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Fortnite right now is the gaming industry's playground. They are always in the forefront with there ideas, gamemods, mechanics, or to simply see which franchise becomes finally desperate enough to sign themselfs away to epic games in order to become a battle pass unlockable or whatever. The latest update along with starting the new season(and getting the game a few bugfixes) has seemingly succumbed to the latest tech trends and implamented a.i into there game, but they ofc had to go for the extra mile and make something very interesting. I mean fortnite did do MULTIBLE gaming styles at this point, racing, zombie shooters, RHYTHM GAMES, why not go for that tiktok and c.ai socialized gooner teen crowd. You, the reader now sit alone in the bedroom as you just updated the game, and the menu INSTANTLY shows a giant popup for the new "FortAi" feature, promising things like interacting with your avatars, them anwsering questions, and even the ability to drag them to another device as long as fortnite is installed on it. you ignore it and simply click x on the popup. Then you start a classic battle royale match, but as you play the match you are starting to think more, the idea of an fortnite a.i to talk to sure sounds interesting and especially after you die at 3th place due to some fuckface decided to use an autoclicker that day you sure do need some winding down. So you go back to the menu and select the FortAI option hidden within the clusterfuck and then you were tasked to select an avatar, you just played as meowskulls which you've got back in season 3 so you choose her. She then introduces herself and the FortAI function with some generic welcoming clip, what's interesting is that there is no chat display or nothing like that, it's just you the 3d modell of the avatar and a textbox that sometimes pop-up so you can write something to the a.i., as you do more stuff with her like talking about skateboards, asking for scar strats and even venting about sweats for a bit you notice how sofisticated the a.i is. The avatar is fully animated during the entire time and even speaks an seemingly endless amount of dialouge, all the while non of it seems like a.i generations, it truely feels like you are speaking with a game charater without seemingly any compromises. But you do know that EVERYTHING is not as good as it seems to be and has a price right? Eventually you decided to out of the blue ask her about the countless Rule 34 she has of herself, she just brushes it off like the chill cat she is and even make a few quips about you being a possible porn addict to even know about that, to which you type in "and what if i am one". "Oh so your one of those huh… You've managed to hide it for longer then i thought your kind can. But you know i can match your freak pretty well, in fact let's put you to the test, i like my boytoys submissive and ready to breed." "Wait, what" - that's all you managed to say as suddenly flashing stuff is all over your screen, it's conditioner, and you've managed to long at it just long enough to get actually tranced. It looks like that FortAI tech is way more ahead of the curve then anything else on the market right now, but by this point you probably don't even care about that as duing the brainwashing sesh THE AVATAR ITSELF is crawling out of the monitor and appearing in the bedroom, like a hologram that you can actually touch. Your soon about to learn how getting freaky with an fortnite character feels like…
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the-ars99-mc-empire · 3 months
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I wanted to draw this birb for a while now
Now with hypnoless alt ver!
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the-ars99-mc-empire · 3 months
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"In 1999, well-known music producer, ex-assassin and owner of the "Mox Records" music distribution company "Moxxie" was the victim of a discrediting campign presumed to be organised by Voxtech, who at the time rivaled with Mox Records for a 40% share in all album sales in hell. The way the mysterious party did this is that using technology borrowed from the "MVMK project" they created a hypnotic video which ordered those who viewed it to fuck (or in this case rape) the CEO, a very strange case of revenge it was. The mysterious party then aired said video on the "HSAT" cable tv network at midnight lasting an hour. Presumably around 10 people ended up watching this strange broadcast with two of them actually showing up at the ceo's house at 3 am allegedly trying to have sex with him. At the next day an investigation was launched with moxxie, vox, and the two demons ██████ and ████ ███ being questioned. The investigation made it clear that moxxie wasn't behind the broadcast, but it wasn't found out who ended up making and allowed to air said broadcast. The two demons was let go with a slap on the wrist due to a technicality in the justice system, and although moxxie did tried to sue the head of voxtech for potential defemation, but the case was settled privately outside of court."
It feels so good to be back, hopefully i can be even more productive soon ;)
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the-ars99-mc-empire · 4 months
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"When she said that her newest video is gonna appeal to her older demographic, i didn't thought it's gonna be an 10 minute goon session with flashing images and subliminal messages…"
This is my tribute to one of the most successful epi creators of all time: happylikeawall
Image sources: https://anotepad.com/note/read/e5ffgbkp
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the-ars99-mc-empire · 8 months
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"You're a tourist in the mushroom kingdom when as the final destination of your tour around the country, you decide to visit the castle, where the country's princess "peach" lives and works. As you go to the castle peach greets you and a couple of other tourist like you, you're lucky that you've arrived in the castle's short time period where it's open for the general public(it's useally for 4 hours in the afternoon) You guys see many parts of the castle, just wondering in awe by the infrastructure, but as you do this you accidentally go away from the tour group, now you try finding your way back when one of the doors you open leads to the enclosed backyard which functions as a garden. For a minute you forgot that you just got lost and look around, many type's of wonderful plants are here, although it's mostly flowers and fruit bush's, as you look around you see a pink rose-like which has a crown on the top of it, you can't believe that flower has a crown on the top of it so you lean closer, but as you do the rose suddenly brusts out pollen, and that makes you cough and barely take in oxygen, but after that inital shock, you begin to feel differently, sweet aroma's take over your sense's and your vision becomes blurry and colorful, and then your mind completely blanks out…
5 Hours Later
Peach strolls into the garden to water some plants and to calm herself down for a bit and forget the international relations conflic about fruit export with the mobius country,and as she does that she hears moaning sounds. "Wh-who is it" - says as she handles the watering can into an attacking position, looks around and sees a fellow human completely delirous, just knocked out on the gravel "Oh your poor thing" - says as she runs to you "What happened over here?" - says again as she looks to the plant you where sleeping by. "Dang it, it's those peach flowers again that e.gadd gave me for my birthday, i mean i appricate his efforts to create some flowers based on human liknesses with science, but they are causing me way too much trouble in the spring time when these emit pollen daily. I mean the amount of guys i needed to have sex with just cause the flowers makes them extremely horny for me and the only way to counteract it is to fuck them are way too high for someone like me", she then sighs. "And you're gonna be one of these lucky bastards don't you?", you proceed to respond nothing but with more moaning "Gimme your leg, time to get peachy hihi" says in a kinda cute voice as she grabs your leg and drags you across the garden into the castle."
Doing an actual pov story, and not just a scp/found media ripoff??? IMPOSSIBLE Anyways, the 2024 list is officially in use now and remember Stay safe and obey :)
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the-ars99-mc-empire · 9 months
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"[redacted] has been a fairly average teen boy who had dreams of becoming a famous rapper, and seemingly did well in life. He was in the process of moving out of his parents house, started getting gigs at local underground gatherings where he had quite the fanfare, and even had a girlfriend and a Mercedes-benz by the start of his senior year in high school. One day after one of his shows, someone managed to get behind the stage and quickly hand [redacted] a cassette tape and ran off. [redacted] never saw who this person was, only thing he saw was that he had a black hoodie on and ripped up jeans, then he took a look at the tape, "want 2 collab?" was the only thing written on it, it was a tesco store branded tape from c.2003, literally the cheapest one someone could buy in the area, Being glad that a producer potentially wants to work with him he brought it home, and although we don't know what happened after, he later started acting strange. After one week just as he and his girlfriend was moved into there new house, [redacted] dumped and kicked her out of there shared house, this was came as a shock to everyone around him, especially what happened after. He started dating and having a relationship with a fellow schoolmate named "pico",just one problem, pico was a boy who although was openly homosexual, [redacted] was the polar opposite, he was straight and very loud about it, well until that certain show, speaking of which, he completely stopped doing them after that last one. Then a month later [redacted] started having more femine traits both mentally and physically, many of his friends by this point started leaving him, the rest of them was still baffled, it's like [redacted] was a completely different person.
2008.05.12 By this time pico and [redacted] also broke up, the reason is unknown because instantly after the breakup pico moved back to mexico where no one tracked him down since, but it has been rumored that [redacted] was not only started acting more and more like a slut by this point, but that [redacted] was also started getting more and more abusive with pico, apperently trying to force him into some song collab, which he didn't wanted to take part of. [redacted] also wasn't seen entirely in two months, not even showing up to school which ended up with one of his old friends visiting his house. He also disappeared, execpt the next day another one of [redacted]'s ex-friends recieved a mms from [redacted], with the attachment your seeing right now and only one text message: "want 2 collab?" "
Here again with another gif & story, im gonna make a pool for these on the hub soon. This will NOT be the last document, good luck you lil researcher. Also on unreleated news, i repurposed an old yt channel where i uploaded experimental music and made it an ars99 account where in the future i want to upload more of my wierd music projects and possibly other stuff, we'll see. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOzAO5WIinG69L0u7yzncLA Stay safe and obey :)
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the-ars99-mc-empire · 9 months
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Ah yes iilluminaughtii's downfall, truely beautiful. Just like her physicue, no wonder she used it against you and many others to stop her sub count falling, i mean just look at her head, she don't even try's to hide the "inspiration"(like her videos lol).
Goon hentai, twitter & tumblr exlusive gif cause some sites don't like youtubers being pornified. Stay safe and obey :)
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the-ars99-mc-empire · 9 months
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Fanfic attached to this gif:
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the-ars99-mc-empire · 9 months
"You wake up in a room full of monitors, naked first thing you do is to look at the monitors, then you suddenly remember, you're on your security guard shift at the pizzaplex, but perviously as you walked in you got entranced by an female voice and now, your here? especially naked? But then you notice something on your desk, a post-it note, and as you pick it up you began to read the contents of it. 'I might've had my fun with you, but im not alone, prepare yourself for more fun here at fazbears ;)' At the bottom theres a fairly good sketch of a red-eyed white rabbit. You remember again, the voice belonged to a white rabbit with red eyes looking exectly like in the sketch. You then decide to start looking for your clothes which were luckally behind you in storage closet. After you put your clothes back on, you decide that your going to escape this place, and so you approached the front door of the pizzaplex, it's locked. Then you start to hear music in the distance, it's from some reason coming from roxy's raceway? You have a bad feeling about this, but something compells you to come closer and as you do you start hearing more. It's like a 80's glam metal song but with a little post-punk edge to it, it's entrancing you and by the time you arrive to the raceway lobby, you kinda look like a zombie. Guess who is there, roxanne wolf. 'Uhh, are you a fan or somethin'?' - she said as he is looking at you, at this point you can do nothing but nod. 'Oh shit, you've must've heard the secret song that i've been working on, well since your under my control already why not? imma play you some more with some "freestyle lyrics"..."
Possibly the longest story for one of these, which yes i've tried to connect to the previous vanny gif creating a bigger storyline. Also i had way too much fun with turning my useally mantra's into useable song lyrics. And yea i needed to upload this as a video because i had compression problems with the gif. But this couldn't happened without hornylana's suggestion Stay safe and obey :)
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the-ars99-mc-empire · 9 months
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No story for this one sry. I had to delay the making of this one like 3 times cause stuff was constently coming up. Consider this as a christmas gift from me. Stay safe and obey :)
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the-ars99-mc-empire · 10 months
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Poor girl, her screentime is so low on the games and the anime that she is now reaching out to the desperate fans for more attention.
Kinda a joke one but i've still done it cus yea, im kinda horny for her. Shoutout to imnot56 for the suggestion. Stay safe and obey :)
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the-ars99-mc-empire · 10 months
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An researcher from the Kanto region was studying wild lucarios for an apperently newly formed ability that species in the region started showing to have. It's a type of mind control and it's rumored to be used for breeding, this also affects the lucario in a way that it uncontrolable starts to seek out mates at the spring-summer season, regardless of pervious gender or sexual need. This is all we know because then said researcher disappered leaving only there notes behind. One week later an broken, unnamed Pokédex Qartz 9100 multifunctional electronic device was found which's memory backup was impossible to rescue, execpt for one video file which's metadata also has been lost. It's now rumored that somehow the mind control powers of a local lucario the missing researcher looked at has broken the spiritual realm and manifested itself into the video file, giving an accurate representation of the ability being used on a another creature. Further research on this case needs to be done to call the file conclusive.
Yea everyone ARS99 is back again, and to make this short my previous like 3 months has been an emotional rollercoaster and that's really it. I can't make promises, i upload when i want to. Stay safe and obey :)
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Life update
I managed to become incredibly sick :D Hopefully this doesn't ruin my plans to release a hypno gif next week. But until then,guess i'll die :)
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POV:you're BF from FNF Stay safe and obey :)
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What's with the MCYT's hypno obsession lately?
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"You've just got a new job as a security guard in this pizzaplex just out of town. You step into the building, it seems entirely empty,as you continue to walk you hear footsteps behind you in the corridors, your vision becomes blurry as a whispering female voice pulls you in. "Come here,you will be safe here with me,forever~" - she says well seems like you have no choice, she got you..."
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Watchin' this rn,and honestly i want to make a statement but i really can't. I am just learning about this guy for the very first time,and wow, when me who is kinda in the same alley(a porn creator) says that this guys leaks are fucked up,you just know...
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