thatwellshtmoment · 4 years
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thatwellshtmoment · 4 years
I still love her tho. (So follow us on tiktok maybe)
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thatwellshtmoment · 4 years
I self identify as trash so that’s good. Follow me tiktok or smthing smthing.
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thatwellshtmoment · 4 years
And that’s on coming out for the first time. Follow me @Aleyshaisntdead on tiktok.
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thatwellshtmoment · 5 years
That Moment When...
You just forget that other people aren't gay? Like What no stop that-
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thatwellshtmoment · 6 years
Why buy 36 cans of Dr Pepper? Cause it was $11 and I’m an adult, that’s why.
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thatwellshtmoment · 6 years
Well- alright
So I started this tumblr when I was fricken 15 years old, I was just coming out of the closet being a little bby gay w/ all my little bby gay thoughts to attempt to come to terms w/ my sexuality. Now it’s almost 4 years later and I have a beautiful gf of 3 years, and both openly and clearly identify myself as gay (I don’t rlly like the term lesbian but that’s just me.) Although I still have my fears about being attracted to the same sex, I lit would not choose to change my sexuality if I could (also d*ck are weird //in my opinion// and I’m not into that dude- Ofh.) Anyways, yeah. Cool. Fun. Gnight.
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thatwellshtmoment · 6 years
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thatwellshtmoment · 7 years
I’m still hoping it’s you and me in the end.
10-Word Story #26 (N.A.)
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thatwellshtmoment · 7 years
u know that feeling when you’ve just showered, you get in to bed, ur room is clean and tidy and u just feel safe and soft and everything is okay
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thatwellshtmoment · 7 years
A cunning vampire door-to-door salesperson who stands in people’s doorways and talks until they can find a convenient moment to drop their pen and the person picks it up and the vampire says oh “Thank you” and the person says “you’re welcome” and the vampire smiles a big fangy grin and steps inside And that’s this vampire’s modus operandi for decades And then the language starts to change and suddenly millenials have homes and the vampire thanks them and they say “oh, no problem” and the vampire is like ???????????????? this was not the plan
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thatwellshtmoment · 7 years
anxiety: hey its time
me: for what
anxiety: its time
me: ?????????
anxiety: :)
me: ????????????????????????????????????????????
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thatwellshtmoment · 7 years
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Jung Lee
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thatwellshtmoment · 7 years
“No problem” vs “you’re welcome”
Speaking of linguistics, there’s one particular linguistic tick that I think clearly separates Baby Boomers from Millennials: how we reply when someone says “thank you.”
You almost never hear a Millennial say “you’re welcome.” At least not when someone thanks them. It just isn’t done. Not because Millennials are ingrates lacking all manners, but because the polite response is “No problem.” Millennials only use “you’re welcome” sarcastically when they haven’t been thanked or when something has been taken from/done to them without their consent. It’s a phrase that’s used to point out someone else’s rudeness. A Millennial would typically be fairly uncomfortable saying “you’re welcome” as an acknowledgement of genuine thanks because the phrase is only ever used disingenuously.
Baby Boomers, however, get really miffed if someone says “no problem” in response to being thanked. From their perspective, saying “no problem” means that whatever they’re thanking someone for was in fact a problem, but the other person did it anyway as a personal favor. To them “You’re welcome” is the standard polite response.
“You’re welcome” means to Millennials what “no problem” means to Baby Boomers, and vice versa.The two phrases have converse meanings to the different age sets. I’m not sure exactly where this line gets drawn, but it’s somewhere in the middle of Gen X. This is a real pain in the ass if you work in customer service because everyone thinks that everyone else is being rude when they’re really being polite in their own language.
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thatwellshtmoment · 7 years
r u gey
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thatwellshtmoment · 7 years
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thatwellshtmoment · 7 years
date a girl who looks for you in a room full of people
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