thanks to @olivieblake for choosing this book for S.P.E.L.L. because i *freaking* loved it. like everything CMM writes, the characterization of the woman in the dream house reads like complete fiction, but knowing she’s real makes it so menacing. the halloween party where the woman dresses as a dalek despite never having seen dr. who made my skin crawl in such a wild, visceral way. 
i found the erotic writing to also have the same tinges of threat that accompanies much of CMM’s work. the threat doesn’t seem diminished simply because carmen and the woman in the dream house are both women. as i continued reading, i thought the dream house was *the actual house in the college town where the woman lived.* it wasn’t until i finished the book that i realized that the dream house was also carmen’s own body, being possessed and haunted by this relationship.
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S.P.E.L.L. Presents:
IN THE DREAM HOUSE by Carmen Maria Machado
Apologies for my tardiness but I had a small bout of childbirth during the weekend this would normally post, so we're doing it now! Also, I don't have a fully functioning brain at the moment (relevant to the aforementioned bout of childbirth) so I'm not going to do much in terms of directing the discussion, but uh, did you like the book?? (Lol. You're doing great @ me.)
Let me know what you liked, what stuck with you, whether you related to anything from Machado's experience, whether you agree with the woman who brought a dildo to a PTA meeting to get this book banned, or if you remember this story that some of us read as children (this is not related to the book, but to the iconic story “The Husband Stitch” from HER BODY AND OTHER PARTIES, Machado’s debut anthology. Also, here is an analysis of Machado’s story that I find very interesting). Like I said, I don't have much in terms of discussion guidance, but I'm always down to yell about books if you'd like to join me. I think for me personally, the doorknob story will always be the thing that haunts me from this book.
Be back in a few minutes with June's read unless I accidentally fall asleep first!!
Tags: @aurorarsinistra @arrowsglory @weusedtohavedumberinternettags @sfjall @mallysj @ellejb13 @papiliomachaon @rosesofthesouth @dracomalfxys @chaaaaaice @honeyedorange @peaceisalwaysbeautiful @angelagualtieri @iamascaryhuman @writingaloveaffair @thereluctanthufflepuff @laneway. Not every book is of interest to everyone, but if you’d like to be tagged for future S.P.E.L.L. discussions, let me know!
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Just Pretending: Chapter Eight
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Read more here. 
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7,9, 10 for the fanfic writers ask ❤️
7. Do you prefer to read short fics or long fics?
Uhhh... idk? I’ll read anything that doesn’t cross 300k words! Unless, ofc, I’ve been following it for a long time
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community.
@sunshine-marauders her oneshots are amazing!
 @thereluctanthufflepuff Just pretending is a “to all the boys I’ve loved before” canon fic and I can’t wait to see what happens next.
@corinnesamuels Guarding the Gates is a canon compliant au and I love it a lot. Tho, I haven’t read it from the sixth chp
10. What’s your favorite fandom, pairing, or character to read fic for?
JILYYYYYYYYY. I’m a huge BlackEvans brotp shipper too, so I read that sometimes, but not as much as Jily tho :/ 
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I made this for no reason last night
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Just Pretending, Chapter 7
I'm only writing this because I know that no one will ever see it, especially you, but the truth is—
Lily takes a deep breath, dipping her quill into the inkwell again.
-that I like you, James Potter. I like you more than I thought I ever could. More than I did last term. More than I did even a few weeks ago. When I think about how much I like you, I feel like an overfull goblet, filled to the brim, and when jostled even the slightest bit, spills over. The best parts of my days are when I'm with you, and if I can make you laugh, even better. I love how you take the time to listen to me, really listen, and I love our talks even more. I'm not sure what I'll do when those go away.
I like you. That feels weird to write.
I'm scared.
Read the full chapter here. 
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Just Pretending: Chapter Four
"What?" he says, tilting his head at her. "You're staring at me."
"I'm just—" She swallows, looking down at Buttercup who has now curled up in Lily's lap, snoozing softly. "I don't get how you're always so calm. You're never angry. You just seem to coast through everything, and…I dunno. I guess that's all I wanted to say."
"Well, some of that is just that I'm spoiled, Evans," James replies, grinning unabashedly. "I haven't got any brothers or sisters so my parents have been obsessed with me since I was born."
"Okay, well that makes sense, but the rest…"
"The rest is that I just don't care what people think about me," he says, and the way he says it, Lily knows he meant for it to be more pointed. She knows he means to say, You care too much about what people think of you, but he's too polite to say something like that to her.
She sighs. "I wish I was like that. I care what everyone thinks of me."
"Everyone, Evans? Even me?"
She looks back up at him, her mouth open slightly in surprise. Then, she smiles playfully at him, ducking her eyes to look at him through her eyelashes. "Do you want me to care what you think of me, Potter?"
This time, she doesn't miss when he blushes, and her heart leaps. Are they flirting?
"Evans, you've known for years what I think about you," he says in a low voice, and yes, it's happening. He's flirting with her, and she likes it! She resolves to put this down in her journal where it'll go forever because if she doesn't write it down, she'll think about this moment every day until the moment she dies.
"I don't know what you think about me now." She's looking at him now, her heart thudding in her throat.
"Do you want me to tell you?"
Her pulse ticks up. "Yes."
Read more here. 
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Don’t know what I would’ve done without fanfiction this year.
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Winter in Alberobello, 2017 - Ph. Antonello Leo
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And before she understands exactly what she’s doing, she jogs into the scrum, pushing aside sweaty Quidditch players, and reaches for Potter’s hand. When she grabs it, he looks at her with wonder as she reaches her other arm around his neck, pulling his mouth toward hers and kissing him hard. 
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“The baby needs to live in a warming and cozy place, Lily. Right now, by place I mean inside your belly, so I need to stay really close to you… You know, just to help you getting a little bit warmer…”  “We look pretty silly but it’s so cozy in here that I actually don’t care.” “Take a picture of how silly we look then, Moony.”
Sharing a big sweater was James’ idea to protect pregnant Lily from the cold. A fun and happy Christmas for the young Potter family in 1979. I hope you all have it too!
Happy Holidays!
[instagram @potterbyblvnk]
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Snow was swirling against the icy windows once more; Christmas was approaching fast. Hagrid had already single-handedly delivered the usual twelve Christmas trees for the Great Hall; garlands of holly and tinsel had been twisted around the banisters of the stairs; everlasting candles glowed from inside the helmets of suits of armour and great bunches of mistletoe had been hung at intervals along the corridors.
HOGWARTS + winter & christmas aesthetic 🎄❄️☃️🎁
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Rejoice, “let’s fake a relationship for Christmas” fanfic season is upon us.
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James and Lily
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Closer, James & Lily. 2015.
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Lily: I want to me more than friends
James: like bestfriends
Lily: I was thinking a little more than that
James: Oh like mega best friends :)
Lily: *sharply inhales* No
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