#yukata for sale
cosaru · 2 years
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mamamittens · 6 months
A Lone Melody (Pt. 9)
This chapter was sponsored by @yanderefangirl as part of the "Oh Shit Sale", thank you so much and I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Warnings: Discussions of dental issues, child abandonment, abuse, racism, mourning, and poison.
Word Count: 3,183
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As Jinbe expected, things got a lot harder.
Well over half the crew left with Arlong for their damn revenge and the sudden lack of so many hit hard. Especially for Melody, who’s small world just got even smaller than it had been before.
They set sail for Fishman Island in the hopes that familiar stomping grounds would soothe the loss they felt.
Melody hadn’t stopped crying for longer than an hour at a time, tears clinging to her lashes even when she had her favorite snack. Jelly crackers topped with chopped coral—poisonous of course, a real bitch to prepare safely but she loved it more than anything else they could make. It was about the only thing she could keep down and Jinbe was unsure if it was because she loved it so much or if the poisonous quality was so desperately needed.
What was worse were her hands… she kept gnawing on them in her anxiety. Covering her skin with a thin layer of poison and tiny puncture wounds. Anything they gave her to relieve the urge to self-soothe either didn’t last or just seemed to make it worse.
They were halfway to Fishman Island when Jinbe was awoken by a different kind of crying.
Not the soft, upset sobs in her sleep that he sometimes woke up with his hand rubbing her back to sooth her. But a sharp, gasping, pained cry. Jinbe’s chest tingled, drool soaking his yukata. Almost burning from prolonged exposure to the toxin.
Even in the dark, Jinbe could see it. A thick pool of venom in Melody’s mouth, small hand grasping a metal ring. Which she shouldn’t even have but still.
“Oh, pup.” Jinbe cooed softly, sitting up carefully as the poison penetrated his skin and made him dizzy. “What happened?”
As gently as he could, he pulled down her chin, mindful of the literally glowing venom laced drool. It was bright enough he could make out the sharp points of her teeth. And the several that were broken, bits of fragments on her tongue. He winced, certain this would not get better until her teeth came out. But with the amount of venom and the sharpness of her fangs, few could afford to risk it.
It had only been a few minutes of it sitting on his skin and Jinbe already knew he needed to wash it off now before more dramatic effects take place.
Faintly, Jinbe recalled that baby teeth could be stubborn. Adult teeth fall out all the time for shark-fishmen. Arlong did it as a party trick when he got drunk, new teeth popping into place almost instantly.
“P-Papah! H-Hurt!” Jinbe felt his heart sink.
Melody barely ate as it was. With her teeth in this state, it would only get worse.
“I know, I know, Melody.” Jinbe cooed, taking them to the washroom so she could rinse out her mouth with salt water. The last thing she needed was an infection on top of all of this. While she was tearfully gargling the water, Jinbe briskly cleaned himself off, removing his yukata and putting it with the wash. “We’ll see about taking you to the dentist when we reach Fishman Island. There has to be someone who can help there. In the meantime… liquid diet, I’m afraid. Hey, maybe we have one of those silly straws lying around?” Jinbe suggested with a frail smile, trying to cheer her up as she openly drooled the venom down the sink.
It was thinning out now, at least. No longer the thick, viscous, glowing liquid.
Melody needed more fluids anyway. Stock was easy enough to make… Jinbe frowned, wondering if they’d need to add poison to it or if a lack would help keep her production down until her teeth can be addressed. It can’t be good to swallow that all the time. But unfortunately this was a very unique biological problem none of them were sure of.
They still weren’t sure what kind of fishman she was. It was entirely possible that she didn’t need to produce venom and it’s just a byproduct. But it was equally possible that now that she has, she couldn’t stop.
For a moment, Jinbe resented Arlong so much it burned. If that stubborn bastard had just stayed put, this wouldn’t be an issue. Melody… she was too young to understand why she shouldn’t do certain things that made her feel better. Biting—such a common shark instinct—was in many ways, a language of it’s own. Jinbe himself had issues teething when he was young, though not nearly as much as his other shark-inclined brothers. Arlong could have walked her through teething in a more healthy way. Communicating her needs without accidentally killing someone with her venom.
All they could do, was their best, really.
And it burned Jinbe that he didn’t know if it would be enough.
But it would have to be. He could never face Arlong—or Fisher Tiger—if he failed to care for Melody when she needed him most.
Hody Jones was born into the filthy slums of Fishman Island and feared more than anything that he would die in it.
Die caked in the refuse created the misery humanity generated without thought elsewhere, cast over their shoulder into the shadows.
Ground to a pulp under the heel of a filthy human’s boot where they should consider themselves lucky to even see.
When he heard of Fisher Tiger, he felt inspired.
Now there was a man who knew what needed to be done. Had the balls to climb those lofty, gilded peaks and shake the filthy humans down from up high. And many rightfully joined his crew—though not Hody Jones, who was too young to be properly brought aboard. Arlong, a man of great strength and value, happened to step off the island onto that ship of opportunity. And Hody couldn’t wait to join him and the others.
But Hody Jones would never get the chance.
Fisher Tiger was dead and the crew fell apart.
Hody never felt such resentment in his life to have missed such an opportunity.
Arlong, the man Hody so looked up to, took up that mantle in Fisher Tiger’s name. Leaving behind almost half the crew and Jinbe…
And that mutt of a daughter.
Hody’s lip curled in intrigue and disgust.
A half-breed? Really, Arlong?
If it wasn’t for Arlong pursuing those worthless humans in the name of justice, Hody would have thought he had gone soft. There must have been something to the mutt, for such a great man to see value in dirty blood. Hody had only seen her on occasion, Arlong’s brief visits never bringing her to the slums.
Hody felt… conflicted about that. On the one hand, he understood.
The slums were unkind to anyone. Let alone half-breeds, rare as they were.
But on the other… did Arlong view this mutt as better than this place?
How? With such filth in her blood, how could Arlong think such thoughts?
And here she was again, this time carried by Jinbe.
Even from a distance, Hody could see how the small girl’s lips were pressed into a wobbly line, eyes tearful.
Good. She knows something of the value they’d all lost at least.
Hody listened close to see why Jinbe had returned rather than raze the humans alongside Arlong—though he knew Jinbe had always been softer than his counterpart.
The mutt had taken Fisher Tiger’s passing hard, and the leave of her ‘father’ harder still. Her teeth were messed up and no one was willing to risk the venom to pull them out. Hody Jones frowned, rubbing his own jaw thoughtfully.
Must be those weak human genes. A proper shark would have shed them by now. She probably just needed a good knock across the face to loosen them. Of course, given Jinbe’s well known softness and his size, the man had neglected to do so already. He likely wouldn’t take the suggestion well either, not that Hody felt he was close enough to the man to advise such a thing.
Arlong, perhaps. If he hadn’t thought of it already. But Jinbe? No.
Even if it pissed Hody off to see the mutt weeping so incessantly, it was hardly his place to assist or advise. Some suffering would do the welp good anyway. Toughen up that weak, tainted blood. At least she didn’t look too human. Had that going for her at least. Muddy gray skin splotched with pink from her weeping about the best indication Hody could see without getting any closer what a mutt she was.
If Hody had to be around it for any real length of time though, he made no promises to not fix the issue himself. It wouldn’t even be hard—likely harder to not break that weak jaw than anything else.
It would be a stretch to say that Whitebeard’s crew was wholeheartedly welcome at Fishman Island. Their captain was good friends with King Neptune at this point, so they could dock with little issue. But they were to behave themselves. Any trouble would see them scrubbing toilets for a year using their own toothbrush. Or worse.
Thatch, having recently been promoted to sous-chef under the aging commander of the fourth division, was having a blast.
Fishman Island was a unique place with more fishman and mermaids than you could shake a stick at! He was behaving though! He barely even drooled at all the lovely mermaids he saw working and living their daily lives. Certain that, while used to human men ogling them, they’d not be terribly receptive to any attempt on his part to charm them. Marco ambling alongside him like it was nothing, the two of them looking for a place to sample the local cuisine.
Naturally, they stopped at a mermaid café, but it was clearly popular so it totally wasn’t because the waitresses were all mermaids!
Thatch would deny it until his dying day that his heart stuttered at the lovely, smiling faces that greeted them. So sue him! He loves his family, but they’re not beautiful mermaid women, now are they? Half of them can’t seem to master washing their own ass, it’s no wonder they needed an hour long lecture from Marco to behave.
Thatch also kindly ignored the implication of Marco specifically going with him over anyone else.
The café was bustling though, quickly drawing Thatch’s attention away from the beautiful women. Nearly every table was occupied, the waitresses shuffling back and forth with food and drinks to keep up with demand. The hostess smiled, dark eyes only just betraying what a long day it had been and Thatch felt a little ashamed at his momentary gawking. At least he didn’t make a complete ass of himself.
“Table for two, please.” Marco smiled brightly, holding up his hand in greeting. Thatch reflexively smiled as well, taking in the delicious smell of what seemed to be soup. Perhaps the special of the day? He couldn’t wait to try it!
The woman, glanced down at her podium and frowned, marker hovering over what must have been the seating chart. Crescent shaped shark tail swaying with a hint of anxiety before she looked up at them.
“I can seat you two now but… perhaps you’d prefer to wait another fifteen minutes for a different table?” She asked softly, her voice sad as she glanced over her shoulder to what appeared to be the only open area.
There was a corner booth and the surrounding two booths and table were empty. In the corner booth was a small child in a booster seat, head buried in their arms with fluffy white hair jerking. Clearly, they were crying. Paper and crayons scattered in front of them with a neglected cup near their elbow. Thatch frowned, heart aching for the poor kid.
He understood why the tables were empty, though not why the kid was crying for so long the busy café effectively bubbled them in isolation.
“Aw, are they okay?” Thatch came closer to the hostess and asked with concern, keeping his voice down. The mermaid sighed.
“That’s Melody. My niece. She’s… having a hard time right now.” She looked at them, gaze lingering on Marco’s tattoo openly displayed before she relaxed. “Fisher Tiger was her uncle… my foolish brother went to take revenge and left Melody with Jinbe. There’s something wrong with her teeth but no dentist will see her so he’s out trying to find someone that will.” Thatch felt his face fall.
Oh, the poor kid. Thatch could remember having a toothache when he was young and couldn’t understand how his whole face hurt that much from just a little bit of bone.
“Why won’t they see her?” Marco asked, ever the doctor even when he was out of the med bay. The hostess squirmed, uncomfortable and upset.
“Mostly, it’s because she’s… half. But it’s also dangerous… look, do you want to wait or not?” she asked, abruptly changing the subject while they reeled that the kid was half human. “It’ll be about fifteen minutes before another table is empty.”
“Can we sit with her?” Thatch asked gently. “Maybe we can’t do anything about her teeth, but some company might be nice while you’re busy.”
Sure, they weren’t really that skilled in taking care of kids, but there was no way they could wait around while one was crying her eyes out. They weren’t monsters, like apparently all the dentists on the island were.
The hostess though, narrowed her eyes at them. Weighing them individually until she looked back one last time to the poor kid. She snatched up two menus and jerked her head for them to follow.
When she got to the table, she leaned over and brushed aside the girl’s hair, nearly whispering.
“Hey, pup. Would you like company while I work? These two are Whitebeard Pirates, they’re friends of King Neptune.” Thatch looked over at the half finished drawings. Vaguely recognizing the waitress by her crescent tail. There was a few of what may be a man with a jagged nose he also faintly recognized, accompanied by a caricature of the kid in question and a big, blue ball in a robe.
There was a red man with black hair scribbled over harshly, paper scrunched up into nearly a ball that, given the context, may very well be the poor girl’s uncle.
The girl sniffled, lifting her head to look at them curiously. Gray skin a ruddy red with the brightest ruby eyes he’d ever seen between thick clumps of bangs tipped black like her fingers. Her face was a mess of snot and tears, lips seeming to glow blue as the hostess sighed, pulling out a rag and tenderly wiping her face.
Thatch crouched down, resting his chin on his arms.
“Hey, sweetie. You don’t mind a few pirates joining your table, do you?” Thatch asked softly. She sniffled, looking at his hair curiously.
“…does it grow like that?” she asked hoarsely and Thatch grinned, hearing Marco snort.
“Nah! I—”
“He spends a whole hour fixing his hair like that. Preens all day to make sure it stays in place.” Marco cut him off in amusement. Thatch squawked in protest but the kid giggled, voice watery.
“They’re funny. Like Hat-cha, can they stay, Auntie Shar?” she asked quietly. The woman in question sighed, brushing a hand through the kid’s hair.
“You sure?” she nodded.
“Eating alone isn’t as fun.”
Now that was a sentiment Thatch could get behind.
The hostess gave them a stern look but slid the menus on the opposite side of the booth.
“You’re waitress will be here shortly.” It sounded like a threat.
Probably was.
Thatch could feel eyes on his back as he slid against the wall and picked up the menu.
“I’m Thatch, and this goof is Marco… got any recommendations?” Thatch asked with a charming smile, the kid still crying softly despite her mood clearly lifting with the company.
“The soup is good but ah have ta have clear. Can’t chew right now with my teeth broke. It hurts but auntie lets me drink it with a silly straw.” She informed them with a crooked smile. Thatch nearly winced when he saw several teeth clearly broken. Strangely, bead of blue liquid pooling down the pearly whites. “’M sick too. It sucks.” She pouted.
Thatch’s heart really went out to the poor kid. Sick, dental problems, and mourning? Yikes.
Marco nodded though.
“Soup sounds good. Clear soup is good for you too. I’m sure you’ll get better in no time.” Marco affirmed gently, though he was definitely curious about why she was in a café rather than resting in bed somewhere. Or conked out on medicine until they resolved her teeth. Maybe she was too young to take anything?
Regardless, they mostly minded their business and ordered their food under the watchful eye of an eel-mermaid waitress. Thatch asking if he can draw with the kid while they waited. Thoughtfully, she agreed and offered to share her favorite colors with him if he wanted, which Thatch accepted with the gravitas of being offered kingship. For a toddler, it was about the same anyway.
Marco spent his time picking on Thatch for having worse coloring skills than a toddler—it was a good time.
Even if the food was shit, Thatch would have to say this was his favorite café meal so far.
Until they brought their food and Thatch nearly had a heart attack. The waitress sliding a bowl of nearly clear liquid in front of the kid. Bits of vegetables floating in the mixture, including mushrooms that were incredibly deadly. Deep red with a yellow stem sliced into thin strips, innocently twirling around the silly straw.
Before Thatch could toss the bowl away from the still crying little girl, a hand was shoved in front of his face. Bowl of soup offered to him—poisonous mushroom free.
“Her dietary requirements are a little… different.” The eel-mermaid explained with a look of understanding. “We don’t know what kind of shark she is, but whatever it is, they apparently eat poisonous things regularly. And produce venom—Shyarly spoke of issues getting a dentist? Well, one nick and they’d be risking their lives. Alongside her… heritage, well… it’s no wonder none are jumping to assist.”
“Ah, is that what that blue liquid is? Fascinating?” Marco commented blithely, easily accepting the wild information with intrigue. He looked thoughtful though. Perhaps wondering if his own devil fruit would be helpful.
But Marco was hardly a dentist and intervening without asking the kid’s guardians would go poorly.
Thatch could only imagine how well it would be taken if a grown man just stuck his hand into a toddler’s mouth and started plucking teeth. Thatch grimaced at the mental image and just ate his soup.
It was good. Savory and clearly well made.
He’d need to ask after the recipe! His family would love it!
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uniformbravo · 6 months
since i've spent the past few days essentially staring at nothing but natsuyuu volume covers i thought it'd be so fun and silly to try and redraw them all from memory tee hee. all 30 (thirty) (三十) of them!!! wheee!!!!
i haven't actually looked at them next to the originals yet so guess what time it is!!!! LET'S COMPARE
starting with volume 1. iconic. show stopping. masterpiece. the mona lisa of natsuyuu SURELY i reproduced every single detail perfectly such that it kickstarts my career as a forgery artist RIGHT
well feast ur eyes
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(im using the english volumes for comparison btw they have a good clear view of the art)
all i remembered for this one was GREEN and it's not even the right shade of green ajgosugdjfkdgj i even made the fuckin. what do u call it. i'll just say yukata??? I MADE IT GREEN AND ITS SUPPOSED TO BE RED i stg if u held a gun to my head & asked if there was any red on vol 1 i'd be DEAD
but i remembered the book of friends is like. weirdly purple? ok well in this pic it looks p gray BUT ON OTHER COPIES...... IF U UP THE SATURATION GKSJKDNFKDG
why is nyanko sensei smack dab in the middle HUH i couldve sworn he was bottom left this is so fucked up and scary. haunted manga volume??????? i bought it from a grarage sale idk you guys-
at least natsume's pose is like kind of right but also that's most definitely a complete accident i can ASSURE u (im rereading this the next day and the pose isnt even CLOSE what are u TALKING ABOUT)
anyway can i just fucking point out the kanji on the book of friends bc that is from MEMORY YEEHAW here's what it's Supposed to look like: 友人帳
LIKE even tho i got the last one wrong ITS LIKE STILL PRETTY CLOSE??? i think i deserve 100 points for this objectively
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OK NOT AS BAD AS I THOUGHT SURPRISINGLY im actually like. i thought i bombed this one completely but liKE THE COMPOSITION??? KIND OF ON POINT. KIND OF GENIUS TBH
i remembered Blue and Madara and like what else do u need rly. butterflies are optional in all scenarios imo
also i NEVER have any idea what natsume's wearing in any of these so i always just like default throw him into his school uniform LMAO u will see a pattern
why is the book of friends burgundy in this one btw. it was GRAY i mean purple definitely purple aha
ok volume 3 im actually scared for i know i fucked up SOMETHING
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HGLKFKGLKFKGFN OK!!!!! OK NOT SUPER AWFUL!!!! just noticed i forgor to color the book of friends fukg
main thing i remembered abt this one was the color of natsume's... attire.... and which characters were present. whats sensei doing all the way up in the top corner tho 0/10
return of the school uniform lmaooooo hm. irrelevant who cares plus didnt ask. all things considered this wasn't as bad as i thought. THE NEXT ONE HOWEVER,
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hsngjfgnfjn okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
sensei's way cuter in this one than i realized wait wtf this cover's cute af how did i never notice. underrated cover -10 @ me. look at his lil BLEP >:O!!!!!!!
i knew there was some fuckshit going on w the yukata in this one ourhg i was just like hehe greeennnn also sensei's there. my work here is done
what is natsume's pose even hgnkg i was straight up making shit up at this point LIKE the first 6 or so covers are SO hard for me to distinguish in my head i should get a free pass for the poses in all of them like i can do whatever i want IM the artist now
oh god whats next vol 5
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OK!!!! like a straight 5/10 TBH i literally forgot i was planning on rating these LMAO
i remembered the like white v-neck shirt thing and his pose kind of??? i had NO idea what to do for the yukata tho i just made it orange and u know what?? close enough. my rule of thumb is just like pick a color and then throw flowers all over it u cant go wrong
taki looks so much more mysterious on the original and also wearing a skirt. i gave her a big stick bc i thought i remembered her having one in general but i think i made that up tbh wouldn't put it past me. got her hat right tho hee haw
cant believe i didn't get natsume's beautiful artwork tho look at that little shit sensei up there god hes so ROUMD literally moma material
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PROBABLY my best one yet uhhhh but i maybe cheated JUST a little for this one ITS LIKE BARELY CHEATING STOP BOOING ME
as i was toying w the idea of doing this redraw thing i was still working on collecting my Images and Pictures so i kinda started taking note of a few small things here & there and one of them was just. the general gist of this cover SO LIKE that's why it's so good LOL
forgor the flowers tho. i literally forget everything that isn't a character like immediately BUT OK CUT ME SOME SLACK like after a point the covers start being whole ass scenes which are SO much easier to remember shit abt than the fuckin Green Void (p sure this is the last green void cover tho)
8/10 composition is gr8 but details like the shirt & the yellow flowers are wrong, also the stick is backwards. i literally looked up what that thing is called and forgot already tee hee
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fuck dude. fuck. i rly thought vol 6 was the last one LOL not to spoil but as i was grabbing these images i saw a Preview of what's to come and the green void lasts until fuckign volume TEN LOL collapses onto the ground and dies
so erhermrm this is vol 7 lolllll i remembered the bg flowers this time can u believe hahaha distracts u from the fact that LITERALLY everything else is wrong auhghg
u know what the green void turned into bushes and i think that's beautiful.... like points for creativity on my part tbh. like to be completely honest. 3/10 i got the characters right
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YO????? GATE CONFIRMED LET'S GO?????? it's definitely the school gate but i choose to believe natsume & tanuma r in jail for crimes and u should too
actually this is shockingly accurate for how much i goddamn struggled w this one gkjsldkg the CHARACTERS are right the OUTFITS are right SENSEI'S THERE urgh i knew one of these covers had tanuma holding sensei like that but i couldn't remember Which
i can't believe i actually got tanuma's pose that close i rly thought i was bullshitting w that one wtf. +5 points instantly
do u like how i just scribbled sensei wherever lmaoooo i drew natsume & tanuma & went like. i think sensei's in this one. PLOP
6/10 honestly closer than i thought
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OK........ I SEE........ literally dies
this one i was getting MASSIVELY confused w vol 4 bc i could remember nothing distinct abt either of them except Green and natsume w Big Doggie
i remembered the BARE essentials of the composition but not much else... since i thought the green void was gone i put the green i remembered into natsume's yukata (and then put him in the school uniform again LOL) and went WELP. GUESS I'LL DIE NOW
2/10 honestly one of the worst fucking ones lskdjflsdkg
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OK THIS ONE.... i almost died irl trying to remember this shit, even before i started and i was still viewing the covers i was like there is no way in HELL im remembering this shit for vol 10. and i was right
like. Purple. White Mask. Antlers. WILD layered clothing. at first i drew the mask as an actual deer skull but later had a straight up epiphany and redrew it like that which... still not correct but I MEAN.... IT'S PRETTY GOOD
i cant believe most of the purple is the bg oughgh his clothes are WHITE..... this is fucked up. i DID remember the stick tho, bells and everything!! actually bells and nothing else!!!
7/10 ok it might seem high but CONSIDERING this design..... i think i did shockingly well TBH
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NOT...... the worst...... one....... i could've sworn he was sitting on a pile of books this is so sad that woulda been so cute 😭
for a second when i saw the real cover again i thought he was sitting ON the bookshelf and i was about to RIOT but its okay it's a step stool. still physically possible
my version of natsume here is so much more like Proper gksld he looks like a school boy... studying in the academy's library... hardworking student.... but no the real one is just sitting there like a wet puppy orz he's not even READING i rly thought he was reading. this is such a huge L
cannot fucking believe i was right abt the window tho. like wrong shape but the fact that it's even there.... giving myself a whole ass point for that one
5/10 i rly thought i nailed this one gksgndfkj
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ah shit ok. well one of them was in the school uniform at least fjgugjdkf
why is my natsume lying there like hes abt to start a therapy session, boy would NEVER-
also the plushie hmnmhnmhngnf i dont KNOW i knew there was some kind of prop there but like gun to my head i woulda died again. main colors that stood out to me for this were green and that bluish purple so i got those into mine but i mean. well u can see
once again a random window in the bg i got correct let's gooooo 5/10
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this is so fucking bad im choking im gurgling LOLLLL i was SO sure natsume's paper had an eye on it i was POSITIVE this is so fucked up. i mean obvs i picked that up from sensei but like i didn't even KNOW sensei was there. or that there were bg characters at all uuuuuououohghh (matoba ignored +5)
i was like. black yukata red flowers CHECK piece of paper w eye CHECK horns CHECK i even went back and edited the horns to be more accurate i was so proud of myself sobs
ok but i knew it was shit trasjh when those were the ONLY details i could remember bc obviously there was gonna be more going on I JUST DIDN'T REALIZE HOW MUCH MORE.....
straight up dookie/10 no jk fr like 3/10 @ me u need to use ur EYES
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OK..... I WAS VERY CONFIDENT ABT THIS ONE..... except for his outfit i knew i was bullshitting that BUT I THOUGHT I NAILED THIS ONE....... the one fucking time i didn't just default to his uniform LMFAO
even remembered the pink flower ball smh and for WHAT. i knew he was sitting in a pile of plushies & blankets or smth but no way in HELL was i even gonna attempt to draw them with a speck of detail. but HEY the plushie i drew for vol 12!!! i knew he existed Somewhere. he doesn't even have a horn tho thats so fucked up i thought he did
obviously the most striking thing abt this cover is the bg w that deep burgundy & the circular window so that was the main thing i nailed down right away (my palette was more muted tho). also natsume sitting there w paper in his mouth but i thought he was mid return when rly hes playing like keep-the-balloon-off-the-floor or whatever the fuck he's doing. i love u natsume
(if i thought he was in the middle of returning a name WHY didn't i include the actual book of friends flksglkd automatic fake fan/10)
8/10 this was like my ace in the hole i was like if i got nothing else i got U volume 14!!! and then
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man idk shit just end me. whats even going on in this cover im gonna deck u natori. dont ask why this makes me want to commit violence hes just so. URHGHGHnH
i dont know whats happening to me rn looking at this im losing my fucking grip dude who let this happen im gonna hurl this volume into the sun??? i think???
why did i add the other two youkai i just thought they should be included but i played myself i had to draw them from memory and for WHAT. pls tell me i got them at least a little bit right i stg
it's the crossed legts dude if he was just sitting there like a board the way i drew him id be like ah shit it was just natori sitting not natsume too but he just HAS to cross his legs and the fucing elbow propped up holding the glasses im S MAD IM SO MADdestroy him
it's 1am i gotta go. i have to go. right now my mom is calling me i have to fukcng. 4/10 i got the couch colorr right. bye
tumglr...... only allows 30 pictures per post..... bc im not on desktop? or is that a site-wide thing now. in any case this is getting long so i think im gonna split it right down the middle into 2 posts so there u go, first 15 volumes. so far my score is ermmm
well i didn't rate the first few volumes.
vol 1: 6/10 decent
vol 2: 6/10 also decent
vol 3: 5/10 composition is Scramboled
vol 4: 2/10 it's SO BAD
so now my overall score is 74/150 fjggudjofjdkgjk doing gr8!!!!!!!!!
ok bye for real ✌️
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dualcastimpact · 15 days
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Caved and got this from the annual sale ughughgg I've wanted this hakama set for Kirika FOREVER and I finally got it and she looks so cute aughaughaugh
It's kinda funny how the only two characters who have cash store glams are the Hingan ones (laughs) L'vazha has the Lord's Suikan Set and Kirika has the Far Eastern Schoolgirl's Uniform. I guess it's because you don't get a lot of Japanese-esque / Far Eastern-inspired gear in-game, so for these two characters who are very specifically Hingan/Japanese in design, the cash store glams are the best I can get. I wish they'd put the normal yukata you see the civilians in Kugane wear in the game somehow, surely that's not too much to ask...?
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demonslayedher · 1 year
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So I was already itching to make some Kanao fanwork of some kind when I was walking around today and I spotted this:
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Ramune Daifuku!?
For any weeb out there who has not had the pleasure of discovering ramune for sale in their local Japanese/Asian grocers, these are clear sodas in iconic glass bottles with a glass marble in the top. You press down (or let's be honest, dramatically pop) the plastic top to push the marble down into the knobby top of half of the bottle, and it stays there rolling around as you guzzle the soda. It, and other sodas like it, was already popular back in the Meiji era, and existed in an older but very similar type of bottle. It would had been readily available by the time Kimetsu no Yaiba takes place and you could realistically write fanfics with silly Corp members spraying each other with soda or frustrated with trying to get the marble out.
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(This post was edited a day later because I made it a point to get actual ramune footage. I wore my butterfly yukata and somewhat of a side ponytail for full effect.)
Since Kanao's favorites are ramune soda and anything that Aoi makes (I'm just going to assume she can make a variety of sweets, she is very talented), I of course had to try it. A good thick mochi outside... and then what was this lemon-limey blue layer? A shiro-an, or--no, there's the shiro-an inside of it! And--what's this powder in the center? Oh my Oyakata-sama, it was a full center of fizzy ramune candy!!!!
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ga-yuu · 1 year
His Dark Side ~ Everything For Love Shigehira Story Ft. Sueharu
Tonight, a festival is taking place in the town of Kamakura, which is crowded with people.
Sueharu: "Ah, Shigehira."
Shigehira: "....."
In a corner of the town where happy voices were being exchanged, Shigehira happened to bump into Sueharu.
Sueharu: "I saw Yoshino there just now, making a house call."
Shigehira: "Oh, I see."
Sueharu: "You're being so blunt. Don't you wanna hear what she's up to?"
Shigehira: "No thanks. I'll ask her directly once I get back home."
Sueharu: "You sound so casual."
Shigehira: "Are we done? If you don't have anything else to say, I'm leaving...."
Sueharu: "Hey don't be such a killjoy. Let's have a little chat."
Sueharu: "In fact, I even have a lovely yukata that I think would look good on Yoshino."
Sueharu: "Since we're here. I'll give you a special discount."
Shigehira: "Why? Why are you selling me favors?"
Sueharu: "No. I'm not."
Sueharu: "But...girls get a bit more relaxed on festival nights like these, right?"
Sueharu: "How about I undress Yoshino, who's all dressed up?"
Shigehira: "...."
Whether it was a joke or not, Sueharu looked at Shigehira with a smile.
At that moment, the mikoshi approached and the eyes of townspeople turned towards it.
Shigehira: "Sueharu-san, it's not safe there."
Sueharu: "Hm?...!"
The moment Sueharu looked down at his feet, Shigehira walked up to him and put his hand on the sword which was hanging on his waist.
The slightly drawn blade glowed in the moonlit night.
Shigehira: "For you, fights are for sale."
Shigehira: "But you have to be careful because you can't buy back your life."
Sueharu: "It's surprisingly bold of you to draw your sword in public. I thought you were the most sensible one."
Shigehira: "....She's so important to me that it's making me go insane."
After putting his sword away, Shigehira left to blend in with the people around him-----
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scout-company · 1 year
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Time for a Book (for prompt “Bookshop”)
It’s always cooler than Acenath expects when she warps to the Nova Station. Particularly after spending hours at the arid Observatory in the height of summer. Her fur fluffs against the breeze that blows across the landing pad as she walks through the open doors, but she savors the refreshing breath it brings.
The Nova Station is a large space, a testament to the newest technologies scientists have to offer, with server racks and status monitors on open display and with bright LED lights as pops of fluorescent color, illuminating carbon-fiber composite walls where wide windows do not. After spending several days in the overgrown ruins of ancient civilizations, and another day among her own people’s traditional sandstone architecture, it’s always a slight shock to Acenath to drop by the Station. Helps her keep things in perspective, at least. 
The sweet aromas of carefully-maintained crops in hydroponics, underpinned by the sharp tang of air fresheners, tickle Acenath’s nose as she meanders through the foyer and down the stairs to the second floor of the Station. It’s fairly early in the morning, planet-side, and the local star shines its bright light through the tall windows strewn across the walls, punctuating the pristine, geometric, and otherwise nigh-monochromatic construction with views of open air. Lovely, clean, and lively as ever as people of all species wander about the place. 
Most of the visitors don’t recognize Acenath, neither does she recognize them. Aside from the staff and the regular merchants, people rarely stay here long. What started as a quiet trade station above an Orion-owned city has become a checkpoint for all sorts of people seeking new homes and new life in recent years. 
Acenath is one of the few regulars at the Nova Station. Regular enough, at least, that a few of the staff out and about give her a wave as she passes; even the Floran operating the fragrant flower stall at the far end of the foyer pauses her hawking long enough to wave.
And tucked in a quiet corner of the second floor, in a clean enclosed stall proudly announcing books for sale, so too does Acenath’s friend—the Hylotl owner of the Station’s bookstore.
“Good morning, Acenath!” Osamu hails, waving her arm wide to catch her attention. Not that doing so is entirely needed—her pale coral skin and bright orange yukata already stand out against the pristine silvers framing her store.
Acenath smiles and walks over. “To you, as well!” she greets back, lightly resting her hands on the counter and enjoying how organized her friend keeps her store. “How’s business today?”
Osamu shrugs lightly, glancing over her shoulder at the rows of books and codexes lining the shelf behind her, each standing proudly as it awaits purchase. “As well as you can expect,” she hums, the sky-blue fin that circles her head flicking slightly, “So far it’s just been the odd traveler hoping for a pamphlet or two, but come this afternoon and I’m sure I’ll have more business. After all, your books should be arriving in an hour or two,” she adds, sending a bright smile back at her, “I’ve already had some preorders.”
Acenath’s ears perk, and she barely restrains herself from bouncing on her toes. A scholar’s got to have some dignity, after all. But still she exclaims, “Oh that’s wonderful! Have you had a chance to read them yet? I’m really proud of how well the research came together!”
Osamu shakes her head with a laugh, thumbing the two books stacked on the countertop of her stall, “No, I haven’t had the opportunity yet. But speaking of your research…” Her smile grows sly and she squints one of her eyes at her. “Rumor has it you got into a bit of a situation while poking around some ruins again.”
Oh, that. A long groan escapes Acenath as her ears flatten and she wilts until her head thuds the countertop. “Ah…I was hoping you wouldn’t hear about that…” 
Again Osamu laughs, a light sound despite her low voice. “Why? What happened this time?”
Acenath’s ears flatten until the tips brush the countertop as heat rises to her face. “I…may have gotten tied up between the Peacekeepers and a bounty again,” she eventually admits.
“By Homeworld,” Osamu huffs, voice somewhere between a laugh and an astonished sigh, either way partially muffled by a hand, “I swear you have the worst luck of anyone I’ve ever met.” Her voice clears as she adds with a chuckle, “Perhaps it is to balance out your fortune with those discoveries of yours.”
Acenath rolls her eyes with another groan, head still on the counter. 
Once more Osamu chuckles, and around wisps of her own hair Acenath glimpses Osamu resting one hand on the edge of the counter while she grabs an unseen book with the other. “In any case, perhaps this will cheer you up before you have to admit anything to your superiors. Or…cheer you up after having to do so,” Osamu muses, “Whichever.”
“It’ll be the latter,” Acenath automatically mutters, barely refraining from groaning again when a blend of Captain Noble’s and the Grand Archivist’s scoldings echo in her head before curiosity overrides them both when Osamu sets a new book on the countertop near her ear. Her ear twitches on its own from the brush of Osamu’s hand, but then both her ears perk as she finally lifts her head. The book is only an inch thick, with a bright lavender cover that looks like well-maintained faux leather. Not an easy material to come by; at least not this quality. “What’s this?” she asks, gingerly brushing the cover with the pad of a finger. It’s soft.
“It’s the last edition of that fantasy novel you told me you liked,” Osamu says, her fin flicking while she spins the book with two fingers until it faces Acenath. “Quite the collector’s item—it hasn’t had new editions printed since Earth.”
Reverently Acenath picks up the book, barely even attempting to restrain the smile of awe that sprouts as she savors the texture of the faux leather and the rich scent of the paper pages. They must be at least a decade old. And to have survived the exodus… 
After gently thumbing the pages, she looks up at Osamu with bright eyes. “How much is this?”
Osamu grins, her peachy-red eyes glinting in amusement. “Normally I would price such a limited item at a good few thousand Pixels. But since you are such a regular customer…”
After a minute of discussion and playful haggling, Acenath purchases the novel for a fair discount. It still takes most of the Pixels she was reserving for non-research purposes, though. But as far as she’s concerned, it’s a worthy investment. Better than the…ah…“deal” she made the other day with those bandits Captain Noble was after. Besides, if anyone back home asks, she can always chalk it up to preserving an artifact from Earth.
Purchase in hand, Acenath all but skips to the little reading nook by Osamu’s bookstore. It’s a small room, barely any bigger than the stall itself, with the only furniture therein being a bookshelf packed with bright neon blue-and-magnets Orion technology manuals and codexes in the far corner, a small geometric couch in the near corner, and a small, inverted-triangle shaped desk next to it. A cardboard box, overflowing with books Osamu has yet to organize, keeps the door open, while a small plant tops the bookshelf and an antique bobble-head in the shape of a Human dancer adorns the desk. The blue-tinted window is open, allowing bright morning sunlight and a refreshing breeze from the city below fill the room. It’s simple, but it’s all it needs to be.
Content, Acenath shrugs her scholarly white jacket off and drapes it on the arm of the couch while she settles on it herself, novel safely held against her chest. And with no one to scold her for lack of decorum, she pulls her feet up, curls around the book, and loses herself in the pages. 
Sure, she has more meetings scheduled for later, plus a seminar to start planning for eventually. She’s going to have to start coalescing her notes for that at some point. But for now, those can wait. Time for a book.
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mofffun · 11 months
This is a big, BIG surprise. I'm really happy Rita got a spin-off and a manga/anime one everyone dreamed of. Compared to V-cine just for toy sale's sake, we get to experience Kingoh again from their angle and it's an adaptation of EVERYONE it's the BEST thing ever.
It also speaks of how popular (more importabtly: profitable) my fave is and I'm really happy for them 😭 I'd love Yuzuki's Rita on screen (or in dub?!) Can all the kings get a spin-off?
Especially when a few days back, the Q3 sales are out and it could do better! I figure Toei's merch selling like hot cakes would benefit them better directly. This is great news Kingoh is expanding platforms!
I'm slowly fearing Rita's viewpoint in Rita's focus ep though. I kept saying they should've had time to grief between 30 & 31. The first arc could be silly fun but ep10 is gonna hurt? Please play rita moru's first meeting on screen?
ep12: What does Rita mean when they said they can't say they don't understand Jeramie's difficulty to expressing his true intentions?
ep17: Rita's reflection on being dragged around by Himeno please!
ep24: How did Moru get them into the yukata and how did the come up with the Moffun ice!!!
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monterraverde · 3 months
⠀📲⠀—⠀Hey ⠀📲⠀—⠀Just wondering if there's things to keep in mind for festivals?⠀Like, if I should bring anything or do something special, if it's still going on. ⠀📲⠀—⠀I don't attend them much, so I'm not sure... ⠀📲⠀—⠀I might stop by for a couple days.⠀Just to be safe
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[txt:] I mean the only thing I can think of is to dress like the locals do. Meaning Yukatas and either boots or sandals. You can buy them here in Kanto for pretty good prices because of the summer holiday sales.
[txt:] Other then that, just enjoy yourself. There's plenty of events happening even during the lead up to this festival, so there's plenty to do. It's something best experienced in person, honestly.
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cosaru · 2 years
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👗 Look Back Twin Costumes⁠ - VIII -⁠ Yukata Dress Sets - SOLD⁠⁠ ⁠ ♥ ・ ・ * ・ ・ ♥ ・ ・ * ・ ・ ♥ ・ ・ * ・ ・ ♥⁠ ⁠ 🌸 Made by Cosaru.com⁠ 🌸 Follow @cosaru⁠ for more photos & product update!⁠ ⁠ #cosplay #costume #lolita #halloween #halloweencostume #cosplaycostume #chiffon #lolitadress #lolitafashion #yukata #kimono #kimonocostume #japaneseyukata #cosplayshop #costumeshop #costumesale #sale #shop #buycostumes #lolitacostume #lolitacosplay #lolitayukata #lolitakimono #flower #halloweenshop #ordermade #costumecommission #コスプレ #コスチューム #ロリータファッション https://www.instagram.com/p/CjZRxbQLCEp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kankuroplease · 1 year
I'm happy to share with you that there is an official ShikaNaru mug on sale at the Shinobizato 🥺
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Also look at him being all hot in that yukata 😭😭😭 he's so fine 😭
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ShikaNaru mug!!! Lucky 😍
And Shika in that Yukata is so perfect, I can’t!
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megansfavourites · 1 year
My preordered TMGS plushies from Ebten have arrived!
So there was a pop-up shop at the Marui at Yurakucho last year, from December 2022 to Jan 2023 I believe, that I had wanted to visit but totally missed. They were even distributing exclusive postcards at the pop-up store for every 2000 yen spent, so it was a complete shame that I missed out on the entire event as I would’ve spent a lot.
Thus, I had to pre-order the plushies from Ebten instead, and they finally arrived today.
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Okay, they were a bit smaller than I had expected, considering that they costed 2310 yen each. The accessories like the doll jackets and bags were super expensive for something so small, so I didn’t order them. I think I might as well buy myself doll accessories from the 100 yen shops instead.
The plushies were like only 15cm tall, and I was expecting 20cm like the Kazama and Heroine yukata plushie pair that I had preordered from Animate long ago. Was 5500 yen for a set, and it was a limited production item, meaning that they would only produce the exact number of orders made. I actually ordered 2 sets of this, and put the other set up for sale on my Mercari, Rakuma and Paypayfleamarket accounts, and it’s been left unsold for quite a while already.
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So anyway, I decided to welcome my new plushies into my TMGS plush family.
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The last photo is actually a pouch that was made for 10cm plushies, though you can put 15cm plushies in them too, but it’ll be a bit of a squeeze. I actually use that pouch for my 10cm keychain plushies of Shouji Rion from Station Idol Latch.
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Maybe someday I’ll buy another pouch more suitable for 15cm plushies, to contain Wakaouji-sensei and the TMGS2 Heroine in it. For now, I decided to just put them in the same bag as the yukata set Kazama and Heroine plushies. I mean, I also don’t want to have to carry 4 different bags when I bring my plushies to TMGS collab cafes and events.
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Speaking of which, I’m attending the Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 20th Anniversary Exhibition Welcome to Habataki City! event at Tokyo Anime Center in Shibuya this Friday. I’m going to be taking lots of photos, and with my new plushies too, and buying lots of goods of Himuro-sensei there! I bought the photograph ticket, which allows me to take a photo with my favourite guy. Will put up photos on my Tumblr after my visit.
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chenziee · 1 year
Here's first of the two fics I wrote for the amazing @zorofanzine!! Leftover sales open on May 10th so check it out! You don't want to miss out on all the top-notch Zoro content <3
[ Read on AO3 ]
Big news! Big news!
The street killer and ronin named Zorojuro has disappeared! After he was apprehended and sentenced to seppuku, he has murdered the Flower Capital’s Magistrate and with him, every single policeman at the station at the time!
A most dangerous criminal! More dangerous than Kamazo the Manslayer! More wicked than Ushimitsu Kozo! And he has disappeared without a trace!
Everyone! Please be wary walking the streets—if you see him, do not engage and alert the authorities!
Watch out for a man with only one eye and three katanas at his waist! He is responsible for the deaths of more than thirty people!
You heard it here first, folks! 
Read all about Zorojuro’s crimes right here! Right on this broadsheet, read in detail about the destruction he had caused! The list of victims! His description!
Esteemed people of the Capital!
Come and get your own; you can’t miss this news! So hear! Zorojuro the Magistrate Killer has disappeared! Refer to the wanted signs—aaaaand! This flyer! You can grab yours right here!
In the streets of the Flower Capital, a crowd has gathered. Listening eagerly to the news announcement, asking for the flyers and broadsheets and wanted posters. Talking all over each other, hoping for the newsboy to notice them and hand them the papers with information carefully written on them.
And among these people, stood a lonesome travelling monk with a tengai covering his head. A komuso was a rare sight in the capital but not rare enough to garner any attention—and that seemed to be exactly what the monk clad in a black and white yukata and brown haori with a flower pattern wanted. He stood amidst the crowd silently, a black nodachi with a white cross pattern resting against his shoulder, listening. His tattooed hand shook slightly as he clutched at the flyer with Zorojuro’s likeness on it.
His head turned slightly when the newsboy started shouting again.
Aaaand! Another big news! Big news!
A ghost of a samurai has been appearing all across the Land of Wano! Flower Capital, Ringo, Kibi, Kuri, Udon, and Hakumai—all regions of the country report sightings of this mysterious spectre!
Is he a samurai who was murdered in a war hundreds of years ago? Or a victim of the vile Zorojuro? Is he in cahoots with the gashadokuro who’s been reported to haunt a remote graveyard in the snowy Ringo?
Only one thing is for sure; no one is safe!
We have asked the citizens who’ve met him and they all say the same thing: he is intimidating with a scary face, has green hair, and a scar across one of his eyes. He seems solid, like a real, living human… Except! This samurai’s ghost appears out of nowhere without warning and disappears the exact same way! There one moment, gone the next—only to appear at the other side of the country later the very same day!
We have also approached a few inhabitants of the Flower Capital for opinions and one of their answers stood out among the rest! This man, a toad oil vendor by the name of Usohachi, did not seem scared of the monster in the least! Instead, he had offered us a wild theory: maybe, the ghost is simply hopelessly lost! Wandering out of his grave in search of sake and losing his way so quickly and thoroughly that he is now doomed to wander the regions of our beautiful country with no means to return!
A daring theory that makes you almost pity this wile ghost!
Where lies the truth? And where will this samurai appear next?!
Find the list of all his appearances right here! We have it all, including all the statements we’ve taken!
You don’t want to miss a word of it! So come and take your broadsheet and read all about it!
Now, who wants one?! We have enough to go around!
The monk took a step forward, wordlessly taking one of the flyers before he slowly walked away from the crowds. He followed the main road for a while but then he stepped to the side, disappearing in the shadows of one of the countless narrow, dark alleys.
It was only a long while later, after taking several turns and finding himself in the most secluded place in the entire Flower Capital, that the monk finally stopped—and took off his tengai, revealing the face of a man who had no place in the isolated Land of Wano. A pirate from overseas, a member of the Worst Generation who was dreaded across the entire world.
And this very same man glared at the two flyers in his hands—at Zorojuro the Magistrate Killer and the ghost of the green-haired samurai—and his face twisted in anger. A vein pulsing on his forehead, Trafalgar Law gently leaned his nodachi against the wall next to him before he took a deep breath and gingerly, carefully placed the papers on top of each other, aligning them perfectly—
And ripped them both in half in one smooth movement.
He repeated the process again and again and again until the flyers were barely more than specks of dust.
“I’m going to kill this fucking idiot.”
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arieeag · 1 year
Los hijos del Este
El libro perdido
Capítulo 1
 Cada mañana despertaba acompañado del calor del sol y el aroma dulce de los jazmines en su ventana. Así fue desde que tenía memoria pero lo acompañó incluso antes de nacer, cuando su madre tejía y cocía el ajuar del nacimiento y luego cuando su padre pintaba el cuarto que hoy era suyo.
 La enredadera crece indómita, aferrada por todo lo ancho y alto de la muralla, sin brechas excepto el marco de la ventana, donde ofrece vides floreadas con las que Izuku aprendió a hacer coronas y brazaletes. Con el tiempo, creció lo suficiente para sentarse en el borde mientras leía libros o dejaba secar el cabello húmedo al sol, entonces aprovechaba de hablarle, arrullarse con su aroma dulce y amable en cada momento importante o crisis.
Por eso no imagina mañanas ni atardeceres donde esa mística fragancia no esté, al punto que no desea otro hogar diferente al suyo, quiere una casa donde sus cachorros crezcan con la misma bondad.
 Hoy Izuku está listo para vestirse con el traje ceremonial, más no puede evitar recortar algunas flores para guardarlas en una bolsa pequeña que oculta entre los pliegues del nagajuban. Sobre la cama, el kimono reposa listo, cubierto por atados con hierbas que sirven para ahuyentar polillas y absorber la humedad. Está listo para vestirse, pero antes debe asistir a su padre.
 Sale de la habitación rumbo al cuarto principal, donde su padre termina de ajustar el cuello del nagajuban azul. Aún antes de entrar a la habitación principal, Izuku sonrió al escuchar los gruñidos frustrados del alfa por no poder arreglarse adecuadamente, ahí se anuncia con una sonrisa y saludando a su padre comienza a vestirlo.
 - Tu madre estaría molesta conmigo...Diría que soy un sambo o algo por el estilo.
 Su hijo rió pero negó con la cabeza- No creo que te reprochara nada padre.
 - Tienes razón. Sólo me daría una porción de comida más pequeña y probablemente no sea por no poder vestirme solo con esto, sino por dejarte montar a caballo solo.- reprocho. En realidad Izuku no tenia esa libertad pero tampoco dejaba el candado puesto en el granero para impedir que saliera por cualquier cosa. Todo era escusa suficiente.
 Desde los 9 esa fue una pelea, o más bien la única discusión que el matrimonio Midoriya enfrentó con respecto a la educación de su cachorro. Por esos tiempos, en especial con la regencia Tradicionalista de la Dinastía Todoroki, no era bien visto que un omega montara a caballo, y los pocos que lo hacían nunca aprendían antes que los betas o alfas a los 12 años, sin embargo, el chico montó el potrillo de la granja a los 9, bajo la estricta supervisión de su padre. Izuku suspiró cansado, guardándose cualquier comentario al respecto, pues desde que su madre murió el hombre tomo como propias todas las aprensiones de su madre, prohibiendo todo lo que alguna vez le enseño aunque sólo de palabra, en realidad nunca tomo acciones directas para impedirle estos desacuerdos en su crianza.
 Entre sus manos, el chico acarició la tela suave de la yukata antes de extenderla para que su padre se calzara la prenda. Con cuidado acomodó y quitó los pliegues de la tela, dejando el lado izquierdo sobre el derecho. Luego ató el Obi al recordar que su padre también era un desastre en eso.
 Ya listo, el alfa mayor lo abrazo y le acarició el cabello verde, más no pudo evitar que su nariz buscara sentir el olor a menta que era tan parecido al de su difunta esposa.
 - Izuku...ahora es tu turno- le dijo con nostalgia y caminaron rumbo al cuarto del menor.
 El vestido ceremonial, nunca fue un evento sencillo para nadie puesto que el atuendo se compone de muchas piezas . Cada una con un fin para proteger el vestido final, el kimono o la yukata, una prenda hecha de tela fina y costosa, teñida a mano con técnicas muy laboriosas por artesanos locales.  
 La tarea del vestido normalmente recaía en la madre, sin embargo, Izuku asumió esa responsabilidad al morir Inko de fiebre puerperal a la edad de 11 años.
 En el cuarto de Izuku, los mayores encuentran a Kota admirando embelesado el kimono de su hermano mayor, sus ojos fijos en las intrincadas figuras de niebla entre juncos, flores y peces koi. Es tanto su interés que mueve su peso de un pie al otro o de adelante hacia atrás con las manos escondidas en su espalda, conteniendo las ganas de tocarlo, por temor a ensuciarlo y hacer enojar a padre.
 Izuku sonrió al ver la expresión del niño, que apenas podía soportar su curiosidad. Pero como su hermano acostumbraba meter las manos en la cocina, entre las conservas, miel o carne seca, decidió que por esta vez no iba a consentirlo. En lugar de eso tomó una manta y se la tiró encima de la cabeza. El niño rio y se lanzo sobre él bufando con falso enojo solo para reír a carcajadas cuando Izuku le hizo cosquillas. Pronto las risas llenaron el lugar, formando una melodía que acaricia el corazón del alfa.
 Con un carraspeo interrumpe los juegos de sus hijos. La hora de la ceremonia estaba cerca y aún debían llegar al pueblo para dejar a Kota con los abuelos.
 - Izuku, tenemos que irnos
 -Lo siento padre- le contestó entre rizas.
 Al terminar, salieron de la casa trancando la entrada para luego encender  un incienso sobre un platillo de metal que cuelga sobre la puerta para protección de malos espíritus mientras dejan el hogar para dar sus agradecimientos a los dioses.
 Ya en el establo, su padre toma los dos caballos de la familia Aka y Cora. Izuku revisó la silla de montar pero mientras lo hacía su padre le advirtió que por favor montara como su madre, para su disgusto. El viaje era un poco largo y esa forma de montar aunque bonita para vista era muy poco práctica y hasta peligrosa si el caballo cabalgaba muy rápido.
 Transcurrieron varios minutos antes Hisashi viera a Izuku resignarse a cumplir la petición, y cuando lo hizo, tenia los labios estirados en una fina línea. Pero finalmente tras luchar un poco con sus vestidos, logro poner ambas piernas a un lado del caballo enganchando las riendas en una mano al tiempo que sostiene la espalda recta.
 Su madre habría estado orgullosa, piensa al ver el porte elegante en su hijo mayor, o hasta magnifico de no ser que sólo un minuto después estiró las piernas de golpe para luego arrojarse del caballo jadeando como si hubiera sufrido una especie de tortura.
 La mirada acusatoria del alfa no se hizo esperar pero Izuku le recordó que no se había puesto un pantalón debajo del kimono para ir sentado como mujer. Obviando el hecho de que es omega.
 - Padre, nadie monta de esa forma.
 - Por que no hay otros omegas que monten a caballo.
 -Por que otros omegas no viven tan lejos del pueblo y además nos es mi culpa que las ruedas de la carreta estén inservibles- puntualizó. Lo cual era muy cierto, ellos vivían en una provincia lejana separados inclusos de las demás granjas, por varios cientos de metros. Además la carreta que usan para transportar las cosechas o lo que hayan preparado en invierno para vender en el mercado, ya estaba muy vieja, si que tuvieron que mandar muchas de sus partes.
 - Juna es omega y no monta a caballo- repuso Hisashi mientras revisaba la montura de Kora, aunque por la cara que le dio su hijo supo que iban a tener una discusión.
 - Juna, no monta a caballo.- aceptó, frunciendo el ceño- pero tampoco lee, escribe ni teje o algo. Solo está ahí como centro de mesa, a la espera de que un alfa quiera mon...
 - ¡Izuku Midoriya! Soy tu padre y tu alfa hasta que no Hayes nada mejor, así que modera tu lenguaje y toma asiento en la montura como te lo he pedido. – Gruñó, la espalda recta y ofendida para imponerse. Si solo pudiera estar enojado con su hijo por mas tiempo que un latido. Tras su arrebato suspiró cansado y culpable. Fue su culpa que el respondiera así, siempre a sabido que a Izuku odia que lo comparen con esa pobra chica, pero tampoco puede tolerar el lenguaje vulgar.
 Tienes que educarlo mejor, dice una voz nostálgica, pero tiene un apego enorme hacia el y no se explica cómo paso, porque el mismo día en que Izuku nació, supo que crecería para casarse y vivir lejos de él, un destino del que ningún omega de la provincia escapó al no haber nacimientos de alfas en la zona.
 Sin embargo, con cada año sin que llegara el hijo alfa o beta, le fue imposible negar algo al único bebé que tenía en casa y antes de darse cuenta, tenía un niño omega que no fue criado para ser un esposo o al menos el tipo de esposo que suelen ser los omegas, debido a su independencia.
 Por su parte Inko Midoriya lo educó sobre administración doméstica y crianza de cachorros hasta lo que le permitió la vida. Nadie sabría que en sus últimos días, ella rogó a los dioses por que el futuro alfa de su hijo fuera un hombre paciente y amable, para que tuviera paciencia sobre todas las cosas que Izuku no llegara saber una vez contrajera matrimonio.
 Pese a todas sus aprensiones, demostró tener una inteligencia muy flexible. Cuando Izuku no estaba ayudando en casa a su madre, Hisashi lo llevaba con al campo, allí recogían la paja y forraje de los animales, otras veces simplemente lo sentaba en una cerca por ahí para que Izuku leyera algo.
 El alfa amaba escuchar su voz y sobre todo ver como cada día la inteligencia de su pequeño crecía enormemente, pero a medida que pasaban los años fue cada vez mas frecuente preguntarse sobre qué clase de alfa cortejaría a su muchacho, que tan inteligente serían los niños que vendrían y si esa vida seria suficiente para Izuku.
 Cuando el último libro de la casa fue concluido, las preguntas que Izuku tenía del mundo no hicieron más que aumentar en cantidad y complejidad. Tristemente el alfa tuvo que explicarle que no podía enseñarle nada más porque el mismo nunca tuvo los medios para adquirir una educación superior, sin embargo, su hijo omega, siendo tan joven y humilde le demostró que si habían cosas que podía aprender de él.
 Hoy sabe de números, maneja las cuentas de la casa y puede negociar en el mercado sin ser estafado, también sabe de historia y sobre todo criar animales con un talento natural y casi místico
 Izuku agacho la cabeza como signo de respeto y sumisión tras oír el reto de su padre, sin embargo, al hacerlo sus ojos encontraron a su hermanito a un lado de su caballo. Seguramente estaba esperando que alguien lo subiera sobre la montura.
 - No puedo llevar a Kota sentado así.- advirtió con ternura. Hisashi entonces reparó en el niño pero su gesto se endureció incluso más.
 -Yo lo llevare esta vez- espetó para luego sentar al niño sin cambiar el talante. - Tu hermano a veces me hace enojar.- le explicó al niño tras ver su rostro lloroso.- No llores, eres un alfa.- dijo golpeando despacio los hombros del niño.
 -Papá- llamó Izuku mientras seguía el caballo de su padre. - tiene 5 años no seas tan duro con el
 -No, debe aprender. Si va a la escuela con este carácter, los otros niños querrán pasar por encima de él.
 -Lo vamos a enviar a la escuela? – le dijo Izuku entusiasmado. Olvidando por completo la discusión y el enojo.
 - Si Izu, tu madre así lo hubiera querido.
 Entonces Izuku afianzó la correa y se adelantó para ocultar las lágrimas de emoción.
 Dos horas después arribaron a la ciudad. Allí buscaron la casa de los abuelos Maternos para dejar a su cuidado el menor de los Midoriya y los caballos.
 Como cada año, tomaron asiento para compartir los alimentos con la pareja y se pusieron al día con los acontecimientos con un ritual muy estricto pero consciente. Normalmente el abuelo acaparaba la atención de sus nietos contándoles historias de las guerras pasadas y cuentos de terror sobre el extinto pueblo bárbaro, o de bestias negras con dientes de sierra. Entonces Kota gritaría emocionado y pediría más, pero Izuku con 16 años, ya conocía cada historia de memoria así que no solía compartir el mismo entusiasmo. Luego, cuando el anciano se aburriera de acaparar la atención dejaría a los niños para salir a fumar con Hisashi.
 Y ahí fue cuando Izuku realmente aprecio estar en la casa de sus abuelos. No por que no le agradara el hombre orgulloso, pero por alguna razón su abuela jamás hablaba con él cuando estaba presente, salvo para asentir o secundar las opiniones de su esposo.
 Tan pronto el hombre se fue, la anciana agarro entre sus brazos a kota y luego a Izuku a pesar de que ya estaba demasiado grande para eso. ambos rieron y le devolvieron las caricias con risas, besos o simplemente disfrutando del el olor a leche y canela que desprendía para arrullarlos.
 De pronto la mujer sonré ampliamente, empuja a izuku lejos y ataca a kota con cosquillas hasta que el niño se huye a toda prisa al patio, probablemente para cazar insectos.
 Al verse solos la mujer sonrió.
 - Izuku...-llama la anciana en tono meloso- Eres tan parecido... – susurra mientras ve el perfil de su nieto.
 -A mamá, lo sé. – concluye el muchacho sonriendo, luego se acomoda frente a ella para observar el rostro envejecido y analizar sus facciones. Él supone que si su madre fue parecida a la abuela y este a ambas, entonces en su vejez tendría el mismo rostro apacible y solemne que admira.
 - No mi niño, es decir, sí, te pareces a ella, pero ahora me refiero a tu tátara abuelo. Serías idéntico de no ser por esas feas manchas en tu cara.
 El chico frunció levemente el ceño ante las quejas sobre sus pecas, pero por esta vez lo dejó pasar y se concentró en la mención de su antepasado. Si bien su abuelo siempre hacía alarde de sus raíces, muy por el contrario la abuela era muy reservada, además sin importar lo que intentara, su abuelo volvía en el momento preciso interrumpiendo cualquier recuerdo de la mujer.
 - No tenía pecas- balbuceo nervioso y molesto a partes iguales. Esas pecas eran herencia de su familia paterna y le gustaban- O sea ¿Cómo era? - se rectificó antes de recibir otro discurso sobre rostros blancos y bellos como el de sus pergaminos- Es decir ¿A qué se dedicaba?
 - Cazador...antes de establecerse, claro está, pero mi madre decía que quinientas cabezas era el número.
 Izuku entonces repaso lo dicho por su abuela, pero no tenía nada de sentido. Se suponía que debía saber que su tatarabuelo no se estableció hasta vivir en ...¿En la ciudad? ¿Esta ciudad? ¿Entonces dónde vivió antes? ¿Por qué era relevante? "Alto" se regañó mientras entierra sus uñas contra la mano contraria. Estaba divagando demasiado y su abuela tiene ciertos problemas de memoria.
 -¿Número de qué abuela? ¿quinientos que?
 - No tengo idea, pero ella decía que ajusticio 500 cabezas... - dijo mientras llevaba una mano hacia su mentón, concentrada en ese detalle. - pero debía ser cazador porque teníamos pieles. Tantas piezas de cuero y todos los tamaños que había un cuarto lleno de ellas- concluyó animada ante la luz de sus recuerdos, pero tan pronto esa energía llego se fue y sus ojos se entristecieron- Teníamos muchos, pero las perdimos en el segundo gran incendio del pueblo. Ay mi niño, mi madre las atesoraba tanto, lloró por meses, incluso los vecinos lamentaron las pérdidas, porque eran muy bellas y del gusto de todo el mundo.
 - Lo siento abuela, creo que ya me habías contado eso. Lo siento mucho
 - Me fascinaban, pero mi madre las amaba más que yo. Eran tesoros familiares, verdaderas reliquias...También era todo lo que nos quedaba de él. - le aseguró e Izuku la escuchaba atentamente. Esa era una de las conversaciones más largas que tenía con la anciana en mucho tiempo, con cada año su memoria se perdía más y más.
 -Mira lo que me estoy acordando. - dice con una sonrisa mientras ve fijamente algo distante, no existe en la realidad pero en su mente el recuerdo toma forma tras estar perdido por muchos años.- un día llegaron a nuestra casa unos sirvientes de la nobleza. Mi madre estaba sorprendida y avergonzada porque nuestra casa era pequeña y esas gentes viven en palacios, sin embargo, peor habría sido no recibirlos, así que los invitó a pasar. Ahí fue cuando ofrecieron monedas de oro por las pieles del abuelo. Nosotras nunca antes habíamos visto tanto dinero, pero, aunque nos hacía falta, ella se negó. ahora la entiendo tanto...
 - ¿De qué eran las pieles abuela? ¿Dónde las obtuvo? Porque, por esta región no hay mucho que cazar.
 -Ay hijo, le pides mucho a esta vieja. No recuerdo nada, tengo la cabeza mala.
 El chico asintió, pero bajo la mirada decepcionado, ante esto, la anciana se sintió tonta y aún más vieja- lo siento Izu-chan, pero lo único que recuerdo es su pelaje. - mencionó nostálgica. De pronto nota como su nieto la mira nuevamente con esa bonita curiosidad y decide que quiere ver ese brillo un poco más- era muy abundante, con el pelo tan largo que mis manos podían hundirse hasta los codos y era suave cómo la seda de color gris brillante ...Se perdió como todas nuestras cosas.
 - Lo siento no quería hacerte recordar cosas tristes.
 - No. No cariño, ya no importa porque gracias a eso nos mudamos y luego pude conocer a tu abuelo.- dijo riendo como si hablara de una travesura.
 - ¡Entonces se conocieron desde jóvenes!
 -Shhhh, no. - niega dándole un codazo de complicidad. - ¡Los Alfas no deben amistar con omegas antes de los 16!- dice imitando la voz de su esposo. El omega rio frunciendo los labios para no delatarlos, pero tuvo que esconder su cara en las ropas de abuela cuando esta le hizo cosquillas de sorpresa.
 - Pero abuela yo no conozco a ninguno. - le juró tratando de alejarse de ella.
 La anciana entonces adoptó un gesto indignado y fue implacable. - Más rápido se atrapa a un mentiroso que aun cojo chiquillo. En el mercado tengo muchas amigas- le advierte soltándolo al fin.
 Izuku enrojeció y ocultó su cara entre sus manos negando. Era verdad que no tenía pretendientes, pero de que hablaba con jóvenes alfas cuando no estaba su padre...
 -Pero que se supone que haga, me aburro en el puesto y no puedo echarlos si quieren llevar algo.
 -Aburrimiento...- ironizó, aunque ya no tenía energías para seguir molestándolo. Su cuerpo ya no la acompañan tan bien como antes.
 Cansada apoyó la cabeza en su hombro buscando refugio en la juventud viva de su nieto. Izuku entonces pasó un brazo tras su espalda y la abrazo con delicadeza sintiendo el peso de las preocupaciones en ella, entonces quiso reconfortarla, hacerle sentir que nada importaba más que compartir juntos el tiempo que les quedara y no los recuerdos que estaba perdiendo.
 Para la mujer era extraño dejarse envolver por el abrazo de un niño que hasta hace unos poco años se acostaba en sus faldas o jugaba a sus pies, sin embargo, era un sentimiento cálido porque de no ser por ella y el matrimonio solido que construyó junto a su esposo, ese niño tan perfecto a sus ojos jamás estaría ahí con ellos. Sus nietos son un regalo, pensó y como si eso activara una alarma la anciana llevó sus manos hasta el bolsillo de su vestido, palpando el regalo que debía entregarle a Izuku. Frustrada gruño. Esa cabeza suya estaba traicionándola otra vez.
 - Izuku, tengo un presente para ti.
 Su nieto la miró y volvió a pegar su mejilla contra su coronilla y ella aspiró el delicado aroma a hierbas que desprendía.
 -Abuela no hace falta.
 - Pero ya tienes 16 años y tu belleza casi ha madurado.- dijo con tono cuidadoso pues ese aroma que la llenaba de paz era el inicio de algo importante. Ante el gesto  Izuku inmediatamente supo que le daría otra charla sobre su crecimiento y adultez por lo que prudentemente miró a su alrededor en busca de su joven hermano. No lo hayo.
 - Estas creciendo tanto...Tendrás tu propia familia. - insiste mientras saca el regalo pero se detiene al oír una pregunta curiosa.
 - ¿De verdad cree que mi celo llegara pronto? -
 Entonces la mujer agravó la mirada y llevó sus manos al rostro de su nieto para regañarlo, sin embargo, puedo notar lo preocupado que estaba por eso.
 - La mayoría ya tuvieron sus primeras experiencias...- continúa izuku mientras presiona la tela del kimono con su mano. Se siente preocupado porque la verdad es que no tiene con quien hablar de estas cosas, la partera siempre está ocupada, las pocas visitas son cortas, además esa mujer hablaba todo lo importante a solas con su padre y a puerta cerrada.
 - Déjame verte- pide la anciana y con delicadeza acaricia su mejilla para palpar la suavidad de la piel, luego observa los ojos grandes de color verdes con atención, encontrándolos inundados del brillo de cortejo, una especie de luz vidriosa que los omegas desarrollaban sólo en esas fechas de fertilidad. Finalmente, se dio el gusto de acariciar la cabeza de su descendiente disfrutando de la suavidad y el brillo saludable en las hebras verdes y rizadas.
 Ahora estaba más que segura del diagnóstico, pues el primer celo de un omega despierta cambios profundos en sus cuerpos y mente para acentuar las facciones y belleza natural. Su finalidad es llamar la atención de un alfa fuerte y saludable. Ella tiene bastante experiencia conociendo bien ese proceso, asique supo reconocer todos los síntomas en su nieto, aunque, sólo faltaba que los labios de Izuku tomen mucho más color.
 -Estoy segura, una anciana con 3 hijos omegas en su haber sabe bien de estas cosas. - le advierte al ver que Izuku no parece satisfecho.
 - ¿Debo preocuparme porque esté tardando? La otra omega ya tuvo el suyo y la gente dice que puedo ser menos fértil
 -no cariño, eso no tiene nada que ver. – interrumpe compasiva.- Podrías incluso tenerlo a los 22 como tu bisabuela y sabemos que tuvo 9 niños.
 Izuku abrió grande los ojos y se tensó.- ¿Pero es verdad?- dijo ya que jamas conoció a nadie mas de la familia, según sabía todos se habían ido a vivir mas cerca de la capital.
 -Por su puesto ¿No tenías idea? De hecho, son 9 sin contar los gemelos, pobrecitos, fallecieron de neumonía...
 - ¿Cómo tienes tantos hijos? - divago en voz alta.
 - Bueno en esos tiempos el té estaba prohibido y siendo sincera 9 es poco, tu tatarabuelo tuvo 12
 - Abuela! ¿Cómo es que me estoy enterando de esto ahora? El abuelo dice que sus hermanas sólo tuvieron un hijo ...Además ¿Cuántos primos y tíos tengo por el pueblo sin conocer?
 -Ninguno cariño, todos viven al norte, dentro de Bizenh. Sólo nosotras nos mudamos.
 - pero son muchos, yo pensé que...
 - Ay hijo, tienes la suerte de nacer en una familia de omegas muy fértiles, de hecho si tu madre no hubiera nacido antes de tiempo, habría tenido fuerza para darte más hermanos. Así que ánimo, no tienes que preocuparte por tu fertilidad, podrás tener todos los niños que quieras.
 - ¿Y si sólo quiero uno? - preguntó sintiéndose mareado. Hasta ayer le preocupaba ser estéril porque su celo estaba tardando en llegar. La mayoría lo recibía a los 14, su propia madre de hecho lo recibió a los 16 años y como casi solo pudo tenerlo a él, se convenció de que el tendría una suerte parecida, sin embargo, ahora que sabe lo fértiles que fueron sus antepasados pedirá otra cosa a la diosa Inari.
 La anciana río ante la cara de horror de Izuku y luego le apretó las mejillas.
 -me temo que tendrás que usar muy bien esa cabeza para que no pase. A los Alfas no les gusta que sus omegas beban el té.
 -entonces buscaré uno que este de acuerdo con que doce niños es un disparate. - Asegura determinado.
 La anciana se ríe de su inocencia. La mayoría de los omegas se prometen cosas parecidas, sobre todo con el primer parto, pero los alfas pueden y serán muy persuasivos, no por nada ella misma había tenido 6 cachorros.
 -¡Izuku! ya cierra la boca un rato- le grita de pronto y el chico la mira ofendido.
 -No pongas esa cara, llevo todo el día tratando de darte un regalo y me distraes. - luego toma el presente y lo entrega con brusquedad.
 - Lo siento olvidé que querías dármelo
 -Yo soy la anciana que olvida cosas, tu sólo eres distraído con pájaros en la cabeza. Ahora escúchame bien, ese regalo es una reliquia familiar, te lo doy a ti porque no me acordé de que lo tenía hasta hace unos meses y como ya todos mis cachorros hicieron sus familias, pues te lo doy a ti.
 Izuku entonces miró el bolso pequeño con decepción. Había pensado que se lo daba por algo especial.
 - cuando tengas un hijo omega tendrás que heredarlo a sus 15, pero como tendrás más de uno.
 -No – suspiró Izuku y ella rodo los ojos.
 - cuando las cosas pasen, será mejor que elijas al niño más inteligente. No al más lindo, ni al más fuerte o el primero ni el que mejor te agrade, sino el más inteligente- le advierte.
 - Abuela ningún hijo debería agradar más que otro.
 - Izuku ya no quiero discutir contigo.
 Izuku sonrió, pero igual prometió que honraría la tradición familiar.
 -Gracias mi Izu-chan, pero ahora llama a tu padre que se les va hacer tarde...O Mejor voy yo, tu hermano está demasiado callado seguro hizo algo.- advierte e Izuku sale disparado hacia el vestíbulo donde lo sintió por última vez. Otra vez no le prestó atención.
 Los dos hombres mientras tanto conversan sobre la familia en el patio, comparten la pipa de tabaco y observan las plantas del patio pacíficamente, sin embargo, Hisashi puede sentir que algo está molestando a su suegro, así que lo invita a contarle sus preocupaciones.
 - Parece que Izuku está en edad de merecer. - soltó de pronto el alfa mayor mirando los frutos maduros del durazno- Con 16 ya debería terminar el ajuar. ¿Ya tuvo su celo?
 - Me temo que no, pero la partera dice que no nos hará esperar más tiempo. Su cuerpo ha madurado, más lento que otros chicos, pero está creciendo bien.
 - Es una lástima que Inko partiera tan pronto...Ojalá los dioses le hubieran permitido procurar mejor a su hijo.
 - Sé que teme por él, padre, pero Izuku es inteligente y tengo dinero ahorrado, sé que no la tradición de nuestra familia, pero al menos podremos ofrecer un regalo aceptable cuando llegue el momento.
 - De eso mismo quería hablarte. Como soldado del imperio, jamás faltó nada a mi familia, aunque tampoco tuvimos gran abundancia. El regalo fue fruto de mucho esfuerzo.
 - Un presente que mi familia todavía agradece.
 El hombre sonrió para hacerle saber que estaba consciente de eso, pero debía decir lo siguiente con cuidado. Hisashi no ocultaba a nadie su adoración por su cachorro mayor pero no creía que estuviera criándolo adecuadamente sobre el matrimonio o el calor. - En ese tiempo pude mantener ahorros para mi vejez pero también logré cultivar buenas amistades, precisamente la casamentera de este distrito es una vieja amiga.
 Hisashi entonces sintió como su estómago se apretaba. De pronto sentía que le estaban quitando algo.
 - Hijo- llamó con amabilidad, pero el alfa más joven no pudo contener el aroma sobre protector y territorial- Sólo fue una charla, pero está dispuesta a ayudarnos a encontrar un esposo digno de nuestro Izuku.
 - Sé que tiene que pasar- espetó, sin embargo, se obligó a respirar profundo y calmarse. No era cualquier hombre con quien estaba hablando, sino el padre de su difunta esposa. - Es la naturaleza, mi hijo tiene ese derecho, pero preferiría esperar.
 - Hisashi...
 - ¿Qué hay con Kota? Izuku es la única madre que conoce
 - Lo sé, ¿Pero que harás cuando inicien sus ciclos? Sé que vives en una zona donde sólo hay betas, pero si el se queda solo en casa ¿Quién puede asegurar que esté seguro?
 - Puedo protegerlo.
 - ¿Hasta cuándo?...Mira, no tienes que llevarlo hoy- aceptó el anciano comprendiendo que el alfa debía asimilar la noticia- ni mañana o pronto, pero por favor considera el ofrecimiento. Además, pueden pasar hasta años antes de que aparezca alguien. En estos tiempos los omegas y mujeres betas son cada vez más abundantes, además, ya que se les ha permitido trabajar, la mayoría tiene noviazgos más prolongados.
 - Izuku no fue a la escuela.
 Ante eso el anciano hace un gesto despreocupado con la mano. - Pero sabe leer y escribir.- enfatiza. Aunque no fuera formal, ese es un conocimiento muy poco difundido entre omegas, en consecuencia, saber leer es una virtud muy apreciada. - Además, según entiendo, le has estado enseñando como administrar el puesto en el mercado. No es mucho, pero es más, no, mucho más de lo que sabe cualquier otro omega de aquí y puede abrirle paso a un mercader o algo por el estilo...
 Entonces el padre comprendió que no era el único que veía con buenos ojos la personalidad de Izuku, lo que significaba que si incluso un hombre tan tradicional como su suegro apreciaba esas virtudes entonces no tardarían en llegar los pretendientes, si es que no los había ya. Eso lo deshumanizó.
 - El también aprendió algunas constelaciones. Administra la casa y me ayuda con las cuentas...cuando está con Kota, me recuerda a su madre, pero
 - Lo que falte podrá aprenderlo, es muy inteligente.-aseveró el anciano en tono conciliador. En gran parte puede entender de donde viene el miedo y las preocupaciones de Hisashi. Sólo un padre puede saber lo que se siente entregar un hijo o el fruto de su matrimonio a otro alfa que no se conoce tan como se desea en esos casos, sobre todo porque tu peor miedo es que no sea el indicado, pero por sobre todo, que sea respetuoso de las necesidades de su omega.
 - Es posible- aceptó Hisashi y sonrió triste. - pero son muchas cosas, no sabe cocinar.
 - Ja ja, No te preocupes, su abuela puede enseñarle.
 - Padre, no es estoy seguro de que ese sea el problema. Creo que simplemente no tiene interés en hacerlo bien.
 El anciano entonces recuerda a su esposa, los 3 primeros meses perdió casi 10 kilos por las enfermedades intestinales. Al final tuvo que cocinar él todos los desayunos y cenas hasta que el primer cachorro llego, quien milagrosamente trajo consigo un drástico mejoramiento en las comidas de la familia.
 - Yo he intentado explicarle, pero prefiere poner atención a otras cosas.
 - No será el primer omega en cocinar mal hijo.- repuso con el seño fruncido, recién hasta ahora se percata que la mujer volvió a cocinar mal en cuando el ultimo hijo se fue de la casa
 - Pero también juega con el arco...Casi mata una cabra y tuve que regañarlo
 - ¿Disculpa? ¿Qué arco?-. Hisashi se tensa porque eso no era algo que debía mencionar- Te refieres al que te di años atrás?
 - Sí- aceptó el alfa metiendo una mano entre su cabello- No es el hecho que se case lo que me preocupa, sino lo que sucederá cuando lo haga. Es demasiado independiente, testarudo, dulce y protector, pero ....no puede ser cualquier alfa.
 - ¿El arco que te di?- insiste el anciano todavía sorprendido porque eso también le recuerda a alguien que conoce desde hace 50 años.
 - Padre.
 - Espera...¿Estamos hablando del arco que te di?
 - ¿Y que otro arco iba a tener en casa?
 Entonces el anciano se sentó sobre una piedra que usaban como escaño para dar largas caladas a la pipa- Un arco... al menos me lo has advertido. Pero que disparate, eso lo sacó de tu sangre.
 Hisashi iba a replicar pero una voz los interrumpió.
 - ¡Hisashi, hijo!- era su suegra.- Se les va hacer tarde.
 El anciano entonces negó con la cabeza y lo despidió con un gesto de la mano.
 - Lo siento madre.- dijo Hisashi mientras entraba en la casa- alistaré las ofrendas- susurró mientras camina hacia la cocina donde esta el paquete de los ancianos
 - Estas tan lindo mi Izuku.- dijo la anciana sosteniendo el rostro de su nieto cuando lo vio pasar arrastrando a Kota con las manos llenas de tierra.- recuerda, tienes que pedir por más años de vida para
 - Mis abuelos.
 - No cariño, solo para mí, si somos dos, los dioses no serán tan dadivosos. Además, no creo que a tu abuelo le importe conocer bisnietos
 - ¡Abuela! ¡Madre! - gritan escandalizados padre e hijo
 - Esposa.-refunfuño el anciano negando con la cabeza. Pero bueno el sabia en lo que se metía cuando se casó ella, una muchacha fuera de serie a la que llamaban Gabala del oriente, por la diosa cazadora de occidente.
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infosmusume · 1 year
Kitagawa Rio will release her fourth photobook.
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Considered as the member who will lead the future of Morning Musume, Rio will release her fourth photobook titled "Refreshing season" to mark her last year as a teenager.
This photobook captures Rio amidst various seasonal landscapes: winter snowscapes, spring cherry blossoms, and summer in Okinawa. Rio has expressed her wish to have a photoshoot in the snow.
The photobook also includes a variety of costumes, such as swimsuits, yukatas, dresses, and knitted outfits.
This photobook evokes a sense of new "expectations" and "hope" for her journey into her twenties.
On sale on August 9th.
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(Prev. Shakespeare Dream Anon here but I decided to no longer remain anonymous lol)
It is nice and reassuring to learn I am not the only one who has Ikemen Vampire dreams. Shakespeare is my favorite suitor. Oddly enough, I have had the total of four Ikemen Vampire dreams, and only two of them have had Shakespeare in them. I’m so excited to finally talk to someone who understands what it is like to have Ikemen Vampire dreams, so I apologize in advance for the long ask.
The only reason I can recall them so well is because I have started keeping a dream journal. I like to keep my dreams for stories and fan fiction ideas to use later on (though I struggle with writer’s block and I haven’t written anything in long time lololololol).
The first one had Ikemen Vampire show up as a side plot line. I was shopping at a garage sale, and I found Ikemen Vampire 3 for the PS2. I don’t own a PS2 nor did I own one in the dream, so I was very sad. I still bought it because I wanted to find someone who had one. The cover said it was the special fireworks event version, and that it was a whole game with new routes with your beloved characters. I was so excited when I woke up from this dream because I was like “FINALLY I HAD IKEMEN VAMPIRE DREAM”. I also woke up wondering what the second Ikemen Vampire game must have been and what the third game even had.
The second dream sent me back in my sophomore year of high school pre-COVID. I was on the bus, waiting to go to school, when I saw Sebastian come on the bus. The person sitting next to me was my best friend and also another Ikemen Vampire player. (Sadly, they only existed in the dream ;-;) We were both flipping out. I bumped into Sebastian into one of my classes (because he was younger and back in high school too?), and he invited me to come visit the mansion. From there, I (totally) accidentally realized everyone was vampires, and I agreed to help out around the mansion. Unlike MC, I could seriously walk home afterwards and return to my normal life, but I become best friends with Sebastian, and I didn’t want him to take care of a whole mansion by himself especially when we had school work to do.
The third dream was just me dating Shakespeare and having a total fanboy freak out when we did normal couple shit together.
And I already told you my fourth dream. There is a lot more to the plot of the fourth dream. Like how the antique car roller coaster was actually against FBI regulations, but it isn’t Ikemen Vampire related.
I’m curious as to the other Ikemen Vampire you have had if you don’t mind sharing! I hope your Napoleon dreams go well. I believe he is your favorite suitor, so I hope more come your way!
Oh, hello there!! 👋🏻
Hahah, indeed is great to meet another person who is obsessed with ikevamp enough to have weird dreams about it 😂 and omg you're so lucky to have Shakes in all of yours! Don't apologize, you have all my attention about this topic <3
See, you're doing the wise thing by writing them down, mine are either turned into fics or forgotten 😂 and i only started doing that this year oops
I hope you get rid of that nasty writer's block soon! I hope you dream about something really fic-worthy so it gives you the needed push, or maybe you get inspired by something else - don't rush it, it will happen eventually im sure ❤
OK THIS DREAM ABOUT IKEVAMP AS A CONSOLE GAME IS INTERESTING AF. i can almost feel the vibes of being inside this dream and even the cover of the game somehow?? with that firework event?? like those cards where they wore yukatas , i think there were fireworks in the background.... now i feel nostalgic for something that never happened
AND THE SECOND ONE TOO?? this is a whole made up universe combining irl and the game's world and yet it works out so fine?? it's not a weird dream is someone's carefully thought AU fic HKJHKJHJKK no but seriously, i love the idea of the door working fine to the point where sebas can go back and continue his education if he wishes or for mc to freely go back home, i enjoy reading about this in fics... i can imagine this one so well too 😭😭
LOL the third one 😂😂 after the two previous ones this is a nice change of pace as if your brain is simply rewarding you
OKAY I DIDN'T EXPECT THE FBI TO JOIN IN. wow. we're back with the crazy dreams then 😂😂
ok now i'm feeling dumb because i have nothing to contribute to this 😂 im going to type "dream" into my groupchat conversation history and see if i actually forgot about smth interesting but i doubt it 😂 don't expect much from me, i just woke up from a dream where ducks were falling from the sky and i wanted one to land on my outstretched arm and got sad that none did 😂😂
ok i found one "i dreamed about Comte singing"; one "i dreamed about being in a poly relationship with comte and Fenrir" and three "i dreamed about napoleon but i don't remember any details" 😭😭
im sorry that ive nothing interesting for you, i'll make sure to let you know if i do though, i tend to dream a lot these days (so much for the quality of my sleep tho, today too, i feel like i didnt as much as blink the whole night) and THANK YOU for sharing all of this, i really like talking about stuff like that and your imagination is wild and beautiful even when you sleep 😂❤ HAVE A GREAT DAYYY, come talk whenever you want to, for whatever you want to talk about!
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