theasexyblog · 7 years
concept: me, eating strawberries and peaches on a hillside where i am far from everything i know
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theasexyblog · 7 years
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theasexyblog · 7 years
choking on water is the worst because how do you stop choking? drink something? well ive got some bad news for you
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theasexyblog · 7 years
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theasexyblog · 7 years
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theasexyblog · 7 years
Person 1: You can’t know if you’re Asexual unless you’ve had sex!
Person 2: You can’t be Asexual if you’ve had sex!
Me, an Asexual:
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theasexyblog · 7 years
I want to _____ you.
reblog and see what your followers say
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theasexyblog · 7 years
This bill would allow the Federal Trade Commission to classify conversion therapy and its practitioners as fraudulent.
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theasexyblog · 7 years
It's really only a "slur" if someone lets it be one. Should LGBTQ+ people find power in it? Yes, they should as long as it helps them feel happy and like they belong. If they don't want to use it to describe themselves or others, that's also fine as long as they aren't rude to people who do.
Same goes for non-LGBTQ+ persons. Long as they aren't being derogatory, they should be allowed to use it.
A word has no power until we decide to let it have power; whether positive or negative.
queer is a slur, grow up
‘Queer’ was reclaimed as an umbrella term for people identifying as not-heterosexual and/or not-cisgender in the early 1980s, but being queer is more than just being non-straight/non-cis; it’s a political and ideological statement, a label asserting an identity distinct from gay and/or traditional gender identities.People identifying as queer are typically not cis gays or cis lesbians, but bi, pan, ace, trans, nonbinary, intersex, etc.: we’re the silent/ced letters. We’re the marginalised majority within the LGBTQIA+ community, and‘queer’ is our rallying cry.
And that’s equally pissing off and terrifying terfs and cis LGs.
There’s absolutely no historical or sociolinguistic reason why ‘queer’ should be a worse slur than ‘gay.’ Remember how we had all those campaigns to make people stop using ‘gay’ as a synonym for ‘bad’?
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Yet nobody is suggesting we should abolish ‘gay’ as a label. We accept that even though ‘gay’ sometimes is and historically frequently was used in a derogatory manner, mlm individuals have the right to use that word. We have ad campaigns, twitter hashtags, and viral Facebook posts defending ‘gay’ as an identity label and asking people to stop using it as a slur.
Whereas ‘queer’ is treated exactly opposite: a small but vocal group of people within feminist and LGBTQIA+ circles insists that it’s a slur and demands that others to stop using it as a personal, self-chosen identity label.
Because “queer is a slur” was invented by terfs specifically to exclude trans, nonbinary, and intersex people from feminist and non-heterosexual discourse, and was subsequently adopted by cis gays and cis lesbians to exclude bi/pan and ace people.
It’s classic divide-and-conquer tactics: when our umbrella term is redefined as a slur and we’re harassed into silence for using it, we no longer have a word for what we are allowing us to organise for social/political/economic support; we are denied the opportunity to influence or shape the spaces we inhabit; we can’t challenge existing community power structures; we’re erased from our own history.
I’m not kidding. Cis LGs have literally taken historical evidence of queer people’s involvement in the LGBT rights struggle and photoshopped it to erase us:
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Pro tip: when you alter historical evidence to deny a marginalised group empowerment, you’re one of the bad guys.
“Queer is a slur” is used by terfs and cis gays/lesbians to silence the voices of trans/nonbinary/intersex/bi/pan/ace people in society and even within our own communities, to isolate us and shame us for existing.
“Queer is a slur” is saying “I am offended by people who do not conform to traditional gender or sexual identities because they are not sexually available to me or validate my personal identity.”
“Queer is a slur” is defending heteronormativity.
“Queer is a slur” is frankly embarrassing. It’s an admission of ignorance and prejudice. It’s an insidious discriminatory discourse parroted uncritically in support of a divisive us-vs-them mentality targeting the most vulnerable members of the LGBTQIA+ community for lack of courage to confront the white cis straight men who pose an actual danger to us as individuals and as a community.
I’m here, I’m queer, and I’m too old for this shit.
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theasexyblog · 7 years
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theasexyblog · 7 years
Me, an introverted asexual: I just don't do people
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theasexyblog · 7 years
What I say: I identify as asexual
What people hear: I have resigned my self to dying alone, also my genitals don't work. Someone please reaffirm that I will find love
THIS. It gets so annoying
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theasexyblog · 7 years
If anybody wants to follow me on here and interact with me, that'd be great. If not, even sharing this video and/or my Vid.me channel around helps. I'm hoping this will be a better alternative to YouTube for me; because the whole situation over there finally got to me (a video will be going up about this eventually). Thanks guys.
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theasexyblog · 7 years
what is it about capybaras that attracts groups of small animals to them? Its not just mammals either its like birds and turtles and frogs too
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theasexyblog · 7 years
A Note to my Followers
To the followers who don’t say much: having you there still means a lot. Even if you never send in an ask or anything, I don’t care. I appreciate that you still follow me anyways. And it’s nice to see you there liking and reblogging my stuff.
To the followers who buzz like bees: When you reblog 17 of my posts or send my multiple asks in a row, you aren’t being irritating. You’re making me feel like I’m doing something right as a blogger. Thank you.
To the shy anons: I don’t know if you follow me or not, but regardless of why you sent in that ask, I’m just happy to be hearing from you. You aren’t a bother. You make me feel awesome.
To all of my followers whoever you are: Thank you for hitting that button. Thank you for sticking with me. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on or someone to celebrate with you, I’m here for you! If you ever need something explained, I’ll answer as best I can.
Thank you all of you.
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theasexyblog · 7 years
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theasexyblog · 7 years
Genderflux vs. Genderfluid
So I’ve been trying to think of a way to explain genderflux to people, because it is very similar to genderfluid. And I think I’ve figured out a way. It’s a long post, but there’s not a ton of words.
Imagine you have a lamp. Let’s say it’s an orange light. This light can be dimmed. You put the dimmer into this position:
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and the light in the room is very bright. It’s very very orange in the room.
Now the dimmer is in this position: 
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the light in the room is still orange, just not as bright. 
You put the dimmer into this postilion: 
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and again, the light is still orange, it’s just very very dim, with possibly no visible light.
A genderflux persons gender doesn’t change to a different gender, just shifts in intensity. Their gender can get stronger (brighter) or weaker (dimmer) but the gender itself doesn’t change. 
A genderfluid person’s gender would change. In this analogy, the color of the light would change. It’s switch would look like this:
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It could change to any color there. At one time, they may be yellow, the next blue, then purple, orange the next. Most genderfluid don’t shift to every single gender ever, so what “colors” the “light” changes to varies for each person. Maybe they just shift between green and blue. They might not really have a scale between their genders either, it might be an immediate switch (pun not intended). 
Someone who is fluidflux shifts in both “color” and “brightness”. They may at one time feel like a dim magenta, but then feel a really bright spring green, and then a moderate teal. The “lamp” would have both the “knob” and the “dimmer”
Hope this makes sense!
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