#zhu fenglian
kneedeepincynade · 2 years
Taiwan is part of China and it will always be,and those who wish to create tension and separatism will be crushed by the might of the pla!
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🇨🇳 Ieri, 22 febbraio, Zhu Fenglian - Vice-Direttrice del Dipartimento d'Informazione dell'Ufficio per gli Affari di Taiwan del Consiglio di Stato - ha ribadito l'importanza del Principio dell'Unica Cina, e ha trattato nuovamente il Tema delle Interferenze Statunitensi negli Affari Interni della Cina:
💬 "Esiste una sola Cina al Mondo e Taiwan fa parte della Cina. Ci opponiamo fermamente a qualsiasi forma di scambio ufficiale e militare tra gli USA e la Regione Taiwanese della Cina. Esortiamo gli Stati Uniti a sostenere il Principio dell'Unica Cina e a smettere di utilizzare Taiwan per «contenere» la Cina" ⭐️
💬 "Lo scopo di provocare tensioni nello Stretto di Taiwan è quello di utilizzare la Questione di Taiwan per frenare lo sviluppo e il progresso della Cina, danneggiare i suoi interessi e impedire il Grande Ringiovanimento della Nazione Cinese. Dimostra anche pienamente che i futili tentativi delle autorità del Partito Democratico Progressista (DPP) di fare «affidamento sugli USA per l'indipendenza» danneggeranno solo Taiwan e porteranno disastri ai compatrioti taiwanesi" 🔥
✈️ Con il Viaggio di Michael Chase presso il regime-fantoccio, e la preparazione di un Viaggio di McCarthy - figura anti-Cinese, anti-Comunista e nuovo Presidente della Camera dei Rappresentanti, gli USA dimostrano di voler violare il Principio dell'Unica Cina, che loro stessi hanno firmato nei Tre Comunicati Congiunti Sino-Americani 🧾
🇺🇸 Nel 1972, il Governo USA si impegnò a rispettare il Comunicato di Shanghai, ovvero: "gli USA riconoscono che tutti i cinesi su entrambi i lati dello Stretto di Taiwan sostengono che esiste una sola Cina e che TAIWAN FA PARTE DELLA CINA" ⭐️
🇺🇸 Nel 1979, gli USA - nel secondo comunicato sino-statunitense - affermarono: "gli USA riconoscono il Governo della RPC come l'UNICO GOVERNO LEGALE DELLA CINA" ⭐️
🔍 Per chi volesse approfondire, può rifarsi a questi post del Collettivo Shaoshan:
🔺Interferenze USA negli Affari Interni della Cina - Viaggio di Nancy Pelosi, calpestare lo Stato di Diritto e rinnegare gli impegni passati, farneticazioni pro-separatismo di Mike Pompeo: I, II, III, IV, V, VI 📄
🔺Gli USA hanno riempito di armi il regime-fantoccio di Taiwan: I, II, III, IV 📄
🔺Rapporti tra USA e il regime-fantoccio di Taiwan, cenni storici: I, II, III 📄
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇨🇳 Yesterday, February 22, Zhu Fenglian - Deputy Director of the Information Department of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council - reiterated the importance of the One China Principle, and once again addressed the topic of US Interference in China's Internal Affairs:
💬 "There is only One China in the World and Taiwan is part of China. We strongly oppose any form of official and military exchange between the US and the Taiwan Region of China. We urge the US to uphold the One China Principle and stop to use Taiwan to "contain" China" ⭐️
💬 "The purpose of provoking tensions in the Taiwan Strait is to use the Taiwan Issue to curb China's development and progress, harm its interests, and prevent the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation. It also fully demonstrates that the futile attempts of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authority to "rely on US for independence" will only harm Taiwan and bring disasters to Taiwanese compatriots" 🔥
✈️ With Michael Chase's trip to the puppet regime, and the preparation of a trip by McCarthy - an anti-Chinese, anti-Communist figure and new Speaker of the House of Representatives, the USA demonstrates its willingness to violate the One China Principle , which they themselves signed in the Three Sino-American Joint Communiqués 🧾
🇺🇸 In 1972, the US Government pledged to abide by the Shanghai Communiqué, namely: "The US recognizes that all Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait argue that there is only one China and that TAIWAN IS PART OF CHINA" ⭐️
🇺🇸 In 1979, the US - in the second Sino-US communiqué - stated: "The US recognizes the PRC Government as the ONLY LEGAL GOVERNMENT OF CHINA" ⭐️
🔍 For those who want to learn more, you can refer to these posts from the Shaoshan Collective:
🔺US Interference in China's Internal Affairs - Nancy Pelosi's Journey, Trampling the Rule of Law and Renouncing Past Commitments, Mike Pompeo's Pro-Separatism Ransom: I, II, III, IV, V, VI 📄
🔺US Armed Taiwan Puppet Regime: I, II, III, IV 📄
🔺 Relations between the USA and the puppet regime of Taiwan, historical notes: I, II, III 📄
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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workersolidarity · 10 months
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Speaking at a Press Conference Wednesday, December 13th, the spokeswoman for the Chinese State Council Office for Taiwan Affairs, Zhu Fenglian, warned the U.S. the upcoming election of Taiwan's Chief Executive in January is China's internal affair, and the United States should stop interfering.
Elections for Taiwan's Chief Executive are scheduled for January 13th, 2024.
The current incumbent for the Chief Executive's Office is Tsai Ingwen, who is finishing her second term and is no longer eligible for re-election due to term limits.
"Taiwan's elections are China's internal affairs and interference by outside forces is unacceptable," Zhu Fenglian said.
Fenglian noted that the recent U.S.-China Summit, the United States made commitments to China on the Taiwan issue, with U.S. President Joe Biden clearly stating in front of reporters that he does not support "Taiwan Independence."
"The United States must keep its promises, stop sending false signals to pro-Taiwan independence forces, and stop interfering in Taiwanese elections,” a department spokeswoman said.
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eurekadiario · 1 year
China dice que el objetivo de sus ejercicios cerca de Taiwán es combatir la "arrogancia" de los separatistas
Los recientes ejercicios de China cerca de Taiwán tienen como objetivo combatir la "arrogancia" de las fuerzas separatistas, dijo el gobierno chino el miércoles, después de que Taipei informara de un aumento de la actividad militar en las últimas semanas, incluidos ejercicios en tierra frente a la isla.
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Taiwán, que China reclama como su propio territorio, dijo este mes que había observado decenas de cazas, drones, bombarderos y otros aviones, así como buques de guerra y el portaaviones chino Shandong, operando cerca.
La creciente frecuencia de las actividades militares de China ha aumentado el riesgo de que los acontecimientos "se salgan de control" y provoquen un enfrentamiento accidental, dijo el sábado el ministro de Defensa de la isla.
Cuando se le preguntó en una rueda de prensa periódica en Beijing sobre el aumento de los ejercicios chinos y las preocupaciones de Taiwán sobre el aumento del riesgo, la portavoz de la Oficina de Asuntos de Taiwán de China, Zhu Fenglian, dijo que el Ejército Popular de Liberación había llevado a cabo una "serie" de ejercicios.
"El propósito es combatir resueltamente la arrogancia de las fuerzas separatistas independentistas de Taiwán y sus acciones para buscar la independencia", dijo Zhu.
"La provocación a la independencia de Taiwán continúa durante todo el día y las acciones del Ejército Popular de Liberación para defender la soberanía nacional y la integridad territorial siempre están en curso", añadió. "Espero que la mayoría de los compatriotas taiwaneses distingan claramente entre el bien y el mal, se opongan resueltamente a la independencia de Taiwán y trabajen con nosotros para mantener la paz y la estabilidad en el Estrecho de Taiwán".
El gobierno democráticamente elegido de Taiwán dice que sólo el pueblo de la isla puede decidir su futuro y ha ofrecido repetidamente conversaciones con China, lo que Beijing ha rechazado.
El Ministerio de Defensa de Taiwán informó el miércoles de nuevos movimientos militares chinos, diciendo que en las 24 horas anteriores había detectado y respondido a 16 aviones chinos que ingresaban a la zona de identificación de defensa aérea de la isla.
De ellos, 12 cruzaron la línea media del estrecho de Taiwán, que había servido como barrera no oficial entre las dos partes hasta que China comenzó a cruzarla regularmente en agosto del año pasado.
El jueves, Taiwán lanzará el primero de ocho submarinos de fabricación nacional como parte de sus planes para reforzar las defensas contra China.
Cuando se le preguntó sobre los submarinos, Zhu dijo que los esfuerzos del gobernante Partido Democrático Progresista de Taiwán para "buscar la independencia por la fuerza" sólo exacerbarían las tensiones y "empujarían al pueblo taiwanés a una situación peligrosa".
Información de la sala de redacción de Beijing; Escrito por Ben Blanchard; Edición de Himani Sarkar y Gerry Doyle
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hardynwa · 1 year
Taiwan president defiant after China threatens retaliation if she travels to US
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Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen has stated that external pressure will not stop her country from engaging with the world, hitting a defiant note after China threatened to retaliate if she met U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy during a trip to the US. China claims democratically-ruled Taiwan as its own territory and has repeatedly warned U.S. officials not to meet Tsai, viewing it as support for the island's desire to be seen as a separate country. Taiwan's government rejects China's sovereignty claims, and while Tsai has repeatedly offered talks with Beijing she has also said only Taiwan's people can decide their future. "External pressure will not hinder our determination to go to the world" Taiwan president defiant after China threatens retaliation if she travels to US Last August when then-U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taipei, China staged war games around Taiwan . Tsai on Wednesday morning, March 29 that said she is departing for the US but will also go to Guatemala and Belize. While not officially confirmed, she is expected to meet McCarthy while in California. "External pressure will not hinder our determination to go to the world," she said at Taiwan's main international airport at Taoyuan, in a veiled reference to China. "We are calm and confident, will neither yield nor provoke. Taiwan will firmly walk on the road of freedom and democracy and go into the world. Although this road is rough, Taiwan is not alone." Speaking in Beijing shortly before Tsai left, Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson of China's Taiwan Affairs Office, said Tsai's "transits" of the United States were not just her waiting at the airport or hotel, but for her to meet U.S. officials and lawmakers. "If she has contact with U.S. House Speaker McCarthy, it will be another provocation that seriously violates the one-China principle, harms China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and destroys peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait," she said. "We firmly oppose this and will definitely take measures to resolutely fight back," Zhu added, without giving details. Tsai's travel comes when U.S. relations with China are at their worst level since Washington normalised ties with Beijing in 1979 and switched diplomatic recognition from Taipei. Taiwan is China's most sensitive territorial issue however, the United States government is required by U.S. law to provide the island with the means to defend itself. Taiwanese presidents routinely pass through the United States while visiting diplomatic allies in Latin America, the Caribbean and the Pacific, which, although not official visits, are often used by both sides for high-level meetings. The US says such transits by Taiwanese presidents are routine and that China should not use Tsai's trip to take any aggressive moves against Taiwan. "So there's absolutely no reason for Beijing to use this upcoming transit as an excuse or a pretext to carry out aggressive or coercive activities aimed at Taiwan," a US official said to Reuters. China claimed a diplomatic victory over Taiwan on Sunday, March 26 when former Taiwan ally Honduras switched diplomatic recognition to Beijing. Only 13 countries now maintain formal ties with Taiwan. Read the full article
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reportwire · 2 years
China sharply criticizes Pentagon after defense official visited Taiwan
On Wednesday, the Chinese Foreign Office sharply criticized the United States after a senior Defense Department official visited Taiwan. China’s Taiwan Affairs Office spokesperson Zhu Fenglian accused the U.S. and Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party of attempting to push the island’s independence from China and discouraged the alleged efforts. China “resolutely opposes any official…
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chinemagazine · 2 years
Vente d'arme à Taiwan : Pékin dénonce, Taipei satisfait
Zhu Fenglian a exprimé la ferme opposition de la Chine aux ventes d'armes prévues par les Etats-Unis à la région chinoise de Taiwan.
Le 30 décembre, Zhu Fenglian, porte-parole du Bureau des affaires de Taiwan du Conseil des Affaires d’Etat, a exprimé la ferme opposition de la Chine aux ventes d’armes prévues par les Etats-Unis à la région chinoise de Taiwan. En effet, le gouvernement des Etats-Unis d’Amérique a indiqué le 28 décembre avoir autorisé une nouvelle vente d’armes à Taiwan pour un montant de 180 millions de dollars…
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osvaldo-bertolino · 4 years
Evidência sobre status de Taiwan como parte da China é irrefutável, diz porta-voz
Evidência sobre status de Taiwan como parte da China é irrefutável, diz porta-voz
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Zhu Fenglian, porta-voz do Departamento dos Assuntos de Taiwan do Conselho de Estado, disse nesta quarta-feira que a história da recuperação de Taiwan da ocupação japonesa é uma uma evidência irrefutável de que a ilha é uma parte inalienável do território da China.
Ela deu as declarações em resposta a uma pergunta da mídia em uma entrevista coletiva.
A recuperação de Taiwan da ocupação…
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chinasunsong · 3 years
Honduras presidential candidate said that if they win the election, they will establish diplomatic relations with China, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded
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Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, answered reporters' questions on September 7.
Q: According to media reports, Honduras presidential candidates stated that they will establish diplomatic relations with China if they win the election. The DPP authorities used this to slander and attack the mainland. Any comment on this?
A: My relevant department has stated my solemn position. The one-China principle is the universally recognized norm of international relations and the universal consensus of the international community. We hope that relevant countries will handle the Taiwan issue in accordance with the one-China principle.
Based on the political nature of "Taiwan independence," the DPP authorities have turned black and white, deceived themselves, and attempted to make a difference in the international arena, even more irresponsible.
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
The only menace for taiwan is the dpp and tsai. The CPC just acts accordingly
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🇨🇳 La Compagna Zhu Fenglian - Portavoce e Vice-Direttrice del Dipartimento d'Informazione dell'Ufficio per gli Affari di Taiwan del Consiglio di Stato - ha risposto alle domande dei giornalisti durante una Conferenza Stampa di oggi, 31/05, trattando gli ultimi eventi riguardanti le Relazioni tra le due Sponde dello Stretto di Taiwan 🔥
🤔 Zhu Fenglian si è concentrata sulle ridicole esternazioni di Tsai Ing-wen, leader del regime-fantoccio di Taiwan, che ha recentemente invitato i partiti politici dell'Isola a «non vendere la paura della Guerra» per ottenere un vantaggio alle future elezioni del 2024 🤡
🔺Le spese folli volute da Tsai Ing-wen per la "Difesa" di Taiwan e la "Diplomazia del Dollaro" sono una rovina per i cittadini dell'isola 😭
🔺Vittoria del KMT alle elezioni presidenziali di Taiwan del 2024? 🤔
🤧 La Portavoce ha ricordato che chi sta «vendendo la paura della Guerra» alla gente è proprio il DPP di Tsai Ing-wen, dato che le autorità del regime-fantoccio pro-US violano costantemente il Principio dell'Unica Cina e sostengono una ridicola "indipendenza" che non ha alcuna base legale o storica, facendo affidamento su «forze esterne per provocare la Terraferma [RPC]», ed esagerando la volgare teoria della «Minaccia della Cina Continentale» 😡
🇹🇼 Il DPP, completamente subalterno agli USA, funge da piattaforma pro-US atta a far generare giganteschi profitti ai trafficanti d'armi statunitensi, che vedono l'Isola come una "carta da giocare" per contenere l'Ascesa della Cina ❌
🔺Zhu Fenglian: "Gli USA esaltano la "Teoria della Minaccia Cinese" per provocare il confronto nello Stretto, scaricare armi e ottenere profitti per i gruppi dell'Industria Militare Statunitense" 🤮
💬 "Il massiccio acquisto di armi ha spinto Taiwan, passo dopo passo, in una situazione pericolosa, e ha suscisato profonde preoccupazioni tra la Popolazione dell'Isola. [...] Le autorità del DPP sanno che la loro ostinata ricerca della cosiddetta «Indipendenza» porterà alla Guerra, ma non permettono alle persone di preoccuparsi di ciò" 😤
🇨🇳 Le persone, ha ricordato Zhu Fenglian, sono perspicaci, e sanno bene che il DPP, non rinunciando alle sue posizioni separatiste, non è qualificato per parlare di Pace, ma che è - invece - il principale istigatore della Guerra e della paura nell'Isola 🤧
🤡 Il fasullo regime-fantoccio di Tsai Ing-wen, che ha condotto una brutale e vergognosa campagna di "de-sinicizzazione" e ha assalito con violenza i Tre Principi del Popolo, dichiara - a tratti - di volere un «Dialogo Pacifico», ma - nei fatti - viola il Principio dell'Unica Cina, e non rispetta il Consenso del 1992, che è il Principio di Base per il Dialogo tra le due Sponde dello Stretto 🥹
🐲 Taiwan è parte integrante del territorio Cinese - Storia di Taiwan, dall'Impero Celeste fino ad oggi 🀄️
🇨🇳 Il Governo Cinese aderisce al Principio "Un Paese, Due Sistemi", è favorevole alla Riunificazione Pacifica , ma non intende rinunciare all'utilizzo della forza contro la cricca di separatisti pro-US vendipatria ❗️
🔺Master-Post sulla Questione di Taiwan 📖 | Questioni Storiche, Riunificazione Pacifica, Questione Militare, Interferenze Statunitensi, Separatismo del DPP 📚
🇨🇳 丢掉幻想,准备斗争 🚩
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇨🇳 Comrade Zhu Fenglian - Spokesperson and Deputy Director of the Information Department of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council - answered questions from reporters at a Press Conference today, 31/05, covering the latest Taiwan Strait Relations events 🔥
🤔 Zhu Fenglian focused on the ridiculous utterances of Tsai Ing-wen, leader of the Taiwan puppet regime, who recently invited the island's political parties to "not sell the fear of war" to gain an advantage in future elections in 2024 🤡
🔺Tsai Ing-wen's spending spree for Taiwan's "Defense" and "Dollar Diplomacy" is a bane for Taiwan citizens 😭
🔺KMT victory in the 2024 Taiwan presidential election? 🤔
🤧 The Spokesperson recalled that it is precisely Tsai Ing-wen's DPP who is "selling the fear of war" to the people, given that the authorities of the pro-US puppet regime constantly violate the One China Principle and advocate a ridiculous "independence" that has no legal or historical basis, relying on "external forces to provoke the Mainland [PRC]", and exaggerating the vulgar theory of "Mainland China Threat" 😡
🇹🇼 The DPP, completely subordinate to the USA, acts as a pro-US platform capable of generating gigantic profits for US arms dealers, who see the Island as a "playing card" to contain the Rise of China ❌
🔺Zhu Fenglian: "US hype 'China Threat Theory' to Provoke Cross-Straits Conflict, Unload Weapons, and Earn Profits for US Military Industry Groups" 🤮
💬 "The massive arms purchase has pushed Taiwan, step by step, into a dangerous situation, and has aroused deep concern among the People of the Island. [...] The DPP authorities know that their dogged pursuit of the so-called « Independence" will lead to War, but they don't let people worry about it" 😤
🇨🇳 People, Zhu Fenglian recalled, are perspicacious, and they know well that the DPP, not giving up its separatist positions, is not qualified to talk about Peace, but that it is - instead - the main instigator of War and fear in the ' Island 🤧
🤡 The bogus puppet regime of Tsai Ing-wen, which carried out a brutal and shameful "de-Sinicization" campaign and violently assaulted the Three Principles of the People, declares - at times - that it wants a «Peaceful Dialogue», but - in fact - violates the One China Principle, and does not respect the 1992 Consensus, which is the Basic Principle for Cross-Strait Dialogue
🐲 Taiwan is an integral part of Chinese territory - History of Taiwan, from the Celestial Empire to the present 🀄️
🇨🇳 The Chinese Government adheres to the "One Country, Two Systems" principle, is in favour of peaceful reunification, but does not intend to give up the use of force against the pro-US separatist clique of revenge ❗️
🔺Master-Post on the Taiwan Issue 📖 | Historical Issues, Peaceful Reunification, Military Issue, US Interference, DPP Separatism 📚
🇨🇳 丢掉幻想,准备斗争 🚩
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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newstfionline · 4 years
Canada extends COVID-19 international border closures, mandatory quarantine order (Reuters) Canada is extending a global travel ban and mandatory quarantine measures that require most travelers to Canada, including citizens returning home, to self-isolate for 14 days upon arrival, the Canadian government said on Tuesday. The mandatory quarantine order is now in effect until at least Aug. 31, while the travel ban for most other foreign travelers is extended to at least July 31, according to federal documents. Travel by U.S. citizens are covered under a separate agreement, which was extended earlier this month to keep the U.S.-Canada border closed to all non-essential travel until at least July 21. U.S. citizens who are not deemed essential are still subject to the quarantine.
Workers are getting laid off for a second time, as the virus’s surge puts reopenings on hold (Washington Post) Millions of American workers are suffering from economic whiplash, thinking they were finally returning to work only to be sent home again because of the coronavirus’s latest surge. Stores, restaurants, gyms and other businesses that reopened weeks ago are shuttering once more, and this time Congress appears less inclined to provide additional aid. Other businesses that had banked on customers returning and restrictions lifting—such as hotel chains, construction firms and movie theaters—are seeing hours cut and reopening dates pushed back indefinitely as consumer demand stalls. Thousands of workers are caught in these rapidly shifting seas, many of them hourly and low-wage service employees, and are now facing unemployment for a second time. They say the past few months have been jarring: navigating unemployment in March, preparing to go back to work in April or May, and now confronting the prospect of what could be another long stretch without a paycheck. This time, many say they’re on even shakier financial ground as they topple into yet another period without a job. They face what experts have begun calling a “fiscal cliff”: the July end date for the $600 in weekly supplemental aid that has helped keep so many families afloat.
Fighting Over Masks in Public Is the New American Pastime (NYT) On any given day, somewhere in the United States, someone is going to wake up, leave the house and get in a huge argument with a stranger about wearing masks. Grocery store managers are training staff on how to handle screaming customers. Fistfights are breaking out at convenience stores. Some restaurants even say they’d rather close than face the wrath of various Americans who believe that masks, which help prevent the spread of coronavirus, impinge on their freedom.
Americans are living in a big ‘anger incubator.’ (Washington Post) Americans are angry. The country erupted into the worst civil unrest in decades after the death of George Floyd, and anger about police violence and the country’s legacy of racism is still running high. At the same time, we’re dealing with anger provoked by the coronavirus pandemic: anger at public officials because they’ve shut down parts of society, or anger because they aren’t doing enough to curb the virus. Anger about being required to wear a mask, or anger toward people who refuse to wear a mask. Anger with anyone who doesn’t see things the “right” way. “We’re living, in effect, in a big anger incubator,” said Raymond Novaco, a psychology professor at the University of California at Irvine, who has expertise in anger assessment and treatment. Surveys over the past few years suggested that anger had risen in the country even before the 2020 crises. A Gallup poll conducted in 2018, for example, concluded that Americans’ stress, worry and anger had intensified that year. Twenty-two percent of Americans had felt anger the previous day, up from 17 percent the previous year.
Working from car (CNN) In the United States, “working from home” is now becoming “working from car.” CNN reports that even CEOs and senior management have set up shop in their vehicles, searching for a change of scenery and some privacy. It may seem like an unlikely office, but cars are designed to accommodate sitting down for long periods of time, and the mobility means that the view beyond your computer can change every day. Bluetooth makes cars a great place to take a call, and consoles can double as a desk.
Seattle cops clear 'occupied' zone, more than 20 arrested (AP) Seattle police turned out in force early Wednesday at the city’s “occupied” protest zone, tore down demonstrators’ encampments and used bicycles to herd the protesters after the mayor ordered the area cleared following two fatal shootings in less than two weeks. Wearing helmets and wielding batons and rifles, officers converged on the area at dawn. Officers stood shoulder-to-shoulder on several streets while others created a makeshift fence with their bicycles, using it to push protesters back away from the center of the zone. As residents of the neighborhood near the city’s downtown watched from balconies, police cleared out the protesters’ tents from a park within the zone and made sure no one was left in the park’s bathrooms. Police Chief Carmen Best said there were at least 23 arrests. “Our job is to support peaceful demonstration but what has happened on these streets over the last two weeks is lawless and it’s brutal and bottom line it is simply unacceptable,” Best told reporters.
Pompeo faces frosty U.N. reception (Foreign Policy) U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo received a scolding from other members of the United Nations Security Council on Tuesday as he pushed for an extension of an arms embargo against Iran. The combative tone from allies and adversaries of the United States “underscored how little deference other countries pay the Trump administration as it faces a grim reelection contest,” FP’s Colum Lynch and Robbie Gramer report. France’s UN ambassador, Nicolas de Rivière, was firm in restating his country’s position on keeping the Iran nuclear deal intact as much as possible in the face of U.S. attempts to dismantle it. “There is as yet no serious alternative to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, and its disappearance would improve neither the regional situation nor the security of our population,” he said.
Russian voters agree to extend Putin’s rule to 2036 (AP) A majority of voters approved changes to Russia’s constitution that would allow President Vladimir Putin to hold power until 2036, but the weeklong plebiscite that ended Wednesday was tarnished by widespread reports of pressure on voters and other irregularities. With most of the nation’s polls closed and 20% of precincts counted, 72% voted for the constitutional amendments, according to election officials.
With Hong Kong security law, China writes broad international powers for itself (Washington Post/Foreign Policy) After China published a Hong Kong national security law as a fait accompli Tuesday night without the usual feedback process, the broader implications of the most consequential political change in the financial center since its 1997 handover are coming into focus. Overnight, Hong Kong’s 7.5 million residents have been put under the same speech restrictions as the mainland, with possible life imprisonment for those deemed guilty of “subversion”—a standard charge used to jail political dissidents and human rights activists in China. Equally striking in China’s move was the realpolitik logic underlying the new law: It signaled that China sees no need to abide by international agreements it made from a position of weakness in earlier years as a poorer nation. The law asserted extraterritorial jurisdiction over critics of Beijing anywhere in the world. In theory, then, a U.S. citizen who tweeted support for Hong Kong independence or criticized the internment camps in Xinjiang could be arrested while passing through Hong Kong, extradited to the mainland, and sentenced to a Chinese prison term. In practice, the law is likely to be deployed mostly against Hong Kongers. But going by the record in the mainland, former Chinese citizens, dual nationals, and even non-citizens of Chinese descent may find themselves targeted. In a disturbing move, China is also preventing Canada from consular access to a Chinese Canadian prisoner, sentenced to eight years for practicing Falun Gong, by claiming that she had renounced Canadian citizenship.
Beijing warns Taiwan not to ‘mess up’ HK affairs (South China Morning Post) Beijing has warned the ruling party in Taiwan not to “mess up” Hong Kong affairs, as Taipei prepares to help Hongkongers seeking to flee their city, where a contentious national security law has been imposed. Zhu Fenglian, a spokeswoman for Beijing’s Taiwan Affairs Office, described the independence-leaning Democratic Progressive Party as a “black hand” that wanted to undermine the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong. “What the DPP authorities said was an undisguised distortion of facts, which served only to reveal its vicious intention to mess up Hong Kong and seek independence for Taiwan,” she said. Zhu was responding to Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen and her party’s comments that the new legislation violated democracy and human rights in Hong Kong, and that Taipei would offer humanitarian assistance for fleeing Hongkongers.
Australia to boost military spending (Foreign Policy) Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has pledged to spend roughly $185 billion on defense over the next ten years as he unveiled the country’s new defense strategy. Morrison said the increased importance of the Indo-Pacific and “the strategic competition between China and the United States” meant that Australia needed to increase its defensive capabilities. Those upgrades include purchasing an anti-ship missile system from the United States worth $550 million as well as an underwater surveillance system costing at least $3.45 billion.
Lebanon’s plea to skeptical expats: Come visit, bring cash (AP) With Beirut’s airport partially reopening from a three-month virus shutdown, the government is hoping thousands of Lebanese expatriates will return for the summer—and bring dollars desperately needed to prop up the crashing economy. But Lebanon’s far-flung diaspora, renowned as entrepreneurs who for years sent their cash home, may no longer be willing to do that. Many are staying away, appalled at the ruling elite’s handling of Lebanon’s unprecedented economic and financial meltdown and outraged at local banks holding their dollar deposits hostage. Some have stopped sending money, except small amounts to sustain their families. Others are considering cutting ties completely with a corrupt country they say has robbed them of a future. Once a beacon of free market growth and fine living, Lebanon is suffering the worst economic crisis in its modern history. The local currency has lost around 80% of its value against the dollar on the black market since October and continues to tumble daily. Banks have clamped down on withdrawals and transfers of U.S. dollars. Food prices have soared, businesses and households have been thrown into disarray, salaries and savings are fast disappearing and unemployment has surged. The crisis stems from decades of systematic corruption and mismanagement. Public frustration exploded into street protests in October demanding the entire leadership go. Now, a slide into violence is feared amid mounting poverty and sectarian tensions.
COVID-19 cases mount at the ends of the Earth in Timbuktu (AP) Harandane Toure started taking malaria pills when he first spiked a fever but as the days passed his illness only worsened. Doctors ultimately told him he was among the hundreds now infected with the coronavirus in this town long fabled for being inaccessible from the rest of the world. There are no commercial flights to Timbuktu, whose remote location in the Sahara Desert has long made the town’s name synonymous with the ends of the Earth. Health officials say the global pandemic has managed to reach here all the same. Already there are more than 500 cases including at least nine deaths, making it Mali’s largest outbreak outside the capital.
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dermontag · 2 years
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Unterstützung für Taiwan Peking wirft Biden "Spiel mit dem Feuer vor" 23.05.2022, 23:23 Uhr Taiwan kann sich der militärischen Unterstützung der USA sicher sein, falls es von China angegriffen wird. Vor dem Hintergrund des russischen Einmarschs in die Ukraine äußert sich sich US-Präsident Biden in der Frage deutlich wie noch nie. In Peking löst das scharfe Reaktionen aus. Chinas Regierung hat US-Präsident Joe Biden nach Äußerungen zu einem möglichen militärischen Beistand für Taiwan vorgeworfen, "mit dem Feuer zu spielen". Washington spiele die "Taiwan-Karte", um China in Schach zu halten, verbrenne sich bei diesem "Spiel mit dem Feuer" aber selbst, erklärte die Sprecherin des Büros für Taiwan-Angelegenheiten, Zhu Fenglian, laut einem Bericht der staatlichen Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua. Die Sprecherin forderte die US-Regierung demnach auf, von "Äußerungen oder Handlungen" abzusehen, die gegen zuvor festgelegte Prinzipien beider Ländern verstoßen. Biden hatte am Montag bei einem Besuch in Japan eine militärische Unterstützung für Taiwan im Falle eines Angriffs durch China ins Spiel gebracht. Auf die Frage einer Journalistin, ob die USA sich - anders als beim russischen Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine - "militärisch beteiligen" könnten, "um Taiwan zu verteidigen", sagte Biden "ja". Er fügte dann hinzu: "Das ist die Verpflichtung, die wir eingegangen sind." Die Aussage sorgte umgehend für Aufregung und scharfe Reaktionen aus China, das die Verteidigung seiner nationalen Interessen betont. "Niemand sollte die feste Entschlossenheit, den unerschütterlichen Willen und die starken Fähigkeiten des chinesischen Volkes bei der Verteidigung der nationalen Souveränität und territorialen Integrität unterschätzen", sagte der Sprecher des Außenministeriums, Wang Wenbin. "Man darf sich nicht gegen 1,4 Milliarden Chinesen stellen", warnte er. "Die Taiwan-Frage ist für China eine rein interne Angelegenheit." Es gebe in diesem Fall "keinen Raum für Kompromisse oder Zugeständnisse". "Strategische Zweideutigkeit" in der Taiwan-Frage Biden hatte sich im vergangenen Oktober bereits ähnlich geäußert. Seit langem verfolgen die USA in der Taiwan-Frage eine Linie der "strategischen Zweideutigkeit". Dabei sichern die USA zwar Taiwan Unterstützung beim Aufbau von dessen Verteidigungsfähigkeiten zu, versprechen aber nicht ausdrücklich, der Insel im Falle eines Krieges zu Hilfe zu kommen. Mehr zum Thema Peking sieht Taiwan als abtrünnige Provinz, die wieder mit dem Festland vereinigt werden soll - notfalls mit militärischer Gewalt. Die USA erkennen zwar seit 1979 die Führung in Peking als alleinige Regierung Chinas an. Biden betonte am Montag aber, das bedeute nicht, dass China Taiwan mit Gewalt einnehmen könne. "Das ist nicht angemessen." US-Verteidigungsminister Lloyd Austin betonte nach Bidens Äußerungen, dass die US-Regierung in der Taiwan-Politik keinen Kurswechsel vollzogen hat. "Unsere Politik hat sich nicht geändert", sagte Austin vor Journalisten. "Wie der Präsident gesagt hat, hat sich unsere Ein-China-Politik nicht geändert." Zugleich habe Biden die gesetzlich verankerte Zusicherung bekräftigt, Taiwan dabei zu helfen, die Mittel zu erhalten "sich zu verteidigen". Bereits kurz nach Bidens Äußerungen hatte ein Vertreter des Weißen Hauses beteuert, die Worte des Präsidenten stünden im Einklang mit der bestehenden US-Politik gegenüber Taiwan. "Unsere Politik hat sich nicht geändert."
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newsbuzzfinderblog · 2 years
taiwan: China says US 'playing with fire' on Taiwan - Times of India
taiwan: China says US ‘playing with fire’ on Taiwan – Times of India
BEIJING: The United States is “playing with fire,” the Chinese State Council’s Taiwan Affairs Office said Monday, following a vow by President Joe Biden to defend the self-ruled island in the event Beijing attempts to take control, state media Xinhua reported. The United States is “using the ‘Taiwan card’ to contain China, and will itself get burned,” said Zhu Fenglian, a spokeswoman for the…
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radioshiga · 3 years
China acusa Taiwan de se aproveitar da crise na Ucrânia
China acusa Taiwan de se aproveitar da crise na Ucrânia
China acusa Taiwan de se aproveitar da crise na Ucrânia A China acusou a administração da presidente de Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen, de se aproveitar da crise da Ucrânia para provocar o confronto entre a China e Taiwan. Zhu Fenglian, porta-voz do Escritório de Assuntos de Taiwan do Conselho de Estado da China, lançou as críticas em uma coletiva de imprensa na quarta-feira (16). Zhu referiu-se a uma…
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newskey21 · 3 years
‘Taking advantage of…’: China slams Taiwan’s aid to Ukraine, sanctions on Russia | World News
‘Taking advantage of…’: China slams Taiwan’s aid to Ukraine, sanctions on Russia | World News
China has hit out at Taiwan over its humanitarian aid to war-torn Ukraine and the sanctions imposed on Russia. Addressing a press conference in Beijing on Wednesday, Zhu Fenglian, a spokesperson for China’s Taiwan Affairs Office, accused Taiwan of using the Ukraine war to latch onto the issue for its own purposes and take advantage of others’ difficulties. “The Democratic Progressive Party…
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cdjjsy · 3 years
Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: A 17-member delegation from Chinese Taipei registered for the Beijing Winter Olympics
Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: A 17-member delegation from Chinese Taipei registered for the Beijing Winter Olympics
Overseas Network, January 26. On January 26, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference. Spokesperson Zhu Fenglian responded to the recent hot spots on the island. Reporter: The Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics are approaching, and the atmosphere of welcoming the Winter Olympics and participating in the Winter Olympics is getting stronger and…
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osvaldo-bertolino · 4 years
Porta-voz da parte continental chinesa critica ações contra o princípio de Uma Só China
Porta-voz da parte continental chinesa critica ações contra o princípio de Uma Só China
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Todos os chineses se opõem firmemente a qualquer palavra ou ação que viole o princípio de Uma Só China e prejudique os interesses fundamentais da nação chinesa, disse uma porta-voz da parte continental chinesa nesta terça-feira.
Zhu Fenglian, porta-voz do Departamento dos Assuntos de Taiwan do Conselho de Estado, fez os comentários em resposta a uma pergunta da mídia sobre a proposta do…
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