#zinefest 9
chlcavalier · 2 years
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Quelques photos avec @learabeau et @sarah-ayadi , pendant le Zinefest, organisé par @disparate-gallery !
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shuaketravelszine · 8 months
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Thanks for over 100 responses! We’re excited to move forward with the zine ❤️ Time to plan your itinerary and travel around the world with Joker and Akechi! 🌎
Applications open on October 25th! Mark your calendars 👀
See our detailed results below!
🗺️ Thanks for your support! This zine will feature a team of 50 contributors, including 34 artists, 9 writers, 6 merch artists, and 1 cover artist. ❤️
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🧭 Many of you are interested in the zine’s theme, so we’ll offer both physical and digital formats! ☁︎
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We'll offer both physical and digital merch, and we will try our best to include a variety of merch! ❤️
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Regarding our profit model, the team decided on a 50/50 split between charity and for-profit! 🌟
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Thank you for supporting Winds of Blessing! Our applications open Oct 25th and close Nov 30th at 11:59 PST
We look forward to reviewing your applications and being a part of our journey! ✈️
🧳 Info Doc 🧭Carrd
@all-zine-apps @atozines @fandomzines @faneventshub @welovezines @zine-scene @zineapps @zinecenter @zinefans @zinefeed @zinefest @zineforall @shuake-official
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byakkozine · 2 years
Byakko Zine pre-orders are officially open! Go check out our store HERE!
We’re really excited for the orders and can’t wait to share the months of hard work with everyone else. 
If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.
Zine Details:
Full color, Perfect Bound
6 x 9 inches
Estimated ~80 Pages
40 Contributors
Stretch Goals:
- 25 orders: bookmark 
- 50 orders: 3 mini standees for full bundle, 1 random standee for zine only and merch bundles
- 100 orders: foil print
@all-zine-apps apps @atozines @fandomzines @faneventshub @welovezines @zine-scene @zineapps @zinecenter @zinefans @zinefeed @zinefest@zineforall @zinesunlimited
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redgoldsparks · 2 years
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September 4, SF Zinefest at the Metreon, San Francisco, CA 1-2pm panel: Just Existing is an Act of Protest with @gaiaw.xyz, @8_rock, @marinaomiart and @redgoldsparks
September 17 and 18, Small Press Expo (SPX), Bethesda, MD  1-2pm panel Saturday: Spotlight on Maia Kobabe moderated by Alex Hoffman
October 6-9 Cartoon Crossroads Columbus (CXC), Columbus, OH
October 22-23 Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo (MICE), Boston, MA
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disparate-gallery · 11 months
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SALON D’ÉDITEUR.ICE.S DU ZINEFEST _ ZINEFEST 10 Rencontres internationales de micro-éditions, fanzines & multiples
◆ Le samedi 8 et le dimanche 9 juillet 2023 ◆
Au RDC du Marché des Douves 4 Rue des Douves, 33800 Bordeaux
Le Zinefest est un événement organisé par DISPARATE. Avec le soutien de la DRAC et la Ville de Bordeaux.
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pikespeakzinefest · 2 years
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Hey there zine friends! 👋⁠ We're coming up on PPZF 2022, so we thought we'd re-introduce ourselves for all the new folx! There's only 2 of us running PPZF at the moment, so we appreciate the patience and enthusiasm you all have shown us every year! (If you'd like to join our volunteer organizer team, pls shoot us an email or come chat with us at the fest!)⁠ 📘📙📓⁠ Jennifer Eltringham (she/her) uses zines in her work as a librarian, where she gets to talk to students about information, print culture, and why it all matters. She also takes every opportunity she can get to yell about the moon and possums, North America’s only native marsupial. She makes mostly perzines as @princess_soopers - she anticipates that her magnum opus will be a zine ode to chicken nuggets.⁠ 📘📙📓⁠ Kels Choo / @kookookchoo (she/they) is originally from Hawai‘i, started making zines in college in Chicago, and has been a full-time independent artist in Colorado Springs since 2017. Kels works as a self-publisher of comics/illustration, and has been exhibiting at small press events for the past 9 years. Beyond comics, they enjoy eating good food, tending to their plants, and the company of animal friends. Their favorite zines are about creatures; real or mythical.⁠ 📘📙📓⁠ *⁠ *⁠ *⁠ #PPZF2022 #PikesPeakZineFest2022 #PikesPeakZineFest #PPZF #ZineFest #Zines #Zinester #SmallPress #SelfPublishing #DIY #PrintIsNotDead #aboutme #aboutus #organizers https://www.instagram.com/p/CjBTolujk12/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kookookchoo · 4 years
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💌 Up for trades and want some physical zines 📒? Join @pikespeakzinefest’s mailing zine swap! Send PPZF up to 10 zines in the mail and to get an equal amount of new zines back! Check out @pikespeakzinefest for the full details on how/where to send your zines! ✉️💌✉️ Remember to tag your zine posts with the hashtag #PPZF2020 to be reposted to @pikespeakzinefest’s stories, or RSVP for a virtual Zoom workshop Oct 2-4! If you’re a CO artist, be sure to sign up to be spotlighted in feed posts for free by filling out the Feature Form by 9/30! ✉️💌✉️ * * * #PPZF2020 #PikesPeakZineFest #PPZF #PikesPeakZineFest2020 #zinefest #virtualzinefest #zines #comics #ZineSwap #mailinzine #saveusps #zinesters #smallpress #selfpublishing #printisnotdead (at Colorado Springs, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFlHhQDj5Xt/?igshid=o972yjpekpc1
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moon-toons · 5 years
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Summer classes and zinefest season are upon me, and I’ll definitely need some help with getting art supplies. Additionally, I’ll be doing specials on Ko-Fi and Patreon until June 9th!
Gumroad: Use the promo code SUMMER to get 30% off all my digital comics
Ko-Fi: first 4 people to give 3 coffees ($9) or more will get a character bust sketch! (ends June 9th)
Patreon: first 4 people to pledge at any tier get a character bust sketch! (ends June 9th)
Any and all support is appreciated, including reblogs/retweets! 💗 –Mouna💖
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partikell · 5 years
One Night Stand Brit (Ipoh)- Pop                   MADCHESTER
Pada malam 27.04.2019, berlangsungnya satu gig bertemakan British Pop yang berlangsung di Dream Project Hall,Ipoh.Semuanya bertujuan untuk meraikan kedatangan band dari Kota Singa,Madman.5 Band memenuhi slot persembahan untuk gig kali ini,dari 9 malam hinga 12 Tengah malam.
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Pembuka kepada acara Madman, Band baru yang berasal dari Ipoh.Sahmura Band menghidangkan genre alternatif rock.Membuat ‘debut’ persembahan di Dream Project Hall, Sahmura kelihatan memberi satu persembahan yang baik dan agak Unik,dalam penyampaian lagu-lagu mereka.Harap kekal aktif bermula dari sini.
**Gambar dari Sabree Safee
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Satu band tak asing di sekitar Ipoh dan kepada para pengiat muzik indie Ipoh.Selepas membuat persembahan pembukaan di Konsert 3 Suara di stadium Ipoh, kemudian ke Kuala Lumpur untuk jemputan persembahan di Zinefest, kini mereka kembali semula ke tempat asal.Radiowave sentiasa mengayakan penampilan yang unik dan lain dari lain semasa naik ke pentas, dan itu salah satu sebab besar kenapa penonton “baru” perlu berhenti dan melihat persembahan mereka.Dengan berlatar belakangkan gabungan irama 70′s disco,british pop, dan alternatif pop,Radiowave berjaya memecah kaku ‘’Crowd” semasa menyaksikan persembahan mereka.
*Radiowave akan mengeluarkan Material baru mereka tidak lama lagi, selepas Cabarate tahun lepas.Sama-sama nantikan~
**Gambar dari Sabree Safee
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Band berlatar belakangkan British Pop selain Bittersweet di sekitar ipoh,turut menyerikan lagi dalam Gig Madman. Mengayakan muzik Electro Brit, and electro ala-ala Kasabian, berjaya mencuri tumpuan kepada ‘crowd’ yang hadir.NYF tertarik pada dua lagu berbahasa melayu mereka, yang mungkin  akan jadi satu lagu yang ‘’besar’’,jika dikomersialkan dalam industri Muzik indie Malaysia.Satu perbezaan dalam Masquerader, di posisi synth/keyboard diisi oleh wanita,untuk menggantikan keyboardist asal Masquerader yang sedang berehat.
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Yang diraikan di Madchester, kumpulan muzik dari Singapura, sebelum ini dikenali Electro Velvet,pertama kalinya membuat persembahan di Ipoh. Dari segi gaya dan pakaian, Madman seperti bayangan Oasis,dari segi persembahan, ternyata Madman bukan ‘indah khabar dari rupa’’,ternyata Madman berjaya memberi persembahan yang cukup bertenaga, dan membuat keseluruhan ‘’crowd’’ pada malam itu tak berhenti bergerak dari mula hingga akhir persembahan mereka.Satu keunikan mereka,Di permulaan persembahan, vokalis mereka memakai topeng dari hoodie yang digayakan pada malam itu, telah mencuri tumpuan. Madman berjaya membawa penonton mereka mereka ke era 80-90an United kingdom.
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Fizan dan Heri, tapi kali ini bukan Bittersweet.Undercover Dream Club merupakan sebuah band projek Fizan dan Heri, yang bermula dari 2 bulan lepas.Undercover Dream Club menutup acara Madchester pada malam itu.Walaupun kesuntukan masa, UDC  tetap berjaya memberi persembahan termasuk lagu dari mereka sendiri yang sangat baik. Mereka sempat mendendangkan lagu selingan dari Bittersweet- Hilang,sebagai buah tangan kepada ‘’crowd’’ pada malam itu.
*UNDERCOVER DREAM CLUB mempunyai sebuah lagu sendiri, tajuknya “Biarlah Mentari”
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bobby-pins · 2 years
Des nouvelles!
Bonjour à tous,
Si vous êtes nouveaux ici, Bobby Pins est un fanzine personnel dans lequel j’interviewe des activistes ou des artistes liés à la musique punk ou indépendante. J’y dessine aussi des chatons et j’y parle de tous mes problèmes. Le numéro 9 vient de sortir et le dixième est en préparation.
Bobby Pins est conçu uniquement à la colle, aux ciseaux et à la photocopieuse. Ne me parlez pas de photoshop (ni des Ramones mais ça c’est une autre histoire.)
Ça, c’est moi :
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Les deux derniers numéros sont dispos par la poste (mon contact mail est dans la page Info), mais aussi dans les distros, fanzinothèques ou les disquaires près de chez vous.
J’ai récemment participé au tournage d’un documentaire sur le fanzinat, qui devrait sortir au mois d’octobre, vous pouvez avoir un aperçu du truc ici : www.fanzinat.fr . J’y ai parlé de mon amour pour les photocopieuses, de ma fâcheuse tendance à parler de moi et de l’intérêt de faire un fanzine plutôt que des vidéos sur internet.  La plupart des plantes sur cette photo est morte.
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Je ne serai pas présente au zinefest de Disparate à Bordeaux début juillet mais je serai vraisemblablement présente à l’université d’été du fanzine à Poitiers! Il y aura l’avant première du documentaire et plein de potes!
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Je prévois également d’éditer une anthologie bientôt, mais je suis complètement perdue au niveau technique donc je recherche des contacts dans la sérigraphie, l’édition de bouquins, l’auto-édition... N’hésitez pas à me contacter. A bientôt et bel été à vous!
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redgoldsparks · 2 years
is it possible to buy signed copies of eir memoir online? or would signed copies only be available through meeting em at events?
( P.S. did i use the pronouns right? i’m not too familiar with them but sorry if i was incorrect with the usage. )
Usually I sell $1 signed book plate stickers on my etsy page, but I have it closed for the fall because I have so many conventions to prepare for. My publisher is including signed book plate stickers with the hardcover edition while supplies last- but I have very little way of knowing if they have run out yet or not so that's a bit of a gamble! Aside from those two places, I will be signing copies in person at these four upcoming events:
September 4, SF Zinefest at the Metreon, San Francisco, CA 
September 17 and 18, Small Press Expo (SPX), Bethesda, MD 
October 6-9 Cartoon Crossroads Columbus (CXC), Columbus, OH  
October 22-23 Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo (MICE), Boston, MA 
Thanks for your interest and you did great with the pronouns :)
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disparate-gallery · 11 months
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SALON D’ÉDITEUR.ICE.S DU ZINEFEST _ ZINEFEST 10 Rencontres internationales de micro-éditions, fanzines & multiples
◆ Le samedi 8 et le dimanche 9 juillet 2023 ◆
Au RDC du Marché des Douves 4 Rue des Douves, 33800 Bordeaux
Le Zinefest est un événement organisé par DISPARATE. Avec le soutien de la DRAC et la Ville de Bordeaux.
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pikespeakzinefest · 4 years
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Next weekend, in addition to our other online activities, Pikes Peak Zine Fest will be hosting some short virtual workshops! RSVP on our FB events or shoot us an email so we can send you the Zoom link. Check out our website (link in bio) for more details!⁠ 🔶🔷🤗🔷🔶⁠ Sunday, 10/4 @ 3:00 pm, join @Kookookchoo on Zoom for the Digital Zines + Comics Workshop! Learn some basics in the process of creating a digital zine/comic! We'll be talking formatting, equipment, applications, etc. No real materials will be needed as this is more of a demo and discussion, but feel free to have something on hand to take notes with. ⁠ 🔶🔷🤗🔷🔶⁠ Colorado zinesters and small press groups!! We would still love to spotlight your work, so fill out our Feature Form to be posted to our website and social media feeds for free this weekend (Oct 2-4)! Apps are closing tomorrow Wed 9/30, so get them in soon! Anyone beyond CO, post your zines this weekend and tag them with #PPZF2020 to be reposted to our stories, or join our mail-in zine swap!⁠ 🔶🔷🤗🔷🔶⁠ *⁠ *⁠ *⁠ #PPZF2020 #PikesPeakZineFest #PPZF #PikesPeakZineFest2020 #zinefest #virtualzinefest #zines #comics #workshops #comingsoon #virtualworkshop #zinemaking #smallpress #selfpublishing #printisnotdead #virtualevent #digitalzines #scanning #howto #process #digitalcomics #formatting #kookookchoo #kelschoo #kelseychoo https://www.instagram.com/p/CFvPY-QoqOT/?igshid=13psk5zxz7xgi
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atlamagazine · 3 years
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Hello everyone! We are delighted to announce that pre-orders for our in-universe ATLA magazine, Four Nations, have been extended! There are now 9 days left to purchase the zine.
We’re offering a PDF, physical zine, and three different bundles with original merch. We ship internationally.
                           YOU CAN PURCHASE THE ZINE HERE
prices in USD and exclusive of shipping
PDF Zine | $12
Physical Zine | $20
Bundle 1 | $25 - physical zine + sticker sheet and 1 print
Bundle 2 | $30-  physical zine + sticker sheet, die cut holo sticker, 2 prints, 1 bookmark
Bundle 3 | $40 - physical and digital zine + sticker sheet, die cut holo sticker, 1 charm, 5 prints, 1 bookmark
  Pre-Orders open from August 16th - September 25th!
                                              ZINE STORE
@zinefeed @zinecenter @zineapps @zineforall @fandomzines @zine-scene @welovezines @zinefans @faneventshub @zinesunlimited @zinefest
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orangedoorcottage · 3 years
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Meet Shirley, She’s dedicating fifteen minutes to intense worrying. Afterwards, she’s going to eat a hot fudge sundae, say hello to a stranger and read a trashy romance novel instead of listening to the news. This original Goauche portrait is part of my “Ladies on Clipboards” series. She will cheerfully hang on your wall causing smiles, and then, when you need to take notes, or make a list, or write a poem, she will be there to help. 9”x12” Just listed on my Etsy shop: # mod portraits#clipboardart#goauche#goaucheportraits #zines #minizines#askyourgrandma#memoir#upcycleartist #etsyshopowner#vintagereseller#elisapetersondesign#illustration# illustratedmemoir#goaucheportraits#goauche##nanazines#Etsy.com#zinefest #zinesforsale #zines#orangedoorvintageetsy.com#nanazinesetsy.com#orangedoorcottageetsy.com#fanzine#instagood#artzine#graphicdesign#comics#zinestagram (at Fircrest, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO6QoTyjYy6/?igshid=6zx8mmxt64s
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quimbys · 6 years
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This weekend! Quimby’s is proud to co-sponsor CHICAGO ZINE FEST! . Friday, May 18th: Panel discussion & exhibitor reading, 6:30-9:30, at the Institute of Cultural Affairs, 4750 N. Sheridan Road . Sat, 11-6 Tabling exhibition  at The Plumbers Union Hall, 1340 W Washington Blvd. . Saturday, May 19th 2018: Chicago Zine Fest Afterparty w/ Punk Rock Karaoke! 7:30pm-midnight at Co-Prosperity Sphere, 3219 S Morgan St . Grab an exclusive new Chicago Zine Fest tote bag for $10 on Exhibition Day! . More info at chicagozinefest.org . #CZF2018 #ChicagoZineFest #ChicagoZineFest2018 #zines #zinefest #quimbys #quimbysbookstore #quimbysbookstorechicago #punkrockkaraoke #PlumbersUnion #CoProsperitySphere (at Quimby's Bookstore)
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