#ypur gonna have to take my word for it
hibbablobble · 3 months
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Dear pearl, i drew you today
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reneyorene · 9 months
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OPLA roronoa zoro × fem! reader headcanon
summary: you recruited to the crew by luffy before sanji. it didn't take long for you to get close with him, even closer than with zoro. no one knows that zoro is actually jealous because of that
note: english isn't my first language, so please understand. hope you enjoy!
• it's all starts when sanji joined the crew. everyone knows that he is a type of person that easily socialize with others
• sanji does flirt a lot. to all women. and when he join the crew, you and nami are never absent from his flirty words
• meanwhile, you and zoro aren't really that close. he looks like keep a barrier for everyone
• after you got recruited, he is the only person that haven't talk with you unless needed. even nami almost spend every night jist talking with you
• when you guys save nami from arlong and his crew, you just motice something. zoro make some moves that looks like he's protecting you
• of course you can fight, but arlong's crew just really strong
• zoro helps you sometimes especially when one of arlong's crew attack you from the back
• "thanks, zoro" and he just hummed or nod. that's all
• when the fight is over, you and your crew take some rest while sanji made the dinner for you all
• you're standing beside sanji while he's cooking. admiring his skills that you can't even do as a woman
• "you got a real good cooking skills, sanji. probablly you should open your own restaurant like zeff" ypu said
• everyone agree by saying the same thing but one person remain silent, it's zoro. not untill usopp asked him "sanji is a good chef don't you think, zoro?"
• and he just relpy with "he'll be a chef when we come to baratie if that so"
•and after that he just left making everyone confuse except sanji. he seems like know that zoro didn't like him that much
• after reasuring yourself, you decide to follow zoro and talk with him. maybe ask about the reason of his behaviour before
• you found zoro sitting on nojiko's roof. you come closer and asked him if you can join him
• he let you join him by giving a nod
"want to tell me what is wrong with you?" you asked
"there is nothing wrong. just want to have some fresh air here"
"definetly something is wrong with you. i mean, you did not talk a lot like usual, but today it looks like you have something inside your head"
"everyone have someting inside their head"
alright, that's it. maybe he just being himself. nothing to worry. you decide to comeback inside the house but you feel a hand on ypur wrist
"if you don't mind, would you sit here for few minutes more?"
you thought he don't want to share anything or even say a thing, but looks like he did
"okay, i'm gonna asked you again. what is inside your head? what makes you look like you owe someone hundred million berries? is it because of sanji? ypu know he just-"
"you. i don't owe someone hundred millions berries. amd yes, it's him bothering me"
you froze for few moments "me? what is this have to do with me? and how is sanji bothering you"
he sighed before answering your question. it takes some moment for him to talk
"you just being too close each other"
"but we are a team" you answered with confuse tone
"you not that close with me"
zoro's answer startled you a bit "i thought you are keeping a distance"
"i'm not" he asnwer swiftly
there some silence moment before he continue speak "i am sorry for make you think that way"
you chuckle makes him looks towarda you. it's night thankfully, so you can't he he's blushing right now
"it's all clear now, so that's fine.i just don't really get it why i can't being too close with sanji"
"you can. you can be friend with him. but just... don't too close"
"why?" you looked at him back, asking for answer
zoro take a breath before answered "because i'm jealous"
oh.. you didn't expect that answer from him. it's roronoa zoro we're talking about
"you are... jealous?"
again, moment of silence. this time it's longer than before
"i asked usopp. he said that i like you. probably he's right"
you still silent, don't know how to react. actually ypu have talked about this witj nami before. about sometimes, either nami or you caught zoro just starring at you or helping you with anything you do. but you just take it as an act from a teammate, nothing special. but tonight you got an absolute answer
"do you.. like me?"
zoro's question bring you back to the earth, you glanced at him but when you meet his gaze, you try to find other object to look at. your cheek feels like burn, also feels like there's a lot of butterflies inside your stomach
"you like sanji?"
"no. i mean yes, as a friend. i like you all as my team mate?"
"so it's just a team mate between us?"
you frowned "you expect more?"
"ussop said when i confessed, you'll answer that you like me too right away"
his words got you chuckled
"usopp is wrong then" there's a disappoint tone in his voice
"no, he's not wrong. he's right. i like you too, not just a team mate" you answered with smile
slowly, a smile appeared on his face makes ypu smile even wider
"i think i'll got heart attack, my heart just beating too loud"
you laughed, so does him
"am i cool? i make roronoa zoro nervous"
he chuckle "yeah, you are cool"
sorry for the typos and grammar error. i'm not good at writting in english guys
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bella-rose29 · 5 months
bellaaaaa (is that ypur name?? Or is it belle?? I'm so horrible with names😭😭)
anyways, tell me about your current writing projects!! What is in the works??
omg hi lisa!!!!!! (don't worry I'm bad with names too to the point I'll tag people instead of writing names bc idk if I got it right)
it's technically belle but I do get called bella probably bc of bella-rose but that's just bc belle-rose didn't flow as nicely in my head, but I don't mind either :)
current writing projects? there are so many 😭
deck the halls is still in progress and will probably end up with like... 15 parts or something (part 9 will be out this week at some point)
I have a request from an anon that I'm gonna get out this week too, and that's a lockwood x fem!reader, it's gonna be a lil bit of sadness and a lot of comforting from lockwood
there's a Taylor swift song inspired lockwood x fem!reader in the works too but that might take a while bc I'm on 5.2k words and I've only just got onto the first chorus, so that's going to be loooonnggg (I promise it won't make people sad like 'tis the damn season did, this one is pure love and fluff and happy stuff)
there's some other stuff too but I don't want to give too much away 👀👀👀
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 3 months
Happy STS, Elli!
(Hopefully) easy question this week: what is ypur favourite part of writing and storytelling?
Happy STS!
I had a very similar one here last week, so I waited a bit with answering this, which has absolutely nothing to do with my brain being full of bees and a fractal event going on in gw2 😂
The other one focused on writing, so this one is going more in the storytelling direction.
Those two are not exactly the same for me. For as long as I can remember, I have enjoyed daydreams, roleplaying, or creating backstories for characters I play in video games, but most of it has been lost to time. Writing takes some of it and makes sure it will last :D
On the one hand, there's obviously the whump. I enjoy it. I want to see the blood and the angst and the despair and the hope and especially the happy end, and there is little I can find out there that checks all my boxes (canon-inspired daydreams notwithstanding) so I want to make it myself.
On the other hand, there's the characters. There are little things I am delighted to see in a character (yes yes, my beloved sad ace mages, we've all seen that post), and I like to think that I also create characters someone out there will be delighted to see. Some of it is hard to talk about - for example, I always feel like I have "no right" to be proud of i.e. a blind char I made.
The thing that makes me love writing is that it can take a shape it couldn't in my brain alone. I remember one or two extensive daydream scenarios, but compared to a book, they would be like 30-50% only. After that, it all falls apart, I can't remember shit, I can't keep it all together, I keep moving in circles, it doesn't make sense. For some things, that is enough, fueling my bedtime for a couple of weeks before I move on. For others, it isn't.
When I am writing, what's on paper is done. I do not have to fear that I will forget what came before and can focus on what comes next. Which brings me to the second story telling part I enjoy:
The moment when it all starts making sense. When a character comes out of nowhere to fill a role I need, when I think of a scene or a line that matches what I set up before, when the end is in sight and I know that's gonna be the last scene, when a thing I had floating around in my mind for months finally settles. When I walk home and stop dead in my tracks to make a note on my phone, or when I word-vomit into my friends' DMs what's basically an outline but also not. The moment the idea I started out with becomes something I can imagine fully, from begining to end. Magical :D
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songmingisthighs · 2 years
Hellooo! I'm a new atiny and I was wondering if you could help me get to know the boys a bit, if you could describe them in a few words, what you think about them, who's ypur favorite and why. I'm also curious who are the trouble makers and who are the mom and dad of the group who keep them in check.
oooo hellaurrrrr welcome to the mess <3
in a nutshell, ateez is... pretty... self explanatory ??
you only need to know that within ateez is a group of fuckboi wannabe dorks called 99z (구구즈/gu-gu-jeu) which literally translates to the 99 liners and a duo called matz (맏즈) which consist of the two oldest members (both 98 liners) and yeah they left the youngest who's the only 00 liner but frankly ion think he gives a fuck because he's always either with mom and dad (matz) or pulling some shit with 99z.
- matz
seonghwa > the oldest is the mom. he's a boomer trying to become a genz, you'll see him constantly wanting to join in on weird ass 99z antics or with wooyoung circling around him like a chicken doped up in coccaine. soft cute babie off stage like literally lactates whenever he sees kids but on stage looks like he's possessed. I dare you to watch his guerrilla fancam.
hongjoong > captain (not leader), 2nd oldest and the "dad". bc fr he's a workaholic, 9 times out of 10 you'll find him camping in his studio. Dedicated and talented as fuck, produce every ateez songs despite being worse than tone deaf when he first got into kq. the embodiment of the word "tired. and he's possessive as fuck so don't even mention other singer or celebrities near him. he'll pop a vein or smth. stage possession pt. 2
- 99z
yunho > tallest boy. golden retriever who thinks he's a daschund or smth idk. easily excited, so fucking cute, handsome, can kill you with love and kindness. literally don't join his private message on universe, you'll get delulu. soft and lovable yet people wanna fuck with him because they're petty jealous bitches haha pendejo ANYWHAM the way he moves on stage is just... holy fucking shit ???? mesmerising. watch ateez's guerrilla on killpo on 1thek (yt) and you'll get what i mean
yeosang > looks like he can murder you simply by flicking the air near your forehead because HAVE YOU SEEN HIS ARMS ??? kq srsly need to shut down the gym. if you see him during predebut/early debut era and compare to his present look, you'd think he was swapped or smth bc where the fuck is the innocent naive nerd that woo said won't survive this world without him ???
san > DON'T GET TOO CLOSE, YOUR EYES WILL BURN. off stage he's san :D but on stage he's san >;). cheeky lil shit who used to sing in a church choir despite being not religious because he has the voice of an angel. and the body and moves of satan. istg don't watch his cyberpunk fancam in public, you're gonna wanna take a shower after that. master of performance like fr possessed on stage pt. 3
mingi > THE OTHER TALL BOY and the love of my life. looks like he could stomp you and will stomp you. by accident. tol boi makes many many clumsy steps. sexy on stage but off stage makes you wanna swaddle him and feed him cookies. obsessed with abura soba and he's your go-to guy for comfort in terms of like feeling better about yourself or when you feel like a loser. recommends songs A LOT on his pm
wooyoung > sly little bastard. he looks mischievous. AND HE IS MISCHIEVOUS. L O U D A S F U C K, i suggest you don't watch his videos in public because i deadass watched ateez whilst in the bus and Wooyoung's voice penetrate through my earphones. at 0% volume you can still hear him. but he's iconic, memorable, gay as fuck (in the best way) but ion wanna assume his sexuality because he calls his fans his wife. men women nonbinary trigender, EVERYONE'S woo's wife (영부인/young-bu-in). calls his dude friends honey (jagiya) like yeonjun (txt), changbin (skz) and many more methinks. man's a social butterfly like i believe he can befriend putin or smth
- babie <3
jongho > BEAR <3 literally the stylists are doing him justice this comeback bc he looks SO FUCKING GOOD istg he's turning my brain into mush. idk what's above angel voice because that's the fuck he has. so fucking talented and so damn fucking done with his hyungs's antics. but everyone loves him <3 <3 he's still everyone's baby <3 <3 but fr don't mess with him because he splits apples in half without having to try so i do believe he has the power to break spines, limbs, and mental
this is all i can think of so far pls let me know if you have more things you wanna know <3
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foreignerabroad1994 · 2 years
A Date with Destiny: Short Story Writing Prompt
My response to the following writing prompt to u/Commander_Night_17 on the WritingPrompts subreddit:
[WP] As a knight, you often claimed to have "A date with Destiny" whenever you rode to battle. Imagine your surprise meeting a gal named Destiny on ypur doorstep ready to go on a date...
The maiden at my doorstep leans against a wall, examining her long fingernails with mild interest. She is of pleasant constitution, but her entire manner is quite odd. Her blond hair is combed back into a wild haircut, shorter in the front and longer in the back, and her lips smack as she chews at something adamantly, making it expand out of her lips in a round shape before exploding back in. Her entire body is covered in a bizarre garment, a concoction of worn blue fabric and shiny leather that squeaks as she turns her hand to observe her nails in more detail, which are, I can now see, sparkling like purple gems. Her legs are clad in what almost looks like work boots, but are once again far too shiny.
"And to whom do I owe this honor?"
The girl looks up, unmoving. Piercing dark eyes look at my body up and down, which, at the moment, is in the garments that will soon be the undergarments to my suit of armor.
"That's what you wear on a date, pumpkin?"
I stare at the crass woman in disbelief. "A date?"
"Ya know, when a boy takes a girl on a nice evening out, shmoozes and all, and then maybe there's some hanky panky."
"Hanky... panky...?"
The lady makes a rumbling sound with her mouth that looks entirely put upon. "Yeah, ya know, doing the dirty dancin', twirling the mop in the bucket. Bees and birds, all that. Didn't your daddy teach you anythin' about all that?"
I blink slowly - surely the apparition would make itself scarce. I am not so fortunate, however. She stands up and away from the wall. "All I've been hearing is, this boy's at the end of the creak in that stone mansion and he keeps saying, oh, I have a date with destiny, every damn day he says it, and Selena goes, 'Destiny, you have to, you absolutely must go, he is a fine man indeed, a bit weird, he is, but damn fine'."
My mouth opens and closes. I cannot understand a word she says.
"So I said to her, I said Selena, I'll be the judge of that, because that girl has taste in men like her taste in shoes - which is bad, darlin', she shops clearance and it damn well shows."
"Excuse me, miss, but I am on my to battle, and I must make haste-"
"I don't know no place called battle 'round these parts, is that a new joint?"
"Place, boy, a new place. That a new restaurant or some nerd shit maybe? You look like you like that. I don't mind them nerds, you know, they get all cute and shy."
"Fair... maiden, I must apologize, but enemies await-"
"Oh, I get it now!" she snaps her fingers, her long gemstone nails catching the faint light of the torch at the door. "You one of them dungeons and monsters boys! Must be that! How darling!"
At her bright, cheerful smile, I find my ears heat. Her face, covered in the colors of a peacock around her eyes and of rubies on her lips, is full of obvious delight. "Well, I do indeed slay many monsters and seize many dungeons-"
"See, I knew it, and Selena would be all like 'leave those nerdy boys alone', but I tell her, I tell her these boys have some vision, some spice in them, liking all them maidens and weapons and shit."
"I do not like feces-"
"Anyways, we gotta be quick honey, the line at the diner is gonna get mighty long, and I gotta get me some milkshake before we hit the town. I want to hear all about your battles and monsters!"
"But, lady-"
"No buts sir! Well, maybe only your sweet behind." She closes one of her eyes quickly with a smile, and I find myself flushed.
Destiny grabs my wrist in a strong grip and hurries me along. "Let's go! I know you're gonna love you some of Minnie's milkshakes!"
Oh well, I thought. Surely the battle could commence in the morning.
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yukieyy · 2 years
°*{Once Again}*°
{ Sequel to Insecure }
{This is a continuation by popular demand, if you haven't read Insecure please do so to avoid confusion! }
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hurt-Comfort
Tw: Swearing, meantions of death
Part 3
{a/n: a bit short sorry, have fun reading!}
You stared at him, shocked. Your breath caught in your throat, you could feel ypur heart beating faster and faster. Looking down at your plate, contemating wheter if it was right for to suspect him this far. You did say you'd follow him once you're dead, and knowing Barbatos, killing humans must be an easy thing.
Nevertheless,you kept your cool and took a deep breath before shrugging and putting down your cutlery.
"So be it then."
Barbatos's eyes widen, "excuse me?"his tone was far from the usual formal tone he always use.
You looked at him, "what? I said so be it. If I'm gonna die then, I'll die. That's it. Every human dies."
Barbatos chuckled dryly, his eyes showing no fondness in them, his forehead creased.
"If you think I'm gonna let you die, You're dead wrong."
"You are not stopping me from dying Barbatos." you said with a straight face.
"No, Mc! You are not gonna die under my watch, I won't let that happen. If you wish to die that badly then you shall die by my hand." He said.and slammed his hand on the table.
You flinched and took a deep breath, "How will I die?"
Barbatos went silent. No words were spoken. You frown. He was just up over your face yelling at you and now he's silent? was it that serious? Is your death that horrible? What was making him this hesitant?
"Barbatos? You've seen how I died....right?" You asked cautiously, he nodded slowly.
"A few times" he whispered, not meeting your eyes.leaning back on his chair.
"Well then tell me, How did I die?" You asked with a stern voice.
He kept quiet,you let out a huge puff of breath, your head started to hurt, closing your eyes, you slammed your hands on the table and stood up.
"I don't know!" He shouted in respond, staring straight into your eyes.
"Huh?" You stared at him, "what do you mean, you don't know?" You leaned forward, "You've seen my death...yet you don't know how?"
He looked away, hand forming a fist,
"Did you poison me?" You asked.
He snapped his head, "Are you crazy? I may not be an angel but I don't go that far."
You sat down. "You went forward in time, saw me die, yet you....never tried to stop it?"
He rolled his eyes, "of course I did! But I can't do it directly, I can't risk messing with time. Again."
"And i still die?" You raised an eyebrow,
"Yes! What is it that's taking you so hard to understand?!"he asked enraged.
"I don't fucking know! Maybe it's because I know I'm gonna fucking die in a few weeks?!" You asked him back, voice shaking, dripping with sarcasm and anxiety.
He tilted his head,"who told you it was a few weeks?"
You paled.
"You have like, a week. Less than a week."
He said, not caring anymore.
You gulped, tears started forming in your eyes,
" you're gonna walk in this dark olace and just fell and die." He continued.
"I can't even see you fucking face, I can't go rewind it or go even further to see what happened afterwards. There. Your death. Might as well start looking for coffin." He ended, got up and walk away.
"That's it? You're just gonna drop that and leave?"
He turned towards you, "weren't you the one who was so damn eager to kick me out yesterday?"
Your mouth opened in disbelief, "Why the fuck are you so rude?"
He shrugged, "there's no damn reason for me to not be rude to you," then he dissapeared into the guest room. Leaving you alone with your thoughts. You try to even out your breath,
Is this it?
Am I really gonna die?
Is he lying so I would follow him back?
What should I do?
Should I just accept it?
You stood up and walked to your room silently.
Diavolo has decided to held a small buffet to help lighten the brother's mood, even though Barbatos wasn't there, he had a lot of amazing chefs in the castle other than Barbatos.
"Food!"Beelzebub yelled once he saw the food and started sprinting towards it.
"Oi beel! Save some for us wiil ya?!" Mammon shouted while picking up his pace to match Beelzebub.
Satan and lucifer sighed. Lucifer made his way towards Diavolo,
"Thank you for inviting us, Although I am not sure what's the occasion." He said, looking over at his brothers who were taking food onto their plate. Solomon walked up to them and started a conversation with Asmodeus who obviously turn it into flirting.
Diavolo laugh,"It's nothing, It's been a while since we gather. Figured it'd be fine"
Lucifer frown,he sighed,"Diavolo, I know what you're trying. And I wished that you stop."
"What are you talking about?" Diavolo asked,trying to sound innocent.
" Stop bothering her. Let her live her life. Let's listen to her for once and not make her life miserable anymore"
Diavolo sighed and grabbdd Lucifer's shoulder. "You miss her. We all do. We never actually properly apologize to her. If there is someone that could light up you guys again, It's her. "
Lucifer sighed "just, please stop if she asked to stop."
He looked around for a while, "Is Barbatos in the Human realm then?" He asked.
Diavolo nodded,"Yeah, He offered to help, as a last resort. If she said no this time, we'll stop. He should be back in a few days."
"Oh hey Barbatos! You're late! Woah what happened to you?!" Asmodeus said loudly from the table.
Diavolo, Solomon and Lucifer froze.
Their eyes turned towards Asmodeus. Wishing he was mistaken, wishing he was joking.
Their breath stopped once they saw the one standing in the entrance of the castle.
"Why....are you here?"
@fangirlinindia @catmania-choco @crystal-freak24   @liraastillsimping @cosmidaydreaming @jhopesstickeredcarrier @itsonyxpected @aliatrixx-dellacour @lyftyyy @sayumiht @yeisiko @gallantys @cypherleaf @eid-ka-chand @ittohavr @spirit3502 @nishayuro @queengeek487 @mewchiili @tsunotaro-san @blubearxy @sucker-for-angst-and-fluff @infidelio @kandy1101 @ikkomori @thatonebitchinhighschool @defnotj @midoriima @lucifersidepiece @offpaperponies @diasmantiddies
Apologies again to those who cant be tagged :,(
《Pt.2 Pt.4》
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sinnerdolly · 3 years
Hanma x fem! reader.
Summary: you're Kisaki's wife, but you couldn't avoid to fall for Hanma.
English isn't my mother language so, if you see any error, you're welcome to correct me.
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Hanma, the right hand of your husband Kisaki. That man who you can't avoid to fantasise, that man who makes you wet when he pass walking by your side.
When he looks at you in a lewd way after fuck you in the same place where his boss sleeps. Both of you know what will happen if you were discovered by Kisaki... but the passion burns your blood.
“Shuji.. ” you looked at him with those pretty eyes of yours. He knows what you was going to say “we should stop this, if Kisaki finds out what we are doing...”.
He didn't let you finish the phrase, sliding slowly his huge cock inside your wet hole. Kissing your neck while he moves his hips softly, stretching your walls.
“He wouldn't touch you. He is obsessed with you... If Kisaki finds out us, he just gonna kill me. M... ah... How are you so tight after fuck you two times?” you couldn't believe how he was talking, like his death was nothing.
You pushed him away, with tears in your eyes droopping down your chin.
“How dare you to say those grotesque words? How can you talk that way about your own life?” you couldn't stop crying.
Hanma gazes at you shocked. Were you crying for him? He didn't think he was an important part of your life.
He doesn't doubt it, Hanma takes you between his arms.
“Baby girl, sorry I just... is that I don't care about what happen to me. I won't stop doing this, even if Kisake discovers that I stole his woman... I'm gonna dead so happy because you're mine.” Hanma takes your face in his hands to see you at your eyes. For first time, he lets you appreciate his weakness. Yeah, maybe all started as a pleasure game, fuck his boss's wife would be funny, but now he loves you. “Please, don't ask me to let you go... I prefer died than be alive without you”.
You kissed him with fervour, with necessity, desire of his lips, of his touch. Pouring his seed inside your entrails, you didn't mind of getting pregnant, even the idea of Kisaki raising a child who wasn't even his was so funny. Because you hate him, you hate your husband for be the impediment to be with Hanma. You want to be Hanma's property, not Kisaki.
“I need you, fuck me harder... please, Shu” you whispered. That whispers wich turns him crazy, insane for you.
“As you demand, my queen” his cock penetrating your narrow pussy with gross, making you shout as a completely whore.
He was hitting you as a beast, your moans echoing around the room. The pleasure flowing through your nerves, and the adrenaline rushing through your veins.
Inch by inch rubbing all your sensitive spots, his hips a emphasizing the rhythm of the hits, his cock colliding with your cervix, making you shiver in agony.
In a pair of minutes, mixing your hard feelings with the pleasure, you couldn't contain yourself any more. Cumming with his name in your lips, curving ypur back between his strong arms wich promised protect you as a goddess. The semen filling you until overflow your womb, it feels amazing, it relaxed you... turning you to the reality, the reality that you belong to Hanma and, no matter what, Kisaki can't avoid it.
Both of you were loose, of sure you couldn't have a happy ending. But you will live all you can with him, until the death. You were in love with Judas, and you have to pay for it.
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sugawara-sweetheart · 3 years
𝔠𝔯𝔞𝔳𝔦𝔫𝔤 (𝔪)
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❥jean kirstein x fem!reader
❥warnings: mutual masturbation, praise kink, dirty talk, semi-public sex/getting caught, fluffy ending
❥word count: 2.4k
❣@lets-go-datehoe: Finally getting off my ass to throw a Jean request in your inbox. Just had to think about how to word it ✌Jean convincing the girl he knows is his crushing on him to do the nasty. She's hesitant about soldier x soldier relationships bc I mean look at the world they live inbut she relents bc she's a sucker for that cocky smirk of his. They're somewhat in public and get caught by their captain/superior officer. Bonus points if the captain tells them to knock it the fuck off but gives Jean a subtle😏👍
your lips taste sweet. addictive almost. enough that jean’s moans are falling from his lips as he kisses you hungrily, his hands pressing into your hips with a gripping bruise as he pushes you against the vast table. you groan into his mouth as your back hits the table and sense floods you, a little scoff falling from your lips as you gently push him away. he pants heavily, lips wet with your mixed saliva as his brows furrow slightly, confusion etched across his face.
“what?” your cheeks are warm, heart racing but there’s a sense of heaviness in your chest that makes you want to ignore the throbbing deep in your cunt.
“i’m sorry.” jean narrows his eyes but his hands don’t release your hips as you sigh heavily. “we shouldn’t be doing this.”
“but why?” he doesn’t sound annoyed but there’s clear disappointment visible on his face, and you can clearly see the hardened outline of his cock pressing against his pants. “you like me right?” your cheeks burn at the truthful statement and you hope the smile twitching at the corners of your lips isn’t so visible as you tug his hands away from you.
“we have a mission in a week or did you forget, commanding officer? one that’ll probably have more of us dead than alive. you heard them in the meeting just now.” your throat feels dry as you speak and a deep crease appears between his brows as he takes in your words. “i don’t think it’d be good for us- either of us.” it hurts, a deep ache in your chest that drops all the way to your stomach as you place a hand on the back of his neck, rubbing it comfortingly. “these sort of things can’t happen between us soldiers.” he’s silent for a moment but then he grits his teeth, scoffing at your words.
“i’d look after you. and even if i can’t you’re skilled and capable of looking after yourself. we’re going to make this a success, we can survive and even still-” he groans as he takes your hand, pressing it against his clothed erection as a smirk tugs at his lips. “this is what you do to me. i want you so bad, y/n.”
you shiver, eyes fluttering shut as he presses open-mouthed kisses to your jaw, slotting himself between your legs as you grip his shirt tighter.
“come on, y/n- don’t you want me?” you can feel his lips smiling against your skin, a giggle rising in your throat. “don’t you want me to fuck you so good on my cock you’ll get wet just thinking about it?”
“you really think a lot of yourself, don’t you?” you tease, slipping a hand between you both and gently palming his cock. he groans against you, teeth grazing the skin of your neck before he bites, gentle but hard enough to make you groan.
“don’t act like you don’t either.” you smile as you cup his face, bringing him in for another kiss as his fingers reach for the buttons of your shirt, slowly undoing them.
“the higher-ups shouldn’t be having another meeting for today-” he mumbles against your lips between the kisses. “so we can take as long as we want here- fuck.” the air feels cool against your skin and you smile shyly as he peels off your shirt, leaving you in just your bra. he steps back, eyes widened as he takes you in carefully, hands groping your breasts and fingers reaching for the straps. “you’re beautiful.”
“jean.” your heart thumps against your chest as he slips off your bra, thumbs pressing against your pebbling nipples before he leans down, massaging one tit as his lips wrap around the other. you sigh heavily as he licks at the sensitive bud, warm pleasure tingling through you as you wrap your legs around his waist, tugging him closer. he releases it with a wet pop, lips wet with saliva, before moving to the other, pressing you down flat against the table.
jean pants when he pulls away, fingers reaching for the waistband of your pants and he groans as he pulls them down to your knees, leaving you naked in front of him. you whimper as you press your legs together but his hands on your thighs are gentle as he pushes them apart.
“don’t hide from me.” he teases, pecking your lips with a smile. “you’re gorgeous. i want to see this pretty pussy, i want to see you play with it.” your walls clench at his words, a soft moan falling from your lips as his eyes darken with lust, reaching for his own pants. “yeah, fuck yourself on your fingers for me. get that pretty cunt all ready for my cock.” your eyes widen as he takes your hand, enveloping your fingers in his mouth and sucking on them, tongue flicking over your fingertips before he pulls them out with a wet pop, guiding them to your pussy. “show me how you touch yourself.”
ypur cheeks burn as your wet fingertips press against your swollen clit, a little shiver running through you as your hips jerk with the sensitivity. jean watches hungrily as you slowly swirl the sensitive bud, a soft sigh falling from your lips as warm pleasure begins to build. his belt clinks as he undoes it, tugging down his pants to his thighs and you moan at the sight of his hard cock slapping against his clothed stomach. he’s long and thick, a pretty cock you have to admit, with the pink head leaking precum that has your mouth drooling.
“jean-” his name is a breathy moan as you rub your clit faster, your nails scraping against the wood of the table as your toes curl with the pleasure. “fuck, i want your cock so bad.”
“hm, i bet you do.” he smirks. his long fingers wrap around the thick base of his cock, slowly stroking it with swipes at the sensitive head that makes him groan. “you want me to fill up your pretty pussy with my cock? fuck you so deep till i’m the only thing you can think of.” you nod eagerly, your eyes fixed on his slow, steady pumps, licking your lips at the silvery precum that trickles down his cock as wetness drools from your cunt.
“here.” you moan as he swipes the head, precum smearing across his thumb before he presses it against your lips, your mouth eagerly opening for him to sink his fingertip against your drooling tongue, the taste of him filling your mouth with a lewd moan. “finger yourself for me too. get that wet pussy all stretched out for my cock.” he groans as he pumps his cock, watching your fingers slide between your folds, the sinful sounds of slick squelching filling the room before you slowly push a finger into your hole. you both moan loudly as you pump your finger slowly, wetness coating your hand as you stroke your walls, jean watching carefully with his fingers squeezing around his dick tighter.
“do you think of me when you touch yourself, huh?” he smirks. you nod shyly, a whimper falling as you add a second, scissoring your fingers to stretch your tight walls as warm pleasure runs through you. it’s lewd, dirty and sinful to be fingerfucking yourself as he watches so eagerly, as he fucks his own fist to the sight.
“wish it was your cock instead.” you pout, hissing with pleasure as you curl your fingers to reach that sensitive spot. “want your cock buried so deep in my cunt. want you to make me all yours.”
jean groans at your words, head falling back and cheeks flushed pink with pleasure as you cry out, the tight coil in your stomach snapping. hot pleasure runs through you, hips jerking as you fingerfuck yourself through your high, wetness dripping down your hand and pooling on the table, jean’s name falling heavy from your lips.
“you look so pretty when you cum.” he grunts, releasing his cock to grab your wrist, pulling your fingers from your sopping cunt. “i can’t wait to fuck your pretty pussy- you’ll sound so nice when you cream all over it.” you’re panting as he licks your release from your fingers, moaning at the taste before he pulls you into a kiss. it’s messy and wet, tongue sliding into your mouth and drool spilling over your chin as you kiss him, your head cloudy from your orgasm before he grips his dick, sliding it against your folds. the veiny skin glistens with your slick and you shudder with the increased sensitivity, moaning and jerking when he taps the head against your swollen clit.
“jean, jean, please.” you pant against his lips needily, gripping his shoulders so tight you’re sure your fingernails are piercing him through his shirt. “please, i need you now. already- stop teasing me.” he merely chuckles as he edges the head towards your convulsing hole, near enough to make your pussy drool but you feel so empty.
“you want to be fucked so bad? your cunt is drenched, you’re so desperate to be stuffed with my cock, aren’t you?” you nod eagerly, burying your face in the crook of his neck and sucking on the skin, legs wrapping against his waist. “but you’re asking so sweetly, I couldn't ever say no to you.”
your moan is choked as he shoves his cock into your hole, your back arching as you press your chest against his. he’s thick, long and big enough the stretch burns as he fills up your cunt, pushing into your wet walls till his hips snap against yours. your head spins as you moan, clinging to him with your walls pressing against his throbbing cock, the bristles of his pubic hair tickling against your sensitive clit.
“fuck- jean, you’re so big. oh god-” he’s smirking as he cups your face, kissing you sweetly but ferverously, groaning as your walls tighten around him.
“you’re so tight- fuck, don’t do that-” his head falls back as a deep moan escapes his wet swollen lips. “you’re gonna make me cum already.”
“sorry, sorry.” you giggle as you relax, shivering as his veins pulsate against your sensitive walls. “please move already.”
you lie back against the table, the wood cold against your skin, as jean pulls out almost entirely, leaving your fluttering walls feeling empty. his length is coated in a glistening sheen of his slick before he shoves it back in, fast and deep as it slams into your cunt, making you groan as your back arches off the table and your eyes roll to the back of your head. he fucks you with deep thrusts, hands gripping your tits as his hips snap against yours. wetness squelches lewdly over your mixed moans as he fucks you, pleasure flooding through you.
“you take my cock so well.” jean grunts, mouthing kisses at your breasts. “it’s like your pussy’s made for me.” you can only moan in response, his thick cock reaching all the right spots that makes you so much wetter, your walls clamping tight around him.
“r-right there! jean- so good! it feels so good!” he groans as his hips stutter, grinding his cock against that sensitive spot that makes you whine, your hips bucking up into his as your hand slides between your bodies, rubbing at your sensitive clit. “i-i’m close- i’m gonna-”
the sound of a door opening snatches away the rising pressure as you and jean freeze, eyes widened with horror as you both turn to the door.
“fuck!” he’s quick to hide your body as you stare at levi and hange, mortified with your cheeks burning. the former’s face is contorted with a mixture of shock and disgust, jean hissing as hange claps a hand to their mouth, trying to hold back laughter.
“i think we’ll need another meeting room, levi.” they smile to which levi tuts, throwing jean a look of disgust.
“clean up the table afterwards, you brats.” he hisses before he turns away, hange following quickly but you still hear their words fading through the door.
“did you know they were fucking? jean sounds like he had good dick game-”
“i want to burn my eyes with bleach, four-eyes. shut up.”
you and jean stare at each other, his throbbing cock still buried deep in your cunt, but you can’t resist the urge to laugh, burying your burning face in your hands.
“that’s so embarrassing! and hange will probably tell connie and sasha and oh my god-” jean chuckles as he prises your hands away from your face, kissing your palm gently before he entwines his fingers with your own.
“then they’ll know exactly who you can fuck you good.” he murmurs, his hips begining to drive into yours again. “they’ll know exactly who owns this perfect little cunt.”
your embarrassment washes away as all you can think about is jean’s cock pounding into your cunt, the hot pleasure building once again. your hips buck up to meet his, chasing your orgasm as your walls squeeze tighter around him, wetness drenching his cock. your orgasm is heavy when it hits, your back arching off the table and walls clamping down on his dick, your mind spinning as you practically see white.
“that’s it, cream all over my cock. fuck, you look so pretty.” he moans, thumb swirling your clit as your legs quiver, his cock buried deep into your cunt twitching.
he pulls out, length coated in your release and groans as he pumps it, lewd clicking sounds filling the room as hot strings of cum spurt from the flushed head, splattering over your wet folds and thighs in a sticky mess. you both pant, skin hot and damp with sweat as he presses his forehead to yours, kissing you gently as you cling to his body to hold yourself steady.
“i don’t think i’ll ever be able to look captain levi in the eye again.” you murmur against jean’s lips, making him chuckle as he nods.
“same. but…” there’s a sense of heaviness as he suddenly looks serious, gazing at you carefully. “do you still not want to be involved with me?” you’re still as his words ring in your mind, disappointment casting across his face but it’s pushed away when you pull him into a kiss, smiling against his lips.
“i just let you fuck me- what do you think, jean?” he looks sheepish as he smiles, warmth flooding your chest as you run your fingers through his hair. “we’ll make this work. i know we will.” he presses his forehead against yours, eyes gazing at you softly with silent agreement and adoration.
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kristaline2dmensimp · 3 years
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Marco x reader (NSFW)
Warning: Femdom(?), Unprotected sex, slight bdsm.
A/n: Its already oct 7 in my country!!! In all honesty this is my first time writing smut so bare with wrong grammars? 😅 also this is kind a birthday gift to myself. 😁
(ahem @thatbadbruja My friend and fellow Marco simp I won't definitely forget to tag you on my Marco's content. 👀)
1,743 words
3rd person's POV
This last few days you couldn't sleep well since you started to have this fantasy with your lover a.k.a Marco appearing frequently in your dreams. Moreover, in an outrageous state.
Imagining about taking complete control during your sexy time with Marco's hands tied to the headboard panting and moaning, both body glistening in sweat- wouldn't leave your mind.
Succumbing to your desires, you embarrassingly confessed it to Marco which he responded with a raised brow, but didn't dismiss the idea of it. In fact, he's quite curious; he's more open about his kink and fetishes to you, so hearing you voice out your own desire he's more willing to oblige. Which resulted to being locked inside the privacy of your room, full on liplock sharing a hot intense kiss, pulling away only to breathe; discarding each other's clothing until you were left with only your undergarments and him being completely bare.
"Strawberry will be our safeword." You said pushing him down to the bed, with a small smirk on your face. "I think you're underestimating me Yoi." He chuckled pulling you on top of him mirroring your smirk as you straddle his waist.
Smiling you lean down to his ear before you grind against his pulsating cock, wiping the smirk from his face, prompting a deep groan from the Marco.
"Just a precaution, my dear." You whispered before smashing your lips on his, tongue on the mix, one hand caressing the tattooed part of his well toned chest to distract him while your other hand reached for something on your bedside table.
Marco, of course, isn't one to give up easily, so expect a little challenge from him. He smirked as he tried to gain momentum on the kiss.
Frowning, you hump hard enough into his hardened cock swallowing his moans of pleasure.
He tried to move his hand to touch you but felt half of his strength drained from his body. Pulling away for air, a string of saliva connecting you two, looking up, that's when he realized you had cuffed his hands to the headboard.
'when did....' Marco wondered in shock.
"Oh, I hope you don't mind being tied up for a little while." You said massaging his chest with a small grin.
"Really yoi? Seastone cuffs?" He asked panting fo air looking at you through half lidded eyes. He can't deny he's actually turned on by this.
"I know you're not complaining. So relax, I'll make sure you enjoy it." You said grinning as he gulp seeing the mischievous glint in yoir eyes that made his cock stiffer than usual.
"My, my. You seem really excited." You said feeling his hard member under your clothed sex.
"Well that's your effect on me." Grinning at his reply, you lean down kissing his lips soflty before traveling down to his neck and chest until you came face to face with his aching cock.
You took a hold of his hardened shaft pumping it slightly and his hips instinctively jerk into your hand.
"f-f*ck (____)." He groaned out throwing his head back into the pillow, hands clench and unclenching tugging on the restraints you put on him as you drag your tongue from the underside of his shaft to his tip, licking off the precum before swallowing him.
"Shit f*ck!" He grunted catching him off guard by starting immediately on a fast rhythm, bobbing your head up and down feeling his legs tense up.
"Haa...haa...sh*t you're honna make me cum faster than I thought." Marco moaned accompanied by the rattling of the chains at his futile attempt of breaking free. Not being able to touch your face, your hair, 'anything' are pure torture to him.
Feeling delighted knowing you were responsible for the sound of pleasure leaving his mouth, you suck roughly on his length hoping this would push him over the edge.
"(____) I'm c-cumming." Feeling him twitch in your mouth, you immediately pull away. "wha- hey." He whined from the lost contact leaving him fromt the peak of his orgasm. He lift his head to look at you, eyes filled with lust and out of breath.
"Do you wanna cum Marco?" You teased, stripping off your remaining undergarments. "If you're gonna cum.." You trailed off taking his hard shaft and aligning it at your entrance. "Then do it inside!" You finished your sentence as you slam yourself down, the delicious stretch, movement and the thickness of his cock made you moan louder.
"Wai–" He didn't had the chance to finish what he was saying when his body stilled, releasing a strangled groan as he came deep inside of you, back arching feeling the tightness of your walls.
Your body shivering from the feeling of being filled to the brim. "Haa...haa..you came so..much." You panted both of your face flushed red and body covered with sweat. Smiling you look at him in the eye.
"Round two babe? I haven't came yet." You coed and before he could comprehend the dangerous glint in your eyes, you began to lift your hips up before slamming it back down, eliticing the loud sweet moan out of Marco.
"(___) w-wait! I just ca~me." He moan throwing his head back on the pillow, restlessly clutching and tugging the restraints on his wrist, flexing the fine muscles of his arm.
"F*ck!" He cussed. Without the healing properties of his devil fruit, Marco could thoroughly feel the slight overstimulation mixed with pleasure coursing through his body. This may be the first time he felt this kind of sensations and boy it felt too good. The drool at the corner of his mouth and the way he he shut his eyes closed are the proof of it.
"Haa..fuck it." He panted before digging the heel of his feet down to the mattress, moving his hips to meet your thrust feeling determined to make you cum faster. "Ahh!" The action made you gasp and moan as he hit your sweet spot. Falling forward to his chest both of you were breathing heavily but your movements didn't falter still maintaining the fast rhythm.
"Don't think just because...I'm tied up with sea prism stone...I dont have the energy left....to f*ck you..yoi." He said in between breaths while looking at you straight in the eye. "heh, we'll see...about that." You responded picking up the pace.
Groaning, you two chase each other's lips, muffling the sound of pleasure only pulling away for air and your body began to tremble feeling your upcoming release. Your hands on his chest for support.
You shut your eyes closed as you bit your lower lip while Marco let out a hoarse moan feeling you clamp down on him.
Noticing this, Marco speed up his thrust knowing you're gonna cum sooner or later as he found your sweet spot intensifying your pleasure. He smirk watching as you gave off a lewd expression while wiping the drool off at the corner of your mouth.
"Mmm, feels too good." You said slamming down on his shaft matching his pace. Encouraged by your words, Marco continously hit your sweet spot that made you see stars until your orgasm hit you hard to the point you collapsed on top of him. With one last thrust he came deep insde you.
He gave off a rugged breaths as you pulled yourself off, shuddering at the oozing feeling of his release down your legs.
"That was....amazing." Marco stated catching his breath before looking at you. "It sure did." You responded staring back at him.
Marco felt a chill ran down his spine seeing the dangerous glint on ypir eyes haven't faded. He jolt at the feeling of your hand on his softening shaft trying to spring it back to life.
"Haa..(____) stop pls....f*ck!" Marco whined as he squirmed, already feeling sensitive, you had made him cum twice without even a few minutes break.
"Is it too much? Yoi can say the safeword dear." You stated, pausing your ministrations to give him the chance to reply, but you were met with silence his gaze full with lust and heavy breaths.
"I really shouldn't underestimated you. Hope your done with the few seconds break, Marco." You coed secretly pulling out a blindfold, both of you were clearly enjoying this.
Your alluring smirk was the last thing he sees before you put on the blindfold on him, his other senses heightens.
You lean down, capturing his lips swallowing his groans and moans while you kept stroking his shaft.
"The main event is yet to come." You whispered tugging his bottom lip, aligning his semi hardened shaft at your entrance, you began to slowly sink down making him moan loud from the overstimulation and his grip tightened at the chains of his restraints.
" Haa.. You're lucky that you put...ahh...seastone cuffs on me or else...ah sh*t You'd be at my mercy yoi." Marco said struggling to keep his moans down as you started bouncing up and down on his shaft.
You knew he'd never let you go easily and his statement is the proof of it, so why not make use the best of it?
Feeling him twitch, you smirked. "Too bad, I'm in control." You responded letting out an occasional moans when the tip of his cock graze ypur sweet spot.
Completely drowned in pleasure, Marco let out a strangle moan, flexing the veins and muscles of his arms as you made him cum for the third time yet your movements didn't falter.
"If I can only escape this cuf-" Marco didn't had the chance to finish his sentence when you captured his lips, tongue dancing together.
'haa...f*ck..' He thought feeling his impending release coming quicker than the last one.
"I'm coming master~" You grinned widely when Marco cussed out loud from hearing your words, both of your bodies were already covered in a thick sweat and exhaustion were taking over, yet you had the the gal to still tease him? Was what marco thought and he wonder when did you become so bold. But he wasn't going to complaining.
"(____) I'll surely..haa..get you back for this yoi.." Marco stated tugging the chains as you giggle. "I'd be disappointed if you don't, my dear Marco~" You coed before you two came undone reaching pure ecstasy.
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feylesofia · 3 years
incorrect quote, but actually fic draft i wrote at 3 am. enjoy.
Obi-Wan: It wasn't a mission. I mean, it was, to take Master Tahl out of the planet. I stayed. I left the Order. The Senate hadn't given us authority, so I.... left.
Anakin: What WHAT you left the order?? But it's your thing? You love it?!
it's not my thing, went unsaid.
Obi-Wan laughed, fond wrinkles appearing on his face with the way Anakin uniquely described things. "Yes," he said. "Yes, I suppose I do. But, truth be told, you shouldn't be that surprised. It isn't the onşy time I considered to leave."
Anakin: WHAT NO (RAGE) you wanted to help children???
Obi-Wan: Sometimes all you have is bad choices but you still have to choose, anakin.
(comics where anakin considered leaving when he was 15?)
Obi-Wan: (really considers this) No anakin, honestşy I think it was a mature consideration, reflecting on who you are and what Jedi is and finding your own path.
Anakin: WHAT REFLECTION? IT WAS CHANCELLOR no no you dont understand oh no
Obi-Wan: w h a t
Anakin: I was going to leave you all behind just because he wanted me to work with him??
Obi-Wan: (discomforted) Oh. Now I feel very good because not like I was going to leave ypu to ypur own devices. Nope
Anakin: What.
Obi-Wan: Oh yes I was planning to leave with you had you made the choice
Anakin: WHAT
Obi-Wan: yes.
Anakin: but ypu love it so much... being a jedi... im gonna cry..
Obi-Wan: yes, but i love other things too, and jedi is not just a word for me, anakin, you know that.
Anakin: So... two times? ypu considered it two times?
Obi-Wan: (An embarassed frown) I assume you remember Satine?
Anakin: (laugh) thinking over things Oh no Padmé! anakin thinking over things wow first time
Obi-Wan: I know, Anakin, you are npt merely satisfied with this life. I will support you but I will ask ypu to grit ypur teeth through the war. I have to. I am aware of the outline of the events. Whichever path you follow, never forget I am a step behind you, my friend.
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Hello hi ~ i'm one of your followers , i really like ypur post and if you don't mind may i know about my fs? I just wondering tbh. Take your time to read abt it. Anyways thank you for your readings and take care of yourself too ^^
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Thankyou 💗
Hii there!
The only reason I'm doing this early is cuz we have the same darakarka 😂🤫🤭
🦀🤔💭Let's start with Mercury in Pushya ⚧️♋:
Makes decisions emotionally. Emotionally sensitive and intelligent. Could be good at managing other people's emotions. If Rahu is not mastered they could be way too deep in their emotions and then their speech reflects everything they've been feeling. Appeals to listeners emotions to market and get their point across. Good at marketing themself and may have financial acumen.
🥰Hasta 7th house (virgo) ruled by moon :
They're sweet, caring, meticulous. Could be good with their hands and at giving massages. Could be a doctor. Enjoy planning things. Nurturing, soothing.grounding energy.
Since the ruler of your 7th house is in Pushya (cancer) your fs is gonna be emotionally attentive to your needs and they could be the one who soothes you with their comforting words 🥺🫂❤️
Darakarka + 7th lord in the 5th house in cancer - could really enjoy cooking, write you love sonnets. Could be the one planning dates and love travelling with you. Have a massive sweet tooth.
Very Flirtatious. May have a really long dating history. Or reveiced a lot of relationship proposals.
Mercury darakarka
Communication could be a key part of their job. Could love to read or write stories. Stressed out easily. Could be moody. Perfectionist. Cleanliness obsrsessed. Vv organized. Youthful energy. Friendship is an important part of the relationship. You guys could love trivia nights. Restless mind. Mercury doesn't do so well in cancer so make sure you know they're not too manipulative or that you're okay with their indecisiveness or trickster energy. Could also meet them via education or work/ social networks. I'm seeing two people hunched over a keyboard writing their research papers or drafting emails together. Best friends in love.
Might work with children. Pediatrician maybe?
Now let's look at jupiter:
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flamingo-writes · 4 years
Still going with my Satori Tendo's obsession, I made These headcanons while working on a long ass fic (4.5K words and counting). The fic might take another day or two to be complete, in the meantime I'll be posting these headcanons.
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He's got a bit of trust issues due to all the bullying growing up
But once you overcome those trust issues, he trusts you, and trusts you a lot.
At first he's hesistant. He can't quite believe someone like you likes him back, so it takes a while for him to give in
A bit of a tsundere at the beginning but eventually he'll turn into a a very affectionate friend and boyfriend.
He talks about you a lot.
"I'm gonna kick Everyone's ass today because my girlfriend is watching" "all of my blocks are going to be dedicated to my girl, yeah" "you know what I'm gonna do after training? See my girlfriend!" "Isn't my girlfriend the sexiest, smartest, prettiest girl there is? She is! And she is all mine!"
Satori Tendou is one big nerd, so unless you're a nerd yourself or are willing to put up with his nerdiness, things won't last.
Buying him presents is both easy and hard as hell.
You can always buy him manga or comics, but guessing which one to buy is the real challenge. He has so many its hard to know what he hasn't got.
You can buy him anything and he'll be deeply grateful and happy because it comes from you.
Give him sweets!! He loves them. Especially chocolate ice cream, its his favourite.
He's very touch starved, make sure to hug him a lot, kiss him a lot, and remind him how precious he is.
He's very creative with dates. You'll never get bored.
He loves going to the aquarium. He loves to stare at the fish there and always gives you all sorts of fun facts about them.
If he didn't like volleyball so much, he'd like to be a marine biologist.
He likes to dance, even though he doesn't like loud and crowded places. So instead of going to clubs or whatever, you stay at home and dance to any kind of music in very silly ways. Just the two of you.
When he's with you, he likes to have his arm either around your shoulders or around your waist, holding you close to him, so people see he's with you.
He loves stealing innocent kisses from you throughout the day.
But when you're either in each of ypur houses, with nothing to do, he likes to kiss you passionately, yet slowly. Savoring your lips gently.
He's not the kind of guy who's always horny
But he is a total tease.
Which is why you're the one who's always horny when he's around.
Knows your soft spots and is always provoking you, carresing them "innocently"
Ofc he knows what he's doing
When youre out, his fingers brush your neck, constantly presses soft kisses barely touching your skin. Plays with your hair and sometimes pulls it gently. He carresses your thighs, even more when youre wearing shorts or dresses. When he's hand is on your waist, he likes to sneak his hand underneath your shirt so he can feel your skin. He'll draw circles woth his thumb on your skin.
He can go from passionate and luatful to gentle and sweet real fast. You never know wich Satori Tendou you're getting in bed.
He's got long fingers, I'm sure you've noticed that.
Is into freaky things sometimes, however, if you're not comfortable, he won't force you.
He gets weirdly turned on when you're watching scary movies and you're cuddled up next to him.
He says its a safety mechanism. he can't get spooked by the movie if he doesn't watch it ;)
Every fridaynight is horror movie night.
There are two moments Satori feels extremely intimate, and he values these two moments woth every cell of his being.
When youre both cuddling naked, feeling your bare chest pressed against his. Best feeling ever.
He likes to cum inside you, not because he's got a creampie/breeding kink, but because this is the other very intimate moment he loves so much.
The absolute trust to allow him cum inside, and over all, feeling you all around him while you both catch your breaths.
If you want to see Satori turn into a melting mess of feelings, tell him you love him during any of these two precious moments.
Poor boi is gonna die from how much he adores you.
"You are so weird, why would you like someone like me?" He's gonna mutter in a low voice while burrying his face shyly on your neck or hair while holding you tightly.
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: 1/2 Hi! ^_^ Can I request a Noctis x Reader fic, where Noctis is in love with the reader & he will protect her at any cost? like, Noct sees that she's about to get shot/stabbed & the only way he can save her is by shielding her with his body. So he does that. & he nearly dies. After trying so hard the bros & the reader manages to save him. From the bros she learns about his feelings & when Noct wakes up she tells him that she loves him too, she always has
2/2 Tumblr won't let me write more than 500 words, that's why I chose to write my Ask in two parts. I'm sorry this got so long. I just wanted to say Thank you. & I hope you're doing well. Please stay safe & take care :)
"Noct-" you breathed, staring at him with wide eyes. "Noct!" Your body sprinted foward on it own. Adrenaline ran through your veins and yourr mind thought of one thing. Saving him.
You growled, swinging your hand, the droids head came off clean. Thank your powers, they never failed to amaze. You fell to your knees by his side, pressing ypur hands on the wound in his stomach.
"Noct- Noct look at me." Worry and panic laced youe face.
His eyes were lidded and he was pale (paler than usual that is). He looked at you, mouth open, blood dribbling out of the corner. "You're gonna be okay- We'll get you out of this."
He smiled softly. He didn't care about the pain in his stomach- or the fact that he was bleeding out. He didn't care about his surroundings or where he was, why he was there even. He wasn't sure he even completely knew why, too shocked to really think.
But you were there. That's all he really wanted. You.
He lifted a bloody hand to your cheek because damn, if he died, he wanted to at least touch your face once before he left. He wanted to express some sort of gratitude.
You leaned into his touch lightly. The words coming from your mouth no longer registering in his head. It was all blurry everything was blurry. The sound, the vibrations, the world around him. He was loosing blood, fast and he knew that.
He'd been harboring these stupid feelings for god knows how long. Since you started officially training? Since he was a kid? He didn't know exactly when, nor did he care at this particular juncture.
"You're so beautiful." He coughed, smiling slightly. "You know that? You always have been."
"Noct, save your breath." You panicked, your hands pressing further into his stomach.
This was it. He had to tell her. He had to tell her now- he wouldn't be at peace, he couldnt be at peace if he didn't tell her. "And I love you." He whispered. "I love you so much."
And that was it. The world started to go. Anything she was saying was going in one ear and out the other because he couldn't hear anything she was saying. The world blurred and his hand dropped and he finally closed his eyes.
He wasnt expecting to open his eyes again. He'd accepted that, so when he heard voices- the voices of his companions no less, he was confused. He slowly opened his eyes, gaze aimed for the tent ceiling. He slowly turned his head to the side, his gaze this time met with you.
Your eyes were closed, you were snoring softly. From the looks of it, this is the first sleep you'd gotten in some time.
"She hasn't left, you know." Gladiolus mumbled, sitting down. Noctis turned his attention to the giant. "Three days and she hasn't left. Refused to eat, refused to sleep. Only left to go to the bathroom."
"Yeah. Iggy slipped something into the tea he made her a couple of hours ago. So she finally would sleep."
"Three days, huh."
"Three days. Took us almost 4 hours to get you where you needed to be. You'll be fine though now."
"I'm sorry. I just- she was going to be- and I had to-"
"It's fine, don't worry about it. We're glad you're okay, prince Noctis."
Noctis scrunched his know, Gladio knew how much he hated that. "Really."
"Don't get yourself almost killed next time, I'll save you from the embarrassment."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He mumbled, watching as gladio got up, flashing him a smile before leave.
He gently took your hand, running small circles on your knuckle with his thumb. He'd told you. He'd told you- finally after so long, he'd told you how he felt. Granted, if he hadn't been dying, he wouldn't have, but he did. It didn't look like it had scared you off, given that you were sitting next to him.
He sighed, wincing slightly at the pain in his side. He wasn't sure how long he laid there, waiting for you. But he did it quietly, enjoying the peace.
There was a small groan and he looked over.
It took you a minute for you to process what was in front of you, he could see the gears turning in your mind as your eyes focused on him. Finally, they widened and you gasped.
"Oh gods you're awake!" You quickly sat up. "Are you feeling okay? Does anything hurt? Do you want me to go get Ignis or Prompto? I mean prompto wont be able to do anything but he's your best friend so-"
"I'm fine," he smiled gently. "Really, I am."
"I mean are you sure? I can-" you started to move and he instinctively grabbed your wrist.
"Please don't go," he mumbled, "I don't want you to leave."
You slowly sat down. His eyes scanned your face, trying to read what you might be thinking.
"Okay," you nod slightly. "I'll stay." You moved closer to the prince, laying back down.
He mumbled a small thank you, moving his hand from your wrist to intertwine your fingers.
He wasn't sure if he was over stepping boundaries. He wasn't sure what he was really doing, if he was honest. Maybe he should let go- maybe he should just pretend that nothing happened and-
"Noct? You okay?" There was a gentle hand on his cheek. He looked up from where he was staring.
"Did I zone out?"
"Yeah, you zoned out. What goin on in the small brain of yours?"
He rolled his eyes. "Just thinking." How was he supposed to bring this up?
"How much do you remember?" You settled against him again.
"Uh.. well I got shot? Stabbed? I don't know- I got hurt," he frowned. "And then-"
"And then?"
His face flushed. "I told you I loved you, I think. Did I?"
"Yeah," you smiled softly. "You did."
You took a deep breath. "Did um...did you mean it? Like for real?"
His gaze traced back to you. He scanned your face. The red in your cheeks, the way your gaze wavered under his, your lips puffed in a pout. "Yes, I did. I meant every word."
"Promise me, promise me you do."
His thumb moved gently over your cheek. "I promise." He whispered.
He watched you take a deep breath, hand moving up to hold his against your cheek.
"I um..I think I love you too. I know I like you- at least- a lot. I've never been in love- but whenever I feel calm and okay and like I'm the luckiest person ever, to just be by your side." You bit the inside of your cheek. "When we were younger, I used to panic and my heart would like, doe- but now I'm just calm and happy," you finally look up at him. "I think that's love."
He smiles softly, pulling you into his chest. "I'm glad," he squeezes you gently.
Thank gods.
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raggedy-dxctor · 4 years
Leave Without Me! | Din Djarin/The Mandalorian
warnings: angst near the end, but it's a happy ending & it will probably contain spoilers
Pairing: The Mandalorian / Din Djarin x reader (female pronouns)
Word Count: 1.06k
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Silence embraced you and Din as you flew to the destination of you next bounty. You were excited and couldn't wait to carry out the bounty, but Din was nuetral, as always, and hadn't really shown even a slither of the excitement. "C'mon Din! Lighten up a little!! This mission will be easy, we'll walk in, kill the bounty and then walk straight out! It'll take a few minutes and you won't even get a scratch on that lovely armour of yours" You snorted, teasing him as he just stared ahead, the mask hiding his face. If only it was destined to be that simple
He hummed and nodded in acknowledgment before gently speeding up. You snorted and repositioned your helmet, never once removing it from your head. You grinned from under your helmet as Din started to relax into his seet a little, you hovered your hand over his, but ultimately decided against it, pulling your hand away before he could even notice.
With a sigh, you spun around in your chair to check up on the kid, he was probably doing something that would cause a lot of inconvenience.
Little did you know, as you walked off, Din's face fell a little, he noticed your hand hovering over his instantly, but pretended jot to notice. As soon as you pulled away, his heart sunk and his eyebrows knitted together, forming a small frown.
He dejectedly sighed, his breath slightly steaming up the inside of his helmet. He longed for your touch, he longed for you to hug him or hold his hand, from the very first day he met you, he was smitten. You had his heart at hello.
Around two hours later, Din pulled into the landing area, stretching as he got up from his seat. A small yawn escaped from his mouth as you giggled. "Wow, so you aren't a robot?" You giggled even more, feigning curiosity as he shrugged. "Ha ha, very funny" He replied sarcastically as you grinned, before exiting the ship, cradling the child in your arms.
You and Din decided to pay a visit to your old friend, Kuill, and leave the child in his care. It would be a lot safer and you couldn't risk loosing the child, he was too important to you and Din.
You ventured the half hour walk to the destination pretty much in silence, there was the occasional chat between you and Din, but it didn't last very long as you both quickly went silent.
A few hours later, the mission was going pretty horribly to say the least. It was a set-up. The bounty was faked and it led you to a powerful warlord, a warlord that had a thirst for vengeance on you and Din after you took down a whole fleet of his ships.
"Din! Let's get out of here!!" You yelled over the noise of gunfire, pointing to a possible exit. He nodded and grabbed your hand, dashing towards the exit in a sudden flurry of panic.
Seconds later, you hear a cry of pain and two gun shots. You hear his cry before you see him fall. Everything seemed to go in slow motion as he fell, pain plastered on his face and blood seeping from his shoulder and leg. You bit your lip, tears streaming from your eyes as you ran closer, already regretting your next choice. "Zin! Oh god, no! Please, we need to carry on, i know it's gonna hurt, but we need to get you somewhere safer" You rambled, your face hidden as tears poured down your face, staining your cheeks.
Din nodded, groaning in pain as he forced himself up, you flung his arm around your shoulder and ran to the exit, shooting a pile of rocks that fell down behind you, blocking them from following you.
You and Din ran, ran as fast as possible, until you reached a sheltered cave, you dragged a barely conscious Gin in and gently placed him against the wall as he groaned. "I know, i know i'm sorry" You cried, gripping onto his hand as he winced in pain. "Y/n... you have to leave, i'll die here, but you won't" He wheezed out, clutching onto your hand as you attempted to heal his wound. It was useless, the wound was way too big and he had already lost way too much blood. "No! I'll never leave you, Din! We made the promise to never leave eachother, remember?!" Yiu shouted, your tears streaming even more as Din squeezed your hand, slightly wincing from the pain in his shoulder.
"Why're you always so stubborn? Just go! Go be happy without me!" He argued weakly, coughing as the pain increased. "Don't you get it?! I love you! I always have! And i'll never leave you!" You cried, biting your lip as he gasped.
You heard a small click and a large clatter of metal as you looked up, meeting his unfamiliar, pained eyes. "You do??" His eyes widened as je grabbed both of your hands, it was his turn to start crying now, as tears welled up in his eyes. You weakly chuckled m, throwing your helmet off to properly neet his eyes.
"I always have" Your tears carry on falling as you place a hand on Din's cheek, his tears slowly meeting your hand as he leans into your touch. He seems so at peace when your hand is on his cheek and ypur other free hand is gripping his.
"Well Y/n, you fell in love with a failure" He weakly joked, chuckling as you shook your head. "You're the strongest person i've ever met" You bit your lip, before leaning in.
Milliseconds later, Din crashed his lips into yours, new tears pouring from his eyes as he smiled into the kiss.
"I detected distress, is anyone in need of my assistance?" The robotic voice of IG-11 echoed through the cave as your face lit up. You sighed with relief as the droid quickly rushed over to Din, offering him all sorts of medicines and cures, before quickly deciding on the best option available.
Din still wasn't in perfect condition as you made the journey back to Kuill's home, but with his new friend and his long-time crush, now girlfriend, by his side, he felt as if he could walk to the end of the galaxy and back.
a/n: hey y'all! i hope this is ok, i kinda rushed the ending hshdhdhdhg
edit: word count updated & spelling mistakes corrected
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agentbarton12 · 4 years
Die Hard or Not At All - 2
bucky x black!reader, avengers/brooklyn 99 crossover course why the hell not
summary: you are a shield agent caught by the nypd where you are reunited with your old high school best friend, jake peralta. investigating the same robberies, you team up and go undercover as a married couple to infiltrate a crime mob. the only problem? bucky barnes, your collegue and love of your life was assigned as security. this was going to be fine.
warnings: swearing, fluff, dumbassery, fake marriage, idiots in love, jealousy
word count: 3.3K
a/n: sorry for the wait but part 2 is done! will the last part take as long? mayhaps lol. anyway i hope you enjoy and send an ask if you want to tagged!
inspired by the amazing works of @mypassionsarenysins, @seasaurusrrex, @sunmoonandbucky, @maarrvveell and @morsmordrethings
series masterlist | masterlist
“you did it, you crazy son of a bitch, you became a detective!” you praised jake as you were sitting in the car. the transport vehicle from shield arrived ten minutes after your grand speech, and in that time, jake gave you and bucky a tour of the precinct and introduced you to the rest of the squad.
you immediately hit it off with them, amy mostly, and you all swapped embarrassing stories of jake, old and new.
bucky hung back and stayed silent for most of it, and it was kinda annoying you. he wouldn’t even talk to you!
right now, he was sitting up front alone while you were next to jake. even though you were a literal spy, it was hard to read bucky sometimes.
jake beamed. “i know right! and you became a spy? unbelievable.”
you chuckled, waving his praises off. “i prefer the term secret agent,” you admitted with a wink.
his mouth hung open in awe. “literally so awesome.”
“right?” it was still kind of surreal to you too, even though you had been an agent practically since you left college. you and jake had both been obsessed with crime (a healthy amount for normal teenagers) and you could both proudly say that bruce willis inspired you to help people. if it wasn’t for him, you might be something drab. like a doctor. “but really, jake, i’m proud of you.”
“means a lot, bunny.”
you rolled your eyes at the nickname. “that ones never gonna die, is it?”
“i cross my heart,” he said playfully, doing as he said and that’s when you noticed something gleam on his hand.
your eyes widened in shock and your hands shot to cover your mouth. “you’re married and you didn’t tell me?” you a quick sweep of the car and turned back to your friend. “it’s amy, isn’t it? you married amy?” you asked with delight. you were practically vibrating with glee.
jake’s eyebrows shot up and almost disappeared into his hairline. “how’d you figure it out so quick? is it cause you’re a secret agent?” he asked in amazement.
you scoffed. “what, no, of course not. it’s because you’re basically the male version of me and i’d definitely want to marry a cop or someone in that field and amy is awesome,” you explained. “what would being a secret agent have to do with anything?”
“true true,” jake agreed nodding. “and you’re right. she’s my wife.” he said it with such adoration and pride that it made your heart swell. you couldn’t help but imagine bucky talking about you like that, before you shook your head from those thoughts.
playfully smacking jake’s arm, you scolded, “peraltypus, i cannot believe that was not the first thing you told me.”
from two seats in front of you guys, rosa’s head snapped back to face you. “peraltypus?”
“uh yeah, my mom used to call him that. isn’t it great?” you asked teasingly which caused jake to playfully roll his eyes at you.
rosa merely nodded. “oh yeah. it’s perfect.” her eyes had a mischievous glint to them and you knew that she was never going to let jake forget it. you felt no sympathy for him. it was what he deserved after not telling you he was married, and you told him as much when he tried to complain about what you just caused.
“there was a literal avenger in front of me, it slipped my mind!” he argued. then, realising how that sounded, he backtracked and yelled to amy who was sitting next to rosa, “no offense, babe!”
“none taken,” she said turning around in her seat. “i forgot we were married too when i saw him.” she stole a quick glance at bucky before flashing her husband a grin.
jake’s face contorted into shock and slight hurt. “but, you know we are now, right?”
amy had gone back to looking at bucky. “hmm?” she asked turning to jake.
you laughed. clapping jake on the shoulder, i stood up. “speaking of avengers, i’m gonna go.” you gestured to bucky with your eyebrows and jake waved you off.
plopping down on the chair next to bucky, you turned to face him. “what’s up with you?”
he shifted in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. “nothing, why?”
“because ever since we got to the bullpen back at the precinct you’ve been all broody.”
shrugging, bucky said, “just tired, i guess.”
you scoffed. “so you were so exhausted that you forgot that you prefer to be called ‘bucky’ and not ‘james’?”
bucky spluttered. “uh…that...was because jake’s name starts with a ‘j’ and so does james, and i wanted us to have something in common, you know? cause he’s ypur friend and i want us to get along.” he flashed a very unconvincing grin, and you eyed him suspiciously.
“fine. don’t tell me.” you slumped back in your chair. you could tell the bucky was lying, it just confused you as to why.
bucky felt bad after that. he didn’t want you to be mad at him, but he couldn’t exactly just tell you he was jealous of jake. because he was. he knew he had no reason to be, because as you said, jake was your friend. an old friend. an old friend that was married for crying out loud! but bucky liked you a lot and seeing you all chummy with other people wasn’t great.
you arrived at shield hq shortly after and assistant director hill met you guys inside.
the squad ooh-ed and ahh-ed as they looked around in awe. jake mostly. when he wasn’t reminding everyone how this was all happening because of him. (not really, but who were you to deny him his gloating?)
“hey maria,” you greeted when you were close enough to her.
she regarded you with a nod before looking to the squad. “these the detectives?” she asked looking back you. you nodded.
captain holt stepped forward and held his hand out to maria. “captain raymond holt. the nine-nine is very honoured to lend our help in any way we can.”
taking his hand, maria squinted her eyes, studying him. “you reminded me of my boss for a second, but then you ruined it by being polite. i’m assistant director maria hill, thank you for agreeing to do this.” captain holt nodded silently. “now if you’ll follow me, fury’s waiting for you upstairs.”
maria turned on her heel and the squad followed closely after, with you and bucky bringing up the rear. you then all climbed in an elevator and again migrated to the back with the super soldier. cautiously, he reached his pinky finger of his vibranium arm to brush against yours. you swallowed softly and continued looking ahead. you knew what this was. his way of apologising to you. and even though you still wanted to know what was up with him, you couldn’t stay mad. so, without looking down, you hooked your pinky with his. you didn’t fail to notice the slight grin that spread across his face through your peripheral. if it made you heart flutter, that was no one’s business but your own.
when the elevator stopped, maria led you all to a briefing room where director fury was standing hunched over a long conference table. he straightened his back once he noticed your presence. captain holt walked around the table to fury and held out his hand to shake. “raymond holt, captain of the ninety-ninth precint.”
fury nodded and took his hand. “fury. director of shield.”
“no first name?” holt asked with a quirked eyebrow.
“just fury.”
“interesting...are you also a superhero?”
“excuse me?”
“well, i assumed that would be the reason for your silly pseudonym.”
fury and holt chuckled mirthlessly and stopped at the same before proceeding to stare each other down.
the rest of you watched in utter awe and shock. “it’s like looking into a leaner, meaner mirror,” terry observed. you all nodded in agreement.
then suddenly fury pointed up at holt and said, “i can see why you’re captain.”
“and i understand why you’re director.”
they nodded to each other and then fury’s attention snapped to you. shit, you thought. “agent y/l/n,” he called.
“yes, sir,” you replied, trying to be as polite as possible so as to make him go easy on you.
“the iron shadow robbed a bank this morning and you failed to reach them in time even though you have been tracking their every move. and then you get yourself arrested? if i didn’t know any better, i’d say you were getting sloppy.”
all sense of politeness flew out the window at that. “with all due respect, fury, but i have been out there for three weeks. i am running on three hours of sleep, four slices of toast and caffeine patches because i have been too exhausted to actually drink anything. i didn’t get sloppy. i got tired.”
fury looked at you for a long moment, and for a brief moment, you saw understanding flash in his eyes. fury wasn’t as mean as he made himself out to be. he nodded at bucky. “barnes.”
bucky stands at attention. “sir.”
“take y/l/n to her quarters. make sure she rests and gets herself cleaned up. we’ll catch her up when she’s back.”
he nodded. “yes, sir.” he turned to you. “you heard the boss. let’s go.”
rolling your eyes, you allowed yourself to be whisked away by bucky.
he leads the both of you to the elevators and takes you up to the personal floors. he knew the way to your room like the back of his hand. he’s been there dozens of times before to watch movies and do face masks. and in return, you’ve been to his room at the Tower to cook and play board games, ‘cause bucky’s old fashioned like that. before he became friends with you, he used to hate being in his room because it reminded him of the nightmares he’d had before. then you started sleeping over and eventually he started to. sleeping, he means. because his sheets smelled like you. he realises, it turns out, that any room with you in it is a room he wants to be in.
using the extra keycard to your room he always carried with him, bucky unlocks your door and guides you to your bed. you groan as you sit down. “my feet are killing me,” you complain, as you you start unzipping your boots.
“i’ll bet,” bucky murmurs. you hum in response. “what do you want to eat?”
you thought for a minute, shutting your eyes. “anything but toast.”
bucky nods silently then walks to the kitchens to prepare something for you. he settled on heating up some leftover pizza he found in the fridge. he’ll apologise to daisy later. when bucky returns he finds you passed out on your bed and he smiles. bucky places your food in the mini fridge in your room for you to find when you woke up. he pulls your throw blanket over you and moves the pillow from under your head ‘cause he knows how much you hate sleeping with pillows.
you let a sigh and let out a quiet “thank you” bucky almost doesn’t catch. but he does.
“always, doll,” he whispers into your hair. he debates leaving a kiss on your head,
—that’s platonic, right? clint kisses nat all the time and it’s clearly platonic. and nat’s with steve and he never makes a big deal out of it. so yeah, totally platonic—but then you roll over before he gets the chance. he stops himself from watching you sleep, because he knows that he’ll never move if he does. he does though, and goes back downstairs for the debriefing.
you wake up 37 hours later feeling like shit. after having to peel yourself out of bed, you head to your bathroom for a much needed shower. you hurry yourself in order to get down and get to the debriefing as quick as possible. after dressing, you finally take a look at your hair. it would be a pain the ass to comb through and you know it. you truly did not have the time to fix your hair so you simply tie a silk blue scarf that sam got you around your head.
on your way out the door, you grab the plate of pizza bucky left for you from your fridge. you make a quick stop in the kitchen to heat up your food. then you are headed for the elevators going down.
many of the detectives are hanging around in the break room refilling coffees and eating whatever food they could get their hands on when you reach the meeting floor. terry notices you first.
“hey! you’re alive!” he exclaims with outstretched arms.
amy and charles turn away from their conversation to look at you. “bucky told us you  passed out as soon as you reached your bed,” amy reveals.
you waved them off. “exaggeration. anyway, what’d i miss?”
taking a bite of your pizza, you walk to the table amy and charles were sitting at.  terry pulls up a chair and joins you guys.
“we found out that the iron shadow was responsible for the robberies we’ve been investigating,” charles begins.
you nod along, chewing your food. “which i don’t understand. the iron shadow’s been operating for months before shield even caught wind of them, and all they’ve been involved in is underground alien weapons dealing. why would they make their first public move and not want people to know it’s them?”
amy nods. “bucky made the same point.” the corner of your lip twitched at that. “maria also brought up that while you were on the stake out, you went looking for dirty money.”
“yepp. went into stores and asked for change.”
charles took over. “tests came back for one of the bills and guess what?”
“it was dirty?”
“it was dirty!” he cheers, clearly excited. “ and not just that. we sent rosa into the same store to buy some random things, and all the money she got as change? dirty as the hudson.”
amy takes a sip of her coffee. “we looked into the owners of the store, clarissa and alejandro ortega, both have hefty criminal records. we think they might be the leaders and their shop is a cover. we asked around and the shop opened a week before the iron shadow surfaced.“
charles leans onto his elbows. “a customer told rosa that alejandro didn’t usually manage the register, after he calculated the wrong amount of change for her and she nearly blew a fuse. said his wife usually handles it, but she’s been out of town, and to ‘go easy on him’.”
“it’s a lot of speculation,” terry admits, “but we have a criminal informant in for questioning with rosa and jake right now, so hopefully we’ll get some answers.”
your face scrunches at this. “we have a ci? since when?”
“oh, gina found him while scouting the area yesterday.”
“who—?” you’re question is cut off by someone walking into the break room.
“—hypothetically speaking, is selling socks owned by superheroes a punishable offence? because it counts as merch, right?” a tall woman with long brown hair asks and you jump up out of your chair at the sight of her.
“gina ballerina?” you scream.
the woman looks up from her phone and gapes when she sees you. “bunny?”
“you got us a ci? you’re a cop too?”
gina shrugs and flips her hair over her shoulder. “basically, yeah.”
terry scoffs. “she’s holt’s assistant.”
“more like advisor. see, i like to think of myself as an integral part of the brooklyn nine-nine. i am the glue that ties everyone together.”
“sticks,” amy corrects. “glue sticks not ties.”
gina looks around as if she can’t see amy. “am i going crazy or did the pantsuit just speak?”
you snicker as amy gasps.
rosa then walks in. “hey dipshits, conference room. now.”
you all head back into the briefing room where fury is again waiting with holt by his side.
“y/l/n, good to see you rested,” he greets.
you nod back at him. “thank you, sir. feels good.”
“i’m sure the squad brought you up to speed?” holt asks. at your nod he continues, “detectives diaz and peralta have just finished questioning our ci, curtesy of gina. if they’d be so kind to share with us the new information.”
rosa and jake both walk to front of the room.
jake clears his throat, “our ci, mason hartley, has been working in close relation with the iron shadow for two months now and has confirmed that the ortega’s are, in fact, the leaders of the iron shadow.”
“called it!” amy yells, punching the air.
“yeah, you did, babe!” jake praises.
you hear movement behind you, and you turn to see bucky slipping into the room silently. you know no one else noticed, but as a spy, you were naturally in tune to a shift in your surroundings.
and as a pining idiot, you were naturally in tune with him.
“mason told us that the iron shadow doesn’t know where the parts come from, they just manufacture the weapons. every week there’s a drop-off and exchange: alejandro goes to some location and there’s a bag waiting for him full of alien tech. he takes it and leaves a bag of cash in its place. no idea who the supplier is though.”
terry raises his hand. “why don’t we stake out the location before this guy shows up and corner them?”
jake shakes his head. “location changes every week. never the same place twice.”
bucky watches as you take this information in. it was fascinating to see you switch from goofy and carefree to serious and intense. he watches the set of your jaw and how your tap your hand on the desk.
you raise your hand. “the cash, the dirty cash, they can’t pay their supplier with it.”
bucky snaps his fingers and points at you. “and it looks like they can’t get it cleaned.”
“fast enough,” you counter. “they never seemed to have a problem before, but now, maybe the meeting was coming up fast and they didn’t have time. so they do the next best thing to get clean money.”
“they rob banks.” you nod. “but they’ve robbed three banks so far. why don’t they just get the money cleaned?”
“because alejandro doesn’t know how.” you turn to rosa. “you were told clarissa usually does the money stuff, right?”
it doesn’t surprise you anymore how well you and bucky worked together. the way the two of you feed off each other, without ever stepping on the other’s toes.
she nods, crossing her arms. “yeah, but apparently she’s been out of town.”
“for how long?”
“...couple weeks,” rosa says with a growing smirk.
standing up, you address the room. “so, clarissa leaves town and alejandro is left in charge. he, already having to keep track of manufacturing the weapons, forgets to get the money cleaned in time for that weeks exchange. naturally, he decides to rob a bank; get all the clean cash he needs and then some.”
“unfortunately for him,” bucky continues, “he does not learn his lesson and the same thing happens two more times. the last, two days ago, when y/n nearly catches them.”
“so the question is: has the exchange already happened?”
rosa nods, already halfway out the room, “i’ll find out from mason.”
“oh no need,” gina says stopping rosa. “i just texted him. he said clarissa’ll be back tomorrow morning on friday and that the exchange is always on saturday. there’s a block party happening that same night at the shop to ‘welcome clarissa back’, but really it’s just to get new buyers. he says he can get you guys on the guest list.”
the room quiets at that.
then amy speaks, “so we’re just gonna brush over that or...?”
charles nods. “it’s better that way.”
jake clears his throat. “well, you know what that means. we’re going undercover baby!”
taglist: @dianadov, @morsmordrethings, @smol-flower-kiddo, @darkness-doughter, @winterprincess-sky, @pinknerdpanda, @holybatflapexpert, @farfromjustordinary, @thegriefcollector, @marvelstank, @momobaby227, @cliffordasparagus, @crookedslimecreatorpasta, @supernatural508, @itsametaphorbriansblog, @moroccannerdchild, @m-a-k-e-d-a, @chixkencxrry
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