#yukari: hey why can we only speak greek!?
scrivenger-grimgar · 1 year
phantom thieves will always be phantom thieves, reguardless of whether they can steal hearts at that very moment. all of the thieves know this but sometimes it still sneaks up on them.
each and every member learned to be silent very quickly when under threat from shadows, and eventually just as a general threat reflex. they habitually walk silently, scaring the other members of the shadow ops.
they'll scan the room for escapes and hiding spots, and reach for weapons that arent there.
Ryuuji's accent changes when he's angry or excited thanks to William, and slowly begins to assimilate the accented English into his brain. he's able to read maps flawlessly and knows intricate details of boats and ships. if he touches someone after working out then the other person receives a nasty static shock, beyond what should be possible but not actually harmful. excitement or animosity cause his hair to puff up and electronics start going haywire around him.
Joker's third eye still works, but he's able to tell the quality of both gemstones and metals even without it and is now always resisting the urge to swipe up anything shiny. he speaks fluent French, is able to walk around perfectly in heels, and is extremely proficient in both free running and parkour. he expected to retain his ability to pick locks and perhaps his sleight of hand, but causing shadows to respond to his emotions and commands was not within any realm of possibility.
Ann began running hotter than other people around her, anger causing her hands to burn what she was holding. after awakening Celestine she became even more of a polyglot, with four languages fluently spoken: Japanese, English, Spanish, and French. her singing voice in each language is musical and fantastical, and even her acting improved.
Makoto's gaining of significant religious knowledge, specifically catholicism, as well as the ability to speak very old French, is something she attributes to both Johanna and Agnes, as well as her ability to cause nuclear fission and not be harmed by it. She immediately tries to get a handle on this, not wanting to explain to her landlord why exactly there is nuclear radiation in her apartment.
Yusuke is now practically immune to the cold, and will often forget that normal people don't go shopping in shorts in the middle of February. his touch can freeze small amounts of water when he's not careful, and larger bodies when he actively concentrates. simultaneously, his knowledge of swords and swordsmanship shoots through the roof, as does the complexity of his speech. how exactly his Japanese went from 'very formal high schooler' to '1500's disgraced samurai' without anyone in his small circle of friends noticing was nothing short of a miracle.
Haru was expected to learn English given her position as CEO of an international fast-food company, but Lucy gave her a strange shortcut, with her 17th-century English. her psionic abilities have to be closely regulated, as there were several occasions where she used it to float things to her, unlock doors, or even knock things over. even with that trouble, Lucy still gives her the upper hand with her experiences in negotiation and diplomacy shining through.
Futaba suddenly being able to speak Arabic is decidedly ignored by Sojiro, though she does get a kick out of speaking a language none of the other thieves understand. her ability to manipulate any electronic device within a ten-meter radius of her is not, nor is her sudden ability to levitate.
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itsuki-minamy · 4 years
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
K - Side: Purple (Chapter List)
Looking at the customer who entered, Taka-san widened his eyes.
Isshin Hase, a man who settled in "Niibangai" about half a year ago. He was a big man with muscular bones, and if he had had the aptitude, he could have been hired by this "Massive Boys", but for now, he "established himself as a goalkeeper for all of Niibangai".
Hase looked confused while he was at the store entrance. It is not surprising. "Massive Boys" is a so-called "tourist bar" that anyone can walk into, but there are chaotic fluorescent neon signs, bondage fashion Greek sculptures, and bright posters of gay porn stars all over the store. At first glance, customers are often confused and some leave the store immediately.
"Sensei, come here."
When Taka-san beckoned, Hase looked relieved and walked over to the counter. When he put his giant body on a stool, he looked like one of the figures in the store.
Taka-san laughs a bit as he hands him a hand towel.
"Welcome. It's rare for Sensei to come to us."
"Um, well, that's right. I'm not good at these kinds of places."
Taka-san is in awe of the wording. Since Hase was in a hurry, he wondered why he had come if he wasn't good at it, or what if he said it in front of them.
"Oh, no, no! It's not about you, there's just no green tea in this place to drink. Sorry."
Taka-san involuntarily bursts out laughing. It seems true that he wasn't good at socializing, although he didn't have to panic.
"Well, that's correct. Sure, you can't drink?"
"Um, I can't."
"Ah, I'm not serious. I apologize, we have many other non-alcoholic drinks."
He glanced sideways and pointed at Chief Satoshi. He saw this person, so the instructions mean that others are welcome. Satoshi looked ahead and yelled, he came out of the counter to stop an employee who is getting involved with a customer.
Taka-san turns to Hase and says with a soft smile.
"So what are you going to do, Sensei?"
"That's right. I'll order a sake that I can drink."
Taka-san took the shaker. There was no doubt that Hase asked for that for his sake. There are days when he still wants to drink alcohol that he cannot drink. He has been doing this kind of business for a long time, so he knows it.
He adds syrup, sugar and lemon to some cocoa liquor and shake it. Transferring it to a glass, he poured in sparkling water and was slightly driven, Taka-san presented the glass in front of Hase.
"Yes, please. Cacao Fiz. It has less alcohol, so feel free to drink."
"Oh, thanks."
He raised the glass with a nervous hand, and took a sip. Hase's eyes widened.
"Uh, it tastes good."
"Thank you."
Taka-san smiled. Hase tipped his glass again and drank several times.
He wondered what happened.
For half a year after the gangster attacked, Hase has solved many problems in "Niibangai". There are many people, including Taka-san, who have been helped and protected by him. Still, his good-natured personality who never snorts his achievements, was welcomed favorably by the "Niibangai" neighbors.
Still, Taka-san doesn't know Hase's details. Also Mi-chan and Seiya. He is forbidden to snoop unnecessarily, which was implicitly a rule of thumb in "Niibangai", which has many wounds on its inhabitants.
So Taka-san didn't force him to answer, he just shook off the little talk.
"How about these days? What about Mishakuji-chan?"
Hase laughs on one cheek. A sip of cocoa and then a sip of words.
"His sword is..."
"I was right. That boy has a good sword."
For a moment, Taka-san didn't understand what Hase was saying.
Hase's ability is brute force. He has taken down several thugs in the blink of an eye. He was not sure about the sword, but he could understand through common sense that he had been studying for many years and that his technique cannot be surpassed by one half.
That is to say…
"Why are you asking that all of a sudden?"
"I heard you promised Sayuri to try to avoid injury. Until now, you've been hitting with a move that doesn't care, but it seems like you've decided to change that."
"The word genius is lukewarm. Yukari is real, so is his ability."
Speaking to himself, Hase set the empty glass on the counter.
"Give me a refill."
While preparing a new cocktail, Taka-san implicitly observed Hase's expression.
Hase seemed to be laughing. Eyes closed and thoughtful, his lips formed a slight smile. But Taka-san didn't know what he thought was true. What do people feel when they are outmatched by humans for just half a year after many years of research? Only the person knows.
"He's a great kid. That's it."
Taka-san is even more cheerful as he pours a new cocktail into the glass.
"Yeah, he really does cause that feeling, right? Mishakuji-chan is amazing. He's been able to do anything for a long time, he's smart, he has a good face. It's weird that he's in a place like this."
Hase smiles bitterly as he looked at the glass that Taka-san gave him.
"A place like this, is a greeting. I wonder if this is where I live."
"Yes. "Niibangai" is certainly our place. But after all, it is a place like this."
Taka-san turned his gaze towards the shop, saying that selfishly. The burly men in XL evening gowns and prima donna suits hold their glasses cross-shouldered and the singing voice is out of tune.
"Drop something, run away from something. This is a mound of snow where these people gather. The more time we spend here, people like me, Mi-chan, Seiya, Sayuri, we have no place to stay other than here."
Hase's glass was empty. Taka-san unconsciously poured half sake.
"But Mishakuji-chan is different. Since he is a big boy, it is possible that he can fly to a wide world that we cannot imagine. I think he is a boy, who unlike us who cannot escape, can open up by himself One Way."
Taka-san says that, narrowing his eyes.
Mishakuji Yukari was certainly such an existence for the people of "Niibangai". Hope and possibility. Being able to fly to places where they can never go. That's why everyone who likes Yukari feels that he is not suitable for this place.
Suddenly, Hase's face was dyed bright red and the giant swayed. Taka-san rushes to replace the glass.
"My God, I wonder if I drank too much. Water, water."
Hase looks at the water that Taka-san offered him. Hase flutters with some drunken eye flashes.
"I'm the same. I wonder if it was fate that brought me here."
Do not poke around uselessly. That is the "Niibangai" rule. They all have the same scars that they don't want to be explored.
However, you cannot live with your own pain forever. There are times when you still want to spit out the scars you don't want to find. In such a case, listen to the story silently. That's not "Niibangai's" rule, it was Taka-san's rule.
"Why did you come here, Sensei?"
When Taka-san poured the water, Hase leaned his elbows on the counter, closed his eyes, and began to speak slowly.
"I betrayed my friend and ran away from him."
The Miwa Meishinryu Dojo was located near Hase's birthplace.
He doesn't remember why he got a sword. He was not good at socializing due to his natural nature, and he believed that swinging a stick was easier than playing with friends at school. There were few outsiders who bothered to learn old-fashioned swordplay, and it was even rarer when they were younger, and there was only one disciple his own age.
That was Miwa Ichigen's school.
Miwa was the grandson of the owner of the dojo, a boy who was sought out to take over the Miwa Meishin style. For that reason, it seems that he was strictly taught not only the sword, but also all martial arts and etiquette. From the boy Hase's perspective, Miwa seemed to have little time to break free.
However, he didn't make sense of Miwa's character. He always had a spring breeze atmosphere that made his feel relaxed just by being next to him. It wasn't a bother for Hase, who wasn't good at socializing, to be around Miwa. Not only was he a friend of the sword of the same age, but Hase and Miwa believed that they fit together in terms of personality.
However, even Hase often couldn't understand Miwa.
For example, while he was practicing in the presence of a sword, there was a moment when he suddenly lost his head. Even if it's practice, if the hit is bad, it will hurt. Since he knew, he should have to put stress on his whole body, but Miwa just looked somewhere far away, and sometimes his heart wasn't even there.
And Hase couldn't attack Miwa. He should be full of spaces, but there was no possibility of attacking anywhere. He was caught up in the premonition that a ridiculous counterattack would ensue the moment he hit him, and he had no choice but to turn Miwa around. Meanwhile, both of them were severely scolded by the owner of the dojo.
"Hey. What the hell was that?"
After a day of practice, Hase scold Miwa.
Half intended to complain. Both of them were ordered to clean the entire dojo as punishment for clumsy practice. He couldn't help but wonder why he wasn't fed up with Miwa, but he couldn't think of beating Miwa if he acted immature in front of him.
As he squeezed the cloth he had just lifted from the bucket, Miwa asked mysteriously.
"What's that?"
"That's it. It's like you go somewhere from time to time, whatever you're practicing. It's hard to do and I can't get over you."
Miwa was a bit shy.
"That's the word that comes to mind."
"Yeah. Words that usually come to mind that aren't cohesive probably come together at that moment, and then my head goes that way."
He has turned his lips into a sword. He knew from his long relationship that Miwa wasn't teasing him.
"I do not know why."
"Yes. I really don't get it."
"I can't understand what you don't understand."
Having said that, Hase smiled bitterly. The one who laughed was the loser. He placed both hands on the mop placed on the floor and cleaned as he took a step. Hase lecture Miwa that he was a little late.
"If those words come together, let me know."
Miwa also laughed a bit and replied.
"Yes. I'll tell you when the time comes."
In the future, Miwa will be the owner of the Miwa Meishin-style dojo. Become a friend of Miwa, he will have the level of a teacher, sometimes they would exchange swords, teach the sword technique to the neighborhood children and hear those "words" one day. Somehow, Hase envisioned that future.
So when he heard that Miwa was leaving the house, he wasn't surprised at all.
Hase and Ichigen Miwa's sword arms were almost the same, but their heads were different.
When he heard that Miwa would be enrolled in the highest school in the country, he thought reflexively, "This guy will do long before breakfast."
But he really didn't understand. Why wasn't he the successor to the dojo? What happened to the promise to hear the "words"? Does he throw the sword? Out of anger, Hase was asking that question in quick succession.
Miwa was a bit embarrassed, as he bent his neck.
"No. I'm sure I'll be waving my sword wherever I am."
Then, with a look soft like a spring breeze, he added:
"The 'words' are not organized yet. Once they are organized, I'll show them to you first."
Hase had no choice but to say so. There were no other words.
The difference between him and Miwa was clearly shown.
First of all, he was a different person than him, who was not good at socializing because he was careless and had no choice but to cling to this land while he brandished his sword. Miwa, she was smart and had many brilliant talents. He was a person who could advance to a larger world for a better future. It was just that Hase was so crazy that he thought he must be around him all the time.
"Do not feel alone."
The words that came out of his mouth surprised him. He should be pleased with the prosperity of his friend, but the first thing that comes up is his feeling. Masochistically, he thought that place would be different without him.
Still, Miwa smiled and replied.
"Me too. I will be a teacher who teaches from the heart."
Then, Miwa flew all over the world.
Shortly after Miwa disappeared, Hase became the teacher of the Miwa Meishin school.
It seems that the owner of the dojo still wanted Miwa to take over the dojo. The instructor would only be Miwa, and he claimed that he was in the middle of a "long absence". That was not important to Hase. He was not interested in the position or title as long as he could live wielding his sword, he thought it was the most suitable life for him.
Meanwhile, almost 10 years have passed.
One day, Miwa came by chance.
After graduating from high school, he heard that he got a job in an overseas securities company and that he is doing a great job. It would be a lie not to say that his friend was living a completely different life from his, and that he didn't feel alone, but when he thought "that's what it is", it was a story he could swallow. He thought that he had found something that could be the basis for him, just like he was living with a sword.
The face of his friend that he saw after a long time seemed to be dead.
Hase looked at his face seriously, and Miwa smiled like a spring breeze, as in the past.
"I'm sick. I left the company."
If asked, it seems that dark circles floated under his eyes and his body was thin. Hase could only imagine what a foreign securities company would look like, but it was probably a hostile environment that could damage the trained body with a sword. Hase ran into a friend, who fell ill and eventually returned from an unknown land.
"Miwa. Stay here forever. This is your home."
With a smile on his face, he shook his head gently.
"No. This is your dojo. I decided to retreat into the distance."
Hase opened his eyes. He didn't know what Miwa was thinking.
He said that he will soon go somewhere even though he had returned. Miwa took Hase's hand and said, wondering if such doubts had appeared on his face.
"It is said that good air is better for me. I can go calmly because you are in charge of this dojo."
"I lost the Miwa Meishin style."
When he told him that, Hase couldn't do anything else.
That night. Hase saw Miwa in the Kendo room.
Miwa dressed in a sash and calmly waved a wooden sword. It was probably because of the feeling that he was sick and did such a thing. It is a dojo where he spent his childhood and youth. Miwa who returned after a long time, thought it was inevitable that he would want to breathe the air of the dojo even if he made his sick.
"I understand your feelings, but don't overdo it."
He tried to yell that when he saw it.
Miwa, waved his sword as if dancing. As if running water flowed incessantly, his feet and the sword of judgment as well, they never stayed in one place.
Silently, gracefully, without the gap of habit, Miwa manipulated the wooden sword lightly.
It was hard to believe that this sick man was away from the sword for many years.
Indescribable discomfort hit Hase's chest. When he realized it, he was entering the kendo room. Hase didn't stop even if he looked back in surprise when he noticed that.
Miwa unexpectedly pointed at his throat.
"Miwa, fix things with me."
Hase, unknowingly holding a wooden sword that he hung on the wall in one hand, raised it unconsciously.
His bloodied eyes are wide open, his shoulders are tight, and his lips are tight. When he saw Hase, he had a sad expression on his face.
"Oh, I…"
"Don't say anything. I ask you to fix things with me."
Then Hase held his sword to his eyes.
Miwa was silent for a while. He had his face down, so Hase didn't know what kind of expression he had. With a wooden sword in his hands, he said in a hazy voice.
"I will not reduce the number of hits."
"Try this. I will never forgive you."
Miwa looked directly at Hase and held his sword in the top row.
That only made the skin all over his body crawl.
He didn't want to admit it. He couldn't forgive him. However, as a grave fact, he stood in front of Hase.
Miwa was stronger than him. Much stronger.
He couldn't admit it.
Hase was surprised that such pride lurked in him. Hase saw himself as a disinterested and cheerful person just by wielding his sword.
But that meant that if he turned it over, he only had one sword. He thought that he wouldn't lose, even if it was Miwa. No matter how beautiful he was, no matter how glamorous he was in the world, only the sword. He only believed in this way of life, yet somewhere in his being, he believed that he was inferior to Miwa.
He was crushed.
The moment he saw the sword dance, he knew that he was in a situation where he couldn't even compete with Miwa. He was sick. He believed that he had been working for a company for a long time.
Miwa was much more skilled than him, who has directly thrust the sword.
He couldn't forgive him.
Miwa, no. He cannot forgive himself. The chief was not skilled enough to trick him into pretending not to see him. All feelings and consideration turned to dust at that moment. Isshin Hase had to challenge Ichigen Miwa.
Miwa with the sword in the top row had a transparent expression. The expression was familiar. It's the expression he used to have when he practiced, when his heart was going somewhere.
The facial expression when the "words" arise
At that moment, he couldn't hit him. He had a feeling that he was going to receive a terrible counterattack and could only turn around.
But now…
If he didn't hit him now, he will regret it for the rest of his life.
Driven by thoughts of him, Hase kicked the dojo floor. A reverse kasaya that appears to be licked from the bottom left. He fired the strongest blow of his life.
"So what happened?"
Taka-san asked in a low voice, looking at Hase, who has fallen onto the counter.
With his forehead pressed against the counter, Hase shook his shoulders and laughed.
"Of course I lost. No matter how many times I tried, I couldn't even touch it with the sword."
"The next morning, Miwa left. He left a letter."
There was a brief goodbye and a "word" in which the words were finally joined. No words of apology were written. Hase was saved by that.
"The next morning I left the dojo. I should have decided once that it was my place to live. I couldn't bear to be there anymore."
If he entered the dojo and swung his sword, he would remember that night. When he realized that, his life was worth nothing.
"I ran away. I left the dojo that night. For the very fact that I couldn't get over Miwa. I left the dojo that Miwa had entrusted to me and the disciples who trusted me, I fled, kept running, and then I came here."
Hase laughed deep in his throat, lifting his flushed face and squeezing it.
"I tried to assume that Miwa was special. He was a monster given two or three times by the sky. Then Yukari appeared."
With a laugh, Hase covered his eyes with his big palm.
"When I saw his movement today, I remembered Miwa that night. I moved like I danced and didn't stop. It's funny, right? After running away from a monster, I ended up meeting another monster. Kukuku…"
Hase kept laughing deep in his throat. Maybe he wasn't laughing. Thinking like this, Taka-san gently walked away.
"In the end, I can't. I couldn't beat him or forgive myself for losing. I saw Yukari today and I remembered him. I'm a useless person."
Taka-san thinks that there are two types of people who despise themselves.
Someone who wants you to deny it, and some who really believe it.
Hase now is probably the last. There was an opponent who lived with a sword and still couldn't beat him. He doesn't think he can understand all the regrets, despair and helplessness at that time. Suffering can only be understood by the person who tasted it.
However, there was still a problem with Hase.
"Miwa, right? I have never met him, but I am grateful to that person."
When Taka-san said, Hase looked up mysteriously.
"Because without that person, I could have been dead."
Hase looks at Taka-san with drunken eyes. Taka smiled, poured water into the glass, and presented it to Hase.
"Isn't that true? If you had overcome that feeling before that person, you wouldn't be here right now. Then I could have been stabbed by that yakuza and would die."
"It's not just me. It's the same for Mishakuji-chan. He could have been seriously injured protecting me, and that boy could have died if you hadn't intervened. Right?"
Hase shook his head, saying that he couldn't turn his head properly. Taka-san sighed and looked directly at Hase.
"You may have lost. You may have escaped, thrown away, betrayed and come here. But there are people who have been saved."
"So don't say you're worthless, much less say that in front of Mishakuji-chan, because he respects you."
"Does he respect me?"
Hase repeated it, like the words he heard for the first time. As he looked down at the glass.
"But eventually he will be stronger than me."
"But now you are still that child's teacher."
Hase was listening to the words and sinking into the depths of the water in the glass.
"So, be proud and be like a teacher. Not for you, but for Mishakuji-chan. One day when that child leaves the nest, you will be able to proudly say, 'Isshin Hase taught him the sword.'"
Hase was silent for a while.
Taka-san didn't say anything else. He thought it was Hase's problem. After all, Hase himself is the only one who can come out of despair and suffering.
"So is."
Finally, Hase muttered and crept into his chest.
What he took out of it was a messy piece of paper. It was slightly dirty and covered with hand stains, and the written characters were not clear. However, Hase squinted to see the precious written treasure and murmured.
"I may have come here for that."
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tacitusauxilium · 4 years
Marie x Fuuka Part 3 Drabble
Continuation from this drabble that Tacitusauxilium continued from my own.
Its not that Marie likes being aggressive, she just dislikes impatience and indecisive people. Fuuka, sadly tends to fall one either scale, depending on the situation. In the case of Shinjiro, Marie could tell she was being indecisive. It had been 2 days already since their talk. Marie could still feel her cheek being a little sore but didn’t mind it. She had touched a few nerves, but she knew it had to be done. Fuuka needed to face the reality of what is, not what she wants it to be.
And its not like Marie doesn’t understand her, far from it. Marie fully understands how she feels. She told Fuuka a year ago about herself, who she really was. Formerly, Izanami, the Shinto Goddess of Creation and Death; reborn after events that went out of control and reincarnated her desires into this form; into Marie. Though Izanami didn’t count on Marie gaining her own consciousness, personality and wishes of life; a mistake, but not one that Izanami herself cared about. After the guest of the Velvet Room, Yu Narukami dealt with her, Izanami faded back to the collective unconscious, and Marie inherited her power and freedom from going through a similar fate as her original.
Though Marie didn’t just gain her powers, Marie also gained Izanami’s memories; memories of a happy life, that turned to ashes too quick, and the suffering that came with it from the land of the Dead. Marie felt Izanami’s longing to return to Izanagi, to try and make things back to how they were. But that’s not how that story ended.
Life guided them to different paths, and Marie felt that anguish in part of her own. She wanted Yu Narukami…but he already had another, long before she confessed. Who it was, Marie didn’t really care at the time. What she cared about was the pain. It hurt, Marie admitted that she was beyond hurt and angry, but overtime cooled off. One factor that helped was accepting things for what they were. It was hard, but she got over it, and decided to focus on herself.
That’s when she met Fuuka 2 months later at the red fog event and got her number. Marie had an apartment in Inaba, but the weather station she works with is well, not in Inaba, and talked with Fuuka about renting an apartment somewhere closer to where they both work. It was easy to find a suitable place for two, and she later met Shinjiro.
Of course, Marie isn’t blind to feelings. She knew that despite Fuuka being Shinjiro’s, ever since Shinjiro began to push her away, Fuuka began to look at her direction. It was subtle at first, but Marie could feel Fuuka’s glances, checking her out, asking to bathe together at the hot springs, sometimes cuddling together at night because Fuuka couldn’t sleep, and of course, learning about Fuuka’s past romances.
She had 5, though she only pursued 3. Minato, Junpei, Yukari, Mitsuru and Shinjiro. Yukari and Mitsuru she didn’t pursue, but the other 3 she did. According to Fuuka, Minato was cut short due to his sacrifice, and Junpei was not what she had hoped it would be (Fuuka described it as embarrassing). It made sense that she had bet it all on Shinjiro. It was her last hope, so to speak.
Unfortunately, she bet on a broken game; and she hated it. Like trying to pull on a lever that doesn’t work, just to see the lights go on one last time, Fuuka tried for nearly over a year to make things work…it didn’t. Marie wanted to say something, but Fuuka kept side-lining the issue. She didn’t want to get aggressive on Fuuka, she trusted her decision. But she’s glad she did what she did 2 days ago. Sometimes, enough is enough, and Fuuka had to let go before she hurt herself more than she already is.
That’s when Marie got a call, and a familiar tune she recognizes easily; a tune she picked for Fuuka’s number. Having finished her lunch no more than 30 minutes ago (plus doing the dishes), Marie plopped on the sofa and answered the call “Yo Teal, what’s up?”
“Marie? It’s Fuuka. Can you come get me? I…I am at Shinjiro’s. And…I NEED you to do something for me.”
Marie wanted to groan, and yell, and many other things involving her mouth and fists. But at the same time, she should have expected as much. ‘Goddammit Teal’ “Fine. I’ll be there soon.” She hung up and grabbed her bag. “Can’t believe her, seriously…?” grabbing the key to the apartment, she locked the door and ran off.
It took her about 25 minutes, give or take. Marie wasn’t counting nor she cared. She ran over to the apartment complex Shinjiro lives in and found Fuuka just outside of Shinjiro’s room. “Teal.”
Marie could tell Fuuka definitely tried to do something with Shinjiro. Her hair is unbraided, and her clothes are put on, but not quite where they should be. And the hickies, mostly the hickies. Marie sighed, already feeling a headache coming. “Teal-“
“Stop.” Fuuka said “…We didn’t.” she bit her lip. “…We couldn’t. In the end, you were right. There’s passion, but not love. If there was, its long gone in a pool of self-pity, that I can’t clean up. Not anymore.” Fuuka said that, but even she couldn’t believe she was saying it; despite it being the truth. It hurt. She wanted to cry again…but not now. “I’m…” she turns to Marie, eyes welling. “I want-no, NEED for you…to erase Shinjiro’s memories of me; and mine of him.”
As she finished, Fuuka closed her eyes, and braced herself for Marie’s screaming. She could hear it right now.
And there it-Eh? Fuuka had do a double-take. She opened her eyes. “…Alright…?” Fuuka couldn’t believe it. “…No screaming? No telling me I’m wrong?”
Marie shook her head. “…It isn’t worth it. I’m not in the mood, and its clear you and Hobo were able to accept things.” She shrugs. “I mean…I don’t like doing that. But if both of you want this, then alright. I’ll do it.”
Fuuka was half-tempted to pinch herself because it sounded too good to be true. Marie would normally reject her offer, telling her to think about it. But it seems Marie trusts her decision. She probably realizes, Fuuka already thought about it.
Her heart filled with joy; she could only do one thing. She embraced Marie in a hug and leans on her. “…Thank you Marie-chan…” she nuzzled onto her chest. “Thank you…”
Marie’s cheeks turned a faint pink. “Jeez Teal, you sure love your hugs.” She returns the hug and holds Fuuka gently in her arms.
Fuuka oh so wanted so bad to just stay there and hug Marie, bask in her warmth…but it had to end.
Reluctantly, Fuuka lets go of Marie. She stares deep into her green eyes, almost as if conveying her feelings.
Marie gently patted Fuuka’s head. “It won’t be long. Can you wait here?” Fuuka nods. “Ok…” Marie took a deep breath and went inside.
The apartment wasn’t as dirty as Marie expected. Heck, it’s a lot cleaner than she recalls the last time coming in. Still…seeing Shinjiro lying on the sofa, it hurt to see the man Marie remembers as bulky and strong to have come to be so frail and weak.
Marie wanted to pity it, but she knew Shinjiro wouldn’t want that. “Hey.” Shinjiro had his eyes closed, but he still greeted Marie. “Took you long enough.”
Marie snorted, and sits on the smaller seat next to the big couch Shinjiro’s in. “You knew I was coming huh?”
Shinjiro grunted. “Fuuka is many things. Hiding secrets is not one of them.” Marie had to chuckle at that.
“That much is true.” Marie etches a small smile. “Remember when she tried to hide that birthday surprise, but you just knew because of how she was acting?”
“Heh…” Shinjiro chuckled. “Yeah…I still pretended, for her sake.” He sighed. “For what little it mattered though.”
Marie sighed. “So, you know what I’m going to do.” Shinjiro nods.
“Its fine…its…” Shinjiro bit his lip “Its for the best. Fuuka’s too attached to me. Far more than she should have…I should have fought back and not let that happen, but she reminded me too much of Miki.” He scoffs at himself “Some fool I am.”
“Nah.” Marie shook her head. “Naïve, probably…but not a fool Hobo. You thought you could love her, but it’s hard to when you don’t really love yourself.”
“Tell me about it.” Shinjiro agreed to that. “Part of me hates the fact that I gave up. I know I let Aki and Mitsuru down.” He sighed. “But the thing is…this was going to happen sooner or later. Nothing could have prevented that.” He opens his eyes. “I guess I knew…which is why I didn’t really try. Why prolong the inevitable?”
“Teal tried.”
Shinjiro sighed. “Yeah…she did. To no avail. We both knew that.” Marie silently nodded in agreement.
Neither of the two said anything for a few minutes; their silence not one of fear, rather, uncertainty.
Shinjiro finally decided to break the ice. “…How is…Death like?” he asks.
Marie shifted her position a bit lightly, crossing her legs. “…Many see it as the end, and…I guess in a way, its true. Your life as you know it; ends.” She shook her head. “But your soul, the essence of who you are, that never dies. Think of it as release of all that is ‘normal’ of you. The need to eat, the need to sleep, the need to drink…all gone. Whatever physical burdens you have are gone and no longer ail you. The pain goes away, and you feel…free; like when you’re floating on the water, but lighter than that. You feel weightless.”
“…Sounds promising already.” He joked, though a coughing fit soon followed. “Fuck…” he cleared his throat. “Sorry about that.”
“Its fine.” Marie shrugged. “But the realm of the dead varies. I…well…Izanami, had domain of Yomi, but there are many realms of the dead. The River Styx, The Aztec Underworld, the Greek Underworld…yeah, I did mention before that all the mythologies were real at one point. The realms involved are also real. Each region and their Gods handle death in a different matter, but ultimately, once the punishment, if it’s necessary, is done for that deserve it, they go back to the endless cosmos of the collective unconsciousness.” Marie explains. “Then you can choose to return to the world you were born from and be reborn…but as someone else entirely. The person you were, and all its memories will vanish…or you can choose to go to another world, and retain your memories; or just…chill floating as a soul that learns from other souls in the realm for eternity if that’s your thing. Some do that, some don’t.”
“Hmm…so would I be going to Yomi?” Shinjiro asks. Marie shook her head.
“Only the sinners go there, and Shinto culture and its Gods view Sin differently. I can tell you won’t go to Yomi. You didn’t do anything wrong. Bad decisions don’t mean you’re a bad person Hobo.”
“Heh…” Shinjiro smirked at that. “So, Takaya’s rotting in Yomi then.”
“…I guess.” Marie recalls that name being mentioned before from Fuuka. Some organization that her group had to fight. S…strategy? Spaghetti? Stratos? …she’ll ask Fuuka later. “But you’re good. So…at least you have that. You’ll be at peace, and you can look for your Miki.”
“…Shit, death is looking real promising.” Shinjiro closes his eyes. “…Can I ask one last thing? Consider it my final request.”
Marie nods. “Yeah…shoot.”
“Fuuka. We both know she loves you.” He sighed. “That girl falls in love so quickly. Minato, Junpei, Takeba, Mitsuru, me…the girl gets smitten too damn easy. Show her affection and she practically cling you like a puppy.” He chuckled “That’s a good comparison–” he coughs again “Dammit…so my request is simple. Love her Marie. She deserves that after the way her parents treated her; after Natsuki treated her…heck, how I treated her. She deserves a lot, and…You’re the only who can anymore.” He coughs again. 
“Everyone else that she could have something with, is already taken, or long gone.” He turns to Marie, opening his eyes. “I know you love her too. You got nobody else after all.”
Marie couldn’t refute that because it was true. The one love she had, Yu Narukami, taken. And everyone else from the IT were taken as well. Any options she had were closed before she could open the door. Fuuka is much like herself in that regard. Neither of them has other options. In the end…they have each other. And Marie is okay with that. She does love Fuuka dearly to her heart. Her innocence, her love for technology and sci-fi, her enthusiasm in general is contagious. How could Marie not come to love her eventually, with all the time they spent together?
Marie closed her eyes and smiled. She nodded. “I was going to talk to her about it later. So…yeah. I can do that. I’ll love her real nice Hobo.”
Shinjiro sighed, smiling. “Then there’s nothing left to talk about.” He closed his eyes. “Alright…go ahead.”
Marie nodded, and with the tip of her index finger, she touches Shinjiro’s forehead. Marie glows a faint white, and so does Shinjiro.
Slowly, Marie erased all memories of Fuuka from Shinjiro’s mind. From their meeting, to their cooking lessons, to their inevitable accident…their first kiss…and their last memory together of a failed passion.
All gone.
“Sleep.” Marie whispered, and Shinjiro falls into a deep sleep. Marie isn’t sure if her hearing was wrong, but she could have sworn Shinjiro said ‘Thank you’, to her.
Whatever the case…it’s done. Marie got up and bowed to Shinjiro. “May your dreams be filled with happiness Hobo, and your death…it will be painless. I ensured that at least.”
With one last look, Marie turns and walks out of the apartment, closing the door behind her after locking it. Fuuka is waiting for her outside, staring at the city.
“…Is it done?” Fuuka asked, her voice trembling. Anticipation, fear…? She doesn’t know. Marie leans on the rails next to Fuuka, and nods.
“It’s done…you’re no longer a presence in his story.” Marie said.
“…Good, good yes…good.” Fuuka quivered, gritting her teeth. “…I…I’m happy…a-about that…”
Marie sighed. “You’re not a good liar Teal-“
“Let me have this Marie. Just…please.” Fuuka practically begged as tears rolled down her eyes.
Marie said nothing, instead she embraced Fuuka in a hug, and Fuuka practically clung to her as she let out what little tears, she has left for Shinjiro and herself.
Eventually, Fuuka stopped, and sniffed. Marie handed her a napkin, and Fuuka blew her nose. “Thanks…” Fuuka tosses the napkin onto a trash can nearby. “I’m…” she glances at Shinjiro’s door. “…I’m ready to go back.”
Marie offers her hand to Fuuka. Fuuka takes it, gently intertwining her fingers with Marie’s. “I’ll cook tonight, if that’s ok.”
Fuuka nods “Yeah, I…I would appreciate that.”
The journey back to their apartment was a quiet one, but at least Fuuka didn’t seem sad anymore, from what Marie could tell.
After arriving, Fuuka took a nap, and Marie cooked dinner, deciding to use her time to do so. By the time she was done, Dusk started to settle in, and in the early hours of the evening, Fuuka came out of her bedroom, and took a long bath in the bathroom.
When she came out in her nightgown and underwear, hair loose, she sat on the sofa, next to Marie, who had taken a bath sometime before after she finished dinner and is in a pair of underwear and loose tank-top.
Marie isn’t really much for subtlety, not that Fuuka minded. It let her view Marie all she wanted, and Fuuka enjoys what she sees. But what’s on her mind isn’t just her desires of passion, but desires that she had chosen to ignore; but no more. 
“Sleep well Teal?” Marie asks. Fuuka nodded to her.
“I did.” She bit her lip. “Say…Marie-chan?”
“Yeah?” Marie mutes the show she was watching and turns her had to look at Teal, with Fuuka doing the same to her.
“I want to talk.” Fuuka leaned closer to Marie. “…About us.”
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