#valar fancast
lledron · 2 years
Nienna Melkor y Adar
Melkor: I have many problems… Nienna: Do you want to talk about it? Melkor: Better hold me, sister. And don't even think about looking at the… Nienna: I won't forget your sins, brother. But I can give you comfort. Melkor: Look, I made some… orcs.
Headcanon: Nienna and Eru are the only ones who think that Melkor, his brother and son respectively can still be good. Plus: Nienna goes to comfort the orcs and meets Adar. Melkor activates as a jealous brother.
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Ninguno de los gifs me pertenece. Créditos a sus respectivos autores.
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Gwendolyn Christie as Melian
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Prompt: Alternate Universes
Title: An arranged marriage
(Pairing=> Faramir x OC)
(link in general masterlist)
Year 16 of the Fourth Age of the Sun.
The Steward of Gondor takes a new wife. Éowyn of Rohan—his first wife and mother of his daughter Elenna—lies entombed in her native land, as she died giving birth to their son Elboron five years prior. Despite her heroic actions during the War, the Lady of the Shield-Arm had always been looked down upon by her Gondorians contemporaries and her daughter, who happens to be betrothed to Crown Prince Eldarion, has been subjected to mockery, derision and even physical abuse (often due to jealousy) because of her mother's perceived inferior status. Gondorians deeply despise the people of the Riddermark and Elenna is worried her brother—Éowyn's spitting image—might one day be treated even worse than she is. In her mind, Elboron needs a new mother. A Gondorian mother. She and King Elessar arrange Faramir's marriage to Finduilas, the youngest daughter of Angbor the Fearless, lord of Lamedon. Faramir and his new bride have barely spoken to one another and Angbor only accepts Aragorn's arrangement because he opines his daughter needs to marry (she had previously rejected all of her suitors and, at nearly thirty, is still unmarried which is cause of great shame in Gondorian society). Angbor sees this as a golden opportunity, a blessing from the Valar and the two of them are betrothed at once.
They don't know one another and they don't love one another. Faramir is still in love with his late wife and only accepts to marry Finduilas for his children's sake.
Here is an edit which sums up the circumstances of their union.
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This is how I imagine them to be on their wedding day. A pretty miserable affair. She's attracted to him but she's afraid she won't make him happy and he's deeply unhappy because he is essentially getting married against his will.
They will eventually fall in love (though I suppose Faramir will always be in love with Éowyn) and will have two children, Faelivrin (named after her mother and grandmother) and Eradan. [Both of them are OCs].
I like to think of Finduilas as a slightly more refined version of Éowyn. Sophisticated, educated but also fierce and headstrong.
Here is a solo Finduilas edit/moodboard.
The silver dress you can kind of see in the moodboard is how I imagine her wedding gown to be like.
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Fancast is Laura Berlin from the tv show Vikings: Valhalla.
The Lamedon banner and the one of Minas Tirith, which I used them in the first edit. You can see them in their entirety down below.
I really like the colors and I think they complement each other pretty well.
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Additional tags:
Since I plan to be writing about them very shortly in my main wip The Lady of Ithilien, I thought I would share a few edits and keep what I have written for the actual fanfic. 😊
I think it's reasonable. Thank you for checking out this post and please let me know what you think!
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ughtumno · 6 months
Saw somone post their fancast of Silm characters so here's my own casting starting w lord visine and his husband, evil incarnate.
and with my hand upon your shoulder just as a trusted friend would do, I ask you to hear me tf out
Sauron/Mairon: Eamon Farren
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he has the PERFECT evil lil smirk, his pretty nose, and he's how I picture Sauron would look in front of Melkor and day-to-day.
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His overbite is SO CHARMING and adds to the uniqueness of his face. Just look at him. I do like to imagine Charlie Vickers as a form Sauron would choose tho, hopefully he does justice with what he's given in s2 lmfao
I also see this guy as Mairon as well, much younger looking and corruptable
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Annatar/Tar-Mairon: Stahma Tarr (Jamie Murray)
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I am head over heels. I have a particular weakness for peeps w white hair.
I like to imagine that as Annatar, Sauron presented more androgynous (to get as many ppl he could to trust him lmfao. Public Universal Friend? More like Public Universal BITCH slaps knee)
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dadd- i mean momm- i mean my liege LIKE COME ON look at her, you'd trust that face to benevolently rule an entire civilization of Men, right? No evil strings attached to those eyes.
Post-Alkallabeth: Prince Nuada (Luke Goss)
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after he got his ass beat in Numenor and thrown out of his girlboss bod, that's when he started to lose the ability to appear as beautiful as he used to but still conventionally attractive to middle earth standards.
No matter what form he chooses each time he gets injured, it remains on his body to represent losing strength. The flame in his hair is nearly gone and as he loses his power but before the War of the Last Alliance and the Eye, his hair smoldered to grey and black. Mirroring Melkor like dis:
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Melkor: Peter Steele and Keith Lee Castle
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as a goth, peter steele is such a muse for me and I'm so glad other ppl agree that he's perfect for Melkor.
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That being said, I see Melkor's face as a blend of these two.
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They both have strong features and Peter Steele's eyes and eyebrows scream disgraced Valar and that's the form he would use in front of enemies and anyone he's trying to impress or intimidate. Keith Lee Castle brings a softer, friendlier presence and for me, captures how he appears in front of Sauron and in "recruiting and manipulation" mode in Valinor and wherever else he's trying to look more friendly.
If you got this far, my apologies LMAO
I wrote way more abt Sauron (rip Melks) I'll do more Silm characters whenever I remember to :P
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sotwk · 2 months
Ok, lets do the OC Matchmaker game!
Bullet points!
🔫His name is Taughadron ("firm warrior" in sindarin) and he is a silvan elf lad, son of a brief yet proud line of silvan warriors.
🔫Having joined the armies of Oropher in the Second Age, he bravely fought in the Battle of Dagorlad only to be captured and enslaved by orcs under Sauron's command.
🔫As a slave, he was forced to reproduce and conceive uruk-hai offspring for Sauron's armies countless times.
🔫Castrated himself to ensure that Sauron couldn't further use him, was terribly punished as a result (Sauron removed his right eye and replaced it with a magic eyeball that reveals all that he thinks or feels, stripping his privacy from him).
🔫Is almost faded away, his fëa barely remains (body so thin he looks emaciated, extremely pale skin, cold body, eyes without any shine, opaque and thinning hair, fragile nails) and his body is covered in scars, with the biggest being the cut scar in the right eye all the way to the neck (he never opens this eye).
🔫Has a fatherly and kind personality, especially towards children and teenagers, but also has a certain ferocious side due to his harsh enslavement, and he also sometimes behaves in the manners of orcs.
🔫Has no more fear, does not back down anymore, and is not the kind to be commanded anymore; his loyalty towards Oropher and his descendants is all that remains from his past self as well as his hesitation to return to Greenwood due to shame.
🔫Currently lives with surviving uruk-hai camps at the borders of Greenwood after fleeing Mordor, as a dancer and bard for the richest orcs and ologs around; is under the protection of his former torturer, an olog named Az-Turduk.
🔫Can no longer fight or read, cannot run without a limp, cannot jump at all, can barely swim or stay afloat, needs to be reminded to sleep, eat and drink because he no longer feels his bodily needs; often wakes up screaming from nightmares and is repulsed by physical contact or fire.
🔫Feral traumatized gremlim, he can stomach anything and seems to not be surprised or disgusted by gore or violence anymore, and has developed a fondness for grog; absentmindedly eats small critters...
Oh boy, I hope these are not too long to be bullet points XP hope you like this poor ellon, my friend!
Oh my Valar, you really went to town WHUMPING this poor ellon, didn't you?? XD He definitely needs tons of gentle love and patience and someone with a strong heart and stomach just to lead him out of the horrors he's been through! The gentlest healer in Middle-earth would have to step up.
Do I know such a person?? As a matter of fact...
The SotWK Matchmaking Machine pairs Taughadron with:
PRINCESS ANARIEL, granddaughter of Thranduil! (SotWK OC)
The daughter of the late and great Crown Prince Mirion is so sweet and pure and innocent one might think she would faint at the history of someone like Taughadron. But truthfully, she has the strength of both her kickass parents within her, AND she happens to be an extremely skilled healer. Most importantly, only Nienna herself has more compassion than Anariel.
Of course, Thranduil will not approve at ALL, but well... <insert shrug meme>
PS. Theon Greyjoy in his "Reek" stage came to mind when I read about Taughadron. I hope you don't mind the fancast! :)
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Thank you for trusting me to match up your OC! :
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This OC Matchmaking game is part of SotWK's Summer Campfire Sleepover 2024. (Requests accepted only on July 11-15, 2024.)
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anghraine · 11 months
I've been sorting the massive amount of files I've carted over from computer to computer over the last ... uh, 15 years or so (already cleared out about 12 GB through duplicates alone!).
I just found a folder full of photos of golden age movie stars for my Silm Old Hollywood fancast I was doing yeaaaars ago, including the Valar I'd already cast (where I stopped) but also some that I'd selected for other characters (e.g. a bunch of Hedy Lamarr for Lúthien).
Lots of family photos of my cousins etc.
Austen fanart and some vids I'd downloaded! I'm kind of amused because I had made a modern AU Darcy/Emma icon for nefarious purposes, haha.
And there's a ton of fantasy art from Elfwood(!) that I'd downloaded back in my early 20s. I'm not sure all of it even exists on the Internet any more.
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westerosiladies · 3 years
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sauronnaise · 3 years
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Anubis as Mandos because I'm a big brain
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odium-amare · 4 years
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Miss Universe (2015) Vietnam ‘Phạm Hương’ as Melian
I understand we like to cast Asians for Tolkien’s universe, but I would like more Southeast Asian representation. Not just Northeast Asians and Kpop.
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alessandrapedrotti · 4 years
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Varda è la signora delle stelle, degli astri del cielo e della Luce in tutte le sue forme. Ella è la sposa di Manwë, con il quale vive sulla cima del Taniquetil e conosce tutte le regioni di Eä.
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lledron · 2 years
Aulë & Yvanna Valar To build a home
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annab99awritersdream · 7 months
Maiar in 'The Lady of Ithilien'
(to be updated with new information as the story progresses. As such, things may change)
Herald and banner-bearer of Manwë, the High King of Arda. He's among the most powerful Maiar in Valinor and the mightiest in arms. Military leader and High Commander of the Host of the Valar, he was one of the key fighters during the War of Wrath, which marked the end of the First Age of the Sun.
Birth: he entered Arda shortly after it was created.
Married to Elenna of the House of Húrin.
Fancast: Daniel Sharman
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Eönwë's younger sister and handmaiden of Varda, Queen of the Valar and Manwë's wife. Along with her brother, she's one of the chiefs of the Maiar.
Birth: she entered Arda shortly after it was created.
Eventually married to Eldarion, Crown Prince of Gondor and Arnor.
Fancast: Matilda Lutz
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Also known as Gandalf (one of his many aliases), he has served several Valar throughout the various ages of Arda. He's mainly associated with Manwë and Varda, but he also served Nienna, Valië of sorrow and compassion and Irmo, Vala of dreams and visions. (Olórin is a Quenya name and its meaning is something along the lines of "dream of mind")
Birth: he entered Arda shortly after it was created.
Fancast: Sir Ian McKellen (as Gandalf during the War of the Ring. He sticks to this form for a little while longer before switching back to his usual one); Bradley James (as Olórin)
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(they give the same vibe tbh)
Maia serving Irmo and occasionally Nienna. She's had a major crush on Olórin ever since she met him. She's not the sharpest tool in the box (sorry girl, I still love you), but she's kind-hearted and keeps to herself because no one wants to befriend her due to her perceived stupidity. SHE NEEDS LOVE AND AFFECTION, which no one has ever given her because most Maiar are stuck up and arrogant. Extremely naïve and completely clueless at times, she's been nicknamed "Wilya" (meaning airhead) by her fellow Maiar. She's obsessed with Olórin because he's the only one who's ever actually interacted with her.
Birth: She entered Arda at the beginning of the Second Age of the Sun, following the War of Wrath.
Fancast: Tuğba Melis Türk
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Maia of Vayanna. Considered among the most beautiful Maiarin women to ever enter Arda, she has been obsessed with Eönwë ever since she first saw him. They had a brief fling following the War of Wrath, which, needless to say, ended very quickly (and badly). She's firmly convinced he's still in love with her and will do anything to get him back. Her name is Quenya for "moonlight".
Birth: she entered Arda following the War of Wrath (around the same time as Wilwarin)
Fancast: Beste Kökdemir
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Maia of Yavanna. She's Isilmë's close friend (or so she believes). She fails to realize Isilmë doesn't really love her or value their friendship, but simply uses her for her own purposes. She blindly follows her "friend" and indistinctly agrees with everything the latter says or does, as she's been brainwashed into thinking she's perfect. She doesn't seem to have a mind of her own, modeling her own behavior after Isilmë, as she's afraid to lose the connection they share. She's petty and very annoying, but not inherently evil and might even redeem herself eventually. Who knows. Her name is Quenya for "the third day of the week" according to the Númenórean calendar.
(It might sound odd, but I picked the name purely because it sounds similar to Isilmë and because I like the sound of it, not necessarily because I had a specific idea. I'm terrible at naming characters, I know. Please don't be mean)
Birth: she entered Arda following the War of Wrath.
Fancast: Dilara Aksüyek
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Elenna's household
Four Maiarin ladies enter her service after her marriage to the Herald.
Originally a Maia of Vána, she is thoughtful, level-headed, smart and highly practical. Elenna is entrusted to her and she quickly grows fond of her new lady, becoming one of her most trusted servants and her main confidante. She's usually calm and collected and makes it her mission to protect her lady from anyone who might wish her harm—namely her sister Isilmë and a few of the Noldorin elves— and constantly worries about her. Her lady's well-being is her utmost priority.
Birth: she entered Arda sometime before the end of the First Age.
Fancast: Gülcan Arslan
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A Maia of Aulë, she's spunky and crafty but also naive and shy. She loves making rings and necklaces and will be gifting many jewels to her new lady. She can often be found chatting with Gimli, as she's never seen a dwarf before and wants to know all about dwarf customs and traditions (for fairly obvious reasons, I'd say). Kind-hearted and wiser than she lets on, she loves sitting by fireplaces (and lighting them).
Birth: she entered Arda at the beginning of the Third Age.
Fancast: Sophie Turner
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A Maia of Nessa, she loves dancing, nature and poetry. She's not a great conversationalist, but when she does speak, one had better stop and listen. She loves reading and will spend many hours discussing books and history with her lady. She enjoys needlework and she's quite a good painter as well. She respects Elena greatly and often reassures her. Even though they get on each other's nerves quite often, she's great friends with Naráel. She too will spend a bit of time with Gimli, but only to try and convince him that ripping down trees is inherently bad. Nevertheless, she grows fond of the lord of the Glittering Caves- she and Legolas will try and teach him how to dance. Whether they will succeed is still unknown.
Birth: she entered Arda at the beginning of the Third Age.
Fancast: Rose Williams
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Maia of Varda (the name is kind of a giveaway).
She's sweet, kind and very protective of Elenna. She often likes to remark how similar their names are and loves to recount stories that most have forgotten (star-related, of course). She was lady-in-waiting to Ilmarë before she volunteered to join Elenna's household.
Birth: she entered Arda during the Years of the Trees.
Fancast: Yasemin Allen
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tolkien-feels · 3 years
Hey does anyone want to see my very favorite hanfu for each of the Valar, since I've sort of mentioned it?
For the Valier, I mostly (but not consistently) go with Tang dynasty-inspired outfits for no reason other than it's my favorite era, visually speaking. For the male Valar, it's pure chaos because I don't actually have a favorite era for men. I'm being aggressively ahistorical about this, much like you have waistcoat-wearing hobbits hanging out with Anglo-Saxon rohirrim.
These are in no way, shape or form fancasts, so focus on the outfits only.
Beginning with the Valier and then I'll reblog to add the male Valar because image limits
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(I know this is the opposite of gray but I have yet to find something gray I like half as much as I like this)
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Bonus: Melian as Queen of Doriath
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sotwk · 1 year
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I just like this shot of Henry Cavill as Geralt that I found on Pinterest.
Because this man's face just looks amazing from any angle, I swear to the Valar. This is why I fancast him as my favorite of Thranduil's OC sons, Mirion, the Crown Prince of Mirkwood.
I think I'm starting to develop an HC that the Greenwood Elves found him so beautiful, surpassing even his parents in this regard, and loved him so much for his kindness, that he was to the Woodland Realm what Luthien was to Doriath.
Pardon my random burst of simping energy. I just really do love my OCs.
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anghraine · 3 years
I was just cleaning up the last scraps of paper I found in the great overhaul and the very last one is a post-it with ideas for the old Hollywood Silmarillion fancasts I was doing some ... uh, nine years ago.
I was starting from the beginning and had already made posts for Eru (Dorothy Dandridge), Melkor/Morgoth (Ronald Reagan), Manwë (Leslie Howard), Elbereth/Varda (Elizabeth Taylor), Ulmo (Harry Belafonte), Yavanna (France Nuyen), Aul(i)ë (Meena Kumari), Námo/Mandos (Johnny Weissmuller), Niënna (Lauren Bacall), Oromë (Sidney Poitier), and Vairë (Irene Dunne). But according to my post-it note, I also had plans for:
- Nancy Kwan as Vána
- Joan Fontaine as Indis
- Laurence Olivier as Fëanor
- Katharine Hepburn as Maedhros
- Ava Gardner as Aredhel
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keirabisexual · 7 years
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Silm Posters → Valar →  Manwë Súlimo
He was appointed to be, in the fullness of time, the first of all Kings: lord of the realm of Arda and ruler of all that dwell therein. In Arda, his delight is in the winds and the clouds, and in all the regions of the air, from the heights to the depths, from the utmost borders of the Veil of Arda to the breezes that blow in the grass. Súlimo he is surnamed, Lord of the Breath of Arda. All swift birds, strong of wind, he loves, and they come and go at his bidding. 
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