Should topics of sexual orientation be discussed in the classroom?
(Subject for discussion.)
The topic of sexuality seems to be something that's discussed more and more every day. The question of whether or not it should also be taught or discussed in a classroom is something that is currently being debated upon, and despite there being seemingly good points from both political parties, we have to ask, should it be discussed in the classroom?
The right argues that it should never be discussed in any form, as students are not ready for those types of conversations, and it's not the place of a teacher to inform them of those types of things. On the contrary, the left argues that it's important that students are exposed to the idea or sexual orientation at a very young age so that they may be able to recognize it in themselves.
To answer the question in the most rational way possible, I tend to make a generalization of the inquiry. I ask: should topics of sex and sexual preference be discussed in the classroom (straight or not), especially if aimed for younger students? And, in short, the answer is no. Especially when addressing students who aren't even in high school, the subject is far too inappropriate for them. Kids are typically too young to start or are just starting to feel a romantic attraction towards others. With this in mind, why would it ever be considered appropriate to discuss sex and sexual orientation (again, both straight or gay)? Students are only starting to understand their own romantic feelings towards each other, if at all. Adding a whole new world of possibility would easily confuse them.
Now, with this said, this does not mean that anything relating to straight sex should be discussed, unless for purposes of biology in much later grades. Other than this, in the general classroom, sex should not be discussed, especially by teachers. It's simply not their place to say. That's the place of the parents, or anyone raising a child. A teacher's job isn't to raise kids, it's to teach them.
With all of this in mind, it is, in fact, the right of the parent if they choose to discuss sexual orientation with their child. (Personally, I find it important that they mention it once their child comes of age, simply to let them know that is does happen.) It's simply not something the education system has the same right to discuss. The topic is simply too confusing for so many kids (I, myself, have been confused due to this topic being discussed in school before, as have many other people I've heard and personally know).
Now, with all of this said, I would like to say that I'd love to hear people's counter arguments and opinions on this in the comments. Though is may seem as though my opinions are unmoving, I myself am still pondering this question. Either way, I hope anyone who reads this had a wonderful day or night. Farewell!
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The Moderate Republican Blog was created with the goal of sparking polite political discussions and allowing both liberals and conservatives to state their opinions or ask questions in a civil way. It is also created with the goal of having leftists ask questions about the right, as they are almost always portrayed unfairly or demonized by the media (though same could be said about both parties in certain instances).
The blog was also created with the intent of creating more of an understanding between the two parties.
And now, a little bit about me:
I'm a young republican truly only recently became a conservative within the past year. I was raised by mainly democratic parents and am hoping to both convince democrats to turn to the right and to listen to their opinions with an open-mind. I created this blog knowing that I have a much less biased opinion compare to those who stick to one political party, and in hopes that I and others would be able to learn even more about the political parties.
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