#mitsuru: i speak many languages and this is none of them
scrivenger-grimgar · 1 year
phantom thieves will always be phantom thieves, reguardless of whether they can steal hearts at that very moment. all of the thieves know this but sometimes it still sneaks up on them.
each and every member learned to be silent very quickly when under threat from shadows, and eventually just as a general threat reflex. they habitually walk silently, scaring the other members of the shadow ops.
they'll scan the room for escapes and hiding spots, and reach for weapons that arent there.
Ryuuji's accent changes when he's angry or excited thanks to William, and slowly begins to assimilate the accented English into his brain. he's able to read maps flawlessly and knows intricate details of boats and ships. if he touches someone after working out then the other person receives a nasty static shock, beyond what should be possible but not actually harmful. excitement or animosity cause his hair to puff up and electronics start going haywire around him.
Joker's third eye still works, but he's able to tell the quality of both gemstones and metals even without it and is now always resisting the urge to swipe up anything shiny. he speaks fluent French, is able to walk around perfectly in heels, and is extremely proficient in both free running and parkour. he expected to retain his ability to pick locks and perhaps his sleight of hand, but causing shadows to respond to his emotions and commands was not within any realm of possibility.
Ann began running hotter than other people around her, anger causing her hands to burn what she was holding. after awakening Celestine she became even more of a polyglot, with four languages fluently spoken: Japanese, English, Spanish, and French. her singing voice in each language is musical and fantastical, and even her acting improved.
Makoto's gaining of significant religious knowledge, specifically catholicism, as well as the ability to speak very old French, is something she attributes to both Johanna and Agnes, as well as her ability to cause nuclear fission and not be harmed by it. She immediately tries to get a handle on this, not wanting to explain to her landlord why exactly there is nuclear radiation in her apartment.
Yusuke is now practically immune to the cold, and will often forget that normal people don't go shopping in shorts in the middle of February. his touch can freeze small amounts of water when he's not careful, and larger bodies when he actively concentrates. simultaneously, his knowledge of swords and swordsmanship shoots through the roof, as does the complexity of his speech. how exactly his Japanese went from 'very formal high schooler' to '1500's disgraced samurai' without anyone in his small circle of friends noticing was nothing short of a miracle.
Haru was expected to learn English given her position as CEO of an international fast-food company, but Lucy gave her a strange shortcut, with her 17th-century English. her psionic abilities have to be closely regulated, as there were several occasions where she used it to float things to her, unlock doors, or even knock things over. even with that trouble, Lucy still gives her the upper hand with her experiences in negotiation and diplomacy shining through.
Futaba suddenly being able to speak Arabic is decidedly ignored by Sojiro, though she does get a kick out of speaking a language none of the other thieves understand. her ability to manipulate any electronic device within a ten-meter radius of her is not, nor is her sudden ability to levitate.
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Kotonoe chuckled at his reaction. “Snakes aren’t really for everyone. But I loved all the ones I owned.” She admitted, having received very mixed reactions all the time when she had him out or had friends over. “They’re little noodles to me. I even put a monocle on him at one point- the cobra, I mean. My boa got a party hat of his birthday. I… Really like snakes.” She admitted, a bit embarrassed over what she had admitted to dressing her snake in at different points. “But I’m curious as to if it would. I’ll have to talk to the Warden about carrying around a venom noodle during shift. Shouldn’t be that bit of a problem, they’re pretty chill once I work with them a bit. At least the ones I always had were…. Maybe I’ll get a constrictor noodle.” She said, speaking as her mind wandered before realizing and looking back at him. “Worth a shot.” She said with a shrug of her shoulders. “I mean, I guess they do it their own way. I used to boop their noses and they just stuck out their tongue, which was probably just a reflex or something. But I’d boop them everytime they popped up. One liked to burrow in the dirt so I just put a bunch of flower pots together and let him. My boa didn’t try to eat me so that’s something. And I never got bitten my my cobra so.” She finished, realizing maybe that didn’t sound the best. But she had a love for the reptiles, so she didn’t mind how it sounded really.
“Ahaha, close. I didn’t want anyone to find out at first. So it’s, as a lot of people like to call tattoos there, a tramp stamp. Kind of. It actually takes up a pretty large portion. The small of my back really.” She said as she looked up with a grin. “Only time people really see it is when I wear a crop-top, no short, my shirt rides up, or swimming. That’s, that’s pretty much it.” She said, listing off the times and nodding as she did. “ And because I don’t do most of those often, people don’t really see it. It is pretty though. The blues, pinks, and purples. They’re all dark neons, which is probably a contradiction but oh well.” She grimaced at the thought of a getting them in more tender areas. “Mmmm, no. I like the one I have. Probably leave it at one.” She said with a chuckle and shook her head. “Maybe other people can get more, but I’m content with the one I have. And it’s always interesting to see people’s reactions when they see it so it’s worth only having one. Nothing really distracts from it when it’s the only other thing aside from my skin.”
She glanced down when his shirt ride up, eyeing the piercing. “Yeah, I have now. That’s just one more I can confirm you have.” She replied back with a grin. “And all I have are my ears pierced.” She said. She really hadn’t ever thought of getting more pierced. Knowing her luck she may just end up ripping them out by accident before the week would even be over. But that didn’t stop her admiration for other people’s. “And yeah, jealousy can be like that.” She said, nodding her head in agreement. “But it is what it is, I think.” She said before noticing his expression and tilting her head. “Something wrong, Mitsuru~?” She cooed teasingly. Kotonoe flushed at the thought of that. “I wouldn’t bite it, I’d probably just tug on it.” She teased with a wink, a giggle erupting from her. She couldn’t help it, laughter or hiding is how she felt with embarrassment. At the mention of her possibly being ticklish she whipped her head around and laughed awkwardly. “Nope. Not at all.” She squeaked out, though it was too far from convincing and even she knew it. “Just a very different reaction when you get my sides.” She warned, which she figured she may as well do since she was pretty sure he had already caught on to the fact her stomach was an easy area.
The purple haired haired guard tried to hide the small grin on her lips when it happened. Shaking her head and adding that as another reason for her lack of body piercings. The last she wanted was to have to start stripping in the hallway. If that happened maybe all her money would go down the drain on cute undergarments at least. She shrugged off the thought, mostly because she knew that’s what she would start putting her money to instead. Kotonoe watched the interaction between the two from a fair distance, glancing around to see who else would be there to bear witness. Though her eyes tracked back to him once his shirt was off and she turned around. She couldn’t deny that regardless of her feelings, many of the people in Nanba were very attractive. And while she knew better in a fight, she gave herself leeway out of them. But eventually, when she has her bearings, she turned back around to watch the encounter. He was angry and annoyed. Not that she could really blame him considering it all. Though she had to shake more than a few thoughts from her head when she caught her mind wandering on its own. Face flushing she nodded to Mitsuru as he disappeared. Intent on teasing him just a bit when he was back. Kotonoe walked towards the wall now though and leaned against it, eyes on the door as she waited for the broadcaster. She wanted food, and her stomach felt ready to voice it’s opinion on that again. Something she sincerely hoped would not be the case considering she didn’t feel like letting others hear that. No embarrassment in front of strangers. None. Noje that she would allow at least. So she silently tried to will Mitsuru back quicker before it had the possibility of happening.
It didn’t take long untill the security guard and Mitsuru came out again, both with very different expressions.  While Mitsuru was grinning widely, seemingly in a lot better mood now, the security guard looked almost terrifyed. It wasn’t visible if it was because of the piercings, about the thought getting a needle through the almost most important parts of a man or something completely different.
“I’m sorry about that”, Mitsuru apologized when he came back to Kotonoe and now one could hear his tummy rumbles as well.  “Let’s just hurry and leave before someone else tries to stop me... but that guy won’t be a problem anymore... And honestly, he won’t be able to look me in the eyes ever again.” He took his belongings and dressed up again, hiding the belly button piercing as well as his two nipple piercings under the shirt again and last but not least put on his belt over the coat. 
For a moment he held his headphones and hat in his hand and started walking again without putting these things at their right place.  For a moment he was silent, trying to think about the subjects they were talking about before they god interrupted by the damn security checkup.  There were snakes, her tattoo, piercings, how ticklish she was.... But there was more... Or wasn’t it. 
“Back to the conversation...”, he said slowly. “... I’m not sure if I’m missing something here... We were talking about so much at the same time~”, he laughed softly and left the headquarter with her, taking a deep breath of fresh air when they were outside. It was really refreshing.  “I see you have a thing for snakes”, he smiles softly at her, making a mental note. One does never know for what one need such informations. “That’s cool. Fascinating for me since I really don’t know much about them. I mean... I didn’t even know one could dress them up so easily. It’s funny to me and I think if you like it, it’s absolutely fine~” Again, he sounded like an excited child.  “But if it’s okay to have one here is a thing only Hyakushiki can decide so yeah, it would be the best to talk to her about that. Maybe she actually likes the idea~” He was really not sure about that, but it was woth giving a try at least. 
For a moment the broadcaster had to think about what a tramp stamp was again, then he bursted out in laughter. Not because of the position of the tattoo but about the word and a translation in a different language. He couldn’t remember why but when he was drinking with Musashi the last evening, they actually were talking about tattoos and also that special kind of tattoo. Musashi told him that in german they called it something that was literally translated into ass antler and he couldn’t stop himself from laughing about that every moment he thought back.  To not hurt Kotonoe’s feelings, he explained quickly to her why he was laughing like that.  “Don’t get me wrong”, he managed to say after he calmed down a little. “I think that’s a great place for a tattoo and I don’t think that women with a tattoo there ask for sex or something... believe me I’ve met men who thought like this. It’s just the translation”  He apologized again, now finally able to calm down completely.  “But it’s cool you’ll stop at one tattoo. That’s something a lot of people can’t do. It’s addicting to them, just like getting pierced. Look at he, I can barely stop and I was thinking about more tattoos. Not more piercings tho, I really don’t like the piercings I actually can get now.” He wasn’t lying, not even exaggerating. A lot of people were getting addicted to the feeling of actually being tortured by a needle that either was pressed through there skin or transported color under their skin.  “Maybe I should stop here as well. I mean.. I don’t have time to get new stuff anyway and I’m too lazy to go back to japan just to get a new tattoo or piercing or whatever.” 
For a moment the broadcaster really thought about tickling her, now that she wasn’t on his arms anymore, but he resisted and instead put an arm around her shoulders.  “Shall I carry you again?”, he asked in a teasing voice and petted her hair once more, almost as if he couldn’t stop after he started once.  “I really wouldn’t mind.” he asured her. 
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