thegirlwholovessky · 4 years
Re-blog this if:
- you’re gay - can read - support gay people - want to hold a match between your fingers as you wander the halls of an ancient castle because it’s your only source of light amidst the ghosts of people long past - are an antelope - or want a chocolate bar.
No one will know which applies.
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thegirlwholovessky · 4 years
In all the greatest love stories adorned over the centuries, no one really said 'I love you', they showed them they did.
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thegirlwholovessky · 4 years
Love this because it's true
Actual Transcription of the Chamber of Secrets Rescue Scene
Harry: OMG Ginny!
Voldemort: [Subtle Threat]
Harry: Wait is she dead?
Voldemort: [Less Subtle Threat]
Harry: Okay, help me get her out of here.
Voldemort: [Threat]
Harry: Yeah, whatevs, are you going to help me or not?
Voldemort: [Obvious Threat]
Harry: So can I have my wand back so I can help her?
Voldemort: [Very Obvious Threat]
Harry: Look, can we talk about this later? We need to get her out of here.
Voldemort: [Extremely Obvious Threat]
Harry: You know, I'm starting to feel like you're not being very helpful.
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thegirlwholovessky · 4 years
This perfectly describes everything. This is not new but I feel like the films did injustice to Ginny and us robbing us of a great character in HP world by totally sidelining her character as well as her existence in the movies, I would've loved to see Bonnie Wright protray book Ginny and the chemistry between her and Daniel Radcliffe, and with the "Blazing red hair" avatar of her while doing so.
I initially read the books and the character that I immediately loved upon reading the first book was Ron, but when I saw the movies I was really upset on how they merely had written him as a side-kick and cut out his character development and humor and wittiness and the fact that he was always right when prompting the villian of the year.
Whenever I ask someone who their favourite character from HP is they mention everyone except Harry which is why I blame movies since they missed out on all of his sass, care and love which makes him THE HARRY POTTER, not just a boy who lived. It's quite icky to me that they protrayed Hermione the perfect human being in the world throughout the movies because of the growing fanbase of Emma Watson. And the kissing scene between her and Daniel Radcliffe was just plain weird. There are so many Harmoine shippers because of the movies, but in the book Harry IS actually annoyed most of the time by Hermione and her attitude of not believing in what she thinks is not right. I love the book Harry and Hermione, where it's purely bestfriend-sibiling bond between them.
What the world sees Harry Potter as: A somewhat bland protagonist. A little serious, and without much of a sense of humour. Why didn’t he end up with Hermione? And why did he keep Ron around?
What Harry actually is: A complete sass-master and sarcastic joker. Hot-headed and brash, with a fierce protectiveness over the people he cares about. Treats Hermione as his big sister, and finds her really annoying most of the time. Wouldn’t be able to function without his best mate and platonic life-partner Ronald Bilius Weasley. Will probably curse you if you diss Ron. NO-ONE disses his wheezy.
What the world sees Hermione Granger as: Bad-ass female role model, and a literal genius. Incredibly beautiful, brilliant at all forms of magic, and almost perfect in every way. Literally the reason why Harry survived everything throughout the series. Why did she settle for Ron?
What Hermione actually is: A vindictive know-it-all, but has a heart-of-gold and loves her friends deeply. Is jealous, emotionally insensitive, and has trouble socialising. While responsible for the book-smarts, she is also prone to ignoring small but important details that are important in the wider picture. Will start fist-fights with anyone who dares besmirch the name of the love of her life, Ron Weasley.
What the world sees Ron as: The sidekick and comic-relief of the trio. Eats a lot, and makes Hermione cry. Makes a lot of dumb jokes and silly faces. Not a brilliant friend, by most accounts. Emotional range of a teaspoon. How did he land such a great girl as Hermione?
What Ron actually is: The heart and soul of the golden trio. Completely irreplaceable to both Harry and Hermione. A literal cinnamon roll that deserves the world. Quite possibly the funniest and wittiest person you will ever meet. Has the best and healthiest emotional range of the trio. A flawed but solidly good individual who made mistakes, but always came through for his friends in the end. Has the best character arc of the three protagonists, and a great example of a person rising above their flaws and self-doubts. Never thought he was good enough for anything, but eventually developed his own self-confidence. The perfect match for Hermione in every way; the yin to her yang, the calm to her intensity, the water to her fire, and a person so wonderful Hermione can’t believe her luck that she ended up with him.
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thegirlwholovessky · 4 years
Jesus might have replied "My child, I've been excluded too. It's a very long time since they've allowed me in there"
~ The Witch of Portobello, Paulo Coelho.
A beautiful line with a meaning that reflects the true reality of the religion in the world today. Touched my heart :)
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thegirlwholovessky · 4 years
It gets really weird seeing people shipping "Drarry" or "Harmoine" after you have read the books. I mean reading the books,I understood that Harry has always seen Hermione as a sister, and she sometimes doesn't understand him and annoys him and in the case of Ginny... I know how JK has written Harry describing other people in a normal blunt way but when it comes to Ginny, he is all poetic and puppy! Describing her glow "as the setting sun", watching her from the Hogwarts express, risking his life if there is "slightest, slimmest chance" ginny is alive in COS, watching her put her hand in the butter plate, appreciating her all the way in OP, Looking at each other - sharing an internal joke when Percy wanted to impress Penelope, making the cute "getwellsoon" singing card for him, joking around each other during the summer at Grimmauld Place during OP.
This was all before he even liked her. Slowly throughout the books, their relationship progresses in the most nicest way. Him feeling relieved after talking to her in the library, describing her blazing hair and blazing look, kissing her is the most ecstatic he has ever felt more better than firewhisky, watching her in firelight, spending time at the lake, just being with made him "happier than he could remember being in a long time"
After the breakup, they didn't stop loving or missing each other, watching her on the map, frustrated that Ron interrupted their special moment, Missing her everyday while hunting horcruxes, art Luna's place hoping she is thinking of him, the need to shout her name loudly in the dark, Missing her more than Hogwarts, feeling lonely in the presence of Ron and Hermione holding hands.
I know in the movies their relationship is poorly developed, but in the books and the real story - I think Ginny and Harry are the ultimate OTP and so are Ron and Hermione!!!!!!
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