Reason 16:How we can make a night better
Tonight my girlfriend and I were supposed to go out to eat but we realized that the restaurant had different hours than we thought. 
She was really upset and crying but we turned it around.
We ordered some Chinese food and we are watching tv while we play a game I bought for her.
I just love how easy it was to make the night better. We just want to be around each other and love each other. We don’t need a big fancy date.
She’s my everything. We do everything to make each other feel better.
I love her so much.
~Lovesick Girlfriend~
P.S. Sorry this one is short. My girlfriend will be back soon
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Reason #15: The way she cooks
My girlfriend and I both enjoy to cook for each other. Though, she mainly cooks for me. I’m more of a baker while she’s the cook. Though we both make each other food.
When I lived near her and she would stay over at my house, she would make food for me and her. Poutine, crepes, and whatever else we could make with what we had at my house.
The food she would make always tasted so good and she was always happy to see me enjoying the food. 
We have made many foods together and tried new things to make. We’ve made taco lasagna, really bad sugar cookies we tried to change into chocolate chip cookies, brown sugar bacon wrapped little sausages, and all sorts of dips for chips. 
It’s always super fun cooking with her. She always had me sit in a certain spot while she cooked or she would give me certain tasks to do to help her out. Or I would just be annoying and try and distract her while she cooked. 
We also had many romantic moments in the kitchen. We would play cheesy love songs on her phone and dance in the middle of the kitchen. One of us would go behind the other and hug them from behind. I just love cooking with her because we have so many great moments while cooking.
I can’t wait to cook with her again
~Lovesick Girlfriend~
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Reason #14: Her love for plants
She adores plants so much. She is really fond of succulents and I bought her some to ask her to prom. 
She went nuts for them. She has a ton of plants at her house and is trying to make me get into plants. I am into plants but I’m more into flowers than succulents and vegetables. But I love that she wants to share her love of plants with me.
She gave me a cucumber plant once and I took really good care of it. Then I had to leave it for a few days and it died. I was actually really upset about it because it was something she gave to me but she assured me it was okay.
She constantly tells me that shes gonna be a crazy plant lady and I think it’s so adorable. She has all sorts of plants and I know she’s gonna love it where I’m at cause you can pretty much grow anything here. 
I love the way she talks about her plants too. She sends me pictures and describes how they’re doing. She also shows me other plants that she wants. 
She also ‘illegally downloads’ plants, which is her way of saying she would take small parts of plants from stores and take them home to grow them. Then she would get excited when they would sprout and such.
She has so many interests and it’s so amazing that she wants to share them with me.
I wanna do the same for her
~Lovesick Girlfriend~
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Reason #13: Our Excitement to see each other
I believe I have mentioned before that me and my girlfriend are currently in a long distance relationship.
I had to move states because I was suddenly thrown out by my dad and had to move in with my mom, many states away.
This long distance has been really hard for the both of us. When we lived nearby each other, we saw each other nearly everyday. We had school together, would spend weekends and breaks with each other, and we would call each other when we couldn’t see each other.
We went from seeing each other everyday to barely having time to call each other. 
But now we will see each other again. 
She will be coming to my state to visit with me for 2 weeks. And neither one of us can shut up about it. 
We keep talking about all the things we are going to do while she’s here. See movies, going out for dinner, having a movie night with a bunch of snacks. She apparently has some activities planned for us to do while shes here but she wants to leave them as a surprise for me. 
It’s also gonna be Christmas here and we are excited to give each other gifts. She sent some to my house and it’s been difficult to not just tear it open and see what she got me.
I’ve bought her many things as well and can’t wait to see her reaction to them.
We’ve been counting down the days till we get to see each other. I even have a countdown app on my phone.
It currently reads: 8 days, 18 hours, 14 minutes, and 30 seconds.
We both are just bursting with excitement to see each other.
I’ll probably tackle hug her when I see her.
Oh well
~Lovesick Girlfriend
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Reason #12: Her Creativity
She is very creative when it comes to making things. She is always trying something new and making something I could’ve never thought of.
She thinks she’s not creative at all and that I’m the creative one. But that’s not true.
We are both creative in different ways. 
Her creativity comes from making things, whether it be a painting or making clothes.
My creativity comes from writing. I can come up with story plots and characters at any time.
But I have so many things that she has given me that i would’ve never thought of. 
I have a carnation from our first sweetest day together, she had dipped it in wax so it could be preserved. I have a Christmas ornament that she made for me, it’s metal and it says ‘Get Jolly’ on it because I say that a lot. I have many paintings that she made for me. One of them, she made a picture with her watercolors and then painted over top of that with invisible ink and made another picture that could only be seen with a black light.
I don’t know how many people could think of these things. But it absolutely amazes me on what she can think up.
She may think she isn’t creative, but I sure do
~Lovesick Girlfriend~
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Reason #11: Her ability to make friends
Before I had met my girlfriend, I had no friends. I was in a new place and knew no one. I was alone for about 2 years before I had finally met someone. 
And that was her.
We started out as friends and then eventually started dating, but that’s a story for another time. 
When we had started dating, I really only had her so I was always around her when we were at school. Then she started introducing me to her friends and they were all really nice to me.
I’m always super anxious around new people but gaining her friends as my friends made me feel less anxious, and I started to break through my anxiety and start making some friends of my own and introducing my girlfriend to them so they could be friends as well.
It was amazing. I finally had friends after being alone for so long and meeting her had helped me reach that.
I met her while I was a junior in high school. To this day, I’m still friends with these people.
And she helped me create these friendships.
She helped me not feel lonely anymore.
and I love her for that
~Lovesick Girlfriend~
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Reason #10: Her Randomness
She is so random. 
We could be having a conversation in our messages and she would send me a random picture or GIF that would have nothing to do with our conversation. I find it really cute though.
She just sends me things that she thinks I would like even if we were deep in conversation.
She also is very spontaneous. We could be doing nothing and all of a sudden we are getting ready to go shopping or going to see a movie cause she thought of something for us to do. Or she will hit up a bunch of our friends till one of them agrees to hang out with us.
It absolutely boggles my mind on how she can do that. I have to have things planned ahead for me to do them usually but she will just suddenly go to do something on a whim. 
I have done more things in my life with her around. I do nothing when she’s not around but when she’s with me, you better bet that we are going out and doing something.
I love her randomness because it helps me break out of my shell too.
and I will forever love it.
~Lovesick Girlfriend~
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Reason #9: How easily we can talk about the future.
My girlfriend and I talk about the future a lot. She’s not really one to talk about the future though. It’s mainly me.
She’s a live in the moment kind of person while I think about the past and the future.
We have a wedding board on Pintrest and and recently we both have been talking about maybe getting engaged. 
We already know how many animals we want, how many kids we want, we’ve planned quite a bit of our wedding. 
She’s told me ways she’s thought about proposing to me, or little things we would do in our apartment like when we make food together or watch tv together.
We have lived together briefly and it was amazing. I loved being around her and being able to come home from work and having her there. 
And when we lived together, I always got vivid images of the future. Us slow dancing in the kitchen, making snacks late at night, making pillow and blanket forts.
I know it’ll be different once we live together on our own but, I still believe we will have those small romantic moments while we live together.
And I believe it will be magical.
~Lovesick Girlfriend~
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Reason #8: How excited she gets
My girlfriend and I are going to be seeing each other soon! I will be seeing her around Christmas and we are both ecstatic to see each other.
We have been apart for about 3 months now and it sucks to go from, seeing each other everyday to struggling to call each other. But we both know that the moment we see each other again, we will both be crying messes.
But every night when we message each other, one of us brings up how excited we are to see the other. 
She told me the other day that this is one of the few times she has been excited for Christmas. I feel like this will be my favorite Christmas because I’m getting the gift that I really want. 
But the way she gets excited, it so adorable and it makes me so happy to see her so excited. She makes cute high pitched noises and can get so excited that she can’t stand still. It’s so cute and I love to see her so excited.
She gets excited when I see something she recommended and wants to know my opinion, when she gets to go do something with friends, and when someone gets her a gift.
I love her excitement because she gets this sparkle in her eyes and you just can’t help but feel happy to see it. You’ll probably feel the excitement as well.
Life is much more exciting with her in it.
~Lovesick Girlfriend~
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Reason #7: How much she cares
She cares for others so much. She will bring someone something to make them feel better, help calm you from an anxiety attack. She will take care of you and make sure that when she is done that you are happy.
She has surprised me when I was still in high school. I had been staying home sick because I had a really bad cold. I was messaging her through the day saying I was hungry but couldn’t eat because my throat was hurting and we had no soft food i could eat. I hadn’t heard from her for hours and school had ended. I was upset from not hearing from her and had gotten up to drink some water. While I was filling up my cup, the doorknob had started to rattle. I was ignoring it because I thought it was my dad. Then I saw the door fly open and she came through the door, holding a big cardboard box with ramen noodles in it, scaring me so badly I fell on the floor. 
She came through the door with one of our friends, she had convinced her to drive her to get the ramen and deliver it, and was laughing that she managed to scare me. She asked if I was okay afterwards and told me she couldn’t leave me with nothing to eat. 
She had also visited me after school another time I was sick with the flu, which she had the next day, and took care of me. I don’t really remember this one because I had a high fever and I think I slept for most of the time.
But I was so surprised that she had done those things for me. I had never had anyone care for me like that.
It makes me realize how lucky I am to have her.
~Lovesick Girlfriend~
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Reason #6: Her artistic abilities
She’s such an amazing artist. She can draw, paint, and plays two instruments. I could only wish to be that great.
She has drawn so many drawings for me and painted so many pictures for me. It always makes me happy to receive any of her artwork. I have two paintings she made for me in my room. I have more but it’s stuck with the rest of my things that I’m currently waiting for.
She also made me the most amazing painting for our one year anniversary. It involved a painting of an lgbt+ cartoon character and a black light. It was so amazing and I loved it. I wish I could make her things like that.
She also made me a necklace for my birthday one year. It was before we had even started dating. I still have it and wear it. It’s my favorite necklace.
I’m currently watching her stream on Instagram, screwing around with one of her instruments. Stuff like this makes me fall more and more in love with her.
I love her so much
~Lovesick Girlfriend~
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Reason #5: The way she falls asleep on me
I’m writing this while on a call with her. She fell asleep during it and it’s not the first time it’s happened. 
We’ll be talking and I can hear how tired she sounds, recognize when she starts to slow down, and know she’s fallen asleep when I hear her soft breathing.
Sometimes it’ll be during the day, like now, or it’ll be at night while I’m reading to her. Sometimes it’ll be while we are talking on the phone or sometimes it’ll be when we’re with each other.
When we’re together, we will be cuddling with each other on the couch, maybe watching a tv show or a movie, I’ll be sitting up and she’ll be laying on my chest. I won’t immediately know when she has fallen asleep. I find out when I go to talk to her and look down at her.
When I do see, I just think how lucky I am to know that she’s so relaxed around me that she can fall asleep. And to see when she is asleep, she looks so relaxed. To listen to her breathe and to see the soft rising and falling of her chest. To feel her laying on me and holding onto me while I hold her.
It’s the most amazing feeling and I don’t know if I’ll be able to ever feel that with anyone else.
~Lovesick Girlfriend~
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Reason #4: Her eyes
She has the most gorgeous brown eyes.
She doesn’t like them because she thinks that they’re so plain. But she’s wrong. They’re so beautiful. 
When the sunlight hits them, they turn into this amazing honey brown color. I could stare into them all day and never grow tired of them. When the sun is gone, they look like a lovely chocolate brown. Seeing them reminds me of how sweet she is.
And the way she looks at me, ugh, I can see how much she loves me. I could only hope to show as much love as she shows. Her eyes grow soft and you can just see the love. It’s truly amazing. 
I want to be able to look into those eyes everyday. I want to be able to roll over in bed and see her looking at me. I want to be in the kitchen, cooking dinner, and suddenly feeling her eyes on me. 
I want too see her everyday
Hopefully, in the future, I will be able to have that come true.
~Lovesick Girlfriend~
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Reason #3:Her Love For Animals
She loves all animals so much. Cats, dogs, lizards, rats, and pandas. She loves them all.
She’s always played with my dogs and always told me that she wants a cat. Heck, we already have names picked out for our pets. We already know what we want and how many we want as well.
She can never really be around animals because her mother is allergic to most animals and she has some of the allergy as well. When we first started to see each other, she would have to take benedryl so she wouldn’t get stuffed up. But then she would sleep most of the time. Now we realize her body just has to get used to the animals for her to not get stuffy. 
But when she’s around animals, she’s always so caring and kind. She always helped me with cleaning up after them or feeding them. She would always play with them.
She always wanted to see them when we were video chatting. It always made me think of the future when we had our own pets. 
Two cats and one dog. Maybe a lizard. That’s what we want.
And I can’t wait till it’s reality.
~Lovesick Girlfriend~
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Reason #2: Her Love To Surprise
She is always trying to surprise me. She is always getting me gifts and making sure I don't know about them. I can't even count how may times she has surprised me with a gift or an activity.
From jewelry to a movie date. Everything has to be a surprise. I love it.
The way she looks when she realizes that she was successful with her surprise is amazing. Her eyes light up and her smile grows big. The way she asks "Do you like it?" makes my heart melt.
She also knows what to get you. She will understand what you like and make sure she gets you something you will love. She takes the time to find out your interests and get to know you. She will put in so much effort so she knows that you will love the gift.
I’ve tried to surprise her but I’m not that great at it. She still will appreciate the effort and love it. 
I know that she actually already has some surprises lined up for me already. I have no clue what they are but I know that she has something planned.
And I got something planned for her too.
~Lovesick Girlfriend~
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Reason #1: Her Smile
Her smile is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I do anything I can to see it. Nothing can compare to it. 
The most beautiful scenery can be around me and I would only look at her and the smile on her face. 
We could be doing the most exciting thing in the world, but the thing that will excite me the most is her smile. 
Her smile is what keeps me going. I’ve fallen many time and when she would smile at me, it would give me the strength to rise up.
It hurts when her smile disappears. The world turns gray almost instantly. It’s like the air gets ripped out of my lungs. The ocean dries up and the sun goes out. It become my number one goal to make her smile return. 
When other experience it, I wonder, do they understand how lucky they are to witness such an amazing thing? Others have seen her smile without realizing how lucky they were to have seen it. I hope they realize soon that they took that for granted.
I never want it to go away. I want to always keep it on her face. I’ve seen it and now I can’t live without it. 
It always appears for even the smallest things. When there’s rain or a storm, a rainbow, being around friends, when she sees any animals or reptiles. I could go on and on.
Her smile lights up my day. It going away would be the start of the darkest time of my life.
Her smile is perfect and I never want it to leave.
It’s one of the many reason’s I love her.
~Lovesick Girlfriend~
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Reason Why this blog was made
I’m making this blog for my girlfriend. She makes me so happy and makes me so many things to make me even happier. 
So now I’m gonna make her something to show how much I love her.
Everyday I will post a reason on why I love her. It could be something from her looks, something she does, her reactions to things, her dreams, things she does for me, etc. 
I’m going to be keeping our names secret and I may not give information to a question because she has a tumblr as well. I don’t want her finding out about this blog and how its about her.
Some Information that you can know:
I am female as well
I am 18 years old
My girlfriend and I are currently long distance
I’m sorry if that doesn’t seem like a lot but I don’t want to give out too much information that can cause her to identify me.
I will have a pen name on my posts. So if anyone wants to message me about anything, you can use that as my name.
That’s all for now. See you in the next post.
~Lovesick Girlfriend~
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