#zed necropolis x reader
whyareyouhere66 · 1 month
➢ Polaroid
multiple male x GN reader
warnings: none
When he’s got your Polaroid displayed in his car.
The radio has music wafting through the speakers, a small charm hanging from the rear view mirror as he casually turns the wheel with the palm of his hand, turning onto a new street. 
His eyes are trained on the road, humming slightly to the song as it plays, when he sees the small white frame out of the corner of his eye.
The corner of it is stuck into a crevice somewhere on the dashboard, and your bright smile fills the space, eyes wrinkled and narrowed into a squint as the picture was taken seconds into a laugh. In the picture, your head is tilted up to look at the camera, the flash lighting up your face leaving it perfectly framed for him to admire.
At the sight of it, his lips quirk up into a small and fond smile. He had put it there so whenever you weren’t there in person, he could still have you there somehow, by your designated seat on the passenger side. Anyone who got into the car would be welcomed by your face, even from its spot tucked into the dashboard placed specifically so he could always see it.
The song changes on the radio, a few seconds of talking in the transition between melodies. 
And just like that, he’s turning onto your street.
Pulling in just to see that same pretty face in person. 
[characters: JJ Maybank, John B. Routledge, Pope Heyward, Eijiro Kirishima, Shoto Todoroki, Mashirao Ojiro, Zed Necropolis, Carlos De Vil, Ben Beast, Sodapop Curtis, Adam Banks, Charlie Conway, Koshi Sugawara, Daichi Sawamura, Asahi Azumane]
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starrrlights · 2 years
Untill I make you mine
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Movie : zombies
Pairing : Zed x gn reader
Warnings : mutual pinning, curse words, long af, slow ish burn friends to lovers,
Summary : being more then friends with Zed seems like a fantasy, but maybe dreams do come true
A/n : you and Zed are basically "flirty friends."
Favorite color - f/c
Favorite drink - f/d
Favorite flavor - f/f
Any toppings - a/ts
^ means humming the song
It was like every other day, same boring classes and the same people over and over again. And it was driving you nuts.
Staying in the same spot you have always been in, hearing the teacher blabbering and yapping about some world famous inventer. You could hear other people's boredom from the other side of the room. About to knock yourself unconscious, you felt a tap on your shoulder. Turning around, you see the famous green haired zombie and best friend; Zed.
"yea?" Even though you hated your teacher, you did not want to have detention. So whispering will have to do.
"having fun?" You wanted to slap his pretty little face of his but you held back.
"yea, this class is so great. I wish it wouldn't end". You spat out sarcastically. Giving Zed a quick check out, you put out a stupid little grip. " So how is you doing, looking unbelievably handsome everyday?" giving a wink, you quickly notice the slight blush on zeds cheeks.
Zed bit his bottom lip, trying to show what you had done to him.
'im doing unbelievably well. Thank you very much." Setting his chin on his palm and smiling.
'God his smile is so damn cute.' smiling, and turning around. You finally broke. Your face becoming hot and putting on a shit eating grin. You liked that boy so much, but you new best friend-crush would never like you back.
Love wasn't the word to describe what Zed felt for you. Starstruck? Whipped? Mesmerized? All he knows is that he had fallen hard. You were out of his league! Every time you told him that you were serious that no one had a crush on you, he wanted to slap you gorgeous face and tell how he felt to you.
But that would never end the way he would like. Would you reject him? Would you laugh in his face and make him the laughing stock?
I mean, he 'knew' that you didn't like him the same way. He swear you had feelings for Wyatt when to guys met. Even though Wyatt and Addison are the founders and leaders of the 'zedxy/n' club
But maybe he had one chance on confessing and that was tonight.
You were walking over to the front doors to feel freedom, but only to be stopped by Zed.
"can we hang out later? We don't have homework and I believe you're free."
"yea sure. 5:30?"
"yea, I'll meet you at your place"
"alright then, see you!"
Zed had texted you saying how you were having a bonfire. And would be staying the night in his dad's camper that he had borrowed. The weather for tonight would be clear and mosquitoes won't bother you by the fire so you were excited.
Packing your stuff in you bag was easy. Hoodie, sweatpants, and a change of clothes. (And whatever else you want). It was 5:00. So you had time.
You were sitting on your porch swing when you see a familiar car park in front of your house. You quickly got up from your seat to greet zed.
"Hey darlin' " wiggling his eyebrows, you giggle and shake your head.
"Don't call me darlin' " your chest hurt at your own words. Of course you wanted to be called darlin', but it seemed to much like a joking manner then you wanted it to be.
"Well, I will call you darlin' and everything will be okay"
You rolled your eyes and gestured to his car.
' Cause I know that I am yours and you are mine '
"We going somewhere or no?" Zed snapped out of his thoughts and looked at you.
" yea, yeah. Hold on"
' Doesn't matter anyway, He doesn't ever like me more then a friend'
Zed had let you change in to p.j's in the camper. Hoping that you weren't taking long. You Finnish and pick up the clothes you wore earlier. Baggy shorts and a t-shirt. Not the best to protect yourself from mosquitoes.
Zed said that later in the night, we'll take a walk, it's nothing funny, Just to talk.
But you feel like there's more to that.
You open the campers door and walk outside to see that zed was gone and there was a fire with 2 chairs by it. Figured that he probably is in the camper or getting more wood at a near by store.
You go sit in the f/c chair and zone out. Tapping your foot and staring at the fire out of boredom. Only to feel a hand on your shoulder. You snap your head to the direction of the hands owner only to see zed.
"You scared me" you breath in and out before turning around and to see if you have you phone in you pocket or not. Hearing a shuffle and a chair squeak. Your eyes look up to see zed in a tank top, gray sweatpants and his somewhat oversized letterman jacket. The sight takes your breath away, only realizing you staring.
You find you phone in your left pocket. You quickly make it look like you were busy only to feel eyes on you. Not raising your head. Your eyes follow back to zed again. Only now his eye were looking at you. Omg, he was checking you out. Not in a perverted way btw
You two quickly look away only to feel hot in the face.
'She caught me, crap!'
Zeds plan had not went to plan. He wanted to see if you wanted to get ice cream in the diner near by. But never knew how to bring it up.
' fuck it '
"Y/n, you want to go to the diner for icecream?"
You look at him, and smile.
"Sure, why not"
The car ride was somewhat awkward. You rested your arm on the center counsel. Having your hand raised in the air.
Zed kept glancing at the hand. He wanted to hold your hand so bad.
'Please let me put your hand in mine. I want You to know that I want to be with you all the time. I want You to know that I won't stop until I make you mine'
Zed parks the car in front of the diner and you both pile out.
You open the door and a wind of sweets and food hit you.
"Omg, it smells so good in here" you walk over to a booth in the corner by the candy section. You could never get used to this smell.
"HI, I will be your server for today. Do you know what you want to drink?" A woman , looking like she was in her early 20's asked. Holding out 2 menus.
"Uh, f/d please." So say, quickly opening to the dessert section on the menu.
"Lemonade please" zed answers. Slowly opening the menu to look through.
"Alright, I'll be back when I have your drinks" the waitress walked away to do her job and you had already knew what you wanted. F/f with a/ts.
"Let me guess, you're getting vanilla with vanilla?" You joke, knowing that's all zed gets.
"Yeah, yeah. Joke all you want". He laughs and your heart flutters. 'Damn' was all you thought while looking at zed. You broke into a grin and laugh.
You both get your drinks and order your ice-cream.
You pull out you phone and scroll on your feed. Trying to be occupied unstead of waiting 8-15 minutes for your ice cream.
The speakers start playing a song you recognize. 'Make you mine' was the song. The song you wish to sing but that would, 1: be embarrassing, and 2: stupid. You could never. And you couldn't sing to save your life.
You slowly start tapping your foot to the beat and then start humming.
^You know that I won't stop until I make you mine, Until I make you mine. Well, I have called you darlin' and I'll say it again, again. So kiss me 'til I'm sorry, babe, that you are gone and I'm a mess^
"-And I'll hurt you and you'll hurt me and we'll say things we can't repeat"
Zed whispers the lyrics. Glancing at you to keep humming.
^" Put your hand in mine. You know "that I want to be with you all the time""
You say, trying to not gain attention from the workers and the other customers ever if there weren't a lot of them.
" You know that I won't stop until I make you mine."
You try to keep your eyes on your phone but It was hard
"You know that I won't stop until I make you mine,You need to know we'll take it slow, I miss you so we'll take it slow "
You swallow your own saliva. Only hoping that this song will never end
" It's hard to feel you slipping (You need to know) Through my fingers are so numb (We'll take it slow)"
You start to feel hot and your palms are sweaty. Why are like this?
Until I make you mine. Put your hand in mine
"And how was I supposed to know (I miss you so) That you were not the one?. Put your hand in mine."
You know that I want to be with you all the time
You know that I won't stop until I make you mine
You know that I won't stop until I make you mine
You know that I want to be with you all the time
Your guys slowly sing quieter by every word. Sadly the song had to end soon
Oh darlin', darlin', baby, you're so very fine
Your heart fluttered hard. You looked at the table in embarrassment
You know that I won't stop until I make you mine
Until I make you-"
You were cut of by soft lips on your own. What.
Your eye finally adjust to see zed. He pulls away and you felt speechless. You opened your mouth to talk but you train of thoughts kept you quiet.
Zed was worse. Not only all that but was having 2nd thoughts. 'What if you rejected him?' 'What if you hate him after this?' 'What if-'
"I like you zed, I have for a while now. And I just thought you should know" you blurt out. Looking any where then zed.
"I..I like you too. Every since you stood up for the zombies on the first say of high-school. You made me feel like I belonged here and wasn't an outcast. I felt loved and honored when I was with you. Even if your little brother hates me"
you laugh and the last part. You smile and grab his hand from the table.
" you free next Saturday? We can you to the amusement park opening on Saturday "
"He'll yeah" you both laugh and you notice to large glass cups of icecream coming your way.
"Here you two go. Sorry for the wait" the waitress put down the icecream and the check.
"Holler if you need anything." She smile and walks away.
"Cheers to being accepted to Mountain College?"
You take a scoop of your icecream and raise it in the air.
"Cheers" zed mimics your actions and you bump spoons. Then eating the scoop of icecream.
"Hmm~" you loved you icecream. You wouls never replace it. You look at zed 's and feel bad
"do you ever get sick of just vanilla?"
Zed looks at you confused but quickly replaced by a smirk.
"Can I have some of yours then?" Your face feels hot but you replace his cocky attitude with you own
"Sure, but I doubt it will be good as you."
Now it was zed turn to feel hot on the face.
An hour had pasted. Your iCecreams were gone and finished. You sat in zed side of the booth and talked on what you had planed for college and after.
The diner had to almost kick you to out to close.
But zed he knew a place where you could see stars better. So you payed and left. The rest of the night was a blur. But waking up in the morning next the best thing ever <3
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supercap2319 · 2 years
Addison: “A werewolf and a zombie are in love with you?”
Y/N: “It’s not my fault I’m so attractive.”
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Perfectionism in Pink | A Z O M B I E S FanFiction
Chapter 1
Josephine's family was perfectly pink and demanded her to be the same, but why was it no matter how much pink she adorned did she always feel green?
Pink is never the violent delight; pink is polite, tender, charming, sweet, joyous… Pink is sometimes the mellow evening sky staying still above soft zephyrs, pink is sometimes a childhood bruise. Pink is nostalgia, a gentle melancholy.
Her room was the perfect shade of baby pink all around with the cursive word perfection hung up over her equally as pink bed. Her mom had a great eye for detail and had hung up cheer paraphernalia, flowers, and other pretty things across her room. Fluffy white carpet and an equally fluffy bag-chair decorated the floorspace of the teen's bedroom along with a pristine vanity with quality make up. The entire house was well decorated and maintained by the matriarch of the family.
Everything has to be in its place at all times no matter who was or wasn't looking. Hair smooth, make up clean, and clothes ironed - Josephine's parents always demanded perfection. Her mom was a nurse at Seabrook Hospital and her dad an officer in the Z Patrol, there was always a need to do better and to be better.
After all, Josephine Jackson was perfect. She laughed when she was supposed to, made excellent grades, always did above and beyond in everything, and most of all she did what her parents wanted her to do without question. Just like everyone else in the city, her mother was a cheerleader and her father a football player at Seabrook High School many years ago.
Surprisingly enough, they hadn't known each other existed until after college when they moved back to the small town and bumped into each other during work. Her dad was on call in Zombieland when something went wrong and he had an encounter with one of those monsters. He solved it quickly and he walked into her mom's care. He loved to show the scar off on his neck.
Love, just like that.
Then her brother was born, the perfect child. He played football just like his dad, one of the best Seabrook had ever seen, before heading off to college to study Pre-Med after being Valedictorian of his graduating class. His graduation photo hung proudly at their front entrance and the boy was sent off for his own first year last week at the prestigious Mountain College. The same school both her parents attended and the same one she would attend as well.
Yes, Josephine had a perfect life. She did what her parents told her to do and that was why everything was perfect. Her brother did the same and look where that had gotten him. She was going to be a cheerleader, just like she was supposed to be, and she'd be a lawyer within the decade.
"Do you have everything for school, Josephine?" Her mom asked from across the table. The three were enjoying breakfast together which was rare as usually one or both parents were usually gone at work. They were well known for being hard workers even in school taking double shifts to help out their community. Moments like these were rare when the family got to eat together, but the two had decided to take a break for their daughter's first day of school since they no longer had their first born to help out.
"Yes, mom. Thank you for the new water bottle, it goes perfectly with my backpack." Josephine said gratefully with a smile. Her mom returned it with full force, pride on her face at the manners her daughter had. The water bottle was an exquisite pink that matched Josephine's lunchbox, backpack, outfits... It went well with the family.
"Good, and remember cheer tryouts are early in the semester so figure out the dates before you leave school today. Write them on the calendar when you get home." Her dad said seriously, sipping on his cup of coffee and enjoying the newspaper. He very rarely had time to read it so he did when he could. "Your brother did well following in our footsteps, he might not have been a wide receiver like your dad, but he played well."
"I'm so excited to watch you as a flier, Josephine." Her mom said with excitement, her eyes glazing over as old memories flashed through her head. The woman was no cheer captain, but she had been your average Seacoast cheerleader wearing the pink and green proudly. With a small sigh of content, she looked back at her daughter who only smiled back. "I know you're a... little… tall for a girl your age, but I just know you'll be just like your mother. Soaring, flying, it's a wonderful feeling spinning in the air and-"
Ah yes. Her imperfections. Smile and bare with it, it was all because they loved her.
"Alright sugar pea." The patriarch said gently, a loving hand placed on his wife's shoulder. "Let's let Josephine go. She needs to get an early start, you know how she is with times. I'm sure we'll be watching her at the next game high in the air very soon."
Josephine ignored her stomach dropping and said her goodbyes to her parents. She headed out to get her bike from the side of the house - she lived near the edge of town - and resisted the urge to see how fast she could get to school. She waved politely to the people of the town, throwing a good morning here and a 'its good to see you' there, before arriving at the school. Freshmen to seniors were hanging out on the lawn while a few older boys with letterman jackets threw the ball near the front door.
Her brother had been a kicker on the team, the only thing her dad complained about regarding her brother, until the boy had basically kicked every single goal and got himself into college on scholarship. Even when he failed, the boy couldn't lose.
While locking up her bike, Josephine's eyes wandered from the football over to the newly built fence and she frowned.
Her nose scrunched up in distaste as all the stories from her dad started to pour through her head. Monsters, no brains, undead, absolute terrors to society that deserved to sho-
"Oh, Josephine!"
Woken up from her hateful thoughts, Josephine's eyes locked onto a familiar face and even though she wore pink, she felt green. The smiling face of Addison Wells stood in front of her.
"Hey, Addison." Josephine said kindly, pushing down the jealousy in her stomach as the two began walking to the school. "How's your morning going?"
Being put into cheer camp by her family for her entire life it was a guarantee to see Mayor Missy's daughter, Addison, who succeeded in everything with an almost supernatural ease. Cheer came easy to her as opposed to Josephine who spent hours on weekends with her mom clapping at her along to beats in the backyard. Somehow the two girls were friends seeing as Josephine's parents enrolled her in whatever Addison was doing.
"It's going great! I'm a little nervous, new school you know?" Josephine nodded in understanding, high school was scary enough but now they had to be in the same building with freakish monsters who wanted to eat humans... talk about stress. Her eyes darted over to the boys again, they were throwing that ball really half-hazardly. "Plus, cheerleading... it's everything I've ever wanted to be and now... this is it."
Miss Perfect nervous about anything? Everything she did was right since she was born. There was no way that the blonde had to worry about anything. Her mother was the mayor, father the head of Z-Patrol, and her cousin was the current cheer captain. In no nearby parallel universe was Addison Wells not going to become a cheerleader. Now, maybe if a zombie visited the girl at night, ripping her face off, then she'd have something to worry abo-
Josephine had to swallow her hateful thoughts down. They would do no good in the end so might as well push them away. "You'll be fine, Addison. You're amazing at cheer and the team will be lucky to have you." Dad said being emotional would get you nowhere and you can't fight someone whose already perfect.
"Thanks, Jett. I really appreciate it." Addison said kindly with a smile at the brunette. She gave a small hip bump as they approached the front doors to school and Josephine grinned back down at her friend. "You'll get in too, I know it."
"Yeah, but my parents still talk about how perfect your performance was at junior cheer camp this summer." It took everything in Josephine to not bite the words out as the memory of her parents gushing over Addison Wells reared its ugly head. The words echoed through her head and she repeated her mother's praises. "You fly like you were born for it."
Addison stopped their walk at the steps of the school and looked over at Josephine to reassure her that she was also awesome, but Josephine's eyes darted over the blonde's shoulder at a sudden movement. There were only seconds to react properly as a small 'heads up' was attempted to warn the girl. Josephine elbowed Addison out of the way before catching the football that nearly hit the cheerleader in the back of the head.
After she caught herself from being pushed out of the way, Addison looked over at Josephine with wide eyes as she sent the ball in a perfect spiral over to the group of boys who only called out quick apologies before returning back to their game. Josephine scoffed at the lack of decorum.
"Wow, that was amazing, Jett!" Addison said with excitent, looking at the girl with gratitude. "Thank you for that."
Josephine shrugged her shoulders and rubbed the back of her neck in barrassment. "It's not a problem. You would do the same for me." She'd probably have flown over there with a cartwheel, hand spring, and back flip... Something so much more graceful than the throw that made the catcher stumble back.
"You're going to be great at cheer-"
"Wow, that was an amazing catch! And an awesome spiral a-and that distance!"
The brunette whipped around to the fence and took a few steps away from the chain-link, the voice that interrupted Addison stared at Josephine in excitent. Josephine felt her lip curl automatically.
Green hair, pale skin, sunken eyes... the undead just walking in their town as if they were one of them. She made eye contact with the taller zombie with curly hair and he grinned at her, she just looked away feeling disgust crawl through her. Josephine couldn't look at them any longer as fear started to build its way up.
"Are these freaks bothering you cuz?" The man, the myth, the weirdly self-obsessed Bucky Buchannan appeared from behind the two girls, placing a hand on Addison's shoulder as he also looked over at the zombies and started to make deaning faces at the taller one. When the zombie smacked against the fence, Bucky and Josephine took a step back in fear - the former letting out a shriek.
"Come on you guys, leave them alone. We've got to go to school."
"We just have to make it through the second invasion first." Josephine sneered at the freaks. The one who attempted a conversation between races visibly dropped in mood, shoulders down, eyebrows turned up. She couldn't care less what happened next as they were properly dealt with by security.
Addison faltered in her step at the hateful words and fell back - Bucky and his cheerleaders staying back with her - Josephine continued her walk since she didn't want to be anywhere near the green headed monsters. She couldn't believe the council voted on this to take place - did they not care about the future of Seabrook?! It was only a matter of time before the sirens went off and the disgusting creatures were ripping the human citizens to shreds.
Her first two classes went by without issue. Josephine was quickly climbing the social ladder by talking and smiling at everyone she could. Her parents taught her to be perfect and that meant getting approval from others through positive interactions - like cheerleading.
It was between the second and third block when the red alert went off and the first thought in Josephine's head was of course. She couldn't even find it in herself to panic like everyone else as she headed into the closest zombie protection room in annoyance. Maybe she could take a snack from the rations, they always did have the best jerky.
Her mom wouldn't be happy with her ruining her dinner though, so she best not do so.
When she opened the door, she looked behind her and wondered if she should do something about the chaos behind her. There was a worm wiggling in her brain of what her mom and dad always taught her, to sacrifice for others. But with her hand on the door and the red siren's making her heart race... what if she thought about herself?
In every safety room across Seabrook were these metal poles that were about three feet long and they were the first designed anti-zombie weapon that didn't require any training to use. The length of the pole could keep a zombie away from you, the weight of it could brutally bring it down, and in a pinch could be used to jump over obstacles. As an officer in the Z Patrol, her dad ensured that his kids knew how to use the weapon to its fullest capabilities.
There were movies about the incident from 50 years ago that show girls using the mop-like instrument to take the foul creature's heads from their necks, pierce them onto walls, or even depicted in different ways to keep yourself alive in the woods. Supposedly, this thing should be used to protect herself and others from whatever was attacking the school.
But, Z-Patrol would be on their way by now. If she stayed in the room and locked the door... she would be safe without a doubt. No one would be able to get in and all she'd have to do is wait for the all clear from the professionals. But... How many others would die?
Worst first day ever, honestly.
Josephine shook her head, grabbed a metal pole, and immediately went to go round up students and show them where the safe room was. It would look terrible if she was the only one in the safe room and had locked it, preventing others from safety. She would just go gather a group of students and bring them in, lock the door, and say good luck to everyone else.
There were no zombies that she could see and the hallways were pretty hectic. Were people screaming for no reason or were they running from a zombie? Josephine was getting pretty annoyed on her first day so far, but ensured to hide it behind a face of composure and polite kindness. She was Josephine Jackson, daughter of community servants and a future defender herself.
She hadn't stepped more than four feet from the shelter when her eyes locked onto green hair and she felt herself freeze in fear.
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The Outsiders (pt. 1)
Zed Necrodopolous x reader
Z-O-M-B-I-E-S Fanfiction
Summary: When you moved to Seabrook to get away from the drama of your past, you meet a sweet zombie who you can't get enough of.
Word Count: 1999
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When you moved in with your aunt and uncle, they warned you that Seabrook was different. Your two cousins had also made this seem very important to know. It was a perfect place with perfect people, who scorned the ones that didn't fit it. Not that you cared. You were used to being different.
They also told you about the zombies. When your aunt spoke about them, it was with with pity, while your uncle talked about them with disgust. She was a clothing designer, and he was a zombie patrol policeman. It was partly her job to make the zombies' special clothing, and it was his job to patrol zombietown at night.
In all honesty they just peeked your interest. They just seemed like normal people that weren't recognized, and you thought about what it might be like for them to be outsiders as well.
Your mother had taught you that life is too short to care what people think, and that being mean to people was useless. So you put a smile on and tried to be happy with your new life. Maybe something good awaited.
You put on your white t-shirt and dark red skirt, and walked to school. As you headed to school, you saw your uncle on the zombie side of the fence for the school entrance. He got reassigned to watch over them. One of the zombies were looking at their class schedule, when it flew out of his hands and slid on the floor and through the fence. You picked it up, smiling at him as you went on your tippy toes to give it to him. "Here you go."
"Thanks." He smiled, and looked very handsome in your opinion. "I–"
Your uncle banged on the fence. "No trying to grab humans. Don't make me have to take you downtown."
"No, officer I was just trying to–"
"Zip it zombie. Leave the humans alone."
"No," you said. "He wasn't doing anything wrong. I was just handing him his paper."
"I don't care, get inside." Your uncle stared daggers into you.
"I know you're new here, but I'll only say this once. When an adult tells you to do something, you do it. No questions asked. Maybe you weren't taught that where you're from, but things are different here." Your smiled quickly faded as you put your head down and walked inside. He didn't have to say that.
Zed watched you leave with a frown on your face. He didn't know who you were, but it still hurt him to see your smile leave like that. "Little piece of advice." The guard said. "Don't talk to the humans. Don't try to be chummy friends, because you can't. At the end of the day, she's normal and you're not." Zed didn't say anything as he went inside with Bonzo and Eliza.
As you walked with your head kept down, you accidentally bumped into a blonde girl. "Oh, I'm sorry!"
She kindly smiled at you. "It's okay. I'm Addison."
You nodded and smiled. "Y/n."
"So, are you gonna try out for the cheer squad?" She seemed very excited.
"Um, no." You tried to say kindly. "Don't get me wrong, I love dancing, but cheerleading isn't really my thing." She frowned and looked confused. "But I'd be more willing to help you out if you need a partner to practice with anytime."
Her smile perked up again. "Oh, that's so sweet. I would totally love that!" She excitedly took your hands. "Come on, you should meet Bree."
Into middle of first period, an alarm started to go off, and everyone began to panic. On the wall it said Z | ALERT and was flashing red, but you didn't really know what that meant. When you got out to a hallway, the zombie from before came running up in a panic. "Can you hide me somewhere?"
"Um." Was all that came out of you before you looked at a zombie safe room, grabbing his hand and you both going in. It was pretty much pitch black, and you led him to a wall for both of you to sit down on the floor. "So, I'm guessing the alarms are from you?"
You heard him let out a sigh. "I didn't mean to scare that girl, she just freaked out when she saw me. This wasn't really how I wanted my day to go."
"You mean you didn't want an angry mob of people after you?" You asked in a playful sarcastic tone.
"Well," he said. "Not like this."
"What?" You laughed out.
"I'm trying out for the football team today." He felt you get closer to him, and felt calmer. You didn't fear him. "I don't know if I'll make it, considering how my day's gone."
"No, I'm sure you'll make it! Everyone's really excited for the cheer tryouts, so pretty soon there'll be a whole swarm of people cheering for you when you make it."
"And what about you?" His voice became a little softer.
"Well, cheerleading isn't for me. I was hoping they'd have a dance class, but they don't. But hey, I wouldn't mind cheering for you at your games. Just in the crowds."
You turned your head to his dark figure. He chuckled, before saying, "I'm Zed."
"I'm y/n."
Just then the lights came back on and you saw his handsome smile, causing you to smile back. He was about to say something, when you both heard, "Y/n! There you are!"
You turned to see Addison with four other cheerleaders. "Gross!"
"Zombie germs!"
One of them tugged you away from Zed. "Look here Zombie, if one of my cousin's friends are caught around you again, it's going to get ugly. And as you can see, that's not in the cards for me." You looked at Addison, who said nothing. They then tugged you out of the room and away from Zed.
They dragged you to their trophy room. "Listen new girl," the main guy said. "We don't support freaks, and neither should you. You could maybe be cool if you tried out for the cheer squad. And lose that outfit. It's a little too dark for Seabrook. Speaking of outfits, you look like you could rock a cheer outfit."
You didn't want to be rude, so you responded with, "Um, that sounds pretty cool. I'll think about it."
The cheerleaders began to laugh. "Oh new girl, I like your humor. We'll see you there. C'mon cuz." They all then left.
At lunch you began to walk towards Addison, but she was bombarded by more cheerleaders, so you decided to not go over there. You looked around, and saw that someone had spilled their lunch all over the cafeteria floor. Principal Lee saw and groaned. "Can someone please go tell the janitor to clean this mess up?"
"I can!" You said eagerly. "I really don't mind."
"Well," she said, smiling as she looked you up and down. "It's nice to see such bravery for this school. He's in the basement." You smiled and nodded, heading over there. You walked down the stairs happily with your lunch tray.
Zed was excitedly telling his friends about you. "Yeah Bonzo. She even said she'd cheer me on at games. I'm really pumped right now, and I think she likes me."
"Yeah right." Eliza said. "It's just because she's new. Once she figures out that humans don't like zombies, she'll probably stay far away."
Zed gave Eliza a look before their teacher said, "Woah, there's no human students here."
Everybody turned to see you nervously standing there with your lunch tray. "Um, there was a spill in the cafeteria." You quickly set your tray down to hold the door open for the teacher. You then brought your tray over to Zed and his friends and smiled. "Hey."
"Hey." He looked surprised, but eventually smiled back.
"Is it okay with you guys if I stay here for lunch?"
Zed was about to speak, but Eliza cut him off. "You should probably stick with the cheerleaders if you really want to make the squad."
"Oh, I'm not a cheerleader, and I don't really wanna be one." You said as you sat down next to Zed. "They're a little too much for me. I probably wouldn't enjoy it. You should do something because it makes you happy, right?"
Eliza stared at you, but had a small smile on. "Um, yeah."
You turned to Zed. "So, I never apologized for the security guard."
"Oh, yeah. Did you know him or something, cause he was kinda being a jerk to the both of us."
You looked down, and felt heat spread onto your face. "Um, he's my uncle. I just started living with him and his family over the weekend. He's a bit stiff with me since we don't really see eye to eye on, um..."
"Zombikas?" Bonzo asked.
"Yeah. Sorry." You quietly said.
"So what if he finds out that we've been talking?" Zed asked.
"Then we'll just make sure he doesn't." Bonzo and Eliza gave each other a look as you and Zed smiled at each other. "So, I could go to your football tryouts after school. Maybe walk home together afterwards?"
You shrugged. "Yeah. I don't have much going on after school anyways."
"Yeah, that sounds awesome. You could see me do thang in person."
You giggled, and the bell rang. "Okay, I gotta go. But I'll see you at the football field after school." You waved to all of them and hurried up the stairs.
As you were about to go to class, your cousin pulled your arm. "What were you doing in the basement?" She asked.
You shrugged and grinned. "Got lost. Oops." You then walked into class.
After school you walked to the football field and found him waiting for you at the bleachers. "You came." You nodded. "Okay, now I have to be extra awesome." You giggled and sat down as he grabbed your arms, gently squeezing. "Wish me luck!"
"I will." You then watched him play, and he was actually pretty good. He was good at dodging people, and was pretty fast as well. He excelled at the drills, though he dropped to the ground and rolled in a fit of dramatics. You laughed, yelling out, "You can do this Zed!"
He was still on the ground, but gave you a thumbs up. After a bit everybody lined up to see if they made it. The coach talked, and everybody looked pretty happy. You saw him and Zed talking before Zed walked over to you. You smiled and offered him his backpack, but your smile faded as you saw the disappointed look on his face. "I didn't make the team." He said. "Principal Lee thinks I shouldn't even leave the basement for school."
"Zed, I'm really sorry to hear that."
"Don't be. It's the story of my life." He said frustratedly.
You gently hooked your arm around his as you both walked together. "I'm sure at some point you'll be on the football team. Once people see how awesome you are."
He smirked at you. "Yeah, you're right. Well, I guess for now only you'll get to see my awesomeness."
You chuckled. "I guess so." You both fell into comfortable silence until you said, "I thought you were pretty good, by the way."
"Thanks, but I kinda wanna see you in action."
You laughed. "Um, I don't think I'd do all that good in football."
He laughed too. "No, I meant dancing. You said you liked it, but I haven't seen you dance yet."
"Yeah. We'll go dancing together at some point. It's just a matter of time." You looked down with a flushed face, grinning. "So, why did you move in with your aunt and uncle?"
"Um, they're the only family I have left now." He stared at you. "I'll explain another day." He nodded.
You both then made it to the border of Seabrook and Zombieland. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Maybe we'll even have a day where people aren't trying to pull us apart."
You chuckled. "Wouldn't that be something."
He grabbed your hand and spun you softly. "Until next time."
You smiled and began walking the other way. As you buried your hands in your face and hopped around to calm yourself, Zed was silently jumping and fist bumping the sky. You thought about what he said, and decided that you would do something for this school, and it involved dancing.
Author Note: Please let me know if I should keep going with this, or if you maybe wanna be tagged if I end up making a series.
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flawlesslydifferent · 4 years
I really, really, wanna write a Disney's Zombies [reader insert] fic right now, but I can't because I have absolutely zero ideas...so anyone willing to send in requests/ideas/concepts for the mean time?
I'm expecially willing to write for our boy Wyatt Lykensen
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supercap2319 · 2 years
Addison: “How do you do it, Y/N?”
Y/N: “Do what, Addie?”
Addison: “ Zed loves you. Wyatt loves you. Even A-Lan loves you and he’s from another planet. You must be something special.”
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starrrlights · 2 years
No, because you can't tell me that you don't find Zed and Wyatt attractive
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There's no possible way
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I think imma do a Zombies fic
I'm really into it right now and I might go on a Zombies writing binge because I'm so in love with Zed 😍😍😍
Thoughts? Ideas? 🤔
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flawlesslydifferent · 4 years
Hello lovelies, I am VERY aware that I haven't been active for 3 months and I just wanted to apologize for that.
I assumed that because most of us are in quarantine them I'd be able to write my hearts' desire but it turned out to be the opposite because I've lost interest in writing (or I'm having a writers block in simpler words), but I promise that the requests I received will be written and posted, hopefully soon.
At the moment, I'll probably just leave this blog for a while BUT I promise to return. And hopefully when I do, I'll be finished with the requests.
Again, I deeply apologize to those who requested and are waiting hopefully patiently.
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