#sam maekjong
hwarang-number · 4 years
Counting down the days till Hyungsik's military discharge!
(201222, D-13)
You know it's a good day when a Google-recommended Soompi article (viewable here) opens with the following...
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When I showed the article to Unnie, she immediately melted like one of those chocolate ball desserts when you pour the hot liquid over it. 😂
In case anyone needs further context:
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Not to mention:
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So I guess all that remains to be said is:
예, 폐하. ☺️
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starcrossedrose · 5 years
You see this?
I ship this! This is my OTP.
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My writing brain isn’t working, so to procrastinate, I did a thing...
[ read company here ]
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imhoonsik · 8 years
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Believe it or not, this is Park HyungSik. The King of Silla, Sam MaekJong, JiDwi, King JinHeung, and now the CEO of Ainsof Ahn Min Hyuk! 😂💃🏻
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99liners · 4 years
04 | fake king ― phs; [finale]
part one | part two | part three | part four (you’re here)
pairing: park hyungsik x female reader.
extra characters: choi minho, park seojoon, do jihan and kim taehyung. ser arthur dwayne, qyburn, mirri maz duur. (game of thrones characters)
genre: angst and fluff.
words: 2.784
reading time: 10 minutes
warnings: mentions of character deaths, blood, death, kinda gore. you’re warned.
synopsis: the rebellion against the targaryens did put the parks on the throne but till how long will that last? you were the key but that they failed to assess and it was surely going to cost them the throne and far more other things which they hold dear because when you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. there is no middle ground.
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seojoon was quick to summon the guards and carry hyungsik to his chambers, you following on their heel with blood on your hands. you kept staring at your blood-stained palms as tears made their way from your eyes down to your cheeks. 
in a flash of a second, your world changed. well, for starters it has always changed at the flash of a second. your meeting with hyungsik can be explained by nothing but fate and today you are the wife of the master of coins who was previously the king. wait, is he still your husband? or was? 
you shook away the negative thoughts as you sat beside where he lay, grabbing his hand in yours. his face was peaceful. seojoon and jihan scrambled about the room to gather some pieces of clothes, you wanted to help but you just kept sitting there holding his hand as securely as you could but also making sure you were not hurting him.
jihan brought over a piece of cloth and wrapped it around hyungsik’s wound tightly after cleaning some of the blood. taehyung entered the room hurriedly with maestar qyburn at his back.
when qyburn saw hyungsik’s state he asked you all to leave immediately. you stood your ground and refused to leave but as qyburn insisted on it, jihan pulled you out despite your struggles.
“i need to be there for him,” you cried against jihan’s chest.
“that is not going to help but the maestar might so let us just wait,” jihan sighed.
you nodded trying to keep your thoughts straight but started feeling lightheaded followed by a swing in the air that your body took unexpectedly and you fell backwards on seojoon, unconscious. seojoon held you and with the help of taehyung carried you to a room where the healers tended to you while jihan stood vigil outside the door of hyungsik’s room.
the city watch and the rest of the kingsguard were looking for ser minho but as far as reports go, he had already escaped and was nowhere to be found. 
after seojoon took over as the acting king, not many changes were made in the small council except for the change in the position of the grand maester. the royal healer of the court. seojoon and hyungsik had found out that the previous grand maester, pycelle, was a spy for the queen and directly answered to her about everything happening in the court. soon enough, he was replaced by qyburn. a man who was stripped off his maester links and chains from the citadel because of his unconventional experiments, both on the living and the dead.
qyburn was an odd fellow, his mind surely worked in odd ways, different ways than most of us would think. he had performed various infamous experiments too, few of which, he was the inventor himself.
after examining hyungsik, qyburn at once knew he would not live for more than a few hours as most of the life had already drained out of his body. he cleaned the wound gently and washed hyungsik’s body with a cloth soaked in lukewarm water. stitching up the wound he came out to see jihan and asked for the lord hand and the master of coins’ wife.
when jihan walked in to call you both, you sat at once. seojoon was sitting by your side and stood up too on seeing jihan walk through the door, “what is it?”
“the maestar called for you two, my lord. my lady.”
you got up and walked to your husband’s room barefooted, seojoon following closely at your heels.
“can you fix him?” you stared at qyburn before turning your gaze to your husband, he did not even look like he was breathing.
qyburn brought his hands to the front and held them together, “my lady, he is mostly gon ―”
“CAN you fix him?” you cut him off, command and authority clear in your voice.
qyburn sighed, “i can try and revive him but he will be but just a doll.”
“speak clearly. what do you mean?” this time it was seojoon who finally spoke up.
“he will be a breathing, living doll. he would not be able to move, talk, feel or do anything but he will be alive.”
tears threatened to fall from your eyes as they filled up and were lubricating your iris but you refused to break down.
“do you want that, my lady?”
you took a breath, your eyes trained on the already lifeless figure of your husband, all you could think about was your baby.
“yes. do it.”
qyburn bowed and walked out to gather his instruments.
seojoon looked at you, “is that what you want? to keep him alive so he can live through this suffering his entire life?”
“you do not get to have a say in this. you may be the acting king but do not forget who gave you that position so do not question my authority, ever again.” you took one last look at hyungsik and walked out too.
one month later :
it had been a little more than a month since qyburn performed his surgeries. you had been sitting by hyungsik’s side all those days. he was nothing but a living corpse. you could feel him breathing, but all he did was stare at the ceiling. blink sometimes, but that was it. he did not speak or move, nor did he show any urge to move or speak. he just laid there. 
summoning your handmaidens, you sent them to look for ser arthur, while you yourself roamed in the entire castle, inside and out, looking for him but it was all fruitless, for he was nowhere to be found.
you needed hyungsik in your life, you did not care about anything else. you would do anything to get him back and you knew exactly whom to look for. 
wandering around in the great forest on the way to essos and the free cities, you searched for the witch everywhere. you had left the castle barefoot and honestly, you did not care about it. upon coming to a turn, you stepped on a splinter of wood and noticed that your foot was bleeding but that did not stop you from your pursuit.
after a while, you finally found her hut. a hut made of curtains and a shed of woods.
entering in, you found mirri maz duur sitting on a chair, a rosary wrapped around her hand.
“do you remember me?” you looked at her, a hand on your stomach as you felt a slight pang of discomfort in your womb, probably from walking so much. you do not really remember when you ate last.
“child, you do not want to be here,” mirri maz duur stated.
“do you remember me or not?” you asked again, losing your patience. beads of perspiration appearing on your forehead.
you heard her chuckle, “how can i not? i had told you, you will be queen. queen of the seven kingdoms. you will have some complications on the way but you will be queen, until there comes another, younger and more beautiful.”
“i do not care about that, i want my husband back.”
“i am not a healer or a maester.”
you groaned as the pain in your stomach intensified, “you know what i can do, we both do. i want hyungsik back, i want him awake and in my arms,” you could feel your voice shaking, tears threatening at the threshold of your lashes.
mirri laughed again, “when the sun rises in the west and sets in the east,” she continued, “when the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. when your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. then he will return, and not before.”
you could not cry in front of her, not after what she just said. she was laughing, you were about to lose your husband and she was laughing, telling you that it is impossible to bring him back. when the sun rises in the west? in what world does that happen?
you took a step back as if a hit blew past you, stumbling to stay grounded. it was getting dark outside, you wordlessly walked out of her hut and set foot back to the castle.
you reached back to the castle around midnight. seojoon and jihan were at the gates of the castle.
“where were you?” seojoon asked as he rushed to you, your dress was torn at the bottom end.
you fell down to your knees, “i cannot bring him back.”
jihan rushed to you too. seojoon leaned down to your level and got a hold of your shoulders, “listen to me. he needs you.”
you looked at him crying, a mocking smile on your face, “he needs me? he is gone. i do not see him in his eyes anymore. he is not there anymore.”
“don’t lose hope like this. i know he stepped down, but he is still my king, our king. we will bring him back.”
“how?!” you yelled, shaking his arms off you as you attempted to get back on your feet.
jihan came forward to help you but you stopped him with a show of hand.
“i do not know but i know we will,” seojoon offered.
you laughed, “yeah we will. when the sun will rise in the west and the seas will go dry,” you started walking inside mumbling, “mountains blow in the wind... lik-like leaves..”
seojoon followed at your footsteps, confused, “what are you talking about?”
something flashed in your eyes as you stopped suddenly and looked back, “get me mirri maz duur. she lives in a hut by the end of the forest towards essos.”
“a witch?” jihan inquired.
“don’t ask questions the answers to which will upset you. just get me her. leave the rest to me.”
jihan went to ask you more but seojoon stopped him and turned to them, “just get her here.”
although the whole thing was preposterous, desperate times call for desperate measures. jihan and taehyung left at once on their horses.
you walked inside and saw ser arthur and started crying harder as you rushed to him and hugged him tight.
“why are you calling for her princess?”
you were shaking terribly in his arms, no matter how you commanded people around, you were barely twenty two, very much pregnant and with an almost dead husband.
“i want him back,” you said between sniffles.
“i heard you and i know what you are going to do, but it is not worth it.”
you shook your head pulling back, “it is.”
ser arthur sighed as you started mumbling again like a lunatic. your hands were shaking. he led you back to your room. seeing hyungsik, you sat down beside him and caressed his cheek.
it was late at night when they brought her, shackled in chains. ser arthur woke you up from your slumber and informed you that she was here.
you took a quick shower and dressed up in your wedding gown. you had planned it all. caressing your bump, you mumbled a silent prayer.
when you walked down in the great hall and saw that taehyung had seen to your arrangements; mirri maz duur was tied to a pyre.
“you will regret this,” she glared at you.
“i have nothing to lose,” you stated taking off your shoes.
mirri struggled as you walked to her and touched her cheek, “a life for a life. i will make it possible.”
“you have no idea about your powers child, but i do.”
“good for me then i guess.” you stated as you noticed that seojoon had brought over hyungsik’s lifeless body with the help of the other kingsguards. 
“where do you want him?” seojoon asked.
“on the other side of the fire, inside the tent you have set up. no one will enter it, no matter what,” you said sternly and took a look around everyone who nodded at once.
it was ser seojoon, jihan, taehyung, mirri, hyungsik and you in the hall. a tent covered with curtains was set up at the foot of the steps leading to the iron throne. a great pyre was set up in front of it to which mirri was tied to.
as per your instructions, ser seojoon had hyungsik’s black stallion brought in the great hall. you held a sharp knife as you pet the horse quietly before slashing his throat. seojoon was holding the reins. the blood splattered all over the floor and the horse tried to run for its life but eventually collapsed dead down.
your hands were full of its blood and all you wanted to do was vomit but you composed yourself and walked to mirri, smearing the blood on her forehead.
“i will take what is precious to you,” mirri cursed at you.
you paid no heed as she kept rumbling on in a foreign language and turned to taehyung who was holding a piece of wood on fire. he nodded and came forward and set the pyre on fire.
you watched as the pyre caught on the fire completely, engulfing mirri in its fumes. you could hear her cries. soon some sounds were also heard in the tent, voices of something that was definitely not from this world.
taehyung advanced towards the tent but jihan stopped him, “no. you heard her. don’t mess with this. its bloodmagic.”
when none of them were paying attention, you walked in the fire. walking directly in the middle.
“your grace!” seojoon yelled but before he could stop you, you had already walked in.
the pyre turned to ashes when the sun was rising. the sounds coming from the tents had stopped a few hours after you had walked in the fire. but not knowing what to do, the three knights were seated in front of the fire and had fallen asleep.
they woke up to you sitting in the middle of the washes. stark naked as your clothes burned in the fire, your entire body untouched, not a single mark let alone any burns. jihan was the first to notice and immediately walked to you taking off his cloak. he wrapped the cloak around yourself. you were awfully quiet.
hearing the shuffling of feet, seojoon and taehyung got up to their feet too and saw that you were completely safe, wrapped in the cloak. they could not believe their eyes but last night, whatever happened was beyond their imagination. they went on one knee as they bent their head near your feet. they simply could not believe you were alive. 
“i know no one knows this, but i am the last targaryen. y/n of the house targaryen. tell people what happened here today, and tell them that their king is back,” you said absentmindedly as you walked to your room.
once you were inside your shared bedroom, you fell to the ground crying. your bump was gone, mirri took what was precious to you. your baby. a life for a life, just like you had said.
a week later :
everything around the castle changed drastically when everyone came to know that you are a targaryen. the blood of the dragon. people sang songs about you all throughout the kingdom about how you sacrificed your child for the life of your husband. 
hyungsik had woken up from his endless slumber and came to know what all happened. he never knew he was going to be a father but he lost his baby nevertheless which he never quite accepted. he would rather you killed him than give up your baby. but even you did not know that you would lose the baby. but here you were, sitting on the iron throne as the rightful queen to the seven kingdoms. hyungsik by your side. 
“we will fix everything,” hyungsik said as he kept his hand on your shoulder.
you nodded keeping your hand on his, “yes. we will.”
feedback is deeply appreciated.✨
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- jaimie
© 𝟫𝟫𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓇𝓈, 𝟐𝟎𝟤𝟢. 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃.
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snobmushroom · 8 years
All I want now is Hwarang to have an happy ending.
Everyone who saw the two last episodes and know how deep the shit is
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zaruba-needslove · 8 years
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My fav part of Hwarang’s ending. XD
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yootaeyaang · 8 years
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SooHo | Ji Dwi
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beautifully-hwarang · 8 years
Safe and Sound
Title: Safe and Sound Word Count: 2k words Pairing: Sam Maekjong/Reader Genre: Romance
‘Just breathe, okay? Just take a deep breath, hold for four, and breathe out…’
Reminding yourself to stay calm, you tried to recollect your thoughts and center yourself. Thankfully, it was just before dawn, so there was no one else outside on this side of the river to witness the array of emotions you were currently getting into. On the other hand though, it left you more vulnerable to your thoughts, as the silence always put you on the edge. Gazing off over the barely visible tops of the trees, you found yourself reminiscing on your past.
Although your parents were servants in the palace, you still had some semblance to a normal childhood. You did all the chores you were expected to do, and every once in a while, you were given a break and would play with all the other servant children. It was a fun childhood full of excitement, but nothing could have prepared you for that fateful night.
You could remember the exact moment all your problems had begun, or at least when your life took a whole different spin. Only four years old, you had just learned how to cook rice and steep tea. Apparently that was enough for the Queen, seeing as she had one of her ladies-in-waiting come over to your small house to fetch you. Being abruptly woken up from sleep, you had no idea what all the fuss between the woman and your parents was, only aware of the fact you were suddenly holding a bundle of clothes to your chest and running towards the back gate of the palace.
From that day on, you had never seen your parents again. You had gained a new “family”- the crown prince-turned-king Jinheung and the man appointed to guard him, Paoh. You weren’t really sure why you had been brought along, but you had been raised to follow and not question, so you always kept your thoughts to yourself.
The king never talked much in the early years. He stayed quiet, only speaking when he was spoken to. It would have been extremely awkward and uncomfortable if it weren’t for Paoh, a man who had become an uncle to you in every sense but in blood. He had basically raised you both, albeit with different standards, with the same amount of compassion and you were grateful to have someone like him in your life.
As you got older, you realized just why it was you were brought along for the ride. Although you weren’t treated like a palace servant, there were still certain expectations that you had to meet. It was your job to have food ready at the appropriate times and make sure the laundry was always washed in a timely fashion. Even though the list of tasks to be completed each day was a long one, you took it all in stride for the people you were with made the work more than bearable.
The second time your life took a spin was when King Jinheung decided he was going back to the capital. You had been having doubts over the past few months, but the reaction you had to hearing the words “I’m going- whether you join me or not is up to you,” confirmed the feeling in your heart that you had grown accustomed to. Most simply put, you were in love.
Being that the man you were in love with was the king of the nation, you decided to keep your feelings to yourself. You made sure to never act on them, scared that he’d either distance himself because of how you were acting, or that Paoh would have no choice but to send you away. Day in and day out, you continued on with your duties as you always had, afraid of how the erratic beating in your heart would affect you. If it meant that you got to stay with the two men you had spent more than half of your life with, you would suppress acting on those feelings.
Although you made sure not to act on your new found revelation, there were times when you just couldn’t keep it one hundred percent hidden. Upon entering the capital, you were scared that someone was there waiting at the gates to slaughter to king. When he refused to live in the palace, you just about had a heartattack when the hired assassin came rushing in through the door. And when he decided that he was going to join the Queen’s Hwarang...
Momentarily forgetting all the hierarchical rules in the society, you completely disregarded the king and his idea, turning instead to Paoh to demand him to do something about the situation. There was no way you were going to let him into that snake pit! Sure it would suck being left behind by the one that you loved, but how much more would it hurt to know you willingly allowed him to walk towards his death? You may have gone along with all his other activities in the past, but this was where you were going to draw the line for yourself.
As thankful as you were that Paoh had echoed your sentiments towards the dangerous idea, the two of you were not enough to convince the king of otherwise. He had his mind set on joining the Hwarang, and with a sinking feeling in your stomach, you knew that there was nothing that could be done to stop him.
The shock of the revelation dying down, you excused yourself with the excuse of making dinner. You were never the type to easily cry, but you were just so frustrated and scared that you felt even one more second in the king’s presence would send you uncontrollably bawling. Willing the tears away, you lifted up your long skirt and hurried off towards the kitchens.
Not knowing what to do, you stubbornly held onto the hope he wouldn’t be chosen, but you also had enough sense to know that he was going to be a Hwarang even if you despised it. Unable to help yourself, you started crying, the poorly chopped vegetables a reflection of your despair.
“I knew you weren’t that smart, but I didn’t know you were an idiot.”
Hearing the king’s voice come out of nowhere startled you, causing your hand to slip and resulting in a shallow cut. It was a relief that you hadn’t been hacking at the innocent vegetables, for if you had, you were sure to have chopped off a finger.
“You really aren’t smart.”
“Shut up, this was all your fault anyway.”
Although you realized that sure words could theoretically get your head sliced off, at the present moment you didn’t care. You were still upset about him joining Hwarang, and the fact that you were bleeding did nothing to soothe your mood.
Surprisingly, King Jinheung stepped forward with a slight chuckle, taking your hand in his and easing over the sink. In stunned silence, you allowed him to attend to the small wound. The more rational side of you screamed to pull away and apologize for inconveniencing the king, but the more romantic side momentarily pushed it aside to take over and swooned at the fact that he had his full attention on solely you.
“Why are you like this… Is it because of my decision to join the snake pit that is my mother’s Hwarang?”
Hiding the small mirth at the fact he also thought of Hwarang as a snake pit, you nodded bitterly at the fact he was teasing you for feeling fear. Side-eyeing the king, you pull your hand away slowly, bowing down and muttering that you were sorry for bothering him and that you were going to continue to make dinner.
“Ah, so now you’re running away from your feelings, are you?”
Instantaneously, you were frozen in your spot. He knew? Since when? You were always careful to hide it though? How’d he find out? Mentally berating yourself for your carelessness, you slowly turned back around in his direction, head bowed down to hide the embarrassed blush hot on your cheeks.
“I’m sorry, Your Majesty. I have failed as your servant for holding onto these feelings for so long instead of dispelling them as soon as they arose…”
Although it felt like a weight had been lifted off your chest from the confession, you couldn’t help but be nervous about just how he would react. He must have sensed it a while ago, just now deciding to address the matter. Daring to look up, you noticed the confused expression on his face, and you realized that you messed up.
“What kind of feelings are you talking about? Don’t lie.”
Cursing yourself for slipping up, you reluctantly confessed the truth. Softly you started to explain, and he listened on, intently staring at you with the same leveled look, his unchanging expression worrying you. At the end of your explanation, he seemed puzzled, an emotion that wasn’t what you expecting.
“You…’fell in love with the king’?”
Hearing your own words coming out of the king’s mouth only caused the tips of your ears to redden in shame. It wasn’t that you regretted what you felt, but more like you felt like you had failed him for feeling in such a way. Not trusting yourself to speak just yet, you kept quiet.
“How could you fall in love with the faceless coward that is the king?!”
Shocked at his choice of words, you found yourself in tears once more. How could he possibly think such a thing? Knowing the king as you did, you slowly realized that he must have been harboring these sentiments in secret, internally beating himself up for something that wasn’t even his fault.
Slowly you reached out to him, wrapping your arms around his waist and laying your forehead against his chest. You knew that this sort of gesture was highly inappropriate given the difference in rank that you two held, but at the moment you paid it absolutely no heed. All you wanted to do was comfort him, and you had chosen to do so with a hug.
Scared to break the moment, you started to whisper your fears about being left behind, as well as everything he meant to you. It was comfortable until you had told him that you were scared he was going to get himself hurt, which caused him to be irritated with you. Hurt at the response, you pulled back and started to walk away, but you hadn’t even taken two steps before you felt his arms surrounding you. He had apologized even though you were in the wrong for bringing it up, and silently the two of you continued to just stand in each other’s comfort. You closed your eyes, willing the moment to never end, but alas, it was not what reality had in store for you. The sound of Paoh’s footsteps met your ears, and the spell was broken.
As much as you wanted to say that the moment had changed the relationship between the two of you, it really hadn’t. Everything was exactly the same to the point where you were almost convinced that it had never even happened in the first place. Seeing as he basically dropped the whole matter, you did so as well.
Seeing the hues of yellow painting their way throughout the sky, you decided that it was about time for you to go home. Today was the first day of King Jinheung’s life as a Hwarang, and as much as you worried for him, you found comfort in the small symbol on your wrist. Right before leaving, he had asked you to fetch the special ink from the west, and to your surprise, he had taken a paintbrush and marked you.
“Whenever you feel down just take a look at this symbol and know that it is my promise to you that I shall return safe and sound.”
Please feel free to send feedback or requests! -Admin Rose 
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hwarang-number · 4 years
Counting down the days till Hyungsik's military discharge!
(201205, D-30)
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starcrossedrose · 5 years
Sam Maekjong needs to just say hi to Ah Ro.
He clearly likes her.
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COMPANY || three.
◦ pairing: reader x hyungsik
◦ rating: m
◦ word count: 4.4k
◦ mood music: aquaman // jay park
table of contents | one | two | three | four | five | six | 
m a s t e r l i s t
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The first thing I got when I was hired was a metal ring with two keys on it: one to his house and one to his office. Like the keys themselves, the two places were hard to distinguish. Hyungsik was always working, no matter where he was. His house was just a building. I didn’t know if he knew what a home was, what a family was, but he certainly didn’t seem to have either. There were countless nights when he just caught some shut eye on the couch in his office. It was hardly enough for a normal man to function on, but then I suppose he wasn’t your ordinary man.
I fiddled with the key, wriggling it in the lock with my phone pressed to my ear against my shoulder. “I am so happy for you! You’re going to have an absolute blast in the city.” I dropped my voice to a whisper as pushed the door open. I tiptoed in, like an intruder who didn’t belong. It felt wrong coming here without announcement, despite the countless number of times I had done it before. The house was neat, spotless actually. It always was. How could a place that hardly anyone ever stepped in have gotten messy?
“I know! And maybe I can even visit you from time to time!” His voice over the light crackle of the line was filled with excitement and relief. “I miss talking to you.” My brother had finally opened the envelope that sat on his desk for weeks and was ecstatic to learn that he was in fact accepted by his dream college. I hadn’t felt this happy in weeks. My entire spirit was light and everything just felt good. I released my phone from my shoulder, holding it again in my hand. I squeezed as though he might be able to feel the embrace I wanted to tackle him in.
I walked through the large, open living area and into the secluded office room in the back of the house. “I know, I miss you too, bud.”
It felt strange every time I walked through Hyungsik’s house. The more I did it, the more it felt normal, the more I wanted a house just like it. But that was a fantasy. No matter how hard I worked, it was unlikely I’d ever truly fit into a world like this. I didn’t want to anyway, but it was hard to complain about the luxuries.
Like his office in the city, this one also had a long wooden desk. It faced towards the window. Yellow oncidiums leant against the rim of the glass that made their home; their time was coming to an end. The thin ring of water from the cup that perpetually stained the wood kissed the cracks that swirled from one end of the table to the other. I shook my head with a silent amused scoff. He was so stubborn. Plenty of wealth, and still Hyungsik put his flowers in drinking glasses. With my hand, I swiped the water from the table, my skin gathering the water into my palm in frenzied droplets. I shook my fingers out away from myself, spraying water off my palm in a haphazard haste. I returned the glass to its place in the corner of the table, then gathered the hefty stack of files from my bag with my other hand and placed them neatly in the center of his desk. I scribbled a note that he should pick up more oncidiums. His were dying.
As I straightened up, I looked around, making sure there was nothing to tidy or pick up. “So how’s work?” My brother asked.
“Eh, the usual, you know: slaving away for the devil boss.” I laughed to myself. The window before Hyungsik’s desk caught just enough of the balcony that stretched out from the living room for me to see the hot tub. Normally on a night like this, the waters would be still, whisking up the light humidity of the air. Instead, I caught the glimpse of a pale arm resting against the tiled wall that lined the perimeter.
“Hello?” My brother spoke again. I blinked, suddenly realizing that I had not heard him.
“Hey,” I said idly into the phone. “Listen, I gotta go, bud.” My attention was entirely elsewhere as I kept my eyes on Hyungsik through the window, pacing through the living room. He faced the extraordinary view from his balcony. I shook my head. Only the rich and spoiled got to enjoy a view like that, and surely they took it for granted– as they did with everything. Hyungsik’s head was down, hands clenched into fists in his hair.
I heard a soft ‘oh’ drop from the other end. “Work?” My brother asked, annoyance gripping his words.
“Something like that,” I mumbled quickly before hanging up and tossing my phone to the nearby couch. My brother was going to his dream college, I would get to see him more often, I was making enough money to help out with the bills, and everything was just going perfectly. Rich and spoiled, or not, who cared? What did I have to lose? As much as I complained about my ‘devil boss’, my mood was too good to turn down the opportunity that just presented itself.
I quickly curled my arm around my back to find the zipper to my dress. I leaned forward, struggling to get the best hold of the thing as my fingers searched for the cool metal. Finally tugging it down my back, I undid my bra with haste and pulled my underwear to the ground. Stepping out of my shoes, I left the puddle of clothes in the living room before quietly opening the door to the balcony. Thankfully, it was silent and Hyungsik didn’t hear. He was still tugging at his hair.
The sight of his muscles carved so delightfully into his back was hard to resist. I could see the charming dimples at the small of his back from his, sunk just below the level of water. The hot tub was bubbling only in the slightest, the white sheets of small bubbles grouping together, scattered in the water. Hyungsik’s hair was wet, slicked back, and I knew the moment he turned around and I saw his toned, wet body, I would be the one to lose it. I was so weak for him, for his body, it was almost pathetic, but whenever he fucked me the way he did, I couldn’t care less.
I carefully stepped into the water, slinking down the rough hot tub steps. The sound of wading water as I walked through caught Hyungsik’s attention. He straightened up and turned around as he watched me walk towards him. “It’s not like you to be in the hot tub on a night like this.” I smirked, pulling the scrunchie from my ponytail and setting my strands free.
“I was just…” Hyungsik trailed off, streaking his tongue across his lip as I drew closer. “Thinking.” He finished with a clenched jaw, sitting down on the hot tub seat.
“Well, we do have that important board meeting tomorrow.” He sighed. His eyes were not at all fixed on my face. It wasn’t like I was the most beautiful woman in the world, but Hyungsik made me feel good just by his glances. I bit my lip, seeing just how much I was turning him on. He loved surprises. I stood a couple feet in front of him now.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine.” It was an important meeting, but we had been preparing for it for weeks in advance. Well, I had been preparing, which meant Hyungsik was prepared. The brat couldn’t do anything on his own if he tried. His successes were mine. I waded closer, placing my hands on his shoulders as I straddled him in the tub, just barely grazing his hardening member. I leant in. “You always do so well, Sir,” I cooed over the curves of his slender ears, pleased with the shaky exhale that left his lips. As dirty as I felt every time I got the notification of a direct deposit after we fucked, it never felt so bad when I was here with him, getting him so turned on, just for me.
Hyungsik remained still, not yet touching me, his arms outstretched across the tiles that were different shades of blue. I wrapped my fingers around the base of his neck, and pulled back to look at him. I sunk my hips lower in his lap, fully pushed up against him as I leaned in to take his bottom lip between my teeth. I rolled myself against him, forcing a moan out of him as his hands found their place against my sides. I was so used to the soreness of his hands against my forever-tender hips, it felt good to have them there again. Today had been a wonderful day, and this was all just making it better. His thumbs grazed the skin underneath as he dipped his tongue in my welcoming mouth, fighting for dominance. The water made it easier to hold my weight over him as I slid my hips against his erection.
I let my hands slide over his wet chest and trace down his toned body, basking in the feeling of his muscles contracting under my touch. I wrapped my hand around his member, squeezing gently through his swim trunks as I continued rolling my hips against him. A surprised groan dropped from his mouth. “Are you teasing me, Princess?” he challenged before harshly attacking my neck. My skin was already covered in the purple patches of his markings. Before they ever had time to fade, I would be somehow pressed up against him again, screaming his name and revelling in the pain and pleasure of his lips sucking against my fragile skin. I was the canvas he could never let go of, forever perfecting. I wondered if he did this with anyone else.
“Maybe,” I hummed. Hyungsik grew restless beneath me, his length pressed against me now. His hair looked amazing, glistening in this soft light of the hot tub as strands clung to his forehead. Maybe it was the ecstatic mood that I was in, but something in me dared to pull his head back by the hair roughly. I sighed at the loss of contact on my neck, letting my gaze wash over his handsome profile. I smirked, staring straight into his eyes. I dragged my tongue along his neck, the faint taste of chlorine water scattering in my mouth. The moan that left Hyungsik vibrated in his throat. It seemed to fade into a shaky profanity as his fingers twitched against my sides, and everything felt so damn good. He didn’t resist at all.
He wrapped his arms around my back, his fingers tracing the ridges of my spine, brushing up and down gently. I left open mouthed kisses along his neck and ear. “Sir, you’re so hot,” I jerked my hips against his, pulling yet another groan out of him. My fingers were lost in his hair, softly combing through the damp strands as I connected my lips with his. I lifted my hips, in favor of using my hands, and pressed myself up against Hyungsik. He sighed into the kiss, sculpting his fingers around my breasts delicately. His thumb grazed over my nipples, sending a quiet shock through me as I worked my hand along his length through his shorts. “These should really come off, Sir,” I purred, pulling the waistband of his shorts before letting them slap into his skin.
Hyungsik stood up suddenly with a frustrated huff, sending my stomach lurching in a quick panic. An alarmed gasp slipped out as I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, clinging to him. As the warm water slicked off our bodies, a cold shudder charged through my body. Hyungsik placed me roughly on the hard tile at the edge of the tub. I nearly lost my breath as my back made harsh contact with the ground. He placed his palm on my stomach, silently telling me to lie back. He knelt on the seat in the tub, sitting now between my legs, keeping them spread open with a hand on either knee. “That’s enough fun for you, Princess,” he hissed. “It’s my turn.”
The heat of his breath whisked over my core as he settled near my thighs. I shifted my hips anxiously. As his lips moved closer to my core, my toes curled up in the water with anticipation. I just wanted him inside me. If there was anything to compliment this man on, it was that he was exceptionally talented with his tongue.
I propped myself up on my elbows, watching Hyungsik carefully as he ran his tongue over his lips, wetting them. He brought his open palm to cup my heat, both of us moaning at the feeling. I felt so sensitive already, electrifying jolts racing through every point of contact I had with him. He made everything feel good. A shiver ran through me again as I pulled Hyungsik by the arm. “Park Hyungsik, I don’t fucking care what you do to me, just do something.” Bad move.
“You’ve been awfully naughty lately, Princess,” he shot me a dark smirk. “Disobeying, teasing, calling me by my name,” he listed off his grievances, fear growing eagerly in my abdomen. His face fell quickly, now flashing a terrifyingly arousing glare. “Don’t move,” he growled against my skin. Horror struck through my blood at the thought. “And even though you’ve been so bad, I’ll reward you, Princess. I’ll fuck you hard, just like you like. But only if you can stay still. Do you think you can do that for me?” His voice was laced with excitement. He knew I would never dare say no to him.
I gulped, nodding weakly at his words. I cursed myself for melting in his hand like butter every time.
His tongue swirled around my entrance, then sloppily engulfed my core. His lips wrapped around my sensitive nub, gently sucking as I lifted myself ever so slightly. His hands quickly found purchase at my hips, slamming them back down into the cold, hard ground. “Strike one,” he mumbled, shaking through my core. He was working rough now, and I could feel every inch of the grooves of his tongue brush up against me. He slipped inside my entrance for but a moment, before pulling out. Hyungsik watched with pure pleasure as I mewled some semblance of his name between clamped lips.
“Sir,” I whimpered, digging into his scalp with my fingers, tugging at strands of his damp hair. He took hold of my wrists and pinned them down against the edge of the tub, sending electrifying vibrations of pain and pleasure coursing through my entire body.
“Strike two.” He pushed his hot tongue flat against my entrance, striping upwards slowly. I struggled to keep my hips down. I needed more. “Fuck, Sir…” Hyungsik did not say anything, remaining silent as he focused on what he wanted most. “Please,” I whispered, another shiver shaking through me as my back pressed flat against the cold tiles.
“You know how much I like your pretty little sounds, Princess,” he chuckled darkly, flicking his tongue across my clit.
“Don’t stop, please,” I begged, my breaths hyperventilating to keep up with him. “Sir…” I whined, my knuckles turning white as I caught an iron grip on the edge of the hot tub. Still, I needed more. “Sir!” I yelled out, frustrated. It wasn’t enough.
A low growl escaped his throat as he slicked me up with his saliva. The sound of my juices being lapped up my him was enough to make me fall apart for him right then and there. It was almost painful to just lie back and fight every urge in my body that demanded I grind my hips into his face. I wanted him deeper, I wanted him to stay there between my legs forever, but I knew his cock would stretch me out just the way I was craving. He would take my entire body and mold it into himself, fitting his every need, and I couldn’t complain, not when he was fucking me so good like this.
I felt my thighs wrap his head tighter before his fingers slipped down and dug into my thigh. “Strike three.” Hyungsik detached his lips from my heat. “You’re out.”
I cried out in frustration. The feverish pulsing between my legs riled up a new desperation within me. A devilish smirk streaked across Hyungsik’s lips as he ran his tongue along the corners of his lips, humming with satisfaction. He pushed his shorts down under the water, stepping out of them and throwing them onto the balcony floor with a sloshing sound.
“Should we try again, Princess?” I nodded frantically, wanting so badly to feel the steaming white heat of an orgasm. He sneered at that. “Will you behave?”
“Y-yes, Sir.”
And just like that, Hyungsik was once again buried between my thighs. His grip around my legs was tighter now as he lifted them to hook over his shoulder. I knew if I stayed like this for too long, my calves would begin to tingle with numbness, so I fought my body to stay still. I just wanted to cum.
My throat grew dry as Hyungsik dipped his face deeper into me, his wet muscle slipping into my entrance daringly. He hummed into my core with delight and my mouth fixed open with ungodly noises flying out from the back of my throat. Nothing but blissful screams came out, and Hyungsik loved it. His nose pressed against my clit repeatedly as his face pressed into my heat over and over. His hands slip down to my thighs, wrapping around them with a firm grip as he moaned into me.
My head lifted instinctively off the ground as Hyungsik slid two fingers inside of me. He curled them instantly, massaging at my clenching walls. A scream-like moan left from my chest, and I was sure my soul left with it too. The heavenly euphoria I had been floating through from teasing him earlier caught up to me now. Now, I was simply soaking in the hellish agony of my own medicine, his hot tongue pressing up against every inch of my skin, but not where I needed him most.
Having done this so many times before, Hyungsik knew to brush against the spot I wanted him before teasingly curling his fingers away from it. His fingers pulled out and pushed back in at a pace that I swore would unravel me any second. I threw my hands into my hair, hoping to at least rip out some of my hair to survive the overwhelming pleasure. He pulled his fingers out slowly and then pushed them straight back in, not a single hint of gentleness. His tongue still stroked over my sensitive clit. No one had ever drawn out such desperate reactions from me. Only Hyungsik knew my body this well. My orgasm approached me in waves as the heat in the base of my stomach coiled up tightly. “Sir, I’m gonna–” I hardly had time to warm him before my orgasm crashed through my body, my thighs shaking violently around his neck. He fucked me so well I could hardly control myself. My thighs tightened around his head, and I was sure that I was suffocating him.
His fingers didn’t still, even as I came down from my high. My hips had a mind of their own now, writhing and tossing with every plunge of his fingers. “Oh my God, oh my God,” I whined, repeating myself until my whines turned into something far beyond me. “Sir, just fuck me!” I screamed. I couldn’t stay still anymore.
“So desperate,” he hissed.
“I know you must be so hard right now.” The words tumbled from my mouth in slurs. “Your balls must be so tight,” I let my voice swim in the lust that drowned my body. “Just fuck me. Let me make you feel good.” It was shameless, but I was ready to say or do anything just to feel his cock in me. I felt lightweight, floating in and out of consciousness as his fingers continued to work my sensitive walls. I was beyond desperate at this point. It was pitiful actually, but all I wanted was him.
“You know, if you hadn’t waltzed in here all naked and fucking beautiful just when I needed it, I would be denying you for so much longer.” Hyungsik grumbled, sliding his fingers out before pulling me down into the tub. “But you did, and I can’t stop fucking you, Princess.” He shoved his tongue into my mouth, soaking in the flavor or chlorine and cum. “I don’t want to.” He panted.
Hyungsik placed his hands on my ass, dragging me closer into his body. I was right; his erection pressed against my stomach as he held onto me. “Then fuck me like you mean it,” I challenged. It was the easiest way to get him inside me.
It worked. A feral growl rolled from his chest as he slid his hands up to the small of my back. He lifted me, forcing my ankles around his torso. He took hold of his cock, finding my entrance. “As you wish, Princess.”
Hyungsik pushed up into me gently, his hands immediately flying to my sides as my walls gripped around his erection. “Ah fuck–” my breath came out stuttered, my mind being wiped clean. I could feel him throbbing inside me, his chest heaving as a groan left his mouth. He had been more vocal as of late.
“Fuck, you’re still so goddamn tight.” He began moving his hips, slowly at first, knowing all too well that I would lose it soon. Everything was so sensitive, my vision hummed with faded blackness.
“Sir,” I mewled as he increased his pace. Hyungsik’s breath stuttered in his throat as he watched me bounce against his body. His lips found my neck, searching carefully for a spot that had yet to be marked as his. He jerked up into me with a groan. His noises rumbled deep in his chest, vibrating against my stomach, pressed up against him. I arched my back, wishing to somehow feel all of him at once. I grinded against his hips, his cock buried in me to the hilt. “Feels so good,” I breathed, head thrown back in the air, my eyes screwed shut.
“Yeah? Is that right, Princess? Do I make you feel good?” His fingers digging into the flesh of my ass.
“Yes, Sir, oh my God!”
It all felt so different in the water: the slick sounds of our juices moving around, his wet cock slamming into me, the water swishing around us– it was all so filthy I could hardly think straight. Only strings of sounds left my lips, tangoing against his breathy moans as we snapped our hips into each other. I rose my body up, pounding down onto him.
“Keep going, Princess…” Hyungsik’s breath shook as he pressed my chest into him, my breasts flattening against his wet body.
“Oh, Sir…” I managed. “I love when you fuck me.” Sobs threatened to escape me as I drowned my fingers in his hair again. His hips jerked up. “So good and so deep.” Hyungsik’s hips began to move unbearably fast. “You’re the only one,” I cried. “You’re the only one.”
“Shit–” he gasped, digging his fingers into my back as I moved my hips to meet his. I moaned in response. I loved hearing him react to everything. His voice got so deep and raspy when he reveled in my body, but he would drift into soft, beautiful moans and whines as he reached his high. It felt amazing to make him feel like this. Maybe it was what kept me coming back, what kept me from walking away.
I tangled myself deeper in his hair, tugging slightly to hear the delicate gasp that always tiptoed out from his lips. I curled forward in pleasure at that, his hips now hitting a certain angle that sent my vision shocking with an explosion of white. My thighs tensed up, my body freezing with the staggering feeling of another high. Hyungsik took things into his own hands as he seized my hips, shoving his cock up into me. I lost complete control of myself as I screamed into the crook of his neck. I whimpered as he drove the head of his cock into my swollen g-spot over and over and over and over.
His moans began to sound muffled, a layer of white noise hanging around me. Even my heartbeat pounded in my ears louder as his hips continued to ram into mine. “Yes, yes, yes,” he kept saying, his pace growing erratic, but still hitting deep. I couldn’t hear anything else as I sunk into the pleasure of another high.
I choked on a sob, and my thighs began to ache as I still tried to hold my body up on Hyungsik’s thick cock. He was still slamming up into me as he chased his own high. I pulled harder at his hair, yanking a loud yell from him. I was as surprised as he was, but then his hot seed flushed into me and I felt completely dizzy. “Oh my God…”
Hyungsik let out an elongated sigh of satisfaction as he sat slowly down on the seat in the hot tub. We sat there clinging to each other in the warm water as we emerged from our wrecked states. Gradually, the overwhelming ringing in my ears settled.
Hyungsik grunted as I rose off of him. For once he helped steady me, holding on to me as I stumbled slightly. I shook my head, slicking my hair back with my hands. “Wow,” was all I could manage to say.
“You always take such good care of me,” he mused, an eyebrow raised. His eyes darted between mine, fixing finally on my lips. He pursed his own, lost somewhere in his thoughts.
It was a strange thing for him to say. I was after all getting paid for this. Sure, I walked into this hot tub naked by choice, but at the end of the day, he was holding this all above my head. I had been too eager and surprised to say no to such a powerful man. He was young, handsome, successful– what woman in their right mind would have turned him down? Now, a year later, he could easily blacklist me from any job on this side of the world. It only takes a rumor to topple a career. “It’s my job.”
370 notes · View notes
imhoonsik · 8 years
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Times King JinHeung owns his throne.
144 notes · View notes
99liners · 6 years
03 | fake king ― phs;
part one | part two | part three (you’re here) | part four
pairing: park hyungsik x female reader.
extra characters: choi minho, park seojoon, do jihan and kim taehyung. ser arthur dwayne, ser barristan selmy. (game of thrones characters)
genre: angst and fluff.
words: 3.267 words.
reading time: 12 minutes.
warnings for this chapter: mentions of MAJOR character deaths, blood, death.
synopsis: the rebellion against the targaryens did put the parks on the throne but till how long will that last? you were the key but that they failed to assess and it was surely going to cost them the throne and far more other things which they hold dear because when you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. there is no middle ground.
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the hand of the king, lord choi ho summoned his son to the tower of the hand and when ser minho arrived, lord choi stood up from his chair.
“i have something for you.”
minho bowed and sat down, “other than your rebukes? please, that would be something new, father.”
lord choi rolled his eyes and grabbed a long sword and kept it on his table, “for you.”
minho looked at him amused and picked it up, taking it out of its sheath, “is it valyrian steel?”
lord choi nodded, sipping on wine from a goblet, “freshly forged.”
minho stood up taking a stance and took a swing at the air, “it is so light. i did not know there were any blacksmiths left who can forge valyrian steel.”
“there are some left still in volantis,” his father replied, “what are you going to name it?”
“oathkeeper,” minho murmured running his finger through the edge of the sword, so polished it cut split a piece of hair in two.
“good. and when are you going home?”
“i beg your pardon, my lord hand?” minho looked at him visibly confused.
“it has been a month since you have been a kingsguard. i bet you are bored of it now like you have been with everything you ever partook in. so when are you leaving for casterly rock?”
“to rule in my stead.”
“you are the lord of casterly rock, not me.”
“i am the hand of the king. my duty is here. you are my son. your seat is in casterly rock.”
“i am a kingsguard. my seat is beside my king. my answer is no.”
“i do not think i was asking you a question.”
“and my answer is still no,” minho put the sword back in the sheath and kept it on the table, “i am guessing you want it back now.”
“keep it,” lord choi spat out.
minho bowed and left.
seven months have passed since hyungsik last saw you. he would not leave his chambers, he would not attend the meetings of the small council, he would not even speak to his mother where he had promised you that he would talk to her about his father but he did not.
hyungsik wakes up every day, summons ser jihan and ser seojoon and practices sword fighting from dawn till dusk.
it was just another day when hyungsik was sparring with ser jihan when ser seojoon announced the arrival of his mother, queen regent, lady choi.
hyungsik took off his armor and kept his sword away, dismissing jihan, “why are you here?”
he never really shared a good relationship with his mother but she loved him with all her heart nonetheless because he was all but her firstborn, her pride.
“you have not left your chambers, son. you need to go out, you need to get some fresh air and i do not know, maybe, rule the kingdom of which you are the lord protector.”
“i am quite sure grandfather loves to rule in my stead.”
“but you have have to learn how to manage the affairs of the crown! you cannot just expect others to do your work.”
“i do not want that stupid throne. you can have it, queen regent if that is what you want so dearly.”
lady elia just stared at her son, a bitter smile on her lips, “have you been talking to that lowborn whore again? she is the one who is putting these thoughts in your head, right?”
hyungsik looked at his mother calmly, his features looked calm but his eyes said otherwise, “call her a whore again and you will not have the tongue to speak another word.”
lady elia looked at her son bewildered, “how dare you? i will have her damned head. do you think you will get to marry her if you step down as the king?”
hyungsik smiled, “thank you for the idea. maybe i should step down after all.”
“oh really? and what will you do? how will you live the rest of your life? fucking her?”
“i will be a knight. like father was, a proper swordmaster.”
lady choi laughed a bitter laugh this time, the sound of her laughter echoing in the empty halls of the king’s great chamber, “you think your father was strong? he was a good swordsman?”
“of course he was,” hyungsik shot her a confused look, “he killed ser arth-”
“he killed an impostor knight who everyone thought was ser arthur dayne. your father would not ever stand a chance if it was ser arthur in front of him. your father was a coward on the head of a rebellion. do you know who crushed rhaegar targaryen? your uncle minho did, not your father. he never was a fighter, he was not a good king either. all he had was fake glory and titles to his name now that he became king but i was the one who ruled this kingdom in his stead. your father was weak and i would rather die but see you following his steps.”
hyungsik kept quiet for a while, he was at a loss of words.
“is that why you had him killed?”
lady choi turned to her son, her distraught expression taking over her beautiful face, “do you believe that?”
“maybe i do. shouldn’t i, mother?”
before lady choi could say another word hyungsik raised his hand to stop her, “leave please.”
defeated lady choi walked out at once when hyungsik called for ser taehyung, “tell the grand maestar to summon everyone to the court. i have an announcement to make.”
taehyung bowed leaving.
hyungsik freshened up and dressed himself in the colors of his family. gold of the choi and brown of the park. after wearing his sword belt which carried his long sword, hyungsik walked out and headed towards the red keep followed by ser seojoon and ser jihan. 
once he sat himself on the iron throne, he quietly waited for everyone to arrive. his grandfather, the hand of the king was the first to arrive followed by his mother lady elia who was accompanied by ser choi minho. the master of whispers and the master of coins came soon after and lastly, ser barristan arrived with the rest of the kingsguards.
hyungsik took a look at them before starting, “thank you so much for gathering on such short notice. i have an announcement to make.”
“i hope it is about your return to the small council meetings, your grace, your attention is duly needed there,” lord choi commented.
“why yes grandfather, it is about the matters of the crown only,” hyungsik smiled curtly, “after thinking about a lot of things for quite a long time i have come to the decision that i should step down from my position.”
“nonsense, son,” lady choi started only to be quieted down again by a gesture from her son.
“the entire time after my coronation, i have done nothing but waste away. i have no skills of leadership nor can i command anyone. i do not wish to keep going on like this when a proper ruler is needed to take the matters of the crown seriously,” hyungsik let a breath as if he was holding it in since a long time, “ser barristan.”
ser barristan came forward and bowed, “your grace.”
“i am the third king you are serving. i am sure you are bored of it. you have aged too.”
“no your grace, serving the king is my utmost duty.”
“ser barristan selmy, i release you of your vows, you are a free knight and a respectable lord now.”
ser barristan looked at his king in disbelief, “your grace, please. this is all i have known my entire life.”
when hyungsik did not say anything further, ser barristan unclipped his cloak from his shoulders angrily, “maybe you are right. you should never rule, your grace,” ser barristan threw the white cloak at hyungsik’s feet and proceeded to take off his other batches and threw them on the ground before exiting the red keep.
hyungsik sighed, “ser seojoon come forward.”
park seojoon looked at hyungsik and walked from his side to his front, “your grace,” he took off his helm.
“i name you the lord commander of the kingsguard and the hand of the king.”
seojoon looked at hyungsik in shock. he was not serious, was he?
lord choi stood up at once, “what kind of an insult is this?”
“not an insult grandfather. casterly rock awaits for you, the last i remember you were the lord of casterly rock named the hand of the king by my mother who was queen regent till i came of age. i am relieving you of your duties.”
lord choi glared at his daughter and walked away feeling denigrated.
hyungsik stood up smiling at his cousin, a tired smile.
“your grace, i am honored with the titles but i am not worthy.”
hyungsik chuckled climbing down the stairs and walking past him, “did you say something my lord hand? i’m not your king anymore. you are the acting king till my younger brother comes of age.”
“and where are you going?” came the roaring voice of lady elia.
“does not matter. i am a normal person, i can go anywhere and do whatever i want,” hyungsik smiled and walked out exiting the palace.
it was not long before hyungsik found his way to you. he knew he would find you at your and his practice grounds. he walked from behind the wall and saw you practicing with a bow an arrow. your target on the opposite side of you and the blackwater bay on your side.
you heard footsteps behind you and turned towards the person pointing the arrow but the moment you saw it was none other than hyungsik, you loosened the grip on the arrow and withdrew it, “what are you doing here? i mean your grace,” you bowed looking for his kingsguards.
hyungsik chuckled, he was beyond happy to see you in front of him, “you look different.”
“and you look old, what have you done to yourself?”
hyungsik just walked to you grabbing your hand and sat you down on the railing of the courtyard. he sat on one knee in front of you, his fingers caressing your knuckles, “i am not the king anymore. i forsook my claims to inheritance. i am yours and only yours now. will you marry me?”
your eyes went an inch wider as you took in his words, “you are joking.”
“not at all. the crown is nothing, i will give up anything for you.”
“you are unbelievable, why would you do that!” you hit his chest.
“hey! it was you who would not visit me anymore nor would you talk to me, i saw no way. plus, i was a horrible king. we both know that.”
“i cannot do this hyungsik. i cannot rob the people of this realm the last chance of a decent king in centuries.”
“you did not know how i ruled, i was really bad at it!”
“no, you do not know that. the people have prospered, earlier only the rich grew richer and the poor grew poorer but with your new reforms and decrees, the common people have flourished, times have changed. kids do not go to sleep hungry in flea bottom anymore.”
hyungsik sighed, “i cannot keep doing it. i am tired of it, i tried whatever i could but you do one good thing and people pose a hundred problems at you for doing that good thing.”
“i know but you have to be stron-” you stopped when you saw ser arthur had returned and now had his sword at hyungsik’s neck.
“i am fighting the urge to kill him,” ser arthur spoke up, “it will be over in a blink and he would not even know who did it.”
“se- father you will do no such thing!” you groaned pushing his sword away from hyungsik’s neck who looked back to take a look at his captor.
“it surely is surprising to see a farmer with a knight’s sword, did i introduce reforms to arm farmers too?” hyungsik stood up.
ser arthur smirked staring him down, “i do not want you or your filth near my princess, boy.”
“do you even know who i am?”
“do enlighten me,” ser arthur snarled at him.
“i am the kin- i am your prince,” hyungsik asserted fixing his posture.
“you are no prince of mine and you will never be,” ser arthur walked further towards hyungsik but you came and stood between them glaring at your caretaker, “stay away from my princess,” ser arthur backed away still smirking, “my prince.” he bowed in a mocking way and walked away.
it was not long after that day that ser arthur found himself frowning at you as you stood in front of the love of your life, park hyungsik in the godswood, getting married with the entire king’s landing as your witness. 
“and with this kiss, i pledge my love,” hyungsik said before he leaned in to kiss you.
ser arthur was watching from a distance in complete disguise. he had refused to bless you or walk you to your husband, you might not have been witness to what happened during the rebellion but he saw it all and he can never forget it.
hyungsik kissed you and you kissed back smiling, a smile that was destined to turn to ashes in your mouth.
as you guys pulled back, the crowd cheered for their prince. their beloved prince. you looked around the crowd smiling and on spotting ser arthur your smile widened, yes you were not related by blood but he will always be your father. ser arthur walked away after nodding at you as if a farewell.
lady choi stared at you from in between ser do jihan and ser taehyung, her legs and hands shackled and manacled.
just a fortnight ago, she was charged with treason for conspiring to kill the former king which was proved from your testimony but you were not entirely sure about ser minho. you only had heard his voice once during that conversation and could not risk his future on a hunch. 
as the ceremony ended, lady elia was escorted back to her dungeons while hyungsik took it upon himself to give you a tour of the palace which ended of course once he had you in your chambers, a mischievous smile on his face.
over the next few months, you debated if it really was a farewell and meant to go visit your caretaker. you were having breakfast and the server served you lemon cakes. you grinned, “thank you so much, i love lemon cak-” you were tongue-tied when you realized it was ser arthur but in disguise of course.
“oh my god, what are you doing here!” you asked almost excited to see him and started to get up but he had you sit down again.
“easy princess. people know me here, i cannot risk your life but i cannot guard you without knowing how you are. your marriage to that fake prince does not release me from my vow to your father.”
you smiled, “i am so relieved to see you. i get tired of being surrounded by strange faces all day. the prince is busy all day since he took his position as master of coins.”
“i am always here for you princess, you know it,” ser arthur bowed smiling before walking out and leaving you alone again among the sea of strangers.
this is the first time ser minho visited his stepsister in the dungeons. lady elia did not smile when she saw him but she asked her to come closer.
minho stepped forward, ‘i swear i would have come sooner.”
lady elia rolled her eyes, “i do not care. listen to me carefully.”
minho looked at his half-sister leaning forward towards the bars which served as the only restriction between him and her.
“kill him,” lady elia gathered up all the viciousness inside of her to utter those two words. minho nodded, he knew park seojoon needed to go now.
on the other hand, you looked around the palace frantically for your husband. you were excited to give him the good news. the maestar confirmed your doubts this morning, you were pregnant and already three moons along. you knew already when you did not bleed for two moons but waited for the confirmation to let hyungsik know. you were starting to show too, hyungsik would not ever be able to tell even if you were eight months pregnant, he is that oblivious.
you looked in the small council hall and did not find him there, frowning you started walking towards the tower of the hand when you crashed against ser jihan.
“i am so sorry ser,” you were quick to apologize as he helped you stand straight.
“calm down my lady, it is alright. you look distraught.”
“i am looking for my husband,” you sighed pouting.
jihan chuckled, “he is in the throne room with the lord hand.”
you nodded smiling and after thanking him, started walking towards the throne room. no matter how much hyungsik claims he is bad at ruling, he is busy all day with seojoon discussing matters of the realm. he would not miss a single small council meeting and would always advise the hand with pieces that always worked out well.
you were in the courtyard in front of the great door which leads to the throne room when you saw it opening. keeping up your pace, holding your dress you managed to see that it was ser minho who walked in. 
both seojoon and hyungsik were facing their back to the door, talking in front of the throne. they were actually headed to the small council chambers which is connected with the throne room but stopped midway discussing a reform regarding the soldiers.
seojoon was standing more near the door of the small council chamber and one could not really see him from the door of the throne room unless they walked closer. minho advanced towards whom he thought was seojoon, standing in front of the throne. minho’s valyrian sword in his hand, he marched towards the person and drove his sword through the person’s back but the realization soon dawned upon him that it was not ser park seojoon that he stabbed but his own nephew, hyungsik, the king he was sworn to protect.
when you walked to the door, the guards saw you and opened the door and you watched in horror as ser minho pulled out his sword from hyungsik’s back. you ran towards him at once and pushed away minho who was still standing there not knowing what to do. 
you wrapped your arms around hyungsik’s shoulders as he fell backwards, his weight upon you and you sat down with his head on your lap. your hand on his wound, blood gushing out from it, “no no no please no you cannot leave me.” 
hyungsik just stared at you before his eyes started closing.
feedback is deeply appreciated.✨
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- jaimie
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jjang-jjang · 8 years
*watching hwarang*
me: mmh who should i ship Ahro with.... Sunwoo or Maekjong?
brain: ....... OR you could ship Sunwoo and Maekjong instead
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