#zeno is once again
zeno-zero · 4 months
My take on Raava and Vaatu ^-^ !!
Raava and Vaatu are Yin and Yang. They were each other's complementary forces, until they eventually opposed each other. They were divine, and enternal beings who was there when Earth started out its life as a disc of dust and gas orbiting the young sun. They were there for Earth when it used to be called "Terra". They were both morally ambiguous/grey until the two decided to spilt and roam across the world.
Raava is a blinding light towards the mankind, their eyes sore from too much exposure from such a terrifying warmth from Raava.
Vaatu is a dim that humanity feared to live in a world of darkness; darkness that prevents them to do anything but to cower and pray for light to come in.
But the discovery they found? They both have different perspectives on it.
Raava never thought that mankind can be a "feeling" she never thought she could feel. It allows Raava to achieve empathy, closure and a sense of longing - as if her place as a divine being, is to be with these people. ; what it means to live? what it means to find a purpose? what does it mean to dream?
Vaatu could not understand his other half, as he faced cruelty, destruction, and devastion coming from the same mankind that he and Raava are meeting. He feel from what the people feel are hatred, disgust, and perturbation.
The two were each other's adversary. Raava begs, and fight for what she thinks it's right. Vaatu screamed, and attack for what he thinks it's wrong. They circle each other, they dance with one and another. They trap each other in an endless struggle because of their consciences.
Wan's punishment for seperating them both is to suffer in a cycle of agony and tears. A cycle that Wan broke and created a new one out of it - this causes Raava to finally understood her brother, her other half ; that humanity can be barbaric, and wicked as she saw through the eyes of many avatars after Wan.
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Season 4 should be about Raava and Vaatu coming in terms to be become one instead of detachments. Peace can still be found while Passion remains. Raava is about giving up the fight, and to settle - Vaatu drives for improvement, aiming for ideals, and meeting up to his expectations.
But then again, this is all for fun. My brain can be quite a tipsy. Judging by the fact that both of these gods are not even on pure evil and good really says it a lot - Vaatu's nature can be the fact he only learned "evilness" from humanity and vice versa for Raava as well except replace "evilness" with "goodness".
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starrysharks · 2 days
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reassassination swap AU... fuckin.... unassassination idfk
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marinewaltz · 3 months
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kindergarten AU. maybe zenos and sirenas would get along(?) as children
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unsanctitude · 3 months
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white woman jumpscare
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parallelkozak · 10 months
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i don't even play this game
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fisherrprince · 6 months
my enemy my friend my pal my worstie. im glad I had that 180 about zenos because I did not have it for emet-selch, in the sense that he’s cooler to me Mean, but that final scene with Ari and zenos was. like. Certified Ari moment. he’d do that for SURE. dumb cat. and now i think they will hang out at the rising stones for the next few weeks before going off on more adventures. what a good game. I kind of want to play it all again AJAGSJFNKS the only time that’s ever happened before with games that aren’t like, Mario kart, is with kh3! Truly. certified game ever
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lilbittymonster · 4 months
Then Let Me Be Evil
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You never wanted to hurt anyone, but the world never gave you a choice. You did the best you could with what you had, but every innocent mistake you made was held against you when it counted, every crossroads led you down the wrong path no matter which way you went. No matter what you did, the odds were stacked against you. It wasn't fair, and you are sick and tired of being told what a monster you are for things out of your control. Well, fine. They want a monster? YOU'LL GIVE THEM A MONSTER!
Open tag by @dragons-ire
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sebille · 2 months
In my professional opinion, they fucked up by creating Zenos and having him be a villain for three whole expansions, because now it appears on the surface that he's THE bad guy of the franchise.
You are not capturing that again in your storytelling devs. And you can't pull Emet-Selch off twice.
Good luck crafting another long-standing villain that's iconic enough to earn a spot in Dissidia games.
You are so correct YES - I told you this before but Zenos is one of the few characters I knew of before I even started playing ffxiv. And like, I used to be SUPER against picking up this game bc I was dead-set on being a wow-player only and I thought ffxiv looked stupid. ( Oh how wrong I was lol.) BUT!! Zenos!! I knew about him!! I had seen him! I was motivated to try the game because of him. (And to give him credit as well, Emet-Selch.) The villains of ffxiv is like the PULL of the game. So I uh....I ... trust the writers to know what they're doing. And I hope that they're aware of how iconic these characters are.
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idalenn · 6 months
MiqoMarch #14 - Dark
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But an unknown member of the resistance intercepted the prince's fatal blow, buying precious moments for Lillian at the cost of his life. He lies there now in the dark reaches of Ghimlyt, his sacrifice known to only a few.
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zeno-zero · 4 months
Jaya lives in this re-write by the way, while Wan canonically has his animal companion, Mula The Deercat - It be really nice not only he has an animal companion but also a partner in crime as well. Helping with the fact that the entire conflict is about having the spirits and humans to get along with each other.
Emotional baggage, like, lots of them. Jaya hasn't seen Wan for over 2 years, and he pondered that if he didn't make it in a way. Wan's banishment broke his heart, and he believed he would die within a day. His grief and regret was choking him. So hearing that he managed to make it out alive, he decided to also even placed himself in the wilds because If Wan survived, there's a chance he could run into him again.
Upon reunion, Jaya literally run towards to him and tackle Wan with a hug - sending each other flying to the ground, and laugh with a heart. They both saw each other again, and this time, they saw each other changed. Wan used to be reckless, and quick to anger person. Jaya used to be hesitant, and always expressing uncertainty - Wan is now compassionate, optimistic, and courageous, even preferred to settle disputes through diplomacy. Jaya developed a sense of courage, along with a deep hatred of all spirits, and has an agressive nature.
Those 2 years of not seeing each other, Jaya gets a little clingy to Wan sometimes.  They would have each other's hands being held most of the time, Jaya wraps his arms around Wan's neck in an affectionate way, and you would never see Jaya being a part away from Wan unless crisis averted. I guess, losing Yao following after Wan's banishment made him viscid to Wan. [ Which, Wan doesn't really mind ]
It wasn't quick or slow for Jaya to eventually be friends with the spirits, but in the middle ground - when Wan is all friendly, and nice towards the creatures.. Maybe, just maybe, he should've at least try. Just for him.
"Did you ever think about me, Wan? Did you ever miss me.." there was pause. "And Yao?"
".. I do, Jaya." Wan place his hand on top of Jaya's - slowly having their hands interlocked. "I do miss you and Yao."
Years after the harmonic comvergance, they never find the right time to talk about their feelings but there has always been romantic, and sexual tension between them both. Most of the time, they were pretty chill and casually talk because they're  simply "friends" and never thought they could be more. However, they also have little moments where they are nervous around with each other. Their heart beats even sync because its drumming fast and loud. When Jaya grabbed Wan around the waist and lift him off the ground because they were both victorious - Wan couldn't help but flush profusely and blossomed into belly laugh. When Wan holds Jaya close, having his hand on top of his head while the the other his back pulling him closer. He just.. Stiffened. He reciprocated back but the warm on Jaya's face? Never left.
When he lost Wan at that night, he kept fighting for him. Peace will be restored, and his name won't be in vain. He carved a statue of wood just for him, to honor his name. It depicts Wan being embraced by an image of Raava. [ <- Go to contents, and click "Legacy" ]
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Man ,, wish they have more time. 💔
I would love to show my re-write about TLOK but this is all you can get from me ^-^ I'll plan to share more about them. This is absolutely not meant to hate on the actual writing in the show - its a nice sequel to ATLA. My brain just can be quite imaginative.
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starrysharks · 1 year
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heavenly virtues - medical malpractice, 1st degree murder, and breaking and entering
#zeno's art#ocs#original characters#reassassination#dr savory#octavia#emery onion reliquary#lets go over their designs!!!! yay!!!!!#starting with savory - a lot has changed but not that much#he's far taller and lankier than he was before and his hair is darker purple underneath rather than green#those were just cosmetic changes to bring more personality to his silhouette and improve focus on his face#otherwise - the shape of the hair highlight changed (from ovals to an X) as did the shoes (no more broken chain on his boot 💔)#and also i tried to make his face look older because he looked out of place compared to other characters around his age#really just small changes. his design is quite simple so there isnt much to majorly overhaul#for octavia once again there are both many and not that many changes#shes spiker than ever her face shape changed and so did the shape of her limbs#also those weird little red thingies on her hair are gone. never actually liked them that much#also i just wanna say - octavia's skirt has an X on it to signify that savory made it because all his stuff has X's also#onion had the most changes. most importantly - they do not have a nose anymore#(thats just stylisation dont worry they have a nose)#but anyway their shapes have become more defined and they have freckles now!!! yay!!!!#god i really dont have much to say do i . ummmm these are the final designs and most likely the ones that will show up in the actual comic#when i finally write past chapter 1 o_o#ok bye sorry for all that waffle#i also drew up some other designs but they're spoilers
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fatedroses · 2 years
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As a wandering healer, Tsukiko occasionally finds herself exhausted from a long day's work, only to wake up hours later on the back of her faithful travelling companion.
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fishareglorious · 6 months
I think if merui livesteams 1.8 i may possibly drop by to watch some of it.
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elfyourmother · 2 years
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I do not pretend to understand it, even now; how he came to settle so comfortably into our lives. I understand even less how I have come to cherish it, despite everything, and how I have cherished seeing him emerge from the ennui which has ruled his life for so long as might a butterfly from its cocoon. It fills me with a joy I cannot fairly describe.
And, mayhap I see somewhat of myself in him, despite everything. That day upon the Ragnarok, when Hades unleashed the fury of lifetimes upon him with words so biting even I flinched, and when Estinien aimed his lance down at his heart...he did not so much as blink, but stared listlessly at them both.
No man bears such a face who has not known these things, and well. One becomes numb to it, in time. I did, as a boy. What did he learn, in House Galvus, to make him so? But I had my father’s love, flawed though he was; I had Francel, and Haillenarte Manor as my escape. What had this golden prince?
Mayhap then I began to understand why Gisele saved him, beyond even the enormous heart she bears, bleeding upon her sleeve even for those for whom it is utterly undeserved. And, despite all the death and suffering he wrought for a simple, selfish desire, still he stood with her against Despair itself, and saved her; I, her oathsworn protector, could not do this thing; and yet, he did. No matter his motives, I cannot gainsay his courage, nor shall I be anything less than grateful. Of a surety, he saved us all. I shall leave it to the priests to say if this is enough for the Gods to forgive him. For me, tis enough that Gisele loves him, and saw somewhat in him worth saving; and I have never known her to err as such in her estimation of character.
I have begun to see him through her eyes. And I understand why she does.
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also ffxiv truly skipped out on the horror of in from the cold and the aftermath
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heart-of-the-party · 1 year
Zen0s: sees Azune make heart eyes at Estinyan and Vrtr@
Zen0s: turns into shinryu hoping that maybe now azune will finally pay attention to him
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