#zeph bullying hours
pissfizz · 3 years
Let's see-
Dragon is on vacation so theyre all bullying zeph now.
Zeph is a baby ed sheeren kinnie and turns out theyre also starting an emo band
Ace hit the post limit in under 1 hour 30 minutes (ace, marce and I were having a pokemon spam party... don't ask... im close to hitting post limit too....)
How tf does one kin baby Ed sheeran???
Nice job on the band zeph 👌
See you soon dragon I too am going on a vacation in a few days.
Sometimes people need to be bullied. /lh
Also that has to be a record. Oh my god. How. What. Congrats ace. Hit the post limit sulfur. Idk who marce is.
Thank you for the explanation <3
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inspiritingplums · 5 years
Headcanons- Alfyn’s background
Alfyn was born outside of clearbrook, closer to the sunlands, actually. Out of wedlock to a poor young couple, a jobless mother and a father who took whatever work he could find to struggle in supporting his wife and newborn son.
His mother’s name was Elizabeth, and his father was Anwyn. They lived in a small home in a small settlement that was mostly an outpost for various mercenary groups that often passed through the area. Anwyn was good with staff and spear, so he often tagged along for short term guard work in merchant caravans.
Their life was modest, poor even. But the tiny outpost village was full of misfits and other types, so the family was never looked down on for their nature or the parents being unable to wed for lack of funds. Alfyn was small but rambunctious, asserting himself as male from a very young age. By the time he was three, he was already demanding people refer to him as a boy- and the sun and riverlands being very laid back about such things no one really argued. Alfyn should be who he saw fit to be, they said. Anwyn offered his father’s name to Alfyn who took it with pride.
When alfyn was nearly four, Anwyn was carried home dying by a mercenary friend after being mortally wounded defending a merchant from bandits.
The small village had no apothecary, merely a midwife who said that even good medicine wouldn’t save him now. And so for a long and excruciating three days, the village did their best to make Anwyn comfortable during his last hours.
When he did finally pass, the village scraped together the funds for a cremation, cheaper for all of them than a proper burial. It was not long after that Elizabeth left the tiny outpost to look for work and a better home with her son.
It was a month or so later that they settled in Clearbrook. Zeph’s father befriended Elizabeth when she rolled into town and offered her his parents’ old home, still empty and unused as he had his own place. Alfyn and Zeph met then, and were fast friends quickly.
Alfyn was a rambunctious, intrepid boy, a bit rough but well meaning. Zeph appreciated his energy, though he was a quiet bookworm, and introduced him to mercedes and eventually meryl. They all became a small group together within the first year Alfyn and his mother were in Clearbrook.
Elizabeth had menial skills, but her eventual settled job was as a gardener. She had always had a green thumb, and growing flowers as a hobby made it easy for her to take up employment under Zeph’s father growing many cultivated herbs and plants for his practice so there would be less need to hunt for them in the wild.
Unfortunately, aside from the families of Alfyn’s friends, much of the village was leery and even condescending of Elizabeth. She was a young, single mother, never married. Sexuality and gender might have been non-issues for most in the riverlands, but marriage was one still very strictly believed in.
And so Alfyn, eventually, found himself facing regular harassment and bullying from some older village children whose parents whispered about him and his mother behind their backs. This in turn led to the scrappy boy getting into many fights and being established as a troublemaker and rascal by most of the village.
Then, when he was eleven, Alfyn fel ill. The Great Pestilence had swept through the area some months before and there had been no cases in the village for some time by then. But even with the Great Pestilence Zeph’s father had managed symptom treatment at the least. With this, not even Alfyn’s pain could be curbed.
He retched blood and was shaken by tremors and cough, chilled by a high fever and curled with terrible muscle pain. Even after Graham’s treatment and cure of him, Alfyn remains with blotchy burnlike scarring on one side of his abdomen.
Alfyn turned himself around completely after his recovery, though. He still defended himself from trouble if it came, but he spent more and more time indoors practicing his reading, studying, practicing poultices. By the time his mother passed from a sudden and terrible flu when he was nearly twenty, he had developed a wonderful reputation as he is known by the other travelers.
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21 Questions!
Tagged By: @positive-potato
RULES: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people that you’d like to get to know better.
1. Nickname: Helly, Helly Belly, Melli, Hells Bells, WatermelonSmellinHelen, Hewin, MeeBlee, and many more.
2. Zodiac: Leo.
3. Height: 5′10″.
4. Last movie you saw?: Into the Spiderverse. It was much better than anticipated.
5. Last thing you Googled?: Whether James Potter had a job after school and it turns out he didn’t. So all the people praising him for being a wizard cop are wrong. He’s nothing more than a glorified trust fund baby who bullied the poor and unfortunate and then lazed about as an adult.
6. Favorite musicians?: Taylor Swift, Adele, Lady Gaga, Panic! At the Disco, Cute Is What We Aim For, Avenged Sevenfold, Frank Sinatra, Girls’ Generation, and many more.
7. Song stuck in your head?: Forever & Always by Zeph.
8. Other blogs?: @mister-tom-a-dildo-lover which is a Tomarry/Harrymort only blog.
9. Do you get asks?: All the time, but half of them aren’t pleasant ones so I don’t answer those. Though now and then I get an especially stupid asshole that I must drag or I’d feel like I wan’t doing my civic duty.
10. Amount of followers?: 6,300+. ^-^
11. Following?: 4,900+.
12. Hours you sleep?: 8-10 usually.
13. Lucky number?: 8.
14. What are you wearing?:  A grey nightgown and a blue robe over that.
15. Dream job?: Published Author.
16. Dream trip?: Japan!
17. Favorite food?: Bread products. And rice products. And pasta products. I am weak to carbs and starches. XD
18. Play any instruments?: - Piano, Violin, and Viola. Does the voice count, because I can sing too.
19. Favorite song?: Hard to tell right now. Been swapping between Girls/Girls/Boys by Panic! at the Disco, Forever & Always by Zeph, Fly Me to the Moon by Frank Sinatra, and I Did Something Bad by Taylor Swift.
20. Random fact about you?: I have no food allergies, but am allergic to most facial cleanser brands(except Dove). Proactive, Neutrogena, Clean & Clear, Clinique, Aveeno, elf, Shea Moisture, CeraVe, Johnsons, etc... all make me break out in itchy, blotchy bumps that exacerbate my Keratosis Pilaris. 
21. Describe yourself as aesthetic things!: I have no idea what to write for this.
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it because I’m too lazy to tag that many people!
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writer-of-worlds · 7 years
Fish and Feelings
EEEEEYYYY I FINALLY WROTE SOMETHING. This time for this indie Windows 10 game called Dragon’s Blade: Heroes of Larkwood! A couple of friends may know who these two OCs are, but hopefully everyone else enjoys my fic anyway! :D
And like always, any constructive criticism and whatnot is always welcomed!
Dragon’s Blade: Heroes of Larkwood belong to Nate Monster. Garrett, Zeph, Terra, and Saber belong to me.
Summary:  While Garrett was fishing, Zeph visited him with injuries from being assaulted by the village boys. Male Knight x Male Blackguard implied slash. Injuries, bullying, physical bullying.
Rating: K+
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Fish and Feelings
Many people didn’t have the patience to sit down and cast a rod, waiting for a possible bite for hours. To the residents in the peaceful village Larkwood, it was a test of endurance—if one was too impatient to catch a fish, they, along with their families, would go hungry tonight. Because of this tradition that had been passed down for generations, the people in the small village had great patience, no matter how long they waited for whatever they wanted or needed.
Garrett was no exception—in fact, fishing was one of his favorite pastimes. The idea of sitting in front of a river, the rod he was given as a gift by Aunt Rose casting into the water, and listening to nature around him relaxed him.
And that was what he was currently doing, sitting in front of the river that flowed through the village, humming to himself. He had finished working at the inn Aunt Rose had owned, and she let him and his friends take an hour long break. While Saber, Terra, and Zeph were out to spend their own free time, Garrett used this opportunity to go fishing. Who knows, he might catch a big fish to bring home for dinner. The thought of cooked fish—fried salmon, baked bass—nearly made his mouth water, but he shook his head and concentrated on the red and white bobber that remained on the surface.
He was so tuned out of his fishing that he didn’t notice someone behind him. In fact, he didn’t notice them sitting beside him until the person cleared their throat.
He was snapped out of his focus, and he turned his head to the side upon hearing the noise that broke his concentration. He opened his mouth, about to scold them for startling him, but the moment he saw the black, short hair, he stopped.
Zeph was staring at the river, his hair hiding the side of his face. The Blackguard wasn’t looking back at the Knight—he was focused on the bobber floating on the water.
“Zeph?” Garrett questioned, an eyebrow raised. Wasn’t he with Saber and Terra for their break? Then again, he very rarely interacted with either of them, and he most likely went on his own.
“Hm?” Zeph hummed, looking up at the white haired teen.
“Are you—“
The moment he saw Zeph’s face fully, his eyes widened and anger boiled inside him.
Zeph had a black eye swelling shut, and he had multiple cuts that littered his face. His hair was also a mess, with grass and hay stuck on his dark strands.
While Zeph wasn’t too bothered by the injuries he had sustained, Garrett was the complete opposite. The more he studied his friend's injured face, the stronger his rage grew inside him.
“Zeph, who did this to you? What happened?” Garrett immediately demanded, trying to not show any signs of rage in his voice despite his boiling anger. He knew how Zeph felt whenever he confronted anyone who harmed him—it had landed him in trouble multiple times due to taking manners into his own hands.
Zeph only looked away, shaking his head, as if he was trying to hide what had actually happened from his close friend. Garrett, however, knew what happened. Zeph wasn’t a popular kid around the village thanks to his Blackguard status. In fact, he was bullied, beaten, and threatened by both children and adults because of it. Garrett knew that Blackguards were considered the “living embodiment of death and bad luck”, but the sheer thought of seeing his friend hurt just because he was born with dark powers still twisted his gut.
“Zeph,” Garrett spoke firmly, throwing the fishing rod to the side, completely forgotten as he gripped Zeph’s shoulders to force him to face the Knight.
The Blackguard flinched when Garrett’s hands touched him in those areas. Two dislocated shoulders, Garrett realized. Now his rage grew tenfold, though he attempted to hide the furiousness in both his voice and body by taking a quick deep breath.
“It was the village boys, correct?” Garrett guessed, his voice wavering and nearly giving away his true feelings.
“…As usual,” Zeph admitted, taking one strand of hay from his hair before tossing it to the side. “The beating was only mild unlike previous encounters. They only pushed me down, punched, and kicked me.”
“That is just as bad as previous times, Zeph,” Garrett pointed out, his voice rising from his intense emotions. “They should not even attempt to hurt you! If they keep this up, I will make sure tha—”
“Garrett,” Zeph interrupted, a subtle flicker of panic in his red irises. “please don’t.”
Garrett stopped, before he released his hold on Zeph. He turned to face the river—shadows of unidentifiable fish underwater swam around in an unpredictable pattern. Usually, watching this relaxed Garrett to the point of falling asleep, but with the thought of his best friend hurt, he couldn’t even loosen up his tensing muscles.
There was a long silence between them until Garrett spoke, “Forgive me… I just don’t want you to get hurt, Zeph. It was not right to see others harm you over something you could not control over.”
Zeph glanced towards the white-haired Knight, a slight blush on his cheeks. He had lived with Garrett, along with Aunt Rose, Terra, and Saber all his life, yet Garrett was the only one who treated him like an actual human. Aunt Rose was bossy, especially during their work days, Terra’s bubbly chatter annoyed him greatly, and Saber was all around rude and blunt to a fault.
Garrett, on the other hand, was special. He always lend a helping hand to anyone in need, to the point others took advantage of him—Zeph still remembered all the times Garrett came home with injuries after attempting to help someone with whatever they had trouble with. Despite that, Garrett was still willing to assist everyone, no matter how trivial the problem was.
When someone even looked at Zeph in disgust, Garrett gave them an earful. The whole village overall hated Zeph, yet Garrett was the only one who defended him from any backlash or bullies attempting to harm the young Blackguard in any way.
As much as he hated to admit it openly, Zeph admired Garrett for his good heart.
“Zeph,” Garrett continued, “you’re important to me. Not only are you my best friend, but you’re also like a brother to me. I made myself a promise to protect you, no matter the cost.”
“You… you did?” Zeph asked, his face turning more pink. He made a promise—and he knew that Garrett never break any promises—to protect Zeph. That explained why he fiercely defended Zeph when he was even slightly assaulted.
“Yes,” Garrett confirmed. “I know you hate it, but…”
Zeph could see a hint of pain and guilt on his face. The Blackguard raised a brow at this sudden change in expression—when he thought about it, he realized something odd.
He remembered in their childhood years, Garrett was timid as a mouse. He never spoke up for anything—not even asking Aunt Rose if he could get a sweet treat—and he hated fights. He recalled the times Garrett held Aunt Rose’s hand at all times, and he insisted to be accompanied by Aunt Rose, even when he was only going outside to play nearby.
Zeph didn’t remember how, but suddenly, one day, Garrett had a huge change of personality. Not only was he more brave and protective, but he was more than willing to stand up to anyone, even over slights towards Zeph. He even got involved in fights with some of the village boys over their attacks on Zeph. The Blackguard knew for sure that the old Garrett wouldn’t even stand up for anyone, not even himself, let alone fight with others.
What happened that made him change? Zeph didn’t remember any trauma or a significant event that made him what he was today. It was suddenly like the timid, younger Garrett was replaced—both physically and emotionally—by another person.
The memory overall made his head hurt. He had to know what happened that made Garrett change.
“Garrett?” Zeph asked.
Garrett snapped out of his pained expression, before he glanced at Zeph. His previous expression was then replaced by a raised eyebrow. “Yes, Zeph?”
“What… what happened?” Zeph began. “I remembered how you were so… so scared of everything. To this day, I still wonder how you changed from that to who you are now. Did something happened?”
There it was again—the pained and guilty expression on Garrett’s face appeared when Zeph asked this. This time, it was more intense and noticeable. The Knight fell silent, as he turned his head to stare at the river again. It seemed like he was trying to hide his face, but Zeph immediately saw tears welling up in his blue eyes.
Zeph could only wait for Garrett to answer, but after a few minutes, only silence reigned. Zeph picked a few more strands of grass and hay off his hair, as he moved his legs in front of him for a more comfortable position. The silence was beginning to drive him crazy, but he didn’t pry any further—he figured by Garrett’s reaction towards his question, whatever event made him change was traumatizing to the point he didn’t want to remember.
He wanted to comfort his only friend in some way… but he had no idea how. Blackguards had the wired mind and black heart that made them cold and hateful—they were never born with a loving bone in their body.
Yet, Zeph wanted to be caring and loving towards Garrett. He just didn’t know how to show it, as it was against his complicated kind’s body.
While he was pondering on what to do, he felt strong arms wrapped around him, before he was pulled into a tight, but protective hug. Zeph blinked at this sudden contact, and when he glanced up, his face turned red when he saw Garrett holding him close.
His first instinct was to pull away… but after a few seconds of hesitation, he awkwardly returned the hug. This was the first time he had this kind of affection, and it felt like he was cared for. Loved, in fact.
“Zeph,” Garrett wispered, his voice wavering from sorrow, “I will not let anyone harm you. I will always protect you.”
Zeph’s heart stuttered in his chest, his face redder by the minute. It wasn’t a dream, it wasn’t an illusion—he had someone who treated him like an equal, not like an animal that needed to be stabbed and killed.
As he buried his face in Garrett’s broad shoulder, he smiled slightly—an expression he had never had in his entire life.
“Thank you, Garrett… thank you for giving me a chance...”
His eyes spotted the shadows of fish swimming erratically in the river, like his current feelings. He may not know what his feelings were called exactly, but maybe when time went on, Garrett would fish them out.
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autistic-ace-bee · 3 years
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he amount of cursed ed sheeran content is beautiful
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autistic-ace-bee · 3 years
can’t believe you were ed sheeran irl and you didn’t even know his songs :( unfortunate (/J /J)
Why would someone who's secret identity is ed Sheeran admit that they knew his songs
Not me though I aint him 🤚🙄
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autistic-ace-bee · 3 years
The cwuwb isn't the best pwace to find a wovew
so the baw is whewe i go
me and my fwiends at the tabwe doing shots
dwinking fast and then we tawk swow
and u come ovew and stawt uwp a convewsation with juwst me
and twuwst me i'ww give it a chance now
take my hand, stop, puwt van the man on the juwkebox
and then we stawt to dance, and now i'm singing wike
giww, u know i want uw wove
youww wove was handmade fow somebody wike me
come on now, fowwow my wead
i may be cwazy, don't mind me
say, boy, wet's not tawk too muwch
gwab on my waist and puwt that body on me
come on now, fowwow my wead
come, come on now, fowwow my wead
i'm in wove with the shape of u
we puwsh and puwww wike a magnet do
awthouwgh my heawt is fawwing too
i'm in wove with uw body
and wast night u wewe in my woom
and now my bedsheets smeww wike u
evewy day discovewing something bwand new
i'm in wove with uw body
uwu uwu uwu uwu
i'm in wove with uw body
uwu uwu uwu uwu
i'm in wove with uw body
uwu uwu uwu uwu
i'm in wove with uw body
evewy day discovewing something bwand new
i'm in wove with the shape of u
one week in we wet the stowy begin
we'we going ouwt on ouww fiwst date
youw and me awe thwifty, so go aww u can eat
fiww uwp uw bag and i fiww uwp a pwate
we tawk fow houwws and houwws abouwt the sweet and the souww
and how uw famiwy is doing okay
leave and get in a taxi, then kiss in the backseat
teww the dwivew make the wadio pway, and i'm singing wike
giww, u know i want uw wove
youww wove was handmade fow somebody wike me
come on now, fowwow my wead
i may be cwazy, don't mind me
say, boy, wet's not tawk too muwch
gwab on my waist and puwt that body on me
come on now, fowwow my wead
come, come on now, fowwow my wead
i'm in wove with the shape of u
we puwsh and puwww wike a magnet do
awthouwgh my heawt is fawwing too
i'm in wove with uw body
and wast night u wewe in my woom
and now my bedsheets smeww wike u
evewy day discovewing something bwand new
i'm in wove with uw body
uwu uwu uwu uwu
i'm in wove with uw body
uwu uwu uwu uwu
i'm in wove with uw body
uwu uwu uwu uwu
i'm in wove with uw body
evewy day discovewing something bwand new
i'm in wove with the shape of u
come on, bwe my baby, come on
come on, bwe my baby, come on
come on, bwe my baby, come on
come on, bwe my baby, come on
come on, bwe my baby, come on
come on, bwe my baby, come on
come on, bwe my baby, come on
come on, bwe my baby, come on uwu
i'm in wove with the shape of u
we puwsh and puwww wike a magnet do
awthouwgh my heawt is fawwing too
i'm in wove with uw body
last night u wewe in my woom
and now my bedsheets smeww wike u
evewy day discovewing something bwand new
i'm in wove with uw body
come on, be my baby, come on
come on, be my baby, come on
i'm in wove with uw body
come on, bwe my baby, come on
come on, bwe my baby, come on
i'm in wove with uw body
come on, bwe my baby, come on
come on, bwe my baby, come on
i'm in wove with uw body
evewy day discovewing something bwand new
i'm in wove with the shape of u
Dear Anon,
I am in love with the shape of
Gremlin Ed Sheeran
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autistic-ace-bee · 3 years
mmmed sheeran im sorry but ur new song sucks/lh
I wouldn't know I don't listen to his music I don't even know what genre he is ://
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autistic-ace-bee · 3 years
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here are some cursed ed sheeran photos for u on this fine tuesday evening <3
Thoughts and prayers 🙏😔
Fun fact! I am running for my life
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autistic-ace-bee · 3 years
i have decided to join in on the ed sheeran asks
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I can never look at my cat the same again
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autistic-ace-bee · 3 years
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autistic-ace-bee · 3 years
The club isn't the best place to find a lover So the bar is where I go Me and my friends at the table doing shots Drinking fast and then we talk slow And you come over and start up a conversation with just me And trust me I'll give it a chance now Take my hand, stop, put Van the Man on the jukebox And then we start to dance, and now I'm singing like
Girl, you know I want your love Your love was handmade for somebody like me Come on now, follow my lead I may be crazy, don't mind me Say, boy, let's not talk too much Grab on my waist and put that body on me Come on now, follow my lead Come, come on now, follow my lead
I'm in love with the shape of you We push and pull like a magnet do Although my heart is falling too
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autistic-ace-bee · 3 years
Hc that tamaki has an ed body pillow
hc that hawks is a catboy
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autistic-ace-bee · 3 years
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You're currently doing a better job raising me then my family <3
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autistic-ace-bee · 3 years
I fouwnd a wove fow me
oh dawwing, juwst dive wight in and fowwow my wead
weww, i fouwnd a giww, beauwtifuww and sweet
oh, i nevew knew u wewe the someone waiting fow me
'cauwse we wewe juwst kids when we feww in wove
not knowing what it was
i wiww not give u uwp this time
buwt dawwing, juwst kiss me swow, uw heawt is aww i own
and in uw eyes, u'we howding mine ^_^
baby, i'm dancing in the dawk with u between my awms
bawefoot on the gwass, wistening to ouww favouwwite song
when u said u wooked a mess, i whispewed uwndewneath my bweath
buwt u heawd it, dawwing, u wook pewfect tonight
weww i fouwnd a woman, stwongew than anyone i know
she shawes my dweams, i hope that someday i'ww shawe hew home
i fouwnd a wove, to cawwy mowe than juwst my secwets^_^ OwO
to cawwy wove, to cawwy chiwdwen of ouww own
we awe stiww kids, buwt we'we so in wove
fighting against aww odds
i know we'ww be awwight this time
dawwing, juwst howd my hand
be my giww, i'ww be uw man
i see my fuwtuwwe in uw eyes
baby, i'm dancing in the dawk, with u between my awms
bawefoot on the gwass, wistening to ouww favowite song
when i saw u in that dwess, wooking so beauwtifuww
i don't desewve this, dawwing, u wook pewfect tonight
baby, i'm dancing in the dawk, with u between my aWWWWWMS-
We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching, but
You're too shy to say it
Inside, we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it
And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
(Ooh, give you up)
(Ooh, give you up)
Never gonna give, never gonna give
(Give you up)
Never gonna give, never gonna give
(Give you up)
me to my chocolate stash whenever someone walks into my room: never gonna give you up!!! never gonna run around and dessert you!!!
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autistic-ace-bee · 3 years
Vewwy gwad uwu asked the fates to gwant mw a good day !
If we take thiws biwd in, with its bwoken weg
we couwd nuwse iwt, she said
come in side fow a wittwe wie down with me
awnd if we faww asweep iwt wouwd be the wowst thing
but whewn i wake up, awnd youw makeup iws own my shouwdew
awnd teww me if i wie down, wouwd uwu stay now?
wet me howd ya, oh
but if i kiss uwu wiww youw mouth wead thiws twuth
dawwing how i miss uwu, stwawbewwy's taste how wips duwu
awnd iwt's nowt compwete yet, mustn't get ouw feet wet
'cause thawt weads tuwu wegwet, diving intwo soon
awnd i'ww owe iwt aww tuwu uwu, oh, my wittwe biwd
my wittwe biwd
if we take a wawk out, in the mowning dew
we cawn way down, so i'm next tuwu uwu
come inside fow a wittwe home made tea
awnd if uwu faww asweep, then at weast youw next tuwu me
awnd if i wake up, say iwt's wate wove get bawck tuwu sweep
i'm covewed by natuwe awnd i'm safe now
undewneath thiws oak twee, with uwu beside me
but if i kiss uwu wiww youw mouth wead thiws twuth
dawwing how i miss uwu, stwawbewwy's taste how wips duwu
awnd iwt's nowt compwete yet, mustn't get ouw feet wet
'cause thawt weads tuwu wegwet, diving intwo soon
awnd i'ww owe iwt aww tuwu uwu, oh, my wittwe biwd
my wittwe biwd
my wittwe biwd
my wittwe biwd
awnd of aww thiws thing i'm suwe of, i'm nowt quite cewtain of youw wove
uwu made scweam but then i made uwu cwy whewn i
weft thawt wittwe biwd with its bwoken weg tuwu die
but if i kiss uwu wiww youw mouth wead thiws twuth
dawwing how i miss uwu, stwawbewwy's taste how wips duwu
awnd iwt's nowt compwete yet, mustn't get ouw feet wet
'cause thawt weads tuwu wegwet, diving intwo soon
but i'ww owe iwt aww tuwu uwu, oh, my wittwe biwd
my wittwe biwd, whoa oh oh oh whoaa
my wittwe biwd
my wittwe biwd
youw my wittwe biwd...
I dont know this one is it still ed sheeran? akskdkd
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