#yuan is always gonna be wen ning's baby
priapussdick · 10 months
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i am sobbed so hard bro
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mxtxfanatic · 6 months
Hello, new danmei fan here. I'm really late into danmei, just started last year (so I missed the hype). Just when I confused which blog to follow, I found your blog. Thanks so much for this blog of yours, it really helped me to understand more of the stories. I just finished MDZS, TGCG, SVSSS and now I'm reading 2Ha.
For this ask game, can I ask MDZS or SVSSS?
Before I start reading, many people said that SVSSS is inferior to other MXTX works, after finishing the books, I disagree, because I enjoy them all the same....
I mean, if starting last year is considered "late," then I'm also behind, because I only started reading things a few years ago lmao! But it's never too late when fandoms are still booming (for better or worse). So I see we're finishing out the mxtx novels.
Favorite Character: Wei Wuxian
Favorite Arc: all Drunk Lan Wangji encounters!
Character I Think is Underrated: Lan Wangji, if i have to hear “he’s boring” from people who can’t read one more time…
Character I Think is Overrated: all of the antagonists and villains. Jiang Cheng is not "single mother!jiujiu," he is just a bitchless Wen Chao. Jin Guangyao is not "poor little Meng Yao forced to do things against his will," he is a a calculating murderer who will scheme against, betray, and kill anyone who stands between him and ultimate power. Madam Yu is not a "girlboss" (unless we accept the real meaning of that word, which is a woman who gains power by ingratiating herself into oppressive systems as the female alternative to corrupt male leaders), she is a domestic abuser who made every single person in her family and husband's clan miserable.
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Wangxian
Something I Love About the Book: I love the way this book is adamant about good always eventually being rewarded. That even if the outcome of doing good was terrible, that does not make the effort wasted or useless. Lan Wangji protecting Wei Wuxian at Nightless City was worth it even if he was almost killed for it, because it made sure that the yin tiger tally did not end up in the Jin Clan's hands as a completed weapon. Wei Wuxian saving the Wen was worth it even though he was killed for it, because A-Yuan got to live. Wen Qing and Wen Ning saving Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian was worth it even though Jiang Cheng betrayed them in the end, because their clan still got to live through its last descendant. None of their actions were met with immediate rewards, but the larger implications of them led to better outcomes than had they just kept to themselves and the status quo of corruption, as everyone else had.
SVSSS (my favorite of the three 🤗)
Favorite Character: Luo Binghe, hands down
Favorite Arc: Holy Mausoleum Arc, cause y'all (Shen Qingqiu 😒) gonna stop falsey accusing my baby, today!
Character I Think is Underrated: Bing-mei version of Luo Binghe, not because he's "unpopular," per se, but because mainstream fandom's perception of him seems to be that he is just Bing-ge who cries, and this is a complete mischaracterization of his character based on popular fanon. I see too much hate for him in this fandom because of it
Character I Think is Overrated: Shen Jiu. The man was a child abuser and died to one of his victims because he chose to be a child abuser. There is nothing tragic or unfair about that. Leave that man in the ether where he'll hopefully never have a chance to harm another person again.
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Bingqiu
Something I Love About the Book: Shen Qingqiu. The man is trying his damndest to do right in what he considers a doomed narrative, but the moment he realizes that his efforts have actually made things worse, he immediately pivots his actions. He never tries to justify himself, deflect from criticism, or misplace responsibility. He has one goal in mind, and that is to make as many people's lives as he possibly can better than what they originally ended up as.
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neverdoingmuch · 4 years
Wait cql lawyer/law school AU
i got you my pal dont worry!!
law school, im gonna be honest and say i know like nothing about law or law school so pls ignore any inconsistencies or inaccuracies
lwj goes to law school and he is definitely the top student in his class. they’ve been there for like a month and everyone already knows he’s gonna be the best
his one and only competition is this dude called wei wuxian but lwj isn’t particularly worried about him
so far they’re still in the stage of the course where they do the fun things to sucker people into doing the class for the semester so there’s been some practise debates and arguments and stuff in their tutorial classes
wei wuxian has that Charisma and like yeah all of his arguments are perfect but also he has an amazing smile and people are like yes i can trust him 
(he’s definitely the sort to be like hm, the easy way to argue this case would be to quote some laws and use precedence to justify this but that’s boring)
lwj is also good at that sort of stuff because his arguments are perfect and everything is so perfectly researched that there should be no ground at all for someone to lodge a counterargument
(wei wuxian manages somehow and it makes lwj so mad)
but that’s whatever lwj thinks,, a lot of people join law thinking it’s gonna be like the tv shows and books and then get completely blindsided when it comes to the rote learning part or like the actual laws 
and for all of wwx’s confidence, lwj hasn’t actually seen wwx so much as touch the textbook/s and he always studies in the law library so he knows that wwx has probably never even been there bc he hasn’t seen him even once (why’s he looking? bc he needs to see which books wwx uses to study,, bc there has to be something going on there,, obviously)
then they do their first like proper written assignment and lwj and wwx tie for the highest scores and now lwj has a Rival and he refuses to lose to someone who thinks that putting a ‘-us’ sound at the end of a word makes it latin (did wwx say habeas corpus and then point at a soft drink and go  sprite-us can-us,,, maybe,,,,)
anyway! lwj and wwx are kinda rivals for the top spot and it’s one of those situations where one test lwj wins by a point but then the next test wwx gets full marks and they just keep exchanging the top spot in class
and this whole time wwx is like The Worst to have in class. he’s always interrupting to ask questions or just straight up not listening and spends the class doodling pictures of rabbits (they’re cute but wwx is terrible and he’s not allowed to make cute drawings)
so after a few months the most horrible thing happens.... they get put together in a project and lwj is like ugh. internally of course but his face is also saying ugh
the first time wwx and lwj get together to work on the project, lwj is prepared with a proper list of tasks to do all nicely split up between the two of them and a schedule for when they should get certain parts done by. 
needless to say, lwj does not expect wwx to be ready, but wwx is definitely on top of things
he rocks up and is like yeah let’s do this, this and this and have them done by this time - basically proposing to do everything that lwj has already written down
and lwj is pleasantly surprised and is like hm maybe i misjudged wwx and decides to like re-evaluate his opinion on him
in doing so he realises that when he’d never seen wwx studying, it wasn’t an exaggeration at all. he’s never seen wwx so much as touch a textbook or spend more than a minute on a laptop doing something that wasn’t minesweeper or solitaire
but wwx is also making all of their deadlines and even adds extra information and resources to their document that could be useful elsewhere and sometimes he shows up to their study sessions and he looks absolutely exhausted
eventually lwj manages to get the truth out and wwx is just like yeah it’s easier to get worse grades than a genius but if you both study and you still get lower grades, it’s not easy,, for jc or for me
so wwx usually studies at night when his brother is asleep and lwj is like that’s bad, you can’t keep that up and just when wwx is about to go off at him lwj is like you can come study at my place
and thus begins the wonderful time where everything is alright and lwj falls in love with wwx
they work really well together and wwx is strangely considerate and nice? when he finds out lwj likes rabbits, he goes out and buys bunny post-it notes for lwj and starts to always bring him a doodle of bunnies every time he comes over. he always gets his work done on time, early even, and his work is always so brilliant and every time wwx smiles at him, lwj feels warm inside etc etc
for a long while lwj is like yes (: this is friendship (: bc he’s never had a crush before but then on the day they submit their project wwx is like hey,, the two of us make a great team,, we should always work together,, now and next year and even when we graduate,, i want to help the innocent people who need our help and i think i’d like it a lot if you joined me and lwj has his oh moment
they get a perfect score on the project of course and even after it finishes, wwx keeps coming over to lwj’s place to study or just hang out and lwj is just falling more and more for wwx each day
they’re best friends now and everyone gets used to seeing them work together on projects and then turn around to try and decimate each other when they’re working one on one and lwj thinks that he might just be the happiest he’s ever been
but then one day wwx doesn’t show up to class. it shouldn’t be strange but wwx has never missed class even once and he ends up hearing from lxc who heard from jgy that wwx was caught sabotaging some other student’s work (the other student was jzxun, who had a fondness for playing devil’s advocate and other than wwx once telling him that his argument was shit, wwx never spoke to him or seemed to know who he was but lwj is a bit too angry to remember that)
he manages to find wwx outside of his dorms as he’s moving out and he’s just like why did you do that? and wwx is like oh y’know,, bc he’s not really sure what’s happening himself,, one second he was at the top of his class and the next he was being brought before a board and being told that he was being expelled but he’s not going to tell lwj that bc lwj would definitely try and stand up for him and then they’d both get expelled
but lwj is furious and just spits out well if our dreams meant so little to you then maybe it’s a good thing you failed now,, bc his mother was a lawyer who took all these little jobs that helped people who actually needed the help and lwj was looking forward to doing that with wwx and he doesn’t even seem to care that now they can’t do that 
wwx flinches and then smiles at him and just cheerily says, that’s me and leaves. he doesn’t look back and lwj doesn’t chase after him.
lwj doesn’t see him again for years (you can do 13 or 5 or however long you feel like)
lwj is a fully licensed lawyer and he’s working for the family company and he spends half of his time working on cases and uses the rest of his time to do like outreach programs where he goes and visits schools and runs sessions on what it’s like to be a lawyer, how to apply, and to provide assistance to any students who decide to study law at uni
and then at one of these programs he meets this kid, wen yuan, who is ridiculously bright and enthusiastic and has a smile that seems oddly familiar
at the end of the second session he comes up to lwj and is like mr. lan, is your name lan wangji? and lwj just says yes, expecting the kid to be a fan of one of his cases or something but then wen yuan is like oh wow! i thought i recognised you from my dad’s photo!
and lwj isn’t expecting much but he asks what the photo looks like and wen yuan pulls out this photo from his pocket and lwj immediately recognises it,, it’s the only photo he has of him and wwx
your father is wei ying? lwj asks him and wen yuan is like yes, hesitates, and then asks, would you like to see him?
and that’s how lwj finds himself following wen yuan to some dinky little office that has a plaque outside that reads wen and wei
(wen ning is the nicest and sweetest person ever and lots of people underestimate him but then he’s an absolute monster on court. he gets up and completely decimates the opponent and then at the end is like (: it was so nice to meet you!! i am baby!! and all that,, you know our boy)
anyway they walk in and wwx turns to greet wen yuan but then he sees lwj and is like woah! you! and he’s not sure whether to hide or go and hug lwj so he just gives him a fist bump,, like a bro,, and immediately wants to shrivel up and die
anyway they get the reunion stuff out of the way, swelling music, tender wrist holding, lots of staring, lwj silently declaring his wholehearted love for wwx and refusing to believe rumours about him again even though he doesn’t actually know what happened, you know how it goes
from wwx’s side of things,, after he got kicked out he went to some small uni. good in its own right but not known for their law program and ended up specialising in family law
the first case he ever won was for the wens to have the right to keep custody of a-yuan and the first case wen ning ever won was to let wwx adopt a-yuan bc i’m soft like that
so wwx has just been kinda vibing,, being a single dad, living with the wens and helping to make that difference he always promised he would
now this isn’t gonna be some au where lwj goes oh my! i must give up my high salary job and work with wwx! bc lwj has been doing good stuff at his current job and for all of his family’s stuffiness, they run a fair and just company 
but! he does end up helping wwx when wwx gets a letter with a bunch of information about the jins and how they’re actually super corrupt and evil (big surprise,,) and how wwx was maybe definitely framed bc he was doing some casual work on the side and stumbled across some bad shit on the jins back in uni
lwj ends up being the one to take the case officially but wwx is definitely the guy leading it and so lwj ends up spending most of his time at the wen-wei office
lwj definitely bonds with wen yuan, who also wants to go into law, and writes him recommendation letters and helps him edit his applications and stuff
(and one day wen yuan is like leaving you was the hardest thing dad ever did and i dont think you appreciated how much he cared about you. he really did think that he annoyed you ‘til the end and lwj is like no! he didn’t! and wen yuan is like yeah i know but you gotta tell him and lwj really does mean to but the time is never right or something like that but also wen yuan is all but calling lwj dad at this point)
anyway they end up going to court, side by side, working as a team just as they promised to do and just as they finish their final day on the case, ended with the jury ruling jgy guilty and wwx’s reputation all but saved, wwx turns around and flings himself at lwj
is he crying? is he laughing? a bit of both tbh but wwx ends up confessing right then and there, still on record and everything (is that how that works??? idk! let’s say it does)
and what can lwj do but make out with him?
did a news crew come in to film the results of this massive court case just to end up with five minutes of wangxian kissing?? maybe! but when it played on tv it meant wwx and lwj didnt have to actually tell anyone they got together
(and does lwj eventually pop the question using wwx’s bad latinification? yes and wwx is too busy laughing to accept at first but he does and they end up being the worst possible tutors for wen yuan as he goes through law school bc they keep being all gross and lovey-dovey and acting like law school is the most romantic place in the world)
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restingdomface · 4 years
USA AU where WWX is a wealthy student studying classical music????? Lol no. USA AU where WWX is a trailer trash redneck with a toddler on his hip farming potatoes (because potatoes are more popular than radishes here and he can finally live his dreams of eating French fries ten times a week) and makin illegal moonshine with Uncle Four while they all work to get Wen Qing through her last year of med school and Wen Ning through the last year of his pre-med program and WWX occasionally works on cars in town but rn he’s the only thing keeping their tractor from dying for the fourth time and simultaneously entertaining a toddler to keep baby A-Yuan from eating dirt.
How does wangxian happen? IDFK WWX is probably in town with the baby when he sees his old private school classmate that he totally WASNT flirting with shut up JC and ends up going out to lunch with him when LWJ says he’s just passing through and they should catch up some time (which is taken 100% seriously because WWX knows LWJ doesn’t say things he doesn’t mean so he’s all ‘damn, rich boy wanna buy me lunch I’m down’) and they go out to dinner where WWX tells him about how he met the Wens in college and ended up living with them and even tho they’re not rich they’re his family and now he’s fully adopted the baby and doesn’t want to ever leave them and they always have enough to get by and WWX can still tinker on his electronics in between gardening and naps and working on the tractor and he’s even taken up knitting/crocheting since little A-Yuan came along. And LWJ. Just falls. Even more in love. With him. Like. He thought maybe those feelings would go away one day, that he’d stop being so hopelessly in love with the boy that he hasn’t seen in years. But now he’s seen him in person, with a baby on his hip and looking like sunshine as a farmer and daddy and. He just. Can’t go back.
So obviously he asks WWX out. Because why wouldn’t he. And they don’t even have to go out to a fancy restaurant if WWX doesn’t want to. They can just. Spend the night at WWX’s undoubtedly cramped little house (where WWX is roommates with WQ and WN and baby A-Yuan is probably going to outgrow his crib in WWX’s room in a few years and they need to start worrying about who’s gonna have to move out and when because A-Yuan already sort of sleeps in WWX’s bed more than he should and tbh if left to their own devices, A-Yuan would probably hop between all their beds until he’s like 7 or something lol) and WWX is enchanted that his HS crush wants to spend time with him and the baby and it takes him a while to realize all this is really happening but. When he finally figures it out, he’s so happy he could burst.
Anyways. LWJ eventually moves in with them (when A-Yuan is closer to four and so let’s just say they’re all getting very used to sleeping in the same bed as someone with little feet) and his wedding present (lol they’re not married yet, but LWJ’s fam is totally traditional and insists that LWJ give WWX a massive courting gift, which mainly came up as an idea when they saw where WWX lived lol) to WWX is to take a part of the land they all live on and build a two story house with like six bedrooms or more so the baby can have his own room and no one has to leave and Granny even gives up her own little double wide (not a bad looking house, but she is getting older, and needs assistance more often now days) to take one of the ground floor bedrooms and there’s even a basement for WWX to play with machines and WWX never has to leave the Wen’s.
JYL get’s married and JZX wonders why all these rednecks are at his wedding. JYL loves her in-laws. JGS has a heart attack at seeing all the low-bred trailer trash and no one really thinks to revive him, whoops. But tbh, all WWX’s former classmates are a little shocked to see his family, especially the ones who know LWJ and him are engaged. Like. This bitch really moves to the woods to farm potatoes and make moonshine and still manages to marry one of the richest boys in their school????? Damn.
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tanoraqui · 5 years
Still thinking about an au in which for some reason WWX and the Wens are left to just live peacefully on the creepy death mountain - some detente wherein they don’t leave the mountain ever and in exchange no one tries to visit ever. Borders patrolled by corpses and sect disciples. So A-Yuan grows up raised kind of collectively but mostly by WWX and Wen Qing (the one most likely to tell WWX that he’s doing it wrong), and learns healing-focused spiritual cultivation AND demonic cultivation, and then at some point starts sneaking out to be the terrifying force of righteous kindness he was always going to be
Righteous kindness but also, like, having picked up WWX’s cavalier confidence (or at least some of the ability to fake it) and Wen Qing’s general attitude of Do No Harm But Take No Shit
In this au, despite the strict border-by-mutual-agreement that’s the only reason somehow no ones tried to attack, LWJ sneaks in like one a year so he and WWX can make eyes at one another but not actually say anything ever, and Wen Qing and LXC are both EXHAUSTED bc both their dumb little brothers (WWX is a sibling by adoption now don’t @ me) mope for like a week after EVERY SINGLE TIME THIS HAPPENS, and it’s been /over ten years/.
Meanwhile Jiang YanLi and JZX are FINE, and JYL somehow keeps up some sort of correspondence with WWX - or at least, he’s faithfully managed to send a birthday present for Jin Ling every single year, and every time, JYL makes her son write a thank-you note and bribes some series of people to get it smuggled back to Yiling
...which means, honestly, that Jin Ling is probably wildly curious about his uncle the evil demonic cultivator kept trapped within the terrible ghost mountain by the forces of Good and Right, and WILL sneak out one day to try to visit. Optimally, obviously, at the same time Wen Yuan is sneaking out to see the non-mountain world
The optimal plot is that Wen Yuan ropes Jin Ling into helping him set up WWX and LWJ, because he, too, is exasperated at this point, and Jin Ling ropes Wen Yuan into arranging like a parent trap reunion for the Jiang siblings, and obviously there are monsters and undead to complicate it all
They kind of acquire Lan Jingyi somewhere, somehow. He’s having a blast
There is a 100% chance that the first Adult(TM) to find them is Wen Ning and they just kind of rope him into whatever the hell is going on at the time
...you know what, I think this is just a good au where JGY fucking died at some point
Maybe someone threw him down the stairs again and he just broke his fucking neck. WWX is still vilified but between Jiang Cheng not really wanting to attack and Jiang (Jin?) Yanli being AGGRESSIVELY against it, and dragging JZX along with her, they’re left in peace.
Oh man and Jin Ling has YOUNGER SIBLINGS in this...
Hey for u: Jiang Cheng/Wen Qing can accidentally happen while the Teens are trying to get everyone else to meet
Today at 8:42 AM
I love this it's so goddamn wacky
I just want teenager-based shenanigans ft. surprisingly competent teenagers and all the adults running around like chickens with their heads chopped off
Jingyi: why are you two more calm about this than the literal adults
Wen Yuan: have you met my dad?
Also to be clear it is not at all hard to convince Wen Ning to join Team: Teenage Shenanigans, bc literally ANYONE in the Burial Mountain village would probably be down if you were like, “we’re engaged in a conspiracy to make Wei Wuxian fucking admit that he’s in love with that Lan guy who visits a couple times a year”
"This is my father, and this is his sugar daddy."
I kinda wanna say he goes by “Wen Yuan” more often bc he’s 100% the baby of the entire remaining Wen clan there, but his adult name or w/e it’s called IS Wen Sizhui, because WWX asked LWJ if he had any suggestions and LWJ said this while maintaining eye contact
They meet LXC and he figures out what’s going on in like 4 minutes, despite the teens’ best attempts at obfuscation, and instead of calling anyone’s parents is like, “okay, I’m in”
#1 wingman...
Jin Ling and Wen Yuan are definitely both traveling under false names, too? Wen Yuan obviously can’t admit to being a Wen and Jin Ling is making a privileged but slightly helicoptered teen’s rebellious bid for freedom
His dad is panicking at home and Yanli is like "boys need their freedom :)"
I saw a post forever ago about how Yanli would be the most hands off parent & Zixuan is an only child who would panic every time his kid fell down
With a side order of “my mother is the only one who’ll say nice things about the Yiling Patriarch and she always looks sad when she does so I’m going to sneak into the Burial Mountain and either drag him out to see her or force my parents to come get me”
"I'm gonna beat up the Yiling Patriarch" "why" "he made my mom sad" "okay proceed"
^ actual real conversation with WenYuan
A-Yuan then repeats the same thing to Wen Qing and she has the exact same answer, verbatim
Side note: Wen Yuan has never been scared of the undead in his entire life, and probably this will lead to getting into severely life-threatening situations when he doesn’t have more backup than 2 other teenagers
Oh absolutely
He's so used to tuning out the sound of sentry corpses that one jumps on him and almost punches his lungs out
Also what if he took WWX’s sword, so he looks like a proper normal cultivator - honestly, what if WWX gave him the sword when he turned 12, or whenever one customarily gives a child a sword in this world. He also has a flute stashed in his robe somewhere but he does know how to use both
But also, while obviously it’s very important that this is the sword he inherited from his father, it’s never OCCURRED to him to, like, strongly associate it with WWX, in terms of “this would be a recognizable weapon”? Chenqing the flute, obviously, but WWX just left the sword on a shelf all the time
He's very good at fooling people into thinking he's a normal rogue cultivator until he busts out the flute
So the first time someone looks at him and is like, “That is WWX’s sword” he achieves, like, “Who’s Morales? [NOT THAT DUMB]” levels of blank-brained
It like, doesn't even occur to him that this stick named whatever will be recognizable to people until it actually happens
"this is the Yiling Patriarch's sword!" "... I've never heard of him"
“What sword?”
“Oh, THIS sword? I...found it. In a stream.”
Also...at some point...once the teens have admitted their identities to one another...and possibly gotten into a couple other increasingly public shenanigans...they run into a bunch of concerned people searching from the Jin or even Jiang sect - JC being there would be PERFECT - and Jin Ling is like, “aaahh, no, I don’t want to be dragged home... kidnap me.”
WY: what?
JL: pull out the flute, summon a couple corpses, shout that you’re the dread son of the Yiling Patriarch, and pretend to kidnap me
WY: ...yeah okay
The dumbass energy...... off the CHARTS
They’re 15 and neither of them has ever faced consequences but in...actually not too different ways
They’re 15 and neither of them as ever faced consequences nor most of the real world
Oh my god is Lan Jingyi the most sensible person here
They’re going to DIE
JC and Yanli immediately see through this probably
"dumbass kid just doesn't want to go home. I'll break his legs."
I think Yanli does but I have minimal faith in JC’s ability to think logically at any time
He’s still angry at WWX for leaving
Stomps to Yiling to demand his nephew back & wwx's like "lol, A-Yuan left two months ago"
Okay my shift is starting later
Though, bold of you to assume that WWX isn’t also running around anxiously somewhere like “oh god, oh no, my son is missing; I must find him”
Sizhui is a responsible boy, I don't think he would leave without telling at least ONE person where he was going
Ok but it was Wen Qing who thinks it’s good for WWX’s health to stop brooding and go run around like a headless chicken instead, optimally if he runs into his totally-not-a-boyfriend-Hahahaha-why-would-you-say-that
Alternately it was, like, Granny, which, ditto
No one on this mountain is going to stop WWX from going out to cause trouble and hopefully get laid, is my point
Also, the cultivation world has been basically at peace for 13 years and the reason is that this is an ideal AU where JGY is dead and whenever trouble starts to stir politically, NHS and JYL meet eyes across the room and mentally Rock Paper Scissors over who has to manipulate everyone into calming the fuck down
Neither of them actually wants this job; they’re just good at it and recognize both those aspects in each other
That is.... so goddamn in character
concept: JYL and NHS are friends and no one else understands it, or attributes it to JYL just being that nice, bc NHS still generally acts useless
Nhs actively wants to be useless and life is conspiring to make sure he can't
a little less dramatically useless, but why ruin a good thing when you're having fun and it's useful
but JYL fucking identified him as Actually Competent one time when he couldn't hide it, so now sometimes they get tea together and bitch about politics and stupid people
He's the only person who can correctly identify when she's talking shit about people, because it's VERY subtle and her brothers & husband are too busy thinking she hung the moon to notice
JYL striding into Nie sect HQ (whatever it's called) and tossing her coat over a chair. "You would not BELIEVE what my brothers are doing now."
NHS: *probably knows, because he's found that the minor investment of effort in maintaining a very good spy network pays major dividends in helping him avoid greater work* *immediately sits up and pours her a cup of very expensive tea* Oh, girl, dish.
Question: are they also friends with lwj...
yes but he's obviously not invited to hte political gossip sessions
I'm trying to imagine lwj making eye contact with them at some meeting his brother dragged him to and both of them struggling not to break into hysterics
but they both know that he sneaks into Yiling to visit WWX a few times a year, and every single time, JYL sits him down within a couple weeks and aggressively debriefs him as to her brother's condition
I'm sure she tried to get him to take treats in
for sure
it's hopeless, though, bc there's no really predicting WHEN he'll go? It's basically just "every 4-6 months when LWJ's resolve breaks"
Too bad she's not a stress quilter instead of a stress baker
she gets him to go at an actual arranged time, bearing pork soup, like once, for WWX's 30th birthday or something
omg lit brain: LWJ of course is hte WORST for getting gossip, but JYL has pieced together a reasonable amount about the people her idiot baby brother (#2) is now living with. And she's mildly despairing as to idiot baby brother #1's ongoing refusal to get married and have an heir or three. So she, if not actively connives, then certainly siezes the first available opportunity to set Jiang Cheng up with Wen Qing
basically, this au is PEAK romcom
...also, for max happiness, i'd like to think that WWX made some strategic raids to rescue additional Wen refugees and bring them back, so there's a properly populated village and they didn't all just die
Good... Good thoughts
Good because 1. more people die and 2. The Yiling Patriarch will attack your village and steal your people away!
(romcom being exclusively adults-focussed; the teens initiate it all but Jin Ling and Wen Yuan are both so delighted to have an Additional (But Cooler) Family Member that they comfortably cousinzone each other instantly)
...i feel like i keep characterizing Jin Ling as an only child, when really he ought to have a small horde of siblings
maybe they just...couldn't conceive more. shit happens. pregnancy is hard.
That happens sometimes
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liathebookwyrm · 2 years
Mandalorian au cause why not?
You may all blame this on me binging the Untamed and the Mandalorian at the same time, and also on the mental image of A-Yuan in a Baby Yoda onesie. You're welcome. Also this
I can totally picture Wei Wuxian as the Mandalorian with A-Yuan as baby Yoda. With Chenqing guest-staring as the Darksaber.
Wen Qing is the Armorer because she puts up with so much shit in the main timeline, she deserves to beat someone to death with a sledgehammer at some point. As a treat.
Also Wei Wuxian stumbling to the Covert/Burial Mounds in a panic because he stole a baby and oh shit the baby is Force sensitive and he doesn't know the first thing about babies and will you all stop laughing at him, it's not funny!
And in his defence, he stole the baby from some truly terrible people so we should really not be focusing on that, thank you.
Is Wei Wuxian Force sensitive? Maybe yes, maybe not. He's not admitting to anything. Also he's wearing a helmet like 24/7. How exactly does Jedi Master Lan keep recognising him? The author couldn't hazard a guess...
So the Wens are a Mandalorian clan(s) because well... they are somewhat stab happy, let's be honest. The Lans and Jins are from the Core, dealer's choice on the planets. Jiangs, I'm thinking Naboo, or some other lush planet. Nie...I'm not sure but probably somewhere Mid-Rim closer to Mandalore.
Did the kids all meet as Jedi Padawans? Yes, yes they did! Historically speaking the Jedi and the Mandalorians had been fighting wars every second Tuesday anyway, it works. Did Wei Wuxian take a painfully pragmatic approach to the need to end the constant war mongering that might decimate the Jedi order and go Dark Side for the greater good? Absolutely. He refuses to say he "fell" as he knew what he was doing, thank you very much. Did he know all the consequences of delving in the Dark Side?.... Next question.
Is there a raging debate on whether he can be "redeemed" to the Light Side after he storms out of the Order. Absolutely. He would like to register that he doesn't need saving but his opinion hasn't been asked.
Then he and a bunch of Wens disappear from a Jin-controlled planet. Quite literally without a trace. Lan Wangji may or may not have been there when the spaceship was loading, but he's admitting to nothing and with his reputation, who's gonna question him?
Jin Guangyao totally knows Lan Wangji had something to do with it, but accusing him would also mean he'd have to call Lan Xichen a liar, and Lan Xichen is doing his whole subtly-threatening mild smile of Doom look, and Jin Guangyao just... can't do it.
Meanwhile, somewhere in the Outer Rim, a small Mandalorian Covert is established. They do the helmets always on in public thing for their safety. Wei Wuxian looks mighty fine in Mandalorian armour and the author will accept no feedback on that. He keeps his old lightsaber in his ship just in case but he's pretty damn good with a blaster and that attracts less attention than being the first Mandalorian to yield a (red) lightsaber since Mandal'or the Great forged the Darksaber. (He totally gets his hands on the Darksaber but that's on the down-low for most of the story).
So yeah, Wei Wuxian is a bounty hunter now, partially because they need money to survive, partially because Wen Ning got really injured on the escape and medical treatment and proper good quality prosthetics are damn expensive.
He builds a reputation as a crazy Mandalorian who will literally go inside a Sarlac pit for the sake of a good bounty. (It happened one time, ok? He promised never to do it again, Granny was "not mad, just worried" at him for days after.) Jiang Cheng hears that last story and he's absolutely certain that's Wei Wuxian. But he thought that even Wei Wuxian had slightly more sense than that.
Then Wei Wuxian picks a massive bounty by a Jin lackey and that's how he finds A-Yuan. Cue massive panic because they may be able to hide one Force sensitive (or three? are the Wen sibs sensitive too? maybe) with the distance from the core and the occasional pet Ysalamari but they can't keep that around a baby. It's not healthy. So Wei Wuxian loads what supplies he can, leaves them a com just in case and it is intergalactic road trip!
Do the Jins frame is as "that evil Mandalorian and/or Sith stole a baby Jedi"? Absolutely. Why was there a baby Jedi in one of their testing facilities? Not relevant. Ironically everyone looking for Wei Wuxian and A-Yuan gives Lan Wangji the perfect excuse to go track down his (not) boyfriend. Probably makes their reunion a little awkward though.
I mean Wei Wuxian used to babysit the Younglings at the Temple but that's not the same as raising a kid full time while on the run, while keeping a very careful control over his own Force presence so no one who knows him can track him and he can't exactly use the Dark Side to hide because A-Yuan is imprinted to him like a psychic duckling and what if the Dark Side hurts his baby by proxy?
So yeah, when Lan Wangji catches up to them in Corellia, he's stressed, he's not slept in three days, there's like three different parties actively tracking him at that very moment, but they need supplies and the credits are running low because there's only so many jobs he can pick under the circumstances and he really can't afford to get distracted.....and would you look at that, A-Yuan has wondered off.
Thankfully Wei Wuxian will not have to commit mass murder on that day as A-Yuan has honed to the only other dad-shaped Force sensitive in the vicinity and made a bee-line for Lan Wangji. Cue Lan Wangji recognising him helmet or no helmet, insisting on buying him anything he needs (A-Yuan gets a plushy tooka) and the end up back to Wei Wuxian's ship for a meal. So, of course, THAT'S when they get a distress signal from the covert.
Wei Wuxian tries to talk Lan Wangji out of following him because, well, all "don't want to put you in danger" aside, Lan Wangji is still with the Order, Wei Wuxian is not gonna show him where a WEN covert is. Does that hurt? You bet it does.
So Lan Wangji, having had some time to meditate on his priorities while quite literally tracking the love of his life across the galaxy, basically throws out his com unit/tracker and tells Wei Wuxian that either they're going on the same ship, or he's following him on his x-wing. Wei Wuxian's next argument is the whole Dark side thing (dramatic unveiling of a red lightsaber and everything).
Well Lan Wangji would certainly like to know what's up with that (most promising of their generation fell and all without any explanation blahblahblah) but he knows he's not good enough with words to express that without sounding accusatory and Wei Wuxian is already on a very short tether so he just sits on the co-pilot seat and asks what checks need to be done while Wei Wuxian plots a course.
Oh course they're pretty far away from the covert. Seeing as I don't want to have them arrive at a smouldering crater I'll say..... two-three days on hyperspace. Plenty of time for tense avoidance, whispered arguing (kid present. psychic kid at that), at least ONE tearful confession and nowhere near enough time for a resolution, but at least they're somewhat on the same page. Of course all that hard won inner calm is not exactly maintained when they arrive to find the covert under attack. Is it the Jins? is it Generic Villain gang #57843? Is it the Hutts? I don't know! Does Wei Wuxian absolutely tear them apart? Yeah. Yeah, he does. And then has a minor crisis because all talk of "doing what he must" and "no regrets" aside he's got a fear of abandonment the size of a planet no matter the universe and well....he did just go all Sith Lord in front of his new family (and Lan Wangji).
Wen Qing climbs out of the rumble and starts yelling at him for not maintaining his armour properly and "you wouldn't be bleeding now if you took care of that pauldron like I told you!"
Wei Wuxian: "I'm bleeding? Where?" -swoons right in Lan Wangji's arms-
Well I guess Lan Wangji will have to stay and help them rebuild as Jedi are supposed to help people. Plus A-Yuan has been clinging to him since the battle finished and they got him out of the spaceship and he can't exactly walk off with Wei Wuxian's kid. (Also, you know, the whole Wei Wuxian passed out thing. He's going nowhere before the idiot wakes up and they hash things out properly.)
Cue Lan Wangji being semi-adopted by the covert and now I'm picturing Wei Wuxian waking to see Lan Wangji trying on some Mandalorian armour, assuming he's still dreaming because helloooo visual and saying something completely unfiltered. Possibly about people getting inside other people's armour.
As always co-authored with/enabled by @sswangxian
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giftwrappingpaper · 3 years
wangxian bakery au
prompt: "I'd love to enable a creator to write/draw that self-indulgent niche workplace AU they've always wanted to make."
Lan Zhan finds Wei Ying baking bread in the kitchen of a hole-in-the-wall bakery in Yiling.
A low, all too familiar voice hesitantly calls his name. "Wei Ying?"
No fucking way. Wei Ying looks up, raised eyebrows wrinkling his flour-dusted forehead. Yep, that’s Lan Zhan alright; no matter how many years pass, Wei Ying could recognize that face anywhere. His sharp, meticulously perfect appearance makes him look like a high-fashion magazine model cutout slapped on a stock photo of yellowed plaster and secondhand baking equipment.
“No customers in the back,” Wei Ying advises before returning his attention to the dough in his hands. A picture of informality, with a small smirk playing on his lips — a half-hearted attempt to conceal the shock and surmounting panic bubbling in his gut.
How the hell did he find me? one side of his brain despairs, while the other side reassures that at least it isn’t Jiang Cheng.
Lan Zhan continues his stalwart breach of Burial Bakery’s kitchen. What a rebel. “Wei Ying,” he says again.
“That’s me.”
“You’re here.”
“Uh, yeah?”
“You’re in a...bakery. Baking.”
Wei Ying breathed in the calming smell of fresh sourdough and tangy levain. Thank the heavens he had been able to convince Wen Ning to take a lunch break, leaving Wei Ying to man the kitchen alone. This isn’t going to be pretty.
“That’s kinda what we do here, yeah,” he says, eyes trained on his workbench, crowded with floured bannetons and formless lumps of dough. “A helping hand would be nice. I’d appreciate that much more than the gawking.”
Lan Zhan blinks, jawing clenching and ears flushing. Wei Ying’s smirk lifts into something softer. Even after all this time, it’s still so easy to rile him up.
“How’d you even find me, anyway?” he wonders, stretching his dough flat against the workbench, stopping right when it’s about to rip. Gently, of course. Wouldn’t want to pop the gas built up after hours of proofing.
“The back door is open,” Lan Zhan answers faintly. His expression mirrors the face of a guy after finding a years-long missing sock long since chalked off as having been eaten by the dryer. “I saw you from the counter.”
A quick glance to the entrance confirms this. Wen Ning must’ve forgotten to close the door when he left. Damn, that’s no good. Can’t let the cold air flow in. Might mess with the dough proofing in the walk-in.
“Could you close that for me?” Wei Ying asks, briefly letting go of the dough to rub the back of his neck. When Lan Zhan continues to stand there, motionless like a beautiful, bewildered statue, Wei Ying tsks and says, “I’m not going anywhere, Lan Zhan. Gotta get yesterday's proofed loaves in the oven by the hour.”
Miraculously, Lan Zhan obeys. Wei Ying half expected him not to. He and Lan Zhan have never been the closest of friends; Wei Ying was an annoying student, and Lan Zhan has a zero tolerance for annoying classmates. But people can change, he supposes. It’s been over four years, and neither of them are the same people they were before Wei Ying packed up his things and gave up his cushioned life in the Jiang estate and his scholarship to one of the most prestigious universities in the country to start slumming it with the Wen siblings and A-Yuan in their closet of an apartment.
“Aw, thanks,” Wei Ying says when Lan Zhan returns. He belatedly realizes that he should’ve asked Lan Zhan to close the door behind him as he leaves the kitchen that he, as a non-employee, isn’t supposed to be in. Oh well; Wen Qing can chew him out for all the health codes he’s violating later. Isn’t she supposed to be manning the front? Lan Zhan must have snuck past her to get here, so she’s just as guilty.
“So you’ve been here the whole time?” Lan Zhan says, watching Wei Ying shape the dough. “Since you — left?”
“Basically.” Stitch the dough into itself. Then fold and tuck. Push the dough underneath itself with the palm of your hands to create surface tension, giving the newly formed loaf that tight, professional finish. Took Wei Ying ages to get the method down pat enough to be consistent. “Wanted to get out of the Jiangs’ hair, so I left soon after dropping out of uni.”
Dust the loaf with rice flour. Place it into a banneton, seam side up. Into the rack, then repeat. “A friend of mine had just inherited their family bakery. I volunteered to help out, and it eventually ended up becoming a full-time thing.”
Lan Zhan stands there without a word — not that Wei Ying minds. He hadn’t let himself dream they’d see each other again, hadn’t wanted to get his hopes up that he'd be lucky enough to see a familiar face again after all this time. Damn, he thinks, sneaking glance after glance between the loaves he’s shaping, he’s more handsome now than ever. Who knew the gorgeous teenager he’d harassed throughout two years of university would turn out to become a gorgeous adult who somehow stumbles into Wei Ying’s bakery? Even the unflattering cast of the yellow, flickering overhead light Wen Qing had been meaning to replace can’t wash out how black Lan Zhan’s hair is, how his skin is as smooth as a baby’s. How golden his eyes are, peering at Wei Ying as if he’s the sunrise after a long, cloudy night.
Bah. Where the hell did that come from? Maybe Wei Ying really is as self-centered as Aunt Yu claimed him to be.
“I wasn’t aware of your...baking aspirations,” Lan Zhan says, causing Wei Ying to choke out a laugh. He’d forgotten how funny Lan Zhan could be.
“Me neither,” Wei Ying admits. He sidesteps the kitchen mixer he’d spent the last year fixing up — he’d bought it in a sorry state, but Hobart engines are built to last a lifetime, and he couldn’t pass up the deal he paid for — to place another filled banneton into the rack. “But I’m not too mad at where I’ve ended up. Speaking of. How did you end up here?”
Lan Zhan's shoulders hunch suspiciously, and Wei Ying's eyebrows arch into fucking parabolas. “I wanted bread,” Lan Zhan replies defensively. “So I went to a bakery.”
Wei Ying scoffs, unimpressed. “A bakery all the way in Yiling?”
Lan Zhan glances away. “I travel a lot for work.”
Fine — he’ll let it go for now. “Well, as long as you don’t tell anyone back home about this, I guess it’s fine.” Wei Ying pauses. “You’re not gonna rat me out, are you?”
The thought should scare him, but a traitorously large part of him thrills at it instead. The Jiangs' are a key food supplier for the Lans' hotel chain, so Lan Zhan has to have some form of communication with them. Does Jiejie think about him from time to time? And Jiang Cheng...well. They’re still brothers, aren't they? Surely he must, at some small capacity, miss him.
But no brotherly love, whatever left there may be, could erase this: the cold silence that hung over the Jiang family table whenever Wei Ying would show up for dinner. Aunt Yu’s constant disapproval and Jiang Cheng’s wavering willingness to put up with it. The car ride. The screech of metal. The hospital said their Range Rover flipped four times. Wei Ying must have passed out after the first. But he was lucky: only a broken arm and whiplash. He had lied about being too hurt to attend the funeral.
It had been a good decision to leave. It had to be.
The back of his neck stings; a constant reminder. He hangs his head low as he stitches the dough.
“I’m not going to...rat you out,” Lan Zhan denies. He’s closer than he’d been since the last time Wei Ying looked up, his slack-clad hip brushing against the corner of Wei Ying’s workbench. “Not if you don’t want me to.”
“I don’t. Thanks.” Another banneton in the rack. Slower output than usual. He’s going to have to speed up to reach today’s quota. He gestures to the door. “Now, if you’re not gonna help out…”
Lan Zhan doesn’t take the hint. “You left. Without saying goodbye.”
“Must’ve forgotten to leave a note,” Wei Ying says, nonplussed.
“No one knew where you had gone off to.”
“Kinda preferred it that way.”
“But I didn’t —” Lan Zhan stops. Takes a breath. This is the most emotional Wei Ying has ever seen him, if mildly discomfited could constitute as emotional.
When he meets Wei Ying’s eyes again, his face is in its usual state of aloofness. “I was worried about you,” he tells him. “I wish I had known that you were alright.”
A block of guilt presses on Wei Ying’s shoulders. “Oh,” he says. “Sorry.”
Lan Zhan shakes his head. “Don’t apologize.”
“It’s just — with all that happened with the, the accident, and the handling of the estate —”
“You don’t need to explain anything to me you’re not comfortable with.”
“And my relationship with Jiang Cheng was down the fucking gutter —”
“He misses you.”
“I just felt that it everything would’ve been better off if —”
“I understand.”
“— I just left, y’know?”
At this, Lan Zhan frowns. “I fail to see how your sudden disappearance made anything better,” he says.
“Well, you weren’t there.” Wei Ying sighs, and what little fight he had to defend himself from the past drops to the floor. “I don’t want to argue with you.”
Lan Zhan bristles. “I didn’t mean to — that’s not why I’m here.”
Then why are you here? But Wei Ying is done playing this game. “Look, it’s really nice to see you again. But I kind of have a lot on my plate right now, so if you don’t mind.” This time, his gesture to the door is clear. Leave.
Of course Lan Zhan doesn’t leave; he’s always been so damn stubborn. After a beat, he walks over to the empty sink — Wei Ying prefers to wash the dishes as he goes — and washes his hands. Dries them. Rolls up the sleeves of his button up, revealing forearms Wei Ying can’t help but swallow at. Makes his way to Wei Ying’s side, staring down at the lumps of dough like how a runner glares at the bottom of her shoe after stepping on a pile of dogshit.
“Alright,” he says, “how do I do this?”
Wei Ying blinks. “What?” he asks, like an idiot.
Lan Zhan experimentally cups the nearest dough mound with his palms. It sticks to his hands as he lifts them, streaks of the stuff already clinging to his slender fingers.
“Gross,” he says, monotone, pinching two ends to stretch it; an imitation, Wei Ying realizes, of his own technique.
Wei Ying stares. An incredulous smile spreads across his lips. “You’re —” He laughs. “You’re so weird, Lan Zhan.”
Lan Zhan squints at him, confused, hands still making a mess out of the dough. “You asked for my help.”
Perhaps all those years away from home was enough penance for, at the very least, this. “Yeah," he says, soft. "I guess I did.” Wei Ying sways closer to Lan Zhan’s side. He discreetly sniffs the air in a selfish bid to find...ah, there it is, masked between notes of wheat flour and sourdough starter: sandalwood aftershave, brushing past Wei Ying's nose when Lan Zhan turns to him with an expectant glance.
Wei Ying laughs again. “No, not like that. Like this.”
He lays a floured hand over Lan Zhan’s and, together, they get to work.
also posted on ao3
promo post on twitter
fic commissions
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sashabarkov · 4 years
💘💤💐🚙 for wwx/jzx?
(these are all modern au, due to the road trip question)
💘 date:
they have a massive food and pollenator garden, including a lotus pond (with fencing around the whole thing to keep out both pests and children who might fall in the lotus pond). they consider spending the day tending the garden together to be a date. garden dates are almost always followed up with a joint shower, and then a relaxing evening in the jacuzzi if they can get away with it.
💤 napping:
wei wuxian’s sleep schedule is practically nonexistent, which means he really needs naps but still forgets to take them. jin zixuan isn’t much of a napper on his own, but he’s discovered that he can make wei wuxian nap by lying on top of him and making him stay still, and while there are other methods to make wei wuxian sleep for a bit (lots of heavy good food, a nice massage, sex, etc), simply lying down on him and latching on tight is by far the easiest and least obtrusive.
💐 family/kids:
listen. they both love kids and fatherhood. they’re constantly over at jiang yanli and luo qingyang’s house, spoiling jin ling rotten, and they also babysit for wei wuxian’s elderly neighbor’s grandson wen yuan whenever wen qing and wen ning can’t make it. so when a new daughter of jin guangshan surfaces, heavily pregnant, refusing to say who the baby’s father is, and looking to give up the baby, of course jin zixuan and wei wuxian are gonna jump through all the hoops they have to in order to adopt little jin rusong.
🚙 road trip:
so i have some Thoughts... mainly that a xuanxian road trip set before they adopt jin rusong would be a disaster.
first off, their car options are either jin zixuan’s mclaren 570s spider (and supercars and road trips do not and should not mix) or wei wuxian’s rusty, poorly-maintained antique cadillac that everyone agrees should’ve fallen apart by now but is somehow still refusing to go quietly into the automotive night (some claim it’s kept together by demonic car-tivation). jin zixuan probably ends up buying a whole new car just for the road trip (i’m thinking the audi a7 hybrid bc it’s still gotta be a luxury car to fit his tastes).
the second problem is that wei wuxian drives like traffic laws are the lan rules—they exist, and sometimes they make good points, but most of them are just arbitrary and begging to be broken. there’s a reason he’s banned from driving jin zixuan’s 570s spider unless it’s out on a track, and it’s bc jin zixuan recognizes that letting his boyfriend loose in a ground-bound rocket that tops out at 204 mph (328 km/h) when there’s other drivers around is a bad idea! jin zixuan is typically a much safer driver, but he’s also highly competitive and it doesn’t take much for wei wuxian to egg him into doing something stupid (both behind the wheel and in general).
problem number three: neither of them are very good at planning ahead. wei wuxian likes to wing things, and jin zixuan is used to everything falling into place around him due to his money, so they’re gonna try to stop somewhere for the night at like 10pm and realize the only hotel in town is completely full. they’re gonna get distracted by a “WORLD’S LARGEST CORN” statue and somehow end up 50 miles off course. they pass a camping store and decide to take a three day backpacking detour on a whim. they’re supposed to be driving to seattle and they end up at the grand canyon. it’s a mess.
(after they adopt jin rusong, they get much better at planning. you forget the diaper bag once, you never make that mistake again.)
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The forbidden crack! Untamed prompts: 22/?
Drama AU [this is just an idea tho, no plot basically]: “Did you find a bitch in me?”
[JC-focus crackships galore baby! title is from a Marina Diamandis’s song (“Hermit the Frog) but that’s probably not important for the non-plot so... yeah]
“So... wait a minute.”
“Hit me.”
“I’m still confused.”
“Wen Qing... why should I know about your ex’s exes?”
“Because he’s a bisexual menace and I don’t want him to ruin this for me.”
“Jiang Cheng is not going to sleep with me.”
“What do you know tho? He’s that powerful.”
“Babe, I’m a lesbian.”
“And he has dated everyone in our circle of friends and their significant others.”
“Big lesbian energy, you’re absolutely right.”
“Thank you. I taught him well.”
or the only au where there’s only drama and no plot and JC went from experimenting to actively turning people gay or straight just because.
[attn: in this au Jin GuangShan is not, I repeat, not a bitch and did not, in fact, have other kids aside from Jin ZiXuan bc I say so. don’t make me complicate this non-existent plot more, please]
[under the cut for more!]
ok. got it. JC knows he’s no saint. hell, he doesn’t even qualify as a decent human being, alright. he’s that socially abominable. but things have escalated to a point where he doesn’t even know what to do. maybe become a hermit, lock his dick and call it a day. yeah, that should do the trick. because he really doesn’t know when it all started... no. that’s a lie. total bullshit. it was Nie HuaiSang.
so, SO, he may have been 16. sweet bush child with no future nor name. a great big sister, a stupid big bro, an overachieving mother, a distant father, the usual. save for fucking Nie HuaiSang and his stash of porn. and JC was straight. and he just wanted to check if the link his high school friend sent him was a jumpscare or not. he closed the tab right after the first moan echoed in his room late at night, he forgot to put the jack in and his earphones were possibly all the way back in his backpack on the kitchen table. fuck his life. and also fuck HuaiSang for being into weirdly sensual artsy porn on top of that. fuck his life. fuck the replay button too.
coincidentally, HuaiSang was his first kiss, first head, first everything only one year later and JC still talks to the jerk to an extent, but not because he wants to, okay? they were experimenting, but JC was still straight. he wanted to do good on his first actual relationship with a woman, whatever that meant for him at the time. HuaiSang was okay with that, the lying bastard. JC may or may not have grown fond of him by the time their graduation came, but they never got around to talk about it because they were stupid and young.
also, HuaiSang’s brother had caught them once and JC had known there and then why his non-boyfriend had decided to cut things loose afterwards. that jock was scary as fuck.
then. THEN. university came and Wen Qing was the one reminding JC he was still very much as straight and unbendable as he could get. it took him three years to not yell at her in frustration and ask her out: the sexual tension between them fueled by rivalry over good grades and the scholarship program they both wanted to have access to for their masters.
she had been the one asking him out. JC was lying about having the balls to do it, obviously. the fact that she also discovered to be a lesbian while being with him could have burned less, all things considered, but JC knew he had made love to her and that was enough for him. letting her go had been the right thing to do and they still talk everyday and she loves his nephew and everything is fine.
it only took him the two remaining years of his masters to get over her, but. FINE.
he’s not gonna talk about her brother. it happened only once. okay maybe once that particular night, at a bar and they were drunk and Wen Ning was nothing like his sister and the boy always had a slight crush on him and he was the one suggesting it, okay?
Wen Ning was kind and gentle and kissed way better than his sister and maybe after two years JC could get over it and move on and they could still be a family after all and that last stall in the staff toilet had been where JC’s bottom cherry was popped and oh gods that felt so good...
“actually, Jiang Cheng, you’re lovely. but I think I’m actually really straight so... I’m sorry. I hope we can still be friends?”
yeah. JC’s not gonna talk about fucking Wen Ning.
maybe the fact that his brother Wei Ying got married so soon was the reason why. it has to be.
JC hated, HATED Lan Zhan. he hated how much in love they were. how softly they moved around each other. how much he wanted some of that as well.
and since he was THAT petty he had to flirt with Lan Zhan’s brother (Lan Huan) because of it. the man was terrifyingly good looking and a gentleman. so much he didn’t want to give in to JC’s requests... because he already had a boyfriend.
JC knew nothing about said boyfriend aside from the fact that he was apparently a snake, whatever Wei Ying meant by that.
Lan Huan looked very intrigued, but he’s also very loyal and JC admired him for that. he didn’t want to have that conversation tho, the one where Lan Huan politely asked him to stop being so charming in his periphery, so JC decided to hide for a month or two and maybe extended that period of time and never show his face again while he’s at it.
Lan Zhan would have also had his head on a fucking plate if he dared touching his precious older brother so, there’s that as well.
so he dated a bunch of people after swiping them on apps left and right, got the hitch out of his system and felt miserable about it.
Nie HuaiSang came back into his life like, the day before JC started working for a new company and asked him out for a drink. HuaiSang was crushing for a man too young for HuaiSang’s comfort because he usually liked older men and this boy was fresh out of his bachelor and JC’s friend was well in his late twenties and didn’t have a job yet and...
JC shut him up with a kiss and they felt slightly less lonely afterwards, until they actually talked about their issues and decided to stop being messy and grow out of their bad habits.
JC still fells sick at the idea of being someone else’s “bad habit” though.
Wen Chao was a mistake.
Wen Chao’s girlfriend was a mistake.
Wen Chao’s brother was a mistake.
Their bloody uncle was a mistake.
Their father was an even more spectacular mistake.
JC has yet to find out how he survived the year of his thirtieth birthday, honestly. that shit had been wild as fuck.
YanLi and her husband offered JC to look after Jin Ling more often in order to make him feel some sense of safety, he knew that much. at the time, JC hated the fact that ZiXuan worried over him and that his own sister didn’t know how to help him either.
people at work had started to treat him differently as well, now that they knew how messy he was. he started getting treated for depression soon after being promoted to supervisor, his workaholic tendencies saving him from himself after years of sleeping around and drinking too much for his own good.
A-Su was YanLi’s friend from university and was kind enough to ask him out one day. she stayed with him for a year before apologizing to him, saying she wanted something more: a family, a future, something JC could have not given her anytime soon.
his brother and Lan Zhan adopted a boy and JC became an uncle for the second time. A-Yuan was difficult to look after, having survived stressful living conditions in his early childhood, so Wei Ying appreciated the extra hand when JC offered it to him and his husband.
looking after children forced him to be not so angry all the time and now Jin Ling had a cousin he could play with and was very glad his Jiujiu was feeling better.
when Lan Huan came back into his life, JC had forgotten about even attempting to win him over in his early twenties. it felt life a lifetime had passed.
they started as friends this time around, but JC felt nothing for him and he was okay with that. they were good uncles to A-Yuan and that was enough.
what really caught JC off guard was when Meng Yao stumbled upon him one day in midwinter, crashing on JC and sending his briefcase up in the air. the older man was apologetic and kind and gods forbid JC still needed some of that in his life. even if it was the other who had crashed into him, JC offered to buy him coffee since Meng Yao’s cup was now sadly rolling out frame on the snowy path.
to his utter astonishment, Meng Yao accepted.
JC took his time with him, willing to slow down and really get to know this new man who seemed so welcoming and easily approachable... yet so impossibly far and unreachable.
Meng Yao confessed cheating on his previous partner with his best friend five years prior and how he felt undeserving of another chance with someone as kind as JC. he revealed how therapy helped him work on his tendency of manipulating others and that this was the only reason why he wanted to be honest with JC and tell him the truth. so that the younger man could make up his mind if Meng Yao could be granted a chance with him.
this heartfelt confession startled JC in the beginning, especially bc Meng Yao seemed adamant about not sleeping with him for the foreseeable future, unless they talked it out some more.
on JC’s thirty-fourth birthday, one year after meeting Meng Yao, JC asks him to marry him during a pleasant dinner the older man has planned for him.
to his horror and absolute joy, A-Yao accepts.
JC didn’t mind not having been intimate with him until then, nor he would have minded if A-Yao never happened to change his mind on the matter. JC felt safe with him, even when he saw him reminiscing the past with grief painting his features behind his fake smile. JC knew he could give him happiness and so he asked him to meet the Jiangs for the first time to announce the good news.
all but Wei Ying and his husband have arrived the even JC brought A-Yao home, their car stuck in traffic. they start eating without them, with the couple’s permission. YanLi and ZiXuan didn’t bring A-Ling this time around, not willing to leave too soon and waste a chance to really get to know the new member of their family. JC’s father seemed pleased to meet with A-Yao, exchanging pleasantries and conversing about common interests...but JC’s mother is weirdly cold and distant that night.
once dinner came to a end, finally Wei Ying arrived, apologizing profusely for making the lot of them eat without them. however, nor he or his husband could take their eyes off of A-Yao...and neither could JC’s fiancé.
“if you still have some dignity to spare, I suggest you leave this very moment,” said Lan Zhan, the most he has ever spoken in one breath in front of JC. to which, to JC’s astonishment, A-Yao answered by giving JC one last look and the saddest smile he had ever worn...before leaving the house and never look back.
confused, heartbroken, humiliated...JC didn’t know what to feel when Lan Zhan explained to the lot of them what Meng Yao had done to Lan Huan after eight years together. cheating on the kindest man alive with an old acquaintance of his that to that day remained unnamed bc Meng Yao refused to reveal their identity.
JC’s mother didn’t have to tell her son that she had known all along something was off about A-Yao: JC could feel it in the way she was looking at him, sitting next to him on the couch. she had a sixth sense for venomous people.
the following year, JC is pretty sure it passed in a blur. he remembers working less hard than what he was expected to do, been consequently and rightfully demoted in his company. others gossiped about him being so proud for nothing in the end, which aggravated his mood.
to his surprise, his mother was the one suggesting him to take a break somewhere nice. to clear his head for a month or two before deciding what to do with his life. Wei Ying booked him a trip to Taiwan the following day and in less than a week JC is on a plane to take a long vacation there.
one night, roughly a week after his arrival at the hotel, JC was staring blankly at the skyline in deep thought. he had done the tourist-y shit, eaten all the foods in the best restaurants, brought presents for his family. and now he was bored out of his mind. the same, old questions swirling in his mind: did A-Yao lie when he said he loved him? did he lie just so he could have a fresh start and forget about the past? did he leave bc he felt guilty for his past with Lan Huan? was he serious when he had accepted JC’s proposal?
that’s when Mo XuanYu came barging into his life like a hurricane.
the younger man, seven years his junior, spotted him from an adjacent balcony and proceeded to talk to him as if...trying to de-escalate a suicide attempt from his part.
“sir, please. I’m sure there’s more to life than this. I don’t know what happened to make you feel this way but...everything will be fine in the end. I promise you. I was there. It’s okay. please don’t jump over the balcony.”
JC had no intention of jumping, just to be clear, but something in his eyes must have caught the kid’s attention and...was that a steward uniform he was wearing? did he work for the hotel? JC was none the wiser but that was the first time someone had reassured him so wholeheartedly without even knowing him and it felt...weird.
he started tearing up and the younger man panicked, promising to keep him company all night if necessary, reaching out with a hand to touch JC and reassure him from the other side. JC grasped it gingerly in his own and let himself be coaxed back to the realm of the living by such gentle soul.
JC hated himself for sleeping with him not even a week after their encounter.
but it just felt so good to let himself be guided by hand to the most hidden and wonderful places. away from the tourist crowd, eating delicious food with someone smiling prettily at him. yet he hated himself more for thinking about someone else in bed with him, at least in the beginning.
Mo XuanYu seemed to know anyway, and even encouraged him to just do whatever he felt like with him. casual hookups didn’t have to be meaningful, the younger man had said, and it wasn’t even the first time someone used him as a rebound either. still, something ugly stirred in JC at that.
so he decided to stop thinking about himself for once and shoved every bad memory away. all to pour his affection into someone else and cater to his lover for the following month and a half. borrowed time of a stolen season, during which JC doted on the younger man and learned to listen.
some of the stories Mo XuanYu told him felt slightly familiar, almost as if they had a friend in common and didn’t know who it might have been. after his shift, the younger man would ask to eat with JC and share his frustrations, repaying him in kindness with sweet kisses and even sweeter smiles that felt a little bit too brittle in the morning, when he was bound to leave.
by the end of JC’s trip it was clear to him that he had grown fond of the other man, too much for his own good. but during a vacation, away from home, surrounded by new and exciting things...anyone would have worn a mask to forget their normal life, that reality they would have eventually been forced to come back to.
by the end of his vacation, JC had figured out who their common friend was and remembered how distant Nie HuaiSang had felt falling in love with Mo XuanYu. how sad the younger man’s emotional unavailability has made him feel.
and when they parted ways at the airport, JC kissed him goodbye and never saw him again. the memory of Mo XuanYu’s brittle smile engraved forever in the back of his mind.
back to work. back to his bad bitch persona. it felt good to focus on his job and nothing else for a year or two, keeping others at distance while bossing them from his office as he regained his boss’s trust. being promoted a second time gave him the confidence he needed to move on with his life and by his thirty-seventh birthday he could finally see a future for himself.
therapy was helping a great deal and even his siblings seemed to notice his progress, praising him for his willingness to seek help and his hard work.
A-Yuan and A-Ling included: the kids were growing up too fast, involving their uncle in their school projects and plans for mischief any chance they got to see him.
Lan Huan caught everyone by surprise one day in autumn by confirming YanLi and Wei Ying’s suspicions about his breakup with Nie MingJue, Nie HuaiSang’s older brother.
the older man didn’t tell them why he had stepped back from his engagement with the man, aside from saying that the both of them had found out something concerning about their past and common acquaintances. the discovery making them feel so disheartened to the point of braking their engagement of mutual accord.
JC felt bad for the man, knowing how much it hurt to lose someone so dear. not that they had had been able to discuss over the matter much, not even after A-Yao had left. it would have been awkward to talk about their common ex and his penchant for secrets and hurting other people’s feelings.
but they understood each other well enough and started talking more, out of their common interest in their nephews and their well-being.
five years later, JC was forty-two and content with his life. A-Ling was close to thirteen and A-Yuan quickly approaching fifteen. he could see them growing up and out of his reach, but their affection for him never wavered. until one day A-Yuan called him in the middle of the night, startling him awake.
apparently, his best friend JinGyi had called him for help after being beaten up by his foster mother and A-Yuan didn’t know what to do. calling his parents would have only alerted and worried Wei Ying and Lan Zhan, who were probably still asleep and hadn’t even noticed their son had sneaked out in the middle of the night.
panicked and worried, JC called Lan Huan instead and they left for the hospital. and something hurt at the sight of such a young boy lying still on a bed too big for him. something else clicked in JC’s brain at the sight but it would have taken him several months to realize what exactly.
furious and restless, Lan Huan spend months looking for the woman who had hurt the child, eventually destroying her in court until he pried a confession out of her. social services immediately alerted as JC inquired over the possibility of giving the child a permanent home himself.
not even a year later, JC was able to welcome the kid in their new house in the quietest part of town. it took a while for the boy to adjust, worrying over JC eventually changing his mind and letting him go. “who even adopts someone close to be of age?” JinGyi had asked, frustrated and certain JC would grow bored of him.
but JC was there to reassure him every step of the way, telling him family was forever and not something easily dismissible. he repeated it until the boy seemed satisfied and called him “dad” for the first time one inconspicuous evening at dinner. if JC cried on his pizza, well, nobody has to know.
Lan Huan was glad to listen to JC gushing over his son, more than supportive and borderline enthusiastic to listen to every little progress and new success.
JC knew this was enough, but he would lie saying he hadn’t felt loved by the other man. yet, he didn’t dare hope he could have another chance at happiness at almost fifty years old. Lan Huan himself close to fifty-five and well settled into his career as a lawyer...too much to consider a valuable partnership with someone like JC.
his therapist had bashed him for ages over such insecurity, but JC could only smile at him and shrug. many people didn’t find their happy ending and he still had JinGyi to look after. which seemed a good way to spend the rest of his life.
so it came as a surprise when, one evening, as JC overlooked at Lan Huan building a piece of furniture with JinGyi in their living room, he started crying with love and affection.
“why are you crying Jiang Cheng?”
“I’m happy.”
he really was.
he still is to this day.
[they don’t marry, but they do spend the rest of their life together anyway]
I need a break, this took days to make D:
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inessencedevided · 4 years
The Untamed, episode 45 - watching notes
I'm at this stage of fandom rn where it's really hard to concentrate on anything else 😅
Every song I listen to gets dissected for how it relates to wangxian
I need to concentrate on my thesis but instead I'm pondering how the untamed raises questions about collectivism vs individualism and how my western perception of that might differ greatly from a native chinese person or even the author's intention
Can't I just write my thesis about THAT?
Alas, I digress ...
Back to our regular programming :D
Last time one Sophie watches the untamed wwx went all Sherlock on us and used his formidable skills of deduction to expose Backpfeifengesicht's plan of killing everyone and blaming it on wwx
I've heard from several people that the next few episodes are their favourites, so no high expectations at all :D
Nobody wipes the blood on their chins away. Might be about the aesthetic
I adore detective-duo-wangxian so much!! Especially because wwx does 99% of the talking but then lwj will chime in with a single word and it's 100% devastating :D
If anyone knows any well written case-fics for these two, please, I need recs! (For after the show)
Backpfeifengesicht makes good one point and that is that jgy already is at the top of the cultivation world. So what does he gain from all this?
Or is it simply that he's afraid of wwx because he's a rebel and might act against him? (Don't answer that. I wanna find out through the show ;))
Wwx just casually revealed that he's been to cloud recess and that he handles went to the restricted section forbidden chamber. What will you do about, Lan Qiren? Huh? 😂
Oooh! Backpfeifengesicht is the ghosted faced man! I thought it was Jiggy himself!!! 😱
That makes way more sense though!
Lan Sizhui! Jin Ling! Oh you brave boys! 😭
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Someone hold me 😭
But why does he not take zidian now? He's done so before!
"You little fool!" Is "I love you" in Jiang-Cheng-speak :D
"We're done for! What can we do??" - wwx *strips*
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Bahahaha 😂😂😂
I just burst out laughing waaay to loudly for the fact that I've got people sleeping in the room next to mine
But look at Lan Qiren when he sees wwx strop to reveal anat is probably his nephew's undershirt 😂😂😂
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He's probably questioning every decision that's let him to this point :D
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This is completely inconsequential,but I couldn't keep quiet about it anymore because I every time he makes this motion, it always sends a shiver down my spine!!! Notice that wwx (or rather Xiao Zhan) is one of these people whose fingers bend in the opposite direction??? I know it's just a normal thing some people can do, but I can't watch it!! It makes my fingers hurt just looking at it 🙈🙈🙈
Is he turning himself into a demon lure flag?? 😱
Lan Jingyi 🥺🥺🥺
Also does wwx now just transfer his self-sacrificing tendencies to lwj?
Nothing is as hot as these two together in a fight scene
Jiang Cheng doesn't want to leave them behind. He does care! :') he just never unlearned how to unravel his love from his anger
Sizhui running up to greet his dads :')
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Look at them! I'm soft guys 💔
He called him Yuan!! 😭😭😭
So this is it. Any doubts I ever had about Sizhui's identity are gone
Will he finally recognize him??
Why don't you say anything lwj? This one time, I beg you!!
Sect Leader Yao still at his gossip shit even 16 years later 🙄
Lam sizhyi is seasick! Why is this so cute! 😭
Oh Wen Ning!! He recognized A-Yuan? Right?
I want to hug Lan Sizhui for his openness and kindness towards everyone he meets, no matter their status or what other people say about them! (Wen Ning now or who he thought was Mo Xuanyu the supposed mad-man) and I wanna hug lan Wangji right after for raising him to be like this :')
Oh Wen Ning! 😭
That's how I'd look at Sizhui, too, if I met him - poor unadulterated wonder :')
And just think about what that means for Wen Ning! He's not the last of the Wens! All their fight wasn't for nothing. This child, their legacy, survived 😭😭😭
"Can I call you A-Yuan" "Of Course." God I'm gonna burst into tears 😭
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I'm actually bursting into tears!!
Isn't this the dream of anyone who has ever lost someone? :')
"He's like a brother and father to me" :')
And he raised him from when he was 4 or 5? So ... A-Yuan was about 2 when the Wens died? Right? Then 5 would fit with lwj's 3 year isolation
Ob god, it's the butterfly-toy!!! 😭😭😭
Wen Nings smiling through his tears! I can't! 😭💔And he's got the one from the market!
Aww, wax isn't wearing the white undergarment anymore. Too bad
Oh poor Jin Ling ...
So much grieve that he could probably never process. There so many lost kids in this story, hurt by things they had no control over 😔
I mean, I get it. That's the person who killed his parents (without being in control, but he doesnt know that) and everyone is just talking to him as if it's normal and that didn't happen. But he can't forget,but he doesnt really understand either and he has no outlet. Of course he'd just ... crash 😥
And who would have thought I'd ever try at a flashback of Jin Zixuan's death :(
For once, it'd be nice if the adults actually acted like the parent figures they're supposed to be and explain things to their children 🤦‍♀️
I'm so thankful though, that no one even thinks of scolding him for crying. Jismg Cheng only asked who it was that made him cry (and looks like he'll kick their ass). Generally, thus show has a very healthy attitude towards tears. Most characters cry when they are faced with tragedy, regardless of gender. Men being allowed to have appropriate reactions to grieve (instead of a single men tear or just punching things) is really nice to see
Oh Yao dude whose courtesy name I can't remember, shut up!
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Thanks Ouyang Zizhen! You get me
I live for these children standing up to their elders
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Meanwhile Nie Huaisang is just on the sidelines, enjoying the show :D never change!
The Lotus Pier theme song alone is making me cry rn 😢
Why can't wen Ning come in?
Oh Sizhui!
He many times do you want to make me cry happy tears today?? :')
Little turnip-baby ❤
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But why doesn't lwj say anything ??? 😭
Lan Wangji raised A-Yuan smong a bunch of rabbits??? 😭
Now he's a turnip baby with a taste for carrots, how cute is that? :')
Holy shit, wwx and lwj are really joined at the hip these days of lwj won't enter the hall if wwx isn't allowed to :D
Lwj 😑 "no misbehaviour"
Someone. Knows. Their. Husband.
Okay sorry, but as painful as these cuts must have been and yes, while you do see scars on this prostitute's face, they in no way warrant these horrified gasps as of they had all seen a monster 🙄
Xue yang. Fancy seeing you here in this not at all disturbing sub-plot 😬
Okay that's creepy. That's really creepy
Shouldn't Jin Guangyao have a bit more compassion for these women?
On the other hand, he was born to menacingly stand behind a curtain 🤷‍♀️
W. T. F. ????
Jin Guangshan??? o___O
That's the most skin we've ever seen on this show and it's in a scene like THIS? 😬
How can you die from sex?
And then jgy made them keep going?
These poor women :/
So there's someone who set her free on purpose, right?
Bicao has really interesting eyes!
Oh wait, took me some time to catch up. This is about Quin Su and why she killed herself, right?
They were siblings o_O
They just went full game of thrones on this ...
Hey Jin Guangshan, screw you for raping that woman
Wait, is that why jgy had him die like THAT?
I'm so confused about how that happened btw
But why would Jin Guangyao merry quin su anyway? Was this some kind of political marriage that he couldn't call off?
This episode answered some of my questions but raised about a dozen more 😅
@sweetlittlevampire @fandom-glazed @elenirlachlagos @allhailthedramallama @luckymoony @kyrrahbird @i-love-him-on-purpose
5 episodes to go. I'm both happy because I can't wait to brows the untamed tag without looking for spoilers and extremely sad 🥺
Right now I'm planning to watch one episode each day until friday and then watch the last two on Saturday, hopefully quite early, so I can spend the rest of the day crying my eyes out over it, without having to worry about such trivial things as being a functioning adult or a responsible student 😅
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Winter Solstice Gift for sweetlittlevampire
Happy exchange to @sweetlittlevampire! You have no idea how much pressure I felt when I realized I was tasked with putting together your gift - your art is always so beautiful and detailed! I hope this checks the boxes for you: I aimed at driving home 'non-sexual intimacy' and 'found family', with lots of heavy fluff tones. Enjoy!
A quick note: because I have next to no familiarity with Chinese culture, either modern or ancient, I have set this story in modern North America. This means the wedding planning and cultural references adhere to North American styles.
Read on AO3
The Award for Best Man
It’s an unusual time of day to be this exhausted, even by Lan Wangji’s supposedly early sleep schedule. The sun hasn’t finished climbing the sky yet and Lan Wangji can’t think of a single thing he’d rather be doing with a rare day off than this:
He and Wei Ying are together, lumped in the vertex of their L-shaped couch which sits directly in the morning sun. They have the apartment to themselves today, until this evening, when A-Yuan and Wen-popo will return their rabbits from babysitting. Wei Ying was still convinced that Bichen and Suibian would have been absolutely fine with them gone all yesterday to tour wedding venues; Lan Wangji had insisted they not be lonely.
Now he wonders if he subconsciously had the foresight to rid himself of anything that could have distracted him from an exhausted Wei Ying. He becomes so sweet and pliable when he’s tired, needy only for Lan Wangji’s affection and attention. It’s one of the only times Wei Ying lies still.
Out of nowhere, Wei Ying springs out of his lap to sit upright on the couch. He must not be as tired as Lan Wangji thought.
“I just realized –” he says, turning back to Lan Wangji with a striking look of alarm on his face. “I can’t ask you to be my best man. Lan Zhan! You’ve ruined my wedding plans!”
Lan Wangji blinks, a little surprised. ‘Ruined’ seems a touch dramatic – if anything, he thinks recasting his role as ‘bridegroom’ is an upgrade over ‘best man’.
But because he’s tired too, his only response is: “Me?”
“Yes, you! Silly. What did you think I was gonna do? Get married at an altar where you weren’t there beside me and, wow, oh my god, that seems too revealing now that I say it out loud.”
Lan Wangji’s heart glows and he tucks a loose hair from Wei Ying’s face. The gesture makes them both smile. “I pictured you, too.”
“Aawww!! You did??” Wei Ying’s cheeks are flushing and his eyes are tearing up, but Lan Wangji is 85% sure it’s for dramatic effect. “Wait, like, always or...?”
Lan Wangji boops his nose, a private joke between them for every time he deems Wei Ying to be ‘nosy’. He knows it used to be a gesture exclusive to Jiang Yanli, his future sister, and every time Wei Ying lets him get away with it, bubbles simmer in his chest.
“Since Gusu,” he admits.
“Gusu Elementary?! Lan Zhan, you flirt! We were twelve! I waited until at least Qishan High to fall madly in love with you.” Assured, as he always is after successfully fishing for flattery, Wei Ying starts settling back into his sprawl inside Lan Wangji’s arms. “Ugh, remember Wen Chao, the principal’s kid? He’s a dad now. Facebook told me earlier.”
He isn’t pleased to have the memory of such a vile personality sour their cuddle time. He shifts, gathers Wei Ying closer, and switches the topic. “What about Jiang Wanyin?”
Wei Ying startles up again, though not all the way out of his arms, eyes wide with anxiety. “What about Jiang Cheng. Lan Zhan. Do you know something I don’t? When did Jiang Cheng get a kid – where did Jiang Cheng get a kid?! I KNOW Wen Qing has an IUD!”
Ah. He sees the problem now. “For your best man,” he explains, coaxing his fiancé back down. It marvels him how much one can struggle to relax.
“Oh, thank god,” Wei Ying says, slumping back into the pillow that is his betrothed before smacking a sweatered pec. “You worried me! We’ve both seen how A-Cheng is with Jin Ling, I shudder to think how he’ll be with his own.” He really does shudder, from his head down the base of his spine. Then he fidgets, rolling up his hands in the folds of Lan Wangji’s minty blue sweater. “But yeah, I suppose he’ll do for a best man. I’ll never hear the end of it if I ask Wen Ning over him.”
He sends a grin up at Lan Wangji, happily sharing the mental image of Jiang Cheng blowing a fuse. It’s a thought that never fails to tickle him.
“What about you?” Wei Ying asks. “I assume you’ll ask your brother but isn’t he still in the arctic?”
He was. Three weeks ago, a Waterborne Abyss had somehow broken loose from the ocean floor and wound up on the surface of the Pacific Ocean. When Xichen had first gone to cleanse it, it escaped the pre-set array and fled. Xichen had been tasked to pursue and had chased the demon around the north pole for nearly eight days now with scarcely a word of update.  
Lan Wangji doesn’t like worrying about his brother. Luckily, it’s an even rarer occurrence than a truly exhausted Wei Ying.
Wei Ying cuddles closer. “Ahhh, don’t worry too much, Lan Zhan, he’ll be back before you know it. He certainly won’t let some puny abyssal keep him from his didi’s wedding! I can’t wait to see him cry actual tears, I’m going to bribe Mianmian to take so many pictures.”
Lan Wangji flushes a little. He loves his brother and he knows Xichen loves him, but they never make a show of it in public. He suspects Wei Ying is correct in thinking their wedding will be an exception. Xichen has requested time to make a toast, after all.
“Hey, not to jinx it or anything, but who would you have as a best man if Lan Xichen couldn’t be? Not for a sad reason! Like, uhhh, say his wedding was on the same day, at the same time as ours. Yeah, that works.”
Lan Wangji raises an eyebrow. “Who is he marrying?”
Wei Ying’s smile goes crooked to match his brow, bemused as he is every time Lan Wangji indulges in these kinds of playful hypotheticals. “Does it matter?”
Wei Ying laughs so hard he snorts. He is so exquisitely beautiful. “Well, if my future husband insists, I’ll paint you the whole picture. Um. Let’s say he marries... Jin Guangyao.”
Lan Wangji hums, a little put-off by the idea. It’s nothing against Jin Guangyao as a person, but he’s always been singularly difficult for Lan Wangji to read. All his favourite people – Xichen, Mingjue, Jiang Yanli, and of course Wei Ying – don’t make their thoughts or feelings hidden the way Jin Guangyao does. It leaves Lan Wangji with a very unstable opinion of the man – more than once he has badly misread a situation and felt insecure about the cues he must have missed.
Not to mention the history the man has with Wei Ying. They never talk about it, and Lan Wangji has never pried, but he knows the two were close friends as children before something fell apart between them. Wei Ying still sends a birthday wish to Jin Guangyao every year, in part because he always receives a card on his own. The card always includes a sheet of red stickers – anything red: anatomic hearts, parrots, chilli peppers, firetrucks, Santa hats, and ladybugs. Lan Wangji has never asked why he sends them or what Wei Ying does with them. It’s enough of an intrusion to watch that wistful smile play out.
“Mingjue,” he answers, refocusing on their game. “To spare the heartache.”
Wei Ying nods appreciatively at his wisdom. “Yes, yes, I agree. He’d cry, get sappy drunk, and trash the cake just to be a torturous mess at a Xiyao wedding, wouldn’t he? Best have him at ours, where he’ll cry, get sappy drunk, and sing all the worst love songs at karaoke with Nie Huaisang.”
“‘Come What May’,” Lan Wangji suggests, to Wei Ying’s delight.
“Justin Bieber’s ‘Baby’!”
“‘Your Song’.”
Wei Ying’s smile turns sweet. He nuzzles into Lan Wangji’s chest and mutters quietly, “I already have one of those.”
They fall into peaceful near-quiet for a minute, Wei Ying softly humming out the score Lan Wangji composed for him years ago when it was the only way he knew to publicly dedicate his heart. During the last measure, Wei Ying’s stomach growls and he loses himself giggling. Lan Wangji smiles, rubs his stomach for him and lightly shushes it, which makes Wei Ying laugh harder.
“Alright, alright,” he says, whipping out his phone from between the seat cushions. “Time for lunch! Sushi okay with you?”
Lan Wangji nods, sneaks in a quick peck to his forehead, and says, “Whatever you want.”
“Sweet-talker,” he chides, but a flash of teeth betrays his happiness. “What rolls do you want?”
He can’t help himself. “Volcano roll, seared salmon roll, and spicy tuna bowl, extra wasabi and spicy mayo.”
Wei Ying gives him the sweetest side-eye and Lan Wangji swears the next words past his lips will be ‘I love you’: “Then I’m ordering yam rolls, cucumber rolls, low sodium miso soup, and tamago nigiri with no wasabi whatsoever.”
He knew it.
He pulls his fiancé up into a kiss, chasing down that ‘I love you’ with his tongue, certain it must taste as good as it had sounded, maybe even better than it feels, right now, against his lips and zinging down his body like welding sparks.
Wei Ying looks absolutely dazed when he releases him. “Happy with that?” Wei Ying asks, referring to the rolls.
“Besotted,” Lan Wangji confesses, absolutely lost in this man.
“Damn right,” Wei Ying whispers, voice breathy with reciprocation. It’s another fifteen minutes of playing kiss tag before their stomachs overrule them and get their lunch order placed.
With nothing to do but wait the thirty-five minutes it will take for their delivery to be made, Wei Ying brings them back to their earlier game, before the kissing.
“So what if Lan Xichen was marrying Nie Mingjue? Who would be your best man, then?”
It’s a slightly harder question than the last. Since he can remember, Nie Mingjue has been a brother by proxy, which means Lan Wangji must consider best men that aren’t brothers. Surprisingly, a person comes to mind rather quickly.
“Jin Zixuan.”
Wei Ying may have fallen to the floor if Lan Wangji’s arms weren’t such a secure tether to the couch. “WHAT?! WHY? Don’t tell me you’ve become friends with that Peacock behind my back! Lan Zhan! Lan Zhan, how could you betray me like this!?”
Lan Wangji frowns. “We were already friends.”
Wei Ying scoffs, “You were not.”
“We had coffee last week.”
“YOU HAD COFFEE?!” Distressed, Wei Ying drops his head into Lan Wangji’s sweater, whining about the slew of injustice. “Unacceptable... already friends... didn’t even rub off on the peacock at all, stupid... without telling me , Lan Zhan... such betrayal, much scandal, wow...”
Despite the energetic upset, Lan Wangji feels a yawn against his chest. Wei Ying’s exhaustion is finally catching up to him. “There, there,” he comforts, patting his head.
“Mmmm...” mutters the mess of hair. “Feels good, keep doing that. It eases my betrayed and deceived heart.”
Wei Ying’s requests are never difficult to fulfill – this one, especially so. Lan Wangji lets his posture relax further, content to sit in the sleepy energy of Sunday. Wei Ying keeps purring against him, breaths slowing and lengthening. They’ll both sleep through the food delivery at this rate.
Lan Wangji adds a light scratch to his pets and says, “Take a nap, Wei Ying. I’ll wait for lunch.”
Wei Ying hums in disagreement. “You’ll get bored, Lan Zhan. Here...” He rouses himself enough to stretch for the coffee table and grabs Lan Wangji’s reading glasses and latest novel. “Read. I can prop it up for you, like an actual supportive fiancé.”
Lan Wangji chuckles under his breath as he unfolds his glasses. “You are undoubtedly the best fiancé.”
Wei Ying bats blindly at the hand that pets him. “Shush, you! I’m sleeping now.”
Later, when their stomachs are stuffed full of too much rice, Lan Wangji thinks he’ll request they return to the couch. This is a day full of rarities and he’s determined to savour every minute of this sleeply, perfect man that it will gift him.
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bitterfrosts · 4 years
Was tagged by @chenqingssuibian ~
So here we go!
Post a picture or a gif (preferably from tumblr’s gif feature or with permission) of:
1. Your favorite character
2. Your favorite friendship
3. Your favorite ship
4. Your favorite sect
5.your favorite sword
1. Favorite Character
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Of course it’s Song Lan. It’s always been Song Lan. That 👏 is 👏 my 👏 baby 👏 !!!!! Realtalk tho as far as characters go I found him much more “human” and relateable, so to speak. He was just a regular guy who had something terrible happen to him, and when he tried to fix it, things didn’t go his way. I love him and I will never not love him ❤️
2. Favorite Friendship:
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WLW bullying your BFF in front of his crush is always #1 way to get inside my heart always. Also I love wen qing and she deserves only the goodest of things, including a dirt gremlin necromancer best friend.
4. Favorite Ship:
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( I’m gonna just use an image for this one bc gifs of them walking off side by side make me cry) but another obvious one! They deserved to grow old together and get married and live in a little cottage with a stone fence garden full of Xingchen’s prized pink roses he planted himself ok?
4. Your Favorite Sect:
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Ok yes their main line was evil, but they were also the best dressed sect. Search your heart you know it to be true. The main line sect are evil in a fun campy obvious way that I love~ also includes wen qing, wen ning, a-yuan, and granny and so ❤️
5. Your Favorite Sword
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Consider: Sandu porple 💜 Jiang Cheng has the single most gorgeous sword in the show and he KNOWS IT and that’s why he acts like that. Superior Sword gang.~ also consider: it has a blatant snake theme, which iirc in the three poisons represents the poison of anger which is JC’s whole thing. SYMBOLISM!
I’ll tag @lijuyao bc I know Eva loves tag games ❤️
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Happy Birthday to Me Pt. 3
And then I got crushed in the biggest bear hug I think I’ve ever had. Pretty sure my feet left the ground for a moment. 
Nie Huaisang’s brother Mingjue, who has now insisted I call him DaGe (Which I will do because I do, in fact, despite the apparently common public opinion that states otherwise, value my life), had engulfed me in his enormous arms. 
I returned the hug with a bit of awkward patting. Good to know he likes me I guess? Haha. 
And then Lan Xichen hugged me. I gotta say. His arms are thinner than DaGe’s, but just as strong I’d wager. He didn’t crush me but it felt like he probably could. Is that a Lan thing? Are all the Lans super strong???? 
(I’m thinking yes because Lan Yi seemed equally capable of squishing me like a tube of toothpaste if she wanted to when she hugged me later). 
Then I got a double hug from the girls. MianMian even kissed my cheek 
I even got a hug from Wen Qing! Without any pokes or jabs! I think Wen Ning convinced her to be nice. Hah. 
It wasn’t until Gamby pulled me into her arms that the emotions really really started to get to me. It started so hesitant at first, but then she held me so firm. Is that what it’s like to be hugged by a mother? Is… Is that…. Oh.
She told me she couldn’t believe she got to spend my birthday with me again. Did we before? We must have. With Mom and Dad. I wish I could remember. I wish I could remember anything. 
But with that hug. The smell of her. So familiar. Like a dream I’d forgotten. The feel of her arms so tight around me. It was so warm.
It was all I could do to keep myself from breaking down entirely.
I was saved by the kids. A-Ling and A-Yuan had yet to stop chanting surprise at me (their dedication was impressive) and the pair of them had decided to each claim one of my legs. It gave me something else to think of and a reason to end the hug, even if part of me wished I could stay in that hug forever. I decided that was enough for sentimentality for that moment and started stomping around with my newly acquired ankle weights.
“Rawrrr Rawrrr!! I will stomp this whole town down!!” he growled to the delight of my nephews. Our gleeful game was soon interrupted by a giant peacock. 
Shijie’s husband looked… well more resigned than anything, holding little A-Lian like a buffer between us.
Obviously I scooped that little angel up immediately. She’s quite lucky she looks more like her mom. Gotta say.
“My gift to you,” he said with what was, I’m sure, as much dignity as he could muster, “Is to be nice to you until 10:30 PM.”
Oh okay. Very slick. 
So you see, just after he and Shijie got married, I was forced to attend one of his glittering golden birthday parties. Now he may be a major pain in the ass, but he’s Shijie’s pain in the ass. So for her sake I decided that I would be nice and give him an actual present for one. 
But what do you give a Jin? They have literally everything! But, with my never ending pool of wisdom and grace, I thought of the perfect present. 
I told him that I would be nice until 10PM. When asked why only til 10, I answered with the truth. “I’m not sure I could last longer than that.”
That little brat decided to one up me by a whole half hour. That jerk. 
Well I’m not one to waste opportunities. So I did the worst thing I could think of at the time and gave him a biiiiig huuuuug. (he is BONY. Don’t know how Shijie can stand it. But whatever. She’s happy so I’m happy I guess.) ((Made sure not to crush my favorite niece though, don’t worry. ))
My ankle weights decided finally that it wasn’t fun to cling to my pants if I wasn’t gonna be a monster anymore. Jin Ling transferred his sticky fingers to his father’s pants instead. The look Jin Zixuan saves just for his children. We may never be best friends, but I have to admit that man loves his family.  You can see it in his face every time he looks at his children or my shijie. He adores the lot of them. And he’ll adore the new baby when it comes too. 
He actually restructured a large part of his business when he married Shijie. Made it so he didn’t have to live and die at work. He’s practically a house husband now. Dotes on the three of them.
Credit where credit is due, my dude. Credit where credit is due. 
And I KNOW it made a huge mess with his dad and everyone. Ended up giving a lot of power to his half brother.  Never seemed to regret it though. And I’ve never seen a man so devoted to his family before. 
So he may not be completely useless, but still rather not spend all my birthday chit-chatting with him. So I went off to find Lan Zhan instead. I bounced little A-Lian for a bit as I looked. I handed A-Lian to Shijie as I passed because the two were making eyes at each other and I’d never deny either of them anything. (A-Lian buried her face into Shijie right away it was so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute). Besides I needed my arms free. 
I kept that bounce in my step as I trotted up to Lan Zhan and pulled him into a hug. 
I’d wasted so much time trying NOT to hug him. I wasn’t about to waste any more than I had to from now on. 
Probably held on tighter than was strictly necessary but whatever. It’s my birthday. I hug who I want and everyone gets to deal! 
Besides, I needed a sec to collect myself again. When did I get to be this high-strung?
“So this is why you were on your phone all the time these past couple weeks?” I asked when I trusted my voice to come out not sounding like a muppet. 
He did that adorable little yes hum he does that always makes me feel warm inside. 
How does he do that????? All he has to do is HUM and I’m on cloud 9?????? That shouldn’t be allowed. 
As I contemplated this, suddenly I heard a little demon cough behind me. Damn it , SangSang. I was in my own little world and you ruined it ;3;.
“I don’t know what to say!” I said after letting go of Lan Zhan, hoping my face wasn’t as red as it felt. “I was not expecting all this but.. Thank you!”
Be gracious, Wei Ying. When people do nice things say thank you not sorry.
I’m trying to learn. X_X
Then the little demon spoke again. (Yes, YOU SangSang. Don’t deny what you are.)
“Leave the speeches for after the gifts! Now we PARTY!”
Can’t argue with that logic. Heh. 
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trensu · 5 years
Episode 30: The One where LWJ Wishes Jin Zixun Would STFU and Die Already
Okay, so we’re still in Yiling
Non-wangxiantics stuff happens
Unimportant nonsense happens
Ooooh, jc just appeared, looking awesome in purple robes as usual
Turns out he’s helped jyl sneak away so she can show off her wedding robes to wwx!!! And we get some wonderful Yunmeng Sib time!! I LOVE MY YUNMENG SIBS SO MUCH
Wwx’s face when he sees her in her wedding robes
Jyl: i’m getting married, i wanted to show you my wedding robes!
wwx:*choked up* yeah, i heard you were getting married…(he’s looks so emotional here omg)
Jc: who told you?! 
(he says this all snappishly bc of course he does, this is jc we’re talking about)
Wwx: None of your business! *scowls*
LOL SO DEFENSIVE, WWX. what’s the matter?? You don’t want to tell your sibs about your recent date with lwj?? How you showed him your home??? hoW YOU DISCOVERED YOU WANTED TO CO-DAD CHILDREN WITH HIM????
Ah, brothers…
Jyl calms them down before they could get too into it tho bc she’s a good big sister and knows her little brothers well
Jyl: i came alone tho, so you can’t see the groom today
Wwx: *pouts* i don’t want to see the groom at all
I can’t get over the way wwx keeps looking at her. HE LOVES HIS SISTER SO MUCH. HE’S SO HAPPY FOR HER
Lol, both of them tell her how beautiful she looks and she’s all it doesn’t count when you guys say it bc you’re my little brothers and it’s my wedding so you have to be nice to me
So now we get the obligatory soup time with the yunmeng sibs
And wwx is all, “for who???”
And jc says, for my future nephew!! And he looks so damn pleased and proud when he says it. JC WANTS TO BE AN UNCLE SO BAD me too jc, me too
Wwx: hmmm, well, the next generation for the jin clan is “ru” so how about jin rulan?
Jc: jin rulan? It sounds like the lan clan. Why should a kid of the jiang clan and jin clan be called “rulan”??
Omg jc sounds so offended here; chill out bro
Wwx: it’s not that bad if it’s from the lan clan all right? Lan means orchid, a gentry amongst flowers! ALSO MY SOULMATE IS FROM THE LAN CLAN SO THERE
Wwx sounded all sulky here, like RULAN IS A GREAT NAME, HOW DARE YOU
Jyl cuts in before there could be any bloodshed with, oh yeah, having you come up with the courtesy name was jc’s idea
The look jc gives her is one of utter betrayal like, why’d you have to go and tell him that? HE CAN’T KNOW I WAS BEING NICE TO HIM, GOD.
They all have much more sibling time together but since there’s no more wangxiantics we’re gonna skip over it (EVEN THO IT HURTS ME TO DO SO BC I LOVE MY YUNMENG SIBS AND I WANT TO SEE THEM HAPPY AND TOGETHER FOREVER)
We cut to the Burial Mounds where there’s a Wen family dinner going on
Wwx is all spacey bc he misses his sibs so much but manages to distract EVERYONE from it by making grand declarations and generally being an over-the-top Drama Bi.
A-Yuan time!
Wen ning saved some of jyl’s soup to give to a-yuan!
He gives a-yuan a taste of the soup and a-yuan’s all “delicious! One more spoon!”
And after wen ning gives him more, he’s like, ONE MORE SPOON!
Then we get some Sad Times in the Demon-Subdue Palace where wwx has the saddest series of flashbacks ever
the promise he made to JC (twin heroes of yunmeng!!) that he didn’t keep
and then the oath on the lantern (always stand with justice and live without regrets) which he half-keeps
and then his declaration in the rain with lwj (if i should be killed, let it be by you) which he will keep BUT WE’RE NOT GONNA THINK ABOUT THAT
Gross, now we’re in lanling, fastforwarding through that nonsense
Now we’re back at the burial mounds and get more A-YUAN TIME!!
Uh oh, a-yuan just murdered a lotus sprout
He’s all, what’s this?? And yanks the poor thing out of the mudpit it was growing in
Wwx yells at him: WHAT ARE YOU DOING
And a-yuan starts crying and wwx looks like he wants to start bawling too
Wen qing kind of tells him off 
a-yuan’s a little kid and doesn’t know better, she says
Wwx gets this defeated look about him and says it’s fine, i see that it’s not meant to be now
After a little adorable convo with wen qing, a-yuan goes to comfort wwx in his cave
A-yuan: i’m sorry i made a mistake. Wq says if you miss your sister, you should go see her
Wwx: she’s so far away...i won’t go
A-yuan: hmmm, you should become a bird and fly over there!
But wwx is still sad inside :(
Now we get a time skip! 
Wwx overhears a bunch of gossipy cultivators talking about how the jin clan is doing a one-month celebration of baby Jin Rulan!!
Wen Ning is a supportive bro so he’s all congratulations!!!
And then wwx gets all the happiness gets drained out of him when he remembers that he has no official ties to either clan so he’ll probably never get to see his nephew ever
We cut to Lanling, where i guess guests are arriving for the upcoming celebration
We don’t really care about any of these people
Unfortunately he’s talking to asshole cousin jz, fuck that guy
Lwj: since all of his seniors are invited to the first-month celebration, wei ying should also be invited as he is the baby’s senior too
Lwj says this all respectfully, gaze steadily forward and not looking directly at anyone
Jz: you want us to invite wwx even tho he’s the enemy of all four clans??
Lol, lwj glares at jz SO HARD the minute jz calls wwx the enemy; i’m surprised the asshole didn’t drop dead on the spot
Lwj: not an enemy.
Jz: not an enemy? Do you have such a shitty memory that you don’t remember what happened in qiongqi way? Do i need to remind you?
Lxc: what wangji said isn’t wrong. Wwx hasn’t caused any trouble since he took off to the burial mounds.
Jz: what, you’re taking the traitor’s side too zewu-jun?
You know, i was almost proud of lxc for finally siding with wwx and lwj
But the minute jz throws that accusation, you can see him start to pull back, WTF LXC
So now, since apparently having to deal with JZ wasn’t horrible enough, we get jgs and jgy on the scene, yuck
Jz gives them a summary of the conversation
Oh, i forgot to mention jzx has been here the whole time too but he’s basically useless bc he never shuts up his cousin
Jgy is all like, ah, hanguang-jun is being kind but perhaps inviting wwx is not the best idea ever
And jz is all well, I heard that he went to the burial mounds but no one knows why he went there!
Lwj: to visit an old friend
Jz: an old friend?! Wwx is a ruthless killer! Everyone wants him dead! Why do you have a friend like him?
Lwj: when did he kill ruthlessly? Please tell us exactly.
Jzx finally cuts in here and shuts them both up
He approaches his dad and is like, yeah okay so wwx killed some of our guys before and he’s kind of rebellious or whatever but like hanguang-jun said, he hasn’t done anything wrong for a whole year!
Then he goes on to show us that he’s completely whipped for his wife (AS HE SHOULD BE) by saying, also, since wwx has seceded from the jiang clan, jyl hasn’t been able to see him and she still misses him very much!!
Jzx: it’s a good opportunity to bring him back
His asshole cousin is all, are you crazy??
But thankfully lxc puts in his two cents!
Lxc: jzx makes a good point. If wwx intends to change and return to the right path again, it’s a good thing!
Jgs starts droning on and on about stuff i don’t give a damn about and lwj throws him the dirtiest of looks the whole time lol
But he more or less agrees to let wwx come on the condition that he turns in Plot Device 2
And jgy is like, SWEET, we can write him a letter telling him he’s invited but he must come alone (BC THAT AIN’T SKETCHY AF) and then once he’s here we can tactfully request he give me, i mean, the jin clan Plot Device 2
Lwj was looking concerned basically the minute jgy started talking but here he chimes in
Lwj: what will you do if he refuses?
Then jgy does that thing where he replies without actually answering the question
Jgy: hanguang-jun, why are you so pessimistic? Wwx is not evil or vicious! (FUCK YOU JGY, WE ALREADY KNOW HE’S NOT EVIL OR VICIOUS, NO THANKS TO YOU) i’m sure if we talk it out, he’ll be reasonable and make the right choice!
Oh, thankfully, lxc answers the question properly
Lxc: even if wwx disagrees, he can go back to the burial mounds as long as he promises not to kill any innocents
Which, wwx would definitely promise that bc he’s never killed an innocent person IN HIS LIFE
Jgy: hanguang-jun, can we bother you with the errand of writing the letter?
Jgy says that and we immediately see lxc smile at his little brother
Like, heck yeah, bro you have the chance to talk to your soulmate now! (LXC is trying to win back his greatest wingman title lol)
Ofc lwj keeps his face blank, but he bows and says yes
And that’s the last of the wangxiantics for this episode. Not a lot of them this time around, and none with shared screen time
But you know what
That’s okay
Bc this shows that they’re always on each other’s minds EVEN AFTER A WHOLE YEAR APART!!
Return to Masterpost
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restingdomface · 4 years
Okay but no one be doin modern mpreg from what I’ve seen so far, so let’s make it interesting: Wei Wuxian wants a child so he carries his roomate’s cousin’s DNA (lol he carrying baby A-Yuan) and Lan Wangji is a new worker at the clinic WWX goes to and thinks WWX is cute, but WWX makes friends with him and calls him by his given name, and doesn’t get all weird about how quiet he is, and LWJ sighs all sad, wishing he had a shot with this cute boy, but WWX must have a boyfriend or something since he’s coming here for pregnancy checkups but then LXC (surprise, the whole fam is doctors) mentions that it’s nice of LWJ to always sit with WWX when he looks nervous since his roommates work in the ER down the street so they never have time to go to checkups with him, and LWJ is all ‘boyfriend???’ And LXC is all ‘oh? He didn’t say? He’s single, the baby is in vitro fertilization’ and now LWJ isn’t afraid to get too close to WWX and WWX loves it and invites him to get coffee with him and when he gets bigger LWJ will put his hand on the small of WWX’s back because his balance is shit and even holds his hand because WWX needs so much support and WWX talks about how he wants to be a flute player in an orchestra and they realize they’re both into musical arts and LWJ mentions that he only works at the clinic as a secretary because his brother and uncle work there and he’s been depressed but working there helps him get out and about and now WWX is inviting him out all the time so they can spend time together since they’re both lonely people and they play music together and WWX builds the most WILD inventions but Wen Ning and Wen Qing refuse to let him near the dangerous stuff and he’s annoyed cause he had to give up his mechanic (he works on machines, but they ain’t cars) job because the mech lab is way too dangerous for a healthy pregnancy, and maybe sometimes LWJ and WWX fall asleep in the same bed while watching movies because WWX’s back hurts and he needs to stay in a comfy position for his hips and the beds are much better and LWJ falls asleep so dang early and they curl up together and LWJ wakes up with his hand stroking WWX’s growing belly and he wants to kiss it and tell the baby they’re good and tell WWX he’s so good for carrying this little life and WWX will look at him all soft and sleepy as he wakes up and maybe, just maybe, a few times LWJ gives in and gives him soft sleepy kisses and they both smile all happy and content and spend their days together like usual and WWX comes over for dinner with the Lans and LQR is a little stiff because he’s always worried about men who get pregnant because it’s so much riskier due to the hip size but now that he’s got LWJ watching him constantly he’s less worried but slightly more worried that if something happens to WWX it’ll crush LWJ’s heart so he acts all stiff and WWX doesn’t think he likes him much but it’s okay, when the baby is finally born LQR will calm down, and LXC smiles and can’t resist putting his hands on round belly and feeling those little kicks and telling WWX that he’s gonna have a strong little kiddo and WWX is all ‘that’s good, he’s not a Lan by blood, but I wouldn’t want him to be the weakest link in the pack’ or something and LXC grins at him and starts calling himself Shufu and gives LWJ a million tips to help pregnancy discomfort and stuff like that to use on WWX and yeah. Yeah.
Anyways. I’m soft and on many drugs.
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drwcn · 5 years
Ahhhh, could you do Overprotective! Wen Qing just being an overall badass for her lil bro? (Wen Qing is a whole qUEEN and her bond with Wen Ning just makes me all emotional and just ughhhhhhhh I have too many f e e l i n g s) Thank you in advance! :)
YES okay, I love Wen Qing and Wen Ning, and honestly after all the trouble Wen Qing went through to keep her brother alive….she just… gave up? and turned themselves in???? What was the point of all of that then? We’re gonna fix that my friend. 
The terracotta bowl hit the floor of the kitchen with a clanging smack, breaking into fours. 
Wen Ning, the undead Ghost General, the ghoul of every cultivator’s nightmare, flinched like a startled kitten. In front of his sister, Wen Ning was forever five years old. 
“Ridiculous!” Wen Qing had spun around from the washing basin, her hands still wet and dripping with soap suds. With her hair in a braid and her waist circled by an raggedy apron, she didn’t look much like the revered physician of Qishan that she had once been. Yet, the command in her voice that her brother had become so accustomed to never changed. 
“A-Ning, do you even know what you’re suggesting?” 
His sister was shaking. Wen Ning had never seen her so angry. He swallowed thickly, and responded, “I just thought that it would be easier. Wei-gongzi has lost everything for us, for me, and - and I still killed his brother-in-law. I lost control, I…” 
If he could cry, he would. 
Wen Qing sighed, wiping her hands on her apron. “A-Ning, you listen to me,” she said as she reached for his chin and fixed it in place between her index and thumb. Her dark eyes were bright with life and conviction when she gazed into his.  
“I know you feel guilty, I know you feel like a burden onto all of us, but let me be perfectly clear: what happened to you is not your fault. What happened that day - you didn’t lose control. You were being controlled. Wei Wuxian lost control of you.”
“But -” 
“Let me finish. These past days have been a gift to us, a gift which Wei Wuxian sacrificed his entire life for. He turned his back against everyone to keep us safe; the debt we owe him cannot be repaid enough in this life. So, what is there to do?” 
Wen Ning fidgeted with his threadbare sleeve. “I - I don’t know.” 
“We have to prove to the world that Wei Wuxian is right, that we are not remnants of Wen Ruohan’s evil, that we are worth his sacrifice. That’s the only way to keep ourselves alive and to garner the slightest chance for Wei Wuxian to be reunited with his family again. If you turn yourself in, it would be an admission of guilt not just on your part, but on his. You would not be committing an act of honour. You would be squandering all that he has given up for you, for us.” 
Wen Ning’s eyes widened. “Sister, I didn’t mean to suggest that!” 
Wen Qing’s face softened. “I know, A-Ning, I know.” She ran her thumb along his pale cheek, thinking back on a time when it’d still been rosy. Her baby brother, the timid boy with the big doe eyes, harmless even to a fly. Life had taken away so much from them, and their options were limited to the extreme, but through it all the truth in Wen Qing’s heart never wavered, never changed. It had always been the same: to keep Wen Ning safe, whatever it took. And if he were truly deplorable, she would first give her own life to atone for his crimes than to see any harm come to him. 
“Come, help me finish the dishes.” She beckoned him over to the water basin and picked up a dish cloth again. 
“What really happened that day?” She asked quietly. 
“I don’t know, it was all so fuzzy, not like usual…I thought I heard - I don’t know.” 
Wen Qing nodded. “His powers are dangerous. These are uncharted waters. Every step is a first step for him, and you know as well as I do that his kindness and selflessness hinge on self-destruction. We have to help him, not just for ourselves, but for him too. At the rate he’s going, I’m worried for his own safety.” 
“But where can we go? Who can we turn to?” 
“Ideally, we’d go to his Grand Master Baoshan Sanren, but the chances of finding her is close to none. In that case… perhaps it’s time to write a letter to Cloud Recesses.” 
“Sister, that’s suicide! You just said -” 
“Cloud Recesses is founded by acolytes of the cultivation world; I once heard Wen Ruohan speak of their hidden libraries and forbidden archival collections. If there are answers to be found, it would be a good place to start.” 
“But how, wait you don’t mean to say,” Wen Ning glanced around him as if they were gossiping maids and afraid of eavesdroppers. Leaning in, he whispered, “Lan-er’gongzi.” 
Wen Qing raised an eyebrow. “Surely you’ve noticed.” 
A-Ning’s face twitched in a way that suggested if he were his old self, he’d be blushing on Wei Wuxian’s behalf. “I mean - yeah, of course. I think if A-Yuan were a couple years older, even he would notice. Do you really think it would work?” 
“We’ll never know until we try, but I’m willing to bet Lan Wangji won’t turn away an opportunity to save Wei Wuxian.” Wen Qing hid a little smirk. “All that pining and staring, it can’t be good for him.” 
Wen Ning nodded and laughed.  
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