#zack reads kh days
brave-symphonia · 2 years
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I honestly find Peter Pan and Captain Hook’s relationship really interesting here. Neither of them really want to get rid of the other, deep down.
They want to continue this as long as they can.
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x-eternalmagic · 6 months
some selections from the vault (and snippets from my wip fic)
so! for those who are not following me on twitter, i recently went through my drafts for some strifehart content that i hadn't yet shared publicly! i wanted to quickly cross post so you all can see them too :)
putting it under a cut just so i dont clutter up the tag again :)
the one i had written the most for was the more recent kink meme off dreamwidth--specifically, the prompt for a superhero/vigilante au! i hadn't written very much for it (basically just the interaction below), but i had a general idea of cloud and leon's backstories. at some point, leon would show up at cid's repair shop where cloud happens to work and there'd be some fun to be had there!
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next was what i think was originally what i had planned for one of the prompts from strifehart week 2018; i think it was "witch" or "fantasy"? this one is a little more out there, sorry
but at the time, i'd recently read a fic for fire emblem fates called beyond the sea; in it, magic was kind of a rarity and the people who got power were given a brand, or star sign. i was going to do a KH-flavor twist on it for strifehart. the idea would be that cloud, squall, and tifa all worked as soldiers in a government that was hunting down these "witches" and turning them into weapons or tools of a sort. the three main ones were:
-aerith, with the mark pf phoenix; focus on healing magic -riku, sign of ifrit; mostly can only control fire as he's so young -squall, who had a rare double mark of ixion and leviathan; wind/water/lightning based magic focus, so he can basically create a hurricane at will
the idea was for cloud and tifa to find out they've been ordered to abduct a kid and defect, especially after finding out their friend aerith is also someone wanted by the government. squall, meanwhile, has had enough of hiding and kind of loses it when he finds out riku is the latest kidnap victim. they all end up traveling together, and...i had no real plans aside from that. part of why this never ended up being finished/posted, haha. the most coherent part was below, though i jumped ahead to try and write cloud seeing squall going all out with his magic
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the third is a twist on spirited away/the boy and the beast/song of the sea.
kid squall ends up in a fantasy world after being separated from his sister ellone, and is found/taken in by werewolf zack and dryad/nymph aerith. they have to hide that squall is a human and pretend he's a baby werewolf and he ends up getting found out on a big festival day. but he'd end up on a quest with cloud, who was a selkie, as a way to keep him/zack/aerith from being banished. no concrete plot ideas for this one either, unfortunately, so it's not gotten anywhere, even if i had a cool scene in my mind for squall getting outed as a human :( (but i had a track off the boy and the beast ost scoring a big fight zack gets into when squall gets found out)
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i had no other major fics planned aside from my current WIP, but here's a snippet from a drabble i was fiddling with where leon gets sick and doesn't realize it, just because i like how i used to write his interactions with yuffie
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ANYWAY here's some snippets from/about my current WIP, a song without its melody.
first up is actually a piece i had wanted to be in my main longfic, a little bit of levity, but ended up being cut. it was intended to go after the scene i have of leon and sora in song (since it was a scene that i had to cut from levity that i managed to fit back in), but with how leon's interactions with roxas and xion have changed, i had to leave it in my scraps doc! it is, generally, the vibe i kind of want for leon's relations with roxas and xion respectively
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next are just some snippets from upcoming sections, so please look forward to it! :3c
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ANYWAY if you made it all the way to the end, thanks for reading and i hope you're havin a good one :)
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thelegendofstella · 4 years
Sephiroth’s true eye color (among other things)
Ever since I got into FF7 stuff I’ve wondered about Sephiroth’s rather inconsistent eye color over the media he’s appeared in (which is a lot), and I think I finally have an answer for it, as well as answers for other slightly unexplained phenomena. Warning you now, this will be fairly long and full of spoilers for multiple games in the series, yet hopefully informative.
Sephiroth is best known for his green, cat-pupiled eyes, among other things, and that’s generally the accepted eye color for him in fan works and such. But his eyes are actually light blue, and not just mainly in spinoffs. There will be a TL;DR in about the middle of the post for one interesting point, and another at the end for the whole post in general.
Disclaimer: This isn't intended to be a "this is the right way to portray Sephiroth's eye color" gatekeeping thing, this is just an analysis of an element of character design that went way too deep and is breaking Tumblr as we speak hfsdgyfudgfsd
Evidence, theories and such under cut-- all 63 images (yes, you heard me, be warned) either come from various wikis as official art/screenshots/etc. or are my own screenshots:
In Final Fantasy 7, where this mess all started, his iconic official art has green eyes:
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But in all other art, models, etc. for the game, even the Ultimania scan, his eyes are light blue (or some sort of blue in general):
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Of course, you could argue that Sephiroth’s official art also has blue eyes if you stare at it hard enough, but at first glance it’s more green than blue, and with the amount of green-eyed art I’ve seen, I’m sure many people have just accepted that his eyes are green and nothing more.
Several other games in the main series also portray Sephiroth’s eyes as light blue, sometimes borderline colorless depending on the lighting:
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I particularly curse Advent Children for it’s washed-out aesthetic because in the darker scenes it completely masks Sephiroth’s real eye color. Thank the gods for HD screenshots.
However, there is a very interesting phenomenon that only seems to happen in Last Order, the 25-minute animated retelling of the Nibelheim Incident and Zack and Cloud’s escape 5 years after. No one seems to have noticed this yet, to my knowledge, so I’ll go through this as clearly as I can.
When Zack confronts Sephiroth in the reactor, the latter’s eyes are light blue:
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It isn’t very obvious due to the mako glow tint and his face being in shadow, but I’d think green eyes would look different here, so they are light blue. They stay light blue for a while after this, until Zack begins to fight him and parries him onto the ceiling (anime physics...), resulting in this peculiar scene:
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Light blue into green. Literally, you can see it happening in the actual video. This happens a second time when Sephiroth has Cloud skewed on Masamune, just more subtly:
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Again, light blue into green(er). Definitely something funky going on here. It goes back to light blue when Cloud tosses him away, though:
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And speaking of Cloud... he, too, shows very obvious eye color change directly after this scene, as seen below:
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In the video they are visibly, animatedly glowing, it’s not just me discerning between two different flat shades of color. Keep in mind this is before he gets mako poisoned and Jenova-celled and whatnot, so this isn’t due to SOLDIER enhancements. What gives?
Here’s my take: it’s the Lifestream. People are made of Lifestream like everything else in in the FF7 universe, and it’s common knowledge that Lifestream/mako can do some pretty weird shenanigans. SOLDIERs are literally pumped full of the stuff and have seemingly superhuman abilities, and that’s just the lower-ranking ones. But the series has also placed a lot of emphasis on willpower, which Cloud post-experimentation struggles with due to the J-cells and stuff. A lot of people with particularly bright or “glowing” eyes have expressed an incredible amount of willpower, some of which include Cloud, Sephiroth (unsurprising), and Aerith:
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Aerith’s eyes have always been incredibly bright in the series, regardless of which game you reference. Remake especially makes this obvious, as it seems like every close-up shot of her makes her eyes the centerpiece regardless of lighting, setting, etc.:
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Like, seriously, they almost seem to glow they’re so bright. But here’s the kicker: Aerith is a Cetra, and the Cetra, obviously, communicate with the Planet... or, in other words, have an incredibly strong willpower that influences things. It’s been stated before by various people and media that Sephiroth and Aerith are two sides of the same coin, but not quite like this, I think. Cloud shows a similar phenomenon in his close-up shots as well, though the artificial SOLDIER glow is most likely contributing to most of it:
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Compare these to younger Cloud in the Nibelheim flashback, when he was more innocent and had no need for incredible willpower, artificial or not:
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Going back to Cloud in Last Order, the point we can make about him in particular is that when he was stabbed, literally at death’s door, he drew on his inner Lifestream for the strength to toss Sephiroth away. People have wondered for years about how this moment was even possible besides Protagonist Syndrome, and this may be the answer.
If this is the case, then this could apply to anyone: Aerith, Sephiroth, Zack, hell even Tifa seems to have slightly glowing eyes in the Remake sometimes-- and sure, it may be just the game engine making sure we can actually see their eyes in key cutscenes... but it ties into canon lore and actually makes sense, so I’m sticking with that. It’s also not a coincidence that Aerith specifically has green eyes, too, since the Lifestream in general is green-colored and whatnot.
Midpoint TL;DR: people with lots of inner willpower can call on their own Lifestream to give them strength, resulting in “glowing” or even color-changing eyes depending on how much Lifestream/mako they have in them. SOLDIERs, for example, would fall in the latter category... the most extreme being Sephiroth.
Now that's we're back at Sephiroth, another interesting point is that his eye color in Remake is consistently light blue, or some blue variation depending on the lighting, with green centers, as seen below:
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Cloud obviously shares the same eye color pattern by this point because it's implied that he has the same if not slightly more mako in him than Sephiroth, which very conveniently also equates to him having the same if not slightly more willpower than Sephiroth.
An honorable mention goes to the Remnants, since they, too, follow the light blue with green centers pattern, appearing to fluctuate between the two colors at certain times:
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With all of that said and done, I’ll wrap this up by going through Sephiroth’s appearances in side games and other franchises as quickly as I can:
1) The Dissidia series (Dissidia, 012/Duodecim, NT, Opera Omnia) almost always portrays Sephiroth with light blue eyes in art, renders, and models, occasionally with a hint of green in them:
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A very interesting exception is NT Sephiroth's Safer Sephiroth costume, which has completely white eyes in all three of its alts. Yes, it's basically just a cosmetic costume, but it's still worthy to note for comprehensive purposes:
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2) World of Final Fantasy’s Sephiroth has light blue eyes:
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3) Record Keeper Sephiroth’s sprites are very obviously based on the original FF7 official art where he has green eyes (yes, I checked the colors by hand, they're all in the greener sections of the color wheel):
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4) The Kingdom Hearts series is particularly unique because it features a blue-eyed Sephiroth but with an explicit reason for it. Kingdom Hearts 1 simply says that Sephiroth is part of Cloud’s past, but Kingdom Hearts 2 literally has Cloud saying “I'll get him. This time we settle it. Me, and the one who embodies all the darkness in me.”, and then explicitly clarifying that it’s Sephiroth he’s talking about. Sephiroth even shares Cloud’s facial shape, which is particularly obvious in KH2 renders:
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All other Sephiroth appearances in the KH series also feature him with blue eyes, except for any usage of material from other media.
5) Itadaki Street games feature Sephiroth with green eyes:
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6) Puzzles and Dragons features a rare teal-eyed Sephiroth:
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And finally 7) All other Sephiroth appearances in spinoffs and other media feature him with light blue, blue, or rare teal eyes, except for sprites, which are (most likely) reused from Record Keeper:
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And that’s FINALLY a wrap. All my evidence for Sephiroth’s actual eye color in one place, and even a theory on why it can potentially fluctuate between that and the iconic green.
Actual TL;DR: Sephiroth’s eyes are actually light blue in 90% of his appearances, and the remaining 10% either comes from temporary green-ness or partial green-ness thanks to mako/Lifestream stuff, or spinoffs.
There is one small point I’d like to make at the end of this, and that is the remaining mystery of why Sephiroth’s pupils are even slitted and cat-like in the first place. That... is far more ambiguous in terms of evidence than the eye color. Some series, particularly the Kingdom Hearts series, have them as regular round pupils, while others sometimes if not most of the time give him the cat-like ones. I may make another in-depth analysis post trying to figure it all out, but for now I’ll say that it may just simply be a result of the Jenova cells he has or something along those lines.
If you made it this far down and didn’t just instantly scroll past my massive log of images and sundry, thank you so much for reading all of this! If you did just instantly scroll past, I don't blame you. I guess I'm in proper Sephiroth hell now, lol.
I hope you have a great day and that things turn out well for you fhjksdgfyhughuhyudfs
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
What’s your take on Cloud’s depression during AC? People on twitter are suddenly talking about this, again. This matter was brought up by those antis saying that we Clotis should accept the fact that Tifa wasn’t the one who “healed” Cloud and that she was also being mean and not considerate whatsoever. The funny thing is that, they also accused us of denying his depression and not understanding it. TF. Let’s be real, Tifa played a major part, in fact she gave him morale thx to her “scolding” lol
Hey anon.. 
Yeah, Twitter has me depressed today. I think it started last night. I was enjoying it for a bit, but the last week or two have been so bad over there with bullshit that I’m about to just take a break from the entire fandom. 
My Take on AC Cloud:
I watched AC when it first came out, and I barely remember it. I remember I didn’t like what they did. Why was Cloud so depressed and brooding? Oh Aerith is in this? Interesting. I felt like it was disjointed and removed a lot of the great progress Cloud made in OG. They kept this depressed, brooding guy in KH as well... It just didn’t seem right to me. I was young, too. 
At this point we also didn’t have On the Way to a Smile, Crisis Core, or anything else, really.. None of the Ultimanias were in English at this point. I also was not interested enough in going online. It was a weird time when I was playing other things and was meh on FF7 for a while. I was always a FF8 fangirl, so was jealous of FF7 at times hahaha. It got so much more attention and love. 
It took me a long time to watch it again. I remember my husband watching it before Remake came out and I felt mad or sad. It was like an emotion from memory, and I didn’t know why. I can’t describe it. I saw it on the TV and was like why is this on here... 
After playing Remake, I bit the bullet and ordered AC Complete, which had things tweaked and added. I also am now in my 30′s and have a lot more life experience.
Antis like to say Cloud is depressed solely because Aerith is dead and he wants to be with her. This may be one of the reasons I didn’t like AC, because when I did happen to come across some FF7 thing online, I’d see this shit and be like whatever, that makes no sense. 
I enjoyed ACC. My heart was actually pounding and I was nervous/intrigued by what was going on even though I knew the story. I haven’t read all of CoT yet, but I’ve seen the excerpts online, so I know the general gist of things.
Based strictly on ACC:
Cloud is really upset that Denzel is sick. He’s obsessively looking up medical stuff to figure out how to cure it - this is shown with everything all over his desk. He’s closed in on himself to do this. I did the same shit when my dad had cancer. I did it for three fucking years while he was alive - from the time he got diagnosed to the day he was dying. Every damn day I looked up articles, research, and theories. It’s not healthy. It’s depressing and I closed myself off from the world half the time and didn’t realize it. Thank God my husband is a patient saint. 
Cloud does care a lot about Tifa. His reaction alone at seeing her knocked out in the church is heart wrenching. When they’re brought back to Seventh Heaven, Cloud pops right up when he sees Tifa there. He then stays with her until she wakes up. This is a pretty good amount of time. The sun is up when he’s looking over her, and when she wakes up, it’s dark outside. He could have slipped out again without her noticing if he really wanted to. I’m sure he may have contemplated it. 
She calls his ass out on how he’s acting. She knows he’s sick at this point. This was huge for Tifa who’s not confrontational. He clearly doesn’t want to completely disconnect, or he would have gotten rid of his cell phone voluntarily. He doesn’t. They actually show him checking his messages. 
Ultimately Cloud leaves because he ends up with Geostigma. That’s the last straw. He can’t face the fact that he’s going to die and what it’ll do to his family, so he leaves. Listen, I think the only reason my dad didn’t try to leave when he was diagnosed was because he had nowhere to go and by time he started verbalizing wanting to leave, he was physically unable to. Yes, I remember him being angry because he was hospitalized again and he told my mom he was going to get an apartment by himself so she didn’t know when he was getting bad. It’s very hurtful to even think it, and even worse when you know they don’t actually mean it... They do it because they don’t want to see their family hurt. 
The setup he has at the church as his “living” area is super depressing. It looks like something a homeless person sets up. He legit was going to wait to die. He had a lot of knowledge about this, so he figured there was nothing he could do. 
Marlene calls Cloud out on his bullshit too. Cloud admits to her he doesn’t think he can take care of anybody. Marlene Barrret quotes him and it’s cute. I think Cloud appreciated it and I think it made him think.
In ACC, Cloud has a short conversation with Aerith. Aerith seems almost annoyed with him like “wtf is your deal, dude” kind of attitude. Zack shows up when he’s bloody and half dead fighting Sephiroth to encourage him. There are scenes with him talking at Zack’s grave and saying he couldn’t keep his promise to him. He flat out tells Aerith he wants to be forgiven. He doesn’t say I miss you, I want to be with you, none of that happens. In fact, it’s mainly her telling him HE needs to start doing some forgiving - ultimately to himself. 
When Cloud is in limbo - between living and dying - Cloud says “Mom.” Very romantic, I know. Then Zack and Aerith have a conversation very similar to a couple that’s going to adopt a child and they tell Cloud he’s too big for them. This is the “I see the light” and the person on the other side is like “nah bro go back, not your time yet.”
He wakes up, Tifa and crew is there, he smiles at Tifa... and it’s a happy ending. He sees both Zack AND Aerith at the end, and they walk off in to the light together all cute and shit.
Adding in Things from the Novels/Interviews/Thoughts:
The devs have said Cloud was happy with his family and that scared him. The happier he got, the more scared he got. We know he cherishes everything. He especially cherishes the family he has.
Cloud’s depression spiral started from the high anxiety of having a happy life and Elmyra asking him to deliver flowers to Aerith’s grave. Now, I have my feelings about this, but when I look at it logically, I don’t think Elmyra ultimately does this out of spite. I actually don’t think Elmyra thinks Cloud and Aerith were a thing - so it wasn’t that either. I think she knew Cloud was friends with her and maybe he’d want to deliver some flowers - to give him some business. 
This flower delivery reminds Cloud of what he thinks is his failure to protect somebody else. At this point he has his memories of what happened to Nibelheim, his mother, Tifa, and Zack. The Sector 7 plate drop and Aerith are the most recent “failures”. So this brings up Aerith.
Then Denzel comes along and he’s an orphan because his parents were... yeah... killed during the Sector 7 plate collapse. Double ouch. But Cloud and Tifa are going to take care of him.
Tifa herself has a lot of guilt because of the same reasons, she just deals with it very differently. Tifa tells Cloud to bring Denzel right home. She can make amends by adopting him in to her family and caring for him. Cloud thinks Aerith brought Denzel to him (Tifa corrects him). This is a Cloud thing, it’s not romantic. Cloud doesn’t know the guilt Tifa feels. He legit thinks all of this is his fault. Tifa’s guilt stems from the fact that Shinra drops the plate because Avalanche was in Sector 7 - she was in Avalanche. She feels guilty about Aerith because she thinks its her fault Aerith followed them to Don Corneo’s mansion. The thing is, Aerith doesn’t blame EITHER of them - I just wish they’d cover a Tifa/Aerith conversation about this as well... 
Cloud and Tifa do have fights in the novels from what I understand, but it’s because he’s acting weird. He feels bad hiding the fact that he’s been going to the church a lot, and I think that does turn in to a whole LTD debate. So you can take this as Tifa is jealous that he’s going to the church all the time or she’s upset that he is hiding from her. 
In the novels, Tifa has a breakdown when they go see the church after they defeat Sephiroth. This is where you get to see how badly Aerith’s death impacted her. So my thought is... Cloud thinks bringing her to the church hurts her because of her feelings, not because she’s jealous. I think Cloud is oblivious to the jealousy thing, honestly. Don’t think it’s a thought in his mind. 
I honestly don’t know the real reason why he goes to the church to hide. I think this is another point of fight with both sides. My personal take is there was nowhere else he could go and be alone. Most of the stuff had been destroyed. It was still close by, so he could still do his work and keep an eye on things/be nearby.
There is a quote that is taken to be literal, but I think it’s just a way to say it wouldn’t have mattered who Cloud was “with.” Yes, Tifa and Cloud have issues, and I believe the quote goes “Perhaps it would have gone better with Aerith, but I think her responsibility is too great. Maybe the children will help them with their issues.” This isn’t exact, but it’s the jist of what they said. The children do help them - that’s the point of the scenes with Marlene, to slap him silly with reality. 
“Oh but he sees Aerith when the building is falling.” Yes, you know why? Because he thinks that’s going to happen to Tifa. This is a “NO I’M NOT LETTING THIS HAPPEN.” moment. On top of it, I don’t think anybody would be right again if they saw this happen. If my neighbor was impaled by a large sword in their back, I’d be messed up from it. I don’t really know my neighbors. He’s not replaying this death scene in his head cuz he misses Aerith, he’s playing it in his head because it’s traumatic and he doesn't want to see this happen to Tifa. Especially Tifa. 
It’s been put in Ultimanias time and time again that Cloud’s feelings are for Tifa. I went through my Ultimania - which only covers OG - and it doesn’t say anything about Cloud’s side of the CA argument. It does say how he feels about Tifa in the Lifestream, though. 
The “He wants to die for her, see, that’s why he’s going to the church and waiting.” No, he doesn’t want to die or else he wouldn’t be so depressed. Just thinking this is fucked up on so many levels. If he really wanted to die and be with her, he’d be happy he got an incurable illness, I’d think... Cloud leaves Tifa and them because he doesn’t want to hurt him with him dying and not being able to stop it. 
The other thing that would be... weird... Zack is in the Lifestream with Aerith. They walk off together for a reason. I don’t think she’s going to just drop Zack for Cloud since the whole reason she was initially interested in Cloud was because of the similarities to Zack. He had the same sword, the same clothes, and in OG had some of the same mannerisms. I noticed the dropped the squatting in Remake - the random squatting.
The ending of ACC implies that now that Geostigma is cured and Sephiroth is (hopefully) gone for good, Cloud can be happy. I’m not saying that his smile fixes everything. I’m sure that him and Tifa had to work on things, but you can see in DoC that things seem to be much better - he’s more upbeat and happy. He’s more dorky, like he should be. 
Sorry this is long. I have a lot of feelings about all this stuff today. I’ve been seeing the fights over on Twitter about it and.. yeah. Cloud is depressed because of the fact he’s dying, his kid is dying, and he can’t seem to do anything right in his mind.
Thanks for the ask. 
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Cloud Strife
1: sexuality headcanon: Bisexual. I was trying to craft a funny Cloud anecdote to communicate it, but I was forcing it
2: otp: I’m going to take what seems the cowards way out, though it’s the truth, and say that it’s about equal between Tifa, Aerith, and Zack, and what one “comes out on top” depends on the day/the mood/and whose meta I’ve read most recently--and not always in a positive way. I could and would argue for any of the three, all of the three, in different times and ways in canon, and different aspects I enjoy in and out of canon. 
3: brotp: Cloud and Zack, hands down, but I find myself suddenly wanting to talk about Cloud and Yuffie as most underestimated, and one I hope we see more of in the Remake. Cloud may get frustrated sometimes with the in-your-face aspects of Yuffie’s personality and the theft, but I don’t get the impression that he sees her as a kid like some others do. He respects her as an equal and knows what it’s like to strike out and be on your own at a young age so desperate to prove yourself and be taken seriously. Even before he able to admit weakness to the rest of the party, including the ones he has more history with, you can have him giving Yuffie tactics for dealing with motion sickness...though now that I type this I think that he only admits that this comes from personal experience and they actually bond over it later on, so it may not apply, but some of those optional scenes on boats and airships with them are still cute/sweet and something I want to see more of.
4: notp: Used to be Sefikura. “Don’t those people realize…” yes, past me, yes they do. However that sentence ends, most of them do. Things don’t need to be healthy (or any other criteria) to be shippable. Anyway, people who know me know I, uh, don’t have any problem with sefikura anymore. My current least favorite Cloud ship also makes me sound like someone against people having fun though. Strifehart. It’s just a pet peeve because of how much it bleeds into FFVIII tags/discussions/fanfic. I mean it’s easy enough to filter out...when it’s tagged properly, and I don’t hate it as a crossover ship/KH ship. I just have a spite based aversion to Strifehart being one of the most popular Squall ships even when you are specifically talking about FFVIII, Squall/Leon being mistaken for/assumed to be a FFVII character, and so on. I don’t think it’s much of a problem in the reverse since FFVII’s fandom is much bigger, though I did see someone drop the name Strifehart in a FFVII discord referring to Cloud Strife and Tifa Lockhart and everyone misunderstand and start talking about Cloud and Squall, derailing and confusing the person who had made the initial comment since they hadn’t played Kingdom Hearts. 
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: It’s pretty much a given that someone writes an epic in the style of Loveless about Cloud and the party. This may even be something referenced in AC or DoC for as right as it feels. That’s not the headcanon, the headcanon is, though it may be expected for Cloud to hate the flowery language or the way he or someone else and the relationships are portrayed, he loves it. If it’s a book or a poem it’s on the shelf and he can quote it (if asked, he’s not obnoxious like Gen was about Loveless). If it’s a play, he’s seen it more than once. This doesn’t mean it’s fully accurate or even all that great. He just becomes attached to it. How does this fit in with his lingering guilt and depression in the AC era? Well, first off, those kinds of feelings aren’t a straight line progression, and, second off, I can see him attaching to it as a way of combating negative thoughts by reminding himself of how outside forces saw things.
6: favorite line from this character: "I'm Cloud, the master of my own illusionary world, but I can’t remain trapped in an illusion any more. I’m going to live my life without pretending” I also like his quote about how nobody chooses to live in the slums.
7: one way in which I relate to this character: Gnawing doubt and feeling that you need to be something more/better/other 
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Listen, we all love crossdressing Cloud but he’s very uncomfortable and I feel that with him. I also would be remiss if I did not mention. “Let’s mosey.” Don’t get me wrong. I think he should say this before the final battle in the remake too. It doesn’t matter if it was initially not the best translation. It’s much too late for that now. But, yeah, I think we all cringed together.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? He is a cinnamon roll, but he has his problems too.
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So you know how in kh 3 Kairi told Lea that she always liked talking to Sora even if it was just on paper? What if Kairi had written several letters to Sora that she never sent to him or gave him? Even as far back as before the events of kh 1? And what if she gives them all to him on their wedding day or sometime after?
Based on Kairi’s character file, it seems Kairi has definitely written Sora a ton of letters that she’s never given him. The character file makes it seem like it wasn’t until her letter in II that she started doing this, though... but if you want to headcanon it back even further than that, you certainly can:) Especially since I’m a sucker, who thinks some of the poetry we see in the KH series (like in Chain of Memories’ endings and the KH intros) are at least Sora and Kairi having thoughts about each other, if not outright letters to each other.
And the wedding idea is a cute one, and I definitely support it! I just want the letters to play a point somewhere down the line... and for us to know what some of them say, because not knowing what most of the Noctluna letters in FFXV said really bothered me--as I thought if they’d done that, they could have sold that romance a lot better, that was completely based on those letters!
I honestly thought that after Kairi died in KHIII, Sora was somehow going to see all of Kairi’s letters--or at least some of them. Or maybe just learn that she’d written to him--and feel even worse about the situation and regretful about things, but that didn’t happen (though IIRC, dusky-dancing wrote something amazing with that idea).
Getting a bit off-topic here, but Crisis Core made Aerith’s letters to Zack super emotional. The only one of hers he gets to read, is her eighty-ninth one to him--her eighty-ninth!--that he just happens to find, after he finally escapes Hojo’s experimenting on him and Cloud for four years. And it’s a letter where Aerith basically says she can’t write to him/wait for him anymore, as she has no idea where he is or how to try sending them to him anymore... which is sad, but I get why. Aerith had no idea what had gone on with Zack (as she’d never gotten to hear from him, as he was in a coma for most of it), and so it must have looked really bad to her. 
In FFVII--after Zack has died, and she’s surely lying to herself about that fact some, since as an Ancient she should have felt him return to the planet--she’s convinced herself that since Zack was a bit of a lady’s man, he must have just found someone else. And that’s surely what she was thinking back in Crisis Core, too! 
But when Zack gets to the part of the letter where Aerith says it’ll be the final letter, he yells: “What do you mean final?! Aerith, wait for me.” And he was on his way back to the church to her--and the Turks were actually going to go against ShinRa to save him; and Tseng had the other eighty-eight letters Aerith had written Zack and was going to give them to him... despite the fact that Tseng himself loved Aerith--...and he’s on a cliff overlooking Aerith’s church when he dies. He was almost there! ...But it just wasn’t enough. And I- I can’t. Oh, man. The ending to Crisis Core still gets to me so badly.
And I see no reason that KH can’t do the same thing to me when it comes to Kairi’s letters to Sora. Not nearly as bad, of course! I don’t want Kairi trying to move on, or either of them dying again... but surely they can do something more with them.
Maybe Kairi in the next saga just starts reading them aloud--hoping that wherever Sora is, he’ll somehow hear them and it’ll bring him home, like her first letter to him did.
There’s actually an amazing canon/AU SoKai fanfiction https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3131685/1/Melting--written right after KHII came out--where it actually took Sora and Riku longer to get out of the Realm of Darkness in KHII. Like, just getting Kairi’s letter wasn’t enough for it to work. But at the end, Sora and Riku figure out that if they chant it together it might do something... and it does. They could do something like that, maybe. IDK.
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ivalice-tifalucis · 4 years
My ramblings on FFVII Remake
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The irony never lost on me that after so many years on tumblr, I finally act on my username, actually post things related to FF.
So I finally finished FFVII Remake this Wednesday although stupidly I quitted the game before the credits finished rolling so I had to replay the last part again on Saturday. Thank goodness I already knew what to do so I only needed an hour to finish the last part. Took me 2,5 weeks and close to 50 hours of gameplay to finished as I also have real life obligation to do and couldn’t just play video game for whole day. And oh my god what an experience. As non OG fan who got introduced FFVII and FF in general because in 2006 her school best friend couldn’t stop yelling about Advent Children, who have watched Advent Children for god knows how many times even though she could barely understand the context, who felt weird at Dirge of Cerberus, and who cried stupid at Crisis Core ending, this game is beyond my expectation.
In 2015, when they announced the release, I was like ‘ oh great, finally they’re gonna make this after all’. I have waited for the remake for almost a decade at that time yet I felt empty because I was no longer care so much about FF anymore. I still haven’t even played FFXV yet I waited that for so long since the first FFVersusXIII trailer. So finally Square Enix got their shits together, great for them.
And then FFVII Remake was released. Y’know what, I didn’t even see the trailer. I didn’t care. But then covid-19 happened and I was bored. My brother kept suggesting me to buy FFVII Remake, said that the game got great reviews and I’ve waited for so long. I was like ‘ok, let’s see what the fuss is about.’ I never actually play the PS one game because 1) Never got the chance to, and when I could have the resource to play it, 2) I lost interest in FF. So it’s a good way to play a game you only read about it all this time. Then I read some of the review and bits of spoilers, because I’m that kind of person, that the game is not exactly a remake, that it’s only first few hours of original game, which quite dissapointing at first because you thought you’re gonna play like the real ans whole reimagined FFVII. And people talk about Zack. That’s what pique my interest more. I thought it’s only flashback because Zack did appear as flashback in OG but then spoilers said he’s alive??!! What??? Ok gotta have this game.
And so begin my geeky nostalgic journey. I haven’t heard The Prelude for so long and it was so beautiful hearing it on the menu. I stopped to listen to the song. Then the intro, beautiful, exactly what I always dreamed about if FFVII got a remake. Then the first bombing mission is done and Cloud met Aerith for the first time in Loveless street. And holy maholy, ‘wait, is that- omg The Promised Land from Advent Children!!!!’ Yep that sold me. No getting away from this.
By the release of this game, it brought me to realization that not every FFVII fans are keen of Compilation of FFVII which is too bad because I love Compilations with all its ups and downs. I wouldn’t like FFVII if it’s not of the Compilations. What makes FFVII far more interesting than other FF series is the mystery and big world building. Midgar is only tiny piece of Gaia compare to what we would explore in later Remake chapter. Every characters, good or bad have their own story and mystery. And while many of the backstory is explained in the OG, some of them got fleshed out in sequels and prequels. Listening to The Promised Land brought me to realize that FFVII Remake is not merely a remake but more like another chapter or maybe the first chapters that could conclude FFVII for good. Because I would love to see at least the definitive end of FFVII, where at least all the mysteries are answered. 
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The introduction of the Whispers or Arbiters of Fate during first encounter with Aerith made me realized immediately that this is what people meant when they said FFVII Remake defied from OG. I think if used well Whispers could give deeper impact to Remake. It adds more mysteries but it could also answer mysteries. Yes, including Zack’s fate. It depends on how Kazushige Nojima and Tetsuya Nomura used it. Of course I’m also a bit anxious. I don’t remember what but something Nomura did and said in the past is actually what made me driven even further from FF and honestly I’m afraid. I never played Kingdom Hearts but I heard people talk about how it becomes bumbling jumbo which I agree since that’s the reason why I never play KH because I had no clue what it is even about. Even reading the plot made my head hurts. And in the last two years I have been let down by my favorite franchises that are Game of Thrones and Star Wars sequels. However I’m optimistic because I don’t think Tetsuya Nomura would want to destroy his own legacy. FFVII is what makes him the top tier guy in Square Enix in the first place. It’s his precious baby and he has complete control over it. 
In other topic, the game is absolutely beautiful. I had doubts when my brother told me they used Unreal while FFXV used Luminous Engine which based on what I saw on youtube made FFXV so beautiful and immersive (I hope someone could explain to me why). FFVII Remake is also beautiful game within its capacity. Of course because the engine limitation there are few downs on the graphic and render. I couldn’t get over that door in Sector 7 slums looks so unrendered I thought the game had rendering delay. But overall the game has reimagined Midgar perfectly. Other than objects that you could way too easily kick, there is so little bug. Other than Crisis Core, which was only PSP game and couldn’t do much, this is the only time we see Midgar before disaster other than the OG game. And Midgar is amazing. The upper plate, the cities look modern and well planned while the slums look so lively and dense. The Wall Market is festive and crazy, the mission is also crazy. I had a great laugh and snicker all the way during this part. Exactly what I would imagine Wall Market would be when I read about it all this time. The puzzles are great. The gameplay is also great. It’s not repetitive and makes you feel accomplished. Each enemies require different approach. I sometime had to look into walkthrough so I could find a good suggestion on how to defeat certain boss, after I failed so many times. There is a need for strategy so I have to prepare what kind of materia and accessories I would use on certain character which sadly lacked in the last FF game that I played almost a decade ago, which was FFXIII. 
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The music, damn I haven’t stop listening to Hollow since I finished the game. You notice that the previous posts had me got mind blown by it. Nobuo Uematsu has done it again. He touches my heart with his music, and he has done it again. The rest of the soundtrack is also great. Did I mention that I stop for a while to listen to The Prelude? Also got nostalgic and humming along with Main Theme, Aerith’s Theme, Tifa’s Theme, Shinra’s theme, Those Who Fight.
All in all, the fact that I couldn’t stop talking about this game, to me, is indicator that this game is amazing. 9/10 (because I don’t like that they used Unreal).
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omniheim · 5 years
can be used for RP  &&  non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen  !
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1. FIRST NAME  :  ashe  .
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF  :  i  was  born  with  a  weird  disability  called  septo  -  optic  dysplasia  !    i’m  visually  impaired  with  low  vision  &  no  peripheral  sight  as  well  as  no  sense  of  smell  .
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON  :  bc  of  my  bad  vision  i  don’t  rly  pay  much  attention  to  physical  attributes  ,    but  if  i  had  to  choose  :    hairstyle  /  colour  ,    height  ,    and  ...    idk  what  else  SDFGSYUDF  ,    face  shape  maybe  ?
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF  :  teriyaki  chicken  donburi  !
5. A FOOD YOU HATE  :  mushrooms  ,    which  sucks  bc  i  used  to  like  em  but  my  ma  gave  me  buttered  mushrooms  once  and  just  the  thought  makes  me  gag  SDYFUGSUYDF  .
6. GUILTY PLEASURE  :  i  guess  some  franchises  that’re  looked  down  upon  ?    like  esp  mlp  ,    i  feel  like  everyone  will  assume  i’m  a  creep  for  watching  it  bc  i’m  a  guy  so  i  don’t  like  to  mention  it  much  but  i  just  think  it’s  cute  and  the  art  style  is  amazing  .
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN  :  ok  so  i  shit  u  not  i  have  a  sleeping  bag  on  top  of  my  bed  .    i  have  a  single  size  bed  and  i  move  around  so  much  in  my  sleep  that  the  sheets  always  ended  up  on  the  floor  so  eventually  i  just  went  fuck  it  and  used  a  sleeping  bag  .    i  plan  on  stopping  when  i  get  a  bigger  sized  bed  bc  the  sheets  will  actually  fuckin  fit  .
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS  :  i’d  like  to  say  both  but  i  don’t  think  i  have  the  heart  for  flings  ,    i  would  love  to  be  more  free  with  exploring  tho  bc  my  sexuality  is  still  a  big  question  mark  .
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE  ,  WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE  :  to  stop  being  so  dependent  on  my  mother  due  to  my  lack  of  eyesight  ,    learning  independence  is  tough  after  being  overprotected  and  i  feel  like  i’m  behind  as  an  adult  as  a  whole  .
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON  :  yes  !    but  i’m  also  very  bad  at  keeping  in  touch  LMAO  .
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN  :  final  fantasy  vii  advent  children  ,    dragon  ball  z  battle  of  gods  ,    disney’s  moana  .
12. FAVORITE BOOK  :  i  don’t  rly  read  but  i  wanna  pick  up  the  harry  potter  series  one  day  !
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE  :  an  alpaca  bc  they’re  my  favourite  but  i  also  rly  want  a  dog  !
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS   (  IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG  ,  YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL  )  :  cloud  /  zack  is  my  favourite  ship  Ever  even  outside  of  this  blog  ,    but  to  stay  on  the  cloud  train  ... cloud  /  aerith  is  probably  my  second  biggest  ship love  the  idea  of  cloud  /  barret  being  a  very  very  slow  burn  ,    just  two  dads  holdin  hands i  will  admit  cloud  /  reno  also  sounds  fun  to  explore i’m  kh  trash  and  could  literally  ship  him  with  any  of  the  kh  main  groups  adults  if  u  allowed  me  to i  feel  like  this  is  an  extremely  unpopular  opinion  but  i  like  exploring  ideas  of  a  toxic  cloud  /  sephiroth  ship  bc  rly  how  can  i  say  no  to  pure  unfiltered  Pain  with  the  manipulation  and  the    ‘  good  boy  ’    calling  and  the  whole    ‘  on  your  knees  ,    i  want  you  to  beg  for  forgiveness  ’    line  was  Too  Much  Fuel  to  the  problematic  fire  .
15. PIE OR CAKE  :  cake  but  i’m  picky  .
16. FAVORITE SCENT  :  can’t  smell  !    but  i  think  i  would  enjoy  citrus  .
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH  :  um  cloud  strife  ?    that  counts  right  ?
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO  :  japan  or  america  .
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT  :  introvert  due  to  my  own  anxiety  but  i  feel  like  i’m  an  extrovert  at  heart  .
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY  :  ooohh  yeah  .
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID  :  both  for  different  reasons  .
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES  :  what  the  fuck  is  a  video  game    (  yes  .    yes  i  do  .    the  wait  for  animal  crossing�� and  7r  is  killing  me  slowly  )
23. DREAM JOB  :  working  for  nintendo  or  square  enix  as  a  character  designer  or  writer  !
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS  :  help  my  parents  move  into  homes  of  their  own  then  move  country  and  get  myself  comfortable  ,    likely  blow  a  shit  ton  on  games  and  merch  bc  i’m  terrible  with  money  ,    try  to  set  up  an  online  merch  store  since  i  could  afford  packing  and  shipping  .
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE  :  hate  is  a  strong  word  ,    there’s  probably  someone  but  idk  who  off  the  top  of  my  head  .    as  far  as  ffvii  goes  hojo  can  eat  a  dick  .
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER  :  outlast  !    i  miss  it  sometimes  everyone  there  was  amazing  ,    one  day  i  might  rp  waylon  again  .    one  day  .
tagged by  :  @ofnibelheim​  &  @stormdive​  !
tagging  :  @giftedlegacy  /  @hivemined  /  @hercbled  /  @lunaendowment​
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
Stories with Fandoms
Hello there’  I decided to post a new post, given all the extra time I have! 
Let’s stay with quick things about myself!  -I am 23 years old and live in EST time-zone. -Usually, I have a part time job. Which is really part-time right now considering everything. -I ask that my partner and I write in 3rd Person, Past tense. -Reply/Post length can be set. As a bare minimum, I write a paragraph. More than happy to write more. 
-I am looking more than just having a ship together in a Roleplay. I want a plot. If that makes sense?  Not just romance.   Now onto the Fandoms.  Anything mentioned under, is a suggestion of thought I may Have on said Fandom. Of course, nothing here is needed to be used to build upon. We can build from the ground up.
Open to all sorts of genre themes like:
-Canon divergent,
-AU’s. What-If’s.
-Timey-Whimey problems. Groundhog Day,
and so much more.  Also, any Fandom with a *, is higher up on the list right now! All are open! *Star Wars: Considering (as time of writing this, May the Fourth two days ago), this is very fresh on my mind! I have seen all Nine-Saga Films, the Side Stories, and all the animated series of date. Not too caught on comics, thought. And my Knowledge, of the ‘Legends’ is very limited. So, ideally, I would want to stick to Disney’s Canon.  Open for all eras, to write with. Or, taking some of the Scrapped Battlefront IV art work of the What-If stuff and basing a story around them. Like Sith Luke and Leia, Redeemed Vader, etc. Or! I really liked the idea of a Imperial Navy Six like team, of Inferno Squad (Dice’s BFII). But, not have them jumps hip. Have them be Empire, ya know? *Final Fantas VII/Remake/Crisis Core:  I have finished the Remake and rather love it! I kinda hate seeing and hearing people on Youtube and online saying: Oh, its just Noruma adding his Kingdom Hearts logic to FF.  First, I don’t think KH is that hard to follow, and second. A HD remake of a story people already know, might not be so well received. Why not just play the original than? However! I love it! So, if we want anything to deal with the Remake, or the Crisis Core characters, I am so game. My good-boy Zack~ Kingdom Hearts: ‘None of this, makes any sense to me’ -Sora, Yozora.  Ahh, Kingdom Hearts. A series I love. Its precious to me. But, despite my love of all the games, and the story, I am more than happy to Re-work or Rewrite anything. Personally, I’d change up KHII alittle. Maybe go in a slightly more somber/dark route. Or, we can have our favorite characters in some AU, or Non-Canon adventure! Xion is my precious favorite character. Who is yours?  DC: First, I would mention I am a big fan of the CW shows. And, part of me (while I did enjoy Crisis on Infinite Earths, wanted a little more.) So, my first thought, would be to Re-write Crisis. One thing that really disappointed me, was the lack of Reverse Flash. He claimed, last Cross-over we would see him. And then just doesn't show up.  I would also, like more work in the fights and such. There wasn't much. Maybe more time with the Seven, who are stuck after they fail the first time around.  Another bit I wouldn't mind working with, would be the forgotten Synder Verse. I rather liked Batman V Superman, despite everything. It is one of those guilty pleasure type things. So, why not expand further where that universe was left off on? Power Rangers:  For this series, I have two major wants. (Of course, we can go in completely different route, too.) First, being a continuation of the 2017 Movie universe. I loved everything about that movie, and am heartbroken it will never go on. (Officially). Do what the cast suggested, and have a Female T.Oliver join the gang. Adapt more from MMPR.  The Second, would be a reWrite of Super Mega-Force (first by workshopping that name,) I am a fan of the Super Sentai Source of the season, and felt PR dropped the ball. We could create a new team for the pirate suits, have more Legendary Cameos and stories, and what not!  *Dragon Ball: From DB, to Z, Super, GT and Xeno-verse, I love most things Dragon Ball. I quite fancy the SSJ4 look, and Xeno style of Goku and Vegeta.  Though, in terms of plot ideas, I saw this Fan art of the Goku Black stuff from Super. However, Future Gohan was with Trunks, rather than Vegeta or Goku. I thought that could be a fun story! Or, we can play around with the Universe Six Saiynas. I rather enjoy them, so why not dive deep with Cabba, Caulifla and Kale? Persona 5/Royal:  The only Persona I have properly played; though, I am not fully done with Royal. (Aware of some spoilers, so no worries there). I love the world and characters quite a bit, so I felt the need to put this on the list, as the next entry as well.  Fire Emblem: Three Houses: I won’t lie, I haven’t finished all playthroughs yet. I was failing hard when the game came out, but given all the time I have had, I’ve been playing more! Another case of loving the characters and wouldn’t be against working out an idea!  *Pokemon: I know the games more, than anything else. Though, I have liked the concept of Re-Working Colosseum’s story. Give Wes a personality, actually. Not just the Silent-Protag trait. Maybe adapt some of the newer Pokemon into the region, as well. Explore what caused Wes to betray the Organization he worked for, what was the line they pushed that caused him to say, ‘I’m done, I can’t do this anymore,’ Perhaps we can even given him a reluctant attitude towards it. Not trying to stop Snag’Em, rather trying to keep his head down low at first.  Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Quick note, I am not fully caught up with Part-8. Thank you.  That’s it for now! Again, anything here is not needed. We can build from the ground up!  My contact stuff, as I do like using Email first, before maybe moving to a different platform, is: [email protected].  If interested in anything, let’s get in touch! Thanks for reading!
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brave-symphonia · 2 years
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Love that Zexion gives him fermented fish viscera, and he just happily eats it.
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the-memoirs-of-a · 5 years
rules : name your top 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms (I have read fanfic/spent money on 😂) and then tag 10 people
Tagged by @lostcauses-noregrets and @eruri-lovechild 😘
Oh boy.....my age is about to show..... maybe (I omitted characters from the DC and Marvel Universe because too many crossovers)
Commander Handsome...... always
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Zack the Puppy/Reno (FFVII)
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Sand Siblings (Naruto) - The deadliest bunch of dorks Suna has ever seen
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Rikku (FFX)
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Isa/Saix (KH)
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Thranduil (The Hobbit)
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Sesshomaru (InuYasha)
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Uta (TG)
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And my first fandom Minako (SM)
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@missmayhirai @story-kat @roxi4 @simibraun @varrix @minxiebutt @haysillustrations @lucife56 @idrawr16yt @eruri-happy-days
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ezrisdax-archive · 5 years
Honestly I can’t wait to see all the aus. Like I know there’s gonna be flower shop aus. But like bodyguard aus or fake dating aus I can’t wait to see them!
honestly I’m wavering on dipping my toes in writing for them, I want to but also writing for a new pairing is scary. but there’s so many possibilities!!
I mean like obv I’m biased but the KH au where they’re dating
absolutely fake dating and aerith is just delighted at the whole concept of it and telling everyone how great her girlfriend is and whoops - it’s real
au where tifa joins SOLDIER instead of cloud
tifa’s a boxing teacher and aerith is new to her class
playing on the flowershop au, aerith starts bringing tifa a flower every day that has a specific meaning and tifa cannot read flower but they’re very pretty and aerith is very pretty
au where they get to meet before cloud shows up and are already in a relationship by the time the events of the game start happening
you’re absolutely right they need a bodyguard au too, maybe one where the cetra’s didn’t die out and aerith is kinda the face of them currently and being targeted so tifa gets hired to protect her
I don’t know why but I like the idea of an au where aerith works as a fashion designer and tifa always ends up finding bits of ribbons and scrap fabric in the pockets of her clothes because aerith keeps stealing them to work in
the meet at pride parade au
that au where they start to work together to get cloud and zack together, realize they’re the ones in love and tell the guys just to work it out themselves because they have better things to do (like each other)
I’m weak and I’m me and I love a star trek au
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
Hey! I just newly found out your acc and so far, I’m loving your posts/analysis. Idk if you’ve already answered or been asked this question but... how did you become a Cloti fan and the reason why you stan them (like what did you like about their tandem etc)? I’m just curious about your “journey” lol. Anyways, keep it up and have a nice day 😁
Hey anon! Thank you!
Oh you want me to ramble! I can ramble about this. Adding a Keep Reading!
You know, I’ve thought about this a lot today because of a conversation on Twitter. I can’t say I TRULY remember much about when I first played FFVII prior to the other pieces of the compilation coming out, things I saw in passing online, or other things that probably have affected how I remember it. 
My Thoughts on What My Journey MAY Have Been
I played FFVII 20 years ago. Of course I THINK I remember how I felt about everything, but the more I do seriously think about it, the more I think the bulk of my opinions have been impacted by multiple different areas over that 20 years. On top of it, I’m not sure anybody who didn’t stay very active in the fandom would fully remember what went on 20 years ago with the game, nor could you truly remember what you felt prior to seeing everything else. It impacts your ability to say “Yes, I was this way, 100%.” 
I wasn’t the biggest FFVII OG fan. I liked it a lot, but I preferred FFVIII and Xenogears by far. Those were the two I focused on the most. In terms of things like FanFiction, for example, I didn’t read Cloud and Tifa or Cloud and Aerith ones, I read Vincent x Lucretcia ones. As an adult, I appreciate FFVII OG much more.
I recall not being the biggest fan of Aerith, and I honestly don’t remember how I felt initially about Tifa. I do remember it feeling like it came out of left field when suddenly she’s in love with him in Mideel (we know it wasn’t sudden, but there was no real obvious buildup to me). If I’m being completely honest, I don’t think I cared at all about who Cloud “ended up with.” My assumption - and this I can say with certainty - was that Aerith died, so that was that. There wasn’t a relationship past that, nor could there be. She was dead. 
Playing FFVII first, but FINISHING FFVIII first may have impacted this opinion as well. FFVIII was in your face romance. FFVII was not. There are a lot of people (myself included) that felt there was very little romance in OG. However, as with all of the other games I played, I did not question the story much at all. Cloud and Tifa have the Lifestream, which I do remember being like “WHAT?!” over that reveal of Cloud being a Shinra Soldier, not a First Class SOLDIER, they have some words Under the Highwind, and then at the end he catches her from falling. The dialogue during the ending bothered me because it made no sense to me at that point. After seeing the original story board, I can see why. I don’t think that was the intention, but for some reason they changed it. One thing I’m pretty certain on is that I got that weird feeling in my stomach where I got annoyed over that line. 
I can recall being weirded out when people said that Cloud and Aerith ended up together, because I remember her dying. In life, 21 year old’s don’t pine for somebody that they knew for a month. That’s just reality. I’m not saying he didn’t feel anything for her, but it still weirds me out that people are okay with thinking he’d shut down and/or take more extreme measures to “reunite” with her, that I don’t even want to get in to. I will say that CA fans were much more vocal online, which I think is why folks like me who didn’t care never really got involved in online fandom. I never understood how it would make sense after beating the game, but I wasn’t the only one who assumed they did something weird at some point and made it where they could be together. I just didn’t care enough to look in to it. 
My sister actually said to me, “Isn’t he with Aerith?” And I said, “No, but I had the same feeling at one point for some reason, and have no idea why.” And I reminded her Aerith died and she said “You’re right.. why would they be together?” Shrugs. I honestly think at one point I assumed they pulled a FFX and revived her in some offshoot game I didn’t play and that’s why people were saying CA.
Oddly enough, I think when I played KH and KH2 it made it obvious to me that they weren’t really pushing CA at all... even though I know some use those games as an argument. Mind you those are NOT canon to the FFVII Compilation, but I found it interesting that they bring in Tifa for KH2 and it ends up that a) Cloud was looking for Sephiroth and b) Tifa appears to have been his light. Even they way Aerith acts towards Cloud in KH never felt romantic to me at all. 
Why I Like Cloud and Tifa
I like Cloud and Tifa because their relationship is very complex. It’s not flowers and sunshine like a lot of the FF romances. Not to say those don’t have drama - I mean Tidus is technically a dream, but they “revive” him anyway later on (never felt right about this, by the way... but I accepted it as part of the story). 
Even in OG, it’s shown that they have quite a history, and Cloud pretty much has built all of his life decisions around Tifa. I do laugh every time I see the meme of the Lifestream and it’s all “Tifa Tifa Tifa”. I believe, I truly do, that the intent in the Lifestream was to make you realize that Cloud had a false persona up until he breaks at the Northern Crater, and once his TRUE SELF is revealed, along with it comes his true feelings. So up until that point, when you, as the player, could make decisions for Cloud and move him in a direction you thought was YOUR CHOICE, it’s not. It was an illusion. 
I, in no way, thought that eloquently 20 years ago. However, I realized that he was in love with Tifa (which I thought was interesting for some reason) and that he created this fake personality to protect himself. The game doesn’t go into it much past that point, you get Under the Highwind, really, as a follow up to the feelings part, but that’s it. So I never saw the romantic aspect of it all as super important - it’s a nice to have.
Remake, however, really does seem to be pushing a more romantic angle, which ultimately made me a hard Cloti stan. I can’t say I WAS one before, even with all the “wait, is he with this or that one?” I never really thought he ended up with anybody TRULY except Tifa, but, like I said, I just didn’t care.
REMAKE MAKES YOU CARE ABOUT ALL OF THESE CHARACTERS. Like a lot. So I didn’t like Aerith in OG - I love Aerith in Remake. I love her relationship with Tifa, I love her sassy, judgemental attitude and her trolling of Cloud, because it’s hilarious. I don’t agree with EVERYTHING,  but she’s by far better for me than she was in OG.
So Remake definitely made me go “holy cow” on the Cloti stuff. IT’S SO IN YOUR FACE. The Train Roll, the touching, the staring, the longing, the flirting. Even if you go the Aerith route, you can’t avoid a large chunk of that. You can skip all of her side-quests and still have a boatload of Cloti. Remake made me love the pairing and love all of the characters. 
Cloti is now by far my favorite media pairing. When you compare it to Squall and Rinoa or Tidus and Yuna it seems much more interesting. Yeah, I’m saying it, and I’m a huge Squinoa fan. BUT - Remake didn’t make me care until now. Remake had me start researching the compilation, to understand where this and that came from. Folks on here have explained things that I may have missed or previously didn’t care about. 
I also have a hard time with CA now after all of the compilation stuff. CC and ACC made it clear that Aerith loved Zack. This is NOT obvious in OG. The only references you get about Zack are “we weren’t that serious” when it’s first brought up in the park, IF you take Aerith with you to Gongaga, then she’ll say he was her first love, and Zack’s parents will say he wrote home about a girlfriend. None of that makes you believe that there was anything really serious between them.
CC clears that up, ACC reinforces it. After that, I can’t mentally do it because of the whole “bro code” thing. If Aerith knows Zack and Cloud were best friends, I can’t see her simply saying “cool I’ll just go with him now.” If Cloud was aware that his best friend was Zack, I don’t think he’d go with her. Prior to that, I can see why people would be okay with it. After finding out everything we know about how close Zack and Cloud really were, I can’t do it. This is a personal thing to me, it doesn’t mean I think nobody should ship CA. This is just how I view it, and I can’t see Aerith OR Cloud being okay with it if they were aware of it. This is also my view post compilation.
Remake reinforces, even further, the whole Zerith thing. As somebody who was meh before about them, I love them now. Remake makes you really look at the whole compilation if you’re not totally familiar with it or haven’t seen/played something in a long time.
So yes, I am definitely a Cloti stan, and probably always may have been, but just didn’t care until Remake. 
But aside from all that - I took it as True Cloud’s One True Love was Tifa - and that’s part of what comes out in the Lifestream. So I don’t think True Cloud would have dropped Tifa. 
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makoskies · 5 years
character analysis
* Disclaimer: This is based off of a lot of my own headcanons of Zack and canon divergent verses where he lives post-game. Also, this is just a really long post. Proceed with caution.
tagged by: @culturedconjurer​ THANK U FOR TAGGING ME IN THIS this was a lot of fun!!!! tagging: @sweettifalockhart​ @gunsandpuppies​ @nymphatragicae​ @officiums​ AND WHOEVER ELSE WANTS TO DO IT!! INDULGE ME!!!! LET ME READ ALL UR HEADCANONS ABOUT UR CHARACTER(S)!!!!!!!
full name.  Zack Fair pronunciation. zæk fɛər nicknames. Puppy, Pup; best not to call him this unless you’re Angeal or someone else that’s close to him.  height. 190 cm / 6′3″ age. 16-26, verse-dependent zodiac. Rat (1984) languages. The nebulous canon/common language of the FF universe...
hair colour.  Black eye colour. Mako blue-green skin tone.  I headcanon him closer to a tan like his Crisis Core overworld sprite, in comparison to his HD renders. body type. Mesomorph accent.  Not exactly sure how I would want it to sound, but he has a kind of country twang from his village of Gongaga in which he sometimes slurs his words and uses some interesting contractions. After a few minutes of speaking to him, you can definitely tell he’s a country boy. dominant hand.  Right. Being part of SOLDIER though, Zack was trained to be proficient with his left as well. posture.  He has pretty good posture, especially good during combat, but when he’s in a casual setting he does let loose. More often than not, he’s bounding with energy, even to the point of nervous energy, and speaks with lots of body movement. scars. The telltale X-shaped scar on his left cheek and various ones all over his body from combat. tattoos.  Sticking true to my brand, I’d really like for him to have one on his back... maybe a combination of angel wings, flowers, wolves... [vague hand gestures.] It would be a combination of things that represent his closest friends. most noticeable features.  Definitely the Mako eyes and the fact that he just can’t seem to sit still for more than five minutes. You can almost see his eyes glow brighter when he’s physically stimulated as if they’re trying to release the overflowing energy in his body.
place of birth.  Gongaga in FFVII-verse; Radiant Garden in KH-verse hometown.  Same as birthplace. birth weight / height.  He was probably a smaller baby who ended up going through some crazy growth spurt in his teenage years. manner of birth.  A normal birth, nothing exciting. His mom probably gave birth to him in their home in Gongaga with the help of a midwife. first words. Probably something like.. “Go!” siblings.  None. parents. Both alive, at least until the Reactor nearby is blown up by AVALANCHE. The explosion kills both his parents in the process. This is something I really want to explore with AVALANCHE roleplayers because it’s one of the few times Zack would be full of sheer anger. parental involvement.  He was definitely pretty close to them, writing back to them while he was enlisted in SOLDIER whenever he could. Zack’s parents also ask about him when the party visits Gongaga in FFVII. They definitely love him but they let him do his own thing, not like they could really stop him even if they wanted to.
occupation.  Timeline and verse dependent. SOLDIER 2nd class to 1st class in FFVII-verse, helps out with the Strife Delivery Service post FFVII; Radiant Garden Restoration Committee in KH-verse current residence. Timeline and verse dependent. Gongaga pre-FFVII:CC, Midgar FFVII:CC-FFVII, Edge post-FFVII. Olympus Coliseum KH:BBS, Radiant Garden KHII-III. close friends. Verse dependent. Angeal, Cloud, Aerith, Tseng, and Cissnei in FFVII:CC (we must also remember Kunsel!), the whole main party in FFVII. The Radiant Garden Restoration Committee and the Wayfinder Trio in KH. relationship status. In my headcanon, he’s in a really happy poly-relationship with Aerith, Cloud, and Tifa. But in terms of this blog, it’s verse dependent. financial status.  Probably pretty well off. Still not as good as the Turks though. driver’s license. He definitely should have one as SOLDIER. criminal record. ... Ambiguous after he escaped from Hojo’s lab, at least according to Shinra. 
sexual orientation.  Bisexual romantic orientation. Biromantic preferred emotional role.  submissive  |  dominant  |  switch  |  unsure preferred sexual role.  submissive  |  dominant  |  switch  |  sex repulsed libido. Average to high turn on’s. Zack is a very tactile person, so making out and general intimate touches for sure, ranging anywhere from like gentle kisses to more NSFW behavior. He’s the type to initiate these touches, sometimes in public if his partner is into that, and delights in his their reactions. Dirty talk and teasing is also high on this list because of those reactions ESPECIALLY DURING COMBAT. Honestly, he’s pretty easily turned on but he’s only intimate with people he really loves. turn off’s.  Any.. extreme kinks.. I don’t think he would be into things like degradation at all. People who are insincere or needlessly mean. love language.  P H Y S I C A L T O U C H and words of affirmation as a secondary. Like for example, how does Aerith comfort him after Angeal’s death? She hugs him, and he responds by leaning back into her. He doesn’t talk, doesn’t make a sound past his cries, but he lets her know what he needs by returning her touch. Even in his own death scene, he can barely move, but he pulls Cloud close to him, the closest thing to a hug he can muster, like he’s trying to show Cloud how important it is that he continue to live and to chase his dreams. I feel like physical touch is so important to him because sometimes.. sometimes there are things that he can’t put into words, not to the extent that he feels them. He wants people to feel how he does, and what better what to do that than through touch? relationship tendencies.  He is admittedly a little bit of a flirt, but only if he’s not currently committed to someone. It’s not because he’s a player or a heartbreaker or finicky. No, it’s more like he just sees the good in everyone and sees a lot of people as deserving and worth loving. Over time though, as he gets to know someone more, he’ll figure out if he actually wants to be committed to that person. He’s likely to be the first to confess and ask someone out once he’s interested. Once he’s committed, holy hell you will find no one more loyal. HE WOULD LITERALLY DIE FOR HIS PARTNER(S) OKAY!
character’s theme song. "The Price of Freedom” from the Crisis Core OST, of course. If I had to choose a theme song though... Like Not To Be Me (TM), but I think a good theme song for him would be “Bishops Knife Trick” by Fall Out Boy.  “I got a feeling inside that I can’t domesticate/ It doesn’t wanna live in a cage/ A feeling that I can’t housebreak.” I feel like this lyric just really captures Zack’s... almost desperation to accomplish the goals he’s set for himself in life. He’s a little reckless, a little headstrong, and his impulses can get the better of him, but that’s just who he is. “And I’m yours/ ‘Til the earth starts to crumble and the heavens roll away/ I’m struggling to exist with you and without you.” And of course, he’s fiercely loyal to the people he loves—even when they test his morals and understanding of the world, like Angeal. He struggles to understand Angeal’s view of the world, of himself, but no matter how difficult it is, he just keeps trying because he loves him. hobbies to pass the time. SQUATS ALL DAY EVERYDAY BAYBEE. Definitely exercise and sports. He’s also really handy, as can be seen when he crafts that little flower cart for Aerith. He probably just ends up making a lot of things for his loved ones to make their life easier: a flower cart for Aerith, armor for Cloud. He also would very much absorb the hobbies of his loved ones, like Aerith’s gardening. mental illnesses. After all the shit that goes down in Crisis Core, I think he would have some form of PTSD. He wouldn’t do well with loud, sharp sounds—too reminiscent of the sound of bullets. He would also probably have night terrors. To be honest though, I’m probably going to stay away from writing things like this because I’m just not educated enough in it. physical illnesses.  None really, though he may be a little screwed up because of the intense exposure to Mako during Hojo’s experiments. left or right brained. Right. He’s much more inclined to follow impulse and instinct. He definitely trusts more in what he feels than just the cold hard facts. fears. His loved ones being in danger and not being able to do anything about it. Maybe worse than that though would be having his loved ones be in danger, being able to protect them, but failing at it. His whole mantra is that he wants to become a hero, he wants to save other people from danger. For him to fail at that, at the cost of the people he personally loves, that would just destroy him. self confidence level.  I would say that Zack is more self-confident than the average person—that just naturally comes with his ambition—but it comes with moments of extreme self-doubt. Despite his appearance, he can be awfully introspective, especially in the face of failure. During these times, it’s more of his ego that pushes him along (I’m a Second Class SOLDIER, of course I can do these things. I’m strong and outdid most of my colleagues during training, etc.) until he kind of restores that genuine confidence. vulnerabilities. Zack is forgiving and empathetic to a fault. Like I mentioned earlier, he always sees the good in people even when, in my opinion at least, they’re beyond saving. If someone played the long game with him, convinced him that they were this good, redeemable person, they would very much be able to get him on their side. Zack is by no means unintelligent so he would of course see through like poor attempts at deception, and it’s not like he would just mindlessly do something because someone told him to... but if someone played the game right, the potential to manipulate him is very much there. And also, because he’s so empathetic, that forces him into a lot of tough situations where he has to make a decision as to what is right and wrong, what he should and should not tolerate. Even if the decision might be obvious, it doesn’t mean it’s an easy one to make.
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sinnhelmingrmoved · 5 years
@destinysthralls said: 📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜 ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli
Hel and Fang are both polearm fighters. Why not have some sparring with a bet riding on it? A lil fun a lil flirty mostly getting a good sweat going. Get up close and personal trying to take your opponent down and get your way.
One more day until Vanille has to go out and find her new purpose. Time to spend it doing everything they can together until she has to go. Hel not wanting tears, but a happy memory to bookend Vanille’s time with her.
Hel doesn’t know shit about men and here comes Snow crashing in on the squad and giving her a crash course on the human male. Odd friendship ensues once they learn to get along with each other.
The chocobros gain something of a guardian angel, a false friend and ally who merely ensures parts are played and that Noctis is poised to do what her lover requires of him. During all of the subterfuge, two devoted servants to a royal start to bond.
‘I’m being held hostage by this small child and I don’t even mind please introduce me to Chocolina because I hear she is the best thing in the world next to you’ ; or, how Dajh is really good at this friend making thing.
Gladio got his ass beat by the divine once and is not over it, why won’t you face me in battle again you coward? And quoth the Messenger, boy, you would literally die if I came at you again.
Hel has been a part of Aerith’s life, never constant but coming and going as she can. She knew a daughter imprisoned, a girl in a church, and only at the end does Aerith come to realize what was truly hanging over her head -- and how it pains higher powers.
Everyone is on high alert that someone broke into a base and stole Ardyn’s car because it cannot be located. Hel rolls up two hours later in custody with smoothies and a lot of explaining to do because she just wanted to drive the car you monsters.
Cloud and Hel are both traveling worlds looking for people who are important to them in some ways. Hel could use his strength if he could use her connections as they move between KH worlds seeking the lost.
Axel and Saix are itching for a throne to throw as Hel struggles to run her own games behind the scenes. They soon become players in a cat and mouse scenario to obscure their exact motivations while forced to play along with Xehanort’s own ideas.
Hel becomes very intrigued by Barrett’s goals and ultimate success. What do you even do with weird goth chicks that know too much and are a little too happy to see you? What does she mean by she has a message from a friend?
She promises Zack will live on, but he’s not too pleased with the reality of that statement back on Earth. If Aerith is bad about bartering to go back I just imagine Zack is that but on crack. And now Hel is Suffering.
Hel becomes a north star to Xemnas across whatever time he finds himself in, always ready to welcome him back, always ready to listen. So what happens in a time when she cannot be found?
Even gets ‘adopted’ because Hel is just in love with him and his brain. Featuring Even actually having to answer to someone older than him and them talking lore and science for hours as their schedules allow.
Get your contract buddy ATW doesn’t deserve you and I’m taking all of you back to my realm where y’all will get some RESPECT. Yes, Aeleus, you are included in this staff breakout. No she won’t explain herself.
What better way to protect the future than gaining some divine backup? Hel would be happy to help Hope with his goals if she can stop asking who let a child run an organization on his own. No ma’am he is in fact an adult--
‘I don’t know if I kidnapped your moogle or if your moogle kidnapped me but apparently you needed something and I’m sorry for distracting the creature, how can I possibly make it up to you Serah?’
Rude is supposed to be keeping tabs on some kind of creature sighted in certain regions. Hel is less than thrilled with the surveillance, and starts playing games with Rude that leave him questioning if he has been compromised or not.
A Queen of Darkness and a Princess of Light come together in a sort of mentor-student arrangement where Hel can help Kairi grow stronger if Kairi will help get her up to speed on what the fuck the plot outside of the Organization even is to her.
Two immortals spot each other from across the castle despite the bodies they wear, recognize each other’s hearts, and start to roast the shit out of each other: A Hel and Xigbar story.
Local Guado Wants To Crack The Code Of How Lulu ‘Does That’ With Her Puppets, Starts Staying Almost Up Her Ass, Romance Ensues as They Discuss The Journey, Craft, and General Gayness.
A young Guado smells something Hinky on a not so local Guardian. No, Jecht, she will not be so easily put aside. She has the good booze and she will get answers, even if they are all fake.
Hel reunites with a Guardian she met in passing some years ago, and He Reeks of the Farplane. Not that it’s her place to judge. She’s just as curious as ever and willing to listen if he ever wants to talk about what he is.
Two outsiders to the Human majority of Spira band together and will not be separated. Hel is willing to share her spiritualism with Rikku if she will repay in kind with talk of Machina and her native tongue.
Hel actually hearing Dona out and seeing past her antagonism to the fact she’s still willing to undertake a Pilgrimage to try and save the world. Someone actually treats Dona politely. That means the world to me.
SHIPPING! (not necessarily our muses shipping together just shipping as a component of our muses interacting)
Hel discovers that Fang’s breaking point is softness and non-sexual PDA in public. So she continues to press this killswitch for her own amusement on a date night, letting Fang be both loved and mortified the entire evening.
Hel and Vanille get a pet, and then run through conversations they can have to convince Fang this is clearly the best idea ever and not trouble waiting to happen. Just a small domestic fluff about adding to their little family.
When your wives are very important and busy so you get to stay in all night and brag about how much you love them to another work widow(er), or how Snow and Hel don’t worry and just accept they are bonded to actual goddesses.
Hel tries to discern the exact relationship dynamics of the Chocobros and is chided for having ‘shipping goggles’ on. So she goes to Ignis to clear up any confusion. Shenanigans ensue as she either holds the crew dead to rights or is hilariously off the mark.
‘What does ‘If I Had To Pick a Dude’ even mean?’ ‘That you are overthinking a party game and making it weirder than it has to be.’ Or, did she actually mean anything by that or was Sazh just the most tolerable man present?
‘STOP LOOKING AT MY BONER WHEN WE FIGHT’ Or, does Gladio actually mean anything by that or is getting the blood pumping simply messing with his body in ways he cannot control?
Hel calls it Aerith’s Girlhood, a place set aside, a bed in a field of flowers, a sky sheltering and painted with false stars. She makes it soft for her. This is the way of courtship, isn’t it? I read a lot of Gluck and I need a ‘Myth of Devotion’ plot for them.
For ten years, she is the Night’s Queen, though he will not call her that. She is a consort, wearing the crown of an ancient queen, wandering broken hallways, watching him slowly come undone. And she loves him still. Ten years is nothing next to two thousand.
‘So what does Aerith mean to you?’ ‘A lot.’ ‘Oh. What does Zack mean to you?’ And she understands perfectly what his exhaustion with questions means. Road trips and the inevitable embarrassing romantic questions.
Axel and Hel both understanding what it is to watch the one you love battle with themselves, to become a stranger at their cruelest. Share a smoke. Waste the night playing ‘Yes, But’ with someone that understands.
Barrett’s very handsome, and she is very lonely, and she thinks he is a wonderful person. Does he have any plans, now that the Apocalypse is over? Or, she keeps getting weirder and keeps haunting his door.
‘So, you and Aerith, is that going to make things awkward?’ Hel thought she was tired before she started a relationship with both her Persephone and her Knight. Hel is, of course, entitled to be wrong. And exhausted. So very exhausted.
Hel presents Xemnas with an offering that must mean something to him, in what he knows of the old man’s life. She will have him always, if permitted. The question is, will he agree to sharing the Paopu to seal the deal?
‘Isn’t it slightly unethical to date your boss?’ Even is a grown man but Hel cannot help but tease his long term ‘thing’ with aforementioned Boss. But it’s also nice to hear of another side of the Sage King.
‘I will give you many munnies if you will escort me to this fancy dinner because your partner in crime is already spoken for. No, Aeleus, I did not say as my body guard. I said as my escort.’
‘You know, people really like that vulnerable, sensitive thing you have going on.’ ‘This is the last conversation I ever want to be having.’ Or words to that effect. Hel ribs The Baby for being a bit of A Babe when grown.
Please explain to Hel how your relationship works because she is fascinated by the fact someone looks at Snow and said yes, this is where I have chosen to lay my affections for life.
Surveillance Creeper happens to crash an anniversary dinner Rude arranged by sitting a few tables away, observing but never interfering, apparently minding her own business but she’s just THERE SHE’S RIGHT THERE.
Mombie talks to baby about relationships and girls and boys and just has a nice heart to heart about it all. Based on that one Kairi-As-Ansem’s-Daughter idea that I’m still so pumped about.
.Hel and Xigbar make a bet about the relationship status of two of the Foretellers. Both try to doctor the narrative to suit their own take on the pair, obscuring fact, fiction, history, and near fanfiction.
The morning after a ‘There Is Only One Bed’ trope, and how both actually feel comfortable and at ease after so long alone. Can be before relationship or their first night alone together in the same bed, but consider it, won’t you?
Hel has a discussion with someone that Summoners getting involved with their Guardians is completely natural. She talks like she has experience. Well, yeah, not personal experience but -- and someone’s brain breaks at what she is implying.
Hel feels sad about Auron being the only one left, having lost two people he loved. Two people who have lost a lot in different contexts just have a comforting moment together to not be alone. Not romo but more based on lost romo.
‘So tell me about this Paine I’ve heard so much about :))))’ or, Rikku comes to realize she has been adopted and her Guado Mom wants to meet the GF. Chaos can completely ensue coming off of this.
Dona’s pretty and Hel is gay, that’s all I got. Literally anything could happen up to and including Hel making a complete ass of herself trying to either avoid Dona or interact with her without throwing off pheromones.
Hel is some kind of figure in the spotlight -- a socialite, a performer, someone of note. Fang is her bodyguard here to keep her safe. No one would ever guess at what happens behind closed doors, the tension that runs between the two of them in spite of contracts and official relationships.
Breakfast club college AU. Just a couple of girls trying to get their shit together and honest to God looking like a modern take on the eponymous movie. They love each other and are here to do kegstands.
Hel is snow’s weirdo neighbor in their apartment complex but damn if he doesn’t know ho to bring the community together. Sometimes in the worst ways, but hey, anything to kick goth chick out of her shell.
Ignis and Hel are rival spies. They play long games and pursue the same leads, each trying to end the stalemate between their respective countries. Both are also far closer to the ruling class than they allow the other to believe.
Hel is just a simple pediatrician. Dajh is a very adventurous boy with a very invested father. At this point Sazh is on her Yule card list, and the two strike up a sort of friendship after hours.
Gym bro/personal trainer Gladio gets a knew client that is too tiny too delicate for this world. That is exactly what she is here to work on. Time to get swole little chronically ill stick woman.
Local witch swears that Aerith’s is the best place to get ritual plants and flowers despite ribbing claiming that she has a crush on the owner, but that crush theory really starts to hold water when the plant Hel really really really needs once is a... succulent.
Ardyn’s the beautiful but chronically ill next best thing in art, fashion, or film. Hel is his nurse and constant companion, the only one that gets to see the man behind the glamour when he is at his worst. Romance ensues.
There’s only one thing above an Angel, and she has come to offer herself to Cloud in his world-saving pursuits. If a covenant can be forged, then who knows what he will become, but at least this ghost will be real.
Yeah it’s awkward for our partners that we moved in next door to each other, but that’s really Isa and Xemnas’ baggage. I, on the other hand, like you and want to be friends. Or, Lea and Hel are goblins.
Hel as the relative to one of ShinRa’s high rollers, selling out her uncle’s secrets and business dealings to AVALANCHE without a second’s hesitation. She’s the inside woman, and one of Barrett’s biggest supporters, even if only in silence.
The feather that fell on the Colosseum did not belong to a certain Angel. What happens when Hel interferes in the life of one mortal who wants only to be a hero, one willing to work hard to get there?
Xemnas is the new literary hotness trying his hand at a play. Hel is the actress that fought tooth and nail for the lead roll. Problem: She has more chemistry with the creator than her fellow lead.
Hel is what was dragged into the lab twelve years ago. For freedom from this castle, she can whisper eldritch knowledge in Even’s ear, slippery as poison. What, precisely, have they pulled from the Darkness, and what threat does she present?
Similar to the above, but Hel knows not how to reason with this guard. He is meant to protect, to defend. All she can do is study him with those cold, sad eyes, try to stir his heart while he still has it.
We Are All Just God’s Abandoned Children. That’s one way to welcome a young foster kid to the house, but Hel is going to look out for this younger kid Hope anyway. Found family ensues.
Mog the Dog is in love with Garmr the Dog. We have to stop meeting like this. People will talk. They’re on texting terms just to say ‘Your dog’s here, he’s fine. Either he’ll find his way home or you can come get him whenever.’
Why would ShinRa have her trailed by the TURKS if they didn’t suspect her of her involvement with AVALANCHE? Tiem for Hel to pull out all the stops to try and throw Rude off her scent.
Reuniting with your family is hard. Harder when you have no memory of said family and Dad has a new love interest. Despite all of that, Hel comes to dote on Kairi, giving them a chance to bond and Kairi get a mom.
A Hel and Xigbar idea: Politician’s daughter and Assassin. MB he’s assigned to keep an eye on her when shit gets real in some of her father’s business dealings. Whether he’s for or against her family would be fun to plot.
Local Goth Summons The Goddess of the Dead, Intentionally or Otherwise ; Death Thinks She’s Kind of Cute. Lulu gains a patron and Hel gains a crush.  Everyone goes home happy.
Hel’s the nerdy shy kid in gym class and Jecht is the zealous coach that she despises. Except then she needs an athletic extracurricular to round out her college application. Teeth clenched teamwork for personal and team success.
High fantasy AU where Auron is the black knight who presses on, with a rider all in black hounding his every step. She appears every night to share his company, a little wine, and remind him of their bargain. She’s not reaped him yet, but once his business on earth is settled... He will return to her embrace.
Hel finds a new community once kicked out of Guado society. Or, in which Hel follows after the Al-Bhed and becomes a part of Rikku’s life from a young age, thus securing Momability.
Hel becomes one of Dona’s guardians along the way, and the two fight viciously over who gets to use the brain cell while being harmonious in most other aspects of traveling together. Romance may or may not ensue.
Other muses!
Eraqus: Please stop wrecking shit this is getting out of hand-- Fang: FcuK YUO-- And then they gotta fight and cause further property damage.
I don’t know whose verse we base it in but I need Vanille and Gwynevere to team up, maximize slay, and generally be absolute icons with soft spots for their legendary badass partners.
Kokoro and Snow interacting would be amazing and you know it. I don’t know who would crack first. Kokoro’s realism or Snow’s optimism.
Aqua, Ignis, and discussing how you have to be the strong one holding up the ones you love, no matter the cost. I feel like we could really break our hearts with this one.
Eraqus and Sazh could get frustrated at the kids for having gone a little nuts while they were out on a date, but y’know what? They’re in a good mood. Just cuddle and let the kids sleep and deal with it in the morning.
Eraqus, formerly of the Kingsguard before he got too old to serve, and the esteem of one young Amacitia mb. That or Gladio befriends Eraqus just to piss Kokoro off if we wanna play it that way.
Kokoro being uselessly gay for Aerith FOR TEN YEARS in Traverse Town and having no brain cells to actually convey that to her, then they meet again in Radiant Garden and well fuck she’s still crushing hard.
Every night, the Kingsguard’s daughter storms the city, makes her way towards the Citadel, and means to slay the Dragon. He has not killed her yet. Ardyn and Kokoro have a particular dance, and they cannot say why.
Aerith and Cloud getting soft comrade moments because they have both been through so much please. Please let them catch one break and get to act their actual ages and have a moment for life before it’s all gone for one of them.
Aria and Axel would be fantastic because they’re both a very controlled flame, they both just sort of are casually dangerous. I just want to play them off of each other and see if they end up allies or rivals.
Eraqus and Barrett working together in the field in our FF7 AU. Looking out for each other. Timing their attacks perfectly for the opportunity to fuck ShinRa up as much as possible.
Eraqus has to deal with this kid that is infatuated with his student. Does that kid have a boombox. What the fuck. This shit keeps happening.
Roleswap Xemkoro. Eraqus having become too zealous and thrown off the balance of light and darkness, seeking Kingdom Hearts to wash the world in light and begin again. Xemnas as the echo of an old friend who will see this ended before it goes that far. Kokoro the dutiful daughter who runs things in her father’s absence, who is drawn to this familiar stranger even as they oppose one another at every turn.
Even’s adopting Kokoro. Your father forbid you from pursuing certain knowledge? Terrible, he doesn’t deserve to be a father. I am your father now. We’re going to the opera. You have so much to learn. Meet your brother Ienzo.
We don’t know why Mads has imprinted on this guard in particular, she just has and she will not leave him alone.
I just want Aerith and hope to interact and her to try and cheer him up please. please.
Just throw Serah at anyone via time travel and all of that I can just imagine her falling into anyone’s life tbh. Try and dance around who you are and where in the hell you came from.
Aria is a TURK in training and guess who she gets to shadow for a day? Teach Her Rude!
Aqua and Kairi need to bond! Aqua and Kairi need to have a mentor-student dynamic! They need to catch up! They need to be friends! I will not be silenced!
Eraqus as a descendant of Brain, who fought to oppose MoM and Luxu, meeting with Luxu in some body before Braig. Can you even imagine the tension and sins of the father in that room? Sweet Jesus.
Braska mb interacting with Lulu once or twice because he wants to know about the other children his daughter is so fond of, the ones who... will be there for her, when he is not. Let’s all have a cry about it.
Long Dad Talk ‘Come To Yevon’ meetings between Braska and Jecht where Braska offers no judgment, only support for Jecht to get better. BC growth is important. And so is being a good dad, Braska knows.
Auron’s Bi Awakening for this church pretty boy.
Flower girl meets machine girl. IDK how. Aerith and Rikku rights.
Kokoro and Dona are implicitly to the public confirmed behind closed doors sapphic summoners. cuteness ensues.
Other Muse AUs!
I still want the Xemkoro Penny Dreadful AU. Our haunted and hell-touched protagonist with the werefox lady lead far from home. With Kokoro still trying to figure out how the hell Satan thought appearing as ATW was going to make Xem drop his pants. And then gets baffled that it worked.
Younger Eraqus ends up in Radiant Gardens and runs into Even. Has to play it cool about not being from this world. This world he knows nothing about. Even smells a rat.
Ok hear me out AU where ATW cannot and does not return. Mads goes from heiress apparent to a girl-queen to a world she cannot remember. Kokoro stays on as her regent, arguing that though she is an outsider, she is a blue blood, a noble, the descendant of royalty in her own homeland. But both she and the young queen will need a defender. And for that, she turns to a certain guard...
The Xemrith Hades and Persephone AU. Let’s do it. Let’s go all out. I wanna see it come to fruition.
Also, Xemqua Deathless AU. A deathless king spirits away a clever young fairytale maiden, and all the tears and horror that comes with such a story.
Braska is not the one to defeat Sin. He and his party have to go home and face themselves and figure out ‘What Now?’ as we go fully AU.
Single Dad muses in a modern AU forming a friend group. They all hang out once or twice a month and do fun things together. It’s great. It’s soothing. Nobody goes it alone.
Aerith and Zack getting a happily ever after??? In an AU???
Modern AU Braska, Jecht, and Auron navigating a relationship like the Fooles they are. Braska’s a simple youth pastor with a lot of love to give and incalculable migraines from his babes.
Mads and Rikku as friends burning the whole ass world to the ground. Because come on. Come on.
Anything with my Eraqus and your Aqua please I am dying here. I need some good family interactions.
Kokoro and Fang as sparring partners in some form or fashion. I need to see my queens just battle for dominance. I am very gay please have mercy.
KH AU Gwynevere as a pinnacle of a land of light having to come face to face with Xemnas and all the darkness that follows him.
Kokoro continues to bully Gladio no matter the verse. Because we know she does. Gladio has no rights.
AU where Kairi and Mads are like roommates or neighbors or online pals and get to be sunshine girls and nobody is hurt and no one has any loss of worlds to forget.
Aria as an AVALANCHE agent who infiltrated the TURKs and all that implies for your muses. Good for any of the rebels or even for Rude as far as plotting goes.
A whole ass pantheon AU. Get all our muses in it. Go absolutely balls to the wall nuts.
Mads playing matchmaker to Kokoro and Xemnas in some modern verse. Maybe playing Cyrano and leaving them little clues and letters allegedly from each other.
Sami we are simple gays. And we need DnD AUs. And we can divide our muses into parties and just have at it in some setting. Pwease.
Braska being a supportive dad to pop star Yuna and Rikku is along for the ride and so now he has a whole other kid to be taking care of.
AUs where ships were just a moment off of canon. Where someone walked away, where they just missed each other, where love did not conquer, where love did not last, where someone died, where someone lived, just. The what if of a life without each other.
Fuck me sideways can you imagine Braska Auron and Jecht in a college AU because I don’t think Jecht’s liver will survive.
Kokoro actually embraces her adolescent feelings for a childhood friend and pursues Aqua, only for RP canon to still happen as outlined.
Kokoro mainverse where she is a high born lady of Scala and Aqua arrives to explain what has been going down in the last twelve years and ‘oh no I’m gay.’
And, of course, that one Xemkoro idea we have involving the story never truly ending ;)
And because I still owe you two, here are two generals:
A time traveler’s wife au, any ship u want bb.
Family stuff. Found families, adoption, siblings, parent and child, ship babies, the pet is basically our kid, we have each other and that makes our family, anything I just need some familial relationships to water my crops.
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astoryofalove · 6 years
Is there really hope for clerith? Cloud has Tifa and Aerith has Zack. I know Aerith said she loves Cloud more in the novel, Cloud is called her lover and Aerith is called his beloved but.. Not many people know about it, and if they do know, then they dont care. Its like its not even valid.. and no one cares about Cloud's promised land being with Aerith, 80% fans dont even like Aerith and Cloud is part of a fam with Tifa in the end. Clerith is almost non existant unless its just in spinoff, pt2..
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Well, I wasn’t sure if I should answer this ask because I wasn’t entirely convinced that you were a clerith fan with genuine concern, however, I’m going to assume that you are and answer you, anyway. Because I used to have concerns back in my beginner days, too, and with all of the hateful comments going around, it’s easy for fans to get discouraged. So I hope I can take away your concerns.
“Is there hope for Clerith?” 
With the way Cloud and Aerith have been identified as eachother’s “lovers” in multiple languages, clerith has more than just “hope.” It’s already been confirmed. A person could argue that Cloud may also get with T/ifa at some point, but that won’t change the fact that Cloud and Aerith were dating and were in love during Final Fantasy VII. When both women were alive, Cloud chose Aerith. That’s that.
“Cloud has Tifa and Aerith has Zack”
…Says who? 
You said it yourself, Aerith said she loves Cloud more, Cloud is called Aerith’s lover, and World of Final Fantasy has confirmed once more that Cloud “loves” Aerith. You’re right that not many people have read the Japanese, German, or French novels. And you’re right when you say that not many people have played games like World of Final Fantasy. But the thing is… The novels, the spinoff games, all of this stuff is being done to slowly break it to non-clerith fans that Clerith is happening and is legit. Think of the novels and spinoff games as “icebreakers”, almost. They’re little breadcrumbs, leading antis to the conclusion without suddenly overwhelming them with a sudden Clerith confirmation in the remake.
and no one cares about Cloud’s promised land being with Aerith
Well, who cares? Whether or not other people “care” doesn’t change the fact that his Promised Land is with Aerith. It seems like you’re worried about the rest of the fandom not shipping Clerith, rather than Clerith being confirmed. If that’s the case, then don’t fret about it. Lots of “canon” ships are never the “biggest” or “loudest” fandoms. Look at FFXV for example, all of the maleships are more “popular” than NL But again, fandom size doesn’t change canon. 
80% fans dont even like Aerith
Again, that doesn’t mean Clerith isn’t canon. It just means a lot of fans are salty and have bad taste. 
Cloud is part of a fam with Tifa in the end.
Yes, the “family of friends” that is made up of Barret, Tifa, Marlene, Cloud, and Denzel. The “family” in which Cloud has his own bedroom. The family in which Marlene adopts Cloud into.
The nakama family aspect of FFVII isn’t something any clerith should be concerned about. 
I know in advent children, Cloud is seen driving to the flower field to Aerith as the final ending but, SE had cut Aerith out of it eventually… why would they do that?
Yes. Why would Square Enix do that? Perhaps because it was a little too obvious. The only reason Square had to take out that scene is one of two reasons; they had no idea what they were accidentally implying when they first showed Aerith in the field and Cloud driving through/parked in the field; OR they removed the scene because it was a little more blatant than what they wanted for the LTD that they, at the time, wanted to keep alive. 
Just by tht, I dont see why they would put any good ending for clerith… 
To that I say… then why have they? They didn’t have to give us the Mobius ending or the KH 2.8 ending, or the ending in the OG in which Cloud says he wants to meet Aerith again. If they weren’t planning on a good ending for Clerith, they wouldn’t be constantly building up Cloud’s storyline about finding his Promised Land, nor would they have called Aerith Cloud’s lover and not Tifa.
Despite what other sources say, the well known story just says Aerith has Zack and Cloud has Tifa and thats how SE left it.. so Im in low hopes
Nothing says that. Cloud’s currently living at 7th Heaven with Barret, Tifa, Marlene, and Denzel (the child Cloud believes Aerith brought to him). Aerith is in the lifestream waiting for Cloud. KH 2.8 included Clerith in the romance portion of the credits. FF Brigade gave us three clerith weddings. WoFF showed us Cloud’s love for Aerith.And the last confirmed relationship Cloud had was with Aerith. 
There’s nothing to worry about.
Just think of it like this. You know how many shippers would kill to have a quote like “he was her friend and lover” just to end a love triangle debate? We have that… times 3. 
I understand your anxiety. Because of how much Clerith means to me, even I get nervous sometimes, but then I just revisit the facts and those irrational fears vanish almost as quickly as they appear. 
Although I think we already have the right to claim “canon” with the three other “lover” translations, I believe that if the official English translation chooses “lover” for the “koibito” quote (Lord I am praying so much for this) then Cleriths will definitely not have a single thing to worry about. 
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