#ze:a scenario
I love how you don't limit stuff and I want to see more groups written about so may I please have a story with (even a little scenarios thing or whatever) with Siwan of ZE:A when his girlfriend is a couple months older than him but he still wants to be called oppa since they are both born the same year...? Please, thank you and have a lovely day!!
Hello, Thank You for sending in your request!! It was an honor writing for a group that I really care about because they rarely get any love. Forgive me for any mistakes and N’joy!!
Admin AJ
A phone sat away from its owner, as it vibrates on the table trying to get the attention of its owner who sat not two feet away. Its screen lit up as the messages popped up at an urgent pace.
New Messages:
      Hey! You were suppose to be here already!
      Remember Yongjin MBC Dae Jang Geum Park! 3 p.m!
         (Y/N), you are still coming right?
       You are late!
“(Y/N), you phone keeps going off.” a coworker calls to you, pulling you out of your busy mind.
You were so engrossed into your work you didn’t even hear the continuous vibrations coming from your phone beside you.
You didn’t even read the messages, your eyes zeroing on the time displayed on your homescreen “Oh my God! I’m late!”
You panicked trying to gather your work supplies. Throwing basically everything from your desk into you bag.
‘Im can not believe this, I’m sooo late.’ you thought to yourself as you tried to quicken your pace.
Skipping the elevator, as constant motion felt better to you as opposed to waiting, you sprint down the stairs leading to the parking complex. Your phone continuously ringing, a constant reminder of your lateness, as you fumble for your keys to unlock your door.Plopping into the driver’s seat you attempt to catch your breath before answering the annoying device.
Pressing the answer button you hear Kwanghee firing questions at you before you even have the phone to your ear.“Finally! We’ve been messaging you! Where are you? Did you forget. You precious Oppa will be disappointed if you are not here.”
“I’m on the road.” You say, trying to get him to quiet down, however, you make the mistake of slamming your door.
“Lair,” he says as he catches your bended truth. You can see the smirk through the phone and in order to regain a little dignity you say, “Well now I’m on the road Kwanghee. I’ll see you soon.”
“YAH!! Don’t hang up, I’m not done with you yet!” You hear shuffling before you another voice, one much softer on the ears, comes through the phone. “Drive safe noona, see you soon. Bye.” You hear more shuffling and yelling as Kwanghee attempts to grab the phone back. “Bye Hyungsik, I’ll see you soon.”
Hanging up you pull out of the parking lot making your way to Yongjin MBC Dae Jang Geum Park.
Luck was on your side today with minimal traffic lights and after work traffic as you made it to the set in less than an hour.Exiting you car you pull out your phone ready to call the two Ze:a members, “Noona!”
You look up to see the tall lanky member from Ze:a running towards you lifting you off the ground with a hug.
“Come on Noona. Hyung is waiting for us” he said as he turned and walked in the direction in which he came from.You let him lead you through the set.
“The main palace is blocked with the filming crew so we have to take a side route.”
“Look who finally showed up” Kwanghee said in mock annoyance as he caught the both of you approaching from the side.
“I’m not the one here to study up on my acting” you teased back.
Saving you from hearing any more of Kwanghee’s nagging, a voice interrupted, “If you wanted pointers Kwanghee you could’ve just asked me.”
You didn’t even have to turn to see how had made that remark, you just knew. Like most things that involved him, you smiled and turned to greet him. He stood before you looking rather regal in his blue outfit as a scholar tutor.
“Aish y/n you should let his ego get any bigger. He’s still unknown compared to me. Everybody knows me, I am Kwanghee from Ze:a, number one visual, singer, and actor.” Kwanghee
rises from his chair his voice traveling across the set.
“Hyung, people are looking at us now.” Hyungsik timidly hides behind you as the stares of the staff focus on your small group.
“Anyway I’m glad you came.” Siwan says taking your hand “It means so much to me.”
“Oppa us too, right?” Kwanghee shoots in
Siwan rolls his eyes “Don’t call me that but yes, thank you everyone for your support.” As he does a mock bow to Kwanghee sitting in his chair. Pleased with Siwan’s gratification, Kwanghee nods in satisfaction.  “No, thank you hyung for letting us come” the youngest of the group does a bow of his own.
“Im Siwan, we are ready for you on set.” the director called out in a monotone voice.
“Thank you, I’ll be right there.” Siwan replies to the staff before turning back to the group. Rubbing the back of his neck releasing a sigh. He didn’t have to say anything for you to know he was a little nervous.  “I guess I’ll see you guys later.”
“Good luck Siwan.You’ll do great.” squeezing his hand in reinsurance. “Im Siwan Fighting!” shouted the two Ze:a members gaining the attention from the staff once again.
Siwan’s luck seemed great today. So great, in fact, that you were wondering if it had  been that very same luck that got you to the set in a timely manner. Today’s scene required the cast to play a football match involving the Prince and his royal court.
“I feel as if we are watching the very first Idol Sports Championships not a historical drama.” Kwanghee sighs from his chair.
“Come on Kwanghee, this is Siwan’s big break in acting. This means alot to him.”
“Aish don’t  get all sappy for your Oppa”
“Why do you call him that?”
“Call him what?”
“You know the opposite of hyung….”
Kwanghee stares at your expectedly
“Which is…?”
“Come on don’t make me say it Kwanghee!”
“The question is why don’t you?”
Your jaw went a little slack at Kwanghee’s comment, and you felt your ears getting warm. ‘No matter how many times I tell them, they never know when to just accept it,’ you thought before going on to vocalize the same thing you always say, “We already discussed it before. We are born born within the same year and I’m even a few months older than him.”
Before you could answer cheers erupted through the playing field.You were amused to see that Siwan was still able to move with his outfit. His nerves must as settled as well since the scene didn’t demand much from him. He also started to get more involved with the game. He then received the ball making his way toward the goal, scoring a point. He turns to your group with the biggest smile as your group cheers from the sidelines.
“Okay that scene is finished” staff
The staff, crew, and actors all thank each other
Siwan makes his way over to your group.“You did great out there.” He throws his arms around you and pulls you in close for a hug. You smiled at the contact and almost laughed as Kwanghee gasped at the open display of affection.
“I did better knowing you were here.” Siwan said with a smile as he pulled away from the hug and looked at you.
“Well I need to get out of this,” looks to his outfit “thing. And I need to go over the script once more with the director.”
Siwan then turns his gaze to Kwanghee, gaining the others attention.
“Kwanghee care to help?”
“Yes I’ll give you those pointers you need.”
“I don’t need your help but after seeing you today, it’s obvious that you need some advice.”Kwanghee stated with an eye roll. Ignoring him Siwan turned and said to you,
“I’ll see you at the entrance then.” Siwan brings your knuckles to his lips before leaving with Kwanghee in tow.
You and Hyungsik wait at the entrance as you were asked to. Surprisingly enough, it wasn’t long until they finally returned.
“y/n!” a voice yells, grabbing your attention immediately.
You turn to Kwanghee stomping toward the entrance with Siwan running to catch him.
“Your oppa wants to rehearse some lines! Apparently I’m doing an awful job and he can’t get into character! Fool who does he think he is blaming me!”
“Here! You deal with him!” Kwanghee shoved the script into your hands grabbing Hyungsik.
It took you a moment to process everything he had said, since he talks so fast. With one look at the script in your hand, it finally clicked, ‘You were no actress…’
In order to try and reverse what happened you called after the man attempting, and succeeding, escape.
“Hey Kwanghee wait!”
He just continued to drag Hyungsik down the walkway.
Siwan caught up to you
“Is he going to be okay?” y/n
“He’ll be fine.” Siwan
“I’m more worried about Hyungsik.” y/n
Both of you laugh
You turn your attention back to Siwan. “So you need to rehearse?”
With you implied agreeance to help his eyes light up and a smile soon follows, giving you a glimpse of how happy he was to receive your help.“You’ll help me” he said in a manner, that made your heart skip. “Of course.” you replied with a smile of your own, helping him do something he loved was the most rewarding for you after all.
You are unaware of the plot of the drama, but what is handed to you is similar to romance drama.
“Okay we’ll start here.”
“When the beautiful moon is shining. My mind is restless and throughout the night I toss and turn with most nights sighing.”
“You make this look easy” y/n
“Is it only when the moon shines that you are….” You stumble over the lines at first but as you progress you find yourself into character along with him.
“It is not just the moon but gazing at the stars brings me to tears.”
“And may I ask why the night causes you to ache with these emotions?”
“I miss you so much that I can not fall asleep. Traces of you linger around me. During those bleak nights where I am unable to hold onto you I long for your warmth. Whether it be the moon or the stars shining they are nothing in comparison to your eyes and your smile. I keep thinking of the you. I could always hear the soft sound of your breath in my ears. And when are apart I can not hear your voice.”
He steps closer and reaches out to grab your hand resting by your side. He pulls you close looking into your eyes, and you couldn’t help but feel that this was not just some script. ‘How can some script make my heart react like this’ you think as he continues with his line, “So I am just here alone and it drives me crazy”
His performance left you speechless. You just stare in his eyes for a moment before embarrassingly pulling yourself away rushing through the script.
“I can’t hold onto you anymore. Don’t say that you miss me. Don’t say it It hurts too much It makes it hard to forget you Oppa…”
The last word snaps you back to reality. You get flustered covering your face with the script.
“Oppa?” Siwan just smiles at you.
“Yay it worked!” you hear Kwanghee and Hyungsik clapping from behind you.
“You set this up?”
“No he was the one.” Shaking his head pointing at Kwanghee
“Yah you wanted this. You knew she was never going to say it willingly!”
You couldn’t believe that they had set up something so elaborate but you didn’t realize how much it meant to him.“I don’t like being tricked “oppa”.”
That silences the bickering members and brings Siwan’s attention back to you.
He tries to give you a hug but you are still mildly upset about the whole situation.
You playfully hit his arm but he just kept smiling “Please say it one more time.”
“Don’t count in it Siwan! But we’ll see.”
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Sickeningly Sweet
Prompt: #48 - “Don’t argue. Just do it.”
Pairing: Park Hyungsik x reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: cavities may occur from how cringey and cute this is
A/N: dedicated to the two biggest Hyungsik fans I know, @this-song-thats-only-for-you and @tanithrea. I hope you like this little gift I’ve created! It’s tradition in our house to remember his birthday, so I thought this year I’d write for it!
Word count: 1153
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You glanced up at him, pouting dramatically but he merely shook his head and pointed at the task in front of you.
You didn’t want to do it.
This request, no matter how much you loved Hyungsik, was too unbearable to complete.
You opened your mouth to object but he hissed, wagging his index finger back and forth at you. “Don’t argue. Just do it.”
Heaving a sigh, you glanced down at the outfit you were wearing and then back up at him. “I’m only doing this because it’s your birthday.”
“And because you love me,” he added on happily, his eyes alight with anticipation.
“Not so sure I do after this,” you uttered, avoiding his gaze.
You weren’t one for aegyo. In fact, if you could avoid being cute to anyone, you would. And even though you knew your boyfriend acted a lot of playful characters in various shows, you were still surprised when he admitted to having a major weakness for cute behaviour being acted out dramatically by his girlfriend.
It made you wonder why he had chosen you.
You weren’t the type to act adorable for attention, it seemed like too much effort when you were self-sufficient enough to just grab onto whatever you needed in life. The only time you ever felt remotely cute was when you didn’t mess up your winged eyeliner and your clothes matched perfectly with your lip tint.
And even then you weren’t about to puff up your cheeks and pull a peace sign adorably at your camera app on your phone to document this moment.
Despite not feeling adorable, Hyungsik insisted that you were effortlessly. And whilst you didn’t believe him, there wasn’t anything effortless about your outfit today. You had borrowed from your younger sister all her pastel outfits and a poofy layered skirt, aging yourself back a few years with your hair up in pigtails and pink blush doused over your cheeks. You felt ridiculous but he was loving it.
Was the look within his eyes from pure amusement at how foolish you looked or because he genuinely thought you were adorable in these bubblegum clothes? You couldn’t quite tell and guessed it was probably a bit of both. He was growing impatient with how long you were stalling and sighed heavily. “Y/N!”
“Fine!” you exclaimed, no doubt looking like a petulant child as you stomped your foot in annoyance.
Perhaps you did look cute to him more often than you were aware of.
His eyes creased with delight and you caved completely, completing all the aegyo styled expressions you had researched online for his present, finishing it off with singing him the gwiyomi song and doing Park Jihoon’s jeojang before you collapsed to the ground and hid yourself in the immense layers of the skirt. You shuddered with how sickening you had just been and wished for the ground to have opened and swallowed you whole the day two years ago when Hyungshik had asked you out.
You didn’t know falling in love would make you do things like this.
“Baby, don’t hide!” he cried out, bouncing around beside you and chuckling every so often. You shook your head and refused to come out of hiding. “It was so good though!”
“You’re ridiculous!” you mumbled from within the skirt, and admittedly you were starting to feel a little suffocated. Glancing up at him, you couldn’t help but smile at how happy he looked.
Stupid love making me look like a fool just to see him smile like this, you thought to yourself, slowly getting back up to your feet. He immediately hugged you and you relaxed into his embrace, Hyungsik’s hand running in comforting circles upon your back.
“I love you,” he uttered and you merely grunted in response, wanting to be more affectionate but all the sickening antics you just pulled had exhausted you.
“If you ever ask me to do this again, I–”
“I won’t ever, I promise,” he cut in, and you glanced up at him to make sure he wasn’t exaggerating. His eyes were genuine and you relaxed a little, smacking at the poofy skirt to get it to lay flatter. You knew it was a wasted attempt but you still wanted to try, to distract yourself from questioning him in that moment.
“I’m going to get changed,” you admitted and he gripped you tighter, shaking his head. “What, I did what you asked me to!”
“But it’s my birthday and this was my gift from you,” he reminded, smiling warmly down at you. “My birthday’s not over yet.”
“We have a dinner reservation with our parents tonight,” you said, your eyes widening. “I refuse to turn up looking like a circus clown!”
“But you’re the cutest circus clown I’ve ever seen,” he charmed and you rolled your eyes.
“There’s only so much I’ll do for you, Park Hyungsik.”
He sighed dramatically, nodding sadly. “Fine, go change. I can remember this moment easily over and over.”
You nodded and went to walk off but his words stirred something in your mind, snapping around to stare at him accusingly. “Oh no, you didn’t!”
“I did,” he admitted triumphantly, holding up his phone in his hand and dancing it around. You rushed back to his side but due to your height difference, you struggled to grab it out of his hand. He smirked at you. “And I sent it to a couple of people too. I know you too well. As soon as you had found out I had filmed it you would try to delete it. Now I have backup for my birthday present.”
“I hate you!”
His smile shifted off his face and he held you again, his eyes turning sincere. “No, you love me. Because you did something for me that’s so out of your depth today and I appreciate you for gifting me with it. Truly. I’m so lucky to have you.”
You wanted to curse at him. Throw some cushions off the sofa at his head. Shake him until he was begging you to stop. But he had you hook, line and sinker. That was what got you into this mess in the first place. Hyungsik knew how to word anything to get you to fall into his traps and right now he had diffused the situation again by pointing out why he loved you.
It was unfair and you told him so with a soft slap to his chest. You heaved in a deep breath and looked up at him, all your disgruntled emotions dispersing quickly. “Just wait until it’s my birthday. I’ll make you do something you’ll regret too.”
“You forget I’m down for doing anything for you,” he retorted and you groaned, hugging him all the same and he kissed the top of your head. “Oh, and baby?”
You glanced up warily. “What?”
“Thanks for being cute for me today.”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[Drabble Game Masterlist] | [Kdrama Actors Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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oraclekleo · 2 years
List of Idols and Actors I know or follow
I strongly urge you to take all the tarot readings on this account lightly. All the posts are intended to have an entertaining nature, they are pure speculations and completely made up by me. I can never ever guarantee any of it and you should never take any of the tarot readings for granted. I would like to stress that I know no idol nor actor personally, I never met any of them and all those readings are fictional, imagins, make believe and hypothetical scenarios. Do not base any of your life decisions on a tarot reading only, always use your common sense. If you have issues with tarot cards for religious or other reasons, do not engage in reading my posts.
When you make a request take my life into consideration and be patient. I’m a responsible adult with a full time job, dog, family, friends, duties, house chores and requests from other sources. All these take my time. Also reading tarot cards requires a certain mood, vibe and concentration, it can’t be done just anytime. Count on the time delays, please. I will do my best to complete your requests.
I’m always willing to help out if you yourself consider taking on tarot cards as a hobby. Feel free to ask if you have any inquiries about it, no question is dumb. I don’t know everything but will try to help the best I can.
Tip me for my readings on ko-fi! Purely optional! All readings are for free now!
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LINK: https://ko-fi.com/oraclekleo
Requests status:
K-Pop Readings - CLOSED
List of Idols and Actors I included into my ultimate chart and into the Compatibility Calculator:
Black Pink
Block B
Golden Child
Red Velvet
Stray Kids
Super Junior
Teen Top
The Boyz
The King
The Rose
Xdinary Heroes
Actors + Soloists
Ahn Hyo-seop
Ahn Jae Hyun
Byeon Woo Seok
Do Ji Han
Eric Nam
Gao Hanyu
Gong Yoo
Ha Sungwoon
Hirose Tomoki
Hong Jong-hyun
Hyeok Geun Choe
Cha Hyunseung
Ishikawa Plowden Luke
Jasper Liu
Jay Park
Ji Chang Wook
Ji Soo
Ji Sung
Johnny Huang
Jung Il Woo
Jung Won Chang
Kang Daniel
Kang Haneul
Kim Jaewook
Kim Soo Hyun
Kim Woobin
Kinchiku Yuuki
Kwak Dong Yeon
Lai Leon Yi
Lee Dong Wook
Lee Jae-wook
Lee Jehoon
Lee Jong Suk
Lee Joon Gi
Lee Min-Ho
Lee Min-ki
Lee Soo Hyuk
Luo Yunxi
Nam Joo-hyuk
Park Bo-gum
Park Hae Jin
Park Hyung Sik
Park Seo-joon
Sakaguchi Kentaro
Satoh Takeru
Seo In Guk
Simon Dominic
Simon Gong
Song Kang
Song Weilong
Sota Fukushi
Sung Hoon
Takhon Paing
Timmy Xu
Tsao Yu Ning
Vardy Wang
Wang Rui Chang
Wi Ha Joon
Woo Do Hwan
Xiao Zhan
Xu Kaicheng
Yokohama Ryusei
Yoo Seung Ho
Yu Christian
Zhang Zhe Han
Members of the listed groups who went solo
+ You are allowed to request any idol or actor or celebrity you like as long as they are 18 years old or older. Including non-asian ones.
The K-Pop Chart and Compatibility Calculator can be found
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smuttyfairy · 7 years
I can't find any park hyungsik smut yaY
Man ZE:A anything is hard to find! 
If anyone knows of any please let us know via askbox!
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puppy-sam-maek-jong · 7 years
The New Routine (Min Min❤️Bong Bong Version)
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Minhyuk shook in his half asleep state, hands reaching to pull Bongsoon close to him. But he wouldn’t find her, as she was dealing with her new excruciating morning routine in the bathroom.
It was her three months and those annoying pregnancy signs people talk about were starting to appear. It was one thing to throw up relentlessly, but every morning? Not a good thing to start your day.
“See, it got worse,” Minhyuk said while rubbing his sleepy eyes as soon as he reached the bathroom door, “we should’ve gone to the hospital yesterday.”
“It was the same, Minhyuk-ah,” she said taking a break from puking to the toilet bowl, “and by the way it is normal.”
Soon that horrible nausea stroke again and she immediately faced with the toilet bowl.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled with his hands already grabbing her hair away from her face. She could sense his somber expression through his low sigh.
“And why were you apologizing?” She threw a quick glare at him after another nausea attack, then went to the sink to brush her teeth clean. She surely knew the smell of throwing up your last night dinner.
“You were sick and I can’t do anything.” He said leaning to the bathroom door with still another somber expression which now slowly turning into her too-familiar Min Min’s pout.
“You think that was your fault?” She said after finishing the teeth brushing routine, secretly smiling to herself. He’s always a sweetheart, she thought.
“Well, the baby is ours,” he answered, almost looking down sadly.
“So, you’re blaming the little peanut?” She mentioned their little nickname for the baby while reaching to mess his bed hair out of adornment.
“No, it’s just that,” he turned to look at her; she was grinning over how silly her hubby was.
“I’m fine, Min Min” she stated while reaching to cup his cheeks, “you don’t have to apologize over anything.”
With that she released her hand from his cheeks and went straight to the kitchen. Thinking of making some breakfast to start the day.
As she was looking through the kitchen cupboard, he suddenly had his chin on her shoulder, leaning in.
“You must be really sick when I was away working.”
“Ya! How many times should I told you that I’m fine,” she turned back to face him with another glare.
“How about you make me your kimchi fried rice, would that make you feel better?” She faked a pout while touching his hair again. She just love playing with his brownish bed hair, she sure does love her beagle prince.
“But Bongsoon-ah, you know how the last time went, I don’t think it will make you feel better.” He said while carefully caressing her still-flat stomach.
“Well, managed not put too much sugar on it!” She giggled trying to escape his hands that caged her to the kitchen counter.
“I’m sorry, really,” he grabbed her hand, his tone and expressions turned serious. He was seriously felt bad and worried. Bongsoon knew this Minhyuk too well; he must be blaming himself and there it is, the overly worried Minhyuk.
“Okay, how about this,” she said while squishing his arm, so he looked at her more. “Here,” she said with her index finger pointing at her own lips. 
“No one wants to kiss someone who just threw up her whole dinner,” she smiled playfully, waiting for his response. She thought she had found a solution to this pouty puppy.
“That was easy!” The pout instantly turned into a playful smirk she knew too too well. He immediately cupped her cheeks then kissed her plum lips. Soon he was starting to plant kisses on every part of of her face which made her giggled and tickled.
“Minhyuk-ah! This is you trying to eat me!”
“Yes, last night dinner we had chicken, I love chicken!”
“Ew, you’re gross!” And with that she forgot about how awful the first half of the morning was. 
Note: Wow, thank you for those who subscribed (300❤️)!! So happy actually~ For this I just made slight changes from the ‘Hyungsik Version’ which really nothing, but hopefully can satisfy the longing for Bong Bong&Min Min couple.. because I suffer a really bad one, I wish the drama was 100 episodes at least:“(
Hope you like it, and feedbacks & comments are ❤️❤️! Will try to finish Sam Make Jong scenarios diligently, and probably will post more Minhyuk scenarios? 😊
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justtextmeoppa · 7 years
❝ You’re my first love ❞
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❝ His fingerprints covered my skin and I felt loved for the first time. ❞
Park Hyungsik / “Our first time” 
- For anon, I hope you like it! M. 
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starstruckbigsis · 5 years
20secs+ Kpop chorus!
In light of recent events, it is advised for us to wash our hands for 20seconds! So here’s a playlist of kpop songs with chorus’ of 20seconds or more to help you wash better and with a kick to it!
These songs are give or take a couple of seconds...Because I went through all the songs and counted 20 seconds... and also, these songs are the ones in my phone playlist. This list is currently in process and I’ve only just reached my H!
More songs will be added onto this list as I have time to go through them.
Blah Blah
Bonnie & Clyde
Only You
Still 24K
Secret Love
Again and Again
Promise (I’ll Be)
Comeback When You Hear This Song
Hands Up
My House
Go Crazy
Blind For Your Love
Rose, Scent, Kiss
1 in a Million
Again (Should’ve Held Onto You)
Puss in Boots
Real Love
Stay With Me
Love Wheel
All Night
Always You
Blue Flame
Hide & Seek 2nd Chorus
Take Me Higher
Pirate King
Hala Hala
Say My Name
What’s Happening
Baby I’m Sorry
One Shot
Big Bang
Bang Bang Bang
Bad Boy
Fantastic Baby
Haru Haru
Last Dance
We Like To Party
Fxxk It
Let’s Not Fall In Love
G-Dragon - Crooked
G-Dragon - Untitled
Call My Name 
Like A Flower
Swamp of Despair
Playing With Fire
As If It’s Your Last
Block B
Don’t Leave
Stay the Way You Are
Pray (I’ll Be Your Man)
Monday to Sunday
Stand By Me
Shake It
Only One for Me
2nd Confession 
Remember That 
Red Lie
Beautiful Pain
Never Ending Melody
Beep Beep
Dear Bride
The Winter’s Tale
My Lady
Way Back Home
Lover Boy (I Only Know Love)
The Feeling
Yes I Am
It’s Okay
When It Rains
Changsub - Shelter
HUTA - With Melody
Hyunsik - Dear Love
Hyunsik - Swimming
Hyunsik - Moonlight
Ilhoon - Fancy Shoes
Ilhoon - She’s Gone
Minhyuk - Purple Rain
Sungjae - Paradise
Pied Piper
Spring Day
So What
No More Dream
Not Today
Airplane Part 2
Magic Shop
Blood, Sweat and Tears
Boy in Luv
I Need You
Forever Young
War of Hormone
Just One Day
Jin - Epiphany
J Hope - P.O.P
J Hope - Daydream
Between Us
Can’t Stop
I’m A Loner
Hey You
I Loved You
Shoot Me
I Wait
Sweet Chaos
I Smile
Time of our Lives
Hi Hello
The Eve
Peter Pan
What Is Love
Lucky One
Love Me right
For Life
EXO CBX - Hey Mama
EXO CBX - Ka-Ching
Luhan - On Call
Luhan - Skin to Skin
Luhan - That Good Good
Z Tao - Imperial Crown
Golden Child
Let Me
My Swagger
Call My Name 2nd Chorus
If You Do
Just Right
Hard Carry
You Are
Just Right
JJ Project - Today, Tomorrow
BEAST / Highlight
Plz Don’t Be Sad
Good Luck
Can Be Better
Callin You
Love Scenario
I’m OK
Idol Producer
Ei Ei
What I Miss
Mack Daddy
Idol Producer/JolinTsai - The Great Artist
UNINE - Like A Gentleman
Qing Chun You Ni - Youth Has You
Nine Percent - Rule Breaker 
 Nine Percent - I Need A Doctor
Be Mine
The Eye
Tell Me
Last Romeo
Kim Sunggyu - 60 seconds
JBJ95 - Home
Day by Day
Lonely Night
Monsta X
Find You
Shoot Out
Someone’s Someone
If Only
Who Do You Love
Middle of the Night
I’ll Be There
In Time
Dream - Chewing Gum
127 - Limitless
U - Without You
If You
Bet Bet
Deja Vu
Good Bye Bye
Help Me
Can You Feel It
Critical Beauty
Dr Bebe 
Naughty Boy
Sha La La
Like This
Triple H - 365 Fresh
Dream for You 
Pick Me
Nayana (Pick Me)
Nekkoya (Pick Me)
Open Up
Super Special Girl
Show Time
Super Hot
Monday to Sunday
Oh Little Girl
Pretty Girl
Hands On Me 
To My World
U Got It
Chungha - Gotta Go
Chungha - Snapping
IOI - Downpour
IOI - Whatta Man
Mamma Mia
Easy Love
Good Guy
O Sole Mio
Fear 2nd Chorus
Love Letter
Don’t Wanna Cry
Oh My
Seven O’Clock
Nothing Better
Get The Treasure
Super Junior
Sorry Sorry
One More Chance
The Crown
Super Junior DE - Growing Pains
Super Junior DE - If You
Teen Top
Seoul Night
The Rose
Like We Used To
She’s In The Rain
Blue Rose
Victon - Remember Me
Take Your Hand
Chained Up
The Closer
VIXX LR - Beautiful Liar
VIXX LR - Whisper
Leo - Dream 
Wanna One
Spring Breeze
Step by Step
The Ghost of Wind
U’re My Sweety
Others (will eventually have their own section)
MyName - Baby, I’m Sorry
24K - Only You
N. Flying - How Are You Today
Girl’s Generation - Gee
MUSTB - I Want You
Henry - It’s You
Sewoon - Just U
Lee Seunggi - Will You Marry Me
Rainz - Let It Go, Let It Be 
TST - Mind Control
SS501 - Love Ya
Varsity - U R My Only One
Spectrum - What Do I Do
FT Island - Wind
Blanc7 - Yeah
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hwarang-number · 5 years
In other news, I've been wheedling at Unnie to help me make SHINee versions of board/card games for us to play on sister nights and she just showed up with these...
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Basically, GIGANTIC soft dice. 🤣 You throw them both to determine your leading man and the scenario for you to make up a cheesy story around. (We used to do this often with western actors and Hallmark plots around Christmastime. We lead a small life. 😆)
The Leading Man/Love Interest die consists of SHINee (which covers 5 sides, of course) and..."some ZE:A dude" (note the tags)...
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Further images of Some ZE:A Dude™:
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papersoldierxo · 8 years
Me when my group member says something stupid during project presentation:
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Smiling on the outside, dying on the inside.
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kpopgroupsreact · 8 years
ZE:A REACT: When he realises he really loves you/confesses
I can’t find the request, it’s been quite a while for this one, but I believe an Anon sent in a ZE:A request with them realising they loved you/confessing to you. Enjoy!
I am thoroughly dissapointed with the lack of ZE:A gifs ;-; 
on another note, I want to thank you all so much for 2000+ followers ;-; I’m so happy you guys enjoy my reactions and I will try my best to make more things for you to enjoy! Also, thank you so much for your patience! I’m working on you requests and I will get them in I promise!
Junyoung: You had just finished watching his performance and backstage when you rushed over excitedly, with that little bounce in your step, to shower him with compliments he’d break out into a shy smile. He didn’t know it himself but seeing you run to him made his heart race.
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Kevin: He had been recording the entire day and just when he finished he realised you had been waiting for him, curled up on the chair with his coat over you as his blanket. You looked so peaceful, smiling softly and mumbling something incomprehensible (although he swears you said his name) that he just kept staring at you. When you awoke you were slightly confused at the ‘I love you’ he threw your way, but it made your heart flutter nonetheless.
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And then he’d get embarrassed and start laughing.
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Kwanghee: Honestly he’s a bit unpredictable and so are his emotions. Like you’re literally just sitting there sipping tea after making some for the two of you and after a long drawn out silence in which he stares at you...*GIF*
Confessing, Kwanghee style (God, I love this man.)
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Siwan: He was waiting for you at a cafe; you had promised to help him practice his lines. You arrived a little late, and he had already ordered for you. Your favourite espresso. He had been surprised he remembered it himself. While you two busied yourself in rehearsing the lines, he couldn’t help but admire how passionately you were giving it your best. He also couldn’t help but notice the little gestures you did; the way you tucked your hair behind your ear, the way you softly tapped the table with your fingers, and the subtle lip-bite while you were focused on the script. He caught himself staring, and grew a little flustered when you looked up suddenly. You made his heart race and he wasn’t sure why he was realising this now of all times.
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Taehun: WE WERE BORN ON THE SAME DAY. Okay, I’m done.
You two usually spent a lot of time together, and he absolutely adores your sunny personality. When you get fidgety because you can’t control your excitement, or when you start singing at the top of your lungs just because, or when you imitate him while he’s doing something, or when your stuffing food into your mouth.
But because of his busy schedule he was missing out on all of that. And all of you. He didn’t think something or someone could be on his mind 24/7 but apparently it was so and when he finally saw you at the end of a busy day he’d become that bashful sweetheart that’ll want to confess really fast.
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Minwoo: When he took the coffee cup from you in his hand and your fingers brushed against his he didn’t expect for your touch to send such a strong tingling sensation, and he couldn’t help but smile as he saw a blush creep up your face. So he wasn’t the only one that got butterflies when you two spent time together. He’d probably make a really corny joke just to see you laugh and ease up the atmosphere so he could tell you how much he really loved you.
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Heechul: The two of you had known each other for a while now, and there was that initial attraction from the start. You were too shy to look his way and he knew the effect he had on you, what he didn’t know was his own feelings for you were a lot stronger than he had initially intended them to be. Whilst shooting an idol dating variety show together he found himself getting really jelly over the fact that the other male guests were all intent on pursuing you through the games and challenges and his determination to win you over kicked in. He was becoming so passionate in the show that he had to stop and compose himself so as not to make it any more obvious that he was falling in love with you.
Relax Heechul, relax. Play it cool, you have to look cool for her.
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Hyungsik: You were being absolutely ridiculous, on a sugar rush, hair up in a messy bun, giggly and just EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE. The energy wasn’t reaching Hyungsik but your pure emotions and happiness definitely were. He caught himself just watching you with a smile, thinking how utterly dorky and clumsy you were but how utterly loveable at the same time.
Why do I even bother with this girl?
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Dongjun: You were working diligently, helping him monitor his performance in his latest drama serial and you wrote down all the remarks he made so that he could have notes to look over and work with when he practiced the next scenes. You were so busy and drawn into perfecting the notes for him that you hadn’t realised he had stopped monitoring the screen and started just staring at you. Your focused eyes, slight lip bite and a scrunched up nose made his heart skip a beat.
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99liners · 4 years
terms of endearment — hyungsik;
park hyungsik:
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loves to call you ~
when he’s eating you out : doll
when you’re giving him a blow job : baby girl
when he wants to express that he wants to be inside you : “if these people weren’t here, you would be on your knees with my cock in your mouth.”
what he moans when he cums : little minx
what he coos when you guys cuddle : cara; italian for dear
and he loves it when you call him :
bts version | ikon version | got7 version | bigbang version | nct version | btob version | monsta x version | seventeen version | exo version | ateez version | tvxq version
feedback is deeply appreciated.✨
t.o.e series masterlist | masterlist | park hyungsik masterlist | rules | ask box
- jaimie
© 𝟫𝟫𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓇𝓈, 𝟐𝟎𝟤𝟢. 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃.
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bubbleteascenarios · 7 years
TL;DR: I’m open for requests! Accepting the first 7 that come my way and then I’ll close for the week.
I know this makes me a terrible person, but I have removed all the old requests from my pending list. Most of them are at least a year old, the oldest probably being around three years. As some of you know, I’ve been on an unannounced hiatus for about a year. I know I’ve made a lot of excuses and a lot of empty promises over the years and I’m really, very sorry. I will still write these requests, when I’m suffering from writer’s block, but I thought it best to start fresh.
As of today, I will only accept 7 requests a week. This means my goal is to write at least 1 request per day. Unless I complete those before the week is up I will not accept more during that week. I went into this way too ambitiously because I wanted everyone to be happy, but I forgot that scenarios were supposed to be fun for me too. You’ve probably heard the saying that anything is fun until it becomes a job and that’s what my blog became to me. I think I got so weighed down with the responsibility of fulfilling everyone’s desires that I ended up losing my own desire to write.
I hope you can understand where I’m coming from. I’ll make sure this isn’t another one of my empty promises. Until I get some requests I’ll just continue to indulge in my selfish writing desires.
Thank you for being here!
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kpopoutfitimagines2 · 8 years
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Inspired/request for: Date with Hyungsik
Link: http://www.polyvore.com/date_with_hyungsik/set?id=218792598
Requested by: Anonymous
~Admin Lu
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beautifully-hwarang · 8 years
More than Friends
Title: More Than Friends
Word Count: 1161 words
A/N: Requested :)
"Ya, what are you doing here? Children have no place at the Okta." His voice rang out across the crowded hall as he stalked towards me. His long black hair was carefully pulled back, his red robes of the finest silk brushed the floor as he moved gracefully to my side. Ban Ryu. "Ohh Abeoji, I'm sorry." I mocked him "Do you want me to take you home? The elderly should not be out so late." My beautiful friends giggled behind me nervously, their painted faces glowing whenever Ban Ryu glanced in their direction. They weren't as used to his beauty as I was, having grown up with it. Still, even I had to admire how radiant he was. I first met Ban Ryu when I was 6 years old. He was a tall, strong, 8 year old boy, always surrounded by friends who looked up to him for his power and influence.  Ban Ryu seemed to be more knowledgeable than those his age, but to me, his face seemed to hold sadness, his eyes guarded. I remember running up to him that very first day, my favourite children's book in hand. "Read to me, please!" The boys behind him had snickered and poked Ban Ryu before he sent them a death glare and pushed past me, his eyes meeting mine briefly. I'd felt tears sting my cheeks and walked to the riverbank in humiliation. To my surprise, Ban Ryu followed shortly after, without his followers, wordlessly taking the book from me to begin reading in a clear voice. From that moment on, he looked out for me. We met by the riverbank behind the Okta almost every night in the warm months. He often confided in me the problems he had with his stepfather, or his distaste for a local boy Soo Ho. One uncommonly chilly night, when I was about 14 and he, 16 something changed. We sat slightly closer due to the cold, and I became very aware of how long his eyelashes were, of the endless black pools that were his eyes. The way his whole face seemed to relax when he was next to me, a small smile creeping onto his lips. Every time his arm brushed mine, I felt chills that had nothing to do with the weather. "Ban Ryu," I breathed, leaning towards him. "Don't you think I've grown so much since you first met me?" His eyes widened slightly and he swallowed. "What a question. Are you an idiot? Of course you've changed. Come, I'll take you home, it's too cold for you out here." He roughly pulled me up and walked a few steps ahead on the way back. I frowned a little. Did he not feel anything? We spent time together just the same as always after that, separately, never in front of his friends. But I knew now how I felt. I was in love with Ban Ryu. With the way he made me feel safe, protected and understood. I made him smile and he made my heart glow. "Listen to me!" Ban Ryu's annoyed voice cut through my reminiscing, pulling me back to the Okta. "Go home, this is only a place for the fabulously beautiful" He reached over and tugged on my hair.
"Ouch!" I slapped his arm angrily. "Then why are you here?" I stuck out my tongue, while my friends looked at each other with wide eyes. This was normal though. If we were weren't by the riverbank, Ban Ryu and I bickered and teased worse than siblings. He'd asked me once, to keep our time together secret. He didn't want to show weakness to anyone, except me. Ban Ryu's regular crowd appeared behind him suddenly, their eyes clouded with a little too much to drink. 
"Oh my. If it isn't Ban Ryu's little stalker. Go home ugly duckling, but leave your friends" one of Ban Ryu's least favourite followers stared at the girls behind me, his eyes raking over them like a predator. "Move." He shoved me so hard I lost my balance and tumbled backwards, my skirts flying up. The jerk turned around and laughed, seeing me all dishevelled on the floor. My "friends" giggled as well, their eyes on the awful (but obviously wealthy) guy still trying to get their attention. I sat still for a beat willing myself not to cry but when I finally met Ban Ryu's eyes I burst into sobs and rushed out of the Okta. I know he wants to maintain his image but letting one of his buddies embarrass me - that was too much. I ran straight to the riverbank, furiously wiping my tears. My chest constricted with sobs as I cried out my embarrassment, frustration and heartbreak over the fact that it really didn't seem like Ban Ryu loved me the way I did him. Reputation or not, if you were in love with someone you would protect them, right? 
Heavy footsteps sounded behind me and I hid my tear-swollen face.
"Y/N, look at me. Did you hurt yourself when you fell? Don't cry anymore. Please." I was shocked. Ban Ryu's sweet and concerned voice filled my ears and I got the courage to look at him. His lip was slightly bleeding and he was breathing heavily but his eyes were focused only on me. Suddenly, he pulled me into a tight hug. "That was too far. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry this is my fault." He rubbed small circles on my back, his deep voice softly tickling my ear.
"How could it be your fault?" My voice shook slightly. His whole body tensed. His hands, little fists on my back. "I make them think it's okay to tease you with how I act. Okay to say-" He broke off, "Ya, I'm so angry I can't even say it. What he said to you, how dare he-" the usually so careful and eloquent Ban Ryu choked on his words again. "When he touched you, I just about killed him. If the guys hadn't have pulled me off of him I would've." 
I pulled away, shaking my head.
"Why? You want us to be apart in public. You don't want people to know we're.........friends." I hesitated, not willing to call it what I knew he wanted it to be. I was ready for more, I loved him more. He watched me carefully for a few seconds before seeming to decide something. Slowly he raised his hand to my cheek.
"Friends?" He whispered so low I could barely make out the words. Ban Ryu moved closer while I watched him, anticipation blocking my throat. When his lips gently brushed mine, I felt my body melt into his, my arms going around his neck.  
"You are more than my friend, Y/N. You are my safe haven. My love." He kissed me once more, deeper this time before pulling back to give me a bright genuine smile.
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This was so fun to make! Leave some more requests in our ask box :)
- Admin Hana
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ljoesmissright · 6 years
Tag Game!
tagged by @jiyonq-ah!! thank you Patricia! 💖💖
rules: if you can, list the top ten songs you are listening to lately, and then tag ten mutuals to do the same. (who has 10 mutuals in this economy)
1.  Somdef - Ring Ring Ring (Feat. Verbal Jint, Paloalto, DPR LIVE & Car, the garden)
2. Maniac - MoneyMakerz (Feat. Jessi, Jay Park)
3. OFFONOFF - Cigarette (Feat. Tablo & Miso)
4. EXO - First Love; y’all this has taken Peter Pan’s place as my fave exo song
5. CLC - Black Dress
6. Seventeen - Rocket
7. ZE:A -  후유증 (Aftermath)  ; y’all this will forever be my favourite kpop song
8. BTS - Best Of Me 
9. iKON - Love Scenario
10. Block B - 했어 안했어
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