#zevran joins and everyone’s like ‘oh maker there’s two of them’
flashhwing · 8 months
suddenly had a vision of warden molly and now I’m sad there’s no tieflings in dragon age
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pauvre-lola · 4 years
For the ask meme -- ah it was hard to narrow down choices bc I love Gigi and want to know everything about her but!! I'll go with Leliana 2 +4, and Zevran 1!
asdgfhyfgb thank chu and sorry for being so late to reply, i hoard asks like a little foole !!!
leliana :  2. What was your Warden’s position on the Chantry? Were they wary of Leliana due to their religious beliefs or lack thereof ? Oh, Gigi's family has a complex relationship with religion which could be boiled down to : Andraste ? Good. The clergy ? Whore :) She does believe in the Maker but it's more ouf of habit as it is something she hasn't really REALLY thought about it, more by default ? Religion doesn't have a big place in her life, but its celebrations are a good pretext to gather everyone and party.
She was a bit thrown off by Leliana's dedication to the Maker/The Chantry at first, but didn't necessarily show it, nor comment on it, but she does find it a little weird and after all, she was taught to not trust the diverse members of the chantry that easily as they could be very nasty hmmhmm !!!! Now that i'm thinking about it, even though they had a nice and sweet relationship, Gigi always had kept Leliana at arms lenght hmmmmmm, never letting her getting too close in her very polite and gentle fashion. It was pretty one-sided  :(
Gigi does admit that Leliana views on the chant of light are kinda nice and refreshing but UNFORTUNATELY :) :) the majority of the chantry doesn’t share them so !!!! too bad !!!!
4. Did your Warden believe that Leliana was telling the truth about her vision from the Maker or were they skeptical? uuuuuh
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Really doubtful about it, but it was important to Leliana and she could respect that.
zevran :
1. How did your Warden react to Zevran’s failed attempt on their life? Were they amused? Angry?
ok so i play with the zevran asap mod because im a simp, I KNOW he's supposed to join later but I DO NOT CARE i want the boy immediately, and i've included that in gigi's story sobs so TECHNICALLY their meeting happened right after leaving lothering
ANYWAY tbh she was very scared, confused, but mostly she felt helpless ! She was out most of the fight, she didn't expect the ambush nor that mage's attack, it took her a little while to get back on her feet, and when she did, she went straight for Zevran, who 1) was aiming for Alistair lmao and 2) was sure not expecting a very angry and very disoriented little elf to tacle him into the ground. That (poor) murder attempt and all this talk about the crows, Loghain, everything Zevran was willing to tell the group crystalized what Gigi has feared since she was taken from the alienage, but refused to admit loudly ; she wasn’t a simple and random villager girl anymore, now she was one of the two last grey warden of ferelden, and she didn’t want it.
Really funny moment because it’s like a second chance for zevran and a condamnation for gigi hmmmm ohohohohoh
All of Zevran’s jokes fall on deaf ears, but she lets him live and she pretends she doesn't know he could have avoid her blow and zevran tries to not think too much about the girl that was crying above him.
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Dragon Age Asks: Warden + Companions  
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lostinfantasies38 · 4 years
Ten Favorite Dialogues from 2020
I picked 10 dialogue exchanges that I loved from the stories I posted this year. A few of them are from the same stories, since I spent a good chunk of the year working on long fics instead of one shots or shorter stories. Under the cut bc they are lengthy.
I also realized that most of my zingers tend to be in my descriptions and don’t always make it into my character’s dialogue. I might have to change that. 
In no particular order:
Dorian chuckled. “Honestly, you two are disgraceful. You can’t come to a club looking like sex on legs when you aren’t single. You’re going to give people a heart attack.”
“Jealous, Dorian?” Alistair needled.
“Insanely,” he replied smoothly. “Aside from myself and Zevran,”—he saluted the elf who shot him a saucy wink—“you’re the most attractive men here. And to add insult to injury, you’re together,” he sighed dramatically.
Accidental Alliance, a oneshot modern Cullistair AU 
“Step two of the pie liberation was to avoid suspicion of the adults.” Evan giggled at Connor’s phrasing and thought he heard Alex snort in amusement, too. “Zoe’s job was to act as a distraction, which wasn’t hard to accomplish because Cynthia decked her out in this frilly monstrosity that every woman within a five-mile radius oohed and aahed over. She fucking hated it, of course, but it worked in our favor for The Plan. And yes, those are honest to God capitals, babe. Think Mission Impossible: Thanksgiving 2010.”
“Alternate title: Pie Larceny,” Evan quipped, overjoyed by Connor’s rich laughter. Alex definitely chuckled at that.
“Yes! Oh my God, that’s amazing. I’m totally renaming it Pie Larceny.”
Save Me From Myself - part 3 of my DEH series, Connor Murphy/Evan Hansen
“It makes me want to wrap you in blankets and bubble wrap and smother you with attention until you’re sick of looking at me, though.”
A broken laugh tumbled out of Evan’s mouth. “Well, there’s a mental picture. What are you gonna do? Roll me down the street?”
“I’m working out the logistics, but rolling you around does sound kinda fun,” Connor teased.
Snorting, Evan retorted, “I mean, you do have practice rolling joints. Guess a bundled up boyfriend isn’t much difference.”
Connor’s borderline hysterical laughter almost drowned out Evan’s airy chuckles. “Jesus Christ, Evan,” he wheezed, shakily wiping away tears. 
Save Me From Myself - part 3 of my DEH series, Connor Murphy/Evan Hansen 
Returning his head to the shadows, he hissed, “Sister Agnes is milling around. I need a distraction so I can reach our room.”
Kai grinned and pulled a dehydrated pepper from his pocket. “Down the hatch.”
Gavin stopped him with a concern expression. “Are you sure about this?”
He snorted softly. “Please, I grew up eating these. My mum sends them because she knows I love them. They’re like candy. I’ll be shitting fire for a week, but they don’t hurt my mouth. I’ll burn hot and sweat like crazy though. Trust me, it’ll work.”
The redhead arched an eyebrow. “So you carry them in your pocket at all times?”
“No,” Kai answered irritably. “That’s why I needed Easton earlier. To act as a distraction for me so I could get it out of my room.”
Gavin sighed. “If you’re sure. I mean, we could brawl in the hallway, that would work, too.”
Alistair glanced around the corner. “Hurry up and choose. I’m not waiting forever.” Kai smirked and popped the pepper in his mouth.
“Well, that decides it,” Gavin groaned. Alistair tried not to laugh as over the course of a few minutes, Kai’s face visibly flushed in response to the spicy heat and sweat pooled under his hair, running in rivulets across his face.
“How do I look?” he asked.
“Like you’ve got the sweat,” Gavin replied sardonically.
“Perfect,” he retorted. “Right, good luck, Alistair. If I fail to distract everyone, Gavin’s got you covered.”
Find Me Well Within Your Grace - young Cullistair prequel fic - excerpt from Ch 11 featuring a few of my OCs and Alistair 
Wrapping his arms around her as she hummed at the stove, he said, “Sirra and Alistair either just left my apartment or she only now deigned to tell me they’re gone.”
Eowyn grinned wickedly at him, checking the clock on the dining room wall. “My, my! Four hours later! Scandalous.”
“I wish you could have seen them. The magnetism! It was instant.”
She giggled. “I saw the photos. That’s more of Alistair’s almost-O face than I ever want to see again, thanks very much.”
He snorted. “Fair enough.” After a pause, Zevran chuckled, “I give them a month.”
Rounding on him in horror, Eowyn stared at him with wide mossy eyes. “You just said they were perfect together! Do you think we made a mistake?”
“No, amore mio. I mean, I give them a month before they elope. I might have been party to their engagement shoot today.”
She blinked slowly as the giggles built until she was clutching the kitchen counter in a fit of uncontrolled mirth. “Okay, that may be accurate knowing Alistair!”
“I’m thinking of changing my business cards. Should I add ‘Matchmaker Extraordinaire’ or ‘Signor Soulmate’?” he asked cheekily.
Shot In The Dark - Sirra Brosca/Alistair modern AU oneshot [dialogue shown is between Zevran/OC]
Cullen grinned with him. “Me either. Maybe we can improve your chess skills enough for you to graduate from mediocre.”
“Oh, ha ha. You and the others can have fun with that, thanks very much. Here I was hoping we could spend more time in bed,” he teased, sliding a hand into his curls.
Rolling his eyes playfully, the blonde retorted, “Of course, count on you to think how often we can sleep together instead of improving our skills.”
“That is how we improve our skills.”
“Training skills, you fiend.”
Heaving a melodramatic sigh, Alistair quipped, “Well, one of us has to be the boring one in the relationship. Glad it’s not me.” Cullen elbowed him gently in the ribs, chuckling along with his lover’s bright laughter.
Find Me Well Within Your Grace - young Cullistair prequel fic, excerpt from Ch 12 
“You’re not worthless,” Alistair whispered. The breath she’d been holding passed her lips with a tiny mewl of surprise. Still unable to look at one other, Alistair kept his hand on her wrist and she resisted the urge to scoot further away.
Sirra murmured, “You don’t know me, Alistair. You can’t say that.”
“I can,” he insisted firmly, his fingers pressing just a bit harder on her flesh. “It doesn’t matter who you were. When you join the Grey Wardens, all that matters is who you are. I may not know who you used to be in Orzammar, but I have a pretty good idea who you are in the sun.”
Sun Touched - excerpt from Ch 4
“I’m sorry, Alistair, I wanted to surprise you. Most dwarves in Orzammar, caste and casteless alike, have genital piercings. It’s cultural and unrelated to murder.”
His eyebrows climbed into his hair. “Even the men? How in the Maker’s name does that work?” Sirra opened her mouth to explain, but he hastily held up a hand and shivered. “Rhetorical question. Please do not answer that.”  
Sun Touched - excerpt from Ch 14
“I love you, too,” she murmured, gracing him with a watery smile. “If I had known you were up here, I would have left Orzammar years ago and tracked you down,” Sirra mused, only half joking. 
“Oh, really?” he quirked an eyebrow in amusement. “I can just imagine you sneaking into the droll monastery and breaking me out. I would have assumed you were a figment of my imagination, a desire demon, or Maker-sent. Regardless, I doubt I could have resisted the mischievous glint in your eyes as you crept in to find me in my smalls, surrounded by thirty other recruits, and told me to run away with you.” 
Laughing, Sirra raked her short nails down his toned chest. “A naked teenage version of you? I would have taken you on the spot, letting the recruits feast their eyes on us, before dashing out the front door with your bare ass in tow.” 
He closed his eyes with a lusty moan, and swallowed hard, his voice strained when he replied. “Definitely Maker-sent then. To think, we could have been on the lam for the last few years, making mad love wherever we went.” 
Sighing melodramatically, Alistair smirked and playfully bopped the tip of her nose with his. “Ah, well, at least I have you now and that’s all that matters.”
Sun Touched - excerpt from Ch 17
“Stop it,” Morrigan mumbled irritably.
Alistair feigned innocence. “Stop what? I’m sitting here like a good patient. I wasn’t even talking until right now.”
Yellow eyes bored into hazel as the subtle light faded around them, his shoulder apparently healed. “You know very well what. Stop staring at my hands. ‘Tis most distracting.”
“And here I thought it was my hands distracting you during the fight,” he smirked. “Not where my eyes happened to land. How could you have known that I might have been paying attention, if you weren’t observing me, too, hmm?”
Scoffing, Morrigan took a large step back and crossed her arms haughtily over her chest. “You are insufferable.”
Sheathing his sword, Alistair shrugged with affected boredom. “I may be insufferable, Morrigan, but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong. Deny it all you want, but we both know the truth.” 
Snagging his shield from where it fell on the ground, he slung it over his back and murmured for her ears alone. “Besides, for a cranky witch who grew up in a swamp, they’re surprisingly soft and gentle… when they want to be, that is.” 
You Give Me That Lovin’ Feelin’ - ch 2. Part 1 of 3 of Morristair written for @scharoux 14 Days of DA Lovers 
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pikapeppa · 4 years
Zevran/f!Mahariel: Jellied Ham
I have no business writing for this ship yet. I HAVE BARELY PLAYED THE GAME. But I wanted to write some Alistair and Inala Mahariel being gossipy bitches, and Zev has me feeling PROTECC feels already, so here we go. (IF I HAVE READ ANYONE’S CHARACTER ALL WRONG, FORGIVE ME. I WILL RETCON AS NEEDED.) 
Read on AO3 instead; ~1800 words.
Inala pushed open the flap of Alistair’s tent. “Ali, can I–”
“Hey!” Alistair complained. “What if I was naked in here? Or practicing an Antivan jig for the next time we’re bored on the road? You’d have ruined the surprise.”
Inala unrepentantly crawled into his tent. “Practicing an Antivan jig while sitting on your ass? That’s a special skill.”
Alistair nodded sagely. “It really is, and I’m really good at it. Want to see?” He started wiggling his shoulders and snapping his fingers.
Inala snorted. “Amazing. Fascinating. Really, I’m honoured to have witnessed it. Can I ask you something?”
He stopped his so-called dancing and sighed. “Since you burst into my tent like this and interrupted my dance routine, I guess you might as well.”
She settled herself cross-legged on his bedroll. “Have you ever, uh…” She trailed off awkwardly. She’d only ever talked about this with the other girls in her clan, and with Ashalle when she’d hit puberty. It was weird talking about it with a man, even if the man was just Alistair. 
He raised his eyebrows. “Have I ever what? Had a good pair of shoes?”
She tutted. “No. You know.” She gave him a pointed look. 
Alistair smiled. “I don’t, actually! Have I ever seen a basilisk? Ate jellied ham? Have I ever licked a lamppost in winter?” He wiggled his eyebrows salaciously. 
Inala rolled her eyes. He knew exactly what she was talking about. “Look, I don’t know what jellied ham is, but it sounds disgusting. I’m talking about, you know.” She waved her hand vaguely. “Sex.”
“Oh, is that what we’re talking about?” he exclaimed. “I could have sworn this conversation was about the jellied ham.”
Inala whined and poked his arm. “Come on, just tell me. Have you ever, uh, done it before?”
“All right, all right, twist my arm,” he drawled. “I haven’t ever eaten jellied ham, no. Why, have you?”
Inala gasped mockingly. “What a question to ask a proper lady.”
Alistair snorted. “That’s a no, then. Besides, you’re not a proper lady. You’re a Dalish wildwoman.”
“And you’re a smelly human brute,” she retorted.
He sighed happily. “Isn’t it so nice to recognize each other for who we really are?”
Inala snickered, then sighed and picked idly at the fabric of his bedroll. Alistair tilted his head. “Why are you asking about this? You’re not, uh, offering, are you?”
She scoffed and elbowed him. “No, you dummy. Not to you, at least.”
His eyes went wide. “So you’re going to offer to someone! Who? Let me guess, let me guess: Sten. It’s Sten, isn’t it?”
Inala looked up with a grin. “How much would you dare me to offer my virginity to Sten?”
“I would dare you…” He eagerly dug around in his pouch of coin, but his smile faded into disappointment. He gave her a hangdog look. “How about three coppers and the first viewing of my Antivan jig routine once it’s complete?”
She wrinkled her nose. “Not good enough.”
He clicked his tongue. “Shame. Seriously though, are you thinking about, uh, eating jellied ham with someone?”
She shrugged. “Maybe.” She scratched idly at his bedroll for a moment more, then smiled at him. “You know who’s eaten a lot of jellied ham? Zevran.”
Alistair scoffed. “That’s hardly a secret. Jellied ham during assassinations, jellied ham when he had the flu, two types of jellied ham at once…” His eyes widened. “Wait. You’re… you’re thinking of sleeping with Zevran?”
She shrugged and looked down at her fingers, which were still scratching at the bedroll. “I don’t know. Maybe.” In truth, Inala wasn’t sure she did want to sleep with Zevran. That wasn’t to say she wasn’t interested in him; she found him fascinating, actually. He was the first non-Dalish elf she’d ever spent a significant amount of time with. Every time she talked to him, she got this strange sense of vertigo about just how different their lives had been. Marethari had always told her that the city elves had very different lives from the Dalish, but she’d never really appreciated just how different their lives were until she’d met Zevran. 
She’d also never really been attracted to anyone before she’d met Zevran. It was hard to feel attracted to anyone in her clan when she saw them all as her family. 
Or she used to, at least, before they’d forced her to become a Grey Warden. 
She pushed aside the bitterness and turned her thoughts back to Zevran. But thinking of Zevran was difficult as well, in a very different way. She liked Zevran; she thought he was handsome and charming and funny, and the way he flirted with her… Creators, no one had ever flirted with her like that before. No one had ever looked at her the way Zevran did, like she was more than just one of the boys. Like she was something… desirable. 
But the way he talked about… about sex, and about being raised in a whorehouse? She didn’t have the whole story, but the hints he’d given her were enough to chill her blood. He told amusing stories about the people he’d slept with, but if those stories had happened during jobs he’d done for the Antivan Crows, had he actually enjoyed the sex? How could he be enjoying it when it had been drilled into him as something he had to be good at rather than something to enjoy? 
But then again, who was Inala to question Zevran’s sexual motives when the only experience she had was an awkward experimental kiss here and there? 
She nibbled the inside of her cheek and shot Alistair a sideways glance. “Do you think Zevran would care that I’ve never eaten jellied ham before?” she asked.
“Are you sure you want to offer him your jellied ham?” Alistair said.
His tone was uncharacteristically serious. Inala softened at the concern in his face. “You still think he might try to assassinate us? After everything he said about those awful Crows?”
“We can’t say for sure that he won’t,” Alistair said. “I mean, I don’t think he’ll succeed, not with Sten and Shale watching, but that doesn’t mean he won’t try. And what if he tries while you’re, you know. Halfway through the jellied ham?”
Inala gave him a cheeky smile. “Well, that’s the real reason I came to you. Will you stand guard outside my tent while I eat jellied ham with Zevran?”
“Maker, no,” Alistair said loudly. “Get the mabari to do that.”
“I wouldn’t make Keebs do that!” she protested.
Alistair raised his eyebrows. “So you wouldn’t force Keebs to listen to you eating jellied ham, but you’d ask me to do it? Are you saying you value the mabari over me?”
Inala hesitated, and Alistair grunted and clutched his chest. “Ouch. You wound me. No really, I’m hurt. I’m… I’m devastated, actually. I might just take a vow of silence right now in protest.”
Inala widened her eyes. “Creators, really? Do you promise? I could use the peace and quiet.”
Alistair laughed, and Inala couldn’t help but join in. When they’d both caught their breath, Alistair elbowed her gently. “I don’t think Zevran will care that you’ve never eaten jellied ham before, for what it’s worth.”
She gave him a little half-smile, and they were quiet for a moment. Then Inala tilted her head. “Do you think Morrigan is a virgin?”
Alistair wrinkled his nose. “I think Morrigan is a praying mantis. She probably pops the heads off of her partners after sex and eats them.”
Inala barked out a laugh. “You’re so stupid.”
“It takes one to know one, my friend,” he retorted.
She tsked and punched him in the arm, and he flicked her ear. She punched him once more, then unfolded her legs and crawled over to the flap of his tent. “Goodnight, Alistair,” she drawled.
“Goodnight, Inala,” he said just as mockingly. 
She shot him a swift grin, then left his tent. Everyone else seemed to be in their tents already – everyone except Zevran, in fact. 
He was sitting by the fire and humming to himself as he sharpened one of his knives. He glanced up as she emerged from Alistair’s tent, and her heart did a little flip-flop as he met her gaze. Zevran had this way of smiling at her, like the curl of his lips and the heat in his eyes was only meant for her, and it just made her feel more confused. 
Confused about whether she wanted to offer her jellied ham to him, or whether she really just wanted to hug him and keep him away from anyone who would value him only for his ill-begotten ‘skills’. 
Her heart twisted again, but in a painful way this time, and she dropped his heated gaze. “Goodnight, Zevran,” she said. “Sweet dreams.” 
“Pray that I dream of you, then,” he said. He tilted his head and sighed. “Ah, what a sweet dream that would be.” 
A stupid grin burst across her face, and she rubbed her nose. Fenedhis, she could feel her face going hot. “I’ll… I’ll do that,” she said lamely, then immediately wanted to smack herself for the inane response.
He chuckled, and the smooth and rolling sound chased her toward her tent. Once she was in the safety of her tent, she breathed a sigh of relief, then pulled off her boots and slid into her bedroll. 
She closed her eyes, but thoughts of Zevran played through her mind. His devilish little smile and that devilish quirk of his eyebrows. The lovely rolling cadence of his accent and the lovely veins in his elegant hands. What he must have looked like as a bony underfed seven-year-old slave.  
Her gut twisted at the thought. She sighed and closed her eyes, then segued into the before-bed meditation that Ashalle had taught her when she was a moody and restless adolescent. A few minutes later, just as she was falling asleep, she had one last thought of Zevran. 
It was a memory from when they’d first met, when he was tied up on the ground after failing to kill her and Alistair. He’d been charming even then, gazing boldly up at her with that warm and mischievous grin, and there was blood dripping down his chin thanks to a punch he’d taken from Sten.  
As Inala finally fell asleep, that’s what she was thinking about: Zevran’s broad and bloodstained smile. 
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dovabunny · 4 years
So the sweet @midnightprelude and darling @dalish-rogue a while back! I'm tagging these muffins - @mago-emplumado @storybookhawke @emotionalmorphine @typhonserpent @tearsofwinter @contreparry show me your WIPs! If you want that is :3
I've been meaning to get back into Baker Guide You, and AU where Anders is a blind Baker who falls for Fenris, who thinks if Anders could see his scars and brands he wouldn't take another look. Fic is an old WIP with @protect-him that's on my mind like at least twice a week. Here's a bit I've scribbled down recently - (CW for death but nothing graphic)
"What are you doing here assassin," Fenris grumbles as he shuffles into his spartan apartment. He doesnt bother asking how the Antivan got in here in the first place.
"Good evening to you too, my fine friend," Zevran coos from his cozy reclined spot on the window sill. "I'm sure you know why I'm here. And and the questions I have."
Fenris wipes his hand down his face and around his neck. Of course he does. It's no secret that Zevran is very protective of Anders and that the two share a history.
He suspects Zevran is here to echo his own demons telling him to back away, that he is not worthy of Anders' shy smiles or gentle hands or kind heart.
"Fenris," Zev takes his silence as a go-ahead. "I wont insult you or myself by pretending we both dont know I know your history. I have my ways of finding things out. Especially when they relate to something important to me."
Fenris sits on his beat-up sofa he found on a sidewalk and braces.
"I also suspect that you are a man who is familiar with pain. As am I. As is Anders." For the first time since he first met him Fenris sees the Antivan squirm. "Know that I am telling you this for Anders' sake. The man has known enough pain in his life and if you are to add to that pain Creators know they wont find your body when I'm done with you."
Fenris just swallows and nods.
"Anders...wasnt born blind. He had a rough, abusive childhood, in and out of foster homes till he was deemed dangerous for his rebellious nature and ended up in a correctional school where he met Karl. When Karl turned 18 they ran. Karl to start a new quiet life with Anders, who he had asked to marry him after 4 years together, but Anders was barely 17 and wanted adventure. Anders begged Karl till he caved and they joined the Wardens. Anders lying about his age of course. It was supposed to only be a 2 year thing."
Fenris' brows furrow. He had known Anders had ties to the Wardens, but also that bringing it up brought a look of pain across his beautiful face Fenris couldn't take.
"They were out on a mission clearing the Deep Roads when they stumbled upon an underground trade route used to smuggled elves to Tevinter by slavers."
~12 years ago~
"Commander," Anders said, barely contained rage under his skin. "We cant leave this! We need to shut this down!" He looked over at the huddled would-be slaves around the dead slavers.
Tabris bit her lip and peered into the tunnel. She half suspected denying the man would only cause him to storm down there alone. Karl right behind of course. Those two stuck together like a beard on a dwarf. Her knew the poor man was counting the days till their 2 year contract was up. Just 4 months left if she's not mistaken.
"Fine. Nate, take your regiment on the north route. Velanna with Justice stay here and guard the survivors. Anders, Karl, Zev, Alistair- with me."
It had taken hours but they were able to track he tunnels to a cavern where it was clear the exchange of coin and slaves happened. It was a dirty fight, bloody, with Karl pushing to blast the exit tunnel to avoid any escapes. They would have to collapse the whole tunnel later anyway.
The slavers had a a guard of two dozen strong but the tide of the fight was turning. Anders and Zevran stood over the elves to protect them while Alistair and Tabris cirled them. Soon there was only one left, a man dressed in a way that reeked of 'Magister'. He stood in the middle with a glint of madness and bloodthirst in his eyes when he pulled the grenade out of his pocket and pulled the link out. Everyone screamed and ran for cover, but Anders saw the look in their eyes. No one would survive this. Anders grabbed an abandoned shield and held it up as he stood over and elves huddled behind the rubble and ruins, hoping beyond hope.
But then Karl was racing forward, ignoring Anders' cries.
Anders' last image was the surprise of the Magister as Karl threw him down and covered the grenade with his body. Anders had his shield up but an outstretched hand and wide eyes toward the blast.
Then. Darkness.
Hands. Shouting. Distant but close to rumble his chest. How? Where-
"Anders! ANDERS!?"
It settled like led and fire and acid.
"I can't see... I can't see! Karl! KARL ANSWER ME!? Oh Maker please... I CAN'T SEE!!!"
~ Present time ~
Fenris' throat struggled against the rough knot there.
Zev was staring out the window. "You are not a man unfamiliar with pain, you know the sounds a man can make. There is screaming in pain and distress...then there is screaming in agony. A pain deep and tormenting. The scream of a man trying to tear himself apart from the inside out."
Zev turns to Fenris then and he is taken aback at the fierceness he sees there amidst the sheen.
"He didnt stop for three days till his voice gave out."
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eyeofmud · 5 years
for @dadrunkwriting
Palms on the rough bark Ellanis lets himself relax back, shifting on the log to get a better view. Sunlight through the leaves, shifting shadows in the golden haze of early afternoon. Two daggers glinting as Zevran holds them, moves with them through a dance Ellanis watches with half-lidded eyes. He doesn’t know the steps himself, but he doesn’t need to know them to appreciate them. Or to appreciate the light hitting Zevran’s hair where its pulled back away from his face, or the flick of his wrist as he deftly flips a dagger, or the small beads of sweat running in thin lines down his chest. 
No, he doesn’t need anything special to appreciate those. Just the sunlight and the warm air to hide the heat under his cheeks. 
Though, it isn’t exactly a secret he’s watching either. Once, twice, every few minutes now Zevran throws a glance and a smirk his direction and Ellanis meets his eyes with a sharp smile of his own. His legs stretched out in front of him, hands propping himself up behind, Ellanis is quite content to simply sit beneath the thick canopy and enjoy the show. 
Though, now, with everyone else returning to camp Ellanis is running out of excuses to linger. They've danced around each other for the past month now, moving in circles and glances, so Ellanis shouldn't need a reason to be here. But, if he doesn't have one, why is he here?
Blonde hair falling from the hasty bun, curling slightly around his eyes and into his mouth, Zevran pauses in the middle of whatever form he’s practicing to push it back into place. More than enough to grab Ellanis' thoughts and hold them. Dark eyes still locked with Ellanis’ his smile grows wicked and Zevran straightens up fully, pointing the end of one dagger in Ellanis’ direction. It really shouldn’t make his heart race or his cheeks flush, but, Ellanis doesn’t think too hard about it. 
“Why don’t you join me if you’re so keen to learn?” Zevran asks it like a question and the edge of his voice is playful but Ellanis wonders if it isn’t also a test. Dipping a finger into the water to make sure it’s warm. 
Ellanis picks up his cane from beside him and wiggles it slightly through the air above his bad leg, “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, sweetheart, but I’m not really one for dancing.”
Falling into step, shifting leaves on the breeze and sunlight glowing on Zevran's hair. 
Grin growing lopsided Zevran flips the dagger into the air again idly, casually. As if either one of them are not paying attention. "Don't play coy, bello, I've seen you fight before." Catching the dagger he gestures with it towards Ellanis' foot, "You can make your brace can you not?" 
Ellanis hums, carefully raising a hand to his chin in thought, turning his head to the side. "I could." 
"Hand to hand combat is a skill even mages should learn," Taking a step closer Zevran extends his dagger in Ellanis' direction pommel forward this time, "I can teach you a basic form, to start."
Glancing back to Zevran out of the corner of his eye Ellanis wonders. He shouldn't, not really, he'd be too clumsy and too vulnerable and the warmth under his skin blooms at the thought. Dangerous, it says, to even want to get closer. But the sunlight is melting in Zevran's dark eyes and the bark against his palms is rough enough to imagine calluses and it would be so easy just to give in, just once, to something he wants. 
"Fine," Standing up Ellanis' spirit brace flairs to life around his bad leg, taking the dagger from Zevran, fingers barely brushing. "Show me." 
Evening breeze ruffling his hair, Zevran takes another step closer. "Fighting is like loving, pay attention to the hips." He reaches out and Ellanis could swear it was easier to breathe a moment ago, his heart wasn't beating quite so loud when he stood, was it? 
Blade oil and sweat, Zevran's hand is warm hovering over Ellanis' hip and he's so close Ellanis can see the baby hairs sticking to his temples. "May I?"
"Yes." Any more and his voice would crack, shaking with a threat to collapse anyway. Goosebumps rise across the back of his neck and Ellanis is in danger if the heat in his cheeks did anything to warn him. Maker what is wrong with him. 
"Relaxing is important to both too." Dropping his voice Zevran carefully straightens out Ellanis' posture. Fingertips grazing his hipbone in time with his words. Oh now he's just toying with him. 
Drawing himself up Ellanis smirks, "Now who's being coy. I thought you were just showing me how to fight and yet y-" Cut off by the smooth press of dull steel under his chin Ellanis lowers his gaze until he's looking at Zevran through his eyelashes. Unaffected beyond the racing of his heart in his chest.
"First rule of fighting, Ellanis, is to play to your strengths." One hand still on Ellanis' hip, fingers still pressing into warm skin, the other holding a practice blade to his throat. Backlit by late afternoon sunlight Zevran glows even if his smugly raised eyebrow ruins the picture. Bastard. 
Tipping his chin back Ellanis keeps his eyes locked with Zevran's. "Does that mean I should practice my fighting or my love making?" Lowering his voice to match Zevran's Ellanis shifts his stance without guidance this time, his good leg between Zevran's and their hips almost aligned. 
He doesn't miss how Zevran's eyes darken and his cheeks flush. Two could play this game, dance to this rhythm. 
If he's honest, they've been circling for far longer than the last half hour. Moving in step and watching and waiting. Holding his breath for wanting. Ellanis doesn't raise his gaze when Zevran lowers his dagger and he doesn't move when Zevran's fingers tighten on his hip. Locked in a sunkissed moment Ellanis licks his lips and looks at Zevran's and wonders if he tastes like sunlight.
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aced0g · 6 years
Blease give us headcanons about Arthur and Alistair falling in love,,,,
1. In the beginning they were both kind of oblivious to the feelings that were growing between them. Arthur had never actually loved someone before and never had a lot of friends so for a while he just thought that he was thinking of Alistair as a really good friend. Alistair on the other hand was a little oblivious because he was still reeling from all of the guilt and loss with the Wardens and he was scared because how were they supposed to stop they Blight? They’re only two wardens and two wardens who basically just went through their joining. Though Arthur always found the bright side and would do his best to cheer Alistair up. Alistair quickly began to view Arthur as one of the few bright spots among all of this, and honestly for him one day he was watching Arthur do something stupid, probably accidentally knick his finger while sharpening his daggers and Alistair thought ‘Maker I love that man’ and then his face went red for a while because it was the first time he thought it. It was similar for Arthur. They were laughing around the fire and Alistair was telling him about how after his joining he had raided the kitchen and was just stuffing his face and yeah he just thought, “I love him so much…” and almost choked on his drink which Leliana noticed and proceeded to tease him about until Arthur and Alistair finally admitted their feelings. 
2. Arthur was actually really nervous to begin with. He’d had sex before but like he’d never been in love with someone. He didn’t like how his stomach always felt like it was in knots around Alistair and he was getting really scared that he was going to mess things up. Well he was dealing with all of these thoughts while they were in Redcliff defending it from the un-dead hordes and when he found out what had happened to Conner, Alistair’s past, Arthur couldn’t live with killing a kid nor the wife of the Arl of Redcliff so he vowed to get the mages help. Arthur wants to save everyone if he can, and also he didn’t know if he could go through with killing a kid even if that kid was possessed by a demon ya know? So the whole business in the tower happens and its Arthur’s first time in the Fade. He doesn’t hate it but he’s not happy (actually his fade vision that the demon tries to trap him in is back at the Cousland Castle except Alistair is there too playing with his mabari and they’re just relaxing. He only started to clue in to the fact that this wasn’t real when Alistair said they’d defeated the blight forever and that they didn’t have to be wardens because one Alistair would never abandon the wardens and two Arthur loves being a warden too and helping people) its when he realizes that he’s in the fade and this Alistair isn’t the real one that his heart fills with dread. When he finally does find Alistair he hugs him really close and it kind of breaks Alistair out of his fog too. Once the Circle is saved and like Conner and Isolde are safe and they’re on the road again Arthur is finally about to admit that he likes Alistair as more than just a friend and that’s when Alistair gives him the rose. Arthur actually starts crying when he gets it and Alistair gets really scared that he did something wrong, but Arthur pulls him into another hug and that’s how they have their first kiss. Leliana is just :D the whole time and Wynne gets worried because she knows what being a warden means and she doesn’t want these boys to get their hearts broken because duty has to come first. 
3. In their early stages of the relationship Arthur just keeps finding cool trinkets and his first thought is, “Oh I bet Alistair would love this!” because he just loves seeing Alistair grin and he wants to shower his boyfriend in gifts. Also after hard battles where one of them falls, once they’re at camp the other will make sure they’re okay and give them a massage or they just cuddle by the fire. Arthur has a tendency to be the one who falls most often. He’s getting better with more practice, but literally in the span of a month he went from living a boring life and not having much to do, to being a new grey warden, to almost dying at Ostagar, to now being the one of the only two Grey Wardens in all of Ferelden. It’s a lot and he wasn’t too skilled before hand but he practices with Zev and Leliana as much as he can (Alistair watches him train and before they were in a relationship would actually get a little jealous when Zevran would move closer or hold Arthur and move him into the proper position to perform a strike)
4. Once they’re pretty far into their relationship they just share a tent all the time. Arthur loves to be the little spoon and then his Mabari Shep lays on top of them both. It gets to a point where Alistair and Arthur have a hard time sleeping when the other one is gone (post DAO when they’re on separate missions) so when they are away from each other they tend to look just a tad worse for wear. When they do reunite they give each other the most back breakingest hugs and just can’t stop smiling. They tend to catch up at Taverns and that usually turns into Arthur starting to sing for Alistair because he missed him so much and he has a few new songs now and Alistair just has to hear them. The longest they were ever apart was when Arthur went to the West to go search for the cure to the Calling. Since he joined the Wardens during the Blight his estimated time before his calling was halved at the least and it was really starting to freak him out. Plus he was in his thirties and already getting silver hair in his beard? So he promised Alistair he’d be back as soon as he could and made Alistair promise not to do anything stupid. They both hated being so far apart. Arthur was starting to get discouraged and honestly he felt like he was only getting worse (didn’t help to have Corypheus’s fake calling playing in his head 24/7). To cope he kind of turned the calling he was hearing into a lute medley he could strum. He does find the cure though and rushes back to Alistair and its a doozy but they get it right and don’t have to worry about any time limit now. When Arthur hears from Leliana that Alistair volunteered to stay behind in the fade Arthur gives him a very long scolding and then hugs him close. They chill at the Inquisition for a little bit before continuing with Warden Business. 
5. Oh another thing for them falling in love, whenever the group got the chance to finally wash up Arthur couldn’t help but get red cheeks as Alistair washed up. I headcanon that they’re both soft, like fit and strong but they don’t have toned abs they’ve got soft bellies and yeah. So basically before they admitted their feelings they would both go wash and then come back red in the face because they both kept thinking “wow he’s really hot”. The group finds it hilarious. 
BONUS: They bond really quick about wanting nothing to do with their royalty/nobility blood ties. They both much prefer being Wardens and traveling together
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missrandomdreamer · 5 years
DAO Drabbles
A  Sonya and Zevran drabble, . What was supposed to be funny and cute kind of ended up being sad. Whoops!
Starts under thread: might add more to it later.
Backs on the grass, eyes to the sky the two lay watching the stars. It was quiet, aside from the crackling of the fire and the crickets hidden among the foliage around them. Everyone was asleep except for the warden and her crow.  Zevran’s soft caramel eyes flickered over to the young woman beside him. Her face was lit up by the glow of the fire. The assassin saw it highlight her cheeks, her nose and her lips.  He couldn’t help but smile and watch her, gaze at the stars such a far off look to them that night. Those deep blue eyes looking like the sky itself. The young woman felt his gaze and turned to him. Sonya had a slight look of surprise but it melted into a shy smile, she spoke with a laugh on her lips.
“Oh nothing, just admiring the beauty beside me nothing more.” Sonya’s face scrunched up slightly although there was a light color to her cheeks. She turned her eyes back to the stars attempting to cover her face with her hair before nudging him with her foot. She made a dismissive sound,
“We should be keeping watch, my apologies for being distracted.” Sonya said now sitting up and gazing around. He couldn’t tell if it was the fire now that cause her cheeks to burn or the embarrassment, but her face was a warm red color. He laughed again and turned over on his side, his chin resting on his hand, now giving her his full attention.
“Well I am keeping watch….I’m keeping watch on you, we can’t have some secret assassin steal you away while we are both keeping watch, no?” Sonya turned to him and gave him another face but laughed pushing her hair chocolate brown hair back behind her ear, something Zevran had figured a while ago was a nervous habit she had.  The city elf had been with her long enough to know now to pick up a lot of things about her but some things were still hard to decipher from her. Since he had failed to assassinate her and had joined her party of misfits, she had always been the toughest to read in certain situations. She never really spoke how she felt about anything. He never really knew if he was looking at the true Sonya or a mask sometimes.
“You are silly, Zevran.” She said softly shaking her head at him. He cocked his own, there it was again, that word she often called him silly.
“Am I so very silly to think it’s important to take a careful eye to our courageous leader? What would we do without you?”  He watched her face drop for a fraction of a moment before a look of amusement replaced it. Zevran frowned, but she spoke before he could.
 “Well no….its ...” She sighed softly looking to him with that poor excuse of the smile. “Thank you Zevran.”  He kept staring his frown still lightly there, his eyes wells of concern,
“My dear warden, is there something on our mind? It appears that something is troubling you.” Sonya shook her head slowly.
“It’s nothing, I’m just tired.”
“My dear warden, you are always say that.” Sonya laughed at that, while the assassin frowned still. Zevran could see her body rise and fall shortly with a shuttering breath, shaking her head at him and looking into the forest around them. He sat up and scooted next to her a bit more, he could tell her body tensed at that, something they were still working with too. “May I?” he asked softly.  She was quiet for a bit before she slowly nodded.  Zevran took her into his arms to hold her, letting his chin rest on her head. He put a hand to her hair until she lightly touched his hand, a signal that it was okay to continue to do so. He smiled softly and started at comb her hair, starting at the  scalp then slowly drew his hand downward. Sonya made a small noise in which Zevran had to chuckle. She leaned to him and let out a small sigh.  Sonya remained quiet while Zevran continued to comb her hair. The woman’s eyes closed and her hands kept stroking his hand, her cheek falling to his arm. She was nearly asleep until Zevran spoke with his warm voice.
“So my darling warden, after all this is through, you know the blight and what not and you are free to do as you like, what will you do hm?” Sonya eyes fluttered open slightly and then she turned up to look at him with those dark blue eyes, they looked like that of the deepest depths of the sea.  Lord, how he wanted to drown in them. She blinked,
“Well….” She leaned back more into his arms. “I think I might travel a bit for a while, see new lands.  I would love to collect and study more plants so I can make new kinds of remedies. There is still so many I haven’t seen and I want to collect as much information as possible.” Zevran chuckled.
“Ah I see, now what will happen after all the traveling will you settle down or will you travel forever collecting plants.” He could see that little pout at the jab at her obsession but it eased into a tired smile.
“I am not sure…perhaps I might open up a shop where I could sell potions but also teas too.” Zevran watched the little smile on her lips, that excited little smile.  He had not seen it in so long. ,
“Mm, go on.” He felt Sonya shiver and she held on to his arm to bring him closer for the warmth something she never would have done when they had first met. Sonya had come a long way, he smiled. He was so proud of her. He heard her make a hum of thought, her calloused fingers still rubbing circles into his skin.
“Let’s see, I think I would like my shop in a smaller town, not to busy but just a nice flow of people and away from the big cities. Bruce would be there with me of course…” she drawled off and that flash of pink came to her face.  Zevran raised an eyebrow,
“Hm, do you see anyone else working with you in the future? I don’t think the mabari would be much help.” Zevran stole a glance at her for a moment that blush spread at his comment.
“Bruce, would help draw crowds, he is quite cute as you already know. But hm let me see.” She paused now her eyes looking up to the stars, her finger tapping her chin lightly. Her next words came out slowly, “I might need someone who is good at poisons.” Zevran nearly snorted,
“Are you going to poison your clientele if they don’t like your tea or are you going to sell it under the counter? “ he laughed earning another pout from the warden, “Either way my warden, that is such a naughty naughty thing to do.” Sonya huffed and gently slapped his arm,
“No- no I wasn’t goin’ to do that just thought it would be nice to know someone who knew poisons really well. So they can you know….” Her voiced trailed and she turned her head so now Zevran couldn’t see her face. “...teach me and stuff.” Zevran chuckled,
“Hmm mh sure, now who do you have someone in mind that might be good at poisons?”
“I think I might know someone.” She started tentatively.
“Really? Tell me about this mysterious poison maker.” His hand still stroked her hair lovingly, a little smile was on his lips, a dreamy look in his eyes as she started to speak again.
“Oh well he is very charming, always the gentleman and that is good to have you know because he would be great with customers.”
“Oh naturally.”
“What else, let’s see, he is of course is great at poisons. Knows everything about them, uses them frequently I hear.” Zevran snorted again,
“Well that is why you want him to help you, yes?” Sonya laughed softly and nodded,
“Yes certainly.” Sonya pauses for a moment and squints as if she is looking for something in the darkness, her next words make her blush a bit, “He’s graceful too so if I drop stuff he can catch it. I’m quite clumsy sometimes, so it’s good to have someone who can move fast but also look good doing it.”
Zevran couldn’t help but laugh  loudly at that. Sonya shushed him but he couldn’t stop his grin, “But of course that is the main perk for being graceful: helping young beautiful clumsy women from dropping things. Definitely not for assassinating people.” Now it was her tern to laugh, her lips turning up into a happy smile, eyes sparkling. How he wanted to kiss those lips while they smiled, but instead he ruffled her hair causing her to giggle more and swat his hand way. “Okay so he’s graceful and charming what else is he?” Zevran ceased to ruffle her hair and combed it back neatly, smirking at her.
Sonya leaned into his touch, her eyes closed once more. “He has this lovely voice, this accent that is just like honey. He had a silver tongue. I could see if something bad were to happen he could sweet talk his way out of it no problem. I think he has a knack for that. ”
Zevran chuckled and now hid his face in her hair but she could hear him mumble. “What does this man look like, do I know him? He sounds vaguely familiar.”
Sonya’s cleared her throat as her voice seemed to get softer and her touch lighter on his hand till it was like a butterfly kissing his skin. “Oh well he’s very …nice looking, I suppose, one could say that.”
Zevran laughed, “Ah that is a nice way of putting it, my dear warden, but that does not help me. Mine and your version of nice-looking are a tad bit different. Now, dear, tell me what he looks like. Describe him to me. If my warden is hanging around this charming gentleman, I would like to know what he looks like so in case he hurts her, I could rough him up a bit no?” she could practically hear that smile on his lips and she huffed. He was always teasing her, always.
Sonya blushed and huffed again, pulling at her hair before Zevran covered that hand with his own.  She froze but gave out a heavy sigh, turning her head from him then laying it down on his arm, dropping her hand from pulling out her hair.  The mage closed her eyes once more as she spoke in a voice hardly above a whisper, “He has skin of earth after it rains. Obsidian markings dance along his form telling his story to the world. His hair is short and braided like fields of wheat you see while you walk through the countryside, shining bright as the sun lights them up making them golden.  And his eyes…”
He could hear her sigh, that dreamy sigh the one she only used for when she was happily reading it seemed. He held her tighter, his eyes closed previously before they opened slightly, apprehensively. “His eyes are sunlight, making everything alive and warm around him: always radiating positivity. No matter what type of day you are having you just look at him and he makes you smile. There is just a warm glow about him, it’s hard not to be drawn to him….At least that is how I see him.”
Zevran didn’t need to look to know she was embarrassed. He could feel her face was hot just by her hiding it in his arm. The elf was surprised nonetheless, he had never heard her speak that way. He moved back slightly to get a good look at her fully. The crow lightly moved her face towards his gaze, guided by his delicate fingers. He cocked his head to her, starring into her eyes, eyebrows knitted together confused. Sonya in return looked up into his golden ones though she shyly looked away, her face was indeed red with embarrassment.  “I didn’t know you were a poet. I had no idea you could get all that from reading plant books.” There was a light laugh lingering there on his lips.  He could feel her body heave in a heavy sigh and she shook her head. He moved closer to her and let his forehead rest against hers stilling her movements. The elf waited to see if she pulled away but she didn’t. When he spoke again his words were soft, yet there was something in his voice that made Sonya’s heart ache, “Tell me, my dear grey warden, what you see in this man that he is so worthy of that description?  I think you might be over doing it just a bit. ”
           “No, I’m not. I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t think he was worthy enough.” There was a bite to her words, frustration. Her calloused hands went to his bare chest and balled into fists. Zevran body tensed suddenly but eased back just as fast. She could probably see that slight look of surprise in his face. He held his breath as she continued, “It’s painful that he doesn’t see that in himself. That he is so strong after what hell he has gone through and beautiful for still being so optimistic continuously seeing the true loveliness of living while you can. That is why I see him the way I do  and that I-.” There was a shake of her head, dark brown hair flying and hitting Zevran in the face. Her body crumbled against him and she now hid her face in chest. He felt the hot tears on his bare skin, her arm snake around him to hold him tightly. A startled noise escaped his lips he moved to touch her to, to wipe her tears, just to look her in the eyes but she moved from his touch, wounding him.  
“My Warden- I-
“Maker, can’t you two get a tent, it’s not like everyone wants to see your sickening displays of affection.” Sonya pulled away immediately and distanced herself at the voice of Morrigan. Zevran watched his warden stand up, he heard her softly apologize before she walked past the Witch of the Wilds. The other woman had her arms crossed and looked at the two irritated but confused. Zevran again heard Sonya mumble a goodnight to the two before she had gone back into her tent.
The elf just stared at his hands that were holding her moments before slowly close into fists. He turned to look at Morrigan with a frown but sighed standing up.  “What? Did I interrupt something important?” she asked in her usual cool way however there might have been a bit of guilt somewhere in her phrasing.  Her yellow eyes looked to the tent of their leader then back to Zevran.
“I think the fire needs more wood, you should probably have Sten go get some while you watch.” The elf said without looking at her, “Have a good night, Morrigan, try not to kill anything without us.” Zevran spoke with false enthusiasm before heading to his own tent before she could respond, leaving Morrigan confused as to what just happened as she waited in the dying light for Sten to join her at the watch.
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obsidiancorner · 6 years
OC Interview Meme
I was tagged by both @a-shakespearean-in-paris and @savvylittleminx. thank you for the tag, ladies! <3
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1. What is your name? “Sky Amell”
2. What is your real name? “Skyrah Amell. ‘Sky’ is a nickname. But the only person who called my ‘Skyrah’ on a regular basis was my father and I haven’t seen him since he handed me to the Templars when I was a young girl.”
3. Do you know why you were called that? “My father said it was because my mom knew I would be beautiful and that he went along with it because he loved the vastness of the sky. I’ve heard that another meaning of the name besides ‘beautiful’ is ‘eternal life’ and since I am probably one of the most well-known of the Grey Wardens because of having slayed the archdemon of the Fifth Blight I suppose ‘eternal’ is fitting since I have unfortunately gone down in every history tome in Thedas.”
4. Are you single or taken? “Taken.”
5. Have any abilities or powers? “I’m... a... mage?”
6. Stop being a Mary Sue “Look here, buddy, I step up and do what has to be done when it has to be done. I make tough decisions in a split second and have to live with the consequences. I have very literally left friends to die because the weight of one or two lives does not outweigh the lives of many more innocent people. Can you make a decision like that and live with yourself afterward? Have you ever raised an army against unbelievable odds to defeat a Blight-tainted dragon?
No? Then don’t you dare presume to tell me what to be.”
7. What’s your eye colour? “I guess I’d call it ’cognac’. It’s a deep brown with a red ring around the edge, like cognac, when a light shines through the glass just right.’ 
8. How about your hair colour? “Pink champagne... I had no control over it. It turned from a light blonde to pink when my magic came in because I have an easy relationship with fire-based magic.”
9. Have you any family members? “No one knows where my mother is. She left just after I was born. I have four older siblings, all mages and sent to various Circles around Thedas. I was closest to my father, though. I haven’t seen him since the Templars took me from him. I hope he is well.”
10. Oh? What about pets? “Ha. Barkspawn is not a ‘pet.’ He is a pureblood Mabari Warhound well-trained in the art of fighting darkspawn. He is a companion and I trust him with my life. He has earned a place as my equal.” *scoffs* “Pet. Pfft.”
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like. “I dislike abrupt changes of topic that begin with a dismissal such as, ‘that’s cool, I guess.’” *Stares flatly*
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?   “Not particularly. I hum and sing on occasion. But I don’t normally realize I’m doing it. Other than that, I’m kept busy enough I don’t have time for hobbies or activities outside of political druffalo shit due to being both a Warden Commander and the Arlessa of Amaranthine and fighting darkspawn.”
13. Ever hurt anyone before? “I’m a veteran of war. Twice over. ”
14. Ever… killed anyone before? “Of course I have.”
15. What kind of animal are you? “Didn’t you know? Wardens are Blight-tainted griffons.” *smirks dangerously*
16. Name your worst habits. “It used to be my reluctance to make the tough calls. Alistair didn’t want to lead so someone had to. There were only two Wardens to unite people under the treaties. If not him, it had to be me... I paid him back by making him the King of Ferelden. I went down and I took him with me.” *laughs* “He’s rather happy with it now, though he wasn’t always.... Certainly not when it happened.
Now? Now I’m too unapologetic. I’ve been hardened by those same tough calls. Now I make them without remorse.”
17. Do you look up to anyone at all? “Not really. I see it a bit differently. I’ve been the one everyone looked up to since I was a mere 18. Instead of looking up to people, I understand that everyone is fallible- even me- and I hate the look on people’s faces when they realize that I am a human who makes mistakes just as any other. I take advice into consideration but I avoid placing people up on such a pedestal. It’s better for everyone that way.”
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual? “Straight”
19. Do you go to school? “I did. Kinloch Hold heavily influenced my behavior. When I went in, I was a shy, quiet type. That makes you seem suspicious to Templars though so I quickly had to change.”
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day? “Wardens don’t have kids and rarely do they marry once they become one.  Wardens who have a spouse and children, had them before they went through the Joining.”
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls? “A what now?”
22. What are you most scared of? “The Calling.”
23. What do you usually wear? “Warden Mage armor.”
24. Do you love someone? “I love a great many people but I do not believe that was the question you were asking.”
25. When was the last time you wet yourself? “I beg your pardon?”
26. Well, it’s not over yet! “Can we speed this up? I have a tax revenue sheet to fill out and send off, a letter from Weisshaupt I’ve been putting off, and a training event to oversee.”
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class) “Funny story, that.I’m a mage with a noble title. I took Alistair down with me in terms of being a decision maker and he took me down with him in joining the nobility.” 
28. How many friends do you have? “Close friends? Very few. I’ve stayed close to Zevran. I still see Alistair when I am summoned to Court. There are a few others, as well.”
29. What are your thoughts on pie? “You’re asking me... about... pie? Certainly there’s more interesting topics.”
30. Favourite drink? “Perhaps it’s merely for sentimental reasons... but Vintage: Grey Warden Riordan. ‘Serve yourself.’”
31. What’s your favourite place? “Nowhere you’d like to be.”
32. Are you interested in someone? “Aren’t we all?”
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy? *Glares*
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean? “A lake, where the biggest thing I’m likely to run into is a catfish.”
35. What’s your type? “I don’t think I have one.”
36. Any fetishes? “Hands. You can tell so much from a person by their hands and how they use them.”
37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive? “that all stays in my bedroom. I do not kiss and tell.”
38. Camping or indoors? “I prefer the indoors. But I am not unaccustomed to life in a tent.”
39. Are you wanting the interview to end? “Maker, yes. So many invasive questions.”
40. Now it’s over! “Thank you for your time.” *stands up and walks away briskly*
So.... Sky got a little snippy. I think she’s a bit mad at me. She spent a lot of time hanging out with me while I went through some character design shit with her this afternoon. 
Thanks for hanging out even though she had a bit of a ‘tude. <3
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cactuarkitty · 8 years
Random DA:O Thoughts - Part 8.
I just thought about when Alistair tells you about his birth right, you can say: “Are you sure? You’re not hiding anything else?” and he says (which I memorised lol): “Besides my unholy love of fine cheeses and a minor obsession with my hair? No, that’s it. Just the Prince thing.” :D I just love the way he delivers it too hehe.
Zevran is flirting with me already haha. Hey man, Alistair is just right over from you. He can hear you!
Leliana complimented my hair - how sweet. ^_^ Then she told me a weird story about a lady who fastened live birds to her hair, who then pooped all over her. I was like “um okay?” also, poor birds!!
Lol I’ve spent prob half an hour to 45 minutes talking to Al then loading so I could watch them again…
On the way to Redcliffe we got attacked by a bunch of darkspawn dudes, then Wynne went all super saiyan and summoned the demon within her to protect us! These ambush fights are always soooo hard. They totally waste my party. Then I’m left running away trying to get in some spells while I drink a million potions. This game seems a lot harder than ME.
In Redcliffe now. Things that I could do with a higher level and persuasion that couldn’t last time: convince the revered mother to give the knights amulets, convince the elf spy to tell me what he was doing there and join the fight, convince the little boy to tell me what he was doing and give me a sword, convince Dwyn to join the fight without having to give him 1 gold, convince the tavern guy to join the fight (kinda hope he dies so the girl can take over the tavern haha).
I also bought the men in the pub free drinks. That bastard tavern owner wouldn’t give them free drinks.
With the little boy sword thing, I promised I would give them money or talk to the Sister about it. She wants 5 gold what the? Don’t have a ton of money really. Will see what happens after the fight.
I like how Ser Perth talks. Very polite and eloquent. Also he is handsome.
When I gave Ser Perth the amulets, Leliana disapproved by 5. So I loaded and changed her for Morrigan. No lost points. :D
Going to try the battle now...
Can I just say how much I HATE this fight! It’s so hard to keep everyone alive. They’re all running around like headless chooks. Too much to look at and focus on! I don’t think I’m going to be able to save all of them :/ or even that many of them. Maybe if I just try to keep Ser Perth alive, cause I like him. From what I read online it’s pretty hard for first time players to do. It sucks though cause I always tried to save everyone in these types of situations.
Tried again, heaps of them died AGAIN. So I loaded… AGAIN! I hate this fucking mission!
Did the first part and more survived. Think I’ll go with that and see how I do. Two Knights died, like the npc Knights. Survivors: Dwyn and his thugs, Ser Perth, the Elve spy, and two knights.
Doing the second part now. Okay so they all got totally annihilated! Oops. Time to load again. :D
Have loaded 4 times now… aaaaarrggggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
Maker’s breath! I realised one of my spells was contributing to them dying so quick. Yikes!
So the second half was annoying but I managed to have Murdoch and Tomas live. Plus a few random militia men. I cant even remember who Tomas is. So yeah I cant be bothered trying to do it better lol. Oh yeah Tomas was the first guy I met. Well good then.
Also that gross idiot tavern guy died so wooo! He was icky!
I decided to give 5 gold to Bella so she can start a new life. In return she just had to promise not to go back into the same situation. Aww she was cute and I’m glad I could help her. So who’s going to run the tavern now? lol
I gave the sword back to the kid and his sister (forgot their names), so now they’re going to try to sell the sword to start a new life. Okay I need to confess. I did that on purpose cause I didn’t want her to marry Teagan Guerrin cause I find him attractive… ahaha. For real! We had some nice flirting ;) Why do I want to romance everyone in this game? Also I wanted the boy to become an adventurer. That’s one spoiler I found out. I think cause I wasn’t sure whether to give her 5 gold.
I spoke to Alistair about the grey wardens. He told me about a guy with a big fuzzy beard who could drink everyone under the table haha. Was funny. Then Alistair was sad thinking of Duncan. Awww, poor Al. I miss Duncan. He was so cool and handsome. Had a larger than life presence. I hope I can find something of his to give to Alistair to ease his mind. I just want to give him lots of hugs!
I’m glad Dwyn survived cause he cracks me up!
Did a few little side quests. One was quite interesting. The trickster demon I summoned in the Mage Tower somehow escaped and was causing havoc. I killed him :D Another one I found lots of dead guys. Then tons of wolves attacked us, and a giant bear. The bear was carrying chainmail armour lol. It’s the in thing for bears, don’t ya know.
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fen--harel · 8 years
zevran: 3; alistair: 2, 4; wynne: 1, leliana: 1; sten: 1, 2, 5; oghren: 3, 4; morrigan: 2, 3, 5; loghain: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; dog: 1
I love you Liz
Zevran:3. What did your Warden know of the Crows before meeting Zevran? What did they think of the Crows afterward?
Ailonwy didn’t know much about the Antivan Crows prior to meeting Zevran. She just knew them from some stories her mother had told her when she was little and she simply knew them as “assassins from Antiva”. After meeting Zevran she doesn’t like the crows, she thinks their organization of professional assassins are cool but uhm, Zevran and she are a thing, so can you guys go away ?? She did Ignacio’s tasks though
Alistair:2. Did Alistair’s parentage surprise your Warden? How did your Warden’s feelings on the nobility affect their relationship with Alistair?
It didn’t surprise her, when he told her he was the King’s bastard son, I mean see didn’t see it coming but neither did it really affect her. She simply replied “I can’t believe you’re a huge royal pain in the ass,” and the two both laughed about it but she never continued to bring it up in case it was a sensitive topic for him. 
4. How did your Warden respond to Alistair’s dislike of Loghain? Did they share Alistair’s sentiments or disagree?
She definitely knew where Alistair was coming from, she had huge respect for Duncan and considered him her like, shem Uncle, and she barely knew Cailan but she thought he was a nice fellow but she didn’t know much about his ruling expertise. Everytime he would bad mouth Loghain she would sit and listen and nod but never give her input. Her mother told her many stories of the Hero of River Dane so she actually grew up admiring the man and was very pleased when she was finally able to meet him. Instead of automatically thinking of Loghain as a traitor she instead tried to think of reasons why he would leave Ostagar.
Wynne:1. What did your Warden think of Wynne’s views on the Circle? Did they have different experiences regarding the Circle?
Ailonwy doesn’t agree with Wynne’s views on the Circle, she believes that the mages should be free but this is coming from being separated from her cousins who are mages. 
Leliana:1. What was your Warden’s position on the Chantry? Were they wary of Leliana due to their religious beliefs or lack thereof?
It’s funny because Ailonwy uses Andrastian curses like “oh Maker” but because her mother was Dalish she was taught to believe in Elven Gods and despite growing up in the mages. She wasn’t wary of Leliana though it didn’t matter to her that Leliana was like “THE MAKER SENT ME !” Ailonwy’s first thought was “Yes ! Another person to do camp chores !”
Sten:1. Had your Warden ever met a Qunari before Sten? What did they expect?
She hadn’t met a Qunari before Sten and her first reaction was like “MAKER YOU’RE TALL ?!!!” she had heard about Qunari before but seeing one for the first time was a bit shocking but then she got over it and was like “JOIN ME ON MY QUEST !
2. What did your Warden think of Sten’s beliefs that people’s roles are determined at birth? Did they agree?
She thought that as very interesting but definitely not something for her, after hearing all the tales her mother told her about being a bard it became something that she wanted to do. Growing up in the Alienage had been good but she got to the point where she didn’t want to be there anymore and that feeling intensified when her mother passed. She wanted to go out and see the world, hell, see the rest of Ferelden and she resigned herself that she would be stuck in the Alienage forever when her father had arranged her marriage. She felt bad that in Qunari culture they couldn’t decide their own roles but she didn’t mention her opinion
5. Was your Warden amused by Sten’s love of cookies? 
SHE WAS VERY AMUSED WITH STEN’S LOVE OF COOKIES !! Every time they stopped at a town they would check the bakeries to see if they had some and she would buy a good amount to last them until the next town. Whenever they had watch shifts together they would sit and eat cookies in comfortable silence
Oghren:3. What was the fate of Branka? If she was killed, was your Warden regretful? How did they act around Oghren afterwards?
Branka died, Ailonwy sided with Caridin and refused to let anyone else use the anvil. Ailonwy didn’t feel any regret - well, okay maybe a little but she barely knew Oghren and she sure as hell didn’t know Branka so it wasn’t like a hard choice for her to kill Branka so the anvil wouldn’t be used. She apologized but it was def along the lines of “sorry ur wife didn’t make good choices :l”  but then she continued with “you deserve better !!!!” so LOL
4. What was the relationship between your Warden and Oghren? Were they friendly or merely reluctant companions?
THEY’RE LIKE TIGHT BFFLS !! Her, Oghren, and Zevran are basically the trio of bad inappropriate lewd jokes and everyone else hardcore hates them for it because one of them will make a joke and the other two will go off on it and it’ll continue for like ten minutes and Maker save whomever becomes the unlucky butt of their jokes it’s Loghain
Morrigan:2. Did your Warden agree to help Morrigan kill Flemeth? Why or why not?
Of course !! As much as Morrigan doesn’t want to admit it, she and Ailonwy are friends and the moment Morrigan was like “I need you to-” she was basically already on it like she was actually already in the Korcari Wilds fighting Flemeth
3. How close was your Warden to Morrigan? Did your Warden respect her abilities as a witch of the wilds?
They were close !! Ailonwy considered her one of her close friends and despite Morrigan’s initial cold attitude it didn’t deter Ailonwy from wanting to be her friend. She was really impressed by how powerful and how much Morrigan knew and thought it was really amazing that she was able to live and thrive in the Korcari Wilds all her life because Ailonwy’s one trek through it was awful
5. Was Morrigan’s ritual completed? What persuaded your Warden to go through with it or what caused them to refuse it?
She was really surprised when Morrigan asked her to go talk to Loghain to help save them
“I didn’t know sleeping with Loghain was such a big trend now ?”“What?”“What?” 
She told Ailonwy that she and Loghain had to sleep together and produce a child and Ailonwy basically asked her if she could be the one and when Morrigan told her no with a look of disgust Ailonwy sighed and agreed to ask him. It was definitely the better alternative to either her or Loghain dying but she had even decided beforehand that if Riordan were to fail she was going to take the final blow ((she was gonna fight Riordan for the rights to the final blow and Riordan was basically like HUSH U FREAKIN ELF IM DOING IT LOL))
Loghain 1. Did your Warden respect Loghain’s experience as a warrior, if not as a ruler?
She respected Loghain’s experience as freaking everything LOL because her mother idolized him so much she ended up idolizing him as well and completely respected his skills on the battlefield (in court thoughhhhhhh ehhhhhh maybe he could use some help in that aspect LOL)
2. How did your Warden react to Loghain’s fierce love for his daughter? Did they share a strong sense of loyalty to their own family?
She thought it was very endearing !! Especially because at first glance Loghain definitely doesn’t seem like the good fatherly type so seeing and hearing him care so much about Anora was really cute. She also has so much love for her own family and it’s nice seeing someone else with the same values
3. What did your Warden think of Loghain’s suspicion and dislike of Orlesians? Did they consider it to be ill-founded or accurate?
She definitely knew where Loghain was coming from and she didn’t blame him, but also she was like @Loghain you wont even let me get nice Orlesian tents for us stop this it’s been like 30 years bruh FERELDEN’S NICE AND ALL BUT IT AINT GONNA SHELTER US FROM THE RAIN ((and Loghain would def rather sleep in the rain than under the cover of an Orlesian tent)) 
4. What was your Warden’s opinion on Loghain’s decision to abandon King Cailan and the Grey Wardens at Ostagar? What did they think of Loghain afterwards?
Ailonwy didn’t really know Cailan or how he ruled so she wasn’t too too upset about his death. She did however, think that he deserved a better fate than to be strung up by the darkspawn at Ostagar and ignored the complaints of Loghain, Morrigan, and Zevran who all pretty much agreed to just toss his body over the bridge. As I mentioned earlier she tried thinking of reasons why Loghain would abandon them and there was times where she was really upset about it. However, when she confronted him about it he did really make a good point about how was it truly his fault just because he survived and Cailan didn’t and Loghain did tell Cailan to not charge in the front with the Grey Wardens and even if the army stayed behind it wasn’t guaranteed that they would have succeeded and then she responded with “but…I trusted you, we trusted you” “Well that was your own fault” “>:(” but then she drops it because if she kept that grudge it would have taken them nowhere
5. Did Loghain survive the Landsmeet? If he did, why did your Warden choose to let him live?
He did !! Ailonwy was about to kill him but then Rior“Change of Plans”dan decided to cut in and ruin everything. When he suggested to make Loghain a Grey Warden she did think that was a pretty good idea and she knew how useful he would be in battle so she agreed 
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