salmanziyara · 1 year
Setting Sail: A New Blog Journey Begins!
Hello, Tumblr community!
I'm excited to embark on a new blogging adventure and share my passions, discoveries, and musings with all of you. Join me as I navigate the intricate web of exploration, entrepreneurship, and the beauty of life's moments.
The Art of Exploration: Life's journey is a canvas waiting to be painted with experiences. As a fervent explorer and entrepreneur, I'm constantly drawn to the unknown, finding inspiration in the uncharted territories of both the world and the business landscape.
Unveiling My Story: Through this blog, I hope to unveil the stories behind my travels, the lessons from my entrepreneurial ventures, and the crossroads where cultures, dreams, and reality meet. Together, we'll delve into the myriad hues that life offers.
A Journey Shared: Whether you're a fellow traveler, an aspiring entrepreneur, or simply someone seeking to discover the world in new ways, I invite you to join the conversation. Let's exchange ideas, perspectives, and experiences that enrich our lives and broaden our horizons.
Charting a Course: With this first post, I'm setting sail into the vast expanse of the digital world. As I navigate the waves of words and thoughts, I look forward to connecting with all of you and creating a space where our stories intertwine.Thank you for being a part of this exciting journey. Let's make this blog a place of inspiration, collaboration, and exploration.
Warm regards,
Salman Alfarisi
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sayruq · 11 months
The Israeli military has destroyed nearly 200,000 housing units, either completely or partially, since the start of its latest assault on the Gaza Strip following Hamas's surprise attack on October 7. Mohammad Ziyara, the Palestinian minister of public works and housing, said on Thursday the bombardment has "erased entire families from the civil registry,", as well as "neighbourhoods and residential communities". "[It] also destroyed facilities, including hospitals, places of worship, bakeries, water filling stations, markets, schools, and educational and service institutions,” Ziyara added in a statement. Home to some 2.3 million people, the Gaza Strip covers a tiny area of 365sq km (141sq miles). According to the UN's humanitarian office, at least 45 percent of all housing units in the enclave have been damaged or destroyed in the Israeli attacks. Among the areas hit the hardest have been Beit Hanoon, Beit Lahiya, Shujaiya, the neighbourhoods around the Shati refugee camp, and Abasan al-Kabira in Khan Younis. An estimated 1.4 million people in Gaza have been internally displaced due to the relentless bombardment, with some 629,000 sheltering in 150 UN-designated emergency shelters. Meanwhile, Israel's total blockade on fuel entering the enclave is seriously affecting critical functions in all hospitals, risking the lives of at least 130 premature babies in incubators, 1,000 kidney dialysis patients who have had to reduce their treatment sessions, and front-line ambulance workers who cannot access the sick when the fuel runs out. Since 2007, when Hamas came to power, Israel has maintained strict control over Gaza’s airspace and territorial waters and restricted the movement of goods and people in and out of the enclave
If you click on the article, you'll be able to see the before and after pictures of Gaza. The sheer devastation is mind boggling
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hadeelhamdi66 · 5 days
I am Hadeel Shamlakh, 27 years old. I studied at the Islamic University, majoring in social service. I am married to Omar Ziyara and I have a child named Nimer, who is one year and two months old. I was displaced from the north of Gaza to the south due to the occupation and war. I live in a room with three families. I lost my father, the martyr Hamdi Shamlakh, in this war, and my sisters became orphans. Now my mother has no source of income to support me and the rest of the families living with me in the room. I also lost my cousins and friends. I lost my family, the Shamlakh family, 120 martyrs. I lost my home, and my family also lost their home. I lost my university, my dreams, my land, and my money. In short, I lost everything I own in life. There is nothing I can do. I created the support and donation link gofund.me to help myself, my child, and my family to live safely, to provide for our daily needs of food, drink, and clothing. I also provide my child with his needs of food, milk, diapers, vitamins, and health supplements because he suffers from malnutrition. I need Ventolin sprays and medications every week because I suffer from asthma. I suffer from pollution, lack of healthy food, and unhealthy water in the war. Because of the missile remnants, I can't breathe well and I get sick every day. Therefore, in order to live safely, I plan to travel to a country that will protect me and my
family. Therefore, help me by donating to me and don't be stingy with me, even with one dollar. The Messenger (PBUH) said, "Donate even half a date." I hope that you will share the story with everyone and support me with the link in the bio or in the CV above the Instagram
Thank you🫶🇵🇸
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cthonyxa · 8 months
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This is the last piece of buffer art from 2023 that I have prepared (though I might pull some art from other projects to use as buffer since I'm now officially out of it). It's of two characters from my Ashmont Vigilantes world: Lucia and Dominic. You may remember Dominic from my first post on the Transcendent Trio, although he was only mentioned in passing. This is concept art from when he was in his late teens/early 20s, set several years before the Transcendent Trio storyline and in what I'm tentatively calling the CREWCUT storyline.
While Lucia/Ziyara's backstory is still under heavy development, the basic idea is that she's from a planet called Ootalax (her species is Ootalaxian) who was sent to Earth at a young age as part of her training to eventually be the Ootalaxian ambassador. She was given the identity of Lucia Carter, niece to Gerald Carter (the secret identity of a well-known hero called Captain Amazing), and began living as a normal human. She met Nic through his parents (Isabella Allard, aka Birdseye, and Anthony Allard, aka Dire Jibe), since they ran in the same superhero circles as Captain Amazing. Despite living in separate parts of the country, they became fast friends and would go on to form an unsanctioned teen heroing group together with some other superhero friends.
A few fun facts about Ootalaxians: they are shapeshifters with the ability to change every part of their body, except for their brains, their body mass, and their specific form of mitochondria (which is what allows them to shapeshift). Their natural form tends to be tall (7 or 8 feet) with skin tones on the blue/black spectrum, four arms, and six eyes with no visible pupils. While Ootalaxians can emulate the reproductive tract of any animal, their natural reproductive system is that of three parents: imna (contributor of ova), ishrrl (contributor of sperm), and ithos (bearer of the child). Babies are born without a sex, but most settle in a single sex for the most part by the age of 5. It is not uncommon, however, for them to change their sex based on how they feel about themselves, to fit the parental role they want to have in their child’s life, or a variety of other reasons. The vast majority of Ootalaxians are multisexual, since that's their natural reproductive state, although they have the same broad spectrum of (a)sexuality that humans do. Lucia's main gender is imna, which is why she goes by she/her pronouns, and she identifies as omnisexual (the multisexual label she liked best).
In this picture, Nic is shown to be Owlet, which is kind of the Robin to Birdseye's Batman. However, as I started fleshing out the pre-TT timeline, I decided I wanted that mantle to go to his brother, Connor. There are reasons for this that I won't go into right now, but the end result is that Nic is no longer Owlet, but Mockingbird--intended to the sidekick of Dire Jibe. I'm not 100% sure if either of them will be official sidekicks or "you can't tell us no" unofficial ones, though. Nic has always been uneasy with authority, which is what draws him to the punk aesthetic/culture. There's a lot about his backstory and personality that I haven't settled on, so I can't say much right now, but identity-wise he's bisexual, demiromantic, and polyamorous.
Anyway, that's it for now. I need to finish the model sheets for the Transcendent Trio, so I'm not sure when my next post on this world will be. But, hey, maybe I'll get inspired to do a vignette. Or I'll need buffer and so I'll show you the character concept art I have for a pre-TT visual novel game I want to make around the same time I officially start working on the TT comic. I guess we'll see! 😁
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sa7abnews · 21 days
Palestinian father from Gaza dies in Israel jail 'after torture'
New Post has been published on Sa7ab News
Palestinian father from Gaza dies in Israel jail 'after torture'
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Two Palestinian prisoners’ organisations said Nasr Ziyara, 65, was ‘one of dozens’ of detainees from Gaza who had died ‘as a result of systematic torture’.
... read more !
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jiyassalon · 1 month
Jiya Beauty Salon: Kwarewar Kyakkyawan Zamani
A hakikanin gaskiya kamar yadda muka san shi inda alamu ke komawa baya, akwai wani abu mai ban sha'awa musamman game da sha'awar aikin fasaha, ƙwarewar girma mara mutuwa. Wannan shi ne babu shakka ainihin abin da Jiya Beauty Parlour ke bayarwa - balaguron komawa lokacin da aji ya kasance babba, kuma ƙwarewa ba ta misaltuwa. A jiya beauty salon makasudin shine a sa kowane abokin ciniki ya ji kamar sun shiga cikin sararin samaniya inda lokaci ya dawo, yana ba su damar jin daɗin kula da kai wanda ya tashi sama da ma'auni.
An zauna a cikin wani lungu mai ban sha'awa, Jiya Beauty Parlour ba wuri ne kawai na manyan magunguna ba; wuri mai aminci ga waɗanda ke ƙoƙarin rungumar yanayin zamanin da yayin da suke shiga cikin na baya-bayan nan a cikin ci gaba mai kyau. Yayin da kuke zagayawa ta hanyar jiya's hair salon, ana maraba da ku da yanayi mai daɗi, maraba da sauri wanda ke sa ku ji daɗi. Vibe shine kyakkyawar haɗuwa na salon al'ada da almubazzaranci na yanzu, yana kafa yanayi iri ɗaya inda abokan ciniki zasu iya sassautawa da farfaɗo.
Ɗaya daga cikin abubuwan da ya fi daukar hankali a ɗakin shakatawa na Jiya shine sadaukarwarsa don ba da taimako na musamman. Ana kula da kowane abokin ciniki tare da matsananciyar hankali ga daki-daki da la'akari, yana ba da tabbacin cewa an cika buƙatun su guda ɗaya da sha'awar su. Ko kuna cikin sauri daki-daki na ƙarshe ko kuma jimlar gyare-gyare, ƙwararrun a Salon Jiya sun mai da hankali kan isar da sakamakon da ya dace tare da wuce hasashen ku.
Fannin gudanarwar da aka gabatar a Jiya Beauty Parlour yana da faɗi sosai, yana kula da kowane bangare na kyawu da kuma kula da kai. Tun daga salon gashi da gyaran jiki zuwa magungunan fata da aikace-aikacen kayan kwalliya, Salon Jiya yana da wani abu na kowa. Ana yin kowane taimako tare da ido mai sauri don daki-daki, yana ba da tabbacin cewa abokan ciniki sun bar salon jin daɗi da daɗi.
Ɗaya daga cikin abubuwan da suka fi dacewa a Jiya Beauty Parlour shine sadaukar da kai don amfani da abubuwa masu kyau duka biyu masu ƙarfi da laushi akan fata. Ƙungiyar a Jiya Salon tana sanya hannun jari a cikin ƙarfin yanayi, haɗa abubuwa na yau da kullun da na halitta cikin magungunan su a duk lokacin da yanayin ya ba da izini. Wannan takalifi na inganci yana ba da tabbacin cewa abokan ciniki suna sa mafi kyawun kan su gaba da kuma jin daɗin mafi kyawun su, sanin cewa fata da gashin su ana mai da hankali sosai tare da mafi girman matakin tunani.
Wani ra'ayi da ya raba Jiya Beauty Parlour shine fifikon sa akan samar da ƙwarewa mai ban sha'awa ga kowane abokin ciniki. Ƙungiyar ta fahimci cewa haɗuwa da salon ba kawai game da sakamakon ba ne, duk da haka game da balaguro. Daga na biyun da kuka shiga Jiya Beauty Parlour, Allah ya albarkace ku da samun haduwar da aka yi niyya don lalata da nutsuwa. Yanayin kwanciyar hankali na salon, tare da ƙwararrun ƙwararrun ƙwararrun sa, ya sa kowace ziyara ta kasance mai ban sha'awa ta tashi daga gaggawar rayuwar yau da kullun.
Kwanan nan Beauty Parlour shima an sadaukar dashi don kasancewa a sahun gaba na kyakkyawan tsari da hanyoyin. Yayin da yanayin salon zai iya kiran salon da ya gabata, gudanarwarsa ba komai bane illa tsoho. Ƙungiya a Salon Jiya a kai a kai tana shirye-shiryen ci gaba da wartsakewa a kan tituna na baya-bayan nan cikin ɗaukaka, tare da ba da tabbacin cewa abokan ciniki sun sami sabbin magunguna masu nasara. Wannan kyakkyawar haɗaɗɗiyar ƙaƙƙarfan roko da ƙwarewa na yanzu ya sa Jiya Beauty Parlour ta zama #1 a cikin mutanen da ke ɗaukan aiki da ci gaba.
Ga waɗanda ke fatan samun wani abin al'ajabi ko kuma da gaske sun shiga ranar ɓarna tare da abokan zama, Jiya Beauty Parlour tana ba da tarin tarin abubuwan da suka dace don magance matsalolin ku. Ko dai bikin aure ne, ko bikin ranar haihuwa, ko kuma kawai fitowar 'yan mata, Salon Jiya yana ba da kyakkyawan tsari inda za ku iya shakatawa da kuma jin daɗin tattaunawar juna yayin samun magunguna masu inganci.
Gabaɗaya, Jiya Beauty Parlour wani abu ne da ya wuce wuri don gama gashin ku da kayan kwalliya - wuri don waɗannan ƙimar mafi kyawun abubuwa a cikin rayuwar yau da kullun. Wajibcin salon girma, haɗe da sha'awar sa mara mutuwa, yana sanya shi yanke shawarar zakara ga duk wanda ke neman kyakkyawar fahimta ta ban mamaki. Ko kai abokin ciniki ne na yau da kullun ko ziyartar ban sha'awa, Jiya Beauty Parlour yana ba da tabbacin matakin gudanarwa da la'akari wanda zai bar ka jin farfaɗo, maidowa, da shirye-shiryen ɗaukar duniya da tabbas.
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swimmingthingartisan · 10 months
Difference between Hajj and Umrah
Hajj and Umrah are two types of pilgrimages that are undertaken as a token of faith by Muslims. Though both of them are sacred events for Muslims, there are a lot of differences between them. Basically, Umrah is considered a lesser or minor pilgrimage to Hajj, which is the major and obligatory pilgrimage for Muslims.
Hajj Vs. Umrah
Both pilgrimages require the Muslims to perform all the rituals at the same sacred place, Mecca; their natures differ a lot. While Hajj is the obligatory pilgrimage that every Muslim who is physically and financially capable are supposed to perform, on the other hand, the Umrah stands to be a non-mandatory pilgrimage.
Also, the Hajj requires more eligibility criteria and qualifications for a Muslim than Umrah. The importance of the two pilgrimages also varies a lot. The Hajj carries more importance and rewards in comparison to the Umrah.
The Hajj is performed at a specific time of the year. There are a few designated Islamic months or periods when a Muslim can conduct Hajj, like Shawwal, Dhul-Hijjah, and Dhul-Qadah.
In contrast, Umrah is a pilgrimage that a Muslim can conduct at any time of the year. Umrah is a pilgrimage of two types: Al-Umrat al Mutradah, Umrah without Hajj, and Umrah –al tammatu, which is Umrah with Hajj.
The first type of Umrah can be performed anytime in the year except for the Hajj months and individually; on the other hand, the second type of Umrah can be performed in the Hajj months and with other pilgrims. Hajj is among the pillars of Islam and is considered a duty that needs to be fulfilled by physically and financially capable believers.
Performing Hajj is very important if you seek a place in Jannah and get closer to Allah whilst in Duniya. According to tradition, performing Hajj at least once in a lifetime is mandatory. The Hajj again has three forms. Firstly the ifrad or Hajj itself, secondly the tamattu, which is the complete but separate undertaking of both Hajj and Umrah; and lastly, the qiran, which is the alternate performance of Hajj and Umrah.
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Another distinction these sacred events have is the duration and steps of rituals. Both pilgrimages require the purification ritual called Ihram; later, a tawaf is performed, where the pilgrims encircle the Ka’aba, enchanting the prayers and end it with drinking the water from the well of Zamzam. With the completion of this step, many more steps are included in Hajj, including going to Mount Arafat and Muzdalifah, performing the stoning of the devil, and animal sacrifice. Later tawaf called Tawaf Az- Ziyara and Tawaf al – Wida are performed, and the last tawaf is considered the closing ritual of Hajj. Meanwhile, the rituals of Umrah end with the cutting of pilgrims’ hair.
Despite all the differences, the Umrah and Hajj are marks of strong Muslim faith, fidelity, and piety. Both sacred events promote a unified Muslim community bowing to the one and only Lord, Allah S.W.T. while retracing the steps of the Muslim faith.
Briefing it all!
Both the sacred events, Hajj and Umrah, are Muslim pilgrimages. Their main difference lies in importance, performance, observance, and practice.
Umrah is also considered a minor pilgrimage and non-mandated or non-compulsory. While the Hajj is a major pilgrimage and has a significant meaning. It is the fifth pillar of Islam and an obligatory practice among Muslims. A believer should perform Hajj once in a lifetime if he/she is physically or financially capable.
Umrah is of two types the Umrah al Mutrdah (without Hajj) and Umrah al tammatu (with Hajj), while the Hajj has three forms the ifrad (only Hajj), tamattu (separate Hajj and Umrah) and qiran (sequential performing of Hajj and Umrah).
Umrah can be performed anytime in the year and is a highly individualized ritual, whereas the Hajj needs to be performed in the Hajj months with the other pilgrimages.
Both the sacred events have the same initialization, till the two rituals later on Hajj add up with more rituals, and the Umrah adds two more steps to complete the pilgrimage.
Whether you are up for Hajj or Umrah, both sacred events will reward you with forgiveness and mercy from Allah. But all you need is peaceful travelling and comfortable arrangements in this sacred land.
Fortunately, we at Sara International Travel will provide you with the comfort and convenience you seek in your important journey of life.
Sara International is the best Hajj and Umrah Travel Agency, where you find the best and most affordable Hajj packages and Umrah packages across the USA. We at Sara International Travel lend you all the expert support in picking the right packages at the best deals. After all, your bliss and comfort are our goals and vision to be achieved. Reach us today to get assisted by our professional team with expertise and experience in Hajj and Umrah services and book yourself a package at the best deal.
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basmalahasad · 1 year
Week Two - V&A Photography Centre
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Jo Spence, Rosy Martin - Libido Uprising, 1989 Use of light and tone: Jo Spence and Rosy Martin employ artificial warm lighting, high contrast, and dramatic shadows in this work. The image has a brown tinge that gives it a retro sense. All of these work together to highlight key features in the picture. The red in the shoe and nails, as well as the black from the fishnets, stand out in particular. The intentional emphasis on specific parts attracts the viewer's attention to certain aspects, perhaps mimicking what men and society notice and care about in women. The shadows contouring the legs as well as the wrinkles and imperfections urge viewers to rethink expectations and appreciate the complexities of women's identities.
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Sufis: The day of al-Ziyara by Issa Touma, Photographed 1995-2005
This photographs depicts a Sufi practices conducted on the day of Al-Ziyara these range from celebrating, dancing, praying, and carrying flags to putting rods into each other's stomachs. Issa Touma studies the spirituality, cultural tradition, community, aesthetic, and emotional components of a Sufi procession, particularly on the day of al-Ziyara. It offers viewers a one-of-a-kind and sensitive viewpoint on an event with great religious and cultural importance. The photographs offer a rare insight into a religious event that many people in the UK or the world would be unfamiliar with. Touma employed both close-up framing to focus on individual participants, and broad framing to convey how big and busy the rituals are. The photographs are all taken at eye level, giving the impression that the viewer is also a participant. The photographs are black and white, which helps the viewer focus on the content rather of being distracted by the background. What links all of the images together is the subject matter itself, the Rifa'i brotherhood's Sufi parade, and the rites and activities that take place on the "day of al-Ziyara."
My photographs
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From eye level: This creates a sense of reciprocity and connection between the viewers and the person in the photograph. This viewpoint evokes sentiments of intimacy and connection. Viewers relate to the subject, making it simpler for them to engage with the image and interpret it in their own unique way.
From below: Photographing someone from a lower angle, and gazing up at them makes them appear bigger, taller, and more intimidating. This viewpoint can be used to highlight the subject's strength, power, or dominance. This makes the person seem very confident and influential.
From above: Shooting someone from above gives the impression of weakness or inferiority. It makes the subject look smaller and creates a feeling of adorableness.
Becoming the subject: The viewer and photographer are now in the shoes of their subjects. This establishes a strong feeling of engagement and immersion, allowing individuals to view the world through the eyes of that subject. It gives the viewer a feeling of importance because they have access to what is behind the scenes.
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 1 year
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🍃🕊🍃 The day of Arafa is one of the holiest days of the year, a day that God forgives the sins and answers the prayers. Some important acts to perform:
🍃 1-Ghusl
🍃 2-Dua of Imam Hussain (as) on
🍃 3-Ziyara of Imam Hussain (as)
🍃 4-Pray for yourself, family and
friends, your Imam (aj)
🍃 5-Give charity
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🍃🕊🍃 The day of Arafa is one of the holiest days of the year, a day that God forgives the sins and answers the prayers. Some important acts to perform:
🍃 1-Ghusl
🍃 2-Dua of Imam Hussain (as) on
🍃 3-Ziyara of Imam Hussain (as)
🍃 4-Pray for yourself, family and
friends, your Imam (aj)
🍃 5-Give charity
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hardynwa · 1 year
Zamfara Community Releases Names Of 85 Children, Women, Others Abducted By Terrorists
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SaharaReproters had reported how the terrorists kidnapped at least 80 children on Friday morning during a fresh operation in the Tsafe Local Government Area of Zamfara State. The Wanzamai community in Zamfara State's Tsafe Local Government Area has compiled a list of the 85 people kidnapped by suspected terrorists on Friday. Although the victims' ages were not specified, it was learnt that they included women and children. SaharaReproters had reported how the terrorists kidnapped at least 80 children on Friday morning during a fresh operation in the Tsafe Local Government Area of Zamfara State. This was confirmed to BBC Hausa by the parents of the victims who revealed that the children were between the ages of 12 and 17. They added that the victims were in the bush fetching firewood at about 8:00 a.m. when the terrorists rounded them up and marched them away into the forest. A parent who said her 15-year-old son was abducted spoke to the BBC Hausa service about the attack and expressed concern about the children in captivity. “We are worried because we don’t know the condition of our children in captivity,” she said. A journalist who covers insecurity in Northern Nigeria for foreign media, Yusuf Anka posted on Twitter, “At least 85 people, including teenagers and older men and women, were abducted by armed bandits loyal to Ado Aleru in the communities of Wanzamai, Kucheri, and Yankara in the border areas between Zamfara and Katsina States on thursday. “This incident comes after the Nigerian military succeeded in killing four bandits loyal to Aleru who were looking after his herds in Magazu areas.” The list of names of the 85 victims reads as follows: - Nana Ash Ala - Abdullahi Ado Nabu Zuwa - Suleman Yahnya Sacintayi - Fauziyah Salisu - Rabi Umaru D/Sokoto - Yahuza Ali Sokoto - Safara’u Ibrahim - Yasin Ibn Mai - Hawawu Usman - Farida Usman - Nana Zayyanu 12 Jamila Zayyanu - Hassan Muntari - Suleiman Muntari - Rukayya Babariro Buzu - Hassan Babariro Buzu - Usaina Babairo Buzu - Bashariya Shehu - Maryam Shehu - Bilki Hamisu - Nawara Ahsiru - Musa Dargoma - Khalifa Sule - Mustafa Alfa - Najibu Mani - Yargoma Ayye - Jabiru Nayaro - Asma’u Nayaro - Hadiza Nayaro - Sherifa Isihu - Yayyah Isihu - Usman Mai Kiyo - Hassi Mai Kiyo - Murja - Abba Muhaka - Malan Alasan - Semia Allaramma - Umma Alh Yau - Murshida Ibrahim - Kabiru Mustafa - Nusaiba Mustafa - Sanmillu Sani - Maryam Muntari - Ibrahim Naamaikoto - Fati Sani - Ibrahim Isabi - Rukaya Hamza - Zaharau Abdulkadir - Mustafa Abdulkadir - Wasila Dayya bi dabu - Fati Dayya bi dabu - Khadija Dayya bi dabu - Rabiatu Dayya bi dabu - Sabila Monsura - Aadi Mustapha - Zainab Midahiru - Mustapha - Yusuf Bashar - Ado - Nafisa - Lawisa - Ssabila - Umar Mustapha Naket - Ashiru Isahu - Fauziya Salisu - Rafia Sigaga - Saila Sigaga - Nana Hamida - Usaifa Hamida - Mairo Abdullaihi - Yahaya Alaranma - Abdulrahaman Yahuza - Nafisa - Ziyara - Wasila - Farida - Zakiya - Hawararkura Halidu - Shamsiya - Nana - Aminu - Sai Fullahi - Dan Adadi - Nasiru - Yusuf Read the full article
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isausmanmohd · 2 years
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RAHOTO; Gwamnatin Jihar Bauchi Ƙarkashin Jagorancin Gwamna Bala Abdulƙadir Ƙauran Bauchi Ta Ɗauki Nauyin Gina Babbar Cibiya Ta Haddar Al-Qur’ani Mai Girma a Jihar Bauchi Da Sunan 'Maulana Sheikh Dahiru Usman Bauchi(R.A)'. Gwamna Ya Tabbatar Da Hakan Ne Jiya Da Daddare a Lokacin Da Ya Kawowa SHEHU(R.A) Ziyara a Gidansa. ...Haƙiƙa Mun Yi Farin Ciki Da Wannan Albishir....💔🙏🙏 ALLAH Ya Biya Ɓukatun Gwamna, Ya Tabbatar Da Wannan Aikin Alkhairin, Don Albarkar Al-Qur'ani💔🙏🙏🙏 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpr9R8VIhhO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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girlactionfigure · 2 years
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Chag Sameach to the Israeli Druze for their holiday of their Prophet Shu'ayb called Ziyara. 
These guys are our brothers in arms, so much so that even on their holiday they raise Israeli flags along with their own. Their dedication to IDF and police service is off the charts. All respect to you and enjoy your festival.
Uri Gobey
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lionofkarbala · 6 years
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Ziyarat Al Nahiya - Part 3 Sending salutations to the martyrs of Karbala, who sacrificed their selves for the divine cause.
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frnajdi · 6 years
I calm myself in recalling that wherever a lover of Hussain is placed, there is another Karbala/ And that wherever there is an injustice, there is yet another Ashura/ But how do I hold myself up? How do I move forward without a clear road and at its end, a leader/? I see people who remain on this road in Karbala, O’ Hussain, and all the while I just long to be a visitor/
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sadafsyed · 5 years
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The Blessed Tree A #tree I’ve been wanting to visit and Alhumdullilah recently had the opportunity to be in its company. 🌳 🙏🏼💚 The land where this #blessedtree is planted is in the middle of nowhere. It’s dry and there’s no other living plants or creations around it. When we arrived to #Jordan we were blessed with continuous rain for two days. Next to the blessed tree (in this photo) is water collected from the rain. A sight you normally wouldn’t see. This tree was blessed to be touched by #RasulAllah (salal lahu alayhi wa salim) as a young boy as he rested under its shade. It is known that the branches bent to give his mubarak body shade when travelling with their trading caravan and his uncle Abu Talib to Syria. It was during this trip that the monk Bahira recognised the signs of prophethood and warned his uncle to protect him and send him back to Mecca. "The Prophet sitting under this tree and its reacting to the Prophet makes the tree the only living terrestrial witness to the Prophet, what we would call in Arabic a sahabi. (Companion)” ~ Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad, Amman, Jordan. . . 📸 @sadafsyedart #sadafsyed #sadafsyedart #theblessedtree #prophetmuhammad #sahaba #companion #ziyara #cmumrah #celebratemercy @celebrate_mercy #travel #umrah #photo #islamichistory #monkbahira #bahira #monk #rain @sacredfootsteps #islam https://www.instagram.com/p/BwZ_M9RAKo3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kg43olmdpoqz
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