thebrokensoulmates · 5 years
The F
Seriously f*cking annoyed with what my friend said to me the other day. She said that I’m better off being trans because I have a dick and I don’t have to deal with periods and crams.
I mean okay, let’s completely ignore the fact that I suffered so much as a child and in my teens because I was expected to behave as a boy and I was punished for showcasing any sort of feminine behaviour. Let’s also ignore how transitioning caused me to lose many friends, family, and has put me in debt from the cost of medications and surgery.
Having a dick f*cking sucks when you are a girl. I hate it. It’s ugly, it’s disgusting, and it’s causes me so much mental pain. Almost every single day, I’ll wake up in my sleep without fail because it feels so uncomfortable having that thing between my legs, and I’ll have thoughts of grabbing a knife and getting rid of it. I’m so uncomfortable with my own body that I’ve never even masturbated once in my entire life because it’s too disturbing for a girl to wank off. I can’t get intimate in any of my relationships because I’m too ashamed of my body to take all my clothes off. I can’t even join my friends in any water activities for obvious reasons.
And somehow my stupid friend can have the nerve to tell me that it’s better than having to suffer from periods once a month. Well f*ck you asshole.
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thebrokensoulmates · 5 years
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Look how far we’ve come
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thebrokensoulmates · 5 years
evans: You’re like my closest friend, i’d fuck you if you asked
sebastian: what?
evans: what?
hemsworth, eating chips in the background: he said he’d fuck you if you asked
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thebrokensoulmates · 5 years
can we stop the normalization of bisexual women hating themselves for their attraction to men
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thebrokensoulmates · 6 years
the end
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You see an opportunity to kill Thanos and save the love of your life, Steve Rogers. 
Warnings: blood, all the good stuff– no swearing for once which is weird for me, yall know how much i like swearing
words: 1400
You run through the terrain of Wakanda and you’re almost panicked in your movements. You know where He is, and if your hunch is correct, you know he’s just through the thicket before you. You cut your way through the vines and branches with your weapon, and the sight you’re confronted with almost makes you want to scream. 
It’s Steve Rogers, holding the Asguarian Infinity Stone gauntlet in his hand, and is yelling with the raw effort it takes to hold Thanos back from crushing his skull in one hand. His body ripples with the effort, and the long flowing blonde hair shakes with his body. If he weren’t almost about to die, you would have almost said Steve Rogers was the most beautiful thing on this planet. 
You’re only frozen for a few seconds and are broken out of your reverie that is Captain America. It’s Bucky, and his face is warped into something that is beyond recognizable. The snarl and roar that tears from his throat makes you understand why the people of Wakanda call him the White Wolf. Before he can do anything, however, you break out of your terror induced state and motion for him to stop what he is doing and drops the AR-15 rifle clutched in his hands. Bucky is confused at first, but once he pulls himself from his Red Zone and recognizes you for who you are and what you’re capable of, he stops. 
Keep reading
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thebrokensoulmates · 6 years
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I, Loki … (looks at Thor) Odinson.
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thebrokensoulmates · 6 years
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Badass superhero Sam Wilson, behind the scenes and in action.
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thebrokensoulmates · 6 years
T H E    F I R S T   M A N
So, I definitely realize I’m better writing at Spanish. Any warnings I have to make? Yeah, probably don’t read if if you like to think Bucky’s time in Hydra wasn’t as bad as everybody thinks. So, Grammarly is a bitch and I can’t know which one are my Premium mistakes. Sorry for the grammar, that’s why I say I’m better at writing in Spanish. So, hope you like it! (By the way, I don’t support any of the actions display in here. I just wanted to write something honest during Bucky’s time being the Winter Soldier)
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He is alive. Or that's what she prefers to think. Whatever those blue orbs are saying from where they are, she doesn't understand. He's alive. She's sure she just saw his arm moving towards her a second ago. He's alive because he blinks and has that unusual gleam that everyone who's not dead possessed. Yes, she thinks you can consider him alive, but at the same time, you can't.
She gets rid of her sleep through rubbing her eyes. She extends her hand to the little lamp that rests next to her bed. Under the yellow light, the stranger looks even more alive.
And she smiles at him.
—Hi—the greeting coming out of her throat sounds weird because of the hoarseness in such a smooth voice. The white pajamas are too baggy; the pale colors of her bedroom make the intruder stand out. But she doesn't see that, as she looks at him as if she didn't have a better companion besides the sad man in black, sitting in the sad rocking chair at the foot of her bed —Are you the tooth fairy?
But she doesn't seem to mind.
—Yesterday, Grandpa told me that if I go to sleep early, the tooth fairy will take my teeth and leave a lot of money under my pillow—this time, when she smiles, she strokes the little gap inside her mouth with the tip of her tongue. The man looks at her, and more silence comes after —This is yours— she says, taking out the tiny, tiny teeth. She comes close to him, crawling. She has her hair messy because of the dream she was having. One in which the ground is flat and beautiful but she prefers to fly. The stranger contemplates how she extends her pretty little treasure. In his eyes, a light can be seen by everybody who gets invited to be that close. It seems to be the kind of light that once upon a time shined in his darkest corners. Nowadays, it's all just memories, though. Her little hand touches his big black glove. And she smiles again. —Thank you for coming. Charlie said that all that Grandpa said were lies, but I always believed you existed. I almost didn't sleep for seeing you.
The sounds of the night can't be heard, cause the windows are closed. There are stars glued to the wall. And there are stars glued to the sky too.  The little girl goes back to her side of the bed, crawling again.
—I'm so happy to see you— she whispers. The soft way in which her lips move, her short fingers are clinging to her blanket, that was yellow too. He knew it was an unusual night. He knew it was a weird night. —It feels good not to be lonely. Are you lonely too, fairy?—Lonely? He had never thought of that word hadn't she said it. Lonely. Even the way the word would roll in his tongue was strange. Lonely. Lonely. Lonely. —Now you can come by every day, and we won't ever feel alone anymore.
—You are a little bit bigger than what I thought, tooth fairy —she says softly, as she snuggles in her bed. With her cheek touching the cold sheet. The man says nothing. Nothing. Nothing. —But it doesn't matter because I was able to meet you and now I can buy the book that Charlie was asking for. Do you have brothers too? Sometimes they can be kind of annoying. And it's ugly not to be able to punch them when they do something to you. I love Charlie a lot, though. But, shhhh, you have to keep the secret—her finger is hovering over her lips. Under that fucking yellow light, she is turning into a vision. —Hey fairy,  could you please come a little closer?—It seems as if the sounds of the night started to whip at her window. The palms of his hands rely on the armchairs of the rocking chair so he can get up. Anyone could hear the wood crisping under his grip. There's no sound in his footsteps because of the light rubber of his shoes over the floor. Now, the yellow light finally touches him. It reaches him. It coils him. —I need to tell Charlie that you are paler than we thought and hairier — when he sees her hand raising, he stops her by her wrist. The seconds were heavier all of a sudden. And even more difficult to leave behind. She looks at him, questioning with her eyes why did he stop her. And in his gaze, there's a very curious discovery. It seems he's feeling surprised. His fingers slowly let the little girls' wrist go. Her hand continues with her journey. Her destination? The stranger's cheek. —But you are just as soft as I imagined.
Her hand strokes his cheek as long as he allows it. When she stops, the Winter Soldier can still feel the phantom of her fingers playing in his skin.
He looks at her under the yellow light. And all of his questions are stuck in his tongue. But it doesn't matter. As he contemplates her from this angle, she gives the impression of knowing the answers to every single one of them.
And then, it starts. The subtle beep in his ear. The cruel determination to get the job done. And that feeling, the memories mocking him. His mind, fooling him. In his head, all of the words he heard once in a nightmare are torturing him. Over and over and over again. He has to do it. It would be funny to say no. But that's the problem.
He always did everything he was asked.
—Fairy, I think it's time I go to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow, right?—Bucky doesn't answer.  The words in his mind are all fighting each other, making impossible for him to talk.  But he's not resisting, not anymore. And when he sees the little face of Abigail, he knows he's going to see her again. After finding out everything a gaze can hide, how can you not return to it? —Goodbye, fairy.
And the Winter Soldier, due to that feeling slowly creeping down his throat, decides to put the pillow over the little girl's face, before he pulls the trigger.
That thing that's climbing, all over him, has finally left him rigid. He's still sitting in the bed.
He doesn't look at her. He can't and doesn't want to do it. The mission has been accomplished. Today, he won't get beaten up. Nor will he be left with no food to eat. Today, nobody will put a gun against his temple. And the bullet in his forehead hasn't arrived yet. As he observes his reflection in the window, as he observes his pale blue stare, his long black hair and that thing that emanates from his eyes and wets his cheeks he feels that he has finally seen himself. He has finally met the person, the human, the being that wakes up every morning and doesn't think he is lucky for feeling the air filling his lungs. And while seeing the tired dark shadow of somebody who dreamed a lot but doesn't know what. He feels like the first man in the world that has realized that nothing, nothing, nothing has meaning.
And it's contradictory. He should feel good because today he's still breathing. He should.
The sounds of the night can't be heard. There's just this. The words that made him do it. The feeling that was devouring his throat so he could fulfill what he was asked to. It's all vanished. No, he can't find any of those things in himself. Maybe he should go back before Hydra uses the hard way to make him go back. Maybe he should.
When he looks at the window, he sees just one still star in the sky.
And finally, more silence.
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thebrokensoulmates · 6 years
Proving a point to my boyfriend.
PLEASE REBLOG if you (male or female) believe it is perfectly okay and natural for a guy of any age to cry
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thebrokensoulmates · 6 years
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I’ve summed up Civil War for anyone that’s interested
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thebrokensoulmates · 6 years
Sam Wilson is so slept on in the Marvel Cinematic Universe fandom
I know, I know, Sam is just a retired soldier with a set of wings and guns that Steve only seems to fully rely on. He definitely would lose a fight to even someone like Natasha, who doesn’t have serum, viking magic and/or full body armor.
I had that argument with my male cousin about how useful Sam is in the MCU team lineup. That he appears more sidekick than the first African-American superhero, which he is. T'Challa is the first Black/African superhero and Sam Wilson is the first African-American superhero. But don’t get me wrong I love me some Bucky. However, Sam Wilson is the underdog of the MCU and its fandom and I have a really soft spot for the underdogs of any fandom.
I marvel at the fact he is willing to go toe to toe with any villians the Avengers face, despite him only having wings, Redwing and guns. Someone reminded me Sam had only a gun when he first faced off with Hydra before he strapped on his wings to drop kick the Winter Soldier. The fact that he could do all that when he was a retired citizen; his only real training regiment he had before joining the team was jogging around the Mall before dawn after his retirement and he was able to handle his own against Hydra and the like.
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I also, dont care much for the double-standards. I mean Bucky could render Steve Roger’s into an invalid and Steve and the fandom would defend his actions. But if Sam drinks the rest of the milk and Bucky wanted cereal that day, the MCU fandom going to give my guy Sam all the smoke.
Lol, the fact that Sam was hated on so hard just for not pulling up his seat cause he still ain’t forgive Bucky for nearly killing him three damn times.
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Bruh, if you tried to kill me and totaled both my car and wings and all I do is not give you some legroom, you should be happy. Especially when Bucky still had kill commands in his head.
Lol, people keep forgetting Sam left his perfectly good 9 to 5 job with benefits at the Veterans Affairs to chase Bucky ass all across the world to give Steve some peace of mind. Bucky crew also need to stop hating on Sam’s legit concerns and need to don the Captain Petty cape every once in a while. Cause even though Sam is petty. He never tries to handle Bucky with kid gloves. He gives Bucky the same energy and short of telling him no and shut up, has been nothing but nice to the guy. I bet soon their on screen dynamics will mirror the flirty love/hate friendship of the actors who play them Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan.
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I also marvel at the fact that Sam Wilson is the only Avenger in Infinity War pt. 1, who managed to mend the most bridges after Civil War broke up our lovable boy band. I know, I know, what about Bruce and Thor. They werent involved in Civil War and so didnt need to choose sides and sadly hurt feelings. So they dont count. Sam was in the thick of it though.
Think about it… He was one of the first Avengers that turned down signing the Accords. It was his decision, he didnt just blindly follow Cap like some happy go lucky sidekick everyone labels him as. Rhodey, Natasha and Vision got into a heated debate on the validity of signing the Accords with him.
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But Sam never signed up to be at the call of some entity ; especially after Steve came running to him after the curruptness of SHEILD. Sam had a life before he decided to help Steve and if he had wanted to be a soldier he’d have join Nick Fury instead of volunteering to help Steve find Bucky.
Sam knew Steve needed him more and the fact that Steve felt at ease leaving his second best friend to search for his first should mean something. Steve could have relied on anyone to help him with Bucky or come to Peggy’s funeral and he choose to take Sam because guy is loyal and Steve’s ride or die. Sam was actually the only one to ask if Steve was happy and if he ever thought of being something other than Captain America.
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Sam might not be the strongest, but he definitely the bridge/mediator among the group. Tony went to Sam in Civil War at the end not just cause he knew where Bucky and Steve were going cause they could have told the other team before the fight in the airport; it was also because Tony knew Sam would at least hear him out instead of throwing insults like Scott did when they were in lockup. Sam could have said no simply because, despite fighting through PTSD and trying to save Rhodey, Tony blasted Sam when he couldnt dave him. But he didnt because Sam was the bigger man and knew Tony was in his feelings.
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If Sam had been hit by the blast that Tony issued to Vision to make Sam ‘a glider’ he would have died. If that blast crippled Rhodey and he had full-bodied armor than someone with goggles, wings and light armor would have died if he hadn’t air rolled out of the way.
But Sam tried to save Rhodey cause at the end of the day they are friends. He apologized to Tony because he knows first hand how it feels to try to rescue a friend and risk lose them because you just weren’t fast enough. It happened with Riley and he never begrudge Steve for getting his best friend back 'despite the years and brainwashing’ after a fall that should have killed him. He is not like that.
Sam and Rhodey gave one of the warmest greetings letting you know clearly there was no hard feelings and that they were friends.
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Vision and Sam clearly bear no ill will towards each other despite being initally on opposing sides and Vision nearly killing Sam. Sam even volunteered to support an injured Vision and was part of the rescue mission to save Vision.
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Sam was the one who recruited Scott Lang. One of the same people that fought and beat him in Ant-Man, he was humble enough to see his worth and recruit him.
Bucky who have fought each other on sight because Bucky keep breaking Sam’s shit and trying to kill him, are even cool. By Infinity War, despite the frosty glare when Steve greets Bucky, Bucky and Sam have been in sync and have fought along side each other in both Civil War and Infinity Wars
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Despite all the mistakes Sam and his friends have made since Civil War, Sam is the most, warm-hearted, forgiving, genuine guy on the team. He is someone who will stay loyal to you, but will voice his opinion when need be. Sam is still good with all the members of Team Captain America and not only is he still good with them, he is clearly friends with a lot of Team Iron Man in Infinity War when it is clear some can’t let bygones be bygones even with a threat like Thanos afoot.
So stop sleeping on my guy Sam Wilson. 'Cause everyone on the Avengers team serves a purpose and who wouldn’t want a ride or die in their pocket?
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thebrokensoulmates · 6 years
Para olvidarla
Y digamos que somos amigas. De esas que no hablan hasta tarde. De esas que acercan sus rostros y no piensan en besarse. De esas cuyos dedos no se buscan para comenzarse a querer.  De esas que no sueñan juntas, contemplando al cielo infinito. De esas que no lloran en los brazos de la otra. De esas que cuando se abrazan no sienten que su hogar tiene forma de persona. De esas que tú dices que siempre hemos sido. De esas que no somos. 
Digamos que somos amigas aunque tu mano con la mía, agarradas, sobrevivan a cada catástrofe, 
Digamos que somos amigas aunque tus ojos con los míos se digan te amo. 
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thebrokensoulmates · 6 years
In 2019, if you shit on pansexuals or bisexuals for the gender of their partner, Freddie Mercury appears behind you and cuts your fucking head off.
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thebrokensoulmates · 6 years
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thebrokensoulmates · 6 years
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thebrokensoulmates · 6 years
reblog if you are BISEXUAL but will probably end up dating only women because trying to find an actual good guy is like a game of Russian Roulette
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thebrokensoulmates · 6 years
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