themoviefetish · 10 years
Ikki Tousen - 2003
Ikki Tousen (AKA: Battle Vixens -- 2003)
Directed by: Takashi Watanabe
Studio: J.C. Staff
Episodes: Thirteen 24 minute episodes
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I like to think that having a best friend means you do everything together; you smile together, laugh together, cry together, and watch (bad) anime together. It was with that logic that my best friend and I, separated by nearly 2,000 miles, composed a large list of anime to experience together.
However, what makes for better discussion or laughs than something thought to be terrible? It was with logic that we journeyed into the first part of the Ikki Tousen series, and… my, what a journey it was.
The following post contains some NSFW images.
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Ikki Tousen is set in modern day Japan, where elite fighters of seven different high schools are participants in what is essentially a gigantic turf war. The catch? These fighters all bear gems called magatama, which contain the souls of warriors from the Era of the Three Kingdoms, also known as the Sangokushi period in Japan. However, to bear a gem also means that fighter will fulfill the same destiny and meet the same fate as the warrior to whom the gem once belonged.
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This fact is especially troublesome to our heroine, Hakufu Sonsaku, as she bears the magatama of Sun Ce (Sonsaku), the man who conquered all of the feuding kingdoms only to be met with an untimely demise. Upon her mother’s request, Hakufu transfers to Nanyo Academy, one of the larger schools to be involved with the turf war, with the goal of conquering all of the schools. She sides with her cousin Koukin, who is also a fighter at Nanyo Academy, and the series is essentially their descent into what is basically a feudal war tale told across seven high schools in Japan.
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Does this sound absurd to you? Because it absolutely is.  As you can tell from the images, the biggest obstacle most viewers will have to get past while watching Ikki Tousen is the truckload of fan-service. Panty shots, panty shots, panty shots---along with some bouncing fun bags and clothes literally bursting off the characters from mere punches and kicks. The show also enters some darker, more adult territory, with a heavily implied rape scene, some female-female sexual assault and some nearly soft-core sex scenes between a man and woman, as well as two women. None of this lasts too long, but if there was any reason I had not to recommend this series, that would be it.
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However, the ridiculous amount of fan-service only adds to the fact that this show is a complete pile of hilarious absurdity from beginning to end. Since Ikki Tousen is basically a telling of the story of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, you have characters who are essentially generals, ordering around their troops, except this all occurs in high school via cell phones, where other normal students are attempting to learn something. The real center and fun part of the show isn't really discovering who will meet what fate or which character is supposed to be the successor to an ancient warrior – instead, the real fun is watching these girls kick ass while defying destiny, all while their clothes are literally disintegrated in mid-battle battle. If you go into Ikki Tousen craving the stupidly absurd – this will more than satisfy.
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Ikki Tousen has a rather large cast, many bearing resemblance to the historical figures from their magatama. With enough research, I’m sure it wouldn't be too difficult to dig into who each character is supposed to be – even down to the smallest of peons. Most characters serve their place in the hierarchy of fighting anime, but they all at least some interesting part of their personality that adds a little bit of spice to what could have been an otherwise boring show.
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Our protagonists, while not most developed or fascinating cast, are definitely fun and keep the show from being a boring drag. Hakufu only cares about conquering the schools, leaving tons of destruction in her wake, but she isn't all that bright – her moments of stupidity often lead to some of the best comedy in the show (she literally has a “no, you’re stupid!” fight with her cousin, Koukin). Ryomou, who eventually fights alongside Hakufu, actually has a rather sad history at Nanyo Academy, but partnered with the fact that she wears a maid outfit, an eye patch, and fights by grappling the opponent into submission like a dominatrix makes her my personal favorite.
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However, the biggest credit I can give Ikki Tousen is that even with all of the exposed breasts and panty shots, I don’t recall any instances where the characters stopped a fight to say “Oh, boobs!” or blushed at the mere sight of these naked women during battle. Instead, the characters all focused on fighting – which convinced me that they all took fighting seriously – and was something that, while minor, was greatly appreciated.
Sound and Animation
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Viewers familiar with Initial D will find enjoyment from Ikki Tousen’s opening song, performed by the band move, which has a very distinct Europop feel, and gives the viewer a nice boost of energy to get them started. The rest of the soundtrack, however, fails to stand out in any way, and is utterly forgettable. The animation is much the same way – while the series has many good looking scenes, often, the fight scenes occasionally look awkward. Despite that, though, Ikki Tousen isn't an ugly show, and should be able to be enjoyed by most anyone.
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I watched this show dubbed in English, which I highly recommend, as it only seems to add to the comedy. While this may have been unintentional, Carrie Savage’s performance as Hakufu makes her out to be more of a moron than she is already portrayed to be, but I find it endearing. Ted Sroka, Willow Lane, Robin Rhodpa, and Patrick Seitz also give solid performances, amping up the hammyness. Ikki Tousen is definitely more enjoyable to me because of the English dub, but the Japanese track is solid as well, with Masumi Asano giving an adorable performance as Hakufu.
Overall – 6.5/10
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Ikki Tousen is chock full of panty shots, adult content and women who kick a ton of ass – literally. This show isn't intelligent in the slightest, and if you like your anime to be smart – even just a little bit smart—then I’d give a pass to Ikki Tousen. If fan-service really bothers you, or you dislike the adult content I mentioned, then I would definitely pass on Ikki Tousen. However, if you enjoy absurdity, fan-service or fighting anime, then give this one a shot. I was surprised just how much fun I had with this series, and personally, I can’t wait to return to the next installments.
Ikki Tousen is available on DVD from Funimation, as are the third and fourth seasons. The second season remains in some sort of anime limbo, as it was previously licensed by Media Blasters, but seems to be out-of-print. It is also worth mentioning that the first, third, and fourth seasons all share the same English dub cast, but the second does not. If you liked Ikki Tousen, then I’d recommend checking out Tenjou Tenge, which also features high school warriors beating the crap out of one another.
Thanks for reading!
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themoviefetish · 10 years
Hey! Just wanted to stop by and say my extreme apologies to everyone for not being very active. Summer vacation has just started for me and I'm currently in the process of moving, but I'm excited to get back to themoviefetish soon!
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themoviefetish · 10 years
Clamp School Detectives (Clamp Gakuen Tanteidan - 1997)
Clamp School Detectives (Clamp Gakuen Tanteidan - 1997) 
Directed by: Osamu Nabeshima
Studio: Pierrot
Episodes: Twenty-six 30 minute episodes
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When I was around eleven years old, I discovered the joy of buying manga from my local bookstore, buying titles like Sailor Moon  and Wish. Around this time I also read the short and sweet Clamp School Detectives, which, while enjoyable, had a much more relaxed feel than other manga by CLAMP that I had read at the time (Chobits and Wish). Perhaps this is why I was surprised to find -- ten years after I had originally read this -- that Clamp School Detectives had an anime adaptation. Could a three volume episodic manga be turned into a twenty-six episode TV show? It was with slight apprehension that I began to watch Clamp School Detectives.
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The show begins by introducing us to the members of the Clamp School Elementary School Board: Nokoru Imonoyama, the chairman; Suoh Takamura, the secretary; and Akira Ijyuin, the treasurer. Like any good school board, the three boys have a large female fan club who dote upon and squee over them often, and the boys general job is ensure that everything at the school, from festivals to after-school clubs, are running smoothly.
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How did these adorable, short-short wearing boys also become detectives, you ask? In the first episode, the boys are parasailing around Tokyo Tower in order to plan a school event when Nokoru spies an older woman in tears inside the tower. He meets up with her at the tower, gives her a bouquet of flowers, and recruits the Suoh and Akira to aide her after they learn she is being antagonized by old family members who want her land. The Elementary School Board members do their job with style, and ultimately after helping the woman, Nokoru decides to form the Clamp School Detectives in order "to be assistance to ladies all over the world."
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The Clamp School is reported to house over ten thousand residents, including faculty, students and their families, so there's plenty of work to be had for the Detectives. The series mostly follows an episodic format, with each episode having either a damsel in distress (this includes both physical and emotional distress) or a villain determined to attack the school and undermine their positions as School Board members. While I can think of several anime series that do not pull off a monster-of-the-week/episodic format in a way that doesn't get repetitive, Clamp School Detectives actually handles itself quite well: there were no truly terrible episodes, and several stood out to me as memorable. In particular, the series contains several treats for CLAMP fans; several episodes have crossovers with Miyuki from Miyuki-Chan in Wonderland, the Clamp School Duklyon, and 20 Masks from The Man of Many Faces (who is none other than Clamp School Treasurer Akira).
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Most of the series is light-hearted in nature, following the Detectives on some sweet and often zany adventures, such as reuniting a boy with a girl who is moving away, putting on a school play that goes awry, dealing with amnesia, or even saving a female ferret that is afraid of men by cross-dressing! That said, the most surprising part about Clamp School Detectives is that its final few episodes all focus on a central villain who terrorizes school and taunts Nokoru. The show breaks away from it's lighter tone to a more focused and dramatic one, giving the viewer a mystery to solve: who exactly is this mystery character? This final arc gets to some pretty exciting heights, and the ultimate payoff is exactly what you'd expect from this show: absolutely heartwarming. 
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Of the three members of the Clamp School Detectives, Nokoru definitely gets the most attention in the show as far as development is concerned, but I feel the show did this justice by not giving Nokoru a true love interest. He has a genius IQ, has apparently been recruited by NASA because of his genius intellect(?!), and as previously mentioned, can sense a lady in distress from miles away. Talents aside, Nokoru is genuinely a sweet boy who only desires to see women smile. The final arc of the show deals more with Nokoru and his past, but only serves to amplify the fact that that Nokoru is a selfless individual who wants to help people out.
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Akira, the treasurer and the infamous thief known as 20 Masks, is also a world-class chef who is adorable and fun loving. He's the goofball of the three Detectives, but his heart is pure, as is his love for his girlfriend, Utako. Suoh, the secretary, is both a master of archery and martial arts (3rd dan blackbelt in Karate, Judo, Aikido, and Kendo!) and is the serious one of the group. Suoh is very protective over Nokoru and, later, his girlfriend Nagisa. 
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In a way, I feel that Clamp School Detectives suffers a bit in the characterization department due to lack of large conflict, but at the same time, this isn't exactly fair: each character develops throughout the series through their relationships with one another. However, the individuality of the boys is harder to explain because they all aim to help and please anyone they come across in trouble -- the difference is how they go about helping people. Ultimately though, the Clamp School Detectives are some of the sweetest anime boys around, and are ultimately the reason to watch this show.
Animation & Sound
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There are many action scenes in Clamp School Detectives, and they still look pretty good for their age, which isn't much of a surprise coming from Studio Pierrot. Clamp's character designs were transferred well from manga to anime, and while the series does suffer some proportion issues here and there, there animation holds up well for it's age (although it isn't as good looking as other anime from 1997, such as Revolutionary Girl Utena and Slayers).
Sound wise, Clamp School Detectives gets a pass. There weren't too many songs that stood out to me as something I'd want to have on my iPod, but nothing drove me crazy or didn't take me out of the experience, so I take that as a sign that the soundtrack worked fine. The OP and first ED songs fit the light-hearted tone of the series well, and the second ED, which replaces the first for the last 7 episodes, matches the more serious tone of the final arc. 
On one final note: I watched the series with the English dub provided by Bandai Entertainment for their 2008 release of the series. This release, however, isn't easy to track down for a good price, and it was never dubbed previously (it was originally released on subtitled VHS tapes), but a quick Google search reveals that it is online for people to hear -- it's very cute and has a sort of nostalgic 90s feel to it. The Japanese audio track is also really cute, though, so I feel that either are great ways to watch this show.
Overall - 7/10
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I enjoyed my time with Clamp School Detectives. Despite my hesitance to watch this, I had a great time following the adventures of Nokoru, Akira and Suoh as they help ladies and save the school. It isn't a deeply psychological show filled with emotional twists and turns, nor is it a hilariously comedic slice-of-life series; instead, Clamp School Detectives only serves to be adorable and heartwarming. This isn't a show I think everyone will enjoy, but I recommend it for people who enjoy cute boys or cute things, and I especially recommend it for CLAMP fans. 
Clamp School Detectives is unfortunately out-of-print on DVD, and is quite hard to find. but it seems to be available online (via torrent), so it is available. If you liked this and want a series with a similar idea, watch Ouran High School Host Club, which is also about boys who want to make girls happy. For people who want a series that has a similar feel, check out Saint Tail.
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themoviefetish · 11 years
Encouragement of Climb (Yama no Susume - 2013)
I'm having a difficult time motivating myself to study for more than an hour at a time for my finals.... so, here, have a review! I'll also have several more up during winter break, so stay tuned!
Encouragement of Climb (Yama no Susume - TV 2013)
Directed by: Yusuke Yamamoto
Studio: 8-bit
Episodes: Twelve 3 1/2 minute episodes
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Nearly every form of entertainment can also be used to intentionally educate people in some way or another. There's educational films and documentaries, educational video games... and educational anime. Encouragement of Climb is a very short series (all in all, around 42 minutes long) which exists to introduce viewers into the world of mountain climbing. However, in addition to teaching us all about the equipment and safety precautions one must know to safely take up mountain climbing, Encouragement of Climb surprisingly offers a little something more: an uplifting, motivational message.
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Aoi Yukimura, a first year high school student, has a great deal of trouble interacting with people. Whenever anyone asks her if she wants to hang out or go somewhere, Aoi becomes nervous and comes up with a variety of excuses as to why she can't see them; Aoi would much rather do indoor activities, like cooking and arts and crafts. However, on her first day of high school she runs into her old friend Hinata, who promptly demands that they go climb mountains like they had promised.
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You see, when Aoi and Hinata were younger, they climbed a mountain together and watched a beautiful sunset. Aoi was, at one point, set on climbing mountains and turning hiking into a life-long hobby with Hinata, but fooling around on a jungle gym caused her to fall, break a bone and be hospitalized. Ever since, she's been afraid of heights and prefers "safe" activities. 
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Hinata manages to drag Aoi into going climbing with her, and the entire series focuses mainly on the lead up to the big hike Hinata and Aoi. While I learned a lot about hiking I didn't know (such as what a schlafsack is and how to cook simple meals for your hike), Encouragement of Climb is surprisingly thoughtful for a series of it's length. In one episode, Aoi and Hinata go to a hiking supply store, and run into a girl named Kaede, who can't decide between a cheaper sleeping back or a more expensive, better quality one. Aoi tells her, "Rather than giving up on it and compromising, wouldn't it be better not to settle and regret it later?" This line encompasses a theme found throughout the entire show --  Aoi's journey began with a fear of heights and social interaction after giving up on her dream to climb mountains, but with the encouragement and help of friends, Aoi pursues climbing as well as making friends and succeeds at both. Don't let it's length fool you -- the series is relaxing, uplifting and motivational; it definitely made me want to retry things I've long since given up on, and because of that, it gets brownie points from me.
Characters, Animation and Sound (Note: The series is short enough that I felt I could combine these categories together.)
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For a series that essentially takes up the time span of less than two episodes of a normal anime, characterization is surprisingly effective. As previously stated, The main focus is of course Aoi, who begins as a shy, indoors-y type with no interest in making friends (note: not anti-social) but grows to overcome her fears and make friends in the process.
Hinata isn't as well developed, but she serves as the "go-getter" of the group and the prime motivating factor in the series - without her, Aoi would not blossom as well as she does. Other characters, like Kaede and Kokona, appear very briefly, but also serve as motivating factors for Aoi. With word of a second season, I do hope that we are shown more of them.
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Animation isn't anything special but it's not terrible either. There are a few impressively animated scenes of landscapes, particularly in flashbacks, but overall the animation serves it's purpose. I did really enjoy the details given to a lot of the hiking gear; a lot of it looked realistic and gives me a good idea of what to look for if I ever go shopping for the same kind of stuff. The music in this series also serves it's purpose -- the ending song is short and cute, and the rest of the music fills scenes, but nothing stands out. 
Overall - 7/10
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Encouragement of Climb is a great example of a well-done educational anime; I actually enjoyed learning about climbing and cared about Aoi's journey to try something new. If you prefer your anime to have a deep plot line or a good amount of action, then I'd stay away from this series, but if you want something short, sweet, and relaxing, Encouragement of Climb definitely does not overstay it's welcome. 
Encouragement of Climb is currently streaming on Crunchyroll, and with a second season on the way, the adventure (and education) is definitely not over. If you enjoyed this series, and want something equally relaxing, check out Tamayura. 
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themoviefetish · 11 years
Fargo (1996) directed by Joel & Ethan Coen
Admin 2 finally caught a break! It's a miracle! (Unfortunately this review won't be very extensive, though. Sorry, guys.)
Based entirely upon on a series of true events that occurred in Fargo, North Dakota, in 1987, this story revolves around the destruction of a (badly planned) crime committed by Jerry Lundegaard. This destruction is caused by Jerry himself, his inept henchman, and the persistent police investigation under the control of the (very pregnant) Marge Gunderson.
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So our basis is that our main character, Jerry Lundegaard, would like to temporarily get rid of his wife, due to some financial issues he has encountered while working in his father-in-laws car dealership in Fargo, Minnesota. These financial issues lead him to possible embezzlement (it's not fully explained, more of an assumption on the viewer's part, really), and he also makes a plan. This plan consists of the fake kidnapping of his wife by two men who he has hired, in order to get the ransom fee her father would have to pay to get her back. This backfires, though, since once the kidnapping has occurred, a whole mess of events is set into motion, including further bloodshed and just absolute chaos. This multitude of deaths in the area leads to the involvement of a police investigator by the name of Marge Gunderson (who is very pregnant), who is coming from Brainerd, MN. So, the chaos continues. This story is fantastic! Of course, since it's based entirely on true events (excluding the names of the characters) the story is totally coherent and there aren't really any massive plot issues to be pointed out. Everything flows well, the story remains understandable throughout, and it remains entertaining for the entirety of the movie, too. Things aren't kept serious all the time, there's plenty of subtle (and not so subtle) humor that keeps the film balanced, through and through. (We also get to see a body get thrown in a wood chipper! Hardcore, huh?)
The characters are all very enjoyable and memorable. The extreme Minnesotan accents and behavior is very charming, to say the least, and can provide some great laughs (go bears!). They're all considerably realistic, too, but not so much so that it takes away from the enjoyability or comprehension of the film. Their reactions to different situations can be hilarious and also understandable, and at times their lack of sense can also be quite enjoyable (or frustrating). But since this isn't entirely a comedy film, it's not all about the laughs. The characters can also be quite serious and provide the proper, more tense, tone that the film is going for at most times.
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All of the actors in this film do a fantastic job. Not a single line comes off as stiff or uncomfortable. Each actor almost seems to have perfectly slipped into their character 100% and that makes each character all the more enjoyable to watch and listen to. I really have no complaints or points to make about the actors in this film. So are very recognizable, such as Steve Buscemi, but some I haven't seen in many other films, such as Gaear Grimsrud, but they all do a wonderful job in their roles.
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Personal Opinion:
This was actually my first viewing of this movie. I've been meaning to watch it for years, and I'm glad that I finally cracked and decided to sit down and watch it all the way through. This movie was great! It wasn't some stupendous masterpiece or anything, but it's definitely a classic that I think everybody should watch at least once (if they don't mind some violence). It also provides plenty of references for you to make with friends that have seen the film.
This film was recently made available on Netflix in the US for streaming, and I'm not sure if it's available on Amazon streaming. It's may also available for purchase on iTunes, if that's the route you would like to take.
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themoviefetish · 11 years
Cry-baby, Directed by John Waters (1990)
Summary: Set in 1954 Baltimore, Bad-boy and Drape leader Wade "Cry-Baby" Walker Falls in love with the innocent Allison Vernon-Williams, who's tired of being a Square. However, Allison's stickler of a boyfriend, Baldwin, isn't too fond of Cry-Baby with his precious Allison and sets forth to beat down the tough and yet soft-hearted drape in this funny and unusual comedy.
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Crybaby was such a weird movie. But it has Johnny Depp in it, so that's a little expected. I love the 1950's, so the music, dancing, and plotline were all super charming. While watching it, one can tell that the actors were having a lot of fun just letting loose and getting into the characters. My only complaint is that Johnny Depp didn't sing his own songs. Why John Waters decided to do voice-overs I'll never understand. Otherwise, the movie has a fun, swingy, comical feel. The weird situations will make you laugh out of discomfort and confusion, but hey at least you laughed! I recommend this movie for nights when you need a pick-me-up or with a group of friends that like strange humor. It's a delightful teen-rebel musical that's sure to lift spirits.
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themoviefetish · 11 years
Heathers (1988)
  Directed by Michael Lehmann
This movie is about a girl in high school who tries to fit in with the popular crowd and can barely make a wedge into the group. She meets a boy who shows her a twisted way to make everything in high school perfect: killing each person she hates. She goes on a twisted path with him, deciding that she wants to get out before his scheme goes too far.
Veronica- Winona Ryder
J.D.- Christian Slater
Heather (Duke)- Shannon Doherty
Pauline Fleming- Penelope Milford
The acting in this movie was actually impressive. The only main problem I had with it was that every time I saw Winona Ryder I thought of Beetlejuice. It’s kind of hard not to since she basically looks the same in both movies, and the minute you hear her name or see it in the opening credits that’s the first thing that comes to mind.
The idea was pretty good. It shows how killers do start out early, and there are some sick people even in high school .For once, it’s a high school based plot that’s believable. Yeah, there would’ve been more common sense in Veronica getting out of the situation sooner and contacting the cops (especially if she felt uncomfortable about the whole thing), but it was still impressive. It was twisted in the coolest way possible except for the ending. The whole movie was fantastic up until the ending where it just fell to the ground.
  Personal Opinion:
I loved it. A friend of mine told me to watch it, and I’m happy he did. It was an enjoyable movie except for the ending and the fact that I kept thinking of Beetlejuice when looking at Winona Ryder. Other than those two little bumps in it, I would highly suggest people to watch it.
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themoviefetish · 11 years
Shamanic Princess (OVA - 1996)
Shamanic Princess (OVA - 1996)
Directed by: Mitsuru Hongo & Hiroyuki Nishimura
Animation Studio: Bandai Visual & Triangle Staff
Episode Count: Six 30 minute episodes.
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People who have been anime fans for several years now remember the good ol’ days of the video rental store. For the fans who had to rely on parents to pay for us to view anime (like myself), the video rental store was an important place – if your rental store had a decent anime selection, you could find titles you’d probably never heard of, and if you were lucky you could find a good gem or two. However, the video store was not without challenges, because about half the time, the store would not order all of the volumes of a certain series. This was my experience with Shamanic Princess, in which it took me several years to finally view the entire show. Once I had my own money to spend, this OVA was one of the first titles I sought out – for good reason.
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  Our story opens with our heroine, Tiara, on a mission from an alternate world known as the Guardian World. Tiara is a magic user, and her mission is to seek out an artifact known as the Throne of Yord, which just so happens to be the source of power in the Guardian World with the help of her animal partner Japolo. Tiara isn’t alone in this search, however; a mysterious woman named Lena, and her partner, Leon, are also searching for the Throne. In addition, Tiara’s ex-lover, Kagetsu, is also present in the human world, but for reasons unknown.
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Tiara’s journey to seek the Throne of Yord is actually more like two journeys. There’s the straight-forward journey of Tiara attempting to bring the Throne back to the Guardian World. The other journey is an emotional one; Tiara balances her responsibility with the love she has for her friends. One of the important ways which Shamanic Princess accomplishes balancing the emotional journey that Tiara and the other characters undergo is by its’ somewhat unusual chronology; the first four episodes of the show take the viewer through Tiara seeking the Throne of Yord in the human world, while the final two episodes actually show us what happened before the Throne of Yord arrived in our world. The choice of placing these episodes last may confuse or put off some viewers, but in my opinion, the final two episodes only amplify the emotional impact that the first four deliver by adding a great deal of characterization to the cast.
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Shamanic Princess is full of magical battles and fights which keep the pace quick, but more importantly, is full of symbols of shadows, mirrors, reflections and asymmetry bring a certain complexity to the show. One of the constant themes in Shamanic Princess is that good and evil coexist within a single person – refusing to believe this can create tension, fear, and loneliness, but accepting this can actually be advantageous and comforting. The journey which Shamanic Princess takes us on in six episodes focuses on juggling friendship, love and duty, in addition to facing inner doubts and loneliness. For an OVA of its length, Shamanic Princess is a fantastic little gem.
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Without its cast, Shamanic Princess would fail to shine the way it does. Initially, Tiara is fiery, brash and somewhat hard to relate to. However, as the story goes on, we find that Tiara is actually a really loving person who is torn between her friends and her duty to the Guardian World. Equally important is another character, Graham, whose development is easily the best in the entire series; his transformation from a frightened kind of bizarre character to a powerful and sympathetic defender makes him my personal favorite.
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The rest of the cast is also quite solid; Tiara’s animal partner, Japolo, is definitely fun and adds a little bit of comic relief to the show. Lena starts out cold and hard to relate to, but as the show goes on, her devotion to Kagetsu and her feelings of rivalry with Tiara are understood. Finally, there is Sarah, who epitomizes the show’s themes of darkness and light coexisting within a person perfectly.
Animation and Sound
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  The OVA is from 1996, and while the backgrounds are probably the weakest part of the art, the entire show still holds strongly today with its heavily stylized characters. As I mentioned before, Shamanic Princess is embellished with themes of duality and asymmetry, and if anything, you should watch this show just to see a really unique art style.
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As for sound, this is probably the only weak portion of this OVA. The opening and ending songs stand up fine but aren’t too much to write home about. The background music, however, ranges from good to really annoying, as much of the soundtrack is very synthy. There is a dub available for Shamanic Princess, and while it’s okay… I recommend watching it in Japanese for this one. While Crispin Freeman is always awesome, the voice actress for Tiara (Tara Jane, voice of Mokuba Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh! and Hikaru in the Rayearth OVA) makes her seem even brasher and less likable and, in my opinion, isn't really the best choice for this role. One character even calls Tiara by the wrong name a couple times! It’s still watchable, though, so enjoy in whatever way you see fit.
  Overall – 8/10
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  If you’re seeking out a series that can be finished in less than 3 hours, then I highly recommend Shamanic Princess. With beautiful magical battles, an intricate art style and wonderfully fleshed out characters, Shamanic Princess stands as one of my favorite OVAs and one of the better OVAs of its length out there.
  In the past, Shamanic Princess was licensed on VHS and DVD by Central Park Media, but Media Blasters has rescued the show (although, it wasn’t hard to find before), and it can be purchased on Amazon for under $10! Get on it! :D
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themoviefetish · 11 years
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Admin 1 here!! Sorry that we haven't been able to do many reviews, all of our reviewers are going to school and have been slammed with work. But I am happy to announce that I will be going a cult movie review series. Examining what makes some cult classics enjoyable no matter how "horrible" they may be.
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themoviefetish · 11 years
Nichijou (My Ordinary Life) 2011
Hey guys, it's Admin 2!
Directed by: Tatsuya Ishihara
Animation Studio: Kyoto Animation
Episodes: 26
This show is simple. It's about the ordinary lives of a group of different characters (though in truth they aren't ordinary in the slightest). We follow the daily activities of the girls Yuko Aioi, Mio Nagonohara, Mai Minakami, and also Nano Shinonome (your average robot), Professer (a young child genius), and Sakamoto (and cat with the ability to speak), and also many other side characters.
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There really isn't a strict storyline to this tale. There are simply random events for each episode, and that is what the episode focuses upon. In the beginning, Yuko, Mai, and Mio are one group, and Nano, Professor, and Sakamoto are another, and the two groups do not come into contact until later in the show, and they mix quite nicely, and the mixture causes many new hilarious situations. Alongside with these two groups, we also have a set of side characters who have their own short tales, then there's also shorts called Helvetica Standard, which randomly appear in the middle of an episode with no connection to the other characters.
This show is all about the jokes, and man are they hit or miss. I believe it is mostly culture based when a joke misses, but man when a joke hits, I just about bust a gut. This show can turn the killing of a mosquito into one of the funniest things in the world. I mean, there's even a scene where the school's principle battles it out with a deer. I'm sure many of you have seen it, since the clip has made it's rounds through this site. The jokes are also not ordinary. Almost everything is very sporadic and very unexpected. Beating up a cop because he saw Mio's manga draft, a dramatic moment in which Yuko attempts to beat the 3 second rule, finding a cat and creating a scarf which gives it the ability to speak, Nano attempting to hide the fact that she's a robot constantly, Mai just... being herself, this show is just chock full of hilarious moments that I think anyone can enjoy.
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Ohhh man. I just- man I love these characters. Even if you don't recall the names of each and every character in this show, you will definitely remember what they look like and what they did. Every character is unbelievably charming and memorable, and each one has a very distinct personality that's enjoyable through and through. They all do things that are unexpected and hilarious too, it's almost as though each character encompasses a different style of humor, to fit the different tastes of viewers. 
Animation/Art Style:
This show is moe. Moe, moe, moe. Absolutely adorable through and through. But, it's wonderfully animated. The budget was big and the studio was perfect. Kyoto Animation is who was behind this production, and they went all out. This show is beautifully animated. Movement is fluid, detailed, fast, I almost want to say it's perfect. The animation is a huge factor in the humor, too, since many jokes are visual, and it definitely does its job.
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Personal Opinion:
This is probably one of my top ten animes. I love almost every joke, the animation is stunning (and intense when necessary), the characters are fantastic, I just adore this show. I recommend at least checking out the first episode, because this show starts off with a bang.
Unfortunately, this show is not available for instant streaming on Netflix in the US, nor is it available on Amazon streaming. There is also no english dub, and it's doubtful that there will be one, but there are subbed versions everywhere. I suggest watching the first episode online, making your judgement, and if you like the show enough, purchase the disk set (if you can find it).
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themoviefetish · 11 years
Apologies for the lack of reviews!
Many of us have started school and things have become hectic but we have not forgotten about this blog! Things have just been temporarily put on hold while we get our lives back in order. I plan on getting a review out either tonight or tomorrow, and admin 1 is also planning on releasing one soon! I'm sorry guys! I hope you'll forgive us, haha.
-Admin 2
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themoviefetish · 11 years
Peter & the Wolf (2006) as directed by Suzie Templeton
Admin 2 ayoo
This review is going to be extremely short, mainly due to the fact that this film is only 38 minutes long and has such a basic story.
This tale revolves around a boy named Peter who lives mostly in solitude due to his overprotective grandfather and who's only friends are a duck, a lazy fat cat, and a bird that struggles to fly. At one point a wolf threatens his duck companion, and Peter bravely attempts to trap the wolf in a tree.
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Story/Characters (they're really one in the same this time):
Nothing spectacular, but enjoyable nonetheless. The story flows nicely and as it progresses, gets quite tense and easily draws you in from the beginning. The characters are all enjoyable despite the lack of dialogue. Each one has a wonderful personality that's very likable for the entirety of the film, and they even get a few laughs out of you. The goose is lovable and absolutely adorable, the cat is nasty and absolutely hilarious at times with his attempts at being active (and the slapstick he's part of), and the practically flightless bird is very cute and enjoyable. Peter is also very brave and a perfect fit for the role, and the Wolf is a magnificent antagonist. The grandfather also makes a good... side antagonist, shall I call it? He gives a little more perspective on Peter's life and characteristics.
It's the classic Sergei Prokofiev score. Absolutely fantastic and enjoyable through and through. I really don't have any criticism for this soundtrack. It's beautiful, and fits well due to the fact that the movie was mostly created by simply following the soundtrack. What's not to love?
Charming beyond belief. Seeing how this film is also stop motion seems to add even more to the entire experience. The fur looks real, the environments look real, everything just looks great. The movements flow very nicely, there's no major flaws in any of the visuals. The color scheme of the movie also fits very well, keeping a very dark tone but so much so that the movie becomes depressing. The lighting is fantastic, and gives each shot a perfect feel to it. It adds drama, expresses anger, and portrays happiness very well (when the film is actually upbeat, that is). The character designs are also flawless, and make sense for their setting and roles
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Overall Opinion:
By god I love this short film. Now, I also adore the Disney version from Make Mine Music in 1946, but man this one is incredible. I remember seeing it back when it was first released, actually, and even loving it back then. I'm so glad this version was created. It was definitely production money well spent, and time well spent while watching it. I would say to watch it at least once, because it's an awesome movie (and the payoff at the end is lovely)!
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themoviefetish · 11 years
Digimon Series 1: Episode 2: The Birth of Greymon
Admin 1 finally got some time
We open with our heroes falling from that cliff, they land in a river but luckily goamamon saves them with some fishy friends. They explain the that the digimons digivoled. Our heroes realize just how far away they are from home, and the only humans ever in the digiworld. Joe shows his true cowardly colors when they decide to explore despite his cries. Silly side jokes proceed to happen reflecting their relationships. When they reach the shore, they find phone booths, in the middle of nowhere. Sadly, the booths are not working, despite their best efforts. Our heroes began to feel the onset of hunger and exhaustion. Luckily they have a very minimal mount of provisions until they can find more. We see Tai and Agumon eating the provisions while everyone plans to survive, Suddenly!! Shellmon attacks ! Only Agumon has the strength to fight because he had food. Alas! Tai is attacked and is griped by shellmon's tail. So in order to save his beloved master Agumon transfor into the badass of all badasses, Greymon,  
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Greymon kicks Shellmon's ass and digivolves back to Agumon. Thus ending the episode with a lovely feast for all the characters and a decision to look for others and continue searching the island.   
The digimon are connected to their master, they reflect what our heroes strive to be or be more of. The digimon feed of them and their masters relationship. Digimon can devolve, becomes in some instances they evolve to help their partner then devolve because they're relationship isn't strong enough and just plain exhaustion.  
Mini Review/Opinion: 
I liked this episode, it had good character and story development. It showed the power of relationships and how "out there" the digiworld is. A lot of the jokes were really funny, smart enough for adults to enjoy but easy for kids to understand. And Ill never forget how badass greymon. 
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themoviefetish · 11 years
My Little Monster (Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun - 2012)
My Little Monster (Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun)
Directed by: Hiro Kaburaki
Animation Studio: Brains Base
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Often times, anime series in the romance genre can have oodles and oodles of drama. While this isn't necessarily a bad thing, sometimes so much gets in the way of the actual relationships being formed that by the end, the romance is more of an afterthought. Real life romances are often complicated and dramatic, but not every story has to be Peach Girl. 
My Little Monster is the perfect remedy to those who want a show without comedy, romance, relationships with just the slightest pinch of drama. Quite honestly, though, My Little Monster is first and foremost a show about friendship rather than love.
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Our "main" character is Shizuku Mizutani, a relatively plain looking girl who has no interest in making friends or relationships. Shizuku has an admirable goal for the future: Shizuku wants a job that makes 10,000,000 Yen (about $100,000) a year, and she literally uses all her free time to study so she can be accepted into the best colleges and make this dream a reality. One day, however, Shizuku is asked by her teacher if she can take some worksheets to her classmate, Haru Yoshida, who has been absent since the first day of class, where he got in a fight and spilled another student's blood.
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Needless to say, when Shizuku meets Haru for the first time, it's unexpected and awkward; Haru goes from scared to defensive to happy and sweet in the blink of an eye. After delivering the handouts, Shizuku has her mind set up to never see Haru again, when he unexpectedly drags her away after school to help save a lost dog. Eventually, Shizuku ends up spending time with Haru and his other "friends," but as Shizuku observes, Haru's so-called friends only beg him for money and use him. Shizuku stands up for Haru, which deepens his affections for her, and he promises to start coming to school again as long as Shizuku is there. 
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All of this sounds like a somewhat typical start to a blossoming romance, but My Little Monster is anything but ordinary. While Haru and Shizuku awkwardly fumble with the feelings they have for one another throughout the entire series, the series focuses on friendship and perfectly captures how difficult it is to make, build, and keep friendships. Haru and Shizuku's relationship faces struggles because the two of them must make compromises that they aren't sure how to make -- spending time with Haru takes Shizuku away from her studies, and Haru's often bipolar actions aggravate Shizuku to a point she cannot tolerate.
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Other characters soon emerge, forming awkward friendships with Haru and Shizuku. There's Asako Natsume, the "weird" girl who would rather spend time on the internet than with real friends, who desperately wants to be friends with Shizuku. There's also Souhei Sasahara, a popular, cheery boy who cares about Haru and wants him to not have to repeat the hardships of his past. There's a shy girl who starts to fall for Haru but doesn't know how to say what's on her mind, and Haru's blunt personality doesn't help as he constantly shoots her down.
At it's core, My Little Monster is a show about a web of awkward friendships. Every character is flawed, but realistically and beautifully so; I feel like I personally know everyone. This show can't really be fully summarized because so many little moments and events occur that, in a general sense, don't matter -- but in terms of interaction and development, there isn't a part in the show that doesn't matter somehow to someone.
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The best part of My Little Monster, without a doubt, is it's colorful cast of characters. Every character is packed with a surprise or two that breaks them out of the mold you'd typically associate them with.
Shizuku Mizutani, our heroine, is very uptight, studious and hard-working. She's also very blunt and honest, much to the dismay of people who are used to sugar-coated responses. Shizuku isn't truly cold hearted nor is she your typical tsundere, though; in fact, Shizuku's evolution from study bug to laid back friend isn't complete by the end of the series, leading the audience to believe in her completely. Shizuku will not change overnight, but she will slowly open up to Haru, Asako and her other friends with time.
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Haru Yoshida is a very complex male lead as well. Haru is quick to anger, reckless and often impulsive; there are many times in the series where Haru will accidentally injure Shizuku by punching her in the face or knocking her over. Despite his anger issues, Haru is very honest and sincere, especially with Shizuku, and his loyalty to the people he considers his friends is often quite scary. Haru is imperfect, but understandable; one of his biggest insecurities Although My Little Monster is actually very comedic, many of his violent actions aren't played for laughs; Haru's impulsiveness with Shizuku's cold, studious attitude are the biggest sources of tension their relationship has. 
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However, I cannot discuss characters without mentioning Asako Natsume. My personal favorite character in the series, Asako is a girl rejected by her peers because of how many guys flirt with her. Asako spends all of her time in online forums making friends there, because they accept her without judging her from the outside. Asako's development is my favorite, because seemingly making friends with Shizuku, she begins to worry and fret over the fact that Shizuku has never confided in her. Asako also nurtures Shizuku and Haru's relationship and defends it from people who intrude. 
Other characters were solid as well. All of the characters want or need friendship somehow, and all of them have realistic obstacles in their way. Among my other favorites was Kenji Yamaguchi, an elitist jerk who was once friends with Haru; he struggles with is own feelings while also being one of the best comic-relief characters. There wasn't a character who was really ignored, save one, and I feel as though he would've been more developed if the show was a tad bit longer. Given that MLM has a manga, I feel his development lies there.
My Opinion - 8/10
I watched this series with a friend on our journey to try new shows together, and this show caught me by surprise. This show was the right mix of romance, comedy and slice-of-life, with a tiny sprinkle of drama for good measure. Don't worry, My Little Monster does not turn into a "who loves who" drama, but instead, this gem is all about making friends and making compromises. No one is perfect and honestly, no one has to be. It's about accepting each other's flaws instead of expecting each other to change.
If there's one problem with the show, it's that it needs a second season. One of the last lines spoken in the show is, "I still have so much more to tell," and while the show is almost perfect as it is, as a viewer, I want to know more about how these characters develop and where they go in life.
All in all, I highly recommend this show. If you like action in your anime, you won't find it here, but you won't find too much sparkly shoujo bubbles here, either. My Little Monster can be an enjoyed by basically anyone, but I recommend it more if you really like character driven works.
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themoviefetish · 11 years
Horror Movie Triple Feature - Exam (2009), Frozen (2010), and ATM (2012)
 As a fan of the horror genre, sometimes I find it easy to divide horror films into two categories: those that can stand on their own, and those that need to be fit into a marathon with other horror films to feel like they matter.
The three films I bring you are as follows:
Exam (2009) -- Directed by Stuart Hazeldine -- Starring: Adar Beck, Nathalie Cox, John Lloyd Filingham (I mean no disrespect here, but as there is no real central character, most of these people I've never, ever heard of, and no one truly stands out, this isn't too important.)
Frozen (2010) -- Directed by Adam Green -- Starring: Shawn Ashmore, Kevin Zegers, Emma Bell
ATM (2012) -- Directed by David Brooks -- Starring: Alice Eve, Josh Peck, Brian Geraghty
You might be curious as to why I'd condense what could be three full length reviews into one. My answer to that question is pretty simple; each of these movies offers little in the way of scares or thrills, and instead goes for extremely awkward and laughable scenarios in order to make them standout in a crowd. To each film’s credit, these ideas are original.... but just because something is original does not mean it should be attempted. In addition, I personally see an easy fix for all three of these films... but I'll get to that in the end of my review.
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  In Exam, eight candidates for what we can only assume to be an extremely desirable job with a well-known corporation are taken to a room, given a blank piece of paper, and told they have 80 minutes to answer a single question. This room has an armed guard by the door, but the person administering this "test" informs our candidates of the three rules: they cannot leave the room, they cannot talk to either the guard or the test giver, and they cannot spoil their papers.
The candidates are not given the question; they must figure it out themselves. So begins Exam... and so it continues on for the entirety of its 101 minute run time. What could've turned into an interesting mystery turns into one of those films where people eliminate each other one by one in order to come out the winner. None of the characters have names, so the "asshole guy" character of the group decides to name them based on the blandest way possible; needless to say, we end up with character names like "Brown," "Deaf," "White," and "Dark." 
So, unsurprisingly, characters get eliminated one by one while trying to figure out the question they're being asked We start to learn more and more about the kind of world the characters live in and what this corporation is all about. I won't entirely spoil it for you, but let's just say a very convenient plot device disguised as an incurable disease rears its ugly head (where, oh, my! you're saying that you have to take that pill exactly every hour or else you'll die? say it ain't so!). Moral questions are raised, people betray each other, and just about every other cliche is thrown around until they find out what the question is.
What's most infuriating about Exam is finding out what the question is -- had it been more relevant with what the film was trying to reveal, perhaps Exam could've been better. Regretfully, it wasn't mean to be; instead, I turned off my television with an eye roll and a deep sigh.
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  Frozen is another scenario driven film with a very simple set up and even more simple execution. Parker, Joe and Dan are three normal twenty-something skiers who are enjoying a weekend up on the slopes. Dan and Parker are dating, Joe and Dan are best friends; Parker sucks at skiing and Joe is annoyed with this.
...Yes, that's poor description of their characters, but for the beginning of the movie, that's about all this film gives the audience. Our unlucky trio is poor (or cheap, I honestly don't know which), so Parker bribes the ski lift operator with her "girlish charm" so that she and her pals can use the ski lift for less cash. As I mentioned before, Parker sucks at skiing, so when night rolls around, Joe and Dan decide they want to go night skiing for an extra challenge (Parker goes with them. I don't know why). They beg the ski lift operator to take them up for one last run -- he tells them not to go up because of bad weather -- they go anyway. Unsurprisingly, events happen that gets the lift stuck and no one knows they're up there!
The movie is only 90 minutes long, and of those 90 minutes, 1/3 of the film our unlucky trio of skiers chatting about nonsense that doesn't really matter. It's only when our characters get stuck on a ski lift do we start to sort of character about them, and in my opinion, that's a shame. We discover that Joe, who seemed like a jerk before, is a nerd and has a heart. Dan, well, Dan.... he's a nice man, I guess. Parker is worried about normal things, like whether or not she'll see her family again and how her life is going to be the same as the frost bite sets in.
If I have any problem with this film, it would be how ironic the movie is. Our characters got stuck, and it just so happens that the only person who could've saved them stopped exactly under them and went back. It just so happens that they're found by a pack of wolves (which, small note, is my biggest issue with the film -- this movie portrays wolves as demonic, aggressive murderers when they aren't. I think a bear would've been more realistic, since bears are more aggressive to my knowledge). Overall, this movie is filled with annoying surprises rather than thrilling ones.
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Finally, ATM. David and Corey have a nice office job, and it just so happens that tonight is the night of one of their office parties. David just so happens to be interested in Emily (who is leaving their company), and after a number of awkward tries, gets a chance to be alone with Emily. Unfortunately, the night he finally gets to be with Emily, his friend Corey also needs a ride home. David's idea of a perfect ride with Emily becomes a thorn in his side as Corey begs David to stop at an ATM so he can get cash to buy pizza.
This, however, is no ordinary ATM -- this machine is contained in small building (we don't have anything like this where I live). The three of them go inside the ATM booth, Corey has card problems, and when they try to leave, a hooded figure ominously stands outside the building. Oh no! Is this guy a robber? Who is this creepy guy? Is he armed? They soon find out that this hooded figure is not their friend as he murders a man walking his dog in front of them. That's right, folks; our characters are trapped inside a building because one creepy guy stands outside. Now, to be fair, this man could have a gun, but there are scenes where the man is far out of sight and they definitely could've made it to the car during his period of absences.
The problem with this movie is it just gets more and more ridiculous while trying to stay serious. People say that horror movies often have to have stupid characters so that the plot will move along, but this movie is so stupid that I think most people would want to turn this off while watching. One of the worst scenes in the movie involves the hooded man filling the ATM booth with water so that our characters would drown. I guess the one thing the movie can be given credit for is the very final scene, in which the audience learns what kind of person would perpetrate such a bizarre crime. Even this, however, doesn't full redeem the movie, as it makes the criminal appear that this was all some sort of Jigsaw-style death trap.... when so much of this was just made worse by the characters idiotic choices.
  Acting & Other Stuff
I spoke so much about the films that I want to keep this section short. Exam's acting is of so little consequence that I feel as though it's not really worth mentioning. The only character who sticks out only does because his character is the annoying one (you know - the one you're hoping dies the entire movie). Anything else that would possibly given Exam merit, such as set design, cinematography, and costumes, aren't even worth mentioning. Everything functions as it should, but nothing sticks out as extraordinary.
ATM's acting is probably the best of the bunch, which is surprising given how I feel it is the worst movie of the three. Outside of Drake & Josh, Josh Peck is actually extremely entertaining to watch, and his role as the "douchebag" friend, Corey, is the reason to watch this film. Cinematography is pretty good, and as dumb as this movie is, I do like how you never see the hooded man's face no matter what angle you look at it.
Finally, Frozen's acting is passable. Nothing stands out here, but nothing is awful either. Ironically, many people may know Shawn Ashmore as Iceman from the X-Men films. The effects for the frostbitten flesh and other wounds were pretty good, with the exception of one overly-gorey scene near the finale.  
My Opinion
Exam - 3/10
ATM - 4/10
Frozen - 5/10
One of the most important aspects of a film (or anime series) that is often overlooked is the length. Some films can overstay their welcome, while others aren't long enough. Sometimes an anime series could have definitely benefited from more episodes, while others should have been wrapped up sooner. When a movie, TV or anime series is the right length (appropriate for its genre and age), you're more likely to view it in higher regard, whether you noticed the length as a factor or not.
My main problem with Exam, ATM and Frozen is that I could have seen all three of these films making wonderful short films. Each scenario and theme would fit nicely into an anthology film or could stand on its own and be captivating and thrilling. As they stand, however, each film starts to drag about 2/3 of the way through, which is shame, because despite the relatively ridiculous scenarios, I wanted to like these movies. I felt most disappointed with Exam because, with better writing or acting, it could’ve been a fun film along the lines of Cube.
Despite my bad scores, I recommend these films if you’re a connoisseur of bad horror movies but you’d like to stray away from the typical serial-killer thrillers or ghost stories. Each of these movies has a concept you probably won’t see anywhere else, so hey, give it a shot I guess, and if you’re feeling brave, or bored, watch them together! Objectively speaking, I feel like Frozen is the best of the bunch overall and has the highest chance of being enjoyable, so if you have to pick just one, pick that one.
ATM and Exam are currently on Netflix instant, so go and enjoy. Frozen is available on DVD.
If you want a movie like these, but better, try Cube (1997) – it’s low budget, works with a creative concept, and is actually pretty intense. Check it out!
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themoviefetish · 11 years
Wolf Children (2012) by Mamoru Hosoda
Admin 2 has found another movie to gush over and she's damn proud of it!
A woman meets a man in college who she begins to date and soon discovers he is a Wolfman, an ancient and almost extinct race that can shift between man and wolf, and being undeterred by this, she wholeheartedly accepts him and they later start a family together. They have two children, who both retain the wolf traits of their father. But, unfortunately, soon after their second child is born, an accident occurs where the father passes away. To escape from the pressures mounting upon the mother's shoulders (having to support two children on her own while only living off of the savings her husband left her and while constantly studying on how to raise her children), she decides that they shall start anew and live on the mountainside. We follow the emotional journey of both the mother and her children. The mother must accept her children's decisions as to which path they would like to take in life, whether it be wolf or human, and her children must decide which path they want to live by.
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Oh, man, let me just tell you about how incredible this film is with it's storytelling. This movie is powerful. I mean, yes, it is a coming to age story, but I'll be damned if it isn't unique. So, our main characters are Hana,Yuki, and Ame (I don't consider the father a main character, especially since he never gets a name, and despite his prominent role in determining Hana's psychological state. It's really just my personal opinion). The story's narrative is told by Yuki, and it is assumed that these events are mostly through her eyes. This story also covers a period of 13 years, beginning with Hana meeting the father in college. Early in the film, we become attached to all of the characters we have now been introduced to. They seem like a very happy family, living day by day and enjoying practically every moment. But, once the father passes away in an accident, there is an immediate feeling of absolute sadness and concern for Hana, Ame, and Yuki's survival in the urban world. But, as time progresses, Hana finally cracks under the pressures of caring for two young children on her own, while also studying and living off of only her deceased husband's savings. She decides that they shall start from scratch and move to the countryside. They move, and things quickly become happy for everyone once again. Hana becomes friends with the area's locals and all three of them adjust to the country life very quickly. But, since Ame and Yuki are of wolf blood (due to their father being a Wolfman, as previously mentioned), they can freely transform between human and wolf form as they wish. But, as they age it is realized that they cannot live forever in between the human realm and the realm of the wilderness. They must decide where they belong, and if it is indeed the right choice. Meanwhile, their mother, Hana, simply has to aid them in making their decision. She will always provide both with emotional support, no matter what their choices may be. You want Ame and Yuki to find their path and to be happy, but at the same time you don't want them to abandon Hana. Yes, throughout the film you see that Hana is incredibly strong (emotionally), but you just don't want her to lose another loved one. For all we know, it could finally be her breaking point if either of her children were to leave her. I won't be spoiling anything, though, so I have to stop now. (I at least have to mention that the ending will probably make you cry, though. I have a temporary breakdown every time I watch this film.)
Each major character experiences a wonderful progression. Every side character is recognizable at the very least, and their presence is always enjoyable. They provide a nice basis for our main family's progression towards happiness in their new life. Watching each main character advance as a person is a very emotional and understandable experience, and there's even some empathy to be found in some of the situations and the actions (especially those based on pure emotion). At first, you may find Hana's constant positive attitude mildly annoying, but later on it becomes a very endearing trait that makes it pretty much impossible to hate her. Early in the film, when Yuki is a toddler, she can also be a bit aggravating, but at the same time you just have to remind yourself that she's a child, and her constant bratty attitude is a bit expected (especially when Hana has such a weak constitution and allows Yuki do or get almost everything she wants). But, as Yuki begin's to drift more towards her path in life, she becomes much more likable and relatable in both her mindset and her actions. Ame is weak at the start of the story, to the point of being almost pitiful. But he remains likable for pretty much the entire film (unless we have differing tastes). Also, as the story begins to ramp up, you get to watch him become a very strong and independent man, who you trust will make wise decisions in his life.
Now, since I can only find the japanese version, I can't really judge the performances as well as I would like to. There is an english dub that was done by Funimation and was very recently announced at Otakon, but I don't feel as though it's worth it to hunt down the english version just for this review. I'm perfectly satisfied with the subbed version. I can at least say that the emotion I get from each of these voice actors is intense. You do feel their pain and happiness, and that definitely improves the film's atmosphere exponentially.
Stunning. I know I've said this about pretty much every single animated film I've reviewed, but really. This film is top notch. Even the slightest movements in this film look absolutely wonderful. I mean, even just hair blowing in a slight breeze looks fantastic! I also feel as though making it into a movie rather than a television series was a very wise choice, because there may have been a drastically different budget, which could have declined as the story progressed, and may have made the story less enjoyable due to a drop in the animation quality (similar to what Evangelion experienced in its later stages). The atmosphere created by the art alone is incredibly good, and when comparing the way that some scenes are laid out in the manga to the ones in the film, you can see just how well they are brought to life in the movie. Mamoru did this film great justice, alongside the masterful animators.
This movie's soundtrack was composed by Masakatsu Takagi. Most of the pieces in this movie are instrumental, and fit each of their scenes well. They provide the perfect emotion for each moment that they are a part of, whether that emotion is sadness, joy, confusion, pain, or anything else. The OST is especially beautiful. I recommend you go to youtube and give it a listen.
Overall Opinion:
This movie is amazing in my eyes. Which could just be total bias, but I can't find anything in this movie that can be considered a real complaint. The visuals are stunning, the music is perfect, the characters are believable and very relatable (in most aspects), the story is riveting and very emotional, it's just a fantastic film! I could watch this movie countless times and never get tired of it. It could be bias, or it could really just be that good. But, it's up to you if it can really be considered that good. I say go give it a watch, or at the very least read the manga. I did both, because I fell so deeply in love with this film and just had to look up the manga after seeing the movie for the first time.
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Unfortunately, this movie is not available on Amazon Streaming or Netflix in the US, but the subbed version can easily be found online if you don't want and/or can't afford to buy the DVD.
(I also did fanart for this movie recently because I'm a dork shh shameless self promotion here's the link)
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themoviefetish · 11 years
Dredd(2012) by Peter Travis
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Admin 1! 
Acting:  As bland as ever. Karl Urban did okay with what was given. Olivia Therby, did good, but over all the best actor in this goes to Lena Headey. She was extremely convincing with her preformance. I really have nothing to say about acting because it truly speaks for its self.  But the most beautiful award goes to Karl's lips
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Characters:  Well, I actually like the characters. I am not a huge fan, but Judge Dredd was pretty badass. I almost wish the movie was longer for character development, like why is dredd so fucking cool, what will happen to anderson, and i with ma-ma had an epic fight seen. If there was more character development, i believe the movie would have struck a better chord with me.  
Plot:  Again, I have not read the comics but the actual plot for this movie reminds me of The Raid: Redemption(2011). The Law, goes to an apartment complex, apartment is full of thugs, action proceeds. There were some really good action scenes and cool special effects. Honestly not much to it. There needed to be some more explanation to it, but as an action movie it stands up. 
Personal Opinion:  Watching this movie is like eating stale bread then finding mold on the other side. You'll survive but you don't really want that to ever happen again. Yes it was cool. Yes the action is awesome. My biology homework got me more emotional than this movie did. If there was a sequal, I would watch it, in hopes that it would redeem itself. 
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