jianqies · 2 years
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who-escaped · 1 year
20221211 张昕 Zhang Xin's Birthday Message to 许杨玉琢 XYYZ
ZX: Alright, I’ll start. [Audience makes noise] No, no no, it’s just-
XYYZ: Don’t have expectations. [ZX: right] She’s not good at writing letters, don’t expect too much. You’re putting a lot of pressure on her
TO Yangjie: I don’t need to think about it to know that your birthday stage definitely is amazing today. Although I kept falling sick during this period of time, I watched you constantly run around, planning for your stage from March to July, all the way until December when you finally managed to have this birthday stage.
As I write this letter, it is night time and I’m listening to music. There’s a lot I want to say but I don’t know where to start, there’s too much to say. Even though I’m still that me who doesn’t say a lot, spending the past eight years with you, we’ve been through too much. In the face of rumors and gossip, we have bravely been ourselves. Every time we’re exhausted from doing so, we hug each other and cry together, talking from night time until the sun rises. I don’t know when I slowly began to understand you better [T/N1] (ZX: I’m a bit nervous, a bit nervous). At times, without even speaking, our eyes meet and I know everything that you’re thinking. For many things, you pretend to be strong. You don’t talk about it, even if you’re actually affected by it. If you’re misunderstood, you’ll keep thinking about what you should do. So, knowing what you care about, I think that you are careless and a little stubborn at times, but you still care in your heart. (XYYZ: Stubborn? You are the more stubborn one! ZX: No, Libras are all quite stubborn, just that you… I may be more stubborn but you are more stubborn on the surface. It’s that- [Audience laughs] [T/N2] You’re thinking too much! I just meant that she is from the first half of Libra while I’m from the second half. So, I am relatively- Don’t laugh! I’m more of a Libra while she’s more like the earlier one. Therefore- Don’t laugh! XYYZ: The earlier what? Speak clearly. The earlier zodiac? ZX: Yes, the earlier zodiac. Let’s not talk about this anymore. The more I say, the stranger it gets.)
But you still care in your heart [T/N3]. It’s like how I rarely see you cry. Once, when you were running a high fever, I went out and wandered around outside. Only when I returned did I realize how high your fever was. At that time, you were lying in bed and crying. I felt horrible that I hadn’t been by your side. You are really someone who constantly needs friends to accompany them. You can’t go out alone or stay at home alone. Ever since that incident, I told myself: If you are ever alone, I will do anything to be by your side. (XYYZ: Alright then, you won’t go out to play sports? ZX: Ah, wait a minute, wait a minute. DM: Don’t worry, we’ll accompany her when ZX exercises. ZX: Just like Ah Meng said that she keeps wanting to come over, she actually can. Then, if I go out to exercise, Ah Meng can accompany her, just like how Ah Meng is wearing my clothes now. XYYZ: She said- GS: Which fanfic is this? ZX: No it’s, Ah Meng, Ah Meng- What did you say? DM: What fanfic are you talking about? GS: Wan Wan Lei Qing [T/N4] XYYZ: Do you think I don’t have eyes? Do you think I couldn’t see? ZX: It’s not that, it’s like that picture of us hanging over our bed. NYP: Hanging over whose bed? ZX: Just, our bed… bed bed… NYP: Your shared bed? ZX: Yes, yes yes yes yes yes.)
This year, we (ZX: Wait a minute, let me read this first. Didn’t you say you were going to cry? Why do I feel that you keep laughing? It’s all your fault! [T/N5] XYYZ: To be honest, I’m already not in the mood because of you. Thank you. ZX: Am I that funny? XYYZ: Thank you, one-eyed. [T/N6] ZX: Ah, save me. When I was writing this letter, I actually thought that I was being quite emotional. I may have deluded myself. XYYZ: Don’t laugh when you speak, be a little more serious. ZX: Okay) This year, we experienced a lot of mixed feelings. After Chinese New Year, we went into lockdown and felt anxious everyday. (XYYZ: Actually, only you were anxious. You would stand by the desk like this. Then, when you listened to music, you would suddenly cry. Then, I said: ZX look at this. [T/N7] ZX: Why am I being laughed at again? I want to say, I felt that you were actually quite happy at that time because you were playing games everyday. While I was crying everyday, I would hear her saying: charge, charge! Hit him, hit him! Maybe I was too self-absorbed at that time.)
Later on was Best Partners. Initially, we just wanted more opportunities to perform but then things didn’t go so smoothly. Just like that song we wrote, we wanted a perfect beginning but suddenly it did not go as planned. At that time, we were both more emo but our personalities make it such that both of us like to communicate in our own way. In a blink of an eye, it’s already the end of the year. This year, we have really experienced a lot, we’ve seen a lot but I’m still me and you’re still you. No matter how our relationship may change in the future, you will still be the person who knows me the best, the only person who is able to find me when I am most upset, when I am unhappy, when I disappear. You are somebody that I cannot lack in my life, Xu-Yang Yuzhuo. 
T/N1: ZX mispronounces a word
T/N2: The word she's using for "stubborn" literally means "mouth is hard" and the audience keeps reacting to ZX talking about XYYZ's mouth
T/N3: ZX repeats herself, same line as what she said before the above section in brackets
T/N4: Reference to a drama
T/N5: Said to the audience
T/N6: ZX is wearing an eyepatch during this
T/N7: XYYZ proceeds to mimic ZX
ZX: Alright, I’m done reading
XYYZ: To be honest, I think that this is the best letter she’s ever written
ZX: You know, when I was writing this letter, I just happened to be listening to <In This Noisy Word> [T/N8]. I looped this song as I started writing and managed to finish the letter. 
XYYZ: During the time where I was constantly rehearsing, I saw that she was always doing sports so I was really upset! The topic we talked about was where we wanted to go, what we wanted to do today and she said to me, “Hey, let’s play football tomorrow. It’ll be fun.” I said, “I already played during the sports meet.” But she kept inviting me, even though I didn’t want to go. I hope that you can accompany me to do what I want to do next time.
ZX: Right, just like I said, you accompany me to play football and I’ll accompany you to dance.
XYYZ: But I don’t want to play football with you!!!
ZX: We can do a different sport, we can surf
XYYZ: That’s too dangerous! If other people knock into you, you’ll go flying
ZX: That’s true, that day I…
XYYZ: If you don’t believe me, ask DM!
DM: Huh? What happened?
XYYZ: We’re talking about football, tell her that it’s dangerous
DM: Just like this, I was sent flying
ZX: That’s true, the other day when I was playing at night, I was really sent flying
XYYZ: That’s right, so I’m normally very worried about your safety. Just return healthy and safe.
ZX: It’s okay, it seems that we have already decided that we will play together when everything ends, then we will return to Guangzhou. We also plan to go abroad during January to play.
[XYYZ has no response]
ZX: You agreed!
XYYZ: Don’t just say anything. What if we don’t go and others ask me why we didn’t go?
ZX: I said that I asked her if she wanted to go with me and she agreed saying that she wants to go
XYYZ: I want to go, I also want to have a trip with everyone because of the previous team building
ZX: No worries, we can replan. At that time, we said that we wanted to plan to go to Macau for team building.
XYYZ: It doesn’t matter, we can play Honor of Kings [T/N9] next time.
ZX: After being busy today, we can be happy tomorrow
XYYZ: Yeah! It’s your miserable day, jiayou jiayou!
T/N8: A song by ZX and XYYZ
T/N9: An online game
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danmeiarchive · 9 months
The Disabled Tyrant’s Pet Palm Fish by Xue Shan Fei Hu -- a brief review (VAGUE spoilers under the cut)
Novel length: 156 chapters
My Rating: ♥♥♥♥½ / 5
This novel is a fun silly romp with plenty of face-slapping and courtroom drama. Overall, this is a fun one and while I enjoyed it very much it is perhaps not one for everyone. Our main character is pretty OP and seemingly able to overcome any and all trials with his powers of being a CUTE MAGIC FISH.
Content warnings and some VAGUE SPOILERS in regard to the disability and representation under the cut.
What kind of story is The Disabled Tyrant's Pet Palm Fish?
DTPPF is a transmigration story. So anticipate all sorts of transmigration shenanigans and tropes. It's also a story that is clearly meant for fun and not to be taken seriously. But that doesn't mean that it doesn't have heart -- there were a few times I teared up and cried as I got hit right in the feels. This is also a story with mpreg -- something that I hadn't anticipated just from the title and synopsis.
(If you are worried about the mpreg just know that it is vaguely referenced and kinda handwaved in a 'it just works' way. The novel does not go into the how or physiology. It just happens.)
What about the disability? The tyrant is mute -- and there are some genuine moments of how he struggles with it. There's even a couple moments when he sort of uses his muteness to his advantage. It is an integral part of his character as it has changed how others treat and perceive him. It also affects his life in the imperial palace and his right of inheritance as one of the emperor's sons. It does not feel like an afterthought. That being said please check below the cut to see some more of my thoughts on this matter.
Overall while this story does have a good amount of courtroom intrigue, drama, and backstabbing I'm still left feeling that it's a fairly lighthearted and fluffy story. I think this is mostly due to how seemingly easily and consistently our main character and his love interest are able to solve the problems they run into. It was also terribly endearing as the reader to see the tyrant falling desperately in love and just wanting to tell the main character that he is loved and that he accepts him no matter what kind of creature he is.
Who are the main characters?
Without going into details here's a little bit about our main squad:
Li Yu aka Xiao Yu - the main character of our tale, he is a modern young man transmigrated into a webnovel he had been reading... but as the protagonist's fish! He is tasked with helping the tyrant but how can he help when he is but a small fish? He gets creative and gains some special abilities that allow him to help cause chaos and help the tyrant before eventually he is able to regain his human form for a certain amount of time. (He is referred to as "Xiao Yu" at first by the tyrant as he is a "small fish" (xiao = small, yu = fish.))
Mu Tianchi aka Jing Wang - the protagonist of the novel Li Yu had been reading. His name is Mu Tianchi but is often referred to by his title "Jing Wang" especially at the beginning of the novel. He is said to have been born mute and as such he is not considered as a viable heir to the throne. This does keep him out of some courtroom drama but certainly not all of it. As the other brothers are fighting, scheming, and taking each other out Mu Tianchi does continue to prove to be very capable and difficult to manipulate. He also goes above and beyond when it comes to spoiling both "Xiao Yu" (the fish) and Li Yu (his human form).
Wang Xi - protagonist's eunuch / advisor / assistant / caretaker. He's incredible and deserves so many props. He would do anything to help Mu Tianchi and Li Yu. I don't have much to say about him other than I don't know what Mu Tianchi and Li Yu would have done if Wang Xi had turned against them.
Chu Yanyu - the original love interest of the tyrant in the novel. I won't spoil things but I will say I wanted to yeet this character every time he showed up. Just when you think you've seen the last of him he. keeps. showing. up.
What is the plot of The Disabled Tyrant's Pet Palm Fish?
The plot of The Disabled Tyrant's Pet Palm Fish follows Li Yu's journey on regaining his human form, helping prevent certain events he knows about from the novel, uncovering the conspiracies and mysteries from Mu Tianchi's past, and securing Mu Tianchi's place as crown prince. Meanwhile Mu Tianchi and Li Yu fall in love with each other of course.
Small critiques
I've only read this title once (so far) but unlike Silent Reading and Heaven Official's Blessing, I feel like DTPPF doesn't really have clear arcs in terms of where one book would end and the next would start -- I will be curious to see how Seven Seas splits this one up into volumes.
There are some characters that never get names. This is not the only webnovel I've read where this happens but every time it happens I'm a little disappointed. Like, on one hand it can be hard to keep track of a ton of characters and their names but... it also is just so weird to me whenever a character continues to show up but is only referred to as "the scarred man" or in the case of this novel "the princess of JinJue." She's a pretty great character but she never got a name!
I do hope that when Seven Seas releases their translation that they will include a character list like they have in other books to help keep track of everyone. Because when the emperor's sons are mentioned sometimes it's by their birth order or title and sometimes it's by name. And of course they all have similar names (they even share a generation name -- Mu TianZhao, Mu TianMing, Mu TianChi, Mu TianXiao, etc).
Click 'keep reading' to see more on the disability (VAGUE SPOILERS) and trigger warnings.
Disability representation in the novel
Without going into the HOW and WHY I feel it is important to mention that Mu Tianchi's disability is CURED pretty late in the novel. While I did find the outcome touching (when the main character hears the tyrant's first words and how the tyrant feels upon finally being able to speak) I think that this could be a touchy subject. I think that the novel could have not had the tyrant be cured and I would have enjoyed it just as much. And I imagine that if you're a person with a disability and or chronic illness that is reading a story where a main character struggles with his own -- only to end up magically and conveniently cured of his disability -- that it could be frustrating.
There is also discrimination against Mu Tianchi for his disability -- he isn't considered a viable heir for the throne because he is mute, even if he is the best choice. Also since he has this disability the other characters (and the tyrant himself) worry that his children would also be disabled.
content warnings: there's several times when jokes are made about bestiality (and a couple characters assume that Mu Tianchi's feelings towards his fish are not strictly platonic).
There is also various attempts of harm towards young children that might inherit the throne including poison, kidnapping, and threat of physical harm. Similarly, there are attempts at drugging (with aphrodisiacs, getting someone overly drunk, etc) and dubious consent situations -- (however this does not occur between our main couple). This is done in hopes of earning someone's favor, forcing them to take responsibility, and or moving up in rank and society.
There is also a character that was taken as a concubine (against her will) after her kingdom was defeated in war. All of this seems fairly standard to courtroom drama stories but I figured it would be good to mention. If you've also read this novel and think I've left some cw out let me know and I'll add them to this list.
Another user pointed out that the character of the JinJue princess is 16-- so there's some setting compliant marriages / relationships with folks who are under 18 years old. I would be surprised if she was the only character this applied to but I can't remember others right at this moment.
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mifeng-xiaojie · 4 months
If you get your fish boyfriend pregnant, does he have a human baby in his human form or does he lay eggs everywhere in his fish bowl?
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thaxrodnee · 20 days
The Disabled Tyrant’s Beloved Pet Fish: Canji Baojun De Zhangxin Yu Chong needs a bigger fandom
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expertnuerodiver · 2 months
I finished BAB book 1 and started Yuwu and a new danmei release...
Case File Compendium, BAB, left me in interest to read more from Meatbun. Sense I already read a few chapters of 2ha and learned that Yuwu, in the historical context of the book series, came first, I decided to hold off on 2ha and start Remnants of Filth.
One of my book friends told me that The Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish, or CBDZYC, released in book stores and I got so happy. I have heard about it before, so today I went to get it.
In case you were wondering, that means that this is my book reading list right now.
MDZS book 5
TGCF book 4
Yuwu book 1 (Have book 2 ready)
CBDZYC book 1
I cannot wait for BAB book 2 to release in June. I will post a review of CBDZYC after I read a bit of it.
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So I was checking SevenSeas Danmei's release schedule and noticed an unfamiliar title, so I went to look up the summary.
The Disabled Tyrant’s Beloved Pet Fish After Li Yu stays up all night to read an engrossing webnovel, he finally falls asleep–only to wake up in the world of the novel itself. And not as himself, but as a helpless fish! Shocked and dismayed, Li Yu quickly realizes that he must live in a tank owned by Mu Tianchi, the tyrant of the novel who never speaks. Whatever force brought Li Yu into this world warns him that there’s only one way to become human again: to win over the cold Mu Tianchi and change his harsh ways. But Li Yu has no idea how to do that, especially as a powerless, palm-sized carp. Can a little fish really swim its way into a tyrant’s heart?
I'm intrigued, or rather, I wanna read it right now immediately. The schedule puts the release date in April 2024* 👀🐟
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unforth · 2 months
Danmei and Baihe C Novels and Manhua Officially Licensed in English
Things are getting licensed fast enough that keeping a list like this up-to-date is basically impossible, but I saw someone asking in the tags so I figured I'd try. All titles are danmei unless otherwise noted (very little baihe is licensed so far). I've included Chinese titles and linked novelupdates for each title when I was able to find them, but sometimes publishers change the original titles so much that I can't track them down, apologies.
Basically: this is everything I know of as of May 7, 2024. There might be more. I tried.
For the latest danmei news, Danmeinews.com is a great resources.
Note that some of this information was sourced from this Carrd, last updated in March 2023.
There is a list of danmei with official licenses on NovelUpdates, and a similar list on Goodreads. Both look fairly up to date to me. Here's another danmei-specific list on Reddit that to my eye looks accurate for the larger publishers but isn't thorough for some of the smaller ones.
Seven Seas:
The full list of danmei novels licensed by Seven Seas is here. The full list of danmei manhua licensed by Seven Seas is here.
These titles are in various stages of publication, from "entire series released" to "license literally announced less than a week ago." As far as I know, all Seven Seas titles are available world-wide, through major distributors and libraries, and in e-book and print formats.
Mo Xiang Tong Xiu titles:
The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong).
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (Mo Dao Zu Shi)
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (Mo Dao Zu Shi) manhua
Heaven Official's Blessing (Tian Guan Ci Fu)
Meatbun Doesn't Eat Meat titles:
Case File Compendium (Bing an Ben)
The Husky and His White Cat Shizun (Erha he Ta de Bai Mao Shizun)
Remnants of Filth (Yuwu)
Meng Xi Shi titles:
Thousand Autumns (Qian Qiu)
Peerless (Wushuang)
priest titles:
Guardian (Zhenhun)
Stars of Chaos (Sha Po Lang)
Other titles:
Ballad of Sword and Wine (Qiang Jin Jiu) by Tang Jiuqing
I Ship My Rival x Me (Wo Kele Duijia x Wo de CP) manhua by PEPA
Run Wild (Saye) by Wu Zhe
The Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish (Canji Baojun de Zhangxin Yu Chong) by Xue Shan Fei Hu
You've Got Mail: The Perils of Pigeon Post (Fei Ge Jiao You Xu Jin Shen) by Blackegg
Rosmei licenses are Singapore distribution rights only. There is a list of international partners organizing group orders here. I've personally placed my orders through Yiggybean, as discussed in reply to this ask.
These titles are only being released as print editions.
Eta: titles that weren't originally on JJWXC (of which there are several here) WILL have e-book editions.
Ning Yuan titles:
BAIHE: At the World's Mercy by Ning Yuan
BAIHE (I think???) The Creator's Grace by Ning Yuan
priest titles:
Coins of Destiny (Liu Yao)
The Defectives (Can Ci Pin)
Drowning Sorrows in Raging Fire (Lie Huo Jiao Chou)
Other titles:
Albert from Earth by Jie Mo Jun
The Bat (Bian Fu) by Feng Nong
Breaking Through the Clouds (Po Yun) by Huai Shang
Don't You Like Me (Ni Shi Bushi Xihuan Wo) by Lv Tian Yi
The Earth is Online (Diqiu Shangxian) by Mo Chen Huan
Everyone Loves the Cannon Fodder (Chuan Cheng Wan Ren Mi de Paohui Zhuma) by Qie Zai Shan Yang
Global Examination (Qianqiu Gao Kao) by Mu Su Li
Gold Class Enforcers (Jinpai Dashou) by Pao Pao Xue Er
How to Survive as a Villain (Chuanyue Cheng Fanpai Yao Ruhe Huming) by Yi Yi Yi Yi
Kaleidoscope of Death (Siwang Wanhuatong) by Xi Zi Xu
The Killer of Killers (Sha Qing) by Wu Yi
Nan Chan by Tang Jiuqing
Obsessed (Ki Ma) by Wu Chen Shui
Wine and Gun (Jiu yu Qiang) by Mengye Mengye
Wow, You Guys are Really Good at Gaming (Nimen Nansheng Da Youxi Hao Lihai O~) by Yi Xiu Luo
Peach Flower House:
Peach Flower House titles are primarily for sale through their website and through some distributors, such as Amazon.com. Whether titles are e-book only, print only, or both varies by title.
Da Feng Gua Guo:
The Imperial Uncle (Huang Shu)
Peach Blossom Debt (Taohua Zhai)
Other Titles:
Golden Terrace (Huang Jin Tai) by Cang Wu Bin Bai
In the Dark (Zai Hei An Zhong) by Jin Shisi Chai
Little Mushroom (Xiao Mogu) by Shisi
University of the Underworld by Ziloi
Via Lactea:
The full list of danmei novels licensed by Via Lactea is here.
Via Lactea titles are primarily for sale through their website and through some distributors, such as Amazon.com. All titles are either print-only or e-book + print. Only a handful have actually been released, the rest are licensed and presumably in progress.
Jing Shui Bian titles:
Salad Days (Jing Jiu)
Silent Hearts (Mo Mai)
Other Titles:
Dawning (Liming Zhihou) by ICE
Euthanasia by Feng Su Jun
Falling (Luo Chi) by Yu Cheng
Psycho (Feng Zi) by Xiao Yao Zi
Limerence (Wo Xichen Ni Nan Pengyou Henjiule) by Jiang Zi Bei
Lip and Sword (Chun Qiang) by Jin Shisi Chai
The Missing Piece (Maoheshenli) by Kun Yi Wei Lou
Raising Myself in 2006 by Qing Lv
Rose and Renaissance (Wo Zhi Xihuan Ni de Renshe [Yule Quan]) by Zhi Chu
Killing Show (Sha Lu Xiu) by Fox
Soul Vibration (Linghun Saodong) by Dr.solo
To Rule in a Turbulent World (Luan Shi Wei Wang) by Gu Xuerou
Monogatari Novels:
It is unclear to me if Monogatari Novel titles are available for world-wide distribution, but there are group orders being organized or I think they can be ordered directly from their webpage; they are based in Spain. These titles can also be ordered from at least some major retailers. Note that there has been some controversy about Monogatari Novels.
BAIHE: A Clear and Muddy Loss of Love (Jing Wei Qing Shang) by Please Don't Laugh
BAIHE: Female General and Eldest Princess (NuJiangjun he Zhang Gongzhu) by Please Don't Laugh
How to Survive as a Villain (Chuan Yue Cheng Fanpai Yao Ru He Huo Ming) manhua by Yi Yi Yi Yi
The Legendary Master's Wife (Chuanshuo Zhi Zhu de Furen) by Yin Ya
The Silent Concubine (Ya Nu) by Qiang Tang
BAIHE: Soulmate manhua by Wenzhi Lizi
Aloha Comics:
A tiny, Hawaii-based press focusing on manhua. Titles appear to primarily be available through Diamond Comics. There are also pre-orders on Yiggybean. All of these are pre-orders, though the earliest are coming out by the end of April 2024 (about two weeks after when I'm posting this).
All these titles are manhua!
Day Off by Qing Cai
Here U Are by DJUN
Link Click by Li Haoling and Haoliners (not technically danmei!)
Nirvana in Fire (Lang Ya Bang) by Hai Yan (not technically danmei!)
As far as I can tell, Chaleuria has not updated their webpage since April 2023, so the current status of in-progress titles is unknown. All titles are digital and/or e-book, and I'm not sure how to purchase them as I haven't tried.
Complete Guide to the Use and Care of a Personal Assistant (Zhuli Shiyong Zhinan) by Why Radiance
Deep in the Act (Ru Xi) by Tongzi
Fake Slackers (Wei Zhuang Xue Zha) by Mu Gua Huang (no longer available)
From Body to Love (Leng Yan E Nan: Xian Shenhou Ai) by Wan Wan Yi Xia
Interstellar Power Couple (Xingji Qiangli Lianyin) by Kun Cheng Xiongmao (no longer available)
Intoxicated Friends (Zui Qing Zhi Pengyou) by Ye Shu Ying
The Long Chase for the President's Spouse (Zongcai Zhui Fu Lu Manman) by Three Thousand Crow Language
Reborn into a Hamster for 233 Days (Chong Shengcheng Cangshu de 233 Tian) by Yi Shu
Records of the Dragon Follower (Cong Long Ji) by Yueren Ge
Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits (Dushi Yaogui Lu) by Qie Er
World Hopping: Avenge Our Love (Ni Wufa Yuliao de Fenshou, Wo Du Neng Gei Ni Song Shang) by Xiaomao Bu Ai Jiao (no longer available)
When I first made this list, I heard that Webnovel had a few titles but couldn't actually find them - but now I've found them, thanks to a list someone else put together. I'm including direct links to them, since I had so much trouble finding them at all.
Comrade: Almost a Cat-astrophic Love Story (Jintian ye Yao Nuli Dang Zhimao) by Demonic Fire (link)
My Boyfriend is a Dragon (Nanpiao Shi Tiaolong) by Chubby Strawberry Sauce (link)
The National Sweetheart Livestreamer is a Pro! (Quanmin Zhubo Shi Duiba) by Mo Shang Wang (link)
Honorable Mentions:
There are a handful of titles I know of that are official translations of C Novels, where the C Novels aren't danmei or baihe but are often treated as adjacent within fandom (as in: I've seen people shipping characters from them, lol). I've included two above under the entry for titles from Aloha Comics (Link Click and Nirvana in Fire) and here are a couple others I currently know of:
The Grave Robbers' Chronicles (Daomu Biji) by Nanpai Sanshu (six volumes are available in English from Things Asian Press
The Legend of the Condor Heroes (She Diao Yingxiong Chuan) by Jin Yong from St. Martin's Press
Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Sanguo Yanyi), attributed to Luo Guanzhong, available in multiple translations
The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants (Zonglie Xiayi Chuan), attributed to Shi Yukun, there are two translations to English listed at the linked Wikipedia page
Note that to the best of my knowledge both of these are considered very substandard translations. I've personally read the official DMBJ translations and... yeah... and I've heard the LOCH translation is also mediocre.
I will add to the "Honorable Mentions" list if I find any other more mainstream titles with official translations.
Please don't come at me for including a couple classics. The characters shippable, what can I do? I've written fic for Romance of the Three Kingdoms...
A handful of other licenses are mentioned on the Carrd I linked at the beginning of this post; I have no idea the status of those titles and wasn't able to find information on them while putting together this post other than what was listed on that Carrd, so I've omitted them.
As a final note, I've personally purchased from every printer on this list EXCEPT Monogatari Novels (I'm holding off because of the controversy and will see how things play out) and Chaleuria (which I vaguely knew existed but nothing beyond that).
Seven Seas translation varies but the editing is general strong and the editions are sturdy and nice. Extras that have come with final volumes are lovely. I am buying literally everything they publish except for You've Got Mail, due to information about the author that was shared with me that the author is a transphobe. Note that Kinnporsche by Daemi is not danmei as it's Thai (and I've heard unsavory things about the author - I don't have a link for that as the information was shared with me on Discord, and I encourage you to do your own research rather than taking my word for it). No judgement if you make a different choice than me, to be clear, I'm just sharing the information I have and why I personally am not buying the books). Note that Seven Seas isn't without controversy, especially for treating their contractors poorly resulting in them unionizing. Some people have also been unhappy with the fidelity of their translations compared to the original Chinese (I've been satisfied personally but ymmv).
Peach Flower House has inconsistent inconsistent editing quality, but the books are very readable, and I'm excited that they're working with translators such as E. Danglars. I haven't bought any of their special editions so can't speak to their extras, but I've bought all their print translations and will continue to do so going forward.
I just got my first title from Via Lactea last week and finished reading it on Sunday, and the translation read very well and there were minimal errors. It also came with a bundle of cute extras, which I wasn't expecting and pleased, and writing this post has caused me to cave and spend $150 to buy the rest of their books. Thank you, tax refund. (Should I spend this money? No. Did I anyway? ...)
No Rosmei titles have actually shipped yet, so I can't speak to their quality, though the previews they've shared on social media (as outlined here, for example) read decently and I'm optimistic. The cover art is also lovely, and they've been communicative and responsive, for example they've already issued a statement related to a recent controversy over perceived poor marketing for At the World's Mercy.
Tl:dr, the above is absolutely everything I personally know about mlm and wlw Chinese novels and manhua that have been licensed for English publication. I hope it helps someone.
Now go forth, and buy some books!
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mxtx-ships · 2 months
Edit: So I hate slow burns, so getting into danmei WAS HARD!!!! So I'm looking for romance, and I don't mind pining a bit. But most danmei are slow burn with pining, so I don't think I'll ever find a danmei where it's mostly romance. I got into SVSSS cause I really liked the couple and didn't know it was gonna be a slow burn. TGCF I got into cause i saw so many romantic things, HuaLian! Didn't know I was gonna have angst city!!!! I got into MDZS cause I honestly read all of MXTX books so let's just read the last one! I didn't know they were all slow burn or just everyone pining forever😅😅
Another Edit: I don't mind angst! I live for it! I just want a lot of romance!
Last Edit: ok kings and queens and everyone else! I think I will give The Disabled Tyrant’s Beloved Pet Fish, Ballad of Sword and Wine, and maybe The Husky & His White Cat Shizun! I honestly heard a lot about Ballad of Sword and Wine, and I'm liking it! Them getting together early and just doing shit together which I adore! Thank you to everyone!!!!!🩷🩷🩷
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corduroyserpent · 11 months
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Image ID from Seven Seas below 
[IMAGE ID – New Danmei License: The Disabled Tyrant’s Beloved Pet Fish: Canji Baojun De Zhangxin Yu Chong. Novel series by Xue Shan Fei Hu. A fantasy transmigration rom-com about a man transported into the historical world of a webnovel to win over a tyrant…as his palm-sized pet fish! Preorders open soon! Volume 1 available April 2024 (Print/Digital). ISBN 979-8-88843-261-7. sevenseasdanmei.com – END IMAGE ID]
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jianqies · 2 years
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Zhang xin ✨
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lgbtqmanga · 1 month
New Releases April 9, 2024
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Black or White (manga) vol. 8 by Sachimo
When Shin attends a cast party for his latest TV show, the events of the evening get twisted into a scandal involving the leading lady. Fortunately, the matter is settled without much damage to his reputation - but not before those around Shin realize that someone is pulling the strings as a means to trap him. Just then, Shin finds out that his next gig will be his dream project... finally costarring with his boyfriend Shige! But is this dream project a little too good to be true?
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Crossplay Love: Otaku × Punk (manga) vol. 8 by Toru
When two guys who hate each other are also two girls forming a close friendship, wires are bound to get crossed! After the manager of Café Roman is injured in an accident, his crossdressing friend Shizuku is recruited to help keep the shop afloat. Hana takes the utmost care not to out Shizuku’s real identity, but it might already be too late for that…?
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The Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish: Canji Baojun De Zhangxin Yu Chong (novel) vol. 1 by Xue Shan Fei Hu
After Li Yu stays up all night to read an engrossing webnovel, he finally falls asleep–only to wake up in the world of the novel itself. And not as himself, but as a helpless fish! Shocked and dismayed, Li Yu quickly realizes that he must live in a tank owned by Mu Tianchi, the tyrant of the novel who never speaks. Whatever force brought Li Yu into this world warns him that there’s only one way to become human again: to win over the cold Mu Tianchi and change his harsh ways. But Li Yu has no idea how to do that, especially as a powerless, palm-sized carp. Can a little fish really swim its way into a tyrant’s heart?
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Engage (manga) vol. 1 by Yuu Minaduki
When a young chef confesses his love to a mysterious and attractive older stranger, he’s drawn into a deep web of intrigue and buried family history that could threaten his attraction to the only man he’s ever loved.
The highlight of chef Mei Suzumori’s year is the Tanabata Festival - the one day a year when a pair of mythical lovers reunites. For Mei, it’s the day that a mysterious handsome stranger visits his adopted family’s restaurant to buy tasty seasonal taiyaki. Unable to hold his feelings for the attractive stranger back any longer, Mei professes his love - and finds he’s linked to the enigmatic Naru by a bond much deeper and more complicated than he ever imagined.
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I Married My Female Friend (manga) vol. 2 by Shio Usui
After Ruriko’s hospitalization, Ruriko and Kurumi’s connection seems to be deepening. But that doesn’t make them immune to the odd argument! Can they work through the knots that come with tying the knot?
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I'm in Love with the Villainess: She's so Cheeky for a Commoner (novel) vol. 2 by Inori, with illustrations by Hanagata
In the wake of Lene's exile, aristocratic Claire François grapples with her feelings for her vexing commoner classmate, Rae Taylor. Her tangled emotions aren't helped by her childhood friend, the dashing Princess Manaria, suddenly reentering her life--or by a visit to Rae's hometown. Continue to revisit the events of I'm In Love With the Villainess from Claire's perspective in this second volume of the spin-off, including some brand-new glimpses into parts of the story never told before!
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cloudxins · 2 years
zero 20 (03 line) any prons nb ace lesbianㅤ
i mainly talk abt chn48 + woso
i also repost artworks i like
↻chn48 oshilist: jiangshan zhangxin hu xiaohui yang yuanyuan
↻animanga: jjba dragon ball hanako-kun mob psycho 100 digimon gantz
↻videogames: assassins creed mario bros yakuza fall guys tloz super smash brosㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
↻football teams: basque teams arsenal wfc OL féminin sl benfica (+ barça femení enthusiast)
esp/eng/eus ok! + learning ger and rus
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xcziel · 2 months
tuesday new release news (after a lapse lol)
first and formost for those on this site:
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the disabled tyrant's beloved pet fish vol. 1 (canji baojun de zhangxin yu chong) by xue shan fei hue - the first canonical mpreg of seven seas' english translated danmei i believe!
john sandford's toxic prey (imagine if he took his titles in a new millenium direction: cancelled prey, deplatformed prey, woke prey, etc)
leigh bardugo's fantasy standalone (for now): the familiar (solid black sprayed edges)
hannah whitten's second book in the nightshade crown series: hemlock queen
elsie silver romance: wild love
how to end a love story by yulin kuang - who is evidently the screenwriter for the movie adaptation of lisa henry's happy place
hampton sides' new book about the last expedition of captain james cook: the wide wide sea
close to death - book five of the hawthorne and horowitz mysteries by anthony horowitz
aaaand the secret lives of booksellers and librarians (by matt eversmann and He Who Shall Not Be Named) is out now and on the bestsellers list - i haven't had time to scan it yet , so the jury's still out - for now
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voca-song-a-day · 2 years
Today’s featured song is: “Scarlet Ball” by Zhangxin feat. Luo Tianyi! (warning: video contains epileptic content)
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mia-japanese-korean · 3 years
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Lilies and Roses, Zhang Xin, 1815, Minneapolis Institute of Art: Japanese and Korean Art
amidst a grassy and rocky bank, at the left side, grows blossoming lilies, roses, chrysanthemums and other small plants Size: 50 3/8 x 12 in. (127.95 x 30.48 cm) (image) Medium: Hanging scroll; ink and color on coarse silk
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