theficpalace · 8 years
You got any good Mystrade fics fora hardcore Mystrade shipper to read?? Preferably something that involves them married or getting married or adopting kids??? :D
Sorry, I don’t really read mystrade, but I’ll reply to this so people can maybe help you out.
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theficpalace · 9 years
Hello, I went through your tags and chose An Acquired Taste fic to read, photographer!john and chef!Sherlock but the fic doesn't exist in the link nor the author? Do you know if they've moved elsewhere or changed pseuds or something? I really liked the summary and your review but it's not there. Does anyone happen to have downloaded pdf before it was gone? I'm sorry if it sounds pushy or anything, just wanted to know if it can be found. Thank you in advance :)
OH MY GOD!!! I can’t believe this! I just checked...corpsereviver2 is one of my favorite authors, and I think their AO3 might be deleted?? Does anyone have info on this??
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theficpalace · 9 years
What a fantastic rec list you've got going here! Found several interesting pieces I can't believe I've missed before. I would be thrilled to hear what a connoisseur like you might think about my stories! Considering your preferences, I thought I would dare to suggest you might like some of them :) You can find me as j_baillier at AO3 or through tumblr. It's mostly (medical) H&C with a sprinkling of friends-to-lovers on top. Have a lovely day, you!
I’m so glad you like this blog! :)  I’m a little behind in posting recs/reading fics, so I’m going to publish this ask publicly (hope you don’t mind!) because I think a lot of people might enjoy finding your stories, but I won’t have time to read them/do up a proper rec for a while.  I DO love medical hurt/comfort, though, so it sounds like I’d really enjoy your fics!
So, followers, looking for some medical H/C??  I haven’t read them yet, but go check out j_baillier’s stories on AO3! Report back about what you think, if you want! 
(Also, just FYI, I think there will be a bunch more recs coming soon!  Be on the lookout!)
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theficpalace · 9 years
Afterswarm by whitedatura
Afterswarm by whitedatura
pairing: johnlock
word count: 10,591
rating: teen and up
Author’s Description:
John has seen Sherlock do a lot of odd things over the years, but Sherlock having a genuine conversation with a bee might be the oddest. (Or: the one where Sherlock communicates with bees, John questions his sanity, and Mrs Hudson gets a new computer.)
My Notes: I love reading fics where John or Sherlock has some secret special ability, and this fic is a great addition to that genre.  First off, the idea of Sherlock communicating with bees is ingenious, and I loved the way the author wrote John figuring it out, and Sherlock being so Sherlock about John figuring it out. 
My apologies if that doesn’t make any sense, but it’s hard to explain without giving spoilers!  I suppose I could just say that the characterization was great.  I also loved all of John and Sherlock’s miscommunication, and how much they were both attempting to express themselves to each other in their own dysfunctional non-expressive ways, and I especially loved when they finally figured out exactly what it was they weren’t expressing.  Again, that makes little to no sense, I think, but hopefully you catch my drift. 
Also, the way John and Sherlock interacted with Mrs. Hudson was so endearing and perfect and true to form!  Mrs. Hudson’s role in this fic was genius, I think.  Beautifully done. 
This fic is sweet, in character, fun, original, well-written, and pulls you in from start to finish.  I highly recommend it! 
Afterswarm by whitedatura
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theficpalace · 9 years
The Midas Touch by flawedamythyst
The Midas Touch by flawedamythyst
pairing: johnlock
word count: 32,231
rating: explicit
Author’s Description:
John Watson has a medical condition that means everyone he sleeps with is instantly healed of all illness and injury. This causes complications when Sherlock breaks his arm, and even more complications when Sherlock falls in love with him.
Yes, this is a story where John has a literal magic healing cock. It’s a lot less cracky than you’re probably imagining.
Warning: Contains complex issues of sexual consent, although not between Sherlock and John.
My Notes:  Okay, I had heard of this fic before, but I always though, “idkkkk, i’m not really in the mood for crack fic……”  But then, the lovely members of gaybookclub assured me that this fic is, in fact, amazing and not even crack, and so I clicked the link and saw that it’s actually 32K rather than the quick cracky PWP I thought it would be, so I decided to read it.
And holy shit!! It’s so good!!  I was totally missing out by assuming this fic is crack just because it’s about a magical healing cock.  😂  While it is about a magical healing cock, the author has carefully considered the drawbacks of that, and it’s hreally well done.
First of all, flawedamythyst’s writing is beautiful, and the characterization is astounding.  This story takes place from Sherlock’s POV, and the author has his voice NAILED.  His thought progressions and the way he dismisses some things while lingering on others - it all felt so very real, and so very Sherlock.  I was hooked from the very first word.
The way Sherlock feels about John is just so tangible and real and beautifully written.  The poor thing is pining like crazy and there is so much miscommunication.  The undercurrent of emotion in this fic is gorgeous.  I also loved the slow development of John and Sherlock’s relationship, as well as the very real ways in which John’s “condition” effects his life and relationships, and the ways in which Sherlock comes to understand that and take care of John.
And John, oh John.  Flawedamythyst has John’s voice nailed as well.  He is spot on, and I love the way the author writes his difficulty dealing with emotions, as well as how he often misses an entire world of thought and decision making that goes on beneath the surface when Sherlock interacts with him, just as he does in canon.
This story is so beautiful and sweet, and my heart was aching for these two to figure it out already, and when they do, it’s so beautiful.  I highly recommend this!  I don’t even want to tag it crack because it’s just so good - not that crack isn’t!!  But it just feels like a beautifully crafted world where someone is occasionally born with a magical healing cock.  Anyway, go read.  It’s great!
The Midas Touch by flawedamythyst
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theficpalace · 9 years
The Swan Triad by Pennin_Ink
The Swan Triad by Pennin_Ink
pairing: johnlock
word count: 121,660
rating: teen and up
Author’s Description:
1. Till Now I Never Knew: Sherlock and John grow up spending every summer together. Their mothers' attempts to play matchmaker only fuel their mutual resentment and scorn. But then, one summer...
2. Interlude: Following the events of Till Now I Never Knew, John is away with the army and Sherlock is dividing his time between Cambridge, Sussex, and Château Vernet. With miles and miles between them, they still manage to forge the connection which eluded them their whole lives, first through letters, then weekly phone calls, until the day John comes home and everything changes.   
3. Find a Way to You: Sherlock struggles to free himself from Moriarty's prison as John devotes every waking moment to finding the man he loves.
My Notes: I don’t even know where to begin!  This is one of the very first stories I ever read in the Sherlock fandom, so it has a special place in my heart.  It’s a Swan Princess AU, and it is enchanting from start to finish.
I love the slow build of John and Sherlock’s relationship, the backstory, the thrill of them trying to be together, the pacing, the beauty and timelessness of their love story...it’s just so good.  I also love the other characters, like Molly, Mike, Lestrade, and their families.  This fic pulled me in immediately and it was a really interesting and exciting AU.
I can’t recommend this fic enough.  If for some bizarre reason you haven’t come across this fic before, it’s my pleasure to be the one to introduce it to you!  Happy reading!
The Swan Triad by Pennin_Ink
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theficpalace · 9 years
Rhododendron Calendulaceum by MrsNoggin
Rhododendron Calendulaceum by MrsNoggin
pairing: johnlock
word count: 7,159
rating: teen and up
Author’s Description:
Sometimes Sherlock's experiments can have dreadful consequences, and sometimes they can lead to startling discoveries no one quite expected. For qnadia7, eventual Johnlock, rated T for language.
My Notes: This is one of my all-time favorite fics.  The premise is perfect.  Sherlock leaves an experiment laying around that gravely injures John, and he has to deal with his guilt/feelings. 
The author’s characterization is so good!  The way Sherlock thinks, the way John sees how Sherlock thinks, the way John acts, the way Sherlock can predict what John is thinking and is shocked when John can predict what he is thinking...it’s just so well done.  I also really like the author’s style, and the pacing of John and Sherlock’s relationship is just so satisfying, especially because of how much I like the characterization.    
This fic is sweet, well-written, wonderfully characterized, and did I mention sweet??  If you haven’t read it yet, you are missing out!  This is charming and fun and, in my opinion, a must-read!
Rhododendron Calendulaceum by MrsNoggin
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theficpalace · 9 years
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rainyeveryday replied to your post “The Bone Fiddle by htebazytook, Vulgarweed”
I normally really dislike American AUs but this is such a great review I can't wait to read the fic!
same!!  I don’t like the idea of them being American, in general, especially because in some not-so-great American AUs, it’s just an excuse for Americans to not deal with British English (I am American; I’m not hating on Americans, FYI).  But this is really beautiful, and there is a point to them being American, and the characterization is so great that they still feel like the same Sherlock and John, even if they speak in a different dialect!
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theficpalace · 9 years
All the Flavours, Cherry and More by cwb
All the Flavours, Chery and More by cwb
pairing: johnlock
word count: 6,274
rating: explicit
Author’s Description:
 “Mm, what is that? You taste good.”
“Cherry lip gloss.” “Fabulous. What other secrets do you have for me, then?”
Sherlock feels a blush rising to touch his cheeks, more sensual than uncomfortable now that he knows John isn't disgusted by him. No, John is responding exactly the way he had hoped.
My Notes: If you know anything about me at all, you know that I love conversationswithbenedict.  So, it may come as a surprise to you that I am reccing this story so late after it’s been posted, but consider it a timely reminder that this story exists, because I assume that all of you have read it already, and take this chance to go revisit it. ;)
Everybody loves a good hot sex story, right?  But cwb’s hot sex stories always change the game in so many ways, mostly because of how alive her descriptions are, and how beautiful and clever her writing is.  Plus, cwb’s characterization is always SOLID.  Even in this story, a story in which Sherlock wears makeup and lingerie as a surprise for John, he is 100% in character, even though this is a side of him we wouldn’t necessarily expect to seein canon.  Also, in cwb’s writing, I love to see the way in which she sees Sherlock’s confidence grow as he sees that John returns his love.  This is something I’ve seen in many of her stories, not just this one, but in this one, that realization manifests in a particularly beautiful and vulnerable, but still strong, way. 
If you want to read a beautiful story with superb writing, realistic characterization, hot sex, a tender and supportive and stunningly in character John, a gorgeous message, and an overall feeling of perfection, then THIS IS THE STORY FOR YOU!!!
All the Flavours, Chery and More by cwb
(note: the sherlock/victor trevor is in the past and just mentioned in passing thought, but I tagged it nonetheless)
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theficpalace · 9 years
Cathedral series by pixchuu22
Cathedral series by pixchuu22
pairing: johnlock, john/mary
word count: 161,326 (note: technically, this series is incomplete, but you can definitely read it as is, so word count my change if there is ever another addition to this universe)
rating: explicit
Author’s Description:
An Omegaverse AU (where the sex is not the point; I have an angst/fluff addiction). Takes place after The Reichenbach Fall and spans most of series 3.
1. Now and Then: Dr. John Watson is trying to move forward with his life after watching Sherlock Holmes fall to his death two years before. After suffering through not only the loss of a friend and flatmate but also a Bonded lover, John has found salvation in Mary Morstan - or so he tells himself until Sherlock returns from the dead and expresses a desire to return to their previously Bonded state, despite John's new Bond with Mary.   
2. We Are the Crossroads: Dr. John Watson and Sherlock Holmes are getting their unusual life together back on track after the betrayal of Mary Morstan and Janine Hawkins the year before. Things are going well until two threats invade their flat: Charles Augustus Magnussen, businessman and blackmailer, and Colonel Sebastian Moran, accomplished sniper and right-hand man to long-dead Jim Moriarty. Then an accident leaves John unable to help Sherlock and the Mated pair must find a way to protect each other when it feels like everything is against them.
3. The Light from Passing Through: When Dr. John Watson and Sherlock Holmes last saw Sherrinford Holmes, they were being told that Ford would be asking 'a favor' of them. The choices they are given limit them to the destruction of their bond as a Mated Alpha/Omega pair or the potential destruction of their lives, and one doesn't simply say 'no' to Sherrinford Holmes.   
My Notes: These were really interesting omegaverse pieces.  They are quite angsty, but each one has some interesting plot elements.  In particular, in the second story, I loved Sherlock’s family dynamics, and Mummy’s role in the fic.  Then, the third story has a really interesting subplot about an alpha fighting ring, plus cameos by Victor Trevor and Sherrinford.
If you like omegaverse and you’re looking for a long, plotty fic that isn’t just omegaverse porn, you’ll like this, I think!
Cathedral series by pixchuu22
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theficpalace · 9 years
The Bone Fiddle by htebazytook, Vulgarweed
The Bone Fiddle by htebazytook, Vulgarweed
pairing: johnlock
word count: 61,167
rating: explicit
Author’s Description:
Appalachian AU! In November 1973, Vietnam vet John Watson returns to his family's old home in Arthel County, West Virginia, deep in coal country. His low expectations include recuperation and boredom. Instead he finds a ruined landscape, a series of grisly murders, and one of the world's weirdest neighbors.
Warnings/content: Some violence. Explicit sex. Tobacco-chewing. (Not all at the same time.)
My Notes: Where to begin!!  This story was SUCH a pleasant surprise for me.  When I read its description, I was kind of expecting not to like it, probably because I’d never, in my wildest dreams, imagined that johnlock could ever translate to this setting.  But it DOES!!  It translates BEAUTIFULLY!  I was so wrong to judge it by my own limited imagination!
This fic is absolutely brilliant.  The characterization is so PERFECT!  The authors did an astounding job of translating the characters into their backwoods hillbilly counterparts, and even though that seems like an impossible feat, I promise you, it is perfect, down to the smallest details.  Sherlock’s car, and his whole house, for that matter, is PERFECT.  John is PERFECT.  I want to say soooooo much, but I don’t want to give it away - so I’ll just say that the characterization is genius.
In addition, I loved Mrs. Hudson, Lestrade, and Mycroft in this fic.  I also thought there was a perfect balance of case intrigue, romance, world-building, and interesting folklore and background information about the Appalachians that I never knew.  I also LOVED the musical aspects of this story!  Plus, the writing is beautiful, and you’ll be pulled in immediately.
I can’t recommend this fic enough.  It blew me away - I loved it from the start.  It also has some super hot and kinky sequels!
The Bone Fiddle by htebazytook, Vulgarweed
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theficpalace · 9 years
The Verdant Heart by doctornerdington
The Verdant Heart by doctornerdington
pairing: johnlock
word count: 44,471
rating: teen and up
Author’s Description:
A wounded John Watson returns from India to England to convalesce at the gloomy and isolated Holmes Manor. But there are mysteries aplenty to draw him out of his misery, and one day he will discover a key that unlocks much more than just the door to a secret garden. A Johnlock remix of The Secret Garden.
My Notes:
I honestly don’t know where to start.  This is one of the very best stories I have read, hands down, and not just in fandom.  doctornerdington is incredible.  Not only did she recently get a book PUBLISHED irl, but she also gave us this wonderful gift of a story.
Her writing is beautiful.  You are immediately pulled in and transported to 1858. Her style is simple and playful but so evocative and lush at the same time, all while remaining period-appropriate to an incredible degree (though I am not an expert at this...but she is).  I was near tears by the end because of how beautiful this story was, and how genuine and real all of the emotions were, and how it was all done in such a simple and efficient but still beautiful and emotive way. 
And the emotional journeys the characters go on were SO satisfying, and so realistic and 100% relatable.  I also loved seeing where the canon characters popped up in this story, and everyone’s role was absolutely PERFECT.  and doctornerdington used various elements of canon dialogue here and there in the most ingenius ways! 
I am honestly astounded by how good this story is.  Sometimes in fanfic, we write these 300K novels that are so in depth and intense and amazing - and they ARE, don’t get me wrong, they are FANTASTIC and a joy!!! - but I remember seeing a post here on tumblr that listed the word counts of the HP novels, and I remember I was so shocked by how “low” all the word counts were in comparison to how long fanfics are.  (btw, I have a 90K fanfic myself; I’m in no way hating on long fanfics here!!!)  After finishing this fic, though, I was struck by the fact that it’s “only” 44K, but has so much packed into that 44K in such an efficient and well-thought out way that perhaps makes the story more effective.  I don’t know if that makes sense and it’s not entirely relevant so let me move on.
In short, this story is beautiful.  I recommend it times a million.  It’s SO beautifully written, the characters are perfect, the nods to canon are so satisfying, the romance is sweet and tender and everything you could ever ask for, and it will pull you in from start to finish.  
The Verdant Heart by doctornerdington
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theficpalace · 9 years
Got a list of favorite Potterlock - Harry Potter/Sherlock crossover or fusion? I am trying to make a list of the most popular ones. Grins!
Oooh, I love Potterlock! I have tons of Potterlock in my bookmarks, but I haven’t gotten aroundto writing full recs for most of them, so these will be brief, but hopefullyit’ll help you out!  This is not an exhaustive Potterlock list, it’s just a handful from my bookmarks. Enjoy!
• More Things Than Are Dreamt Of seriesby 1electricpirate
(Note: This is my all time favorite potterlock ever written)
37,928 words, ratings from mature to explicit
(3 stories: you are a paradigm,to see you shift,and as I let you rewrite gravity)
okay, this is SO GOOD. Most people have probably read it by now, but if you haven’t, go read itimmediately.  1electricpirate is one ofmy very favorite authors, and this fic is so good.  The style, characterization, pacing,everything – it’s absolutely beautiful and riveting and nothing I say can do itjustice.
• Pheonix Rising Seriesby chappysmom
71,407 words, rated g, complete, johnlock
(2 stories: Like a Phoenix and Phoenix Rising)
This is one of my favorite potterlockfics!  It takes place in the current dayand starts off when John and Sherlock get called out to a murder in Little Whinging for avictim named Vernon Dursley.  Thisunearths John’s secret past.  Sherlockdiscovering the world of magic is ridiculously fun, and the author deals with itreally realistically.  Characterizationis great, and I don’t want to give spoilers, but I love John’s reasons forbeing in the muggle world, how they’re resolved, and his backstory with the HPcast along with their current interactions.  This is a must-read if you likePotterlock!
• The Case of the Unwelcome Owlby Fayjay
7,198 words, rating g, complete
I absolutely LOVE this author’s writing style, and thecharacterization is soooo good.  You’llget pulled in from the very first word. I also love love love Luna in this story, which takes place in the current day Sherlock world at 221B, not at Hogwarts.  A+++
• Of Wizard Detectives and Pirate Doctorsby hannanotmontana
185,558 words, rating mature, johnlock, complete!
To be honest, I read this fic a long time ago and don’tremember all the details, but I dothink I liked it very much.  It followsJohn and Sherlock through their years at Hogwarts and they have lots of mayhemof both the Hogwarts variety and Sherlock Holmes variety.  It was interesting and fun, and it’s really atreat to find such a long and COMPLETE potterlock fic!
• Hogwarts AUby coloredink
6,502 words, complete, ratings teen and g, johnlock
(2 stories: There is more to a mirrorand As my two eyes make one in sight)
Okay, in my opinion, anything by coloredink is beautiful andthese are no exception.  First one is aChristmas fic at Hogwarts, second is three years after Hogwarts isfinished.
• Revelioby consulting_smartass
3,756 words, rating teen and up, complete, johnlock
I don’t want to give the plot away, so I’ll just say that John’s been keeping abig secret from Sherlock, only to find out Sherlock’s keeping one of hisown.  Fun read.
• A Spell is Worth a Thousand Wordsby EJMulford
17,364 words, rated teen and up, WIP
This starts with Johnand Sherlock’s first year at Hogwarts and follows their lives, so as they’re littlekids, it’s gen. I’m not sure if the author will everupdate this again, but it doesn’t leave off at a crucial point that leaves youhanging or anything, and it’s a good read as is even though more wouldobviously be lovely.  (I recced this previously here)
• Of a Castle, Dreamingby michithekiller
36,998 words, rated g, WIP
This WIP also follows John and Sherlock at Hogwarts.  It’s probably abandoned, but it’s a good read nonetheless.
• Apareciumby 1electricpirate
27,490 words, rating mature, WIP
I actually haven’t read this one yet, even though I am ahuge 1electricpirate fan, just because it’s a WIP.  But I might start it anyway because I’m sure it’s amazing.
Also, azriona is one of my favorite authors, and has a bunch oflittle drabbles here. They’re not all potterlock; some involvedoctor who, and some are just hp, but there are a few potterlock.  I haven’t read them, though, because I don’tusually read really short fics.
I hope that helped! 
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theficpalace · 9 years
Breakable by MissDavis
Breakable by MissDavis 
pairing: johnlock
word count: 117,629
rating: explicit
Author’s Description:
After John is seriously injured, Sherlock struggles to figure out how to help him, keep himself sane, and maybe, just maybe, get their life back to the way it's supposed to be.
My Notes: I have SO MUCH to say about this fic!  I followed it while it was a WIP, so I may be a little bit hazy on some of the beginning details because I haven’t gone back and re-read the whole thing yet, but this fic reminded me (in so many ways!) why I love fanfiction.  
First, this author’s characterization is fantastic by the end of the fic.  I’m gonna be honest - in the beginning, there were a few moments where the characterization didn’t feel 100% to me, but not by any means to an extent that it brought me out of the story; it was always good, it’s just that by the end, it really settled and felt extremely solid and realistic.  The same with the author’s style - it was always good, but by the end, it had settled into something very strong and comfortable to read.
As the story went on, the author often talked in author’s notes about how she talked to other fans about characterization and writing and all of that, and you could see her writing blossom as a result.  She clearly loved this story while she was writing it and put tons of time and effort into it, all while building friendships within the fandom, and as a reader, getting to witness that process was really fun and felt very organic and real and was such a reminder of why fandom is so great: it brings people together, allows us to express ourselves creatively, and allows us to improve ourselves, whether that’s via an art form like writing, or just by talking to other people with similar interests and expanding our worldviews or learning about new ideas.
ANYWAY, that aside, let’s talk about the actual story.  I am a sucker for serious illness/disability fics.  (I don’t know what that says about me.)  But I don’t like the kind in which a character has a serious injury and then mopes and cries and true love makes them deal with it even though they’re a helpless crying mess.  No.
I like disability fics in which something major happens to a character and they grow as a result and learn how to adjust and live and eventually thrive even though life threw them a curveball.  In this case, the curveball was John getting injured on a case and becoming paralyzed from the waist down, and though it was a struggle for them, seeing both him and Sherlock grow stronger as a result was very satisfying and a joy to read.
The author spends so much time carefully developing the characters’ reactions to John’s accident; it’s not just about John physically healing or becoming used to being paralyzed.  Instead, the author delves into the many complex layers that come with a situation like this for not only John, but also Sherlock.  Sherlock has to deal with his own guilt and anxiety all while trying to be there for John and not knowing how, John has to deal with Sherlock’s problems on top of his own, both of them have miscommunications and don’t know how to handle or express their emotions, and more.  I especially like the way the author handled Sherlock’s mental health issues - that was incredibly well done.
Like I said before, in the beginning, there are a few times where the author’s characterization doesn’t always match my own ideas 100%.  But I swear to you, by the end, it’s incredibly solid and well done.  It’s so good.  SO GOOD.  I recommend this fic 100%.  There are so many specific examples I want to give about why it’s so amazing, but I don’t want to give spoilers.  So, just read it and see for yourself.  Reading this fic is a great journey, and it’s a pleasure to watch the author go from a really great author I’d read and enjoy any time to an author where my reaction is OH MY FUCKING GOD HOW IS THIS SO PERFECT WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU MOFFTISS?!  
(Also, I just want to point out again that while I mention that the author improved by the end, I am in NO WAY diminishing her writing style in the beginning.  It’s solid and beautiful throughout, it’s just that it somehow got even better by the end!)
seriously, I love this author and this fic.  go read!! 
Breakable by MissDavis
(fyi, in the tags, the sherlock whump is emotional)
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theficpalace · 9 years
An Open Book by BeautifulFiction
An Open Book by BeautifulFiction 
pairing: pre-slash johnlock
word count: 2,516
rating: g
Author’s Description:
Every meeting is different, but somehow the result is always the same.
I opened up prompts briefly on Tumblr to AU scenarios. This is where I'll be putting the results. Each one's different, so each part will be like a different story.
Prompt #1 Popular Kid/Nerd AU.
My notes: I feel like finding a johnlock fan who is not also a fan of beautifulfiction’s writing is next to impossible, so there’s probably very little I need to say to sell you on this fic beyond simply the author’s name.  That being said, I’ll give it a go anyway. ;)  So, this is a really cute short teenlock fic, and the characterization is PERFECT, which is not a surprise due to the incredible author, and if you’re in need of a pick-me-up, I think this fic will do the job for you.  Sherlock is vulnerable but aloof as he always is, John is fascinated by Sherlock as he always is….perfect.  Give it a shot.
An Open Book by BeautifulFiction 
0 notes
theficpalace · 9 years
Anytime by SilentAuror
Anytime by SilentAuror 
pairing: johnlock
word count: 17,995
rating: explicit
Author’s Description:
Sherlock blinks and attempts to focus. There is a little too much vodka in his veins at the moment and it’s having an unfortunate effect on his brain and retinas both. There are two Johns sitting across from him, and both of them are frowning at him.
“You’re drunk,” the Johns tell him.
Sherlock blinks some more. “Says the man with Mrs Hudson’s doily on his head.”
My Notes: Hot sex? Check.  Classic miscommunication resulting in wayyyy over-thought mindgames and angst that doesn’t have to be there if they weren’t such IDIOTS and they’d just talk to each other????? CHECK.  Perfection?  FUCKING CHECK MOTHERFUCKER.
This is a classic tale of two idiots who are ridiculously attracted to each other and completely in love but are too ridiculous to ever acknowledge that.  One of these idiots thinks his logic makes him understand how to work his current situation to his advantage and get what he wants sexually even at the expense of his own emotions (because this idiot never believes that his emotions would ever be RECIPROCATED), but the other idiot isn’t as much of an idiot as the first idiot seems to think (though he’s still an idiot because it’s his own fault the first idiot is so sure his feelings would never be reciprocated), so he plays some mind games of his own.
(ps fyi i’m tagging this pwp but there is a plot, it’s just that there’s so much sex pwp seems relevant)
Anytime by SilentAuror 
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theficpalace · 9 years
Bring Me Back to Life by yalublyutebya
Bring Me Back To Life by yalublyutebya
pairing: johnlock
rating: explicit
word count: 51,357
Author’s Description:
After being injured on the Front, John Watson is sent to Craiglockhart Hospital for psychiatric treatment and finds himself sharing a room with the mysterious Sherlock Holmes.
My Notes: This fic is so good!  I absolutely LOVED it.  When I started reading it, I was unsure of how I’d like it, but I fell in love with it very quickly.  It takes place during WWI, which is interesting, and the author does a really good job of describing life at that time.  
The characterization was SO good; it was exquisite!  I LOVED Sherlock, particularly his backstory, including his reasons for being in the psychiatric hospital and his relationship with Mycroft.  I also thought John was written really accurately; they both felt incredibly in character for the duration of the story, even though they’re in a much different setting and time period.
Then, there’s the johnlock!!  It’s so well-done.  Their relationship builds slowly but intensely, and their tenderness and sexual tension and connection is so romantic and real and visceral.  Then, as the plot takes over, the twists and turns are surprising and incredibly well-done.
I highly recommend this story because it’s an absorbing read with beautiful characterization and palpable love, angst, and tension.  It has vivid descriptions and small details that really bring the story to life, and as a result, reading this fic is a great experience.  If you haven’t read it yet, I can’t imagine what’s stopping you!  It’s beautifully written.  Go read it!!
Bring Me Back To Life by yalublyutebya
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