thelonestarrate · 7 years
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Open-Faced Eggplant Sandwich: 5 Points LITTERALLY the best this could have been, fresh mozzarella and a delicious aioli on bottom of the toppings? SO DAMN GOOD. Bless Kerbey Lane Cafe.
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thelonestarrate · 7 years
Tostones: 5 points
Possibly the best way to eat plantains, you get some sweet, some salty, some soft and some crunchy. Mmmm
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thelonestarrate · 7 years
Losing a Contact Lens: 1 point
It makes seeing a whole lot more difficult because one eye can see clearly, and the other can't, giving you this weird blend of clear/fuzzy vision. It's particularly sucky when you're at work...
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thelonestarrate · 7 years
Receiving a Half-Assed Apology: 2 points
It honestly almost makes you want to laugh in someone's face and ask them "Are you though?" Even better when you know they're only apologizing because they were told to.
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thelonestarrate · 7 years
Power Rangers (2017): 4 points
Let me start off by saying that I watched the MMPR series as a kid, and really enjoyed it, BUT I don't really remember much about it other than that. So from that very basic knowledge I'll just say that I enjoyed this movie and thought it was a decent enough remake. Definitely not bad as a stand alone. Just wish Rita's costume was still as ridiculous as the one in the series LMAO
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thelonestarrate · 7 years
Gingerbread Pancakes: 4 points
While it can be a bit over spiced for some occasions this is a good Austin classic.
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thelonestarrate · 7 years
Getting Hit In the Eye: 0 points
Not only is it shocking and painful, but when it happens at work meaning that you have to get drug tested and checked by a doctor it's even worse. Not to mention the emotional toll. On the upside you don't have to pay for getting seen by a doctor...
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thelonestarrate · 7 years
Running Into Your Little Sister at a Restaurant: 5 Points
Super awesome surprise to run into family! Super funny when you realize you walked RIGHT past her without seeing her. Classic.
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thelonestarrate · 7 years
Walking the Dog on a Humid Morning: 3 Points
Ah yes, nothing like sticky skin and the smell of fresh dog poop. At least the rest of it is enjoyable.
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thelonestarrate · 7 years
Fresh Peaches: 5 points
One of the best fruits of summer (and the rest of the year!) so flavorful, aromatic and beautiful. Too bad there's a shortage this year
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thelonestarrate · 7 years
York Peppermint Patties: 4 Points
Such a delicious candy! Dark chocolate covering a cool, soft, minty center? Could I ask for more!?!? Yes. Yes I could. They're too easy to eat and thus they're gone before I know it.
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thelonestarrate · 7 years
Driving Home After Realizing You're Getting Sick: 1 Point
Nothing sucks more than changing your plans because you're getting sick, but hey at least I know I can still drive home safely. That's a bit hopeful.
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thelonestarrate · 7 years
Realizing Your Top Sheet is on Sideways: 3 points
It's not the end of the world, but when you've just finished making the bed and then realize WHY the sheet seems so long on the sides it really makes you question your intelligence.
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thelonestarrate · 7 years
Spending The Day With Mom: 5 points
It's nice to get out and go shopping for home goods with Mom every now and then. Spending time doing mundane activities and just chatting about not much.
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thelonestarrate · 7 years
Fences (Movie): 3 points
I've never really been a fan of small set plays being made into movies, but this movie deals with everyday issues and the main character seems to struggle with things that really remind me of my father. The acting was all awesome, and it is great to see an Oscar winning movie with a cast of nearly all poc.
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thelonestarrate · 7 years
Turning on a Game Console with Low Battery: 0 Points
Ah yes, nothing to motivate me to train my Pokémon like the sweet, sweet taste is disappointment.
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thelonestarrate · 7 years
All Your Friends Are Busy: 2 points
When all you want to do is go hang out, but everyone is doing something else. But maybe this means I'll actually be productive.
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