#zelda's maybe considering getting a bow
powdermelonkeg · 1 year
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Zelda is short(er than Tally. And he knows it.)
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hero-of-fortune · 3 months
here’s what i noticed in the NEW ZELDA GAME ANNOUNCEMENT WOOOOO
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Sassy little guy. Also that sword…. Lokomo sword??? Could this be new hyrule?
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idk. I’ve never played spirit tracks :(
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Oh that mf is a ganon, probably not a ganondorf. Hmmm. Downfall timeline? Idk. It would be so funny if lu fandom decided to lump this one in with legend’s games. Guys… he doesn’t need anymore trauma
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Let’s go! This was a fucking smart move homie link he’s already earned a spot in my heart as one of my genius scrunkies for shooting the crystal
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YEAHHHHHHHH PLAYABLE ZELDAAAAA SHE LOOKS SO CUTEEEEE i know we’ve had ‘playable zelda’ before in spirit tracks and whatnot, but we’ve never had a ZELDA based game. (At least recently lmao)
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(I see a bombable wall) and a really big castle! BIG CASTLE TOWN??? MINISH CAP CASTLE TOWN???? COME BACK TO ME BABY\
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OKAY GUYS. Top right corner. Consider: kokiri village. if they bring the kokiri back i will scream so loud. I know it’s probably deku scrub houses because they’re also in the trailer, but let a boy dream
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oh no :(((( he left his cloak behind poor baby
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Okay so the triforce is back. Like really. And look at that little fairy what a scrunky duncky! I love her already
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ZELDA IS WEARING LINK’S CLOAK. GUYS I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE IF I SHIP THEM. Look at herrrr also tri is massive. That is a head sized fairy.
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Nothing to say but car on the roof. We got fuckin cats in zelda back. Please let us interact with them nintendooooo
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THAT’S A GERUDO TOWNNNNN MASSIVE WINNNN!!!! Look at their houses they’re so cute
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Um. Yeah. Ummm. @flarree predicted the ‘nice monsters that are on your side’ thing. (Go check out their au it’s really cool) i love this idea so much but i’m also a little sad… i hope they at least give zelda a bow
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That is 100% a sheikah right there. Is that impa???? Please let impa be an old lady who kicks ass for her grandbaby. Also why is she fighting the soldiers lmao. Is this a alttp thing where the soldiers get brainwashed?
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River and ocean zora. Yes babes im fed. You fed me nintendo it was good soup
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Deku scrub selling potions. As he should. Im so glad theyre back it’s been too long babes. Give him his little hat though
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GREAT DEKU TREEEE OUR FATHERRRR look at him <3 he looks a whole lot like oot gdt. Okay maybe it’s not adult timeline bc it looks nothing like wind waker gtd
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Some sort of rock creature coming out of the ground? A boss? Idk we’ll see. Maybe he’s just a dude.
Other things: uhhh i don’t think we saw any mention of any sort of dungeons, which is kind of odd. Unless they slipped my mind. Huh. Maybe that last pic is a dungeon boss. I’m really excited for this one ngl. AND IT’S COMING OUT THIS YEAR????? THIS YEAR???? NINTENDO REALLY???? SEPTEMBER???? DUDE. Nintendo had officially fed me. Gooooood soup. Thanks
edit: yah there’s dungeons im blind lmaooo.
Also, i’m fairly certain it’s downfall timeline. The geography of hyrule, zelda’s dress, ganon’s design, link’s outfit, the presence of the triforce. I’m so glad the triforce is back after being absent in botw/totk!
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hyuukais · 1 year
Finally, after many busy weeks, you’d be getting to see your boyfriend again. Beomgyu was coming home for an entire weekend. However, you were still stuck at the worst part of his return, the waiting.
word count: 1.5k
genres: beomgyu x streamer!reader, slice of life, fluff, insinuations of angst
warnings: language, mentions of executive dysfunction, reader plays zelda specifically botw because i do not have totk 👎👎👎👎
author: FINALLY SEEING THE LIGHT OF DAY !! hopefully i will have more content coming soon im just in a major slump atm 😔 also shoutout to @ssunnae & @bobariki sunny and rue thank you both so so much for beta-reading this !!
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The colorful LEDs shift along the floorboards, currently a fog of purple misting the floor. Trickles of soft mood music set the low-light room into its sleepy atmosphere. Two large monitors illuminate your face in blue light, aided by a small ring light situated to your left. Amid the calm, an underwhelming rage slowly fizzles up in your throat.
“Oh come on; not right now, please!” The sudden battle music picking up in your headphones sends you into a panic as an enemy health bar appears at the top of the screen. Rain crashes on Link, lightning streaking across in pixels. Your fingers smash around frantically, trying to run away as the Lynel begins to draw its bow.
“Please please please please, don’t-” Unable to draw a weapon or get away, a hard strike lighting descends on the character. The hearts filling the top left of the screen go dark.
“God-fuck!” Red light blinds your eyes with the large “Game Over” fading onto the screen. Your head slams down onto the desk, the top of it all that’s left in view of the camera. The long-winded groan that leaves you is still picked up well by your mic. Chat messages fly fast along your monitor; many expressing their simple sympathy for your defeat, others instead laughing at the situation.
Slowly drawing yourself back up, you catch on the monitor displaying the stream and take a moment to look at everything. “Man…I know I said today was only gonna be Zelda but…this is already the 7th time I’ve died.” Your words trail into a whining laugh. More comments flood the chat. Some call out your terrible playing, some suggest other ideas for the rest of the stream, and many are just extremely off-topic.
“I’m not usually this bad! I don’t know what’s happening to me.” You were out of it today, unfocused, and part of you knew why. “I guess…I dunno, I think I’m just tired!”
This space-y feeling had been following you all day. It was the sort of distance your brain felt when experiencing executive dysfunction. Stuck in a loop of boredom; waiting for something, anything. Struggling to do anything, but still wanting to. Oftentimes, it was hard to discern a particular reason for the feeling, maybe burnout or simply worms in your brain. Today, however, you could easily guess the reason. Today, there was something to wait for. After more than a few weeks apart, Beomgyu would finally be coming over.
You and your boyfriend were both busy people; both public figures in your own right. Although, his schedule as an idol was arguably stricter than yours as a streamer. Between the end of the North America leg of the tour, preparing for their Japanese comeback, and the new single, you hadn’t seen Beomgyu face-to-face in close to a month. It was like spending a month in hell. A month without having his hands in yours, body wrapped in your arms, lips painting your skin, heartbeat beneath your fingers; the reminders that he was real and he was all yours. So, now that you’ll finally get him all to yourself for a whole weekend, your brain was searching for any way to skip to having him back in your arms. Hence, why Link has died more than five times by your incompetence.
“Maybe-uh-why don’t we switch gears? Maybe Zelda was a bad idea.” Considering your head space, streaming today in general may not have been the best of your ideas; you still felt bad for skimping out on a regularly scheduled stream. You also kind of hoped streaming would give you some distraction from sitting by the front door like a puppy.
You click around, filling the screen up with your face as you exit the game. “Hmm…what about…animal crossing? Minecraft? Thoughts, chat?”
You watched message after message fly by, all varying that you don’t actually reach a consensus with them.
“I think…hmm…” You watch a moment more, “Okay, I think we’re gonna do Minecraft.”
Once again, your face cam is moved to the corner as your PC feed takes up the stream. The ambient music takes over for your voice, filling up the silence as things load. Grass blocks and wood load in first before the sudden appearance of buildings. You spawn near a small farm you last left off building.
This wasn’t the world you usually streamed from; preferring the action a survival world provided for content. Actually, this was a world you’d created and built with Gyu, and some of the other members much after you invited them. Although, your audience didn’t need to know any of that. “I’m just going to stick to creative this time, chat. Something…calmer, y’know.”
Soon enough, you find yourself sinking into a rhythm with the music. You keep working on the farm you left unfinished, fixing it up with the build of a greenhouse. Little commentary is provided; small tidbits here and there as you casually speak to yourself. Humming to the music at times and finding some focus on small tasks.
Your headspace shifting from inattentive to hyper-fixated, you’re not particularly tuned into any noise besides what’s pumping in your head. Perhaps that’s why you don’t notice the usual creak of the hallway floorboards or the awful squeaking of your office door. You don’t even see all of the chat messages taking note of those very things. Rarely looking away from the game, there’s no note in your mind of the torso slowly creeping up behind your chair; head just out of camera view, hands sneaking up to your headset.
It’s sudden, the relieving of pressure against your ears, the disappearance of your soft tunes, the realization that there is a person in your home and they are standing behind you.
Your scream is shrill and unending. The whiplash from how fast your turn around would have your head spinning if not for the new pumps of adrenaline coursing through you.
There, standing behind you, wearing the stupidest little cocky smile, is the cause of all your problems. Beomgyu was smart enough to keep his face just outside of the camera, hiding his identity from any viewers. Still, with pretty much the rest of him in frame, this is the largest glimpse your audience has ever gotten of your boyfriend. The chat reacts accordingly to such a realization.
You scramble around to mute your microphone and cover your camera; cutting off your connection as more and more chat messages fly faster along the screen. Nothing else matters though, as you spin your chair around to face the man looking down at you. He’s smiling still, eyes crinkled up and lips split wide. The way you leap at him sends him stumbling back.
Beomgyu’s hands come to cradle your back as you take him in your arms; feel him, his heat, his breath, the shake in his chest when he chuckles. His head settles upon yours. You squeeze his middle tighter and tighter and take in the depth of his scent. Head pressed against his chest, his heart beats softly in your ear.
“That…” You pull yourself away to get a look at his face, “was mean.”
He laughs as you slap at his arm; languorously boisterous, infectious with the happiness of his simple presence. A smile breaches your cheeks, soon enough, as well. Beomgyu’s hands tickle along your waist; keep you close, skin touching skin.
“It was a surprise.”
“More like a jumpscare!”
“Same difference.” His breath brushing your skin all this time finally comes ever closer. Douses you in his everything. A sweet peck on your lips, interrupted by a smile and a whisper. “I missed you.”
The fire of his words floods the pit of your stomach. His lips were barely pulled away from yours and yet that was too far. Your hands cupping his cheeks, pull him closer, filling your space with his. Breaths mingling with heavy words.
“I missed you, too.” You bring his mouth to yours; sway in his presence and feeling. Almost pulling away before more. “So much.”
Head tilted back, chest pressed into his, lips meeting in reverie. Beomgyu’s arms encase your waist; your fingers twirl in his hair. So soft, delicate, fluffy—so like him. Such is the kiss. Deep and sweet, nothing further than adoration. It’s intoxicating sugar; he’s delicious and addicting. His taste sticks to your lips as they leave his. Eyes still fluttered shut, taking in the disappearing feeling.
“I…have to finish off my stream.” You can barely stand to push him away, losing the soft brush of his thumb beneath the hem of your shirt, “You get yourself situated and I’ll be right there.”
The pout on his lips is nothing short of goading after losing your kiss. Still, he responds, although not without an eye roll. “Okay, but if you’re not done in 10 minutes, I get to choose the movie tonight!”
He plants a quick peck on your cheek before leaving you in the office. You have to laugh at how proud he is of that challenge as if you weren’t going to let him pick anyways. Though now, you may just have to get your own bit of payback and not leave him waiting.
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catyo90 · 1 year
Fighting Fate: Chapter 2
(Wow you guys really wanted a continuation of this....well who the heck am I to deny yall. Consider this a confirmed series that I will write out. Enjoy!!!)
Ganondorf smiled to himself as he overlooked his kingdom, to see the women and children going about their days as the sounds of the desert surrounded the area with the sun beginning to set for the day. He looked over his shoulder to see Zelda at his desk writing out a letter to be sent to all of the realms as to inform of the union that would come to pass. He couldn’t help but find it a bit funny that she needed a plush pillow in order to sit properly as the desk was much bigger.
He knew that this union would be a difficult one to accept, but if he was truly to insure his peoples freedom then he would be willing. But in the back of his mind he knew this union was not entirely unwelcome. She was a fair and wise girl for such a young age and his attempt to wed Sonia was never going to come to pass, he scoffed at the memory of when he first saw Queen Sonia when both of them were teens. She was just as beautiful as she was now, but years of being apart caused them to drift apart, especially when he found out her betrothal to the Zonai. A memory that would haunt him for the rest of his days.
A small tap on his arm made him flinch ever so slightly as he looked down to see Zelda holding the finished letters.
“You wished to over look the letters did you not?” She asked as he nodded to her and took them to read them. In short they were a simple and none showed of any fear or warning of their union. The ones to the Zora, Goron and Rito were straight to the point and offered comforting words in showing that the union was agreed by both parties. The one written to the hyrulian though were written more as a sign of peace, saying more how the Gerudo were treating her fairly and how no hostility was found with him. It was strange to see how she wrote positive words of his people when many hyrulian saw most Gerudo as thieves and warriors with no mercy.
“They are acceptable. I will have my fastest riders send them to your guards at the border then they can deliver them to each realm.”
“Before you do there is one matter you still need to do.”
He gave her puzzled look as she handed him the quill. 
“A show of good faith with your signature and mine on each of them will show that there is no hidden agendas or tricks for the others to worry for.”
He scoffed.
“As if they would care for what I think. They will never truly trust us.” He gestured out to the kingdom.
“Then make them. I promise you...it will help. They will see that you truly wish for peace, trust me on this matter King Ganondorf.”
He was about to speak out once more but he knew there was no point, she was quite headstrong and stubborn, she would make a better Gerudo than Hylian with such traits. He walked over to the desk and signed his name at the bottom of each letter and she signed her own name next to his.
“Perfect, now they may be sent out. She said walking up to one of the women guards who kneeled down and took them bowing her head to both of them leaving them in the room by themselves.
Ganondorf simply shook his head pinching the bridge of his nose realizing that there would be even more political matters in the future. Something a warrior king truly hated...maybe even more the idea of swearing fealty to Rauru.
Zelda turned her gaze to him and softly coughed to get his attention.
“If you would be willing...I would like to see more of your kingdom. Perhaps a walk around the city before it gets too dark.”
He thought on it for a moment before walking over to the throne grabbing his blade in hand. As he motioned for her to follow him. She did so trying to match his speed, every step he took would be equal to three of her own. She watched as he walked ahead of her down the main stairs to see the women guards she had come with were being offered some fruits and drinks as some of the Gerudo women placed fabrics down on the ground clearly showing good faith. The guards noticed her walking with him and for a moment were about to stand up at attention until she waved a hand at them for them to be at ease. It pleased her to see that not all of the Gerudo seemed to hate the Hylians, perhaps staying in his domain would truly help the kingdoms relations.
They both turned at the corner of one of the alleyways to where she saw a few of the small shops, most with food and clothes where she saw other traveling hylians offering trade. She had heard that Ganondorf was open to the trade of the people who were wondering the deserts as not all Hylians were sworn to the crown and preferred the life of being on the open road.
“King Ganondorf!” She heard the sound of multiple small footsteps running their direction to see many young kids run up to their king were he leaned down smiling at each of them gently rubbing their heads messing up their hair in the process. One of the children snuck up behind and climbed up his back making him sigh as they tried to topple him over with no success. Zelda smiled and couldn’t help but laugh at the sight. She saw his gaze fall on her for a moment before the children stood behind him looking over at her. Clearly a bit nervous to see a hylian of her stature. She could see them whispering to him and suddenly he chuckled to himself as he pointed to her and whispered them something that made them all smile and run up to her.
“Lady Zelda come with us! Please you’ll want to meet them.”
“Yes please miss you with love them they are the cutest sand seals.”
“oh I suppose...alright...woah” She said as the girls gently pulled her hand forward and some gently pushed her legs forward. The sigh made Gannon smirk to himself as he walked behind them carrying two of the girls on his shoulder as they gripped his hair laughing as he walked.
Zelda saw the children bringing her to a side stable where a large pen was. The children let go of her hands and ran to the fence to look at the sand for any vibrations. Zelda as well was a bit curious as she looked at the sand with them until a small rumble could be seen but then disappeared.
“Aw no fair, they must be sleeping.”
“Well perhaps all they need is to hear his call.” one of the children said looking up at Ganondorf. He rolled his eyes for a moment as he spoke.
“They are not sleeping children...they are simply waiting.”
Zelda looked curiously at her and then back at the sand when suddenly two of the biggest sand seals she had ever seen pounced out of the ground bringing their heads to the top of the pen.
“In the name of the goddess...they are huge. I never imagined they grew this big” Zelda said as the children laughed and smiled as they walked up to them giving them pets. Ganon walked beside her putting the two children on his shoulder on the ground.
“They have to be, they are mine to command and ride. None of the smaller ones could handle me.”
“Oh...” She said as got a better look at them as they licked the children's hands and faces. One had much more grey than brown fur with a red mane with larger tusks than the other. The other while the same size had blueish fur with a white mane to match. She saw one of the children pick up a whole melon from the side of the pen and offered it to them, eating it in one big bite.
“Miss, here  here your turn.” one of the children offered a smaller piece of melon to her pulling her closer to them. Zelda smiled as she broke the piece in half offering both of them. The seals hummed to themselves as they each ate them so quick that it almost surprised her. They licked her hands and gently nuzzled their mouth toward her hands trying to lick up the juice left on them. She started to laugh at the feeling as she watched the children smiling and laughing with her. Ganondorf watched with a bit of surprise and curiosity. 
Most hylians were not used to sand seals yet she seemed to be completely at ease around them, it was as if she had seen them before yet he knew she had never been to his kingdom before, he simply chalked it up to her having seen them when she arrived but still it was a bit odd.
Suddenly the sound of a spear hitting the ground was heard as two women stood behind looking to the children.
“Children the moon is out, you should head home for the night. You will all need your rest to become great warriors.”
The children looked a bit disappointed as they simply nodded as Ganondorf held a hand out to the warrior women giving the children a moment before leaning down to them and putting his blade away from their sight as he opened his arms out to them and offered a giant hug making each of them smile and laugh as he lifted them from the ground as if they weighed nothing. They all laughed as he placed them down on the ground running off into the directions of their homes. he smiled to himself before looking over to Zelda who was utterly shocked.
The demon king that she knew would never have done that, heck it was almost impossible for her to even imagine. Yet here he was offering them kind actions like a father would to his children. 
“So surprised to see such acts from their King...” He said a bit coldly to her thinking the look she gave him was one of judgement.
“No. Its...its just nice to see they are enjoying their childhoods...I never really had such an option.” She grew a bit saddened as the memories of her father constantly criticizing her for her interests in the tech and the loss of her childhood when her mother passed. She honestly couldn’t recall the last time her father made her smile like that. 
He looked ashamed of himself for what he said. He should have known that being related to the royal hyrulian family was no easy task, after all the responsibility was not unknown to him. She looked to see Ganondorf facial expression change as he looked at his sand seals and then out at the gate leading into the desert and immediately a thought came to his mind.
“Did you still wish to see the lands of my kingdom?”
‘Of course.”
He hummed to himself for a moment as he whistled to the his seals that perked up their ears and immediately ran to the front of the gate. She watched as Ganon tied a small supply back on to the back and checked the ropes tied to the gigantic sled, he stood on it and checked the ropes before offering his hand to her.
“Your not afraid now are you? Tough girl.” He said with a small smirk.
She shook her head as she took his hand letting her stand in front of him with his arms on either side holding onto the handle of the sled. He kicked up the reins and in an instant the seals ran off into the vast ocean of the sand. She felt her whole body hit into the front of his as she tried to keep herself stable until she felt his arm wrapped around her midsection. She couldn’t help herself by grabbing his arm, to be both surprised and maybe perhaps a bit welcome at the gesture . The sand seals rushed into the dunes past multiple sinkholes almost too close for comfort, jumping out of the sand so quickly made her whole body lift off the sled a bit making her laugh but also scream surprisingly as she saw them climbing through the thick desert sand up the hills to see a small oasis that seemed to be void of any people. The cool desert air pricked her skin as she felt the grains of sand cling to her skin and clothes. The seals stopped just a bit short of the small oasis shaking off their fur as Ganondorf looked down at her only to laugh loudly at the sight. Her hair was slightly a mess and still she clung onto his arm with her legs shaking a bit.
“That was....that was not what I expected.”
“Hahaha. Perhaps you would want to try it again so you get used to it.”
“No, no, I'm fine with us stopping here...” She said looking down at her hand on his arm, immediately feeling her ears getting a bit warmer as she quickly moved it to fix her hair. 
“You...you can let go of me now.”
“Are you sure about that?” He said moving his arm lower so she was sitting on it lifting her up to his eye level.
“I wouldn’t want my new bride to hurt herself.”
“Y.....yes I am very sure...please.”
“As you wish.”
He smiled to himself as he placed her back on the ground as he stood off of the sled untying the ropes allowing the seals to drink from the oasis. He looked behind him to see Zelda looking out into the now illuminated sands by the moon. The wind howling into the night as the faint hue of the kingdoms lights could be seen. He breathed in the night air, moments like this reminded why he was fighting so hard for his people. He knew what the other realm thought and in truth he couldn’t have cared less. All he really wanted was freedom, both for his people and himself. For years he hated that the knowledge of Demise’s curse flowing through his blood made all those who looked upon him as nothing but a monster. The moment from his birth he was told that he would lead the people to their true value...yet he would be hated and feared by all. Perhaps it was foolish of him to hope that he could change his fate. 
Suddenly he felt his sand seals leaning on him offering a comforting nudge of their heads as he pet them. He leaned over to the sled and untied the rug that he kept with him in case he was to scout for days on end along with his troops. He placed it down on the hard ground as he watched his older seal sitting behind him as the  younger seal lay down beside him breathing slowly knowing fully well the children must have fed them more than they thought they could handle.
As he looked over Zelda and noticed she was shivering. The moon light glazed over her skin making her look almost like a holy spirit as the dress she wore which was lightly covered in sand blew in the air in time with her hair. Yet she was still a sight for sore eyes, truly one he didn’t expect to enjoy.
“Lady Zelda...” He said seeing her turn around gripping her arms as she noticed him sitting down beside his seals with an arm gesturing to the spot next to him. The moon illuminating his body in a low glow as the gold accessories he wore gleamed in the light. His vibrant red hair surrounding his frame as the loose Gerudo clothes blew in the wind. She was now completely nervous. Why was he being like this to her? They were not wed and yet he was acting completely differently than she ever expected. This man was the reason for all the pain in her time, Mipha, Urbosa, Revali and Daruk. All of them died by his hand, the pain inflected on her kingdom and Link.
Link... She had almost forgotten that he was searching for her in their time. But she knew the choice she made was for the best. By marrying him, all the deaths and suffering that happened will never come to pass. But then again there was no true guarantee that it would happen...after all with the blood of the goddess in her veins and Demise in him...fate might be cruller to them than any past incantations. She would not allow such a fate to happen again...not if she could stop it. 
“You’ll freeze if you just stand there.” He said this time patting the rug as if it were no big deal.
She simply nodded in agreement as she sat next to him as the younger of the seal cuddled up to her allowing all the warmth to return to her body. She looked up at Ganondorf and spoke.
“...Thank you. In truth I did not think you to be like this to a woman you barely knew...seeing as we both have strange fates...”
“You should know by now that I am not a complete and utter monster. I am a man first and a king second. Whatever the other realms see in me...I will change that fate. No matter how it must be done.”
He looked down at her.
“I can see in your eyes that you wished at some point that you never had the blood of the goddess in your veins...for what reason you need not tell me...but clearly your family sees you as thing to be relished on a pedestal...a holy figure.”
She saw him look up at the stars and sighed. She knew what he meant, living a normal life was never going to happen. She had to grow up fast and learn to fight off the Calamity since she was very young. While the protecting the realm was more than enough a reason to do it...it was never truly enough for those around her. Only the champions and Link truly understood her and yet...here she was sitting with their enemy so to be wed and in truth felt that he too understood her struggle. 
“I do hope that this...” She gestured to both of them.
“Will truly work.”
“We will have to wait and see.” He said leaning back. When he felt her lay her head against his arm which surprised him seeing her gently petting the younger seals head making it hum in appreciation. He could feel his heart beat ever so quickly at the sight as a small blush came upon his face as he ran a hand through his hair trying to ignore it. 
“King Ganondorf....”
“I meant to ask, what are there names” she said pointing to the seals.
He pointed to the bigger one and then to the smaller one.
“ Cerbofog and Tuguk.” the seals moved their heads in response but soon calmed down and layed back down in the sand.
“What? They are Gerudo warrior names. What would you name them?”
“Well...personally they look more like Blubber and Flipper to me...”
The look on his face was one of pure cringe at the idea of the names for him being so...casual. It didn’t help that when she called them that they actually looked up with wide smiling faces barking in excitement. 
“See...even they like the idea of nicknames like that.” She said rubbing their fur causing them to roll over in pure joy as she ruffled up their manes in a friendly manner. He was never gonna the hear the end of this from her. But the sight of her laughing as the newly appointed Blubber and Flipper loved on her even more than before made him sigh to himself...for once...in a very long time did he feel peace.
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ganondoodle · 9 months
some random ideas for the totk rewritten project
krog (korok) seeds
i think i found a way to include krog seeds even if i reintroduced bags for expanding your inventory- what if the krog seeds are redeemed for the amiibo sets and maybe a few new things? that way you are not forced to engage with krog puzzles if you are tired of them and its not essential either, you can choose what armor set you want instead of being "surpised" by the same link hat three times in a row for fighting your way through the depths (like i was lol)
considering im rewriting the krog forest to be like a minidungeon with a unique miniboss and boss AND you start the quest for restoring the master sword there i think that this is acceptable
what if one of the expensive rewards was a krog armor set that includes the mask from the botw DLC but adds two more pieces, its effect could be to turn invisible as the krogs are to most people; considering how they are not invisible to everyone it could still work with important NPCs still seeing you AND you could run through monster camps without them chasing you if you just want to get through without you attacking them- since its expensive you gotta gather alot of krog seeds to buy it meaning it wouldnt make encounters much easier bc you have to fight alot of monsters before being able to afford it anyway and the effect is removed once you attack an enemy .... or maybe once you are spotted you can stand still and the effect restores itself nhfkjdnkjfdk
food + storage
to raise the difficulty a little i thought about bringing bottles back, they are physical items this time with a limited number and are able to store medicine and soup that has no expiration date; personally i like cooking tho so i want to keep it, maybe with the effect of being a bit more limited in number and, while not spoiling completely, it loses some of its effectiveness over time
how you use them im not yet sure, either the same way in inventory (which i think i will go for since i dont want to change it that drastically and with the added balance of limitation i think that is still fine) or on some kind of item wheel you can set yourself like in skyward sword
there are bags you can find as bigger items that will expand your weapon, shield or bow inventory slots, perhaps a small bag gives you one and a big one two slots- it would be a bigger and different reward for exploring or quests and fills the spot for inventory expansion
theres a chest in links house (i thought maybe links house is still links but they built onto it so zelda has a place to stay as well, like a bigger/double house) that can hold armor sets if you dont want to keep carrying all of them around but dont want to sell them either
repairable weapons through zelda
weapons still break but are full weapons again, i found the excuse of them all being useless now through the cataclysm ... somehow for some reason a pretty blatant way for forcing you to fuse stuff bc its literally the only viable thing to do, but i like the idea of inventing new weapons with materials; to balance it out and give you an incentive to help out your friends i figured that at first weapons still break, but in each region is a smith that can teach zelda (who is your companion in this rewrite) how to repair weapons of a certain type (zora, spear, goron, two handed, rito, bows, gerudo, one handed-- perhaps it is a longer quest of idk .. bringing certain weapons to those smith or similar) which she can do anywhere outside combat;
how broken the weapon is determines how much extra material she may need to do it- im still working on it but i got the idea of the status of the weapon being symbolized in three stages, fine, damaged and broken; damaged is the one that needs less material to fix up, broken costs more- a broken one might still occupy an inventory slot but is unusable or very very bad damage wise, you can throw it away either manually or when you try to pick up a new one you can choose if you want to swap it out (just like they did with stuff from chests in totk .. idk why they didnt add that to in game weapons lying on the ground too) or choose to keep it and repair it once you are out of combat
arrow types
i dont like the menuing in totk for the arrows ... it was one of the most frustrating things to deal with (especialyl bc it sorted your inventory too??? when you used the sorting in the quick menu???) so i wanted to change that a little, havign to go into the quick menu everytime for each arrow i find tedious too, so;
there are more arrow types but they are craftable with arrows and materials, you can craft them in bulk out of combat (the typical types from botw -fire,eletric,ice,bombs- but then add those confusion ones, wind, the cloudy shroom thingy, poison .. perhaps a few more if i can think of more but not too mayn to not clutter it again)
enigma stones function
i wanted to change how enigma stones function somewhat, they dont "enhance" the ability of the champion/sage (i still wanna call them chmapions bc thats what they areeeee) it allows them to link an ability of theirs to link without the orginal champion having to be present or dead, the stones come in set of two each and function somewhat like a magic communication between the player and the champion, once you obtain the second piece its embedded into links shiekah arm prosthetic (also something of my rewrite) and allow him to call upon their ability at will through a second selection wheel
ranch ruins
the ranch ruins i wanted to be rebuild (bc thats cool and i thought restoration was a theme? lol) and maybe you help rebuild it proper and as thanks you can put your horses there to roam around all at once when not taken out to ride, not a big gameplay thing but a neat quest with a rebuilding thing of a building we havent seen in its prime and a neat addition of letting you see all your horsies at once :)
(totk rewritten project)
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have-kake · 5 months
Distant Times [LU Fic]
Summary: Destiny, Zelda had called it. A cycle of hatred, Impa had called it. A curse spanning the ages, Link had considered it.
After the war ends, Link finds hope again. Years later, he meets others who are part of the cycle. Though, not all cycles have to be bad. Maybe a small cycle of hope, perpetually locked in a period of a few short years, is just what he and a friend need.
[Warriors & Legend centric] [Ao3 Link]
Link is one more insane conversation away from picking up the table and throwing it. He doesn't understand how Zelda puts up with all these dignitaries. The Marquises all act like Zelda herself wasn't out there on the front lines protecting the kingdom and their land herself! They don't understand the level of sacrifice and pain they had to go through on the front. Even his father, an Earl, knows! As the son of a Knight, hailing from a long line of Knights, he knew combat was nothing to scoff at, even as a child. He'd seen the tremors in his father's hands on bad days. He saw the way he couldn't relax on worse days.
"Link," Impa says sidling up next to him. "Lana requires your assistance. I'll stay and watch the Princess in your stead."
Link nods his gratitude. He bows to Zelda and the Marquis—even if they don't pay him any attention—and quickly makes his escape.
He lets out a relieved sigh when he turns down an empty hallway. He's not used to this. He's not used to being a symbol.
Out on the field, he was just a soldier. Then he became a Captain. Then he was The Hero.
He should still be out there. Fighting. Clearing out stray monsters. Helping villages rebuild.
"Oh, thank the spirits!" Lana says the second he opens the door.
He pauses, casting a quick glance around the room. It's just Lana and the red haired girl– Mary he thinks her name is. What's she still doing here?
She ushers him into the room. "We have a problem."
Link's instantly on high alert. The adrenaline hits him so fast it almost makes him dizzy. A hand lands on his wrist and he swings.
Lana jumps back with a flash of magic and a startled squeak. "Sorry, sorry!" She rushes. "I probably should have worded that better!"
Link quickly sheaths the sword. "Lana, Spirits, I'm so sorry!"
"You're fine, you're fine!" She's quick to reassure. "We're all still a little jumpy."
Link winces. It's been over three months. He shouldn't be jumpy.
"Anyways!" She says grabbing his hand and dragging him further into the room. "I was having trouble sending Miss Marin home, but I think we've located the Hero's Spirit of her time. We just need you to go check first before I send her there."
"Whoa whoa, hold on," he interrupts, immediately wincing at the informality. Impa and Zelda's advisors would kill him. Lana grins at the informality. He pretends not to notice as he gets himself under control. "We were informed that all visitors had been sent home."
"Well... Yes..." Lana says guiltily. "But..."
"You lied to the Princess."
"I can't find her world okay!"
Link blinks, caught off guard by the statement. Whatever excuse he was expecting, it certainly wasn't that. "What do you mean you can't find it?"
She motions for him to look through one of the mirrors in the room. "Okay, so this is Marin's world from before she left," Lana explains. Link nods as the view constantly moves and he gets a good look at the island. "This is what happens when I try to find it after she leaves."
The image blurs and suddenly the mirror goes black. Link startles.
Next Lana pulls a magical device off a shelf and sets it on a pedestal. "We can't send someone back to before they left, otherwise we unbalance their reality." The device activates and Link's greeted with the sight of another Soul Gate. As soon as it blinks into existence, it vanishes. "Any time I open a Gate from the moment she vanished from her world, the connection breaks."
The Gate opens again only to vanish a moment later. Lana does it three more times, before turning to him. She raises her hands in a vaguely helpless gesture.
Link glances at Marin where she sits at the far end of the room. She stares down at her hands with her shoulders hunched. Even from this distance Link can see the frown on her face and the tears in her eyes. His heart breaks for her. A stranger pulled into a war not her own, and now she can't even go home.
He turns back to Lana with a frown of his own. "Can you send her to a time before her?" He asks quietly. "It's not the same, but it's close."
Lana shakes her head. "That's the thing! I can't find that either!"
He winces at her volume. He resists the urge to glance back at Marin. Should they really be having this discussion in front of her? "What do you mean you can't find it?"
"I mean it's not there," Lana says. "No blur then black, no open then close" she says pointing at the mirror and the plinth. "It's solid black from the start and a Gate won't even manifest. It's like her world began and ended in the blink of an eye."
Link scowls. This war keeps becoming crueler and crueler with each passing day, even long after it's been over. If only he'd done better. He could have ended this before Marin got dragged into his conflict. "I can see why you lied about sending everyone home."
Lana winces. She reaches out to him, but he jerks away before he can remind himself he's not supposed to. She brings her hand to her chest, cradling it over her heart. "I think I found the Hero of her world," she says.
Link's greatful she doesn't call attention to his blunder.
"I need you to go check out the place first. Make sure it's safe, and the right person was found. He's more likely to believe you than me."
Standing in front of a small unassuming home, Link suddenly has second thoughts. He doesn't belong here. He's a total stranger in this world.
The brooch carefully hidden under his scarf vibrates.
Swallowing the last of his nerves, he approaches the house. It's somehow even more unassuming up close. He knocks on the door.
There's movement on the other side of the door. "If you're here to complain about something you bought, I don't wanna hear it!"
Link knocks again. He can hear the exaggerated groan the person makes.
The door is thrown open by a man with sandy blond hair. The sharpness of his features puts him a few years older than Link despite the man's shorter height. Link squares his shoulders in preparation. This is going to sound ridiculous. "Are–,"
The man's face instantly lights up in recognition. "Wars! It's been ages!"
The man steps forward and envelops him in a hug. Link locks up at the contact, but the other man is already letting him go.
"I see you still have that pretty boy face in tact," he teases. "Though, the hair could use some work."
Link's suddenly all too aware of the fact he hasn't cleaned his hair in over a week, and even then he used his armor soaps last time. He clears his throat trying to push the thought away. "I think you have me confused for someone else," he says politely. "I'm not from around here."
The smile falls from the man's face. "Hey, are you okay?"
"Of course," the response is automatic. "What is your name?"
That gets him a raised eyebrow. "Legend," the man says drily. "Or Vet. Or your personal favorite, the Hoarder."
"That's... An unusual name."
Legend snorts. "Better than having to explain why we're both named Link, don't you think."
Link reaches for his sword in an aborted motion. Legend tracks the movement with his eyes, but otherwise doesn't react. "Sorry," he winces. "It's been tough since..." He hesitates. Surely there's no harm. They're ages apart. "Since war's end. I fear I'm still primed for battle."
Legend's demeanour instantly softens as he gives Link another quick once-over. He runs a hand through his hair with a weary sigh. "Shit, Wars. I'm so sorry."
Legend reaches for him but doesn't touch. His hand remains a good distance from his arm. Link is unbelievably greatful for the space.
"Do you want to come inside? I have some tea I know you'll like. Zel– Fable was here yesterday too, so I still have some cake left."
The brooch vibrates again. "I'm sorry, I can't. I still have many duties to attend to after this."
Legend lifts a finger to interrupt him. "Tell whoever's rushing you," he says waging a finger at the hidden brooch, "to fuck off. I'm trying to catch up with an old friend. Even if he only just met me."
Link steps back. How did he know it was there? "I can't. Look," he sighs. His patience is starting to wear thin. He doesn't know this man, and his familiarity with Link is freaking him out. "If you really know me as you claim to, then you should know of the weirder parts of my war."
Legend raises an eyebrow at him. "What you mean the part where other people started showing up?" Link nods. "What's that gotta do with me?"
"We've been trying to send someone home, but we can't find her world anymore," he explains. "We believe you're the Hero from her era."
"Ugh, lemme guess. You want me to take her home."
Link nods. "We'd greatly appreciate your help."
Legend runs his hands over his face. "Number eight here we go," he grumbles before looking up. "Alright, what's her name?"
"Marin of Ko–,"
"Marin?!" Legend shouts. His face is pale as he desperately searches Link for a hint of a lie. "As in red hair, blue dresses, and likes to sing, Marin?"
"Er, yeah– yes," Link corrects. "I take it you know her?"
Link reaches for the brooch under his scarf. The moment he touches it, a Gate opens behind him.
Legend watches it with rapt attention. The fear and excitement are clear to see on his face.
Marin steps out and Legend exhales in a big whoosh. Like he'd been punched in the chest.
Marin looks around, blinking the bright light and dizziness from her eyes. The moment her eyes land on Legend she freezes. "I... Link?"
Legend rushes forward, nearly tripping in his haste. Marin runs to meet him in the middle. She squeals in surprise when he picks her up and twirls her around. He sets her down and only pulls back enough to get a good look at her. "You're real," he says, voice cracking in the middle. "You're really real."
Marin raises her hands to cradle his face with a disbelieving laugh. "You look so much older."
Legend smiles at her. His voice is still thick with emotion. "It's been a few years."
Marin smiles back at him. "I saw you almost a year ago."
He leans down to press his forehead against hers. "I thought I–," he whispers voice horse, "you died."
Both their attention snaps to Link when another Gate opens. Link tries not to wince. He'd been hoping to leave without disturbing them.
"Where the hell do you think you're going, Captain?!" Legend shouts at him. His eyes are still bright with tears as he stomps closer. Marin's hand is held firmly in his.
"I was giving you privacy," he says.
"Hell, no! You don't get to leave before I say thank you!" Legend shouts. He drops Marin's hand and reaches for Link's.
Even though he's watching, he still jumps at the contact.
"Warriors–no, Link," Legend stresses clasping Link's hand in both of his. The grip is firm, but still loose enough for Link to pull free. "Thank you."
The sincerity in his voice instantly makes Link uncomfortable. This isn't something he should be thanked for. If Legend knew the reason Marin was there, he'd hate Link. "There's no–,"
"No, shut up I'm not done!" Legend cuts him off. "If this really is the first time you're meeting me, then I know you have no idea how much this means to me," he pauses to take a breath. His voice is still impossibly thick with emotion. "Nothing I do could ever come close to showing you how greatful I am. I–," he stops with a watery chuckle. He brings a hand back to wipe at his eyes before any of the tears can escape. "Din smite me, I get why you always called me a closet softie now."
Link can only stare as Legend pulls back. He watches as Legend slips a necklace with a simple swirling stone over his head. He holds it out and Link tentatively holds his hand out. 
Legend drops it in his hand and covers it with his. "I know I'll never get what you went through," he says fiercely, "but I know the type of man you are. Nothing that happened was your fault. Not her, not the war, and not the tragedy. You did what you could, and it was enough. You deserve to have people you can trust unconditionally. And it may take some time, it will be difficult, but you'll get there.  Because above all else, you're a good man. I'm proud to call you my friend and brother."
Link tries to reply, but his words fail him. His throat is too tight and all he can do is push out a quiet, "thank you." An anxiety he didn't realize he had in his chest loosens. He can't quite believe Legend, not with all the blood on his hands, but it gives him hope.
Legend lets go of him after that. He takes Marin's hand back in his. She steps forward and raises her free hand over Link's still outstretched hand. "May I?" She asks.
Link nods, a little too shocked to say no and walk away. Marin gently lowers her hand over his and starts to hum. He doesn't know the song, but he swears the grass hums alongside her.
When she pulls back, he's left with a feeling of comfort. A comfort he hasn't felt since the first attack. He didn't think he'd ever recover it.
After another choked thank you and equally emotional goodbye, Link finds himself standing in Lana's study in the castle. The necklace is still in his hand, and Lana bustles around putting her magical equipment away.
Legend's laughter as he walked through the gate still rings in his ears. 'So this is what the lucky eight joke was about.'
"Link, are you okay?"
Link comes back to himself with a sudden gasp. Lana stand in front of him, a worried look in her eyes as she looks at the thin chain falling from his hand.
I'm proud to call you my friend and brother.
"What soaps do you use for your hair?" Link asks.
Lana blinks in utter confusion. He can't blame her, he feels just as confused by his sudden question too. "What?"
"Your hair," he says. "How do you get it to look so shiny and nice?"
"Oh, well um," she gives him a basic rundown. It seems horribly complicated to him. Especially for how often he'll sweat and get dirty, but he listens anyways.
By the end, he decides he'll try it at least once. If he sat through all that, he may as well.
Lana looks happy as he leaves. Happy in a way Link's never seen her before.
You're a good man.
He still doesn't quite believe it. But maybe, he can become the man Legend thinks he is.
It's not until years later, when a strange portal opens, that he meets a young man with bitter eyes and a sharp tongue. He looks the same as he had all those years ago. He even gets the scar on his cheek a few weeks into their adventure.
It's slow going, but they eventually become friends. He learns that Legend was right. He found people he could trust unconditionally. He found people he could call family without any sense of guilt.
He's left with a sense of peace he never thought possible. He cradles the pendant in his hands when he has the realization. He feels just as chocked up now as he did all those years ago. Legend had given him so much hope that day, and now the thought of becoming the man Legend is proud of doesn't seem so impossible.
When questioned about the pendant, he tells them the truth. A good friend had gifted it to him and a singer offered to bless it for him. The pendant is a symbol of hope he thought lost to him.
Later, after an especially bad few days for Legend, they stand on the rickety bridge behind Wind's home. Wars has the pendant clasped in his hand. It's become harder to not hold lately. It holds memories he was too young to understand the significance of. It brings him hope and a sense of peace.
As day turns to night, he learns of Legend's adventures. Of a young boy who's kingdom turned against him thanks to dark mind magic. Of saving his older sister in spite of it all. He learns of the neighboring kingdoms of Holodrum and Labrynna. Of the Goddesses' avatars and how they're willing to suffer just as much as their heroes are. 
He learns of a shipwreck that left a seasoned hero on an island that never existed. Of people who never were. An adventure that never happened. Of scars that still remain. And when Legend finishes his story, Wars feels his heart break anew.
'I thought I lost you,' he had foolishly assumed to be the words Legend couldn't say. Now Wars knows Legend couldn't bring himself to admit, 'I thought I killed you.'
Wars wants so desperately to tell Legend what he knows. He bites his tongue knowing he can't interfere with the course of events. Instead, he offers comfort. It'll be tough he knows, Legend still has the rest of this adventure and maybe another year after it. But it'll get better. He knows Legend will get his happy ending.
It'll be difficult, and it might feel impossible, but there's always hope in the tomorrow. That's something he knows to be true. Not because of destiny or strength or even courage. But because simple men like Legend have shown him hope can always be found.
"And who knows," Wars grins as Legend wipes the tears from his eyes. "Maybe your next adventure will be Lucky Number Eight."
Legend barks out a surprised laugh. It's still watery, but it sounds genuine.
The bitterness doesn't disappear but it lessens. The sorrow doesn't cling as tightly as before. And by the time their adventure comes to an end, Legend freely admits how much the others mean to him. Wars makes the split second decision to give the pendant to Legend.
Legend doesn't want to take it. He says he has one just like it and he doesn't need another one. Wars doesn't quite believe him, but he tries not to think too hard about it.
Instead, he assures Legend that they're different. That this one is special, and when the time comes, he's sure Legend will know what to do.
Afterall, hope still blooms in the wake of war.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 8 months
Let's see... short, blond, has a horse named Epona? Sounds like the Hero to me.
Princess Zelda hummed, staring intently at the stable. "A name sung in song and legend... it has to be him."
Link stared at her, eyebrow twitching. "Your Highness... this is the eighth Link we've dealt with."
"Oh, hush Fancy Hands, I'm not talking about his name!" Zelda rolled her eyes dismissively. "Haven't you heard of any of the tales of the Hero?"
"Probably not the way you have," Link muttered under his breath.
"The Hero has an animal companion! A horse of fearsome pedigree, able to trample enemies underfoot!" Zelda continued, throwing her hands in the air as she told her story. "Legend says it was a black stallion that stood twenty hands tall!"
"...That sounds like a Gerudo horse."
Zelda whirled on him to argue and then paused, considering it. "Hm. Maybe. Well. You're Gerudo."
Her companion sighed heavily, brow falling heavily just above his eyes. "I'm not the Hero, Your Highness."
Zelda hummed, unconvinced. "Well, then. We still need to find the potentially real Hero, don't we? And what better place?"
"What was the legendary name of the horse?" Link indulged her, looking back at the stable.
"Epona, I think," Zelda answered. "Either that or Peona. The name kind of got obscured in that one book about it."
As she spoke, a young blonde man approached the stable, greeting a mare warmly. "Hey, Epona."
"He's the one they mentioned," Link pointed out. "That's Link."
"Named Link and has a horse that everyone in the area praises for her strength. Not a stallion, though. And her name's Epona?" Zelda hummed again, glaring at nothing. "Suspicious."
"Literally nothing about this is suspicious," her companion groaned.
"Well, let's go check him out!" Zelda proclaimed, grabbing her friend by the wrist and dragging him over. "You, there! Stable boy!"
This new Link paused, glancing at the pair and taking an uncertain step away from them. The masseur towered over the stable boy, whose eyes widened in the former's shadow. Zelda waved to get his attention.
"Yes, hi, I'm talking to you," Zelda said, clearing her throat. "Anyway! Your name is Link, right?"
"Well, I'm Princess Zelda. I'm here in search of the Hero of Legend."
"A-a hero?" the stable boy repeated.
"Yep," Link quipped, popping the p with his lips and crossing his arms in exasperation. "Congratulations."
"For... what? Wait, she's--you're the princess?!"
"That's right, yes, yes, bow and all the respect and the like," Zelda pushed ahead. "You should be honored, because I'm here to determine if--"
The stable boy promptly passed out.
Link hesitantly knelt down to check on the kid, glancing up at Zelda. "So, uh, he the Hero you were looking for?"
Zelda moaned, looking up at Epona. "Listen here, you little diva, just because you're the best horse around doesn't mean you can call us out here for your owner like he's a big deal... uh, is he okay?"
Link continued to poke the kid aimlessly, noting that he wasn't bleeding. "I think so. Better get someone, though."
The princess sighed heavily, hurrying to find a more senior stable attendant. Honestly, this venture was just so exasperating.
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saber-kite · 3 months
Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom
Considering I'm fairly new in playing Legend of Zelda games, I'm really excited for Echoes of Wisdom!
Oh I knew all about Legend of Zelda since the start, but I had always wondered why is Link the protagonist and Zelda's always the damsel-in-distress? Considering the name of the game? At least in the cartoon she had a personality, and finally in BotW and TotK she's a bit more fleshed out.
But this! Can't wait to get my hands on it. Maybe it'll bring a new set of Zelda games, maybe one in the style of BotW/TotK but with Zelda as the main character this time? I can only hope.
Some thoughts on the showcase:
I like his shirt. Can I buy one somewhere?
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First off... THIS?!
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It's the Marites* duo by the fountain!
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*"Marites" what we call gossipy women here in the Philippines.
Was Link using a Zonai or Construct bow?
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Love the side-scroll levels. It looks very Super Mario!
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More Mario-like things I saw.
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Deku Tree!
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Aaaaah I can't wait!
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aboutcustardcreams · 3 months
The monster within you
part four here
Well, this is nothing but pure fluff and smut. I dunno I felt like giving these three a kind of slice of life as partners, so here it isss. Alsoooo big news (for me hehe) I'm flying to London for a week the fourth of July, so I won't be able to write much until I come back I'm afraid. Alsooooo, the fact that Michelle Gomez is there now is making me squeal into the pillow, like, wtf! what a timing, huh? She probably won't be there when I go, *cries*. Anyway, enjoyyy!
When you wake up, it isn’t daylight yet, so you keep your eyes closed and force yourself to go back to sleep, but it’s no use. Moon still shines dimly through the curtains; it’s unnerving how there’s still no hint of sunrise yet. When you turn to your left, you find Cordelia laying so still, mouth partially agape as she breathes evenly, that reminds you of a baby in her cradle. A small smile crosses your lips as you take in her sight. 
She looks peaceful, unbothered, probably having a nice dream, considering the corners of her lips are turned up. You reach out a hand towards her and delicately brush some golden locks from her face. She doesn’t even flinch, and keeps snoring softly against your shoulder. Your skin warms up in contact with her breathing, and your smile widens when she unintentionally, or maybe not, curls up closer to your side. You can’t resist the temptation to bow your head and brush your lips against her cheekbone, so warm and soft, you’d linger all night long. 
The Supreme’s arm circles your waist from behind your back, whereas Zelda has her hand placed on your thigh, protectively. You hold your breath, trying to be as silent as possible as you shift on your back. You know you won't fall asleep any time soon, so you stop trying and focus on the ceiling above you instead. There are so many thoughts going on inside your head; the last but not least being the unexpected encounter with the Queen of Hell. A part of you can’t ward off the feeling that maybe she knows more than she would admit. About the relic and your story. 
Maybe her visiting you was a way of testing waters. To see what you were capable of and how far you’d go to achieve your goal. Maybe she wants you to sign your name in the book of the beast? You’re not sure what her real intentions are, that’s what gets you mulling. If on one hand you she’s been only nice to you, on the other, experience taught you that a selfless act of kindness isn’t exactly a common thing. Even less for someone like Lilith. 
You had a strong feeling that Zelda disliked Lilith, for obvious and less obvious reasons. Tension had been palpable, as sharp as a knife. However, their bickering had sounded more like a quarrel between siblings, rather than a true hate between enemies. And you saw something else too, in both their eyes. Respect, maybe. Mutual obviously. But Zelda, your Zelda was very unlikely to admit such a thing, even if that was true. 
You smile softly, when her thumb lazily draws circles over your skin, as if she knew your actual frame of mind. You’re not sure if she is awake, or if that’s an involuntary movement. Her face is positioned a little above yours, so you can’t immediately grasp her eyes. It’s incredible the way she can always make you feel seen, wanted and protected. It’s her superpower to put both you and Cordelia first and foremost, your safety and well being being her top priority no matter the cost. That’s why you feel extremely guilty for the way you dealt with the idea of using the relic no matter what she thought about it. 
It was selfish of you, she had been right. 
You snuggle a bit closer to her, and while doing so her mouth touches your forehead and you inhale softly, reveling in her warmth. You keep your eyes shut, despite being awake, to give the idea that you’re moving inadvertently. It’s not hard to believe. Not for her. Her eyes part open, when she feels you curling up, like the little koala you are and when she feels her lips against your skin. She can’t help the smile curving her lips at the contact, and rubs your thigh so gently, as to not to wake you up, knowing you’re not a light sleeper as much as Cordelia is. 
You perceive some concern behind her simple displays of affection, making you feel even more guilty. You had been stupid to think your choice wasn’t her business nor Cordelia’s. She was right to think of you as selfish, even though you didn’t mean to be. So you drop the act, muttering, “I’m so sorry.” 
You can imagine her eyes snap open at the sound of your trembling voice. Her shoulders go rigid, and her brows knit in a confused frown. At first, she thinks you’re having a dream, because you don’t look up at her, your face stays buried in her collarbone. 
“Have you said something?”, she mutters softly, to be sure she hasn’t just imagined your voice. When your breathing comes to her ears like a quiver, she realizes you’re not sleeping, and if you are, you’re having a nightmare, “Celeste, what’s wrong?”, she runs her arm from your thigh up to your waist. 
“I’m sorry for earlier. You didn’t deserve that.” 
Zelda’s eyes soften, realizing what’s about, “Hush, there’s nothing to be sorry for,” she coos, gently stroking your hips. “There is,” you remark, stubbornly, “I don’t know how you cope with me sometimes,” your words come out muffled, and angry. She searches for your eyes, but you’re still not looking at her, “Celeste…”, she waits, but you only cling to her, without lifting your face. 
She rolls her eyes, only because you’re being too hard with yourself, again. She counts till ten, before placing a single finger under your chin, “Look at me, please,” when you don’t find her, she takes a sigh or relief. However, it doesn’t last long. Her heart drops when she is met with red and puffy eyes, filled with tears you’re not willing to shed. “Silly girl,” she runs her finger on your cheek, “You can be frustrating, I grant you that. Annoying, relentless and prone to get yourself killed,” she trails off and you can’t help the hint of a smile that tugs at your lips, at her teasing tone, “ But I wouldn’t have you any other way.” 
“That’s almost romantic,” you chuckle, her words have eased your heart just enough to find her words both funny and cheesy. She scoffs, feigning annoyance, “You’ve a weird perception of romance, little witch” you know she is joking by how velvety her voice sounds. You hum under your breath, before turning towards Cordelia again. “I should apologize to her as well,” your voice is low, and your heart almost echoes in your ears for how loud it sounds, “With already so much to worry about, I shouldn’t have added to it.” 
Zelda’s eyes squint almost painfully as she shakes her head. “Now listen to me very carefully, Celeste. You’re not a task that needs to be dealt with, nor a burden,” she speaks both softly and firmly to make sure her words sink in. A hesitant nod comes up as the first response. Zelda sighs, and guides your chin up to her face again, “I mean it. You’re family.” 
You offer her a weak smile, “No, I know. Thank you. Truly. ”
She hums and slides her fingers through your hair, scratching your nape just how you like it. “We can talk about how challenging it is to keep up with you in a few hours, alright? Sleep a little more, for now.”
You can hardly suppress a giggle now, which makes the redhead’s heart warm up, “So you admit it?”
“No, never,” her voice is devoid of any indecision and you believe her, because Zelda, your Zelda, could be many things, except a liar. When you linger to take in her eyes, you’re not sure if it’s the light of the moon that makes watery. Reaching out a hand towards her cheek, you frown, “are you okay?”
Her lashes flutter a bit, “considering you’re depriving me from my beauty sleep, I feel marvelously.”
“You’re beautiful” you quickly comment, making her roll her eyes, “I mean it,” you mimic her tone, ghosting your fingertips over her lips. 
“Of course you do,” she smiles, before taking your wrist and placing a soft kiss upon your knuckles. It melts your heart, making you feel all warm inside. In that moment, you promise yourself to put your family first. If things don’t go as planned with the relic, you’d drop it at the first chance presented. Knowing about your past wasn’t even remotely as important as your actual present, even less your future with them. 
The Supreme scoots closer to you, and tangles her legs with yours. Suddenly you feel more trapped than ever. “Is it morning yet?”, Cordelia asks, scooting closer to you, without opening her eyes just yet. She tangles your legs against yours and you chuckle lightly before answering in a murmur, “it’s still early, Dee.” 
The blonde witch buries her face in the crook of your neck and circles your waist a bit more firmly and possessively. When her lips graze delicately against your skin, you feel a shiver run down your spine. Zelda chuckles lightly, taking in the sight before her eyes, “Such a cuddle bug we have here,” she mutters teasingly. 
Cordelia opens one eye and looks at Zelda from your shoulder, “You two had a nighttime chat without me.”
The redhead feigns outrage, “Oh, no, what a terrible thing to do!” 
The Supreme scoffs and you chuckle in response, “It wasn’t intentional. You know Zelda is a light sleeper. I wasn’t… quiet enough.”
You see a veil of concern flashing Cordelia’s eyes. But you quickly proceed on cupping her cheek, assuring her with a firm look that you were fine. “Okay, but next time, wake me as well,” she grasps your chin, holding you firmly in that position. 
You nod, wordlessly. Your lips, only an inch, maybe less from hers, quiver. She notices that, and proceeds on stroking the line of your jaw with one finger, while the other hand lays flat over your chest. When she leans further, you don’t expect her tongue to lap at your lips as first thing. Your lashes flutter close, incredulous as to how she can turn you on just like that. So easily. 
You feel Zelda’s heart pound aggressively against your back. She bends further and moves your hair from your shoulder, so slowly, it makes you shudder. You can’t suppress a moan when her lips join the party too. You tangle your fingers into Cordelia’s hair, pushing her closer against you. Her tongue still laps over your upper lip, and with a smirk, you decide to capture it, between your teeth. 
An amused smirk curves Zelda’s lips, when you turn to pay some attention to her as well, sucking on her lip, plump and juicy. 
“I believe, we won’t go back to sleep after all,” you say, matter of factly.  
“Sleeping? Such a vulgarity,” Zelda’s serious response elicits a laugh out of you. A breathless one. 
“Yet you were the one to suggest that,” Cordelia points out. 
You arch an eyebrow at her, “Wait, did you hear our entire conversation?” 
Zelda eyes her with curiosity.  
“Yep, loud and clear,” she says simply. 
The sun is finally rising, you can see the change within the room. The dim light is slowly turning orangish, a hue of color you didn’t think could look even better on your lovers’ features.  
“You mean, you eavesdropped?”, Zelda deadpans.
It’s your turn to chuckle when Cordelia purses her lips into a funny grimace. 
“Is it really eavesdropping if we share a room, a bed, and more often than not, the pillow too?”
You click your tongue, merely tilting your head, “she’s got a point.”
When Zelda furrows, Cordelia props herself up to kiss that same crease in between her brows. The simple gesture makes it hard for the redhead to keep the corners of her mouth from turning up. 
“Aahw, that was sweet,” you squeal, before doing the exact same thing, not once but several times. 
Zelda tries to swap you away, her cheeks burning in embarrassment, “Stop it this instant,” despite her words, her tone betrays her right away. 
“Don’t poke me while I’m kissing you,” you whine childishly, but it’s just an act. 
“I do as I wish, little witch,” she deadpans. 
“So do I,” you’re clueless as to why you just decided to challenge Zelda Spellman. When you poke her back, it takes you a second to realize the mistake you’ve just made. 
“Oh uh,” Cordelia breathes out in anticipation, as something dangerously dark flashes upon Zelda’s eyes. 
“I thought your times as a student were past you, however, I believe you’re in need of another lesson.”
“No, no, Zelda wait,  don’t–” even before you can finish your useless plea, her polished nails sneak under your oversize shirt with ease, skillfully scratching your belly and ribs. It’s immediate, goosebumps rise throughout your entire back and torso along with a very high pitched squeal. 
“Now, now, that wasn’t very nice of you Celeste, was it?” 
She is calm while speaking, whereas her fingers are savagely fast, for you to do something about it. 
You squeak when Zelda hits a spot just behind your underarms, “Stop!”
“Magic words first”, she leans against your lips. 
Whining, you try so hard to squirm away from her, but it’s no use considering that Cordelia is blocking the way, chuckling along with you.
“Come on, babygirl,” the Supreme purrs in your ear, “it’s not that hard,” her tongue pokes out of her mouth. Vehemently shaking your head, another yelp slips from your lips exactly when Zelda pinches another weak spot behind your ribs. 
“Fine! Mommy , I’m sorry!”, you squeak, “Let go of me!” 
Zelda hums approvingly. Calling her mommy always had an effect on her. Her fingers immediately stop her assault as promised, and you dig deeper into the mattress, finally feeling like you can breathe again. 
“Good girl,” she praises you, pressing a rapid kiss against your lips. 
You scowl, before wrapping your arms around yourself, “That was… mean,” you point out, then turn towards Cordelia, in utter disbelief, “and you didn’t help!”
She offers you an apologetic smile, “Sorry?”
She doesn’t look sorry at all, so you give her an eye roll. To make up with you she loops an arm around your shoulders, gently guiding you to her chest, “Aahw, you just got yourself a ticket for endless cuddles,” she whispers in your ear, making you melt right away. 
“Okay, now we are talking,” you hum when she kisses the top of your head turning you into the perfect little spoon to cuddle.
Zelda scoots closer before placing a gentle kiss to the two of you, “Let’s sleep some more now, we have a big day ahead of us,” her hand goes back on your thigh, in the exact same spot as before, and you smile. 
As Cordelia tucks you even closer into her chest, you finally relax, allowing yourself to close your eyes. 
When you wake up again, you’re alone in bed. Yawning softly, you rub your eyes and allow your arms to stretch above your head. Then, you prop yourself up on your elbows to take a rapid look at the nightstand to check the time. It’s only 7:30 am, so you dive back in the cushion that smells like your partners. 
Nervously chewing on your bottom lip, you mutter under your breath, how today was the day of the truth. You’re finally going to put a face on your biological parents. It was hard to decide whether the whole thing was more exciting or terrifying. When your hands feel clammy against your thighs, you roll your eyes. 
“Get a grip on yourself,” mentally scolding yourself, you take a deep breath to calm down. Zelda and Cordelia would be there for you, so you have nothing to worry about. Oh and there was a plus, too. The Queen of Hell herself told you, she’d only be a prayer away if you needed her. So, honestly speaking. you were settled for a win.  
A gentle knock withdraws you from your thoughts, which you’re grateful for. 
“Hi,” you smile, taking in Cordelia’s beauty as she steps in the room. She is still wearing her nightgown, her face bare of any makeup, not that she needed any. Her hair is always on point, thick and curly at the tips, and gently framing her delicate features. 
“Good morning, babygirl,” her voice comes out as a soft purr to your ears. Your cheeks burn already when, propping on the bed, she traps you with her body, placing her palms at both sides of your hips. “Did you sleep well?”, you feel like you can combust when leaning further, her hair touches your chest and collarbone. 
You pause, allowing yourself a moment to think about it. Despite everything, you always slept marvelously nestled by those two. “Mhm, you left me all alone in such a big bed, though,” your tone comes out in a partial whine, “that was mean of you.” 
Cordelia is no stranger to your playful antics. She arches an eyebrow at your tone, willing to maintain the act, “What an absolute tragedy!” she pouts. You feel your body sliding towards hers when she presses a chast kiss on the corner of your mouth, followed by another and another. 
Once she pulls away, you sweep your tongue over your lips, savoring the spots she’s kissed, “You sure know how to shut me up,” Cordelia is glad to hear the amusement in your tone. She lifts a hand towards your face, to move a lock of hair behind your ear, “You were sleeping so peacefully, I didn’t have the heart to wake you. I headed to the kitchen for a glass of water, but I meant to be back right after, as you can see.”
Humming, you circle her waist with your arms, “where is Zelda?”
“In the shower,” she quips, kissing the tip of your nose. You scrunch it up, when her hair falls on your face, “Oh, and I saw Ambrose having a slice of our pizza,” she whispers as if the boy had asked her to keep the secret. 
You groan and roll your eyes, “I knew it wasn’t safe in there.”
“I’m sure he won’t eat it all,” she laughs lightly.  
“If he does, I might choose violence,” you deadpan. The glint in your eyes, though, betrays you. Cordelia lightly nudges at you, and you half whine, performing the biggest, cutest pout you against her. 
“You’re such a baby.”
Sticking your tongue out at her only proves her point. But you don’t mind. Being your true self around them is one of the best things ever experienced in your life. Leaning further, her lips brush delicately against yours, and the room falls in a frame of nosy, sloppy kisses. Chuckling, your heart races a bit faster when she brushes the tip of her nose against yours, “your baby,” you nod, happily. 
She hums and smiles with her tongue peering out of her mouth. Her hand runs down your chest, pushing you further down on the mattress. You immediately whimper when her nails start stroking right around your breast, bare of any underwear. She loves how firm they feel under her palms, and how deliciously juicy if bitten, but she doesn’t do anything yet. Anticipation can be an absolute bliss. However, as she stares deeply in your eyes, you spot something shiny in them. 
Tilting your head to the side, you gently rub her back, “Hey, are you worried?”, you ask in a whisper.
She pauses only one second, “I always am when it’s about you,” her breath tickles your lips for how close she is. “If it were for me, you’d never be out of my sight, but I know it wouldn’t be fair,” her voice comes out soft and honest. It causes a blush to heat up your cheeks. 
“Sickly sweet,” you mimic Lilith’s words, without meaning them as an insult obviously. You’re touched by her care, her protectiveness being a mirror image of Zelda’s. 
When Cordelia playfully pinches your arm, you fake gasp, “Ouch!”
“I can be less sweet, if you like,” she teases. 
You lick your lips and swallow thickly, moving your hands up to her hair, “just kiss me.”
The low chuckle that comes out of Cordelia along with the sudden grip on your hips to keep you right there, causes your lips to part slightly. Lunging forward, the Supreme crashes her lips against yours, almost roughly, which surprises you. You gasp and she grins wide into the kiss. It’s embarrassing the way you already feel some dampness in between your thighs, when all you’ve been doing is kissing. Her tongue skilfully finds its way into your mouth and laps against yours, fighting for dominance. The kiss lasts longer than you had expected and when you two run out of oxygen you gasp in each other’s mouth. 
“When they say to start the day on the right foot, this is what I think of,” your forehead leans against hers. 
She chuckles, before placing another feather kiss against your lips. “What can I say? I’m hungry and you’re delicious.”
You grimace, “I just woke up, I can’t be that appealing.”
She lightly shakes her head before gently taking in every little freckle of your face. “You’re really clueless about how delicious you are,” placing one leg in between yours, she pushes her knee just a tiny bit towards your center, touching only slightly, not enough to satisfy your wishes. She knows what she is doing, and you give her a look, while she feigns innocence. She has this insane power to keep flirting with you even when all you wanted and needed wasn’t obvious enough. She could take you right there and almost immediately if only she checked the mess in between your legs. 
You’re so wet, Cordelia can easily smell you. 
Smirking, her fingernails slide underneath your shirt, lightly parting your legs for better access.  
You hold your breath, chewing at your lip, unable to spill a word. 
“Is there something you need, babygirl?”, a single nail slides to the right, towards the fabric of your underwear. She is not surprised to find it already drenched in the middle. She licks her lips, as if she was savoring the anticipation of tasting your own fluids. 
“You know ,” you whimper hotly. 
She arches a sultry eyebrow while her thumb starts circling your clit so dangerously slowly, it causes your hips to jerk towards her for more, “Ah! Oh, shit!”, you roll your eyes backwards. 
“Tell me,” she insists.
You clench your jaw, when she pushes aside the fabric of your underwear, coming in direct contact with your already throbbing clit. Suddenly your heart feels like jumping in your throat and ringing in your ears. 
“Touch me,” you pant, “right t-there,” you can’t help but keep your eyes firmly shut when her teasing increases. 
“Ah, ah, eyes on me, baby girl,” she coos, peppering soft, hungry kisses all over your jaw and chin. Your chest rises and falls, overwhelmed by all the attention you’re receiving. After a second or two, you do as you’re asked, and she immediately praises you, causing your slit to get awfully drenched. 
You bite your lip, and while she attacks your neck with gentle nibbles, you feel a finger thrusting inside of you. You gasp and shift your body closer to her hand, in the silent, desperate request for more. With one finger curled up in there, she lays her palm against your clit, doubling the pleasure, by giving soft pats. 
“Delia–”, your breathing quickens and your fingertips turn white. 
When Cordelia slides a second finger inside of you, you’re sure you’re seeing the stars above you, and can’t suppress a louder moan, “You’re absolutely beautiful” she purrs, licking her own lips. Your hips keep rotating, feeling yourself tightening against her fingers. Lifting your shirt up to your shoulders, Cordelia’s free hand wanders over your torso and stomach, scratching and digging her nails in your flesh. 
You shiver when the next thing you feel is something warm and soft map out the skin around your navel. The tip of her tongue laps inside your belly button right after. Your breath hitches, and Cordelia chuckles lightly against your stomach before giving you a trail of bites. 
“My, my, aren't you two having a good time?” Zelda licks her lips as she enters the room in her robe. Her hair, still damp on the tips, frames her face in soft waves that look so precious on her. 
Cordelia’s fingers don’t stop their sweet ride, and she grins while looking at you panting. “Come here, take a look,” she later grins, eyeing Zelda with the corner of her eyes. You try to lift your head towards the redhead, but you can hardly focus with the Supreme’s fingers curling and stretching inside of you. Your inner thighs are probably soaked with your fluids.  
“P-please I’m.. s-so close,” you don’t care about sounding disparate, because you are. Zelda chuckles and walks closer to the two of you. 
“Oh I can see that,” she adds, then looks at Cordelia, gently caressing the small of her back, while sitting at your feet. She takes a moment to look at you, at how beautiful your body looks, exposed like that. She has every freckle of yours memorized, every line, every mole, every little hue, yet she is still amazed each time she is granted that view. Your chest rises and falls rhythmically with the movement of Cordelia’s fingers inside of you. 
Your orgasm is close, you can’t hold it for much longer. 
“Let me c-come, ah! ”
They share a glance, no words need to be exchanged because they know what’s next to come, “In a second, babygirl,” Cordelia hums, sucking on your bottom lip. “Hold still a little more.”
The redhead grins and sweeps her tongue over her mouth, “I love how well mannered you are, when you try, ” she teases, tracing a single finger from your knee up to your inner thigh. 
She kisses you harder, pushing you deeper against the mattress, while Zelda spreads your legs further open. Your head spins dangerously when she kneels down, circles your thighs with both her arms keeping them apart and then flicks her tongue against your entrance, steady and slow, without any warning. You can even hear your wetness by the sound her tongue is making against your slit.
“Unholy Lilith!”, you didn’t mean to call upon her name, especially since now you put a face to her name. But habits die hard, especially when you find yourself in a situation of pure bliss, “Fuck– yes! ”
Zelda grins against your mouth, licks her lips before thrusting the tip of her tongue to lap at your clit, up and down, right and left, while Cordelia’s fingers pump in and out of you. It’s a matter of time before you come now, seconds actually. It’s almost embarrassing how easily they can ruin you. Your entire body vibrates and you props yourself up on your elbows, head jerked backwards as you let out a sound between a whine and a cry. 
Cordelia bites her bottom lip hard, feeling her own slit getting wet by the sight before her eyes. 
While digging her fingernails into the flesh of your thighs to keep you from closing your legs, Zelda’s teeth graze at your pink pearl without granting you a single break, and you cry out her name this time. 
“Please!” A single tear slides down your face, as you become oversensitive, it almost hurts, but it’s a good kind of pain. 
“Come for us, babygirl,” Cordelia flicks her tongue over your lobe. 
Your hands tangle into Zelda’s hair almost aggressively, when she sucks vehemently your poor clit. Your legs shake, and you gasp loudly, when the orgasm hits you. Zelda is left to collect all the mess in between your legs, wiping you clean with her tongue. 
“Ah”, you ache, despite the softness by which she is doing that. You feel boneless and breathless. 
“Too much?”, Cordelia asks innocently, brushing some damp hair from your reddened face. 
You shake your head with a smile, “Never.”
Once she’s finished, Zelda looks down at you, and wipes the excess of your fluids with the back of her hand. She lays on the side beside you and presses a gentle feather kiss on your lips. You have a taste of your own juices when she does. Cordelia props down as well, on her elbows, while lazily racking fingers through your hair. You share a few other lazy, small kisses, muttering I love yous in between. Life at the Spellman’s Mortuary was hella good. You wouldn't trade it for anything in the world and underworld. 
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powdermelonkeg · 3 months
Echoes of Wisdom Trailer Analysis: Part 2
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When Ganon is defeated, he sinks to the ground, emitting purple haze and crackling with golden embers.
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Once Link delivers the finishing blow, it snaps Ganon back to the center of the map, confirming that this isn't purely cinematic.
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He's dissolving into black and purple, to the point that it almost looks like his colors are...rotting.
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And Zelda, in the back, is glaring at him.
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We get our first proper look at the trident. It's double-sided—that's weird. As far as I'm aware, that's a first in terms of Zelda weaponry.
It's also weirdly simplistic for the havoc it's about to wreak.
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Gan explodes.
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Zelda flinches away.
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Link goes up to see her, right as the trident begins to break the world apart.
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The cracks here are different from the one Ganon made to rend the exit from the arena, though. These are bright-edged, and while they do emit mist, there's no particles.
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Not like this.
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The more it grows, the more the edges look like fire, burning away everything they touch.
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As Link sinks in, he starts to flicker in a haze, and pulls out his bow.
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One with the same teal geometry as his cape and his sword. The arrow on it looks completely normal, though. Which is weird, considering that it breaks Zelda's prison.
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Also worth noting, do you see what's past the rift? It's not just void.
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There are rocks back there, floating in space. Parts of the floor? Floating islands?
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Link's bow doesn't do the whole job, though. Zelda has to beat her fists against the crystal to break out the rest of the way. A metaphor for how the game's going to go?
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The rift begins to expand. It only does so after Zelda's gone to the other side of the room, though:
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See here? This is where Link's cape was thrown in previous shots. It's missing now, and Zelda's near the stairs to the room, which means she must have picked it up.
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As she flees the scene, we can see fragments of what looks like stairs behind her. Does the rift scenery change depending on where it is when it consumes?
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She manages to make it outside. We can see a river with some falls, the mountains
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And a...rock...grove?
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The dust settles, and our theory is confirmed.
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Whatever's back there, it changesbased on what it eats. Which means, depending on how much it eats, it's navigable.
Which means maybe, just maybe, we're going to search for Link in there at the end.
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We get a better view of our surrounds. We're at a lake. Lake Hylia?
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There's a cavern here, with some sort of stone with holes. Maybe our teleport solution. The cavern has fairy patterns on it—Great Fairy fountain, almost definitely.
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Then this area back here is a temple of some kind, with what I think are owl statues.
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There's another thing back here. A swamp hut?
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Hyrule Castle encompasses its Castle Town. You can see the houses peeking out of it.
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And then the camera pans, revealing a twist to this whole thing.
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That's Death Mountain. On the west side of the map.
This is not A Link to the Past's Hyrule layout.
Not even close.
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fourswords · 22 days
/New q!! Four Swords Links Meet:::
How would someone tell them apart visually other than age and height?
Ooooh interesting question! So, my thoughts:
Let me actually start with Knight first—I think he's gotten tall enough that he'd probably gotten fitted for armor at some point or another (have you seen how tall some 15 year olds get these days. what are they putting in the milk in school cafeterias....), but I sincerely doubt he would be in full plate whenever he was magically thrust into this situation where he's meeting four other wielders of the Four Sword. I'd say he's probably got on a layer of chain mail in a similar manner to the Links from Twilight Princess/Skyward Sword/Hyrule Warriors, a pretty standard green tunic, white pants, brown boots, what have you. Unfortunately he's the most basic person ever because his game just doesn't give the players any information about him at all other than the fact that he's Zelda's childhood friend, but one thing I do think one thing he has is a pair of expensive-looking arm guards for archery, probably with some detailed flourish to it as well. My reasoning for this is the fact that his official Four Swords art has both his Green Link & Blue Link wielding the bow and arrow:
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And I have to give him something, so a proficiency and a preference for archery it is. (This makes him an interesting contrast to Light, who—given Vio's ability to just Pick Up A Bow And Start Shooting in the FSA manga—is also apparently very skilled at archery, but not a single one of his official artworks for Four Swords Adventures includes the bow.) He also has those three-fingered gloves used for archery. I think he ditched the cap after a while, though, so no cap for him. He could've grown his hair out some as well and keeps it pulled back a single straight braid so it doesn't bother him while he's training/fighting/etc.
Light himself is funny to think about because I do think FSA Link would incorporate all four colors that represented Green, Red, Blue & Vio somewhere into his outfit some time after the manga, but I don't think he'd do it in a super over-the-top way because he's more about Going Out And Kicking Ass than fussing over what he wants to look like (and also Shadow would laugh at him). Maybe Zelda did some multi-colored embroidery on his belt or something? Or his belt is just split-dyed all four colors or something in addition to the embroidery. Also, the manga is extremely wishy-washy on the color of his undershirt, but it seems like he wears a black undershirt (and they were just colored in with a metric fuckton of green highlights), and that's something I always liked given that Shadow wore a white undershirt, so it was like an inverse sort of thing. Given that Light specifically only comes like six months after the end of that adventure, I don't think his outfit would differ too much at all from the manga, so he is a bit stuck in the "plain" box with Knight. Hilarious considering their nicknames rhyme, I know.
Four is also funny to think about because never once in the LOZ series were we given a picture of the Hero of the Four Sword. We got his legend written out in the FS manual & the FSA game prologue and a brief excerpt in Hyrule Historia and that was IT. But given that his whole thing was "show up out of nowhere, kick Vaati's ass and seal him away, and then disappear into the woods never to be seen again", I like to think that he wears greens and browns to blend in with the forest, and I'll say that he doesn't have a cap either because it's too easy to get snagged on a tree branch and lost or something. I think he inherited a little of Smithy's messy hair; it's not quite the level of "total rat's nest" that Smithy's is, but it definitely looks like it could use a brushing. Or four (ha!). Nothing too heavy for him, though—I'd imagine his clothes are actually a bit threadbare or even obviously patched-up in places because he's just sort of a free spirit traveling wherever he pleases. The type to let his boots wear down until you can see his toes every time he takes a step because there's nothing holding anything together and only THEN will he go to a nearby market and buy a new pair. You know how the original Link from 1986 was drawn with a BUNCH of shit on his back? Like, his entire inventory? Four is the opposite—considering the manual says that he appeared with "little more than a sword at his back", I think he could just be a really minimalistic type of dude. He's got the tiniest pack in existence with a spare bit of food and a waterskin and a pouch with some rupees and that's about it. He'll work out anything else.
When it comes to Smithy, I'm biased towards having him wear the Roc's Cape from the game because I think having it helps him out with fighting (the Minish Cap strategy of jumping directly over Darknuts with the Roc's Cape and hitting them from behind before they can hit you), but also I'd imagine that a cape that can magically catch the wind like it does has to be decently thick to maintain that gliding in the air, so it helps him keep warm, too. He still has the cap that Ezlo gave him, of course, and he's just happy that he hasn't outgrown it yet. Under that cap, of course, is the messiest head of hair in the franchise, like Ezlo loved to rag on him for. He's the one that sticks out the most just because he wears the Roc's Cape all the time, and also given his funny-as-hell expression in his official art while using the Mole Mitts, I'm sure he loves to whip those out at any given opportunity like a little madman, too. He's the one who still carries the Four Sword, of course, and since he was the one who collected and infused all the elements into the sword itself, I like to think that he's the one who gets the fun little color-changing eyes that you sometimes see in other fanworks of different Links wielding the Four Sword. I think his eyes only change color when he's actually wielding the Four Sword, though—they're just his regular blue otherwise. Other than that, I doubt his outfit under the cape has changed much either.
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ladyrijus · 11 months
So I'm going absolutely insane over Ocarina of Time Zelda and Twilight Princess Zelda again. This is fine.
Imagine you're Princess Zelda, a child who had to bear the consequences of a civil war your father failed to truly end, all because no one ever took your warnings seriously. Imagine, despite being blessed by the Golden Goddesses, you fucked over your kingdom so bad in the past seven years, that the only way you think to repent for what you have done is to send your hero back in time to warn everyone about Ganondorf and save what used to be, all while giving your hero his childhood back.
Surely that would work... right?
As your hero disappears before your eyes, you commend yourself silently for your wisdom, never realizing that your plan was just as, if not more, naive than gathering all the spiritual stones only for Ganondorf to ultimately seize them.
But it doesn't matter how far into hell you've damned both your present and past world. You're so blinded by your grief and regret, that what you have within you now is an all-consuming desire for revenge. Sealing Ganondorf in the Sacred Realm wasn't enough to satiate your sorrow; what you want is for him to keep losing. You tell yourself as you ascend the throne that you did it for your people, but in reality, you had done it for yourself. It was the only way to deal with the pain.
So your hero warns everyone of Ganondorf's evil intentions and gracefully makes his exit, his duty finished. Somehow, it just makes things worse. Ganondorf still gets his piece of the Triforce, and though he is banished to a realm where all of your worst dissenters go, he's still alive. Your past self can't stomach the fact that one of the Seven Sages of the Sacred Realm is dead thanks to you, and she fears that, with the Triforce of Power, the Gerudo King will come back. It's only a matter of time.
It's only safe to say, then, that your past self must have either dedicated herself to the eradication of the Gerudo tribe or let it happen, because there's no one left now but the vengeful dead in the desert with the tribe's namesake. Was it to capture Twinrova, his allies in witchcraft? Was it to ensure that no one of the tribe would be able to help Ganondorf escape?
Was it worth it?
The worst part is that your past self never thought to ask the sages why the Royal Family had jurisdiction over the Mirror of Twilight, never thought to consider that maybe it is a bad idea to put those who think ill of the Royal Family of Hyrule in one realm together.
Imagine you're Princess Zelda, and you're locked in your castle while you watch your kingdom crumble in the twilight. You realize, as you surrender to the King of Twilight, that you've been dealt an unlucky hand. A bloody history is your birthright, and all you can think in your crushing guilt is to stand down, stand down, stand down, because your ancestors have done enough trying to take matters into their own hands, trying to control others.
"Some princess she is," your people must think, but they will never understand that the blood of the Gerudo, the Twili, and even the Bulblin tribe is on your hands. And so you keep your head bowed down, even if it is unbecoming of you.
When the time comes, you give your life to the Twilight Princess, because it is not fair for her to suffer from the actions of your ancestors. You ignore her screams of rejection and let your health become hers. It's fair, it's right. And you tell yourself everyday that you did it for your people and hers, but in reality, you had done it for yourself. It was the only way to deal with pain.
Ganondorf does die in the end, but it is not a happy occasion. You feel neither relief nor peace at the sight of the Master Sword struck through his chest. You bring a hand to your own breast reflexively, and bow your head down out of deference for the once respected king.
It is the least he deserves.
You also murmur a prayer for salvation on his behalf, even if the Light Spirits won't heed it. Because you understand that long before he succumbed to the corruption of the Triforce, he once thought about his people, just as you and Midna thought about yours.
Oh, Midna.
You knew what had to happen, but knowing didn't make the parting any less harder to bear. You only wish you could have said sorry to her once more before she broke the Mirror of Twilight, sorry for the horrible things your ancestors had put her people through, sorry for the way this had to end, sorry that you couldn't do anything more for her, sorry, sorry, sorry-
You turn to face your hero, and find him retreating tearfully with his back turned to you, his duty finished.
"I'm sorry," you want to tell him, "I'm sorry."
Only the Goddesses know how much it kills you inside to feel this helpless. If only you had some way to turn back time... if there was a chance out there to save the past, you would have taken it.
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merchantziro · 2 years
The Legend of Zelda AU Concept
I'm thinking of calling it something like "Destiny Spin?" Idk
Basically Link, Zelda, and Ganon remain as their respective bearers of the Triforces of Courage, Wisdom, and Power. But between reincarnations and such they tend to swap around roles as hero, assistant/princess, and villain.
Like in one life it's Link saving Zelda from Ganon, the next has Zelda saving Ganon from Link, and then it could be Zelda saving Link from Ganon before Ganon saving Link from Zelda. Mainly whatever suits Din, Nayru, and Farore's fancy as they make their chosen heroes a game, maybe a bet by Din to see whose hero will actually conquer Hyrule.
Of course they all still retain most of their original personalities across their different incarnations of good, evil, and royalty and still retain their Triforces, thus their methods are different because of that.
Example: Ganon uses his Triforce of Power as a Hero to battle monsters to basically just brute force his way to victory and through puzzles. Zelda is the opposite with her Triforce of Wisdom, using strategy and brains as a hero to easily solve puzzles and such and often outwit her opponent. Meanwhile Link is considered a balance between the two, being competent enough at solving puzzles but also no stronger to just battling foes in straight up combat.
Sometimes during long extended times of peace, they would be reincarnated as royalty and/or knights and get to enjoy the peace. On rare occasions, a new evil would arrive and force all three of the Triforce bearers to become legendary heroes together as a team of three. But only once have the gods allowed all three to become reincarnated as the villains, and they'll never let it happen again.
Bonus points if they all get their own legendary weapons they get to use between lives regardless of being good or evil (complete with the weapons being often corrupted to be used by them in the latter case.)
Link retaining his Master Sword, Zelda probably getting her Bow of Light, and Ganon... I'm thinking maybe a Trident of his own like a few versions of him use, because Link already called dibs on the sword.
But yeah basically every Zelda game and so on but Link, Zelda, and Ganon swap places every game and it gets confusing for the people of Hyrule while the goddesses are laughing.
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fioreofthemarch · 1 year
Finding Her - Chapter 4
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Link makes notes, takes photos and keeps time on his quest across Hyrule, in the hopes of finding Zelda and staying sane until he does. [ Previous | Next | First | AO3 ]
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Talus Tracking Stone Taluses in Hebra and Hyrule Ridge are our main sources of rare gems that we use for weapon and bow crafting. They’re a tough enemy, but a skilled warrior can take one with the right preparation. 
The easiest place to find a talus is south of Rito Village near Strock Lake. This part of Hyrule is rocky and lush with mineral and ore deposits, so it just makes sense that taluses make their home there. 
Be careful of what the Hylians are calling Battle Taluses. Bokoblins in the region have caught wind of the defensive capabilities of taluses, and have started making hackneyed little camps on top of them. A few well-placed arrows will take the cretins out, but stay on your game if you come across this type of talus, and consider bringing your best wingman for back up. 
Log date: 22:45. 5th month, 26th day 104AC Location: Swallow's Roost, Rito Village Weather: Snowfall continuing 
Eyelids heavy. It's late. But wanna get all this down. Arrived in Rito Village yesterday morning. Haven't been here in about a year, a lot has changed.
The blizzard is bad, real bad. The bridge into the village is down, so no food coming in. Visibility basically zero with the snow. The Rito can't forage or hunt if they can't see. Genli offered me some mushroom stew that she made but, said no. I've got some rice balls that weird sign guy gave me. The kids here need the food more than me. 
Met with Teba and Tulin. Elder Teba! Did Zelda know about that? I bet she did. And Tulin! He's as tall as me now, with a bow of his own. Glad to be here with them. There's talk of a scouting trip tomorrow, for any food that can be found. Least I can do is help out and then see if I can figure out what's causing the blizzard. Going to need some Snowquill gear for it though and have all of 58 rupees on me. 
So I got an idea. And Zelda, if you ever read this, keep in mind I survived it.
Harth the armourer keeps a map of Stone Taluses in the area. Quickest way to get rare gems to sell is from a talus. I grabbed a Moblin-horn sledge, ate some Ironshroom Rice Balls and rode south to where Harth had marked the location of a talus. Was crossing a narrow bridge across a gap in the Hyrule Ridge when it hit me; not the Stone Talus I was looking for but an arrow, directly into my right arm.
Praise Rauru, the arrow hit the arm on its snaking metal gauntlet but my horse (Spot) reared and threw me down into the clearing below the bridge. Hip still bruised from where I landed — right in front of a Stone Talus with three bokoblins riding on top of it, all howling with laughter. A Battle Talus. 
The Moblin-horn sledge broke in the fall. Just managed to get my shield up to block a hail of arrows from the bokoblins. Was in a bit of a tricky spot, cornered too. One hit from the talus and it’d all be over. Had to improvise. 
Zelda, maybe where you are you’ve seen the Zonai tech? It’s all over the place now. I’m a fan of the rockets. And a fan of fusing them with arrows. One rocket arrow took out all three bokoblins. Three more took down the talus. Might have gotten a little singed myself. But I lived to write all this down and farm enough gems from the talus to buy a Snowquill coat. 
Still, there have to be better ways to make a few rupees. 
A photograph of a pile of rubies, sapphires and amber. The sparse, spiny grass behind the cairn is still on fire from the battle in which the gems were acquired.
Caption: Can’t wait to tell Harth about this.  
Log Date: 09:45. 5th month, 27th day 104AC.  Location: Hebra Trailhead Lodge Weather: Snowfall worsening
Set off to help Tulin with the hunt but he’s gone on ahead. Taking a quick stopover in this cabin at the base of the Hebra mountains before going to look for him. Amali helped make some spicy pepper-stuffed capsicums (struggling not to eat them now) and Harth is here too. Can’t tell if he was impressed by my Stone Talus story — he just sort of shook his head as I told it. 
The blizzard is howling. The cold feels cruel somehow. Aggressive. Was always taught never to muck about in bad weather — Nature doesn’t care if it kills you, someone once said. But what would it feel like if it did? If it was actually trying to? Probably a bit like this.
A photograph of dense snow, the outline of the rising Hebra mountains traced faintly in the background. Tiny flecks of orange light are visible from the bonfires that have been lit along the Hebra trail. 
Caption: Even through all this the Rito keep going. 
Log date: 14:25. 5th month, 27th day 104AC.  Location: Kahatanaum Shrine, Rising Island Chain Weather: Warning! Blizzard conditions and unbearable cold. Return indoors as soon as possible. 
Stopped over by a Shrine of Light for a rest. We’re splitting the stuffed capsicums Amali made. Tulin made a little shelter with some torches and a camping blanket he had. We wouldn’t be able to stop otherwise, the blizzard has bite now. It’s good to travel with company. Tulin is a beast with a bow and an aerial ace too.  
We found him heading for the sky islands above Hebra Peak. He said he’d seen Zelda out this way. Can barely believe it. What’s she doing out here? It’s dangerous. And cold. Whatever it is, she doesn’t have to do any of this alone. She should know that. 
A voice has been calling to us. Tulin has been singing the song of Stormwind Ark as we climb. Up above there’s something in the clouds, something big, circling at the centre of the blizzard.  
Can’t stop long. If Zelda’s here, we’ll catch her. If the blizzard can be stopped, we’ll find a way. Next time I do one of these, this’ll all be behind us.
A photograph of the huge dark cloud that stretches high into the atmosphere. It is encircled by two dozen or so floating wooden structures.
Caption: Boats? Those are definitely boats.   
Log date: 0800. 5th month, 28th day 104AC.  Location: Spire of Lake Totori (above Rito Village) Weather: Clear skies.
Feel like I’m gonna start off many of these with ‘a lot has happened’, but — A lot has happened. Wind temple. Colgera. Secret Stone? Demon King? And you, Zelda. Still chasing you. 
From the top of the rising sky islands we dove into Stormwind Ark (the one from the song), navigated its ancient corridors and then beat the crap out of a giant ice bug. 
It was holed up inside the boat and was NOT happy to be set free. Right away it was in pursuit, the huge mandibles that surrounded its ugly, angry face barely missing us as it flew by, its segmented body trailing behind. There was no doubt it was the cause of the blizzard, the way it blasted us high into the air with its gusting winds. It took a few useless arrows fired at its face before we realised it had a weak spot. But not before nearly being blown overboard, saved by a well-placed gust from Tulin, who caught me with his talons and flew us back to safety. Then it was just a case of hitting Colgera where it hurt (or maybe diving through where it hurt?), enough times to kill it without also dying myself. You know, hero stuff.
That’s when we met the ancient Rito, heard about the Imprisoning War and saw you, Zelda. Tulin’s not convinced but I am. I know that determined look, that quiet poise and that commanding but calm voice, the kind that could convince anyone to do anything, including an ancient Sage of Wind. But still I don’t understand — we saw you at Stormwind Ark in our time as well as the past. Tulin and I searched the temple before we left but found no trace of you. 
Speaking of, Tulin accepted the duty of being the Sage of Wind, and lends a little of his power to me. Wish he could come along when I leave this place, not just his avatar, but he is needed here. You should have seen Teba’s face when he learned HIS son was the Rito warrior to finally end the blizzard. Could have sworn the old man smiled. ‘Zelda would be proud of you both’, he said. ‘She’ll be back when she’s ready, and not before.’
Starting to maybe believe that could be true. With the blizzard gone and a little corner of the world back to normal, maybe someday it’ll all be okay, and you’ll come back.  
Gonna stay here another day to rest. And for target practice with Tulin. He’s here now, gonna see if he wants to try a friendly archery contest. 
A photograph of Tulin of the Rito, his new Great Eagle Bow in hand. Behind him are the mountains of Hebra, shining brightly in the sun, and in the distance Rito scouts flying freely through the skies. Tulin is smiling, giving the camera a thumbs up with his free hand.
Caption: He won all three rounds. 
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aspiringroleplays · 1 year
It had been almost two months since the princess had come out of the castle. And it had stretched on an embarrassingly long time for Sora.
The more he heard about her, the more fascinated he was with her. Not only was she kind and beautiful, she was apparently powerful and smart as well. (He still didn't understand what it meant for her to have "the power of the Goddess" at her disposal, but Sora assumed she was like a holy priestess or something.)
In his hand he had a basket- one he had bought himself- and in it a stock of lavender. He figured the ones she had picked before were long withered by now, and he thought having some fresh ones would make her happy.
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'Jeez, Sora, what the heck are you doing?! Why do you care whether or not she's happy?'
He knew he wouldn't actually get to see her- after all he was a commoner and there was no way they just casually let people into the palace- but he at least wanted her to have a little spritz of the outside in the castle walls.
Actually, he just wanted her to think of him.
He approached the guard at the gate, holding up the basket in front of him.
"I have a gift for the princess."
What he expected was some servant to come to the gates and take the basket from him to give to the princess. So imagine his surprise when the guard merely glanced at the flowers, then opened the gate and ushered him inside.
Oh. Huh. Maybe it was easier for the servants to take things at the entrance.
He followed the dirt path, feeling very self conscious and slightly out of place as he approached the towering western-style palace. It looked brand new, practically shining in the sunlight despite the gray stone color. He couldn't help murmur in awe under his breath as he got closer to the structure.
He made it to the entrance of the inner gate, where a small bridge over the water way led to the large doors of the castle.
"I-I have a gift for the princess," he stammered again, forcing himself to focus on one of the two guards by the entrance.
The guard pointed to the entrance. "Go right from the entryway, down the hall to your left, past the third doors and go left. The throne room will be the large rounded doors and the head butler will announce you."
Sora blinked in shock up at him. "O-oh, um, ok.... th-thank you." In his confusion, he bowed automatically, old Japanese habits cropping up as he felt smaller in this whole situation.
Were they really just letting anyone in? Sora looked around slowly, reaching back in his memory for the guard's directions as he tried to make sense of the building. This couldn't possibly be safe, right? Why wasn't security doing anything?
Of course, what Sora didn't know was that for the last year or so the princess had had many suitors. Many, many, many suitors. So many messengers and servants had been pouring in from neighboring countries that the castle staff just didn't care anymore. Some of them just wanted her to pick one so the onslaught would cease.
So when Sora said "gift for the princess". they didn't realize he meant a personal gift, they thought he meant a courtship gift.
They weren't even judging the flowers- they knew their princess and knew she would love them. They just figured the mysterious prince had done his homework.
But as Sora took a look at the regality, and fine things and elegant craftsmanship of everything within the palace walls, his gift felt more and more pathetic. It felt dirty and poor, and paled so much in comparison with his memory of Zelda. He should have saved up and bought her a pretty necklace or something, anything that actually suited a princess.
But just as he was considering turning back and forgetting his ever happened, he spotted a tall, portly man in a uniform, and now he felt like it was too late to turn back now.
"I... I have a gift for the princess," he mumbled, feeling shame.
"S-Sora Arias," he answered bashfully.
Sora, not understanding what he was asking, tilted his head as he blinked up at him. "...Hyrule?"
The man raised a brow. "The country you're representing."
"Oh, Japan."
And then Sora wanted to kick himself. Shoot, Japan didn't exist in this world! He hadn't meant to say it by name!
But the servant just did not care at this point and simply continued on. "And your prince?"
Sora blinked again, not entirely sure what that had to do with anything. "Prince Naruhito."
The servant promptly opened the right side of the double doors. He stood to the side, holding it with his weight.
"Presenting Sora Arias, servant of Prince Naruhito of Japan." He cried in a loud voice.
For a moment, Sora just stood there, blinking at the throne room as it was revealed to him, and coming to terms with what the man had just said. Then it came crashing around him and he gaped in shock.
'Wait, they thought I was a servant?!'
Ho boy, was this gonna be awkward to explain.
"W-wait, I'm not a servant!" He protested to the announcer under his breath. "I-I just wanted to bring her a gift!"
"Servant, messenger, same thing." The man argued with a sigh. "Just hurry and present it to her."
He flinched back, the whole situation and the hierarchy here making him compliant as he shuffled in, both hands on the handle of the basket. At least Zelda would know who he was, but he was still confused as to how he had come to assume that.
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FSA: A Funky Puzzle in the Eastern Temple
Most of the puzzles in Four Swords Adventures, at least in the first six levels, play out essentially the same between singleplayer and multiplayer. The way you get to the solution may be a little different, but the solution in the same. There's one instance in level 6: The Eastern Temple, that is absolutely different, and it tripped me up hard. Let's talk about it. Spoilers, obviously.
I'm going to describe the room. You enter from the north, and right away you can talk to a ghost who essentially tells you to get a Moon Pearl. Gotcha. The path bends around and there is a long stretch where huge balls are being thrown at you at such an intensity that it's impossible to pass. After that stretch, the path curves north and there are four switches on the floor to be stepped on, which are right next to a closed door. It's pretty obvious that the goal is to get everyone across. Meanwhile, at the entrance, there are two eye switches that need a bow to activate.
So you get a Moon Pearl from a neighboring room and open up a portal. But wait. The portal is color coded. Only one Link can go through. Not just that, but it's one-way. Once you're in the Dark World, you can only get out by crossing the stretch of balls and going through the one-way exit portal there. Luckily, the balls are much more sparse in the Dark World, making passing the stretch pretty easy.
My friends (we'll call them by their colors) and I were stumped here for a time. It wasn't clicking. I thought maybe that shooting the eyes with a bow would stop the balls, but after back tracking through literally the whole dungeon, we couldn't find the bow. Finally we found ourselves back in this room. The portal set itself to green when we entered. Blue said "see if you can carry me through." So I grabbed him, stepped through the portal, and he got left behind. That's when I saw his shadow.
Mind you, in the previous level (the Village of the Blue Maiden) we were fucking around and found out that you can pick up another Link when you're in the Dark World and they're not. We only found that out because Blue was actively looking for ways to fuck with us.
So here we are in the puzzle room, I see his shadow, he had just told me to carry him... Wait. I picked him up across dimensions, then carried him easily through the ball hall. We all kick ourselves for not seeing it earlier. Especially considering that when we found out you can pick up others across dimensions, one of us said "oh there's definitely going to be a puzzle that uses this." But I carried the rest of them over, we opened the door, and sure enough, the bow was waiting for us on the other side.
First note: This is a devious puzzle and I actually kinda love it. It's tricky, it's clever, and it felt so good to solve.
Second note: This could have been designed much better. Sometimes Zelda dungeons will lock you in a room until you figure out the puzzle, to let you know that you have everything you need to solve it and you wouldn't benefit from back tracking. This very game uses that strategy now and then. This puzzle is not an instance of this.
Blue and I pieced together that the reason they don't lock you in here is probably that you actually do need the Moon Pearl from a different room. But surely they could have built in a check that was like "once portal is opened, lock doors." The difficulty of the puzzle wouldn't be affected at all. I believe it would actually force the players to think hard on the tools they were given.
The other potential design problem is that it is never required before this puzzle to pick up another Link across dimensions. We only found out we could do it because we were fucking around. The puzzle philosophy in most Zelda games tends to be "you figured this one out, try this harder version." But at least in these first six missions, this the only time the particular mechanic is used.
Granted, putting the introduction of the mechanic here increases the "ah-ha!" feeling when you solve it. But combined with not being locked in, it can be a weakness depending on your preference for how puzzle mechanics are introduced and distributed.
This was also the first part of this playthrough that I felt truly stumped. I had only played it the level as an adult once before. That had given me an advantage on other puzzles, but here, my previous experience was worthless. The thing is, to solve it in singleplayer, all you have to do is use the portal, cross the ball hall, get to the switches, and summon the rest of the Links to you. It's so simple, and it's essentially a different puzzle entirely in multiplayer. That's pretty cool.
In conclusion, this is a devious puzzle and I think it could have been executed better, but as it is it's still a super fun one. Good shit, designers, on your 19 year old game. Can't wait to see what else is in store for me and my friends!
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