the-wandering-mage · 2 months
I've seen a lot of Batfam meets the Justice League fics where Batman has hidden his family. I'd really like a Batfam meets the Justice League fic where he doesn't try to hide his family no. The Batman who loves scaring people, popping out of shadows, disappearing into them, and overall just fucking with people, the head of the chaotic Batfam, he knowing that the other heros don't know a lot of what goes on in Gotham so he just pretends like they know. He tells them it's Oracle's system that runs watchtower and he make a bunch of vague references to the other bats knowing they are going to take it a different way. He doesn't try to hide his relationship with the other bats when his kids and their teams run into the Justice League. He just sits back and watches the chaos as the leaguers try to make their perception of The Batman fit with what they are seeing.
And his kids and their teams? Well they should have believed them when they said Batman was they're dad. It's not their fault they thought they were joking. Even Alfred is in on it making calls to watchtower and Titan's tower about being home in time for dinner and forgetting their lunches at home. Alfred is happy how this is bringing them together and that Bruce is making friends.
Meanwhile the Hero community is scared shitless about Batman's retired dad that doesn't have a no kill rule. They've never met him in person but the overall respect of the Batfam has towards Agent A as well as the fact he raised Batman makes them never want to meet him or for him to feel a need to come out of retirement.
"oh Batman isn't the head of the Batfamily"
"Agent A is"
"who's scarier than Batman?", one of the leaguers asks rhetorically
Batfam member who pops up behind them from the shadows, "Agent A, he doesn't have a no kill rule"
"who's Agent A?"
"The man who raised Batman"
The leaguer who once referred to him as that old guy that answers the batcave phone: 😨
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the-wandering-mage · 3 months
5+1 Danny Phantom x DC universe prompt
Five times The Teen Titans thought they were fighting a new bad guy and the one time they realized they were just trying to make a friend.
Had this idea don't know if I'll ever fully write it but here it goes for anyone else to use. As is Fanon ghosts socialize by fighting. Dani is sent to a dimension (clockwork identified as the safest for her or because it has a lot of young heros for her to make friends with and not enough healthy ecto to create ecto ghosts) her safety while Danny fights the whole war with the GIW and there is some political upheaval about how Danny is handling it. Danny doesn't want his child in the middle of it. Dani is sent with an emergency communicator, Cujo, a backpack full of things to help her, and most importantly a case with healthy ecto.
Dani wares a medical device that gives her transfusions of ecto and nutrients her human body needs to keep her form stable. Idk if a belt or a arm cuff I like the idea of better. I briefly thought a crown belt combo for the aesthetic but a princess crown would be really impractical.
So, to the meat of the story. Dani tries to make friends the only way she knows how from both her instincts and time spent in the realms before being basically witsec'd, she picks fights with them. Stealing their stuff to get them to chase her ect. A lot of taunting and shit talking and generally being a pain. Maybe even stealing food from stores because she needs it and knows Danny will pay them back. The teen titans think she's a villain she thinks they are really bonding. The more she evades them the more they get frustrated and uping the ante. They get confused when she actually helps them take out an actually baddy. Then she steals Robin's cape and they are right back to being pissed with her.
Then one day during one of their "spars" Starfire or someone else gets a lucky shot on her medical device which of course they think is just villain tech or something. Or alternatively she could just be running low and needs to refill if you want to be boring. Her medical device gives a warning beep and she calls time out. Now anytime she'd ever called time out it was a respected rule in the realms. In a play fight you call break everything stops so she is completely caught off guard when her new friends don't stop. They keep going and it's not fun anymore it's scary.
She starts crying and she gets hurt and doesn't understand why and is begging them to tell her why they are being mean. The team at first is annoyed and scoffs while thinking they finally got the upper hand and she is just trying to trick them with crocodile tears. Then she starts destabilizing. Then they start to freak out and realize that it's real. She calls Cujo to fetch her medkit with her ecto. They treat her and inbetween sobs and trying to help what they now realize is a scared little girl that they get she thought they were playing. Starfire and Robin are the first to figure out it's a cultural/species difference. The whole team feels super guilty.
Then scared when Dad Danny and Tucker show up having gotten an alert her medical device has malfunctioned. Danny explains everything and apologizes about the trouble. The team apologies for their side of things. Dani ends up with friends in the end and the team takes care of her and nicknames her princess. Funny beginning heartache middle and happy ending.
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the-wandering-mage · 3 months
When the Human and the Dragôp, a reptilian like predator species from the vawln Galaxy, brute got into a fight in the ships dining hall they had expected blood shed, broken tables, both ending up in medbay maybe one in the morgue the crowd did not expect the horror they witnessed. The Dragôp picked the human up to body slam them and a loud series of cracks filled the air like some one stepped on dried pasta the faint worthy sound seemed to echo in the dead quiet that filled the room. The Human moaned and they all thought this is the end of the human, his spine has been crushed but then the human spoke and it had everyone warm blooded or not feel chilled to their very core.
"oh yeah that felt so good. Oh I needed that. I think you cracked my soul."
The Dragôp dropped the human completely stunned. The human landed on its feet although it wobbled unsteady for a moment.
"ah thank you for that" the human said and turned to is opponent and smiled.
The Dragôp took a fearful step back like any sane creature could do in the face on the seemingly immortal being infront of it. The human laughed and the Dragôp shivered.
The Dragôp concede to everything the human requested after with no loss of pride. No one could fault them or think their actions cowardly. What else could one do after crushing their opponents spine and their opponent revels in the feeling coming out of the ordeal seemingly unscathed. The ship was not sure if this was how all humans were or if this one was an elite subgroup they were too terrified to inquire what the truth of it was.
Mean while Dave is pretty sure he'd go his whole life searching for that feeling. Not even his chiropractor ever made him feel this loose. He lost ten years of tension from his body, he felt younger. Maybe he needed to get into more fights although without his back pain he is feeling far less cranky.
He still not letting that lizard take his seat in the Cafeteria. He'd sat in that seat since his first day on this ship he doesn't care if lizard breath got there first it was his. Although he doesn't think he'll ever have problems with someone trying to take his seat ever again he thought with a laugh. He only felt the tiniest bit bad that that dude was going to need therapy.
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the-wandering-mage · 3 months
Is the spider that bit Peter Parker his parent???
Like genetically speaking since they donated genetic material to him? 🤨 Crackfic idea 💡 Mama spider tries to teach her part human son how to spider but no matter how much she tries she just doesn't seem to be able to teach him how to spider. He can't seem to build a web right, hunt or catch prey right. She adapts though. She loves her son even though he's a bit different it doesn't make him any less of an arachnid or any less loved. At the end they learn the true meaning of what it is to be a spider and the true meaning of family. The spider lived AU nobody asked for but I hope somebody writes. 🕷️
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the-wandering-mage · 9 months
No spoilers but, watching Secret Invasion has me thinking how much better everything in the MCU would have been if Fury was better at managing people like seriously if he had an HR person tagging along with him and Agent Hill things would have gone way better. Like in fan fic we've dropped in characters as lawyers, Agents, secretaries, doctors, even cleaning ladies into our fandoms either with characters from other fandoms or OCs. If anyone wants to write Fury's HR head that be interesting to read. Fury sucks at managing human (and non human) resources.
***spoilers for up to Civil War***
Is putting a spy on a dying man and threatening the man with a heart condition with a taser really the way we're "helping"? Yeah that should make him want to work with us in the future.
Have them fuss at Fury now is the time to call Captain Danvers.
This is a technical problem Fury I know you don't want to deal with Tony but, is setting fire to all of Shield really the alternative your making to a phone call?
Where are your Avengers? You let them split up but, have tabs. What about the Asgardians? Do you have a way to contact them? You didn't give them a communicator at all. How are you going to use the Avengers if you don't know where they are or how to call them?
Don't you think Shield should give a heads up to the government heads before we go onto foreign soil?
Ironman is dead shouldn't we be investigating that?
Etcetera etc You see where I'm going with this. I'd love to see how people could go with this and who they'd put in the MCU to completely change the story.
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the-wandering-mage · 11 months
Angst fanfic prompt
"Ask Batman about the dead robins club"
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the-wandering-mage · 1 year
There aren't enough fics out there of Elle Woods defending characters. Your favorite character is in serious legal trouble and there is only one lawyer who can win the case! In steps Elle woods in all her pink high heeled glory with Bruiser at her side.
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the-wandering-mage · 1 year
Today I was rewatching Deadpool two and I thought you know what would make a really interesting crossover pairing Domino/Jinx. I've only ever seen the character in the original Teen Titans cartoon and I don't really know much about her comic iterations but it be interesting to see someone write a fic about them (an aged up version of Jinx of course...or teen Domino).
I think Domino could be kinda considered more towards the grey side of morality since she was ok with working with Deadpool and all the general death and chaotic destruction she helped make. Jinx could be seen as someone who feels kinda destined to be a villain considering she causes disaster around her. Definitely an open angle for redemption there. Domino would be impervious to the destruction that comes to people around Jinx and she would probably not mind the general destruction going on around her considering her general attitude while on the X-Force. She could walk into a on fire diner. Find a table of abandoned untouched food and a red rose. Dusk off a seat and pull it out for her date without worrying about the ceiling falling in on them. There of course should be an end seen where Wade points out the magic Jink has actual control over is a real super power opposed to her just being a little lucky like a cricket except you know at least a cricket brings good luck to others hers only brings it towards herself. Selfish bastard.
If anyone feels inspired to write this ship please let me know.
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the-wandering-mage · 1 year
I just came across a post that reminded me of the existence of a type of fish with a see through head and tube shaped eyes that point up and can rotate in it's head. I googled the name is Macropinna. I think scishow did a video about them a while back anyways, this weird fish gave me a humans are weird idea.
What if there were aliens whose eyes were in a clear dome inside their heads like those fish? Like what do you mean you have to open your visual sensory organs to the outside to use them!? Why would you open such a delicate and important organ to the outside? It be horrifying that all we have to protect our eyes is thin layer of skin and muscle that we have to move out of the way to even use and tears.
It be like seeing some one with their heart out of their ribcage. They'd be so horrified and constantly worried about us being blinded. All the time. Probably set up charities for poor visually impaired humans, for just two units a day you can help provide protective eye gear for underprivileged humans. They'd constantly be annoyed and worried about their human shipmates who won't consistently ware protective eye gear even in dangerous environments.
Not to mention the drama of eyeglasses and contact lenses and how they aren't protective enough. Then finding out the reason Dave doesn't ware something to protect his sensory organs all the time like Jane, his some what more sensible shipmate, is because he has perfect vision and Jane can't actually see five feet Infront of her without lenses. Cue Jane being treated like some victim of a tragic accident rather than just poor genetics. Just some potential there if anyone wants to take this concept and run. Although that last bit might mean talking to space HR about ableism. Humans just be out here working with what they got no matter if it's a missing limb, missing a vital sense, or something nobody can see we just keep swimming.
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the-wandering-mage · 2 years
Writing prompt
"I told you if you put me a room with _____ I was going to punch them in the face."
I had an idea for a scene for a fanfic where Neal Caffrey from White Collar, a character known for being non-violent if you haven't watched the show, punches Bruce Wayne in the face and says the above to Peter as he walks away with blood on his fist. I realized this would in general be a good writing prompt.
If your curious my idea for this crossover AU was for Neal and Jason Todd to have been best friends growing up who later were in a secret open relationship. Both being polyamorious bi or pan. They of course told the girls they had flings with that they were in an open relationship just left out it being with a boy.
Bruce held a private funeral and didn't invite any of his friends from school (or wait for Dick to return from space) and also let everyone find out via newspaper of Jason's death. Neal emotionally couldn't handle being in Gotham anymore after he visited Jason's grave to mourn.
Neal spitefully did what he could without crossing into the city to hurt/ inconvenience Bruce and W. E. He basically vowed though to give a good right hook to the man though if he ever saw him just like Jason taught him. Knowing there was a chance working in white collar he might actually see the CEO and that assault would probably get him put back in jail he put in his contract that he was to never be put in the same room as him. To hide his personal connection other weird eccentric things were debated and later negotiated out of his contract with the FBI. Peter thought this was just Neal being theatric since he was adamantly non-violent. He just couldn't see him doing something crazy like punching Bruce Wayne in the office. Peter interviewed the man in his personal office without Neal but, didn't take it serious enough to have Neal entirely out of the office while Bruce was there.
Bruce by this point knows he handled Jason's Death horrendously doesn't press charges cause he knows he deserves probably more than a punch to the face and the hassle/stuff he knows Neal stole. His emotional clue-by-four courtesy of one Dick Grayson who actually reached out to Jason's BFF after he got back. Dick also was there when Neal said his goodbyes at Jason's head stone and Neal revealed that they had been in love and in a committed relationship for years.
Eventually this incident will prompt Bruce to try despite the fact that their relationship is just finally reaching stability, to get Jason to tell Neal he is alive. (Dick told him about the secret relationship when Neal first caused criminal trouble.) Bruce wants to try to at least try to right this one wrong. Dick is more than happy to join in on the cause. (The other bats are just surprised to find out about the secret relationship and are staying out of it though they are shameless eaves dropping and rooting for them to get together. Some because they ship it and some because they hope it will chill Jason out.)
Jason who knows how strongly Neal hates violence and why is scared to face him. ( Jason used to do all the violence and protecting so Neal didn't have to on the streets.) He thinks Neal will be horrified and disgusted with him. He is also afraid that he will accidentally hurt him because or the pit madness. He is very grateful he didn't know where Neal was and was too focused on his vendetta to have gone after him when he was still not fully in control and delivering duffle bags of heads. (The pit madness getting less potent the longer a way from exposure & the person becoming more experienced in handling the rage.)
Of course Jason eventually decides he owes Neal to honor his promise to Neal that they would always be together/ find each other even in the next great adventure. He leaves a note written in there special code in there favorite book on his table explaining everything and giving him the option to meet him or send him back a message if he doesn't want to see his face.
Neal has a breakdown which Mozzie walks into. Neal tells him what happened to the first love he'd mentioned so often (usually when drunk). Mozzie freaks out and does not want Neal to go and then he freaks out that Red Hood might have overheard via bug and was going to kill him for coming in between them. Neal talks him down defending Jason. Mozzie gets scared all over again because he can see in Neals eyes what Neal knew he'd do as soon as he realized Jason was really alive, he was going to find him. (And kiss him)
Neal was too grateful to have his love back again and was upset for Jason. He could see how the pit and the league's manipulations had twisted the good in him. Neal meets up with Jason and points out all the good parts of Jason that poked through in his actions under the corruption. He will take Jason with all the trama and the near meta human abilities and rage and help him heal. He still loves him no matter how damaged he may be just as he knows Jason would do the same for him. Just as long as they have each other they can survive anything.
If anyone wants to write this fic with the level of story telling I currently don't have the patience or ware with all to write please go ahead and tag me or my AO3 is The_Wandering_Mage. I got too many WIP right now and I'm currently trying out new medication and are possibly suffering from malnutrition these are unrelated but, my cognitive capabilities at the moment definitely are not up to snuff. Also I'm sleep deprived and probably shouldn't be posting at all but, I got nothing better to do and at least this way it's out of my head. Breaking my own don't post while not completely cognizant rule.
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the-wandering-mage · 2 years
What if Aliens took the saying "I'm only human" to mean that human/alien hybrids were superior. Like anytime we mix with aliens the kids come out OP. Add to the fact we are already space badasses this horrifies some alien species while making others want to have our children. Please someone use this idea as a writing prompt.
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the-wandering-mage · 3 years
Spoiler warning ⚠️ Wanda Vision
I have the head cannon that Darcy Lewis took up Jane's research to honor her after she got dusted and that is why she is called in as an expert called in by SWORD. She was a political sci major wasn't she? Who needed a few credits. In my head she learned a love for machines and science! Working for Jane and then after the snap she was like someone has to keep what Jane had going in someway so she went back to school. Like Jane's research was like really important in understanding the weird and without Jane there someone had to do it. And no way was she letting anyone else get their greasy possibly government or hydra hands on her best friend's life's work without her say so.
Also regardless of it this turns out to be right I was so proud of Darcy when I saw her in WandaVision. Sad too though but, all of the MCU is kinda sad right now after Endgame.
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