#yuuri x victor fanfic
yayforyoi · 7 months
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Sooo, I had @crimson-chains draw this commission this for me years ago (via my other tumblr account @suzewrites) for a fanfic I wrote called Dreams on Ice. I had hoped to post this comic once I posted the chapter it goes with, but I never did and it seems a waste that I never shared it. Well, better late then never! Enjoy!
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chezlinda · 5 months
Yuri!!! on Ice Fanfic Recs
Since MAPPA decided to be a bitch and cancel Ice Adolescence, here are some fics to ease the pain. I made sure to include trigger warnings but all of these still have happy endings
Alternate Universe – Different Meeting
All Our Time is Borrowed by Magrathea
TW: Suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt, anxiety attacks
Developing relationship, series
Dream Weaver by aeriamamaduck
Developing relationship, smut, series
In Your Arms by Crowleys_Aziraphale2003
Established relationship, domestic fluff
Perspective by soupthatistoohot
Established relationship, anxiety
(Don’t) Wake me up by PrincessofU
Established relationship, anxiety attack, smut
Therapy by vitya_rabbit
TW: suicidal thoughts, self-harm
Established relationship
Domestic Bliss by BunniesofDoom
Established relationship, domestic fluff, series
The Domestic Life and Love of Yuuri and Victor by nerdlife4eva 
Established relationship, married Yuuri and Victor, domestic fluff, series
take all my loves, my love, take them all by sizhu
Established relationship, married Yuuri and Victor, domestic fluff, series
Your Touch Is My Temple by Crowleys_Aziraphale2003
Established relationship, anxiety attacks, domestic fluff, 5 + 1 things
If ice can burn, by ode2youu
Established relationship, dissociation, hurt/comfort
put your head on my shoulder by widomauk
Established relationship, domestic fluff
Sickfic/Major Injury
Homesick by ClosetedShipper
Established relationship, sick Victor
Leave It On The Ice by tothebatcave53
Established relationship, hurt Yuuri
TW: Suicidal thoughts, self-harm
Head over Toes by ClosetedShipper
Established relationship, hurt Yuuri
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thefanficslayer · 3 months
Note:I have to remake this recommendation list on this account because I can’t remember the email to my other account 🥲. Yes, I know this fandom is pretty much dead. Do I care? No. As long as I’m alive then the fandom shall live. This list is not yet complete, and likely never will be because I’m a procrastinator.
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Title:Melodies Unheard, but Felt All The Same Chapters:39/39 Rating:Mature Summary:Yuuri wanted to make history as the first Deaf man to win the Grand Prix Final. Of course he's a little skeptical of Victor Nikiforov's presence, especially considering the reactions from others who have learned about his lack of hearing.But Victor proves to be different, and Yuuri appreciates that. Now all that's left is to tell the figure skating world about it.
Title:all the world’s a stage Chapters:10/10 Rating:Explicit Summary:Everyone has a guilty pleasure.For Yuuri, it just happens to be romance movies starring famous heartthrob Victor Nikiforov. (And, honestly, on the spectrum of guilty pleasures, he figures that his is on the far, far more innocent side.)
Title:Empty spaces between stars Chapters:21/21 Rating:Explicit Summary: Victor gets just as drunk as Yuuri at the Sochi Banquet, and they disappear together after the dance-offs. They wake up the morning after with rings on their fingers, and pictures of them kissing after getting married the night before are all over the tabloids... but neither of them remembers a thing. They decide to stay married for a while for the sake of Victor's sponsorships, and in exchange, Victor coaches Yuuri through nationals...
Title:My Name On Your Lips Chapters:13/13 Rating:Explicit Summary:Yuuri Katsuki has been betrothed to the High King's son, Victor, since he was just a child; furthermore, as an omega, he's forbidden from practicing magic in combat. For years, he's been able to put off the former because the Prince was traveling abroad, and gotten around the latter by practicing with his mentor in secret.Now Victor Nikiforov has finally returned home, and Yuuri is being summoned to the capital for their wedding. He needs a plan to put off marriage long enough to find a way to break the betrothal, while keeping his practicing from being discovered. If only the Prince didn't have other ideas.
Title:Not gold like in your dreams Chapters:8/8 Rating:Teen and Up Summary:"Victor, you could have let some psychopath into your apartment." "Oh come on, he's not a psychopath," Victor chides. Christophe makes a gesture with his hand that says 'are you seriously this naïve or are you drunk at work again? "Victor, you don't know that. You don't know anything about him. Whose name am I going to give to the police or face l'm going to describe to the sketch artist when they find your body chopped up like Hannibal Lecter's side dish?"-- in which Victor and Yuuri are roommates and Yuuri has a secret
Title:Gunned Down Butterflies Chapters:24/24 Rating:Explicit Summary:Everyone's lives revolve around two names - the name of an enemy, and the name of a soulmate, both tattooed on their wrists.But for Yuuri, his fated soulmate and enemy are the same person. One name tattoed on his skin. After years of believing it meant only unhappiness and pain, he begins to bandage them up and hide them from the world. He even begins to forget about them - until he meets a new client in need of a guard against the Russian mafia.Nothing can hide him from fate - not bandaging the names, not forgetting about them, not even moving on without them. The owner of the name on his skin will find him eventually.
Title:Midnight Lover Chapters:23/23 Rating:Explicit Summary:Viktor Nikiforov, figure skating god and human trainwreck, flies halfway across the world from the only home he's ever known in a last-ditch attempt to salvage his life. His demons follow him faithfully. Katsuki Yuuri, reticent vampire and trouble magnet, pulls a drowning man out of the ocean on a whim and winds up with an unconscious human celebrity in his house. He knows it's a mistake to keep him. Viktor wakes, Yuuri stays, and they get too attached too fast.
Title:Winter Song Chapters:20/20 Rating:Explicit Summary:The set of Yuuri's mouth softened into a private smile as Victor squeezed his knee beneath the table. His hands were bare, free from the gloves he so often wore when they were together on the rink, and the heat of his palm burned straight through the denim of Yuuri's jeans. He slipped his own hand beneath the table and found Victor's. Hidden from sight, their fingers began to flirt and play. A secret conversation all their own that needed no words. Yuuri was aware that at some point-a moment in time he couldn't quite place-Victor had become his boyfriend. There wasn't a single instant when it happened. It was a slow awareness, as if Victor had silently been asking the question for months now, and Yuuri had been giving him the answer a little more with each passing day.
Title:Signs of Love Chapters:15/15 Rating:Explicit Summary:After being discovered by his peers as an omega, Yuuri runs from the world of figure skating. It's only to see his friend skate that he returns to the rink one more time. When he runs into skater and alpha Viktor Nikiforov, his body reacts in a way that neither he nor Viktor expect.
Title:You Know That I’m No Good Chapters:11/11 Rating:Explicit Summary:Yuuri has it all.A great job that he loves, an amazing wife, and they're even contemplating having children.Until the day he finds out that it's all a lie.He doesn't confront his cheating spouse -- he needs to understand first. And while he could hire someone (probably should hire someone) he can't bear the idea of some stranger learning about his failings as a husband. So he does his own digging, and finds out that the Other Man has a partner of his own. A sweet, romantic, super hot partner. Who doesn't know what his fiance has been up to. Contacting this "Victor" person is probably a terrible idea.Agreeing to meet with Victor and form a friendship? Even worse.But falling in love? For real this time?Maybe it all will be worth it.
Title:November’s Secret Chapters:24/24 Rating:Explicit Summary:Overwhelmed with anxiety and his fear of failing, Yuuri faces the issue of if he should continue skating. His best friend, Yuko, proposes a solution - if no one knows it's you, then it's less embarrassing, right? Yuuri begins to create a completely new disguise and persona. But it works a little too well.Before he knows it, Yuuri has become the biggest mystery of the skating world and everyone wants to know who he is. Especially Viktor Nikiforov, the idol he's been loosely basing his new persona on for years.
Title:Like a Fairytale Chapters:13/13 Rating:Teen and Up Summary:In which Prince Victor gets swept off his feet at a royal banquet and will go to any length to find his 'Cinderella' Yuuri. (And Phichit is the fairy godmother who has no idea what he's doing)."The crown prince of the Nikiforov kingdom, infatuated with a mystery pastry chef he's only just met. This is exactly the kind of scandalous love story my life has been missing... So, what's he look like? What exactly is Prince Victor's type?" "...Sweet." "Well, he does make pastries."
Title:Met by Accident Chapters:79/79 Rating:Explicit Summary:Viktor is having the worst day of his life, oversleeping and late for work. To make things even better, he rear ended the car in front of him. His attitude quickly changes when he lays eyes on the other driver."I'm so sorry!" the other driver said when he reached Viktor.He held a hand up to him, silently asking him to wait. The receptionist finally answered the phone and directed his call to his boss. Once he informed her he'd be late and no, he didn't know what time he'd be in, he hung up and turned his attention to the other driver. Well, well, what do we have here? The man was shorter than him by a few inches, jet black hair that was slicked back with a bit of gel. His glasses left something to be desired, but Viktor admired those large chocolate brown eyes. His lightly tanned skin was unblemished and looked so soft that Viktor wanted to run his hand along his cheek. His body looked enticing as well, but it was hard to tell from the overcoat he was wearing.Simply put, he was fucking gorgeous.
Title:Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches Chapters:14/14 Rating:Explicit Summary:A single event changes the course of Yuuri's life, throwing him into a bitter rivalry with Viktor Nikiforov that spans across his entire skating career. But as the years go on, rivalry and hatred begin to develop into something very different and Yuuri doesn't seem to be able to stay away, no matter how hard he tries.Hatred and love are two sides of the same coin and even though everything changes, some things are still meant to be.
Title:How The Mighty Fall(in love) Chapters:3/3 Rating:Teen and Up Summary:Every Victor Nikiforov fan has three things in common. 1 They have unrealistic expectations for romance.2 They mark their calendars with the dates of his newest book releases and the premieres of his latest movie adaptations.3 They either passionately hate or love his greatest rival, a mysterious author whose pseudonym is only two letters: "KY."
Title:You can have everything Chapters:2/2 Rating:Teen and Up Summary:Before the Grand Prix Final starts in Sochi, Yuuri finds Victor's phone. He returns it--and hijinks and heavy flirtation ensue.
Title:Talk to Me Chapters:1/1 Rating:Explicit Summary:There was a bouncing shift of weight, and suddenly a silky voice was at Yuuri's ear, "Hey Yuuri, is it possible you like when I speak Russian?"Yuuri groaned. Viktor's lips ghosted right beneath Yuuri's ear, gently sliding over the sensitive flesh of his neck, "I can speak Russian to you, if you like."
Title:All Eyes on Me Chapters:17/17 Rating:Explicit Summary:Yuuri, under the username of Eros, is a size queen omega who most certainly does not have an obsession with fellow camboy and legendary silver-haired alpha Aria.Just like Phichit is not the most meddlesome roommate known to man.
Title:Like your french girls Chapters:7/7 Rating:Teen and Up Summary:"Victor," Yuri begins, lowering the eighteenth sketch of the figure skater Victor drew this week, "you have a fucking problem."--In which Victor is an artist, Yuuri is his figure skating muse, and Yuri is so done hearing about their stupid love story through Instagram.
Title:Please Have Mercy On Me Chapters:19/19 Rating:Explicit Summary:Viktor's been living with Yuuri for a month now, but Yuuri is still not used to him.But Viktor is a good teacher, and Yuuri is a good student.
Title:Centripetal Force Chapters:10/10 Rating:Explicit Summary:Victor speaks seven languages.(Physics isn't one of them.) Luckily, though, he ends up rooming with his antithesis: a shy, black-haired boy who just so happens to be a physics major.
Title:Undiscovered Country Chapters:8/8 Rating:Explicit Summary:Yuuri wakes up in Victor's room the night after the Sochi Grand Prix Final banquet.Did they sleep together? No. Instead, last night, Drunk Yuuri taunted Victor that he hadn't earned the right to get in his pants...and spelled out exactly what Victor would have to do to get there.Now, Victor intends to do everything on that list...
Title:Maelstrom Chapters:5/5 Rating:Explicit Summary:Victor Nikiforov is poised to win gold in his fifth consecutive Grand Prix Final. He has the world at his feet, is unparalleled in the sport--right up until a snowstorm blows into Sochi, and he finds himself repeating the same day over and over and over. He stumbles over Yuuri Katsuki, and everything changes.
All these Fanfics can be read here at https:// archiveofourown.org/users/
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A while ago, I commissioned the wonderful and talented @nae812 to draw a scene from my YOI novelisation Can You Hear My Heartbeat. The scene is part of the Tanabata* chapter, set during the summer of mutual pining, and I'm very proud to share the absolutely gorgeous result with you:
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Posted with permission from the artist because commission conditions and stuff. Do not repost.
They fell silent, watching the stars. But Yuuri’s heart refused to be still.
“O-hoshi-sama,” Viktor murmured, gazing at the sky. “I get it now. How can you look at the universe spinning in the sky and simply call them hoshi?”
Yuuri smiled. “Yeah. The stars are that majestic.”
“I like it. This is the most beautiful night of my life so far, Yuuri. Not even the White Nights can compare to this.”
The warm, reverent nuance in his voice made Yuuri tremble. This night, this place—it created a closeness he had never felt before with Viktor. As if a bridge had emerged from the sea of stars between them.
“Um, Viktor. There’s something you should know.”
“There’s an even larger Tanabata festival held in Fukuoka.” The words welled out of Yuuri, encouraged by the darkness engulfing them and because they were not facing each other. “It’s because they have a huge Tanabata shrine there. I… I didn’t suggest it because you wanted to see the fireworks, but we wouldn’t have been able to stay that late because we’d need to catch the last train back. And I didn’t want to take the van because I wasn’t sure if I’d want to drink and I also don’t like to drive at night.” And because it would have been a date then. “My apologies.”
“No, Yuuri,” Viktor said softly. “I’m glad we stayed here. Fukuoka is likely overcrowded tonight and I don’t want to do that to Makkachin. Besides, here we have a better view of the stars because of less—how did you call it?”
“Light pollution.”
“Right.” Viktor’s voice was warm in the night as if he was smiling. “Thanks for introducing me to this festival, Yuuri.”
Yuuri thought back to the wish he had written on the red tanzaku. I wish that I’ll figure out my feelings for Viktor. I wish it to be love.
“I’m glad we came here, too.”
A reddish shine illuminated the lookout, followed by a cracking noise that ruptured the silence. “The fireworks have started!” Yuuri said. “Let’s watch!”
They hurried to a spot where the trees parted. Orange sparks rose into the sky and blossomed into colourful stars, illuminating rooftops and the people cramming on the beach and along the bridges, glittering on the bay. A sudden giddiness rose in Yuuri.
“When I was younger, I often imagined what it would be like to celebrate Tanabata with you,” he said. Each year, he had written a wish for it and hung it on a tree. “I didn’t ask you because I didn’t know how to do it without things taking a weird turn.”
“Really?” Viktor’s voice was hushed with an undercurrent of excitement.
Yuuri nodded. “The last weeks were very nice. I would have hated to ruin that.”
A hand touched Yuuri’s shoulder, stirring a swarm of butterflies in his stomach. “I enjoy our time together very much, too.”
“Yeah,” Yuuri said. His heart fluttered.  
They fell silent, watching the colourful sparks blossoming above the town, mirrored on the silent river. The hand remained on his shoulder and Yuuri found he liked it being there.
“Will you tell me what you wished for?”
“No, Viktor.”
“I’ll tell you what I wished for in return.”
“It won’t come true when you say it aloud.”
“But if a wish isn’t voiced no one will know and they won’t do anything about it.”
“The gods will.”
If I were already sure of my feelings, this would have been the perfect date, Yuuri mused.
“Will you tell me your wish when it comes true?”
You will know when it comes true, Yuuri thought, struggling to tame the tempest of emotions raging within his heart. “Yes,” he said, leaning his head against Viktor’s shoulder. “I will.”
-- Chapter 17: So close and yet a universe apart
*On Tanabata or the Star Festival:
According to a legend, Princess Orihime fell in love with a cow herd named Hikoboshi, and their love was so great that both neglected their duties whereopun Orihime's father, the Emperor, banished the pair to the heavens with the Milky Way separating them. Orihime became the star Vega and Hikoboshi became the star Altair. Only once a year, in the seventh night of the seventh month, they can meet--but only if the skies are clear.
Tanabata (七夕) is celebrated in July, but in some regions, it's celebrated in August (depending on whether the Gregorian calendar or the lunar calendar is used). The stars Vega and Altair are visible in Japan from July to September. There's a couple of customs surrounding the festival, one of them is to write your wishes on paper strips and hang them on a bamboo tree. These trees are set afloat or burnt during the night. Tanabata is a very popular festival in Japan and often referred to as the most romantic night of the year. However, since in most regions, the rainy season lasts until August, the chances for clear skies are 30% on average and thus people pray for good weather several days in advance.
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yuri-on-adderall · 1 year
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blonndiec · 3 months
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Prelude Story to ''Precious Things Lay Hidden''
A Yuri!!! On Ice + Atlantis: The Lost Empire!AU Read Here
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raw-cat · 5 months
Okay since YOI is cancelled can y’all pls recommend some good fics ?
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ruby0403 · 3 months
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Today, I delivered a collection of illustrations printed to TORANOANA.
B5 size, full colour 40 pages, 5 drawings including the cover. Please wait for a while until the cart opens.
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mediorebucket · 1 month
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I make “fake” fanfic book covers for most of my favorite fics and these two gotta be my favorite.
It’s a viktuuri enemies to lovers au(one sided) and literally the best thing I’ve ever read! Their costumes are technically not these in the scenes I based them off of but I wanted some recognizable aspects if I wasn’t gonna draw faces. :)
Authors tumblr -> @kazliin
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i-hatethegays · 1 year
looking for a yoi fic
does anyone know the title of the yuri on ice fanfic where victor used to be a ballet dancer in russia but had to flee when he was discovered with his boyfriend at the time? i think yuuri is like a social worker in it as well? and yurio is victor's little brother who he feels guilty about leaving behind
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princesstrunkss · 5 months
need links to Victuuri fics to cope with the pain 🙏🏼
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rhapeseuhans · 1 year
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Characters: Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri, Yakov Feltsman, Phichit Chulanont, Other Characters Mentioned Additional Tags: Fluff and Humor, Romance, Nobility, Love at First Sight, Marriage Proposal, Long-Haired Victor Nikiforov, Tailor Katsuki Yuuri, Prince Victor Nikiforov, Getting Together, Happy Ending, art by me, Alternate Universe - Victorian
Summary: Yuuri, an apprentice tailor looking for a better job, decides to push his luck and enter a contest to design the best outfit for Prince Viktor.
[Version en Español]
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yayforyoi · 5 months
Next chapter for Dreams on Ice posted!
I'm realllly trying to keep this fic going and complete it, so here's the next chapter!
And, it really does mean the world when someone tells me they are reading it. Truly! I'd finish it if there was only one person reading it. Support as a new writer really helps with my motivation, so thanks to those that have written such wonderful messages to me! 🙏❤️
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Can You Hear My Heartbeat Chapter 31
Today's chapter is about Kunchi, the annual harvest festival held in Hasetsu, and Yuuri and Viktor's second (official!!!) date. But even when on a date, Viktor has a mind of his own.
Please enjoy this last chapter before things will get VERY serious for Yuuri because his first Grand Prix event is right around the corner! 💙💜
Excerpt below the read more tag...
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“Yuuri, let’s take a selfie just for us,” Viktor said.
Stuffing the tissue into his pocket, Yuuri yelped as Viktor pulled him close. His fingers curled around the arm Viktor had wrapped around him. “But make it quick. I want to watch the sunset. No vanity crisis because of your hair.”
Viktor pouted. “Yuuri, you wound me! I’ve never had a crisis because of my hair!”
“You fret about it in every second photo, Viktor!”
“And you make faces in every other second photo. Don’t you deny it, Yuuri.”
“I never make faces in photos!”
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yuri-on-adderall · 2 years
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Some people don’t comprehend that anger associated with a billion dollar studio ≠ anger towards the YOI creative team
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michelvinci · 2 months
(TW:SA) So I am looking for a Yuuri on Ice fanfic. It’s basically about how Yuuri is about to compete at his first Grand Prix and then he just stops and leaves the stadium cause he figures out he doesn’t have to deal with all that shit. Anyways he spends like a year self destructing in his hometown and he was possibly assaulted. If anyone knows the name of the fic please help me find it. It was actually really good.
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