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The body of a girl under the rubble of a residential building in Zaporizhya, where a Russian rocket has landed today Ukraine, 2022. Source: ASLAN
P.S. This is what the "Russian world" really looks like: mass attacks on civilians, misery and destruction! This is what the Russophiles and all those who still do business with the Kremlin actually stand for...
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steslcps · 1 year
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syndromealice-blog · 1 year
I don't want to spread panic and all that, but the Russians are going to undermine the Zaporizhya nuclear power plant. Maybe I'll die, maybe this is my last message. But I want to leave at least this shit here. I suffer from migraines, anxiety, depression, arthritis, keto syndrome, gastritis and diabetes. I am autistic. I'm twenty-one years old and I don't know what to do with my life. I have PTSD from the war and rape by my ex-boyfriend. My relatives wants me to go back to Finland because it is safer there. But I want to stay at home. I love Snape, draw and Supernatural show. I love Ukraine and Kyiv. I love my grandmother who replaced my father and mother. I'm afraid to die and I want it. But not in such a terrible way. The Soviet Union killed the Ukrainians when happened Chernobyl. Russians want to repeat this tragedy. I don't know what awaits me. But I don't think I have much time left. I hope all Ukrainians will be okay and safe. Слава Україні, друзі! Не дуже оптимістично, я можу помилятись і чорт забирай, хай так і буде.
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ohsalome · 9 months
The Glazyev tapes were first made public by Ukraine’s SBU [Security Service] in August 2016, with more recordings revealed during the trial (in absentia) of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.  They appear to be intercepted telephone conversations between Sergei Glazyev, a senior adviser to Russian President Vladimir Putin and various other figures, including Konstantin Zatulin, Director of the Russian Institute of CIS Countries who was declared persona non grata in Ukraine back in 2006 for activities linked with seeking Crimea’s secession from Ukraine.
The tapes unfortunately cover only a very small period of time – from 27 February to 3  March 2014.  It is, however, very clear even from the conversations intercepted on those days that Glazyev and Zatulin were “financing” supposedly separatist protests in Crimea, Kharkiv, Odesa and Zaporizhya. The amounts of money mentioned are high enough to mean that this was no private venture on Glazyev’s part and easily enough to ensure a considerable number of paid ‘pro-Russian protesters’.  It is equally evident that certain Ukrainian politicians (Vadim Kolesnichenko; Oleg Tsarev; Viktor Medvedchuk and Serhiy Kivalov), as well as one religious figure (Metropolitan Agafangel from the Orthodox Church under the Moscow Patriarchate) were, at very least, seen as allies.   
On 27 February, for example, Zatulin mentions to Glazyev that he has already spent 25 thousand dollars, and that he needs a further fifty thousand by the next day.  The money seems earmarked not only for Crimea, but for paying people in Kharkiv and Odesa.
Later that day, Zatulin reports that “we have financed Kharkiv, financed Odesa”.  There are ‘applications’ from other regions, he adds, but that he’s put them on hold while the question of finance is resolved.
With regard to Crimea, Zatulin mentions that there are about six thousand people with Russian flags, and a few ‘talking heads’, but that two prominent pro-Russian politicians Sergei Aksyonov and Sergei Tskekov are nowhere to be seen.  Glazyev uses vulgar language, adding: “and we fed them so much”.  In the following conversation, it becomes clear that Glazyev does not support Aksyonov’s supposed ‘election’ as Crimean ‘leader’ on the afternoon of 27 February.
Of those six thousand pro-Russian demonstrators, it is likely that many were the ones brought in by coaches for a counter-demonstration to the 10 thousand-strong demonstration organized by the Mejlis (representative assembly) of the Crimean Tatar People on 26 February.  It was that demonstration which almost certainly preventedv Russia’s plan of carrying off an apparently ‘parliamentary’ coup with pro-Russian politicians forcing through a ‘vote’ to change Crimea’s status.
One of the key ideas that Glazyev pushes during his conversations is that all ‘uprisings’ must appear to be from the local population. This had been the plan in Crimea on 26 February that the Crimean Tatars and other Ukrainians who gathered in support of Ukraine’s unity thwarted. The tapes show that the same attempts were planned in Odesa and Zaporizhya.
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justacynicalromantic · 3 months
The moment Russian missile strikes Dnipro hydroelectric dam.
If ever breached, the water wave will hit the Zaporizhya nuclear power plant that is situated just a bit down the river and subsequently, even if it is somehow not demolished in the end, the power plant will be left without any way of cooling - resulting in the temperature in the reactors going up and then going boom.
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gregor-samsung · 1 year
“ In Ucraina i nazisti, che sono parte dell’apparato statale, ammazzavano tutti quelli che erano contrari alle loro idee, principalmente persone di sinistra. Alcuni forse potevano essere d’accordo con la politica di Putin, però chiamarli “putiniani” è un insulto alla loro memoria, perché molti di loro non erano d’accordo con la Russia; volevano un’Ucraina indipendente, comunista oppure liberale, ma senza il nazismo e gli oligarchi. Per questo uso il termine “di sinistra”. Anche il mio amico Oles Busina era di sinistra, ma non sopportava Putin, lo criticava sempre e voleva un’Ucraina indipendente sia dai russi sia dagli occidentali, e soprattutto era antifascista e denunciava la deriva nazista in Ucraina. Proprio in nome dei nostri amati diritti civili non è ammissibile l’uccisione del mio amico Oles Busina, grande patriota ucraino, antropologo e storico, scrittore e poeta. Colpevole di essersi schierato contro la glorificazione del nazismo da parte del governo golpista di Kiev e per questo freddato a colpi di pistola davanti a casa propria. Nessuno dei nostri difensori dei diritti umani che spesso accusano la Russia di Putin di mancanza della libertà si è mai esposto contro il regime golpista attualmente al potere in Ucraina, colpevole dell’uccisione di Olga Moroz, caporedattore di «Neteshinskij Vestnik», giornale dalle cui pagine lei e i suoi colleghi si esprimevano contro il regime. Nessuno si scandalizza per l’uccisione del deputato del parlamento ucraino Oleg Kalashnikov, organizzatore delle manifestazioni in sostegno del governo legittimo ucraino, oppositore del golpe. Nessuno qui in Occidente chiede al governo ucraino perché sono stati impunemente massacrati come oppositori del regime il procuratore Oleg Melnichuk, Oleksandr Peklushenko, già governatore dell’oblast di Zaporizhya, il capo del consiglio regionale di Kharkiv Aleksei Kolesnik, il segretario del Partito comunista della provincia di Starobeševe Vyacheslav Kovshun, il vicedirettore delle ferrovie ucraine Nicolai Sergienko e molte, moltissime altre persone colpevoli soltanto di aver espresso idee contrarie al governo. L’Occidente preferisce ripetere a sfinimento il mantra sulla presunta “democraticità” dell’Ucraina, anche se si tratta del paese più corrotto tra le repubbliche ex sovietiche, e per comprendere questo non serve prestare ascolto a nessuna propaganda russa, basta leggere i rapporti delle organizzazioni internazionali che monitorano la situazione in Ucraina, dai quali emergono denunce pesantissime, da far gelare il sangue anche al più insensibile tra gli esseri umani. I politici occidentali, però, preferiscono buttare miliardi di euro strappati ai propri contribuenti in quel contenitore contaminato irrimediabilmente dall’illegalità, dalla propaganda e dall’odio che è l’Ucraina di oggi, pur di sfruttarla come un campo di battaglia contro la Russia di Putin. L’Occidente, ovvero gli USA, non vuole perdere la sua egemonia militare ed economica nel mondo, che da unipolare di una volta ormai è diventato multipolare. In tutto questo, le vere vittime sono gli ucraini, che indottrinati dalla propaganda trentennale, che gli ha raccontato di tutto pur di cementificare nelle loro coscienze tre elementi: l’odio per la Russia, la fiducia negli oligarchi pro occidentali e soprattutto un nazionalismo radicale ed estremo che si basa non sull’amore verso la propria nazione, ma sull’odio nei confronti degli altri. Un nazionalismo macchiato dagli episodi più drammatici e più bui della storia ucraina. “
Nicolai Lilin, Ucraina. La vera storia, Piemme (collana Saggi PM), Novembre 2022¹; pp. 109-111.
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chicotfp · 1 year
In continuation of my previous post.
This happened yesterday in Uman, Ukrainian city far away from the front line. At least 23 people are killed by ru missile. Among them 5 children. This happens all the time. In my beloved Zaporizhya, in my district I saw two residential buildings hit the same way, I know of at least 3 more since the day I decided to leave the city after ru missile hit right across the street. Same happened in Dnipro, Ukrainka, Sloviansk, Mykolaiv and those are just recently, from the top of my head. People buried under the rubble of their own homes in their own beds in the middle of the night. Russia is a terrorist state. Never forgive. Never forget. Never turn away.
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jloisse · 11 months
Le "cimetière" de Bradleys à la périphérie de Rabotyne, en face de Zaporizhya.
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aa00v · 2 years
Today, rockets hit the center of Kyiv. At the same time as people were going to work or study, the Russians hit with rockets. And that's not all. Hitting critical infrastructure, in some cities there is still no water and electricity. It also affected my city. They say, "this is a Crimean bridge." Russians continue to kill people. They do it every moment. And I have not yet touched on the shelling of Zaporizhya, for example. Mykolaiv. I can continue the list. But people do not understand that for this Russia must disappear as a state. Russia and Russians are not victims. They are responsible for all the deaths. And they have to pay for it
(I edit that, because that a example when you tried to translate into the Google translate. So, my English kinda bad and that the only way to express my thoughts in the right way. And yes, translater translate to me Миколаїв and Запоріжжя in the russian version (?), and that wrong way. I can do mistakes, so sorry i tried my best. The last time when i have lesson with my English teacher than been 23 of the February, and then i went to the Germany and wasn't have time to started they again, that sad but true)
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ilovehavingablog · 2 years
i literally changed my transit to make time to get to a play with her at a festival in mariupol yrs ago and it was totally worth it even tho i had to take a bus from zaporizhya and the road was in terrible terrible condition.
When i tell ppl about this i always go but they probably repaired it by now! And then i go wait nvm different "they" probably ruined it all anew since the full scale war. And then we don't say anything not in an awkward way just in a. yeah this
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vintage-skateboards · 2 months
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by Zaporizhya plant / ca. 1980s
This Soviet "Rolling" skateboard, crafted from aluminium circa the 1980s, showcases the unique style of Soviet-era sports equipment. It features a kick nose and tail and is equipped with 52x41 mm rubber wheels with metal cores. Its origin from the Zaporizhya plant is a rare find, reflecting the era's design and technological trends behind the Iron Curtain.
Acquired from: Volodymyr-Volynskyi, Ukraine.
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steslcps · 1 year
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#zaporizhya #rolldown #crew
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summarychannel · 8 months
After today's events in Palestine and Israel... Ukraine is considering a settlement and accepting negotiations with Russia News of the war between Russia and Ukraine in light of the crisis in Israel and Palestine today..Samri
New news about the Russian-Ukrainian war presented by this episode of Samri Channel. Starting with US President Joe Biden, who the British newspaper The Telegraph said will try to obtain one and final package from the Republican majority in Congress in favor of Ukraine, which will be the largest ever, worth $100 billion, to achieve military sufficiency for Kiev until the US presidential elections in November 2024.
 Implementing Biden's plan seems difficult in light of Republican Representative Jim Jordan approaching the presidency of the House of Representatives, as Jordan confirmed in the first moments of his nomination for the position that he refuses to provide more aid to Ukraine to focus more on the problems inside America in terms of unprecedented illegal immigration on the southern border of the states. United States, in addition to the high rates of crime on American streets.
On the other hand, an opinion article broadcast by the British Sky News network said that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has now had the final say on the issue of the Ukraine war after his country’s chances of obtaining more American aid have diminished. His decision to stop the current counterattack and accept negotiations will mean sparing the West and with it Ukraine. Itself more embarrassment in the most critical moments of the war against Russia.
In a new explanation for the failure of the Ukrainian counterattack, the South China Morning website said that NATO’s training of Ukrainian forces in a combat tactic suitable for Middle East battles caused confusion for the Ukrainian forces when they clashed with the solid Russian defensive lines in the Zaporizhya region, especially at the level of the complex mine network.
Finally, the episode displays a set of data presented by the American network CNN about the volume of Western military aid to Ukraine, in addition to the volume of Ukrainian immigrants who have flocked to Central European countries and today constitute an economic burden on them, especially in Poland and Germany.
#Russia #Ukraine #Palestine
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justacynicalromantic · 10 months
Video of the terrifying moment when a second ruZZian missile strikes a hotel in Zaporizhya after the first one already hit.
This is how ruZZians kill Ukrainians.
A city centre, a city park. Many families with kids walking around.
A kiddo looking to be 3-4 years old knows to crouch when hearing a missile.
Fuck ruZZia.
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mariacallous · 10 months
Grain Trail
Investigations in 2022 by the likes of the Financial Times, Bloomberg, CNN, Reuters, the BBC, the Wall Street Journal and Associated Press have all reported on grain being exported from sanctioned Crimea. Russia has previously denied exporting grain from occupied Ukraine and the Russian government did not respond to emailed request for comment regarding this article. But some in occupied Ukraine appear to have spoken openly about the practice. In June 2022, the head of Russian Crimea was reported to have stated that grain from occupied Kherson and Zaporizhya was being transported to and exported via Sevastopol. A March 2023 news report from a Sevastopol television station, meanwhile, detailed how grain grown in the occupied Melitopol region was being exported from Sevastopol. However, this is just a fraction of the full story.
Such actions are in contravention of United States, European Union and United Kingdom sanctions that have targeted exports from Crimea and Sevastopol. The UK has even specifically targeted grain stolen from eastern Ukraine.
A new investigation by Bellingcat, in partnership with Scripps News and Lloyd’s List, can further reveal:
The identity of at least 10 ships that have surreptitiously visited Sevastopol to load up on grain. Some, although not all, are likely being looked at in detail for the first time.
A small number of vessels have been going back and forth from Sevastopol to secretly deliver grain direct to ports. AIS tracking data, and previous media investigations, suggest these ships were likely going to Syria and Turkey in the first year of the invasion. But it now appears Iran is a destination for some of these vessels as well.
Smaller vessels (each around 100m in length) transported grain from Sevastopol to the Kerch Strait, a narrow waterway situated between Crimea and Russia, where they performed ship to ship transfers with vessels that would then go on to deliver the grain elsewhere. This likely helped disguise the origin of grain from eastern Ukraine. 
An analysis of satellite imagery and AIS data from Lloyd’s List Intelligence shows that ship-to-ship transfers in the Kerch Strait have increased dramatically since the onset of Russia’s full-scale invasion, although there may be several reasons for this
Satellite images taken in 2023 show that Russian ships also appear to have been exporting grain from other ports in Crimea and other occupied territories such as Feodosia, Mariuopol, Berdyansk and Kerch
These findings appear to show the ever increasing complexity of Russia’s operation to move grain from occupied eastern Ukraine out into the wider world.
Russia recently exited the Black Sea grain deal that allowed certain agricultural products from Ukraine, one of the world’s biggest and most important grain exporters, to traverse the Black Sea unmolested. Since the collapse of the agreement mid-July the number of ships leaving from Ukrainian ports such as Odessa has come to a standstill. 
But grain ships are still travelling to and from Russian ports, as well as sanctioned ports in occupied Ukraine. Ships taking part in journeys to and from the latter also continue to go to significant lengths to mask their operations.
New Tactics in 2023
Russia’s secret grain operation does not appear to have slowed down in recent months.
However, monitoring it in the same manner has become harder.
More and more ships appear to be turning off AIS tracking while in the Kerch Strait. This is perhaps understandable given the previous targeting of the Crimea Bridge and more recent attacks on a Russian tanker and warship at the nearby Novorossiysk port.  
Rosmorrechflot, Russia’s Federal Agency for Sea and Inland Water Transport, was contacted about the significant decrease in AIS transmissions in the Kerch Strait but did not respond before publication.
Yet Bellingcat and its investigative partners also identified what appeared to be vessels loading grain at several other ports in either Crimea or occupied eastern Ukraine. Some of these observations seem to show evolving tactics for moving grain out of occupied Ukraine.
Interestingly, Bellingcat and its investigative partners noted fewer 100m to 140m vessels docking at the Avlita terminal in Sevastopol over the summer of 2023. However, larger vessels like the Mikhail Nenashev, Matros Koshka, Matros Pozynich and Matros Shevchenko all appear to continue to show up regularly in satellite images. This could suggest that fewer vessels are now conducting ship to ship transfers after docking at the Avlita grain terminal.
However, another section of the Port of Sevastopol appears to also be quietly attracting ships in the 100m to 140m size range. The pro-Ukrainian, and often controversial, activist website Myrotvorets reported in 2022 that ships appeared to docking in docking in Kamyshovaya Bay to pick up grain, something that was also noted in a report from the Initiative for the Study of Russian Piracy (which describes itself as “a group of former U.S. government officials, international trade experts, national security experts, and research analysts”).
Throughout the summer of 2023, ships could be seen coming and going from Kamyshovaya Bay on satellite imagery.
As confirmation of the ship’s identities seen at this location could not be determined beyond doubt by time of publication, it was not possible to deduce or follow these ships to where their cargo had been delivered or exchanged. 
AIS for these vessels remained switched off the entire time they were in Kamyshovaya Bay. Yet their presence, previous reporting and supporting satellite imagery, suggests this could be yet another exit point for grain coming from occupied Crimea. It must also be noted, though, that Kamyshovaya Bay is also reported to be a location where scrap metal and other goods are shipped from as well. 
Bellingcat contacted the State Unitary Enterprise of the Crimean Republic Crimean Seaports, an agency of the local Russia-imposed authorities, to ask about the presence of ships at Sevastopol, Kerch, Feodosia, Mariupol and Berdyansk but did not receive a response before publication.
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Il grande cannone ucraino è in fiamme, distrutto dai russi l'obice d'artiglieria M777 a Zaporizhya
Nel video propagandistico, che sembra girato da un militare con uno smartphone – che si inquadra durante il filmato – due obici d’artiglieria M777 americani in fiamme. Secondo il post – sui social russi – proverebbe i progressi delle truppe russe in battaglia, sul fronte di Zaporizhya. USA: Nessuna conferma sui veicoli distrutti nella controffensiva ucrainaSecondo il Pentagono, non ci sarebbe…
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