tan-bbang-scenarios · 8 years
Can I please oh please request a cute(NO SMUT FOR KOOKIE)Jungkook scenario,where the two of you are filming a kdrama,Jungkook is the male lead and you are the female lead,and a cute kiss comes up,one like Healers Beanie kiss. If you can't do that then can I request a how would Jimin,Taetae,and Jungkook's kdrama kiss be like,for example who's would be passionate,or who's would me cute and soft.
I actually haven’t seen Healers so I had to search up the kiss scene haha. hope this is what you were looking for
Taehyung’s kiss would definitely be like a manly kiss, full of passion. I’m thinking of some kind of scene like where the girl just confessed to him that she really likes him, but he has to leave for a while. So just before he leaves, he turns back around and pulls her into a deep kiss and indirectly tells her that he also likes her by saying something like ‘wait for me’.
Jimin could do like either, manly or cute. I see a more cutesy scene for him though, like where the girl accidentally kisses him on the lips, but she actually really likes him too. When he doesn’t react right away, she apologizes and tries to leave from embarrassment, but he stops her and tells her that he liked it before pulling her in for another kiss.
Jungkook would probably want to have a manly kiss, but he’d probably do better with a cute kiss who am I kidding this kid is a god who can do anything but like for the manly kiss. It’d probably be a scene where like another guy is trying to win her heart and after he leaves, Jungkook is all angry and stuff, so to show that he’s the better man, he kisses her really intensely leaving her breathless and all.
admin h
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tan-bbang-scenarios · 8 years
Hey there! I was wondering if you could give my blog a shout out? I write scenarios for BTS/Seventeen. Sorry if you guys don't do blog promotions, delete this ask if I inconvenienced you.
Oh gosh I feel so horrible. I don’t know how long this has been sitting in the ask box. And it’s absolutely no inconvenience at all, don’t be sorry!
Here’s another BTS scenario blog, and bonus if you guys follow the boys of Seventeen too! Check them out here and feel free to request as their ask box is currently open right now. It seems like they do have a guidelines page but I couldn’t find it, so make sure to double check before requesting! 
Admin H 
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tan-bbang-scenarios · 8 years
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you’re a new idol on the scene and everyone loves you
Hi everyone! Admin H here! I’m going to try to get the blog up and running again after such a long hiatus. To start off, here’s a little click and drag game for your entertainment! The ask box is open and we are taking requests. Check out the guidelines and feel free to request if anything crosses your mind!
Admin H ♥
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tan-bbang-scenarios · 8 years
how do i pause your music on desktop?? please help 😖
Ah sorry about that, it’s on the side description but you can’t see it very well because of the picture in the background. It’s under the STATUS towards the left side, and if you hover over the button it should turn a blue color. If you have still have trouble with it please tell me.
Admin H ♥
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tan-bbang-scenarios · 8 years
jk, sorry, figured it out. the stop button is just so transparent with the photo i couldn't find it!! anyway...
I’m glad you found it! XD Sorry! I just saw your messages now !!
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tan-bbang-scenarios · 9 years
As some of you know, I run other scenario blogs other than my BTS one which explains one of the reasons for my long hiatus. Here is a small survey that I would greatly appreciate from all of you for taking a few minutes to complete.
Admin H ♥
Survey Please
Hi guys, admin d here! So I am currently working on an assessment in my math class and I need data! If you all could take a few minutes to help fill out this survey I would love you all forever not that I don’t already do 
They’re all simple questions that you guys will all be able to answer, further information is provided on the survey. This is the only time I will ask you guys to reblog something. Please help spread the word, tag your friends, random kpop tags, get your friends who listen to take it, particularly people who listen to and know kpop since that’s what my topic is about.
I’ll be reblogging this myself until mid next week. Spread the word please!
admin d
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tan-bbang-scenarios · 9 years
Ask Box is now OPEN
We accept
- Reaction Scenarios
- Gif Reactions
- List/Rates
We NO longer accept/ do not accept
- Oneshots
- Smut
- Ships (As of now)
admin H ♥
0 notes
tan-bbang-scenarios · 9 years
Hi~^^ firstly I would like to say, I love love love your blog, it's amazing! *whispers* don't tell any of the other bloggers, but I think you are the best! I hope this doesn't bother you, could you please right a scenario of when you are angry at jungkook and it turns him on, you don't have to if you don't want to btw. 💗💖❤️❤️❤️🍭and thank you for all the hard work you've put into these scenarios for us! Keep up the good work! 화이팅! Hwaiting!
gahh, omg you’re too sweet >
“Yah, Jeon JungKook!” You shouted out loud as you dug through your disorganized basket of clothing. You threw things from side to side and behind your back, turning your room into a mess. “Have you seen my black sweater? The EXO one? I can’t find it anywhere!” You yelled loudly before turning your basket upside down. Everything scattered at your feet as you stood there, lighting fires onto each piece of clothing with your eyes as you tried to spot the sweater. You had just done your laundry and you swear you had washed that sweater. Plus, it was a new one so you were sure you would remember having seen it or not, considering how long you had waited to get your hands on it. But here you were, digging through your clothes like you were searching the trash for a lost penny. “Yah Jeon JungKo-” you abruptly stopped as you turned and almost ran into JungKook. “Oh my god! I told you to stop doing that!” You growled as you ran a hand through your disheveled hair.
“Have you seen-” “How many times are you going to ask?” JungKook rolled his eyes as he jumped onto your bed, the hinges squeaking loudly from the amount of sudden weight thrown on it. “Until I find it,” you grumbled as you started tearing your closet apart, piece by piece. You threw an older sweater backwards, landing on JungKook, barely paying attention to the precious things you were now tossing aside for a simple sweater. “Hey, is this mine?” JungKook asked as he held the piece of fabric up to look at. Without answering him, you threw yet another sweater at him before disappearing into the depths of your closet. “This is mine too!” He exclaimed loudly before you heard him get off your bed. “How many of my sweaters do you have in there?” “Enough to last a lifetime,” you sighed to yourself as you tossed another one of his out the door. “Hey, do you know how long I’ve been looking for this one?” JungKook asked as he popped his head into your small closet. “No, and I don’t care, unless if you’re helping me look for mine,” you grumbled annoyed. You had literally just bought the sweater and you hadn’t even worn it once, yet here it goes, missing like no one’s business. Well, it was very much your business considering the cost and amount of work you put into getting it. “Jeon JungKook, if you aren’t going to help me, get out,” you called out as you reached the end of your crowded closet. “Why? We were supposed to go watch the movie. Come one, we’re going to be late,” he grumbled at your unfairness as you crouched to the bottom of your closet. “Well, I’m not leaving until I find my sweater because it’s cold in the theaters and I need that sweater,” you huffed as you pushed your boxes of shoes to the side. “What?” He sighed dramatically before pushing his way in towards you. “You have so many, correction, you have so many of my sweaters. Why not just wear one of those?” You turned and glared at him as he tripped over a pair of old jeans. “Because, those are just sweaters. I need the sweater,” you rolled your eyes before groaning in irritation. “Oh my god, seriously, where is it? I swear I washed it and brought it up here with me.” “Maybe you didn’t,” JungKook said breathlessly as he finally reached you. “I know what I do and what I don’t do,” you sassily answered back while putting another box of shoes onto the side. “Then you wouldn’t be here looking like a mad woman for your sweater,” JungKook simply commented before you pulled his hat down over his face. “Get out,” you grumbled while opening another box only to be disappointed again. “No,” JungKook plainly replied as he reached you. “Is your sweater really more important than spending quality time with me?” You held back the ball of fire about to escape your throat as you pinched the bridge of your nose. “I don’t have the patience for you and your attitude right now JungKook,” you growled lowly as you slowly counted to ten in your mind. “Well, I do,” he smirked playfully. You opened your eyes and saw him holding back a chuckle as he bit his bottom lip. “Get out. Now.” “Why should I?” His smirk grew as he leaned in towards you. He caught you off guard as he placed his arms on either side of you, trapping you even more than you already were in your cluttered closet. “Ah..Bec…Wha-” “I’m sorry, what were you saying?” He chuckled deeply, now directly in front of you. You were cornered into the wall, with no way out since the other side of your closet was blocked by another wardrobe on the outside. “What are you doing JungKook,” you maintained your calm expression and voice, despite the gigantic warning sign going off in your mind. “What do you mean?” He whispered as the tip of his nose touched yours. You flinched backwards, only to be pushed closer to him with no space to go. “People-” “People already consider us a thing,” his breath tickled your lips. You squeezed your eyes shut as you waited for what was to come next, feeling his warm breath caress your face. When a minute of silence passed by though and nothing happened, you opened your eyes to see JungKook holding back his terrible laugh. “You’re not mad anymore are you?” He laughed out loud before you punched his arm. Hard. “Don’t joke around with me right now,” you inhaled deeply as you tried to get up, forcefully pushing him over in the process. He continued to laugh before you glared at him, “JungKook fu-” You were cut off as he pulled you down, softly placing one hand on the back of your neck as he swiftly pressed his lips against yours before resting his head back down on the ground. “Who said I was joking?”
admin H ♥
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tan-bbang-scenarios · 9 years
hiiii~~I love your scenarios!! The jimin one with the jiMin(the dog) struck me the most. Is it possible to continue it? I'd love to see a second part! (oOO and the fact that they both knw the king of destruction– !!! ) thanks! c:
it’s not much, but it’s something. I hope you like it, and I’m sorry for the late reply!
“JiMin!” You shouted as you ran down the street after him. That little fluff ball just had too much energy for you, you never really ever would get used to it. At least not your body. You gasped for air, trying to catch your breath as the street began to get steeper turning into a hill. “JiMin stop!” You yelled as your strides became lunges. You began to panic for your own sake though when you found it harder and harder to slow down as you charged down the hill. As much as you tried holding back too though, it didn’t do much since you were already struggling in the first place. You just hoped that no one would appear from out of nowhere as you rushed downwards. Unfortunately, your prayers were ignored as you neared a blind corner, someone walking out before either of you could react.
You immediately crashed into him before the both of you rolled down the side of the street, coming to a stop once you hit the wall. Luckily, the fall wasn’t as bad as you had thought it would be considering the speed you were going at. However, the groan beside you reminded you that you weren’t the one who had been hit by a random stranger. “Oh my god,” you immediately sat up, trying to still the spinning world.  "Are you okay?“ You asked as you tried to focus on the person next to you. When he didn’t respond, only continuing to breathe loudly, you began to explain yourself, "I’m so sorry. I was chasing after my dog and then the hill started dipping and before I could stop I was out of control… and I’m so sorry. Oh my god, are you okay?” You quickly shut your eyes to steady yourself since everything was still spinning too fast for your mind and stomach to deal with. You supported yourself with your hands as you leaned forwards on the ground, feeling the rough cement under your damp palms. “You’re bleeding,” he finally spoke, hearing him shift before he gently grabbed your left arm. You automatically flinched when he moved your arm, finally feeling the scratch on your arm. “Are you okay?” He softly asked. You finally looked up at him before freezing, forgetting all about the pain on your left arm. It was him. From the park. Ever since that day, you had never seen him again. So much had happened since then that you never got the chance to ask NamJoon about him and soon forgot. Well, just the thought of asking NamJoon overall. Also, since you were kind of shy about it and didn’t want to annoy NamJoon about him. But, here he was… and you had attacked him. Your jaw dropped in horror as you realized what you had just done, especially to the one guy who had actually shown interest in you. “I..I…ugh-” your voice squeaked as you lost the words to say while trying to take in the entire situation. To your luck though, JiMin’s bark caught your attention from down the block. You looked up and saw him safely tucked in, speak of the devil, NamJoon’s arms. “I found him outside the coffee shop again,” he chuckled loudly while walking over to you. “What did you do now?” “Oppa…” “Hyung!” JiMin immediately called out when he realized it was NamJoon talking to you. “What are you doing here?” “Oh, JiMin,” NamJoon laughed as your JiMin looked up at him with a quiet whine. “Not you,” he shushed before reaching the two of you, “What are you doing here?” JiMin laughed out loud, showing his cute eye smile before explaining, “I was just in the area when I got attacked.” “Attacked?” NamJoon questioned curiously as he looked at the both of you again. He quickly shook his head, knowing what you were up to before sighing, “JiMin got loose again didn’t he. I always tell you to make sure the gate is closed and locked.” “I know!” You automatically pouted, feeling your cheeks heat up as JiMin stared at you. “I was in a rush and getting food for him this time so I didn’t have time to check…” NamJoon shook his head disapprovingly before chuckling, “What would you do without me, huh?” You smiled in return before looking up at JiMin in surprise as he held his hand out to you. You shyly took his hand without trying to seem too obvious, especially to NamJoon, before thanking him. “I’m sorry for barreling into you like that. You’re not hurt anywhere are you?” You quickly asked before NamJoon could make a remark. “No, I’m okay,” JiMin hurriedly replied before pointing to your arm again, “but you’re not.” “Oh, this,” you looked down at the ugly scratch on your arm. “That’s nothing,” you laughed awkwardly while NamJoon stared at you questioningly. “Right,” he scoffed before asking JiMin, “how do you know this loser?” “Oppa!..” You pouted at his question, wishing you could disappear into a black hole and never return again. JiMin smiled charmingly again before answering, “I met her a while ago at the park when she lost JiMin.” “Woah, you even know his name,” NamJoon exclaimed as he shook JiMin in his arms. “But Hyung, how do you two know each other?” JiMin asked, exchanging a glance between the two of you. “Ah, our mom’s have been best friends since childhood, so I’ve had to deal with her ever since,” NamJoon nodded painfully. “What a full life,” he exhaled heavily before laughing loudly. You couldn’t help the growing blush on your cheeks as you stood there quietly, listening to the two of them talk cheerfully. “Hey, do you want to go? The guys were just messaging me about meeting up before I ran into the two of you,” NamJoon quickly said as he glanced at his watch and shifted JiMin in his arms. You didn’t realize that by this point, your lips had formed into a small pout as you thought about how you had just gotten to see JiMin again but he would be leaving. He had noticed this though and held back his chuckle, turning to NamJoon with an apologetic smile, “Maybe I’ll meet up with you guys later. Someone should help her clean up her arm first, and as much as I don’t feel pain right now, I’ll probably be feeling it soon enough.” NamJoon shrugged with a sly smile before passing JiMin over to him to hold. “Alright, I’ll let the guys know then,” he nodded before walking off, giving you a small wink before disappearing around the end of the block. “So, I guess it’s just the two of us now huh?” JiMin smiled cheekily.
lots of dialogue >x
admin H ♥
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tan-bbang-scenarios · 9 years
ship me? :) I'm 19, around 175cm, i love love love music, its my number one passion and I've pursued singing in my school years. I love to go out with friends and I care deeply about everyone, I'm a little chubby and have SUPER short hair (I recently shaved it for charity ^.^) I adore your blog cutie!! xxx
I would ship you with Rapmon!
You guys would be a really unexpected couple among your friends, but the two of you would actually be a really ideal couple in everyone else’s eyes. Seeing how you’ve donated to charity, it’s something Rapmon would really admire about you because it’s not what many people would do, nor even dare try. What’s even better is that the two of you share a same love. Music. Neither of you would ever get tired of music, and it would really open the both of you to new types of music as you two get to know each other better and better. It would also be one of his favorite things to do with you, listening to the music that you listen to.
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admin H ♥
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tan-bbang-scenarios · 9 years
Oneshot Request
Oneshot requested by anon
Warm [YoonGi shot]
Sorry for the extremely long wait, nevertheless, I really hope that you like it!
One and Only,
Admin H ♥
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tan-bbang-scenarios · 9 years
Hello, can I request a Oneshot for yoongi? Fake dating and college au please! Happy ending ^^
One of the last few oneshots, finally done. Link will be posted up shortly!
Admin H ♥
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tan-bbang-scenarios · 9 years
When you and jin sitting on the sofa and you tells him why you love him out of sudden. Both of you are dating and fluff please
a oneshot was requested a while ago by Jenn about a cuddle day with Jin too so I put them together.
here’s the link to it
One and Only,
Admin H ♥
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tan-bbang-scenarios · 9 years
Long story short I personally had a p good time in spite of all the pushing and shoving – I was center stage ish second row so I was standing on the raised platform. I had a great time till the end when they sang path and just waved and hopped off stage… Then the curtains closed and the security yelled that the concert was over so everyone had to leave and then apparently ppl who got hi touch had to sit and wait while their CEO made a statement concerning the safety of the members and the fans.
I’ve been outta it for some time but this was the grande finale – this has gotten so insane. People blow things out of proportion and think their actions have no fallout. Immediately rumors were flying about how people threw tampons on stage and all this shit and /no/ I was almost first row center stage and I didn’t see anything get thrown on stage. Security WAS TIGHT.
Namjoon kept to himself mostly and he seemed hyped but it was ??? I was so happy and feel so blessed to have seen them and experienced their performances but this got so so out of hand.
I’m ashamed that this happened their first time in NYC. That they must have been so excited because it’s New York City. And for the fans who paid extra, waited longass hrs, booked hotels and aren’t getting refunds – I’m so, so sorry. You guys deserved better.
BTS deserved better.
This is upsetting and unfair for all parties involved and I hope to dear heavens that something gets sorted out. That we are somehow able to earn their love and trust again but I don’t think that’s going to be possible for a long, long while.
Stay safe everyone :(
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tan-bbang-scenarios · 9 years
Oneshot Request
Oneshot requested by Arania
Strong [YoonGi shot]
Sorry for the long wait, hope you enjoy it!
Lots of love,
Admin H ♥
0 notes
tan-bbang-scenarios · 9 years
Oneshot Request
Requested by comebacknivkg and love me.
Secret [HoSeok Oneshot]
Thanks for requesting, I hope you guys like it!
Yours truly,
Admin H ♥
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tan-bbang-scenarios · 9 years
Small Love Rant
Oh my goodness! (I’ll try to keep this short to not take up all your time) Guys I am overjoyed and I love you all so much. I’m not trying to brag or anything although some people would say that there isn’t anything to brag about. We’ve just hit a little over 600 followers and I just really wanted to say thank you to each and everyone of you for making this possible! 600 may not seem like a lot nor sound like a lot to others but to me it’s A LOT! It’s more half of one thousand! barely XD
Lately I really have been working a lot on finishing all the asks and I’m actually making a lot of progress. Throughout finishing up, I checked the blog page a lot and just got really really happy whenever I saw that there were people online! Seeing people from the US and outside of the US on the page just amazes me!
(I’ll try to keep it short so I’ll stop there)
But anyway, I also really felt like I had to say this.
When I tell you guys that I ‘hope you guys like the scenario’, I really mean it! 
The reason I felt like I had to was because I say it a lot to all of you guys and sometimes when you say something a lot it can lose meaning in other people’s eyes. However, I want to let you guys know that I sincerely hope that all you guys like and enjoy the scenarios because it makes me happy knowing that you guys like and enjoy it! The way that I see it is it’s as if I were able to make someone’s day even if I didn’t. 
Not only that, but also because I appreciate you all so much for your support! So the least I can do is write good scenarios for you guys because I mean this is a scenario blog. You guys have done so much for me although you guys might not know it (hence why I’m writing this now). I’ve learned a lot about what i can handle and what I can’t, I hit highs and lows in writing, and I’ve met the sweetest anons and followers ever and I just wish you guys like the best of everything!
I’ll stop here now, I just had to let you guys know how much I love you all!
Hearteu hearteu,
Admin H ♥
P.S. thanks to everyone who actually read this if you guys did read it or even saw it >//<
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