#yu jimin imagines
herrscherofinsanity · 11 hours
Sticky Situations
Four times Jimin "successfully" hides her superhero persona and one time she actually fails.
Yu Jimin (Karina) x fem!reader
Word count: 2.5k
Spider!Jimin is finally back
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Wardrobe malfunction.
Yu Jimin stood in her room, struggling to pull her superhero suit over her head as quietly as possible. She had just received an urgent call about a bank robbery in progress, and she needed to spring into action as Spiderwoman; but as she wrestled with the fabric, she heard the telltale sound of y/n's footsteps approaching.
Panicking, Jimin glanced around the room for a hiding spot, but there was nowhere to conceal the suit in time. Thinking quickly, she grabbed the suit and hurled it across the room, hoping to buy herself a few precious seconds.
Just as Jimin released the suit, y/n swung open the door, her eyes widening in surprise at the sudden crash. "What on earth was that?" she exclaimed, peering into the room.
Jimin's heart raced as she racked her brain for an excuse. "Uh, probably just a raccoon," she blurted out, mentally kicking herself for the absurdity of her response.
y/n raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "In your room?" she deadpanned, giving Jimin a pointed look.
Jimin shifted nervously, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Well, you know how it is in the city," she mumbled, hoping her roommate would drop the subject.
Thankfully, y/n seemed to take pity on her flustered roommate. "Anyway, I was actually looking for one of your hoodies," she said, changing the subject. "Mind if I borrow it?"
Relieved by the change in topic, Jimin nodded eagerly. "Of course not! Help yourself," she replied, gesturing toward her wardrobe.
As y/n rummaged through Jimin's clothes, Jimin couldn't help but steal glances at her roommate, feeling a familiar flutter of affection in her chest. Despite her clumsy attempt to conceal her secret identity, Jimin couldn't help but feel grateful for her roommate's understanding… and for the opportunity to spend a little more time with her.
2. I’m calling 911
Jimin trudged wearily back to the dorm, feeling utterly exhausted after a long night of crime-fighting as Spiderwoman. Her muscles ached, her clothes were torn, and she had a few scratches on her face and arms from her latest skirmish with a group of villains. She couldn't wait to collapse into bed and forget about the chaos of the night.
As she pushed open the door to her dorm room, Jimin let out a weary sigh, expecting to find an empty space where she could recuperate in peace. Luck definitely wasn’t on her side though. To her dismay, she spotted y/n lounging in the common area, looking up from her phone with a surprised expression.
"Jimin, what happened to you?" y/n exclaimed, jumping to her feet and rushing over to her disheveled roommate.
Jimin's heart skipped a beat at the sight of y/n's concerned expression, her blood pressure skyrocketing when her roommate cupped her face to get a better look at her injuries. "Oh, uh, it's nothing," she stammered, trying to play off her battered appearance. "Just got into a little scuffle with a raccoon, that's all." Another raccoon? What the hell is wrong with you, Yu Jimin?
y/n raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "Seriously, Jimin? Another raccoon?" she asked incredulously.
Jimin chuckled nervously, feeling the weight of y/n's scrutiny. "Yeah, I know, it sounds ridiculous," she admitted. "But this one was really aggressive. I just wanted to pet it, but it didn't seem to like the idea..."
y/n shook her head, a mixture of amusement and concern in her eyes. "You and your raccoons," she muttered, reaching for her phone. "I'm calling 911. You need to get those scratches looked at."
Jimin's heart swelled with gratitude as she watched y/n fussing over her. Despite her ridiculous excuse, y/n was always there for her, ready to take care of her no matter what. She couldn't help but feel a rush of affection for her roommate, grateful for her unwavering support and kindness.
As y/n dialed the number for emergency services, Jimin couldn't help but smile to herself. Maybe her excuse was a little far-fetched, but it was worth it to see the concern in y/n's eyes and feel her warm touch as she checked Jimin's injuries.
3. Sticky situation
Jimin and y/n were enjoying a quiet movie night together in their cozy dorm room. Jimin had suggested they watch a movie, and y/n readily agreed, eager for some quality time together.
As they settled in for their movie date, Jimin's heart fluttered with excitement at the prospect of spending quality time with y/n. She had been looking forward to this all week, relishing the chance to snuggle up with her girlfriend and enjoy a relaxing evening together. Jimin had even prepared a selection of snacks to share, eager to make the night extra special.
However, as the movie started playing and Jimin reached for the bowl of popcorn, she felt an odd sensation. The popcorn seemed to stick to her fingers, defying gravity as if held in place by an invisible force. Confused, Jimin tried to shake it off nonchalantly, hoping y/n wouldn't notice.
But the strange phenomenon persisted. Every object Jimin touched seemed to adhere to her hands, making it increasingly difficult for her to maintain her composure. She discreetly glanced at y/n, who was engrossed in the movie, completely unaware of Jimin's predicament.
Jimin's mind raced with questions. Was this some new manifestation of her powers? Had she accidentally activated her sticky web ability without realizing it? She frantically tried to release her grip on the popcorn bowl, but it stubbornly clung to her hand, defying her efforts.
Panic started to rise within Jimin as she struggled to conceal her growing distress. She couldn't afford to reveal her secret identity to y/n, not when their relationship was still so new. Desperate for a solution, Jimin racked her brain for a plausible explanation to offer when y/n inevitably noticed.
For now, she had to maintain the facade of normalcy, pretending everything was fine even as her world seemed to stick to her fingertips.
As the movie progressed, Jimin's attempts to discreetly deal with her sticky hands became increasingly comical. When y/n reached out to grab the remote, Jimin's hand stubbornly clung to it, resulting in a playful tug-of-war between the two.
"Hey, let go!" y/n laughed, trying to pry the remote from Jimin's grasp.
"I-I'm trying!" Jimin protested, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she struggled to release her grip.
After a brief struggle, Jimin finally managed to relinquish her hold on the remote, sending it flying into y/n's waiting hand. But as they resumed watching the movie, y/n couldn't help but notice the lingering stickiness on Jimin's fingers.
"Okay, what's up with your hands?" the younger girl asked, shooting Jimin a curious glance.
Jimin's mind raced as she scrambled for a plausible explanation. "Uh, I was, um, working with superglue earlier," she stammered, hoping her girlfriend would buy her excuse.
"Superglue?" y/n raised an eyebrow. "Why were you using superglue?"
Jimin's face flushed bright red as she searched for an answer. "I, uh, I was building a raccoon trap," she confessed sheepishly, hoping to deflect further questioning.
y/n shook her head in bemusement. "Only you, Jimin," she chuckled, shaking her head in amused disbelief.
Much to Jimin's delight and dismay, y/n reached out to hold hands, seemingly forgetting about Jimin's sticky predicament. Jimin's heart skipped a beat as their fingers intertwined, momentarily forgetting her sticky dilemma in the warmth of y/n's touch.
They stayed like that for a while, holding hands, with y/n's head resting comfortably on Jimin's shoulder. Jimin couldn't help but feel a rush of contentment wash over her as she savored the simple pleasure of being close to y/n.
In a tender moment, Jimin placed a gentle kiss on y/n's forehead, eliciting a soft smile from the other girl as she returned the gesture by pressing a kiss to Jimin's cheek. The affectionate exchange only deepened the bond between them, reaffirming the love they shared.
However, their intimate moment was interrupted when y/n whispered that she needed to use the bathroom and moved to get up.
y/n's attempt to get up was met with unexpected resistance as Jimin's hand remained firmly stuck to hers. With a bewildered expression, y/n turned to Jimin, her eyes wide with confusion. "Jimin, why won't you let go?" she asked, trying to understand the strange situation.
Feeling her heart race, Jimin blurted out the truth without hesitation. "Because I hate spending even a single second away from you," she confessed, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment at her candid admission.
y/n's heart melted at Jimin's heartfelt words, and she leaned in to press a tender kiss against Jimin's lips. "You're such a dork," she murmured affectionately, her voice filled with fondness as she whispered against Jimin's lips. "I'll be back soon, I promise."
Determined to break free, y/n made another attempt to get up, only to find herself landing next to Jimin once again as her hand remained glued to her girlfriend's. "Jimin, let me go!" she exclaimed, a mixture of exasperation and amusement in her tone.
4. Romeo and Juliet?
Jimin carefully approached the window of their dorm room, hoping to slip inside unnoticed. She had just returned from a late-night patrol as Spiderwoman and didn't want to wake y/n. As she reached for the latch, she froze when she heard the sound of water running in the kitchen.
She peeked cautiously through the window and saw y/n filling a glass at the sink. Jimin's heart sank as she realized her attempt to sneak in undetected had been thwarted. She hesitated, debating whether to continue with her plan or come up with a quick excuse if y/n spotted her.
As y/n turned around, she froze, her eyes widening in surprise as she caught sight of Jimin halfway through the window.
"Jimin? What the hell are you doing?" y/n's voice carried a mix of amusement and disbelief as she set the glass down on the counter.
Jimin's cheeks flushed crimson as she struggled to come up with a plausible explanation. "Um… well, you see… a raccoon… ate my keys?" she stammered, her voice betraying her nervousness.
y/n raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. "A raccoon? Really, Jimin?"
Jimin chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of her neck. "Okay, maybe not a raccoon. I, uh, I was actually trying to recreate Romeo and Juliet with you."
y/n burst into laughter, shaking her head in amusement. "You're such a dork, Jimin," she teased, her eyes sparkling with affection.
Despite the embarrassment, Jimin couldn't help but smile at y/n's reaction. "Yeah, I guess I am," she admitted with a sheepish grin. "But hey, at least I'm your dork, right?"
y/n's expression softened, her heart swelling with fondness for her girlfriend. "Yeah, you are," she agreed, moving closer to help Jimin through the window. As they stood face to face, Jimin leaned in, her lips curving into a soft smile.
"Thanks, babe," she murmured, her voice filled with gratitude.
y/n silenced Jimin's words with a gentle kiss, her lips meeting Jimin's in a sweet and tender moment of affection. As they pulled away, a warm glow settled in Jimin's chest, grateful for the love and understanding of her girlfriend.
5. Don’t break up with me!
Jimin carefully slipped into the dorm room, her heart pounding against her chest. She had hoped to sneak in unnoticed, but luck wasn't on her side. Just as she closed the window behind her, she heard the creak of the door opening. Panic surged through her as she turned to see y/n stepping into the room, her eyes widening in surprise.
"Babe?" y/n's voice was laced with confusion and concern. "What are you doing in that suit?"
Jimin's mind raced, searching for an excuse, but her thoughts were jumbled, and her heart felt like it was about to leap out of her chest. "Um, well, you see... I was just..." she stuttered, her voice trailing off as she struggled to come up with a plausible explanation.
y/n's gaze intensified, her brows furrowing with worry. "Jimin, what's going on? Why are you dressed like that?"
“Please don’t break up with me!” Jimin blurted out in a panic.
Jimin took a step back, her heart sinking as she realized there was no way to hide the truth any longer. "I-I mean, I can explain," she started, her voice trembling slightly. "But first, I need you to promise me that you won't freak out."
y/n's expression softened, her concern deepening. "Jimin, whatever it is, you know you can talk to me, right? I'm here for you."
Jimin felt a surge of gratitude wash over her at y/n's words, but she knew that what she was about to reveal would change everything. Taking a deep breath, she made a split-second decision to trust her girlfriend with the truth.
"I'm Spiderwoman," she blurted out, her voice barely above a whisper. "I've been hiding it from you, but I couldn't keep it a secret any longer."
y/n's eyes widened in shock, her mouth falling open in disbelief. "Spiderwoman?" she repeated, her voice barely a whisper. "But... how? Why?"
Jimin's shoulders slumped as she recounted the events that had led to her becoming the masked hero. She spoke of her desire to make a difference, to help those in need, and the responsibility she felt to use her powers for good.
"I know it's a lot to take in," she said, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I needed you to know the truth. I couldn't keep lying to you."
y/n's gaze softened, her eyes brimming with understanding. "Jimin, I may not understand everything right now, but one thing's for sure, I'm here for you. Whatever you need, whatever you're going through, I'll be by your side."
Tears welled up in Jimin's eyes as she stepped forward, enveloping the girl she loved in a tight hug. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "Thank you for being here for me."
As they held each other, Jimin felt a sense of relief wash over her. She had feared that revealing her secret would drive a wedge between them, but instead, it had brought them closer together.
“…You really won’t break up with me, right?”
“Oh my- Jimin!” the younger girl screeched.
“I’m sorry!”
“If I’m being completely honest with you, I like this Spiderwoman thing way better than when I thought you were obsessed with raccoons” y/n said, a pensive look on her face.
Jimin couldn't help but roll her eyes at y/n's comment. "Seriously?" she groaned, playfully nudging her girlfriend.
But before she could protest further, y/n leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to Jimin's lips. The warmth of their embrace melted away any lingering tension, and Jimin found herself smiling against y/n's lips.
y/n chuckled, pulling back slightly to meet Jimin's gaze. "Just so you know," she started, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "I’ve always thought Spiderwoman was pretty hot."
Jimin grinned, her heart swelling with love for the girl in front of her. "Lucky me," she replied, leaning in to capture y/n's lips in another sweet kiss.
A/N: Hi, hello! Now, this isn't the story I've been working on, I just haven't finished it, but I didn't want to make you guys wait that much. Sooo I quickly wrote Sticky Situations as a gift. I'll finish the other story and upload it during the week. I also have a Chaewon request to write...
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this one. Thank you for reading! If you want to request something feel free to do it, I'll get to it whenever I have free time.
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yujification · 3 months
i really like the idea of possessive g!p karina.. she’s so greedy for her girlfriend (reader) and always takes her.. this time they head out to a club just to drink some drinks with their friends, a guy with a charming smile goes up to you and offers to buy you a drink. karina notices this and decides to let you do whatever u want, (of course, you don’t take it too far) but the moment she gets home she fucks you so good and makes sure to breed your tight cunt
ANON YOUR FUCKING BRAIN. p.s. sorry for being inactive but hi im here cw: puppy play (?), spanking, possessive rina, degrading, slight mommy kink??, hair pulling, breeding kink, g!p FIRST OF FUCKING ALL lets talk abt how rina is just generally very touchy in clubs ?? she keeps her eyes on you 25/8 and follows you around like a puppy whenever humanly possible, and gets PISSEDDDD OFF when you disappear from her sight she death glares the fuck out of anyone who looks at you, whether it be a bartender, a dj, another patron, hell, even her own friends. she needs it to be known that you're hers and absolutely nobody else's. even goes as far as to full on make out w you and feel you up on the dance floor (occasionally standing closely behind you so you can feel her bulge push against your ass) just to prove to everyone in that club that you belong to her. at some point, she tells you she's going to the bathroom. a guy comes up to you-- dark hair, dark eyes, (almost resembling karina a little...... how odd) and starts flirting with you almost immediately. he buys you drinks, tries to entice you and encourages you to come home with him. and, of course, as you're trying to stall and put off the idea of going home with a complete stranger while in a relationship, jimin stands nearby, watching and eavesdropping on your conversation. eventually, obviously, you start to wonder, "hm, my gf has been gone for a long ass time, I'm gonna go find her", and u turn around and what do u know! there she is! the worst part is, on the drive home, she has one hand firmly clutching the wheel and the other teasing your clit down your pants. she doesn't even try making it enjoyable either, she's just harshly pinching and rubbing like she's trying to teach you a lesson, like you're her bitch and you need to be tamed, all while she calls you a dumb whore and lectures you on how you need to be more loyal like the good puppy you should be, though you never intended on leaving with that man anyway!!! as soon as you get home, she doesn't bother going all the way upstairs to your bedroom. "the couch will do," she says. "get on all fours." thankfully, due to karina's wealth, she had a pretty spacious sectional couch. it was more than enough room. somehow, even after fucking her countless times, you never really get accustomed to her size, and you always forget that she's packing 7 inches and then some, so evidently, it hurts when she first slides her dick into your dripping wet cunt from behind. you shriek, to which she swats you on your ass, a red handprint being left behind. "fucking slut," she croaks, her groans deep as she pounds you mercilessly. "is this what you wanted from that guy? huh? you wanted him to fuck you?" she laughs. "dumb dog. nobody can fuck you like i can. say it." and no shit, you say it. being spanked feels good, just because it's her, but you obviously still want to make rina happy. her cock still drowning in your wet cunt, she holds it in one spot, deep as possible, as she tugs at your hair and leans down, her breath hot against your ear. "you want mommy to come inside you? hm? you want mommy to pump this tight pussy full of kids?" and you nod, nearly salivating at the thought, as usual. when she comes, it feels like it's never-ending, your cunt filled to the brim with thick liquid, your orgasm inevitably following. karina flips you over onto your back when she's finished, watching her semen leak out of your hole, with a smile on her face. "bet you're glad you didn't take him home, then, huh?"
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yooflm · 5 months
a business proposal — smau
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PAIRING ▸ yoo jimin x fem!reader (ft. some members of aespa, le sserafim, ive, enha, riize)
GENRES ▸ fluff, crack, slowburn (eh..), social media au, romance, strangers to lovers, fake dating, e2l???, non-idol au, college au
SUMMARY ▸ after begging on ends for what seemed like weeks, you finally accept your best friends request to take her place for her upcoming blind date. the pro? you get a date with a hot CEO. the con? the CEO seems to be none other than your boss at your recently hired job!
WARNINGS ▸ profanity, kys/kms jokes, mentions of alcohol, sexual jokes, identity theft (joke), ignore the timestamps (will be adding more in the future)
STATUS ▸ ongoing (120523)
SCHEDULE UPDATE ▸ every fri's-sat's (or whenever i'm free)
TAGLIST closed. [ @myouiiiiiiii @yoontoonwhs @hwm1hyun @captivq @rinapomu @jisooftme @thefckghost @perfectsunlight @r4cjh @mineige @vlance @multiliker @pandafuriosa60 @miyawwn @hibernatinghamster @lilacura @haerinkisser @ellivadfr @chweverni @aeriniee @zzzseung-reads ]
author's note: okay so.. after trying to figure a great time to make another comeback w/ another smau, i have finally done it. blue orangeade felt so off so i discontinued it sorry 💔 this one.. i'll say will be counting as an early christmas gift and um, i'll fs be actively updating! might make a taglist and have it be 20 max..
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profile 1 (powerpuff girls 🍃🍃) | profile 2 (gordan rams me)
1 ) crazy bitch
2 ) ms. moving on
3 ) deal accepted.
4 ) broke college students (not classist)
5 ) the blind date
6 ) awkward...
7 ) bitch?? samantha and rachel???
more to come...
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© yooflm 2023 - don't copy, translate, or plagiarize my work on other platforms!
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jaemoris · 3 months
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↪ pairing: richgirl!karina x athlete!reader ↪ genre: smut, angst, fluff MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI YOU WILL BE BLOCKED ↪ warnings: some chapters will have suggestiveness and or smut, manipulation, gaslighting, violence, toxic relationships, features ot4 aespa, kim chaewon, huh yunjin, choi yeonjun, lee felix, lee jeno. each chapter will have its own warnings. ↪ wordcount: each chapter has a wordcount of 5-15k. ↪ authors note: me after disappearing for weeks after posting a teaser just to turn the fic into a series cause i procrastinate too much and i say 'its gonna be easier for me' but its not.. anyways hi im back
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TEASER : read here. ﹒synopsis﹒ after arriving at your new surprisingly lavish dorm, you meet your roommate who just so happens to be the idol of the school. you were already nervous enough, but your stress grew quicker as you realized you would have to share a bed with her. half naked. ﹒words﹒ 679 ﹒genre & warnings﹒ suggestiveness (descriptions of karinas body & underwear), swearing, karina's a little sneaky
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CHAPTER I : unreleased . . .
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CHAPTER II : unreleased . . .
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CHAPTER III : unreleased . . .
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CHAPTER IV : unreleased . . .
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CHAPTER V : unreleased . . .
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CHAPTER VI : unreleased . . .
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CHAPTER VII : unreleased . . .
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 taglist: @junoswrlld @run2seob @linnnsworld @hwm1hyun @rinapomu @myouicieloz @imahallucination11 @fruitr0llup @wonyoluvr  ⟢ ask to be added
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sweetbluus · 9 months
rumor has it
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synopsis: rumor has it that yu jimin, straight A student and the star captain of the university's volleyball team, has only gotten to where she is through cheating and bribery. now, she's your partner for a final paper.
pairing: uni student jimin x uni student fem!reader
warnings: cursing
word count: 9.5k
notes: this is my first time uploading a piece on any media platform. feedback and comments are much appreciated!
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the buzz of the students in the lecture hall dies down immediately as dr. kim, your english professor, walks in. you find your seat beside your best friend aeri and uncap your pen, ready to take notes. aeri, however, has different plans and rests her head on her arms, ready to catch up on sleep for the next hour. it isn't her fault that the university thought an 8 am english class was a great idea.
"good morning, class. let’s begin today’s lecture," dr. kim's voice echoes. with those words, you begin jotting down the professor's key points, making sure your handwriting is clear, knowing that the sleeping girl beside you will be asking for your notes later.
throughout the lecture, you can't resist sneaking glances at the girl two rows ahead of you. yu jimin sits there, in all her glory. you don’t know many people at this university, but it's nearly impossible not to recognize jimin.
her face adorns bulletin boards all over campus, celebrating her role as the victorious captain of the volleyball team that clinched the national championship for the university. from life-sized cutouts of her and the team placed around various corners to her frequent appearances on the university’s instagram story, it's harder to evade her presence than to acknowledge it.
although you aren't particularly interested in sports, you can't help but admit that she is extremely attractive. however, you’ve heard numerous stories about jimin's infamous reputation, primarily from the napping girl beside you. apparently, jimin is a rude and overall unpleasant person who got her high grades thanks to bribery and cheating.
an hour drifts by, and finally, dr. kim speaks the much-awaited words, "alright, class. i believe that concludes today’s session."
before you can pack your bag and make fun of your friend for drooling, dr. kim interjects, "oh, before i dismiss you, i'd like to announce that the final paper is approaching. it will be a paired effort." a glance between you and aeri implies your agreement to be partners.
"i will be assigning the pairs randomly," the professor states, pausing to allow the students to voice their groans and complaints.
"is she serious?" aeri asks you in a hushed voice. however, it wasn’t quiet enough.
"yes, miss uchinaga. i am indeed serious," you stifle a laugh as your best friend's ears turn crimson.
"as i was saying, this final paper will be done in pairs that i will randomly assign. you are all adults, and it's important to learn how to collaborate with people you don’t know. this paper will facilitate that skill." it takes all your restraint not to roll your eyes. it's way too early to be doing this.
“when i call your name, come up to my desk and pick a piece of paper from this box which has the names of everyone in this class. show me the piece of paper and i’ll announce it. if it’s your own name, you can draw again.” dr. kim looks around to make sure the class understands the instructions.
“it seems like everyone has understood so we’ll begin. miss uchinaga and miss y/l/n, why don’t you do the honors and pick out your pairs first.”
you and a much more awake aeri begin walking to the front, not missing the way jimin’s eyes quickly meet yours. maybe you just need some sleep just like aeri.
with a sigh, aeri goes first and is paired with the girl who is sitting on the right of jimin, a girl with the name ning yizhuo. she seems nice enough with the way she smiles at aeri when she hears her name.
you go up to the box and rummage through its contents. stopping at what you feel is an appropriate time, you unfold the paper and show it to your professor.
“it seems like ms. y/l/n’s partner for the final paper is yu jimin,” you make eye contact with her as the professor calls her name, and you give her a tight-lipped smile. she meets your eyes and only gives you a small nod. you and aeri go back to your seats.
as the professor continues to announce pairs, you notice a mix of expressions – excitement and disappointment – on the faces of your classmates. some seem genuinely happy with their partners, while others exchange anxious glances.
“i am giving you all 2 months to work on this paper. please do not procrastinate. this is a major paper, and your grade on it will have an immense effect on your final grade overall,” dr. kim announces before she leaves the room.
the buzz of the students in the lecture hall continues once more, with the majority of the class talking to their partners. you take a quick look at your partner, who was still sitting next to what seemed to be two of her close friends, one of which was aeri’s partner and the other was a girl named minjeong, her co-captain.
“i’m scared,” you tell your best friend. “what if she makes me do all the work?”
“hey, don’t judge a book by its cover – or i guess a person by their rumors,” aeri says, getting up from her chair. 
“you’re the one who told me those rumors in the first place!”
“i would say i was spreading valuable information, not rumors,” aeri reasons as you both begin walking to exit the front door of the lecture hall.
before you both could step out the door, you feel a tap on your shoulder. you turn around, not expecting a certain raven-haired girl to be the one behind you.
“hi, y/n. i’m jimin,” she introduces herself to you bluntly without a smile on her face, how welcoming. before replying, you nod goodbye to aeri, encouraging her to go on without you.
“nice to meet you, jimin.” it was your first time talking to this girl, but immediately you could feel the pressure of her presence. you could barely look her in the eyes.
“here’s my number,” jimin hands you her phone with her contact information bright on the screen. “i have another class after this, but i’ll text you so that we can meet and talk about the paper.”
you nod, pulling out your phone and copying the numbers from her screen onto yours.
putting her phone back into her pocket, jimin begins walking out of the room with her two friends trailing not so far behind her.
“oh, and by the way, y/n,” jimin stops in her steps and stares you down in the eyes, “i won’t make you do all the work. i don’t trust you enough with my grades.”
you stand there, mouth slightly agape and face hot from embarrassment, watching the three girls walk out of your sight.
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"y/n, it's not that bad," aeri attempts to comfort you as she took a bite of her sandwich. hours had passed since you were paired with jimin, and now you found yourself in a university common space, trying to have lunch with aeri. however, the embarrassment from your earlier encounter was dampening your appetite.
"she probably hates me now, i can feel it," you sighed dramatically, plopping your head onto the cold table.
"what you're feeling is probably hunger. eat," aeri said, digging through your bag to retrieve your packed lunch. “it’s not your fault you didn’t know she had superhuman hearing,” aeri tries to make light of the situation.
"she's going to tell all her followers that i'm an asshole, and i'm somehow going to get expelled from this university," you exclaim with an exaggerated groan.
you're well aware you're being overly dramatic, but considering the rigorous academic demands of this university and the looming assignments, papers, and tests from multiple classes, your nerves are at an all-time high.
"first of all, calm down," aeri set her sandwich aside. "second, i know i'm the one who keeps you updated with all the campus gossip since you're practically a dorm hermit. but seriously, rumors are just rumors."
you didn't understand why she had to point out your introverted, homebody habits. "you should just let go of those rumors and form your own opinion about her once you actually get to know her."
you don't reply as you open up your lunch and began taking small bites. that was one of your biggest dilemmas. if you looked up "opinionated" in the dictionary, it would feature your face as an antonym.
always going with the flow, never wanting to stand out or have a loud presence, you'd rather take what you're given than go out and seek something yourself. hell, you couldn't even form an opinion on a tiktok without first checking the comments to see what the majority of viewers thought.
before you could spiral deeper into your thoughts, your phone vibrates.
yu jimin
this is jimin.
i’m free at 3 pm today. let’s meet at the library if you’re free too.
“who’s that,” aeri asks as she notices your eyes skimming over your phone. “it’s jimin, she wants to meet at the library later today,” you answer.
hi, jimin.
i’m free. i’ll see you then.
“ugh, i don’t want to go,” you complain to aeri.
“y/n, are you hearing yourself?” your best friend gives you a deadpan look, “this paper is worth more than half of our final grade. if you fail this paper, you’re going to fail the class.”
the weight of her words sinks in, and you're reminded of the possible consequences of not taking the paper seriously. of course, you knew that you had no choice but to go and work with the infamous volleyball team captain. while you were still quite mortified from your earlier interaction with her, you didn’t want to fail out of college just yet.
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only the distant hum of quiet conversations and the faint rustle of pages moving could be heard as you enter the library.
as you weave your way through the bookshelves toward the back, you finally lay eyes on the person you were looking for. jimin is focused on whatever content is displayed on her laptop. you can't help but notice her furrowed brows and the subtle movement of her lips as she reads the text in a hushed voice. the sun's rays cast a gentle glow on the contours of her face, accentuating her features.
curse this university for having naturally well-lit buildings.
you gently tap her shoulder, careful not to startle the focused girl. you wish you could say that her expression softened the moment she turned and spotted you, but if anything, her features seemed to tighten. this was going to be a fun time.
“hi,” you say quietly to jimin as you sit down in the open chair in front of her.
"let's begin," she immediately suggests while you retrieve your laptop from your bag. "i understand that we could work on this individually in separate places since we both have access to this document, but i personally prefer collaborating face-to-face with my partner, especially for a final paper." you give a nod in agreement to jimin's proposal.
for the next hour, you and jimin discuss only the paper's details, staying firmly on the subject of your final paper. she has already outlined the content the two of you will cover, assigned each of you specific sections to write, and established a schedule for completing each part.
at one point, she asks, "what do you think? you haven't said a word about anything i’ve mentioned." her eyes remain fixed on the shared document displayed on both your screens, with a majority of the content coming from jimin.
"i mean, i'm fine with whatever," you reply. in group papers, you've never been inclined to voice your opinions or contribute ideas. don’t get it wrong, you're certainly not a freeloader, but you've never assumed the role of a group leader either.
"not even a single suggestion or comment?" she finally lifts her gaze from her laptop, locking eyes with you. you instantly break the brief eye contact you shared.
"no, i’ll give you some if i come up with any. besides, we still have 2 months ahead to tackle this paper," you explain, trying to reason with her. she releases a deep sigh and shifts her focus back to her laptop.
she clearly isn't your biggest fan.
"i think that's all we should do today. we've got a solid plan in place, and we can use the upcoming days to gradually work on this paper," she informs you, sliding her laptop into her bag.
you nod, following suit and tidying up your side of the table.
"i have classes from 8 am until 3 pm back-to-back," jimin rises from her seat and pushes her chair in. "i've got volleyball practice every day of the week, starting at 4 pm, except for wednesdays and thursdays." you raise your eyebrows at the mention of her grueling schedule.
“so, we can meet at the library on wednesdays and thursdays after my last class, which is at 3 pm," she looks at you, and you get the feeling that she's not suggesting a meet-up but rather informing you that it's already arranged.
“sounds good with me, i’m free those days as well,” you inform her with the awareness that she had already assumed so.
as she turns to leave, a feeling inside you compels you to apologize for the comment you made about her to aeri in the lecture hall earlier. but before you can muster the courage to do so, she's already gone.
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for the next two weeks, you and jimin meet up at the library on wednesdays and thursdays. while you still saw her during your 8 am class, she was only focused on the lecture or in conversations solely with yizhuo and minjeong. however, in the privacy of the library, your interactions with her only happen through the shared online document where your collaborative work took place.
actual conversations, if they could even be labeled as such, between the two of you were few and far between. the only topic that managed to breach the silence was the ongoing discussion about the final paper.
during lunch, you update aeri about your library sessions with jimin. between bites of food, you express your worry, "i honestly don't know how i'll survive working with her for the next two months. it's not that she's a bad partner or anything. i just feel so awkward around her, like i want to disappear into the ground every time we're in that library."
aeri raises an eyebrow and helps herself to a piece of your food. "have you ever tried having a conversation that’s not about the paper with her? maybe if you initiate something, she'll actually have a real conversation with you."
thinking about it now, you realize that you've never actually initiated a conversation with jimin throughout the weeks of meeting up. it's always been her leading the discussions about the paper while you simply go along with whatever tasks need completing.
you sigh, setting down your utensils. "she probably can't stand me."
aeri counters with an exclamation, "she doesn't even know you! besides, she's not exactly a nobody on this campus. she's likely heard worse things from others. i doubt she even remembers whatever you said, considering her only focus is volleyball and school."
"sometimes, i really hate how you're right," you grumble, starting to clean up your lunch.
aeri smirks, taking the last bite of her food. "which is pretty much all the time."
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with aeri’s words in mind, you walk into the library a little bit after 3 pm to where you and jimin sat. as per usual, jimin was already there with her laptop out, typing away.
"hey," you say in a hushed tone as you sit down. "i swung by the campus cafe before heading here and picked up a little something for you." you hold out a brown paper bag across the table, containing a warm muffin.
"food isn't allowed in the library," she remarks, not even lifting her gaze from her laptop.
you inhale sharply, feeling your cheeks flush with embarrassment. before you can pull your arm back, she reaches for the bag.
"but still, thank you. i'll save this for later," jimin looks up and offers you a nod with a ghost of a smile on her lips. “let’s get to work.”
around 30 minutes pass by and the silence has enveloped the two of you as it usually does in your meetings.
you stop your typing, that familiar feeling in your stomach urging you to break the silence. you find yourself wondering, what's the point? like aeri mentioned, jimin has probably heard worse things, and once this paper is finished, she'll likely forget all about you. after all, you're just another face in the crowd to her.
from the corner of your eye, you catch jimin glancing your way, noticing your sudden pause and distant expression.
“y/n,” she calls out, her voice pulling you back to the present moment.
you snap your attention to her. “yes?” you shake your head in an attempt to stop being swallowed by your thoughts. “did you say something?”
she raises an eyebrow, her gaze attentive. “that was the fifth time i tried getting your attention. are you alright?” you want to believe that there’s some sort of concern behind her question rather than just an act of common human decency.
“oh, yeah. my bad. i’m just tired. didn’t get much sleep last night,” you excuse. it wasn’t the truth but it wasn’t a complete lie either.
“that’s understandable, this semester is crazy,” jimin replies to you turning her focus back to her laptop.
"you're probably having the craziest semester out of any student here on campus," you remark, surprising yourself with the sudden courage to continue the conversation.
"what makes you say that?" jimin pauses in her work to look at you.
"i mean, i may not have the best knowledge of university sports, but even i know that being a team captain isn’t necessarily an easy responsibility. much less being the captain of a team with a national championship title under its belt," you explain. "plus, you have back-to-back classes from 8 am to 3 pm every day, and i assume you’re doing well in them, given the quality of your work in our shared class alone."
she lets out a quiet laugh - that was the first time you've heard it. "are you sure you’re not just making wild assumptions?"
your palms start to get sweaty, and you feel like you’ve definitely made a mistake. "i’m sorry-"
"i’m just joking," jimin interrupts you. "it’s absolutely not an easy schedule, but if you have to do it, you find a way. yizhuo and minjeong help me out a lot too."
"what do you mean 'have' to?" you silently curse at yourself for prying into her personal life.
"this is the most i’ve heard you talk, y/n," jimin says to you.
"i could say the same to you," you reply. "but, uh, don’t answer if you don’t want to, or if it’s too pers-"
jimin interrupts you once more. "it’s okay. i don’t mind. i prefer when people actually want to get to know me rather than making crazy assumptions that aren't true at all."
a twinge of guilt washes over you. even though you're disconnected from the campus social life, jimin's reputation has managed to reach your ears. many things have been circulated about her – from her attitude to her accolades, and even details about her love life, none of which appeared positive.
"back when i was younger," jimin begins, her vulnerability taking you by surprise, "my parents pushed me incredibly hard to excel in school. naturally, like most parents, they had aspirations for my success. they enrolled me in after-school tutoring to make sure i did better than all the kids in my grade. they also encouraged me to choose an extracurricular activity so that i’m not always buried in books. that's when i chose volleyball, obviously."
you absorb each word she says, intent on not missing a single one. here was yu jimin herself, an enigma of existence - simultaneously adored and despised. and now, right before you, she opens up and shares her story. the reason for her trust in you to this extent, allowing herself to be vulnerable, confuses you, yet you don’t mind at all.
“i have an older sister. she’s a hotshot lawyer now. she did well in high school and did very well in college unsurprisingly,” jimin shares and you notice a gleam of admiration in her eyes. “our parents never compared us to one another and we’re actually really close. besides yizhuo and minjeong, she’s one of the few people i can call my best friend.” you nod as she continues telling her story.
"my parents stopped pushing me so hard in high school," jimin continues, her eyes fixed on you to see if you’re still listening. you are. "they believed that i needed to find motivation within myself and take charge of my actions so that i wouldn't become overly dependent on them."
"so, no, my origin story isn't about parental pressure or living up to my sister's achievements. i believe i have to do well because... i want to. i have this belief that i'm destined for greatness, so i'll dedicate everything i can to achieving it,” jimin’s gaze turns serious. “even if it means having to deal with people who want to spread nasty rumors about me.”
you sit there in silent awe. you realize jimin was your complete opposite. jimin embodies a sense of ambition and dedication that you rarely exhibit. while you've often approached situations with passivity, avoiding confrontation, jimin radiates an unwavering pursuit of her goals.
the aspiration for greatness was something unfamiliar to you. your goals were straightforward – passing your classes, securing a well-paying job for the future, ensuring financial stability, and enjoying the company of your friends. as long as you had that, you were more than happy.
"what about you, y/n?" jimin's question breaks the quiet focus, both your laptops now lowered.
"what do you mean?" you ask, the confusion apparent on your face.
"i just shared something quite personal and vulnerable about myself. wouldn't it be fair for you to do the same?" jimin replies casually.
pausing, you contemplate your response. "i don't think i truly know myself."
jimin arches an eyebrow at your revelation. "what i mean is, i'm not sure who i am. throughout most of my life, i've mostly gone along with aeri, letting her lead me to new places and experiences. but i haven't really discovered a genuine passion for anything."
"i realize now how sad that sounds, especially to you, considering you're the complete opposite of that description," you continue, your voice steady. "but, despite it all, i'm still leading a pretty happy life. i've come this far, haven't i?"
jimin responds to your rhetorical question, her tone measured and thoughtful. "just because our ideals differ doesn't mean i can't accept your perspective. it's called empathy, y/n. i don't need to share your beliefs to understand where you’re coming from."
in that very moment, you feel the foundation of your assumptions about jimin, based on the rumors, begin to crumble.
"life isn't a competition, and you're absolutely right. if you're content and your actions aren't causing harm, doesn't that define a good life in itself?" jimin's words resonate with you.
as the sunset's warm glow graces jimin’s face, you find yourself thinking about how this girl in front of you has it all. no wonder she’s the topic of everyone’s conversations. her beauty is undeniable, she’s intellectually sharp, athletically skilled - she personifies an array of qualities that capture attention.
"thanks, jimin. your words mean a lot," you express, hoping she can hear the sincerity in your voice. "i've been wondering about something, though."
jimin responds, her curiosity piqued. "what's on your mind?"
"why did you feel so comfortable sharing that part of your life with me? don't get me wrong, i'm more than happy to listen, but we're practically strangers, and you opened up to me so easily."
jimin's gaze shifts toward the expansive windows. "like i mentioned earlier, it's a refreshing feeling when someone genuinely wants to know about my life, rather than blindly believing all those damaging rumors. believe me, i've heard them all, and most are far from pleasant."
before you could give her a reply, the librarian approaches your table. "excuse me, ladies. the library will be closing in 10 minutes. it's a good idea to start wrapping up and make your way back to your dorms," she advises with a warm smile, then walks away.
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over the weeks you’ve been meeting with jimin in the library, you gradually get to know each other better. your talks shift from just focusing on the paper to real conversations. occasionally, you even end up talking more than working.
you find out that jimin is a big fan of anime. one of her favorites is "assassination classroom," and it made her cry. you’ve watched it before too, making you sob your heart out into your pillow after finishing it.
with a slight smile pulling at the corner of her lips, jimin confesses, "i've never really had the chance to explore many hobbies outside of volleyball. but i've always used anime to unwind and relax.”
you also learn more about her sister – you can't miss how her eyes light up whenever she talks about her. you discover that she has terrible eyesight and wears contacts every day since it would be impractical to wear glasses to volleyball practice.
you begin feeling a sense of connection as she opens up to you about her interests and her life. it's a side of her you never expected to see – a vulnerable, relatable side that defies the rumors and preconceptions you once held.
in return, you find that jimin learns more about you. you share that you and aeri have been best friends since childhood. during one conversation, you share a memorable experience from your past: the time you and aeri got lost on a mountain during a family vacation hike.
"how are you both still alive?" jimin questions, her words laced with a mix of humor and genuine shock.
"to this day, we still have no idea," you reply, chuckling at the expression on her face.
she learns that you’re an avid film watcher after you start giving her detailed film recommendations when she asked you what would be a good movie to watch for a girls night in with yizhuo and minjeong.
as you walk from your dorm to your 8 am class, which you share with aeri, jimin, and her friends, you pass by a group of students. normally, you would quickly walk past them, not caring about the nonsense they'd be talking about. however, that changed when they mentioned someone you knew.
"did you guys hear that jimin is sleeping with her best friend's ex behind her back?" the person who seemed to be the ringleader of the group shared, as the other students around them snickered. "isn't she such a backstabbing bitch? i also heard that the only reason she got a perfect score on that exam that everyone else failed was that she slept with that professor."
you slow your steps, listening to the lies spewing from their mouths. over the past weeks, you've learned so much about jimin, enough to know that none of what they're saying is true. you're extremely aggravated at their words. plus, who the hell has this much energy to be so negative even before 8 in the morning?
a part of you wants to ignore it and walk into your class. that would be the easiest option. haven't you always liked your life that way - easy and devoid of confrontation?
which is why you're extremely shocked when you find yourself standing in front of the instigator, going head-to-head with them.
"excuse me? have you ever heard of personal space?" they snide, making the other students around them laugh as well.
"have you ever heard of shutting the fuck up and minding your own business?” you don't know why, but the next sensation you register is solid bone connecting with your knuckles, knocking the ringleader out.
"does anyone have anything else to say?" you say through gritted teeth, the ache in your knuckles resonating alongside the rapid thumping of your heart.
the mouths of the students around the unconscious ringleader drop. before anyone can say anything, you hear someone's voice.
"y/n!" aeri yells and grabs your arm, dragging you away from the group of students and into a private hallway near the lecture hall. next to her is her partner for the paper, yizhuo, along with minjeong and, of course, jimin herself.
"what happened?" asks one person from the group. you're unsure who.
"are you okay?" says another person - you still don't know who's talking.
"why did you do that?" questions a third voice. you're wondering the same thing. everything was blurry, and it felt like you couldn't breathe. your chest was heavy, and the burning sensation in your knuckles was bothering you beyond words.
it's so early, just 8 in the morning, and here you were, out of your mind. they help you sit down on a bench.
"you three go to class," the fourth voice tells the others. "i'll handle this."
"are you sure?" you register a figure nod at the question and then hear footsteps walking away from where you were.
"y/n, you need to take deep breaths and calm down, okay? you're safe. nothing bad is going to happen to you right now," the voice assures. their words help you see clearly again.
with a shaky voice, you ask, "jimin? what are you doing here? you're going to be late for class."
"the lowest grade i’ve made in that class for the whole semester was a 98, i'm sure i can miss one lecture," she says jokingly, and you notice she's trying to lighten the atmosphere. "i never knew you had a solid punch like that."
"i didn't either," you let out a breath of disbelief. "something just came over me, and i couldn't stop myself."
"what happened? that's probably the last thing i thought you'd do," jimin asks, holding your hands to steady them, with a much looser grip on the injured one that you used to knock that annoying student out.
a moment passes before you try to explain. "they were talking... about you," you hesitate. jimin raises an eyebrow. "that person was saying terrible things about you, and they were all lies!" your voice gets louder. "all lies, jimin."
"i might not be yizhuo or minjeong, but after getting to know you these past 2 months, i felt like i had to do something. i wanted to defend you, even though you probably didn't need it," you ramble, not stopping. jimin listens carefully.
"i couldn't just walk away. i usually would, but... i couldn’t this time. they were saying horrible lies. it was so wrong," you exhale deeply, realizing you were holding your breath. "i hated hearing that about my friend."
before you can apologize for assuming your closeness, jimin's lips curl into a smile. "thanks, y/n. i really appreciate you standing up for me. i really do."
she looks you in the eyes, and you can feel the gratitude radiating from her. "i've grown thick skin to the rumors, and they don't bother me as much as they used to when i first started hearing about them, so you don't need to worry about me."
"still, i'm very grateful to know that i have a friend like you who would defend me to that extent. but next time, just ignore them. i wouldn't want you getting expelled from the university just because of those lifeless losers," she smiles at you, and you feel a tug on your heart.
you nod, not sure what to say. "my hand hurts so bad," you manage a laugh despite the pain.
"let's get you an ice pack from the clinic," jimin helps you up, going with you. she holds your hand all the way until the clinic staff hands you an ice pack, but you're too focused on your hurting hand to notice.
that day, jimin learns that while you label yourself as non-confrontational and passive, you’re empathetic, loyal, and kind.
you meet up with aeri in the cafeteria for lunch. she glances at your bruised hand and the icepack you hold in the other hand.
“hey, y/n, is your dad a boxer? because you’re a total knockout!” aeri laughs at her own joke.
“you’re not getting any of my lunch today,” you say with feigned annoyance.
“no! i’m sorry!”
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the realization comes at you out of nowhere while you're in the library with jimin, finalizing the remaining parts of the paper. as you steal a glance over the edge of your laptop, you observe jimin with furrowed brows, her tongue peeking out in concentration, and her glasses perched on the bridge of her nose. she tells you its because she couldn’t find her contacts this morning.
it’s raining outside with dark and gloomy skies, casting a dim ambiance over the library. despite it all, jimin shines in your eyes. it’s been like this ever since the incident. you’re extremely thankful that no person of authority caught wind of the situation. you're even more appreciative that despite the confrontation that led to you knocking out a fellow student, you weren’t expelled.
jimin has always possessed a beauty that captivates you. but now, you couldn’t see anyone else but her. whenever you're with her, your heart races, your hands sweat, and your stomach twists. you're not sure why. it's an uncomfortable feeling, yet you don't hate it. instead, you welcome it. you swear you can feel her eyes on you at times. or maybe it’s just sleep deprivation.
it’s when she calls your name, "y/n," you lift your gaze, meeting her eyes. they shine brightly despite the darkness in the building, her hair framing her face exquisitely. "i really liked your latest addition to our paper. i think it really captures what dr. kim is looking for," she says, a smile gracing her lips. in that moment, that’s when it hits you.
she really liked your work and you really liked jimin.
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“aeri, i don’t know what to do," you muffle into your pillow. the two of you are currently in your dorm, a space free of roommates thanks to your parents' decision to splurge a little.
"just tell her you like her," aeri offers a solution to your current dilemma, as if it's the simplest thing in the world.
"that's insane. i could never do that!" you shift onto your back, still laying in bed, and glance at aeri, who's absorbed in her phone and helping herself to snacks from your fridge.
"that's not insane. you want to know what's insane? walking up to a stranger and knocking them out before 8 in the morning. that's insane," aeri retorts.
you toss a pillow at her, not truly irritated because her point was pretty valid.
"y/n, just be honest with her. if she feels the same, great! if not, it's not the end of everything," aeri speaks with sincerity, finally raising her gaze. deep down, you acknowledge that aeri's advice is good, great even. it's also the most sensible approach.
you don’t listen to it at all.
with less than a week left before the final paper's due date, you have two more library meetings with jimin and see her in your english class every tuesday and thursday. despite these many chances to talk to her, you try to completely avoid her.
you fail in doing so. although you avoid her eyes during the 8 am class, rushing out with aeri to prevent any conversations, the final paper still needs to be finished.
this meeting feels reminiscent of the initial paper discussions, where conversations centered solely on the final paper. you avoid looking at her, which is out of the ordinary since you spent most of these meetings simply looking at her.
"are you okay?" jimin's face shows concern, her question directed at you.
"yeah, just feeling tired," you respond with the same excuse. it’s become a reflex at this point.
“alright,” jimin replies to what you assume was the end of the conversation. “so, can you tell me why you’re avoiding me?” damn.
“what do you mean?” you try and play it dumb, but even you couldn’t believe yourself.
"i'm not stupid, y/n. why are you so distant all of a sudden? i thought we'd moved past that after all this time," jimin studies you, her expression unyielding.
you quickly attempt to come up with a lie. "i'm sorry, jimin. i've just been swamped with finals from other classes, and my grades are really low. i need to do well on them to avoid failing," you deliver the excuse, hoping it sounds convincing enough.
fortunately, jimin seems to believe it, her expression easing. "i’m sorry for assuming it had something to do with me. i'm used to being at the center of problems most of the time,” there’s a hint of playfulness in her tone, an attempt to lighten the atmosphere.
guilt engulfs you as you face her. you're strongly tempted to just tell her the truth.
"no need to apologize, jimin. it's not your fault at all. it's mine for procrastinating on my other assignments," you offer a smile.
that night, you struggle to fall asleep as you overthink the potential outcomes of confessing - or not confessing - your feelings for jimin. the most extreme scenario that haunts your mind is her hating you and refusing to speak to you ever again. you don’t sleep at all that night.
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you're standing in line at the campus cafe, desperately in need of a caffeine boost before your 8 am class. your phone displays aeri's message specifying the coffee she wants. you try to blink away the sleepiness with little success.
"y/n?" a tap on your shoulder startles you, and you turn to find yizhuo and minjeong behind you in line.
momentarily taken aback, you don't respond immediately, processing which one of them tapped you.
"you look like you got run over by a truck. are you okay?" yizhuo's concern is evident.
"yiz, you can't just say that! i'm sorry, she doesn't mean it negatively, i promise," minjeong interjects, playfully slapping yizhuo's shoulder.
despite your fatigue, a soft chuckle escapes you at their antics. "it's alright, i understand. i pulled an all-nighter last night studying for an upcoming exam." the lies come more easily now.
"oh, yeah. jimin's told us that you've been working hard lately," yizhuo shares, prompting you to raise an eyebrow. jimin talks about you?
"jimin always talks about you! we had a movie night last weekend, and she made us watch a film because she said you recommended it," minjeong adds, causing a blush to rise to your cheeks.
"how did you guys like it?" you ask, still surprised that jimin talks about you.
"we loved it. you have really good taste!" yizhuo's enthusiasm is unexpected, especially before 8 am.
"you and aeri should join us one of these nights. jimin would love to have you over. maybe after finals or after our game on friday? we can order pizza and snacks for dinner," minjeong suggests.
“plus, it can be be a little celebration for submitting dr. kim’s final paper and surviving her class,” yizhuo adds.
minjeong's invitation sounds far more appealing than your usual friday night, which typically involves binge-watching anime or kdramas in your dorm, sometimes with aeri if she doesn't have a party to attend. "sounds great, just text me the details."
finally at the cashier, you place orders for both your coffee and aeri's coffee. after a short wait, you receive your drinks and wait for yizhuo and minjeong. together, you enter your 8 am english class and send a small smile toward jimin before taking your seat next to aeri at the back.
today marks your final meeting with jimin in the library for this paper. the paper is fully completed, and the only task left is proofreading the sections.
"jimin, i have a question," you begin.
"about the paper?" she looks up from her laptop, meeting your gaze. you still can’t decide if her love for eye contact is a blessing or a curse.
"no, not about the paper. i just want some advice."
"it's nothing too heavy, i promise." you briefly glance down at your laptop's keyboard before returning your attention to her. "have you ever felt scared?"
"many times, yes," she replies. "but i thought you said this wasn't going to get heavy?" jimin's tone carries a playful note.
"it won't! i was just curious… how do you get over fear?" you ask earnestly.
"well, if i’m scared and it's a matter of my own safety, i avoid it. i have too much to live for," jimin senses the seriousness in your tone and tries to lighten the mood. "but if the fear stems from the possibility of failing or not achieving something, i tend to just disregard it and overcome it."
"if i let fear dictate my actions every time, i wouldn't be here today. i probably wouldn't have even picked up a volleyball. i might've dropped out the moment people started saying hurtful things about me," jimin muses, delving deep into thought.
"yes, certain things can be scary, but it's scarier to miss out on opportunities because fear is holding you back," jimin concludes her response.
a moment of silence passes. "you could give a ted talk with answers like that," you quip.
she playfully swats your hand. "finish proofreading your sections. we're almost done with this paper."
two hours pass, and you lean back in your chair. "i close my eyes, and all i see are punctuation marks," you groan.
"well, here's some good news. we can email this to dr. kim tomorrow during her office hours and officially put our final paper for this class behind us," jimin's enthusiasm is evident.
"so, no more library meetings, huh?" you sit up straight.
"no, but we'll still be seeing each other often. are you coming to movie night tomorrow?" jimin questions, tidying up her side of the table.
"i am," you reply, closing your laptop.
"don't tell me you plan on treating me like a stranger after we submit this paper," jimin jokes, standing up and collecting her bag.
"i would never," you respond.
she chuckles at your remark before reaching into her bag. "are you hungry?"
you walk alongside jimin. "a bit. i'm heading to aeri's dorm for dinner. she cooked japanese food for us."
"i'd think you two were roommates," jimin tells you as she pulls a brown paper bag from her backpack.
"well, considering how often she's at my place, i can see why. but no, we're not. she lives right across the hall," you explain.
"here," she hands you the paper bag. "take this. the girls and i went to an off-campus restaurant for lunch earlier, and i thought of getting you something as a small thank you."
"thank you? for what?" you inquire while accepting the bag.
"for being an amazing partner on this paper, of course. i've got to go. yiz and i have plans. i'll text you tomorrow about when to submit the paper," she informs you.
assuming she's about to walk in the opposite direction, jimin surprises you by enveloping you in a warm hug. naturally, you reciprocate.
"i'll see you tomorrow!" jimin calls out, walking out of your sight.
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at aeri’s dorm, you devour the food that she’s prepared for you. “this is so good. have i ever told you that i’m so glad you’re my best friend?” you tell her through bites of food.
“only when i cook for you. now, close your mouth and chew properly. i don’t know how to do the heimlich maneuver.” aeri looks at the brown paper bag by your feet and points to it. “what’s that?”
“i think it’s a dessert or something that jimin got me.” you notice the look on aeri’s face. “don’t even start. it was just a little thank you for helping on that final paper.”
“i didn’t say anything. i might need to get yiz a little something too, considering what a great partner she's been," she teases
“ugh, whatever.” you finish your meal and share the slice of cake jimin got you with aeri.
later that night, as you lie in bed, jimin's words echo in your mind.
fear holds you back. fear holds you back. fear holds you back.
you open your eyes to the grating sound of your alarm the next morning and see a notification from jimin.
yu jimin
hey, good morning
just a reminder to email your copy of the paper to dr. kim at 8 am!
have a great day ahead :)
good morning
will do
have a great day as well
before you leave your dorm, you open your laptop and schedule send your copy of the final paper to dr. kim for 8 am. 
making your way to class, you spot a poster on a campus bulletin board.
"i think fearless is having fears but jumping anyway." huh? your confusion lessens as you realize it's an ad for the swiftie club on campus. you can't help but question why they'd position their ad right next to jimin's volleyball photo.
before entering the lecture hall for your biology class, another banner catches your eye.
"do not be afraid." what's with all these posters? you realize you hadn't finished reading it. "do not be afraid… to join us in the bible study club!" why do all these clubs insist on placing their endorsements next to the volleyball team's photos?
you could barely focus during the biology lecture, only hearing fragments of the professor's words. that is, until the professor singles you out, "miss y/n, why are you afraid?"
"excuse me, professor?" to say you're surprised would be an understatement.
"i asked you a question," the professor's expression turns unpleasant. "why do cells degrade?" there's no doubt you're losing your mind.
thankful that you won't see jimin until later, you use your free time to calm down and regain your composure.
walking through the university building's halls, you accidentally collide with an enthusiastic student. "have you ever been rejected?"
"what?" you react with genuine surprise.
"we're conducting a focus group discussion for our thesis on people who've experienced rejection. if you fit the criteria, your participation would be appreciated," the student hands you a pamphlet.
"oh, no thank you." you brush past the dejected student. spotting an empty hallway bench, you sit down, putting your head into your hands. it's as if you're spiraling into insanity.
what exactly are you afraid of? rejection? embarrassment?
all your life you’ve done nothing but run away from your problems. always finding the easy way out of everything. you’ve never wanted to face any problem or challenge head-on, deeming them unworthy of the trouble and effort.
lifting your head from your hands, you slump into the bench, trying to break free from your unhealthy mindset. 
that’s when the realization finally comes to you.
jimin is worth it. she's worth every bit of trouble in the world. she's worth every second of your time. she's worth it all.
you rise from the bench, your feet moving faster than your brain. inside the university gymnasium, students stream out of the volleyball courts, signaling the end of the game. quickly heading to the back where the locker rooms are, you spot minjeong outside.
"y/n? what brings you here? i didn't see you during the game," minjeong questions, looking at your disheveled appearance.
breathless, you hadn't realized you were running. "not at the game…" you struggle for air, "jimin…" you hunch over, attempting to regulate your breathing. "where?"
minjeong places a hand on your back. "before you go looking for her, make sure you don't faint right now," she advises. it's amusing, really, the volleyball player who just finished a game telling you to relax.
"she's in the back of the locker room. she's alone in there since everyone else quickly left because it’s a friday night," minjeong informs you. "only athletes are allowed inside." a frustrated groan escapes you. "however, if it's important, i can pretend i never saw you go in," minjeong adds, a sly smile forming on her lips.
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you've never set foot in the locker room before. the idea of being here seemed distant, even impossible. yet, you continue forward until you spot the one person who's been on your mind since the very first conversation.
"y/n? how did you manage to get in?" jimin's voice carries a mix of surprise and curiosity.
you're thankful for minjeong's advice to catch your breath. "minjeong let me in." jimin's face is flushed, an unmistakable sign that she gave her all on the court. despite the disheveled hair and the sheen of sweat, she remains the most beautiful person you've ever seen.
"what are you doing here?" jimin stands from the bench, turning toward you.
"i needed to tell you something, and i couldn't hold it back."
"what is it-"
"wait. let me say this all before you say anything else, or i might just black out and forget everything." you inhale deeply. "throughout my life, i've let fear dictate my choices. i've been nothing more than a coward. i couldn’t even take a stance in a tiktok argument. confrontation scared me, and i felt like i could never handle it."
"i was always scared," you press on, sensing jimin's eyes on you. "until i met you and got to know you." your mouth feels dry. "there are so many things i want to say, but i don't want it to sound corny," you chuckle, noticing jimin's smile forming.
"through you, i've learned the worth of ambition and dedication. you've shown me that fear is something that can help you become the person you want to be, not stop you from becoming it," you pause, then continue, "you've given me a new perspective i never thought i could ever have."
“i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to talk this long,” you feel relieved as you see jimin laugh with you.
letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, “i like you, jimin. i have feelings for you.”
a beat passes and she doesn’t say anything. each second that goes by, you feel the dread within you grow more and more. as you were about to open your mouth to apologize, you feel jimin grab your arm. in the hush that follows your confession, you feel a rush of nerves coursing through your veins. jimin's grip on your arm is firm yet strangely comforting, and her intense gaze never wavers from yours. 
jimin's lips form into a gentle smile. "you really caught me off guard, y/n," she admits, her voice carrying a mixture of surprise and something you dare to hope might be fondness.
your lips quirk into a sheepish grin, your heart beginning to settle from the initial anxiety. "yeah, sorry about that. i didn't exactly plan to pour my heart out in the locker room."
jimin chuckles softly, her fingers lightly squeezing your arm. "well, i appreciate your honesty. it takes a lot of courage to say what you just did."
the warmth of her smile and the sincerity in her eyes encourage you. "you've been my inspiration for stepping out of my comfort zone," you confess, your voice steadier now. "i realized that i can't let fear hold me back anymore."
jimin's thumb draws a little pattern on your arm, sending shivers down your spine. "i'm glad to hear that. and you know what, y/n?" her gaze intensifies, a spark of playfulness dancing in her eyes. "i think it's only fair that i tell you something too."
your curiosity piques, your heart racing once again. "what is it?"
jimin's smile turns tender, and she takes a step closer, her free hand lifting to brush a strand of hair behind your ear. "i like you too, y/n. more than you can imagine."
you’re not afraid anymore. with a gentle yet firm pull, you bring her even closer to you. with a surge of courage, you close the distance between your lips.
the kiss is gentle, tentative at first, as if both of you are savoring the reality of this long-awaited moment. jimin's lips are soft and warm against yours, and her fingers find their way to your cheek, holding you tenderly. your heart thrums in your chest, the world around you fading into a distant blur.
as the kiss deepens, the initial hesitance transforms into unspoken understanding. lips meld with lips, sending electric sensations through your veins. it's an intertwining of emotions and desires, a connection formed by your honest words and the silent longing that brought you to this moment. 
when you finally pull away, your breaths mingle in the space between you. jimin's eyes are half-lidded, her lips still just a whisper away from yours. "i think you’re braver than you thought," she mumbles, her voice laced with newfound intimacy.
you share a breathless chuckle, your forehead resting against hers. “to be honest, i didn’t even think i’d make it this far.”
“are you guys done?” minjeong yells from the entrance of the locker room. “i’m hungry!”
both you and jimin share a laugh at minjeong. you reach for her bag and proceed to walk out of the locker room, your hands intertwined comfortably. together, you make your way to yizhuo's dorm, where aeri had already joined.
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the soft glow of the television screen in the living room casts a gentle illumination on you and jimin, who are cozily seated on the couch. your hands are intertwined beneath a comfortable blanket, and a bowl of popcorn rests between you. the film playing on the screen has captured your undivided attention, while jimin is having trouble deciding either to watch the movie or you instead.
aeri and minjeong stand together at a distance, with yizhuo in her kitchen. the trio is busy preparing the remaining food to be served later in the night.
"i can't believe y/n actually did it. i can't believe your idea actually worked, minjeong," aeri whispers to the two girls.
"it was only a matter of time. i couldn't stand hearing jimin talk about her endlessly, looking like an oblivious lovesick puppy that was kicked onto the street," minjeong rolls her eyes at the memory of her friend. "i'm glad she finally admitted it to herself too."
"it wasn't minjeong's idea at all! it was my idea to go to the campus cafe that morning when you told us she'd be there," yizhuo points out. "plus, let's not take any credit from y/n. we may have given her some hope that jimin liked her, but at the end of the day, she was the one who made the move." aeri and minjeong nod, agreeing with yizhuo’s points.
“how’d you even know y/n was going to be at the cafe before class, aeri?” minjeong asks, finishing plating the dishes.
“she texted me she couldn’t sleep and asked if i wanted coffee before our 8 am class at 4 in the morning that day,” aeri explains.
“makes sense,” yizhuo points out.
the three girls make their way over to where you and jimin are seated, each holding plates of food in their hands. aeri takes the seat next to you, while minjeong and yizhuo settle on the floor amidst pillows and blankets, arranging the plates.
your gaze occasionally shifts from the movie playing to the people around you. there's a sense of contentment in this simple act – being in each other's presence, a shared moment that speaks volumes beyond words. back then, it was difficult for you to decide what you wanted and even what to think. now, looking around, you know for sure what you want.
you turn to face jimin when she squeezes your hand under the blanket. here she was, in all her glory. 
you inch closer to her, resting your head on her shoulder. despite the gentle embrace of that moment, an urge runs through you - to dismantle each and every single dreadful rumor about jimin. she was more than just the petty and nasty words of thoughtless individuals who thrived on idle gossip.
in your eyes, she embodied all that was beautiful and kind in the world. with her by your side, fear dissolved into insignificance, its grip over you gone.
“i really like you,” you whisper, only for her to hear.
“i know. i really like you too,” she whispers back to you.
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additional notes: it's my first time ever uploading a piece on any platform! i hope you all enjoyed reading. i don't really know how to work tumblr, i just want to share my writing lol. your comments and feedback are much appreciated! but pls be kind, i am sensitive hehe
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fayeforrosie · 1 year
The Only One I Want
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Part 1
Karina x Fem! Reader
Karina knew she was pretty. She knew she had a chance with everyone, however, she was forever against any romantic relationships ever since she became an idol. Why would she want anyone when all they ever do is love her for her fame and looks? She knew she could never find anyone perfect for her, so she gave up on romance... until she met you
Word Count- 2.8k
Warnings- Mention of men 
Week after week Karina was cursed with yet another blind date set up by her company. She would urgently burst into her managers room, promptly falling down onto her knees, hands speedily racing against each other as if she was bound to make a fire, begging to go at least a month without any blind dates. 
To her dismay, however, not surprise, her manager would always shake her head firmly. “We need you to do this for us Karina. Do you have any idea how much attention would follow us if Yu Jimin was to find the perfect man?” She would say, and all Karina could do was sigh, walking out of the room with her head hung to her feet. 
It was another day in which her company had set up a date once again, this time, they informed her it would be at one of Seoul’s most popular art museums, where she would be meeting the man in about an hour from now. 
Karina couldn’t help but dread the upcoming event, knowing that her members got to stay back at the company and practice whatever they wished with their dance instructor, as there was no schedule for them this day. 
Karina wished she could be apart of that. She wished she could be in the dance practice room, and she reminisced with the feeling of laughter and sweat filling the air of the unreasonably hot place. It was all she wanted... to spend time with her members doing stupid “idol shit" on her days off. 
Yes, she was an idol, not a dating show contestant. Why couldn’t her company see this? 
And on top of everything, she had never been fond of dating, as every possible boy she’s met was only ever after her looks, or how much money was in her pockets. “Why don’t I take you home tonight”, she heard almost constantly after every date. It was upsetting to say the least, and as a result, Karina turned down any possible instance in which a boy could waltz their way into her heart. It wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted her members. She wanted to be on stage. She wanted to be in the studio. 
Instead, Karina found herself in the back of her managers car, mask almost suffocating her face as her hat floated just above her line of vision. Although she went on many dates, she was always forced to cover her identity, as her manager elucidated how bad it would be if the public was to see their sweetheart being accompanied by a new man every week. They wanted her to find the right one, then she could freely express herself to the public (though she knew it would never happen). 
“We’ve almost arrived, make sure you put your glasses on before you step out.” Her manger expressed from the passenger seat, where she responded with a small nod. If her mask was clipped on any tighter, she swore her manger would be able to see her frown seeping through. 
Only a minute later, the car pulled to a stop, just beside an almost identical car in the parking lot. Karina stepped out, her glasses now shielding her eyes as the door to the adjacent car rolled open just in front of her. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Jimin”, a voice could be heard in front of her. 
Karina raised her head, gaze connecting with the man in front of her. 
Lee Jae Wook, I never thought I would meet him, Karina thought to herself.
Despite the immense amount of meetings her company would assemble, they never would tell Karina which man she would be seeing, and she hated it. 
She remembers the time when she had shown up at an excessively fancy restaurant, only to be met with Mark Tuan seated comfortably in the chair ahead of her. Or when Kris Wu sat adequately on the most ugly patterned blanket, with a messy endeavor of a picnic by its side, bottles of alcohol spilling onto the grass, Kris’s attempt at getting Karina drunk and taking her home... god what a terrible date that was. 
“Call me Karina”, she said, ignoring the evident hand reaching out, awaiting to be shaken. Karina didn’t like when anyone other then her members, or family, was to call her by her birth name. She believed that only those who knew her personally were given the ability to call her by something so precious, not some random actor practically drooling as he soaked in her presence. 
“Yes of course, my apologies”, Jae Wook nodded and extended his arm for the girl to take, and if it wasn’t for Karina’s manager lightly pushing her into the man, she would have smacked his arm down instantly. 
With that, the two began into the museum, her arm loosely wrapped around his, and Jae Wook’s excessive amount of cologne being the only thing Karina could smell. 
God this is terrible. I need to get home.
“Welcome! It’s a pleasure to have you two joining us today!” An abnormally tall woman greeted them at the entrance. “Call me Ha-Eun! I’ll be your tour guide for today’s visit”, Karina shook her hand with a fake smile plastered onto her face. 
“Thank you”, Karina expressed, and followed the woman as she took them through security and into the main hall of the museum. The place was exceptionally beautiful, and Karina was sure that if she were to be accompanied by her members instead of this man, her experience would be one to remember. 
But she wasn’t. She was stuck clinging onto the man as they followed the tour guide into the first exhibit, knowingly peering at him as his eyes were trained on the woman’s ass while she walked ahead of them. 
In all honestly, Karina couldn’t care less. She could turn the corner and see Jae Wook kissing another woman and she wouldn’t even bat an eye. He could do whatever he wanted, as long as he didn’t bother her. Nevertheless, she knew that was impossible, because as soon as Karina thought he would leave her alone and take in his surroundings instead, he intertwined his fingers with her, and as she tried to pull away, he gave her hand a tug, almost as if he was warning her to not even try. 
To say Karina was uncomfortable was an understatement. The two of them followed the tour guide throughout the museum, and all Karina could think about was how sweaty and nasty the man’s hand felt in the grasp of hers. 
It has been a half an hour since they began to look around, and as they were stopped in front of a beautiful piece Karina couldn’t help but admire, Jae Wook spoke up. 
“I need to use the bathroom, would you mind staying here?” He directs his attention towards Karina. 
God yes. I'd be more than happy to. Please leave and never come back, Karina thought. 
The tour guide stepped in front of Jae Wook before he could make his way out. 
“I can show you the way! There isn’t one very close to here, it’s a bit of a walk.” She happily spoke, eyes almost unseen as a result of her never-resting smile. It must be tiring having that job, Karina thought, with having to keep a smile on your face without the slightest falter, even in the case of an inconvenience. She could never do that. 
“Thank you, I appreciate it”, Jae Wook spoke formally. “I’ll be right back”, he spoke once more, leaning down and planting a dry kiss atop of Karina’s forehead, and she almost gagged. 
The two made their way to the nearest bathroom, and there Karina stood, still at the fore of the painting. She couldn’t take her eyes off of it, it was truly beautiful. The way the colors complimented each line, as though the picture could truly come to live. It was remarkable. 
Being lost in her own thoughts, Karina failed to notice the woman that walked towards her and stood just about three feet away. 
“It’s beautiful isn’t.”
Karina’s ears chirped at the sound of the feminine voice, and she turned her head to glare at whoever had made the comment, however she was immediately met with the side profile of what seemed to be an angel. 
Karina had never seen anyone so captivating. The way your gaze was held beautifully on the artwork, where the piece couldn’t even compare to how prepossessing your visuals were. It was like she was at a loss of air, and she had never felt this feeling before. Karina has never been so lost for words, as it was usually the other way around, where the man was to look at Karina like they had never seen anyone as stunning as her.
Now, eyes still trained on your profile, she can understand how these men felt when they claimed to be awestruck. 
“...y- yeah”, Karina was still in a trance, making it hard for her to complete a full sentence. 
“I always come back to this piece whenever I visit, its magnificent”, you glanced over to her, and before you could meet her gaze, her eyes flashed back to the wall in an instant. 
“Um...”, she needed to keep talking to you, so she tried to start up a conversation, where she again was never the one to do so. 
“How often do you come here?” Karina asked, this time her eyes on you, and when you turned around to respond, her cheeks began to match the color of your beautifully pink lips. 
How could someone be so engaging? 
“Usually once a month, its like my happy place”, you allow a small chuckle to escape past your lips, as does Karina. 
“That’s really cool”, Karina smiles, her voice wavering as she tried to keep calm, and she continued.
“Do you have any other works that you like?”
Karina watched as your eyes scanned the wall full of beautiful artwork, deciding if there was another that met up to the standard of the one you stood ahead of, however you shake your head. 
“I love them all, but this one is my favorite”, you smile and Karina could practically hear her heart skip a beat. 
Karina has never felt the feeling of butterflies in her stomach until now. She has never been so captivated by someone’s presence until now. She has never wanted to hold a conversation with a stranger until now. You made her want to do everything at this very moment. Karina wanted to grab your hand and walk you outside just to continue to talk about your love for art. She could listen to you all day.
Could a woman feel this way for a woman? Karina never thought of woman in that type of sense, as she was only ever set up with men her entire live, so it was inevitable that her heart was trained to find attraction towards the gender. Maybe meeting you thirty seconds ago was a sign that her heart could possibly open up to someone. And not just anyone... a woman. 
“Want to know why I like this painting so much?” You asked, and began to move a bit closer to her body, still keeping a comfortable distance. 
Come closer, Karina thought. 
You smiled and leaned in, "because I made it”, you uttered faintly. 
And there it was. The exact moment that Karina determined she could truly find romance in somebody. Nobody had ever made Karina feel such a thing, and she thought she might as well die alone, since nobody had ever held her attention. But she was wrong. Here you were, in the flesh, completely ripping the heart of Yu Jimin out of her entire body, unbeknownst to you. 
“Are you serious?” That was all Karina could muster out, otherwise she might as well shout to the world that she found the one for her. 
“Yeah. It was accepted into the gallery about six months ago. Cool right?” 
God you had no idea how many butterflies were roaming the district of Karina insides. 
“Y- yeah... that’s amazing”, she smiled and went on. “What’s your name?” 
You gave her a warm-hearted smile and pointed over to the painting, where Karina was now faced with sign just bellow the piece. 
Y/n Yl/n
How beautiful, was as Karina could think. 
“How about you? What’s your name?” 
It was natural that you didn’t recognize the woman, as she was dressed in the least revealing clothes there ever was to be, a mask on her face accompanied by the hat she had on in the car, and lastly a pair of circular glasses. She didn’t expect you to know who she was with such a disguise, but she hoped you were to realize once she took her mask and glasses off. 
Maybe if Karina showed you who she really was, you would end up being a huge fan, and immediately want to continue talking to her. Nobody could ever pass up on the chance of becoming close with an idol, so it should be the same regarding you, right? 
Karina allowed her thoughts to race ahead of herself, and she pulled her mask down, her glasses following. 
She saw when it clicked in your mind, that you were being faced with the Karina of Aespa, one of the most famous fourth generation idols there is to be. She felt pride, and for the first time, she was happy someone was to recognize who she was. 
Nonetheless, exactly opposite of what Karina had thought would happen, your lips turned upwards into a fair smile, and you nodded your deliberately. 
“Ah”, you stated, “Yu Jimin. I’ve seen your face all over.” 
Is that it? Is that all you had to say? You’re not going to ask for a picture? Or even bow? Karina was beyond confused, she had never met anyone who would react with such ease.
In addition, Karina noticed that her brain, usually trained to correct anyone that was to call her by her birth name, refused to tell you the name in which she preferred for others to call her. In fact, she found herself preferring you to call her Jimin apposed to Karina. You were already special enough to her.   
“So you know who I am?” Karina spoke. 
“Doesn’t everybody?” You laughed. “You are even more beautiful in person, it’s surprising.” 
Hearing those words come out of your mouth, Karina couldn’t help but bring her mask back up to her face. She couldn’t let you see how flustered you made her. It was dehumanizing. 
“Oh... thank you.” She looked anywhere but to you. “You’re beautiful as well.” 
You chuckled and looked down just as she did, and if anyone was to take a look over at your interaction, it’s possible they would think the two of you were to not even be associating with each other. 
But, before you could thank the girl, your eyes glanced over at a man who was making his way towards Karina, and you recognized him to be the one you had seen her with preceding your approach. 
“I think it’s time for me to go now, I believe your boyfriend is here for you.” 
Karina’s eyebrows furrowed, her lips frowning at the thought of you leaving so soon, but she turned around to see what you had been referring to, and was met with Jae Wook and the tour guide side by side, making their way towards her.
“No! He’s not my b-” Karina turned around to reassure you, however, her breath hitched, eyes almost even watering as she found that you were instantly gone. 
She felt like a child that had lost their parents at a crowded event, searching aimlessly throughout the area, double... triple looking around to see where you might have gone. But it was too late. 
Jae Wook had then came up by her side and took her hand, and Karina couldn’t even protest, she was too upset. Her mind was somewhere else at the moment. 
She followed Jae Wook, eyes trained on the wooden floor as she thought of you. 
She thought about how heavenly your voice was, like music played softly in her ears, and how magnificent your side profile was to look at. She could stare at it all day if she could. She needed to see your face again. She needed to find you. 
You were the one for her, she determined it. And she will not leave this museum unless it was hand and hand with you 
Hi everyone!! I’m backkk!!! I’m not sure exactly how many parts this will have, but I’ll just keep going until I feel the story is complete haha. Stay tuned for part two my loves!! 💕💕
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kingmaker-a · 4 months
Like a moth to a flame | Yu Jimin
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Non-Idol AU
Warnings/Tags: Suggestive content warning, drug and alcohol usage, cheating(?), complicated(?) friendship.
It's 3am in the morning, your friends have scattered to the wind. You're in a rough spot caught in the haze of it all, you're drunk, high or just plain old coming down with the flu.
Word count: 2.6k
Genre: Fluff, Angst
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Streetlights blur and stretch in unfurled amber as the world rocks slowly, back and forth under every step. 
It takes everything in you not to stumble and fall, to meet face first against the concrete ocean footpath. 
You honestly shouldn’t have had that ‘cigarette’. 
To be fair you thought you had more time. 
Thought your friends would still be around. 
Thought that you had data for an uber. 
Thought that you were smarter in general. 
You can help the buzz that settles in your brain, even as you eat some horrid dry burger, something about the repetitive chewing motion provides some comfort. 
When was the last time you were out of your mind? Drunk as hell or high as a kite. 
You can't help the way your mind trails off kisses over porcelain skin, a different repeated habit with a lost love. 
Sweet nothings in the eves between sweet scented candle light. 
The crisp night air is almost stale in comparison. 
A car horn echoes through the barren city streets, gone is the party and jubilance… Actually, were you lost? 
It echoes again with a twisted laughter and the slam of a car door. 
The world twists under your feet as you clamor for a nearby railing, your legs shudder underneath it all.
You don’t quite make it.
Hands thread over your waist in an instant as you lurch forward, rapturous laughter giggles behind you even as she tries to hide it.
“Jesus christ, you’re sloshed,” your name spills from her lips like ambrosia, there’s a certain decadence to her smile that almost feels illegal.
Even caught in the haze of street lights in between the muck, grime and graffiti, she’s otherworldly.
Soft, kind and gentle.
Her hand brushes against yours with the slightest recoil. Her touch feels like sunlight given human form.
It echoes across you when you realize how close she is.
She has to be, you remind yourself.
To keep you steady, against the rocking concrete ocean, even if all you can focus is on the swell of her cheeks as she smiles.
It’s hard to explain the way she looks at you, at least in your drug-addled mind, but it’s all you can think about.
You want to blame Pavlov, even though that’s not how it works. He’s not responsible for the way you hunger for the taste of intimacy against your lips.
…Well at least what you’ll allow yourself to think about. 
That’s entirely your own fault.
“Hey Stranger,” is all you can muster, stuck inside the storm of your thoughts as they linger and grip your brain.
A grin peeks through her lips as a breeze coils the gap between the two of you, as miniscule as it is. It twists over every loose strand in her wolfcut.
That’s new.
Though you suppose that’s the difference time makes, her eyes trace your face with a slow delicate touch. Her eyebrows knit together with a puzzled look, the twitch of a smile hums at the corner of her lips as she cocks her head to the side.
Your mind spirals on the brief pout dusting her lips, coils around it like an anxious python. 
“I should be saying that to you, you know?” 
It nearly chokes you. 
Thankfully you catch the glimmer in her eye, soft like twinkling stardust. 
Just banter between… Friends. 
Why's your throat so dry again? 
You try to mold yourself into some semblance of normal, she shouldn’t know how stupid you are. 
At least more so than usual. 
“I-Uh,” God you need a drink. “What are you doing here?”
Her eyes widen, a flare of surprise. Her jaw hangs barely on its hinges, “holy shit.”
The breeze is cold against your skin, stabbing with icy claws as the gap widens between the two of you. Her grip steadies you at the shoulders, the look of astonishment practically burnt into her face. 
There's an incredulous edge to it all, her mouth agape as if she knows something you don't… And she probably does. 
But all you can think about is how she’s warm like the sun and you have to fight every moth-like instinct, to nuzzle into the burning flame that is her. 
She chuckles, shaking you slightly as if you'll earn some grand epiphany from the motion. 
Still, her smile is pretty. 
“You’re,” each syllable is slow, drawn out as if she was speaking some alien language. “the one who called me.”
She even points to herself for the briefest of moments, on the off chance you stood a better chance understanding charades. 
Which would be frankly insulting, if her hand didn't spark a furious fire in your chest, her thumb running over the edge of your collar, against your skin. 
Every other thought leaves your head at her warm coaxing touch. 
There’s a worry held in her gaze, beholden against the echo of empty streets. Your leg jitters like an anxious clock, held in the frozen moments where you realize you think too much.
Jimin takes a deep breath, before a realization flashes in her eyes, a curious question if anything. Her eyebrow furrows ever so slightly and you question what it’d feel like to press a kiss against her dumb forehead.
“Where’s Minjeong?”
The question is surprising to say the least, you haven’t seen her in…
Not since the last time you saw Jimin. The thought offers barely a pocket of clarity in your otherwise mangled mess of a brain. 
It takes everything in you to relax the bounce in your leg.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” You offer, with a confused look.
“I-” her voice stammers against her tongue as the gears beg to turn.
“Right, yeah.”
She quickly gives up.
She spins her car keys around her index finger, a pointed smile lingering on her lips. 
“So am I taking you home or what?”
It’s almost cocky the way her hand rests on her hip and you can't help but remember how truly annoying she is. 
In the best possible way… Though it is certainly a required taste. 
Still, you find your teeth grazing your tongue– “My uh-... Roomie has my keys.”
Her tongue clicks against the roof of her mouth, tutting disapprovingly. 
She even flutters a wink your way, paired with a coyish laugh. 
“Your roomie…” she smirks, peering at you with a certain gaze you have come to know over the years. It’s cocky and worst of all cheesy. She makes the mock effort of flipping her hair, or at least the length it used to be. “You know you don’t have to make excuses, it is easier to just say you miss me.”
God, she is greasy. Yet much akin to junk food and takeaways, there is something to be said about the comfort in your soul in her presence. 
Still, you offer her no such satisfaction, rolling your eyes. 
“Actually, you know what, I'll try my luck at the nearby homeless shelter,” jutting out your thumb behind you. 
She just smiles, looping one of your arms over her shoulder. 
There's security in her touch, in her embrace. Was this how your exe felt whenever she was out on the town?
A thought better left un-had, to dredge up old bitter memories in the wake of warmth would be a stupid mistake. 
“Hope you're hungry by the way because I scored some takeout.”
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There's a moody ambience held in Jimin’s apartment, a lone lamp provides it all, the subtle glow almost feels like a candlelight dinner held between lovers. 
Well, that and you're anything but, even if your mind tempts the edge. 
That is if the food wasn't half cold. 
Still your jaw runs slack, fork stabbing like a shovel digging your grave. 
Her eyebrows perk as she takes a bite, face contorting in frozen discomfort. 
Still, she tries to stifle it, hide it behind a porcelain poker face. 
“So you just dipped on the dude and made him pay?”
She'd probably get away with it, if you weren’t hyper fixated on every inch of her. 
She smiles that one goofy smile, the kind that makes you dizzy. Her chopsticks jut towards you with a taunting look, as she chews. 
“Didn't say it was a guy this time,” she swallows, eyes lingering against yours. 
“And so you just left her and made her pay?” Oh, that poor girl, though if her choice of takeout was anything to go by? 
She shrugs as if the answer was obvious, there's a doe-like innocuous innocence to her eyes. “You needed me.”
Her words suck all the oxygen out of your chest, killing what little supply your barely functioning brain was getting. 
It does little to help your already complicated feelings for her. 
Thankfully, she doesn't read too deep into it. There’s an almost absent look to her as her face scrunches. 
“She was nice just a little…”
Even as you paint a thousand pictures of her in every shared second, there's something indescribable in her eye. You feel yourself almost unravel pontificating. 
Your brain stutters on that image, cast in ambient lamp light. Maybe it's because you're high, maybe that's why you can't escape that soul sucking moment like a robot stuck with a paradox. 
Thankfully it's your humor that reels back to reality. 
“Let me guess she wasn't too keen on the plastic bag juggling?” 
It’s barely been a second. 
She nearly chokes on her own laughter, it’s a weird strangled noise caught somewhere between a cowboy, a dog and a cat. 
You can't deny the satisfaction that lingers in your chest as it blooms on to your lips. 
The only way it would've been better is if she was drinking something. 
She smiles nonetheless, the sweet, innocent disarming kind. The kind that hides a knife or a sharp jab. 
Yet her features soften, there's an almost subtle nod. Perhaps there is a hint of truth in every joke. 
She offers a hand, beckoning you to follow her lead. 
It’s as easy as breathing, the way your hand fits in her. The world spins underneath, you’d lost yourself too much in the smooth placate wake of conversation.
The floor is a storm and you can barely hang on,but thankfully Jimin is your captain through it all. 
Smooth, slow and most of all patient. It’s the soft kindness that feels foreign against your skin, like velvet robes for the peasantry. 
Perhaps she always has been a luxury that you couldn’t conceive, too lost in the touch of your exe.
Every ship eventually finds itself on familiar shores, her room glows with soft fairy lights. Perhaps it’s simply poetic that it’s the lighthouse in her otherwise dim house.
How long has it been since you last set foot in her, weeks, months, dare you say it… years?
It tastes like home, like saturday morning cartoons and cereal or orange juice on the rocks. 
You catch your eyes lingering on long forgotten details, cast aside in the rush of adulthood. Old polaroids stick to her mirror as well as post it notes.
Some even have your handwriting.
Perhaps it is brutal to realize that you exist outside of yourself in these little things, mementos and keepsakes. That people cling to them, long since you’ve abandoned them.
No, that’s too negative.
It’s a reminder that you care and that they care.
Even when you’re not around to confirm, to reassure that simple fact.
Like ashes, evidence of a fire once lived could burn again. 
Still you’re but a moth in a lighthouse, your steps are more uneven than usual, burdened by the weight of it all. 
Your foot catches against nothing except your own inane motor controls. A mistake you would usually curse, if it wasn't for the soft plushyness of her bed that hits your knee. 
Or the strangled surprised yelp of a shared downfall. 
It’s a whirlwind with a life of its own, as you both wrestle for stability in a panicked frenzy. 
In a way, it’s a dance shared by two. 
Still you’re lost in the heated flurry of it all. 
You're the one who collides with her bed first. There's a flash of pride on her face, as if this was some sort of sport. 
Any biting remarks die in your throat as you feel her breath brush across your face with soft painted strokes. 
Her hands clamored over your wrists. 
It’s a mistake on her part, a momentary lapse in judgment as loose strands tickle your face, a coy, cocky smile as she tucks them back. 
This looks bad, inches away from a flame that burns so devastatingly bright. You nervously gulp at the temptation of it all, thankful for the cage binding your wrists. 
You can't help it, you're but a simple moth lost in the enamour of the sun, pale moonlight simply can't compare. 
So like a moth to a flame, you ignite. Hand tangling through her soft midnight locks as your lips crash and burn against hers. 
She gasps against you with a soft, sultriness, eyes fluttered and half lidded. She molds against your touch as you dance once again as she twists underneath you, burning a delicious flame. 
You melt against her, searing at a fever pitch as your teeth find their mark against her neck, extraditing sounds of ambrosian pain from her lips. 
Your name threatens to incinerate you whole as your fingers slip below the hem of her hoodie, teasing the fine edge of it all. 
Her hands cradle through your hair, lost in the rapturous heat of it all. 
You would reduce yourself to ash, to be a firefly that burns with her light. 
It never comes, her hands bind you once again. 
If, only for a second.
“We can't,” her voice clamors and shakes a flash of lucid clarity. You can trace the thoughts that boil under the surface, still there's a careful, cautiousness to what she voices from the ether of her mind. “You’re drunk.”
An anchor that weighs heavy, snuffing any flames with bounding waves. 
There's a part of you that wants to bite back against it, to snarl that you're high, not drunk.
But you know that it would do little to settle the guilt that sinks in her eyes. 
She’s beautiful, you realize as you pull back. 
Well, frankly she always has been, you would be an idiot to admit otherwise. But she's really beautiful and you hate the way you can't even articulate it in your own brain. 
But she is, even with her hair splayed, messy and ruffled against her blanket, the tinge of flustered roses against her cheeks and the bruises slowly welting against her otherwise perfect skin. 
Her hand latches against your wrist once again as you try to stand, caught in the rejected upheaval that twists in your gut.
A snapshot just for you, a burn scar. 
A soft blooming earnest settles like snow, it nestles and creeps through her voice with a moody melancholy. 
“I-... This never happened, okay?” you can't ignore the ache in your chest, the very same that echoes in her voice. “But… Please stay.”
She tugs you back into her orbit, it’s hard to ignore the warmth in your chest as she pulls you close. 
Or the way it chars as you nestle into her neck, as her fingers card through your hair. 
Despite the anguish of it all, you drift off into the ether. 
You don’t get to see the tears that well up or the soft quiver of her lips as she stares almost vacantly at one singular point. 
A dagger-like pain point, freezing with an aching touch.
A Polaroid. 
Her own goofy smile painted, faked to an immaculate degree as Minjeong’s lips press into your cheek. 
Her veins run cold, cutting into her heart with jagged ice. 
Your girlfriend. 
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bambisnc · 3 months
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historical fantasy au w vampire!karina. ₊˚.
historical fantasy au w vampire!karina in which your family, former elites who barely managed to regain their wealth and are now at a risk of going completely bankrupt, again, is desperately trying to find a woman affluent enough to be able to support their business to marry their son.
historical au w vampire!karina where of course the much talked about yu jimin, who honestly they didn't even consider a potential choice - what with her ethereal looks and that astute, insightful, intimidating aura which had led her to become an important member of the business scene at her young age.
historical fantasy au w vampire!karina who starts taking an interest in your family, in your brother especially. everyone is obviously ecstatic. but.. you've started noticing some rather strange things recently.. how your family has started looking paler, weaker by the day. how it's as if a heavy fog of weariness has settled over the household. how you feel like there are always a pair of eyes on you, even when you know there can't be any because why would anyone be looking at you? the main focus is on your brother, just as always.
historical fantasy au w vampire!karina where one day you rise from a deep slumber except you don't really remember falling asleep? only to find the entire manor completely empty. whispers and rustling of something that definitely isn't natural make you tremble slightly and then there's a loud knock that rings throughout the huge house, echoing eerily. you make your way down, desperately clutching a candelabra, as a source of light and if worst comes to worst, a weapon. you approach the towering door and open it gently so as to not make any noise, but the hinges creek as if they have a personal grudge against your ears.
historical fantasy au w vampire!karina who greets you with such a charming smile that you're left dazed, from her alluring figure from someone actually paying you their entire attention for the first time; her honey like voice saying, "could you let me in, darling?"
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check out my masterlist for more <3
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hyun0o · 1 month
Competition For You
[G!P Step-sis Yu Jimin & Kim Minjeong x Fem! Reader]
Summary: Your alpha step sisters that were crushing on you ever since the day you've met, are getting too hard from your pheromones in heat, so they decided they'd finally fuck you out of your senses to solve all of your problems ;)
WC: 3k words
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6:01 PM
"Want us to help?"
Never in the past 9 months would you ever expect your two older step-sisters; Jimin and Minjeong who are Alphas, to ever say those words when you're in heat, all helpless in bed with trembling legs under the duvet covers. Was your scent that strong to the point where they could smell it from outside your room? What if they got a rut because of you? The guilt ate you up like a virus, and the hot tingling feeling inside of every part of your body wasn't helping you one bit.
All of this started 9 months ago, your mother remarried to a new wealthy man, wanting a new life from the troubles in her past marriage, but with the new man; there was his two daughters. The taller one that seemed to be older than you, her black jet hair was down on her shoulders to her back, her cold eyes softening while looking at you with a subtle surprised expression. While the shorter one with shoulder length hair checked you out, eyes going up and down with an amused expression. You felt slightly embarrassed, they were rich and hot!? Fuck you felt like you didn't belong, especially since the two sisters were clearly full blooded alphas, you could smell their strong furious scent a mile away. They didn't want to come and have a stupid family meeting but their thoughts immediately changed as they saw you for the first time. The newly married couple smiled in excitement, wanting for their daughters to get along like they always hoped. Your step-father cleared his throat and introduced his daughters to you.
"Y/n, these are my daughters, Jimin and Minjeong. They're a little older than you but I'm sure you three will get along!" He said to you with a large smile, tone evidently happy and excited. You simply nodded while looking down, avoiding eye contact as you were still feeling anxious from the intense stares by your step sisters. The tall man noticed and coughed, changing his tone. "Girls, this is Y/n, I'm hoping for you oldest to treat her with hospitality and kindness." His face looking serious, like hinting that they shouldn't mess with his 'warning' like statement. They hummed in unison, their eyes not leaving you. Your mom just bowed at the two young girls and tapped the mans shoulders, signaling for him and her to leave and let you three get to know each other more freely. So with that, the two left the large living room, the thick tension deafening your ears.
"Well... hello then step sister. My name is Minjeong, as my father said but you can call me Winter!" She introduced herself with a big smile, her hands on your shoulders for support. Surprise, you nodded flustered from how close she was from you face. 'So if she's Minjeong, the taller girl behind her must be Jimin' you thought to yourself while looking at the feline girl, noticing her eyebrows slightly furrowing at her sister. She came closer to the both of you and placed her hand on Minjeongs shoulder while side eyeing her coldly.
"And that makes me Jimin, you can call me Karina" Her voice deep and shallow, comparing the two, you could already tell who was older from their opposite demeanors. But you kept your mouth shut, assuming something can be deadly. Minjeong scoffed at her and pulled you closer, intertwining her arms around your neck. "How cold rina! Didn't you hear what Dad said? He said treat her with hospitality and kindness!" You wanted to die right then and there, you were sure the blush on your face was visible, almost making you look like a tomato and Minjeongs scent was so strong it started to make your mind go blank. You looked at Jimin, her face filled with annoyance, she noticed your stare and looked back at you, her expression contorting and going soft.
With a sigh she apologized and held your hand, slightly pulling you away from Minjeong. "Sorry for my rudeness, this is just how I greet people. I hope you didn't take it the wrong way." This time, Minjeong was the one who's pissed, she rolled her eyes and gently pulled you back. "Hm, I didn't know you were capable of apologies, is our new little sister an exception or do you just not want to look bad?" She asked with a sly grin, intentions clear that she wants to make Jimin look like a horrible person. You heard a low growl from the taller girl, coming closer to Minjeong with a sharp glare.
With that the competition of winning you over started the day they saw you. From the small things of quick physical touch, flirtatious remarks trying to seduce you, and strong stares when you're wearing something that's semi revealing or just hugging your curves. For them, your curves were perfect, how could they not stare? And of course, some days your two older step-sisters would race each other on asking you if they could sleep in your room, for some stupid reasons and which would lead to them glaring at each other and basically throwing insults until you tell them that they both can sleep with you for the night. The only rule was no snoring and funny business while you were asleep, you cherished your rest and you don't like getting waked up in the middle of the night. This was their chance to snuggle on to you and smell your precious scent, stating that they feel cold even though the duvet covers are warm and thick protecting them to any freezing temperatures.
You just let them do whatever they want with you, you can't just forget that they're still older than you and you still want to please them. As time went on Jimin decided to cut her hair to a short wolf cut, you thought that she was just feeling bored of her long hair but the truth is she over heard you in your room talking to your friends, stating that you find short hair on girls are attractive. She's that down bad for you. While Minjeong decided to grow her hair out, wanting for you to braid your hair into each others since you mother said that you loved doing that in the past. If simps were people, these two were its embodiment.
Now back to the present where you are currently going insane, not knowing what to do while your mind was spinning and going in and out of reality. Warm tears started to form in your eyes as you felt pressure, you loved them but you were just too scared! Whimpers were heard outside the room, making the two older girls worry, they agreed and decided to finally help you and maybe confess their love to you. As if it wasn't already obvious.
"Y/n... We're coming in, we don't want you to keep hurting." Jimin said as she unlocked the door, a gust of pheromones hitting them making their troubles in their boxers get worse. You lie on your bed trembling while clutching on to the fabrics if the sheets, trying to hold on to something.
"aw poor baby" Minjeong cooed, sitting on the edge of the bed pulling your body up gently wanting to kiss you, she held back, feeling scared that you'll reject it. Your tears rolled down your cheeks, feeling so vulnerable and guilty, you hated stealing their attention, you never felt worthy of their worry. Jimin went behind you and hugged you waist, going down on the crook of your neck and inhaled aggressively, hands trying not to give in to the temptation of touching and embracing your beautiful body.
"Baby... You shouldn't be so shy about these types of things. Please let us help you" She whispered all so softly to your sensitive ears, your pussy clenched in nothing as her deep voice made you even more needy. Whining as the tears kept rolling down your soft cheeks, Minjeong immediately kissed them dry as her knee got in between your shaking legs, making you feel some friction. You moaned out so lewdly, they both cursed under their breath with their cocks wanting to get inside of you and just fuck you until they're dry. "Unnie please... mhm" Without even realizing it, you started to spread your legs for Minjeong, feeling so hopelessly weak with your heart and body basically screaming for the touch of your older sisters. Minjeong and Jimins head perked up with excitement of you finally opening up, Jimins hands slowly roamed around your body while trying to rub her rock hard cock on your back hoping to get some tension. She cupped you beautiful breast with her other hand on your wet pussy, fingers gently circling on your clit. Fuck she couldn't wait anymore, she wanted to feel you and hear you scream her name.
Minjeong kissed your cheeks and slowly went down to your neck, feeling so happy that she can touch you like she have always wanted! "Oh god... I've wanted to kiss you and cherish you my princess, let us help you okay?" You moaned and shook your head in agreement, the two older girls started to undress you, night gown getting thrown out to the floor, you weren't wearing a bra and so they got to kiss your wonderful breasts with full passion like they've always wanted. They were basically eating every part of your body!! Being so excited and sometimes rough with you, they needed you so bad.
You completely gave into Jimins hold and pulled Minjeong closer to you, their warmth wrapping around your body. "Please touch me unnie, I need you both" A switch flicked in their head, with those simple words, they immediately went into breeding mode. Jimin nipped on your neck while roughly kneading your breasts with urgency, like this was the last time she'd be able to feel you. But you won't let that happen to your precious unnies. "Hm... You smell so good baby... You always do" Jimin complimented, moaning at her praise you called out to her, meeting her sharp gaze in a trance and kisses her passionately, placing your hand on the back of her neck. Minjeong however focused on your wet pussy, spreading your legs wider and going down on your throbbing cunt, she inhaled your addicting scent making you moan loud in Jimins mouth. "So fucking good fuck..." Minjeong growled, impatiently taking your panties off and ate your slippery cunt like there was no tomorrow. With your two unnies giving your sensitive body attention while the sun was setting, it was magical setting. Jimin kept praising you, whispering how good you were taking Minjeong, how cute you were when you were getting pleasured, and asking you questions that will lead to you answering in a soft whine, all while her finger tips wers drawing on your smooth stomach and other hand still on your soft breasts.
"My baby sister, do you like getting fucked like this? Do you want Rina-unnies cock?" She cooed, her mischievous smirk showed how much she enjoyed watching you getting fucked. Your mouth trembled, this was all so new to you, you'd just normally take pills to get through your heat but your mom forgot to buy you new ones for this month and so you only got informed during your heat. "Y-yes...yes I want u-unnies co- A-ah!" You tried to answer but failed due to Minjeongs wonderful tongue entering inside your tight hole, her eyes fixated on you. Your taste was making her go wild, you were far too much addicting! With the overwhelming pleasure coming to you, your legs tighten around Minjeongs head hoping to get some kind of support. But with the puppy like girls needs in tasting all of you and making you cum for her hard, she placed her hands on your inner thighs and pushed them on the bed leaving her more space for your sensitive pussy. She thrusted her tongue in and out of you while Jimin circled her fingers on your clit making you jolt.
"Unnie!- ah please... I'm close!" You screamed as your stomach started to bubble up in pleasure, you arched your back getting ready to cum, Jimin made you face her and roughly kiss you, moaning into her mouth while her tongue fought with yours. Minjeong was determined to make you cum, she went faster, and so did Jimin. Finally having the chance to release, you came hard with strings of moans and whines following, body shaking with your hips bucking onto winters mouth. Minjeong sat up kissed you deeply, passion in her tongue to make you taste yourself "Good job baby, mind to have one more, just for me?" Jimin kissed your ears and waited for your answer with loving eyes. You can't help but submit to them, your pussy was clenching on nothing and the need of getting filled up by your step-sisters just fueled the fire inside of you.
"Y-yes unnie" You whispered, their cocks were suffocating in their pants. Seeing and hearing you break from such orgasm left their member impatient. Switching their positions, Jimin positioned herself in between your legs and brought her huge cock out, smirking at the cute sight of you with tears and a hint of blush on your beautiful face. Minjeong made you go on all fours, facing her with her cock leaking with pre cum inches close to your face. You basically drooled at the wonderful sight, panting, you sticked your tongue out wanting to taste Minjeongs large dick. She chuckled with a pleased smile,
"Cutie baby, are you excited? You don't know how long we've waited for this moment!" Minjeong said, bawling your hair up and slowly inching you forward to her cock, you licked her cute tip, moaning at her taste. While Jimin placed her hand on your back as the other to your hip, getting ready to ram into you, "Hm... We ached for you Y/n, days on days fucking ourselves with the thought of you being all ours" Jimin entered your dripping wet cunt, slowly stretching you out. Her cock felt so good in you! You could basically feel her veins throbbing in your pussy. She thrusted slow but so hard, emphasizing on the skin on skin lewd sound with your gagged moan as Minjeong rammed her cock into the back of your throat. The two older sisters were too impatient to feel you!
With their incredible rhythm, the two of them fucked both of your holes while moaning and cursing, as their wish finally came true, Jimin went closer to your back and kissed the back of your neck, trailing up to your sensitive ear, "S-so fucking good baby... Fuck I want to impregnate you so bad..." The older girl growled while fastening her thrusting pace, your g-spot getting abused hard while Minjeong is basically using you as a flesh light not letting you breath properly. "Hm... Our baby sister is so cute taking the both of us so good, I think she deserves our w-wonderful seed in her holes right Jiminnie?" Minjeong stuttered with the feeling of your mouth was making her brain go insane, coming close to her release. Jimin chuckled as she gripped your hips harder, sitting up and fucking you with hard and fast thrusts making you choke with your saliva drooling on the sides of your mouth. "Fuck... Fuck.. fuck!!" Jimin grunted as she was also close, determined to fill you up with her warm and thick cum. While Minjeongs hips started to quicken her pace as she closed her eyes, throwing her head back while moaning your name over and over again.
Tears fell on your soft and puffy cheeks, you were so close, you wanted the feeling of your step sisters cum in you over and over again! But the feeling was all too much for the three of you, Jimin growled and finally came in your pussy as Minjeong fed her cum to you and pulled out, her semen going directly on your face and on to your breasts. The sight of you were too much! They couldn't get enough of you, immediately after that euphoric sex they wen on with different positions with you, making you wonder how much of a high sex drive and stamina they have!
As Minjeong marked your smooth neck, she growled as she was finally feeling your wonderful tight pussy. Jimin making out with you while you gave her a handjob, running out of breath you pulled away. She can't help but blush at your cute face, doe eyes glistening with tears with your rosey lips slightly apart, both of your tits making contact as Minjeong was fucking you from behind.
"U-unnie I'm close!" You screamed, the familiar feeling in your stomach forming, Minjeongs thrusts changed as her pace was felt with urgency to make you come. "Good girl, cum baby. Make us proud" The raven girl said as she kissed your nose, with one last thrust you and Minjeong shivered in pleasure, your juices squirted as she completely came inside you, while you felt warm cum running down on your hand, Jimin came as well, with soft moans and trembling hip making you stop from stroking her thick cock, Minjeong is still in you, being a plug for her and Jimins cum inside of your cunt. Somehow it made you feel a sense of comfort.
Jimin showered you with kisses, praising you while Minjeong licked your ear and whispered thank you's for making her cum so good. You felt warm with their embrace! Happy tears forming in your eyes, you tried to hide them by hiding in the crook of Jimins neck but the two of them immediately notices and asks what's the matter.
"Were we too rough baby?"
"Are your hurting? Tell us my love"
Their concern made you feel so loved, shaking your head, you both smiled at them and stopped hiding,
"I felt nothing but happiness and pleasure, thank you for helping me unnies, I love you so much" You confessed with the tears flowing down, their eyes widened as they smiled so wide, they've been waiting for those words for months!!
"We love you too Y/n" They both said in unison kissing your cheeks and marking your nape. With your two older step sisters comfort you felt happy and safe, hoping for the three of you to make more memories together <3
"Mhm... Baby can you take us both inside of you?"
Maybe a little too soon for new memories (–=–'')
This took me too long!! Sorry for no updates guys it's been a hell of a month lol, but now I can finish up requests! I'm also planning to publish another poly smut, I hope you guys can wait!!
- (^=^)
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sserasin · 1 month
hey !! love ur acc <3 may i request karina g!p x fem!r, including mommy kink, age gap, over stimulating after sex, reader virginity loss, anddd dacryphilia? tysm !! also, if you’re considering taking anons, may I be 🇦🇷 anon?
hi !! thank you and of course ! <3 you’re my first anon lol. also after i wrote this i realized i didnt add the age gap im sorryyy😭😭
seconds, thirds, and fourths
cw nsfw under cut, g!p karina, female reader, unprotected sex, mommy kink, virginity loss, overstimulation, dacryphilia, fingering (r. receiving), oral (r. receiving)
“you’re so pretty,” karina whispers in awe, finger trailing down your chest, down your stomach, down your thigh and back up. you shudder.
“rina…” you whimper, nudging her side with your knee. “please.”
“you gotta be more specific than that, baby,” she presses a teasing kiss to your hip, lust filled eyes looking up at you from her position in between your legs. your core aches, despite you just laying there.
you roll your head back, “please … give me more.”
“more?” karina hums and you almost groan out, blinking back frustrated tears.
“mommy…” she immediately stops fucking around, eyes growing darker at the new name. “please fuck me already.”
“yeah?” karina smiles a vicious grin against your skin, “you want mommy to take your virginity?”
your toes curl at the thought, blinking so hard you saw colored spots, “yes, yes.”
karina’s hand reaches down to your core, eyes never leaving yours. your cheeks burn red, your heat pulsating, as you desperately search your brain for something to distract you. “did you know you have two heartbeats?”
“what?” she smiles, two fingers running through your wet folds over your panties. your arousal had soaked your panties, making karina’s cock twitch in her pants.
you shudder, “like… i heard sometimes you can … can feel your heartbeat, uh,” you nod your head down slightly, “down there.”
“oh,” karina says, pressing a soft kiss to your thigh and glancing up at you from under her eyelashes, “they’re right. i can.” oh. oh god. you squeeze your eyes shut in embarrassment, making her giggle. “can i take these off?”
“yes…” you say meekly. can’t she already tell your answer would be yes?
“good girl,” she pats your thigh before hooking her fingers under your panties and tugging them down. she throws them to the side aimlessly, eyes immediately lowering to your pussy. without realizing, she grinds her hips down onto bed.
feeling shy, you go to cover yourself up but she quickly pins your hands down on the bed, “don’t cover up, you’re gorgeous, okay?” her eyes are sincere as she looks at you, “i love you.”
you smile shakily, “i love you too,” you breathe out, shifting lightly, “can you touch me now?”
karina laughs, “so impatient, but whatever my baby wants.” it’s like she flips a switch, going from sincere to lustful so quickly. it almost gives you whiplash. her fingers collect your arousal, making eye contact with you as she spreads your folds with her fingers.
your head turns, not able to keep eye contact with her, letting out a soft moan as she slowly enters a finger in your hole. you immediately clench around her finger, making her grin to herself as she gives you a second to adjust. once you give her the okay, she adds another finger.
your back arches, a whimper leaving your mouth before she soothes you with kisses, “it’s okay, i’m sorry, baby,” karina’s fingers begin to scissor you open, back arching off the bed before her free hand pushes you back on the bed. you glance down at her hand on your lower stomach— and, god. they were right when they said it was hot. throwing your head back, you moan.
“you’re doing so well for me,” karina whispers, now knuckle deep and she curls her fingers, aiming for a specific spot. “such a good girl for mommy.”
“hurry up,” you whine breathlessly, moving your head back and forth. you didn’t want to wait any longer.
“hurry up, what?” she teases, wrist beginning to hurt but she didn’t care. not when you’d be coming undone on her fingers and cock soon.
“hurry up, mommy,” you look down at her right as her fingers hit the soft, gummy spot. a loud moan abruptly leaves your mouth, eyes rolling into the back of your head.
“found it,” karina grins before saying, “i won’t go easy on you, then, baby.”
“f-fine, whatever! just hur—” your words are cut off by her fingers starting to slam into that same spot— over and over. it doesn’t take long for your orgasm to hit, toes curling as you come around her fingers with a loud moan of “mommy!”
“atta girl,” she pats your thigh, taking her fingers and putting them in her mouth, licking them clean. your eyes open blearily, watching her do so as you feel your come drip on your thigh.
despite looking out of it, you want more. and she’s so happy to give it to you.
“ah, ah, ah!” you whimper in pain as her cock slowly slides in, stopping a few times for a breather. you squeeze your eyes shut, legs moving involuntarily to help distract the pain, “‘t hurts, mommy.”
“i know,” she reassures you, “but it’ll be okay in a minute.” she didn’t lie, the pain and discomfort turning into pleasure a minute later.
the “okay” doesn’t even fully leave your mouth before she’s pulling out and slamming right back into your sopping hole.
“oh, fuck—” she groans, feeling your tight hole clench around her. “god, you’re so— fuck, you take my cock so well, baby. it’s like we fit perfectly, like you were made for me and my cock.”
you moan at the quick, harsh slap on your thigh as she puts one of your legs above her shoulder and then the other for better access. the position makes you blush, but it feels too good to stop.
“mommy, mommy,” you grip onto her shoulders, “please, please.”
your endless babbles don’t make any sense, but she understands.
her cock fills you up to the brim as she hammers into you, hips meeting your ass with each thrust. little whimpers leave your mouth at the quick pace, and she intertwines her fingers with yours comfortingly, despite the thrusts never relenting.
her balls slap against your skin loudly, grunts filling the room, “gonna be a good girl and come for me?”
you don’t answer, moaning uncontrollably loud as the head of her cock slams against your cervix.
“answer,” she hums, pecking your lips sweetly.
“yes, yes, mommy,” you sob, feeling tears sting around your closed eyes. “please give it to m-me, i’ll be so—so good, mommy—”
karina moans at your words, feeling your hips grind up against her, “yeah? you’ll give me as many as i want?”
“yes, anything!” you cry out, free hand clawing at her back. “please, can i cum?”
“of course,” she coos, reaching a hand down to rub at your clit harshly. “let it go, baby.”
a broken moan leaves your lips as you reach your peak, body shaking. karina stares down at you, mouth forming into an ‘o’ as she releases into your womb.
you sigh in relief at the feeling of being full, clenching around her softening cock. your eyes are closed, feeling out of it from pleasure as she pulls out of you with a wince, and you think that’s all there is to it— that she’ll help you clean up before you go to bed.
karina isn’t that nice.
you’re being pulled by your ankles to the end of the bed, karina suddenly now on her knees. you blink your eyes open, “w-wha—”
“oh, you didn’t think i was done, did you?” her brows raise at your widened eyes. she smirks, leaning her head down. “i still have to clean you up. you’re filthy, baby. look at you.”
you look at yourself. and she’s right, her come and your come are seeping out of you, getting the sheets dirty. you whimper slightly at the sight, feeling yourself get even more bothered.
“don’t worry, though,” karina is grinning smugly as she speaks, “mommy’s gonna clean you up.”
before you can say anything, she licks a long strip up your folds. your hips buck up and she smiles before latching on your clit. her lips are wrapped around your clit, sucking lightly as she tastes your shared come. she moans at the taste, pulling back lightly, “you taste so good.” before she’s back at it again.
your legs wrap around her shoulders, trying to pull her as close to you as possible. her tongue flicks at your clit, and you moan loudly, “m-mommy,” you pant, “i- f-“ you can’t even finish your train of thought before a series of moans leave your lips when she fucks her tongue in and out of your gaping hole.
your hips twist off the bed when she shakes her head back and forth, head making a dent in the mattress as your head is thrown back. you blink back tears of pleasure as she never once comes up for air, holding you down by your hips now.
you can practically hear her slurping your juices up, making your cheeks burn in embarrassment. “ah, mo—mommy, right t-there!” your hand comes to her hair, pressing her where you need her and you feel the tightening in your stomach begin to uncoil. you can’t hold your tears back this time as she never pauses, pressing her tongue further into you.
“oh, f-fuck—” your hips stutter against her hands as your third orgasm rushes through you, feeling your body sink into the bed. she pulls back for air, your juices coating her lower face and you can feel your hole clench around nothing at the sight. you can feel the salty tears run down your cheeks, tasting it.
“i knew you could give it to me,” she smiles, before her head is lowering again. your eyes are wide, trying to push her head away now as her mouth wraps around your clit, again. her thumb rubs at your hip soothingly, but you hardly notice.
“n-no, don’t—” she doesn’t listen, locking her arms around your legs, “it’s too much!” you cry out, feeling more tears leak out your eyes. your ears start to ring, feeling a cramp in your leg as she never relents on your clit, abusing it even as you try and continue to push her away.
you come for the fourth and final time with a scream, sobbing out as you twist away from her. your entire body is trembling as she finally pulls away, licking her lips clean of your essence.
“i think i want to eat you for every meal, baby,” she smiles.
you shake your head, tears still streaming down as she brings herself up next to you. she presses a soft kiss to your cheek, kissing away the tears and wiping what she couldn’t get.
“was that good, baby?” karina asks softly and you can only push her away weakly, making her laugh. she pulls you closer, nuzzling her face into your neck. “i know that i enjoyed my dessert.” she pulls back, “you want seconds?”
you throw her a bewildered look, making her start a giggling fit at the expression, and you clear your throat to speak, but your voice is still hoarse from being so vocal, “fuck you, that was seconds, thirds, and fourths!”
karina throws her head back, cackling loudly, “because it was so good!”
“shut up,” you pout, turning away from her. “go to sleep.”
“a nap after being filled up is always a good idea,” she hums, giggling when you groan.
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jensettermandu · 1 month
six feet under - yu jimin
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genre; smut, angst, hurt/comfort
pairing; karina x g!p reader
content; despite the title there's no character death (it's just for metaphors) , unhealthy relationship; lack of communication , difficulty dealing with acceptance/reality , unintentionally hurting e/o , smut; p in v :D , unprotected sex , top karina/service bottom reader , oral (reader giving) , slight breast play , some praising
synopsis; it had always been said that nothing stays the same, it had been said ever since they were little kids and that acceptance of it was important. it helped move forward because dwelling in a past that no longer existed did no one any good. to hang onto something that didn’t exist meant falling to the deepest parts of hell willingly because no matter how much it hurt it felt like it was worth it the second they looked back at what it used to be.
wc; 15.6k+
It had always been said that nothing stays the same, it had been said ever since they were little kids and that acceptance of it was important. It helped move forward because dwelling in a past that no longer existed did no one any good. To hang onto something that didn’t exist meant falling to the deepest parts of hell willingly because no matter how much it hurt it felt like it was worth it the second they looked back at what it used to be. 
The silence could almost be dreading, it was so loud that it vibrated through their ribcage. It was so loud with their thoughts that they had no clue what to do. Love could be so many things, couldn’t it? It also meant that love got mistaken a lot of times too. It could make a bed feel comfortable, one they would always want to be at the end of every night, but it would always feel cold with spaces bigger than the ocean even if they were just an inch away. 
At times it felt like acknowledging the damage would only damage the rest of the world too if it was brought up. It was for everyone’s best and they could silently try to fix the damage with minimum casualties around them.
They both fell blind and only realised that they forgot to do something about it when they were dragged out of the daydreams and brought back to reality. The daydream that was the past was what made Y/n look away from her monitor once her eyes fell on the time at the bottom corner. She slipped the headphones off of her head, loose bangs falling over her forehead as they no longer were held back by the gear and she turned the chair around. Her eyes fell on the bed that was empty despite it being 0:30 AM. 
Routines changed, but they stayed. 
It had become a game of avoiding the other to not bring up the actual problems. Y/n indulged in her video games the whole day so they could avoid even looking at each other. She hadn’t spared Jimin a single glance but was now looking at the empty bed with sentiment filling her veins heavily. She deeply inhaled, trying to fill her lungs with oxygen to air out the sadness and hang on to the hope of stitching the torn back together. 
It was harder than it looked though when she had no clue how to put together a world that had been caught in a landslide and pulled them apart. It was all drifting apart, burning bridges they couldn’t stop imagining still existed. All they did was stand and look at it happening because there was nothing that they could do about these new feelings. 
She placed the headset onto the desk and reached over to the power button on the PC, her index finger coming in contact with it. Y/n pressed it and still deep in lamentful thoughts she held it for a while longer than needed before letting go. 
Just as she stood up the door opened and her tired eyes landed on Jimin whose gaze immediately was drawn to Y/n despite how far away they were. It was time to let go, but all that heaviness caused by the thoughts of finally mending their worlds and leaving the one they had built together in the past was hard to get rid of. There were so many reasons that told them to let go, but so many that told them to stay because of what once was their everything. 
“I just have to take a quick shower.” Jimin nodded at that as she stepped inside the room, leaving the door ajar as she knew what it meant. It was too cold to fall asleep beside each other on the bed, it was too uncertain of what they should do in the familiar sheets. It was easier to fall asleep alone, but it was difficult to sleep fully through the night if they weren’t both in bed at the same time. 
It had become a routine of leaving to let the other fall asleep before getting in bed too. The shower felt agonising, unsure if she had been in there long enough or if she should stay and continue to ponder. Everything around them still felt the same, but on the inside everything was different. Was it because of how suddenly it had happened? Was it because it was scary to let go of something that used to be all their comfort, scared that it was their only comfort after being it for so long? Was it because of how much they still had for each other? 
What if they got lost and became wanderers once they would let go of each other and would end up walking life without a goal to reach?
The shower felt like the only place where she could ponder now since it felt like it was too much to cry in front of each other. That would mean that they would have to talk about what was wrong and what they had to do, to do the things they weren’t ready for. The past felt so worth holding onto despite the feelings of the future never looking like they imagined. 
It was like every other time when Y/n walked back to the room, she quietly opened it, stepping inside the warmth and the comforting scent of Jimin that lingered in the air. Was it because all these things still brought her warmth and comfort? Her eyes landed on the bed that wasn’t empty this time, but would still feel cold once she settled in it. Never did they do it intentionally, but it had started happening at some point and there was nothing they could do to stop it. 
She couldn’t just not care, she always did and always would as she threw her black hoodie onto the backrest of the swivel chair she had been sitting in earlier. It merely made a sound when it landed on the chair and she walked a few small steps over to the edge of the bed where Jimin was lying. 
It had become a new routine to just stare at Jimin from a distance while trying to figure out what exactly was wrong between them. She had always adored the girl whether with words or just by looking at her from across a room, but this was different despite the adoration. This always made her eyes look a certain way, a way that whenever Jimin caught Y/n looking at her she could tell what she was thinking and Jimin found herself leaving to wipe away her tears. 
So Y/n was crouched down right by Jimin who was asleep on the bed, her head tilting as a small frown adorned her features in thought. The longer she thought the more it all felt like a pipe dream as her eyes lingered on the girl's soft features Y/n adored. The white duvet pulled up to her chin and the younger reached over to Jimin, gently grazing her fingers over the tender skin. Nothing about it had changed, it still felt as good as it always had under her fingertips. 
She pushed back some of the loose strands away from the sleeping girl’s face before she pulled her hand away fully, scared that she would wake her up, that Jimin would pull away from her touch, that they would both freeze and then go back to pretending. 
Y/n sighed at the feelings she couldn’t decipher anymore and her forehead rested on the edge of the bed for a few seconds as she closed her eyes tightly. Her fists clenched and so did her jaw to shut out everything, the landslide wiped away from her mind, the future too, the past stayed as she fished for the answers from the burning bridge. She was utterly confused, she was so lost in that field where everything had burned to the ground. 
Where did it all go? When did it all disappear?
She deeply inhaled and raised her head, shakily letting out her breath, doing it slowly to not wake Jimin up. Her fingers peeled at the cover, the small bear coming into view that Jimin was hugging–it was Y/n’s childhood plushie, but the comfort that it had held once had been transferred to Jimin. She had no clue if Jimin had transferred it further or if she still held onto it. It felt too cold at times, but they were still hanging on to the daydream.
“Goodnight, angel.” Her fists gripped onto the sheets as she left a ghost-like peck against Jimin’s soft cheek while standing up before climbing carefully over the girl to lie down by the wall. Y/n got under the duvet and laid on her back, staring at the ceiling that was empty while her head raced with thoughts that would make falling asleep so much harder. The itch to hold each other, but the fear of it not feeling the same anymore kept them at a distance and so the ache grew, but the silence didn’t dissipate. It was loud enough to mask the sounds of the heartbreak. 
Jimin heaved a sigh, her eyes opening in the silent room, knowing that Y/n was lying just behind her, but she wasn’t able to feel her. The simple peck, the brush of fingers against her skin, the goodnight, the innocent pet name; all made her eyes burn hot in the freezing weather that the room was in. It made her stiffen up her lower lip to try and keep them at bay, clutching the little bear harder, burying her nose into its brown fuzzy fur. 
Each time she blinked her eyes its fur soaked up the tears, being the only witness of them, the only thing wiping them for her, holding her sorrows inside its small frame. She was afraid that it would overfill soon enough, that the bear would turn salty and bitter from her tears, and that it wouldn’t want to give her any more comfort because of that. She longed, but they flew apart and she couldn’t figure out what exactly she longed for as Jimin felt just as lost and confused about everything as Y/n was. 
Was it all broken or just bent? She had no clue, Jimin didn’t even know what exactly it was that was wrong. Or maybe she knew just what was wrong, but pretended that she didn’t?
It echoed in Y/n’s head after the alarm had gone off around 6 AM and she had turned it off–their last rehearsal before they were off to Tokyo, Japan. What their mornings used to look like kept replaying in her head, the sounds of them like an echo of silence now because they no longer happened. There was no room filled with giggles despite it being early at dawn or noon. No words that were sweet affection were exchanged between them. There was no holding each other, hugging, kissing, and just being there with each other, close and content.
Neither could remember the last time they had said an ‘I love you’ to each other. 
It used to be always in the mornings, before bed and throughout the day. 
It made Y/n exhale while turning to lay on her back as they slept with their backs turned to each other. She tiredly stared at the ceiling unable not to look over at Jimin whose back was still turned to her, it was like a big ice wall fell and blocked them off. ‘It’s fine’ kept repeating itself in Y/n’s head as she pursed her lips and grabbed her phone to see that the time still flew and didn’t wait for them. It did not wait and they were wasting time away from each other when they could be making it meaningful. 
The footsteps outside were heard now and Y/n knew that they didn’t have more time to sit and wallow in their sorrows of holding onto something that wasn’t there. 
“We have to start getting up.” The girl mumbled just to make sure that the first alarm had managed to wake up Jimin. It did for Y/n because she hadn’t been able to fall into a deep slumber because of all the thoughts.
It was harsh, it was like a strong tornado carrying all types of feelings in it came through the room and cut through Y/n’s skin. “I know, Y/n.” The softness was gone and Y/n bit her lower lip because despite it all they hadn’t been like two snakes around each other, ready to bite and leave venom any second. They hadn’t tried to make it sting more than it already did, but it seemed impossible to do for too long. 
The younger still caught the sweet scent of Jimin that made the moment slightly less bitter, reminding her of all the good times when she’d be drowned in the scent. The duvet was thrown off of Jimin who got up from the bed, grabbing the hoodie from the chair on her way and all she left behind was a whirlwind of unspoken emotions after leaving the door ajar when she walked out. 
Y/n grabbed the little bear that fell beside her and stared at it, looking for answers in the tears she knew that Jimin was shedding every night. She pretended that she didn’t hear it, that she was asleep, that she simply didn’t know that she was making the girl cry. It was easier that way and in the morning she would look at the bear and still get no answers. She couldn’t acknowledge her silent cries because they would have to do something about everything if she did. 
Practice went as usual, almost as usual for the two of them. They both wondered if the rest had noticed their lack of communication and how they occupied themselves with the others to not make eye contact by accident. If they did notice, it wasn’t like any of them would comment on it since Y/n and Jimin’s relationship wasn’t their business. 
It didn’t even seem to be Jimin and Y/n’s business anymore as neither of them spoke about it. 
Still half panting, Y/n sat on the couch with Minjeong as the two got engulfed in the Nintendo 3DS Y/n had brought with her. There was an emptiness that she hadn’t been able to grow used to, she had become so used to having someone always right next to her for the past three years. It wasn’t constant clinging to each other, but even the small things such as brushing their legs or glancing at each other. The loss of that made a void grow bigger each second and the only thing that would fill it was if things went back to how they used to be.
It made Y/n wonder if Jimin felt the same and so she glanced away from the game, her eyes landing on her girlfriend. She was so used to it so she wasn’t sure if it was Jimin specifically or just a habit that was hard to let go of now, all that affection. The girl was busy talking to Aeri and no matter what they were doing someone’s back was always turned to the other. Y/n’s hoodie-clad the girl’s upper body and Y/n tilted her head, thinking about how maybe that was what brought Jimin the comfort of having someone next to her, just the warmth and scent. 
Their confusion about the situation was what made it hard for them to get back to the intimacy they used to share.
The door opened and Ning walked in with their manager, catching everyone’s attention as it got noisier when they started to all converse while making it to the couch. However, Y/n looked back down at the 3DS to occupy her eyes with something for a few more seconds to not try to figure out where Jimin would sit this time. 
Aeri was about to sit on the wooden floor, her eyes seeing the lone spot left beside Y/n as Ning was already on the floor by Minjeong’s legs with her drink and one of the pastries. Jimin made sure to insist that she could take the spot, but it still left her in an awkward spot on the floor by Y/n’s legs. Her shoulder brushed against them, bumping into each other constantly and she couldn’t bring herself to sit still, especially not when all the emotions were bubbling inside her. 
She couldn’t remember being this emotional before. 
How else was she supposed to be when everything felt out of control and she had no clue what to do? There was nothing she could do no matter how hard she tried to catch everything only for it to slip right through her fingers. 
Jimin wanted to cry when she took a sip of her drink and something just had to top it all off when her order seemed nothing but wrong. Everything in her life was crumbling, she was in pure distress and despair. However, things only could get worse–they had yet to reach the bottom–and not better because among the cold there was always a warmth as she tried to stop the pout on her lips while staring at her drink. 
Jimin felt like a puddle of water in the middle of the road, no one appreciated them and walked around them and all they did was harbour filth; filth being these feelings that only grew bigger, the mess of a puddle becoming bigger too. 
She looked up at the hand that took her drink, her glossy eyes meeting Y/n’s for a split second. 
The younger felt a heat shoot through her body, it was as if she broke a limb at the pain that she felt seeing Jimin actually harbour these tears and not just cry at night when she thought that Y/n was asleep. It hurt her chest, she cared about Jimin, and she knew that she always would because before she became her lover she was her best friend and member. Maybe that's why it hurt even more. Y/n had no clue who she lost in this silent war they were stuck in. 
Was she losing a lover? A best friend? A member?
“You can have mine.” Y/n knew her, Jimin hated it because it made everything even harder and Y/n could see the way the tears grew as quickly as a high tide in the girl’s eyes. She looked hurt, she was hurting, they were hurting, but they continued to do so without saying anything. Why could Y/n tell from a certain pout that Jimin wasn’t satisfied with her food or drink? Why did they have to be so caring for each other? It made cold things warm and they had no clue why things were cold to begin with.
They didn’t want to lose it.
She took the iced green tea she knew that Y/n loved and the younger took her drink. All it took was a sip of it and it all got overwhelming once again because the thoughts didn’t stop crashing inside of her head, exploding and occupying every corner of her mind. It made her wonder if Y/n was busy thinking the same things throughout her whole day too and the thought of being the only one to do so hurt immensely. 
“I will be back–restroom.”
The girls hummed, going back to what they were doing as Jimin excused herself, leaving everything behind her and she wished she could do that with the reality that she didn’t want to live in. It was haunting her. 
She missed the days when her biggest worries in a relationship were that the promised forever wouldn’t be long enough and not that everything had possibly dropped dead like flies around them, that the forever would never happen. It was a painfully slow dance in a burning room that neither of them left just to see if they could still survive once everything had crumbled fully and the smoke had filled their lungs.
Y/n knew that letting time pass would be too painful to sit through. Nothing was waiting for them. Even if it meant a bigger gap, she gave her 3DS to Minjeong who continued on the game while Y/n had become a pawn in a game no one was controlling. It was a game of chaos no one could cultivate anything out of, no order, no logic, no helpful solutions. This was a game of walking a thin line of nothing and everything. 
It was too tiring, walking inside the bathroom felt like getting locked in the confines of a place where no one would ever find her, no one would see her. No one would see if Jimin broke down in the bathroom and it made relief wash over her and the tears spilled like a broken dam. That was all it took and she tried to calm down, but it wasn’t possible as she turned on the faucet, letting it run to drown out her snivels and deep breaths. 
It was exhausting to be crying almost every day, she didn’t know what sleep was anymore and all she lived for was sorrow, she lived to continue hurting. 
Why did they make something simple so complicated? Love was what made it complicated. 
She used the pads of her palms and wiped at her eyes while tilting her head back and letting out a shaky breath. It felt like there was no calming down from this and each second only made it worse. The silence despite the running water, the echoes in the tiled bathroom, and the stalls empty. 
Jimin could still remember all the other times she had been crying in the same bathroom when everything felt like it was all for nothing because she couldn’t feel fulfilment despite her achievements. She could remember the way her girlfriend would end up in the same bathroom, coaxing it all out of her, taking all her burdens and carrying them for her. Could Y/n do the same thing now when they both were in the same shoes?
Everything reminded her of Y/n except Y/n herself. They both felt distant and like different people. 
Even the light knock on the door was familiar and she took in a shuddering breath, turning to look at Y/n when she opened the door. It fell closed right after, her hands in the pockets of her sweatpants, restricting herself from all those instincts that always kicked in. Her eyes followed the hesitance that was clear in Jimin’s body that pulled to Y/n, but with so much trouble as she held the sleeve of the hoodie against her trembling lips. 
“Come on,” Y/n mumbled, knowing that it was all that was needed to get the girl to just break down fully. “It’s okay to not be okay,” she mumbled as she wrapped her arms around the girl’s shoulders who shook in her arms. The hot tears were burning against her pale skin, wetting her neck, trailing down and spilling like they never had before. Her cheek rested against the side of Jimin’s head, pulling her closer to her body, into her warmth because it was all still the same, but it felt different. 
What was it that exactly wasn’t okay? It wasn’t just them themselves, but them together and it ended up making both of them not feel okay. 
Jimin tightly wrapped her arms around Y/n’s waist, crying into her neck. She got pulled closer, her head being cradled by Y/n’s hand. All of it made it impossible to hold the walls up, the ones that were supposed to show that she wasn’t as bothered by it as she truly was. In reality, Jimin could barely breathe through it without falling into a panic attack. Hearing Y/n’s words, and hearing that it was okay made it so much easier to let it all out, especially when she was with the girl and held by her. 
The reassurance that it was okay to cry about the landslide made it easier. Y/n recognised the burdens and Jimin wasn’t alone.
“I’m sorry for how I took it out on you in the morning.” Y/n only hummed, holding her close as Jimin had been a rose with its thorns aimed at Y/n since they woke up. From the harsh words to the ways she blatantly shut her out even when it was a small question not to her girlfriend but to the leader of Aespa. Jimin was scared and it was affecting her role as a leader too, as a member of the group. The fear was consuming her life fully and was getting in the way of everything. 
“I’m just so tired and I can barely sleep at night.” Or maybe she could sleep just fine but chose to cry at night instead of closing her eyes. She woke up more tired each day, every little second got more exhausting than the other. 
“I know, I’m sorry for all of this.” The younger knew all about it, but what she didn’t know was what exactly she was apologising for. Y/n knew that Jimin was crying at night because of what was happening between them, but she knew that it wasn’t her fault or Jimin’s. It was natural, it would have happened at some point, right? Y/n inhaled, closing her eyes because it hurt her, but seeing how much it affected Jimin made it hurt so much more and it made everything more complicated. 
“We can’t keep going without knowing where it’s all heading. I’m confused and–” Y/n stopped her before they got too deep into the truth because neither of them was ready to let go just yet, neither wanted to end it just yet. They needed some more time, some more time to find more than just one option to end their pain. There always was more than one choice. 
She pulled away from Jimin, her upper body lingered with the warmth that the shorter girl left after her. Jimin gripped at Y/n’s sweater, knowing that once they let go they would be apart for what would feel like years again. The void between them would become even bigger than it already was and they would avoid it for much longer. 
“I care about you, nothing will change that and it’s all fine, Jimin.” She held her face cupped in her hands, tears hitting her skin as the girl looked up at her with quivering eyes. They knew that these false paintings of their relationship would make them feel better for now. Not in the long run, but they tried to live in the present–it didn’t matter if they reminisced and avoided the problems of the present. 
Jimin blinked her eyes, trying her best to run into the daydream, trying to escape reality. Her eyes closed, hoping that she would be thrown into her daydream as Y/n kissed her forehead. 
She missed the pretty sunset sky, the fireworks, the green grass, the clouds that came in different shapes and would be fluffy. It was like a childish dream and possibly some people had been right when they said that young love was complicated. It wasn’t like they cared, they had always felt like teenagers in love with each other. 
Why wasn’t it working though? Where did it all go? It no longer felt like a daydream. It no longer felt like it used to do. 
It was so difficult to grasp something that physically wasn’t there, neither of them could grasp it, at the feelings. Love was so beautifully painful the way it painted them with all these different colours. The canvas would always be filled with them and to the eye it would always be beautiful but to the souls that served as the canvas it would always be heaven and hell. Among white there was blue, among blue there was green, among green there was red and it went on. 
The daydream was constantly corrupted by the harsh reality. 
It was like walking a tightrope.
The smallest mistakes felt deadly.
The stupidest mistakes.
It would be laughable if it weren’t for the fact that there was so much on the line. 
It was part of the social culture and Y/n had happened to fall victim to it because a few cigarettes had turned into a pack or two a week. What were her reasons? Probably all that went on in her hectic life, but it hadn’t been easy to sneak around with an addiction. It got especially hard when the dorm arrangements changed because she and Jimin got together. 
Y/n had managed to sneak around for a whole two months. All it took was one week of sharing a room with Jimin who gave up on pretending that she didn’t notice the lingering smell of tobacco on Y/n and slowly herself. 
‘Fine, I will quit for you.’
‘Not for me. For yourself and your health.’
‘Doing it for you makes it easier.’
‘Only if you don’t start doing it again. It will hurt to think that doing it for me wasn’t enough.’
‘I promise.’
Even the simplest promises were being broken. It felt all the more hopeless.
It was hard, to say the least with starting to dose down on how much she smoked until it was nothing at all. Y/n had never thought of herself as someone who grew addicted easily, but nicotine turned out to be a bitch and even a year and a half after quitting the cravings came back. There were certain times when they were extra tempting, it made her irritated and restless. It was times like these that she always had her substitutes for them, from nicotine patches to nicotine gum or simply Jimin. 
This time it felt like Jimin was the cause of the cravings. 
The world around them no longer felt real because of how they had surrounded themselves in a fake reality. 
“Did you slam the door in my face?” Venom, that was what Jimin spat out, pure venom behind her words as she locked the door to the green room. The rest were out and talking to their label mates, but it was better to make sure they didn’t walk in if they came back earlier. The last thing Jimin or Y/n wanted was for the rest to notice that everything around them was crumbling, that it had all become a smoke screen. 
Y/n inhaled deeply, rummaging through her stuff, ignoring the clatter as she was on the brink of losing it. “I didn’t and if I did, it wasn’t intentionally. I had no fucking clue you were behind me.” It was a low mutter, but it was just as poisonous as Jimin’s tone which had been louder. At the back of her head, Y/n had been expecting Jimin to be right behind her, she was the whole reason why she was buzzing with cravings. 
“You slammed it in my face and an apology wouldn’t hurt you, Y/n.” Jimin had no clue why she was letting it drag on. She could have dropped it, she was aware that Y/n didn’t know and even if she did, Jimin knew she deserved ten more doors slammed closed in her face. 
“You want me to apologise?” Y/n snapped that easily and it had never happened between the two of them–the cravings only made it worse together with the tension of constantly being on their guard not to let anything slip past them. 
They never really fought to begin with. All those small fights that never meant anything, that never held any real frustrations, it was different now. Those pent-up emotions came out and spilled right over the head of the other. Y/n wanted to throw it at Jimin because her girlfriend had been doing it since they landed in Tokyo. They were being petty for the sake of being it and not for any good causes. Y/n tossed the stuff onto the table, ignoring the even louder clatter of the things and continued to look through her stuff. 
“Called manners.” She commented. It was like she knew that something so simple would irk Y/n more than she already was, especially in this state.
“Oh, so Karina wants to talk manners.” Y/n huffed and turned around, leaning back against the table. Her arms crossed as she gripped onto her arms, hiding the tremor in her fingers as the anger and everything else was overwhelming. She hated fighting with the girl, but it felt inevitable when they were alone in the room with so much tension already lingering between them. 
The past couple of fights they’ve had been nothing but hurtful with no apologies after, pretending it never happened to begin with. 
Jimin’s eyes squinted at the words, Y/n barely called her by her stage name even when they were on stage. Hearing her bring it up was enough to let her know what Y/n was pointing at.
Jimin was falling under the pressure of juggling work and a relationship she could no longer figure out. It had never been a problem for them, but she felt like she had failed her role in the group by letting personal conflicts get in the way. 
Nonetheless, it would be impossible to admit to now when they were in an argument that grew by the second. 
“Don’t comment on my work ethic when you barely have yours under control. You’re being sensitive.” She argued, knowing very well that she had been letting her complex emotions and confusion about where she and Y/n were heading get in the way of her professionalism. 
“You’re the one crying over a door.” Y/n scoffed in disbelief, pointing at the door in question that was behind Jimin. The girl pulled on the strings of her hoodie in frustration at Y/n’s words. It only fueled her on, she couldn’t remember being able to get this angry with Y/n before, she had never thought that she could get angry with her. Or maybe it wasn’t anger that she felt towards Y/n, but just frustration because of how confusing their relationship had turned. How dead it was. 
Maybe she was angry at herself, at the world, or at how confusing love could be. She was angry at the fact that they let it die to begin with. 
“Because you slammed it in my face!” This time she let her voice fly way above what she imagined she would, her foot stomping down in frustration. The tears welled up in her eyes so easily, that constant haunting fragile mentality as everything was hurting and it didn’t let her breathe. 
“Because you are doing a shit job at being a leader!” Y/n watched Jimin pace around, watching how desperately she tried to get rid of her tears. Those tears of frustration, not knowing how else to take it out she yelled at Y/n and cried, but there was only so much that could cover her tears now. 
“Don’t comment on my work ethic, Y/n.” She repeated and found herself in front of Y/n, it almost felt dangerous to be so close to each other at a moment like this. It was scary because they had never had these fights and being so close to what used to be just comfort felt wrong, it felt wrong to bring these feelings into their safety net.
It ruined their purpose, the place they went to when they wanted to escape these feelings, the pressure, the world. It was all truly gone, wasn’t it?
She could feel it all spiral, leaving them with no control over what happened between them in the room.
“Someone has to when you forget how to separate relationships from work. Be a fucking leader and answer a fucking question instead of shutting me out because of our personal life.”
“It’s not easy when this is what it looks like!” She threw her arms, motioning to the mess they were together, the one they both had been avoiding because of how complicated it was. It was hard not to notice, but impossible to truly acknowledge and so it all mixed into everything else.  
“Nothing is ever easy for you, is it? That’s why I always become your punching bag when things go wrong.” The words left Y/n bitterly, her hands gripping onto the table behind her as she exhaled these deep breaths that helped with nothing. Watching Jimin with tears in her eyes wasn’t helping, but Y/n felt like the girl had been trampling all over her. She was using her title as a leader and girlfriend in a nonchalant way, she was neglecting Y/n as a member and not a lover. 
“That’s not true and you know it.” Jimin knew that it was all true, her tone faltering as she would feel even more guilty if she raised her voice to spit out lies. It hurt too much to say the truth of the situation. 
“It has been even more true lately,” Y/n muttered, her eyes leaving Jimin’s. 
It felt like the woman in front of her was trying to coax her into forgiving her without Jimin having to apologise. Y/n was done doing those things. She couldn’t put it all aside like all the other times when she accepted Jimin’s apologies she never even said. The ones where Y/n blatantly admitted to being wrong even when she wasn’t because she didn’t want to fight or see Jimin cry.
“Because–because—” Now came the difficult part for Jimin who had no good excuse for this and she knew that she was wrong. The problem bigger than this one was her pride and ego, they got in the way, especially now after how tense everything has been.  
“It doesn’t matter. Nothing is changing.” It made Jimin’s heart drop, Y/n’s stomach twisting at her own words that she never wanted to say. It was what it felt like though. 
She gently grabbed Jimin’s shoulder to have her step aside as she stood up to walk out the door. 
“Don’t say that.” A quiver fell from between her lips, a lump in Jimin’s throat that cut deep and made it all bleed much worse than it already was. Her hand grabbed Y/n’s to have her stay because, in the end, she didn’t want her lover to leave, not just yet and she quickly stopped in front of Y/n. She would never accept those words, not now at least because hearing them made her lightheaded, it made her chest clench and she wanted to collapse onto the floor to be swallowed before she could feel more pain.
“Where’s our manager? I need her to buy cig–”
“You’re not smoking just because things go wrong for us!” It wasn’t possible to speak with a quivering voice, it was too soft so she raised her voice again. She still cared about Y/n as a member, friend, lover and person, it didn’t matter what was going on between them. Jimin would always care about Y/n. Her hand bunched up the material of Y/n’s shirt in her hand as to keep the girl from leaving her. She refused to let go, in the end, she wasn’t supposed to want anything else but Y/n and even if her feelings were different she clung to that idea. 
That there was only one person for the both of them.
“Is this something else you want to cry about!? You didn’t bring my shit with you because you’re being petty and expect me to break habits.” It had become a habit, Jimin had become someone Y/n relied on with most of her things. If Jimin had been packing certain things for her it had become a habit that she would do it every time and it never crossed Y/n’s mind to do it herself anymore. 
It had never bothered Jimin either and now it was doing nothing but pissing both of them off. Those flaws they had accepted and learned to love before were nothing but a hassle to deal with now and they wanted the other to erase them and change. To change so they could learn to love these new people they would become.
“If you said that you quit for me then fucking keep the promise or will you break them all just because it isn’t working out for us at the moment? And I’m not your mother, Y/n, why do you rely on me packing your fucking things!” She shoved Y/n by the shoulder, wanting to get her away from her even for a split second because she was boiling over with emotions. It would never end well no matter who they were fighting with when there were too many emotions.
Jimin felt conflicted at her own pushing and pulling as she one second wanted no one but Y/n and the other second she couldn’t stand the girl.
“Everything I did for you feels like a waste at the moment when all you give me is headaches, Jimin.” Y/n’s voice was rough and loud, ignoring that they had more performances tomorrow. Jimin could feel the vibrations in her ribcage and she harshly wiped away the tears. It felt like Y/n didn’t deserve her tears at this exact moment, not after those words. She snivelled, still unable to stop them though because how couldn’t she cry when this was what they were now?
They continuously watched what they used to be washed away with each wave that clashed with their shore and dragged away the good to leave filth behind instead.
“I fucking regret even giving you an ounce of my time and life because you’re nothing but a pain to look after. You don’t get to be angry at me because I had to worry about not forgetting my stuff and yours on top of everything!” She couldn’t help but feel like all the blame was now coming her way and maybe she had let Y/n get too comfortable. Jimin couldn’t help it then, but the longer it went on the more she realised that it wouldn’t work that way. 
“You’re like a manchild for fuck’s sake.” Jimin groaned out as it continued to dawn upon her how much of an immature child Y/n could be. Had she been blind all this time? Why did she suddenly mind it? Why were these words even leaving her mouth when she had always loved and accepted Y/n for the person that she was? Were they just looking for reasons to make it all stop? 
“You made it a habit and I stuck to it. Suck it up the same way I have to suck up when I’m your punching bag whenever things don’t go your way.” Y/n couldn’t help but truly realise how much she always let Jimin get away with. The things she would say, the things she would do that hurt, Y/n always forgave her for every little thing because Jimin could do no wrong in her eyes. Jimin was spiralling right now because Y/n hadn’t forgiven her yet for how she had been pushing the younger girl around for the past few days as a member of the same group.
Here she was, still letting the woman in front of her shove her around and blame her for her own mistakes. The way she always forgave Jimin within seconds when she saw tears in her eyes even if Jimin was in the wrong. Y/n felt played by the older now as she realised how their dynamic had worked. 
Y/n would always be the one to take the blame even when it wasn’t hers to take. 
Jimin would always be the one to suffer from how much she took on herself willingly because Y/n couldn’t do it.
“You were playing video games instead of packing even after you saw how stressed I was with my stuff. You got upset over your motion sickness patches, your headphones, fucking lenses and now your gum. I’m fucking surprised you packed your clothes!” 
“I’m sorry that I couldn’t even enter the room without you getting pissed off because I would breathe. I’m not the one being immature but you, Jimin. You are the one who mixed our relationship into work, you’re the one who isn’t professional–” The older girl could feel herself boil over with anger with each point that Y/n made, each word pushing her closer to the edge. She felt like the points Y/n made were being invalidated, Y/n had yet to accept it for what it was and Jimin hated having the truth about herself being pointed out this way. 
“–the one to force habits and then thinking you can just switch them up within a second because you suddenly don’t like what you wanted. Not the whole world revolves around you, but you’ve been too fucking selfish lately to realise it.” Despite all the coldness between them and all that seemed gone, they hung on because every day small things happened that gave them hope–small gestures were enough and they were brought back to the past. It felt as if Jimin hadn’t been trying to work towards each other, but away from each other. “I’m always looking out for you and caring for you.”
Jimin was simply too scared to move anywhere at all because it felt like the smallest mistake would make what was left fall apart fully. She felt paralysed by how scared she was of the truth. It was like having bricks constantly pile on her chest, it was difficult to breathe with them there, and it was difficult to move with them there. The girl felt like she was chained to the pits of hell while staring up at heaven in hopes of it coming down to her. 
What it ended with was it looked like she was selfish for being too scared to move, as if she wanted the world to revolve around her. And maybe if it did it would make everything easier for her. 
“Go fuck yourself Y/n and stop trying to make yourself look like a hero when you make as many mistakes as I do.” Jimin scoffed and wiped at her eyes as she pushed past Y/n, they both felt completely neglected and invalidated by the other. The reality of what it always has been wasn’t easy to swallow because it had never bothered them until now. She was aware that she made mistakes, but Y/n made them too and couldn’t claim the title of a hero when they did as much caring as they did hurting.
Y/n turned on her heels as Jimin pushed past her, she could see the anger, despair and distress clouding her. It was like a grey cloud over their heads, constantly being there for them when they didn’t want it. “It doesn’t excuse your mistakes either and considering my girlfriend won’t do it, yeah, I will ‘cause she’s too busy being stuck up.” Y/n could tell that the last of her words were too much, that they were too disrespectful and insensitive, and that she shouldn’t even be thinking about it right now. Maybe Jimin was right about being nothing but a ‘manchild’. 
Y/n truly felt the consequences of her words when Jimin felt them dig deep into her heart and it was enough to throw everything else out. It was just for a second and she knew she could regret it and feel guilty about it later. The stinging on her palm would subside, but feeling disrespected by Y/n for the first time in her life would linger far longer as she turned back around and landed it across the younger’s cheek. 
“You’re an immature fucking child, Y/n. I’m not just for your pleasure and needs, so fucking respect me.” She spat out, holding onto the girl’s shirt with her stinging hand as it all shut Y/n up. The two were able to very clearly see through each other like glass, it wasn’t even like glass, but air from how clear it was and all they could see was pain and hurt. They caused each other pain and hurt and everything else they used to make each other feel was gone—but then came those moments where it wasn’t gone even if it was for a second and so they held on.
They both felt horrible as Jimin grabbed her things while wiping her tears, not sparing Y/n more glances. All she knew was that she needed to cry to let it all subside for even a bit. Y/n slumped down on the couch, the nicotine cravings slapped out of her. She held her cold palm against her cheek trying to ease the pulsating pain she knew she deserved and Jimin did too as they both were suffering for keeping each other chained down. 
Maybe they had never been perfect, to begin with.
Were all these things stuff they had always wanted to say and they now took the opportunity to do so since everything was already falling apart? Did they hold back on saying these things before because they were scared that they would ruin everything? Or were these things something that should have been brought up a long time ago to make it work out? 
They couldn’t answer that. No one could because it was too late.
Jimin had known that she would feel bad after, that the guilt would eat at her. She was terrified that their relationship had taken a new step forward, towards a goal they didn’t want to reach when Y/n slept in Minjeong’s hotel room. The two peers–in age–were close in the end and so Jimin spent the night tossing and turning wondering if the truth would come out now. That their love was under ruins, crushed and bleeding to death, setting the truth in stone and burying what they used to have six feet under to start a new life. 
She wondered if Y/n spent the whole night awake. Jimin could barely fall asleep knowing they were in the same bed, but with their backs turned to each other, let alone after what happened. She could barely sleep because of how her insides twisted in hopes of escaping to get away from the excruciating pain. The part of them being away after what went down only made her even more anxious. 
The girl got her answers the next day when Y/n was tired and Minjeong went on about her day without a single knowing glance or word. 
They had avoided each other unless they were on stage, but the second they came off it was back to normal. The new normal, they both missed the old normal but they seemingly couldn’t go back to it. 
Or so they thought because once again all that they had been missing poured over them like a rainstorm. 
The simple idea for all of them to go out and eat after the days of performing. There had been an undoubtful tension between the two and not for the same reason they would like to think. It felt horrible to sit beside each other without having apologised for what had happened. However, the longer they sat at the table the closer they seemed to get, but it could have been the alcohol in their veins. 
“I swear, it’s the first time these two aren’t all over each other.” 
Y/n felt a slight heat shoot through her, one of anxiety at Ning’s drunken words because now everyone seemed aware of the situation. It could have been the fact that they dared to speak up about it when they were drunk. Y/n didn’t know what it was, but she toyed with one of the side dishes, knowing that she and Jimin always got more affectionate when they were drunk.
“Tired, that’s all…” Y/n mumbled, trailing off as she looked over at Jimin who sat right beside her–the rest continuing the chatter. The two had been coming closer and closer with each shot of soju and every beer they finished. They could feel the other's heat on them, craving each other in this state no matter what had happened between them for the past months. They craved the affection of the other so much that it hurt, it was boiling from the inside and they were waiting for the other to cave in so they could be close. 
She watched for a second more as Jimin struggled with the marinated perilla leaf, lip between her teeth as she gently swayed, going over her limit this time. Y/n would always be the one to cave in for the older girl. Jimin rarely drank more than she could handle and even that was a lot, but Y/n could tell she was trying to drown herself further. The older woman was already drowning in all her emotions and trying to drown them in alcohol only intensified it all and Jimin felt like she would burst any second and start begging in front of everyone else. 
Y/n turned in her seat the slightest, her attention on the woman who was still the most beautiful one she had ever seen. The one she desired, but it was all so different no matter how beautiful they both were to each other. Her right hand reached over to Jimin, brushing the hair behind her ear and reaching with her left for the leaf. 
Eyes were glossed over, like polished glass from alcohol when Jimin finally looked up and Y/n picked up the leaf, her hand still holding back the hair so it wouldn’t get in the way. 
It was crushing both of them. Jimin felt her world brighten up with hope that had no space in their world anymore, but she wasn’t letting go yet. Y/n fed her with eyes gazing over Jimin’s features, feeling excruciating pain at the fact that she had made her cry, at the fact that they kept hurting each other unintentionally by holding on. It was worth it when these moments still managed to slip through the cracks and let in some light. 
Y/n let go of the latter's hair and wrapped her arm around Jimin’s waist when she leaned into her, resting her weight on Y/n’s side. Her hands found Y/n’s warmth as they pushed under the girl's loose sweater, doing all the holding on that she could. 
“I miss you.” They were sentimental words as Jimin gently whispered, her breath brushing over Y/n’s neck and the younger girl pulled her closer. Y/n took in a deep breath at how homesick she felt for a home she no longer had. They missed each other, they missed what they used to have, but no longer did and it dug into their hearts with no care, tearing them into pieces at how messy it felt. 
“I miss you–miss us,” Y/n mumbled, their world shutting the rest out, inhaling the smog-filled air of everything that had burned down to ashes. Jimin hummed as her eyes closed, hoping that the drunk sentiment would be able to suffice for now even if it was for just one night. All they needed was one night to figure it out, to get to feel what they missed and see if they could bring it all back to life. She felt Y/n’s soft lips press against her head and she nuzzled her face further into the scent that used to be a home and now was only what was left of one.
Her lips gently pressed over Y/n’s skin, her nails gently scratching over Y/n’s back as she moved her other hand up. She cupped the younger’s face, thumb caressing the porcelain-like skin she deeply regretted putting her hand on but she couldn’t regret it when she thought back on what they said to each other. Jimin deserved to suffer for her actions and Y/n deserved to suffer just as much. They would continue until they did the necessary.
Y/n got her head tilted down and looked at Jimin who rested her head against the younger’s shoulder. Her eyes pleaded for a remedy for all the heartbreak even if it was for just one night. To just get away from reality for a few hours. Her fingers brushed over Y/n’s cheek. Y/n gave a small nod and reached over for the beer she had left, finishing it and hoping it would all last long enough and not end the way it did a few days ago. 
“Will you guys mind if we leave early?” The girl asked, but it was already set in stone as she grabbed her jacket and helped Jimin up. They looked over at the two who were closer to each other than they had been for the past few months as Y/n put her jacket over Jimin. 
“Not at all,” Aeri replied, the rest humming in agreement.
It was a short walk to the hotel, wrapped up in each other the whole way and not letting go for a second as they walked in silence, scared to let go or say something that would make it difficult to be this way again. 
They at last did let go as they walked inside the hotel room, but it all shifted for a second as Y/n kicked off her shoes and sat down at the foot of the bed. There was no escaping this landslide, the clash that destroyed so much as she missed what she used to have with Jimin, but had no clue if they could get that back. It tied knots around her heart and tugged on it constantly. 
The latter managed to get her shoes off, the jacket falling after her as she walked over to Y/n. Despite the slight blur, she could see clearly through everything else and now was the only time she knew she could apologise. 
It used to be easier. 
The girl took a deep breath and looked away from her hands and at Jimin who kneeled beside her. Her chin rested against Y/n’s thigh as she stared up at her girlfriend, her lower lip slightly jutted out. The younger one hummed, her hand running through Jimin’s hair as she caressed her scalp gently, missing the touch of someone else. The back of her fingers trailed over Jimin’s cold cheek who grabbed hold of Y/n’s hand, intertwining their fingers.
The silence braced them as they stared at each other, heads tilting, ears filling with the heavy yet soft breaths from alcohol-filled veins, the buzz of the outside world only faint. That silence of acceptance of what their love was, what it used to be and how it no longer was. 
Jimin heaved a sigh and rested her cheek against Y/n’s thigh, staring off into the dimly lit hotel room. The sentiment of sorrow, sadness and nostalgia as everything had become too farro reach now and it would be hard to save anything. If they could continue to pretend then everything would go back to being fine. If they lived a lie long enough, it would become their reality. 
“I’m sorry about the other day—” She mumbled, slumped on the floor and her gaze moved as she tilted her head to look Y/n in the eye. Their eyes connected, filled with the buzz of alcohol, and the perception of the fake reality they had created in their head washed over them. Those small gestures that made hope wash over them wouldn’t change anything, would they? They didn’t want to think about it. “I shouldn’t have raised my hand,” her lips momentarily formed into a pout at the disdain she felt for her actions.
Jimin knew there was no excuse for it even if she felt like an emotional wreck. They were losing control and it was starting to deeply affect them. They were going full speed through crossings with no hands on the wheels, covering their eyes to not look at the truth and soon enough they would crash right into a wall. 
“It’s okay, it’s fine,” Y/n always let Jimin get away with everything and nothing would probably ever change that.
Jimin shook her head, lifting it from Y/n’s thigh as she got up to stand on her two feet. Y/n’s fingers tangled into the sweatshirt the girl had on as she stood between her legs. Despite the slight tremors in Jimin’s fingers, buzzing with more than just alcohol, but also a surge of feelings, the uncertainty, longing, feelings of loss and hope; she cupped Y/n’s face in her hands. Her touch was soft as Y/n’s glimmering eyes met her.
“I shouldn’t have acted the way I did either.” Y/n mumbled, closing her eyes and resting in Jmin’s hands who caressed her features with her thumbs. They still would always melt at the affection because it was normal to crave, but it didn’t feel like it used to. Aside from it feeling good, those other things didn’t spread across them. “I’m sorry.” 
That sorry felt like it was for more than what happened in that room and Jimin knew it. She knew that the apology was because they both genuinely felt bad for letting a promise of forever die. 
‘I love you.’
‘Never stop loving me, Y/n.’
‘I will love you forever, I promise.’
‘I will love you forever, Y/n, I will always care about you.’
‘Don’t cry, Jimin, I’m always here for you.’
Jimin deeply exhaled and closed her eyes before she could let the tears even form and with a lump in her throat she closed the gap between them. Their lips met in a kiss to suckle on the hope left in them. It was eagerness, it was to forget and not to remember. Y/n’s hands grabbed hold of Jimin’s hips, pulling her closer.
They tilted their heads to meet tongues that tasted as bitter as the beer they had and the longing for what they had lost, as sweet as the sake they downed and the reverie they lived in. It was with desperation because it felt like it was the last of them that was left and they would do everything to latch onto it and stick forever. The forever they had promised. 
Jimin ran her fingers through Y/n’s hair, pushing deeper, wanting to feel more, she needed more. She needed Y/n, she missed the touch against her body and that was all that it felt like for them now. The fulfilment of each other’s needs and nothing else as Jimin discarded Y/n’s sweater, letting it fall to the floor. Her cool hands ran over the warm skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps, emotions swirling under their skin as they pulled away to remove Jimin’s top. 
Their eyes locked, looking for something, searching, but they had no clue what they were trying to find anymore. It ended quicker than expected and their lips met once again, meeting tongues and letting out desperate sounds. Y/n’s fingertips grazed over Jimin’s skin as if the girl was made of gold, the gentle and careful touch making the latter bubble with more need. She ran them over her sides, tracing every ridge, coming to her spine with one hand as the other slid over her ribs until she reached the hem of Jimin’s jeans. 
With ease she undid them and as they fell to the floor the older girl straddled Y/n who huffed at the weight that pressed down against her growing cock. As Jimin looked Y/n in the eye, the girl reached over to her face, brushing away the black strands of hair. She could still see a sparkle in Y/n’s eyes, but it was flickering. It wasn’t there for the same reasons that it used to sparkle. This was for the lust that would always linger inside their veins.
“Make me feel good, you owe me this,” Jimin mumbled, knowing that they both owed each other this for the things they had been putting the other through for the past months. This was finally their chance to make the other feel good in a way that was more than just sentimental. There was no sentiment in lust because it had never been part of it, but now it ruled them. 
She grabbed Y/n’s hand which was still by her face and captured those sweet lips while guiding the hand to the back of her bra. Jimin trailed her kisses away from Y/n’s lips and along her jawline, slowly going further and nuzzling her nose into her neck. The scent was still one of her favourites. She took it in and ran her tongue over the skin before wrapping her lips around it. 
It made Y/n stall with the bra, a faint whimper falling from between her lips as Jimin slowly started to gyrate her hips, rolling her heat against Y/n’s that was straining against her jeans. “I want your lips on me Y/n.” She breathed out against the red mark, wanting to feel the pleasure, they both wanted to be brought out of this hell they had painted as heaven. This was their chance. 
Y/n bit her lower lip, her neck being plated with kisses by Jimin all while the girl continued to press against her cock, grinding slowly while releasing shaky breaths between kisses. The girl managed to undo the bra and only then did her girlfriend pull away, letting Y/n remove it fully whose eyes focused on her chest right away. Jimin’s words hadn’t fallen deaf to her ears and all she wanted was to give the girl exactly what she wanted. This was the only thing that they could make work. 
“I love every inch of you.” Any other time the words would burn within Jimin’s soul and leave their mark and they had done so permanently, but they no longer reached as deep. They were all for the outside as they had changed from the inside towards each other. 
Her fingers tangled at the back of Y/n’s head, gently making her look her in the eye as she tilted her head. “Show me instead.” It was like a whisper, her lips ghosting Y/n’s, knowing that she would be able to feel more from actions rather than words now. 
Y/n manoeuvred them, laying Jimin down on the bed, legs wrapped around her waist as she stood by the edge of the bed. The girl bunched up the duvet beside Jimin’s head, taking one last look at her chest before she leaned down to show how much she appreciated her body. With fingers tangled in her hair and nails scratching her scalp Y/n started to leave scorching kisses along Jimin’s skin.
Her tongue soothed over the pulse, tenderly kissing down, her kisses tickling as she trailed down, taking in the soft hums and breaths that the girl let out. She came down to her collarbones, grazing her teeth over them, leaving her marks after her as those were the only good ones they managed to leave on each other now. Everything that went deeper hurt. 
A faint gasp left Jimin’s mouth when lips fervently latched onto her chest, all the heat running through her body and shooting straight to her aching clit. “Fuck,” was all that she could mutter at the warm tongue playing with her nipple, sucking on the tender flesh. Y/n’s devotion to what was left of them was shown through the way she consumed her flesh, leaving her bites to linger.
Y/n moved her mouth to the other nipple, her hand coming down to fondle the older’s chest. It was enough for more sounds to start coming from Jimin at the way her nipples were being played with and her chest littered with kisses. It made her thighs tense around Y/n’s waist, pulling her closer and when the rough material pressed against her cunt a moan fell from her lips. The younger girl hummed, pressing more against Jimin while toying with the hard nipples with her mouth and fingers, twisting and pulling, touching her in a way only she knew. 
It was yet another thing that was hard to let go of. The fact that they knew each other’s bodies so well and knew exactly what to do. It was all working against what should be done and driving them towards pipe dreams.
Her chest heaved, losing her words as they all came out breathless, being greedy for more to fill all the emptiness that had been growing for the past months. “You’re so good, baby.” She hummed, her eyes closing as her mind finally went empty, it went silent with everything else and all they could focus on was the moment and not what was and what would be. It was enough to make Y/n’s hips press more into Jimin, slowly moving them for friction while leaving the older’s chest glistening. 
She slowly started to move down further, kissing along the heaving slim stomach until she was on her knees in front of Jimin. The lacy black underwear seeped through with her arousal and Y/n’s fingers hooked at their hem, looking up at Jimin who was sitting up and looking down at her with lust-clouded eyes. She leaned back against her palms, raising her hips and letting Y/n peel off the last piece of her body.
Her hands ran over Jimin’s thighs, spreading her legs further apart while biting onto her lower lip at the view of her glistening pussy that was leaking with juices. She lifted the girl’s leg and rested it over her shoulder before she started to kiss along her inner thighs, gently biting and sucking on the soft flesh as her hands needily kneaded them. It made Jimin heave a sigh, her hand coming to grab hold of Y/n’s head, dwelling in the feeling of the butterfly kisses left along her inner thighs. 
Through her hooded eyes, she watched Y/n, making eye contact every time the younger looked up through her lashes for approval of what she was doing despite knowing Jimin’s body better than most things. Her fingers pressed into the flesh as her arm was wrapped around one of her thighs, inching closer until she reached the girl’s heat. It was enough to make the older girl squirm the slightest when she got pulled closer to the edge before feeling the wet muscle drag between her folds.
Y/n grabbed hold of her waist with her free hand, holding Jimin in place to not have her squirm too much. Her tongue ran between her folds, spreading the wetness as she dipped her head and circled the grasping hole. The grip on her hair tightened, ears being filled with soft moans and whimpers as she continued to work her tongue and lips around the puffy cunt. She sucked on her lips, enjoying the mess that was spreading on her chin, lapping every little bit up to get more on her tongue. 
Jimin slowly felt herself lose her mind at the teasing tongue, Y/n taking her time to continue working her up. The need continued to bubble inside her, her clit throbbing for attention and her hole clenching as she wanted to be filled until she would feel numb in the brain for at least a few minutes. This was finally something they could grasp at, the escape from everything even the daydream they had created, getting to a real one even if it wouldn’t last too long.
The light moans filled the hotel room when Y/n’s lips at last wrapped around her swollen clit, her tongue coming out to flick at the bud. The pace between slow and fast, sucking and flicking was making Jimin’s thighs tremble around the girl’s head. Her fingers were tangled in Y/n’s hair, pulling her closer to her pussy as her hips faintly bucked at the pleasure. 
Y/n drowned, getting as much pleasure from drowning between Jimin’s soft thighs as the girl above her was feeling from the tongue that was toying with her needy cunt. She caressed her heaving stomach with her other hand, kneading the plush flesh of her thigh as she felt Jimin pull her further into her with her leg that was on her shoulder. 
“Fuck, Y/n–” She whined, her breathing picking up and growing heavier the longer her clit was played with. She could feel it all slowly approaching her and soon enough she would reach the edge and fall off of it. 
The girl dipped her head, her nose rubbing against the swollen clit and her tongue lapped at the juices. The room filled with the sopping sounds of Jimin’s pussy and moans and Y/n’s mouth messily eating her out, moaning at the taste and tugs on her hair, her cock throbbing at how good it felt. With the sticky mess collected on her tongue, she circled her clit and went back to flicking at it and tugging with her lips. 
“So close, ‘m so close, baby.” 
Her body started to tense up, Y/n’s ears muffled at how the thighs locked around her head with her head being held in place. It made her sore tongue work harder to be able to hear Jimin’s voice go up higher. 
That was enough for the older girl to lose her control and the sounds started to spill from her mouth, moaning Y/n’s name in a high pitch. Her body got consumed by heat as her vision blacked out and her ears started to buzz when the orgasm hit its peak as Y/n continued to flick at her clit. It was making her whine and buck her hips for more until she felt herself crash back down to reality. She heaved for air, loosening her grip on Y/n’s hair and the girl slowed down, only leaving small kisses along her skin that was scorching. 
When she got back up on her feet their lips met in a vivid kiss, Jimin’s hands working on Y/n’s jeans to undo the loose material. She tugged them down together with Y/n’s boxers, her hand wrapping around the thick cock that was scalding in her hold as she pumped it, smearing the precum as she reached the swollen tip. The whimpers that fell from Y/n’s lips were swallowed by Jimin, moaning into the intense kiss. 
She pulled Y/n down, making her lay down on the bed, the younger girl moved back until she was in the middle of the bed, leaning against her elbows. Her eyes were on Jimin who got on the bed before crawling over to her. They got engulfed in each other's heat as she straddled Y/n who slumped back, running her hands over the girl’s thighs and to the back of her ass to caress it. 
“No one knows me like you do.” She whispered, leaning down and letting her lips brush over Y/n’s with her fingers tracing along her jawline. No one knew Jimin like Y/n did and no one knew Y/n like Jimin did and even if it looked the way it did, they carried that fact with pride. She pecked the girl's lips, pulling away and letting Y/n chase after her as she tried to grab hold of Jimin’s face, but got her hands pinned down to the bed. 
“Jimin–” She tried although was cut off as she let her head fall back against the mattress, fingers twisting the duvet as her wrists were held down by the girl on top of her. 
“I hate that now.” She admitted, hating that no one knew her as well as Y/n and that no one would ever get to know her as well again. They had learned from their mistakes and now no one would ever be able to compare. There was no one she would open up to like this again, not when it hurt so much when it all died. They didn’t want to go through this pain twice when they never wanted to experience it to begin with.
“I know.” Jimin huffed, her lips brushing over Y/n’s neck because obviously, the younger girl would know that Jimin hated it now. “Do you regret it?” Y/n mumbled, doing her best to not squirm under the girl who was leaving light kisses along her neck. The words from the other day still lingering, but Jimin knew that she never meant what she said about regretting it.
“No matter how much it hurts–” Jimin pulled away and looked Y/n in the eye, the younger’s head tilting to the side as she stared up at her with hopeful eyes. Y/n’s eyes alone were enough for Jimin to know the answer, she knew it right away as she reached her hand down to Y/n’s face, one still holding her wrists down. Her thumb tenderly caressed along Y/n’s cheek and over her lips. “I could never regret everything I’ve given you.” And everything she gave was all that she had after she placed herself in Y/n’s hands and she would always be there even if what made her give herself in the first place had withered. 
Her thumb tugged down on Y/n’s lip before she leaned down and attached their lips once again. Sighs fell from between their lips, Jimin’s hand running between their bodies to grab hold of Y/n’s cock. 
Y/n pulled away from the kiss, panting for air as her eyes fell between their bodies, watching Jimin drag the swollen tip through her folds, the slickness and warmth were enough to make Y/n bite back a whine at how good it felt. The grip on her wrists tightened when her tip made contact with Jimin’s clenching hole, slowly pushing into the tightness that sucked her in. 
“So tight.” The younger mumbled, her chest heaving at the anticipation as she watched herself slowly disappear inside of the girl on top of her, splitting her folds with her cock. The tight walls engulfed her length, grasping it and sucking her inside with greed as they continuously clenched at the stretch. 
“You make me feel so full.” Jimin sighed with a whine at the slight pain. 
Y/n’s eyes stayed glued on how her cock got engulfed by Jimin’s tight pussy, splitting her lips around the thick shaft and she slowly moved. The older girl hummed, letting go of Y/n’s wrists. Both her palms rested on top of the girl’s stomach with her nails slightly digging in at the painful stretch. Hands caressed her thighs while she lowered herself until she felt Y/n deep inside her, filling her to the hilt. 
Y/n dropped her head, shutting her eyes tightly when she was fully inside Jimin who let out a light moan at the feeling. Her cock was throbbing, twitching at how good it felt, the warm and wet walls were pulsating around her and her stomach flexed with every little move. 
She slowly started moving her hips back and forth, her clit still sensitive from her first orgasm as it dragged along Y/n’s pelvis. Her walls fluttered, and being filled up was making her crave more at how good it felt. The feeling of Y/n’s veiny cock raw inside her tight cunt was overwhelmingly good, making out each vein that dragged along her walls.
She gyrated them as they whined back and forth on Y/n’s dick whose lips were parted at the way it dragged along the clenching walls. Her ears were graced by Jimin’s soft gasps and sighs, nails digging into her stomach. The older’s thighs flexed, her walls pulsating and clit throbbing as she slowly increased her speed, chasing her pleasure by using Y/n. 
“I love using your cock to make myself feel good,” Jimin whined, her head getting thrown back and Y/n groaned at the words that made her dick ache inside the hot and wet cunt of the girl. Their bodies moved and fit together perfectly like waves that collided against waves, their bodies buzzing with that feeling from the inside as their head splashed with desires. 
Her chest heaved at the sight of her girlfriend grinding along her cock, watching how she chased her high once again. The sounds were starting to get more lewd with each moan falling from the girl’s lips, Jimin’s wetness coating Y/n’s base and the mess only got bigger.
“You look so good doing it.” Y/n could feel the way the walls clasped around her at the words, the girl taking all the pleasure in using Y/n for her benefit as Y/n enjoyed it just as much. The way the girl would go on and have her orgasms before Y/n even got to think of hers.
Jimin was on top of her with a vice grip on her cock with her sopping cunt. Y/n’s hands were on her the thighs flexed with each movement and her tip was hitting all the right spots deep inside her. She watched the way the older gasped and threw her head back, dragging her swollen clit along Y/n’s pelvis. Jimin reached behind her and held onto Y/n’s tense thighs instead, rolling her hips in a way that was making her stomach tighten and warm up as she fucked herself on top of the girl.
“I’m so close, baby–fuck, so good.” Her voice cut into a higher pitch as the orgasm started to wash over her with her hips bucking for more and Y/n’s thumb found its way to her swollen clit. She circled the bud as Jimin kept bucking her hips against her, watching the way her chest bounced with each movement.
The throbbing walls clasped around her cock, squeezing it tightly enough for the movement to slow down. Her thighs quivered and she let out cries of pleasure, her voice light and bringing Y/n closer to the edge at how good she looked on top of her. Nails dug into Y/n’s thighs, heat pouring over Jimin’s whole body at her second orgasm.
She heaved for breath, stopping her movement and shivering at the shocks going through her warm body. Her body got engulfed in Y/n’s arms when the girl sat up, her cock still buried deep within the confines of Jimin’s pulsating pussy. She wrapped her arms around Y/n’s shoulders, palms running over her back which was covered in a sheen of sweat. 
As Jimin looked at Y/n, she didn’t want to be done yet, she wished she could drag this out for the rest of her life. To make this serene moment last forever as their bodies became one and all that had been on her mind disappeared. Those worries were gone, it was just now, the present forgotten and the future didn’t exist until it was tomorrow and by then it was present again. 
She tangled her fingers at the back of Y/n’s hair, slowly moving up and down while pulling Y/n more into her. Their breaths mingled, parted lips grazing until she caught Y/n’s lower lip between hers and gently tugged. It was all that they needed, to be back in each other’s arms, to be close and it started to ignite the spark of hope although it didn’t seem to glow strong enough as it continued to flicker back to life before disappearing. 
“I miss you–so much,” Jimin mumbled as she pulled away, moving her hips back and forth as Y/n’s breaths grew heavier. The younger buried her face in the crook of her neck, planting tender kisses. Jimin could feel it all coming back, maybe she hadn’t been drunk enough, or maybe no matter how drunk she was on lust and alcohol she would never be able to drown out the pain of a breaking heart. 
The alcohol and lust weren’t able to mend their hearts. 
Y/n looked up when Jimin pulled her away from her sweltering neck, their eyes met, Jimin’s were glimmering and the entry to her soul had always been open for Y/n. The longer she stared into the window of her soul, the more she realised how crushed Jimin was and it was enough to clarify that they were both suffering. Her hand smoothed over Y/n’s jaw, running along it as she tilted the girl’s head back, her movement not stopping as she watched Y/n slowly crumble under her.
It was shattering her insides to see Y/n this way, the same way it was shattering Y/n to see Jimin like that. They had never thought that the person they loved the most would be the one to destroy them the most too. 
Love was lethal no matter how much two people loved each other.
“Fuck–” Y/n breathed out, being cut off by Jimin’s soft lips, the girl could feel the length inside her grow harder and twitch as it was clasped inside her heat. They swallowed each other’s moans until they no longer could and the older’s pace picked up, her ass colliding with Y/n’s thighs each time she went down while letting out quick and sharp breaths. Y/n’s hands gripped onto her ass, fingers digging into the soft yet firm flesh as she helped Jimin move, feeling the movement slack off at times. 
A soft and light moan escaped Jimin’s lips, grounding herself down on Y/n’s cock, arms wrapped around her shoulders as she panted against her neck. Teeth dug into her shoulder, the whimper suppressed from the younger as she could feel the ropes of cum shoot one after another into her, painting her walls white. Y/n pulled away from her shoulder, slipping out of Jimin’s warmth as they eased down to reality.
Everything stilled as the younger girl still held Jimin in her arms, caressing her warm back while taking deep breaths. It felt like neither of them planned to move any second as the girl snuggled closer into Y/n’s neck, burying her face in the crook of it, her eyes shutting tightly.
It was making Jimin’s chest heave at the panic she felt because she could only watch it all slip through her fingers, unable to do anything to save it.
The attempt to suppress her sobs was feeble as the first one slipped through and then a second followed and her tears were staining Y/n’s skin once again. “Jimin–” 
“I’m scared, Y/n.” She cried into her neck, sobbing and snivelling as it overwhelmed her once again, this time she wasn’t able to hold back on releasing what was heavily on her chest. It didn’t matter how scared they were to bring up the obvious because the thought of how it would end was terrifying. Neither wanted it to end. However, the realisation dawned upon them and it would all end much sooner than intended if they did nothing about it. 
“I’m right here.” Y/n slowly pulled her away, manoeuvring Jimin’s body like fragile butterfly wings that could crumble with a little too much pressure. The girl continued to cry, pulling her knees to her chest, crying into them as Y/n draped the duvet over her, covering her naked body. 
She couldn’t grasp at it, at how all the promises died the second their love did, that they made promises they couldn’t keep and it never should have been this way. They promised to love each other forever and they did, but it no longer was the love that was beyond care and compassion. It was adoration and not love, the love; was gone. 
Jimin refused to accept it, no, she couldn’t accept that and would dig through every little corner until she found something that would help the withered flower bloom back to life. She’d shed all her tears until her eyes would be bleeding just to have enough to water their flower of love that had died. There had to be some way to save it even if it hurt, even if it hurt more than it already did.
Y/n got back onto the bed after she pulled on her boxers, Jimin was still crying into her knees until the younger girl sat behind her, the duvet resting over the both of them. She held back on her tears as she cradled the weeping girl’s head, lending her shoulder to cry on once again and she would continue doing so until her last breath. It would never matter what type of love they held for each other, she would always care even if everything else they used to have that was deeper had died. 
It was a death neither of them knew how to cope with.
“I’m here for you.” She reassured her, kissing the top of her head.
“I hate this, Y/n—” Her sobs cut through her words, her hands gripping the duvet before they let go, feeling hopeless; what was there to hold on to in reality? There was nothing to hold onto as they both freely fell through hell for each other. It made them weak in so many ways. “Nothing is the same anymore and I don’t know what to do.” Acceptance was hard for anyone, it had always been hard, but it was even harder when it came to something they made their whole lives revolve around. How could they just accept that their worlds no longer circled the other? 
It stung, it hurt deeply to think that this was possible, something they had never thought about had become their reality. The flower that bloomed with their love was dead. Yet these tears and the pain they felt at the thought of needing to let go made them want to try again. One last try to revive something that had been dead and cold for months. If some miracle happened, they would be able to bring it back to life. Their love would bloom from a dead flower at some point, they would continue watering it with their tears, crying over the dead flower that was their love in hopes of it coming back to life.
“We can make it work again.” Y/n wasn’t brave enough to say the words, she wasn’t strong enough to say them for Jimin and herself. To admit for the both of them that what was lost was lost and that it was time to say goodbye and bury their love because there was nothing to save once it was already gone.It was too difficult to bury it when they had yet to accept its death. They had no clue how to cope with everything.
It was eating at them, tearing them apart and glueing them back together into an even bigger mess.
“We can fix everything,” Y/n reassured, knowing that these could as well be empty words and new promises to break, but she couldn’t give up. She couldn’t give up on Jimin even if they were mistaking care and compassion for a small ember of love that they could turn into a fire. That fire had gone out a while ago and what was left were ashes.
“Do you think that’s possible?” She whimpered, wanting to do anything to try and grasp at that false little ember of hope.
“I don’t know,” Y/n whispered, just as uncertain, but she would do anything for Jimin even if it meant ruining herself. 
They couldn’t know, but at least it was reassurance that they didn’t have to let go yet and could continue no matter how much it hurt because it would hurt even more if they were apart. It was too difficult to let go of someone they had built their lives around. They would hurt for each other and they would choose that over happiness with someone else because no one would ever be able to give them what they used to have.
They longed for each other’s love. They missed it and just wanted to feel it again but it was all gone. It no longer felt like it used to and they missed those feelings they used to have. Where did they go wrong for it to happen in the first place? What were they supposed to do to fix it? Let go and move on. Stay and continue to drag through the impossible to try and fix it?
They weren’t in love anymore, they just loved each other.
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herrscherofinsanity · 3 months
Web of Hearts
Spider!Jimin being as subtle as a neon sign.
Yu Jimin (Karina x fem!reader)
Word count: 5.6k
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In the bustling city of Seoul, where towering skyscrapers touched the sky and the pulse of urban life echoed through every street, a new kind of hero emerged. Clad in a sleek red and black suit, Spiderwoman swung from building to building, keeping a watchful eye on the city she vowed to protect.
Yu Jimin, a seemingly ordinary woman by day, carried the weight of a secret identity. By night, she embraced her extraordinary abilities and became the guardian of Seoul. As Spiderwoman, she effortlessly swung through the cityscape, her agility and strength unmatched.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Jimin perched atop a high-rise building, scanning the city for any signs of trouble. Her enhanced senses picked up on a distant commotion, and with a graceful leap, she swung into action.
Down on the streets, chaos ensued as a group of villains wreaked havoc, terrorizing innocent civilians. Without hesitation, Spiderwoman descended upon the scene, her presence casting a shadow over the criminals.
"Looks like the party's over, gentlemen," she quipped, her voice laced with a confident edge.
The villains, startled by the sudden appearance of the city's masked guardian, prepared to face off against the formidable Spiderwoman. The confrontation unfolded in a series of acrobatic moves and swift strikes, showcasing Jimin's mastery of her newfound abilities.
As the last villain was apprehended, Spiderwoman turned to the gathered crowd, her mask concealing the determined glint in her eyes. "Fear not, citizens of Seoul. Spiderwoman is here to ensure your safety."
Word of the mysterious heroine spread across the city, capturing the imagination of its inhabitants. While Jimin navigated her daily life as an unassuming individual, she couldn't deny the thrill that came with her nightly escapades as Spiderwoman.
In a city where shadows concealed both villains and heroes, Jimin grappled with the responsibility that came with her extraordinary abilities. The balance between protecting the city and preserving her personal life became a delicate dance, and as the night sky witnessed her silent struggles, Seoul remained oblivious to the identity of its mysterious guardian, Spiderwoman.
It was move-in day at the college dorms, and the hallways buzzed with excitement and nervous energy. yn, lugging a heavy suitcase behind her, scanned the room numbers until she found hers: Room 302. With a deep breath, she pushed open the door and stepped inside.
The room was small but cozy, furnished with two twin beds, desks cluttered with textbooks, and a large window overlooking the campus grounds. yn's eyes landed on her new roommate, who was unpacking a box of books with an infectious smile on her face.
Jimin looked up and flashed a warm grin at yn. "Hey there! You must be my new roommate. I'm Yu Jimin. It's nice to meet you!"
yn returned the smile, instantly feeling at ease in Jimin's presence. "Hi, Jimin. I'm yn. Nice to meet you too."
And with that simple introduction, the bond between Jimin and yn began to form, setting the stage for the adventures that lay ahead. What yn didn’t know was that her quirky and endearing roommate held a secret that would change both of their lives forever.
After their initial meeting, Jimin and yn quickly settled into their roles as roommates. Jimin's bubbly personality and penchant for nerdy jokes brought a lightness to their shared space, while yn's calm and grounded demeanor provided a sense of stability.
As days turned into weeks, yn couldn't help but notice a peculiar pattern. Jimin seemed to have an uncanny knack for getting injured. Whether it was tripping over her own feet or accidentally bumping into furniture, Jimin always seemed to have a new bruise or scrape to show for it.
At first, yn brushed it off as Jimin just being incredibly clumsy. She would tease Jimin gently, offering band-aids and ice packs whenever Jimin came back from another misadventure.
But as time went on, yn couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to Jimin's frequent injuries. She noticed the way Jimin would tense up whenever yn asked about how she got hurt, quickly deflecting the conversation with a laugh or a joke.
yn's curiosity grew, and she began to pay closer attention to Jimin's behavior. She noticed how Jimin would sometimes slip out of their dorm room in the middle of the night, only to return hours later looking exhausted and worn out.
Despite her suspicions, yn didn't confront Jimin about her weird midnight escapades. Instead, she quietly observed, but the more she observed Jimin, the more confused she felt.
What on earth could her dorky roommate be up to?
Amidst the bustling city streets, chaos reigned as a gang of masked criminals wreaked havoc, their nefarious intentions casting a shadow of fear over the unsuspecting civilians. Amidst the chaos, a lone figure swung gracefully through the air, her lithe form a blur of crimson and black against the night sky.
Spiderwoman, as she was known to the citizens of the city, moved with fluid precision, her keen senses alert to the danger that lurked around every corner. With effortless grace, she leaped from building to building, her web-slinging abilities propelling her forward with astonishing speed.
As she closed in on the scene of the crime, Spiderwoman's senses tingled with anticipation, her heart pounding with adrenaline-fueled excitement. With a deft flick of her wrist, she shot a web line towards a nearby lamppost, swinging around it with practiced ease before landing gracefully on the ground below.
With a swift and decisive movement, Spiderwoman sprang into action, her movements a blur of acrobatic prowess as she dispatched her foes with precision and finesse. Her spider-like agility and lightning-fast reflexes left the criminals reeling, their futile attempts to strike back thwarted at every turn.
As the last of the criminals lay defeated at her feet, Spiderwoman allowed herself a brief moment of satisfaction before turning her attention back to her true objective. With a confident smirk, she shot a web line towards the nearest rooftop, launching herself into the air with a graceful leap.
Minutes later, Spiderwoman landed silently on the rooftop of the college dormitory she shared with yn, her heart racing with exhilaration from the night's events. With practiced stealth, she slipped through the window and into the darkness of her room, her secret identity safe for another day.
One evening, as yn was studying in the shared dorm room, she heard a loud crash coming from the living area. Startled, she rushed out to find Jimin sprawled on the floor, clutching her ankle in pain.
"Jimin, are you okay?"
Jimin winced as she attempted to sit up, her face contorted in pain. "I think I twisted my ankle. It hurts like crazy."
yn hurried to Jimin's side, helping her to sit up and inspecting the injury. Sure enough, Jimin's ankle was swollen and bruised, a clear sign of a sprain.
yn tried to be as gentle as possible with her injured roommate, "let's get some ice on that ankle. I'll grab a cold pack from the freezer."
As yn tended to Jimin's injury, she couldn't help but notice how frequently her roommate seemed to get hurt. It was as if Jimin was a magnet for accidents, always finding herself in precarious situations that resulted in bumps, bruises, and sprains.
Despite her curiosity, yn didn't press Jimin for details about how she got hurt. Instead, she focused on providing comfort and support, knowing that her roommate needed her in moments like these.
As Jimin winced in pain, yn couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Jimin's injuries than met the eye. But for now, she pushed aside her suspicions and focused on helping her friend heal.
One afternoon, as yn returned to their dorm room after class, she absentmindedly pushed open the door without bothering to knock. To her surprise, she found Jimin standing shirtless in the middle of the room, a towel draped over her shoulders.
yn's eyes widened in surprise as she took in the sight of Jimin's bare torso, but her attention was quickly drawn to the large cut spanning across Jimin's back.
"Jimin, what the hell happened!? You're bleeding!" the younger girl shrieked.
Jimin jumped in surprise, hastily grabbing the towel to cover herself as she turned to face yn.
Jimin stammered, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation. "Oh, uh, it's nothing. Just a little mishap while I was... uh, working out." Nailed it.
yn could see the discomfort in Jimin's expression as she hesitated to explain the true cause of her injury. Without another word, yn grabbed the first aid kit from their shared bathroom and motioned for Jimin to sit down on the bed.
"Let me take care of that for you. It looks pretty deep." Jimin felt herself freezing up at the soft look yn sent her way, she obediently walked towards her roommate.
As yn carefully cleaned and bandaged Jimin's wound, she couldn't help but notice the nervous energy radiating from her roommate. It was clear to yn that Jimin was hiding something, but she didn't press for answers, respecting Jimin's privacy.
As they sat in silence, the air thick with unspoken words, yn couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Jimin than met the eye. For now, she focused on helping her friend heal, unaware of the deeper feelings brewing beneath the surface.
As she finished wrapping up Jimin’s wound, yn couldn’t help but break the silence that enveloped them.
“You know…” yn began “you don’t have to tell me what actually happened, but I hate it when you get hurt. Please try to be more careful from now on, I can’t bare to see you in pain”. With those words yn got up to put away the first aid kit.
Jimin didn’t say anything, but she couldn’t deny that yn’s words had affected her in a way she couldn’t really describe. She couldn’t keep ignoring the butterflies she felt every time she locked eyes with yn.
Despite her best efforts to be subtle, Jimin's attempts at dropping hints about her developing feelings for yn were about as inconspicuous as a flashing neon sign. Whether it was lingering glances, awkward attempts at flirting, or fumbling over her words whenever yn was around, Jimin's attempts to express her affection were anything but discreet.
yn, however, wasn't oblivious to Jimin's antics. In fact, she found them rather endearing. She couldn't help but smile to herself whenever Jimin stumbled over her words or blushed furiously whenever their eyes met. yn appreciated Jimin's efforts, even if they weren't exactly subtle.
Despite her awareness of Jimin's feelings, yn decided to play along, enjoying the playful banter and the budding friendship between them. She didn't comment on Jimin's less-than-subtle approach, opting instead to let her roommate express herself in her own quirky way.
As they navigated the delicate dance of friendship and budding romance, yn couldn't help but feel a warmth blossom in her chest whenever she thought of Jimin. Maybe, just maybe, there was something more than friendship brewing between them, and yn was eager to see where their journey would take them.
("What do you think of superheroes?"
"Um, they're pretty cool, I guess. Why?"
"Oh, no reason. Just curious."
"Okay... Anyway, what's on your mind?"
"Oh, nothing important. Just, you know, hanging out with my favorite person."
"Smooth, Jimin."
"I try my best."
"Uh huh. Well, keep practicing."
"Ouch, right in the ego."
"Hey, you're the one who asked for honesty."
"True. Thanks for keeping me grounded, yn."
"Anytime, Jimin. Anytime.")
On a random afternoon as the two girls lounged on the couch, idly flipping through channels, they stumbled upon a news report about Spiderwoman. Jimin's heart skipped a beat as she watched, her secret identity suddenly thrust into the spotlight.
"Wow, Spiderwoman is so cool," yn commented, her eyes fixed on the screen. "She's pretty hot too..." she muttered more-so to herself, Jimin still heard her comment though.
Jimin tried to suppress the surge of excitement that bubbled up inside her at yn's words. She felt a blush creeping up her cheeks, her heart racing as she struggled to maintain her composure.
"Yeah, she's... uh, pretty cool," Jimin managed to mumble, her voice betraying her nerves.
As the report continued, Jimin couldn't tear her eyes away from the screen, her mind racing with a million thoughts. She stole a glance at yn out of the corner of her eye, her heart swelling with affection for the oblivious girl sitting beside her.
In that moment, Jimin realized just how much she cared about yn, and how badly she wished she could share her true identity with her. But the fear of rejection still held her back, casting a shadow over her burgeoning feelings.
As the news segment came to an end and the TV screen flickered to black, Jimin was left grappling with the turmoil of her emotions, uncertain of what the future held for her and yn.
("Are you made of copper and tellurium?"
"Uh, no? Why?"
"Because you're Cu-Te!"
"Oh, Jimin, that's... something."
"Yeah, I thought it was kind of nerdy but cute. Like me."
"Definitely cute. And modest too."
"Thanks. I'll take that as a win.")
“Hey Jimin? Do you think you can help me out with this subject?”
The question was innocent enough, nothing was supposed to happen between Jimin and yn, right?
Jimin and yn sat together in their cozy dorm room, the soft glow of the lamp casting warm shadows across the room. They had been studying for hours, their textbooks forgotten as their conversation drifted to more personal topics.
As the evening wore on, their proximity seemed to amplify the crackling tension between them. Jimin's heart raced as she stole glances at yn, her features illuminated by the gentle light. yn's laughter rang out, filling the room with its melodic cadence, and Jimin found herself captivated by the way yn's eyes sparkled with amusement.
With each passing moment, the air between them seemed to thicken with unspoken desire. Jimin's gaze lingered on yn's lips, the urge to lean in almost overwhelming. She could feel the heat of yn's breath against her skin, a tangible reminder of their closeness.
yn's fingers brushed against Jimin's hand, sending a jolt of electricity coursing through her veins. Their eyes met, a silent exchange of longing and yearning passing between them. In that fleeting moment, it felt as if the rest of the world had fallen away, leaving only the two of them suspended in time.
As Jimin and yn found themselves drawn closer together, the tension between them palpable, it seemed as if the world around them faded into the background. Their gazes locked, inches apart, their lips mere moments away from touching in a long-awaited kiss.
But just as they leaned in, on the precipice of that anticipated connection, Jimin's heightened senses kicked in. A familiar tingle crept up her spine, a warning sign that duty called. A new crime awaited Spiderwoman's intervention, pulling her away from the brink of intimacy with yn.
With a heavy heart, Jimin reluctantly pulled back, the disappointment evident in both their eyes. Yn's expression mirrored Jimin's own sense of longing, the momentary promise of closeness snatched away by the demands of Jimin's secret life as Spiderwoman.
Their interrupted moment hung in the air, charged with unspoken words and unfulfilled desires. Though duty called Jimin away, the memory of their almost-kiss lingered, a tantalizing glimpse of what could have been, leaving both girls yearning for the day they could pick up where they left off.
Somehow the almost kiss made Jimin even more awkward than she already was. Jimin didn’t know how to behave around yn. Should she keep her distance? Should she seize the day and kiss the girl? One thing was for sure, she wanted her roommate badly.
Jimin's heart skipped a beat as yn emerged from the bathroom, clad only in a towel. She tried to focus on her textbook, but her eyes kept drifting back to her roommate's figure. yn seemed oblivious to Jimin's internal struggle as she nonchalantly rummaged through her wardrobe for something to wear.
Jimin cleared her throat, attempting to regain her composure. "Uh, yn, do you need help finding something?"
yn turned to her, a playful grin on her lips. "No, I'm good, thanks. Just trying to decide what to wear for tonight." yn knew perfectly what kind of effect she had on Jimin and she planned to use it to her advantage.
Jimin nodded, unable to tear her gaze away. "Right, yeah, you look... um, nice."
yn giggled, seemingly unfazed by Jimin's flustered state. " In nothing but a towel? Wow. Thanks, Jimin. You're sweet."
As yn finally settled on an outfit and disappeared into her room, Jimin let out a shaky breath, grateful for the temporary reprieve. Being roommates with yn was both a blessing and a curse, especially when moments like this left her feeling more than a little flustered.
("Are you a magician, yn?"
"No, why?"
"Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears."
"Smooth, Jimin."
"I try my best. So, do I get a round of applause for that one?"
"You definitely get points for creativity."
"Well, I'm glad you appreciate my efforts."
"I appreciate the entertainment, that's for sure."
"I'll take what I can get. Maybe next time I'll pull a rabbit out of a hat or something."
"Looking forward to it.")
As the night enveloped the city in its dark embrace, yn found herself walking alone, lost in her own thoughts. Unbeknownst to her, danger lurked in the shadows, waiting to strike. Suddenly, a group of masked assailants emerged from the darkness, their intentions menacing and clear.
yn's heart pounded in her chest as fear gripped her, her instincts urging her to flee, but before she could react, a figure swooped down from above, a blur of red and black, swiftly dispatching yn's would-be attackers with a flurry of punches and kicks.
In the chaos of the moment, yn barely registered what was happening, her mind consumed by a whirlwind of confusion and fear. But as the dust settled and her assailants lay defeated, she found herself face to face with her savior, the enigmatic figure who had appeared out of nowhere to rescue her.
Spiderwoman stood before her, her mask concealing her identity but her presence radiating strength and reassurance. yn's eyes widened in astonishment, a mix of awe and gratitude washing over her as she realized the magnitude of what had just occurred.
"Spiderwoman...” yn began, her voice barely above a whisper “You saved me."
"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Spiderwoman replied in an incredibly gentle tone. yn couldn’t shake off the fact that her gentleness felt familiar. Maybe it was a superhero thing.
yn shook her head, still reeling from the adrenaline rush of the encounter. Spiderwoman's concern was palpable, her eyes searching yn's face for any signs of injury or distress.
"I-I'm okay, thanks to you. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't shown up." The girl was clearly shaken, but she still tried to voice how grateful she was.
"Just doing my job. Stay safe out here, alright? And remember, if you ever need help, I'll be watching over you."
With that, Spiderwoman vanished into the night, leaving yn standing alone in the aftermath of the encounter. Though shaken by the ordeal, a newfound sense of reassurance settled over her, knowing that she had a guardian angel watching over her, even in the darkest of times.
As yn stepped back into the familiar surroundings of their dorm room, her heart still racing from the adrenaline of the encounter, she found Jimin sitting on her bed, a book in hand. Jimin looked up as yn entered, her eyes immediately drawn to the dreamy expression on her roommate's face.
"Hey, everything okay?" Perfect execution, Jimin!
yn, still caught in a daydream, replied to the best of her ability, "Oh, Jimin, you won't believe what just happened. I met Spiderwoman!"
Jimin's eyes widened in excitement, a grin spreading across her face at yn's words. She set her book aside, leaning forward eagerly as yn recounted the thrilling encounter with the mysterious superhero.
"No way! What was it like? Did she say anything to you?" You really are the perfect actress, Yu Jimin!
yn launched into a vivid retelling of the encounter, her words animated with the lingering rush of adrenaline and awe. She described Spiderwoman's swift intervention, her unwavering bravery in the face of danger, and the sense of reassurance she had instilled in yn with her presence.
"It was incredible, Jimin. I've never felt so safe and protected in my life." yn let out a dreamy sigh.
Jimin listened intently, her eyes shining with excitement as she hung on yn's every word. She couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at yn's reaction to meeting her alter ego, knowing that she had played a part in protecting and wooing her roommate.
"That's amazing, yn. I'm so glad you're okay. And hey, if you ever want to meet her again, just let me know. I might be able to arrange something." Smooth, Jimin! She’s finally yours!
yn smiled at Jimin's offer, grateful for her roommate's unwavering support and excitement. In that moment, as they shared the thrill of yn's encounter with Spiderwoman, their bond grew stronger than ever, united by a shared sense of wonder and admiration for the extraordinary hero in their midst.
However, yn didn’t know that this was only the first of many encounters she would share with Spiderwoman.
As yn made her way home through the quiet streets, the late hour casting elongated shadows across the pavement, she felt a sense of calm settle over her. She was lost in her thoughts, unaware of the vigilant figure watching over her from the rooftops above.
Suddenly, a familiar figure descended gracefully from the darkness, landing before yn with a quiet rustle of fabric. yn looked up in surprise, her eyes widening as she recognized the unmistakable silhouette of Spiderwoman.
"Spiderwoman! What a pleasant surprise." yn let out, she would be lying if she said she hadn’t been dreaming about this very moment.
"Hey there, yn. Just out for a stroll?" Spiderwoman said as casually as she could.
Wait… yn?
yn froze, her heart skipping a beat at the sound of her own name slipping past Spiderwoman's lips. She turned to her companion, her expression a mix of surprise and confusion.
yn nodded, feeling bewildered, returning Spiderwoman's smile as she fell into step beside her mysterious companion. They walked together in companionable silence for a while, the only sound the soft shuffle of their footsteps against the pavement. However, yn couldn’t brush off her surprise.
Why does she know my name?
Eventually, yn couldn't resist the urge to strike up a conversation, her curiosity piqued by the enigmatic figure at her side.
"So, Spiderwoman” yn said in an overly casual tone, “anything exciting happen tonight?"
"Oh, you know, the usual. Just keeping an eye on the city." Spiderwoman said, trying her best to sound cool.
yn nodded, content to enjoy the peaceful camaraderie of their impromptu encounter. Still, she made sure to keep a close eye on her companion. Maybe she’ll let her guard down.
"So, yn..." Spiderwoman made a mistake. Again.
I got you now.
“Can I ask you a question, Spidey?”
Jimin is embarrassed by how fast her heart started beating after hearing yn refer to her by a nickname. “Sure, what’s up?”
“How did you know my name was yn? I never told you”.
Spiderwoman's mask hid the flicker of panic that flashed across her features at yn's question. She scrambled for a plausible explanation, her mind racing to come up with a convincing response.
"Um, well, you know, I, uh... I just happened to overhear it somewhere. Must have slipped out accidentally."
yn studied Spiderwoman's masked visage intently, a lingering sense of suspicion nagging at the back of her mind. However, she chose to let the matter drop for now, unwilling to push her mysterious companion any further. She is sure she’ll get her chance sooner rather than later.
"Ah, got it. Well, thanks for the company, Spiderwoman. It's always nice to have someone to walk with." She smiled in a way that gave Jimin a heart attack for a million different reasons.
"Anytime, yn. Take care on your way home." Nailed it.
With a final wave, Spiderwoman melted back into the shadows, leaving yn to ponder the intriguing encounter as she continued on her journey homeward. Despite the unanswered questions lingering in her mind, she couldn't deny the sense of comfort and reassurance that Spiderwoman's presence had brought her on this dark and lonely night.
yn stepped through the door of the dormitory, her mind still reeling from her encounter with Spiderwoman. As she entered the familiar surroundings of their shared living space, she was greeted by the sight of Jimin sitting on the couch, a playful glint in her eye.
"Hey there, yn! How was your walk?" Jimin said cheerfully.
yn's lips quirked into a knowing smile as she regarded her roommate, her suspicions about Spiderwoman's true identity suddenly crystallizing into certainty. She decided to play along for now, relishing the opportunity to keep Jimin's secret while she plotted her next move.
"Oh, you know, nothing out of the ordinary. Although I did run into someone interesting on the way back." A slight smirk playing at her lips.
Jimin's eyes widened slightly at yn's cryptic remark, a hint of apprehension flickering across her features before she quickly masked it with an easy grin.
"Oh yeah? Who'd you meet?"
yn leaned against the doorframe, her expression enigmatic as she met Jimin's gaze head-on. Let’s see you try to get out of this one, Spidey.
"Let's just say she's someone who knows how to keep the city safe, even late at night."
Jimin's breath caught in her throat, a surge of panic coursing through her veins at yn's words. She struggled to maintain her composure, her mind racing to concoct a plausible explanation for her alter ego's unexpected appearance in their conversation.
"Ha, lucky you, running into interesting people all the time!” Jimin let out an awkward laugh. “You'll have to introduce me sometime."
yn's smirk widened into a knowing grin as she watched Jimin squirm under the weight of her unspoken revelation. She made a mental note to bide her time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to confront Jimin head on.
"Oh, don't worry. I'm sure you'll meet her soon enough." With that tantalizing promise hanging in the air, yn sauntered off to her room, leaving Jimin to grapple with the unsettling realization that her carefully guarded secret might not be safe for much longer.
Maybe you’re not the perfect actress, Yu Jimin.
Okay, time to do something stupid!
yn stood defiantly in the dimly lit alley, her heart pounding in her chest as she waited for the inevitable. She knew she was treading on dangerous ground, playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse with her roommate-turned-superhero. But she couldn't resist the thrill of the chase, the exhilarating rush of adrenaline that coursed through her veins as she knowingly put herself in harm's way.
As she glanced nervously around the shadowy confines of the alley, she caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of her eye. Seconds later, Spiderwoman materialized out of the darkness, her lithe figure cutting a striking silhouette against the night sky.
"yn, what are you doing here? It's not safe!" Spiderwoman exclaimed, her voice dripping with concern.
yn met Spiderwoman's concerned gaze with a defiant glint in her eye, her resolve unyielding as she faced the repercussions of her reckless actions head-on.
"I knew you'd come. I needed to prove a point."
Spiderwoman's brow furrowed in frustration, her voice tinged with exasperation as she chided yn for her foolhardy behavior.
"You can't go around doing stuff like this, yn! You're putting yourself in unnecessary danger. What if something had happened to you?" Spiderwoman said, her frustration skyrocketing. “What if I wasn’t her to protect you, huh? You’re acting like a toddler”.
yn bristled at Spiderwoman's stern tone, her own temper flaring as she pushed back against the other girl's unwavering concern.
"Yu Jimin, enough! Stop treating me like a child. I know exactly what I’m doing."
The words hung heavy in the air between them, a palpable tension crackling with the weight of unspoken truths. In that fleeting moment, Spiderwoman's mask of stoicism slipped, revealing the vulnerable girl beneath the facade.
Spiderwoman's eyes widened in shock at the sound of her real name on yn's lips, her heart skipping a beat as she grappled with the sudden shift in dynamics between them. In that brief, poignant moment, the boundaries that had once defined their relationship blurred, leaving behind a lingering sense of uncertainty and unspoken desires.
Jimin's heart pounded erratically in her chest as she watched yn's expression soften, her eyes brimming with unspoken affection. She couldn't believe she had let slip her secret identity, couldn't fathom the repercussions of her reckless actions. But as yn's gaze met hers with unwavering warmth, Jimin felt a flicker of hope ignite within her, a glimmer of possibility in the midst of uncertainty.
"How... How did you find out?" Jimin’s voice barely above a whisper.
yn's smile was gentle, her voice infused with a quiet reassurance as she met Jimin's gaze with unwavering sincerity. "I noticed the little things, the way you always seem to disappear whenever trouble arises, the injuries that miraculously heal overnight. And then there was that slip-up with my name."
Jimin's shoulders sagged with relief at yn's honest confession, her heart swelling with gratitude for the other girl's unwavering acceptance.
"I'm sorry, yn. I never meant to keep this from you. I just... I didn't know how to tell you." Jimin felt like she could cry, she was feeling too much at the moment. Oh brother, I need to lie down.
yn reached out to gently cup Jimin's cheek, her touch tender and reassuring as she offered the other girl a small, understanding smile.
"It's okay, Jimin. I understand. But from now on, let's promise to be honest with each other, no matter what." yn’s smile gave Jimin hope. For the first time, Jimin felt like everything was going to be okay.
Jimin nodded fervently, her heart overflowing with gratitude for yn's unwavering support. As the weight of secrecy lifted from her shoulders, Jimin felt a renewed sense of longing blossom within her, a newfound courage to embrace the vulnerabilities that lay bare between them.
"Thank you, yn. How can I make it up to you?"
yn's smile widened into a mischievous grin as she reached out to delicately trace the contours of Jimin's mask, her touch sending shivers down the other girl's spine.
"I think I have an idea." yn lowered her voice, a smirk on her lips.
With a deft motion, yn carefully pulled away Jimin's mask, revealing the vulnerable girl beneath the facade. In that moment of unspoken intimacy, Jimin felt the walls that had once separated them crumble away, leaving behind an undeniable connection that transcended the boundaries of secrecy and fear.
As their lips finally met in a long-awaited kiss, the world around them faded into obscurity, leaving only the raw, unfiltered emotion that pulsed between them. In that fleeting moment of shared vulnerability, Jimin and yn found solace in each other's arms, daring to believe that love might just conquer all.
It was a lazy Sunday afternoon, and Jimin and yn had decided to spend the day together at their shared dorm room. As they lounged on the couch, Jimin scrolled through her phone while yn leaned against her, idly playing with Jimin's hair.
Suddenly, a breaking news alert flashed across the screen, announcing Spiderwoman's latest heroic feat. yn glanced up, a mischievous twinkle in her eye, as she nudged Jimin playfully. "Looks like your alter ego is making headlines again."
Jimin chuckled, leaning into yn's touch as she replied, "Yeah, she's always stealing the spotlight."
yn grinned, her fingers tracing lazy circles on Jimin's scalp as she teased, "I bet she's just trying to impress her girlfriend."
Jimin's cheeks flushed pink at the playful jab, but she couldn't suppress the smile that tugged at her lips. Wrapping an arm around yn, she pulled her closer, pressing a kiss to her temple.
"Well, she's lucky to have such an amazing girlfriend." Jimin whispered against her girlfriend’s temple. Tease me all you want, at the end of the day you still agreed to be mine.
yn grinned, leaning into Jimin's embrace as she retorted, "Flattery will get you everywhere, Spidey."
The two of them dissolved into laughter, the playful banter a comforting reminder of the easy chemistry they shared. As they snuggled together on the couch, Jimin and yn savored the simple joy of being together, grateful for the love and laughter that filled their lives.
With Jimin's arm wrapped around her and the warmth of their shared affection enveloping them, yn couldn't help but feel like the luckiest person in the world. And as they basked in each other's company, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as they had each other, they could weather any storm.
("Are you a time traveler, yn?"
"No, why?"
"Because every time I look at you, I feel like I'm going back in time. To the moment I fell in love with you."
"You're ridiculous, you know that?"
"But you love me anyway, right?"
A/N: Here we go, spider Jimin! I had this sitting on my drafts for the longest time, but here it is. Thank you so much for reading!
I'm working on some requests and I might add a Valentine's Day special as well. It all depends on my schedule, I'm getting a new one tomorrow so we shall see how it goes. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this, if you want to request something, feel free to let me know.
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yujification · 3 months
river of january - yu jimin
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desc: it had been so long since anyone had touched you, let alone tended to your self-inflicted wounds with so much care– karina’s tutelage was something you’d never understand, her borderline obsessive need to always watch over you and take care of you like you were some fragile being that needed to be protected. it was endearing, but a little degrading at the same time. “it’s just what friends do,” is what she says, but it almost makes you wonder if friends also suck each other dry in the back of a nissan altima, clothes spilling on the floor mat. it was a conversation for another day, you figured. cw: fem!reader, fwb, g!p, praise, hurt/comfort, smut, cunnilingus, p in v sex (a LOT) unprotected sex (rina nuts inside every single time sorry), cum eating, switch!karina, mild angst idk ??, car sex (mentioned), mirror sex (frequent), mutual pining, denial of feelings, SERIES! this is part 1/2
wc: 4.1k
in the epilogue of january, the trees are still bare as is your skin from scratching it raw. the weather made the crevices of your body dry, flaky and painful with a need for renewal or some sort of rejuvenation, that of which you never really got, or knew how to get. it was a problem that inevitably needed solving, but never truly saw that resolution until one blonde haired karina yu sat you down on her bathroom floor next to the bathtub laced with mold to put ointment on the irritated areas of your hands and arms. it had been so long since anyone had touched you, let alone tended to your self-inflicted wounds with so much care– karina’s tutelage was something you’d never understand, her borderline obsessive need to always watch over you and take care of you like you were some fragile being that needed to be protected. it was endearing, but a little degrading at the same time. “it’s just what friends do,” is what she says, but it almost makes you wonder if friends also suck each other dry in the back of a nissan altima, clothes spilling on the floor mat. it was a conversation for another day, you figured. karina holds your hand and opens your hand like a flower, pressing the hydrocortisone treatment into your palm with her brows furrowed. it was a natural look– a frightening one, and one to be feared. if karina was a leopard, you were a mouse. not her prey, necessarily, but you could be. you could never fear karina, not now, not ever. not even if you wanted to. “apply this once a day, yeah? right after you shower,” karina points out all of the dry spots of your skin. “here, and here, and here.” you’ve learned that it’s best to just listen to karina in these situations. she knows best, after all. your fingers envelope the tube, and you tuck it into your coat pocket carefully. “yeah, yeah,” you nod, your voice small. you avoid eye contact with everyone, not only karina, so you always ask her not to take it personally. and she never does. she assumes you don’t notice her staring at your jaw as you look away, but your peripheral is strong. you don’t say anything about it. you don’t need to. some things are better left unsaid. the following evening, you don’t speak much. karina confines herself in her room for much of the day, though you briefly see her shadow from under your door, as if she’s about to knock and come in, but she never does. she stands, contemplates, then you hear little footsteps retreating back to where she came from. despite this, every day ends the same. you shower after dinner, and go to karina’s room to bid her goodnight, as you’ve done every day since you first became roommates in your first year of university. you knock, your knuckles gentle against the door so you don’t wake her if she’s already sleeping, or startle her if she isn’t. “come in,” is what she utters, and you turn the knob of the door and push it open, the creaks of the hinges echoing softly. karina’s room was so empty. it was white and desolate, though dark most of the time. you hesitate to speak, at first. “i’m… i’m gonna head to bed,” you whisper. there isn’t much of a need for such a quiet tone, but it feels necessary. it’s so late, and you can barely see her, but the light from outside of the room reveals enough of your stature to her, and she silently gawks at your damp hair. karina lets out a soft hum of approval, turning over in bed. every day ends the same, but it isn’t this. “can i—” and before you can finish your sentence, karina lets out the tiniest ‘mhm’. she doesn’t even know what you were asking for, but maybe she doesn’t have to know. the thought of you doing anything was more than enough. 
you crawl into karina’s bed, and she’s emotional, crumbling like a dead flower into your hands and body, arms wrapped around your waist and kisses peppered against the nape of your neck. this is what friends do. you’re taking care of each other. she took care of you, now it’s your turn. you swallow, hands already tugging at the waistband of her boxers, your parted lips meeting in an urgent kiss. you had only just started and you already felt the tent in rina’s briefs pressing against your thigh. “that was quick,” you remarked, watching her face flush with embarrassment. her clothes were so cute you almost didn’t want to take them off. her boxers were plaid; periwinkle and white, and she wore a matching cropped shirt that hugged her figure nicely, though if you said that, she’d probably end up feeling bad about it. karina didn’t like compliments (or, at least, didn’t receive them well) you learned quickly after meeting her, when you complimented her cat-like eyes and she turned into a broken record trying to spit out something as simple as a ‘thank you’. karina closes her eyes, trying to collect herself, to no avail. “i’m sorry,” she mumbles. “you don’t have to,” she continues as her eyes open slowly, glossed over. “i want to,” you stroke her platinum hair, the tresses falling between your fingers softly. she had dyed her hair this color before, but it was just a little lighter this time, and her roots were already growing in. she had almost a disheveled charm to her, and the messiness of it at this hour was doing her a favor. “do you… not want it?” “i don’t know what you’re trying to give me,” karina’s tongue flicks out and coats her lips in saliva. “it feels wrong regardless.” wrong. you pull back a little. “how so?” she doesn’t reply. “it’s fine. we don’t have to,” you begin to move further away, and karina sits up, shaking her head quickly. “no, no, i want to,” karina speaks hurriedly. “i want to. i want to, i promise.” you lean in again, lips hovering over karina’s, breath hot against her mouth. you look at her in her eyes for the first time in a long time, and it feels real. her pupils dilate, chestnut irises deep as they stare back– you can almost see your reflection in them. and naturally, the night ended with your jaw sore and karina’s hands wrapped around your waist as you slept, and inevitably, you missed your alarm. your phone was in your own room anyway, not like you wanted to go back there that bad in any case. - “do you think we can stay like this forever?” is what karina asked on march 8th. the seasons are shifting and so is she— so are you. your exchanges are more frequent, more deep. it’s just sex, allegedly, but you haven’t told anyone, and it all feels so real. rina installs a mirror in your bedroom on the 9th, full body and tall, initially so you can have a better view of your outfits; the mirror had been on the floor before, and you could only see your midriff and everything below.
the reflection ended up being used for more intensive purposes. 
karina sat on the foot of your bed while you sat on her cock, raw, and facing her. she stared into your mirror, watching the way your back flexed as your arms moved around her neck. her mouth fixated on your shoulder, sucking bruises into the skin. her fingers snaked around your waist and gripped it, one hand on your hip and the other on your thigh. karina shudders when she finally comes, shakily caressing your cheek with her thumb and kissing you softly. neither of you were very talkative during the act, or afterwards for that matter. something shifted. “i want to try something,” karina picks you up, her dick still buried deep in your cunt, and flips you over, pinning your back to the mattress. you feel it shift inside of you, twitching ever so slightly, and it makes you gasp. “sorry. did i move too quick?” you meet her question with a head shake. “no, never. it’s okay.” rina finally looks down between her legs, carefully pulling out and moving her head so she can watch her fluids ooze out of your swollen pussy. “can i?” she whispers, and you cock your head like a confused puppy. karina had only gone down on you once, and that was a year ago. you weren’t sure if she just thought you hated it (you didn’t) or she just didn’t like doing it. karina was obviously good at receiving head, but giving had seemed to just not be her forte. that couldn’t possibly be what she was asking for. “can you…?” you trail off, an eyebrow quirked. “taste.” straightforward enough. you’re shocked, but you nod. karina holds your thighs, spreading them open. “so pretty,” she whispers, grinning at the sight of your puffy cunt, overstimulated from her cock. she presses the base of her tongue to your clit, eyes following yours until they’re out of sight as you feverishly throw your head back in a sharp moan. she suckles, gently rubbing the goosebumps on your tender skin. she sighs into your heat, doubling your reactions before she pulls back. “you taste good, too,” the mixture of flavors— her own semen mixed with your hot slick made her salivate, and almost instantly made her hard again. karina spits onto her hand, coating her cock with saliva as she strokes, her tongue pistoning in and out of you until you finally come on her face. her climax follows shortly afterwards, but onto her own stomach, embarrassingly. thankfully, it wasn’t much, seeing as she had already came once before. “aw,” karina teasingly pouts. “baby made such a mess,” she says, wiping your slick from her chin with the back of her hand. you swat her on the top of her head. she quietly shrieks. “oh, shut up, asshole, you just came all over yourself,” and she does shut up, but she shuts you up too. if she goes down, you’re going with her. she kisses you, and so many flavors enter your mouth. all not half bad. the combination is a little odd, though. it tastes of sex. “go shower,” you urge her, and without a second thought, she complies, standing and walking to the bathroom. as soon as she leaves you become very aware of your now sore and aching legs. she always debilitates you. every time, without fail. - 
mid-april was when you started to feel it. a fuzzy feeling in your stomach, not as easy to dismiss as you would have liked. a latent aching in her chest every time karina was near, every time she scrunched her nose at a bad smell or asked you to open a plastic water bottle for her. this is what you were afraid of. 
the question comes up late at night, while you trace karina’s face with the pads of your fingers in bed, mapping her features carefully. it slips out before you can even think of stopping it. 
“are you sleeping with anyone else?”
a small smile tugs at karina’s lips. her eyes were closed, but now, they flutter open. fuck, she’s cute. maybe a little too cute for comfort. 
“no, not really,”
you scoff. “not really? it was a yes or no question.”
karina isn’t taking this seriously. she sits up, leaving your fingers dangling on the pillow she once rested on. “i said no,” karina pinches your arm playfully. 
“you said not really,”
“i also said no, didn’t i?”
she gives you a smug grin, the kind of grin that makes you want to want to wipe it clean off her face, either with your lips or your hands. the kind of grin that makes you want to suffocate her, whether it be via sitting on her face or shoving her face in a pillow. what a bastard. 
“do i need to spell it out for you?” you grumble, swatting her hands away. they were smaller in comparison to most people you had slept with, but you had gotten used to it. her fingers were a comfortable size inside of you— not too big but not too little. you had adapted. she nods, her gaze flicking from your eyes to your lips, up and down, down and up. “has anyone touched your dick but me since we started… this? whatever this is?”
karina swirls circles on the skin of your thigh, sucking her teeth. “no,” she whispers, barely audible.
“a little louder?”
karina gives you a playful shove, her face and ears reddening. “shut up,” she whines, climbing on top of you, not meaning to make this situation any more complicated than it already had to be, but her clothed length pushed up against your thigh softly, still soft, but not for long after making contact. 
“fuck,” she grumbles, pulling away. “i’m sorry.”
“what for? i can fix it for you, if that’s what you want. or what you need,”
karina breathes into the crook of your neck. “not what i need. you’re what i need, just you,” karina’s breath is hot, tickling the lobe of your ear and shoulder. “is that okay?”
of course it’s okay. it’s more than okay— she’s more than okay. one hand situates on her waist while the other teases the waistband of her shorts, fishing out her cock, leaking with pre-come.
“hurts,” she groans. 
“i know baby, it’s fine,” you coo, stroking torturously slow, enough to make drool drip from her bottom lip. “can you fuck me? fuck me like you mean it, please,” you whisper in between chaste kisses while her fingertips slide your panties to the side and rubbing her slicked tip along your entrance. “say you will, unnie,”
“i will,” the older whispers, sliding into you slowly but surely, as if it was the first time. letting you adjust to the size. you’re tighter than ever and you feel the throbbing and twitching inside and it’s overwhelming. you sigh contently, pitching forward and forcing her to move deeper. everything is wet and filthy as you clench around her.
by the time karina comes, her eyes are unfocused, heaving as she pulls out. 
after class, you use your remaining braincells on overanalyzing your recent interactions with karina while she drives you home.
she drove you to class.
she drove you from class.
she’s pulling over at a café for tea.
she cares, that’s for sure, but you can’t tell if it’s flirty or friendly. this isn’t a date. she isn’t buying you tea to be flirtatious, this isn’t her attempt at being coy. she’s doing it because you’re friends. she doesn’t kiss you constantly because she likes it, she does it because you’re friends. it’s a good friendship, it was before you first sucked her off in that godforsaken car, and it is now. you’re good buddies. good buddies, who fuck. a lot. 
but it’s a little soft. you have to really try hard to bite back that childish smile when she spits out your order to the barista without missing a beat, as if she’s memorized it since the day you first told her. it feels like touching a freshly washed and conditioned pillowcase, now devoid of stains and impurities. it feels like sleeping after a long day of work. it feels like the euphoria of holding karina close while she’s still inside, the warmth of it all almost enough to sweat over. that’s what it’s like. they’re good buddies, but it should be more. it feels like more. 
when you recieve your drinks, karina opts to sit outside. the wind tosses her hair around, and she briefly tucks it behind her ears and holds it in place to get a good, long look at you. 
you eye your eczema marks. she notices just as quick as you do. 
“have you been putting that ointment on like i asked?” 
good to know she still cares.
“sometimes,” you take a sip of your tea. the barista brewed it a little sweeter than you would have liked, and the ginger flavor is a bit too overpowered. you swallow it down anyway. “when i remember,”
karina tuts. “you need to remember all the time.”
you trace your tongue around the hole. “it’s not so bad anymore, since it’s getting warmer, yeah?”
karina looks away. “what are you doing?”
“i’m not gonna fuck you. we’re in public.”
you snort. “when has that ever stopped you?”
karina stops dead in her tracks. it was true. of course, she preferred to do these things in the comfort of your own home, but it wasn’t like you hadn’t ever done it in public. only ever cars and bathrooms, but that was only when she really needed it. a painful amount of need. 
“you can’t just wait?”
you begin to shake your head no, but, on second thought, sure, maybe you could. maybe it’ll feel better the longer you go without it. without her. 
“you owe me,” is what you reply with, taking another slow sip. the tea is hot, so you’re careful not to fill your mouth with too much.
karina rakes a hand through her dark hair, pushing it away from her eyes consequentially. “if you weren’t so good to me, i would’ve called you a slut by now,”
you laugh. she was always so nice, you could never even fathom that kind of vulgarity leaving her lips, let alone towards you. 
“why haven’t you? how do you know i’m not into that?” you tease, a little more fervor in your voice than what would typically be deemed appropriate. 
karina uses her cup as a handwarmer, holding it and slowly spinning it repeatedly on the table as she speaks. “you don’t peg me as the type of person to like that,”
“i don’t peg you at all, so,” you jest, tilting your head. 
“pervert,” she whispers under her breath. 
a little overzealous, you kick her leg under the table. 
“don’t worry, i like when you’re nice to me. i just wonder how you tolerate me,” you soften the blow by rubbing her knuckles from across the oak. this is what couples do. and she isn’t even stopping you. 
“i wonder too,” she pretends to think. “you’re pretty, maybe. that probably helps.”
“god, rina,” you roll your eyes. cheesy. “no need to stroke my ego,”
she leans back in her chair, legs parted almost invitingly. she isn’t asking for anything verbally, but she might as well be. you take it that way regardless. 
“mhm,” karina interlocks your fingers and crosses a digit over your index, pushing down and popping the joint. you feel like the pressure in your hands has been released. a moan escapes your lips, not intentionally, but karina has that same bastard look on her face like she planned this. “yeah. i’m gonna fuck you so good when we get back,”
and that promise was enough to hold you back, just for a little. 
it’s like a premarital honeymoon. no— a pre-relationship honeymoon. every night ends with sex, and it isn’t even just every night now. sometimes twice a day, whenever it seems right. 
the days you two don’t end up tangled in the sheets, flushed and nude, chests heaving, are the days that leave you feeling empty, figuratively and literally. you feel like you could do this forever. maybe it’s a possibility.
you bring it up in may, when the heat in the atmosphere is rising but the heat between you and karina rises faster. you hate these conversations. you hate that you can’t stop talking about it. curiosity killed the cat, and you are one hungry kitty, that’s for sure. possibly high on catnip.
when you ask karina her thoughts on marriage (not with you, of course), she doesn’t answer. she pretends to be asleep, but her eyes are clenched shut too tight, it’s evident that she’s still awake. you don’t push it. 
the following morning, you wake up with karina’s lips pressing sleepy open-mouthed kisses to your jaw, her wet tongue making fleeting contact with your skin every time. 
you grunt with every peck, until the pecks become more than that and travel to your mouth. you’ve never kissed her in the morning before, but it feels good. her tongue pushes back on yours and it feels like she’s devouring you. you would let her. she could swallow you whole and you wouldn’t even mind. 
she trails a series of kisses down your abdomen, stopping just below your navel and moving back up, meeting your lips with her own. it throbs between your legs.
“god, you’re so fucking beautiful,” she mumbles, her eyes still hooded and voice raspy and tired. 
as your body wakes up, as do the butterflies in your stomach, fluttering. 
“quit that,” you say, subconsciously. it isn’t what you want. you don’t want her to quit that. that’s the last thing you want. 
you hear the hummingbirds outside, and it snapped your brain back to reality. you have class, and as much as you would like to lay here with karina forever, that’s not what your gpa wants. your friends have already started to wonder where you spend all your time nowadays. your professors don’t need to ask the same.  unfortunately, karina pulls away and topples back over beside you. she’s very obedient. she doesn’t snarl or get upset when you tell her no. she doesn’t even seem embarrassed. you feel the urge to pet her and say ‘good dog’ for being so good at following directions, but you don’t. instead, it just ends with a thank you and a kiss on the antihelix of her ear.
she pouts. you thought this would be over so quick?
“can’t you just let me?” she whines, grumbling under her breath like a spoiled child. this is what she wants. it’s what she wants, you asshole, and you aren’t even giving it to her. “you make me feel good. why won’t you ever let me reciprocate?”
standing over her in bed, you feel a little bad. “making you feel good makes me feel good, rina. it’s fine,”
evidently, that isn’t a good enough answer for her. “making you feel good makes me feel good, and if that makes you feel good, then we all feel good, yeah?”
the hodgepodge of words sends you spiraling.
“you’re reading too deep into this.”
“you aren’t reading deep enough,” she rebuts, hand on your wrist. “just once. i like you. let me show you.”
karina had never been the kind of person you assumed just wanted to get her dick wet. this wasn’t just fucking to her, and it wasn’t for you either. you liked each other, but not in that way, of course not in that way.
of course not.
you had said it to yourself a million times to drill it into your skull. you’re just friends. you’re just friends. you’re just friends.
you cave.
“fine,” and you situate yourself back on the bed, on the foot, this time. karina understands. she moves to the floor, on her knees, carpet burning the skin on her caps. right in front of the mirror, how convenient. her fingers curl around your panties, tugging them to your knees, before she looks up at you with lusty eyes filled with want.
“you’re going to watch yourself?” karina asks. your lack of an answer tells karina everything she needs to know. “dirty girl.”
soaked, she kitten licks your folds, swollen with desire and glistening. your own wetness coats the very inner parts of your thighs. “christ,” she croaks, voice muffled from between your legs, “so fucking wet for me,” and she watches you intently as she sucks on your clit, swelling on her tongue. you had actually intended on looking in the mirror until karina started staring. it made you feel a little comfortable, really. she could be doing anything else, but she was here, bruising her knees for your pleasure, and making sure to eye your pretty face the whole time.
it makes you want to love her. to hold her hand and kiss her and actually be able to say, ‘this is my girlfriend’. it was a silly dream, but the thought of it mixed with karina’s tongue fucking your hole? yeah. it was more than enough to make a mess all over her chin. it was shameful how quick it ended.
it was getting sickening. maybe it was the heat of the moment, maybe it was something entirely different. maybe it was just nature. an incessant voice at the back of your head just fucking begging you to say it. you part your lips.
“i think i love you.”
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alcoholfreenayeon · 2 months
You and Karina go on a cute picnic date but instead of having the food you guys brought you decide to eat something else…her
A/N: Well….the timing is a bit awkward but we move. Dont lose hope Karina nation, y’all will rise again. Sorry if it’s a bit short. The g!p Mina fic will be next, tomorrow hopefully.
Karina x reader
CW: Smut, some fluff
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Karina was still taking pictures while you had already sat down and were watching her with a smile, thinking how pretty she is. A few moments later, she comes back to sit by your side, looking at the photos when she notices you staring at her, she smiles at you and goes back to posting the pictures. She then puts her phone down and goes through the basket to see what she wants to eat when she sees that you are still looking at her.
“What…”, she says looking down and blushing a little.
“You are really really pretty”, you say, smirking, enjoying her sudden shyness.
“Let’s just eat…weren’t you the one complaining you were hungry”, she says pretending not to hear you but the red cheeks were quite visible.
“You are right”, you admit with a smile, “but I want some-”
“Shush!”, she cuts you off, reading your intentions almost immediately, rolling her eyes.
You sigh and decide to stop your pursuit for now when Karina catches you by surprise.
“I suppose….”, she didn’t even finish her sentence when you were already spreading her legs. She sighs and rolls her eyes again but a slight blush was visible and she couldn’t help but bite her lips gently as she watched you be so eager for her.
Karina leaned against a tree while you put yourself in between her legs. You couldn’t stop smiling and who wouldn’t, when someone like Karina is in front of you, waiting to be eaten out. You start by kissing and caressing her thighs, taking your time, kissing, rubbing and even gently sucking her inner thighs.
Meanwhile Karina could only sigh in contentment, her breathing slowly getting heavier as she gets more and more aroused.
You continue to tease her when suddenly you both hear some laughter in the distance….
“Someone’s coming!”, Karina panicked, trying to move your head away.
You reluctantly pull away, looking around for the source while Karina quickly readjusted her sundress. A few seconds later you both could see a small group of people walking by, you smile and greet them and smile back, chatting to themselves as they walk past. Karina could only look down, staring at the basket, her face flushed.
You both wait a few minutes to make sure the coast is clear and take a sigh of relief. Karina looks at you and squeals when you suddenly kiss her.
But she starts to kiss you back and you both make out for a couple minutes and then you pull away and begin to kiss her neck. She softly moans, closing her eyes and letting you do what want but when you begin to go lower, she jolts back to reality, grabbing your shoulders.
“What are you doing???”, she asks, “we were already almost caught! We can’t kee-”
You cut her off by kissing her again and she gives in again letting you kiss her. When you both end the kiss, you can’t help but smirk while she sighs, huffing and looking away but she’s flushed, “you always get your way….do what you want”
You suppress a smile and turn her cheek so she faces you, “I’ll stop then since you aren’t in the mood”.
She looks at you, gritting her teeth and just for a moment, you see her bite her lip but she tries to hide it, “No, might as well continue now”.
You smirk and get down to business, going back to teasing her but moving closer and closer to where she wants you which becomes more and more evident from her small gasps and sighs. However, you don’t let off her easy and stop there, so close yet so far and just take your sweet time sucking and gently biting her inner thighs until you finally heard her plead for you to continue.
And then you finally get to it, moving her panties to the side, you give her a few long licks bottom to top making her breathe hard and shiver before diving right in, licking all her sweet spots causing her to start whining. You eat her out like she likes it and soon enough you feel her legs tighten around you and her hands on your head as Karina now begins to pant hard, trying not to be loud when suddenly once again you both hear voices in distance.
Karina panics again, “stop, stop some-”.
You cut her off by placing your hand on her mouth and continue to lick her even more intensely and she bites down on your hand and begins to practically choke you on her thighs and you could tell she was getting real close. She covers her face with one hand while gripping your hair tightly with other. A few moments later you feel her whole body jolt and shake as she cums but you don’t stop and instead begin to suck her clit while starting to finger her and Karina screams, throwing herself back as she jerks around from the mind numbing pleasure and suddenly falls silent, unable to make a sound, unable to comprehend the pleasure and she cums again, even harder this time and falls limp.
You keep going for a few moments more before stopping and admiring her as she pants and slowly comes back to her senses. Karina can just look at you from below with lust in her eyes. You move up to her and give her a peck, smiling mischievously. She sits back up after a minute, quickly making herself presentable, still panting, “you can stop smiling now”, she says rolling her eyes but she had a small smile.
You keep grinning and begin to dig into the basket when she leaps on you, looking at you with intent as she pushes you down, “don’t think you’re the only one who can get their way”, she says smirking as her hands begin to reach down.
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jaemoris · 5 months
VIXEN - KARINA (teaser) :¨༺✮༻¨:·
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↬ pairing: toxicrichgirl!karina x athlete!femreader ↬ wc: 0.6k (this is just a teaser, the expected wc when it's finished is around 4k) ↬ warnings: suggestive, minors dni you will be blocked, lowercase is on purpose. ↬ note: this was inspired by this post by @myouicieloz ! if you'd like to be tagged when the fic comes out, send an ask.
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karina thought you were just the cutest thing ever. the way your little skirt bounced when you walked, your pretty doe eyes, how you adjusted your round glasses that were just a tad bit too big for your face, and how clearly nervous you got when talking to her. she wondered if you were already seeing someone, and if you weren’t she’d definitely be surprised, but the thought of that didn't deter her from wanting to claim you all for herself. not wanting to scare you off, karina promised herself she would decide to take things slowly for the time being. she failed.
“do you have any bedsheets with you?” she pointed to the duffel bag and backpack that were set down at the floor. you slightly frowned realizing that you had nothing of the sort packed. overwhelmed with stress and worry, you must have forgotten to buy a bed set, now all you have is a mattress with a flimsy white sheet over it, nothing more. “oh.. i- um must have forgotten.”
this was the perfect opportunity for karina. she could take advantage of this moment and get closer to you physically, and just maybe learning a few things about you, if she felt like it of course. you could be all hers by the end of the semester if she played her cards right. “oh no worries yn, we can sleep in my bed!” stunned by how comfortable karina was being with you, you let out a small gasp.
“are you sure?… i mean, i wouldn’t want to invade your space or anything.” she chuckled and stroked your arm, “don’t be silly. roommates help each other! this is me helping you.” nodding and biting your lip, you were thinking about how people could dislike karina, either she was a genuinely nice person and people just enjoyed spreading nasty rumors, or it was a facade and she really was some evil witch bitch with something more sinister in mind. but poor, naive you always loved seeing the good in people instead of focusing on the bad. although, you had to remind yourself that despite her kind and caring demeanor, you'd have to make sure to stay on her good side.
honestly, you were scared. not only were you rooming with the hottest girl on campus, but you were also going to be sharing a bed with her. what the fuck. if it only took a touch of your arm to get you all hot and nervous, you were going to have a hard time sleeping with her. could she have not been such a pervert and offered to sleep on the couch while you occupied her bed? yes, but where’s the fun in that? seeing you all flustered while she “innocently” rubs against you would be all worth it.
“go ahead and change into some comfier clothes, the bathroom is right across.” she pointed to the slightly open door that faced the shared bedroom. gaining hold of the duffel bag stuffed with your personal effects and clothing, you headed towards the bathroom to change.
after putting on your pajamas, you walk out back into the bedroom to find karina basically half fucking naked. you nearly dropped your bag at the sight of her in a tight black bra with a pair of black shorts that left her body half-exposed and her beauty impossible to ignore. her slim figure, plush thighs, abs, bigger breasts, and small waist made the “outfit” all more tantalizing. not knowing what to say, you quickly looked away, trying to keep your composure best you could.
as you slowly walked towards your side of the room put your old clothes back into your bag, the atmosphere felt awkward. however, the awkwardness was pretty one sided. if anything, karina was enjoying this. was it on purpose? definitely, yes. she knew you would get nervous at the sight of her nearly naked. karina knew everyone on campus would kill to see her like this, so she was giving you a little bit of a special welcome gift.
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TAGLIST: @junoswrlld @run2seob @linnnsworld @rinapomu @hwm1hyun @punchiviahye
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kopilot-pop · 5 months
[Aespa x Touch-Starved! Reader]
- imagine.
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Summary: You’re a just really touch starved cat in a human body, and Aespa adores you.
Warnings: poly!aespa, alcohol, cursing, overabundance of fluff, unseriousness, etc.
A/N: While writing this I had to search if touch-starved meant what I thought it meant. I found out that there’s alot of variations so I just wrote based off of my touch-starved ass. I’m experiencing a very slight writer’s block, so I wrote this as something easy. Thank you all for loving my fics <3
Even after a year of being a team and an additional 6 months of being in a relationship, your girlfriends never noticed how much affection you really craved.
It’s not like they weren’t affectionate towards you - no, quite the opposite actually.
They love to hold your hand, kiss you, cuddle you, but they hesitated whenever you flinched
You weren’t scared or anything, just not used to that much affection; but they didn’t know that
So the four of them kind of came to think that you didn’t like physical affection at all :0
So it was basically torture to watch them slowly distance themselves (only physically, they still made sure to tell you how much they love you)
But since you were shy and scared to directly ask for their touch, you just sucked it up
But hey, the girls aren’t stupid y’know?
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Jimin noticed how much you craved their affection when she decided to wake you up the morning she arrived back from a Paris fashion show.
Her hand was resting on your cheek, gently drawing circles with her thumb as she tried to wake you up for breakfast
When you started to stir she tried to get up
but you snatched her hand back
You were definitely asleep, so she was surprised how strong you were
literally WRESTLING her hand to force it back on your face
“Mmmh… is cold…”
Her nose might have bled a little
Safe to say she took a million photos of you like that and changed it to her wallpaper.
Ever since that incident (that you don’t even know happened), she started to be a bit more forward with pda.
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Aeri noticed when you clinged onto her before he had to leave for Tokyo.
You guys decided to get dinner together and ended up getting drunk
While walking towards the dorm, you would act like her shadow, stuck right behind her as the two of you waddled back into the house
a very giggly Gigi
“Y/n I need to change-!”
Getting ready for bed and you’re right beside her with a prominent pout on your face
When she gave you a peck to stop it, she noticed the slight twinkle in your eyes (ur so whipped)
If the others held you alot, she’s the one that kissed you alot
So before she removes her makeup she leaves a bunch of kiss marks on your face :0
She kind of panics when you drunkingly tell her you aren’t going to wash your face until she comes back from Tokyo
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Minjeong realized the moment she walked through the door and you decided to carry her everywhere (honestly she’s smol)
she smells alcohol on you, making her even more confused
you didn’t even say anything man, just yoinked her
“AH-! Y/n what-?!”
You just grab her and sit down on the couch to watch some shitty show you put on a few hours ago… while finishing 4 bottles of soju.
In a span of 5 minutes, Minjeong suddenly became your personal teddy bear
she hates the smell of alcohol, but watching you snuggle up to her with such a giddy face made her put up with it (she’s whipped)
loves the way you practically melt when she starts to play with your hair
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Ning found out about your love for physical affection in the dumbest way possible
You were lounging on her bed, watching an interview she took a week ago, when she started to talk about her sleeping habits
“Oh yeah, I have this bear from IKEA that I like to hug while sleeping. It’s really soft and..”
You started to get annoyed as your girlfriend went on about it and snapped your head up to see the bear staring right at you (it wasn’t, you were just jealous of a fucking stuffed animal)
Now imagine Ningning walking into her room after a photoshoot and you’re just sucker-punching her stuffed bear.
“???Y/N?? What are you doing???”
You ramble an apology/explanation, but all she understands is that you want to be cuddled too (you didn’t say that of course. she just has a ‘Y/n translator’)
She makes fun of you alot after that, but decides to grant your unspoken wish
Just snuggling into your jacket (that you’re wearing btw) whenever it’s cold, hugging you from behind as you get your makeup fixed…
she thinks its cute how you freeze up for a few seconds before melting into her
(it’s poly so im gonna add more)
the 4 of them have a long chat about your actions
and after talking for a while, they come to the realization that you were actively seeking for their touch only when you were half asleep or drunk.
Aeri’s the one that comes to the conclusion that you are touch-starved
So that’s why every Saturday, you’re dragged to the living room to have a movie day with your girlfriends.
You’re slightly nervous when you’re put on the center of the couch.
But by the end of the film, you’re quite literally molding into the couch
Jimin is on your right, with her face leaned against your shoulder as she plays with Minjeong’s hair.
Minjeong is on the ground with her body leaning against your leg.
While Ning is on the other side of the floor, holding your hand in a tight lock.
And Aeri’s the one softly rubs circles on your arm, sitting on your left
you’re just stuck in the middle like:🧍🏻‍♀️
They think it’s adorable how much you can relax with them
One time, an interviewer was being extremely rude, making snarky remarks about you and your performance
and Karina’s immediate reaction was to hold your hand while Ning told him off with a smile on her face
and when Jimin held your hand you genuinely did not care what that man said
another time you were extremely nervous before a solo performance for the MMA and the girls could tell how tense your shoulders were
but they all watched Minjeong lightly touch your neck and your back muscles just relaxing automatically
Ningning’s confused laughter because she didn’t know human bodies could work like that
Fans love watching you melt like a puppy during lives
just clips of ‘Y/n with Aespa vs. Others’ going around the internet
and one of those clips is you napping on the couch when a staff member helps fix your hair
you lean into the touch at first but jolt awake
vs. you asleep again in the waiting room couch when Giselle fixes your hair
and this time you don’t wake up, just leaning more and more into the touch
what they don’t see in that clip is the other 3 squealing and Aeri ending up with you cuddled up inside her arms <3
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