#zodiac muses
astrummorte-m · 8 months
@zodiac--muses for gwen and zack. sc.
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"I... I know I'm the last person you probably want to see, but I thought I should pop by - have a little chat. Especially since Aryin's been... acting very strangely. At least for us. Would you like to know a couple of good things about our family...?"
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stellarhistoria · 1 year
@zodiac--muses ♥ GWEN & KAE bc i cant be assed to be on discord right now my love bear with me
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"It's not a crime, y'know." he huffs out a bit of laughter as he offers the tired looking much younger yet supposedly much older woman a cup of one of their finest teas that the twins could manage to afford with their terrible income. "Being upset about things happening, speaking up only to get shot down, getting upset over time that you're upset about the same things. S' normal, Miss Gwen. Ah, I don't know particular what's eatin' at'cha at this very moment but, if you'd like a lending ear, or just a shoulder to cry on, my sister tells me I'm a pretty good rubber duck."
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justashadetalkative · 6 months
which of my homebrew final fantasy classes are you?
Linast: Spellblade
you are a mix of everything you've done and everything you've said, a mix of dream and nightmare, a mix of hope and despair. you are more than the sum of your parts, but the world won't let you say that. you keep moving forward, you keep asking for a break that the world is indifferent and sometimes cruel towards you for asking about. you know well the feeling of LOSS. for it has been your entire life. the world demands so much of you, and you don't know whether you should scream or grin. after all, this is how you prove yourself to the world. this is how you go out with a bang.
Phosa: Fusilier
you're the type of person who knows exactly when to be somewhere and when you're supposed to leave in order to even get there. you're focused on the end goal, the destination over the journey, and sometimes you forget that there's things you'd love to do while you're in the present while you're looking towards the future. you're always thinking ahead, and sometimes it causes you to trip when something randomly pops up under your feet that you didn't account for. the world is a dangerous place for the uninformed and you won't be caught unawares. the world will not see you at your worst - even if that happens more often than you'd like to admit. prideful, dear. you're ever so prideful.
Tagged by: @zodiac--muses
Tagging: @archerwhiterp, @oflostinfound, @theovergrowth, @magicmonstersandmischief and anyone else who'd like to!
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novastrae · 8 months
" You know, Zephyr, " There was a soft huff as you gazed at the water your legs were relaxing in, and you seemed to grow more at ease. " Have you ever looked at the stars? I mean - I mean REALLY look at them, " Your voice was soft, as you moved to tilt your head back. To gaze up at the sky.
" I wonder what stories they'd tell... "
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wavebcrn · 4 months
[ @zodiac--muses ; mia ]
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"Super tough, huh?" a prideful puff of the chest meets that. she's, admittedly, nowhere near as strong as jiyan, or calcharo, but at the end of the day, she's proud of the ability she has - earned or given, she has made the most of what she has... or what she remembers at all. "I bet you're super tough too."
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spellwound · 6 months
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𝔜𝔬𝔲'𝔡 𝔟𝔢𝔣𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔫𝔡 𝔪𝔢, 𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫 𝔨𝔫𝔬𝔴𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱 ℑ 𝔞𝔪?
The first friend that Zynth made when they were a child, Aloy introduced herself as being 'lost' while in Baldur's Gate. After leading her back to the Starlit Armory where their family was currently working, their mother and father had to double take at the sheer power surrounding the girl. Soon after this realization, Aloy was found out to be a half dragon.
Expecting this to immediately make Zynth and their family hate her and wish to kill her dragon form repeatedly for scales, she tries to make a mad dash for the exit of the Armory. Being caught by the hand by a small Aasimar child, she was asked why she was afraid, they were just going to ask her to stay for dinner until they could find her parents.
And she questioned it, "You would befriend me, knowing what I am?"
As a result, Zynth promised that, "no matter where I end up, and no matter where you go, we will always be friends!" with a bright smile.
Some time later during the tadpole incident and the time loops, Aloy found them without their little sister who would otherwise always be nearby, much older, and looking as if they wanted to do nothing else other than sit and rest for the rest of their life. More haunted, more cursed than the lands she had found them in.
Determined to make them smile where they had done the same for her, Aloy approached with a lute in hand, giving a Bardic Inspiration with a gentle "There's no other smile I'd love to see to outshine the sun." Afterwards, they refused to leave each other's side as they search for Farise and reach the end of this - and go home.
Aloy is played in game by @zodiac--muses.
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fyblackwomenart · 9 months
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Adrienne Muse
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hotdogdynamitezzz · 2 years
~ Astro Observations ~
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Saturn is known as the protector planet as it rules over barriers, restrictions, delays, limits & any protection that can be forced. Look at your chart to see where you will experience the most setbacks yet are protected. For instance, I've noticed someone with Saturn in the 6th house is very hard working and often puts in twice the work to get places, but they can experience setbacks with their colleagues nitpicking or criticizing them. But they are usually protected, their hard work pays off, or they always thrive. I see A LOT of famous people with Saturn in the 6th house.
Libra risings like people who are like themselves or else they completely avoid those who are obnoxious and aggressive as it appalls them. Yet, I commonly see them drawing in these individuals at the same time. Best rising for enemies to lovers as the main protagonist just doing their thing unbothered until an aries rising shows up lmao.
I notice the type of people we are attracted to reflect our 1st or 7th house in some way. For instance I have Venus in 1st and I always attract Aries rising & Mars in 1st house people. I noticed the same for someone who had Moon in their 1st house commonly attracting Capricorn risings or those with Saturn in their 1st house.
The sun sign is actually very important in your chart and isn't just some hocus pocus bogus crap found in magazine horoscopes. From my observations I've developed a theory that Mutable signs adapt using their sun signs qualities they usually start off HATING but find it necessary to utilize for their own personal power. Cardinal Signs seem to dislike their sun signs qualities and chase after everything using THE OPPOSITE qualities of their sign. It's when they use their sun signs qualities to their advantage they will find their initiations successful. While fixed signs struggle the most to master their own sun signs qualities as it sticks with them through and through, they relate the most to their sun sign as these qualities are something inate they use to identify themselves. However, they struggle to figure out how to use their qualities in a positive light as they can easily get stuck in a cycle.
Ex, a lot of Virgo euns hated cleaning or organizing themselves using lists as they were younger but later adapted because of the many health problems this sign usually experiences so found it necessary
Ex, Cancer suns tend to ignore their emotions and lash out at others being deemed insensitive so they focus on Detachment when really they should be utilizing their magnetism and intuition through human connection as they are the sign with the most power over others emotions.
Ex, Aquarius suns struggle with seeing the use of collaboration with others opinions and applying their innovative thoughts towards real life skills. They can get stuck in a constant pattern of not feeling accepted or heard. But mastering their creative thinking and differences to use positively will give them the most recognition.
Mutable sun sign = Adapting to your Qualities
Cardinal sun sign = initiating your Qualities.
Fixed sun sign = Mastering your Qualities.
This is also why imo it's the hardest to spot a mutable sun sign as they're usually farther away from Adapting to their sun signs qualities until they've gotten more experience in life. Usually looking at the general themes in their life can help you identify them the easier.
Ex, Gemini suns are focused on developing communication skills and confidence in their socializing capabilities.
Ex, Pisces suns usually deals with people taking their dreams for granted and is most likely influenced by a harsh or strict environment.
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In Solar Return Charts the most common house placements tend to be the 1st House, 6th House, 7th House and 10th House. ESPECIALLY 1ST & 6TH HOUSE! This is because most of our years are focused on the tangible and everyday aspects of our lives which is ruled by the 6th house, our public person and career is the 10th House, and focusing on ourselves is our 1st House.
If you're a student I frequently see 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th & 9th Houses filled in solar return charts. The 3rd/5th/9th Houses are all about acquiring skills, learning from what's in front of you, hobbies and pleasure, and higher knowledge or lessons to be taught that bring about movement in your life. I also included 6th house because that's our daily life + physical health while the 8th house is about our mental health so it makes sense why students often have that house filled...
Wanna find out how to turn your creative thinking into a weapon and utilize it for success? Pallas (2) can show what you're naturally gifted at intellectually.
Pallas is the asteroid representing Athena goddess of war, strategy, knowledge & creative thinking. I've seen this asteroid work wonders tbh. My friend has it in Libra 12th House and she's a visual artist mastermind. She can piece any aesthetic or visual together like a puzzle.
If you want to manifest any desires, look at your 11th house! This house rules our wishes and what is rewarded after we've put hard work into it. Finding direction will be much easier to achieve if you look at your 11th house and what it's telling you to work for. Basically I've seen Pluto in 11th = earning power over people, Saturn in 11th = earning respect and titles, Venus in 11th = earning love or money (wealth indicator), Neptune in 11th = earning a prophecy, deep undivided loyalty & glamour, Mercury in 11th = earning your name to be widespread, knowledge & fast results.
I'd say Mercury in the 11th is a big "viral celebrity" placement as they can easily do something and everyone knows their name overnight. Also good for scholars!
The 12th house is also known as the house of Loss. Your planets, sign & rulership could determine what you end up sacrificing or leaving behind. For example, Cancer in 12th could often leave their homes or roots, they usually experience family loss early too. Scorpio in 12th house loses their fear, finances & secrets easily (beware of who you let talk to you). And Sagittarius in 12th house can lose their freedom, knowledge acquired, and faith in others.
The most copied people tend to be Scorpio risings, Pisces risings, Pluto in 1st house, Neptune in 1st house and 12th House placements. That's because with Scorpio energy in the 1st house their identity is literally exploited and used for power dynamics (legit had my friend catfished a bit ago and she has an 8° sag rising with Pluto in 1st conjunct her ascendant). And Pisces energy around the 1st House because people have no barriers with you and feel entitled to take your identity. It can almost feel like a sacrifice of themselves for Pisces rising or those with Neptune in 1st house (ex, Marilyn Monroe & Kim Kardashian, it's not a mistake they both have Neptune in 1st house).
Differences between the angular houses cuz I know we get these mixed up easily:
Your 1st house = How you identify yourself in the world.
Your 4th House = Your roots and how you grow into the world.
Your 7th House = How others identity you, your close connections.
Your 10th House = What you're known for, your reputation.
The houses of legacys are 4th, 8th & 10th. This is your history and how you make your mark on the world, how you will be remembered, and your title in the word.
8th house placements is what we knowingly gatekeep from the world, and the house rulership tells just as much if it's empty. Rich people usually have Jupiter in the 8th house because they are quite literally gatekeeping their wisdom, knowledge, gifts & MASS amounts of power. They also receive money randomly sometimes and have fabulous luck with stocks or investments.
Usually people with Moon in the 8th House tend to be reserved with their deepest emotions and family life. They can often take the longest to open up or trust others as they're used to being blackmailed or having their emotional security taken away from them.
Countries' rising signs MAKES A LOT OF SENSE. Russia has a Scorpio rising (known for intelligence agencies, spies, and cold environment...also destruction of the USSR), the USA has a Sagittarius rising (known for freedom, boldness & diversity...also aggression lol) & Britain is a Libra rising (country known for its fashion, etiquette and tea, its so libra LMAO)
Sun sextile Mars is the best aspect for a natural leader. You know how to utilize your individuality to stand out during competition and you also naturally bring out shining qualities in the people you lead. You take challenges to your ego with ease and although passionate you still remain assured and unbothered by threats. Also high sex drive is present here
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A lot of psychics have Moon sextile Neptune because they access otherworldly feelings subconsciously without blockages. And are both Water and Fire dominant. Water rules unconscious and flowing emotions, while Fire represents intuition and gut feelings hence "follow your heart" being their motto.
In general looking at your Moon placement is THE MOST important when figuring out your intuitive abilities as the Moon is the unconscious mind & your personal feelings and behavior. You could determine what suits you best with this!
Ex, Mercury aspecting Moon does well with Tarot & Oracle or any divination that requires pattern connections and using your hands
Ex, Pluto aspecting Moon might be able to talk to ancestors, spirits, and gain information about dangerous events
Ex, Venus aspecting Moon would be great for Glamour magic, Love spells, WEALTH MANIFESTATIONS, and herbalism!! TEA READINGS LOL
I need to stop with Libra & Tea �� istg Tea is ruled by Libra & Neptune BUT THATS JUST MY INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS COMING THRU.
I don't necessarily believe in everything I listed or think it's all good practices like Love magic but I wanted to help you develop an idea of how each planet can be connected for practical use.
I feel like Uranus is actually a hard planet to understand and sometimes value in everyday life because it's just so...out there LOL. Like it's described as sudden surprises, rebellion, electricity, revolution & eccentricity. It's just a hard planet to relate to in general because it's the opposite of conformity so applying it in your life is umm confusing to say the least lol.
Basically I look at Uranus as sudden ups & downs, where we grow FAST but where we get knocked down BAD too. I literally think cancel culture would be ruled by Uranus ngl LOL. It's unpredictable and awakens or shakes up whatever it aspects.
So Uranus aspecting Venus would cause a turbulent love life, a somewhat Detached or Hypersexual character, Very wealthy and a visionary in fashion or with money. But alsoooo struggles to maintain relationships or struggles A LOT with self love.
TW but I've often seen those with Uranus in 2nd & 6th House struggle the most with body dysmorphia and weight fluctuation. Your health can always spike up and down too. It's because these houses rule over our self-worth, body and physical health. Therefore, sometimes it can really shake your eating habits up which would obviously cause a struggle in your mental health.
However I've also seen some of the MOST inflated egos come from people with Uranus in 2nd House. Again the unpredictability and sudden Shockwave to your confidence with Uranus can literally make you feel like God or sunken. It's VERY drastic.
Oppositions to the Ascendant, also known as Conjunctions to the Descendant are qualities we possess that others DON'T accept us for and often make us feel insecure. Lilith Opposite Ascendant would probably be heavily shamed for their promiscuity and manipulative behavior. While Uranus opposite ascendant would be ridiculed for their Weirdness or Intelligence. People would label them as crazy lol�� (totally not me).
Also if you have Uranus aspecting the Ascendant or Mars you are VERY clumsy and accident prone LMAO�� your movements literally come off as a shockwave to others and everything around you. It's just one step and all of a sudden a whole clothing rack comes falling down. Uranus does rule Natural Disasters so...are we even surprised?
When looking at your Solar Return Chart it's not just Pluto to be concerned about BUT CHIRON. This asteroid is the wounded healer meaning it will detail the wounds you have to recover from and face that year. Chiron also highlights where we feel or are literally rejected so...check that fr.
The saddest Chiron placement imo is in the 1st & 4th House. Because your identity and self expression is rejected with the 1st house, while in the 4th house you could be outcasted by your own family and feel blocked put from any form of emotional security.
An example of what I think is a good example of significant Chiron energy would be Selena Gomez and her Venus conjunct Chiron at a 1° orb in Leo 1st house. Basically it shows up as her body being rejected, women rejecting her, and her own creative projects or indivuality feeling rejected. She probably is very self-deprecative because of this as she never feels her appearance or identity is good enough.
Chiron in 1st House people also get copied lots...just sayin
Women tend to be VERY jealous of those with Venus or Moon aspecting Chiron because they view that individual as wounding their views of femininity and project their insecurities onto them. The women with Venus/Moon aspecting Chiron placements are seen in general as being too vulnerable or soft which are stereotypical feminine qualities a lot of women can feel resentment towards brought on by the ✨️Patriarchy✨️
Marilyn Monroe also has Venus conjunct Chiron...��
So does Jessica Alba, Olivia Rodrigo and Kurt Cobain.
Their lovesick songs PLZ what's more Venus conjunct Chiron than that�� excluding miss Alba lol.
The same goes for women with Sun & Mars aspecting Chiron. Men are usually jealous of their success and degrade them because they see them as a threat to their masculinity.
Fun fact: The 4th House rules over the Father while the 10th house rules over the Mother in family astrology. Although I generally always saw the Moon sign as the most accurate representation of the maternal figure in your life but I found the above on astrology websites.
I also found some sources saying the 10th house actually rules your dominant parent? It's a whole debate on Google but it did say the 10th house rules the Mother in my astrology books so...idk I see it. Let me know in the comments your thoughts!
And to end this off, let me know your rising sign degree and I will try to guess your favorite colour to wear lol
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your-astro-mami · 2 years
Neptune: Нotes and Оbservations
Neptune in the 1st/10th House (*or ruler of the 1st House conjunct Neptune) can make people quite obsessed with you. Why? Neptune is the planet of illusion, glamour, you create an image of yourself that others may find intriguing, it just brings people in, even if that is not the real you. A lot of celebrities have this (including Marilyn Monroe). These placements can also make people inspire others. They are prominent in many muses' charts.
Also, Neptune in 1st/10th or ruler of 1st conjunct Neptune can show someone that makes others want to help them, take care of them. They can give lost puppy vibes, regardless of whether it's intentional or not.
Mercury-Neptune aspects or Neptune in 3rd can show a person with a vivid imagination, but also someone that tends to be delusion, unrealistic, daydream a lot, be disconnected from reality.
Neptune in 5th can create a great actor. You just merge into the role of someone else. Neptune in 1st as well.
Neptune in 4th is connected to foster homes, adoption, loss of parents, disconnection from the parents (when people were raised by someone else instead of their parents).
Neptune in 10th can often point to a career connected to arts, being in a creative field. On the negative side, it shows someone who can lack direction in life, no clear ambitions.
Neptune in 10th and 11th both are connected to people with big dreams in life, people who want to do the impossible (with the right other placements it can happen).
Neptune in 7th in relationships can indicate having very bad enemies, people who play victim, people you don't expect to stab you in the back but they do. Neptune in 12th is similar, but could be worse. You may be betrayed without even knowing about it.
Neptune in 5th or 7th can show attraction to creative types, but it can also show attracting people who lie, enjoy playing the victim, manipulate in relationships.
Having Neptune in 7th can be bad for business (unless it's done on your own and it's something creative). You can atract a lot of snakes and your business partners might want to take advantage of you.
Neptune in 2nd or 8th is kind of complex for money and finances, unless your source of income is something creative or you invest in any creative businesses/art. If you have this, 100% avoid trusting other people with your money. You can fall victim into financial scams. Also learn to be more conscious of your spending. Don't make risky investments.
Neptune in 6th can show someone who is very creative in their job/workplace, but can be bad at time management, lack organization skills, be bad at taking responsibilities.
Mars-Neptune squares/conjunction/opposition can point to someone who lives out their fantasies through sex. Role-playing, costumes, a lot of wild stuff. They have a lot of creative energy in general, but can have problem with discipline.
Mars-Neptune aspects can also show someone who might be very different from their usual self when they are angry, total lack of control. Unlike Mars-Uranus aspects which can be impulsive and unpredictable, Mars-Neptune can be shocking, you can feel uneasy from this person when they are angry.
Neptune in 9th can find themselves in another country. Experience their spiritual awakening in another country. You may also idolize other countries until you actually live there. Like the Paris syndrome.
Neptune in 11th can show that you may attract very difficult people as friends, people who may try to use you, opportunistic people, so be more cautious of your friend groups.
Neptune in 12th individuals have a very strong intuition. It is one of the placements connected to psychics, people who are very observant, having a sixth sense.
*e.g. Aquarius on the 1st house cusp, Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and Uranus is conjunct Neptune in the chart.
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astrummorte-m · 2 months
@zodiac--muses from ariel
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"Do you even want to have kids? And I do mean that in every aspect, Gwen. From the infant stage to the years you won't get to see. I know my sibling's got about as much tact as a forest fire, but, seriously. Is that even something you want?" she knows that aryin wanted to be a dad once upon a time... but that was a long time ago.
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stellarhistoria · 10 months
@zodiac--muses. / from here. / ariel & gwen.
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"Yeah. Gawains don't run from a fight." ariel knew little about history, at least not by choice. she knew more about the infinite possibilities that laid ahead than it was ever close to looking back to a history that had only haunted and harmed. "But what does Gwen do when faced with something she can't fight, something that won't run, something that wants to take everything from her again?" her smile is half warm and half knowing. "What one are you fighting: the battle or the war?"
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plutoswrath · 2 years
𝙰𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚘 𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝟷: 𝙰𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚗
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🫧 Working with children, I really want to start making more astro observations on them. I’ve read many theories about ‘children are their moon sign etc’ - which doesn’t have to be wrong btw !! the environment we grow up in really heavily determines what we show and grow into the most after all - but from what I’ve seen so far, especially when they’re younger, they’re all their sun sign to a t.
🫧 When we talk about children it’s important to note that children are all very much in their ‘me me me’ era and that they just at the start of getting socialized. What aspect in their chart will be shown and is evolving is also very dependent on the institution/environment they are in. If you put a child in school, it only makes sense that the 3rd house is heavily triggered since it literally talks about our early socialization process and early education.
🫧 The process of growing more and more into the ascendant (aka the way they are socialized by their close environment) would be ever present, I believe, but ofc, it all starts from home (as almost everything does, right?) and then translates into the way they start behaving and interacting at other places.
🫧 But since my work with children mainly consists out of playing with them and doing sports, I think the vital, expressive and fun loving attitude of the sun shines even more than usual. Not only are young children mainly controlled by their ego, but my work focuses on helping children realize their individual unique skill sets as well, so I do think I get a good glimpse of their purest form of their Sun, 5th house, as well as Mars energy (honorable mentions, Mercury and Venus)
🫧 And let me tell you while we’re at it, I’ve met so many Gemini and Virgo children in my life and nothing compares to the level of articulation both possess. Not to forget the level of skill Gemini children possess from an early age on (and yes Gemini children are the ones who talk the most. It’s not a bad thing though, we as a society should really start listening to children more and nothing means more to Gemini children than showing them that you engage with their words and pay attention). Virgo children are most of the time so easy to be around (often because they early on start adapting to the rules of the adults, sad to see <‘3) + Virgo children are extremely witty, and so are Leo children too. But if you think Virgo children are the ones crying the loudest when rules are broken then I have to disappoint it’s always Libra children throwing the biggest fit if they themselves perceive anything as unjust (which goes beyond going against the rules of a game).
🫧 Also Scorpio children are always in their own world and so are cancer children. While Scorpio children border on the Jupiterian energy of Sagittarius they often have class clown energy too, but despite that, Scorpio and Cancer children are always zoning out at one point. Cancer children have a thing for pouting and giving the silent treatment btw LMAO it’s actually quiet funny they are the children that usually are the shiest at the beginning and retreat easily if something scares them. Their parents are their heaven if something happens. But once Cancer children feel comfortable they are totally led by their water energy. Totally in their own fantasy world and it’s really cute to see. But yeah very hard to read, I’m a Cancer myself and I have the most trouble reading Cancer children even though they all act on the same scheme of ‘one step forward, two steps back’, if anything threatens them they retreat immediately (!). I remember my primary school teacher introducing me to a new classmate and she literally said ‘Luca is like the sea, one minute they’re quiet and still and the next minute they’re wild and loud.’ LOL. If only she knew.
🫧 I observed that Cancer and Pisces children all exude the same mystic energy. Especially cancer children literally will remind you of the moon, it’s the vibe and the looks that they have, they also tend to look a tat sad most of the time, really somber.
Credit: plutoswrath, 2022.
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novastrae · 9 months
@zodiac--muses / zephyr / lyric sc. / dear you -hope-
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You eyed Zephyr carefully as you let out a small noise from your throat, your hands continuing to softly work dough - for bread. You were listening carefully, before muttering softly.
" Even if there aren't any remaining futures anymore, " A pause to throw some more flower on the wet and sticky dough. " I want to protect the things most precious to me into the end. "
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twistedappletree · 8 months
thinkin about how capricorns and scorpios are considered a zodiac “power couple”
thinkin about how lan sizhui is a capricorn and jin ling is a scorpio 👀
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aparticularbandit · 6 months
So I started the dub of Fruits Basket again.
Forgetting, of course, that the primary theme is about life changing and having to be okay with letting go of the past even though the future is uncertain.
More importantly, forgetting that one of the main threads of this throughout the series is Tohru's grief (and guilt) over her mother's death.
Well, you know what, my therapist told me to engage with grief as homework the past couple of weeks, so between this and starting Anohana again I THINK IT COUNTS.
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cxpperhead · 1 year
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I haven't decided on a date yet but Copperhead's birthday is likely to be somewhere between November 29th to December 18th, making him Ophiuchus as opposed to Scorpio or Sagittarius.
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