#yvanna valar
lledron · 2 years
Aulë & Yvanna Valar To build a home
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silm-lore · 2 years
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Telperion and Laurelin
The two trees of Valinor, created by Yvanna, during the noontide of Valinor.
Vala Yvanna sang the two trees into existence after the Lamps were destroyed. Telperion (silver) lit the world through the night, and Laurelin (gold) by day. The Two Trees bestowed power on the Elves who saw them, and the Elves of Aman had great wisdom, foresight and strength. In YT Melkor and Ungoliant destroyed the Two Trees. The Valar shaped the final flower of Telperion and fruit of Laurelin into the sun and moon.
Fëanors three Silmarils encased the light from these trees, potentially aiding in elves and Vala desire for them.
(Yvanna created a tree like Telperion without light for the elves in Tirion and it’s descendants were Nimloth the White Tree of Nùmenor, and later the White Trees of Gondor.)
This is my second wood burning, and first using paints to color it.
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numenorrex · 2 years
Why I Like the World of Tolkien So Much
     Why do I like the world of Tolkien so much? Is it because I like that it is medieval-inspired or because it is majestic? Ever since I watched The Lord of the Rings movies by Peter Jackson I was amazed by the beauty of the world and its geography, and how the characters and locations were brought to life. Not only was it majestic and medieval-inspired–it was the most amazing thing I saw in my entire life.
     But I found out that there is more. There were stories before the Lord of the Rings like The Hobbit which is about Bilbo Baggins going on adventures and The Silmarillion which is like everything in one like the Bible. I was shocked to learn about these stories and the biology of every being in the World of Arda.
   I found out Arda is the name of the World or Earth in Tolkien’s works. I was introduced to a character named Eru Illuvatar who is known as God in Tolkien’s works and the Ainur who are the angels/gods who are divided into two groups The Valar who are based on Christianity, Norse Mythology and Greek mythology, and the Maiar who are the angels. 
The Valar like Manwe and Varda based on Zeus and Hera from Greek Mythology, Odin and Frigg from Norse, Joseph and Mama Mary from Christianity, Ulmo based on Poseidon, Mandos based on Hades from Greek and Hela from Norse, Melkor aka Morgoth based on Satan, Nienna, Vaire, Aule based on Hephaestus, Yvanna based on Demeter, Vanna, Orome, Tulkas, Este and Nessa.
The Maiar are servants of the Valar, in earlier versions the Maiar are the sons and daughters of the Valar but they were changed to be servants instead of children. The Maiar include the Istari or Wizards like Gandalf, Saruman, Radagast, and the Blue Wizards, Eonwe, Osse and Iluin, Melian, Mairon (later named Sauron), and the Balrogs. 
It is possible that characters like werewolves, vampires, and other characters like Ungoliant and Tom Bombadil are Ainur but Tom Bombadil is actually the Spirit created by the song of the Ainur. 
Some Valar like Aule, Yvanna and Melkor created their own people Aule created the Dwarves, Yvanna created the Ents, but Aule felt that creating a race of people is mistake so he tried to destroy his creation but Illuvatar stopped him, like how God stopped Abraham from sacrificing Isaac, Yvanna feared that the Dwarves the Creation of her husband would cut her Trees so she begged Manwe and Eru to create a new race of people known as Ents, Melkor wanted to create his own race of beings with the Flame imperishable or the Secret Fire but it only is part of Eru alone, so Melkor decided to take action during the song Ainur, Melkor does his Discord but Eru tells Melkor that he is Mighty but He alone is the creator, which makes Melkor unhappy but he hides his feelings, But due to the discord it created a dark spirit named Ungoliant who takes the form of a Spider and the mother of the Spiders like Shelob, Melkor did create other creatures by corrupting some of the Elves and became known as Orcs, Trolls were made by Melkor in mockery of Ents, Dragons and other foul creatures.
     Another thing I like about Tolkien’s World are the many Peoples of Middle Earth, also known as the Children of Illuvatar. They are races of beings like Elves, Men, Dwarves, and Hobbits. Elves are the firstborn children of Illuvatar, They’re immortal and stay young even if they reach 90, 100, or more. If Elves die they go to the Halls of the Vala Mandos to be re-embodied. Humans or Men are Mortal and live shorter lives, which is a Gift from Illuvatar Himself. However, One Man did fell in love with an Elf and They are Beren and Luthien. Beren and Luthien along with Tuor and Idril started a new race known as the Half Elves like Dior Eluchîl, Elured and Elurin, Ellwing, Earendil, Elrond, Elros, Elledan and Elrohir, Arwin and the line of Numenor. Dwarves are actually adopted by Eru along with Hobbits, but Dwarves and Hobbits like Men are Mortal. Dwarves like Durin, Thorin and Company, and Gimli live in Caves that they established as their Kingdoms and Mines. Hobbits live in Hobbit holes which are built on hills. I really love characters like Frodo, Bilbo, Sam, and everyone, and they even reflect Tolkien himself Because it reflects his life with his friends and family.
     Beren and Luthien is a couple that was based on Tolkien’s love story with his wife Edith. Beren was a Man who fled an attack from Sauron’s fortress Tol in Gaurhoth, traveling to the Mountains and Valley where Ungoliant’s Spiderlings lived and reaching Neldoreth where he meets Luthien and was Tasked to steal a Silmaril from Morgoth’s Crown to win his blessing to Luthien’s father Elu Thingol. Luthien was an Elf but not your ordinary elf as she was half-Maia, and her Mother Melian is Maia, Melian met Thingol in a small forest called Nan Elmoth, where she created a girdle surrounding Doriath and Neldoreth. Luthien helped her love, Beren, along with Huan the Valinorian Hound to steal a Silmaril. Beren decides to steal all three of them but his knife breaks and runs with Luthien to escape Angband but Beren loses his hand and the Silmaril to Carcharoth the Werewolf, Thingol decides to wed Beren and Luthien and hunt the wolf down but it claimed the lives of Beren, Huan, and Luthien but Luthien sang a song to Mandos about her grief and she along with Beren where brought back. Beren and Luthien would have a son named Dior who would later succeed his Grandfather as King of Doriath. Beren and Luthien did die one last time, although Luthien was half-elf, half-Maia she gave up her immortality to be with Beren one last time.
     Orcs are another race of being in Middle Earth. It is believed that they were elves once before Melkor corrupted them. When they multiply in number they can participate in many battles. Orcs along with Goblins, Uruk Hai, and Man Orcs serve Morgoth, Sauron, The Witch King, and Saruman and are loyal to their evil masters. Hobgoblins are superior orcs like the Uruk Hai they are strong and smart. There are also orcs like Azog, Bolg, Shagrat, and Radbug who are vicious in many of their own ways.  Orcs use terms like “snaga” which means slave in Black speech. Another term they use is  “snufflers” which is how they refer to their wide nostrils.
     Another race that serves Morgoth is the race of Trolls. While Orcs are mockeries of Elves, the Trolls are mockeries of the Ents. There are many Trolls in Middle Earth. Hill Trolls live in Hills and are seen opening the Black Gate. Cave Trolls are another type of Troll that live in caves, like the one we see in Moria in the Fellowship of the Ring. Mountain Trolls live in Mountains and are known to push the battering ram called Grond to ram the gates into Minas Tirith. Snow Trolls are rare in Middle Earth but we did see one in the Rings of Power TV show and they are mentioned in the story of Helm Hammerhand to describe Helm as he was looking for food and fighting off enemies with his bare hands. Half Trolls like Half-Orcs and Goblin Men are a mix between Trolls and Men. The Olog Hai, meaning Troll people, (like Uruk Hai means Orc People) are a group of Trolls known for war, as we see in the battle at the Black Gate in Return of the King. And there are the Three Stone Trolls: Bert, Tom, and Bill, whom Bilbo and Thorin’s company meet in The Hobbit.
     Ents and Huorns are races of being in Middle Earth that resemble Trees. Ents and Entwives (like Treebeard, Fimbrethil, and Quickbeam), and Huorns like Old Man Willow live in forests like the old forest and Fangorn. We don’t see the Entwives in the films because the Entwives disappeared during the War of the Last Alliance in the Second Age, when Sauron burned the Gardens of the Entwives.
     We cannot forget about the animals of Middle Earth. Middle Earth has so many animals either domesticated or wild. Animals like Dogs such as Huan the Hound, and the dogs of Farmer Maggot, cats like the cats of Queen Beruthiel, horses and ponies like Bill the Pony, Nahar, Snowmane, Shadowfax, Felarof, and the Mearas, Asfaloth and Rochallor, wolves, wargs and werewolves like Drauglin, Carcharoth and wargs of the Uruks of Isengard and Bolg’s forces, Vampires and Bats like Thuringwethil (Fact: Sauron in the story of Beren and Luthien shapeshifts into a werewolf to fight Huan and a vampire to flee), Spiders or Ungol like Ungoliant, Shelob, The Spiders of Mirkwood and the Spiders of Nandungortheb and Ered Gorgoroth, Dragons which include both Fire and Cold Drakes like Glaurung, Ancalagon, the Beast of Gondolin, Gostir, Scatha and Smaug, Hellhawks or Fell Beasts, Birds like the Great Eagles and other various creatures.
     I also love the places and locations of Middle Earth. Places like the lands of Beleriand, The island of Numenor and the lands we all know and loved in the movies.
The artifacts are another thing I love. Artifacts like The Silmarils, Phials, The Rings of Power, The Arkenstone and Various Treasures and Weapons like the Swords, Axes, Bows and Arrows and Hammers and Maces. Swords like Anglachel aka Gurthang, Anguriel, Glamdring, Orcrist and Sting, Narsil aka Anduril, the Morgul blade, etc. Bows and Arrows like the Red arrow, the Bow of Legolas, etc. Axes like Dramborleg, Durin’s Axe, The Red axe of Dain Ironfoot, The Axe of Gimli, The Hammers like the Smithing Hammers of Celebrimbor and the Gwaith I mir dain and the Maces like Grond the Mace of Morgoth to whom the Battering Ram is named after.
     But why do I love these things? Because I was fascinated by how the lore describes them. The feeling is what reflects us and Tolkien himself like how Beren and Luthien is based on his love story with his wife and the names were written in their tombstone after they passed away. The friendship between Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin reflects the Tea Club and Barrovian Society, the club Tolkien founded when he met Geoffrey Bache Smith, Christopher Wiseman, and Robert Gilson. Geoffrey was the Samwise Gamgee to Tolkien’s Frodo Baggins, and Edith was the Luthien to Tolkien’s Beren. I too describe myself as these characters like I am the Frodo to my brother’s Samwise but I’m also the Bilbo, Thorin, and Theoden to the children who are new to our family, and The Beren or Aragorn to maybe someone I would fall in love with, but when I saw the Tolkien Movie, I knew that I would also be like him, to start and bring back the Club he started at a very young age, fall in love and write a love story or tell a story about fellowship and friendship and maybe I would succeed everyone like Tolkien until the end.
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fircider · 4 years
guys i sketched melkor and mairon
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i hope ya'll like it :)
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ospreyeamon · 3 years
oromë really was the dark rider from the elves’ cuiviénen horror stories
This was not actually Oromë’s fault and he never ate anybody, but the elves of Cuiviénen came to fear him without any trickery on Melkor’s part.
As a fan of eldritch Valar, many-eyed angels, and shape-shifting deities of all kinds I believe the ainur only manifest fana, the physical forms they clothe their spirits in, in the likeness of the Children when they choose to mimic them in order to avoid discomfort or learn more about Incarnates. Born beyond the borders of the material world the ainur do not need to eat or drink or breathe or converse with their voices rather than their thoughts. Left to themselves they won’t always take forms that are humanoid; Manwë loves to fly with the feel of the winds beneath his wings and Vairë’s weaving goes faster with six hands than two. Even after the elves arrived in Aman Yvanna often takes an appearance more similar to an ent’s than an elf’s.
During the early Years of the Trees, before Oromë discovers the elves at Cuiviénen, the ainur who have made their homes in Valinor and the rest of Aman still have only what vague impressions of their creator the One’s as then unmade Children they gleaned during the Music – they don’t really know what the Children look or sound like yet. Oromë the Hunter traverses Middle-earth in a fana with a magnificent gleaming set of carnivores’ teeth, clawed, fifteen-feet tall, the ground shaking beneath the eight mighty hooves of his steed Nahar. The elves make the understandable decision to avoid the giant predatory thing big enough to eat them at all costs.
Melkor moves subtly, not wanting to draw the attention of his brethren after his humiliation by Tulkas. The elves do not always notice him and so he notices them. He has not yet lost his ability to reshape his fana as he will after being wounded; if one guise become suspicious he can fabricate another. Soon any elf he meets is never seen again, bearing no tale of what they saw back to Cuiviénen.
Oromë rushes towards the elves when he first hears their singing but then slows, realising they are afraid. He dismounts from Nahar and reworks his fana as he edges closer; losing the claws, compressing his form as much as he can on short notice, growing the fur on his head out while thinning that which covers the rest of his body. By the time he is seated by their fire the elves imagine the fangs must have been a just a case of the eyes being blinded by what the mind expects to see.
“For by after-knowledge the wise declare that Melkor, ever watchful, was first aware of the awakening of the Quendi, and sent shadows and evil spirits to spy upon them and waylay them. So it came to pass, some years ere the coming of Oromë, that if any of the Elves strayed far abroad, alone or few together, they would often vanish, and never return; and the Quendi said that the Hunter had caught them, and they were afraid. And indeed the most ancient songs of the Elves, of which echoes are remembered still in the West, tell of the shadow-shapes that walked in the hills above Cuiviénen, or would pass suddenly over the stars; and of the dark Rider upon his wild horse that pursued those that wandered to take them and devour them. Now Melkor greatly hated and feared the riding of Oromë, and either he sent indeed his dark servants as riders, or he set lying whispers abroad, for the purpose that the Quendi should shun Oromë, if ever they should meet.” On the Coming of the Elves and the Captivity of Melkor
The Silmarillion’s phrasing tells us that this part of the history it relates was not what the elves who lived during that period believed at the time and, more importantly, it wasn’t information gained by asking Oromë. Even though Oromë was available to be asked, both at the meeting at Cuiviénen and after the Noldor had followed him west and were living in Aman. “The wise” can’t even agree whether Melkor had his minions masquerade as fake scary Riders or spread ill-rumours so that the elves would assume the worst of the Rider they saw.
The elves are far from immune of falling into the trap of believing that what they perceive as beauty is a mark of goodness and, conversely, ugliness of evil. ‘Of the Coming of the Elves and the Captivity of Melkor’ also tells of the origins of the orcs and the first word used to describe them is “hideous”. Hideous – not cruel or misfortunate or endless in enmity or broken by suffering, but hideous. Appearance is what is given as the principal distinction between the elves and their hated enemy rather than behaviour or belief. I don’t think the idea that a being they had assumed was preying on them because he was alien and terrifying had in fact never done or wished the elves harm – who in fact sought to befriend and aid them – sat comfortably in the Noldor’s worldview. Easier to challenge the old story than the old biases.
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alixlestrange · 5 years
Ao3 Feed The hobbit (Middle Earth)
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2WUTX16
by Queen_Of_TreesandStone
Zoey is stuck in Middle Earth, she helped Thorin and his company on the quest, making sure the both Thorin and the boys survived. She'd always thought she would be send back home after it was done, but now a month has gone by, and she's still here.
She isn't sure supposed to happen, until Yvanna visits her in a dream and tell she is supposed to get married.
To Thorin.
Words: 1896, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Thorin Oakenshield, Thorin's Company, Bilbo Baggins, Fíli (Tolkien), Kíli (Tolkien), Original Female Character(s), Nori (Tolkien), Bofur (Tolkien), Bombur (Tolkien), Ori (Tolkien), Dori (Tolkien), Bifur (Tolkien), Dwalin (Tolkien), Balin (Tolkien), Glóin (Tolkien), Óin, Gandalf | Mithrandir, Yvanna, The Valar - Character, Zoey Hout
Relationships: Thorin/OFC, Thorin Oakenshield/Original Female Character(s), Kíli (Tolkien)/Tauriel (Hobbit Movies)
Additional Tags: Modern Girl in Middle Earth, Thorin In Love, Idiots in Love, Falling In Love, Thorin Is an Idiot, Zoey is an idiot, many feels, But they are blind, Self-Esteem Issues, Friendship, Bilbo is a good friend, Fíli and kíli are trying to help, everyone wants to help - Freeform, Romance, Happy Ending, Post-Battle of Five Armies, Battle of Five Armies Fix-It, Everybody Lives
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2WUTX16
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grafommania · 6 years
Que avancem os guerreiros
Erguendo no alto o machado
Sabendo que cada passo dado
Está entre os derradeiros
Sob as estrelas de Varda
Os gritos de guerra ecoam
Abutres dispostos já voam
À espera dos filhos Arda
Pela a vigilância de Manwe
Há os que clamam, pranteiam
Os filhos de Eru que guerreiam
E aguardam a chegada de Orome
Mas não se ouve Yvanna prantear
Pela flora e fauna que teme
Pela terra que sofre e que geme
Sob o silêncio dos Valar
Elfos e homens guerreiam
Contra o mal que nas trevas floresce
Como erva daninha que cresce
E os corações permeiam
Ilúvatar! Ilúvatar! Ouve-nos clamar!
Tu, com tua força, teu brio
Dê-nos, ao invés do vazio,
Morada nova em Valimar.
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arawynngoldwing · 6 years
Religious Beliefs
The Dragon Changers in general:
Dragon Changers in general worship Manwë, Yavanna, Ulmo and Arien. They’re often called ‘The Masters of the Elements’ or ‘The Lord/Lady of [Element]’. They know about the existence of the other Valar and Maiar, but these are their deities. It depends on the Dragon Changer’s tribe who of them is valued most.
Manwë is the main deity of the Air Tribe.
Ulmo is the main deity of the Water Tribe.
Yvanna is the main deity of the Earth Tribe.
Arien is the main deity of the Fire Tribe.
Arawynn personally:
Arawynn has a strong hatred aversion for the Valar. 
She was taught to respect and worship them and did so well into her captivity in Utumno - until the Valar defeated Morgoth and failed to unchain them in their haste to overthrow him.
The young Dragon Changers had heard the sounds of battles. It awoke the hope they might be free soon and reunite with their families. But when those sounds died down...and nobody came to unchain them...Arawynn started to hate the Valar with almost the same fiery passion she hates Morgoth himself.
She hated them for all the countless tears the younger Dragon Changers had cried when they realized that it wasn’t over.
She hated them for the fact that this letdown was the last straw that made a noticeable number of them break and go insane - including her little sister.
Arawynn kept hating the Valar until they interfered in the War of Wrath. Ever since then, her hatred died down to aversion.
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 5 years
I'm queen under the mountain?
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2WUTX16
by Queen_Of_TreesandStone
Zoey is stuck in Middle Earth, she helped Thorin and his company on the quest, making sure the both Thorin and the boys survived. She'd always thought she would be send back home after it was done, but now a month has gone by, and she's still here.
She isn't sure supposed to happen, until Yvanna visits her in a dream and tell she is supposed to get married.
To Thorin.
Words: 1896, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Thorin Oakenshield, Thorin's Company, Bilbo Baggins, Fíli (Tolkien), Kíli (Tolkien), Original Female Character(s), Nori (Tolkien), Bofur (Tolkien), Bombur (Tolkien), Ori (Tolkien), Dori (Tolkien), Bifur (Tolkien), Dwalin (Tolkien), Balin (Tolkien), Glóin (Tolkien), Óin, Gandalf | Mithrandir, Yvanna, The Valar - Character, Zoey Hout
Relationships: Thorin/OFC, Thorin Oakenshield/Original Female Character(s), Kíli (Tolkien)/Tauriel (Hobbit Movies)
Additional Tags: Modern Girl in Middle Earth, Thorin In Love, Idiots in Love, Falling In Love, Thorin Is an Idiot, Zoey is an idiot, many feels, But they are blind, Self-Esteem Issues, Friendship, Bilbo is a good friend, Fíli and kíli are trying to help, everyone wants to help - Freeform, Romance, Happy Ending, Post-Battle of Five Armies, Battle of Five Armies Fix-It, Everybody Lives
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2WUTX16
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lledron · 2 years
Aule, Yavanna and their children.
Aule, Yavanna and their children. Headcannons:
-He was literally daddy's boy until he was 12. -He has a stuffed wolf. He's a fan of Mary Kondo. -At 17, he dyed his hair and started listening to "satin music". He was listening to anime openings. -He dreams of being an only child again. -He likes to work with his father and have his exclusive attention. -He is agnostic. He believes in higher forces. -He loved grandfather Eru very much. Until he told her he was bisexual and he took it out of the will.
Nesa: She is the baby. Literally. She doesn't do much, according to her brothers she just "annoyed mom". Everyone thought that she was part of Yavanna's menopause. She likes to pull her brothers hair.
Curumo/Saruman He is the middle brother. He is an atheist. He's closeted gay, he's afraid of how his Christian family will take him. He is the new "golden child" since Mairon had the gothic phase. It doesn't hurt to say that he's fed up. He came out of the closet at the age of 18, took out the LGTBQ+ flag and left like that on the last day of school. He returned beaten by his companions. Yvanna and Aule called an ambulance, but he asked for a lawyer. His parents supported him, but insisted that Grandpa Eru shouldn't know. Saruman agrees.
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lledron · 2 years
Mairon/Sauron,Curumo/Saruman and Melian
Modern Valar and Maia.
In this installment of the average Valar Family, we leave the chaos of Eru and her two children of hers to go to a larger family. This is made up of two very different valars and their three precious maia.
Interviewer: How often do your parents fight… sorry, your Valar? Sauron: This information is 100% not going to reach them, is it? E: It will be kept private. S: Well, since I can remember they love each other, but they fight. And it's ugly and messy and it makes me want to cry. Sometimes I do, but for fear that… they will separate. I know it's not going to happen and that divorce is a sin, but once, after the dwarves, Yvanna was gone for a week and Aule wouldn't stop crying. By Eru, I was even a bit nice to Saruman those days. E: Very well, the maia in the middle. What can you tell us about this situation, Curumo? Saruman: My name is Saruman. Well, that was the only week that you (addresses Sauron) acted decent to me. Sauron: Shut up, failed abortion attempt. Saruman: Anytime, daddy problems. Well, the fights are horrible. I literally get on top of the bed and hug what I can. And earthquakes are the worst. Once, I had to sleep with him… Not those things, degenerates! Because Melian also joined me to sleep because the ground didn't stop moving. Melian: Hey, guys… you know what earthquakes were, right? Sauron and Saruman: Sure, Aule and Yvanna fighting. Melian: Well, one night he went to see them and they told me that "earthquakes" were what the valars did to show their love. They told me that I couldn't do it between us, but that when I fell in love I would make an earthquake with someone. E: Did you make an earthquake? Why did you want to do it with them? Melian: First of all, I was very young. Second, they were doing it in bed. Thirdly, yes, I did an earthquake with someone and it lasted 200 years and the result was Luthien. Guys, don't make earthquakes. Sauron: Let's see if I understand…Do the maia come from earthquakes? No wonder Curumo came after the first one!
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lledron · 1 year
Sauron Mairon Halbrand y Alicent
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I always make the joke that Sauron is Aule's daddy's boy and keep it canon. So I have an idea:
AU Where Sauron in human form ends up in Westeros and sees Yvanna. She is Yvanna, she is the wife of dad / Aule. She is mom. And mom is crying. And yes, I'm adding to the theory that Melkor's giant spider is from Lovecrath's universe, so crossovers are possible!
Sauron can't help. Here he is nobody and he has not recovered his powers. He is sickened by the mess, by the Targaryen traditions of marrying each other. Sauron notices that Mama is biting her nails. Mom should be happy and have trees. And mom should pay attention to it and be happy with those creepy trees with faces.
Alicent does not understand who gives her personalized jewelry with the theme of Mother and Maiden. She knows Sauron. "Hello my lady"
Sauron disguises himself as a cat to attend Alicent and Viserys' meetings. He is against Otto's plan, mom is fifteen years old. Fifteen fucking human years.
This can go two ways:
Sauron kills all the dragons because Alicent made a comment that while Syrax is beautiful she would never ride a dragon. Mom is afraid, now I have to protect her, be the man of the house because mom can't be married to another man who isn't dad.
Daemon boasts that he took Alicent's virginity and is killed by Sauron. Mom is from dad.
Sauron manages to find the equivalent of Aule in this world and cheats on the parents.
Alicent is very sure she is ready to have children after stopping Sauron from conquering Middle-earth.
Sauron takes the form of a child. More shenanigans to come, now he has everything he wants, for now.
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Alicent and any poor man who is Aule in this universe, congratulations. Their son is a narcissistic sociopath who loves them with all his heart.
In another line, Alicent marries Viserys, but Mairon has not regained his power, so he cannot prevent his mother from being raped.
Sauron discovers that his siblings are nuisances, but they will give Mom more power. Mom is a goddess, a Valar, but also a 15-year-old girl.
So Sauron takes over Aegon, comforts Mum, tells Aegon he's a little shit worse than Curumo and Aegon's first word is shit.
Helena is born. And here she is different. Sauron hated Curumo for stealing Daddy's attention, but he respected Melian. He now has another sister, who is also a woman in a world of shit. But Heleana has magical potential, so he will teach her well. He will teach her to lie, to deceive, to put on makeup.
All of this happens while Sauron takes the form of a little boy so he can stay with the queen alone. Alicent hugs him and hugs from mom feel good. On one hand, Alicent recognizes that Mairon/Sauron has a connection. She loves him, she is his mother in all the universes. But her son is evil and she knows it. But he hasn't proven to be more evil than the other men.
Aemond is born and Sauron throws a tantrum. He doesn't want another brother and hates him as much as he hates Aegon for hogging Mom's attention. Then Daeron is born and Sauron screams because there is so much evil in the world! Criston Cole is horrible, but he makes mom happy. As long as he isn't platonic, Sauron will keep it. Suddenly, Sauron can shapeshift into a dragon. Since he hates Rhaenyra's bastards he plans to play a little prank at Laena's funeral. Nothing to go wrong. He just needs Aemond's help. Aemond claims a dragon and that dragon leads everyone to see Rhaenyra doing it with his uncle.
And shit breaks loose. Aemond is happy to have a dragon, the Velarions are angry, and Laenor calls for a duel against Daemon for his sister's honor.
Laenor wins and kills Daemon. Rhaenyra will go on trial for being an adulteress and Harwin will be her champion. Then Criston Cole kicks Harwin's ass. Heleana uses her magic to make Rhaenyra admit the truth about her bastards. Alicent rebukes Sauron because now there is a political mess and because his brother thought he had a dragon. "It was just a joke, mom, I didn't know it would go this far," she says with puppy dog eyes.
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lledron · 2 years
Aule / Yavanna + Mairon Curumo
Yavanna and Aule, then make love and cause earthquakes. Mairon, scared and using Curumo as a shield mair: What was that! Aule: What do we say to the Maiar? Yavanna: I think it's time to be good teachers, take them on the right path…
Aule: My children, when I and Yvanna love each other very much…we sing so loudly that the mountains sing with us. Mairon: Can you advise before singing? Curumo: Me and Mairon can sing with you? Aule: No! Mairon: Well, then I'll sing along with Curumo.. Aule: No! That's only for Valar…
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fircider · 4 years
nightly fluff sketch :)
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please ignore my inabillity to draw hands im trying ok :')
im also trying to do more traditional art but my hands nor my pencil isnt working with me sfjsjffshhfhs
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fircider · 4 years
i like how the whole silmarillion fandom just wholly agrees that melkor has shiny black hair, a pointy crown and looks tired as fuck
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fircider · 4 years
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a little late but here's nightly fluff sketch number 3 !!
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