harrypotterpovs · 4 years
Sooo...here's my Fred Yuleball fanfic aka the first fanfic I'm publishing. Please remember I'm not a native english speaker so neither my grammar nor my translations are perfect. I hope you can still enjoy.
Backstory: You're a Gryffindor in the same year as the golden trio and share a dorm with Hermione and Lavender Brown. You're pretty popular and got asked out by a lot of guys who wanted to take you to the ball, but you only said yes to one of them: Fred. In this ff Fred shares a dorm with George and Oliver Wood (I know he's not in their year but I like himmm sm). You're somewhat close friends with the golden trio but spend most of your time with the twins. You already know about your feelings for Fred deep down but never made it too obvious.
,,Are you ready?“ Hermiones voice rings through the door just as she walks in. I look at her in awe. She wears the prettiest dress I've ever seen and has put her hair up into a beautiful knot. ,,You look stunning,“ I gasp. She laughs: ,,So do you. Who are you taking to the ball again? Fred or George?“ I smile widely just thinking about him. ,,Fred. I hope he likes the dress....“ Hermione puts her hand on my shoulder: ,,Don't worry, you look beautiful.“ I smile at her and hook arms with her. Together we walk down into the common room. The boys had to wait in front of the great hall until their dates arrived. So we make our way down the moving stairs. My heart pounds against my ribcage heavily. I felt so anxious. Fred was the kindest guy I knew but how would he react if the dress wasn't quite his taste? 
Hermione lets go of my arm and smiles: ,,You should hurry, they're over there.“ I look around and spot them waiting next the statue in front of the great hall. I nod, my knees shaking and get down the stairs. I see George spotting me first and his eyes widen. He elbows Fred who then turns around and looks me up and down. His facial expression was a mixture of surprise and pride. I smile at him happily as I walk towards him. ,,Ready?“ I ask. Suddenly George steps up: ,,Sure.“ Fred frowns at him and pushes him away: ,,You know she can tell us apart, idiot.“ George laughs and so do I. Fred looks at me: ,,You look stunning.“ I laugh and look at his suit. It was pretty worn down but he tried to spice it up with some golden buttons and a nice tie. ,,You're the one to say that...Look at you. Handsome as ever.“ He looks down his suit and smiles uncertainly. ,,Well, I tried my best.“ He holds out his arm and I take it. ,,Have fun, you two,“ George says happily and walks towards a girl that seems to be his date for tonight. 
Fred and I walk towards the great hall. ,,Try to not get into trouble tonight, alright?“ I say and look straight into Freds hazel eyes. He giggles: ,,I'll try my best, I promise.“ Seeing him smiling so genuinely was the most heartwarming thing I've ever experienced. The dancefloor was already crowded. ,,Shall we eat first?“ I ask. ,,You can read minds, I always knew,“ Fred says in a serious tone. Then he laughs and we push ourselves through the people towards the buffet. ,,You had the whole school to choose from and you take Weaslebee?“ I hear Pansy Parkinson snarl. I turn around and look at her. Her dress was pretty, not gonna lie. She and Zabini stare us down. ,,Obviously. Jealous that you didn't make the cut, huh?“ Pansy snorts angrily: ,,Why would I take something like this to the ball? He can't even afford a decent suit, look at this lump he's wearing.“ I see Fred checking his suit again. ,,Girl, have you checked the mirror before you left your room? You look like a whole gremlin.“ I take Freds arm and we distance ourselves from Pansy and Zabini. ,,I'm sorry, I really wanted to get a new suit but-“ ,,No, stop it.“ I interrupt him. He looks at me sadly. I grab his hands: ,,I love the suit and I love the tie. You look great, no matter what. Trust me.“ He looks at me for a while and then nods. ,,Let's dance first, then,“ I say and point to a less crowded corner. Fred smiles and takes my hand, leading me to the dancefloor. 
It was a slow song, very relaxing and classic. Fred puts his hand around my waist and holds my right hand with the other. He takes the lead and swirls me around. He's definitely better at dancing than I am. ,,Did you really have a lot of guys asking you out?“ Fred asks, trying to sound unbothered. I wasn't sure if I should tell him the truth. But lying to him was no option. ,,Yes. Even Malfoy asked me...as if...“ I shudder and Fred laughs: ,,And you still said yes to me?“ I nod: ,,Of course. I like you. A lot. Why wouldn't I go with you?“ Fred smiles happily and his cheeks turn rosé. He pulls me a bit closer, I almost touch his chest. I smell his cologne and a sweet fragrance, vanilla mixed with toffee and a hint of something that smells like gunpowder. I'm pretty sure I was never this close to him. I'd have noticed how good he smells. His hands are warm and soft and his movements pretty smooth. I've never felt so warm and secure before. ,,Is that glitter in your hair?“ he asks suddenly. I laugh: ,,A bit. Hermione said it'd look nice. You don't like it, do you?“ Fred shakes his head: ,,No. I mean yes. I do. Absolutely. It's just...The sheer effort you put into that...“ I laugh: ,,Well, to be honest...I was afraid you wouldn't like my dress or my hairstyle at first.“ Fred frowns: ,,How could I not?“ 
The song ends and I look at the buffet. ,,I think they're gone. Let's get some food,“ I say and pull Fred through the crowd. ,,Fred, looking good tonight...“ Ron says, as he passes by with Lavender Brown. He stops to look at me and then back to Fred. ,,I don't know what you did to get her to say yes, but man...Good job,“ he adds, looking me up and down. Lavender eyes me a with a hint of jealousy in her eyes. ,,What are you talking about, look at your date,“ I say. ,,Lavender, you look astonishing tonight,“ I add and look at her happily. Her whole face changes. ,,Really? Thank you,“ she says. Ron sighs and pulls her away. I wave at them, as they disappear into the crowd. ,,What is your favorite food?“ Fred asks suddenly. I frown. ,,We're working on a new trickster candy and we're still looking for good flavours,“ he adds as he takes two glasses of firewhiskey from a tablet. He hands me one of the glasses. ,,Like sweet stuff or...?“ I ask. Fred nods: ,,Preferably sweet yeah.“ I take a sip and shudder: ,,Ugh, definitely not this.“ I cough and Fred takes it away from me. ,,Sorry,“ he says and puts it away. ,,Try this...“ he says and reaches for a glass with a golden liquid. I take it. ,,I think marshmellows are always a good choice. Or nougat. I personally love pancakes too,“ I say, before I take another sip. This one was smooth. Still burning in my throat but in a less aggressive way. ,,Bit better?“ Fred asks. I nod: ,,Way better.“ Fred reaches for a plate and so do I. As we're done filling our plates we go to sit down. I see Hermione swirl by with Krum, not taking her eyes of him for even a second. She was beautiful. My eyes wander towards Fred who seems to have stared at me for a while now. ,,You good?“ I laugh. He nods: ,,Sure. Just appreciating your efforts.“ I smile and turn towards him. ,,Are you staying at Hogwarts this christmas again?“ he asks thoughtfully. I shrug my shoulders: ,,I guess. My parents are still in France. Couldn't you stay too?“ Fred rests his chin on his hand, eyeing me: ,,No, I'm afraid I can't. Mom always wants us home at christmas. But you could come to our place, if you want.“ I look up, my heart racing. ,,Oh, I don't want to bother your family...“ I say. ,,God, no way. Mom would love to meet you, I'm sure. If you'd like to come, I'll just ask her.“ I smile: ,,I'd love to. But please make sure, no one is annoyed by my presence.“ Fred shakes his head: ,,There's no way.“ I shove a spoon of chocolate pudding into my mouth and stare at him in silence.
Two plates of a variety of foods, three firewhiskeys and four glasses of this weird golden liquor later we go back to slowdancing. I was a bit tipsy already and so was Fred. His cheeks are glowing red and his hands are warmer than they were earlier. ,,George thought I was kidding when I told him that you're my date for the ball,“ Fred says as I lean against his chest. I hear his heart beating faster and faster. ,,First I wasn't sure if you were kidding, too,“ he adds. I put my hand onto his shoulder and close my eyes: ,,I'd never.“ I hear him sigh. The room was way emptier now. A few Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs were still on the dancefloor. Neville and Ginny were slowdancing as well just like Krum and Hermione. Ron and Harry sat down to eat and stare at Hermione a while ago and Pansy ran off a couple minutes ago, after Zabini yelled at her for stepping on his feet when they were dancing. I was content and happy like I never was, feeling Freds hand on my waist, smelling his fragrance and hearing his heartbeat. ,,Do you wanna go outside for a bit?“ Fred suddenly asks. I open my eyes and nod: ,,Sure. Are you alright?“ Fred runs his hand through his hair and takes a deep breath. ,,I'm feeling a bit dizzy to be honest.“ 
We walk towards he big balcony and away from the loud music and the smells of the buffet into the cold, dark, silent night. The moon was shining and hundreds of stars sparkle in the sky. They were beautiful. It's been a long time since I saw them shimmer this brightly. Maybe it was the alcohol but I felt very sentimental all of sudden. Tears stream down my face. ,,y/n?“ Fred gasps. I wipe the tears away and blink rapidly: ,,I'm just a bit...It's such a beautiful night. I don't want it to end.“ Fred looks at me shocked. Then he pulls me closer, one hand around my waist, his head resting on my shoulder. ,,There's still so much time left. Don't worry,“ he says softly. My heart feels like it's burning. It wasn't the night I was sentimental about. I think it was Fred. The knowledge that he will never look at me like he did a few hours ago again. That he'll just act like nothing happened in a few days. ,,Can I ask you for a favour?“ he suddenly asks. I look up at him. ,,Can I kiss you?“ he asks. My heart misses out a  few beats. I stare at him for a second, completely paralized. ,,Of course...“ I gasp. He pulls me closer and I close my eyes. I feel his burning lips on mine, a wave of heat streaming through my whole body, my heart crashing against my ribs. It feels like eternity. Then he pulls back, his cheeks blushing and looking pretty flustered. I pull him into a hug and lean my head on his chest. He wraps his arms around me and rests his head on mine. We stay like that for at least half an hour, talking about the music playing in the background.
,,Let's dance a little more,“ Fred says and pulls me inside the great hall again, holding me close. I follow his lead and we dance all night. Only when the room was completely empty we came to a halt. ,,I think I'm passing out any second now...“ I joke and look at Fred. All the alcohol in our systems was gone at this point. ,,Let's go up then,“ he answers and takes my hand. We walk out of the great hall and up to the common room. Just when I was about to say goodbye to Fred, Hermione comes down the stairs thats lead to the girls rooms. ,,y/n, we've got somewhat of a problem...Lavender brought Ron up with her. He was very very drunk and...vomited all over your bed.“ I look at Fred who just rolls his eyes at the mention of his younger brother. ,,I'll take her in tonight and make him regret what he did tomorrow,“ Fred says. I look at him. He takes me to his room? Is that even allowed? ,,I hope I'm around,“ Hermione says with an evil smile. Fred looks at me: ,,Only if it's alright for you of course. I can go and wake this idiot up to clean up his mess.“ I shake my head: ,,Let him rest. As long as it's alright with Oliver and George...“ Fred nods and we go up the stairs to the boys dorms. 
Fred walks in first. ,,Turn out the light, you idiot!“ I hear George groan. ,,We've got trainig in the morning...“ Oliver sighs. ,,Guys, is it okay if y/n spends the night?“ Fred asks. Silence. ,,Depends on what you're trying to-“ ,,Shut up, George. Ron puked into her bed.“ A sigh follows. ,,I don't care but turn out the bloody lights...“ Oliver says. Fred comes out, a self knitted pullover with an F on it and a pair of jogging pants in his hands. ,,You can change in the bathroom...“ He points to a door at the end of the corridor. I nod and step into the cold room, closing the door behind me and looking around. It was smaller than the girls bathroom. I'm slipping off the heels and dress and change into the way more comfortable clothes Fred gave me. My dress folded neatly, I open the door and walk towards Fred. He shoves me into the dorm silently and leads me towards the bed in complete darkness. I feel around for the end of his bed and then lay down carefully. It smelled just like him. I feel him laying down next to me and covering me with the blanket. ,,Night...“ he mumbles. I turn towards him and snuggle against his chest. He puts an arm around me.
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