talmastudios · 5 years
“L’Ennemi de l’Intérieur”, d’Alexandre Langlois
Qui peut nier qu’il y a des dérives et des dysfonctionnements au sein de la Police nationale ? Des exemples ? Un taux de suicide intolérable. Des violences policières contre les Gilets jaunes sans précédent. Le déni de ces exactions. Pourtant, l’ONU s’en est alarmé sur la scène internationale. Une police des polices organisée en contravention des engagements européens de la France. Dans un dossier, elle a « sciemment truqué une procédure » où est cité un candidat aux élections présidentielles. Dernière péripétie en date ? Il y aurait « une potentielle destruction de preuves ». Nous pouvons ajouter l’affaire Benalla et tant d’autres révélant que la hiérarchie policière peut mentir et tricher, y compris en falsifiant les chiffres de la délinquance, et percevoir des primes stupéfiantes. Le réquisitoire est accablant, le règne de l’impunité doit cesser. C’est l’un des enjeux de ce livre : dévoiler ce qui se passe à l’intérieur afin que la société engage une réflexion collective sur sa Police nationale pour la réformer en conséquence. C’est un devoir de démocratie. En effet, elle ne peut être laissée entre les mains de gouvernants qui l’utiliseront pour traquer « les ennemis de l’intérieur » selon leurs besoins du moment, car les policiers sont dépositaires de la force légitime au nom du peuple. Il y a urgence.
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Licencié en droit et en sciences politiques, Alexandre Langlois réussit le concours de la Police nationale en 2005. Affecté dans un service de renseignement, ce qu’il vit et constate l’amène à rejoindre le syndicat « Vigi. Ministère de l’Intérieur », dont il devient secrétaire général en février 2015. Vigi saisit la justice lorsque la défense des policiers le nécessite, comme dans l’affaire Benalla, afin que toute la lumière soit faite sur les agissements des autorités policières, qui n’hésitent pas à s’affranchir des lois de la République. À l’été 2019, Alexandre Langlois est exclu de la Police nationale pour douze mois, dont six avec sursis, par le ministre de l’Intérieur. Il poursuit néanmoins son engagement pour une police au service de la population et non « des intérêts nationaux », comme elle l’est devenue officiellement depuis le gouvernement Valls.
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talmastudios · 5 years
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Le FBI complice du 11 Septembre
Savez-vous que des agents du FBI connaissaient à l’avance les détails du 11 Septembre, dont la date, les cibles, les moyens, les auteurs ? Savez-vous que leur hiérarchie leur a interdit d’avertir le public sous peine de poursuites judiciaires ?
Savez-vous que le FBI a perdu et manipulé voire fait disparaître des preuves de ce qui s’est réellement passé ?
Et ce n'est que le début du livre...
Le temps d’une enquête indépendante sur le 11 Septembre et les agissements du FBI est enfin venu.
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talmastudios · 5 years
“Ecrire nous-mêmes la Constitution“ par Etienne Chouard
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Voici le texte de la préface rédigée par Priscillia Ludosky :
Avant, je regardais défiler la vie, tout en zappant et espérant tomber sur un épisode qui suggère la prise de conscience.
En effet, selon moi, le système éducatif tel qu’il existe nous forme afin que nous entrions dans un moule façonné de manière à ce que nous n’ayons pas la possibilité de développer notre ouverture d’esprit et notre réflexion.
Ce qui se vérifie ensuite dans le monde du travail, monde impitoyable, qui vous plonge dans un coma, une lobotomie, gardant votre esprit en veille de par son contexte oppressant et culpabilisant.
Un système global qui nous maintient dans la survie et nous isole les uns des autres, et suggère le désintérêt de l’autre et de sa condition.
Imaginez des millions de cerveaux en veille… qui se mettent en ébullition...
Imaginez de multiples émotions forcées de se taire, qui, tout à coup, veulent s’exprimer…
Imaginez un ensemble de citoyens qui sortent ensemble la tête de l’eau…
Pour ma part, c’est lors de ma reconversion professionnelle qu’une partie de mon cerveau, non accaparé entre autres par les tracas quotidiens imposés par le monde du travail, que j’ai enfin pu réfléchir… penser... questionner... armes les plus dangereuses aux yeux des profils qui sont aux manettes d’un tel système.
Quand un questionnement en amène un autre, quand une réflexion en suggère une autre, quand une alerte en dévoile une autre, c’est pour moi le fruit d’une prise de conscience collective. C’est la genèse du Mouvement des Gilets Jaunes.
Un mouvement qui dit stop.
Un mouvement qui regroupe des milliers de citoyens qui proposent une mise à jour du système et se battent pour l’obtenir.
Des citoyens qui se savent profondément souverains et maîtres de leur destin, mais qu’on a, depuis toujours, infantilisé et rendu dépendants de ce système.
Un asservissement qui n’a pas sa place et qui est aujourd’hui rejeté.
JE le rejette.
C’est pour cela que, depuis quelques semaines, a lieu une sorte de recensement des mesures mises en place par l’Exécutif. Recensement qui permet de mettre en lumière la motivation réelle des politiques.
Émergent alors de ce géant « brainstorming » des initiatives citoyennes tout à fait exceptionnelles. Une solidarité insoupçonnée et une fraternité jusqu’alors étouffées. Le peuple s’affaire et n’a besoin de personne pour le faire.
Il se compose d’un vivier de citoyens en colère qui le fait savoir ! Ils demandent des comptes, NOUS demandons des comptes et souhaitons retrouver notre place la plus légitime ! Nous réclamons le droit de pouvoir participer aux prises de décisions qui nous concernent, le droit de nous saisir du livre de notre histoire afin d’en écrire nous-mêmes les chapitres à venir.
D’ailleurs, nous avons déjà commencé et je crois en la transmission de cette belle énergie des uns aux autres. Ma rencontre avec Étienne en est précisément le résultat. Une belle rencontre sur un chemin difficile mais aussi passionnant. Prendre en main, tous ensemble, notre futur, se battre pour une cause commune, « notre cause commune » comme dirait Étienne, c’est ce que nous faisons dans le mouvement des Gilets Jaunes.
Utilisons cette plume : pour créer, recréer, organiser, communiquer, construire et pourquoi ne pas commencer par réécrire la Constitution… nous-mêmes ?
J’aurai plaisir à m’y exercer et je te remercie, Étienne, de m’en donner l’opportunité.
Puis tiens, pourquoi ne pas commencer maintenant avec l’article 5, par exemple ?
Version actuelle :
« Article 5.
Le Président de la République veille au respect de la Constitution. Il assure, par son arbitrage, le fonctionnement régulier des pouvoirs publics ainsi que la continuité de l’État.
Il est le garant de l’indépendance nationale, de l’intégrité du territoire et du respect des traités` »
Ma première version :
« Article 5.
Le Président de la République et le peuple veillent au respect de la Constitution. Le premier assure, par son arbitrage, le fonctionnement régulier des pouvoirs publics ainsi que la continuité de l’État et le second veille au bon accomplissement de cet arbitrage.
Ensemble, ils garantissent l’indépendance nationale, l’intégrité du territoire et le respect des traités. »
Voilà qui me donne des idées pour la suite de cet exercice et je pense modifier à plusieurs reprises ma version, mais c’est déjà un début.
Je vous invite à tenter l’exercice et pourquoi pas entre amis, en famille ou dans un cadre plus strict, l’important est que nous avons la chance de pouvoir agir ensemble et maintenant.
Notre union fera notre force.
Voici une citation de Martin Luther King qui me parle tout particulièrement :
« Chacun a la responsabilité morale de désobéir aux lois injustes. »
Priscillia Ludosky
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talmastudios · 6 years
“Géopolitique des cryptomonnaies”, le monde de demain
“Le bitcoin est la première pierre de la révolution monétaire du 21e siècle”
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En à peine dix ans, la révolution du bitcoin et de la technologie de la blockchain a amené près d’une centaine de banques centrales sur tous les continents à en étudier les applications et les conséquences. Plusieurs pays sont d’ailleurs en cours de lancement de leur propre cryptomonnaie souveraine, ce qui aura des implications profondes pour le monde et le changera durablement.
Géopolitique des cryptomonnaies analyse les différentes stratégies en cours et en dévoile les enjeux. L’un d’eux est de décider si les banques commerciales sont encore nécessaires. S’en passer paraît impossible, c’est pourtant ce qui se joue actuellement au niveau des institutions financières.
Le public doit donc avoir connaissance de cette formidable opportunité de changement de la société et ne pas laisser se prendre les décisions uniquement dans les sièges feutrés des banques, car, au-delà de la spéculation sur le bitcoin, épiphénomène mineur à l’échelle de la finance, c’est son avenir qui en dépend.  
Ce livre propose aussi quinze scénarios de création de cryptomonnaies impliquant une quarantaine d’États, dont plusieurs permettraient de prévenir ou de mettre fin à des conflits en cours ou latents.
Après une telle lecture, il ne fait plus de doute qu’une (crypto)monnaie peut apporter la paix et la prospérité.
Date de parution : 30 mars 2018.
256 pages – 46 illustrations et cartes – Prix public : 17,90 €.
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talmastudios · 7 years
Vaccins - Oui ou Non ?
(Avis de parution prochaine)
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Un siècle après Louis Pasteur, la vaccination n’a jamais été autant remise en question de toutes parts : les vaccins sont-ils fiables ? Provoquent-ils des maladies comme l’autisme, la sclérose en plaque, l’Alzheimer, le Parkinson, les allergies... dont le nombre explose ? Leur efficacité est-elle garantie, par exemple, contre le cancer du col de l’utérus ou la grippe ? Cette dernière a-t-elle réellement causé 18 000 décès en France à l’hiver 2014-2015 ?
Les auteurs de Vaccins – Oui ou Non ? versent aux débats les résultats de leurs recherches au sein de leur laboratoire de nanodiagnostics. Grâce à une technologie spécifique de microscopie électronique, ils prouvent la présence de nanoparticules de métaux toxiques dans les vaccins, dont on se demande bien ce qui peut la justifier. Quelles en sont les conséquences pour le corps humain ?
Face au nombre d’affaires judiciaires et à la suspicion générale qui augmentent, les autorités politiques et sanitaires déclarent vouloir restaurer la confiance du public. Pourtant, elles annoncent l’obligation de huit vaccins supplémentaires à injecter dès la première année de vie, à la suite de ce qui ressemble pour beaucoup à un simulacre de consultation citoyenne où le débat a été confisqué.
À l’écart des passions entre pro- et anti-vaccination, ce livre incisif, écrit comme une enquête, ose analyser la situation en profondeur, y compris le rôle et les pratiques de l’industrie et des organismes de contrôle, afin de nous permettre de prendre les décisions qui nous concernent. En effet, c’est notre santé et celle de nos enfants qui est en jeu.
À lire d'urgence pour comprendre ce que sont et impliquent la vaccination et les vaccins.
Stefano Montanari et Antonietta Gatti, scientifiques italiens reconnus au niveau international, ont ouvert une branche nouvelle de la recherche médicale : la nanopathologie, discipline qui traite les maladies induites par les micro et les nanoparticules solides, inorganiques et toxiques. Confrontés à des milliers de cas pathologiques, ils ont analysé le contenu de dizaines de vaccins, qu’ils nous livrent en exclusivité.
Outre ses activités au sein de leur laboratoire Nanodiagnostics, Antonietta Gatti est aussi Visiting Professor à l’Institute for Advanced Sciences Convergence (Département d’État américain), membre du Comité Scientifique National du ministère de la Défense italien (CPCM), conseillère de la Commission gouvernementale sur l’uranium appauvri et les maladies en corrélation, ainsi que coordinatrice de projets de recherche européens et italiens.
Serge Rader, pharmacien diplômé d'État, ancien titulaire d'officines pendant plus de vingt ans et président fondateur de la Coopérative de Pharmaciens Ile-de-France, devenu lanceur d'alerte face aux dérives de l'industrie pharmaceutique.
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talmastudios · 7 years
The book you will never forget?
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The Viking map of Vinland, considered to be a fake by some historians. This is finally not very important in itself, as it is definitely established that the Vikings accosted America at least five centuries before Christopher Columbus.
Those extraordinary anomalies which question the history of humanity
To clarify what the book is about, here is the back cover text:
“The Mystery of the Ancient Maps starts with two maps of the 10th century, with America drawn five centuries before the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492, who obviously did not discover the New World.
Thus, not only does this book definitely question the official history about the discovery of America, but also about Australia, Africa and Antarctica, because the information shown on these maps was supposedly impossible in their time.
In the end, all these maps also question the official history of mankind, all the more as these continents are sometimes drawn as they existed thousands of years ago. How is that possible? Who could have drawn them?
As unbelievable as it may seem, it is now before our eyes.”
Having been invited to give a lecture at the publication of the book, it is no surprise that one question came from the public as soon as the second map was presented: "But why have we never heard of these maps?"
We cannot answer for those who officially make history, but it is clear that the maps of the world presented in this book, and not just the first two, question, not only the history of great discoveries, but above all, the history of mankind: we cannot look at a map of the 10th century on which America is drawn and continue to believe that Christopher Columbus was the discoverer.
All the more, as archaeology officially acknowledges today that the Vikings settled in northern Canada around the year 1000, so about five centuries before Christopher Columbus. There is also the Viking map of Vinland, preserved at Yale University, in the United States. It is considered the first representation of America, wrongly however, as proven in The Mystery of the Ancient Maps. But, as the scientific community is not unanimous about its authenticity, we content ourselves with presenting it in the book, especially as we show much more interesting ancient maps.
We will come back to that in a future article. In the meantime, if you have the opportunity to read The Mystery of the Ancient Maps, you will understand why there is a good chance that you will never forget this book.
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talmastudios · 8 years
The Mystery of the Ancient Maps
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Those extraordinary anomalies which question the history of humanity
The Mystery of the Ancient Maps starts with two maps of the 10th century, with America drawn five centuries before the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492, who obviously did not discover the New World.
Thus, not only does this book definitely question the official history about the discovery of America, but also about Australia, Africa and Antarctica, because the information shown on these maps was supposedly impossible in their time.
In the end, all these maps also question the official history of mankind, all the more as these continents are sometimes drawn as they existed thousands of years ago. How is that possible? Who could have drawn them?
As unbelievable as it may seem, it is now before our eyes.
The Mystery of the Ancient Maps exists as a documentary in vod on Vimeo and as a book in different versions, with more than 100 illustrations:
- colour: ISBN 9791096132133 (108 pages);
- B&W: ISBN 9791096132065 (104 pages);
- Kindle: ISBN 9791096132102 (130 pages).
The Mystery exists also in other languages:
- French: Le Mystère des cartes anciennes (colour, Kindle, vod),
- Spanish: El misterio de los mapas antiguos (colour, Kindle).
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talmastudios · 8 years
Our new website about Electroculture
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Why electroculture?
As we explain on the home page, “some systems of electroculture proved to be so efficient that they increased crops in considerable proportions (up to 200%) without any chemical fertilizer of any kind.
The germination of seeds was better and shorter, and crops were much hastened.
Electroculture also helped prevent diseases and rejuvenate plants, even, with some systems, in drought-stricken regions.”
Free resources
On this website, we present the books that we publish in this field, with also free resources, like old books, articles and images.
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talmastudios · 8 years
Competition for the Two Palaces of the Champs-Elysees - Exposition Universelle (1900) - Collection Artchitecture
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A book of our new collection Artchitecture
The Grand Palais and the Petit Palais were built in Paris for the Universal Exhibition of 1900. Before their construction was launched an architectural design competition in 1896. All the drawings and illustrations in this book are the various projects for that contest. A precious book for all those interested in architecture (in color).
92 pages of illustrations and plates.
ISBN: 979-10-96132-04-1
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talmastudios · 8 years
“Bye Bye Blue Sky” and chemtrails
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The documentary Bye Bye Blue Sky was broadcast in Italian in its feature length version on the swiss channel RSI in February 2011 in prime time. Then, the RSI received hostile messages from self-proclaimed “debunkers” and scientists claiming that talking about chemtrails is conspiracy theory.
This situation cast doubts inside the channel about the subject, so I wrote the public letter below, based on official information, such as the enquiry of the National Research Council (NRC) of 1997, done at the request of the Congress of the United States, and mainstream media sources.
The letter below is reproduced in its integral version of 2011, except illustrations which were added for this article, as well as the titles. And it is now about 20 years that I have been inquiring about climate issues.
You can watch Bye Bye Blue Sky on YouTube in its 30' versions (it received the Jury Award at the OneCloudFest of 2011) :
- in French: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2k97WChmN0
- in English with subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UXZJ0O0NHM
You can also watch the 53′ version in vod on Vimeo.
Chemtrails or not, never forget to look at the sky!
Best regards,
Patrick Pasin
Note : the feature length versions of Bye Bye Blue Sky on YouTube are not the final one, because it lacks at least three interviews and many images. We advise you to watch the 30' versions or the 53′ in vod (Vimeo).
Here is the letter:
Dear Sirs, All these messages you received after the broadcast of Bye Bye Blue Sky are no surprise for me. Whatever the objective elements one can bring like analyses or the fact that the French army bought 10 tons of barium sulfate without any explanation of their use, or whatsoever, you will receive such messages from so-called and self-proclaimed "debunker". I have been investigating the field of the climate and chemtrails for more than 7 years. I have read dozens of books, studies, reports on the subject. I have just finished writing a book about the weather warfare and the manipulation of the climate by the military. 
The "weather modification", the official word for it
It already has a long history. The first official trial dates back as far as 1891 with the experiment made in the Staked Plains in Texas by General Dyrenforth. The US Congress allowed $10,000 for it but stopped after 2 years due to poor results (I bought American newspapers from that period to know exactly what happened).
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General Dyrenforth with his team
But the spraying of chemicals in the sky by the military has also a long history. The first trial to modify the weather with planes certainly happened in 1924 in the USA, when the Army Air Service equipped 2 planes according to the instructions of Dr. Emory Leon Chaffee, a physicist at Harvard.  The American military was not the only one to do such experiments: the Russians, the Chinese and certainly others also tried. I read, for example, that the Chinese army sprayed deolin in 1930 above Hong-Kong to fight a terrible drought. That was only the beginning, and the real start happened after 1946 with the discovery of Dr. V. Schaeffer of General Electric: in spraying silver iodide into the clouds, it makes them rain. Thousands of experiments have then been done in the world, of course also by the military. For the USA, it was mainly the Naval Air Weapons Station at the China Lake base in northern California which was in charge of these experiments at the start. Spraying chemicals in the sky became usual for the American military (and others) for example to fight hurricanes, with the long-lasting projects Cirrus (1947-1952) and Stormfury (1961-1983).
Already during the Vietnam War
The first official use of the spraying of chemicals to modify the weather at war was done in Vietnam, under the code name of Operation Popeye. From 1967 to 1972, about 2,700 flights were made to spray chemicals over Vietnam and Laos. Almost until the end of the operation, the military succeeded in keeping it secret. The story was broke off only in 1971 and it is documented through a hearing which happened at the U.S. Congress on March 20, 1974 (it has been printed in a small book which title and references are ''Prohibition of weather modification as a weapon of war: Hearing before the Subcommittee on International Organizations of the Committee on International ... first session, H. Res. 28 ... July 29, 1975'' - I have it, of course).
The British, too
I said that the Pentagon is not the only one to have been using sprayings: the British too have done it. The BBC revealed in 2001 that the flood in 1952 which devastated the small city of Lynmouth, killing 34 people, was due to experiments of the RAF on the Operation Cumulus –the story is in The Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2001/aug/30/sillyseason.physicalsciences.
The poisoning of the populations
Despite all evidences brought by the BBC, the government denied it and refused to open any investigation. Modifying the weather is one thing, poisoning the people is another. In 1997, at the request of the Congress, the U.S. National Research Council (NRC) issued an astonishing report which title is Toxicological assessment of the U.S. Army's zinc cadmium sulphide dispersion tests. It explains that 40 years earlier, in the 1950s and 1960s, the "U.S. Army released the chemical compound zinc cadmium sulfide from airplanes, rooftops and moving vehicles in 33 urban and rural areas of the United States". Cities as large as Minneapolis and St. Louis were targeted. Of course, the NRC and its experts concluded that it was not dangerous. The reading of the whole report is not that convincing at all... The military also said they didn't know exactly anymore where these experiments happened and that files had disappeared... We also learn from this report that the British and the Scandinavians have made at the same period the same experiments against the people and the environment during almost 40 years! The Observer investigated the subject and it can be read on The Guardian website (http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2002/apr/21/uk.medicalscience): "Many of these tests involved releasing potentially dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms over vast swaths of the population without the public being told." The aftermath were terrible, but again, as in the U.S., distinguished experts concluded four decades later that these experiments were harmless for the population and the environment. And the case had then been closed.
Denying the evidence
Guess what? While they were spraying over the people in the USA, the UK and elsewhere, of course there were "experts" explaining that those trails in the sky were absolutely normal. For example, in the Free-Lance Star of May 6, 1972, it can be read that "the familiar contrails often left by high-flying planes might persist for a long time under some conditions". Similarly, in the book Clouds of the World: A Complete Color Encyclopedia published in 1972, it is explained in Chapter 11 – Condensation trails, that these strange-looking persistent trails are normal. In some american films or TV series of that period, you can watch them. An obvious example: the episode #25 of the first season of Zorro, broadcast in 1957-58 (there were only two seasons). You will notice these persistent trails, mainly during the race. Of course, they are persistent because we see the trails, but (fortunately) not the planes... In her book Planet Earth, The Latest Weapon Of War, Dr. Rosalie Bertell wrote that "the US and Canada had been cooperating in weather modification experiments since 1958. (…) The Churchill CRM (Chemical Release Modules) programme involved various barium compounds, including barium azide, barium chlorate, barium nitrate, barium perchlorate and barium peroxide. All are combustible and most are destructive of the ozone layer. In a 1980 programme, some 2000 kilograms of chemicals were dumped into the atmosphere, including 1000 kg of barium and 100 kg of lithium. Lithium is a highly reactive toxic chemical that is very easily ionised by the sun's rays."  For those who could try to explain to us that all these experiments have been stopped since a long time, here is an excerpt of a private communication of October 2010 with Dr. Rosalie Bertell: "On 19 September 2010, the US Navy sent up a rocket from its base in Virginia and placed an aluminum oxide artificial clouds some 500 miles above the Earth over the east coast. The highest natural cloud is about 50 miles. They caused a large cloud shadow which brought early snow to the east coast. Even Baltimore had snow and had to ask Canada to borrow some snow plows. The US Naval Reserve has removed this project from their web site since I began to talk about it. Who knows what else they may be doing? They do not need to go through an environmental assessment since no one’s property is involved (since no one owns the sky)! I am guessing at the numbers but I think I am close. According to the original plan, they intended to try this experiment also over Singapore." As I said above, I wrote a book on the subject, so, of course, I could tell a lot more about all these military experiments and "business as usual" operations of sprayings which have been lasting now for more than 60 years. Who could dare say that this does not exist? Is this "conspiracy theory"? Everyone can check all the information above as it comes from official reports of institutions, mainstream medias like the BBC, The Guardian, etc.
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The official discourse, in defiance of the facts
Let's talk now about the film. Of course, I interviewed scientists (one of these distinguished people is a meteorologist member of the IPCC), who told me that chemtrails do not exist and everything is a contrail. But wen I asked, during the interview, if they have made analyses of any kind to support their affirmations, of course they had not. In fact, they had not studied the phenomenon at all: they knew the "official answer", and delivered it, that's all. This is no science.  When I also asked them how is it possible to find such quantities of barium at the surface of sandbox in Paris and anywhere where these trails appear often, of course they had no explanation. And I don't talk about the ten tons of barium sulfate that the French army bought: no expert nor any scientist could give me an explanation of their possible use. And I remind, as is said in the film, that the French military removed the information from their website immediately after my visit and recording of the information. Why? So, these scientists are not in the documentary: wearing a white coat and being officially a scientist is not enough. To be relevant requires to have studied the subject or worked on it. It is a respect to the people and the audience. Furthermore, the ''official answer'' is already in the film with this excerpt of the U.S. Air Force brochure declaring that chemtrails are a hoax. So, I clearly focused on scientists who had really studied this phenomenon of persistent trails: all of them have been doing it for years.  I read from the emails you received that some doubts have been cast on them. Is it worth answering? Dr. Rosalie Bertell is a great Lady with so numerous references, achievements, awards, and so on! In June, she had been again invited at the United Nations on questions of disarmament. For example, she had been Director of the International Medical Commission Bhopal which investigated the aftermath of the Bhopal disaster in India, organizer of the International Medical Commission Chernobyl, she had worked on the Reagan Starwar project, etc. And she is one of the few scientists quoted in the european Theorin Report (1999), that everybody should have read. The references and achievements of Dr. Nikos Katsaros are also impressive. Furthermore, he relentless speaks and writes on the subject, even in parliaments and institutions which invite him. And Dr. Coen Vermeeren, as an expert in aeronautics, is really committed to the subject and had been investigating it with all his efforts and humility for years.  Of course, documented information can be found elsewhere. The German channel RTL9 broadcast a reportage (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWsQ2KnIvH0&feature=more_related) where meteorologists lead by Karsten Brandt have forced the German army to recognize that they sprayed chemicals in the sky in 2005 and 2006. Many analyses can be also found on the Internet (http://www.carnicom.com/flame1.htm ). It is incredible to listen to what Dr Hildegarde Stanninger says on the analyses she had done, with the clear link between chemtrails and Morgellons disease in cases in Texas and elsewhere (http://morgellons-info.blogspot.com/2010/11/morgellons-intervista-alla-dottoressa.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+MorgellonsDiseasetankerEnemy+%28Morgellons+Disease+%28Tanker+Enemy%29%29) You can read also what Dr. R. Michael Castle writes about chemtrails: "In this century, we believe we are witnessing the gradual, purposeful demise of the Earth's Natural System. There are those who will debunk/dis-info all that is written regarding the subject of this paper: ChemTrails. What's this? ChemTrails are only a vague description, in lay-terms, of a greater theater of toxic materials being released into the atmosphere/stratosphere, for a myriad of crude and toxic agendas." I could add so many more informations, but I stop the list, because this email is long already. I hope it will help you. As I wrote at the beginning, you can use it as you need. To finish, I want to greet your courage and your sense of responsibility. Let's hope now that the people will question their politicians and get from them that the military stops all this stuff. Kind regards, Patrick Pasin Producer and director of Bye Bye Blue Sky.
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