#zianna aphmau
wyverndreamers · 5 months
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my son has lost an eye, good faith cannot make him whole.
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mcd-brainrot-hours · 5 months
i think zianna kept her son’s rooms in good condition just incase they came back. carefully dusting each and every surface, waiting for them. beds kept neat. the occasional plate of food left for someone who isn’t returing. she has to be ready for when they come back. vylad’s childhood toys kept neatly arranged the way he liked so he can play when he returns. zane’s books and notes carefully organized for him to resume his studies. garroth’s drawings and supplies neatly laid around his room so he can finish his last drawing.
she knows they’re never returning but it doesn’t hurt to wait for her boys.
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jurygarroth · 1 year
my little Ro’meave family headcanons
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pumpkinprincess22 · 24 days
Lady Zianna Ro’Meave has not always been a Ro’Meave, though she has been one for more than half her life. If she told you of her name before you wouldn’t recognise it. Her family were royalty back home in Tu’La Her grandmother was the daughter of a king, her cousins sit on the throne now.
When she was around 17/18 an internal struggle for the throne caused panic, betrayal and death within the Tu’lan royal family. Fearing for their lives and the life of their daughter Zianna’s parents fled Tu’la and ended up in the city state of O’Khasis. To secure their positions and wealth in a new continent her parents sought an advantageous marriage for their daughter.
Ru’aun did away with monarchy centuries ago meaning that nobility works differently in O’Khasis. In Tu’la Zianna was a Lady, the granddaughter of a princess but in O’Khasis she was no one. She ended up married to a Ro’Meave cousin with wealth and position enough to allow her to live in comfort, though it was not a match her parents would ever have considered for her in Tu'la.
She did not love her husband but he was kind to her and she was happy enough. He had grown up children of his own to be his heirs so while Zianna herself would have loved to be a mother someday he did not pressure her into having children right away and she was largely given freedom to do as she wished, living amicably with her husband.
Less than a year into her marriage her husband died suddenly leaving her a widow at only 19. As she had not had his children her position was precarious and her parents urged her to marry one of her adult stepsons in order to keep her money and home but Zianna was reluctant to follow their advice.
See Zianna had fallen in love. Her freedom allowed her to roam the markets and parks of O’Khasis and during one of her many trips she fell in love with a young merchant. His name is unimportant to this story. He was young, handsome and wealthy and most importantly Zianna loved him. Her parents, however, did not but after many months she convinced them to allow her to marry her beloved.
That would have been the end of the story if only it hadn’t been for Garte Ro’Meave. Zianna’s parents refused to let her marry or announce her engagement until the traditional one year mourning period was up. She was one month to being free when she was invited to The Party.
The Party was a 21st birthday party for the Ro’Meave heir Garte. As she was still technically part of the family Zianna was expected to attend, and that was when she caught the eye of the man who would become her husband. Garte knew the moment he saw her that he had to have her. He asked her parents for their permission to marry her and they granted it instantly.
Zianna was forced to break off her engagement and within the year she was Lady Ro’Meave, Garte's father having died unexpectedly mere months into Garte and Zianna’s marriage. This marriage was more restrictive than her first had been and Garte less kind, Zianna struggled without the freedom her previous marriage, and widowhood, had afforded her. Things became easier when her eldest son was born, motherhood filled the stretches of loneliness and soon a second son followed. She loved her boys but she couldn’t ignore her husband’s cruelty, she never forgot her fiancé either.
He had moved on too but his wife had died giving birth to their son and he hadn’t remarried. Once, when Garte had been particularly awful to her her handmaid helped her flee to her old lover’s home. Zianna found parts of herself in his arms that she hadn’t known she had lost. He convinced her to flee Garte and O’Khasis and go with him on his next trade journey setting sail in the morning but when the sun rose she was gone, having returned to the Ro’Meave estate in the middle of the night.
For all her talk of freedom she had never been without the comforts of nobility and she was afraid of how to live without it, that and she feared for her boys should she flee, already at four years old Garte was shaping her eldest boy into his image.
Many months later when Zianna found herself to be pregnant once again she thought nothing of it, she loved her sons and she would love this child too. And when he was born, a healthy baby boy her husband was pleased that he had another heir, but as the years passed and he grew up to look like neither Zianna nor Garte as their elder two children did, but her old lover, Garte grew suspicious. Zianna had never spoken of her night with him to anyone but rumours flew regardless.
Eventually news reached her of a ship lost at sea, its crew missing and presumed dead, among them her former fiance. Zianna wasn’t sure if it was something her husband had orchestrated but when the man's 10 year old son showed up in the O’Khasis Guard Academy, hand picked by the Lord himself, she had her doubts that the shipwreck had been an accident.
The boy grew up, as did her own sons each taking their own paths. Her eldest joined the boy at the Guard Academy, her middle son joined the church of Irene and started training to be a priest, and her baby boy, her songbird was content just to live.
The boy became the youngest Jury of Nine member in O’Khasis history, Sir Jeffory the Goldenheart: executed for treason. Her eldest boy graduated from the Guard Academy with full marks, Sir Garroth Ro’Meave: missing and presumed dead, a traitor to O'Khasis. Her middle son became High Priest at only 25, Zane Ro'Meave: died a heretic. Her youngest son, her songbird, Vylad Ro'Meave: was murdered in his home before he even reached adulthood.
And Zianna endured. It is a horrid thing to outlive one's children, but Zianna survived it with the grace and charity expected of someone with her upbringing. She tempered her husband's mood, steered him away from starting wars and generally ruled her city from the sidelines. She tended to her garden, full of poppies and foxgloves and all sorts of berries, and if a rather unpleasent merchant or guard or ally of Garte's died suddenly not long after spending time with her the blame never found its way to her feet.
She also sought out Jeffory's orphan daughter. In another life, another world, Abby could have been her granddaughter. Zianna couldn't bring the girl into her home and offer the maternal love that she needed, but she could give Abby jobs, point her in the direction of work and give her a ring with the Ro'Meave seal which got Abby out of a tough spot on more than one occassion.
Zianna Ro'Meave has not always been a Ro'Meave, but it has been the role that suited her best.
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lucindasthighs · 5 months
Garroth had the most of Garte's "good side" growing up, and as he was their only child at the time, Garte and Zianna favored him. He learned kindness and empathy from his mother as she stroked his hair at bedtime; He learned responsibility and loyalty from his father as the king told him of the future in store for him. He learned love from them. But then his father changed. Garroth learned to protect from his mother, standing in front of her when Garte yelled, just in case. He learned to sacrifice from Garte, complying with the king's many demands and rules "for the good of his people."
Vylad was born into a cold world. Garte treated him well at first, letting the child ride on his shoulders throughout the castle. But that candle of love was snuffed without remorse soon enough. In the end, from his father, he learned hatred and disgust. He had to hide from it. Yes, to hide away and be invisible, that's what he must do to survive. Survive. Survive. Survive. That's all that matters. But.. this cold world was not without comfort. In his mother's arms, he learned pity. Pity for the woman cursed with compassion and pity to all the bleeding hearts before and after her. He learned fairness from his older brother Garroth, who never saw him as lesser or wrong. Finally, Vylad learned that the cruel machinations of the world favored the strong over the good, as he plummeted into the depths of hell.
Zane, perhaps, was doomed from the start, being the young and malleable last son of Garte. Once his brothers died, there was no light that could combat the darkness weaving its way into his soul. Oh, Zianna tried to hold on to him; but Zane had already learned so much from his mother. She could not keep her own children alive. She could not protect them, protect him, as much as she liked to pretend her arms were a shield. She could not love him the same way she did his brothers because she was weak. Zane did not care when his brothers died. He didn't cry when he realized their shared bedroom would be silent forever. He never stared at the empty, faded spot on the wall where the family portrait used to be. Those emotions were useless, as his Father taught him. Zane learned how to get power; to invoke fear; to be a leader; to manipulate; to crush all those in his way without a drop of blood on his hands from Garte. The infallible High Priest, the benevolent leader of the Jury - that is Prince Zane Ro'meave.
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mcdgarroth · 8 months
If Minecraft Diaries had Twitter
Part 7
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Part 1 Part 6 Part 8
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xielianslver · 2 months
So basically my drawing app isn't working cause my computer is 300 years old so instead of drawing the Ro'Meave family like I wanted and making an animatic for them here's the family tree I made.
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There's some details that get missed so zoom in ig I accidentally made Zianna's eyes green ignore that. Anyways I got their ethnicitys and stuff from the origin of their names. So yeah Vylad was named by his father.
also Zane has a cool scar on his mouth that shows his teeth. (you'll see that when I'm able to draw him, aka when my mom FINALLY brings me to get my tablet fixed good lord) also Zianna and Vylad have monolids
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jinkiesmariz · 7 months
Here’s like shitty discord whiteboard i did. with friends :D !!!! + zianna sketch I’m not thag happy with
And me poking fun at Jin with a shitty mouse drawing of vylad :3
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I need to animate the hide away shit but with me and garroth except he is NAWT chasing me I can’t imagine that so erm :3
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ging-dong · 2 months
this is important guys
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gaybae1021 · 9 months
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Day 3: Matchmaker
Zianna wants them to get married so bad you guys.
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dilftesbiggestfan · 9 months
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mcd gene should be grateful he has dilfte who’s too kind.. mys Dante would NOT let gene treat him like the way gene treated dilfte 💀
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raisunomii · 2 months
today, garroth ro'meave.
[a drabble preceding garroth faking his death, as i see it.]
The castle is silent. The castle has been silent since Garte left. Garroth didn't ask where he was going. He didn't care, as long as the shouting stopped.
The silence screeches like a wyvern.
It's cold, Garroth thinks the moment his eyes snap open. He's always been an early riser. His feet against the cool stone-brick that comprises his bedroom floor is familiar, but is never welcome. He makes his way across the room regardless, stumbling to the bathroom. He strikes a match, his oil lamp lighting seconds later.
Stubble is the enemy.
He drops his blade on the sink when he's finished.
Sometimes Garroth wakes before the servants. Today, however, is not one of those days. The halls are as lively as ever- that is to say, stray whispers echo through the walls, but one can never be sure if they come from the wind or some creature.
And his mother has never been one to talk to herself.
"Mother," Garroth says, maintaining his distance. "Did you sleep well?"
Zianna does not face him. She hasn't seen him, these past few weeks, not for lack of physical closeness. Garroth is sure the cityscape is a more favorable view than him. The sunrise is always beautiful.
He takes a few steps forward and guides his mother away from the window.
"Back to bed," he whispers, but he's sure she hasn't slept. He ignores the purple mottling her left cheekbone. Dad's gone now.
Breakfast is hearty.
Slash, parry, pass. Slash, parry, pass. Again. Slash, parry, and if he's lucky, he won't think of Nicole.
Garroth can't remember the last time Irene favored him with 'luck'. His brother's always had that honor.
And he shall appear.
Garroth sheaths his blade. Zane is in full attire, Garroth notes. Wonder who he killed today. Must've been clean- his robes are still white.
"Well? Speak if you will," Garroth instructs, jutting up his chin for a mere second. Zane's gaze is full of disgust. Another day.
"A letter from Scaleswind found its way to my hands," Zane pauses to take in Garroth's expression, carefully taking in the slightest twitch of his brother's brow. "Nicole is set to come in a week."
Garroth nods. "I look forward to it."
He turns back to his craft, hoping Zane will leave, or at the least, be mindful enough not to stab him in the back. Slash-
"Mother slept the night," Zane says, "or at least some of it."
"I sent her to bed this morning." Parry. He can feel Zane's spirits drop. Pass.
Zane's boots crackle against the dirt as he leaves.
Gnawing hunger is quickly welcomed once one realizes it keeps the mind off of unwanted betrothal. This is why Garroth has delayed dinner to stew in his own sorrow. Quite literally- the bath is much too hot today. What were the servants thinking?
His skin is red. Lady Irene.
The doorknob to the bath jiggles and Garroth has to fight back a groan.
"Bathing!" He shouts, though it doesn't make a difference, because the door swings open anyways. "Must you harass me while I'm in the tub?"
"I find you're less prone to fits of silence like this," Vylad says smoothly, dragging up a chair to the side of the tub. "Odd. Should I be cornered in a bath tub, I may refuse to speak at all."
Vylad is met with an eye roll. This does not deter him. He prattles on for about twenty minutes until Garroth demands he leave, at which point he wanders to the dining room to wait for Garroth to get dressed for a shared dinner.
Vylad often forgets to eat.
Slowly and quickly does he in patterns scurry, as a mouse avoiding a scythe during harvest. His boots make soft noises on the brick which thunder in the silence of the O'Khasis morning. Moreso, in the temporary silence of the Ro'Meave Residence.
His bag is heavy and his sword clatters with movement. Every noise is detriment.
He whips around.
"Mother," Garroth says, standing what may be miles from Zianna, but he's sure is only a few meters. Their eyes do not meet, but he sees confusion all the same.
"What are you doing? It's late, too late for you to..." Mother trails off, making way for more screaming, intolerable silence.
It is the first time they've spoke in weeks.
"Training. Early morning training."
He can see his mother force back a scoff, because for all her despair, she's never been daft. Garroth knows that she doesn't have the energy to deal with his antics at the moment. She knows this as well, and sighs, turning away.
"Be safe," she calls.
"I will!"
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mcd-brainrot-hours · 4 months
“a boy would be the son of france but you marie therese shall be mine” but it’s zianna talking to baby vylad.
garroth and zane will be garte’s boys, but vylad will always be her baby.
so imagine how distraught she must’ve been discovering his body in her garden the morning of his 10th birthday. she just wanted to pick some of his favorite flowers to give him but instead found his body in a pool of blood along the marble path, right next to her bed of marigolds.
her screams have haunted everyone in the ro’meave castle since.
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marshiiicake · 4 months
In my rewrite, Zianna has a bunch of pet peacocks that follow her wherever she goes
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pumpkinprincess22 · 10 days
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Sometimes you write fanfiction for a blorbo that upsets you so much the only solution is to blame the creator of the original media.
Yes I wrote a long character backstory for Zianna Ro’Meave. Yes I look at art of women with black hair and men with brown hair being happy and go ‘why couldn’t Jess just let her be happy’ as if Jess had anything to do with this
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cinnamontoastcroonch · 6 months
from top to bottom: katelyn, cadenza, a sketch of the romeaves, and the bottom is from a dream i had in which i saw laur with a green ribbon. discussed in the discord!
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