns out I couldn’t take it that well and Yeonjun tried to take me home, I tried to tell him not to because of my parents. He already knew that though; he’s known my parents for more than half his life!!
We went to his instead and he let me sleep in his bed, he slept on the blow-up bed on his floor. It was weird having a sleepover with him, especially drunk. I remember looking off the bed and seeing him on the floor sleeping peacefully. I wished I could sleep peacefully, but the urge to throw up last night stuck like a nasty bug.
2014, November, 1
Note to self: (Y/N) absolutely can’t drink!!
God, it was so cute funny! She drank quite a lot, more than I'd expected. She seemed to have a lot of fun. But suddenly she kind of fell backwards against me. At first, I thought she was trying to put the moves on me, and I froze, but I quickly realised it was because she was drunk. She was losing control of her body. Though she protested when I tried to take her home, she eventually gave in. under one condition, not her parent's house. Did she think I was an idiot? I already knew that! I wasn’t born yesterday! Her parents might kill both of us. But my parents didn’t care… who do you think drove us home? Dad picked us up and I explained it to him. He came up with the solution of her sleeping over.
I froze once again at the thought… (Y/N), sleeping in my house? That was new! Fine, whatever. I agreed to it. I sent her parents a message on her phone so they wouldn’t suspect anything. Genius.
She was gone when I helped her into my bed, instantly collapsing. It was cu… no I won’t write that again!!!! I kept an eye on her because I didn’t want her throwing up and she looked so red… but even then, she was beau…
Never mind…
‘’NO. Dad, it was right there. You knew it. you liked her!!!! Please tell me you knew it’’ she huffed, frustrated by how her dad kept crossing out words or not finishing them.
2014, November, 10
I told my parents about my drinking; they didn’t actually care because they knew I was safe. They just wished I had come home so they could take care of me instead of me being in the house across. It nearly made me cry when my mum said that. They said at the age of 16 they would rather I didn’t unless I was at home, but that they did it when they were my age. Me and Yeonjun had clearly perceived them all wrong.
When he came flying into my house unannounced, I heard them talking to him downstairs about it so laughed upstairs until he flung my door open, something along the lines of ‘’You could’ve warned me’’ coming out of his mouth. Apparently, he was downstairs trying to fight for my life by keeping up the lie, until my parents told him I’d admitted it. all I could say was ‘’that’s what happens when you don’t ask to come over’’. He was quick to respond though ‘’You love it when I appear’’. He was wrong, I don’t love it, I only like it mildly….
2014, November, 10
How dare she?? I’ve never been more: horrified, shocked, and embarrassed all at the same time… was this revenge for taking her to the party? No… she definitely had fun, she thanked me. What did I do to deserve this? Imagine me lying my ass off to her parents, meanwhile, they know the truth, God there isn’t much worse than that. Practically broadcasting that I’m not the boy they know and love!
When I told her she should’ve warned me she was nonchalant about it all… how dare she be so calm. It annoyed me to see her like that, but it somehow calmed me down at the same time. We sat in her room all evening talking about what had happened at the party, what she actually remembered, how she talks in her sleep.
It was great until I caught her mum on the way out the door. ‘’I know you care about her, so I know you would never let something happen to her. But please don’t lie to me like that again… put some trust in me Yeonjun, and I’ll put my trust in you’’. I wasn’t sure what she meant by that, and I still don’t. it keeps circling my head, and each time I just want to know what she really meant. Easier said than done.
2014, December, 25
It’s that time of year again. Christmas. I don’t get the same joy I used to get from it now, but Yeonjun still seems thrilled by it. he just wouldn’t hang up the Facetime call last night. We fell asleep on it. I eventually drowned out the sound of him talking and drifted to sleep, but I woke to his sleeping face on my screen and panicked and hung up. It took me by surprise, I thought he would’ve hung up. Unless he accidentally fell asleep.
Even though he knew he’d see me later that day he was texting me things like ‘’GOOD MORNING’’, ‘’MERRY CHRISTMAS’’, ‘’I HAVE THE BEST GIFT FOR YOU THIS YEAR’’. Yes, Yeonjun types in all capitals, he’s on drugs I swear. This year I got him new dancing shoes with money I'd earned from my job, they were the ones he’d wanted for months… and I joined forces with his parents so we wouldn’t both get them for him. I’ll write again once he’s got them. So, I can forever replay the epic moment when he tells me I’m the best friend ever for listening to his never-ending whining.
2014, December, 25
I didn’t wake up on a call with her like I thought I would. Maybe she hung up in her sleep, or the call cut out. When she fell asleep last night to the sound of my voice, I found that so…. I found it very… very peaceful and nice! So, I stayed on call and eventually fell asleep myself. I found it comforting to do so…
Waking up without her on the call was more disheartening than I thought it might be, so I messaged her. No, I spammed her! She must think I’m stupid! She eventually answered me though. ‘’I look forward to giving you your gift! It’s so good, you’ll love it!’’. pshhhh, she thought she had a better gift than I'd got her, she was severely wrong. I’d got her a new set of paints and brushes, the expensive ones she said were out of her reach. She loves painting… and I love looking at her paint.
"Dad you are driving me crazy here, just admit it to yourself’’.
2014, December, 26
Yesterday was crazy! Yeonjun’s family came over and we did gifts like normal. Yeonjun got me the paints I wanted!! I was so glad he listened to my groans and used his brain to get me them. I have no clue where he got all that money, and it made me feel bad thinking about how he’d spent it all on me… but I did the same, so I suppose it’s fair. The best bit was, he gave me a tiny painted rock he’d apparently painted when he was sat with me in the art rooms at school. I didn’t even see him! Crazy! I think I want to start painting rocks now, I have so many I might as well.
But when things got serious is when our parents invited us to drink with them and play board games. Imagine me and Yeonjun on a team playing games against adults that were only tipsy. Ridiculous. We played Monopoly and I kept stealing Yeonjun’s money, he didn’t know though. He seemed clueless every time he picked up his money to pay ‘’where did I spend my money’’ he’d whine, a stupid pout on his lips. I’d then make up a story on how he’d spent it on his way around the board. He fell for it every time… nice!
2014, December, 26
OMG!!!! (Y/N) GOT ME THE DANCE SHOES I WANTED!!!! She must be rich to have afforded these! They are so comfortable and feel so nice when I dance. She knows me so well…. She is such a great listener. I only mentioned these once, I think…
We ended up drinking all together with our parents it was hilarious because she was so gone. I drank a little extra to keep up with her, but I couldn’t help but laugh every time I looked down at her pink-flushed face… she truly sucked at drinking. We were on the same team for charades, and she was awful at showing words, but great at guessing them. I couldn’t help but laugh at her terrible impression of a reindeer, she tried so hard. It was so cute. We played Monopoly all together and she kept stealing my money, she thought I didn’t know, but I did. She even watched me watch her take a piece and she still seemed convinced I didn’t know. I’d let her win today; it was too FUNNY not to.
2015, January, 19
Yeonjun kept sliding me notes. Now I have a collection of them… here.
Is the answer to question a x=6?
Yeonjun ;P
By the way, the answer was not 6. Yes, I did help him. I’m not a demon.
The boy in front of us has a sticker on his back!!!! HAHAHA
Yeonjun XD
I heard Yeonjun laugh to himself as he: one, realised our classmate had a sticker on his back, two wrote the note, three as he handed it to me, four as I read it, and five, looked at the boy's back. Yes, there was a sticker… was it funny, maybe a little. But he was distracting me.
Do you think I’m sexy?
YES OR YES    no
Sexy man Yeonjun ;D
When I received it, I crossed out his options with a laugh and showed him my new options. He pouted at me and acted like a stroppy baby for the rest of the class, how annoying.
Don’t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
(Y/N) … Don’t ignore this! Write the next lyric. I know you know it!
Don’t you wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?
DON’T CHA!!!!!!!!!
Well done
That one I nearly didn’t write the lyric because I was trying to focus. But it became more distracting to not answer him than to answer him. I discovered Yeonjun gives up faster if I just respond to him. It was also a note I nearly got confiscated from my desk, had Yeonjun not snatched it up before our teacher could see it. I’m glad he did.
Can I come over today?
Yeonjun <3
You always come over…
Yes, but I was asking because I’m nice.
No, you are asking because you are bored, can you please just focus on the lesson.
Only because you asked <3
That one was prime craziness and I snatched it up when the sight of a heart met my eyes. How could he be joking so shamelessly?
2015, January, 20
IT’S THE WORST DAY OF MY LIFE! I got moved away from (Y/N) in maths!!! The teacher said we talk too much… I’m sorry but have you ever seen her mouth move for a fun conversation… no! She’s only ever explained things to me!! What is this hate that’s being slung our way! I’m pissed! There goes any fun I’ve ever had in school! Now all that’s left is cute notes she gave me!! I’m in my feelings!! I’ll stick the memories of our fun times together down below.
Yeonjun breath quieter, it’s too loud :)
Annoyed (Y/N)
The answer is 3 not 6!!
Smart (Y/N)
Our teacher is wrong the answer is actually 23. I have no clue how he got 24…
Confused (Y/N)
Can we get snacks before we head home?
Hungry (Y/N)
Is my hair flat at the back? I feel a bump…
Curious (Y/N)
2015, January, 23
Yeonjun got moved back next to me, good because he was whining about it so much, I thought I’d have to cut off my own ears. When I walked in and saw him sat down, I was glad the whining would be over. I knew he’d be all right without me, he is smart, but he seemed to want to cling to me. He needs to grow some self-confidence. 
2015, January, 23
THANK THE LORD THAT ME AND (Y/N) SIT NEXT TO EACH OTHER AGAIN!!!! Apparently, it was only for that one lesson, so when I went into the classroom early begging to sit next to her because she helps me, I was just embarrassing myself. Ughhh, the things I do for her happiness. I just knew she wouldn’t be able to handle being apart from me. The look on her face, when she saw me sitting in my normal seat, said it all. She was obviously in love with me!!!
"God no mum! He wanted to stay near you because he likessss you’’ She slapped the words in the diary, now annoyed by her clueless mother as well as her father.
2015, February, 9
Me and Yeonjun keep talking about college and what we want to do in the future. We both seem as clueless as each other so we spend days in my room googling colleges, and the courses they have. Half the problem is… we don’t really want to go our separate ways. I may get annoyed by him, but Yeonjun has been my friend for 10 years, and for all of that we’ve gone to the same school. I really don’t want that to change, it scares me.
What happens if I can’t make friends? I won’t even have Yeonjun to rely on!! What if I hate it and Yeonjun isn’t around to annoy me because he’s swimming in his popularity in a new school!!! Live your life, but please Yeonjun, stay near me….
2015, February, 10
Looking at colleges is so draining!! Who knew making one choice would feel so pressuring? I know what course I want to do, and the clubs don’t matter to me because I do them outside of school. So why do I find myself looking for colleges that have not only music courses but art ones as well? And why do I find myself suggesting them to (Y/N)?
She seems so stressed out whenever we are looking, so clearly, I’m just trying to help her whilst also looking for myself. Yeah, that sounds right!!!!! Every time we scoot closer together to look at her laptop, the screen lit up with college, I notice it, the look in her eyes. She’s scared, and I don’t know what to say. Life is moving on and I don’t think she’s prepared. She’s been focusing so much on this year that I honestly don’t think she ever thought past it. and now, as she’s trying to revise for her final exams in a few months’ time, she has to make decisions. Ones she’s not ready to make.
In the moment I often think about reaching my hand out to hold hers, maybe she would find comfort in it. but I don’t… it would be weird to her. I know that much….
‘’This is by far the worst bit I’ve read yet! Dad just do it, make a move’’.
2015, February, 17
We picked a college, and both applied, we haven’t heard back yet, but they have no reason to not accept us. I heard it's easy getting into colleges… I’m not sure if I believe it or not, but I'll hope. When we put in our applications I almost cried because I got so nervous, but Yeonjun wrapped his arm over my shoulder and dragged me into his side, the warmth almost comforting. He’s never hugged me out of the blue like that, it shocked me.
I found myself wanting him to hold me longer. I think it’s because I’ve never been hugged by anyone other than my parents, or his parents. My friends don’t hug me because they assume I don’t like to be touched. Am I to serious? I wonder what Yeonjun thinks… maybe he thinks I’m too serious and it took him this long to work up the courage to hug me. Maybe I should think about how I present myself to people.
2015, February, 17
We put in our college applications today, together. We applied for the same college as I wanted us to. She was worried because we had finally done it, made a decision. She expected to hear back instantly, I don’t know why, and when she didn’t, she got so nervous I thought she’d throw up. So, my arm moved before I could think. I hugged her!!! She didn’t run away or tell me I was gross… she calmed down slightly. Maybe she didn’t find it weird at all. I was really worried she would, that’s why I never comforted her physically. I suppose I was the one that was scared after all.
I really hope we get into the same college; I don’t really know what it would be like without her. No matter where I go, she’s always been there… not really, I could list places she hasn’t been that I have… shut up Yeonjun….
I just want her by my side for a while longer. Is that a crime? If it’s not, why do I feel like it is?
2015, April, 14
We have spent so much time revising, I feel like I have no time for anything else. I don’t know how Yeonjun does it… he does clubs, school, revision and hangs out with his friends. I’m sure he’s awake 24/7, that would make sense. But he never looks tired. He always looks so awake, like every day is day he will love, even though he’s been living this life for months.
I have his timetable because I’m the one that organises his life… this isn’t a friend’s package… I’m doing too much. But someone has to, he has no one else that will... all this happened because I offered my help a few years ago, oh the butterfly effect, you’ve got me now.
2015, April, 19
ALL I DO IS REVISE!!! It’s so astronomically boring. Yeah, that was a big word, (Y/N) says it’s the word of the day. She says I should try using them, so boom!! Too bad she’ll never see the proof… I’ll have to use the word in her face later when I go to her house. Maybe I should say ‘’You are astronomically smart, I’m grateful for you’’…. EW, too mushy for me. I'd only say that to a girl I liked, and I DON’T like (Y/N)!!!
2015, May, 9
I had my first exam today… I’m so nervous. I think it went well, but I heard that means I did badly. I really hope I didn’t do badly. I haven’t tried my whole life to fail now. Come on (Y/N), only a little longer left. Time to get back to revising for my next test, its tomorrow, I’m wasting time.
2015, May, 9
Sat my maths exam today. It went well, I’m very happy. I sit my English one tomorrow, I’m not confident. (Y/N) is on Facetime right now trying to drill quotes into our head, I’m trying to listen, but I just can’t focus. That’s why I’m writing my mind on this page so hopefully I can listen to her again.
Why is it that every time I look at her on the screen stressing about the exam that I want to hug her, tell her it will be okay. At first, I thought I was just an amazing friend, and I wanted to help her. But the thought won’t leave me alone. I’m so close to marching over to her house and holding her until she tells me she feels okay.
I should listen to her again now, or she will get mad. That would only make things worse…. Good luck me!
2015, May, 23
I had my art exam today and I painted Yeonjun. I spent the whole day in a room painting his portrait… when I asked him to be my reference for art, he was okay with that, I think that’s because he’s confident in himself, I’m not. I’m jealous of him and his stupid face, which I can now say for sure, is very even. I spent the whole day painting it!!! I would know!!! I'd never focused much on his face when I was painting before, I could just kind of paint it, like it was the easiest thing. But today I was so careful that I was measuring. I couldn’t afford a mistake on this exam; I needed the perfect grade… I hope Yeonjun never sees that painting because honestly, I think I painted him too well. His ego may shoot, and I wouldn’t be able to stand that.
2015, May, 23
(Y/N) spent the entire day painting me, and when I waited for her by the classroom, I could see her through the glass. She looked like she was being careful, each stroke was controlled. I couldn’t see the canvas because it had its back to me, but I could see her. She had paint smudged on her nose and cheeks, clearly shed brushed it onto herself by accident. Why did my heart flutter at the sight of her? That wasn’t meant to happen…
A teacher saw me waiting and spoke to me ‘’Ah, Mr Choi? The one (Y/N) is always painting?’’. Did she speak about me to her teachers? He seemed to know about me… it was odd. I responded to him regardless ‘’Yes sir, that’s me. How do you know?’’. The teacher laughed at me and patted my back ‘’Word gets around… she paints you, and what do you photograph in your photography work?’’. He was teasing me!!!! How dare he!!! He already knew the answer… I photograph her. She just makes the perfect subject; she doesn’t need to pose. I can take a picture of her when she’s being moody and ignoring me and it comes out perfectly. Does she know I do this? No. if she found out would she hate me? Yes. She doesn’t like the way she looks… how sad… I think she looks perfect incredible… FINE. She looks absolutely normal, not bad…
2015, June, 20
I finally finished school, I'm not sure how I feel. I got accepted to the college me and Yeonjun wanted, and he did as well. We have the whole summer to do what? I have nothing to keep me busy now, maybe other than Yeonjun and work. I thought I’d be more excited to have an early summer. But instead, I realised I’m boring. What do I do with my days? All I do is wait for Yeonjun to finish living his life and then come around my house. When college starts, I need to make some friends, that aren’t Yeonjun!!!
2015, June, 23
THANK YOU, LORD!! TORTURE IS FINALLY OVER!! All exams are done, I got into the college I wanted, my friends still want to hang out with me!!! I’ve spent my days practically living at dance club, or my friends’ houses. Me and Soobin are curious how long I can live at his house without my mum telling me to come home. So far, we are at 3 days. In these days I haven’t seen (Y/N) and the only messages she sends me are ‘’Why didn’t you come over today?’’, ‘’You didn’t come over again today’’, ‘’Are you dead. You come to my house every day. This is the third day’’. Surely, she has things she can be doing, why is she so worried about me. It’s probably best I keep my distance, for my own good. She won’t mind, in fact, she’ll probably like it…
2015, June, 30
He still hasn’t come over… what is his problem??? I stopped messaging a few days ago. He never tells me where he is or what he’s doing, he just sends me a message saying ‘’not today, watch a movie or something’’. I don’t like watching movies alone… I thought he knew that. Why is he being mean?? I thought we got past that years ago… is it because of college? Is he scared? Well so am I!! I wanted him by my side… I guess not. Maybe I had the wrong idea about us…
2015, July, 3
I finally returned home because my mum told me to. She knew I was at Soobin’s because I told her, and she didn’t seem to care as long as I was safe. The only reason she told me to come home was because of (Y/N)… apparently she got so bored she came to my house to ask my mum to bake a cake with her. They did, and apparently, they had a nice time. But why in the world would she do that. Didn’t she have better things to do?
Mum told me I need to ‘be there’ for (Y/N), but I don’t get it. She seems fine so what’s the problem? I’ll go over and see her tomorrow.
2015, July, 4
Poop-Jun came over today. Stupid boy. Why did he think I’d want to hang out after he hasn’t seen me or messaged me in weeks. Did he decide I was too good for him? Am I too uncool and ugly for popular people like Yeonjun. he makes me want to slap him for being so foolish.
2015, July, 4
That didn’t go as planned. (Y/N) shouted at me and kicked her out of her house. She seems to think I don’t like her anymore; I suppose that’s what I get for trying to push us away from each other. I knew what I was doing, it was selfish. All because I can’t handle her… she doesn’t deserve this. I’m sorry (Y/N), I’ll make it up to you.
2015, July, 18
Yeonjun wouldn’t leave me alone, so we are friends again. He would just appear every day and try and get me to hang out with him. Hed refuse to leave unless we did something. At first, he’d settle for a conversation, then he wanted to hang out for an hour minimum, then he’d want to watch a movie, then go shopping, next thing I knew I’d fallen into his trap. I forgave him. I feel like I wasted my summer being lonely and mad at Yeonjun, is this seriously what my life has boiled down to?
2015, July, 20
We are finally friends again, she told me to come over tonight. I DIDN’T HAVE TO JUST ARRIVE, SHE TOLD ME TO COME OVER. She has never in her life done that. Breaking news if you ask me.
I think her parents invited me around for dinner really, but oh well, I’ll take what I can get.
I hope I can spend the rest of the summer making her happy, she’s started laughing with and at me again recently, I’ve never been happier to hear a sound in my life.
2015, August, 28
Me and Yeonjun have officially enrolled in college, we’ve gone to all the events and met people at induction. Someone even approached me to have a conversation, that was nice. At first, I thought she wanted to speak to Yeonjun, that’s what normally happens, but she didn’t. she told me I had a nice outfit and asked me what I’d be studying. We spoke for a while. Turned out she was a fashion and design student. She asked for my number and jokingly saved it as ‘my future model’. It was really flattering for a pretty girl to say I was model worthy, especially when I’ve never heard a compliment like that from anyone other than my parents.
I’m starting to think college won’t be so bad after all, I think I’m excited now.
2015, August, 28
I don’t want to be that friend… but that girl was hardcore flirting with (Y/N) …. IN FRONT OF ME!!!! How absurd!!!
‘’your outfit is so stylish and looks so pretty, just like you. Wow you should be a model’’!
I already knew all these things! (Y/N) is my model… please find your own. I wanted to pull (Y/N) away from her so badly. Why couldn’t I be happy that she was making friends? I want to be, but I can’t. I don’t want to go to college anymore. The world is going to discover (Y/N), and she seems ready this time… she won’t just sit in the library…. Fuck.
Her mum’s diary cuts off there and turns into letters she wrote to herself and Yeonjun, but she never sent them to him, meanwhile his stays as a diary. It’s a good thing her mum dated each one or the story would have to end here.
2015, September, 1
Dear me,
Today was the first day of college. My stomach is knotted with anxiety. I’ll make friends won’t i? I became friends with Layla over the holiday. She’s so interesting, fun and so cool, she reminds me of Yeonjun. She’s such an it girl! Yeonjun says my outfits are cooler since I started hanging out with her. If they are better, why does he seem frustrated? Odd boy.
Class was excellent, I spent the lesson talking about art with people who love art. I found out artistic people are weird, just like me! Yeonjun seemed disgusted by the idea of a room full of Me, rude!
Yeonjun already has a following. I didn’t recognise any people from secondary. He’s already part of a big group. He ask if I’d like to sit with them, but I said I’d rather sit with Layla. He seemed disappointed, but oh well. I’m not like him, I don’t thrive in big groups, i feel most comfortable with a few close friends.
Layla always wants to talk about Yeonjun? Does she have a crush on him?! That would be kinda gross! Why would girls be attracted to him? He’s… Poop-Jun after all.
I have a few questions for myself next month…
Is Yeonjun popular yet?
Does Layla have a crush on Yeonjun?
Have you made more friends?
Do you like your art course?
Did you and Layla go shopping like you planned?
Do you hate it here?
Are… you and Yeonjun still friends?
2015, September, 1
First day of school was easy peasy. I loved having to do nothing but what I love doing. The only thing I don’t love is Layla, she’s been hogging (Y/N), and she knows it. Me and her have beef, seriously. She has been hanging out with (Y/N) ever since they met, and when they aren’t hanging out, they are messaging. (Y/N) says Layla reminds her of me… personally I've never wanted to throw up more. She has nowhere near as much style as I do, and she clings to (Y/N) unreasonably. I have my reasons!!! She’s been my best friend since we were 6, be for real!!!! Me and her AREN’T the same!!
2015, October, 1
Dear future me,
I’ve officially been in college for one month. Let me answer the questions of the previous letter…
Of course, Yeonjun is popular now! Everyone who knows him, loves him. I’ve decided to avoid him in the halls, so I don’t have to deal with the mess that is people saying hi to him or crowding him.
Does Layla have a crush on Yeonjun? It appears not. Since I stopped hanging out with him at school she’s stopped discussing him. That’s good, I don’t want her to like Yeonjun. I refuse to have my friends dating!!!
Yes! I have made friends! Layla and I are in a group of roughly 8, which seemed large in the beginning, but it’s not. Some are friends she brought to the group, and others are friends I made. We are all really creative and it's exciting! We inspire each other to be more imaginative!!
I love my art course; all I do is talk, learn about, and create art! It’s my dream course. It is intricate and sometimes difficult work, but I’m willing to invest into it because I love it.
Layla and I recently went shopping with the rest of our friends. We got the train to the nearest city, with new shops, it was so thrilling. I’ve never done something like that before, it was exciting, trying new styles, chatting! Yeonjun saw the pictures all over my social media. He was jealous we didn’t do things like that. But he hasn’t ever ask…
Nope, I don’t hate it at college. And why would I?! I can leave the college on my breaks, can GO TO THE TOILET WHEN I WANT, I feel like the master of my destiny!
Yes, Yeonjun does speak to me. He will run past me in the corridors sometimes and shout a greeting, but then he’s gone like lightning. We will sometimes sit together if we are both on break and I’m not with my friends. He loves looking at my artwork, especially since I often draw and paint him. It’s definitely strokes that ego…
2015, October, 28
There is a party for Halloween, and I didn’t even have to convince (Y/N) to go, because guess what, Layla and her are going!! They will even be matching!! I saw her outfit, she’s an angel, and Layla will be a devil. How basic… (Y/N) pulled it off though. She looked incredible; I can’t even lie this time. When she showed me, I thought she was beautiful, and I just couldn’t believe that she’s the girl that collected rocks…
Wait… if I thought she was beautiful and I’m her best friend, what will other guys think? No! No, this can’t happen. I can’t have them looking at her, I have to come up with a plan. Hopefully she’ll get drunk and return to my side, she does that when she’s drunk.
2015, November, 1
Dear future me,
Never drink that much again. I think I spilt my drink on this random girl, and I remember her crying? Yeonjun said he helped her out though… What does that even mean?! Wait… did he lose his jacket last night? He gave her his jacket, didn’t he!! That was a cool jacket, how dare he waste it on fixing my mistakes!
I don’t remember how I found Yeonjun, I was with Layla at first. But it reached a point where I just couldn’t keep up and I needed to find familiarity. I think I saw him standing near the fish tank, talking to four guys. I’m not sure how many, it’s blurry in my memory. Omg, memories keep bobbing up like apples. I remember falling against one of his friends and Yeonjun clutching me towards him. He said something to his friends and held me against his chest as he finished his conversation, his heart beat was comforting. I remember mumbling sorry for interrupting.
after he sobered me up a little, he took me home. I remember he helped me to my bed and tucked me in. He whispered ‘’good night’’ before he left… how embarrassing!
2015, November, 1
Why is it always the Halloween parties? God, she looked so perfect… I thought I couldn’t breathe when I saw her dancing with her friends in the corner of my eye. My friends didn’t even wait to make fun of me, they knew what was up. ‘’Yeonjun, she won’t disappear. You can look away from her’’. I knew that I could, but I didn’t want to. If I did would someone take her from me? I did though, I looked away and left her. I even moved room so I could have my own fun.
She took me by surprise when she came over to me, tripping over her feet and falling against my friend, who caught her in his arms and smiled down at her. Oh, hell no, not those two. Anyone but him (Y/N), please…
I grabbed her from his arms and held her against my chest, my hand rested on her lower back and her head pushed against me. There was no way we didn’t look like a clingy couple like this… but it was fine, just for tonight.
‘’You didn’t need to snatch her from me mate. I know she’s yours’’. That’s what he said, and I scoffed at him and asked what he meant. He told me ‘’We all know you like her, so we won’t touch her… everyone knows’’. He was being ridiculous, ‘’I don’t like her’’ I told him. And he said the worst thing I could’ve imagined ‘’Well, in that case, I’ll ask her out on a date. She’s too pretty to pass up’’. I laughed at his joke because it must have been one right. No way he’d say that to me, her best friend, seriously right…
When I got her home, she was clinging to me, and once I peeled her off and got her in bed. She asked me to stay and hold her. I thought about it, but I knew what the right decision was. I didn’t respond to her, I tucked her covers over her and told her goodnight. Why is it always Halloween?
2015, December, 1
Dear me,
Yeonjun has been annoying recently. He keeps running past me at college and ruffling my hair or scaring me. It's so annoying, especially when he messes up my hair because it’s always when I made an extra effort. Can’t he just keep his hands to himself? How annoying! Sorry, I’ve said annoying one too many times, clearly thinking about it makes me so frustrated I repeat myself!
And do you know what’s worse, when I shout at him after he’s finished, and in response guess what he does… he spins as he runs and winks, then he continues running out of view. That man! How dare he be so careless… I hope he runs into a wall one day!!
Art classes aren’t as much fun now, it’s already starting to feel like a chore, so I need to find something interesting to do for my project this year or I’ll get bored. Please future me, please… save me from tedium…
2015, December, 11
(Y/N) is only getting prettier and making my heart flutter endlessly. She walks down the corridors with the prettiest smile, books under her arm because they are too big for her bag, and the most beautifully curled hair. What other choice do I have? I run past her a ruffle it up so it’s not as good every time. She doesn’t need to look pretty for anyone else now, I've already seen her. Did I like her? No, of course not! I just care about her! I just don’t want other guys to like, her, doesn’t that make sense? I’m just trying to protect her…
2016, January, 1
Dear future me,
I’ve saved art for us… are you thankful? Well maybe Yeonjun did, but that isn’t important… You know how he always gives me a rock at Christmas time, a small painted rock, as testament to our childhood. Well, I’ve decided to finally start painting rocks. When I told my lecturer, she suggested I make a project out of it. I’m enjoying it immensely, and I have developed a whole plan. I have a question… did you tell Yeonjun? And did he act big-headed about assissting you with the concept? I bet he did…
Yeonjun wrote me a letter this Christmas, so I’ll put it with this one. It was simply beautiful, so emotion, it made me cry. I didn’t want him to see me teary eyed. He mentioned the magnet thing his mum would say when we were younger. I agree with him, we are magnets opposite poles attracting, and I think we are so powerful we can’t be separated.
He brought me an art easel and some canvases for at home, I was grateful. I didn’t write him a letter for Christmas, so I’m going to write him one soon and give it to him. I don’t want him to think I’m a bad friend. I think I’ll probably paint my parents, beautiful flowers, and a nearby lake that Yeonjun keeps dragging me to. I’ve drawn enough of Yeonjun that I could honestly go my whole life without ever painting him again.
Dear (Y/N),
First of all, Merry Christmas! I’m glad it’s another one together we get to add to the stack of them. How many has it been now? 11? That’s a lot… I’ve known you for more than half my life, isn’t that crazy? I hope that never changes. Can you stay by my side until we are old and wrinkly? I don’t think I want to ever stop being your friend. I don’t think I could at this point.
Recently I’ve seen you change so much, and all because we went to college. I heard people bloom at some point in their life, and I think I got to see you bloom. Do you know how incredible it was? I was scared at first, I didn't want you to get hurt and scarred by the world. I know you’ve always hidden yourself, and I was happy to protect you. But you didn’t want me to this year, did you? So, I let you bloom and now I look at you and I no longer see the girl who collected rocks as a child… I think it makes me sad in a way. I now see the girl who parties and paints, isn’t that a weird duo?
Just like us, no? When I was a child, my mum called us magnets, that were pushed the wrong way together. But now a days I think we are pushed the right way together; I think we click. Did you know it’s difficult to separate magnets, especially strong ones.
Merry Christmas (Y/N), I hope you have a lovely day!
2016, January, 15
Music classes are awesome, I made my own song recently. The lecturer says I’m above the expected level for my age, and that my song is full of emotion. Well duh, it's about her… Yeah, I did that. I can’t think of anything else but her, it’s so stupid. When she’s sat alone, I ditch my friends to sit with her, she probably wanted me to. That's what I tell myself, but who am I kidding? I desperately wanted to talk to her. Please save me, I can’t do this anymore.
2016, February, 1
Dear me,
I told Yeonjun about my idea when he saw it. I stayed in class later than I had to, so I could focus on my project, when he came to find me. He sat down next to me, chin in his hand, and asked why I was painting rocks. He shuffled through the notes and sketches I had on the desk. It didn’t take him long to realise, so I explained my plan.
My project is to bring colour back to my otherwise dull world. Nature is intrinsically beautiful, and I love capturing it any way I can. By decorating the rocks and placing them back where they belong, I add a bit of my beauty to the world. The plan is to distribute the rocks to my favourite places once I’m done with the project. I'll then paint some of the rocks in their location, for the final piece.
To answer my own questions. No Yeonjun didn’t get a big head like you thought he would, he seemed really joyful. In fact, he took me for ice cream when he found out… how odd. But I had fun.
2016, February, 14
I want to throw up. It’s Valentine’s Day, and MY FRIEND gave (Y/N) roses. I saw him do it. She was sitting there, pretty pink dress on because she wanted to wear a romantic colour today, hair in space buns like a cutie, and he walked up to her with the flowers behind his back. It’s like everything went in slow motion and I was given the chance to stop it, but I didn’t. He spoke to her, and she smiled, then he gave her the flowers, she turned the same colour as them. He gave her a note and she smiled again, and he walked away. I didn’t take my eyes off her as she put the letter straight into her bag, not even reading it first.
When she looked up and saw me, she giggled and waved the flowers like an accomplishment. I would’ve been happy if I didn’t like her… that’s right, I have a crush on her. Now I know why they call it a crush. It’s not for a good reason, it’s because it crushes you. I thought it was because you have a crush, and when you finally get the girl, you crush the silly feelings, and it turns into love. I was wrong.
If I ever see those flowers in a vase in her room, I think I’ll throw up… there goes the plan I made for her… I'll slip it here, so I never have to look at it again.
1. Buy flowers – her favourites, tulips, not roses, that’s basic - done
2. Get her favourite snacks - done!
3. Download her favourite movies onto my laptop – done!
4. Build the den – done!
5. Decorate den – done!
6. Pack your bag full of the bits you’ll need – done!
7. Get her to come with you – to be done!
8. Success – no
9. Is she your girlfriend? – never
2016, March, 1
Dear me,
Yeonjun has been clinging to me like never before. He sits with me all the time, at school, at home and when we go out. I think we are conjoined at the hip. It’s kind of funny, in a babyish way.
He’s been weird with me ever since his friend asked me out, I told him no, but we became friends. It’s weird how that works… I did try and give him a chance, but I didn’t like him that way. I didn’t even feel anything, it felt dull. I felt bad, but I told him no, not that I told Yeonjun. It isn’t his business, if I’m honest. If Layla wanted to date him, the bile would rise from my stomach. Two of my friends dating, that is just a no. Maybe I should let him know so he relaxes. Maybe then he’ll leave my side… but it’s fun having him around.
2016, March, 17
Is it possible to love being around the one that broke your heart?
Am I really in love with her?
How to tell her I love her?
That’s what my search history looks like nowadays because nobody prepares you to feel this, or how to even deal with it. growing up I couldn’t imagine loving (Y/N), it was the wildest, most far-fetched thing ever. But as I read my diaries from those days and think about how I treated and thought about her, it’s obvious, I’ve had a crush on her forever. The only reason I didn’t notice was because I thought it was the normal feeling of liking a close friend. Why did it take me so long to notice? So long that now other guys like her as well. I don’t even have a chance anymore… who would’ve thought… certainly not me… I love the one girl who has never liked me…. How sad.
2016, April, 1
My project is nearly done. As I was resting today, Yeonjun flew into my room, not even knocking, as usual. Whenever he needed someone to check his music or dance, he’d come rushing over to my house, straight into my room. ‘’Listen to it!’’ he said sitting down on my bed, to which I said the only words that I could think ‘’Knock’’, and he nodded, both of us knowing he would most definitely not knock.
I listened to it, it was delicate, so emotive, and knowing Yeonjun’s created it, was even better. It was better than that! It was perfect, stupid talented boy. As I looked at my phone, I realised I had to go, it was nearly time for the call. ‘’Yeah, it's amazing Jjunie, can you go now? I’m busy’’.
He huffed at me, as if not believing I could be busy ‘’doing fucking what, you were in bed on your phone!’’. When I told him I was going to call a friend he whined about it being our thing, so I told him it wasn’t ‘’You practically living in my house is our thing’, Now get out he’s waiting for me’’.
The mere idea of a male wanting to speak to me clearly disgusted him because he burst ‘’HE??? I THOUGHT YOU WERE ONLY FRIENDS WITH GIRLS’’. I decided then that I shouldn’t tell him it was his friend I was about to call. ‘’ I have both Yeonjun, now get out before I hit you’’. He pouted at me like a baby, ‘’Fine, I get that I’m being replaced, I’ll go’’.
I watched him leave my room, then I watched him enter his own house and his bedroom light turn on from my window. I then called his friend, and we called for a few hours. It was 11 pm when I looked back out my window and Yeonjun’s lights were off. Yeonjun’s light is always on till at least 1 a.m. What was he doing?
I didn’t do anything to upset him, did I? I didn’t do anything wrong, did I?
2016, April, 1
I’m being replaced. I didn’t know a crush could turn into something worse, is there even a verb that can describe this feeling? Maybe instead of a crush, I have a pulverize… that seems right. My heart feels pulverized. Do you want to know why?
Well because (Y/N) kicked me out of her house to call a guy. I have never been kicked out of her house because of someone else like that. Not even Layla. If they called, I'd just sit in the room. why in the world would she kick me out for a different guy?
I feel sick… is that the remnants of my heart trying to escape my body? Should I swallow it or let it out? Is there any point in keeping the slivers of it? When I looked out my window I could see her, she left her curtains wide open again, and I could see as her serious face lifted into a bright smile. She was laughing at his jokes… and all I could do was watch. Do I do this to myself?
I can’t watch anymore… I can’t feel like this again. I’ll go to the only friend I can think of…
2016, May, 1
Dear future me,
Is Yeonjun still ignoring us? He hasn’t spoken to me in school, he hasn’t come to my house… what is happening? Why is he ignoring me? I hope he has a good reason because I don’t like how this feels.
Everything is endlessly dull without him. Where is the colour I love? He made everything so much brighter, more exciting…. Did I just say that I loved the colour, and then suggest that Yeonjun was in fact the colour to my world…. Yes, I did.
Am I in love with Yeonjun?
Holy fuck, I think I love Yeonjun. is this the feeling inside of me? The warmth and light when I’m close to him and the cold dusk when I’m apart from him. Oh god, I really love him… don’t I? Fuck… how did this happen? When did this happen? This year? I’m not sure…
What am I going to do?
2016, April, 16
Is it better if I keep ignoring her? She seems ridiculously sad nowadays. She doesn’t stay in school any longer than she has to. Can I reach out and hug her? Or will she push me away. She probably will, she has other friends now.
I must be a speck of dust in the vast landscape that is her world. I float by, annoying her for a while then I get forced to move along by this force, its wind to a dust, but to me, I’m not sure. What pushed me away from her? Is it possible that by turning my back to her I pushed the same poles of our magnet together? Is it possible that I am the force that’s keeping me from her? If she turns her back as well, does that mean we click again? Maybe I should spin around and confess how I feel. But after all���. I’m just dust.
2016, May, 1
I have a plan. I’m going to get Yeonjun back and make him mine all at the same time. I can’t survive much longer away from him. This feeling is devouring me.
The next stage of my project will arrive in a few days, that’s when I put the rocks in my favourite places. There is a heart rock I found as a child, I named him Yeonjun, and I’ve painted it! Its finally time to return it to my favourite place. I’ll write a letter for him and put the rock at the bottom, buried under colourful paper.
If this doesn’t tell him how I feel I’m not really sure what will. This was the perfect idea, and it linked up so magnificently.
2016, May, 21
I’m so in love with her. You’ll never guess what she did… it was incredible. Like a scene from a movie, or a storybook. She’s so perfect.
After a long day at college, doing my final performance for my exam I came home, just to find her sitting on my bed. I hadn’t spoken to her or been to her house in months. I was so scared to talk to her that I instantly spewed out the first thing she always tells me ‘’What happened to knocking?’’. She shrugged her shoulders with a giggle ‘’I will next time’’. I knew it was a tease at me for never knocking and never learning how. ‘’touché… what brings you to my house, you prefer your house’’.
She deadpanned me at my words and spoke ‘’You don’t come over anymore’’.
‘’You don’t invite me’’, that’s what I said! Could I really not think of a better excuse!!! ‘’I’ve never had to before’’ she countered, and to that I only made up mor lies to hide my feelings ‘’I finally clicked that you didn’t want me around’’.
She huffed at me’’ why would you even think that?’’. I shrugged at her and sat down next to her, trying to peak at what was behind her back, but I couldn’t even see because it was in a box, cutely wrapped like the Christmas gifts she gives me. She stood up and spoke ‘’I’m going to leave this here. You decide if you should start coming back over to my house once you’ve seen it’’. I grabbed her hand as she tried to leave ‘’Don’t be suspicious, just tell me’’. She giggled and squeezed my hand then let go ‘’nope, it’s something you should do alone’’.
The second she was out of my door, I reached for the box and when I opened it, I saw a letter, so I read it, I’ll put it with this one, so I never lose it. once I had read it, I put my hand into the tissue and pulled out a beautifully painted rock. Fuck… she’s incredible. It wasn’t any old rock; it was the one I’d found for her when we were children and I’d sneakily given it to her. I saw her painting it a few months ago for her project, and I knew she was planning on returning them to her favourite places…. I just never knew that would be me. I thought I wanted to cry right then and there.
I knew I had to chase after her, but was straight away to soon? It might have seemed a bit desperate, but I was. My pulverise needed to leave me alone that instant and turn into never ending love for her. Like I originally thought a crush was….
I ran to her house and the second I got into her room, I pulled her into my arms, hugging her as tightly as I could now that I knew she loved me back. I told her how I felt in a single whisper ‘’ I love you too’’ and that’s when she said it back ‘’I love you Poop-Jun’’. Any other situation I’d hate the stupid name, but this time it was almost adorable, it was perfect. She knew it as well.
I asked her the question ‘’will you be my girlfriend’’… and that’s why I know have a girlfriend. Isn’t that’s awesome. The perfect girl you’ve had a crush on forever, is finally your girlfriend. Future me, please keep her happy, and stay together till you are old and wrinkly.
Dearest Yeonjun,
I’ve met many people in my life; good people and bad. No one has ever captured my heart so completely. When I look at you, you appear to glow with a glittering aura. Everything else fades into a grey background without you, as if you have stolen the colour from my world and taken it with you. I need you by my side, Yeonjun.
Those times you would run past me at college, would make heart flutters, and butterflies swirl with delight. And rage with violent anger! You make me feel so many things, but even that’s better than dull and emotionless.
I know all kinds of things about you. All different things. Like the lake you visit when you're feeling lost. You’d found it on a walk one day, and showed it to me the next. Remember? I had never expected you to come across something so captivating, but of course you had. You always make my soul shimmer.
When my eyes laid sight on the golden sun, glistening on the blue hue of the lake, I felt the familiar surge of inspiration, like a guitar melody in one of your songs. When I turned to you, you were transfixed on the lake, so peaceful, enjoying the moment. Did you realise I stole that moment, imortalising you on my page as you drifted, weightlessly into your own reality. That mere drawing is the most honest representation of you. I’ve never told you, but you are the reason I fell in love with art in the first place, I wanted a way to treasure you. Yeonjun, you are a work of art to me.
I like being with you. I try to sit next to you as much as I can. I find myself staring at you all the time. I want to always be with you. And I can’t help myself.
These special moments just between us. You are my light, shining in my world, you ease the sadness. As overwhelming as the loneliness but as soft as cherry blossom, this feeling is as strange as it is new! I guess you can only call it love.
I find myself counting the days we’ve been apart. Longing, with one wish, only to see you again. I want you, I wonder, hopeful, if you feel the same. Thoughts of you fill me, I need you beside me, always.
When I feel the loneliness will consume me, I think about the moments we’ve shared, the Christmas joy, my rocks, and your music. Years ago a beautiful heart-shaped rock greeted me at the gates of my house, and when I gazed up I saw you staring back at me. From that moment I decided I’d call the rock Yeonjun, just like Small Sam had a name. I’ve wondered all these years, if you hid the heart rock for me to find. To me, it became a symbol of our friendship, our changing relationship, our blossoming love.
For my project you know I was painting rocks to return them to my favourite places, and this one is for you, Yeonjun. Because you, and everything you mean to me, is my favourite place. Isn’t it fitting that the rock I found that day, is the rock I return to you? Please accept it, along with my heart.
I love you
“Awwwww… mum fell harder!!! That’s so sweet. He was ready to give up on her but she made the move that he couldn’t! I can’t wait to tease them about this!” Their daughter giggled, packing the pages back away where they belong. Their youth… oh how magical it was.
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babiestmunson · 2 years
The colors suit him pt. 2
Not necessary to read but always welcome Part 1
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Summary: It took some things to take place before your first date with Eddie. Dustin's protective brother, uncle advises and even a little punch to his beautiful face.
Pairin: Eddie Munson x Henderson Fem!Reader
Warnings: Coursing, mentions of bullying. English is not my first language.
AN: ngl I was scared when I post the first part but I love our boy so much I just had to do a second part and tbh I already have the base for the third time. This takes place before everything that happen in s4, just a little backup story, anyway I hope you enjoy it
As you're walking towards Max's trailer you pass next to Eddie's. Maybe you could knock to say hi, or would that be too weird? You didn't want to seem clingy; you saw him yesterday and basically spent the entire afternoon together. What if he finds you annoying? Hard pass on that one.
You and Eddie were a thing now, but not official. You and he knew you didn’t want to be just friends, but the word date was never used. God forbid the labels boyfriend and girlfriend, oh no, you'd keep playing along, maybe it was too fast to talk about a relationship, after all, it's been only one month.
You knock on Max's door and the girl opens with a big smile on her face. She hugs you, greets you and lets you pass. She was having trouble with history and literature, especially on the essays part so you were helping her three times a week after you shift at Family Video.
"I love how you look with the vest; you completely sold your soul to the man" you laugh and give her a little push.
"Hey, I always let you take some movies for free so I can still sabotage capitalism"
After an hour or so you were finally done with her assignments, like really done. You were so proud of her, she tried really hard to keep her grades up, even when she wasn’t focused on school, she still tried.
You never mention her mom, but she makes you angry. Of course it had been hard for her to lose her stepson and her husband by extension but she still had Max. And for her to give up on her daughter that easily was something you could not understand. Sometimes as Max did her homework, you'd clean up a little, throwing away the beer cans and bottles of cheap liquor and sometimes even cook for her so she could have something healthy for dinner and lunch.
"Uhm, is it ok if I sleep at your house tonight?" That meant that her mom was having another night of drinking and of course you'd let her sleep at your house. As much as you loved your Dusty, it was nice to have a little sister.
"I'll wait for you outside, and this time don't forget your homework because I will not commit felony again trying to enter this house to get it to you"
"Sure mom!" You laugh and close the door then proceed to fire a cigarette.
"Holy shit" you feel something tingling your leg along with some kind of growl. By instinct you turn around and punch the first thing you see. Only it was not the common monsters or the Russians you fight daily. It was Eddie and his now bleeding lips.
"Fuck Henderson who you trynna kill" he lays on the floor and covers his lips. His doe eyes looking at you like a lost puppy.
"Dear God Eddie, I'm so sorry" you sit on the floor with him and try to help him. But without seeing what hurt him you were only touching his face with your left hand.
He was still bleeding so you grab his hair and put it behind his ears. That way it wouldn’t be covered in blood. As you finish, he finally puts his hands down and you take the chance and hold his face forcing him to look at you. Only lightened by the moonlight he never looked so handsome. He takes one of your hands without looking away. Your hair looks messy and your nose is red, it's always red when it's cold. He notices how you can't stop moving your leg, he's learned so much about you to know that means you're nervous or anxious.
Now you're looking at his hurt lips, it's not bad as you had no strength on your arms. Thank God for my weakness for once.
He pulls you closer. So close that you feel his breath against your nose, he smells like cigarette and mint gum, plus something else. Is that lavender shampoo?
"Don't worry doll, I'm fine. But I gotta say, you have some amazing qualities, maybe I can hire you as a bodyguard.” You laugh, ending the eye contact, but he searches for your eyes again. He helps you stand not letting go of your hand and starts playing with your fingers. You never believed in the whole butterflies in your stomach thing and still didn't because you were feeling something more like demodogs running around.
"I'm really sorry I thought- doesn't matter I shouldn't have done it, sorry Edds" Eddie smiles recognizing that Edds was a new nickname for him. One of the many things he liked about you is the fact that you always find something cute and funny to call him. It made him feel good, like he was important to you. Suddenly, the wind goes feral, and he pulls you closer in a hug, covering your face on his chest so dirt won't get on your eyes. You hug him too. He was wearing his denim vest over his leather jacket to provide him more warmth so you shove your hands between the jacket and the vest, closing them together. Holding him tight.
When the wind stops you just let him go a little, putting your hands on his hips. He tenses nervously and stops the hug grabbing both sides of you, not letting you go. You blink a little as some dirt did get on your eyes only to be back being face to face. He's biting his lips and in that moment you realize that his hair is covered in leaves. The red and orange colors of the season made him look like an old, enchanted Prince. Fall colors suit him.
"You need to trim your bangs or you would not be able to see anymore" you put some leaves off his hair and adjust his bangs to see his face better.
"Of course I do Princess, not a chance I won't be seeing that beautiful face of yours" he holds your nose with two of his fingers, like when you're messing with a baby saying you stole its nose. In response you scrunch your nose making him laugh.
"This is not happening Eddie! My sister's out of limits. You're crossing a line here, fuck you're so ahead of the line you're not even seeing the line!" Dustin's anger grew with every word he said. You weren't expecting his jealousy, you weren't doing anything.
You were sitting on the table with Eddie between your legs and a pair of scissors in hand. He made you promise that you would cut his bangs because he didn’t trust anyone else to touch his hair.
"What if I fucked up and you end up looking like Molly Ringwald" you were finish but nervous. He had the most beautiful wavy hair, it fit him. It was part of his personality including the bangs. He looked like a rockstar with it and if he didn’t what you did could end up bad.
"I know you would never do something that I don't like, baby" he was barely one inch of distance from your face, looking so mesmerizing and well, perfect.
"What the fuck is happening here" suddenly Dustin, Mike and Lucas entered the room. You hop off the table and look at them. Your brother was pissed.
"Come on Dustin, you can't tell me that you didn’t know" Mike was trying to calm him down but it wasn’t working, he was focused on you and Eddie standing awkwardly next to each other.
"You knew?!"
"I mean yeah, they're not trying to be subtle" Lucas answers, throwing the attention to him. He was calmed with the signature Lucas’ temple, while you on the other hand were panicking.
"Does Steve knows you're banging our sister?" Dustin is pointing at Eddie and you roll your eyes in exasperation.
"What does Steve have to do with anything?"
"What do you mean? He's basically family, you can't be going around betraying family Y/N!"
"Betraying who?! Why are you acting like this? You introduced us! You wanted us to be friends!"
"Key word, friends!" Everyone was exchanging looks between you and your brother listening to everything you both had to say. Eddie just stood there, arms crossed, waiting for Dustin to finish so he could speak. "Eddie doesn’t do relationships and you'll end up hurt!"
"That's enough Henderson '' was the first thing Eddie had said. He looks hurt, but his words are firm. "We are not in a relationship-"
"See! You can't tell me that doesn’t hurt you"
"Dustin please" Eddie begs "Calm your pants, there is no funny business here. We haven't even kissed! Listen, if I end up hurting your sister you can beat the shit out of me but don't pass judgment when I, Eddie Munson, Dungeon Master, have only honorable intentions". Eddie puts his hands on his heart as if he was doing a legendary oath. He bows at Dustin with an arm extended and the other still on his heart.
"Fine. But you're meeting my mom. And Steve. I swear to God Eddie Munson that if I see my sister tear even a little bit because of you, I'll end you"
Eddie looks at you and smiles with his lips closed. More like a smirk with amusement. He remembers that was the treat you used and even though it had been wholesome to stand up for you and this thing happening, he took your brother's words very seriously.
"Wow, your brother do be dramatic sweetheart"
"Says you"
You and Eddie were walking towards your house, after Hellfire finished and drop the kids at their houses, you wanted to take a walk, just to smooth things over. It was true, many times you've encouraged yourself to make the first move and kiss him. But the timing was wrong, so yeah, you haven’t even kissed yet. Your insecurities sometimes win the battle, and you were afraid you'd lose him. His company was like a breath of fresh air on your lungs and if anything were to happen between you, you wanted it to be real. As much real as he is. If life just wants us to be friends, then so be it.
It wasn’t easier for him, sometimes he would find himself thinking about you in random situations. It was ridiculous how he linked even the smallest things to you. Like the other day his uncle gave him an apple to take to school for lunch and when he was sitting with his friends in his usual place, he remembered that you love apples but hate eating them in the morning. You have the habit of smelling your food before taking a bite, but only when you’re about to have the first bite, after you eat normally. Your favorite color is blue, so now he wants to get you all the curious things that don't usually come in blue and see the excitement in your eyes as you see them. You do a little fist dance when you're happy and he is willing to give everything he owns as long as he sees you do your fist dance. But what if one day she realizes she's too good for me.
"Listen, I know this… you and me- I mean us. Not that I'm saying there is actually an us not like we're getting married That's crazy- but not like you're a bad catch or anything just. Jesus H Crist Eddie breathe" at this point you're sensing he's talking to himself and not you, he's playing with his skull ring, turning it around and putting it on and off. "OK doll I'm just gonna say it. I don't have much, I might not be much, but would you give me the honor to go on a date? With me. This Friday"
You’re speechless but your cheeks hurt because of how hard you're smiling. This was it; this was the moment. Honestly you were a little surprised he did it 4 hours after Dustin had created a scene putting you on the spot. He’s still playing with his ring waiting for your answer thinking that he already fuck up and has ruined it his chance to even continue your friendship.
You slowly walk to be closer; he took a deep breath. Only like 5 seconds have passed yet he feels it like years. His hair right now looked like a fluffy mess, he had been goofing around to make you laugh the entire walk. He was taller than you but not by much, you do a typical tip toe and give him a little kiss on the lips, barely touching him, still you feel a rush warm through your entire body.
“Holy mother of God is that a yes” he poked at your cheek, his eyes flashing with a special light, he was no longer anxious even if you rejected him right there and there, he’d still have the memory of your lips touching his.
“Yes” your voice came out squeakier than you wanted it, but you were excited, couldn’t even speak anymore.
And there it is, the tiny fist dance.
“Explain to me, why am I here again?” Steve is laying down on your bed playing with your stuffed giraffe, looking incredibly bored.
“For moral support dingus!”
“What moral support does she need?! They already like each other. You never go to my house when I have a date”.
“That’s because we’d have to be there every day”
Entering your room, you found him looking into your drawers. Steve had all your confidence; he was a sweet boy to whom you’d trust your life and the life of your beloved but never would change your clothes in front of him. It was your fourth change of outfit and safe to say your friends were exasperated. They ask you many times if Eddie had told you the plans, but he didn’t. You asked several times, but he insisted that you were ruinning the surprise.
“Not to sound weird or anything but I think that’s the best one, you look beautiful” Steve smiled at you and encouraged Robin to tell you something. They were your ride or die, after saving the world safe to say your bond grew stronger, nevertheless, your love language were actions, not words. Maybe was because all the trauma that teach you how a simple action could demonstrate more than any word.
“Yeah Y/N you should totally go with that one” one look in the mirror and maybe they were right. Denim skirt with a baby blue turtleneck sweater and a long black jacket. To fight the cold, you add black stockings and your boots. The wind had been crazy so you decided to control your crazy curls on a high ponytail, just a touch of mascara and some accessories like a simple necklace and rings and you were done. Yeah, they were right, this was the perfect fit.
Meanwhile Eddie was having an existential crisis almost to the point of a meltdown. He was so excited about your first date he told everything to Wayne. His uncle gave him a little talk on how to treat you, told him to maybe buy you some flowers and insisted on not to dress like a "priest worst nightmare for a day". Hence the meltdown; Eddie could tell Wayne was excited about him being serious for a girl so much, that he ironed a green shirt for him to wear. He stood up looking in the mirror. The shirt embraced his body super well but he felt uncomfortable, incredibly uncomfortable.
"I… look… absolutely… ridiculous" he unbotted the shirt quickly. He needed a new perspective. Why on earth did he have to ask you out of the blue? He could've waited and maybe buy a decent shirt, or shoes, or pants; maybe the whole fit. Oh my God did he need to cut his hair? Or maybe tie it in a ponytail? And he did tie it but the disastrous result was worse. For a change of perspective he decided to play safe and lost all credibility. Max’s trailer was a couple of steps from his, she was sarcastic and a little mean but you love her so that should help.
She wasn’t in a good mood when he knocked the door but at the end she was willing to help. Max reassured Eddie how much you like him for being him. She scolded him for worrying so much about the clothes and not you, although she secretly thought it was cute.
“Thanks Red, you sure you’re ok?”
“Yeah just a headache, take care of Y/N ok?” Max doesn't hesitate to close the door and Eddie checks his clock, well now he was almost late. At the end he was dressed like himself, he chose a blueish Black Sabbath shirt, the more subtle he could find, black jeans, not ripped this time, but a little more tight. Finally he took the best jacket he had and drove to your house.
“They know I can see their little heads on the window, right?” With no shame, Robin waves his hand and Steve stops her inciating what you were sure would be a two hour fight.
“Yeah they do, let’s go” You enter the car and wait for Eddie. “So what are we doing on this fine evening Edds?”
“Well m’lady I’m gonna take you to the best record store around, you’re gonna go nuts” he started rambling. During your shift at family video was when you started to get nervous, amazing how everything goes normally except the hours when you’re expecting something. The excitement of the first date it’s always magical, gets special if it is with someone you clicked; that person for you is Eddie. He shows his genuine self around you and not only the defensive personality that he created in order to fight those who annoyed him; at heart he was kind and caring, that was obvious to you since you noticed how he “recruited” freshmans that didn’t fit Hawkins High standards and were straight the road of being bullied. His soul was honest and pure. For him taking you to a place he loved meant a lot because he wasn't taking just his interest in consideration but yours, you once mention how much you hate not having a good place in Hawkins to go buy records. It would’ve been so easy to take you to the movies or just to dinner instead of taking the road.
“Why did you bring me here?” Once there you two started to wander around, he had his walkman ready specifically for you to listen to whatever you wanted to try, more than one hour passed without notice.
“Well princess, believe it or not I have the ability of paying attention. You wanted to buy some stuff so I bring you here; plus going to the movies is so no my style”
“I mean yeah but you don’t know my taste of music”
“What do you mean, yes I do” Camelot Music had an amazing selection of music that was not for everybody, so much that they only had a corner dedicated to popular music. “Oh no please don’t go into the dark corner, my heart will not be able to take it”
Eddie gets down on his knees holding your hands saying he has his heart broken.
“Would it be that bad if I’d like the Beatles or I don't know Madonna?”
“It would take some points” He was still on the floor batting his eyelashes looking like a child in the middle of getting ice cream after a tantrum. You help him get to stand and proceed to cover his eyes. “Are you gonna murder me?”
“No, but I’m gonna play you a song by my favorite band. But you have to promise to keep your eyes closed” his skin is so soft you take your time to fondle every part of it. His heart’s fast beating was heavier than any metal song he ever recalled hearing.
“Alright princess I promise” you can’t help but give him a little tiny kiss on the tip of his nose. He looked adorable with a soft smile and red cheeks.
You hurry and put the headset on him, letting the music start, he tilts his head in surprise and asks for permission to open his eyes. He was relieved you didn’t put in some lame music but was rather confused by the style of the song, still he heard it until the last second while you were walking around and he stared at you. After the song finished, he took your hand and guided you outside the store with the excuse that it was time to eat.
You hadn’t seen one single place to eat on the way there, he walked to the car and opened the trunk revealing some snacks and a couple of sodas and beers. You jump excited as he explains that you were gonna eat watching the stars in the parking lot of the store; with perfect organization a pizza delivery boy parks and walks directly to Eddie.
“So, you’re into the happy sad music movement eh?”
“I guess you can say so, I have a more flexible taste in music than you. And I don’t know, I like The Smiths, they speak to my soul. I mean do you ever hear a song and not only can you relate but actually feel the chords, the lyrics… everything?”
“To be honest I think I’ve never heard someone said something I can relate more, it’s scary doll”
The conversation was going great as always but way more intimate, you finished eating and were just laying on the little blanket talking about everything and anything, playing with each other's fingers and laughing so hard at moments. It started to freeze, everything was already packed to get the road back home.
His gaze was intense, he wasn’t gonna let you make the first move, not again. He holds you, putting his hands on your hips and pulling you closer, you throw your arms around his neck, tangling your fingers with his hair when he finally closes the space between and kisses you.
In that precise moment you felt as if you were floating, his lips were soft and gentle. You were waiting for this moment and it was perfect, the kiss was getting intense before he took a final bite at your bottom lip making you smile. He moves his head to put your foreheads together and smiles. A kiss to your cheek, your forehead and your nose to seal the deal.
“I want you to know that I’m all in baby, I’m all in. I’ll hear every happy sad song you show me for the rest of my days or as long as you let me”
Let me know if you like it and if I should post part 3 (like a final)
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stormruff · 1 year
Crossover: Marvel Cinematic Universe and Euphoria.
Warnings: drugs, curse, overdose, daddy issues, and if I forgive other sorry.
Bruce would be Professor Hulk/Smart hulk.
Rue is MJ's sister.
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How did this all happen? Niether you know. as a child your father abandoned you when you were five. Despite being created by a billionaire genius, you still had problems. Everything piled up, the hatred you had for your father, the Bullying you suffered from Flash Thompson and Liz Allan for not being like them. As much as Peter and Mj picked their fights, it wasn't enough.
But your life change when you met Rue, she understand you,she introduced you to drugs, she gave you a direction.
You lived two lives. From a side the sweet Y/n Banner, with a bright future ahead of her, an Avenger. On a other side, Y/n Banner, a druggie, nerd, popular.
With the return of his father things only get worse he is not very present, but when he is, he gets to be "invasive". And finding out about his adventures with Rue would put everything in jeopardy.
— Hey druggies! — you arrive in the alley near the school with a backpack.
— the dirty talking about the badly washed — Fezco says lighting a cigarette.
— I'm still not — you sit down —Rue — you hug the girl who hands her the heroin.
— not cocaine? — Rue says
— I haven't touched this beauty in over two weeks — you inhale the substance
— And where are you been? — Ash indaged
— she has to keep the good girl profile — says Eliot — next news: the avenger Y/n Banner is a junkie — he laughs.
— First: It would not be y/n banner — you say — It would be the daughter of scientist Bruce banner has toxicology problems. Go to hell. — you arch your head back — Rue, the pin — you were referring to the cocaine that is delivered to her.
— Is it weird that we only know who you really are? no shadows. - Fezco says looking at you.
— They know a sweet girl, who puts up with anything. — you look up — Everyone hides something. Everybody lies.
— I lie to Mj that I like her boyfriend — rue says with a laugh.
You loved those moments together, they turned into nights.
— y/n how can you hide all this from your father? —Fezco breaks the laughter
— he has his life, he doesn't care. As he never cared, he abandoned me, forgot my fucking existence, and now he comes back wanting to be my father.
— I wanted my dad to come back…— Rue says
A noise was heard. You stop what you were doing.
— did you hear that? says Ash the most sober of them.
— you don't have to be sober to listen. - Eliot stands up.
The noises intensified, the steps started to be heavy, soon you were on your feet.
— What the fuck is going on? - Fezco says looking at you who shook Rue's hand while trying to pull the gun that was kept in the backpack.
— we'd better run away... what if it's the police? - Ash said nervously. Everyone agrees Fezco and Ash are the first to leave. Soon Eliot runs off.
— Rue go. — you say but she squeezes your hand even tighter — you go first — you point the way for her to follow when you see a shadow getting bigger — Rue! - you scream she tries to run but she stumbles.
— Well, Well, Well who I find here... —says the figure as Rue backtracked — Y/n Banner... What are you doing here? — your chest rose and fell.
— abomination... — you were apparently calm but your voice was cracking — what do you want?
— may your father pay for what he did...
— I only take it up my ass because of him! — you discreetly move your hand to the backpack — but if you want to kill me, let her go.
— and where is the fun in that? — he laughs
You manage to reach at least one explosive and throw it in Emil's face. You help rue to his feet, draw the pistol and throw the backpack on the floor. Rue climbs on top of a trash can near the wall and jumps over it. So you do the same.
You run down the alley until you reach the sidewalk. You stopped for five seconds until you heard the sound of Blonsky breaking through the wall and running after you.
— I know a place. — says Rue and you follow her down the sidewalk until you're in the middle of the street. — he's catching up with us. — you look back and see the Abomination coming closer. you shoot the hydrant next to Blonsky which slows him down then you shoot the power wire that falls on top of it.
You arrive at an alley that Rue guided you to. She goes up the fire escapes quickly followed by you.
— where are we going, Rue? — you said
— hide. — Rue says running upstairs — owes me two pins — you look back and see Blonsky crashing down the stairs causing the stairs to bend
— run! — You run to the roof of the building. — Perfect Rue! We are going to die!
— look! —Rue Points to a space below the pipes, it was small but you would fit. Rue crawls under the pipes and you follow.
Rue would squeeze your hand as you heard the monster's footsteps approaching, you tried to look calm but you were terrified, but deep down deep inside you wanted him to find you, the only reason you didn't get sober was because you thought only in suicide.
— We're going to get out of here and we're going to get high together Rue, I promise… — You bring your face close to hers when they hear the roar of the Abomination. He passed by all sides while you were very silent.
He got close to where you were, fear took over you. He was getting closer to the point where his footsteps were winding in her face.
He got close and it looked like he was going to burst the pipes, until something pulled Blonsky out of there. Rue tries to scream but you cover her mouth, making her scream muffled. The noises and punches ceased and again steps turned towards you still a bit of heroin in your pocket you reached and placed it in your hand. If you were going to die, you would die stoned. You inhale the powder together and a smile comes to your lips and a kiss would ensue.
— Y/n? — a familiar voice called you, making you mumble.
— Shit! I fucked up.— you whisper looking at Rue who comes out of hiding first. You follow her. — Dad.
— Are you god? — your dad asks and you nod -- Y/n, What you doing in Queens? 
-- I came to study with Peter, MJ and her sister in this case here. — You point at Rue. Your voice was a little cracked from the drug.
— Miss Jones — Bruce greets Rue who nods. — Well, I think better, you came out your home. He will wake up faster.
— I kind of live in this building. So I'm coming down, see you tomorrow and pay me huh? — rue  opens a door that leads directly to the apartments.
You and your father walked down from the terrace, where you were trying to look sober, when clearly the last thing you were...
— since when do you met Peter's sister-in-law?
— And does it matter? — you said harshly, your life didn't matter to him. And the drugs made you too sincere.
 — matters a lot. - Bruce says stopping immediately and you didn't stop. You weren't having the discernment for that. — Y/n, tell me the truth now. I know you're lying, because Peter is in the tower with MJ -- your heart was about to burst out of your chest when you felt Bruce coming after you, you ran as fast as you could as he was about to reaching you realized the alley you were in before the confusion and remembered that before everything Ash sold you several substances... it was today that you died of an overdose. So a shot at the lamppost delayed his father
When jumping over the wreckage of the wall you saw your backpack and took it and hid behind a car and began to inhale the heroin bag by bag until he lost his sense of reality. Your life was over, what moral would the avengers give to a drug addict now? You'd spend days in a fucking toxicology clinic and then die of an overdose.
You've thought about killing yourself every day, but you've never felt more like it than now. The drugs were burning your neurons more and more leaving you half dead. Bruce screamed his name louder and louder while you laughed or moaned softly.
Bruce saw your shadow and ran towards it.
-- Y/n you will... -- Bruce tries to scold you but he sees you in that situation -- Y/n you will... Oh my God. -- He tries to get you on his lap, but you push him away.
-- What?! -- you laugh -- are you caring with me? 
-- I will always care about you. -- you laugh again, but you look at your father with a look he's never seen before.
-- don't joke! -- you turn the eyes to the ground -- where are you been when I needed you? Where are you been in my worst moment? Who give me the hapiness? Was it you? No. Was Rue, Always been Rue. -- you stagger to your feet and Bruce put his arms around you. -- But do you want know the truth?! Do You want to know the fucking truth?! -- your body was shutting down, but you had to keep going, you had to say it. -- I felt the Euphoria. - Bruce noticed a greenish in his eyes. A greenish he knew. you laugh and fall into your father's arms.
-- Y/n?! -- Bruce looks down at his passed out body in his arms -- Y/n speak to me, please!
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Solar Opposites in The Ultra Opposites Episode #4: “Electric Rage” (for @avaveevo and @crazychanuwu77)
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On a normal typical school day, Jesse Solar-Opposites was walking through the halls, until suddenly she got hit by an eraser. By Stacy K and the Stacies.
Jesse: Uh oh, the Stacies.
Stacy F: Oh my God. What the fuck are you doing in our halls?
Jesse: Uh…
Stacy K: Oh my God, Jessica. You are so embarrassing! Ugh!
Stacy B: Get the fuck out of here! hump kicks Jesse as she moans
The Stacies laugh as Jesse started growling and electrify spreads around her body. Miss Frankie sees Jesse and gasp in horror.
Miss Frankie: Oh shit! Better call her dads.
Later, Korvo and Terry head to the Principal Cooke and Miss Frankie exchange awkward looks at them than last time.
Terry: Uh is everything okay with our kids?
Korvo: Don’t tell me Yumyulack-
Miss Frankie: Oh no. It has something to do with your daughter. She looks very stressed.
Korvo: What?! Really?!
Principal Cooke: To be honest, the Stacies have been harassing her for the past weeks and she look very overwhelmed.
Terry: What?! Jesse has been picked for the last couple of weeks? Why didn’t she tell us?
Miss Frankie: I-I’m afraid the stress has gotten to her. So, I think it’s best if we suspend her. For two weeks.
Terry and Korvo: What?!
Korvo: But Jesse didn’t do anything wrong!
Principal Cooke: We know, but it’s for the best. All the stress is causing Jesse to react in some kind of weird energy.
Terry: Uh?
Principal Cooke: So, I think it’s best if you guys keep her home. Now, get the fuck out of my office!
Later in Ms. Perez’s class…
Ms. Perez: Now class, I notice you’ve been going through some changes. It’s a big thing for you kids. Especially that one day, you’ll blossom into a beautiful adult.
However, Jesse is not enjoying it because the Stacies are longer objects at her.
The Stacies: laughing mischievously; quietly
Jesse: groaning in annoyance
Ms. Perez: Jesse, is there anything wrong?
Jesse: Ugh, you see-
But then, Jesse gets grabbed by Korvo and Terry who panicky took her home. Later, Jesse's sitting on the couch with Korvo and Terry looking at her worriedly.
Korvo: The fuck is wrong with you Jesse? Why didn’t you tell us the Stacies are bullying you?
Terry: Sweetie, we are really worried about you. These girls are a bad influence and pushing you too far.
Jesse: But I want to be like them! Ugh! I hate this decision! It’s too much pressure!
Suddenly, a white Goobler sprouted out off Jesse’s mouth as it lies on the floor. Korvo and Terry froze in horror once Janiz came down and gasp.
Janiz: Oh my God. Is that a White Goobler?
Korvo: Oh shit! Not again!
Later, Janiz did some research on the white goobler as she gasp.
Janiz: Aw man, I’m afraid this would happen! All the stress has catch up to Jesse. It created another White Goobler.
Jesse: Aw no, not again! Ugh! electricity spreads around her body
Korvo: Whoa whoa whoa. Easy there honey. Take it easy! If you keep doing this, the white Goobler is gonna grow bigger than last them.
Jesse: Aw okay.
Terry: We should start training you first thing in the morning. But first…
Janiz made a huge tube keeping the white Goobler locked up. The next morning, Yumyulack and Jesse were in their bedroom where Yumyulack grows annoyed by Jesse reading a magazine.
Yumyulack: Damn it, you are seriously reading about pretty girls again?!
Jesse: But I love it.
Yumyulack: Oh really? That how come you are not pretty?!
Soon enough, it was the last straw. Jesse’s anger caused her to release a huge amount of that shocked Yumyulack as he scream in pain. Jesse’s anger then fades away as she gasp and tears burst from her eyes.
Yumyulack: Oh shit. Jesse I am so sorry, I didn’t mean it.
Jesse: tearfully Y’know what?! Maybe, it’s best if I just leave. I’m too much of a burden anyway. I wish I never found these stupid powers in the first place.
Jesse runs off crying.
Jesse: in tears Don’t follow me!
Yumyulack: Jesse! Don’t be like that! Come on, talk to me!
Later, Jesse is shown the ship crying as Korvo approaches her in a concern tone.
Korvo: Jesse? What’s wrong babygirl, are you still upset over what happened yesterday?
Jesse: tearfully Yes. You were right. I do have anger problems. I having trouble controlling my anger. I don’t even know what my powers can do.
Korvo: Oh Jesse, this is all my fault. I should’ve given you more attention and I should’ve never put all that fucked up pressure on you and bullied you.
Jesse: crying Well I deserve it! Everyone thinks I am the weakest link of them all.
Korvo gasp in concern as he puts his arms around Jesse and started to soothe her.
Korvo: Oh honey, I am sorry. I never should’ve treat you like shit all those years. I guess it was because I hated myself and you all know it.
Jesse: sniffles It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean it. I just can’t do anything right. crying
Korvo: Oh honey. That is not true. You done so many amazing things. You did an awesome job at the pronunciation bee! You defeated a giant Goobler! You saved Yumyulack from a giant penis! You are a very brave young lady and you’ve grown so much since our mission. I am so proud of you. And I’m sorry I never told you that all the time. You are a special girl and I should’ve given you more credit. I am so proud to call you my daughter.
Jesse smiles as tears swell from her eyes, finally receiving attention from her step-father for the first time in her life.
Jesse: Come here you big lug.
Jesse and Korvo hugs as Janiz watches and smile.
Janiz: So how are you two doing on here?
Jesse: Everything’s okay now. But, I think I should training on my powers. Because, I don’t want to get anyone hurt again by them.
Janiz: Don’t worry. I’m sure this training session will be perfect and- Yumyulack taps her on the shoulder with a remorseful look on his face Huh?
Yumyulack grabs Janiz as he looks at her remorsefully.
Janiz: What is it honey?
Yumyulack: Aunt Janiz, can I be the one to help train Jesse? I really messed things up with her lately. And, I want to make things right with my sister.
Janiz: Aw okay honey. You go right ahead.
Yumyulack smiles and hugs Janiz as he heads off. The next morning, Jesse approaches the training room. She then sees Yumyulack in his Ultra Opposites suit
Yumyulack/Psylock: Hey uh sis.
Jesse: Why are you here?
Yumyulack/Psylock: I decided to make things up for what happened yesterday with some training.
Jesse: thinks about it Hmmm… okay!
Yumyulack: Good now let’s get started:
Cue training montage:
A few minutes later, Jesse had finished training as Yumyulack grows impressed.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Wow. You were amazing.
Jesse: I know and look! summons a wrecking ball I have a wrecking ball.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Yeah. Hey, sorry for being a dick yesterday. I was treating you the same the Stacies treated you and that wasn’t very nice.
Jesse: Aw you may have been a dick. But it’s okay now.
Yumyulack and Jesse hug but then Jesse accidentally shock him.
Yumyulack: Aah!
Jesse: Oops sorry.
Yumyulack: It’s okay. I still like your hugs.
Jesse: Aaaw.
But then, Janiz notices the white Goobler growing.
Janiz: Jesus Christ, what’s happening now?
Korvo: comes in Damn, looks like Jesse’s stress are getting worse.
Terry: Aw our poor little girl.
But then, they heard something outside. Jesse was walking peacefully until, the Stacies came again and bump into her.
Stacy K: Ugh. Ew. Jesse, you never told us you live here.
Jesse: I did on the first day of school.
Stacy K: Next time speak up Messica! If you weren’t part of school, you wouldn’t be here with us!
Jesse groans in frustration but Korvo, realizing the Stacies are treating Jesse the same way he treated her in the past, looks down remorsefully. Then, his face turns to anger and he marches down the stairs.
Terry: Korvo, where are you going?
As Korvo heads outside, Jesse solemnly heads back to her room. Korvo marches towards the Stacies in anger as he grows extremely pissed off.
Korvo: You three!
Stacies: Huh? What the?
Korvo: How dare you treat my sweet little girl like that, you three fucking brats?!
Stacy K: Excuse us?
Stacy B: You don’t scare us, Mr. Opposites.
As the Stacies laugh, Korvo growls and transforms into his Super Shlorpian form and growls.
Stacies: Aaaaaahh!
Stacy F: Aaah! Jesse’s daddy is a monster!
Stacy K: Let’s get the fuck out of here!
The Stacies ran away screaming as Korvo watches and chuckles.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Ha ha ha. Still got it.
Janiz: Damn Korvo, why did you do that?
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Well, let’s just say I’m like a Hawk. I may look pretty as I look, but mess with my lil chicks, you get the fucking talons!
Terry: Damn honey, you were pretty badass.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Thank you.
Terry kisses Korvo on the lips. Later, Janiz was heading up to her lab, until Aisha and Eva pop up.
Aisha: Janiz! Quick! Something strange has gone wrong!
Janiz: What?! What the fuck happened?!
Janiz rushes to the lab and gasp to see the tube broken and the White Goobler gone.
Janiz: Oh shit.
Meanwhile, the Solar Opposites are looking at the meteor shower.
Jesse: Wow. The meteor shower sure is beautiful.
Korvo: It sure is. These stars look beautiful to gaze at.
Yumyulack: It really is beautiful.
Pupa: Stars!
Terry: Pretty amazing once you think about it.
Suddenly, the family heard a rustling sound and birds going crazy.
Korvo: Shut up! Do you hear that?! tippy toes quietly with his family Use the single match app on your phone to get us more light.
Terry: Right. gets out his match app Steady. I hope this work. This app only has one match before it makes you watch an add. Phew, there we go.
Terry lifts up the phone and the light shows the white Goobler gigantic now. The family screams in shock and horror. The white Goobler then grabs Korvo as he gasp.
Korvo: Help! It’s hugging me! Help! Help!
Janiz: The white goobler got out! And now I know what happened! I think he’s eating other people!
Korvo: Yeah! Thanks for telling me that! Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck! gets eaten
Terry: Oh no! My Korvy!
Jesse: We have to get you guys somewhere where you can transform!
But before they could do that, the white Goobler grabs Yumyulack.
Yumyulack: No ho!
Jesse: Yummybear!
Yumyulack: screaming as he gets eaten alive
Terry: We need some speed luckily I wore my healies. rollers get stuck in mud Man stupid naive rolling in the dirt.
Jesse: Run Terry!
Terry: I’m trying! These heely shoes betray me! gets eaten by white Goobler
Janiz: drives her motorcycle Auntie Janiz to the rescue!
Jesse hope on her aunt’s motorcycle, puts on a helmet and the two Shlorpian drives off.
Janiz: We gotta do something before they get digested!
Jesse: comes up with an idea I have an idea! But first, Auntie Janiz, ram this baby up for speed!
Janiz: What?! Why?!
Jesse: Trust me!
With that said, Janiz raves up her motorcycle as it brooms up into the white Goobler. Jesse and Janiz made it down here where it turns out the family has transformed into their Ultra Opposites forms.
Jesse: Wow, I didn’t know you guys transformed that quick.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Well, that bad news is, I’m afraid those powers have been proven immobile to the goobler. My ice powers just make his gut more stronger.
Yumyulack/Psylock: And I couldn’t even find his brain with my mind reading powers. I think it because it doesn’t have a brain.
Terry/Solar Flare: Yeah, and I’m afraid I use my powers in there, we’ll melt since we’re in his stomach.
Janiz: Well, what do we do now?!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Hmm… then realizes how it all started and comes up with an idea That’s it! Jesse, imagine me as the worst Stacy in the whole neighborhood.
Jesse: What? Oh it’s Stacy K.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: That’s right. Now, I’m gonna act like her and you are gonna confront her!
Jesse: Huh? What?
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: teenage girl voice Oh my God Jessica. You are so embarrassing. It’s your fault you’re a loser.
Jesse: gasp Stacy K… shut.. shut…
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Come on Jesse! Imagine me as Stacy K! You can do this! Let all that anger out!
Jesse’s eyes then shine as she started to let it all her fury out as electric lightning sparks spreads around her body.
Jesse: Shut up Stacie K! It’s your fault my family and I are trapped in here! If it weren’t for you and your fellow Stacies bullying me, I would never had another fudging white Goobler in the first place! You and your Stacies are nothing but a bunch of bullies because I am not beautiful and glamorous as you three are. But, that ends today!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: mimicking Stacy K I’m not a bully. Don’t try to pin this on me!
Jesse: stomps her left feet as the sparks grow stronger and she starts floating I’m not done! You three are rude, mean and selfish and you just hate yourselves and everyone at school knows it.
Yumyulack/Psylock: looking up at Jesse Y-You don’t like them?
Jesse: No. I don’t like you girls. Korvo was right about you girls. You never let me join in your group activities and you always make fun other girls who are less prettier than you.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: mimicking Stacy K Alright Jessica, you can hang out with us if you calm down. smirks
Jesse suddenly starts glowing
Terry/Solar Flare: Woah! What's happening???
Jesse/Electra's Transformation Sequence:
After transforming, Jesse uses her electric wrecking ball to explode the White Goobler.
Janiz: Alright! We're free! But...what happened...?
Korvo/The Legendary Super Shlorpian: Unless I'm mistaken, Jesse's anger must have tapped into her powers...
Terry/Solar Flare: WHO CARES?! Her transformation was super cool!
Yumyulack/Psylock: No. It was weird.
Jesse/Electra gives Yumyulack/Psylock a death stare.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Uh, I mean cute.
Jesse/Electra: giggles Better.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Bravo Jesse! I am so proud of you! Welcome to the Ultra Opposites!
The family embrace Jesse, as she smiles with tears of joy in her eyes and she walks towards the White Goobler’s corpse.
Jesse/Electra: Guess what you damn dirty Goobler?! You just got… Electra’d!
Jesse, now going as Electra, does her own super hero pose as she smiles in triumph. Two weeks, Jesse has return to school with a smile on her face as she heads towards the halls. But then, the Stacies came.
Stacy K: Hey Jessica. We like a word about you about your father.
Jesse: with tranquil fury No! You listen here Stacies! I had a horrible week! A horrible day! My family was almost devoured by a fucking white Goobler! And I had enough you girls pushing me around! So if you don’t mind, GET OUT OF MY FACE!
The Stacies: run away screaming
Stacy K: running away;crying out You’re scarier than your daddy!
Jesse laughs as Yumyulack smiles with Daryl.
Daryl: Damn honey. Your sister’s all badass now.
Yumyulack: Yeah. She sure is. heads to Jesse I’m really proud you saving us last night. Thanks for saving our asses.
Jesse: No problem, and thank you for training me. You may be a dick, but you’re my big brother. And I love you. Come here.
Jesse and Yumyulack hug as the screen fades to black.
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fmkkennedy · 11 months
let's GO, BABYYYYYYYY. so, we've briefly discussed the underworld AU where we can write natalie out and put kennedy in, but i've been finding myself also thinking of some other SHIT. there's all the common ones like rockstar AU, or college AU, assassins AU, royalty AU, but! also! like.
i've been watching a lot of horror movies, so a horror scenario AU?
kennedy is the virgin, last girl kind of vibe. eldest daughter of a huge family, the one who tries to protect everyone. at party scenes and everything else, she's the one watching out for all the girls and her friends to make sure no one takes advantage of them when they're wasted, has like 20 hairbands on her wrist for whenever someone ultimately starts to projectile vomit. the motherhen.
tyr, the bad boy. the one that is always at the parties because people enjoy him, plus he brings the weed. he's the one who the girls kinda fawn over because he's hot and mysterious, and maybe a little weird, but the hot kind of weird where it's like, "is he going to wreck my guts literally or figuratively."
tl;dr, he's cool, kennedy is not, and more often than not, kennedy is the enemy of a bunch of the dudes at the parties because she never lets her friends go off with dumb boys when they're drunk.
kennedy has had a crush on tyr for the longest... fucking... time. some of her friends are the very ones that tyr comes to the parties for, mostly lux-- who is a loud and rambunctious party girl with rich parents who are always on business trips or on vacation, meaning their house out in the country is always there to party. her parents are the ones that buy alcohol for their kids, because they'd rather they get drunk at the house than somewhere else and keep secrets, yadig? lux tries to force them together several times, unsuccessfully, because kennedy trips over herself and runs off because she "HAS THINGS TO DO" like have a panic attack around the corner because he made eye contact with her and it took her breath away. the night that lux successfully gets them in a room together to "talk," is the night that the killer(s) strike(s). it's raining outside (obviously) so the party moved entirely indoors, and tyr was nothing short of a gentleman, despite a kind of whoreish reputation, not forcing kennedy into anything and instead just trying to talk to her, noticing she was in a panic, trying to calm her down a little, offering to tell lux and whoever else whatever she wanted to happen happened, regardless of the truth. eventually, they get closer and closer before the first body is flung into the large windows and everyone near it screams their fucking heads off.
kennedy wants to save everyone. every single person, even the people who have wronged her. the people who have bullied her, caused her anguish; she's determined to protect every single person she comes across. meanwhile, tyr is of the "if brendan from government croaks, i wouldn't be upset." this causes some angst and some infighting. brendan absolutely deserves to croak for the things he's done, btw. totally valid. tyr is just there to let fate control things when it's people he doesn't uhhhhh, fucking like for valid reasons. the first big blow-up that they have is after tyr seems completely and truly unbothered by a death of someone who had done Horrible Things and the entire school knew it. kennedy was still desperate that no one deserved to die like this (he did), and she gets in tyr's face about it-- preaching about humanity and morality and ladeefuckingdah before she commits the cardinal sin of running off, insisting she'd be better off by herself than with someone as heartless and cold as him.
tyr saves her. literally, in a moment where she's about to fucking die and walk into the killer's grasp, he jerks her out of the scenario and makes her book it. it's one of those "if you're watching the movie, you're screaming at the dumb bitch to turn around and run, do something," but she's completely oblivious to what's just around the corner and was ready to strike at the first person who turned it. this ends in a chase where tyr ends up wounded after defending kennedy, insisting that she go ahead of him and get some distance. he gets a deep swipe on his right arm. if tyr hadn't been there, she would've taken a knife to the chest. she would, 100%, be absolutely fucking dead. no, she doesn't shut up about it. she's grateful, so endlessly grateful, but she feels so insanely guilty that he got injured because she was reckless. she downright coddles him until he gets a little Firm in letting her know that he's going to survive, that he did what he did because he Wanted to do it, he'd rather Himself get hurt than her any day. she goes to question what the fuck that means, but there's a deafening scream that sends them running.
many people, unsurprisingly, think tyr is the killer. he shows up, he disappears. everything is iffy, he's never EXACTLY RIGHT THERE when major things happen, and the only thing that he's covered for is the first death, when he was in a room with kennedy, but people don't seem to fully believe that story. this tears the group down the middle because some are full-on ready to murder tyr, and that's when kennedy defends him despite their past disagreements. one of the jocks that had always tormented kennedy goes for tyr, ends up with a broken nose after kennedy busts it open with a hockey stick. eventually, this leads to kennedy and tyr separating from the group. he'd saved her, he'd defended her, and she'd tried to defend him, but the group that they'd found was determined he was the killer. he had a fucking knife on him-- wasn't it obvious? so the line was drawn in the sand. it was be outcast, or be killed. they mocked kennedy as she left with him, promising they'd find her body after he killed her and make sure her mom wouldn't have to see it. she prayed her instincts were right.
THEY DON'T FUCK. i mean, while the danger is present, anyway. they do have a scorching hot makeout session with some dry humping and whatever, because emotions are high, kennedy is determined to at least have some dream come true before she ultimately dies, etc, etc. however, they absolutely do fuck not too long after the scenario is over and everyone is safe. if there's a sequel, she's pretty screwed.
Ragged, heavy breaths.
The soft pattering of rain against the leaves far up above, muffled by the night. Despite being deathly quiet, it was in those moments that you felt as though you could hear everything. Catching her breath sharply, Kennedy pressed her back to the nearby tree, promptly holding her breath as she closed her eyes, wishing that the tree would invite her inside. The hockey stick that she'd kept pressed to her chest caved deeper into her chest, and the soft sound of rustling caused her entire body to stifen.
This was it.
This was the end.
She was fucking toast.
She somehow gripped the stick tighter, repositioning it in her hands slightly to tilt so she'd have a wide arc available whenever the killer came into view. If she was going to die, it wouldn't be without swinging. The rustling got louder, and louder, closer, and closer...
The hockey stick fell from her hands after the contact, vibrating and sore due to the intensity that she'd swung at, the contact at which she'd made before she gasped.
"I thought you were the fucking bad guy!" Kennedy hissed, leaning over quickly to pick up her stick, assessing the scene around her before she looked back at Tyr with a pointed gaze.
Tyr, who had barely dodged the stick and let it slam into the tree she'd been hiding behind, rubbed at his shoulder that had only taken a whiff of the swing. He looked at her with a tilted head, unimpressed, responding coolly, "I'm fine after your brutal assault, thanks for asking."
"I-- you!" Kennedy huffed, reaching out and shoving him backward firmly with one hand. Her jaw locked, glaring at him with the intensity of a thousand suns, hoping that he'd get the idea, but he remained stationary, looking behind him nearly too casually. Kennedy let her jaw loosen, her hand on the stick tighter than ever. "You can't just run up on a person like that! Not-- not now!"
"You were hiding behind a tree." He said plainly, looking back at her before looking at the stick. "A hockey stick? He has a knife."
"I--" Kennedy pursed her lips together, darting her eyes to the side with a dash of insecurity before she bucked up, her chest jutting out. "Says the one who doesn't have anything."
Tyr's hand went into his pocket, a switchblade rolling across his fingers into her vision. She huffed. Downright huffed.
"Of course you have a knife."
"Of course the Canadian has a hockey stick." He replied immediately, the knife going back into his jean pocket.
"Of course, the annoying bad boy is -- is -- !" She shoved him again, lost for words. She shoved him another time, then another, getting dangerously close to his space before she sharpened her gaze at him. "You're so lucky I have someone I need to use this on, or I'd break it over your head."
"Is that a promise?" The heat of his tone caused her to flush immediately, and he automatically knew exactly what he was doing, and doing successfully.
He took a step forward, but Kennedy took a step back, then another, lifting up the hockey stick and pointing the blade into his chest. She swallowed, hard, knowing that her face and her chest were bright red, but begged the night and her shadows to keep that fact hidden from the infuriating man that stood before her.
Kennedy breathed in heavily through her nose, closing her eyes albeit briefly as she lowered the hockey stick. "You're the worst." She paused, only briefly. "Now, let's go."
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suiciderape · 10 months
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u dont even like him hes being nasty! well thats my daughter and i love her! so lets get started on why shes the best daughter in the world no! ok so lets get started on why shes the best cunt in the world shes her best friends pussy destective she gets raped by her best friends bfs friends for no fucking reason! shes like hella much insane on suicide rape its hella much murdery and awkward to have the russian mafia in ur house bc they are cool as shit! whats her name? veronica why? she likes me and she doesnt know why? whats wrong with her? she likes my bf! whats that about? shes into my friend? who? her bfs daughter is she blonde? yes! ok so whats up with veronica? shes into my friend hes hella coolA but hes my best friend too! um whose he? shes my daughter? veronicaas daughter? um who is this? paranoid whose that? me yoon daamn! who is this? desarae renee hollins ohA whats going on? the whole world is confusing and i need help writing eboy manga rome my manga about kpop idols thats it? yes! :) and aniyah and the world are trying to put me into mental wards um kamakazi style i want to meet no limit soliders yoon he said hes my daddy? and i heard it in jock hell nation oouut um im scared bc i can write and i want to meet him he might sue me for this shit its all true and i am attractive so pls help me meet him pls im a huge fan of yoon keeho plus i dont want to go to the mental ward i like writing and im im the romeo! romeo! romeo! universe its hella jock hell natiom tight pls help a bitch ouut aleiah and desarae oout ok so suicide rape is when um me a little girl is intelligent and kind ewA but everyon ew! wants to kill her and shes asian but looks black bc her family is filipino and egyptian but they adopted her soo her father keeho lets her live ew! with them and shes stuck between high school and 2011s jock hell nation oouuut shes gonna keep writing dude shes a writer and shes been trying nvm! ok were gonna help u! thank u :) ok! who are they? those ppl shes writinf as a 28 yr old woman who was bullied in 2011 on tumblr as totaltrasg for no reason and romeomtd9 is stuck btwn chak lord universe and romeo romeo wherefore art thou romeo jock hell nation tight! universe so pls help us understand why shes stuck here and cant ew! nvm! dont talk about anything yet! nvm get her out of here get s life! whose veronica? she wants t know eho nevet ever nevrt never never tell her anything whh? no@ no! shes jock hell nation tight like in the russian mafia tight dudee dont kill me ! pls she right its weird im poe rich still! and keeho yoon is her daddy thats it! oh nvm! get awawy from her thank u! no getting away from her never! ewww shes gay hahah fuck tard what language is this english latin bitch ass nigga its weird dude heeeell me! help me is he gonna kill me? nvm! ok? no ohmgd! what a waste of time! hahahaha what the fuck bitch? suck a fuck bitch that is it i dont wanna die alone without keeho hes my daddy he told me fr hell nah i did kill jesse vidal jr. tho in tha streets well do it@ nah ah go to bed ok end it end it end it russian mafia sucks ass!! byee
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straykidsftw · 3 years
Jealousy | BC
genre: angst, fluff
summary: joey, leo and dan sticking up for jemima at school
age: Jemima = 11 / Leo & Dan = 15 / Joey = 17
warnings: bullying
“Mima, hurry up, we're going to be late!” you yelled, Jemima still hauled up in her bedroom, taking over an hour on getting ready.
“I'll be down in a minute!” she responded, Joey coming down the stairs as she did.
“Mum can we get breakfast on the way?” Leo asked, Dan packing their bags behind him.
“Not if your sister takes any longer.”
“Oh Jemima!” Dan complained.
“Hey, can you guys do me a favour and keep an eye on Jemima today?” Chan said, catching Joey's arm as he started heading for the door, talking to all three brothers.
“Dad, she's fine,” Joey sighed.
“She says she is, but...” Chan shrugged, “just promise me you'll keep an eye on her.”
“Promise,” the brothers said.
Chan winked at them before heading to the bottom of the stairs, “Mima, if you come now you'll get Starbucks on the way!”
“Just go, I'll walk,” Jemima said, sounding disheartened.
Chan motioned furiously to you, as you just nodded, “I know, I know. Come on boys.”
“Can you two actually keep your promise? Dad's right, Mima's been acting weird,” Joey said, going and joining his brothers as they sat on a bench eating lunch.
“Fuck off, you think we're not any less concerned than you guys?” Dan said, the three conversing in English so the students around them couldn't understand, “she's over there.”
Joey turned his head to see Jemima sat at a lunch table with three other girls. Her hair was messy and she was wearing barely any make-up. Quietly, she sat, continuing to do her work as her friends talked endlessly.
“Wonder what they’re saying,” Leo said, picking at his rice.
“Why is Mima so messy? She spent ages getting ready, fucks’ sake,” Joey complained through a mouthful of food.
“Hey!” Dan shouted, standing up.
The canteen fell a lot quieter, eyes falling on Dan.
“What?” the other two brothers asked, looking towards Jemima.
The girls sat beside Jemima were now picking at Jemima’s clothes, doing their own make-up and tutting at Jemima about hers.
“Donghyuck, what are you doing?” Jemima scolded.
Dan rolled his eyes, “what are those two doing?!”
Jemima grunted, “just go away!”
She ran out the canteen, the three brothers watching as she went.
“Did she just call you Donghyuck?” Leo scoffed, “okay Bang Jaeun!”
“Leo stop it,” Joey shook his head, “just leave her be.”
“I told you to just stop picking me up! I don’t need it! I can walk home by myself!”
“I’m just worried about you, Mima, you haven’t been yourself recently,” Chan cooed.
“Just leave me alone,” she cried, running upstairs as she escaped his grasp.
Joey rolled his eyes, “she said that to us today as well.”
“Chan, I think she’s just becoming a teenage girl, it’s okay,” you chuckled, rubbing his shoulder.
“I don’t think she is, Mum, today the girls she was sat with started picking her apart.”
“Yeah that’s cause she looked like shit,” you snorted.
“Y/N!” Chan scolded.
“What?! She did! She said ‘that’s the point’ when I pointed it out,” you shrugged.
“What?” Chan asked.
“But the girls today were insulting her,” Dan said, Leo giving him a quick punch.
“What?! What girls?! Why didn’t you tell me?! Jemima!” Chan called.
“Dad, don’t freak out,” Joey groaned.
“Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“Tell you what?” Jemima asked.
“Who are these girls who are making fun of you?!”
“Dad,” the brothers’ groaned.
Jemima looked shocked, panicked, as though she’s been caught; trapped in a lie.
“Dan said today that there were girls insulting you. Who are they?”
“Just my friends!” Jemima lied, though tears were starting to form in her eyes, “j-just leave me alone.”
She ran back up the stairs, Chan heading to go after her when you caught him.
“Stop,” you whispered, “I’ll go in a few minutes okay? You’re stressing her out too much.”
“We’ll keep an eye on her at school, Dad, it’ll be okay,” Joey reassured.
Though reassured at the safety of his daughter, Chan shuddered at how grown up his sons sounded, “alright, off to bed, school tomorrow.”
Joey rolled his eyes before putting on a fake high-pitched voice, “goodnight Daddy I love you!”
“Fuck off,” Chan laughed.
“Yeah,” you sighed, “she’s having a tough time.”
“Is she being bullied?”
“More like... made fun of,” you nodded, “and, this may be the hardest thing you’ll ever hear in the world—”
“Y/N,” Chan whined, “I’m already nervous stop hyping it up.”
“It’s because of you.”
“Me? What did I do?”
“Not you being a dad, but because you’re an idol,” you rolled your eyes, “it’s so obvious that everyone’s just jealous of her and her family and her life, but 11-year-olds being 11-year-olds, they take it out on her by poking fun at everything she does, especially when it concerns celebrities, money and you.”
“Okay,” Chan sighed, turning away from you as he laid down, “I’ll back away, then. God, I fucking hate 11-year-olds.”
“I know, babe,” you kissed his bare shoulder, slinging an arm round his waist, “I know.”
“For god’s sake, Jaeun, we all know your dad’s from Australia, you can stop reminding us,” the girl sat across from Jemima said; she had a roller in the front of her hair and was topping up her make-up, specifically her under-eye white eyeliner.
“I-I wasn’t—”
“Why don’t you just go back over there?” another girl scowled.
“Cause then her dad wouldn’t even be famous!” a boy from the next table joined in.
“Ya, Kim Yonghee, make-up’s not allowed at this school, hmm?” Leo said, walking over and moving the girl’s hand away from her face.
Yonghee tutted, “I’m surprised you can speak Korean.”
Leo backed away, exasperated.
“So it’s not just Jemima, huh? You’re even taking on my brother?” Dan asked, pushing Leo away.
“You’re helping me at all, mate, by physically dominating me,” Leo switched to English, Jemima giving him a quick kick.
“You think I’m intimidated by the same face?” Yonghee laughed.
Dan looked away, accidentally locking eyes with Seo Haein, sat only a couple tables away from Jemima, “this bitch, huh?”
“Dan, Leo, go away,” Joey scoffed, moving them over to stand guard of Jemima as he approached.
Yonghee and all the other girls at the table– and everyone else on the surrounding tables –stopped, stiffening and suddenly becoming intimidated.
Joey Bang was known around the school; he was one of the coolest, most handsome seniors there was. He was sporty, he was in the band, he was notoriously friendly and flirty when he wanted to be.
“Who are you?” Joey asked before flitting his eyes down to her name badge, “Kim... Yong... Hee?”
“Yes, I’m Kim Yonghee,” she bowed.
Joey frowned, “why are you giving me a formal introduction? I think I already know all I wanna know about you.”
Yonghee bowed, “sorry.”
“Why are you apologising to me?” he laughed, “my baby sister is hurt because of you. Because of all of you. And it’s not her fault is it?! You’re just all so jealous, aren’t you? Come on; apologise.”
“I’m sorry Jemima,” Yonghee bowed, “your dad’s so awesome and cool and you have a proper English name!”
Joey rolled his eyes, “groveller.”
“How the fuck did you get that out of her?” Leo asked as the brothers walked away.
“That’s not fair at all!”
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mizunetzu · 4 years
Hi! I love your writing and I wanted to know if you could do one where the reader is trans masc and their dad is aizawa And no of 1a knows (except aizawa) until someone who went to school with them starts bullying them, and publicly outs them. And so aizawa makes a really big deal, and accidentally mentions that the reader is his kid, But everyone in 1a supports them and are more shocked when they find out their dad is aizawa. Thank you!!!! I know it's weird I just want validation tbh (´-﹏-`;)
Hi hi hi !! I wasn’t sure if this ask requested male pronouns (bc of the use of the word ‘trans masc’) or GN pronouns (bc of the use of the word ‘they’ across the request) feel free to educate me on that!! But for now, I used Male Pronouns!
Platonic! Aizawas trans male kid gets outed
⚠️warnings - mentions of outing, deadnaming, me antagonizing shindo bc haha I needed a bad guy-
Pronouns - male, he/him
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Loading off the bus, (Y/n) stretched his arms and let out a huff. He rubbed at his eyes, and activated his quirk slightly to see if it still worked. It wasn’t like it was going to go away, but it became habit to see if he could still do it after a long time or not. A useless habit, you could say.
Though, it was important he still had his quirk, since today was the day he was going to take the Provincial Licensing Exam. Along with his classmates.
(Y/n) strolled around the area, being sure not to stray too far away from his own class and bus. There seemed to be many schools here. Most of them, upperclassmen. (Y/n) swallowed the lump in his throat and stalked up to Kirishima to calm his nerves.
Kirishima spotted him, giving him a curt slap on the back. (Y/n) coughed, adjusting his hero costumes chest area.
“Yo! Aren’t you excited for this thing? Whaddya think we’re gonna do?”
(Y/n) let out a timid laugh, his voice noticeably deep, but almost borderline androgynous. Like he was trying to force it to go lower than it naturally was. An ear perked up from somewhere behind (Y/n). “Yeah, I’m getting kinda pumped u-“
“Well-I certainly wasn’t expecting you to be here.”
That sickeningly sweet voice made (Y/n) scrunch up his nose. He didn’t turn around. Nevertheless, the voice kept going. “Eh, well, that’s a lie. Your face was practically plastered everywhere on tv.”
“Tell me-how’s it feel to go to the famous UA, Sayaka-chan?”
(Y/n) kept his eyes fixated on the ground, still facing Kirishima as he looked between the two, confused.
“Uh-I think you got the wrong guy, dude. This dudes well...a dude.”
“Mm?” The boy was taken aback, before smirking and leaning next to (Y/n’s) ear. He said, rather loudly, “You didn’t tell them, Sayaka?”
“Shut up, Shindo.” (Y/n) voice was quiet. It wasn’t as deep as it was ‘normally’, but it sounded very much less strained. Kirishima seemed to catch on, though he said nothing, out of respect. Though, Shindo did the exact opposite.
“Don’t be so rude, Yaka-chan! I’m just saying hi to my old friend!” Shindo turned to Kirishima, as the UA students started noticing their little show. That-and a scruffy man, who was now completely ignoring what Ms Joke was saying to turn his ears on hyperfocus. “Don’t mind her. I guess she’s on her period today or something.”
“Ne-what’s happing here? Do you know (Y/n)-kun or something?” Mina said. (Y/n) cringed at hearing his name. He knew Shindo was going to say it. Don’t say it. Don’t-
“(Y/n)? That’s the name Sayaka-chan goes by these days?”
His seemingly friendly smile made (Y/n) want to puke. Mina titled her head. “Sayaka? You probably have the wrong person. This is (Y/n).”
Shindo turned to (Y/n), his dirty, smug glare being hidden behind a innocent, confused smile. “You really didn’t tell them, Sayaka?”
Shindo took a deep breath in. (Y/n) pursed his lips. “Don’t fucking-“
“Sayaka here,” Shindo slung an arm around the boy. “She’s a crossdresser. She’s ‘trans’. Isn’t that great?”
(Y/n) noticeably stiffened, biting his lip harshly and keeping his eyes pointed harshly at the ground like it was the only way to keep tears from flowing. He clenched his knuckles in embarrassment.
Before (Y/n), Mina, or Kirishima could say something, a hunched over, dark figure placed a hand on Shindo’s shoulder. His nice boy smile dropped. Aizawa, uncharacteristically, looked like he was seething.
“Shindo. Kid. Get away from my son. Before I find your teacher.”
Kirishimas eyes widened while Mina gasped. Son? Shindo bit back a snarl. He smiled irritably and put his sweet tone back on. “What? I’m just talking to Sayaka-chan-“
“His name is (Y/n). If you really want to be a hero, I suggest not being a nuisance to my son or any of my students.” Aizawa grumbled.
Shindo scoffed. “I’m sorry I offended you, mr...scruffy man. I’m not sure which son you’re talking about, though. Don’t you have a daughter-?”
Aizawa reached for his capture weapon, eyes glaring a Ruby red. Shindou was about to lurch forward when Ms Joke stepped in between the two. She huffed, turning to Shindo first.
“Shindo-kun, should you be changing into your hero costume about now? Go do that! The class already went ahead without you!”
Shindo gasped, his persona back on like a mask. “Oh! That’s right! I’m sorry Miss! See you guys! Do your best!”
Shindo turned to (Y/n), in a low whisper. “See you, Sayaka.” And timpered off. Ms Joke turned to Aizawa.
“And you!” She put her arms on her hips. “Just because your kid’s being teased a bit doesn’t mean you have to reach for your weapon!”
Aizawa seemingly let go of his scarf he’d been clutching for a while now. His hair flopped down and framed his face once more. “He wasn’t teasing. He’s been bullying my son since his 2nd year of middle school.”
(Y/n) was awkwardly standing behind Aizawa. Since they had no intention of bringing him in personally to the conversation, he shoved his hands into his pockets. It was then he noticed the majority of 1A staring at him.
He paled. Flashbacks of Shindo publicly outing him whipped by his mind, along with the way he hid his disgusted glare when he came out as trans initially in his 2nd year of middle school. It was his third year and (y/n’s) second year, Shindo being one of (y/n’s) closest friends until he became a ‘crossdresser’.
Were his new UA classmates going to to treat him the same? Would all the girls and boys be hesitant to undress themselves with him nearby, because he’s a “lesbian/girl perving on the guys”? Was he going to have to mend all of these relationships from the start again? A bottomless pit dug into his stomach. He didn’t want that.
Stagnant air filled the atmosphere as everyone stared at (y/n). Already thinking of excuses, explanations, anything, he opened his mouth to speak.
“You’re Aizawa’s son?!” Kaminari yelled, pointing a finger at (y/n). (Y/n) blinked, letting out a confused “eh?”
Mina popped in, flailing her arms in the air like Iida, but less stiff. “Dude! That’s so cool! You think you can tell him to round my 48 into a 90 from last weeks quiz?!”
Slowly but surely, his classmates started crowding around him, all talking at once. There were “Ohh-I can see the resemblance now!”s and “dude how are you still alive?!”s. Everyone seemed to forget what Shindo was talking about.
(Y/n) stood silent. “You guys...aren’t going to mention it?”
Most everyone stopped talking. Sero stepped forward. “Does it really matter? Your still our classmate, man. Plus, Aizawas your fuckin’ dad.”
Murmurs of agreement mused out from the surrounding crowd of UA students. (Y/n) smiled, attempting to answer every question about him or Aizawa as possible.
Ms Joke whistled from far away. Aizawa sleepily lolled his head towards her away from watching his son carefully, seeing if any students acted rudely in anyway.
“So your class didn’t know he was...y’know.”
“Mm.” Aizawa hummed. “Though, they seem to be more interested in him being my son than him not being ‘born a son’. M’glad that they’re bothering him instead of me. But knowing them, they’ll probably ask me some things after the exam.”
“I’m not meaning this in any mean way, but,” Ms Joke was oddly serious. “How are you so fine with this...change? It’s not like I’m saying it’s wrong, no, but you accepted it rather quickly and his transition happened pretty much overnight.”
“Does it really matter if he’s a boy or a girl or not? He’s still a pain in the ass. You don’t need a specific gender to be a problem child. As long as he’s keeping up with hero training and classes, I don’t really care.”
Aizawas eyes betrayed his words. They were dry, as usual, but they observed his students every move, every word they throw at his kid like he was stalking his prey. Like he was subtly saying “Say one misgendering thing, and I’ll expel you.”
In the end, Aizawa was a big softie. His child was happy, and that was fine by him. And, he’s less to deal with when he’s happy. His words, not mine. Ms Joke sighed, knowing her answer, and faced forward.
“Go out with me!”
“Go to hell.”
I’m sorry for assigning a ‘dead name’ in this fic; and I’m sorry if this fic was actually a they/them one!! Sincerest apologies :(
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supercorpkid · 3 years
The price of magic.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader
Word Count: 2210.
Turns out the price of magic was higher than you had anticipated. You’ve been away for more than a year, but for your family it was nothing but a week. Sure they’ve missed you and they were out there looking for you with no clue of where you could have gone. But for you?
A year in Storybrooke was experiencing your life as you’ve always imagined. Being yourself in its totality. No Luthor name hanging over your head, no hiding yourself behind glasses or a red and blue superhero suit. It was being both Kryptonian and human at the same time, with no fear of judgment or dislike.
Storybrooke was like going on a super long vacation; so long it made you forget all of your problems. But that doesn’t mean that your problems went away. They came back as soon as you stepped foot in National City.
The price of magic was feeling guilty for being happier somewhere else. It was walking into your bedroom and feeling at home but also somehow not at all. It was walking around the craziness of National City and feeling suffocated like you’re in a crowded room full of empty faces. It was missing the words ‘honey’ and ‘sweetheart’ when people were referring to you. It was having a crazy number of options of take-out food but wanting nothing except the food in Granny’s diner.
And you weren’t the only one to pay the price. You can feel how high it was for Kara and Lena too.
“Mom?” You sit up on the bed, looking at Lena standing in your bedroom watching you sleep. “What are you doing creeping over my bed at-” You look at your alarm clock. “3 in the morning?”
“I had to be sure you were still here.” Lena says, sounding small and scared.
“Mom, I’m not going to disappear from my bedroom in the middle of the night.” You say, trying to reassure her, but it backfires you.
“You can’t blame me for thinking that, because you did.” She holds your arm, and you hear the cry in her cracked voice.
“Would you feel better if you stayed here with me?” You make space for her. Lena hum in agreement, lying next to you. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m even more.” She kisses the back of your hand. “A whole year without us. You were probably so scared we weren’t looking for you.”
“I knew you were.”
“You got so tall, and we weren’t even there to see it!” Lena complains and you give her a sad little smile, even though she can’t see your face at all in the darkness of your bedroom.
“Well, I chose a weird age to have a growth spurt .” You joke, but you don’t get a laugh in return. You sort of always knew when you would get taller. It was the same with Kara. You were always very anxious to turn 17, because that was the age she actually grew more. But the weird thing is that you’re not really 17 now. Like Kara is not really 70.
“Come here.” Lena hugs you and you settle back. You’re almost drifting off to sleep when she whispers. “Don’t ever leave again.”
You can’t promise that you won’t. Stranger things have happened in your life, you don’t really feel like you have control over that anymore. And weird as it may seem, you also don’t want to have control over that. Because if you had, if you could have chosen, you probably wouldn’t have met some of the people that you love so much now.
“Hey!” You walk in the kitchen, to both Kara and Lena still having breakfast despite how late already is. “What are you two doing?”
“Having breakfast.” Kara explains, like it isn’t obvious.
You look at the clock. “It’s nine.” You raise an eyebrow at them. “And it’s Monday.”
“Yes.” Lena agrees.
“On Mondays you go to work, and Kara does her usual Kara’ stuff.”
“You were gone for a week. Even if L Corp burned down in flames I wouldn’t leave your side today.” Lena answers you, and you smile softly. You look at Kara next.
“Oh, well, if L Corp was burning up in flames I probably would have to go to put out the fire.” She says but adds in a hurry. “But I would be here five seconds later!”
“Ok.” You chuckle. “I thought I would go see Jamie and Maya on their lunch break, but if you two want me to stay-”
“No! Baby, no. Go see your cousin and your girlfriend. They were missing you too.” Lena hands you your phone. “There’s a lot of texts from them.”
“Oh, a phone! God I haven’t had one in a while.” You smile scrolling through your messages, ignoring your moms questioning looks.
“So, maybe you could tell us how was your life there.” Kara asks, but you’re too distracted with your phone to notice. You haven’t used one in a while, not because there weren’t phones in Storybrooke, but because you didn’t need them. It was a super small city, you could find anyone easily, and because Emma and Charming were sheriffs, you all used radio transmitters to talk. “Hey? Little one, helloooo.”
“Sorry momma.” You put your phone down. “What did you say?”
“We want to know about your life there. I mean, for us it wasn’t that long, but for you it was a whole year. You probably did lots of things.” Kara says and you agree with your head.
“Yeah, I guess.” You shrug. “I used to help mom Emma out with the saving, and oh, mom Regina helped me with my panic attacks. And I’m a lot better at controlling them! Henry and I used to watch this awesome TV show that I probably won’t ever know how it ends now. And grandma taught me archery.”
“Oh, that sounds-” Lena thinks about it for a second. “Fun.”
“Yeah. It was so great. And every night all of us would get together at Granny’s diner and talk about our days, and sometimes I would go hang out with Belle in the library, so I read all the books there. And if I had stayed a little bit longer and turned 18 there, then grandpa would’ve taught me how to use a gun.”
“A little bit? It would’ve been a whole other year!”
“For me, I guess.” You shrug again. “Just another week for you. And I would’ve been cursed anyway, so it wouldn’t feel so bad.”
“Wait. Wait. Wait.” Kara stops you, looking confused. “You wanted to stay?”
“No!” You think about it for a second. “Not stay. No. Just-you know-If I had perhaps stayed longer then yeah, it would’ve been fun to learn that.”
“You can learn how to use a gun here!” Kara says, and Lena furrows her brows.
“No, she can’t.” She looks at you. “No, you can’t. Maybe when you’re older.”
“Right. Moms wouldn’t let me touch a gun either.”
“We are your moms.” It’s out of Kara’s mouth like she hadn’t given much thought to it. But you know she has, because she looks stung. You’ve noticed how she flinched every time you referred to Regina and Emma as moms, but it’s out of your mouth before you can stop yourself to think about it. For a year that’s what you’ve been saying every day. It’s hard to call them just anything else. Almost disrespectful even. But you don’t want to make Kara and Lena upset, so you have to watch out for that.
You try to say something after that. But it’s like your mind keeps erasing itself. ‘Ok, fine, sorry, sure you are momma!’ are all things that almost make it out of your mouth. Instead, you settle for, “Can I have some M&M pancakes?”
“Sure, babygirl.” Lena gets up and gets behind the counter. You go back to your phone, too embarrassed to look at Kara again. She doesn’t say anything about it either.
You talk about other things. They tell you how crazy it was to find you, and what they did all week while you were gone. Apparently it was mostly crying and blaming themselves for your disappearance.
“Hey, where are you going?”
“To school. To see Jamie and Maya.”
“Where are your glasses?” Kara asks and you touch your face to realize that you haven’t been wearing them at all.
“Ugh.” You grunt and mumble right after. “I hate those stupid glasses. Can’t believe I have to wear them again.”
You run to your bedroom and find an old pair tossed around. Stupid disguise. Stupid glasses. Stupid secret identity.
“Ok. Can I go now?” You ask when you make it back to the living room.
Lena lets out a forced smile out of her lips, and Kara gives you the most awkward thumbs up in history. Well, there’s a lot to unpack there. So maybe leave it for later.
“No way in hell!” It’s Jamie’s first response when she sees you in front of your old school. “You grew taller in a week?”
“Something like that.” You smile finally looking down on her. Rao, it feels so good to finally be taller than Jamie. You’ve been hearing about it for years! “Hey, babe.”
“Holy fuck, look at you!” Maya says with the biggest smile on her face. “I don’t see you for a week and you show up here looking like a superhero!”
“Well…” You give her a little side flirty smile. “Is that a good thing?”
“You look great, babe.” Maya’s arms go around your neck and she tiptoes to kiss your mouth. You hold her by the waist, making it easier for her to kiss you.
“God, I’ve missed kissing you.” You let out after you part your lips.
“It’s been a week, stop being so melodramatic.” Jamie rolls her eyes, and you smile, letting go of Maya to hug her too.
“I’ve missed you too, dipshit.”
“Oh.” Jamie lets out a surprised sound. “I guess you’re not so dramatic then.”
You want to tell them, right there, about how it was not just a week. About your different life in the past year. But the girls from your school who used to bully you pass right next to you, and your heart beats faster anticipating the teasing.
But they don’t say a thing. In fact, what they say after they pass you, and you catch using your super hearing, is that you must be a new student. You smile, relieved. Getting taller and cutting your hair. You wish you had known it would make your life a lot easier.
“Ice-cream?” You smile at them and get positive responses at that. Two hours with them and it feels like you’ve never left. Feels good to be with them. It makes you remember that even though your life in National City is not always easy, it’s still pretty great. And that you shouldn’t take that for granted.
You and Jamie walk Maya home, and you’re not even scared of her parents' reaction anymore. It’s not like they’ll recognize you, anyway. And later, you fly Jamie back to her house. You say a quick hello to Alex and Kelly, then fly back home.
“Hey.” You throw yourself on the couch between your moms, with a smile on your face. You look at the box of donuts in front of them, just sitting there waiting for you to arrive and your smile grows wider. “Sorry I was gone for a while. But can I make it up to you both with some hugs and forehead kisses?”
“Oh! Me first!” Kara asks and you smile, throwing your arms around her, and resting your chin on her shoulders.
“You’re my mommy. No one will ever take that away from you.” You whisper in her ear, and feel Kara’s body fully relax in your embrace, while she lets out a relieved sigh.
“I love you more than words can explain it, kid.” You smile and let her go a little, just to look into her eyes.
“I know the words.” You rest your forehead against hers and smile. “You’re my heart.”
“You’re my heart, little one.”
“Can I get a sweet moment like this too?” Lena asks and you chuckle, pulling her close for a tight hug.
“You also don’t have to worry about anyone taking your place.” You say softly in her ear. “You carried me inside of you for nine months, and I’ll carry you inside of me for the rest of my life.”
“Oh God.” Lena says, choking up and wetting the back of your t-shirt with her tears. “I swear this is the loveliest thing someone has ever told me.”
“It’s true.” You smile and kiss her forehead right after. “I love you mom.”
“Oh, I love you, babygirl.”
“And we’re stronger together.” You say, and feel their arms go around you at the same time, in a family hug.
Sure you will miss being called ‘honey’ and ‘sweetheart’, but nothing beats being called ‘little one’ and ‘babygirl’. And nothing ever will. National City may not make you feel as good as Storybrooke did, but the people here surely make up for that.
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manunelle · 3 years
{Ikerev} How many kids would they have? {Headcanon}
I’m kind of creating this post to organize my thoughts, because I want to write more about this in another post where I’ll write about how they are with their children and how I imagine their personalities. Please be aware that I imagine a different MC for each suitor, so the kids exist in the same universe lol
🖤 Black Army 🖤 
Ray Blackwell
One boy.
He was adopted by Ray and MC at age of 3. His father was one of Ray’s soldier who unfortunately passed away in duty. Since he had no mother or relatives that could take care of them, MC and Ray took him in. 
He prefers MC over Ray, but admires his dad very much!
Sirius Oswald
oh boy
This man and MC had 5 children! :) 
I kind of enjoy the thought of Sirius retiring because he wants to spend as much time as he can with his family. 
They have three girls and two boys. The order goes like this: Girl ---> Twins (boy and girl) ---> Boy ---> Girl. 
Would name his kids after flowers. 
The kids get along very well! They are really protective of each other and of their parents.
Luka Clemence
One boy as well. 
His kid is really sweet! He’s really friendly and everybody loves him at school. 
Is kind of a younger brother to Jonah’s girls. 
Talking about Jonah, he’s the best uncle ever. Always brings gifts and gives advices about anything that is troubling the boy. 
He’s doesn’t have a favorite parent. He’s close to both!
Fenrir Gospeed
Had two kids, a son and a daughterl. 
The firstborn is the boy, and the girl is six years younger. 
To his and MC’s surprise, the boy is a magic user! They discovered it when MC was bathing her baby when suddenly he started floating and giggling around. Imagine Fenrir and MC screaming and jumping around, trying to reach their son, who is having the time of his life. 
The girl is not a magic user, so she causes less trouble than her brother. She’s friends with Ray’s son.
Seth Hyde
One girl.
She has Seth’s hair and MC’s eyes, and likes to dress cute clothes and to play with her teddy bear. 
She’s reeeeaaaally shy. :< 
She probably prefers Seth over MC, but she doesn’t make it obvious. Of course, she likes her mother very much as well. But Seth’s hugs are something else. :> 
❤️ Red Army ❤️ 
Lancelot Kingsley
The next King of Hearts is a girl! 
She looks mostly like Lancelot, but her hair shape resembles MC’s. 
She’s really carismatic and smart, which means that she can hold a conversation with an adult without difficulties. 
She’s a friendly and curious little girl, always asking about how and why things work the way they do. 
As a magic user, she’s really interested in Harr’s work and gets along well with his daughter. 
Loves her dad! She looks up to him a lot and is not embarassed of asking him for advices and hugs.
Jonah Clemence
Our queen has two daughters. 
They are only 2 years apart, so they get along very well with each other. 
Honestly, they have Jonah completely wrapped around their little fingers. This man would go to the fucking moon if they wanted something from there. 
Despite being spoiled rotten, the girls are really gentle and caring with those around them. thank u so much mc
Because the younger sister is shyer, Jonah teaches his firstborn from a young age that she should always be nice and take care of her younger sister. 
They love baking! Imagine the MC and her two daughter baking cookies on the kitchen to present the man of their lives later. ;A; so cute
Edgar Bright
Edgar has one girl and one boy. 
Due to her fragile health, his daughter, the firstborn, won’t be able to become the next Jack of Hearts. She always smiles and says that it doesn’t bother her, but she gets self concious when hearing adults commenting about it. She also feels bad for passing the burden of being the heir to her younger brother. 
The boy is calm and serious, which is kind of weird bc his face looks way too much with MC’s. He’s really protective of his parents and his sister. Loves animals, just like his dad! He’s smart and strong, but is really aloof. MC and Edgar are always worried about him bc he doesn’t seem to want friends. 
The girl is bffs with Lancelot’s daughter and Kyle’s son.
One daughter! 
She has MC’s hair and his eyes. She’s really pretty! 
She’s friendly and is always smiling. Since she’s younger than the other kids of the Red Army (Kyle’s second son is actually the youngest, but he is still a baby lol), they kind of treat her as a young sister, always hugging and patting her head. 
She’s really curious around everything. Actually, her personality resembles Lancelot’s daughter’s a lot. 
Loves watching her father training with the soldiers! At the end of every session, she goes running towards him demanding hugs.
Kyle Ash
Two boys. They have an age gap of 12 years.
His firstborn had a really fragile health as a child, to the point of having to take constant shots and Kyle having to perform different treatments on his child. Seeing their child suffer was really difficult for Kyle and MC, and at some point they even thought that he wouldn’t survive childhood. However, aroung age 8, the signs of this disease started decreasing and he got better. 
Kyle is still worried about his son, so he always keeps a close watch on him to see if those symptons will come back someday. 
Because they were always busy taking care of their older son, MC and Kyle decided to not have other children. So it was a big surprise when they discovered MC’s second pregnancy. 
Surprisingly, their second son has no health problems. As a baby, he’s really serious and likes to nap a lot. 
Both boys look a lot like Kyle. The older one looks the most, while the younger has MC’s eyes. 
Mousse Atlas
Has one son. 
The boy is a MC’s appearence copy with Mousse’s personalit copy. 
Just like his dad, loves napping. 
Naps everywhere. 
Once, when dusting some shelves, Luka found him sleeping in the Black Army’s library. 
How in the hell did this kid get here? 
He always goes missing. Like, at one moment he’s standing right next do MC and in the next second he disappears. Dude??? 
Actually, he’s a magic user, which explains him disappearing all the time and reaching things that are in a place way higher than him. However, he doesn’t tell it to his parent until he’s sixteen bc he’s afraid of disappointing them (bc he heard from some idiot that magic users are way too dangerous).
💚 Neutral 💚 
Harr Silver
He has one daughter. 
She has his hair and MC’s eyes. 
Since she’s a magic user, she and Harr are always excitingly talking about magic books and researchs. He also teaches her about spells and skills unrelated to magic, such as cooking and fishing. 
She’s really shy, and because kids used to bully her at school and adults ignored the situation, she has a really hard time socializing with people that are not her family.
Loves cats! As a toddler, Loki gave her a cat plushie and she is really attached to it. 
Gets along with Sirius’s oldest daughter and Lancelot’s, but I’ll talk more about this in another post. 
Likes to sleep with her parents. It’s hard to get up in the morning bc she is pratically glued to the one she is hugging.
Loki Genetta
One son. He’s the youngest among the 17 suitors (bc Loki is fucking 19 years old in canon universe, duh). 
The boy is always stealing MC’s attention, always glaring at Loki. Loki glares back because he’s a man-child. 
Actually, they get along very well when the issue is not MC, and the boy trusts Loki a lot, sharing secrets and asking for help when in need of assistance. 
His looks and personality are a carbon copy of Loki’s. 
Always follows Ray’s son and Fenrir’s daughter around. 
Oliver Knight
One daughter, and Oliver loves her so much!
She looks a lot like MC, both in looks and personality. 
Being a bit naive, she’s always getting in trouble. Thank god her friends are always ready to rescue her! Is bffs with Sirius’s second daughter. 
Boys love her. Girls too. As a teenager, she’s always having to turn down confessions. She tries to be gentle, but some people are just too bold for her to deal with. That’s when Sirius’s daughter and son (the twins!) enter and deal with whoever is bothering her. 
She kind of has a crush on Sirius’s oldest son, but is too embarassed to admit. 
Oliver knows, but doesn’t want her to know that he knows. It’s kind of tough to hide, bc when the boy shows up at his house he’s always fumming with jealousy. 
Blanc Lapin
Mister Blanc has one son.
He’s calm and smart. 
Loves tea parties! Dad’s carrot cake is the best.
Loves his mom. Loves his dad. Loves his friends. 
He’s a sunshine. Everybody loves him. 
Dean Tweedle
Has only one daughter. 
Her looks and personality are a perfect mix of her parents’. 
Sleeps only if her dad reads to her. Otherwise, she stays the whole night staring at ceiling with a bored expression. 
Is really smart and responsable. She’s the perfect “senpai” at school. 
Is bffs with Sirius’ oldest daughter. 
She and Dalim’s son look really alike, so people are always mistaking them as siblings. Dalim and Dean always get annoyed at this.
Dalim Tweedle/Dum
Has one son.
Just like Dean’s daughter, his looks are a mix of his parent’s, but his personality is a bit different. Despite being really curious, he’s really quiet and hesitant of asking questions aloud. 
Is a magic user. 
Sees Dean’s daughter as a big sister. Is always attached to her hand when they meet and follows her around like a shadow. 
Probably prefers his mom over Dalim. 
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omniswords · 3 years
chronicles of a parisian dumbass 19
i’m sorry i’ve been MIA ; ; i’ve been up to my ears in streaming and also returning to work in-person. either way, i hope you enjoy this update of chronicles. better late than never right?
strap in 💙💖
If Luka could get at his phone, he wouldn’t know what to type. maybe a vague, oh, fuck. Maybe some long thread about how cryptic conversation starters only ever scared him and ended both of his relationships—only to follow up with silence in the face of a couple of likes, or a reply from a sort-of-stranger that would debilitate him, remind him of his own vulnerability, more than it would reassure him. Hell, maybe even a message to Bubbles about how he was right all along that he’d need the luck. Or how Bubbles was right about how he really was in for it the moment he stepped into the bakery.
It’s just that, with the way Marinette Dupain-Cheng is looking at him on her balcony—all sad, scared softness—he gets the feeling that he’s not meant to repeat whatever she tells him.
Luka steels himself, loosens his death grip on the neck of the guitar, and releases a breath he doesn’t want to hold onto anymore. “Yeah,” he says. “Anything.” It comes out choked from how tight his vocal cords are. The way they get sometimes when he plugs in the microphone and hits RECORD.
She pats the floor in front of her and mumbles something about being on equal ground, and he slides down to meet her, guitar in tow. She looks like she wants to touch it, feel now real it is. Or how real he is. As though that moment with his card wasn’t enough.
“It’s about your sister,” she says, her gaze darting away in shame. “And Adrien. Sort of.”
“Okay,” he says. It’s slow, and uncertain, but he hopes it tells her he’s all ears.
Marinette looks at her lap and draws herself up and in. Like she’s wanted to tell him this for a long time. Like she’s only just found the words for it. “We were pretty close,” she says. “In grade school. Not as close as… Rose, yeah, Rose. But we were in the same class for a couple years. I helped her with some class picture stuff, she listened to me yammer on about Adrien after he joined our class… even helped me come up with some ideas on how to… confess to him? Win him over? I don’t know.” She rubs the back of her neck. “Actually, I think all my girl friends did that.”
Luka nods slowly, thinks of the school photos in the album Juleka bought from the thrift shop, tries to match faces in his head. He thinks he sees pigtails. Or maybe a bun. He could be wrong. “So,” he says, “you had it pretty bad for him, huh.”
“I dunno if I had it bad. Like I said, puppy love. I mean, I thought we were soulmates—God, I even named our kids—and I couldn’t even get out a sentence in front of him. I didn’t even like him at first. Plus, we were like, fourteen. I didn’t know any better.”
He shrugs. “Just cause you were fourteen doesn’t mean it wasn’t real.” He thinks he catches a blush stealing across Marinette’s face then, but maybe it’s just a trick of the lights. “So… what changed?”
“With Juleka? Or Adrien?”
“Both, I guess.”
Marinette turns her head away. “It’s dumb.”
Luka shrugs again, smiling faintly. “So?”
She starts to pick at her nails, like her hands are just looking for something to do. Without thinking, he gives the spinner ring on his index finger a flick to get her attention, then slides it off and hands it to her. She looks at it with questions in her eyes, then slips it on. It barely fits her index finger, and it wobbles when she gives it a curious flick of her own. It seems to get the job done, at least. “He lent me his umbrella,” she mumbles, final but sheepish. Then she follows up, before his brow can so much as furrow, “He was friends with an old bully of mine—Mrs. Bourgeois’s daughter, actually—and I caught him doing something with some gum on my chair. And I… misjudged him. “Another flick. “He was trying to make it up to me. And he said… he didn’t have any friends. He hadn’t even been to school.”
He lets out a hollow laugh. “Rich kids, huh?” And then, at the first sign of her discomfort, “Sorry, I—”
“No,” she says. “It’s okay, I was just thinking…” She presses her thumb into the curve and the aged grooves of the ring more than she actually spins it. Like she cares about losing it more than she cares about comforting herself. “I think everything around me told me that… that was how I was supposed to feel. Unwavering love. Now it’s been years, and I think… I think I just wanted to be that friend for him. I just wanted to be what he was looking for.”
Luka lifts his gaze from the ring to her face. “Who says that’s not love?” He doesn’t know where the words come from. They just feel like the right ones to say.
Marinette freezes, blinking at her hands. She doesn’t say anything; the only sound is the whine of his ring as the metal scrapes together with another flick.
When the silence goes on a bit too long for either of their liking, Luka clears his throat uncertainly. “So, um…”
She speaks so he doesn’t have to. “Juleka,” she murmurs. “Right, um…” It’s hard to tell who’s more uncomfortable between the two of them. Who's really supposed to say what next. “Well, I mean… you can sort of imagine that I wasn’t the only one who wanted to… y’know. Be with Adrien.”
Luka doesn’t have to imagine, but he nods anyway.
“Not”— Marinette hedges—“not that Juleka was competition or anything. I mean, duh. Just… there was this other girl—there were other girls, and…”
“You don’t have to tell me this,” he urges. “If it still hurts.”
She closes her eyes. Hard, and just for a moment. “Please let me tell you this.”
Her voice wavers. That’s all the cue Luka needs to stay quiet. To let her say everything, or nothing, at her pace.
“Her name was Lila,” she says. “She was a new girl. From Italy. Everyone liked her, except… she lied. Like, compulsively. About connections she had, places she’d been, charity work she did. And she did it because she wanted everyone to like her. She was just telling people what they wanted to hear because the attention made her feel important. She thrived on it.” She gets to her feet. “Sorry, I can’t sit still when I get all… agitated. You know?”
Luka gestures vaguely at the balcony space. “That makes two of us.”
Marinette takes that as her cue to start pacing and turning on her heels, only pausing every so often to stare up at the night sky. “I was jealous,” she admits. “I was also our class representative. And I might’ve… used that to my advantage.”
Maybe he shouldn’t say Hell yeah out loud, but he’s definitely thinking it.
“I kept tabs on people’s schedules, you know?” she says. “So we could work on important events and class projects and stuff. There was one we were planning for Adrien, to celebrate that he’d been in school with us for a year and all. And it just so happened that…” she shrugs, feigning apology. “All the days that worked conflicted with all her charity work.”
Luka whistles, half-impressed. “This the part where you tell me she decided to make your life a living hell like some high school drama villain?”
Marinette’s face falls. “Yeah,” she says, and her voice cracks, and he wishes he weren’t right. “But all she did was exactly what I did. Convinced… everybody… that every little thing I did was proof that I wasn’t a real friend. That I couldn't commit to anything because I committed to everything. And especially with how I avoided her… didn’t trust her, treated her cruelly. she turned everyone against me, a little at a time. Even Alya.” She shifts her weight. “Even Juleka.”
Luka’s heart sinks. He almost wants to reach for her hands when she paces toward him. Almost wants to kick himself for asking, “And… then what?”
She lingers at the balcony railing, perhaps preferring to tell the night sky the rest. “She got me expelled.”
Luka tenses.
Marinette doesn’t notice. “I’d been telling myself for months that I deserved it. Eventually I just… believed it. Let it happen. Never talked to my classmates again.” She shrugs. “I cried a lot. Transferred schools. Threw myself into… everything. Because if Lila said that was what I was doing—just over-committing—I might as well own it. And because if I was constantly doing something, then I couldn’t stop to think about all the bad things I deserved. And I couldn’t be paranoid about being judged for every little thing I did.”
“What…” He’s trying, with every fiber in him, to keep his heart from breaking for her. To keep himself from blurting out how well he knows the feeling. “What about Alya? And Adrien, and, uh… Mrs. Bourgeois’s kid?”
Marinette turns to face him, leaning back against the railing, and something in her face—no, everything—changes. There’s a tiredness in her eyes, a twitch in her hands. Lines in her face that shouldn’t be there for decades. As though she’s just lived them all over again. “I didn’t talk to Alya for over a year. I couldn’t be friends with her. I couldn’t even talk to her.” Her gaze lowers. “It was really hard on Nino.”
“Our friend. well. My friend. Her boyfriend. He’s the one I’ve been helping for that summer project.” She folds her arms tight. “He apologized first. If it weren’t for him, Alya and I still wouldn’t be talking. And Chloé, well… Mrs. Bourgeois’s recommendation letter had nothing to do with her. I entered some contests with my portfolio and won a couple of them.” She flicks her gaze back. “I did run into Chloé once. In New York. I guess she decided to live with her mom for a while. She kind of took the ‘enemy of my enemy is my ally’ approach. Which was… weird. But tolerable.”
Luka searches her face, even at a distance, and settles on the end of the deck chair again. “What about Adrien?”
The pause that follows is heavy. He can’t tell who feels the weight of it more; he just hopes it’s equal. Marinette scrunches up her lips, braces herself on the railing, and all those decades come back. “Well,” she murmurs. “I guess you don’t really realize what you have until it’s gone, huh.”
He sobers. “He felt guilty.”
“I guess we all did.” She scuffs her heel. “I guess we all do.”
Luka waits. There must be more she wants to say.
There is. She even starts pacing again. “My guidance counselor used to tell me that all that’s necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing. It was supposed to be comforting.”
He raises an eyebrow. “It doesn’t sound very comforting.”
“It wasn’t so bad,” she says, “He reminded me they were still good people, and good people could do bad things, and even if they were still good, it was okay for me to not want those people in my life anymore. I dunno.” She rocks on her feet. “Maybe someone told Adrien the same thing and he couldn’t stand doing nothing anymore.”
“Did you want him?” he asks. “In your life? Do you still?”
She heaves a laugh like it’s hard to do. “Would you think it was messed up if I said yes?”
“No, of course not.”
“He could see it,” she says. “What Lila was doing. That was why he felt so bad. That was why he convinced her to clear my name. Turns out he knows how to use things to his advantage, too.”
Luka softens and runs his fingers over the body of his guitar. “He must love you a lot,” he says, “if he was willing to do all that for you.”
At first, Marinette doesn’t say anything, only grips the railing tighter. He can see it, how her knuckles go white, as though there’s something she’s trying to forget. Then she murmurs, “She tried to talk to me. Juleka did. To… apologize… I ghosted her. I didn’t want to deal with it anymore. For a while, I didn’t want to deal with anything anymore. I don’t want you to think it didn’t hurt me, because it did. It did hurt.”
Luka’s stomach turns. He puts his guitar down. “That’s why you’ve been so nice to me, huh…” There’s a lump in his throat that he tries to swallow; he only partly succeeds. “You felt guilty about avoiding her and just… wanted to make it up to her.”
Something flashes across Marinette’s face. Horror, maybe. Or shame. “No, I—that’s not what I—”
“I’m not upset.” He’s not. He’s staring at the floor with a pit in his stomach and a shake in his limbs, and his knee is starting to throb again in protest, but he’s not upset. “Really. I get it. If that’s what you needed for your own closure, then…”
A ragged breath and a sniffle cut him off, and he’s barely able to lift his gaze before Marinette kneels in front of him, placing his ring in his palm and closing his fingers around it. He can’t revel in the touch—won’t let himself—because her hands are cold. Trembling. “Don’t go,” she whispers, squeezing his hand tight, and when he looks up there are tears staining her cheeks. “I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t even be asking this of you, just… please, don’t go.”
Luka learned, a long time ago, to look for the things unsaid. when I can’t make it really meant I’m trying to avoid you. when you’re certainly different really meant God, you are a level of fucked-up I can’t put into words. When we need to talk really meant it's over.
He hears, “Please don’t go,” and he thinks he finds, I want you in my life. Don’t you want me in yours?
Or, maybe, I need you.
Or maybe it’s as simple, as desperate, as, Not you, too.
He’s known Juleka, and maybe even himself, long enough to know what that sounds like in other people.
“Hey,” he murmurs. “Hey, I’m not going.”
Marinette freezes, still staring at their hands. “Why? You have every reason to.”
“Because I’m not.”
“You’ve known me for like, two months, as what? A baker’s daughter? Overly nice customer service? Someone who just gave you kindness out of some dumb high school guilt?”
“I’m not going,” Luka says again.
“You should.” Marinette rubs her eyes dry. “Why not?”
“Because I don’t want to.” He coaxes his hand open, slides the ring back onto her finger. “Isn’t that enough?”
Marinette studies the ring, giving it a cautious flick. As though touching it might break it altogether. “It’s too big.”
“Then I’ll trade you.” Luka takes the ring back, digs around in his pocket, and fishes out a couple of guitar picks. “Here. Take one.”
One of them has a picture of Jagged Stone’s face. The other has a Kitty Section logo, crudely painted on with some of Juleka’s old nail polish. Marinette takes the first one almost instantly with another sniffle, examining it from all sides. “He’s… my favorite.”
“Yeah.” Luka smiles, not minding that she can’t see it, and thinks of the album cover. “Mine, too.”
She runs her thumb over the faces and edges, blinking away whatever tears threaten to stick around. “Why?” she asks again.
“To prove it.” He tilts his head. “To prove I’m not going.”
She turns the pick this way and that, but doesn’t put it away just yet. Instead, her eyes drift toward his guitar and the amp, and then up to him. “Hey,” she says. “Do you think you could do me a favor?”
“I know,” he tells her. “I won’t tell Jules about any of this. And I won’t make you talk to her if you don’t want to.” And I’ll stay. I swear to God I’ll stay.
“Not that.” Marinette presses her lips together, still sitting on her knees. Still holding on to the pick for dear life. “Can you play it again?”
“What, the song from your playlist?”
“Me.” She looks away, her cheeks flushed and blotchy. “Can you play me. Again.”
Luka’s heart picks up, so loud he can barely hear anything else. Even her. “Yeah,” he says, setting his guitar in his lap, “Yeah, I think I got it this time.”
i guess it’s eleven now.
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hopetofantasy · 3 years
Actress Nora Dari (wtFOCK): “I hope I don't go crazy. I wouldn't be surprised if that happens”
Two years ago she was allowed to bump into Matteo Simoni in ‘Patser’, now your fifteen-year-old knows her as Yasmina from ‘wtFOCK’ and she ended up in Cannes because of the new film by Bas Devos. Where it ends for Nora Dari remains to be seen, but you don't want to get in her way. “You’ve been looking so long for a Moroccan girl who wants to act and then you get me.”
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“So I always try to be a bit low key...” She hesitates. "Eumh, do you know what 'low key' means?" "How much of antique do you think I am exactly?" “Gosh. You have a flip cover for your smartphone, I saw.” “Point for Dari. But what are you trying to be a bit low key...” “Huh? Sorry, I have no idea anymore. I was completely distracted by that pigeon over there.” It’s easy to forget - especially when she starts talking in her Genk dialect about her sky-high ambitions or her tough childhood in Winterslag - that Nora Dari is barely seventeen. After all, she’s already accumulated a nice record of achievements in two years. From the Belgian-Finnish crime series ‘Bullets’ (shown on Telenet) and a leading role in ‘wtFOCK’, the online series of SBS and Telenet, to her supporting role in ‘Ghost Tropic’, the most recent full-length movie by Bas Devos, who made the selection of Quinzaine des Réalisateurs in Cannes in May. The day after our conversation at an Antwerp terrace, she  leaves for London, for a fourth and final audition for a lead role in an international film project. “It looks good, but I can't tell you anything about it yet. That’s a tough assignment for me: my whole body really wants to scream. Seriously, I'm pretty much the Moroccan Tom Holland (Spider-Man, and the spoiler king of Marvel's Cinematic Universe). But I'll remain silent!”
How does a large, international production house ends up at your door? Nora Dari: “I started knocking on their door. I'm really not going to sit around and wait for someone to discover me miraculously, so if someone gives me a tip about an interesting movie, I'll go after it myself. I always want more and everything I set my mind to, seems to be working. An international series, ‘wtFOCK’, Cannes with my first film role and now this latest project is also within reach. Can you blame me for believing? In my head, I'm already in Hollywood. First become a Shooting Star at the Berlinale.” Just in between everything? Dari: “You can dream, right? Acknowledgement is not for me - I don't even know who decide such things - but rather, it’s a means to an end. If you end up in the same list of acting prodigies (those Shooting Stars) as Marwan Kenzari, Matteo Simoni and Matthias Schoenaerts, every director knows who you are.” You can also quietly build an acting career in Belgium. Or is that really not an option? Dari: “Why should I linger on a few square meters? My world was so small in Winterslag and now that it’s gradually getting bigger, I really don't know why I should stop at Flanders. Even if ambition is a very dirty word where I come from.”
How? Dari: “Winterslag is a neighborhood where many young people are going into the wrong direction. Big dreams are taboo, apparently. I was bullied, mainly because I wanted to start something with my life. Even if I said that I would one day want to go to New York, I would be laughed at: “Just sit down, Nora! Who do you think you are?”
Keep your head down, keep your nose clean and make sure that you can start working at the age of eighteen: something like that? Dari: *nods* “Graduating and going to work at the age of eighteen seems like quite an achievement in Winterslag. If you hadn't gotten into the wrong shit by then, you would’ve done well. At my school, we had two pupils without an immigration background and otherwise exclusively Turks, Moroccans and Italians from families who were really poor. Our parents worked very hard, you spend a lot of time on the street and bad things sometimes happened. *thinks* There’s a reason why I almost exclusively watch gangstershit movies. I come from a neighborhood where a lot of gangstershit happens. I’ve seen and experienced so many bad things, but at the same time Winterslag is such a big part of who I am and I get very angry when someone else talks about it like I do now. *small laugh* 
I’ll buy a house there one day. It’s still my home, all the beautiful things and all the rotten things in one pile. To be clear: I don't want to romanticize my childhood. Winterslag is hard, but nothing to be sad about. There are so many people who have gone through the same thing. Only, it sucks to be called a whore, because you want to do something that is apparently 'not normal'.”
It dawns on me why you once said that Algerian-Canadian Zaho's song Kif'n'dir summed you up quite nicely. Especially the text 'Je fais la morte pour ne pas mourir'. Dari: “That's what I've been doing for a long time. Keeping myself deathly still and don’t stand out too much. In the long run, you also start to believe what others are telling you, that acting is not for you.”
When did you finally stopping ‘being death’? Dari: “When I was fifteen, when I heard that Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah were looking for extras for ‘Patser’. That didn't mean much more than just bumping into Matteo Simoni, but I was sold immediately. In between shots, I approached Adil: “Mr. El Arbi, thank you for opening my eyes. From now on, I’ll go all out for this.” *laughs* We clicked and in the meantime we’ve become friends. I hope he thinks of me when they start recording ‘Patsers’, so that I can show how much I've grown in those two years.”
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Not much later, through their casting agency Hakuna, you ended up as a suicide bomber in the Finnish-Belgian Crime series ‘Bullets’. What have I missed? How did you go from a sixteen-year-old extra to such an intense role in a few months? Dari: “I think - if I may say that - they were shocked after my casting. I’ve never thrown myself into a project as hard in my life. Whining. Shouting. Tantrums. All fucking emotions, one after the other. You’ve been looking so long for a Moroccan girl who wants to act and then you get me. *laughs* I've never loved anything as much as acting, so I’m giving everything during a casting. I know that I’m not the best and still have to learn, but I suspect my energy is making up for it. That, and I consider myself a very pleasant colleague. *laughs* I greet everyone in a Genk dialect, always walk around smiling and even bring cookies.
I've always had the feeling that I have to work harder than the rest, because people expect less of me. That's what my father taught my brothers and me. At the Liège boarding school where he studied, he was the only Moroccan in Latin studies: his classmates thought he was weird, because of his origins and the other Moroccans looked at him weirdly, because he aimed higher. "Ah, Mr. pope is back there." In the end it became so unbearable that he enrolled in the TSO (technical school), which was socially accepted.”
How does a 16-year-old feel like a suicide bomber? Dari: “They gave me a background, but I added a few things myself to make it easier. And music helps me really hard too: ‘Qui suis-je’ from Scylla on repeat and then a little method acting in that character. My mother was there on set and apparently got terrified. *laughs* I asked them not to accompany me anymore. When I see them, I come back to myself, while I try very hard to forget myself in front of the camera. I need to be able to get into a role on set. Although it remains very strange to hype yourself up for hours with the mantra 'I'm dying and I'm taking all these people with me'. Fortunately, I can also easily let go. I had to, I had exams the next day. *laughs* Suicide bomber by day, studying economy by night.”
In May you hopped around on the Croisette for the world premiere of ‘Ghost Tropic’. You play the daughter of Khadija, a woman who walks home through Brussels after falling asleep on the metro. Devos makes quiet, poetic arthouse films: it’s a huge leap from teenage series and thrillers. Dari: “It was an adjustment, yes. Before I played in ‘Bullets’, I had never even seen a Flemish film. Not a single one. Or wait: one at school. What was it called? I have to give a speech soon, with its protagonist.”
‘Daens’? With Jan Decleir? Dari: “That one! Everything I had already learned about acting was from Hollywood movies. That enlarged playing style also worked in ‘Bullets’, but when I tried that in ‘Ghost Tropic’, Bas blocked it very quickly. *laughs* "The less you do the better, Nora!" I thought about it all too hard. "Nora, just go." “Yes, but Bas, who am I? What have I been through up to this point?” I have a hard time playing without a backstory in my head.”
Did you learn something from Devos? Dari: ���Bas and Maaike Neuville told me in Cannes that I shouldn’t forget to live. I was only busy with what should be my next big step, but I also have to learn to enjoy. Surrendering is nothing dirty, but if I put everything aside for this job, I’ll never be able to put content in my characters. Then they’ll give me a heavy role and I’ll get stuck.”
Sensible advice. Alarm bells already went off when I read in ‘Het Belang van Limburg’ that you certainly wanted to remain celibate until you were 27 and wouldn’t continue your studies, just focussing on your career. Dari: “In the end, I’ll study cross-media management and I’ve come back to that other one as well. *laughs* What?! I’m seventeen, I change my mind completely every month. When I am 40, I don't just want to have a nice IMDb profile to look back on.”
'9000 followers? That is more people than have seen my last film', Devos thought humbly in your Instagram Stories. Dari: “I hope ‘Ghost Tropic’ gets more visitors than I have followers, but I'm not going to bitch if only fifty people come to watch the film in the end. I just like to act and have hardly seen anything from ‘Bullets’ or ‘wtFOCK’ myself. When I'm not on set, I just feel bad. As if I'm not getting the most out of my life. 
At the very least, ‘Ghost Tropic’ gave me another experience and I was able to take my father with me, when we went to the Dominican Republic. My grandfather had passed away just before the shoot and we kind of processed that together there, while we were watching the sunrise at five in the morning. A very tender moment. Very cinematic, too. *thinks* I’m a very passionate person. Everything I experience is immediately very big. It’s all hard, good or bad. So hard that I can't always process all the feelings. *dryly* I hope I don't go crazy. I really wouldn't be surprised if that happens.”
You seem to be especially prone to obsessions. Whether it’s making music, painting or acting: if you decide to do something, everything has to make way for it. Dari: “When I got a keyboard, I was immediately very invested in my music. Making beats to accompany my slam poetry, tinkering at night, searching and keeping my parents awake until they went crazy. And then I suddenly got tired of it and started painting. Swimming. Dancing. I also played soccer for a while, mainly to get my dad's attention. During the 'consultation hour' around the tajine I could never have a chat with my brothers and father, because it was only about football and anime.”
Anime? Dari: “The men in my family are all next-level anime fans. They even speak Japanese to each other. *thinks* And I also plunged into my religion for a while, in between football and slam poetry.”
How? Dari: “When the community center closed its doors around the age of 13 and I saw a whole circle of friends go away in one go, I started clinging to something else. So, faith. At that time I also wore a hijab, because I was convinced that you could only be such a good Muslim. I was really pretty strict and took everything way too literally. Today I understand that you mainly have to look for your own interpretation.”
In the meantime, the average 15-year-old is also going through a storm for the second season of wtFOCK, which can be followed daily on Instagram and wtfock.be, good for about 400,000 visitors a week and more than 8 million watched - or at least started - episodes. Significantly more than the first season, although that also had good numbers. Especially for a series that was deliberately launched in silence. “You’re already bombarded with advertising on Instagram, subtle and less subtle,” says Dari, while she tries so intensely to make eye contact with a waiter that he almost bumps into a glass door. “I don't have any big theories about the future of television, but ‘wtFOCK’ really was a relief. It’s on the internet and you mainly do what you want with it. "Ah, I don't have to look?" That unforced approach works. The worst thing that could have happened to us, was that the press started writing about it en masse: it had to remain a bit mysterious and above all belong to the young people themselves. Normally we don't give interviews either: ‘wtFOCK’ is one big bubble that you shouldn't talk too much about.”
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Without any illusions about the appeal of Knack Focus to fifteen-year-olds: is this conversation a good idea? Dari: “Sounds okay to me. I’m more now than just Yasmina? And I think fifteen-year-olds do know Knack.” 
For real? Dari: “That's the book we get in History as source material in class. *laughs* I think I'll stop giving interviews again after this. A little mystery can't hurt.”
SKAM, the Norwegian series of which ‘wtFOCK’ is a remake, became a hit in its own country. That’s not always the case with foreign remakes, except for the Flemish one. It continues to gain popularity. Do you have an explanation for that? Dari: “No idea why things were less successful in other countries, but ‘wtFOCK’ is so good because it is real. We don't disguise anything, don't pour Hollywood sauce on it and talk like I talk to my friends. Apparently, a lot of teachers also follow the series to get a better understanding of their students. Smart, because we tackle all issues a teenager has in a very realistic way.”
The makers of SKAM were prepared with a tour through its country and a survey of Norwegian teenagers. Their biggest conclusion was: no generation suffers as much from performance pressure and comparison anxiety as yours. Dari: “Social media. Instagram is a very beautiful, but at the same time very scary place. A lot of girls now ask me, for example, how they can also enter this profession. But if you ask them why, it turns out that there’s no passion, they just see it as a fast road to fame. Then join ‘Temptation Island’? They see  people like Millie Bobby Brown (from Stranger Things), who is barely fifteen and has a crazy career and they let themselves be hyped about it. I should actually say 'we'. I said it already: I ​​hope I don't go crazy.” *giggles hysterically* 
About 1200 teenagers showed up for the casting of wtFOCK, but the makers did not find their Yasmina there. Dari: *nods* “In the end they also had to call Adil, who gave me the tip.”
Why do you think that is? Dari: “I get angry when someone says they want more diversity, but can't find anyone. *throws arms up dramatically* "They aren't there!" They are there. In my neighborhood alone, so much talent is packed together. You may have to do your best to find them, because if you come from a neighborhood where ambition is laughed at, you’ll not find your way to a casting. Because the TV and film world seem so closed off from the outside - and it is. I also didn't know how to do that, I was just lucky that Adil, Nora Gharib and Ikram Aoulad wanted to help me. They helped me avoid a lot of rookie mistakes. And that I won't sign myself up for Temptation Island or something tomorrow.” *laughs*
Gharib also predicted that as a Moroccan woman she would have problems with ‘Patser’. From the moment you do not portray a classic religious Muslim woman, it seems to already lead to commentary. Dari: “I've had my part too. Women who send to me that I brought shame on the entire Moroccan community, for example, because Yasmina doesn't always wear her hijab. Usually these are women who’ve seen two minutes of the series and then get angry without seeing the context. *blows* You know, I don’t care. If my parents and I are okay with it, then no one has anything to say to me. Criticism slips away from me. It really takes more than an angry DM to get me off my path, I come from Winterslag breeding.”
*** Bas Devos, director ‘Ghost Tropic’:
“I had never seen Nora at work, but her audition video immediately made me curious. At the final casting, where she had to improvise a bit, it was already clear to me after a few minutes. She did a beautiful job. Nora is not trained as an actress, but I often work with a combination of non-professional and professional actors. That really doesn't matter to me. It's all about how naturally someone relates to the camera and how relaxed you are while being filmed. Then very beautiful things can happen. And I think she also liked not having to make her character bigger in an understated film like ‘Ghost Tropic’, as that’s sometimes the case for TV. To hear that you are still playing without doing anything. 
It's cool how she dares to go for something so outspokenly at such a young age, but I did point out to her that working alone isn’t the perfect solution. She’s very fond of that international career, but it is also easy to walk into a wall there. Seventeen-year-olds have to live, right? Well, she's sensible enough, I'm not worried. She'll eventually find the right balance. At the end of the shooting period, she said she hoped we could work together again. I told her that I hope she still likes it by then. *laughs*  Who knows which films will she be in then.”
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lenacker · 3 years
To Raise an Eaglet
Kuchel and Levi’s life in my Meet The Ackermans Modern! Rivetra AU
This is my longest work yet, Word count : 2654 words
"So you're not coming here for Christmas?" Kuchel holds her phone to her ear with her shoulder, while cutting the vegetables on the cutting board. She was preparing some special stew from her beloved son’s cute, little family.
"No, I’m working on a very important case, Mom. I.."
"Wait, wait," Kuchel wiped her hands to her apron, re-do her ponytail, and now holding her phone with her hand, meanwhile the other was on her hips. "don't say you're not even coming home to Petra for Christmas Eve? For fuck's sake Lev, that's intolerable! That’s your very own birthday! Don't put your work before your family! If they're gone then who are you working for?! What's the use of money when you have no one to spend it with? Seriously, I don't remember raising a man that's ........" 
Levi took a deep breath, putting his phone on the desk while his mom kept rambling here and there. He loves her so much, but she always talks too much for her own good. Sometimes he even wondered how they share the same genes with the difference between their amount of words they can say in one breath.
When he put the phone back to his ear, he didn't hear the nag of his mother. Instead, the woman he heard since he remembered sounds like she's on the verge of tears.
"..... but I guess it can't be helped, huh? It's okay then, it doesn't like I've prepared anything, anyway. Say hi to Petra and the boys for me."
Kuchel sighed, pushing herself with her hands against the countertop, and looked to the ceiling to prevent her tears from falling. Why is she crying, anyway? It's not going to be her first alone Christmas! She spent plenty of them alone, trembling from the cold (and starvation if there are not enough customers in the brothel). 
Until one Christmas when she’s 20, she got a great gift she never even dared to imagine, a beautiful, little bundle of joy she named Levi. He came with such unbearable pain, blood, and tears but the moment she heard him scream and laid her eyes on him, no, even from the first time she felt her baby's move, she knows she wouldn't be alone anymore. 
I'm gonna protect you, she whispered while cradling Levi's tiny head against her chest, tears streaming from her tired eyes, We’ll live a better life together.
Life felt less ugly for a while. She had to hide her baby whenever a customer came, but it gets less lonely with a cute baby looking at you with such wonderful blue eyes. She hopes he doesn't grow up so he won't understand what kind of world they live in.
But of course, he grows. And in the process, Kuchel saw how unfit the environment they're in for a child's development. She saw how Levi started to laugh less, his skin pale and almost translucent. He stopped saying 'I love you' back when he's around four, instead, he would just hug her silently. He stopped moving when he had to hide from her customers in the tiny cupboard, not moving an inch. Not making any sound. It made her worried sick, she couldn't see if he's ok from the bed. Can he breathe properly? Is it normal for a 4 years old boy to stay still for hours?
At the age of six, he looks like a very malnourished four years old vampire-boy. His voice became raspy, his eyes darken, his cheeks sunken. In their city, it's difficult enough to find decent food when you have money, it's even harder when you don't. Sometimes he would give her some crumpled money he somehow finds, tells her to keep it to buy a new house so no scary men come to hurt mommy. That's also the year when she realized she has the disease that has been spreading around. Of fucking course. The disease takes over her entirely. In just a month, she can't even get up from her bed, her body feels like it's on fire. 
And the worst thing, she can't work nor provide food for little Levi. But he never asks for it either. He stayed with her on the bed, caressing her face with his bony hand. Around midday, he would get up, go for an hour or so, and come back with some half-decent food and bruises. Her heart ached every time he put the food inside her mouth, whispering 'please get better, mommy' with his raspy voice. 
She hoped she could ask him where he got the food and the bruises, tell him there's no way she could get better without any treatment, or simply say thank you because she's the one who was supposed to find food, but she couldn't force any sound out of her throat. Sometimes she sheds some tears, which Levi always reacts with a sad 'sorry mommy, I can't find better food'. It hurts even more. Sometimes she wondered if keeping him and bringing him to this cruel world is a mistake. Or if she's being selfish to want a friend in her lonely life.
Then she decided to give up. She kept her eyes shut, feeling how her body struggled to keep her alive. She let the darkness consume her.
But she didn't die. She didn't know how much time was passed but when she started to gain consciousness she heard the beeping sound beside her. 
Where am I? Her body does not hurt as much. She opened her eyes and was welcomed with Levi's beautiful blue-grey eyes right in front of her own.
Wait, did she just talk? Did she really make a clear, understandable word? Well, that’s the first.
She observed her baby's face and noticed how he looks .....more like a normal child. She raised her hand to touch his surprisingly slight chubby cheeks, but he's faster. He moved down to hug -more like crushes, actually- her. He buried his face to her cheeks, mumbling long incoherent words to her cheeks. She felt how her cheeks moisten by his warm tears, how his body trembled, and wondered how she even thought of leaving this precious boy. 
"There's Kenny," Levi said once he calmed down, "he brought Mommy here and taught me to fight" then he proudly showed her some of the moves she recognized as Kenny's with a paring knife.
Kenny was a weird one, he always was. He's her only brother, but he never acted like one nor was there for her. He went to jail for killing some folks when she’s about ten. The last time she saw him was when she's pregnant, and he told him to abort her pregnancy. Of course, she refused, so he left without saying anything. 
"What did you do with Kenny, baby?" Did he teach you anything bad? killing people? He's a little bit psycho. Much to her relief, they just have some knife and martial arts training, then eat whatever food Levi wanted. Well at least her brother gave him food and brought her to the hospital. At least he keeps Levi alive even though he never approves of his presence.
A few weeks later, she's allowed to leave the hospital. She has been unconscious for three months, apparently. Kenny came, he took care of the administration and payment, drove them to a simple-clean apartment, left some money then left without any unnecessary words. They have never been a normal sibling with a heartfelt relationship but still, Kuchel hoped he would say something, where does he live now, why did he come, does he have any wife and kids, anything. 
And so, their brand new life began. In the morning Kuchel would bake some simple cookies, walk Levi to school while giving her cookies to shops along the street then she went to a supermarket near their home, where she worked as a part-time cashier. Then when her shift has finished, she picks her son home and takes her money from the shops. 
Years passed, their life gets better every day. Levi had poor social skills, but he managed to befriend two nice, orphan kids; Farlan and Isabel. Like everything he loves (Kuchel herself, a hand knife he got from Kenny, multi-functional stain remover, etc.) he was a bit overprotective. She had to meet the headmaster more than three times during Levi's first two months because her son 'created a commotion' when the only thing he did was protect his friends' dignity with his fists. She didn't think it's bad. Kuchel always knows Levi is such a kind and sweet boy, he just prefers to show his crude side (from Kenny or their previous place, she's not sure). So instead of telling him to stop fighting bullies, she told him words can hurt more than any blow. And it turned out surprisingly well, he never 'created trouble' again. (Saying hurting words is not considered trouble, how weird).
In the blink of an eye, Levi became a handsome man wearing an immaculate suit, kissing Kuchel's cheek before leaving to go to his office for the umpteenth time. 
"Don't forget to find me a daughter-in-law," she said teasingly, handing him lunch. Her son pretended to look disgusted, then smiled softly "I don't think I can find someone as pretty and amazing as you, Mom. See you!" 
Ever since he turned 30, she kept reminding him that 29 is the average marriage age for a male and he would answer with the answer he just gave her this morning, or "Nobody would want to marry a grumpy, constipated looking man, Mom" or, "I will once I find the right one". 
Kuchel knew her son was admired by many (he always bring home at least two bags of chocolates on Valentine's Day), he's good-looking (not that tall due to the malnutrition in his early years, but still, even the old lady next-door had mentioned that he's hot). His salary as a detective at the Criminal Investigation Department is high enough to afford both of them that he forced her to quit working and enjoy life. But she's as stubborn as he is, so she sneakily still bakes some cookies and sells them to a bakery far enough from his office. 
About two hours later, right as her oven timer rings, the front door of their apartment opened, revealing a furious Levi. He only wears his shirt and trousers, the suit he initially wears this morning in his hands. Thankfully he didn't notice the freshly baked cookies because he’s too busy muttering curses angrily, something about an airheaded, bitchy woman. 
Woman? Well, that’s interesting. Kuchel couldn’t recall when’s the last time her son mentioned anything about women (never). Aside from Isabel and Hange 'shitty-four eyes’, that is. She raised one of her eyebrows, wondering if this could be the beginning of the hater-into-lover relationship she often watches at Korean dramas. 
“Oh, you’re home early. Something happened?” she asked as neutral as possible despite her giddiness, leaning against the doorframe of Levi’s bedroom. He was buttoning his white shirt, annoyance still clear on his face. However, he forced a grin. 
“Nothing, Mom. Just a friend of Hange’s. She smeared some cake cream on my suit. Don’t know what she’s thinking.” Kuchel nodded understandingly, what a daring girl to do that.
“Is she pretty?” She asked once more, already imagining a scheme upon how they would fall madly in love. 
Her son looks surprised, or somehow like someone who just remembers he forgot something important. He took his tie and walked to her, letting his mother tie it around his collar. (She secretly appreciates how he let her do it, despite knowing how to do it himself. It makes her feel needed) While she ties the red garment, Levi looks intensely to her eyes and mumbles, “ShehasbigeyeswiththesamecolorasyousoIguess.…”
Throughout the years, Kuchel noticed that despite being sweet and kind (to her, at least), her son has difficulties showing feelings he deemed ‘bad’ or maybe ‘weird’. He usually mumbles lengthy sentences that she learned to interpret. Like that time when one of her customers hurt her, 4 years old Levi tried to wash the blood and mumbles how he wanna be stronger and hurt the man back, and how he loves his mother. Or when she woke up in the hospital. Or when everybody in his class praises him for shaving his head when one of his classmates had cancer. Or every time he presented her with a bunch of flowers on Mother's Day. That habit is still there, evidently. 
She simply smiled, deciding to not tease him any further. She patted his chest, telling him to go back to his office, and let the topic go. 
But apparently, the Hange’s airheaded friend story doesn’t stop there.
About a month later, Levi went to watch a musical titled Hamilton with Hange. He always likes musical shows, mainly for the elaborate choreography. She didn’t expect her son to get home so late, and grumpier than ever. She asked him why, but he dismissed her. She didn’t need to wonder for long, because Hange called her (it’s not even a rare occurrence, they’re so close that they often call her randomly in the middle of the night). 
"I tried to set him with my roommate," they said, "Petra is a very sweet girl, not to mention that she's clean and pretty short. She's pretty much perfect for him. I tried to push them into the stuck-in-the-elevator scenario, but I guess Levi ended up saying the wrong thing that Petra smeared her cake -that I ordered- to him. Of course, I didn’t just give up. So, I ordered two Hamilton tickets -it was soo expensive and hard to find!- anyway, I gave one to Levi and another to Petra, and pretend that I'm the one who'll go with them" They talked in a very Hange way, fast and passionate. They sounded really proud of their plan.  “Do you want to meet her too? I bet you two will connect instantly, Imma send you her bakery’s location, how’s that?”
So, the next day Kuchel visited Petra’s bakery and immediately fell in love. She’s like….a sun personified. Like, even her entire appearance was so bright and fun. Her hair was shoulder-length wavy hair, the root was strawberry blonde and it got lighter that the tip was light blonde. Her eyes are big, round, sparkling light brown eyes, and freckles peppered her cute face. She wore an ankle-length light yellow sundress with small blue flower patterns that complement her pale skin perfectly. She talked with a lot of hand motions, and she slips her hair behind her right ears every once in a while.
Yes, this one’s definitely perfect for her Levi.
December 22, 5 days after that (surprisingly) emotional phone call. Kuchel woke up to the loud sound of her doorbell. Seriously, the shameless guest was ringing the bell like some kind of madman in the middle of the night. Wait, what if that's a real madman? 
Ah, screw that, she thought sleepily, whoever that is they definitely need to be taught some lesson. She got off her bed, picked a frying pan from the kitchen, and then opened her door.
It's not a shameless nor mad man. 
In front of her door, Leo was sitting on Levi's shoulders while still ringing the bell vigorously with a big grin. Beside him, Petra was fixing her hold to Liam, while the ginger-haired toddler calmly eats his lollipop.
"Gran-Gran!" Leo greeted (gosh, that boy has too much energy for his own good), while his little brother just waved his hand that wasn't holding the lolly. 
Kuchel put down her frying pan, "Hey, guys! Come in!" 
She moved to the side, letting the little family inside. Leo immediately ran off to his favorite playing spot, the cabinet under the stairs. His brother tottered sleepily behind him.  
“So…...what happened to the case?”, she asked with as much sarcasm as possible, while locking the front door again, “Finally realizing your family’s more important than some ruthless murderer?”
A/N : I love Hamilton.
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jngles · 3 years
Thoughts You Definitely All Asked For on ‘The Mandalorian’ Season 2 Finale!!
These are in chronological order for the show.
One of my biggest fears about them reintroducing Boba Fett was that by removing some of his mystery, they would make him less cool. Thank god that has not been the case. He’s still an aloof and nasty piece of work but with dimensions added.
We all know the Empire is most often a metaphor for America right? At least when it’s not being Nazi Germany? The Imperial pilot talking about destroying an entire planet (of peaceful weaponless civilians no less) to stop terrorism hits a little too close to home of the nuclear bombs the US has dropped and the endless destruction of the Middle East in the “war against terror.” And of course we frame all our wars in similar language like “our troops died to keep our country safe,” which hasn’t really been true since WWII.
I do think it’s worth noting that this is the first time SW has had someone acknowledge the human losses of the Death Star blasts. Usually it’s framed as a loss in construction time, strategical advantage, and power. The Empire proved time and time again that the lives of its soldiers were utterly expendable, which always made me question why people remained loyal outside of fear. Through this pilot’s phrasing, you can see the propaganda Imperial superiors used to twist the truth to their followers, always blaming those deaths on Rebel aggression instead of prideful Imperial neglect (I.e. not abandoning ship when there was still time) or even direct Imperial aggression like Operation Cinder where they fired on thousands of their own (discussed in S2E7.)
You can’t tell me Din wasn’t into it when Cara shot that asshole pilot. That cold faced revenge shot? 100% Mandalorian style, and also very very hot.
I appreciate that it was a pretty equal match between Boba and Koska Reeves. So much of Boba’s advantage comes from his suit, but since she also has one, it’s a battle of wits on how to use it, and they even out. This both maintains his legendary badassery and also that of highly trained Mandalorian warriors, and hopefully avoids asshole chauvinist SW fans on the internet complaining abujt “pandering to feminism” (fuck off @ all of them, especially since Mercedes Vernado who plays Reeves is a WWE champ and could kick all of your asses.)
Din point blank asked how many Death Troopers there are and Dr. Pershing never answered, and that annoys me.
Why is no one suspicious why Dr. Pershing is being so helpful and revealing so much information? He totally did not have to tell them about the Dark Troopers or any of the specifics of locations on the ship. He’s still with the empire post-fall, implying he’s a loyalist, so... wtf on his part (since no tricks come of it), and “be smarter” on the part of everyone else. Unless he’s been captive as a clone engineer all this time. But couldn’t he have made his escape back in Season 1 when Din killed everyone at that lab to get the kid back?
Bo Katan really could’ve just told them how the retrieval of the dark saber needs to work in the flight before the mission instead of being vague about “he belongs to me.”
Boba Fett’s usage of “Princess” and “don’t worry about me” are a good throwback to Han Solo and the culture they both grew up in. You can never quite tell if it’s based in misogyny or resentment for upper classes, but both of them seem to use it as a shield for begrudging respect they hold for a woman they think is brave but following a fool’s errand (the Rebellion and retaking Mandalore).
The Comms Officer (Katy O’Brian) assisting Moff Gideon will forever and always look like Ilana Glazer to me, and then I get swept up imagining what would happen if the Broad City cast accidentally got transported to Star Wars.
The launch tube sequence has some amazing cinematography.
The second I saw Boba was cut off from the pack, I really thought they were going to kill him again and make his return bittersweet. Glad they didn’t.
God this team of Bo Katan, Koska Reeves, Fennec Shand, and Cara Dune is SO BADASS. I’m just obsessed with all these characters and their various motivations to get shit done. I honestly didn’t even think about the fact it’s all women until my re-watch, showing that the writers made it feel natural, the way women deserve to have their representation done. You can bet I am SO EXCITED for my future daughter and the wealth of possibilities she’s going to have of characters to play pretend as, action figures she can relate to, Halloween costumes to wear, etc. It’s so validating that we’ve gone from only Princess Leia as a female main character to all these women + Rey, Jyn Erso, Ahsoka, etc. etc.
Can’t wait for the trap remix of the Dark Trooper activation noises. (And the transition from that to the minimalist flute theme is perfect.)
The spy movie version of the main theme music is sick.
The Dark Trooper droid faces have a lot of similarity to Darth Vader’s mask. That callback is especially apparent when the one is literally lit from the inside with fire. He was already a martyr/legend to the Imperial remnants, Kylo Ren didn’t start the trend of ignoring his redemption.
Cara’s “excuse me” right before shooting up Stormtroopers is hilarious. Literally “can’t talk rn, doing hot girl shit and murdering space Nazis.”
Finally an Imperial ship got some frickin security cameras. Truly- the amount of times people just wander down hallways they’re not supposed to be in with no one being able to find them throughout the course of Star Wars is ridiculous when you think about the degree of surveillance our real life society carries out. I also love that this means The Mandalorian characters have also seen The Mandalorian.
The storytelling does such a service to Pedro Pascal and his already heroic efforts to portray emotion through a helmet. For example: Din easily could’ve killed the one stormtrooper outside Grogu’s cell much more efficiently, but instead, to show his absolute rage, they wrote in Din choking him out with a spear.
Moff Gideon would have been the BIGGEST pain in the ass in philosophy class. “Assume I know everything” my ass. I want to hear about his backstory (he would’ve been “coming of age” at the time of the Clone Wars) mostly just to hear about him getting bullied at school.
Smart move honestly, to try to tempt Din with the Mandalorian throne, given the Mandalorian power struggles of the past. Proud of our boy for keeping his priorities straight.
So has the blood from Grogu been transferred out of the ship and back to the remnant empire already, or do they have to find a new “donor” to help with building Snoke and Palpatine’s clones? Will they continue to go after him with Luke?
Lmao Din being so annoyed by Bo Katan being stringent about the tradition of winning the Dark Saber through combat is HILARIOUS, coming from a man who up until like a day ago hadn’t shown his face to a living being in decades.
The dark troopers can punch in blast doors but NOT Din’s helmet?? That’s a wild testament to beskar. Somehow that’s the comparison that sticks out to me, more even than its resistance to lightsabers.
This show works because of the cynicism of so many characters adding contrast to the moments of heart. Cara Dune is not a “fan” the way Rey was (for the record I love Rey, don’t come at her, it’s just different). Cara doesn’t see an X-Wing and go OMG THE REBELLION I LOVE THEM. She’s been through too much to believe in the magic saviourism of the “good guys,” and is instead thinking strategically when she, the one Rebel present, brushes off the usefulness of “one X-Wing.” The only positive things she seems to feel in battle situations are moments of relief and brief satisfaction in hurting the empire, with a dark knowledge that it will never make up for the hurt they did to her.
How do you keep a cloak hood on while fighting? Both from a technical standpoint (my hats fall off without me even having to move- is he expending force energy just to keep it on and look cool lol?) and also because idk, maybe it’s just me, but peripheral vision is helpful when surrounded by killer robots on a thin bridge above oblivion. I know his first lesson was to “see” through the force, but every resource helps, right?
Now that she has the ship, I wonder if Bo Katan can reprogram any salvageable Dark Troopers to help with retaking Mandalore?
There is nothing like seeing Luke’s fighting style, with its efficient choppiness and twinge of darkness. I always wonder how much is natural and how much is influenced by his first fights with Vader (that Skywalker diva flair). I love how they’ve advanced his technique but also kept him extremely “grey” here- like to straight up COMBUST a Dark Trooper takes some violent energy lol.
How tf is Moff Gideon alive after threatening Grogu’s life twice directly? That’s a wild testament to Din’s regard for Cara.
I love how seeing Luke slice through a bunch of murder droids like butter probably was a huge point in his favor for Din actually letting Grogu go with him. Like he will only send his child to boarding preschool if he knows the teacher will be a certified killing machine.
Oh my god they finally brought in some OG Star Wars theme music for Luke to take his hood off to 😭 It felt weird seeing him fight to different music, so the emotional payoff is huge when his themes come back for the face reveal.
Whoever added the digital young Mark Hamill face NAILED those classic shining Luke eyes and the earnest eyebrow lift.
Whoever shines the glass of Baby Yoda’s lil puppet eyeballs each day deserves a raise. The light caught in those babies is devastating.
Din is shaking as he takes off his helmet. This is the most enormous show of love he could give him, and possibly the last he’ll be able to for a long time. He only just got Grogu back and is desperate for a moment of real connection before letting him go once again.
This is the first time anyone has touched Din’s face since... likely his parents as a child.
Whoever wrote this scene clearly actually has kids. Anyone who’s ever had to leave a young child even just to go out for a bit or to drop them off somewhere knows that heartbreak of seeing them look in your eyes and hold on to your leg, trying to keep you with them. Especially when they can sense your mutual separation anxiety. The one thing that starts to make them feel better is something fun like a new toy or friend who can be their guide in the new environment, and R2’s friendly introduction is exactly that (since digital Luke isn’t being particularly emotive or child friendly... I hope that’s just because he’s reaching into Grogu’s mind while also keeping an eye on the multiple people with guns trained on him, not because he’s going to be totally unfeeling raising this kid.)
I love that Grogu and R2 are immediately buddies in contrast to Episode 5 when R2 was like “fuck this guy” @ Yoda stealing food and hitting him with a walking stick lol. I would imagine Luke must be reminded of that first introduction too and entertained by this display of playfulness in a *positive* light between R2 and mini-Yoda.
I need to know if Luke and Ahsoka have met- it is KILLING ME.
Does this mean Grogu will get killed by Kylo Ren when he fucks up Luke’s academy??? I will reincarnate Ben just to kill him again if that’s the case.
How does Luke not even fully SMILE at Grogu?? An adorable little baby version of his beloved master Yoda, and you’re telling me he doesn’t have the same heart stopping gasp we all did when we first saw him?? Maybe he did when they first connected through the force. He has a bit of bemusement on his face, and also wonder in his eyes, but I want a grin of recognition and welcome, dammit.
I really wish Luke had somehow acknowledged Cara Dune. Everyone else seems to see the tear drop Rebel sign and know it means Alderaan. He could’ve been like yo I have a badass warrior sister from your planet that you should meet. Or just “thank you for your service.” (I know this actually wouldn’t have been cinematically good but my heart wants it.)
Luke didn’t tell Din his name?? Or ask for any details about the kid and his care?? I could literally never let my kid go with someone, regardless of how worthy, and not be like, “Excuse me sir who are you and where tf are you taking my tiny beloved green goblin in case I need to find him? Here is my contact info. He likes to eat frogs and eggs, and he can have macarons as a treat. He’s 50 years old and his favorite toy is still a ball. Bedtime is 8pm and he’s allergic to dairy.”
Another reason I wish Luke had identified himself would be to see the mishmash of reactions that would ensue. Cara would be like DAMN IT’S THAT GUY WHO BLEW UP THE DEATH STAR AND KILLED THE EMPEROR, ACT COOL (and she would indeed act cool). Fennec would be like ugh it’s that guy who helped kill my best paying client Jabba the Hutt and then fucked over my boss Boba, I helped save the kid for THIS? And I would LOVE to know how Bo Katan feels about him, assuming she’s heard of him, and especially if she knows he’s Anakin Skywalker’s son. That confusion is probably the reason WHY the writers didn’t have him reveal himself- they didn’t want to break the emotion of the scene.
Let‘s all be real I’m just being needy about wanting things from Luke because of what he meant to me as a kid and my resulting innate need to have more canon of him, whatever it is, whenever I can get it. Especially in this form that’s so similar to ROTJ, a movie I watched on endless repeat. Even getting this was incredible though. Who else could we trust this lil heart-stealing green bean with so fully? Yet who would be so arrogant as to try to train a baby yodling (see: Ahsoka’s wise refusal)?
R2 is reckless as hell lmao. Not that we don’t already know that, but for him to just head on in, effectively abandoning Luke’s ship (how can they know if there are more troopers or not who might blow it up?) and also putting himself in the path of the ridiculously deadly Dark Troopers is NUTS. I’m usually on his side but he absolutely deserves a scolding by C3PO for this one.
I wonder if Grogu has any memories of R2 or vice versa since they did occupy the Jedi Temple at the same time. Can Grogu understand droids? They could swap stories about mutual acquaintances.
Does Din pretty much have to go with Bo Katan now since a) he’s shown his face and may not be able to go back to the Watch, and b) because he has the darksaber and has to figure out how to get it back to her without dying?
How in the hell did Bib Fortuna (whose chins age was not kind to) go from being butler to being boss? Were all the henchmen just like, “Fuck yeah, no Hutt parents no rules, let’s do what we want!!” And then they’ve spent the last ten years living off of whatever money they could salvage from Jabba’s non-banked wealth? Why has no one challenged them for that prime real estate and loot? I would love to hear that story.
Fennec Shand says “respect sex workers” so you better fuckin’ do it.
Idk dude Bib Fortuna really was a good butler, and he seemed pretty willing to comply with whoever’s in power. Did he screw Boba over in his attempt to return from the dead and earn that killing shot somehow? Or was this to make sure there was no one left who would have a claim to loyalty? Or maybe Boba just really wanted to sit in that chair.
Does “The Book of Boba Fett” mean we’re not on Din Djarin’s story anymore? Or is it a new show? I would much prefer the latter. I want to see Din help retake Mandalore or at least get a hug.
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disregardcanon · 3 years
rwby julie and the phantoms au featuring dead girl band rwby and jaune as the conduit. but like, jaune who just half-way cheated his way into music school
the year is 1995 and the girl band RWBY is a rising power in the indie music world. composed of four talented, each with a rich and interesting backstory for the public to latch onto, they’re well on their way to becoming LGBT icons- if not actual stars. weiss, blake, and yang are twenty and ruby is eighteen.
weiss schnee is the daughter of silicone valley tycoon jacques schnee, who made headlines when she cut off all her hair and ran away from home to join a queer girl band. she’s the second schnee daughter to leave home, winter having joined the military back in 1992. she’s the band’s lead vocalist, though she occasionally plays violin in tracks that they write it into.
blake belladonna is already a famous singer. she sprung onto the scene in 1992 in a duo known as “bellataurus”. acting as the full sonny and cher package, adam taurus served as both older boyfriend and older manager until blake broke from him and helped to form RWBY in 1994. she took her vocals, her piano skills, GUITAR skills, and her songwriting skills with her.
yang xiao long and ruby rose are legacies of the highest order. summer, raven, qrow, and tai formed a band when they were kids and they became some of the biggest rockstars of the seventies and eighties- and later some of the biggest scandals. raven and tai’s messy, public breakup after the birth of their daughter signaled the band’s death- but then the birth of tai and SUMMER’S child signaled an even bigger scandal. the tabloids had an absolute field day over the new baby.
yang learned lots of instruments, but mainly took up the drums from her dad. the same went for ruby, but she mainly stole qrow’s guitar and made him teach her to shred.
unfortunately, the media never stopped following the two kids around, even through ruby’s transition. in a mixed bag for the remnants of STRQ and their children, the media circus that followed ruby rose coming out as a girl in NINETEEN NINETY TWO. the remaining members of STRQ still had a lot of clout and fully put their support behind her, but transmisognyny’s a bitch and it still followed them everywhere. yang coming out publicly as a lesbian neither helped nor hindered the situation, but it did make ruby feel a bit less alone.
the girls formed their band about a year before their- uh, UNTIMELY deaths in 1995. this came 3 days after a confrontation between blake and adam, where she promised that she would never, EVER date him again. she wouldn’t even work with him again. she and her band were going to become stars and actually help make social changes, instead of them just bullying her into going along with whatever THEY want from her and keeping her mouth shut because politics kills careers. 
they’re playing the ORPHEUM! the theater where so many bands have gotten their big break! she doesn’t need him now and she didn’t need him then.
eating bad street hot dogs after the warm up for a performance that blake promised adam 3 days ago would be the best that she ever gave- well. that’s just a weird coincidence, right?
cue 2020.
jaune arc has recently gotten into his first semester at a prestigious music college in the LA area, close to his family’s home where he still lives. the garage/studio out back remains largely untouched. half of that’s because cleaning the place out would be a lot of work, but half of it’s because his parents feel bad about the idea of cleaning out all of STRQ’s old recording equipment that both summer and tai promised they “didn’t want anymore” while selling the house in the wake of their daughters’ deaths. 
it’s not like the area is really suitable as a garage, and the arcs can spare a little room just in case those people ever change their minds.. even though they haven’t in twenty five years.
jaune’s house isn’t completely empty because he still has one of his older sisters going to college in LA at the same time, but it’s preeetttyy empty. his parents are hands off at this point and don’t even wonder how their baby who never even took any music lessons has gotten into a school like this.
it’s not like he doesn’t sing and sing pretty well, but they’re not even certain he can read music. spoiler alert: he can’t.
jaune is actually VERY good at working by ear and performing, but his music education growing up was lacking. on all levels. his parents encouraged him to do sports as his primary activity and he had no time for anything else and his public school music ed did not get him what he needed to go to music school.
frankly, he doesn’t even know what a treble clef is called. so. he’s a bit behind when going into his college classes. he was only able to fake the paperwork to get into music theory II, but considering that he’s. uh, completely unaware of what those notes mean he’s a bit fucked.
he’s always just been able to pull the song out of his ass because he listened to enough music to learn stuff by ear, but now he’s supposed to work through all this stuff with notation and he MIGHT BE DYING
he’s assigned to a group project with ren and nora and pyrrha and, well, thank god pyrrha notices and is kind enough to try to fill in the cracks.
but there’s a lot of cracks, you know? he’s barely pulling the grades that he needs to not get kicked out of the program at the moment, and he’s not entirely sure how to go about getting an accompanist for his end of semester showcase and ren and nora are already working together (they both play guitar and sing together) and pyrrha’s a soloist and -
oh god, he’s going to get kicked out of this program, isn’t he?
pyrrha keeps talking him down out of the anxiety because she is very kind and has a very big crush because jaune still has noticed that she’s a pop star that wanted to (but is failing to) have a normal college experience.
she lets him borrow her copy of RWBY’s first and only album and lets him take it home to listen to it. he decides to listen to it in the studio because he knows that’s where music, at one point, happened.
and it of course summons the souls of all four girls. they have ghostly mischief as they try to figure out how to make things work, and realize that while people who aren’t jaune can’t see them- people can HEAR THEM. and then when they play along with jaune for his end of semester show case- they realize that people can SEE THEM when they play with him.
pyrrha is confused about why jaune’s hologram band looks so much like RWBY, and she’s a little jealous and hurt that he’s been keeping this from her while letting HER bear the brunt of helping him with his struggles. jaune doesn’t know how to say that yeah, those are the actual ghosts of RWBY.
petty drama, petty drama, the girls are feeling suffocated by the fact that they’re actually dead and can’t interact with anyone who’s alive. ruby decides to go clear her head and meets another, very sweet and enthusiastic ghost named penny who likes to skateboard. 
penny is very sweet and ruby has what is known in show biz as a CRUSH. ruby learns a bit about how this ghost stuff works from her (some powers, about the unfinished business being what’s tying them to the land of the living, that she is VERY GAY) and she comes back to her friends to say hello yes i know things now and am also gay. wasn’t positive about that before but it’s a fact now
here’s where i lose my thread and am too tired to find it again but other things
1. ironwood is the villain of this. if you’re familiar with jatp, he serves the same function as caleb covington if not the exact same motives. he seals souls to him by a contract but with the express purpose of building a safe afterlife for ghosts... by making sure that all of them are under his control. winter, who died in one of the united state’s middle eastern campaigns is his right hand ghost. 
weiss is majorly conflicted by this because. it’s winter, you know? it’s winter. and it seems like this guy is trying to make things better for ghosts, right? he’s got a homebase and he can make them visible sometimes and make it so they can eat food and lots of stuff. but it comes with a heavy level of control. 
he doesn’t go after the girls until later because he thinks that they’ll come back, but when he DOES... the fact that he owns penny’s soul and doesn’t see her or any of the souls under his control as full people comes up in an ugly way.
2. adam taurus is the trevor wilson of this, but waaaayyy worse. he did in fact kill the girls and pillaged what he could of blake’s songs to record and put out under his own name. he‘s a big star, but a fading one, and he has a few vengeful ghost coming for him.
3. winter is a ghost, but whitley is a ghost of himself. at this point he’s forty and still doesn’t even know what he wants because he’s molded himself into what his dad wants so thoroughly. getting him to realize that he wants more and wants things for himself definitely comes up. winter also helps take down ironwood and free the souls. eventually
4. jaune IS a necromancer. he’s going to be able to see penny and others and eventually can give ghosts the power they need to be seen whenever they want. RWBYJNPR eventually becomes a big band that plays together sometimes
5. raven only came back for a few days for yang and ruby’s funeral before disappearing. qrow fell from grace quite dramatically when he accused adam taurus of murder with no evidence and became the laughing stock of america. he kept trying to find something that would fill the holes in his life, but he hasn’t lucked out with that yet... except the alcoholism, maybe.
tai and summer are still together, but they’re pretty miserable and they moved far away from LA to get out of the spotlight.
RWBY gets summer, tai, and qrow back together on purpose... and raven shows up when she sees her dead daughter singing on national television. the STRQ reunion is awkward and stilted, but things get better from there.
strq instruments
summer: vocalist with some piano
raven and qrow: bass and standard guitar respectively with some vocals
tai: drummer with some vocals
6. pyrrha and jaune eventually actually become the great duo that adam tried to market himself and blake as. sorry not sorry
7. not sure how they do it but they DO prove that adam murdered them and all of them including qrow get Vindication TM
8. the bumbleby isn’t a big plot point but they were dancing around getting together when they died and it happens slowly once they’re back <3
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