thedungeonsbat · 5 years
Important Message
Hey guys. This is to say that I'm putting an end to my writing. Its not because of anything anyone said on here but because of somethings that have been happening in real. It wasn't a sudden decision, I've been thinking about it for a long time and now I've made it final. Besides, the story isn't interesting anymore. You know what happens, 'happily ever after' for them but that isn't happening for me.
I'm so very sorry for being such a huge disappointment but I figured I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry. Also, thank you. Really. You've all been so kind and lovely, I've never received this much of love really. I won't say 'hope you don't mind' because of course you will, at first at least. Still, thanks for all the support and sorry. My mind is made up and I don't think it'll change so I don't think there's any point hoping I'll continue.
So, this is goodbye to you all wonderful beings. I love you all.
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thedungeonsbat · 5 years
Are you alright? you are a little absent these days
I'm alright (maybe) but thanks for asking.. I've just been extremely busy, that's all. I don't get much time for writing these days..
Thanks for your concern😘😘
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thedungeonsbat · 5 years
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Art By Toastybumblebee
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thedungeonsbat · 5 years
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INFJ / Slytherin / Borzoi Patronus / Vine Wood Wand / Thunderbird
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thedungeonsbat · 5 years
hey, do y'all cry because you love Severus Snape more than anything? 'Cause I do that a lot.
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thedungeonsbat · 5 years
Just wanted to let you know that you are wonderful, talented and appreciated.
Aw, that is so good to read😊😊 thank you for such a lovely message! I want you (and all the others who send love) to know you are all very amazing and kind, I love you all😘😘
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thedungeonsbat · 5 years
Wonderful chapter! I loved it! Btw this is phenomenalkingofthebrogues lol I changed my username
Thank you!!!!!😙😙😙😙 I was kinda nervous about it being as good as you all would've expected but I feel really good now❤❤
(Sorry for the late answer)
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thedungeonsbat · 5 years
Muggle Love (Chapter 19)
Chapter 19
Severus had no desire to return to Hogwarts and leave you but he had to.
He used the Floo Powder and found himself in his chambers' fireplace. All the lights were out and the place was cold. Severus sighed as he entered his room and lit the fire. He seated himself in his old leather armchair and closed his eyes for some moments, reliving the previous night.
Just then came a knock on the door. 'He already knows!' Thought Severus. Of course, Dumbledore knew he was back and now here he was, disturbing Severus' peace. He was one of the very few people whom Severus actually spoke to but it was sometimes annoying that he knew everything.
"Enter," said Severus in his low voice, his usual frown now taking its place.
The door creaked open and there stood the man with the twinkling blue eyes, smiling at Severus. He stepped inside and Severus got up to address the Headmaster.
"Afternoon, Headmaster." Severus greeted him with a boring look. He had no interest, whatsoever, in discussing his holiday.
"Afternoon, Severus. So, didn't have a nice holiday?" He said.
"What makes you say so?" Severus asked raising a questioning eyebrow.
"I didn't expect you to return so soon." He answered in a calm voice.
"Well, I asked for just a day, didn't I?"
"You indeed did." He said nodding.
Even though there wasn't much change in Dumbeldore's voice, Severus could sense a bit of disappointment. Well, what did he expect, that Severus would tell him all about how he spent New Year's night?
"Well then Severus, I just dropped in to see if you were fine-"
"I most certainly was."
"-and wish you a very Happy New Year." He wished with his smile returned.
Severus did not return it and just replied with "Happy New Year, Albus."
Dumbledore gave a small nod and left the room.
Severus sat down again and summoned a book from one of his many shelves. He was back home but it felt less like it now that he was without you.
~Time Skip to One Week Until August~
So many months without Severus! You could never have imagined you could have survived this long without him but thanks to the photographs he left you, you could always have a look at his face. Even though it wasn't the soft face you liked best, just the fact it was him was enough.
Just another week's struggle until you would finally reunite with Severus. Just for a month or so but that would do. You were dying to see him for even a split second!
There were some great things that happened though, the best of them being Carl finally confessing to Holly! She admitted she likes him too and now its been three months since they've been dating and everything was so far so good except that you often walked into them making out which wasn't the best sight. It still felt a bit weird but you adjusted to them with time. Mostly, you felt like a coward who couldn't tell a man that she loves him more than anything.
They often asked questions about Severus which you were now a master at avoiding. And a great advantage of their relationship was that now they were too busy to ask about Severus.
You also had something planned for when Severus returns. That's mainly all you've been thinking about lately. This would be a surprise for him from you.
Crossing the days on the calendar you waited for August. It would be just four weeks spent together but you were going to make sure you would make them count and hopefully, you'll tell him.
Severus wasn't so pleased with this year. Sirius Black, his childhood bully and enemy had escaped from Hogwarts and so had his Order of Merlin but he had something to look forward to. Someone who mattered way more than any prize.
He was keen to leave and for the first time in his life, to be in Spinner's End. You were just as eager as he was to see him after so long, it was plain in your letters. He did not stop sending you curious magical objects, sometimes sneaking out to buy them himself and occasionally asking his Slytherins to do so.
He flicked his wand making many books he'd want for the summer levitate and then stacking themselves on his table.
Tunelessly humming to himself, he finishes all the packing and was finally prepared to take leave.
He used the usual Floo Network and left without a word to anyone, he never bothered to tell anyone after the end of the year staff meeting.
After an unpleasant ride, he found himself at Spinners End. He stepped out of the fireplace into the dusty house. Everything was the same as it always had been, just even dustier.
Without bothering to clean the house he went straight upstairs to his bedroom, which he did clean. He changed into his grey nightshirt and laid down on the bed. It didn't take him long to fall asleep because it really had been a tiring day with sending off all the children safely. He really looked forward to seeing you the next day and while your thoughts kept him awake with excitement, they also helped him drift into a comfortable sleep.
He woke up early the next morning like he usually did. He followed his usual routine after cleaning up the house and unpacking all his stuff. He spent the time wondering about when you'd come and knock on his door and brighten up his day.
You took longer than he had expected. He was sure he wrote the right date in the letter but perhaps you just thought he was still having a rest.
He went out for a little walk to pass the time. He would usually read a book but he felt he needed some air, not the polluted air in Cokeworth but clean, fresh air.
He returned after about half an hour, he found it hard to stay among all those people for long. But when he arrived someone was awaiting him already.
You were knocking on the door, still unaware Severus was just behind you. You knocked again.
A smile graced Severus' lips as he saw you. The sight of you was the most pleasing one for him.
"Severus?" You called out loudly.
"Looking for me?" He drawled, finally make you aware of his presence. He smirked as you almost jumped in horror.
"Severus! You almost gave me a heart attack!" You panted as you clutched onto your chest.
You cheeks warmed with embarrassment. But it went away as you took his appearance in. He looked just as attractive as he always did, perhaps even more with that signature smirk.
After a few moments of silence, during which you both appreciated each other's beauty, you pulled him in for a loving embrace. The fruit of patience was indeed very sweet.
"It's been so very long." You said finding comfort in his arms.
"It really has. I've missed you.. so much." He whispered softly. After kissing your forehead, he pulled away.
"Why not get inside?" He asked eyeing the door. You agreed gladly and followed him inside.
Stepping inside you realized how much you had missed this place. Even though it was a little gloomy, it was his house and it felt like him.
"Tea?" He asked as he offered you to sit down.
"Yes, thank you." You replied sweetly.
"You had a nice year, I hope." You asked as you settled yourself down on the couch.
"Can't really say. It was... fine, at least in the end." He answered while handing you a cup of tea which he was so expert at preparing within just a few seconds. You were actually getting used to all this.
"So something did happen!" You said excitedly. He raised an eyebrow at your sudden interest. "Oh, you know I want to listen..."
"Of course you do. I suppose you remember the escaped prisone-"
"Yes, I do! Did you get him?" He scowled at being cut off. "Sorry." You muttered.
"Actually, I almost did but he escaped again." He sighed and your smile dropped too.
You stroked his shoulder as you noticed he wasn't pleased with the memory. "What happened then?" You asked quietly.
"Nothing, except I lost the greatest honor and my revenge." He spoke casually but you sensed the hint of disappointment in his voice. He was bound to be disappointed if he had lost the greatest order in the wizarding world, The Order Of Merlin and his opportunity to seek vengeance from Sirius Black. Dumbledore had been trying to tell him he was innocent all this time but that hardly affected Severus' view of him.
"What? How?" You asked at once and instantly regretted it because he clearly didn't want to talk about it.
"Nevermind. It doesn't matter, not now."
"But-" You just couldn't help it.
"Please," He said in an attempt not to sound very harsh. Whatever the reason for him refusing to tell you about the incident might be, you certainly didn't want to upset him so you let it go. You nod.
You took a look at your watch. It was time.
"Oh, It's time! Get up, we need to go!" You get excited and get up with a jerk, your eyes still on your wristwatch.
Severus looked at you in surprise, his eyebrows raised. "Go where?"
"I've been planning. I'll tell you only if you get up and come with me." You said while grinning.
He rolled his eyes and reluctantly got up. He sent your cups away and followed you out.
"Why are you so excited?" Severus asked.
Your grin widened, "It's the first time I have something planned for you!"
He narrowed his eyes and asked, "What have you 'planned' exactly?"
"It's not supposed to be told but I don't think I can hold it anymore." You replied as you continued walking with him.
"Well, I thought that because you don't really stay among us, you won't be aware of all the marvelous places we have. So today I'm going to take you to my favorite places!"
He stopped in his tracks, so did you. He stood there in disbelief. He was indeed glad you wanted to take him to your favorite places but he couldn't see why, even though it was plain as glass.
When he didn't say anything and continued to eye you curiously, you began to doubt if he didn't like the idea. You snapped your fingers in front of his face which brought him back to earth.
"I don't see why you need to do this." He said.
"Because I want you to enjoy the places I love." You answer casually in a sweet voice.
"I'm... flattered, honestly." He showed a small smile.
"I can't do special things like you but I can do something." You said before you had to drag his arm to make him move again.
He honestly wished you would stop calling him or his abilities 'special'. Yes, he was different from you and he did have abilities but he hated to make you feel like you weren't as special as them. He had always thought of witches and wizards as special people but after you, he saw himself and muggles from a different view.
You took Severus to your favorite restaurant for lunch, you asked him if he would like to go to the cinema but he said he'd much rather walk with you in some park (which you did), you stopped at a cafe for coffee (an expensive one, just for today) and you even talked about sports. He told you about Quidditch of which you understood very little. It took you quite some time to be able to pronounce it correctly. He was amused by your efforts to understand the game and the rules.
You laughed at the image of Severus on a flying broom in a pitch, refereeing a match. He got offended of course, but you apologized. You'd love to see him like that someday if it could be possible.
The whole day was pleasant. Sometimes you walked, the other times you just took a cab but not once did you feel tired.
All the time you spent talking and laughing was a bliss. It was a new experience for Severus too. Nobody here knew him and this strange freedom to move around freely with you felt very nice. Even when you remained silent, you enjoyed each others' presence and it's warmth.
You had no desire to go home or for the day to end. All you wanted was to walk beside him like you were.
You walked to your house in his company when it began to get dark. You insisted on him to come inside for some time to which he agreed after some argument.
You turned the doorknob and as Severus entered, he could see flashes of New Year's Day. The memory was warming but with it came the acknowledgment that he had just one month...
You plunged yourself on the sofa and heaved a long sigh. Now you did feel tired. He seated himself next to you.
For some seconds you shut your eyes and relaxed while Severus admired you. He longed for you so dearly but his thoughts prevented him from taking an action. What would everyone say if they found out he was with a muggle? Would it be a wise move or a foolish one? Should he risk your life for his own selfishness?
He was not afraid of being rejected now. The way you acted around him, the way you blushed all over when he came near you made him hope that you felt the same or at least nearly the same.
He tore his eyes away from you as you finally opened yours.
"I really do hope you enjoyed today." You said turning your head to face him.
"Yes, I did." He said.
You wore a smug smile, imitating him. He huffed a laugh.
"I know it wasn't as speci-"
"Stop it." He said through gritted teeth with his jaw tightly clenched. Again! He suddenly got angry. Angry because the wait had been too much, angry because you thought of yourself as unimportant, angry because you did not know how much you meant to him.
You were surprised - dumbfounded - with his reaction. You couldn't see what upset him but his menacing low voice scared you. You shuddered as he hissed those words.
"Don't you get it? Being a wizard doesn't mean being 'special', and being a muggle doesn't make you any less!" You could see his chest rise anf fall and his face was so close you could almost feel his breath on your face.
You stared right into his eyes, almost like staring into an endless black pit. You couldn't tear your eyes away from them, they pierced into yours.
Your heart throbbed so fast you could actually hear it beating. It picked up pace with every second.
He continued in a low voice, a bit softer than before, "Don't you see? You are the most special person to me."
This was it. He lost all control over his body and mind. He didn't think once and went for it.
He got the courage to make the bold move. He did not care what people might say. It was not a foolish move, his instinct told him. And as for your protection, he would do whatever it takes just to keep you safe.
Your eyelids dropped, so did his and he leaned closer until he finally closed the gap between you by placing his lips on yours.
As soon as your lips attached, you felt like you'd actually burn with all the heat you felt. He kissed you so passionately, his lips moving in perfect sync with yours. Gently, he continued kissing you and wrapped his hands around your waist. Your hands meanwhile snaked around his neck.
Breathless, you pulled away. Foreheads connected, there was no need for anything to be said. This was his way of telling you how much he loved you and you kissed him back, which he feared you wouldn't do, telling him the same.
You pressed your lips against him again, this time with all the passion and love you could muster. It was even more heated and needy than the previous one. Desperate for the touch, none of you wanted to pull away. This was something you had wanted -desired- for so long, you cherished every moment of it.
You pulled away, almost panting. You couldn't help but smile. When you looked into his eyes again, you saw emotions that could be clearly deciphered: love and lust.
He was smiling back. He brought his hand to cheek and stroked it with his thumb.
You wanted him. Bad.
He planted a series of kisses from your neck to your collarbone. You moaned when he sucked onto your soft spot. You tilted your head to provide him with a better angle.
Your hands in his hair, you gasped, "Severus-"
You couldn't be patient anymore. You needed him and he needed you just as badly.
He hummed in reply as he continued kissing your neck, his hands trailing your back.
"Take this to my bedroom."
Thanks for reading!
@smokindoinksinthejungle @princetale @radspencerreid @a-slytherin-sin @thephenomenalkingofthebrogues394 @just-here-to-read-fics @joscelyn02
A/N: It's been weeks since I've posted!! That's why I inserted the kiss in this chapter. But I have another apology to make other than my being so very late in uploading, I don't write smut. I know many readers like to read it but I don't think I'm good at writing it so, sorry. Anyway, I hope you like this!
I can't promise the next chapter will be soon because I'm still very busy and also, I had some self-esteem issues but I'm fine now. It's a relief to finally upload this one! Let me know if you liked it!😘
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thedungeonsbat · 5 years
I have exactly one (1) coping mechanism and it is spending every second of every day thinking about Severus Snape, fictional character, and so far it is working just fine.
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thedungeonsbat · 5 years
not naming any names here but i think some of my followers might be
very kind and sweet and beautiful and ones I love and care for very much
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thedungeonsbat · 5 years
Snape: literally never hurt a child
Fandom: BOOO! He's a murderer and child abuser
Sirius: literally breaks Ron's leg while dragging him to the shack.
Fandom: it's fine UwU. He's a real good one that lad. Also he's hot
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thedungeonsbat · 5 years
✿ Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile! ✿ You may not answer this, just know that I also think you're great 😘
This is literally the best thing happened to me in days!! Receiving this amount of appreciation and love after a hard and tiring day is not what I expected but exactly what I needed! Thank you all for sending these sweet and kind messages❤❤❤
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thedungeonsbat · 5 years
✿ Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile! ✿
Another?! Thank you so much!!💙💙💚💚
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thedungeonsbat · 5 years
Thank you @half-blood-slytherpuff @obviously-best-potions-master and @just-here-to-read-fics for tagging me!😊
I’m over 5’5” // i wear glasses/contacts // i have blonde hair// i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces //i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear make-up // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer Nike to Adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition// i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing// i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sun rise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colours // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy Mexican food// i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs
I'm tagging @a-slytherin-sin @angrypeacockking @morsmordre-imagines @thephenomenalkingofthebrogues394 @dusk-realm @rose0jam
Anyone willing may join!!
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thedungeonsbat · 5 years
✿ Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile! ✿
Thank you, this is my second!! This is so awesome! My day couldn't get any better😙😙
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thedungeonsbat · 5 years
✿ Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile! ✿
Aw, that is so very sweet of you!! Thanks ❤❤ I love you for being so nice!!
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thedungeonsbat · 5 years
Reblog this is you’re still in the snapedom
My dash is utterly devoid of snep 💔
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