#ziam babygate
lovetilltheam · 1 year
Once again the double standards are showing
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alarrytale · 2 days
I do, however, understand you who think this is another babygate due to the fuckery surrounding Liam and Louis' situations. ///
What has Liam's situation got to do with Zayn?
Hi, anon!
The asker was a ziam. If you're a ziam i'm guessing you think neither liam nor zayn is a father and that the kids are a part of the cover up for their relationship.
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awesomefringey · 2 years
Do you want to hear something funny? Katie Waissel believes Louis is a father (She was in the xfactor) . First of all who cares what she thinks? (Stan's Twitter probably) And has she read all the things about babygate like us? She knows nothing. And they create a space? to talk? about whether Louis is the father or not? whaaat? whether an artist is a father or not become the business of gp or ex-xfactor people?Since when? This makes it more clear that Louis is not a father that they are trying so hard to prove it
Oh, this is really hard to listen to. This conversation isn’t held at eye level at all.
But I’m not surprised Katie Waissel doesn’t question Louis’ paternity (why would she?). But I’m curious why this space happened at all? I don’t get it. Also it’s such a messy discussion.
Waissel obviously uses the One Direction fandom, Larries, Ziam, and Zarries for her own cause and the misunderstanding here is that these fandoms think Katie Waissel is out there for their cause. Guess you got fooled. 🤷‍♀️
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caralara · 2 years
Why are you so optimistic that bbg will end? I’m amazed but also confused. People also believe that liam’s and zayn’s children are also a stunt. If louis were to end it, doesn’t it will have a domino effect to them and also other problems (closeting, pr company problem that Louis is still very much still with, etc). I personally think it will stay for a long time to create some public image about him.. after all he’s a celebrity and an international artist (remember the world is still homophobic) and also he’s kinda in the indie music scene and idk if the “coming out” or revealed bbg will help at all. But who knows 🤷‍♂️ I certainly hope you are true even though I don’t know how that big of a scandal will end in the current music industry that still filled with a lot of powerful executives.
Hi anon!
I think you might have missed a few of my posts there, I don’t believe Louis is going to come out and say „babygate was never real,“ very much also for the reasons you’ve mentioned. When I say „end it“ I mean that Louis will turn out to not be the dad in whatever fashion (most likely that they all thought he was but Briana had slept with other men during that time so it is actually someone else’s kid) and he will be just as surprised and shocked as the fans because he really thought he was his dad all along.
About Bear and Khai - for me, I have found a reason as to why babygate happened, and it’s not just as simple as general closeting, you can look at my long post that I have pinned on my blog to get a better idea why I think babygate happened in the first place, and because of that, I don’t see the same necessity for Liam and Zayn - so I’m sorry to say but as of now I don’t think there’s Ziam babygates (doesn’t mean I don’t think there’s nothing fishy there)
And you already said it, Louis is moving into an indie part of the music genre, and it’s much easier to keep your private life actually private in those circles. I’ve said before that I don’t think Louis will do a coming out on his own.
And the reason I’m so optimistic? for the last two years I’ve dug deep into everything babygate, looked at everything g myself, debunked a lot of „proofs“ on the way lol, but I still arrived at the conclusion that babygate was a stunt - and then went on to see patterns that suggested Louis tried to end it in 2020/2021 already, but - pandemic. so all I’ve been observing makes a lot of sense for him to build up to the end. That’s why I’m optimistic - I looked at all the facts and the big picture myself and made my mind up based on that.
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zot3-flopped · 9 months
Fo ziams believe that zayn and liam are not real dads?
Yep. They talk about Babygate 2.0 (Bear) and Babygate 3.0 (Khai).
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insomniziam · 2 years
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Yes, because Liam would be 100% fine with them taking a picture of him and some other woman that he knows would go public while being 'engaged' to the teenager.
They couldn't telegraph that this shit was staged any harder if they tried.
Anon no. 2:  This narrative is dumb and exhausting.
Honestly couldn’t agree with the both of you more. Lets go through the timeline, shall we?
Last time Liam and Maya were seen together being coupley (if you can even consider it that) was over a month ago in Texas with her family at a concert:
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This was posted by her mother on the 24th, so it’d be safe to assume this would have occurred the with the last couple of days.
A few days later, Liam is in the Bahamas for a Crypto Convention to perform a set at a party:
See the full post
40 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
I fucking love shady Liam 🤣
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Leave out the supposed women he apparently can't live without as well as the supposed mother of his child 💀
Waiting for the BUA or some damage control any day now 🤣
47 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
Not Zayn reposting fanart with Liam mentioned with a heart above his name 🥺
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68 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
Zayn singing Night Changes on instagram
113 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Zayn is out here singing the ziam anthem during pride month wearing a shirt that has Liam embedded into pretty much the entire artwork.
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139 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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raeuer · 1 year
ziam means a lot to me..
my happiness, my safety zone, my sunshine.
the thing that makes me happy.
the thing that makes my day.
the thing that makes me feel better when i'm down.
but at the same time..
they don't even know i exist.
they are the thing that, like, i can't touch even though i see.
it breaks my heart so much.
they have to overcome through a lot like stunts, beards, pr relationships, babygates etc..
i just want them to be happy as happy as they make me.
is it too much to ask for something great?
27/03/2023 — 22.19
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ziamscolours · 3 years
Hii!! Well im reading some things about ziam bc always is good to know more infromation and i want to ask you If you have some mp in Spanish about the time line or the bgg, Sorry for my english have a good day I hope you can answer this question💗
sup babe, first of all I want to clarify that I do speak spanish, even though my blog is in english I can talk to you in spanish if you feel more comfortable, just put it on my bio so everyone knows 💛
to answer your question I recently was tagged in some babygate guide posts which I'll put here (basically here you'll find a lot of posts about babygate) along with other posts that I found. mosts of these posts are about larry, there aren't many babygate posts about ziam out here but you can always check on any ziam accounts and ask them too.
→babygate guide in spanish and english by @thestrongestlarrie
→babygate isn't a theory, it's a situation in spanish and english by @thestrongestlarrie
→babygate guide in spanish and english by @larry-archives
→this is @paloma02's description, in the babygate section you'll find some mps in spanish
→babygate guide in english by @paloma02
I put this ↑ guide just in case you want to give it a try
I also made a post about my theory on the zigi pregnancy which is in my ig acc @/ziamscolors
really hope this helps you to understand babygate a bit more, anyway if you have any doubt you can always talk to me again 🤍
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yaz-the-spaz · 3 years
did you see zayn putting in the dating app that he doesn't have kids??? LIKE WTFFFFFF
anon 2: did you see that screenshot of zayn on being dating app and description says he has no kids
anon 3: Hi yaz, what do you think about zayn on this dating site 🤔
yes nonnies, i saw indeed and i too am laughing myself into the sun just like y'all and everyone else lmao! 😂 the whole sitch is laughably ridiculous but gotta love whoever it was that was responsible for making the profile (whether zayn or someone on his team) being the MOST petty about this whole babygate shebang. whoever it was and no matter how you look at it, ultimately they clearly chose fuck the hadids and everything they stand for chaos that morning and i stan lmao
(hope zayn is getting paid very well for all the ad promo this is generating for that random ass app. i know his back must be heavy from carrying the entirety of their promo campaign from no-name status to front page news but i'm sure liam's giving him plenty of nice back rubs to make up for it 😏😂)
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alarrytale · 2 days
hi Marte! as someone who's been in both ziam and larry fandoms for years, all I can say is that yesterday it was very interesting to watch many blogs comparing louis' fatherhood and zayn's one and then saying that now it's even clearer that Louis is not that boy's dad. sorry that I maybe talk about the the topic you have almost zero interest in but.. yep zayn babygate is so much more realistic(it's okay if you don't think it's bbg though) but notwithstanding this fact, this is really his first post in maybe 3 years about khai and it seems so apropos when he's just announced his first ever tour. at the end of the day both Zayn and Louis use the same "talk about the kid and show him" strategy when they seek for an easy way to make fans and general public talk about them, which always gives them away imo and no good real dad would do that
Hi, anon!
I'm not sure what you want me to say? Did you just need a rant? Because Zayn has consistently posted about Khai for her birthday every year, so it being three years since the last time is just not true. Could Zayn have timed his tour annoucement to Khai's birthday to use it as promo for his tour? Quite possibly. There are plenty of celebrities using their relationship with their kids as promo. That has nothing to do with being a good or bad parent.
I think there is a big difference in the way Zayn and Louis are as parents. Where you see unfamiliarity, distance, resistance and inconsistencies with Louis, you see the opposite with Zayn. I see someone who lights up talking about Khai, someone who's happy and content. I guess what it all comes down to for me is that i see no signs of him being uncomfortable or resisting the currerent narrative. Not like i do with Louis.
So if he wants to be percieved as a father to Khai, that's what he'll get from me. Until i see something changing or we'll get new information, that's what i'll believe. We can all believe whatever we want to believe. I do, however, understand you who think this is another babygate due to the fuckery surrounding Liam and Louis' situations.
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larentsbabie · 3 years
Okay, I've got no opinion over Ziam, Zigi or anything related to it but I'll give it to Zayn on this one. It's the passion with which a father is talking about his kid here. The passion shows. It shows how much he's invested into the kid. How much he actually knows, notices and cares about the child and their everyday growth. The interviewer only asked one single question. And Zayn wrote a whole damn essay about Khai. It's the same with Liam but NEVER with Louis. You ask Louis a question about F, he'll end the answer in a word or maybe a sentence at most. And that is so not the Louis Tomlinson that I grew up seeing. One who always wanted kids, grew up around kids, craved having a family at a very young age, wanted a child as young as he was. That's not him. He'd be a dad who would never shut up talking about their child. One who would remember their child over every tiny thing and talk about them. One who would sell the world for their child! This is not the Louis that we get to see now and y'all know that deep down. Some admit and some don't. But if I ever sense this kinda passion in Louis talking about F, I'll change my opinion. Agree or go argue with a wall. I don't care!
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dinosmatequeerup · 3 years
I realllly wanna make some more friends on here so can you reblog this if you see it? I stan Larry, Ziam, I’m buzzin, Ashe, Julie and the Phantoms, Young Royals, and a shit ton of other stuff. Oh and obviously One Direction 🥰
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Me presento ne llamo Valeria me pueden decir vale. Mi blog se tratara de responder y aclarar sus dudas atravez de anónimos sobre larry, babygate, ziam, teorías y closeting.
Espero poder ayudarles💕
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insomniziam · 3 years
I fucking love shady Liam 🤣
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Leave out the supposed women he apparently can't live without as well as the supposed mother of his child 💀
Waiting for the BUA or some damage control any day now 🤣
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5thwheelniall · 3 years
Who are the best ziam accounts in tumblr? Like the ones who give so much proof and answer a lot of things on the asks
@insomniziam @ziamminds @yaz-the-spaz @lsmoments @right-next-to-u @zaynfeatliam @deathwish-koala @quietzap @harryandlouisarehappilystrong @bakagamieru @ziamscolours @redyellowberry @trytobullyhimnow-ziam @ziamissoimportant @dailydoseofziam @maliktxmptation
These are the blogs that I cite most often from, although I'm not sure how active all of them are. But a lot of these people have made really good masterposts on a lot of topics so I recommend you check them out!!
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 Mi nombre es Harold, pero todos me conocen como Matt uwu
Tengo 16 años. Soy Larrie y Ziammie.
Datos extras: Venezolano / Gay / Directioner / Escritor / 
The Story of Ziam Parte1 Línea de tiempo, Análisis y Pruebas The story of Ziam Part 2 -Línea de tiempo, Análisis y Pruebas MOMENTOS ICÓNICOS ZIAM
1era parte moments // 2da parte moments 
Dudando de zigi
Línea en la ceja
Sexual Tension between Zayn & Liam
Estare actualizando y escribiendo pronto uwu
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