exsecutorem · 9 years
(OOC) You're not the only one having that trouble. One of my other followers mentioned a similar problem. Dunno what's causing it, though, but at least it's not your computer.
((It’s been appearing all over the dash. Hopefully it will get fixed somehow. :c ))
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(OOC) I'd love to see a Heavy like that in the RPing community. I haven't seen many Heavies in general, and this is the first one that I've seen that's willing to use violence more often than the 'last resort'. If you're not keen on making a blog for the character, then you have two options that you can consider: make a side blog, or do what I did and have two characters for one blog. There's pros and cons to each, so think about it. Ultimately, it's up to you.
((Sideblogs drive me up the wall. If I make him, I make his own blog, he just might not be as an active of a character as Percy or Jack. I have some trouble keeping up with both my boys as it is. I’ll think about making him this weekend. I don’t really have much of a background for him yet like Percy and Jack do so I dunno. He might just stay an idea.))
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holdtightheavy · 9 years
"Tell mich" (Konrad)
If you snuck into my room I would:
[x] Go back to sleep
[] Kick you out
[] Cuddle with you
[x] Be like “How in the world?”
[x] Let you sleep on the floor
[] Become angry
If you kissed me (or hugged, depending upon character/gender) I would:
[x] Kiss or hug you back
[x] Smile and laugh
[] Stiffen, and feel uncomfortable
[] Push you away
[] Be shocked
[] Strike you
If you asked me to go out with you for a day I would say:
[] No
[x] Yes, in a platonic way
[] Most certainly not.
[] Without hesitation.
You are:
[x] Cute
[x] Adorable
[] Attractive
[] Beautiful
[] Okay
[] Ugly
[] Am not going to grace this with an answer
You are to me a:[] Stranger[x] Acquaintance[] Ally[x] Friend [] Love[] Rival [] EnemyI find you to be:[] Pathetic[] Off no consequence[] Intriguing [] Frightening [] Unsettling [] Annoying [] Infuriating [x] Pleasant company[] Comforting []  Unable to be lived without [] Trustworthy
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americanwaters · 9 years
*Writes a letter and impales it on a rusty nail in the sewers, hopes the occupant finds it* Herr or Frau - I haff realized through some mistakes zhat some splices live in zhe sewers. I do not vant to intrude if you live here, because some haff tried to kill me, simply because I did not know. Please respond. - Konrad, fellow splice
Zacharie eventually came across the note impaled to the concrete not long after he had caught a measly little fish. Pathetic little thing. Though he scarfs it down without further complaining before picking up the note and reading it. Mumbling to himself as he read it partially aloud with a nod here and there of understanding. “…’Please respond.’…” But how? 
Oh, wait! Maybe he could write in his own blood… Except he doesn’t have anything sharp. Hmm. Well there’s his teeth– of course! He facepalms before lifting said palm up to his mouth and biting into it enough to taste blood before taking a finger and dipping it in the blood. Carefully, he smears out the word ‘HELLO, FELLOW SPLICE. I MEAN NO HARM.’ on the back of the note before placing the note on the concrete. He floats there for a while, licking the blood from his hand before descending into the water once more.     
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zehypocriticaloath · 9 years
*Hugs tightly, with two arms and eight tentacles*
“You aren’t—you aren’t Krake.” 
Aldous instantly panics, not knowing what to expect. He’s never seen this hybrid before, or he doesn’t remember meeting them. Most tenta hybrids have, in the past, either wanted to be his friend or devour him.
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*Pokes with tentacle*
He’s fast asleep. His wings twitch slightly with every intake of breath, creating a small buzzing noise as if he were snoring. 
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Icon:  uh no | nice | pretty cute | i’m salivating | LEMME KISS IT
URL:  uh no | nice | pretty cute | i’m salivating | LEMME KISS IT
Theme:  uh no | nice | pretty cute | i’m salivating | LEMME KISS IT
Posts:  uh no | nice | pretty cute | i’m salivating | LEMME KISS IT
Writing:  uh no | nice | pretty cute | i’m salivating | LEMME KISS IT
Following:  sorry no | yes | following this bae forever
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For every “★” I get, I will post a fact about my characters.
Zed is afraid of dogs due to a traumatic incident in his childhood involving a rather large dog attacking him. 
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B+/A -. I love Percy's character! I could imagine him as a real person, and you didn't fall into stereotyping trap because of his gender and sexuality. Your writing is very solid and entertaining, and I'm sucked into your threads. That's great! The only thing I can actually criticize (and it's a very small thing) is your general lack of dialogue tags. With Tumblr, it's very small and not really necessary, but if you ever look into novel writing, dialogue tags are a must. But great job otherwise!
((I am aware that my dialogue tags are anything but pristine, likely because I was taught the wrong thing for the first half of my life. It’s more of a bad habit than anything and I’ve never really bothered to fix it for something that’s just a hobby. Most people don’t seem to mind. I’ve considered novel writing, but I honestly just write more for fun than anything else, my career path going in a very different direction.
I love making characters and developing them and Percy has helped me express my own gender and sexuality more. Percy and I have a lot of differences, but being trans and primarily androsexual myself (though I’m more flexible than him sexuality wise), I guess makes it easier to avoid stereotypes. I just listen to other people’s stories and look at my own experiences for guidance.))
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holdtightheavy · 9 years
9. Does your character dream or are their nights filled with an empty blackness? Describe a dream they’ve had or a night they couldn’t sleep and what they did to preoccupy their time.
*He often dreams, though his memories of them by the morning are usually pretty vague. Sometimes, he has this dream.*
*It starts with the memory of the night Ariel had a heart attack while sleeping next to him. Except when that had happened, Acel had woken up and carried him to the Coldfront medical wing at top speed. His dreaming self rolls back over in his Teufort bed and goes back to sleep. When his dreaming self wakes Ariel is still spasming beside him, but this is just a background fact. Acel gets up and goes about his usual morning routine, getting ready for a battle that will be starting soon. The battle itself is a blur, in the way of dreams, but he comes out of it with the idea that the only Spies he’d seen throughout the entire match, regardless of team color, were already corpses waiting for Respawn. He showers, takes a post-battle drink from a bottle in his locker which, in the waking world, he has thrown away, and returns to his room. Ariel is still on the bed, twitching, but this again goes without striking him as terribly important. The rest of the day and night passes unremarkably, with occasional but regular sips of whiskey but mostly just puttering around, reading a book, trying to do a crossword, flipping through cooking magazines for new recipes to try. Then when he’s tired he goes to bed, sliding in beside Ariel’s improbably prolonged heart attack without comment, and quickly falls asleep.*
*His dreaming self wakes again in the morning, and the dream repeats.*
*And repeats.*
*And repeats.*
*And repeats.*
*And repeats.*
*And repeats.*
*Acel wakes from the dream with a start, covered in a cold sweat. At first he feels frantically around the bed — but it’s not the layers of blankets he’d had at Coldfront, just a thin sheet because at Teufort it takes a while for the base to cool off from the day’s heat, and there’s no one beside him. The single blanket he keeps folded at the end of the bed, because there are some chilly nights even here, is on the floor and that might partly explain why he feels cold down to his bones.*
*There’s no going back to sleep after that. The big man gets up and paces, pauses after intervals of agitated internal back-and-forth to check in seemingly random (but empty) hiding places. This is his first major test since clambering back on the wagon, and holy hell does he wish he’d made it easier to fail right now. Part of him is still half asleep and he keeps checking again and again for whiskey he remembered having just a minute ago while dreaming. It should still be right there! The taste is still on his tongue, the weight of a half empty bottle still familiar to his hand…*
*Feeling disgusted with himself — not for wanting to drink, although that doesn’t exactly inspire any optimism — he pulls on some clothes and leaves his room to look elsewhere in the base.*
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nichtschaden · 9 years
19. What were your character’s deepest disillusions? In life? What are they now?
Probably that once he got his degree, his job and a family, life would finally be perfect. That job wasn’t supposed to be with the war, and his dad is now taking care of his two boys alone. Another big one is that people don’t change once he has them figured out. When they do something way out of character, or betray him, he has a very difficult time coming back from it.
Now his biggest disillusion is probably that he will be happier once the war is over. Here, he has friends. A support system. A perfect legal way to vent every speck of anger and frustration in his life. When he goes home, his friends won’t be there. He’ll have no means of venting. Not to say he’ll go off the deep end and pull a Dexter, but he definitely won’t be happier. 
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pushspacetocontinue · 9 years
{Meme} "Bruises, Herr Russell?"
Russell jumps a little, startled, on realising that he had been caught applying some careful aid to the bruises he had sustained during the battle.
“Ehehe, yeah, yeah, just a few bruises,” he replied then, with a weak smile, “It’s nothing to get worried about or nothing, ehehe…”
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{Meme} Easy zhere!
[My muse is dizzy and looks ready to pass out. send “Easy there.” For my muses reaction to yours trying to steady them.]
Benny sways a bit on his feet, his eye lids slowly closing over his eyes. He hadn’t gotten much sleep last night, to be completely honest. Matter of fact, he got no sleep. He had been too busy making jars of honey. Stupid spring instincts. 
He teetered on his feet for a moment before he began falling to the ground. 
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zehypocriticaloath · 9 years
Battle intro: “Man versus beast? How quaint and… charming. Show me who zhe real monster is, you or me!”
Victory: “Kehhehh! As I thought. It was a wonderful dance, though.”
Defeat: “Please… w–whatever you do… don’t e–eat me.”
Assist: “You honestly thought I’d let a splice suffer alone? HA! Zhe best part of a battle is fighting in a GROUP!” (decided to do one of him assisting you, since no one really wants to work with Aldo these days LOL save for Alexei)
Taunt: “Is that all you have? Suckers and slime?”
Reacting to Taunt: “…I wait for zhe day people realize that won’t work on me.”
Flee: “Gottverdammt… FICK DICH!”
Reaction to Flee: “Is that it? That’s …IT? You run away, like a coward? COME! FACE ME! FIGHT ME! DEFEAT ME!”
Tie: “…I admit… that was a good battle. Kehheh. …Don’t let that compliment get to your head, hybrid.”
Perfect Victory: “HA. HAAAHA! Ahhhah, oh, yes. Blood. Blood, it’s everywhere, coating everything. It’s perfect. Zhe red, so much RED!”
Finishing Move: “Be thankful. I’m being merciful. You won’t have to suffer as a splice anymore.”
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ametalmerc-blog · 10 years
zheblutentamedic said:
 *Raises hand* /Ich bin ein/! I am only vone year old!
Zhis is surreal. I'm zhe older von.
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