#zelink week 2024
zelinkcommunity · 2 months
Zelink Week 2024 Prompts
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July 15, Day 1: UNDER THE STARS -- submitted by @stellarbunni
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July 16, Day 2: FADING
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July 17, Day 3: BLOOMING
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July 18, Day 4: ENCHANTMENT
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July 19, Day 5: SPELLBOUND
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July 20, Day 6: SEALED FATE
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July 21, Day 7: REUNION -- submitted by anonymous
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Hey, listen! You can also use these banners for your own works.
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louwhose · 4 months
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For @zelinktines24 day 4: Blush!!
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sun-aries · 4 months
Roots and Wings
Happy Valentines, lovelies! This is my contribution to the @zelinkcommunity's Loftwing Letters 2024!
This Skyward Sword Zelink pure marshmallow fluff for Kels! @oatmilkdrnkr! I hope you enjoy this gift and I hope your Valentines is full of love :)
Link's happy to be home.
When he steps up to the porch, he wipes his boots off the doormat. He turns the key through the lock – though sometimes he ponders why they have a lock, being the only two humans on the surface – and throws the door open. And when he's through the frame, he drops his weapons by the door.
Link hasn't been gone for long: it's only about an hour trip to Faron Woods and back. But whenever he runs an errand without Zelda, he finds himself missing her madly and gets the task done with a fair amount of impatience before hurrying home.
This morning, he's cleared out an overwhelming infestation of Deku Baba's, which the Kikwi's complained began sprouting out of nowhere. Bucha was so pleased with Link that he repaid his efforts with seeds for their garden.
Link scans the small house and calls out "Zelda?" when he can't immediately find her.
"In the garden!"
And Link smiles, because her voice calling back to him from some unknown place in the house always makes him smile for some reason or another.
So he crosses the length of their small home, wincing at the mud that he still manages to track in, and through the backdoor. And true to her word, Zelda's in the garden.
This is how he knows her, with windswept hair and sunshine on her face. She glows – and most people might say that it's from the goddess within now that they know she's Hylia reborn – but he knows better. The laughing twinkle in her eyes and the flash of her smile is all Zelda.
His face brightens when she turns her gaze up to him. She's wearing a hat with a wide brim, a Skyloftian dress with an apron, and she's covered in nearly as much dirt as he is. "Welcome home," she says, and he feels it in his chest like one of Groose's sucker punches.
This is home. She's his home.
When they're little, when his feet were rarely on the ground and feathers were perpetually stuck in his unkempt hair, he thought it was Skyloft. After all, it's where he was born; it's where the Knight Academy is and where Zelda lived.
But when Zelda was thrown off her Loftwing and disappeared in a cyclone of darkness, Link was spun off balance. He couldn't eat; he couldn't sleep – and that's a feat for the goddesses, because anyone who knows him knows the man can sleep.
It was then that he started to realize that maybe it isn't normal - how much he missed her. Maybe friends don't feel sickeningly empty when the other isn't around. Maybe they don't feel like their entire world just dropped out of the sky.
Just when he started to understand that the sky is infinite, it became impossibly small without her.
When he woke up for the first time and Zelda wasn't there, Skyloft didn't feel like home. It wasn't until he found her that he started to understand. Every time he saw her - at the top of a staircase or across a gaping chasm - he felt a little safer, a little more at ease, if only for a moment in Zelda's company.
It would fill his heart and soul with warmth and light: for weeks he could thrive off that feeling alone. In time it would burn out without Zelda's presence to reignite it and he would grieve until he saw her again.
When all was said and done, Zelda decided to stay on the surface, and Link is staying with her. Though she asked, there's no question in his heart. Link learned by then, after chasing her to every corner of the earth, that he'll go wherever she goes.
Headmaster Gaepora, Zelda's father, insisted that the Sealed Grounds is not an appropriate place to live, even if it's only to rest their head between adventures. Neither Link nor Zelda see fit to argue with him. For the few months it took to build a house, the Skyloftian's were brave and kind enough to venture to the mysterious surface.
Though many of the homes in Skyloft were built generations before them, some people - mainly Gondo and Jakamar - still know the tricks of the trade. With their instruction, the villagers built a small traditional Skyloftian home.
Link felt it's kind of like woodcarving and Zelda isn't the best at it – though, goddess, did she try – but she's the one to make the house their home. She knitted the blankets and displayed his woodcarvings, and she always sets fresh flowers on the table.
By now, it's common knowledge. He knows it; Zelda knows it; he's sure all of Skyloft does too. There is no building on the sky islands or any province on the surface where Link belongs. Home isn't with the Loftwings or the Kikwi's; it's not even with his friends.
It's always been her. Zelda is his home.
Kneeling on the grass, she waves him over and his smile remains even as he maneuvers through the plots of flowers and vegetables.
"How'd it go?" she asks.
"Good enough. Bucha was happy." Link rummages through his pouch before holding out his hand. "He gave us some seeds. They're fruits, I think."
"Oh!" she exclaims. Zelda holds out her palms and he pours the small seeds into them before she tucks them into one of her apron's pockets. "Remind me to thank him later."
Link nods as he crouches down to examine the small mounds of dirt: her newest addition to the yard. "What're you planting?"
Her easygoing smile stretches to an enthused grin and it lights up her entire face. "Some sort of flower," she says. "I can't wait to see what it looks like."
Many of the flowers and plants look and taste much different on the surface. It's been incredibly fun to try new things, and since Zelda's always been inherently curious, she's thrilled to discover all that the surface has to offer them. Even the birds are incredibly tiny, and he smiles mischievously to himself as he thinks back to the first time Groose "descended" to the surface.
Zelda eyes him suspiciously. "What're you grinning about?"
He simply shakes his head, murmurs amusedly, "Nothing," and offers her a hand. "Ready to go inside?"
Zelda pauses, thinks, and flashes him a rather devious look before placing her hand in his. He should've expected getting tugged off balance, and he topples to the ground. He rolls to his back and she's astride him a second later.
Her golden hair falls around them and her smile is like the sun, and by some miracle he manages to move his hands to her waist. His cheeks are red and so are hers, but he thinks an afternoon in the sunshine is partially to blame. But only partially.
"Not yet," she says, but Link already forgot what he asked.
Zelda drops a kiss on his nose and he takes a breath because he always does.
"I'm covered in dirt," he warns her, though he's not sure why.
"So am I."
"Aren't you tired?"
"Are you?"
Link stops, thinks, before he decidedly shakes his head. Zelda's laugh is chiming, and he can't help but lean forward.
But before he can capture her lips, her damned hat knocks his forehead. Her laugh turns into a giggle fit and he grimaces abashedly as he rubs the sore spot.
Deciding on revenge, Link's hold on her waist transforms into tickles and she yelps, nearly jumping from her skin. "Hey!" Zelda says between giggles, and he's smiling again. She's adorable. "Not fair!"
She wriggles before collapsing atop him and he relents if only so he can flip them over. When Zelda's on the ground, her hat comes off and rolls out of sight, and her hair becomes a halo around her.
Her laughing quiets down and turns instead into a serene smile. Moments before he dips his head to kiss her, Link thinks how happy he is to be home.
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tarulink · 3 months
Being an oot Zelink shipper in 2024 is hard because all the hype for them was in the 2000's and 2010's so currently there is very little food *sniff* so I appreciate the fanfics and fanarts from those eras 🫶🏻
that's why I wanna write something about them for this Zelink week 😭
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zeldaelmo · 2 months
WIP ask game
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I was tagged by @louwhose and @bahbahhh , thank you! I'll separate this by priority/what is realistic to get written. Of course you can ask after everything, but I'm not planning to work on the ones in brackets anytime soon.
The Promise
Inspiration, Illusions, and other Inconveniences
Advent calendar 2024 (TP snow peak festival)
OoT masquerade festival (zelink week????)
(Arranged marriage ST)
(Stewardess AU)
I also have a couple of prompts left but since I only have some chaotic thoughts about them and not even a doc, I won't list them here.
Six people... @aegon-targaryen, @sparklyfaerie, @michpat6, @kazraza, @deiliamedlini, and @sparklyhyperbole!
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mistresslrigtar · 7 months
WIP Game!
I've been tagged in the WIP game where I have to post my wip titles and you can ask after them. Thanks for the tag @zeldaelmo I love these games 😀
Okay - here's what's on tap for the end of 23 and so far for 2024.
End of 2023
I Belong to You - my grad school college AU long fic (sort of BotW/TotK inspired, but more original characterizations, I think) - Link is the bassist in an alternative rock band and Zelda is an up-and-coming biology genius (Not sure if this one REALLY counts as a WIP since it's complete and I'm posting the final chapter next week 😉) You can read it on AO3, just click HERE it's rated M for adult content so only click if you're 18+
All I Want is You - A Hallmark/ABC Family Holiday movie TP Zelink style short story - Link and Zelda come from two different worlds. When those worlds collide at the first annual Winterzauber in Hyrule, they’ll find that titles and stations have no meaning when it comes to true love. (posting beginning on 12/16 - 12/21)
In 2024 (so far)
Title TBD TotK one-shot (I lied @zeldaelmo I do have one TotK) - inspired by @bahbahhh 1000 follower picture prompt (won't be posting in time for the contest, but I still like my idea, so I'm going to write it anyway)- it will be a 1st person Link musing - very Love Story-esque - which is a great classic movie you should watch if you haven't, but it's a tear-jerker😥
A Poet's Love - BotW short story about the court poet that I've named Carik, falling in love with Link's sister, Aryll after the Calamity - Carik deals with his grief over Zelda's 'demise' and the jealousy he harbored for the fallen hero, Link. He's blindsided when he falls in love with the hero's sister, Aryll.
and the albatross around my neck I swear I'm going to finish if it's the last thing I do in 2024!
Captain Link Araki and the Harbinger of Destiny long fic (a weird mash-up of characters from WW and SS) - summary:
Pursuing treasure to repair his ship and buy an island, Captain Link Araki happens upon a shipwreck with the sole survivor, the fallen King Harkinian. Harkinian implores Link and his crew to rescue his daughter, Zelda, before she is forced to wed the usurper of the crown, Ganondorf Dragmire.
I have no idea who to tag! So if you've already been tagged just ignore this one 😉
@onewingedsparrow @fioreofthemarch @daemosdaen @flutefemme @cjracingpnfand anyone else who sees this and wants to share their upcoming stuff!
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purrincess-chat · 7 months
Hello! It is December now, and I am here with a life update since I said I'd be back around this time. I am very close to having some time off I have a lot of shit going on in the next couple weeks, but then after that I will be more free.
When I come back, I will have a new short fic to post for the Era's Tour event, so look forward to that. In 2024, I want to dive into my secret project more as well as my Zelink fic I've been working on for ages, so God willing I will have content in this economy in 2024. Hopefully. I'll share more about my secret project soon enough. 👀 Anywho, see you all soon with my Taylor Swift bullshit byyyeee ✨️
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batgirlsay · 2 years
Playlist Masterpost!
Surprisingly going into my 4th year of playlists (!!) so made a quick edit of my pinned post. Most of my playlists are for Obiyuki, Zenyuki, Mitsukiki, and Hisakiki but I did finally make a Zelink one this year!
Full list of playlists with links are under the singing Obi!
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Zenyuki Month 2021
Colors of Royal Fate I’ll See You in the Spring  Memories Give Us Strength to Grow
Zenyuki Valentine’s and Zenyuki Weeks:
Expressions of Love, Dancing, and Distance  Expressions of Love, Time, and Treasure  Expressions of Love, Kindness, and Encouragement  Sounds of Our Love (Zenyuki Week 2022) Shining Summer Memories (Zenyuki Week 2023)
Obiyuki Week 2021
10 Seconds Later Out of the Wildness Stronger Together Seasons Change: From Treetops to Lilias and Back If Snow Falls
Obiyuki Winter Challenge
Winters with You (Looking Forward) (2022) Aesthetics of Winter Nights (2023)
Obiyuki Trope Madness
Found at Last (2022) Green and Gold (2022) Misplaced Arrows (2023)
Obiyuki AU Bingo 2022
Herbalist Burnout Collegiate Mistakes Her Date’s Not Set Cold Like Winter My Rock and Roll Heart
Obiyuki Week 2022/2023
Breaking the Curse Pulling You Under Safe and Sound Striving For Worthiness (2023)
Obiyuki AU Bingo 2023 
Mockingjay and the Miner Falling Through Time
Obiyuki Do-Si-Do 2023
Unspeakable Love Clinically Distracted
Mitsukiki and Hisakiki:
Traits of a Team (Uncertain Fate) for Mitsukiki Fortnight 2022 Feelings Frozen in Time for Mitsukiki Weekend 2022 Hearts and Minds for Mitsukiki Week 2023 In Need of Redemption for Hisakiki Week 2022 From Strangers to Something Brilliant for Hisakiki Week 2023
Other Playlists:
The Little Scientist for Ryu Day Together in Fate and Friendship for AnS Family Week 2022 Mosaic of Friendship for AnS Platonic Week 2021 Falling Through Memories for Zelink Week 2023 Expert in a Rocky Field for AnS Gift Exchange 2024
Pre-Event Playlists:
Redemption for the Knights Strong Scientist Shirayuki Colorless on a Lavender Hillside Tops of Buildings Snow Remains Shirayuki Feels Mix
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5/28 updates
Man, I'm a month in to summer now and I feel like it's gone by so darn fast!!! Can someone invent a machine that just freezes time for a while so I can have more time to write? Oh well.
Now that the prompts for AgneKari Week 2024 have been released, I got started on a few ideas for the event! I won't go into much detail to keep it a surprise for August, but some old ideas I never got far on are perfect for a few of the prompts, and I'm super excited to work on them!! I'm really glad we were able to get this event together, it'll be so fun to get back into writing Octopath fics. Though I might have to replay the game again xD but I'm not complaining! It's an amazing game and I never finished the AgneKari only run I started a while back.
I plan to write something for all seven days, which may be a bit ambitious considering my inability to finish anything lately, but that's my plan and I'm stickin' to it!
While those are in the slow cooker, I'm poking at my Zelink drafts a bit, seeing if anything sparks my interest. "Last Night Zelda" is stuck, again, which is a bummer. But my beta reader for the fic has been encouraging me to work on it more, and I can't say no to them! I'll just bash my head against my laptop at work and see what I can come up with. Something is bound to click sooner or later. I hope.
As always, have a lovely day~!
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zelinkcommunity · 2 months
Zelink Week 2024 Rules
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What is Zelink Week?
A weeklong fandom event from July 15 to July 21.
Daily prompts are given to encourage Zelink fans to contribute their own creations, and you can complete as many prompts as you want.
The prompts are purposely open-ended to allow for personal interpretation.
If you have questions about anything, send us an ask!
How do I submit my works?
On Tumblr, post your work and mention this account (@zelinkcommunity) and tag your post with #zelink week 2024
On Twitter, post your work and mention our Twitter account (@zelinkweek) and include our hashtag #zelinkweek2024
On AO3, add your fic to our Zelink Week 2024 AO3 collection.
On Discord, post your work in one of our Zelink Week 2024 channels. Join here!
Late submissions will be accepted on all platforms from July 22 to July 28.
What kinds of works can I submit?
Your submission must follow the prompt and be focused on Zelink or one of these variations: Tetra/Link, Sheik/Link, Hylia/Link, Fierce Deity Link, and AU Zelinks. (We might be missing some! Please send us an ask if you’re unsure if a certain variation counts or not.)
You can submit any kind of media–videos, fics, art, music, anything!
We do NOT accept AI works of any kind.
It is entirely up to mod discretion whether or not to reblog something if we believe it doesn’t fit our criteria.
Can I submit NSFW works?
We accept NSFW submissions as long as they are properly tagged/censored below the read more line.
NSFW is anything that contains nudity and implications of/explicit sexual content, and extreme violence/gore.
We reserve the right to not reblog some NSFW submissions if we feel uncomfortable doing so.
Have a happy Zelink Week 2024!
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zelinkcommunity · 4 months
Zelink Week 2024 Timeline
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It's time to start thinking about Zelink Week 2024! Keep an eye out for these upcoming dates, and get ready to submit some prompts starting March 1!
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zelinkcommunity · 4 months
Zelink Week 2024 Prompt Submissions
From March 1 to March 15, you can submit the prompts you'd like to see in Zelink Week 2024! You can submit one SFW prompt (a prompt is one word or a 2-3 word phrase). Submitted prompts will then be voted on by the community, and the winners will be featured in Zelink Week 2024!
Questions? Send us an ask!
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zelinkcommunity · 3 months
Zelink Week 2024 Prompt Voting
After receiving many awesome submissions, it's time for you to vote for your favorite prompt that you'd like to see in Zelink Week 2024! Voting will be open from March 19, 2024 to March 27, 2024. Winners will be announced on May 1!
Questions? Send us an ask!
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zelinkcommunity · 2 days
One month away!
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Hey, listen! Zelink Week 2024 is only ONE MONTH AWAY! We hope you're as excited as we are! As we approach Zelink Week 2024, here's a few reminders:
Make sure your work follows our guidelines and our prompts!
You can join our Discord server to connect with other Zelink fans, chat about Zelink Week, and share your work!
We're also active on Twitter/X, and we will retweet Zelink Week works there as well!
If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to us through our ask box or Discord!
Thanks everyone!
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zelinkcommunity · 4 days
Hello 👋 A few questions.
Can we submit our writing through more than one avenue ao3, Tumblr, etc? And I'm not completely sure how submitting to ao3 works (can we submit at any time during the week, only during the day our prompt fits, or can it be submitted before the week? And how does the approval process work for reblogging and ao3?)
Hi, thanks for your questions!
We will be reblogging Zelink Week content on Tumblr, retweeting Zelink Week content on Twitter, and you can submit Zelink Week fics to our AO3 collection. You can post to as many sites as you want--it's your work!
The point of the event is that you post a work on the same day as the prompt it coincides with. We aren't very strict with this, so if you post a prompt early we will queue it on our Tumblr. If you post a prompt late, we will just reblog it. On AO3, you can submit at any time.
There is no approval process. If the work fits the prompt, focuses on Zelink, and you remember to mention us ( @zelinkcommunity ) in your post, we will reblog it.
On AO3, simply submit your fic to the collection, which is linked here. It is currently closed because the event has not started.
We hope this clarifies things!
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zelinkcommunity · 8 days
Hello. I was wondering if our writing has to be fully completed before submission? I'm writing a multi-chapter fic that I'm considering doing periodic updates to.
Hi, thanks for your question! No, it does not need to be fully completed. As long as your work follows the prompt and is Zelink we will reblog it.
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