#zetta writes
wolfietheangel · 1 year
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aie-aie-aie - i’m your little butterfly! 🦋
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jazz-kity · 2 months
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i wonder how accurate the dream world is in representing people
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endervention · 1 year
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it’s difficult to see eye-to-eye.
( sooo i might have started writing a canon-divergent fic focusing on Zetta & Geara... feel free to read the first chapter if you want! i’ll link it here; https://archiveofourown.org/works/46612006 )
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nayvwriter · 3 months
Have a piece of writing I found in my drafts.
Nexomon Extinction Spoilers:
They'd taken multiple family photos. The first they'd taken at the orphanage, so it had the building in the background.
Far left was Fenrir, with a charred hat on his head – Zetta had plonked it on to hide the horns, and Fenrir had reflexively set it on fire because Zetta had not warned him. It still managed to make Fenrir look vaguely normal, though if you looked closely you might see the fire in his eyes. He wore a faint smirk on his face, but there was a trace of a smile.
Next to him was Nadine. She'd let her hair down and it was blowing out behind her, despite it not being a windy day. She'd taken her cape off, too, so all in all she didn't look quite so much like she was trying to cosplay her Tyrant form.
Far right was Zetta, a few sparks floating around him – but they could just be considered a trick of the light on the photo. He'd tried, but he was just too excited to stop sparking. He'd taken his visor off too, but he was grinning so much you could barely see his eyes.
Next in from the right was Merida, one of the most practised at looking 'normal'. Though the others had insisted that she not put on her 'happy little volleyball player' façade, so her expression was a little awkward, not quite knowing how to smile.
In the middle were Deena, on the left with her hair down, and Ulrich on the right – better known as the Mentor to some. Both wore proud smiles on their faces, looking at the centrepiece of the photo. Luke, their child – Deena their mother by birth, and Ulrich the one who'd raised them. Luke had said they considered them both their parents, just in different ways.
All in all, it was a nearly normal family photo, which was quite an accomplishment for the Primordial Tyrants.
The others? Not so much.
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aita-blorbos · 3 months
AITA for trying to become “god”?
07734. The world is garbage and we all know it. I (18M) had the chance to meet the local function who factors out to being some manner of local god. He’s doing a zetta bad job, and I swear he’s such a yoctogram that he doesn’t know his sine from his cosine. This factors out to why the world is so garbage sometimes, especially since he probably has the influence to write a better equation. So of course I decide that the right choice of action is a little bit of regicide because I would do a *much* better job. I even know basic mathematical concepts that would factor in wonderfully to me being boss, since math is 90% of what makes up reality either way.
However everybody doesn’t seem to be a fan of my zetta good idea! They keep telling me I “cause too much collateral damage”, that I’m unpredictable, and that I talk about mathematics too much. The damage is for a good reason but they don’t seem to understand when I tell them repairs will be on an exponential curve the second I get the role. Sure I’m as unpredictable as a no-correlation scatterplot, but they just don’t get that this is 100% (or at least 99.999%) the right choice. And that I’ll fix all the damage I caused with the evil Noise or whatever.
Sure, *maybe* the rampaging beasts destroying the city and attacking people wasn’t a top percentile idea. But if everybody keeps telling me to be quiet about the mathematics that shows me that they just don’t get it and that I should keep going so they eventually do get it and stop being so zetta slow.
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[ID: A transparent background with the rainbow autism acceptance infinity symbol, the sprites of Sho Minamimoto and Nagi Usui face each other with a red decagram with a yellow "vs" between them.]
Round 4 Match 2: Sho Minamimoto VS Nagi Usui
What gives these two Autism Swag?
Sho Minamimoto:
Special Interest in math. Can recite god-knows-how-many digits of pi, refers to people with math terms, and just randomly shouts out math words sometimes. Managed to access the Imaginary Numbers Plane through this, something that is never really explained but seems pretty impressive! Also figured out an attack that could kill god if it landed (it did not land).
Makes public trash sculptures as street art and writes poetry on them.
"So zetta slow." "Where's your beauty?" "CRUNCH! I'll add it to the heap!"
Yells through a megaphone. Saw a "zetta sexy" mic and figured it would be okay to take it as long as he left his megaphone behind in its place.
Polarized tastes: likes sweet things, and none of his favorite foods have meat (he's the only character who can't get a tasty bonus from meat).
Nagi Usui:
Has a Special Interest in Elegant Strategy. Her backpack is covered in EleStra merch, including pins and plushies, and she was literally willing to infiltrate someone's mind as payback for her being unable to get a rare EleStra pin. Even when she thinks she's dead and in a death game, her primary concern is with the newest chapter of EleStra and avoiding spoilers, and reading it is one of her biggest motivations for winning.
Is hyper-empathetic, which manifests in her Dive ability. She is very uncomfortable doing this, and always apologizes in advance for the breach of privacy.
Can tell when people are being fake and is severely put off by it.
Speaks in an overly-formal way, has a large vocabulary, and calls people "Lord" or "Lady" before their name as a sign of respect. She also frequently makes incomprehensible blubbering noises.
Likes eating a whole grilled alligator, which everyone else hates.
"I am simply aware of the importance of communication. And I take great pains to ensure my interactions with others remain as peaceful as possible. Asking questions. Gauging responses. Reacting aptly. I leverage every element at my disposal—actions, words, emojis, anything at all—to ensure everyone feels welcome."
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tulipsnflowers · 2 months
nexomon character: Hexia! (no I don't have an agenda why would you think this)
Hexia? Aight bet
Nexomon 1(and vague postgame) spoilers:
I think she's bastard, need I explain?
But yeah she's the Warden of Nadine's and one of the wardens in general, we only see her talk in n1 iirc
.. She's a bastard. Heck, even if I don't blame the Madrass on her, she's still not great ™
See at least with Ogroon, even if he's a bit you won't ever escape yada yada and he fights Fenrir he is at least CIVIL about it.
Even Krowr, while he does allow us to beat Zetta up(he probably found it entertaining,) he still like, fought to make us leave.
HEXIA. Is a bastard and an outlier. First of all, she made Nadine faint because she drained her of all of her power, the frick.
Even ULZAR says "hey that's not something you should er, do" and that's saying something
And then she doesn't fight us to make us leave, oh no no no, she fights us to make us STAY. Because she already got Nadine, but surely she can get something Better/More
Nadine does say that credit where credit is due Hexia did fool her the whole time, so she had to have had SOME sort of a nightmare, but how long it lasted is dubious, because I mean, (points to Nadine on the floor)
Now, Nadine isn't dead, like actually soul not gone, so I'm assuming Hexia didn't actually use ALL of her power, cuz I don't imagine Hexia to have a backup plan but more of a thing of that Nadine is hers in a sense. She doesn't get to leave.
... Yeah, I don't like Hexia. Cool to write, but a massive bitc-
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kachikirby · 6 months
If you’re willing, uhh, ♟️🐛🌙🦋🥀 or Kurabe and/or Fetty (and/or anyone else)?
I'll do whatever I haven't answered for them and probably add... hmm... maybe Mikuto? Yeah, I'll do Mikuto too. I have fun writing these answers out for him!
Putting these under a cut.
Does your OC get possessed easily, or do they have the willpower to fight back against any possible attempts? Have they been possessed before?
Kurabe: Generally, she does have the willpower to fight back against possession. There will be a time where she gets possessed in GranEssex Chronicles, but that will be when she's already mentally weakened due to certain events.
Fettuccine: She has the willpower against mental possession, but if it's more physical, she might struggle more. She's in the middle when it comes to her strength as a Limet because she's a non-combatant and most of her fighting ability is for self-defense. Thankfully she's never been possessed before.
Mikuto: In the past, he might have been easily possessed, but after he meets Kurabe, he wouldn't be so easily possessed. Basically he'll at least put up a good fight against the possessor if he does get possessed.
What are your OC’s greatest fears, and why? How do they act or react when they’re afraid?
Kurabe: Other than the usual "losing people she cares about, and she couldn't do anything about it", her most interesting greatest fear imo is that she's afraid of the dark. While it might seem silly for a powerful warrior like her to be afraid of the dark, it makes sense in context. Kurabe was originally an orphan born on Nightfall, a planet covered in eternal darkness that was full of terrifying monsters who lived in the darkness. One day, the lights in the city that kept the monsters away went out and they descended on the citizens. Kurabe was one of the few who survived thanks to her mentor and father figure saving her, but it resulted in her developing an intense fear of the dark.
Normally, if Kurabe is afraid, she won't show it due to needing to not show fear as a commander, but you'd be able to tell she is a lot more on-edge than she normally is. Of course, this is unless you put her in a completely dark room. In complete darkness, she has a panic attack where she hallucinates being surrounded by the monsters of Nightfall.
Fettuccine: Her two fears are pretty simple actually. Losing the people she cares about and being haunted by the ghosts of those who were led to death by her interrogations.
When she's afraid, she does her best to hide it, but you might be able to see her hand trembling slightly or small signs like that. She's the chief interrogation officer of Task Force Zetta, she kind of has to be good at hiding emotions. However, she will discuss it to someone she trusts like Risotto, Pandoro, Meta, or Raita in private if she needs to.
Mikuto: His greatest fear is losing friends because of his innate Crash Ability. In my AU, it's extremely rare for a puffball to just naturally have the Crash Ability without needing to inhale something, and Mikuto is one of those rare people. Unfortunately, it means that it can activate if he gets particularly angry, so that's why he's so laid back.
If he gets frightened, he does slightly jump and cringe, but he then calms down quickly.
Is your OC a particularly light or heavy sleeper? Somewhere in-between? Do they take naps?
Kurabe: Kurabe is in-between because sometimes she has to wake up ASAP due to missions or meetings. Though I will say an interesting fact is that she can sleep just about anywhere due to her training. She only really takes naps if she's been awake for a long time or just feels tired due to stress.
Fettuccine: Fetty is also in between. Like Kurabe, she's observant enough to notice if something is wrong when she's sleeping, but she also can quickly fall back asleep if needed. Similarly to Kurabe, if she's particularly tired, she'll take a nap. (She does it a lot more after Sieg and Freya are born, actually)
Mikuto: HEAVY sleeper. He also tends to take naps a lot because of how laid back he is. The funniest part is he's actually really observant of his surroundings even when he's asleep, so he can sometimes respond to questions while he's sleeping or drag Kurabe back into bed if he senses she's still tired when she wakes up.
Does your OC ‘fear the reaper’, so to speak? If they fused with Morpho Knight, what sort of form would they take on?
Kurabe: As a soldier in the Organization, Kurabe is not afraid of the reaper and knows that it is simply part of her job that he will come for her someday. Just not any time soon even if she should be dead because she has survived insane odds, leading to her being called "the Unkillable".
As for what form she would take if fused with Morpho, I imagine something similar to Galacta Knight, maybe with a more transparent veil running down her back that could transition to being butterfly wings. Lots of Ice and ESP based attacks too.
Fettuccine: Fettuccine is the same as Kurabe. She understands that death is part of her life as a soldier, but that doesn't mean she's not afraid of it. Though this fear has lessened in later years, especially as she's started to do many of the things she's dreamed of (i.e. retiring and settling down with Meta) and she's not as afraid now.
As for what form a fusion would take: there is two options. If it's her humanoid form, I'm imagining something akin to a fairy knight. Maybe most of the attacks are psychology-based because Fetty isn't exactly a fighter.
The second option is if it's blob mode. Just imagine a metal blob with Morpho's mask and butterfly wings and that's it. Probably one of the worst forms for Morpho to be stuck in if they want to do anything.
Mikuto: He just doesn't think about it too much if I'm being honest. He understands that death is inevitable, but he doesn't make a big deal about it.
I think for MIkuto's fusion with Morpho, there would be a lot more nature-based attacks due to Mikuto's affinity with the Leaf Ability. Overall, design will likely be the same as normal Morpho.
Do they have a Soul form? What would it look and act like? How much control over themselves do they have? Is it still possible to save them, or are they too far gone?
Kurabe: She doesn't have a Soul form, and it's the case of why would you want to make her more powerful than she already is!? /j
Her Soul Form would likely be more armored, and she would throw out Crimson Shadow Spike like it's nothing because I feel like if she did gain one, it would be for the purpose of defeating an enemy. even stronger than her.
I feel like the amount of control she would have would vary. Just have Mikuto with her for best control.
Fettuccine: She does not have a Soul form and I think the closest I can think of hers looking like if she did have one is something like one of the Ashen/META ships from Azur Lane.
I feel like it depends on how she gains a Soul Form, but I think that the most guaranteed way to save her is to have Meta talk to her.
Mikuto: He doesn't have one either and I think it would be another case of "too horrifying to think about" because he could potentially spam the Crash Ability if he has one.
Thought I think he has the easiest solution of "just have Kurabe freeze him".
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jazz-kitty · 5 months
1, 2 , 7, 8 :3
1. favorite character[s]
ive already talked about kenneth and flora BUT! runner up is cera i think. i haven't seen her in a million years but that's okay. i think she's incredibly fucked up and i want to get her #OUT of her mental and also physical ice prison.
im preddyyyyyyy sure rn that angie is a fucked up cursed version of anju, but as "angie" she still made a servant. it just happens to be in the image of cella- taking some of her likeness & kind of her name- because even deep down the fragments of anju in angie still cares for cella. but i dont actually know. i think her dedication to angie is super fucked up and interesting though. angie doesn't care whether her meat homunculus made of illegal magic lives or dies, but cera is also so incredibly willing to lay down her life for her boss that somehow it works out. well. hopefully it stops working out bc i want cera to be able to live for herself but. AH! not much to say since it all happened like six chapters ago now sicne anyones even thought of cera but i still spin her aorund in my brain bc she's epic as hell. my friend said her ace was a morpeko :(((( thats so CUTE!!!
2. least favorite character[s]
i don't like saki or karen. what do you do when a character for most of their screentime is intended to be comedic relief and then you just don't find them funny. i feel like such a nerd but i just don't think they have jokes and theres not much else to like about them ToT at least as it stands. idk. even then i'll still draw both of them no problem i am not exactly a professional at disliking characters. my main issue with them is that they don't appeal to my sense of humor and if i'm drawing & writing them they do. so. problem solved?
erick is also kind of up there but he stays in his lane over in poison type gearen city [forgot the actual name] so he doesn't bother me as much. plus he has cat ears so he gets bonus points.
7. favorite friendship[s]
patty & cera have they ever talked? NO! have they ever talked about each other? NO! in a hypothetical situation, would it be kind of cute? YEAH!
for ones that r actually on screen though. i loveee neved & nastasia. even if it was just 1 conversation, i love their dynamic. the two most mature [AUTHORS NOTE: does not mean they are mature. just means they are not zetta geara or madelis] xen members havin a little chat and i'm TUNED IN!!!! and their shared affection for ren is so cute. they both know it's a bad idea and they BOTH tell each other it's a bad idea, and then immdiately just go Anyways, because they r BOTH going to continue caring about ren anyways. whateverrr. i think it's cute.
honorable mention delpha and adam. theyr eso sweet. they love each otherrrrrrrr they make fun of each other so much but they would kill someone for each otherrr <3
8. favorite family dynamic
florin and flora you're so. i talk about them too much. florin disowning flora after finding out she's in bladestar is soooo. oh my goodness! and then trying to get her the death penalty too!!! i think about how after florin says that he just wishes flora would trust him more- that he's there for her, if only she'd let him be- flora says THIS
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its so. god dude. i feel like it's not just that flora was leading bladestar, but selfishly- florin cares more about the fact that flora never told him about it. and its soooo. oh my god. both of them care[d] about the other so much but are far too fucked up to ever be able to show it. flora feels like she's the only one who can ever get her job done- especially after rune turned her down- and she wants to keep florin SAFE by keeping him out of everything. and florin just wants to BE THERE for his SISTER!!! without understanding until darchlight cave why she's making it so difficult to!!! god!!! it's so evil how many times things could've gotten better and how many chances flora had to just let her brother love her and how every single time she refuses and florin gets pushed a little closer to the edge of a metaphorical cliffside. me when im in a lack of communication challenge and my opponent is flora who thinks letting her brother think she hates him and actively trying to get him to hate her is the simplest way to handle things. i hate rejuv
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scramble-crossing · 1 year
"I think it's especially interesting how he considered himself to be at his most "beautiful" once he'd gone taboo. It wasn't about his actual appearance. It was about breaking from the confines of his old body, which lacked the strength to take on the Composer and could never see him through to his ultimate dream of usurping Joshua's position and shaping Shibuya to his own desires. The power he possessed and the violence it allowed him to exert was really an artform in itself. Beauty for him, I think, is in the freedom to shape oneself to their most extravagant desires, which implies a lot about what he might've been like as Composer. Of course, the tragic downside to the actual, physical state of his body tying very little into his sense of worth is how willing he is to tear it apart over and over again to achieve his goals. Very shrewdly mathematical of him."
bro i am metaphorically kissing you on the mouth. you get it. you UNDERSTAND. he uses his body as just another addition to his latest opus. "freedom to shape oneself to their most extravagant desires" is so real, and also "following one's wishes" which is why i think that he gets along with konishi at the end of OG where he says that he zetta digs her style, because she's following her selfish desires to the end and he finds that beautiful. or how he smirks about rindo factoring out how his time travel works, allowing him to manipulate time to his desires. i think that the interest in trash says a lot too. he thinks that anything can be beautiful, no matter how much others view as garbage, because it can be a canvas when heaped together.
"implies a lot about what he might've been like as Composer"
personally i think that people over-exaggerate the whole "he would've turned shibuya into a trashpile!" because we see him capable of supporting OTHER PEOPLE in this too. i think that he would hate anything that homogenized shibuya, even himself. he wouldn't want everyone acting exactly like him or whatever. that doesn't make interesting material for art. instead he'd want to see everyone pursuing their selfish desires with hierarchies ripped apart
^For context I'm pretty sure this is the post anon is referring to
Hehe thanks :] I think specifically his interest in trash is fun because you're really able to take it in different directions based on what you want to get out of his character. "he thinks that anything can be beautiful, no matter how much others view as garbage, because it can be a canvas when heaped together" is one super cool interpretation! I also think that you could take it in a direction where he has a more negative worldview, and his "The world is garbage!" schtick is more about him believing that there is something deeply wrong with the world he is living in and only he can fix it, which could provide a motivation for why he wants to become the Composer. There's no one "right" way to interpret Sho which makes him really fun to write about, you can really do whatever you want with him. Which makes me even more frustrated with how hard it is to replicate his mathspeak...sigh
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champoflightning · 7 months
Is this working? I hope so! Hey, people in Zetta's Pokedex! I just got finished backreading and I can't believe he'd say I'm a jerk! Dummy couldn't even be bothered to post while he was trying to track down the actual jerk who stuck him here. Rotom, this thing does pictures, right? Can you make it open- Flick. Perfect, thanks. Yeah, sorry, Flick.
[A photo is attached. It shows the twilit sky of Alola, fading from orange to deep indigo. Flying across that sky is a very large serpentine purple creature with a yellow-orange mask, pale purple glowing streamers, and a long purple horn behind its head. There are two humans holding onto its back. Next to the creature, running in the sky, is an also-large glowing white leonine Pokemon with flames around its paws and another two humans riding on its back. The creatures- Pokemon?- seem to be having fun.] So yeah, Zetta just kicked the Light-Eater's ass into next week and now he won't turn back, so I guess I get this thing for a while! He can probably kick yours too! Please! Guy couldn't have even done what he did without me giving him a power-up! Okay, that's probably good enough for now... and, post!
((OOC: Hi hello! I am so sorry I just vanished. It turns out I'm not very good with blog-based storytelling. ^^; But I sure hate cliffhangers, so to avoid inflicting one on anybody, I'm planning to sort of write out what my plans for this were! It might even turn into a story someday, who knows? Tumblr wasn't the medium for it, but I am still pretty attached to this concept. I am sorry I couldn't see it through the way I hoped, but for now, have one last blog-style snapshot.))
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sailxdia · 9 months
☄️ Welcome, have a seat 🚀
welcome to the blog! It stands for sailing across dimensions and is my fandom; primarily shipping; space. I wanted a space where I could feel comfortable posting lower quality art, edits, and goof off with friends and finally decided to make that space for myself.
Always happy to do ask games, answer head canon questions, be told to draw silly doodles of joy, anything of the sort.
enjoy your time here in this shipper's paradise
If there's anything you want me to tag let me know!
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☄️ Tags 🚀
#x post dia — posts made in house #x post art — art, edits, and similar made in house #x rb imagine — reblogged shipping images #x rp dia — general roleplaying tag from ask to posts — #x rp [name] — sub tags for each 'muse' played (will update as they come up) #x pal dia — tag for Palworld live blogging and whatever else #x stardew dia — tag for Stardew Valley live blogging #x acetorney dia — live blogging the Ace Attorney games! #x agame dia — ask game responses #tag — text
Sub Personal tags #what a beautiful image set ☺️ — 🧲🩻's aesthetic collection rbs
List of fandoms, ships, fictional others, and anything else important under the drop
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☄️ Fandoms 🚀
Batman — The Animated Series & Gotham Knights (VG)
Castlevania — Animation
Welcome Home
Ace Attorney
Name — Specifics
this list can fluctuate and will change at random. Anything of active interest should be here but don't fear asking about others. I might not be into it now but I might get into it because of you!
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☄️ Ships 🚀
Bruce Wayne x Batman — Batman {Primarily in BTAS & Gotham Knights (VG) }
Bruce Wayne/Batman x Lucifer — Batman {Primarily Gotham Knights (VG) } / Lucifer
Constantine x Lucifer — Constantine / Lucifer
Dream of the Endless x Lucifer — ??? Comics
Dean Winchester x John Constantine — Supernatural / Hellblazer
Trevor Belmont x Dracula — Castlevania { Animation }
Slade Wilson x Nightwing — DC
Raven x Robin — Teen Titans
Name x Name — Source { extra deets }
Not all of my ships but similar to fandoms are the ones of my active interest at the moment. mostly here to help give people something to grab at for games and prompts
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☄️ F/Os 🚀
Romantic { 🌌 } Familial — { 🌈 } Platonic — { 🌕 } Adversarial — { 🌩 }
{ 🌌 } Batman — Batman (BTAS & Gotham Knights)
{ 🌌 } Bruce Wayne — Batman (BTAS & Gotham Knights)
{ 🌌 } Trevor Belmont — Castlevania (Animation)
{ 🌌 } Wally Darling — Welcome Home
{ 🌌 } Keisuke Jin — Kamen Rider X
{ 🌌 } Slade Wilson — DC
{ 🌌 } Fenrir — Nexomon
{ 🌌 } Karl Heisenberg — Resident Evil Village
{ 🌌 🌈 } Ishtar — Vampire the Masquerade
{ 🌌 } Alphonse Frankenstein - Victoria's Electric Coffin
{ 🌈 } Lucifer — Lucifer
{ 🌈 } Metta — Nexomon
{ 🌈 } Ziegler — Nexomon
{ 🌕 } Oliver Queen — Arrow
{ 🌕 } Clark Kent — Superman (STAS & Gotham Knights)
{ 🌕 } Zetta — Nexomon
{ 🌩 } Sally Scarlet — Welcome Home
{ x } Name — Source
I don't mind sharing F/Os with others. Sometimes F/Os are actually more of a projection on a specific person I know; for lack of a better way to say it.
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☄️ S/Is 🚀
Trainer Ebon — Pokémon — #x si ebon pkm Vampire Ebon — Vampire the Masquerade — #x si ebon vtm Trainer Dominic — Pokémon — #x si dominic pkm Vampire Dominic — Vampire the Masquerade — #x si dominic vtm Name — Source — #tag
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☄️ Posters 🚀
• Bruce ━ 🌑💾 ↳︎ AKA; Bruce Wayne, Masquerade • Bats ━ ☀️🦇 ↳︎ Batman • Ashley ━ 🍫☕ ↳︎ Ashley Williams, • Ebon ━ ☄️🗡️ ↳︎ Dean Winchester, Samuel • Aizen ━ 🪡🌌 ↳︎ Sōsuke Aizen, ✩︎━✩︎━✩︎━✩︎━✩︎ • Byeong-Ho ━ ☀️🪶 ↳︎ Sun • Name ━ 🧲🩻 ↳︎ Magnetism, Electricity ✩︎━✩︎━✩︎━✩︎━✩︎ • Name ━ ## ↳︎ Full name, other name, kintype names, etc • Name ━ ## ↳︎
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Send me a Ship and a Number and I will Write a Kiss./ Link — Write a Kiss Title w/Link — Code to use in asks to show it's this one
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endervention · 3 months
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does anyone want to once again hear about my headcanon ramblings on how i think Zetta was upbrought in Team Xen by being horrifically experimented on... poor little dude was a lab subject. i know that realistically, it wasn't that bad in the actual game! but i like to think up things in my head anyways because i doubt that turning a Solosis into a human is gonna end well
( i've been writing/drawing a full-length documented project in google docs expanding on this more formally, and the first part of it is located here but... i have ZERO motivation to finish it!! save me... )
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nayvwriter · 2 months
@anacharafan yep, atla crossover! it's... very unplanned.
In which Sokka thinks Deena has a very weird family.
(spoilers for both ATLA and Nexomon)
so basically I'm isekai-ing the CoO into ATLA post-n2.
please imagine Merida in the Northern Water Tribe. certain members of the Northern Water Tribe do not appreciate this. Yue on the other hand, at least eventually, does (I am making them friends and you cannot stop me).
also the 'moon' came from me looking at those two and going 'huh. they're the ocean and the moon, like Tui and La.' also Yue lives and you cannot stop me. do I have plans for how, absolutely not, I just know Merida's involved.
yes, it would be really easy to make Merida die instead. no, I'm not doing that. I'm also not overly relying on Deena's powers because that's just cheap.
also if I ever write this Deena's probably the main character because she's joined up with the protagonists as opposed to sticking in one place like the rest of the CoO.
Zetta's met up with Bumi and they are enabling each other, the chaos will be unparalleled. also the Fire Nation never takes Omashu because Omashu appears to have a lightningbender and a dragon. (Luxa is definitely not a dragon, but he'll take it.)
Ulrich might have joined the White Lotus. Also, he knows Toph.
also Deena may or may not make some bad decisions and a certain someone may or may not need to help her fix them. and by 'make some bad decisions' I mean 'nearly die because she doesn't prioritise herself'.
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I thought maybe you could use this if you wanted to share anymore from an ask game :)
This is your 🎉 freebie 🎉 question! The chance to answer the ask that you really wanted to talk about, but no one asked you! It's simple, pick a question (or two) from your ask games and answer it! (Don't forget to include the question so we all know what you're on about!) 💟💟💟Oh, and make sure to share the love! Pass the ask onto some of your other friends💟💟💟
Oh, Potato, I am always dying to talk about any wips. Especially my loves Ballad of Empires and Ballad of Serpents but also my unnamed crime wip (I might call that one Ghost Files). I'll do three questions for these three wips. I apologize if it gets a bit lengthy.
Ballad of Empires
💤sleep headcanon (for Xiani)
Sometimes, Xiani cannot sleep. She will stay awake for nights, fighting against the claws of sleep in a desperate attempt to stay awake. No one of the companions know why she is so scared to fall asleep when they're on the move or when they're shortly before a battle. Now what is the headcanon you ask? She can fall asleep when Griffin holds her. When he tells her it is okay to fall asleep. That no one will harm them. He will gently hold her in his arms, her head resting against his shoulder or chest, the dragon in her innermost core keeping watch until he deems it save too and sinks into the arms of the Goddess of sleep.
Ballad of Serpents
✨a ship i like with this character (for Luc and Maelie)
For Luc I love the ship of him and Tali Valris. Those two own my heart and will either tear yours apart or warm it.
For Maelie Acacia Zetta Thal, commander of the north, lady of Begonthal, it'll be Blythe. I love these two women so much.
Unnamed crime wip
🍆: Does your OC have any favourite form of affection, physical or otherwise? (for Simon, one of the eight main characters)
Simon loves to pick his wife up. Furthermore he loves to hug her. Therefore it'll be physical affection but also verbal one. He likes to call her "love" and getting called "love" or "honey" in return.
Extra for all wips
🎵 Are you writing it with a specific playlist in the background?
I've playlists for characters, certain scenes and more. I've playlists for the wips and couples too.
[asked by @writingpotato07]
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[ID: A transparent background with the rainbow autism acceptance infinity symbol, the sprites of Sho Minamimoto and Joshua Kiryu face each other with a red decagram with a yellow "vs" between them.]
Round 3 Match 3: Sho Minamimoto VS Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu
What gives these two Autism Swag?
Sho Minamimoto:
Special Interest in math. Can recite god-knows-how-many digits of pi, refers to people with math terms, and just randomly shouts out math words sometimes. Managed to access the Imaginary Numbers Plane through this, something that is never really explained but seems pretty impressive! Also figured out an attack that could kill god if it landed (it did not land).
Makes public trash sculptures as street art and writes poetry on them.
"So zetta slow." "Where's your beauty?" "CRUNCH! I'll add it to the heap!"
Yells through a megaphone. Saw a "zetta sexy" mic and figured it would be okay to take it as long as he left his megaphone behind in its place.
Polarized tastes: likes sweet things, and none of his favorite foods have meat (he's the only character who can't get a tasty bonus from meat).
Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu:
Believes it's impossible to truly understand and connect with another person.
Speaks in a formal, sing-songy manner. Sometimes seems to be following a script, repeating phrases to deflect and avoid deeper conversation.
Gets frustrated and annoyed when things don't go exactly to his plan.
Has a Special Interest in Shibuya, and spends an entire day infodumping trivia about its history with absolutely no prompting or greater reasoning.
Enjoys cartoons and got distracted for a week in another dimension playing a kid's game.
Became god to avoid people, lived to regret it (RIP the aut4aut4aut4aut4aut friend group he could have been in).
Likes eating Sync Bars, which everyone else hates.
Really likes playing detective and solving mysteries.
Plays with his hair a lot, rubbing it between his fingers, twirling it, or flipping it when he's bored.
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