#marina is sooooo in love
hibbablobble · 3 months
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Dear pearl, i drew you today
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via Marina Squerciati on Instagram
Yeah, sure, Marina. We all believe that you of all people are not a hugger.
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celibibratty · 2 months
do you think the story with our mother and the woman has ended, nuh-uh, still has more("vou te mandar mais, tá ligado"), when mom gone in the day we thought "aww, what a shame, now that mom knows that the woman is a woman, i think she won't like her in that way anymore😅😅, i think she will love the man tho", "love the man" my ass😂, we had said to her that it has a male in fact character, she said that we could show to her one day
one day we were playing with the man, mom was passing by, we were like "hey mom, here it is the male character we talked about", she just looked and said "he is cute too", ha-ha, she praised him, but it was so more normal compared to the woman😂, was like "he is Nice, but i think the guyish woman is better/cutier", we both got surprised cuz we were like "why do i feel mom continues liking the woman😂she didn't give much attetion to the man", and i don't think she likes in the normal way, nope, i think she got a crush on her indeed😂she thinks the woman is more attractive than the man(~so do I/we)
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splxtduxlies · 4 months
yes i kno i do a lot of agent 24 headcanons but what if. pearlina headcanons
(aka the other splatoon ship that makes up most of my brain's space)
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so at this point i think we all pretty much get their lore - marina was an octoling solider that heard the inkantation at the end of splat1 and fled from underground, pearl was a richy rich inkling who wanted to start a band, they make out they get married they adopt agent 8 yk the Canon
marina's first impression of pearl was "wow this short inkling girl can scream"
pearl's first impression of marina was that she looked cool and would make her band stand out from the rest bc of her "weird" look (pearl canonically did not know marina was an octoling lol) it wasnt long until "cool" became "shes pretty cute actually" and then "wow shes beautiful" and it just went downhill from there
for pearl she definitely fell in love with marina's looks first,, shes not even gonna lie,, she can be a lil shallow lesbian smh
marina for. obvious reasons cant say she ever found inklings physically attractive, given the. yk. propaganda in the underground
so for her she really admired pearl's inner beauty first and most
i like to think marina was not on the ground *at all* when she was in the military. definitely the one controlling the tech from the sidelines so she never really had to hold a weapon
hence, marina cannot fight. she's too pretty & she will cry
okay well she did grow up underground so she can hold her own when she needs to but she gets frazzled easily and a little overwhelmed. definitely tries to talk or manipulate her way out of tough situations
pearl, surprisingly on the otherhand, can and will beat the shit out of a grown man
well she's scrappy so she'll bite them and claw at them and kick in their shins and they'll run away but not without literal chunks bitten out of them
anything for her queen ✨️🌸
when marina agreed to make a band with pearl, pearl was so excited she immediately suggested marina move into her home (her bodyguards were horrified)
marina,,, immediately politely declined and pearl helped her get an apartment instead
basically, despite appearances and titles, pearl is not the princess who needs protecting by marina , she thinks of it Very differently
pearl's love language is, obviously, words of affirmation and gift giving
her way of "courting" marina was buying her tons of stuff and offering to have people do everything for her so she doesnt have to lift a finger
it worked for all pearl's exs sooooo should work for this octo baddie right (she is not right)
marina's love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation...actually its mostly physical touch lol
yk marina hugging pearl so hard they fall on the ground at the end of octo expansion. and then she keeps Going
marina is "baby i want the most high tech weaponry on the black market" and pearl is definitely "my baby gets whatever she wants laws be damned"
growing up a only child in a family with a LOT of money means pearl definitely got the spoiling but. she never got the feeling of spoiling Someone Else and she prefers that waay more
marina does not have expensive tastes,,, but she doesnt mind being spoiled sometimes as a treat i meann it would be rude to decline n she was raised to be polite soooOO
if marina's friends from the octoling barracks saw the stuff pearl buys her now they would be in Shock
but dont forget,,, marina was team love so shes not overly impressed by *all* the gifts
of all the fancy music gear and clothes and things pearl has bought her marina's favorite gift has just been plain ole flowers
they dont grow underground obviously but theyve always captured marina, the smell the look the different varieties she loves them
when marina thinks of the beauty and joy of being above ground first she thinks of pearl, and then she thinks of flowers
pearl catches on that marina likes flowers and starts ordering her tons of bouquets and starts lining the hallways leading to her apartment with floral gifts and flowers in the shape of her head and all kinds of junk
marina accepted the gifts. politely ofc
but her fondest memory is of her and pearl doing a photoshoot for an album in a wildflower meadow. marina looked so beautiful and Pearl's crushing was driving her crazy so she gathered a bunch of random flowers in her fist and shoved them in marina's face because she had to give her Something or she was gonna loose it
marina felt so fond, she keeps the dry and crumpled flowers in a locket with her all the time
at some point pearl realized marina likes it better when She opens the door for her first instead of pearl's bodyguards so now pearl rushes to every door to open it for marina before anyone else can
*bodyguard opens car door for pearl on side* *pearl runs to the other side of the car to open the door for marina*
pearl snores and drools like a dad of 4 who works a blue collar job 5 days a week and luckily marina is a heavy sleeper.
marina is the small spoon exclusively,,, when they fall asleep. when they wake up pearl is wrapped in marinas arms AND tentacles and she can't Move
whenever they get into fights pearl Always is the one to apologize. not just because shes usually the one whose wrong but marina is scary good at being cold (surprisingly given how affectionate and sweet she is with pearl) and pearl absolutely Hates it, its like the world feels wrong
everyone notices because marina is usually all over her, so pearl gets pressured by her bodyguards to apologize too (they always know shes in the wrong)
marina makes it look easy,,, but shes usually moments away from apologizing herself bc she misses her pearl so much
pearl is one of those people who makes sounds and hand motions to express feelings and marina is usually the only one who understands
marina has literally made a powerpoint presentation on all the things she loves about pearl in great detail. and she will present it do not test her
she's perpetually in the "crushing phase" and gets so excited to spend time with her and pearls like "babe we've been married for 2 years i see u every night and day"
if i was allowed to keep going i would never stop-
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nephilimbrute · 3 months
Yo, how you doin' ? Did you play Side Order ? What are your (gay) though ?
i'm doin alriighhtt :3 i didn't play side order actually (I don't have a switch.) but i went through a gameplay with my friend and i'm scrounging up more lore >w< we were freaking tf out the whole time. especially me. i was screaming at every cutscene
like when marina showed us her computer background i goofy-screamed Out Loud (i probably did that like 8 times in total). there's literally No straight explanation for that, pearl's literally holding marina's zipper in that and he's laying down. nonone has a pic of their Best Friend (heavy quotes) laying down smiling all pretty and handsome like that
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OHHHHH THIS ONEEE😭😭😭my girl is literally tearing up she's so happy😭😭😭😭😭 all the dev diaries were sooooo fwjgwgkxkgwkhcjcxjg😭😭😭😭
AND ALL THE PEARLINA???????? my GOD this girl is crazy i hate them so much!!!! /affectionate
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jesus CHRIST girl pull yourself toGETHER... "aw pearlie! you say the coolest things" "she's sooooo coool" "pearl, don't drool over my diaries. i'm right here!" "i can't help it! pearl's just too precious. she's fearless at the core and adorable on top!" among many other marina quotes. i'm speechless
and ohhhhhh dedf1sh's letters😭😭😭😭 little marina i can't do this. i get so emotional when i see her, she was just a kid😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭AHHHHHJJJJJJJ😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
marina's hyperfixation on excavators persists. she's such a nerdddddd!!!!!!!
and ughhhghhghjf marina agitando. i was freaking out so bad when i saw her AND PARALLEL CANON. the lore implications THE LORE IMPLICATIONS×@!!!!! this also gives me some new content to use in my AU.....devilish
i said this before but the Order you see in the dlc is in my AU as a type of malware that marina created for herself. she encrypts it into the personal software she uses as an attempt to. self destruct (off) herself. but (Un)fortunately it didn't work. she's just stuck forever wallowing in her own grief
the memverse in my AU is where marina puts everyone she has under her mind control thingy. they're all hooked into the same memverse, marina has her own that she messes with to see the possible consequences of every action she does and. stuff.
and i also said this on my alt twt acc but in the Normal Side Order(...??) my agent 4 turns into parallel canon either voluntarily or unvoluntarily. and since there's others with him i decided to make them robotic clones of 8 and cap3. and they only serve to mock agent 8 and what little they remember of their lovers and themself, a materialized deteriorating memory
tbh i was more focused on the theme of side order instead of dedf1sh stuck in the elevator with two lesbians that would do the unthinkable if they weren't there
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here's how i see it. so much for your memories fading away while you are actively trying to get them back
i also kept freaking out At dedf1sh. i shouted them for to get off the screen each time they popped up (also affectionate). creepy zombie GET OUT. dedf1sh and their dumb puppy eyes
unconscience is sooooo good i only listened to it twice and if i did any more times i would be gone and in the woods somewhere
i loved all the bosses.........marina and parallel are my favs....also rondo. That thing's so horrifying i love it. when i saw it i was like "what kind of panopticon shit is this....." and was absolutely THRILLED! to see that it was actually based on a panopticon as well as the floor level (0ct0ptic0n)
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and these album covers??????they're so fucking AWESOMEEEEeee i love the album art of splatoon. when i saw all the stuff in alterna i was so amazed. the gear is so awesome too i wish i played splatoon. i'd grind the shit out of side order tbh......smollusk is so cute the. Awwww awww
also this dlc made me realize i'm a big machine but make it girly
as Side Order C.E.O i feasted GOOD this was a bountiful harvest
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soleminisanction · 19 days
Why did TD:R fail? Was it a flop? I could tolerate the art style but I’d feel bad if it was just for that.
There's no way for anybody on the outside to know for sure. You'd have to ask someone at DC, and they might not be able to tell you depending on the current NDA situation over there.
From the outside, I can tell you it sure felt like the art on the first arc is what tanked the series. I didn't have a problem with it either because I like stylized art (barring a few exceptions -- the coloring on Batgirls triggers my migraines), and because I gave it a shot I saw what they were going for. It was the art style that best suited the Clayface-gone-wrong tech the villains were using, and for establishing the quirky, offbeat and (some would say) off-putting setting and characters of the Gotham Marina.
But when the series was running, all you ever heard were two discussion points over and over again: the art is ugly, and how dare there be gay boys romance in my superhero comic, with people acting like Bernard was getting sooooo much more page time than, say... Lois Lane. Iris and Linda West. Selina Kyle. The romance between Dick and Babs over in Nightwing. The romance between Harley and Ivy in everything they're in. You get me.
(As if that relationship wasn't the thing that got the book greenlit in the first place, given that it scored DC a shitton of free mainstream press the year before.)
And the thing is, people are always going to bitch about the writing on an ongoing book. Always. Gestures vaguely at current comics discourse. It's a big-ass fandom, somebody's always unhappy with what they're doing, they always, always blame the writers, and that goes double for anything written by a young woman like Meghan Fitzmartin. Double double if that young women happened to shake up the status quo in a majorly progressive way, like say, making an established character canonically queer.
So if it had just been that the book probably could've gone on at least as long as Batgirls did. And when they switched artists, people who were invested in the Tim/Ber relationship and in Tim's ongoing story started paying attention again and actually talking about the story. But by then it was too late, the book had already been canceled and was wrapping up, and it was genuinely a shame.
The book is fine. It's not a masterpiece, but it's fun and perfectly workmanlike and it loves Tim without shitting on other characters -- even when he does get a "issue where he fights the other Robins" (I assume this was an editorial mandate because both Jason and Damian had similar issues in their solos around the same time and that feels like way too much of a coincidence) it's a) not actually them and b) mostly about praising them for how good they are and how the copies are inferior.
The above statement, admittedly, does not apply to the marketing around the book, which I can only imagine didn't help matters because it was very cringe.
So yeah, that's the long and short of it by my estimations. TD:R took a big artistic swing in its first arc that failed to connect with its audience and then was just never given the chance to recover. It's sad.
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modernvintage · 18 days
Ok but
Eloise threatening to tell Colin that Penelope is Whistledown out of mercy for him is the same exact situation as Penelope trying to get Marina to tell Colin that she was pregnant, and trying to get Eloise to stop her quest with the uprising.
They are both trying to protect the people they love from a greater hurt, even if they have to hurt them in the process.
If they pull this writing off, it’s going to be sooooo good. It will show so much back and forth character growth for Eloise and Penelope and their friendship.
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adamnsey · 11 months
abby (adamnsey)’s super-duper funky fresh adansey fic rec masterpost
Hello friends. i like to think of myself as a connoisseur of adansey fanfiction and so i thought i’d put some of my favs here in a list. no one asked for this but here it is. yippeeeee
this is what i live for by kitschlet
this is my favourrrite adansey fic EVVVERRRR. this fic has everything: adam as a vampire. gansey as a human. gansey desperately wanting adam to suck his blood. adam being to proud to suck gansey’s blood. gansey being a jealous little brat about this. SEXUAL VAMPIRE TENSION. THIS FIC IS A GODSENT.
A Complex Superiority by cloudsweater
is this my own fic? yes. do i feel a bit bad about including it? yes. do i also think it is a wonderful exploration of a pre-trc adansey kiss at an aglionby party? also yes. :)
With My Hands Open by HindsightHero
this one is just sooooo well written and i love the details and their dialogue is really good ummmm.... probs one of my fav kiss stories & it takes place in cabeswater so there’s that
forests / fields / seas by VioletSargent
have u ever wondered.... what would happen if after adam walked away from the gansey house in tdt... what if after they found adam they spent another night in D.C..... well this fic answers that!!
Twelve Days ‘Til Christmas by flitwickslittlebrotha
this fic is xmas themed but I! LOVE! IT!!!! it’s just a sweet au where gansey frequents the pub adam works at and its SO CUTEEEE
A Study of Living in Your Own Skin: A Presentation by Adam Parrish to Richard Campbell Gansey III by Kasket
i just LOVE a good au and this one delivers. they get paired up to do an assignment today and there’s tension and crushes and just AH. SO GOOD.
cowboyland by Ophelia Marina
gansey visits adam at harvard and things ENSUE......
The Raven Network by declantheelynch
where is my mind? by Fix9
the first rule of the adansey fight club au fic is that we must talk about the adansey fight club au
carcass for the vultures to colonize by robinsegg
Bleed All The Sweetness Away by Zee
When the Fog Clears by cloudsweater
im sorrrryyyy yes this another one of mine im SORRRRYY its not my fault i love picturing them in Alternate Universe Scenarios!!! anyways this is a Lighthouse AU and i think it’s really deranged and good :)
if anyone has any adansey fic recs please send them my wayyyyyy. these r just some of my favs and i wanted to put them all in one spot. thank u to everyone for dealing with my brainrot ok have a nice day bye <3
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eviesaurusrex · 2 years
Harry Styles x Singer!Reader
Faceclaim: Marina Diamandis
author’s note: Don’t mind me doing another Harry smau. I really tried to keep this one shorter, but obviously, I’m not capable of doing such a thing because I always get carried away. Sorry? :x This one will probably get a pt. 2. And don't mind the gap at the beginning - the tumblr editor still hates me.
Please keep in mind that reblogs are super important for creators/writers (even more so than likes bc that’s just how tumblr works), so please, consider reblogging things you like - it only takes a second or two longer, and we as writers can reach more people who maybe would like the things you already love <3
pt. 2 is here!
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dailymail YN LN was spotted arriving in Paris today! Later this early afternoon, she was seen on her way to an event location in the 1st arrondissement. She interacted with the crowd of fans, who waited impatiently for the loved and praised singer-songwriter.
Click the link in our bio to read more about YN’s whereabouts these past couple of months in preparation for her Love + Fear Tour!
Liked by yourfan1, yourfan2, yourfan3, ynandharry and 214,687 others | 16,729 comments
yourfan1 my one true queen
yourfan2 She is sooooo preeeeettyyyyyy
↳ yourfan1 Was she as happy as she looks in the picture? 😍
↳ yourfan4 More details please!!!!
↳ yourfan3 She was super happy to see us, and she took so much time to talk to everyone and to take pictures with us and sign CDs and photos and all the stuff even though her manager (or assistant?) always tried to push her to leave because they didn’t have much time. But YN only shook her head, grinned, and went to the next fan. Only thinking about her kindness makes me tear up again 🥹
↳ yourfan1 😩🥰
↳ yourfan4 I’m even more in love now
ynandharry I know that these two will probably never meet, but Harry is in Paris as well (my shipper's heart does things to me) 🫣
↳ hsfan1 You are not alone, dear Harrie 👀
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yourinstagram Thank you for having me, vogue! It was an immense honor. And thank you, gucci, for providing the most beautiful necklace I ever had the pleasure to wear (do I have to give it back tho? Just kiddin’. Am I? 🫢 Maybe you should check its authenticity and call James Corden to find the real one 🤫 I exposed my current favorite film, oooops.)
Liked by yourfan1, yourfan2, vogue, harrystyles, gucci and 132,691 others | 48,320 comments
vogue The honor and pleasure was all ours!
j_corden I heard my profiling skills are in need?
↳ gucci Do you mind coming to Paris? 👀
↳ j_corden I can’t. Arsenal is playing this weekend 🤷🏼‍♂️
liked by yourinstagram and 324 others
↳ yourinstagram Don’t mind me hyperventilating over James Corden under my post, referring to one of his lines in my current favorite film bye.
liked by j_corden and 99 others
↳ j_corden You need to practice that if you intend to survive our little chat 👀
↳ yourinstagram Don’t remind me of that dream come true, okay???? (Am I allowed to hug you?)
↳ yourfan1 YN will be at the James Corden Show!!!!!! 😍
↳ j_corden You are. But only because it’s you!
↳ yourinstagram You’re saying that to every single one of us 🤓
↳ j_corden Maybe 😇
↳ hsfan1 he did???!!! 😱
↳ ynandharry YES 🤯
↳ yourfan1 yes hello hi i am screaming right now bye (and you look like a literal goddess, YN)
liked by yourinstagram and 13 others
↳ yourfan1 and now i’m dying
niallhoran Looking gorgeous, gorgeous. A fairy queen🧚🏼🥰
liked by yourinstagram and 4,232 others
↳ 1d4ever Niall knows her??????? + he speaks the truth
↳ yourfan2 They’re kinda besties 😌
↳ yourinstagram Stop that right now, hubby! ☝🏼
liked by niallhoran and 88 others
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CelebrityUpdates Harry Styles followed YN LN on Instagram and other social media platforms!
Liked by hsfan1, hsfan2, yourfan1, yourfan2 and 2,771 others | 879 comments
ynandharry Is it really happening? 🥹
hsfan1 uuuuh i love her!
↳ hsfan2 omg same! Her music is awesome 🤯
yourfan1 When they realize that she is a Harrie… Their screams will be heard on the ISS 😂
↳ yourfan2 Same thought, bestie 😌😅
↳ hsfan3 Excuse me, WHAT??? 😍
↳ hsfan1 your honor, I need them to meet, thank you.
↳ yourfan3 I have the vague feeling that they shortly met during the Vogue/Gucci collab shoot. Just a feeling 👀
liked by hsfan1
↳ hsfan1 Let it be true please!!!
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CelebrityStoryTracker yourinstagram via her stories!
yourfan1 I love her.
hsfan1 That’s the proof that she is a true Harrie.
hsfan2 We need Harry to meet her 😩
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yourinstagram A story in two and a half acts: Went in, found it, took it.
Now I’m singing to Harry Styles while cleaning the house, and my neighbors have already come over twice, asking if I could turn down the music. I would love to, but I can’t find my headphones, sorryyyyyy.
(There aren’t any neighbors around here. I just wanted to feel cool and rebellious once in my life.)
Liked by harrystyles, yourfan1, niallhoran, selenagomez and 89,771 others | 28,081 comments
selenagomez That’s why you aren’t answering anything, Miss I am rebellious.
↳ yourinstagram I’m texting you know? 👉🏻👈🏻
↳ selenagomez Shame. Shame. Shame. Di-ding! 🔔
↳ yourinstagram I hate you but I love you
liked by selenagomez and 901 others
↳ selenagomez ‘course you do ❤️
liked by yourinstagram and 672 others
↳ SelAndYN I want what they have.
harrystyles I hope my humble album can change the cleaning into something more fun x H.
liked by gemmastyles, niallhoran, yourinstagram and 786 others
↳ hsfan1 HARRY!!!! ❤️
↳ yourfan1 She will go crazy
↳ niallhoran I’m waiting for that scream now, which I probably can hear here in London
↳ yourinstagram *drops dead to the floor*
↳ niallhoran That was the other, also very likely, possibility.
liked by harrystyles, selenagomez and 54 others
↳ yourfan2 You need to sing with her, Harry 😌😩
liked by hsfan1, hsfan2, ynandharry and 8 others
↳ yourinstagram I will mark this day in my calendar.
↳ yourinstagram You gifted us (but more like me personally bc I only can speak for myself) with something very beautiful and ethereal, and I cannot comprehend for the love of this planet what I’m listening to. I’m bowing before your talent and craftsmanship, Mr. Styles x
liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles, taylorswift and 664 others
↳ harrystyles That’s too kind of you, thank you. But I can return that compliment right away x H.
liked by yourinstagram, hsfan1 and 3,331 others
↳ gemmastyles I like you, YN
liked by yourinstagram and 14 others
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yourinstagram I’ve arrived in New York City after a nine-hour drive (because my flight got redirected and then there wasn’t a connecting flight), and I can’t wait to see everyone tomorrow night at Central Park! Let’s hope the weather will change for the better and that my scratchy throat is only the symptom of the AC in my car and the 9h long talk with a lovely human to keep me company. But I will be in good hands later this day.
See you tomorrow! x
Liked by yourfan1, selenagomez, yourfan2, ynandharry and 231,080 others | 76,482 comments
yourfan1 Get well soon!
liked by yourinstagram and 3 others
yourfan2 Can’t wait to finally see you tomorrow. I’ve waited so long 😩
↳ yourfan3 I was so lucky to get the ticket of a friend because he can’t go 😭
ynandharry I desperately want that the 9h long talk was with Harry. I’m just gonna imagine that now byyyyye
liked by yourinstagram and 6 others
↳ hsfan1 same. you wanna share some ideas? 😍
↳ ynandharry sure! I’m thinking about writing a blurb about it 👀
↳ hsfan1 Did you see the like…? 😦
↳ ynandharry … i did O.O SQUEALING!!!
selenagomez Why do you always turn the AC so low???? You know how sensitive your throat is! 🙄
liked by niallhoran, taylorswift and 358 others
↳ yourinstagram Sorry mom 🤷🏽‍♀️
↳ selenagomez Whatever. Drink your tea!
↳ yourinstagram 👌🏻
niallhoran Don’t you dare getting sick now 😠
↳ yourinstagram Naaaaah. I’m fine! 🤙🏼💜
yourfan4 i can’t wait for your Toronto show! and your new merch drop!
liked by yourinstagram, yourfan1, yourfan2 and 22 others
↳ yourinstagram The merch is almost good to go. Stay tuned for a couple more weeks! x
↳ yourfan4 YN 🥹❤️
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pagesix Harry Styles today in New York City shortly before entering the backstage area of YN LN’s concert!
Liked by dailymailuk, hsfan1, hsfan2 and 15,988 others | 11,763 comments
hsfan1 handsome as always
hsfan2 can’t keep my eyes off him
hsfan3 Okay, we get Harry content, but could you please leave him alone? He clearly had somewhere to be, and he was there privately
↳ hsfan4 plus, it’s always rude to just take pictures and shout questions.
yourfan1 i feel bad for Harry because of the paparazzi, but I’m so happy that he went backstage to see YN🥹
Thank you for reading! Comments, reblogs, and likes are much appreciated :3
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jessythebunny · 4 days
Duck and Laura
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Just a small fanart for my idol @asktrio516
So i drew Laura petting her cute smol pannier tank engine Duck so may or may not will be a new headcanon for them, but I really enjoyed drawing this because it's my favorite ship and they are so cute together and tbh Laura is my favorite charater of @asktrio516's Sodor Au and I love drawing her so much and I really love her being a friend of Marina "my oc" so that's it♡♡
(tbh I have a lot of Duck x Laura images in my gallery and if I felt so sad or something I go and look at them they're sooooo cuteeee eeeeek!!!So sorry i didn't post them i promise)
The idea was inspired by @shellyflowerfury
Anyways i hope you like it weee💞💞💞
And also I will continue the color palettes and face expressions tomorrow so this is just a break of them so if you have any requests ask me :)
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princessslocker · 15 days
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To crave is to be alive, passionate, to give in with reckless abandon is impotence.
Sooooo I love Pizza, but Pizza does not always know how to love me. I have few safe places to enjoy pizza and not cry after from regret after looking at the menu calories. I have created this alternative. Additionally, I have added more toppings than pictured. With a light hand you can add olives, mushrooms, and onions for a super yummy midday meal.
Recipe ( try to stay calorically as close as possible):
Tortilla Pizza:
1 ~ Spinach Flour Tortilla 70 cals
1 ~ tablespoon of Marina Sauce 17.5 cals
5g of Parmesan Cheese 20 cals
8 ~ Turkey Pepperoni 36.8 cals
AirFryer Method : 4 mins using Air Broil setting
1x = 144.3 cals total
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My submission for week 1 of Duckverse June, a bit late, but oh well! (Thanks to @secret-tester, @alexcanine, and @boingodigitalart for hosting it, btw!) I chose to write since drawing is hard. Anyways! Storytime: Donald tells the 4 year old triplets a bedtime story.
Donald was exhausted. After a long shift of getting yelled at by entitled old ladies for ‘not bagging fast enough!’ and by his manager for ‘looking too depressed!’ Donald was finally able to make it back to his home on the marina.
He relieves the babysitter of her duties and hands over the money he owes her. Then he steps through the doorway and greets his nephews, who nearly tackle him in a three-way hug, ecstatic to see their father figure again.
“Hi, boys,” he says warmly, but with a hint of tiredness seeping in.
“Unca Donald! We missed you sooooo much!” Huey exclaims, squeezing tighter on Donald’s leg for emphasis.
“Yeah!” Dewey agrees. Louie simply nods to show his agreement. “Guess how much we missed ya, Unca Donald!” Dewey continues, looking up at his uncle.
“I don’t know, Dewey, how much did you miss me?” he plays along.
Letting go of his uncle’s leg, Dewey steps back and extends his arms all the way outwards. “Dis much!” he answers, grinning.
“Wow, that’s a lot!” Donald laughs, ruffling Dewey’s hair, which makes the boy giggle with delight.
He tries to take a step forward, towards the houseboat’s kitchenette, but Huey and Louie’s combined weight stops him.
“Huey, Louie, can you let go of me please? I need to make dinner,” he gently requests, looking down at the red and green clad toddlers clinging to his legs.
They both reluctantly let go, and Donald sets about making dinner as fast as he can.
Around 30 minutes later, the triplets have scarfed down their dinners, while Donald has abandoned his for the moment, noticing the time: 7:28.
“Kids, bedtime!” he calls out, and after a couple minutes, he heads to the triplets’ room to make sure everything is going smoothly. He helps Huey get his shirt on the right way, helps Dewey get his feet into his onesie’s footies, and helps Louie with his shirt’s buttons.
After each kid has changed, brushed their teeth, and gotten into their shared bed, Donald sits down on the rickety chair next to the bed and pulls out a small book.
“Wha’ stowy awe you gonna read us tonight, Unca Donald?” Louie asks quietly.
“It’s one of your favorites, Lou-bear,” he replies, turning the book around to show them all the cover.
“Yay!” Louie cheers. “Da Catpiller!”
Donald laughs from Louie’s infectious excitement before turning the book back around and opening it up.
“In the light of the moon a little egg lay on a leaf,” Donald begins. “One Sunday morning the warm sun came up and- pop!- out of the egg came a tiny…”
The boys listen to the story with rapture, yawning more and more as it continues. Huey falls asleep first, holding his favorite stuffed animal, a lion. Then Dewey falls asleep, curled up into a tight ball, leaving only Louie awake.
“Then he nibbled a small hole in the cocoon, pushed his way out, and became a beautiful butterfly! The end.” Donald read, closing the book and placing it back under the chair with the few other books he’s collected for the boys. He then looks up at them and sees Huey and Dewey fast asleep, and Louie staring wide-eyed at him.
“That’s all for tonight, Lou-bear. Get some rest now, you’ve got another big day of preschool tomorrow, I’m sure.”
Louie yawns before responding, “Okay, Unca Donald.” The youngest triplet then closes his eyes and turns to face his brothers, falling asleep shortly after.
Donald, seeing this, gets up and turns on the nightlight in the corner of the room. He then turns off the room’s main light and steps into the doorway.
“Goodnight, boys,” he whispers. “I love you.”
He closes the door and makes his way back to the dinner he left behind earlier.
Donald was exhausted. But he would take his boys’ happiness over a good night of sleep or a calm shift at work any day.
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tizzypizza · 3 months
Realtalk can you actually believe how gay pearl and marina got to be in side order? I was hoping for a few teases here and there but we actually got just short of a proposal
YOU'RE SOOOOO RIGHT LITERALLY I was enthralled that it was this explicit like. In my head. Being an artist in the modern age for an international IP under an international company like Riot or Blizz means you HAVE to be openminded to queerness. To me there is a nonzero chance that a lot of the people on Splatoon's artist or dev team actually do ship Pearlina, they're just being cautious about how much they can put out BUT given the current climate it almost feels like they've come out of their shell with it more which makes me so happy. As much as I love Deep Cut and they're my favorites they can't hold a candle to Pearlina. I mean Off the Hook. Not just in queerness but in chemistry. They deserve an explicit confirmation but I'm honestly satisfied with what we got since it really is just short of a proposal LOL
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moonshynecybin · 7 months
whyyy did you post that imaginary fancam list theyre all gonna haunt me now
bc they haunt meeeeeeeeeee if i could edit videos they would all exist and the world would be beautiful
anyways wonderful beautiful fun lyrics that remind me of my friend marc and his situations that i would love to see images of him serving to:
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from ms rodrigo:
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marina slay:
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taylor (@agnst-crrnt pointed out this is why we cant have nice things should be on this list and they are sooooo correct as well):
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dollypopup · 28 days
so, let me get this straight
the polin fandom spent 2 entire years hating on marina for being ooooh so awful and sooooo terrible to colin for lying to him and would 'make him miserable' and despised her for getting in between our otp
but also in the same breath said how much they need to see him suffer and for penelope to 'make him pay' and that he needs to be screaming crying throwing up for her forgiveness and she doesn't NEED to tell him about LW, that's HER business
and now in the exact same breath are hyping up mr. monopoly man debling and saying we need to be positive about him and omg he likes penelope for who she is (he doesn't) and he's going to make colin soooo jealous and . . .loving him. . .for getting in between our otp
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tutuandscoot · 9 months
This might be a bit of a sensitive topic so if you don’t wanna answer that’s cool. But there are some moments - not *entire* programs - of when vm were under 18 years of age where it felt like some bits of choreo were a little too mature for teenagers to be doing? I’m confident that vm always felt safe and respected by each other but it kinda makes me side eye Marina. What’s your perspective?
I get what you’re saying and it can definitely be a sensitive topic for some.
I can really only speak to my opinion and of course with something like this it depends on culture and upbringing etc..
I don’t think VM were too young to be doing the things they were doing.
I’ll speak specifically to them and why I think that and why in this case it makes it different to say other ID couples in this situation.
- as you said; it’s for certain that they always felt safe and respected each other (always on the ice, obs there were hard times off ice here and there)
-them being put together so young I think in their case has a lot to do with being able to do the things they did at what can be perceived to be too young of an age. T knows nothing else but dancing with him, she doesn’t know how to be handled as a dancer by anyone but him, (and wouldn’t let anyone else handle her as a dancer but him) and after years being together by the time when were teenagers I would suspect that touching eachother in the simplest sense was as natural as breathing, so developing more intimacy and performing more explicit forms of intimacy just came naturally-and obviously (as they’ve said) that Suzanne and Paul Mac and Jean Marc (the ballroom guy) they met when they were young to guide them through it, I think definitely there may have been shyness and giggles at their first forehead touch or cheek kiss (in a program), but they would’ve been farrrrr more mature with that stuff then anyone else would be at their age. So through that along with doing so much travelling, moving away- all the life stuff that made them mature, they just had developed a maturity and intimacy.. maybe before they even knew it or was evident through movement.
- they obviously and a natural chemistry. They didn’t know it for a while- or couldn’t make sense of it for a while but they way they talk about feeling a faint but instant connection holding hands- that even though they were too shy to talk, something about it felt right.. that is sooooo freaking deep for 7+9 year olds to feel. Like I recon some grown adults have never felt that intrinsic connection to another human in that way. I really don’t know any of the science or psychology behind it to delve deeper with any accuracy, but I would think all the physical things they would have to do later on.. like that’s all just.. not superficial… but part of their art.. so when they have a connection so intrinsically deep, they felt it and didn’t ever* feel it die out, people around them who recognised this connection, and rather than exploiting it… like I think if they were doing some of the stuff they did in Assassins tango (06/07) when they were 10-12, I would be a little worried and feel it’s a bit inappropriate, but they instead focused on developing that… soulmateish kinda connection through respect and trust and teamwork… the movement really did just come with what their sport was.
As for later on and with Marina…
-I have read talk of people feeling like she capitalised on their connection and encouraged them to build this romantic relationship on the ice- to really lean into that even though the romance of it all was purely for on ice and not at all off. I don’t have so much of a thought on that and her, but more the sport over the years/through its development encouraging the sense that every ice dance couple must project romantic love. Now, bc it’s VM we are talking about and they do it so naturally/convincingly project that- of course that’s what I love and crave and I don’t feel anyone in the world does it like them- I don’t even feel romantic connection in the ID couples that are couples irl. I’ve come to accept no one will ever have the magic (romantic or otherwise) that VM do, but there should be some sort of connection.
I kinda have a feeling VM would’ve been ‘a romantic ice dance couple’ no matter the coach they went to at the age they did go to her.
It’s hard to know I think whether she, for arguments sake “forced” (encouraged) them to go for the ‘in love’ vibe bc it was a winning way to go. I think VM’s connection whether it reads as romantic or not- as I’ve said many times there are programs (latch) which are not romantic at all and yet their connection is as emotional as any other. The fact that they have this connection and it was so well nurtured and taken care of means they could go in any direction with it.
I think they stand out so much in their junior/ early senior years is because:
A) no other team was doing it like they were
B) other teams where trying and it just didn’t come off like VM
That then inevitably when comparing them to the rest of their field at the time. There are teams from their late junior/early senior days (so teams that were in seniors when VM were juniors but crossed over with VM as they came to seniors) that tried so so hard to project passion and romance and it just came off cringe. It just didn’t feel comfortable- whether there was a connection there (romantic or just in the partnership) and they pushed it way too hard (Belbin/Agosto are team I think of most writing this) or there wasn’t a true connection- at least not one that translated in performance, and so it feels awkward and just emphasises the distance between them on the ice.
It really just felt so natural for T&S. when I think of that ending of their blues CD in 05, I don’t think about them being 15/17, bc on the ice.. they aren’t playing themselves. It’s difficult to put into words and as I say it I think.. you know is it too much for young people even if it is in performance?.. I think the real difference for me is as I’ve tried to say is bc it’s natural- doesn’t feel forced. I’m not thinking about their age and whether they were forced by their coach to act this way.. I want to believe Marina- no matter the grievances we have for her bc of later on, but I would like to think she was smart enough to not.. if she did.. push that angle on them if they weren’t capable of it.. if she did in anyway, VM were able to carry it off completely convincingly.. I guess for whether they felt comfortable with it or not (not with each other just what they were doing in the sense of if they were too young) you’d have to ask them, but I think they would say they weren’t concerned with that kinda stuff, they were just so committed to and as a team passionate about their sport that it came with the territory so it’s what they did. I also think it really tracks for where they went- what they explored choreographically later on.. maybe for some, either tracking their career at the time or now discovering them, if those who arnt really familiar pre Mahler or umbrellas, Carmen comes out of nowhere like this borage of sexual fire, but really - while on a MUCH lesser level, they were capable of performing and emoting sexual intimacy and desire for a long time- and absolutely no they should not have performed their Carmen at 15 + 17, but they weren’t scared of it is the point.
I hope that answered your thoughts/ question..
I don’t find it to be too sensitive, in fact I love discussing this side of their art as long as it is always kept respectful, classy, in an observational respect. If I put myself in their shoes I definitely wouldn’t see a problem performing some of the stuff they did at 16, as a dancer that is, as a young girl/ women maybe not.. dancers - esp at a high level often have to have a more mature side to themselves to project confidence on stage- whether that’s solo, duet or in a group- it’s just kinda part of it so I see no problem with it, but as I said at the top this sort of thing… depends on a lot of factors how you view it xx
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